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Unit IV Ooad

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OO Design Process and Design Axioms
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to
Define and understand the object-oriented design process
Explain the object-oriented design rules
Main focus of the analysis phase of SW development what needs
to be done
Objects discovered during analysis serve as the framework for design
Classs attributes, methods, and associations identified during analysis
must be designed for implementation as a data type expressed in the
implementation language
During the design phase, we elevate the model into logical entities,
some of which might relate more to the computer domain (such as
user interface, or the access layer) than the real world or the physical
domain (such as people or employees). Start thinking how to actually
implement the problem in a program.
The goal to design the classes that we need to implement the
Design is about producing a solution that meets the requirements that
have been specified during analysis.

Object-Oriented Design Process and Design Axioms
Analysis Phase
Classs attributes, methods and associations are identified
Physical entities, players and their cooperation are identified
Objects can be individuals, organizations or machines
Design Phase
Using Implementation language appropriate data types are assigned
Elevate the model into logical entities (user interfaces)
Focus is on the view and access classes (How to maintain information
or best way to interact with a user)

Importance of Good Design
Time spent on design decides the success of the software developed.
Good design simplifies implementation and maintenance of a project.
To formalize (celebrate, honor) design process, axiomatic (clear) approach is
to be followed

OO design process

Activities of OOD Process
1.Apply design axioms to design classes, their attributes, methods, associations,
structure and protocols.
1.1 Refine and complete the static UML class diagram by
adding details to the UML class diagram. This steps
consists of the following activities:
1.1.1 Refine attributes
1.1.2 Design methods and protocols by utilizing
a UML activity diagram to represent the
methods algorithm.
1.1.3 Refine association between classes (if
1.1.4 Refine class hierarchy and design with
inheritance (if required).
1.2 Iterate and refine again.

(2) Design the access layer
Create mirror classes: For every business class identified and
created, create one access layer
. Eg , if there are 3 business classes (class1, class2 and class3),
create 3 access layer classes (class1DB, class2DB and
Identify access layer class relationships
Simplify classes and their relationships main goal is to eliminate redundant
classes and structures
Redundant classes: Do not keep 2 classes that perform
similar translate request and translate results activities.
Select one and eliminate the other.
Method classes: Revisit the classes that consist of only
one or two methods to see if they can be eliminated or
combined with existing classes.
Iterate and refine again.

(3) Design the view layer classes
Design the macro level user interface, identifying view layer objects
Design the micro level user interface, which includes these activities:
(a) Design the view layer objects by applying

the design axioms and corollaries.
(b) Build a prototype of the view layer
Test usability and user satisfaction
Iterate and refine

(4) Iterate and refine the whole design. Reapply the design axioms and if needed ,
repeat the preceding steps.

An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for
which there is no counterexample or exception.
They can not be proven or derived but they can be invalidated by
counterexamples or exceptions.
A theorem is a proposition that may not be self-evident (clear) but can be
proved from accepted axioms.
A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another
proposition that has been proven.

Types of Axioms
AXIOM-1 (Independence axiom): deals with relationships between system
components such as classes, requirements, software components.

AXIOM-2 (Information axiom): deals with the complexity of design

Axioms of OOD
The axiom 1 of object-oriented design deals with relationships between
system components (such as classes, requirements and software
components) and axiom 2 deals with the complexity of design.
Axiom 1. The independence axiom. Maintain the independence of
components. According to axiom 1, each component must satisfy its
requirements without affecting other requirements. Eg. Let us design a
refrigerator door which can provide access to food and the energy lost
should be minimized when the door is opened and closed. Opening the door
should be independent of losing energy.
Axiom 2. The information axiom. Minimize the information content of the
design. It is concerned with simplicity. In object-oriented system, to
minimize complexity use inheritance and the systems built in classes and
add as little as possible to what already is there.

Origin of corollaries.

Types of corollaries
The design rules or corollaries derived from
design axioms are stated below.

Corollary 1: Uncoupled design with less
information content.
Corollary 2: Single purpose.
Corollary 3: Large number of simple classes.
Corollary 4: Strong mapping.
Corollary 5: Standardization.
Corollary 6: Design with inheritance.

