This document summarizes the specifications and characteristics of an N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET. Key details include:
- It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 30V, on-resistance of 80mOhm, and continuous drain current of 15A.
- Electrical characteristics include a gate threshold voltage of 1-3V and total gate charge of 4.6nC.
- Thermal characteristics include a junction-to-case thermal resistance of 4.8°C/W and junction-to-ambient resistance of 110°C/W.
- Graphs show characteristics such as output curves, on-resistance vs temperature, and safe operating area.
This document summarizes the specifications and characteristics of an N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET. Key details include:
- It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 30V, on-resistance of 80mOhm, and continuous drain current of 15A.
- Electrical characteristics include a gate threshold voltage of 1-3V and total gate charge of 4.6nC.
- Thermal characteristics include a junction-to-case thermal resistance of 4.8°C/W and junction-to-ambient resistance of 110°C/W.
- Graphs show characteristics such as output curves, on-resistance vs temperature, and safe operating area.
This document summarizes the specifications and characteristics of an N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET. Key details include:
- It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 30V, on-resistance of 80mOhm, and continuous drain current of 15A.
- Electrical characteristics include a gate threshold voltage of 1-3V and total gate charge of 4.6nC.
- Thermal characteristics include a junction-to-case thermal resistance of 4.8°C/W and junction-to-ambient resistance of 110°C/W.
- Graphs show characteristics such as output curves, on-resistance vs temperature, and safe operating area.
This document summarizes the specifications and characteristics of an N-channel enhancement mode power MOSFET. Key details include:
- It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 30V, on-resistance of 80mOhm, and continuous drain current of 15A.
- Electrical characteristics include a gate threshold voltage of 1-3V and total gate charge of 4.6nC.
- Thermal characteristics include a junction-to-case thermal resistance of 4.8°C/W and junction-to-ambient resistance of 110°C/W.
- Graphs show characteristics such as output curves, on-resistance vs temperature, and safe operating area.
! ! ! ! Low Gate Charge BV DSS 30V ! ! ! ! Simple Drive Requirement R DS(ON) 80m" ! ! ! ! Fast Switching I D 15A Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Units V DS V V GS V I D @T C =25# A I D @T C =100# A I DM A P D @T C =25# W W/# T STG # T J # Symbol Value Unit Rthj-case Thermal Resistance J unction-case Max. 4.8 #/W Rthj-amb Thermal Resistance J unction-ambient Max. 110 #/W Data & specifications subject to change without notice 200227032 Thermal Data Parameter Pulsed Drain Current 1 50 Operating J unction Temperature Range -55 to 150 Linear Derating Factor 0.22 Storage Temperature Range Total Power Dissipation 28 -55 to 150 Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V 15 Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V 9 Drain-Source Voltage 30 Gate-Source Voltage AP15N03H/J Parameter Rating The TO-252 package is universally preferred for all commercial- industrial surface mount applications and suited for low voltage applications such as DC/DC converters. The through-hole version (AP15N03J ) is available for low-profile applications. 