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Dehuminification Without Re-Heat

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Dale T. Warila
Member Group Technical Staff
Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas
Installations with chill water cooling, needing
constant air volume and dehumidification,
traditionally use a draw through air handling unit
with a cooling coil and a re-heat coil.
Dehumidification is achieved by overcooling the
discharge air to wring out moisture and then re-
heating it back to the desired temperature. This
method works well but at the added expense of over
cooling plus re-heating. A properly controlled Face
and Bypass unit can deliver the same air conditions
by blending return air and cold deck air with no need
for re-heat. This system uses only the amount of
cooling energy needed to do the job and no re-heat
energy, in some cases as much as 50% less energy
than the re-heat method.
The concept developed from the desire to reduce the
installation and operating costs of air handling unit
equipment for cleanrooms at Texas Instruments.
The special demands of a cleanroom require a
constant high volume of circulating air as well as
close pressure, temperature and humidity control.
Small cleanrooms often use one air handler unit to
provide all four of these requirements.
Dehumidification ~roblem:
A higher than nonnal air volume to cooling load
ratio results in high dehumidification costs.
Cleanrooms require large air flows through HEPA
filters for particle removal. The cleanroom nominal
requirements of 72" F. * 2' and 45% Rh. * 5%
dictate a discharge dew point of 47O to 54O F.
Because of the high volume of air required for
particle removal, the discharge air temperature does
not need to get as cold as in normal HVAC designs
to remove the same amount of heat. An office area
air handler may be designed around a 55' discharge
temperature and normal discharge air volumes to
handle it's heat load. A cleanroom air handling unit
only needs 60" to 70" discharge air temperatures to
remove it's heat load. The 55' discharge AHU
system's cooling coil will by design remove moisture
from the air as it ml s . The cleanroom system's
cooling coil modulated to deliver 60' to 70
discharge air will not be cold enough to do adequate
dehumidification. This condition requires the control
system to lower the cooling coil temperature to
remove moisture while not allowing the discharge
temperature to drop. This report will investigate
solving this problem using a traditional re-heat unit
and a face and bypass unit.
Reheat unit:
Fig. l
This system uses a draw through air handling unit to
take advantage of the fan heat generated as added re-
for room v
has both a
When delu
passes thrc
down to re
heated bac
humidity c
and an equ
Together t:
energy act^
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
Face and bypass unit:
This system uses a draw through air handling unit to
take advantage of the fan heat generated as added re-
heat. It uses a mixing box section to add building air
for ventilation and room pressure control. The unit
has a modulating cooling coil and an additional
section installed behveen the film box and the coil
section. This Face and Bypass section has a set of
cross linked dampers that gives it the ability to flow
al l the air through the coil or divert any amount
needed around it. The air passage around the coil is
designed to have the same pressure drop as the coil
so the total discharge air volume does not change
when any portions of the air is modulated around the
coil. When dehumidification is needed the cooling
coil temperature is lowered to remove the moisture
needed. A portion of the entering air bypasses the
cooling coil to hold the discharge temperature
needed to maintain room temperature. The result is
the same temperature and humidity conditions as in
the re-heat method, while using only the amount of
energy required to do the job.
Technical Background
Air handling unit dehumidification
does not provide adequate dehumidification in low
load high humidity conditions.
Face and Bmass Unit
A slandard face and bypass unit modulates it's
discharge temperature by maintaining a constant
cold deck temperature and mixing it with varying
amounts of entering air.As the discharge air
temperature is lowered from entering air temperature
the discharge dew point drops rapidly and assumes a
slow chancing profile through out the normal
operating range. ( see fig. 3 )The lowered dew point
at higher discharge temperatures occurs because
some portion of the total air stream still passes
through the cold cooling coil, removing moisture
that subtracts from the final mixture.
