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Ielts Writing

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Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against common

Band 9 answer childhood diseases?

Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?
You should write at least 250 words.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this tas.
model answer:
The issue of whether we should force parents to immunise their children against
common diseases is, in my opinion, a social rather than a medical question. Since
we are free to choose what we expose our bodies to in the way of food, drink, or
religion for that matter, why should the question of medical 'treatment' be any
Medical researchers and goernments are primarily interested in oerall statistics
and trends and in money!saing schemes which fail to take into consideration the
indiidual's concerns and rights. "hile immunisation against diseases such as
tetanus and whooping cough may be effectie, little information is released about
the harmful effects of accinations which can sometimes result in stunted growth or
een death.
The body is designed to resist disease and to create its own natural immunity
through contact with that disease. So when children are gien artificial immunity,
we create a ulnerable society which is entirely dependent on immunisation. #n the
eent that mass immunisation programmes were to cease, the society as a whole
would be more at risk than eer before.
#n addition there is the issue of the rights of the indiidual. $s members of a
society, why should we be obliged to sub%ect our children to this potentially harmful
practice? Some people may also be against immunisation on religious grounds and
their needs must also be considered.
&or these reasons # feel strongly that immunisation programmes should not be
obligatory and that the indiidual should hae the right to choose whether or not to
Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against childhood
Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?
You should write at least 250 words.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this tas.
model answer:
Some people argue that the state does not hae the right to make parents
immunise their children. 'oweer, # feel the question is not whether they should
immunise but whether, as members of society, they hae the right not to.
(reentatie medicine has proed to be the most effectie way of reducing the
incidence of fatal childhood diseases. $s a result of the widespread practice of
immunising young children in our society, many lies hae been saed and the
diseases hae been reduced to almost )ero.
#n preious centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influen)a and
tuberculosis and because few people had immunity, the diseases spread easily.
*iseases such as dysentery were the result of poor hygiene but these hae long
been eradicated since the arrial of good sanitation and clean water. +obody would
suggest that we should reerse this good practice now because dysentery has been
wiped out.
Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox hae also been eradicated through
national immunisation programmes. #n consequence, children not immunised are
far less at risk in this disease!free society than they would otherwise be. (arents
choosing not to immunise are relying on the fact that the diseases hae already
been eradicated. #f the number of parents choosing not to immunise increased,
there would be a similar increase in the risk of the diseases returning.
#mmunisation is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the indiidual. $
decision not to immunise will hae widespread repercussions for the whole of
society and for this reason, # do not beliee that indiiduals hae the right to stand
aside. #n my opinion immunisation should be obligatory.
The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Brick manufacturing
model answer:
The process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry can be outlined in seven consecutive steps.
First the raw material, clay, which was ust below the surface of soil in certain clay!rich areas has to be dug up by a digger.
Then the lumps of clay are placed on a metal grid in order to break up the big chunks of clay into much smaller areas, which fall through the metal grid onto a roller,
whose motion further segregates the bits of clay. "and and water are added to make a homogenous mi#ture, which is then either formed in moulds or cut into brick!
shaped pieces by means of a wire cutter.
Those fresh bricks are then kept in a drying oven for at least $% and a ma#imum of %& hours, several do'en if not hundreds of bricks at a time. The dried bricks are
then transferred to a so!called kiln, another type of high temperature oven. First they are kept at a moderate temperature of $00( ) 1*00(. This process is followed by
cooling down the finished bricks for %& to +$ hours in a cooling chamber.
,nce the bricks have cooled down and have become hard, they get packaged and delivered to their final destination, be it a building site or storage.
-$1+ words.
Band 9
This response fully satisfies the re/uirements of the task. 0ll key features of each stage of the process are appropriately and accurately presented. 0n e#cellent
overview is given at the beginning of the response and this skilfully incorporates part of the rubric, changing the grammatical function, to give a brief summary of the
whole process. The message is very easy to read with seamless cohesion that attracts no attention. 1aragraphing, linking and referencing are all skilfully managed. The
language used is very fluent and sophisticated. 0 wide range of vocabulary and structures are used with full fle#ibility and accuracy. ,nly rare minor
2slips3 can be found and these do not detract from the high rating.
This script is a good e#ample of a 4and 5 performance.
6ou should spend about $0 minutes on this task.
The bar chart below shows the percentage participation of men in senior development in three companies between 198 and the year !1.
Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words
model answer7
The bar chart shows the percentage of men in senior development position in three companies from 15&0 to $010.
While more men were in senior positions at 0pple than other two companies in 15&0 at 158, the trend was fairly erratic with a $8 drop to 1*8 in 15&5, followed by
a rise of 18 five years later. 9n 1555, men held +8 more top development obs than in 1550. 0fter a slight drop back to 158 in $000, by $010 $58 of top posts were
filled by men.
4y contrast, at 94: men fared much better. 9n 15&0, $8 of senior posts were occupied by men with no change five years on. 4y 1550, the figure had increased to
1*8, doubling to $; per cent in 1555. Five years afterwards, there was a ;8 increase in male senior development obs with a near twofold ump in $010 to stand at
;*8, the highest for the three companies.
