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Business Plan Toc Doc March 19

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Ultra Refined Events

Sara Grace Skalandis and Josalyn Thomas

Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
A. Overvie of !usiness
III. Analysis of the !usiness Situation
A. Self"Analysis
!. Tradin# Area Analysis
$. %arket Se#ment Analysis
&. Tar#et %arket" 'emo#ra(hics
). Tar#et %arket" Geo#ra(hics
*. Tar#et %arket" +sycho#ra(hics
,. Tar#et %arket" !uyin# !ehavior
'. +otential -ocation Analysis
I.. +lanned o(eration of the (ro(osed /usiness (roduct service
A. +ro(osed Or#ani0ation
!. $ustomer Service +hiloso(hy
$. +ro(osed +roduct1Service
'. +ro(osed %arketin# Strate#ies
E. +ricin# +olicy
.. +lanned 2inancin#
A. Income Statement
!. !alance Sheet
$. !reak Even +oint
'. Return on investment
.I. $onclusion
.II. !i/lio#ra(hy
.III. A((endix

3e at Ultra Refined events 4make your dream a reality5 /y deliverin# the events that our
customer ant /eyond their ex(ectations. Ultra Refined Events is a eddin# (lannin# /usiness
located in Grand Ra(ids6 %ichi#an. 3e at Ultra Refined Events /elieve that our customer7s
dreams should /ecome a reality. Our mission is to first of all /uild a relationshi( ith the
customer6 and to make sure that they kno they are our first (riority. Ultra Refined Events ill
do anythin# e are ca(a/le of to make their dream eddin# into a reality.
Ultra Refined ill focus on (lannin# eddin#s for en#a#ed and committed cou(les. 3e
are uni8ue /ecause there are to of us. Our #oal is to make the (lannin# (rocess as easy as e
can for the /ride. 3e ill /e offerin# a full (ortfolio of everythin# ha((enin# in the eddin# so
she alays knos hat is #oin# on. 3e ant to make sure to kee( the /ride is involved in every
decision that is made and also to make sure all of her ideas are used. On the day of the eddin#6
e ill /e offerin# the /ride a (ersonal assistant6 to /e sure all her needs are met on her /i# day.
In our first year of /usiness e ho(e to /ook &9 eddin#s. 3e also ould like to have a
/usiness contract ith a (hoto#ra(her6 and caterer in the first to months. 3e ho(e to #ro /y
#ettin# connections from our investor to hel( us #et our name out there. Ultra Refined Events
has lo ex(enses6 hich hel(s us reach our /reak"even (oint and start makin# a (rofit ithin the
first : months of /usiness.
!ecause Ultra Refined Events ill reach its /reak"even ithin the first : months6 e ill
/e a/le to end the year ith a #reat (rofit. 3e (ro;ect our net income at the end of the year to /e
<:6=)>.:=6 hich means that Ultra Refined Events ill /e makin# a (retty #ood (rofit in our first
year. 3e (ro;ect that Ultra Refined Events7 total oner7s e8uity ill /e <,6&:*. This is decently
lo /ecause e don7t have any loans that e oe6 and e also have a very lo rent (ayment.
2rom our investor6 all e ask of you is for your contacts so e can #et our name out there6 and
also for <*???. In return Ultra Refined events ill (ay you /ack your <*??? (lus6 &?@ of our
(ro;ected income for the end of the first year hich ill /e <=6?=>. 3e ould like this
investment to hel( Ultra Refined Events #ro into a successful /usiness.
A. Overvie of !usiness
Every #irl dreams of that one day of #ettin# married6 that their day is #oin# to /e (erfect.
Then reality hits6 that they need to start (lannin#. They need to #et the details strai#htened out.
Some event (lanners ;ust (lan the event for you6 and have com(lete control. Sometimes you
don7t kno hat7s #oin# on. That7s hy Ultra Refined Events ill #ive the (ride her on
(ortfolio a/out everythin# that ill ha((en u( to their eddin# day. The /ride ill alays kno
hat7s ha((enin# ith the (lannin# of her eddin#. On her eddin# day6 the /ride ill /e
#iven her on (ersonal assistant for anythin# that she may need. Our #oal is to #ive her hat
she had alays dreamed of6 and make it a reality. And makin# it the least stressful that e can.
3e at Ultra Refined events /elieve that our customer7s dreams should /ecome a reality.