Corollary 1: Uncoupled design with less information content.
Coupling is a measure of the strength of association established by a
connection from one object or software component to another.
Coupling is a binary relationship.
For example A is coupled with B.
Coupling is important when evaluating a design because it helps us focus on

an important issue in design.
The degree of coupling
How complicated the connection is ?
Whether the connection refers to the object itself or something inside it.
What is being sent or received?
Cohesion can be defined as the interactions within a single object or
software component.
Corollary 1: Uncoupled design with less information content. Highly
cohesive (interconnected) objects can improve coupling because only a
minimal amount of essential information need be passed between objects.
Corollary 2: Single purpose. Each class must have a single, clearly defined
purpose. While documenting, one should be able to describe the purpose of
a class in few sentences.
Corollary 3: Large number of simple classes. Keeping the classes simple
allows reusability.
Corollary 4: Strong mapping. There must be a strong association between
the physical system (analysiss objects) and logical design (designs object).
Corollary 5: Standardization. Promote standardization by designing inter
changeable components and reusing existing classes or components.
Corollary 6: Design with inheritance. Common behavior (methods) must be
moved to super classes. The superclass-subclass structure must make logical

Corollary 1: Uncoupled Design with Less Information Content
Coupling is a measure of the strength of association established by a
connection from one object or software component to another. Coupling is a
binary relationship. It is important for design because a change in one
component should have a minimal impact on the other components.
The degree or strength of coupling between 2 components is measured by
the amount and complexity of information transmitted between them.
Object oriented design has 2 types of coupling: interaction coupling and
inheritance coupling.
Interaction coupling involves the amount and complexity of messages
between components. It is good to have little interaction. The general
guideline is to keep the message as simple and infrequent as possible.
Objects connected to many complex messages are tightly coupled, meaning
any change to one invariably leads to a ripple (current, flow) effect of
changes in others.

Inheritance is a form of coupling between super and sub classes.
A subclass is coupled to its superclass in terms of attributes and methods.
We need high inheritance coupling. For this each specialization class should
not inherit lot of unrelated and unneeded methods and attributes.
If the superclass is overwriting most of the methods or not using them, then
it is an indication that the inheritance coupling is low.
Types of coupling among objects or components (highest to lowest)
Name Degree of coupling
Content coupling Very high
Common coupling High
Control coupling Medium
Stamp coupling Low
Data coupling Very low

Cohesion: The interactions within a single object or software component is
called cohesion.
Cohesion reflects the single-purposeness of an object.
Highly cohesive components can lower coupling because only a minimum
of essential information need be passed between components.
Method cohesion, means that a method should carry one function.
A method that carries multiple functions is undesirable.
Class cohesion means that all the classs methods and attributes must be
highly cohesive, meaning to be used by internal methods or derived classes

Corollary 2: Single Purpose
Every class should be clearly defined and necessary in the context of
achieving the systems goals.
When we document a class, we should be able to explain its purpose in a
sentence or two.
If we cannot, then the class should be subdivided into independent pieces.
Each method must provide only one service.
Each method should be of moderate size, no more than a page; half a page is

Corollary 3: Large number of simpler classes, Reusability
There are benefits in having a large number of simpler classes because the
chances of reusing smaller classes in other projects is high.
Large and complex classes are too specialized to be reused.
Object-oriented design offers a path for producing libraries of reusable parts.

Why reusability is not used? Coad and Yourdan
Software engineering textbooks teach new practitioners to build systems from
first principles; reusability is not promoted or even discussed
The not invented here syndrome(condition,pattern) and the
intellectual(logical) challenge of solving an interesting software problem in
ones own unique way mitigates against reusing someone elses software
Unsuccessful experiences with software reusability in the past have
convinced many practitioners and development managers that the concept is
not practical.
Most organizations provide no reward for reusability; sometimes
productivity (output, efficiecy) is measured in terms of new lines of code
written plus a discounted credit

Corollary 4: Strong mapping
A strong mapping links classes identified during analysis and classes
designed during the design phase eg view and access classes.
The analyst identifies objects types and inheritance, and thinks about events
that change the state of objects.
The designer adds detail to this model perhaps designing screens, user
interaction, and client-server interaction.

Corollary 5: Standardization
To reuse classes, we must have a good understanding of the classes.
Most object-oriented systems come with several built-in class libraries.
But these class libraries are not always well documented.
Sometimes they are documented, but not updated.
They must be easily searched, based on users criteria.

Corollary 6: Designing with inheritance
When we implement a class, we have to determine its ancestor, what
attributes it will have, and what messages it will understand.
Then we have to construct its methods and protocols.
Ideally, one has to choose inheritance to minimize the amount of program
The primitive form of reuse is cut-and-paste reusability.

Achieving Multiple Inheritance in a Singe Inheritance System
Single inheritance means that each class has only a single super class.

The result of using a single inheritance hierarchy is the absence of
ambiguity as to how an object will respond in a given method;
We simply trace up the class tree beginning with the objects class, looking
for a method of the same name.
But languages like LISP or C++ have a multiple inheritance scheme
whereby objects can inherit behavior from unrelated areas of the class tree.
The complication here is how to determine which behavior to get from
which class, particularly when several ancestors define the same method.
One way of resolving this is to inherit from the most appropriate class and
add an object of mother class as an attribute or aggregation. The other is to
use the instance of the class (object) as an attribute.