20 G D S TO-251(J) G D S TO-252(H) G D S Electrical Characteristics@T j =25 o C(unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units BV DSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage V GS =0V, I D =250uA 30 - - V $BV DSS /$T j Breakdown Voltage Temperature Coefficient Reference to 25#, I D =1mA - 0.037 - V/# R DS(ON) Static Drain-Source On-Resistance V GS =10V, I D =8A - - 80 m" V GS =4.5V, I D =6A - - 100 m" V GS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage V DS =V GS , I D =250uA 1 - 3 V g fs Forward Transconductance V DS =10V, I D =18A - 16 - S I DSS Drain-Source Leakage Current (T j =25 o C) V DS =30V, V GS =0V ` - 1 uA Drain-Source Leakage Current (T j =150 o C) V DS =24V, V GS =0V - - 25 uA I GSS Gate-Source Leakage V GS = - - nA Q g Total Gate Charge 2 I D =8A - 4.6 nC Q gs Gate-Source Charge V DS =24V - 1.1 nC Q gd Gate-Drain ("Miller") Charge V GS =5V - 3 nC t d(on) Turn-on Delay Time 2 V DS =15V - 4.9 - ns t r Rise Time I D =8A - 22.5 - ns t d(off) Turn-off Delay Time R G =3.4",V GS =10V - 12.2 - ns t f Fall Time R D =1.9" - 3.3 - ns C iss Input Capacitance V GS =0V - 160 - pF C oss Output Capacitance V DS =25V - 107 - pF C rss Reverse Transfer Capacitance f=1.0MHz - 32 - pF Source-Drain Diode Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units I S Continuous Source Current ( Body Diode ) V D =V G =0V , V S =1.3V - - 15 A I SM Pulsed Source Current ( Body Diode ) 1 - - 50 A V SD Forward On Voltage 2 T j =25#, I S =15A, V GS =0V - - 1.3 V Notes: 1.Pulse width limited by safe operating area. 2.Pulse width <300us , duty cycle <2%. AP15N03H/J 100 20V AP15N03H/J Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics Fig 2. Typical Output Characteristics Fig 3. On-Resistance v.s. Gate Voltage Fig 4. Normalized On-Resistance v.s. Junction Temperature 40 50 60 70 80 90 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 V GS (V) R D S ( O N )
( m " "" " ) I D =8A T C =25 o C 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) I D
D r a i n
C u r r e n t
( A ) T C =150 o C V G =4.0V V G =6.0V V G =8.0V V G =10V 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) I D
D r a i n
C u r r e n t
( A ) T C =25 o C V G =4.0V V G =6.0V V G =8.0V V G =10V 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 -50 0 50 100 150 T j , Junction Temperature ( o C) N o r m a l i z e d
R D S ( O N ) V G =10V I D =8A AP15N03H/J Fig 5. Maximum Drain Current v.s. Fig 6. Typical Power Dissipation Case Temperature Fig 7. Maximum Safe Operating Area Fig 8. Effective Transient Thermal Impedance 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 100 150 T c , Case Temperature ( o C) P D
( W ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 125 150 T c , Case Temperature ( o C) I D
D r a i n
C u r r e n t
( A ) 1 10 100 1 10 100 V DS (V) I D
( A ) T c =25 o C Single Pulse 10us 100us 1ms 10ms DC 0.01 0.1 1 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 t , Pulse Width (s) N o r m a l i z e d
T h e r m a l
R e s p o n s e
( R t h j c ) PDM Duty factor = t/T Peak Tj = PDM x Rthjc + TC t T 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 DUTY=0.5 SINGLE PULSE AP15N03H/J Fig 9. Gate Charge Characteristics Fig 10. Typical Capacitance Characteristics Fig 11. Forward Characteristic of Fig 12. Gate Threshold Voltage v.s. Reverse Diode Junction Temperature 0 1 2 3 -50 0 50 100 150 T j , Junction Temperature( o C) V G S ( t h )
( V ) 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 V SD (V) I S
( A ) T j =25 o C T j =150 o C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q G , Total Gate Charge (nC) V G S
G a t e
t o
S o u r c e
V o l t a g e
( V ) V DS =16V V DS =20V V DS =24V I D =8A 10 100 1000 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 V DS (V) C
( p F ) f=1.0MHz Ciss Coss Crss AP15N03H/J Fig 13. Switching Time Circuit Fig 14. Switching Time Waveform Fig 15. Gate Charge Circuit Fig 16. Gate Charge Waveform t d(on) t r t d(off) t f V DS V GS 10% 90% Q V G 5V Q GS Q GD Q G Charge 0.5x RATED V DS TO THE OSCILLOSCOPE - + 10V D G S V DS V GS R G R D 0.8 x RATED V DS TO THE OSCILLOSCOPE - + D G S V DS V GS I D I G 1~3 mA