Our mission is to first of all /uild a relationshi( ith the customer6 and to make sure that they
kno they are our first (riority. 3e ill do anythin# e are ca(a/le of doin# to make their
dream eddin# into a reality.
Our /usiness is uni8ue /ecause there are to of us. 3e ork very ell to#ether6 /ecause
e have alays orked to#ether. 2rom (lannin# little slee(overs to class tri(s. 3e are #oin# to
offer a com(lete (ortfolio to our customer so that they are alays #oin# to kno hat7s
ha((enin# for their event. Our main focus is to alays (ut the customer first. Our #oal is to
alays make sure that e #ive the customers hat is /est for him1her. 'urin# a eddin# the
/ride is alays stressed out and orried a/out if everythin# is #ettin# done. That is hy e are
makin# the /ride her on (ortfolio so she can see that everythin# is under control. This ill
/enefit our com(any6 /ecause #ivin# the (ortfolio ill set us a(art from our com(etitors.
Ultra Refined Events is an event (lannin# /usiness. +eo(le are alays (lannin# events
and there is a /road ran#e of events that can take (lace. 3e ill deliver the events that our
customers ant /eyond their ex(ectations. The customer ill alays /e #iven our /est effort.
Ultra Refined Events ill /e located in Grand Ra(ids6 %ichi#an /ecause many events are
located donton. Ultra Refined Events ill /e (romoted /y a e/site6 and different
connections that e ill have. Ultra Refined Events ill #uarantee hi#h 8uality events and
satisfy our customers /y /ein# successful.
Our name for the /usiness e have created is 4Ultra Refined Events.5 3e like to #o
/eyond hat is usual and ex(ected hen it comes to event (lannin#. Our #oal is to attract
customers /y /ein# unusual yet to (recise in everythin# e do. Ultra Refined Events means that
e are #oin# to /rin# our customers an all out yet tasteful event that is Uni8ue to our customers.
Our slo#an is 4Aour 'reams !ecome Reality5. This re(resents our com(any /y (rovin#
to our customers that their ex(ectations can /ecome real. $ustomers ill remem/er us /ecause
e create reality out of their dreams. 3e attract /usinesses /y /rin#in# our customers an event
that ill /lo them aay. 3e ill sho them that hatever they ant e can make ha((en.
Our lo#o is chi8ue6 uni8ue and clean. Its sim(le yet stands out /ecause its more toard
the (rofessional side. 3e anted to #o ith more of the clean and /usiness look /ecause it
re(resents us as a com(any. The colors are electric /lue6 /lack and #rey. 3e anted to kee( it
sim(lified and only use a fe colors. +lease see our lo#o on the next (a#e.
A. Self"Analysis
Three stren#ths e have are6 colla/oratin#6 (ro/lem solvin#6 and creativity.
Our first stren#th is colla/oratin#. This ill hel( us in our /usiness /ecause hen (lannin# an
event e have to /e a/le to take all of our ideas and the customers ideas into initiative and make
it all come to#ether. Our second stren#th is (ro/lem solvin#. In (lannin# events there are
definitely #oin# to (ro/lems that come alon# the ay. !ut e are #reat at findin# different ays
to make thin#s ork. Our last stren#th is creativity. In event (lannin# you have to /e a/le to
come u( ith different ideas and kee( them uni8ue to the customer7s needs. Over all these
thin#s are #oin# to hel( us /e successful in our /usiness /y kee(in# customers interested. 3e
sometimes like to take on more than e can handle. That can sometimes /ecome a (ro/lem in a
/usiness. !ut e are #oin# to ork on that /y stayin# or#ani0ed and kee(in# lists that ill allo
us to #et everythin# done on time.
3e have many /eneficial leadershi( skills. They are e elcome chan#e6 and e ork in
the here and no. Another leadershi( skill that ill hel( us /ecome /etter leaders is havin# a
flexi/le a((roach. This ill hel( us /ecome /etter leaders /ecause it ill cause us to come out
of our comfort 0one. Other styles e (ossess are e ork ell ith others6 e are (atient6 and
/rin# ne skills to the ta/le. 3orkin# ell ith others can hel( us /e successful /ecause in
runnin# an event (lannin# /usiness you meet many (eo(le and you have to #et alon# ith them.