The situation was less remarkable at :icrosoft than the other two firms e#cept for the year $010. 9n 15&0, the percentage of senior posts held by men was &8
climbing at the rate of $8 in each subse/uent period until $000, after which it leapt to %58. From the data, it is clear that men dominated senior posts at 94: by $010.
6ou should spend about $0 minutes on this task.

The graph below presents the employment patterns in the "S# between 19$ and !1.
"ummarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words
model answer7
9n 15*0, +58 of the labour force in the <"0 was employed in farming, fishing and foresting while only 108 worked in sales and office and trade. 0t the same time
both the 9ndustrial sector and the technical sector constituted ust $8 of the workforce each. This situation changed only very gradually over the ne#t $0 years, e#cept
for the technical workforce, which increased more than threefold.
=owever by 15&0 there had been a significant change in the pattern of employment. While the farming, fishing and foresting employees had declined in number to
%08 of the workforce, 9ndustrial employees as well as technical had increased their share to 1*8 and 108 respectively.
"imilarly the sales and office sectors did not increase until 15&0. The most dramatic change could be seen by $000, when the proportion of farming, fishing and
foresting works reduced to ust 108 while the three other maor sectors had all increased to over $08 of the workforce.
6ou should spend about $0 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the number of houses built per year in two cities, %erby and Nottingham, Between 2000 and 2009.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
Write at least 150 words.

model answer7
The bar chart describes the number of houses built in two neighboring cities, >erby and ?ottingham, 4etween $000 and $005.
,verall, the number of houses that were erected in >erby e#ceeded upwards the /uantity constructed in ?ottingham. The trend for the former was decidedly upwards,
with >erby e#periencing a steady rise from %0 new houses in the first year, to ust under 1$0 during the $00*. ,ver the ne#t % years of decade, new houses
construction in >erby remained constant at ust under 1$0. This is in sharp contrast to the last two years when the number of houses that went up in >erby leapt, first
to $&0 and then to *50 houses.
=ouses building in ?ottingham, by comparison, was much more erratic. 9n the first two years of the decade, more houses were erected in ?ottingham than in >erby.
9n $00$, however, construction declined to only $0. ,ver the ne#t three years, houses numbers rose steadily, only to drop practically to 'ero in $00;. There was then a
dramatic surge in $00+ with over $00 houses being built. While in $00& saw house building in ?ottingham plummeting to only 10, in $005 the number of new houses
rocketed to $+0, a rise of more than $;00 8 on the previous year.
6ou should spend about $0 minutes on this task.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting description of the correlation of the table that follow.
Write at least 150 words.
0lcohol!@elated >eaths $005
beers consumption per
capita, $00$ -litres.
Total :ale Female
Aithuania 1$5,000 11$,000 1*,000 51
9reland 5&$,000 %1*,000 1;5,000 10%
('ech @epublic 1,*;5,000 500,000 %;5,000 1*$
(anada 5&0,000 505,000 +5,000 &;
Bstonia *&*,000 **$,000 51,000 5&
Cermany 1,1&5,000 5&;,000 $00,000 10+
0ustria 51*,000 +&*,000 1*0,000 10;
model answer7
There is a clear correlation between the litres of beer consumed per capita and number of alcohol related deaths. The table shows that the greatest beer consumption in
$00$ was to be found in ('ech @epublic, Cermany and 0ustria, and that each of these regions also had by far the largest litres of alcohol related deaths in $005. ('ech
@epublic, with the greatest beer consumption per litre, namely over hundred and thirty for $00$, also e#perienced well over one million litres alcohol!related deaths by
$005. The region with the second highest beer consumption was Cermany, with nearly 10+ litres, and it also recorded the second highest number of alcohol!related
deaths, namely 1.1&5 million.
9n all regions e#cept (anada it can be seen that the higher beer consumption, the higher the alcohol!related mortality rate. 9t is interesting that in (anada, with the
lowest level of beer consumption, at &; per capita, the mortality rate was the high as in 9reland, namely 0.5& million, although in the latter the consumption level was
high. (learly other health or economic factors must be involved. 9t is also interesting to note that in each case the number of female death was significantly lower than
that of males, which seems to be a reflection of the fact that in general far fewer women than men drink.
The line graph shows &aris 'etro station passengers. Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words
model answer7
The line!graph indicates the number of people using a metro station in 1aris over a given day of year.
The number of passengers rises sharply in the morning reaching a peak of %00 at & am. 0fter the morning peak there is a steady drop to *00 at 5 am and less than $00
at 10 am. 4etween 10 am and 11 am there is a slight increase. The number plateaus ust below *00 between 1$ noon and $ pm. 9n the afternoon, there is a decline in
the number of citi'ens using the station to ust &0 at % pm. The evening brings a huge increase from $00 at 5 pm to almost %00 at ; pm. The number of passengers
tapers off slightly after ; pm, but falls /uickly to 1$0 by & pm. 0fter a small rise at 5 pm, the number tails off to 1$0 at 10 pm.
0ll in all, the time series show that the greatest number of passengers gather in the station early in the morning and also early in the evening.