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Design Patterns
A design pattern provides a scheme for refining the subsystem or
components of a software system or the relationships among them.
They allow systems to share knowledge about their design, by describing
commonly recurring structures of communicating components that solve a
general design problem within a particular context

The basic goal of the axiomatic approach is to formalize the design process
and assist in establishing a scientific foundation for the object-oriented design
process, so as to provide a fundamental basis for the creation of systems. Without
scientific principles, the design field never will be systematized and so will be
difficult to comprehend, codify, teach and practice. The main activities in design
process are
Designing classes (their attributes, methods, associations, structures, and
protocols) and applying design axioms. If needed, this step is repeated.
Designing the access layer.
Designing the user interface (view layer classes).
Testing user satisfaction and usability, based on the usage and use cases.
Iterating and refining the design.
An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for
which there is no counterexample or exception. The axioms cannot be proven or
derived but they cannot be invalidated by counterexamples or exceptions. There
are two design axioms applied to object-oriented design. Axiom 1 deals with
relationships between system components and Axiom 2 deals with the complexity
of design.
Axiom 1: The independence axiom. Maintain the independence of components.
Axiom 2: The information axiom. Minimize the information content of the
A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another
proposition that has been proven. A corollary is shown to be valid if its referent
axioms and deductive steps are valid. The design rules or corollaries derived from
design axioms are stated below.
Corollary 1: Uncoupled design with less information content.

Corollary 2: Single purpose.
Corollary 3: Large number of simple classes.
Corollary 4: Strong mapping.
Corollary 5: Standardization.
Corollary 6: Design with inheritance.
Design pattern
1. An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for
which there is no counterexample or exception.
2. A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another
proposition that has been proven.
3. Design Patterns provides a scheme for refining the subsystems or
components of a software system or the relationships among them
4. A theorem is a proposition that may not be self-evident but can be proven
from accepted axioms. Therefore, is equivalent to a law or principle.
5. Cohesion can be defined as the interactions within a single object or
software component.
6. Coupling deals with interactions between objects or software components.


1. An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for
which there is no counterexample or exception.
(a) Axiom (b) corollary
2. A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another
proposition that has been proven.
(a) Axiom (b) corollary
3. Design Patterns provides a scheme for refining the subsystems or
components of a sw system or the relationships among them
(a) Design pattern (b) Theorem
4. A theorem is a proposition that may not be self-evident but can be proven
from accepted axioms. Therefore, is equivalent to a law or principle.
(a) Design pattern (b) Theorem
5. Cohesion can be defined as the interactions within a single object or
software component.
(a) Cohesion (b) Coupling
6. Coupling deals with interactions between objects or software components.
(a) Cohesion (b) Coupling
1.What is the task of design?
2. What is the significance of Occams razor?
3. Define axiom.
4. Define theorem and corollary.
5. What is coupling?
6. State the different type of coupling.
7. Define cohesion.
8. What is basic activity in designing an application?
9. List the Object Oriented design axioms and corollaries.
10. What is the relationship between coupling and cohesion?

References :
Bahrami, A.(1999). Object Oriented Systems Development,
using the unified modeling language, McGraw-Hill
Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, by Rational
Software Corporation (2002)

Designing Classes
At the end of this chapter, students should be able to
Designing classes
Designing protocols and class visibility
Designing methods
Develop statechart diagrams
Develop packages
Most important activity in designing an application is coming up with
a set of classes that work together to provide the needed functionality
Underlying the functionality of any application is the quality of its
This chapter focus on guidelines & approaches in designing classes
and their methods
Use the OCL (Object Constraint Language- a specification language,
provided by UML ) to specify the properties of a system

Designing Classes
Object-oriented design requires taking the object identified during object-
oriented analysis and designing classes to represent them.
As a class designer, we have to know the specifics of the class we are
designing and also we should be aware of how that class interacts with other


Object oriented design philosophy
Here one has to think in terms of classes. As new facts are acquired, we
relate them to existing structures in our environment (model).
After enough new facts are acquired about a certain area, we create new
structures to accommodate the greater level of detail in our knowledge.
The important activity in designing an application is coming up with a set of
classes that work together to provide the functionality we desire.
If we design the classes with reusability in mind, we will gain a lot of
productivity and reduce the time for developing new applications.

Designing Classes : the process

Class visibility: Designing well-defined public, private and protected protocols
In designing methods or attributes for classes, we are confronted (dealed)
with two problems.
One is the protocol or interface to the class operations and its visibility and
the other is how it is implemented.

The classs protocol or the messages that a class understands, can be hidden
from other objects (private protocol) or made available to other objects
(public protocol).
Public protocols define the functionality and external messages of an object.
Private protocols define the implementation of an object.