+atients is a virtue hen our /usiness includes orkin# ith many (eo(le daily and e ill
come alon# (ro/lems that e have to have (atients is. In /rin#in# ne thin#s to ta/le6 e are
youn#er. This means that e have more fresh ideas that relate to the modern orld.
Our (lan for the next five years is for each of us to #o to colle#e6 #et our de#ree. 3e ould
also like to /e involved in an internshi( in the event (lannin# /usiness. 3e are considerin#
attendin# GR$$ and $%U. Ri#ht no e ant to /e #ettin# any ex(erience that e can #et
/efore e start our on event (lannin# /usiness. 3hen e start out e ant this ex(erience so
that e can /e at the to( hen e /e#in our on /usiness. The skills that e ill #ain /y
orkin# ith other (eo(le ill hel( us in the future. In our ten year #oal6 e ould like to have
already started our event (lannin# /usiness and have it /e very successful. 3e are #oin# to
accom(lish this /y orkin# to#ether and kee(in# each other accounta/le and driven hard until
e achieve our #oal.
!. Tradin# area analysis
Our tradin# area is located in Grand Ra(ids6 %ichi#an. Grand Ra(ids ill /enefit our
com(any /ecause it is a lar#e city6 ith a lot of (laces and venues that e could hold our events
at. Also there are a lot of (retty (laces that (eo(le ould /e a/le to #et their (ictures taken at for
their eddin#. The (o(ulation in Grand Ra(ids is )??6???. This census as taken in )?&) and
since then it has (ro/a/ly #ron. The unem(loyment rate in Grand Ra(ids is :.)@. That is
decently lo6 so that means there are a lot of (eo(le in Grand Ra(ids ith ;o/s and a #ood
income. 'onton Grand Ra(ids is located on6 the Grand River6 hich #ives it a #reat a((eal
and /eauty. The eather is decently ell. It is a very deli#htful settin# in all four seasons. There
are many thin#s to do donton6 hich hel(s /rin# in a lot of (eo(le. The avera#e income of a
household in Grand Ra(ids is <*B69)>. :,.9=@ of Grand Ra(ids (o(ulation are hite and
)?.B=@ are /lack. Thou#h this does matter for our com(any. ,B.=?@ of Grand Ra(ids
(o(ulation are males6 and 9&.*?@ are female. The hi#hest (ercenta#e of (eo(le in Grand Ra(ids
are )9"*, year olds. This ill /enefit our com(any6 /ecause that is the a#e here most (eo(le
ill /e (lannin# to #et married. Grades &"B have the hi#hest enrollment rate in Grand Ra(ids6
%ichi#an. Overall6 the income rate6 hi#h (o(ulation and the hi#h (ercenta#e of )9"*, year olds
ill hel( us satisfy our marketin# conce(t.
3e are #ood at (lannin# events
$onnect ell (eo(le
3e are youn# ith /ri#ht ideas
) of us hich /rin#s out diverse
Our #oal is to /e focused on the
Lack of experience
There are a lot of competitors with
more experience
Our reputation could easily be
A lot of connections for
marketing opportunities
Could become a bigger
Can make a good name for
Competitors have more experience
Competitors may have new
innovative ideas to offer
In Grand apids! there are more
$. %arket se#ment analysis
"ngaged Grand apids #early
Committed couples Ottawa County Love $onthly
%est $ichigan &pecial Occasion
Cold'%arm Climate
&. Tar#et market C 'emo#ra(hics
Our demo#ra(hics ould /e (eo(le ho ere en#a#ed. 3e are #oin# to /e (lannin#
eddin#s hich ould make en#a#ed (eo(le our tar#et. Also another tar#et ould /e serious
cou(les ho could /e considerin# marria#e in the future and ould like to kno hat o(tions
that they could have. And in that (rocess e could use it as a marketin# o((ortunity to dra that
customer in.
). Tar#et market C Geo#ra(hics
Our Geo#ra(hics are Grand Ra(ids6 Ottaa $ounty6 3est %ichi#an6 $old13arm
$limate. In Grand Ra(ids there are a lot of (laces that e could hold our events. Also 3est
%ichi#an is a /roader ran#e of customers and venues. Davin# a cold and arm climate6 #ives us
the o((ortunity to have our events inside or outside. Also hen there is ater6 a venue
o((ortunity to hold our events ould /e on the /each. The /each and the ater is a #reat vie6
and e could do a lot ith the 4venue5 and ould /e a/le to sho a lot skills that e have.