-1+& words.
The line graph shows &aris 'etro station passengers. Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words
model answer7
The line!graph indicates the number of people using a metro station in 1aris over a given day of year.
The number of passengers rises sharply in the morning reaching a peak of %00 at & am. 0fter the morning peak there is a steady drop to *00 at 5 am and less than $00
at 10 am. 4etween 10 am and 11 am there is a slight increase. The number plateaus ust below *00 between 1$ noon and $ pm. 9n the afternoon, there is a decline in
the number of citi'ens using the station to ust &0 at % pm. The evening brings a huge increase from $00 at 5 pm to almost %00 at ; pm. The number of passengers
tapers off slightly after ; pm, but falls /uickly to 1$0 by & pm. 0fter a small rise at 5 pm, the number tails off to 1$0 at 10 pm.
0ll in all, the time series show that the greatest number of passengers gather in the station early in the morning and also early in the evening.
-1+& words.
(s freedom of speech necessary in a free society)
Cive reasons for your answer and include any relevant e#amples from your own knowledge or e#perience.
model answer7
9n the last decade, there has been considerable debate over the role of free speech in a free society. "ome obect to absolute freedom of speech. ,thers advocate free
speech, arguing that the freedom of speech is the single most important political right of citi'ens in a civili'ed society. Whilst 9 believe that there are strong arguments
on both sides, 9 would suggest that freedom of speech should be protected in all but e#treme circumstances.
The freedom of speech is important at all levels in a society. 6et it is most important for government. 0 government which does not know what the people feel and
think is in a dangerous position. This is how the communist regimes of Bastern Burope were toppled in the 15&0s. The same is happening again in other regions of the
world today. The governments that mu''le free speech run a risk of pushing their people to behave destructively or to rebel.
Furthermore, without free speech no political action is possible and no resistance to inustice and oppression is possible. Without free speech elections would have no
meaning at all. 1olicies of contestants become known to the public and become responsive to public opinion only by virtue of free speech. 4etween elections the
freely e#pressed opinions of citi'ens help restrain oppressive rule. Without this freedom it is futile to e#pect political freedom or conse/uently economic freedom.
9n conclusion, 9 believe that the importance of free speech as a basic and valuable characteristic of a free society cannot be underestimated. 9t may be challenging for
society to allow differences of opinion out into the openD however, the conse/uences of restricting free speech are likely to be more damaging in the longer term.
-$&5 words.
Test tip* <se the following ideas to formulate sentences which represent your original view
on a gien sub%ect.
9 Etend toFpersonallyFstronglyFfirmlyG thinkFbelieveFfeel thatH
9 am EpersonallyFstronglyFfirmlyFfullyG convinced thatH
9 am EpersonallyFstronglyFfirmlyG of the opinion thatH
9 EpersonallyFstronglyFfirmlyG hold the opinion thatH
To me, H
0s far as 9 am concerned, H
From my EpersonalG point of view, H

(ategories7 0cademic, Task $
'any students decide to further their study abroad what are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad. To what e+tent do you agree or disagree with
this statement)
Write at least $50 words.
model answer7
?owadays, along the rapid development of economy, some students think that study abroad brings many benefits, while others are of the opinion that they should
finish university education in their motherland. 9t is /uite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.
"tudents, who advocate that study abroad has a lot of disadvantage, have their sound reasons. First of all, living far away from home, students will suffer from
loneliness and homesickness. ,verseas students often fell disoriented and depressed for lack of ade/uate knowledge and understanding of the local customs and
lifestyle. "econdly, many students do not want to return to their country after graduation because most of them want to seek a more comfortable life and brighter
future overseas. This may result in a serious brain!drain and our country will inevitably incur a huge loss of talents.
To this issue, some other students hold a different attitude, arguing that students should go abroad to study. To begin with, it can broaden the student3s hori'ons. For
instance, they get a chance to e#perience a totally different culture. The knowledge of social customs ac/uired in the other countries helps them to become more open!
minded. ?e#t, there are academic advantages. "tudents can lean advanced science and technology. They received a different education. The book resources are more
up!to!date. The professors are aware of all the latest development in their fields. Therefore, the standard of teaching is much higher. :oreover, when they finish their
study abroad, they will have more choices for their future career. 0ll the above merits contribute to their self!betterment and self!reali'ation.
9t is /uite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue. For my part, 9 stand on the latter opinion that while
overseas study has its drawbacks, the advantages are more obvious. 9t can broaden one3s vision. "tudents have easy access to the first!rate facilities and the latest
development in science and technology. 9n addition, when they finish their study, they have more ob opportunities. Therefore, as long as it is financially feasible, an
overseas education may do a person better than harm.
-*5% words.
Beside a lot of advantages, some people believe that the (nternet creates many problems. To what e+tent do you agree or disagree with this statement)
Write at least $50 words.
model answer7
9n the current society, it is universally believed that the internet has been gaining its popularity at an ama'ing rate. "ome people assert that the internet bring us a lot of
benefits while many others argue that its drawbacks should not be ignored. 9t is /uite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different
interpretations on the same issue.