Discharge Temperature Vs. Dew Point
Psychrometric comparison
Reheat Unit:
A Psvchrometric descri~tion of the re-heat cvcle
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
Room conditions
Re- conditions
Face and Bwass Unit:
The face and bypass cycle shows air entering the coil
at 74"db/62Owb @).
It is a mixture of return air at 73/60"wb (B) and
building air at 80db/710wb (C). The cold deck
. . ~ - . .
46OdbI45"wb (E). The amount of air passing through
the coil is calculated form the dry bulb ratio needed
to make the mixture.
Cold deck % = (74-59) / (74-46) = 53%
- - - - - -
oling energy needed
ing energy
e coil temperature
at a temperature that
ater available some
the delta.
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
A. no&, 59wb Room conditions
B. no&, 6 M Retarn conditions
C. 80db, 71% Building air
D. 74Odb, 62% Entering air
E. 46Odb, 45% Coil temperature
F. 5g0db, 53% Discharge temperature
G. 64Odb, 56% Fmal discharge temperature
4 0 5 0
Graphic depiction:
Face and Bypass Unit
These ~igures show the air handling unit
configurations, air paths and a scaled depiction of
the dry bulb and dew point changes as air passes
through the unit.
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
2. Dehumidifjr to room specification at lowest
energy cost.
3. Make the air handling unit and controls
4. Monitor and historically trend the systems
Room s~ecifications:
1. Class 100,000 Cleanroom 12,500 Sq. Ft
2. Temperature 72 Deg. F + or - 2 Deg. F
3. Humidity 45 % Rh. + or - 5 % Rh.
1. 6000 CFM air flow at 5" H20 static pressure
2. Heat load of 88,000 BTLTs
3.42 Deg. F cooling water at 10 PSID
4. 90 Deg. F heating water at 20 PSID
5. Summer Psychrometrics
building air conditions 80F 62% Rh 25%
return air conditions 73OF 45% Rh 75%
Air handler desim:
Pressure and ventilation requirements dictated the
use of a mixing box to add fresh air from the
building space. The Psychometrics were done using
the room and building air conditions and mbctum.
The calculations indicated that normal
dehumidification conditions could be accomplished
with out re-heat. They also reviled that higher chill
water temperatures, greater room or building air
latent loads or high building air mixtures could
possibly present conditions the face and bypass unit
would not have the capacity to handle. The decision
was made to install a re-heat coil as a back up
measure. Under extreme conditions the unit can
close the bypass damper and function at the full
capacity of a re-heat unit. The cooling coil was sized
for the Ml load of a re-heat unit. The oversize
cooling coil and demeased coil face air flow helps
keep the chill water differential temperature from
dropping when the face and bypass unit requires a
low coil temperature. This along with a lower total
cooling requirement help the chill water pumping
savings at the central utility plant. A vertical draw
through face and bypass unit with a re-heat coil in
the fan section was chosen to accommodate the space
limitations of this project. This figure shows the
actual configuration of the air handler as it was
Face and Bypass Unit
Lay Out
t i ' H20
Controls desim:
This cleanroom required close tolerance temperature
control at 74OF. but allowed relative humidity to drift
between the 40%Rh and 50%Rh limits. A cascade
control system was chosen to help stabilize room
conditions during dehumidification change over
periods. This system also smoothes out sudden
changes in chill water temperature or pressure from
the central utility plant.
Room temoerature :
The outer (room temperature) control loop uses a
wall mount sensor located 54" Erom the floor. It
changes the discharge temperature needed by
adjustmg the set point of the inner (discharge
temperature) control loop. The discharge
temperature sensor is mounted just down stream of
the fan discharge. The output of this loop modulates
the chill water valve to acquire the discharge
temperature needed to cool the room.
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
Room dehumidification :
A dehumidification control loop will on a call for
dehumidification take control of the chill water valve
away from the duct temperature loop and begin to
modulate the cold deck to the colder temperature
needed for moisture removal. The duct temperature
begins to drop and the duct temperature loop
responds by modulating open the bypass damper to
reestablish control. The dehumidification control
sequence involves to main control loops that interact
with each other. The face and bypass dampers effect
the amount of air flowing through the cold deck
which effects it's temperature and the cold deck
temperature effects the amount of air the face and
bypass dampers modulates around the coil.