*. Tar#et market C +sycho#ra(hics
Our (sycho#ra(hics ill /e ork and love. Since e ill /e (lannin# eddin#s and
cor(orate events these ill /e /i# as(ects in our customer7s lives. 2or the cor(orate events
o/viously they ill /e a/out their ;o/ and ant to /e successful. And for love6 this is an as(ect
that our customers ho are #ettin# married ill (ossess /ecause that is hy they are #ettin#
,. Tar#et market " customer /uyin# /ehavior
2or the /uyin# /ehaviors of the cor(orate events. They could come to us monthly or
every cou(le of months. !ecause they ill often have several meetin#s or /an8uets that they
ill need (lanned. And for the /uyin# /ehaviors of our eddin# events they could come to us
only once or a year. !ecause normally (eo(le only need their eddin# (lanned once. Our
customers ill need us on s(ecial occasions hen they #et married and for /an8uets that ill
need to /e (lanned.
'. Analysis of (otential locationEsF
Our (otential location is Grand Ra(ids %ichi#an. This ill /enefit us it is located near a
lot of /ars6 restraunts6 hotels6 and venues. 3e ill /e orkin# out of our homes to start ith6
/ecause this ill /e chea(er and save us money. Once e #ro as a /usiness e ill invest in
#ettin# a /uildin# or office. It is in a very /usy location and #ets heavy traffic. Our com(etition
ould /e Ex(erience Grand Ra(ids. Their /usiness is located in the Amay hich is also in
donton Grand Ra(ids. Grand Ra(ids has lots of venues and different o(tions e can use for
(lannin# the eddin#s.
A. +ro(osed or#ani0ation
Our mana#ement style for our /usiness ill /e hori0ontal meanin# that e ill /e in the
middle. %eanin# e are still over all /ut us and our em(loyees ill all /e orkin# to#ether as a
team. * (ositives ill /e team ork6 colla/oratin#6 and team mem/ers feel somehat of (oer.
The first (ositive is team ork. Instead of havin# a chain of commands tellin# each other hat
to do6 you have to ork to#ether. 3e ill s(lit u( the different ;o/s and ork as a team. The
second (ositive is colla/oratin#. This ill #ive us and our em(loyees more of a chance to
/rainstorm. Each (erson can #ive their ideas if they ant to6 and it ill /e taken into
consideration. The final (ositive is that all the team mem/ers ill feel somehat of (oer.
Each (erson in a team should have (oer over different thin#s in order for it to come to#ether.
A risk in this mana#ement style is that some em(loyees ill feel that they have more (oer than
others. Also this could create conflict and confusion. 3e are #oin# to (revent this /y havin# the
em(loyees kno that over all us as $EO7s are overall and they are to res(ect everyone7s (osition
and ;o/.
3e are #oin# to (lan6 control and or#ani0e. The first thin# e are #oin# to do is (lan.
3e are #oin# to do this /y colla/oratin# details and ideas /y se(aratin# the different
res(onsi/ilities in the (lan. 3e are #oin# to set #oals and look at ho they are #oin# to /e
accom(lished. The second thin# e are #oin# to do is control. 3e are #oin# to exercise control
/y makin# sure that our em(loyees kno that even thou#h e are all in a team and they have a
say in everythin#6 e are the ultimate authority. 3e are also #oin# to set standards for our team.
3e ill /e doin# (ro/lem solvin# in order to #et everythin# done to the /est that e can do it.
The next thin# e are #oin# to do is or#ani0e. 3e are #oin# to kee( or#ani0ation in our /usiness
/y ritin# don everythin#. All of our notes from our meetin# and /rainstormin# #rou( are
#oin# to /e ke(t to#ether. 3e are also #oin# to hand out information to everyone. 3e are #oin#
to assi#n res(onsi/ilities /ut e are also #oin# to ork to#ether to #et them done.