Those who favor that the internet has many advantages give their reasons as follows. 9n the first place, it is obvious that the internet brings us great convenience and
efficiency. For e#ample, we can send Bmails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes us at least a week and costs
much. 9n the second place, it is a well!known fact that we can make friends with people from all parts of world. 0pparently, 9t overcomes the geographical barriers
and makes the world smaller. Furthermore, it is true that the internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. 9n other
words, we can have easy and /uick access to the latest information worldwide.
,n the other hand, some other people hold a different attitude, argue that the internet has many weaknesses. For one thing, it seems that it can easily lead to
psychological problems. For instance, an internet!addicted person tends to be isolated, self!centered and unsociable. For another, it is obvious that there is a sharp rise
in the number of cyber crimes. :ore and more financial crimes such as money laundering are committed via the internet. 9n addition, it also has negative impacts on
young people because there are a lot of obscene and violent contents on line.
There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. For my part, 9 completely agree with the latter view that the internet has more disadvantages than advantages.
9t gives rise to people3s mental problem. 9t results in various computer crimes. 9t is harmful to the growth of the youth. Therefore, something should be done as soon as
possible to protect people from negative effects of the internet.
-*5$ words.
#s mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globali,ation. Some
people fear that globali,ation will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. To what e+tent do you agree or disagree with this statement)
6ou should write at least $50 words.
model answer7
Clobalisation has become integrated through the global network of trade, transportation, communication and immigration. 9t is feared by many to eventually bring an
end to cultural identity. =owever, 9 am convinced that not only will globali'ation help retain and improve local cultures, but it also will strengthen cultural bonds
between distant communities.
First of all, people can realise how they are different from others in distant lands, which may lead to their interest in learning about other cultures. This means every
culture will have to preserve and present its uni/ue features such as local cuisine or craftsmanship in order to maintain foreign interest in itself and have something to
offer in competition with other communities. 0s a result, a sense of cultural identity can be reinforced ) even rekindled and restored where it has already been lost.
"econdly, cultures in different parts of the world familiarise themselves with the ceremonies, food and clothes of other people, it is highly likely that they will begin to
improve on their own, thus developing more efficient ways of life while retaining their original characteristics.
Finally, although some people might think that the aforementioned ItradeJ of cultural features can doom the uni/ue identity of a culture, they need to consider that
this will not necessarily result in local people abolishing their culture and fully embracing another. 9nstead, the communication and e#change involved in globalisation
can improve understanding and tolerance in the international community, which certainly can help with the conservation of older cultures and their sense of identity.
9n conclusion, 9 think if the positive aspects of globalisation are considered and stressed, it is not likely to pose any threats to the cultural identity of local communities
and will instead contribute to it in a variety of ways.
-$5* words.
&roblems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.
Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.
Cive reasons for your answer and include any relevant e#amples from your own knowledge or e#perience.
Write at least $50 words.
model answer7
Bnvironmental pollution has become a serious problem all over the world. =owever, we do not usually try to improve our environment. We always use chemical
detergents and fertili'er. 0lso forests have been fatally damaged by deforestation. "ome researchers say that if we do not stop devastating the environment, the Barth
will be catastrophic 100 years later. To prevent this drastic situation, this essay will suggest what we should do and how the government should solve the problems.
We should use eco!friendly products such as natural detergents or manure rather than using chemical products. <sing chemical products has caused fatal water
pollution. Water is essential for our everyday life. Therefore, people in the world should have the responsibility to maintain clean water. We should use
environmentally friendly products rather than chemical ones. 9t will help improve our environment.
To reduce air pollution we should use public transportation rather than using our own vehicle. For instance, public transportation can save our money and energy.
:oreover, it helps reduce the amount of e#haust fumes in the air. 9n addition to that, it may be able to relieve traffic ams. 9f more people use public transportation, it
means diminishing the number of cars on the road. Thus, it will reduce the risk of car accidents as well. Then, finally, we should plant many trees. Trees absorb carbon
dio#ide produced by human activities and make fresh air.
The government must make more investments to improve our environment such as building more purifier factories and developing alternative energy resources. Fossil
fuels lead to air pollution. Thus, the government should develop more sustainable energy resources and lower the rate of public transportation charges so that more
people can use buses and trains.
9n conclusion, improving the environment re/uires a great deal of efforts. We need to concern about these environmental problems and make considerable efforts to
prevent any pollution on the planet. The government should develop alternative energy or new sustainable energy and encourage people to use public transportation
more often. The harder we try, the healthier our planet will be.
-*%% words.
9n some 9BAT" Writing tasks you need to give arguments for and against the topic. 9f you do not do this you may only be answering half the /uestion and you will
lose marks.
Test tip* 6ou must keep the main topic in mind while you are writing and refer back to it all the
time. 6ou will lose marks if you do not address the issue raised in the /uestion.
-e./riting or summarising the 0uestion
1 @ead the task $ /uestion below and summarise in your own words what it is that you must agree or disagree with.
Some governments try to control the way a national language is used. For example, they may restrict the introduction
of foreign words, or the use of dialects, or they may demand that a certain language be used in schools.What are the
benefits and disadvantages of these policies? Do you thin they can ever be effective?
