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The Verb To Do

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The Verb To Do

The verb to do is another common verb in English. It can be used as an auxiliary and a
main verb. It is often used in questions.
Forms of To Do
Present Past
I / you / we / they do did have / had done are / were doing
he / she / it does did has / had done is / was doing
As an auxiliary verb do is used with a main verb when forming interrogative or negative
sentences, or for adding emphasis. It is also called the dummy operator or dummy

Question Positive Statement (spoken) Negative Statement (spoken)
Do I? I do I do not (I don't)
Do you? You do You do not (You don't)
Does he/she/it? He/she/it does He/she/it does not (He/she/it doesn't)
Do we? We do We do not (We don't)
Do you? You do You do not (You don't)
Do they? They do They do not (They don't)

Do Does
Question - ?
"Do you always take the bus to
"Does she ever do her homework on
Positive Answer -
"Yes, I do." "Yes, she does."
Negative Answer -
"No, I don't." "No, she doesn't."

The most common question using "do" that you will probably hear whilst learning English
is "What do you do?" The person asking simply wants to know what you do for a living.
Question Possible answers
What do you do? I'm a student.
I'm an architect. I'm a trainee architect.
I'm looking for work.
I'm on a career break.
I'm a volunteer.
I'm a housewife. / I'm a househusband.
I'm a pensioner. / I'm retired.

What does he / she do? He / She's a student.
He / She's an architect. He / She's a trainee architect.
He / She's looking for work.
He / She's on a career break.
He / She's a volunteer.
He / She's a housewife. / He / She's a househusband.
He / She's a pensioner. / He / She's retired.

What do we / they do? We / They are students.
We / They are architects. We / They are trainee architects.
We / They are looking for work.
We / They areon a career break.
We / They are volunteers.
We / They are housewives. / We / They are househusbands.
We / They are pensioners. / We / They are retired.
When using the continuous tense do becomes doing and it doesn't change.

Question - ? "What are you doing? Are you doing your homework?"
Positive Answer - Yes "Yes, I am ."
Negative Answer - No "No, I'm not."

When using the simple past tense do becomes did and it doesn't change.

Question - ? "Did you always take the bus to school?"
Positive Answer - Yes "Yes, I did ."
Negative Answer - No "No, I didn't ."
When using the perfect tense do becomes done and it doesn't change.

Question - ? "Have you done your homework?"
Positive Answer - Yes "Yes I have ."
Negative Answer - No "No I haven't."
More functions for the verb to do
The verb to do works as a main verb.
For example:-
YT - My husband does the dishes.
ST - Gosh! Did he do them yesterday?
YT - Yes he did.
Do is used as an auxiliary verb (dummy auxiliary) in the question form.
For example: I know the way. Do you know the way?
Do is used for emphasis in positive statements.
For example: I do like this beer!
!Note - As an auxiliary verb 'do' is always followed by the base form of the main verb

Verbo TO DO Hacer
El verbo TO DO es otro de los verbos que se caracteriza por su amplia
utilidad dentro del idioma ingles. Puede ser empleado como verbo
ordinario cuyo significado es HACER o como verbo auxiliar en
diferentes tiempos verbales. El siguiente cuadro muestra su
conjugacin en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple:

Positive Statement
Negative Statement
Do I? I do I do not (I don't)
Do you? You do You do not (You don't)
He/she/it does
He/she/it does not (He/she/it
Do we? We do We do not (We don't)
Do you? You do You do not (You don't)
Do they? They do They do not (They don't)

Do Does
Question - ?
"Do you always take the
bus to work?"
"Does she ever do her
homework on time?"
Answer -
"Yes, I do." "Yes, she does."
Answer -
"No, I don't." "No, she doesn't."

El verbo HACER en el Pasado Simple tiene una nica forma de
conjugacin como vemos a continuacin:

When using the simple past tense do becomes did .
Cuando usamos el tiempo pasado simple hacer, llega a ser hizo.

Question - ? "Did you always take the bus to school?"
Positive Answer - Yes "Yes, I did ."
Negative Answer - No "No, I didn't ."

Cabe aclarar que dentro del idioma ingls se debe distinguir el verbo
TO DO (hacer) del verbo TO MAKE (hacer de fabricar) como por
I do my homework. Yo hago mi tarea.
I make cakes. Yo hago pasteles. (Hacer de fabricar)
I did my homework. Yo hice mi tarea.
I made cakes. Yo hice pasteles.
Como verbo auxiliar se utiliza para formar los modos interrogativo y
negativo del Presente Simple y del Pasado Simple:
Do you study the lesson? Estudias la leccin?
You dont study the lesson. T no estudias la leccin.
Did you study the lesson? Estudiaste la leccin?
You didnt study the lesson. T no estudiaste la leccin.
Observe que en ambos casos el verbo principal es STUDY (estudiar) y
que el verbo TO DO se ha empleado como auxiliar. En la forma
negativa puede utilizarse la contraccin DONT, DOESNT, DIDNT.

Verbo ingls: DO (Hacer) ~ English verb

El papel del verbo DO en la lengua ingls es extremadamente
grande. Aparte del verbo BE, es el verbo ms importante del ingls.
El verbo DO funciona de tres maneras variadas. Es un verbo
complicado y a veces difcil a comprender y utilizar.
El aspecto ms importante del verbo DO es su papel como verbo
auxiliar. As, el verbo DO est utilizada de dos maneras:
Hacer preguntas

Formar frases negativas

El verbo DO est utilizada tambien como un verbo principal. Tiene
dos conjugaciones en el presente simple (do | does).
singular plural
1 first person I do we do
2 second person you do you do
3 third person he, she, it does they do
Fjase que la conjugacin para la tercera persona singular, he (l), she
(ella) e it (esto, esta), es does. Para todas las otras personas
gramaticales, la conjugacin es do.