HR Team
!. $ustomer service (hiloso(hy
Our four $ustomer Service +rinci(les are knoin# hat the customers ant6 make their
day6 choose your attitude6 and satisfy the customer. The first thin# e are #oin# to do is make
sure e kno hat the customers7 needs and ants are. 3e ill assess hat they are sayin# and
then make the decision on hat e think ould /e /est for the customer. The second (rinci(le
e are #oin# to a((ly is make the customers7 day. 3e are #oin# to make their day6 and this is
easy yet challen#in# in an Event +lannin# !usiness /ecause either you can #ive the customer
hat they ant and #ive them one of the most memora/le moments of their lives6 or e could
totally scre it u(. The third (rinci(le is e are #oin# to choose our attitude. 3hen e choose
our attitude e can either choose to /e ha((y and (ositive hen e ake u( in the mornin#6 or
/e ne#ative. If e are ha((y and (ositive then it ill ru/ off on (eo(le around us and ill make
a (ositive ork environment. The final (rinci(le is to satisfy the customer. If e can satisfy the
customer6 and #ive them hat they ant in their event6 then e kno that e did hat e ere
su((osed to do.
3e are #oin# to kee( our $om(any atmos(here (ositive and fun /ut also (rofessional. If
e have a (ositive and fun environment6 e ill /e a/le to make the customers ex(erience ith
our com(any /etter. 3e also are #oin# to #ive our em(loyee7s unex(ected days off and the
a/ility to dress casually on days hen you don7t have meetin#s ith clients. 3e are also #oin#
to have an a#ile orks(ace. 3hich means that e ill offer flexi/le ork schedules for us and
our em(loyees.
3e ill retain and #ain customers /y (uttin# our customers first. And /uildin# a
relationshi( ith our customers to /e a/le to #et to kno them /etter and #ain their res(ect. 3e
need to have the a/ility to kno the customers (ro/lem6 and kno ho to solve the (ro/lem for
them. This ill hel( us in satisfyin# the %arketin# $once(t.
2or our com(any culture e ill /e knon for havin# trust ithin our com(any. 3e ill
do this /y kee(in# each other accounta/le6 and kee(in# each other informed. Also e ant to /e
knon for our res(ect. If there is a (ro/lem /eteen em(loyees it ill /e addressed my
mana#ement. Team ork ill /e shon in our /usiness /y settin# yourself hi#h standards to /e
a/le to move toard the common #oal to#ether as a team. 3e ill also colla/orate in the ork
(lace and use everyone7s diverse ideas.
$. +ro(osed (roduct1service
"eature Bene#it
Catering This will make one step of the process of
planning your wedding much easier
)ortfolio The bride will always know what is happening
in the planning of her wedding
)ersonal Assistant The bride will have someone there on her
wedding day for anything that she may need
2or our first feature6 e ill #ive every /ride a calendar of everythin# that is ha((enin#
u( throu#h her eddin# day. This ay she is ell aare of everythin# that is #oin# on and ill
not have to /e stressed out or orried a/out if she is missin# somethin#6 she ill kno that e
have it handled. 2or feature num/er to6 e ill set u( a taste testin# session for the food that
ill /e at her eddin#. This ay if she does not like it6 e can chan#e the menu to (lease the
/ride. The third6 is that the /ride ill have her on (ersonal assistant on her eddin# day. This
ay if she needs a/solutely anythin#6 the (ersonal assistant is there to (rovide her ith anythin#
that she needs.
E%ents #!otora&!' Cater(n
3eddin#s 3eddin#s 3eddin#s
Ultra Refined Events (roduct idth contains Event6 +hoto#ra(hy6 and $aterin#. 2or
eddin#s6 e can offer +hoto#ra(hy and $aterin# automatically if they ant it. 2or the
customer that is ;ust one less thin# that the customer has to orry a/out. They can have their
(ictures taken /y our (hoto#ra(her for their eddin# (ictures and ;ust (ictures taken durin# their
'. +ro(osed %arketin# Strate#ies
Ra)(o Co**er+(al S+r(&t
4Dave you /een aitin# for that s(ecial day your entire life. Aour eddin#. And you ant it to
/e a/solutely (erfectI 3ell Ultra Refined Events can hel( you make your dreams a reality. Our
event (lanners6 ith fresh6 ne ideas6 can hel( you #et your dream eddin#. Ultra Refined
Events offers caterin# and (hoto#ra(hy6 in (acka#es6 that can fit to ;ust hat you ant. $all
Ultra Refined Events today to /ook your eddin#6 or s(ecial (arty. $all :&:"&&&"???? or #o
online at Ultra Refined Events can hel( make your dreams a reality.5
E. +ricin# +olicy
An event (lannin# /usiness should have hi#h 8uality service6 at a decent (rice. Ultra
Refined Events ill #ive our customers a hi#h 8uality service that they deserve6 and ill kee(
them comin# /ack. 3e are uni8ue /y offerin# more services than our com(etitors. This sets our
com(any a(art /ecause e are illin# to raise the /ar6 and ork harder to #ive the customer
hat they ant. Even thou#h it means that it could /e more ork for us6 e are illin# to ork
hard to satisfy our customers. Ultra Refined Events ants to /e knon for our ork ethic6 hich
ill consist of res(ect6 hard ork and determination.