! Write your summary in the middle of a clean page and put a circle round it. 24rainstorm3 some ideas on how to respond to this /uestion.
'aking notes agreeing and disagreeing with the 0uestion
$ ,rganise your thoughts about the ideas in the task by writing them in your own words, and thinking of points for and against the argument.
Culture is maintained through
language so its worth keeping it
One country needs one language.
Restrictions on a national language
are justified
#anguage is a li$ing thing you
cant stop it changing.
%eople ha$e the the right to use
their own language.
Think of two more points to add to the notes. one for and one against the main topic in the circle.
1rganising you answer
2 ?ow you need to make a plan for your answer. =ere is an e#ample.
B#pand the summary to re!phrase the /uestion in your own words ,@ start
with a clear statement of your own about the policy."seful e+pressions*
The /uestion of whether or not H
9 feel that language is H
&aragraph 1
B#pand the first point on the 2For3 side about the link between language and culture. 4alance it
with a counter argument on the 20gainst3 side."seful e+pressions*
"ome people think H
9t can be argued that H
=owever, H
&aragraph !
B#press an opinion on having a national language. Cive your own view. :ake it clear to the
reader where you stand or e#press an understanding of both points of view."seful e+pressions*
While H, there may be an argument in favour of H
&aragraph $
9nclude another point of your own based on your idea above."seful e+pressions*
9 tend to think that H
Cenerally speaking, H
Bnd with a clear statement on how you feel about the issue ,@ summarise the two main sides of
the argument."seful e+pressions*
To sum up H
<ltimately, it is important to consider H
/rite a complete answer
4 Write a complete answer to this /uestion, following the steps above.
Test tip* 2To what e#tend do you agree3 is another way of saying 2>o you agree H if so, how
muchK3 9t invites you to agree and disagree.
!earning a foreign language offers an insight into how people from other cultures thin and see world. "he teaching
of a foreign language should be compulsory at all primary schools."o what extent do you agree or disagree with this
5eneral Training /riting Task 1* (ntroduction and Tone
9n Ceneral Training Writing Task 1 you will have to write a letter in response to a given task.
The way you begin the first paragraph and the style you use will depend on7
The overall purpose of the letter
The tone of the message you want to get across
6our relationship to the person receiving the letter.

Test tip* 0lways bear in mind the reason you are writing your letter and who will read it. 6ou
will lose marks if you use the wrong tone.
1 6ook at these opening sentences. 3an you tell whether the writer knows the person receiving the letter) /hat is the purpose of these letters)
7now the reader) &urpose of the letter
Thanks so much for your letter and the lovely photos of
the wedding, which are absolutely marvelous.
To e#press thanks
to a friend
9 am a first!year student in the Faculty of "cience.9 am
writing to ask permission to transfer from 4iochemistry
to 4iology H
93m writing to thank you for your hospitality on
"aturday. 9t was very kind of you to give us dinner even
though we arrived une#pectedly.
9 am a resident at Flat %, %* Westbridge @oad, ?ewport.
9 would like to report that a green Toyota van has been
abandoned outside our block of flatsH
Following our telephone conversation, this is to confirm
that, unfortunately, 9 will be unable to attend the
meeting on *rd :arch.
,n 15th :arch, 9 purchased a new car through your
1erth showroom. "ince then 9 have e#perienced a series
of difficulties which 9 wish to outline H

! /hich salutations and endings would you use with paragraphs a.f in e+ercise 1)
Salutation usage sign off with
>ear "ir,
>ear "irs,
<se only when you are writing a formal or official letter and
you do not know the person you are writing to, or their name.
6ours faithfully,
>ear :r Loe,
>ear :s 1ark,
>ear >r 6ong,
<se the title with the family name when you are writing a
formal letter to someone you know or whose name you have
been given. <se this salutation for people you don3t know very
well or where you need to show respect.
Mind regards,
6our "incerely,
>ear @ose,
>ear 6oko,
<se given names only with people you know /uite well. 9n
business this is sometimes acceptable, but if in doubt, use the
family name. 0lways use given names when writing an
informal letter to a friend or relative.
Mind regards,
4est wishes,
Aots of love,
1pening and closing letters
$ 'atch the opening sentences a.e with the closing sentences i.v below.
"nderline the key words that helped you to do this.
1pening sentences
a. 9t was lovely to hear from you after all these years.
b. 9 was really sorry to hear about 0unt :ary3s accident.
c. 9 am a student at your college and 9 am writing to ask a favour.
d. Thank you for your letter regarding the position of office assistant.
e. This is ust to thank you for your marvellous hospitality last week.
3losing sentences
i. Cive my regards to your mother and best wishes for her speedy recovery.
ii. 9 hope you are able to help me and 9 look forward to hearing from you soon.
iii. 9 hope one day to be able to return the warm welcome.
iv. We look forward to seeing you at the interview.
v. 1lease stay in touch.