El verbo DO, en cuando utilizado como verbo principal, indica quien o
que hace una tarea. En el presente simple, esta tarea refiere a una
accin habitual. As, DO es el parecido del verbo hacer en espaol.
Aqu hay ejemplos de frases en el presente simple.
He does his homework at night.
l hace su tarea por la noche.

We do this all the time.
Hacemos eso todo el tiempo.

Tim does nothing all day.
Tim no hace nada todo el da.

I do my chores in the morning.
Hago mis quehaceres en la maana.

El verbo DO tiene solamente una conjugacin en el pasado simple
singular plural
1st person I did We did
2nd person you did You did
3rd person he, she, it did They did
Aqu hay ejemplos de frases con DO como verbo principal en el
pasado simple.
I did the dishes last night.
Lav los platos anoche.

Tom did his homework after class.
Tom hizo su tarea despus de

We did everything to help him.
Hicimos todo para ayudarlo.

They did the cleaning yesterday.
Hicieron la limpieza ayer.

Negacin ingls: Verbo DO ~ English negation

Esta leccin explica uno de los papeles muy importantes del verbo
DO: la formacin de frases negativas.
Las frases negativas se forman de varias maneras. La ms frecuente
es con el adverbio negativo not.
Al emplear not, el uso del verbo DO es obligatorio con todos los
verbos menos BE y los verbos modales.
El verbo DO, en frases negativas, funciona como verbo auxiliar. As,
DO es el verbo conjugado (por tiempo y persona) mientras el verbo
principal queda en la forma base (el infinitivo sin to).

Aqu hay ejemplos en el presente simple.
subject aux.
sujeto verbo

I do not like bananas.
No me gustan los pltanos.

He does not eat bananas.
l no come pltanos.

Canada does not grow bananas.
Canada no cultiva pltanos.

We do not sell bananas.
No vendemos pltanos.

Fjase que el adverbio not siempre sigue el verbo auxiliar DO.
Affirmative negative Incorrect
These birds fly. These birds do not fly. These birds not fly.
Estos pjaros no vuelan.

I drink coffee. I do not drink coffee. I not drink coffee.
Yo No tomo caf.

He watches TV. He does not watch TV. He not watch TV.
l no mira la televisin.

Aqu hay ejemplos en el pasado simple.
subject aux.
I did Not plant bananas.
Yo no sembr pltanos.
You did Not buy bananas.
T no compraste pltanos.
They did Not import bananas.
No importaron pltanos.
Fjase que el pasado simple est indicado con did. Cuando DO (do |
does | did) juega el papel de verbo auxiliar, el verbo principal siempre
queda en la forma base.

affirmative negative Incorrect
Susan loved me. Susan did not love me. Susan not loved me.
Susan no me amaba.

It rained. It did not rain. It not rained.
No llovi.

We ate lunch. We did not eat lunch. We not eat lunch.
No almorzamos.
El verbo auxiliar DO se puede contraer con el adverbio not. Este tipo
de contraccin ocurre con mucha frecuencia en el ingls oral y escrito .

Nota especial: Algunos anglohablantes forman frases negativas con el
verbo HAVE y el adverbio not sin usar DO, pero en el ingls
americano, es ms comn de usar el verbo auxiliar DO.
otra forma ingls americano
John hasn't shoes. John does not (doesn't) have shoes.
Juan no tiene zapatos.

We haven't time. We do not (don't) have time.
No tenemos tiempo.

He hadn't a car. He did not (didn't) have a car.
El No tena coche/carro.
Fjase que en la "otra" forma, el verbo HAVE siempre haga la
contraccin con el adverbio not.
Contracciones Ingleses: Verbo DO ~ English Contractions.

Esta leccin explica como hacer contracciones con el verbo DO.

Frecuentamente, el presente simple y el pasado simple del verbo
auxiliar DO estn contrados con el adverbio negativo not.
Para formar la contraccin, do, does o did est juntado al adverbio
not y la letra o en not est reemplazada con un apstrofe.
letra o
do not donot Donot don't
does not doesnot Doesnot doesn't
did not didnot Didnot didn't

Aqu hay ejemplos de frases contradas.
no contrada

I do not believe you.
No te creo.
I don't believe you.

She does not know.
Ella no sabe.
She doesn't know.

We did not go.
No fuimos.
We didn't go.

El verbo DO se puede contraer con not para formar preguntas
cerradas (preguntas de S o No).
no contrada contrada (ms comn)
Do you not hear the baby?
No oyes el beb?
Don't you hear the baby?

Does she not like Tom?
A ella no le gusta Tom?
Doesn't she like Tom?

Did we not pass the test?
No pasamos la prueba?
Didn't we pass the test?
Fjase que en la forma no contrada, el sujeto se coloca entre el verbo
auxiliar DO y not. En la forma contrada, el que es mucho ms comn,
el sujeto sigue la contraccin.

En el habla informal, did se puede contraer con palabras
interrogativas de preguntas abiertas. En estos casos, las primeras dos
letras de did estn reemplazado con un apstrofo.
no contrada

Who did you see?
A quin viste?
Who'd you see?
What did she play?
Qu tocaba ella?
What'd she play?
When did you start? When'd you start?
Cundo empezaste?
Where did they go?
Adnde fueron?
Where'd they go?
Why did he laugh?
Por qu ri?
Why'd he laugh?
How did we get here?
Cmo llegamos aqu?
How'd we get here?

Who = quien,a quien
What = que
When = cuando
Where = donde,adonde
Why = porqu
How = como

verb to do

El verbo hacer

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