There is demand in Grand Ra(ids for hi#h 8uality event (lannin# services. +eo(le in the
Grand Ra(ids area ant a hi#h 8uality service6 to #ive them hat they ant. 3e ill /e usin#
!undle +acka#in# to #ive our customers a ide variety to choose from for their event. !ecause
Ultra Refined Events is a neer com(any e ill set our (rices loer at first. This ill hel(
Ultra Refined Events #ain (o(ularity and /e#in to /uild a re(utation. Our customers ill feel
that the event they ere #iven6 as orth the money that they s(ent.
#r(+(n Strate' Sat(sf' +,sto*ers Ma-(n a &rof(t
!undle (ricin# Offer serves in a (acka#e The more e offer6 the more
money e make
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ $ustomer (ays for hat they
Offer many serves
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ $ustomers can choose from
different o(tions
A. Income Statement
After doin# research on different (rices e found that an avera#e (rice for a com(lete
eddin# (acka#e ould /e <96???. !ut e think that e could offer it at <)??? /ecause e are
a neer /usiness. The <)??? ould (ay for a (ortfolio of their eddin#6 all the hel( they need
for findin# a venue6 caterin#6 (hoto#ra(hy and everythin# else that is needed. And e ill also
offer a (ersonal assistant to the /ride on the day of the eddin#. 3e ill /e (aid <&9 an hour.
Also e ill /e there the hole day of the eddin#. The /ride ill /e #iven a (ersonal assistant
the day of the eddin#6 ho e ill /e (ayin# <&? an hour. 3e ill not need a loan. 3e ill
/e runnin# the /usiness out of our homes and our /usiness ill #ive <&?? a month toard
electricity and other utilities. Our insurance ill /e <=?? a year. 3hich is around <9B.** a
month. After research e found that .?B@ of (ay roll ex(enses are s(ent each month. So for
each month e added to#ether the salaries that ould /e need to /e (aid each month. Then e
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Weddings - $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $
Total Income - $ - $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $
Cost of Goos Sol
!"c#ases 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ $,600.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ $,600.00 $ $,600.00 $ $,600.00 $
Total C%&S 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ $,600.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ $,600.00 $ $,600.00 $ $,600.00 $
Gross !rofit '2,400.00( $ '2,400.00( $ ),600.00 $ ),600.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 11,200.00 $ 11,200.00 $ *,800.00 $ *,800.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 8,400.00 $ 8,400.00 $
Operating "#penses
+i,ed E,-enses
Rent E,-ense $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100
Ins!"ance E,-ense )8.$$ $ )8.$$ $ )8.$$ $ )8.$$ $ )8.$$ $ )8.$$ $ )8.$$ )8.$$ )8.$$ )8.$$ )8.$$ )8.$$
Total +i,ed E,-enses 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $ 1)8.$$ $
a. "oll e,-enses 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 2,016.00 $ 2,016.00 $ 1,/64.00 $ 1,/64.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 1,)12.00 $
Total 0a"ia1le E,-ense 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 2,016.00 $ 2,016.00 $ 1,/64.00 $ 1,/64.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 1,)12.00 $ 1,)12.00 $
Total +i,ed and 0a"ia1le E,-ense $*8.$$ $ $*8.$$ $ 1,166.$$ $ 1,166.$$ $ 1,6/0.$$ $ 2,1/4.$$ $ 2,1/4.$$ $ 1,*22.$$ $ 1,*22.$$ $ 1,6/0.$$ $ 1,6/0.$$ $ 1,6/0.$$ $
Net Income$%oss &'()*+,--. / &'()*+,--. / 0(0--,1) / 0(0--,1) / 1()'*,1) / *(2'3,1) / *(2'3,1) / )(+)),1) / )(+)),1) / 1()'*,1) / 1()'*,1) / 1()'*,1) /
4ltra 5efine "vents
!ro6ecte Income Statement
For !erio beginning January '270 to December '273
took the total and multi(lied it /y ?.?B@ and found our +ay Roll Ex(enses. Our G'+ for the end
of the year is <9)6B??.