-8#S19 :1- /-(T(951 Civing advice
$ 0pologising
* B#plaining
% @e/uesting
5 1ersuading
; (ompaining
+ 9ntroducing yourself
& Thanking
5 "uggesting
10 B#pressing a feeling
11 9nviting
Check to see how the candidates perform for 9 bands and 5 bands.
Task 1
In this report I will describe a bar chart that shows the estimated world illiteracy rates by gender
and region for the year 2000.
First I will look at male illiteracy for the 6 areas shown. The lowest rates were in Developed
Contries! "atin #merica$Caribbean and %ast #sia$&ceania with rates of '( )appro*imately+!
'0( and ,( )appro*imately+ respectively. The rates for the ne*t three areas were mch higher
and -ite similar to each other. .b/.aharan #frica! the #rab .tates and .oth #sia had rates of
appro*imately 0'(! 21( and 02(.
Female illiteracy was mch higher relatively in each area e*cept "atin #merica$Caribbean where
it was only slightly higher. The lowest rates for female illiteracy were again Developed Contries!
"atin #merica$Caribbean and %ast #sia$&ceania with rates of appro*imately 2(! '2( and 20(.
#gain the rates for the ne*t three areas were mch higher and -ite similar to each other. .b/
.aharan #frica! the #rab .tates and .oth #sia had rates of appro*imately 2,(! 32( and 36(.
This ends my report.
)'6, words+ Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
Commentar on the abo!e answer.
This letter was written by an I%"T. e*aminer to give an e*ample of a good answer. 4lease
remember that there are other ways of approaching this -estion that are 5st as good.
The #cademic Task ' 6riting is marked in 0 areas. "et7s look at these.
Task "#$fi$ment
This mark grades yo basically on whether yo have answered the -estion or not. To answer
this -estion correctly the e*aminer looks to see whether a report has been written which wholly
describes the bar chart with appropriate! accrate detail. 8ecase there is not a lot of
information on the bar chart! an appropriate amont of detail here wold be all the figres for
all the areas for males and females. "ooking above we see a report has been prodced and that
all the detail re-ired is there and it is all accrate. The word limit has also been achieved. This
wold mean a good task flfilment band.
Cohesion and Coherence
These two are interrelated which is why they are done together. Cohesion is how yor writing
fits together. Does yor writing with its ideas and content flow logically9 Coherence is how yo
are making yorself nderstood and whether the reader of yor writing nderstands what yo
are saying. To start with the strctre helps cohesion. There is a small introdctory paragraph
saying what the report is abot and there is a short closing sentence to finish the report. In
between there are 2 paragraphs! one for male illiteracy and the second for female illiteracy. This
is a good approach to describing this bar chart. The report also has good cohesion lingistically.
It is sometimes difficlt when writing these types of report with lots of nmerical detail to make
sre that the reader always nderstands which detail refers to which relevant item. :ere the
writer only describes 0 areas at a time and ses respecti!e$ to make clear the order. The
coherence in the report is also very good. The reader notices bad coherence when he has to stop
becase he cannot nderstand what has been written for any reason. This report can be read
straight throgh withot stopping. The sentences are short and clear and none of the
information is mddled or disorganised. The good grammar! word choices! strctre and
pnctation all help to giving the report good coherence. This report wold get a very good
cohesion and coherence band.
%ocab#$ar and Sentence Str#ct#re
6ith ;ocablary the e*aminer looks at the range of words sed and whether they are sed in the
right place and at the right time. 6ith .entence .trctre! the e*aminer looks at the grammar.
The word choices in this report are good. #ll the vocablary is clear! sed in the right way and
spelled correctly. The grammar is also good. #ll the verb forms are accrate and all the other
grammar is correctly sed. The report wold get a very good ;ocablary and .entence .trctre
Task &
6hat yong people shold stdy at school has long been the sb5ect of intense debate and this is
a -estion that certainly does not have one correct answer.
6e need to provide yong people the best possible chance of doing well at school. In traditional
crriclm there is a wide variety of sb5ects with a mi* of academic and non/academic sb5ects.
In this way a yong person is formed with a ronded edcation. <on/academic sb5ects wold
inclde sports! cooking! woodwork and metalwork. I believe this is the best form of edcation. #
yong person shold learn things other than academic sb5ects. .port is particlarly important.
=ong people have to learn to love sport so that they can be fit and healthy later in life. If not we
will be raising an obese and nfit generation.
I totally nderstand the point of view that edcation is so important that stdents mst be
pshed as hard as possible to achieve their best. It sonds a good idea to only e*pose the
stdents to academic sb5ects as then they can spend all of their school hors on stdying areas
that will get them into niversity and good 5obs later in life. I 5st feel a more ronded edcation
wold prodce a better individal. 6e mst remember too that a lot of people! maybe even most
people! aren>t academically minded and wold benefit more from a more vocationally based
edcation. Forcing academic stdies onto them wold lead to failre and the stdent leaving
school too early. Therefore I agree that althogh a wholly academic crriclm wold sit and
benefit some yong people! I believe that for most stdents non/academic sb5ects are
important inclsions still in today>s syllabses.
)2,0 words+ Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
This essay was written by an I%"T. e*aminer to give an e*ample of a good answer. 4lease
remember that there are other ways of approaching this -estion that are 5st as good.