Room humidification :
A separate humidity control loop gave the advantage
of specific loop tuning for the steam humidifier used
in this installation rather than tuning for the whole
humidification system. It also provided an individual
set point to create an energy conserving
humidification / dehumidification dead band.
Room Dressure :
A room pressure control loop modulated the building
air damper to hold a slightly positive pressure in the
Backuo dehumidification :
The concern that under extreme conditions the
dehumidification cycle could require the face and
bypass damper to limit the amount of air passing
through the cooling coil to such a small amount that
it could not function needed to be addressed. In this
event the face and bypass damper would reverse and
begin to modulate back open to the coil. The duct
temperature would begin to fall and the duct
temperature control loop would begin to modulate
the re-heat valve. The entire sequence reverses as
dehumidification requirements subside.
0 1/26/94 of the cleanroom air handling in the
dehumidification mode. It shows the air handling
unit face damper open 76.5% to the cooling coil and
the re-heat valve 0% open. It farther shows the duct
steam humidifier 0% on and the building air make
up damper 100% open. Temporary wall construction
in the area prevents the room from pressurizing. The
room set points at this time are 74" deg. 48% Rh.
and .05" H20. The screen also shows the room
temperature at 73.g0 relative humidity 48.8% and
room pressure -05" H2o. all within specifications.
The biggest concern for system has been it's
controllability. The room load changes dramatically
from full operation of the equipment with as many
as 10 people to all off and no occupants. The control
system has been able to adjust to these difticult load
changes with out upset in the room conditions. The
unit has proven to be stable during humidification to
dehumidification changeover. The temperature is
being held within + or - .75 Deg. and humidity is
being held within + or - 1 % Rh. The units' capacity
to dehumidifv was tested to it's maximum this
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994
This project was done on a normal cleanroom project
control budget and did not have funding for added
instrumentation to show actual savings.
Re-heat dehumidification is least efficient at low
load conditions. Face and bypass has itk highest
percentage savings at these conditions.
The previous Psychrometric calculations were bases
on a 6,000 CFM unit with entering mixed air
conditions of 74Odb 162Owb. A comparison made
with identical load room load conditions and lower
entering air conditions of 72"db / 61wb shows the
increased percentage savings.
Re-heat Unit 202,500
Face 6 Bypass 140,400
Del ta 62,100 30%
Heating BTU1 e
Re-heat Unit 62,100
Face 6 Bypass
Delta 62,100 100%
ot al BTU Savings 124,200 45.9%
Re-heat Unit 167,000
Face 6 Bypass 94,500
Delta 72,500 43%
Re-heat Unit 72, 500
Face 6 Bypass
Delta 72,500 100%
ot al BTU Savings 145,000 59%
Lower operating cost than re-heat system. If re-
heat coil is eliminated lower initial cost can be
realized from the elimination of the coil and
associated hot water piping.
With proper controls set up and loop tuning the
system has proven to be stable under all
conditions. Two smaller projects have been
installed in the last year using the face and
bypass system. Both have operated through the
summer with out problem.
Considerations :
Psychrometric study done to determine system
capacity and savings.
Adequate coil selection for dehumidification.
Proper control valve sizing.
DDC controls make the loop tuning and monitoring.
Thorough controls set up and commissioning to
insure stability.
I would like to aclcnowledge the help and
encouragement of my colleagues on this project.
Pat Hubem (mechanic design)
George Havlik and Kim Wirt. (controls support)
Dave Marr, Brad Milam (installation)
The North Building crew (installation)
Mark Leypoldt (monitoring system)
In memory W.C."CooleyW Richardson (inspiration)
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, Arlington, TX, May 19-20, 1994

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