!. !alance Sheet
Current Assets
Cas# 40,/*6
2cco!nts "ecei3a1le 6,000
S!--lies $)0
8otal Current Assets 4/,146
Fi#e Assets
Com-!te"s 1,026
4ess5 acc!m!lated de-"eciation 20)
+!"nit!"e and 6i,t!"es 0
4ess5 acc!m!lated de-"eciation 0
E7!i-ment 0
4ess5 acc!m!lated de-"eciation 0
8otal Fi#e Assets 821
8otal Assets 4/,*66
%iabilities an O9ners: ";uity
Current %iabilities
2cco!nts -a.a1le 42,000
Sala"ies -a.a1le 1,6/0
a."oll ta, -a.a1le 1$4
%t#e" -a.a1le
8otal Current %iabilities 4$,804
%ong 8erm %iabilities
4oan -a.a1le 0
8otal %iabilities 4$,804
O9ners: ";uity
2dditional -aid-in-ca-ital 4,000
Retained ea"nings 0
8otal O9ners: ";uity 4,16$
8otal %iabilities an O9ners: ";uity 4/,*66
4ltra 5efine "vents
<alance Sheet
To find our total current assets6 e took our cash hich as <,?6=>: and our accounts
receiva/le hich as <:??? and lastly our su((lies hich is <*9? and #ot our total current assets
hich is <,=6&,:. Also to find our Total fixed assets e too the (rice of our ) com(uters6 hich
is <&6?): com/ined6 and the lessH accumulated de(reciation hich as <)?9. Our com(lete total
asset as <B)&. And hen e com/ined /oth our current and fixed asset e #ot our total asset
of <,=6>::. To #et our total current lia/ilities e found our accounts (aya/le hich is <,)6???.
Then found our salaries (aya/le hich is <&6:=?. And lastly took our (ayroll tax (aya/le hich
is <&*,. 3hen e com/ined them to#ether e #ot our total current lia/ilities hich as
<,*6B?,. Our total oners7 e8uity is <,6&:*. And our final total lia/ilities and oners7 e8uity is
$. !reak Even +oint
Our /reak"even (oint is at &? units hich is in July. 3e found this out /y takin# our
Total 2ixed Ex(enses hich is <&*6)?,. Then e took our varia/le cost hich is <:?? and
su/tracted that /y our Sales +rice +er Unit hich is <)??? and #ot <&,6???. 3e 'ivided
<&,6??? /y <&*6)?, and #ot >.,*. 3hich ould mean that e ould hit our /reak"even (oint in
July after doin# &? eddin#s.
'. Return on investment
To find our return on investment e took the formulaH (rofit divided /y investment
e8uals return on investment. Our (rofit at the end of the year is <,?6=9> and our investment is
<,)6??? and <&*6)?,. So hen e divide <,?6=>9 from <,)6??? (lus <&*6)?, e #et our return
on investment of =*@. Aou can see that this is a #ood return on investment. 3e ould like to
ask you for <*???6 and in the end of the first year6 e ill /e a/le to (ay you /ack your loan of
<*???6 (lus &?@ of our (ro;ected net income at the end of the year hich ould /e <,6?=>.9:.
So at the end of the year you ill /e receivin# <=6?=> from Ultra Refined events6 and all e ask
of you is for your contacts to /e a/le to #et our name out there and hel( us to make connections
ith local /usinesses.
Ultra Refined events ants to #o /eyond hat is usual and ex(ected hen it comes to
event (lannin#. Our #oal is to attract customers /y /ein# unusual yet (recise in everythin# e
do. Ultra Refined Events means that e are #oin# to /rin# our customers an all"out yet tasteful
event that is uni8ue to our customers. 3e ould like to ask you for <*???6 and in the end of the
first year6 e ill /e a/le to (ay you /ack your loan of <*???6 (lus &?@ of our (ro;ected net
income at the end of the year hich ould /e <,6?=>.9:. So at the end of the year you ill /e
receivin# <=6?=> from Ultra Refined events6 and all e ask of you is for your contacts to /e a/le
to #et our name out there and hel( us to make connections ith local /usinesses. Thank you for
your time and e look forard to makin# your dreams a reality.

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