The #cademic Task 2 6riting is marked in 0 areas. "et7s look at these.
'rg#ments( Ideas and E!idence
This band grades the essay on its content! how it strctres its ideas and backs p the ideas with
e*amples. 6hen yo look at the above essay! yo are first strck by how the it is set ot with the
paragraphs. Firstly there is a short introdction. Then there are 2 paragraphs that provide the
ideas and evidence on both sides of the -estion of the essay with the writer starting to pt
forward his point of view. Finally there is a conclsion where the -estion is answered by the
writer with his point of view. The writer e*amines both sides of the argment and shows that it
is not an isse that is black or white. The minimm word limit of 230 words has also been
passed so that is not a problem. #ll these things wold lead to a good band for #rgments! Ideas
and %vidence.
Comm#nicati!e )#a$it
This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader nderstands the essay. This depends
on accracy in grammar! pnctation and vocablary! as bad grammar! pnctation and
vocablary will case a breakdown in commnication. &ther things affecting commnication
wold be strctre! linking words! prepositions and agreements. The paragraphing is the first
thing that helps the commnicative -ality. #s said above the paragraphing is very good. It
splits the essay p into easy/to/read chnks and separates the ideas of the essay into these
chnks. The grammar! pnctation and vocablary are all very good and all the linking words!
prepositions and agreements are all correctly sed. The Commnicative ?ality in this essay
therefore is very good.
%ocab#$ar and Sentence Str#ct#re
6ith ;ocablary the e*aminer looks at the range of words sed and whether they are sed in the
right place and at the right time. 6ith .entence .trctre! the e*aminer looks at the grammar.
#s pointed ot in the section above! the ;ocablary and .entence .trctre are very good. #ll
word sage is correctly sed and spelt correctly. The grammar is all error free and the
pnctation is good. The ;ocablary and .entence .trctre band wold be very good.
'cademic Writing *ractice Test &
Task 1
&n graph on '11@ '' million dollar is sell on intrnet! on '11, is small ris to'6 million dollar! on
'111 is mor ris to '1 million dollar! on 2000 rise is mor smal 22 million dollar. The 200' 2'
million dollar and 2002 22 million dollar. '11@ to 2000 is ris '0 million dollar. &n chart is 2
parts most big is englnd ,'( books boght on internet! ne*t scotland '0( ne*t wales ,(! last is
northern ireland '(. This mean that mor money is spend in england on books on intrnet.
)12 words+ Estimated IELTS Writing Band +
IELTS E,aminer Commentar
This report was written by an Indian lady on an I%"T. preparation corse.
The #cademic Task ' 6riting is marked in 0 areas. "et7s look at these.
Task "#$fi$ment
This mark grades yo basically on whether yo have answered the -estion or not. To answer
this -estion correctly the e*aminer looks to see whether a report has been written which wholly
describes the chart with appropriate! accrate detail. The first thing that one notices is that the
report is considerably nder length. 8y not writing the re-ired '30 words the writer is not
answering the -estion and so is penalised nder Task Flfilment. If fewer than '30 words are
prodced then only a ma*imm band of 3 )less than 3 can also be given+ can be awarded for
Task Flfilment. #part from that the writer has made an attempt to describe the two charts.
Anfortnately some of the detail that is inclded is inaccrate. The 200' figre from the line
graph is wrong and the writer has also mi*ed p two of the sections of the pie chartB .cotland is
-oted at '0( and 6ales at ,(. The financial detail given in the report is also all given in dollars
while the graph gives the detail in ponds sterling. 8ecase of all these errors this report cannot
get a very good Task Flfilment band.
Cohesion and Coherence
These two are interrelated which is why they are done together. Cohesion is how yor writing
fits together. Does yor writing with its ideas and content flow logically9 Coherence is how yo
are making yorself nderstood and whether the reader of yor writing nderstands what yo
are saying. Cohesion isn7t too bad in the report. There is so little writing that there is not mch
to 5oin together. The writing consists of short sentences that are not elegantly pt together.
There aren7t many cohesion errors bt there is little style in the writing. The coherence is very
problematic. The lack of pnctation allows the sentences to rn into each other and it is
difficlt for the reader to know when one sentence ends and the ne*t begins. This with the big
grammar and spelling errors make it very difficlt to nderstand and read -ickly. This report
wold get a poor Cohesion and Coherence band.
%ocab#$ar and Sentence Str#ct#re
6ith ;ocablary the e*aminer looks at the range of words sed and whether they are sed in the
right place and at the right time. 6ith .entence .trctre! the e*aminer looks at the grammar.
The vocablary in the report is very limited in range bt there are no very bad word choices. The
grammar in this report is terrible. Cost of the verb forms are inaccrate! there are inaccrate
prepositions! plrals are missing! articles are missing! the verb to be is often missing and
comparatives and sperlatives are inaccrate. The problem with the pnctation is that there
seem to be commas instead of fll stops in many places. The ;ocablary
and .entence .trctre band wold be very poor for this report.
The above report is sefl as an illstration of how a bad report is written. 8elow yo will find a
good version written by an I%"T. e*aminer answering the same -estion. 4lease remember that
there are other ways of approaching this -estion that are 5st as good.
In this report I am going to describe 2 charts.
The first is a line graph that records the amont of money )in ponds sterling+ spent on books
on the internet in the AD from '11@ to 2002. In '11@ E'' million were spent. This rises by E3
million by '11,. The increase in money spent then rises less rapidly throgh '111 )E'1 million+!
2000 )E22 million+ and 200' )E20 million+ ntil 2002 when E22 million were spent. This gives
a total increase from '11@ to 2002 of E'0 million.
The second is a pie chart that shows the relative percentages of books boght on the internet in
the AD individal contries. %ngland is where by the far the most books are boght with ,'( of
the market. 6ales comes ne*t with '0( closely followed by .cotland with ,(. <orthern Ireland
lies last with only '( of the market.
This ends my report.
)'30 words+ Estimated IELTS Writing Band 9
Task &
"ast '30 year the medecine make too mch important cre for bad diseaFe. <ow yo no hear of
people dying of colere! tbercle or other killer. It is becase the medecine to stop it is no
e*pinsive and easily to find. <owaday we have other diseaFe for fight against for e*ample the
#ID. and the cancer. The drgs are se to treat this diseaFes and slow there affects can be find
in west bt in more poor contrys the people cannot pay it so people are die for no reaFon. I
think drg companys shold be obliged to make there prodcts at smal prices in poor contrys
or allow cheaper one to be made in those contrys. They are still make the mony and
nevertheless they are make more of mony if many of people bys cheap copies rather than no
one bying the e*pinsive one. #nyway if they dont! companys in the mor poor contrys will
prodce the copies anyway. In Inde many drgs are copy and sell ilegal. The people from more
rich contrys go to there for by the drgs they want with a more cheap price. .ome drg
companys have promissed that they will give the drgs at a more cheap price. # company
promised for e*ample anti #ID. drgs to .oth #frice. <owaday it seems the promises are 5st
the words in the air and no action or drgs go to the millions of #ID. sfferers there.
Therefor I am really believe that drgs companys shold give the low cost drgs to mor poor
contrys. It is a -estion of people die 5st to help the bsiness dollar. It is imoral and
indefendable no matter what companys say abot there bsines interests.
)2,2 words+ Estimated IELTS Writing Band -
IELTS E,aminer Commentar
This essay was written by a Gapanese I%"T. stdent stdying in the AD.
The #cademic Task 2 6riting is marked in 0 areas. "et7s look at these.
'rg#ments( Ideas and E!idence
This band grades the essay on its content! how it strctres its ideas and backs p the ideas with
e*amples. The strctre with the one big paragraph and short conclsion means this is not set
ot as a proper essay shold be. The content thogh is mainly directed at the -estion and has
e*amples to back p the ideas. In the conclsion the writer draws on his essay to give his
opinion and flly answers the -estion. The band for #rgments! Ideas and %vidence will be
-ite good thogh the strctre does spoil it a bit.
Comm#nicati!e )#a$it
This mark grades the candidate on how easily the reader nderstands the essay. This depends
on accracy in strctre! grammar! pnctation and vocablary! as bad grammar! pnctation
and vocablary will case a breakdown in commnication. The Commnicative ?ality here is
not that good. The strctre does not help! with most of the writing being groped in one
paragraph. In addition to this the grammar and spelling are all -ite poor and this makes
reading the essay not as easy as it shold be. .ome of the sentences! e*pressions and vocablary
are a bit awkward too. This wold lead to a middling Commnicative ?ality band.
%ocab#$ar and Sentence Str#ct#re
6ith ;ocablary the e*aminer looks at the range of words sed and whether they are sed in the
right place and at the right time. 6ith .entence .trctre! the e*aminer looks at the grammar.
#s stated above the ;ocablary and .entence .trctre are -ite weak. The actal vocablary
choices are not too bad bt a lot of the spelling is not very good )medicine. disease. co$ere.
t#berco$e. e,pinsi!e. affects. mon etc.+. There are actal vocablary mistakes as well
thogh )more of mone. Inde. indefendab$e+. 6ith grammar the article se is often falty
)Last 15/ ear the medicine+! plrals are sometimes wrong )co#ntrs. compans. other
ki$$er. etc.+ and verbs are at times wrong in tense choice and form )the medicine make. are
#se. can be find. are die. The are sti$$ make. etc.0. .ome negatives are wrongly
e*pressed )1ow o# no hear. it is no e,pensi!e+. There are other grammar weaknessesB
pronons )there affects. there prod#cts. there b#siness interests.+! comparatives
)more poor co#ntrs. more rich co#ntrs+! prepositions )go to there. with a more
cheap price+! the infinitive of prpose )for fight. for b#.+ and ad5ectives$adverbs )and
easi$ to find. this diseases. and se$$ i$ega$+. .ome of the errors seem to come from the
writer7s first langage. There is thogh some good grammar in the essay and a lot of the
vocablary is well chosen. :owever there are really too many errors to get a good band for
;ocablary and .entence .trctre.

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