A class might have a set of methods that it uses only internally, messages to
itself. This private protocol of the class, includes messages that normally
should not be sent from other objects. Here only the class itself can use the
The public protocol defines the stated behavior of the class as a citizen in a
population and is important information for users as well as future
descendants, so it is accessible to all classes. If the methods or attributes can
be used by the class itself (or its subclasses) a protected protocol can be
used. Here subclasses can used the method in addition to the class itself.
The lack of well-designed protocol can manifest itself as encapsulation
leakage. It happens when details about a classs internal implementation are
disclosed through the interface.

Encapsulation leakage
Encapsulation leakage is lack of a well-designed protocol
The problem of encapsulation leakage occurs when details about a classs
internal implementation are disclosed through the interface.
As more internal details become visible, the flexibility to make changes in
the future decreases.

Visibility types

Attribute representations :
During design, OCL ( Object Constraint Language) can be used to define the
class attributes

The rules and semantics of the UML are expressed in English, in a form
known as object constraint language.
Object constraint language (OCL) is a specification language that uses
simple logic for specifying the properties of a system.

Attribute presentation suggested by UML :

Designing classes: Refining attributes
Attributes identified in object-oriented analysis must be refined with an eye
on implementation during this phase.
In the analysis phase, the name of the attribute is enough.
But in the design phase, detailed information must be added to the model.
The 3 basic types of attributes are:
(1) Single-value attributes
(2) Multiplicity or multivalue attributes
(3) Reference to another object or instance connection

Attributes represent the state of an object.
When the state of the object changes, these changes are reflected in the value
of attributes.
Single value attribute has only one value or state. (Eg). Name, address,
Multiplicity or multivalue attribute can have a collection of many values at
any time.
(Eg) If we want to keep tact of the names of people who have called a
customer support line for help.

Multi value attribute
Instance connection attributes are required to provide the mapping needed
by an object to fulfill its responsibilities.
(E.g.) A person may have one or more bank accounts.
A person has zero to many instance connections to Account(s).
Similarly, an Account can be assigned to one or more person(s) (joint
So an Account has zero to many instance connection to Person(s).

Designing methods and protocols
A class can provide several types of methods:
Constructor: Method that creates instances (objects) of the class
Destructor: The method that destroys instances
Conversion Method: The method that converts a value from one unit of

measure to another.
Copy Method: The method that copies the contents of one instance to
another instance
Attribute set: The method that sets the values of one or more attributes
Attribute get: The method that returns the values of one or more attributes
I/O methods: The methods that provide or receive data to or from a device
Domain specific: The method specific to the application.

Design goals
To maximize cohesiveness (interconnection) among objects and software
components to improve coupling (combination, pairing), because only a
minimal amount of essential information should be passed between
Abstraction leads to simplicity and straight- forwardness and, at the same
time, increases class versatility (flexibility, resourcefulness, usefulness).

Five rules/ characteristics of bad design
If it looks messy (confused, disorder), then its probably a bad design.
If it is too complex, then its probably a bad design.
If it is too big, then its probably a bad design.
If people dont like it, then its probably a bad design.
If it doesnt work, then its probably a bad design.

Design issues- avoiding design pitfall (drawbacks, difficulty)
Apply design axioms to avoid common design problems and pitfalls.
Much better to have a large set of simple classes than a few large, complex

Possible actions to solve design problems
Keep a careful eye on the class design and make sure that an objects role
remains well defined. If an object loses focus, you need to modify the
design.Apply corollary -2
Move some functions into new classes that the object would use, Apply
corollary 1.
Break up the class into two or more classes. Apply corollary 3.
Rethink the class definition based on experience gained.

Packages and Managing Classes
A package groups and manages the modeling elements, such as classes, their
associations and their structures.

Packages themselves may be nested within other packages.
A package may contain both other packages and ordinary model elements.
A package provides a hierarchy of different system components and can
reference other packages.
Classes can be packaged based on the services they provide or grouped into
the business classes, access classes and view classes.

Expressions are stated as strings in object constraint language. The syntax
for some common expressions is given here. The leftmost element must be an
expression for an object or a set of objects. The expressions are meant to work on
sets of values when applicable.
Item. Selector: (e.g.) John. age
Item. Selector [qualifier-value]: (e.g.) John. Phone[2]
Set->select(Boolean-expression): (e.g.) company.employee-salary->30000

Private protocol of the class includes messages that normally should not be
sent from other objects. The messages are accessible only to operations of that
class. Only the class itself can use the method.
The public protocol defines the stated behavior of the class so that it is
accessible to all classes.
If the methods or attributes have to be used by the class itself or its
subclasses, a protected protocol can be used. In a protected protocol,
subclasses can use the method in addition to the class itself.
Encapsulation leakage is lack of a well-designed protocol. The problem of
encapsulation leakage occurs when details about a classs internal implementation
are disclosed through the interface. As more internal details become visible, the
flexibility to make changes in the future decreases.

A class can provide several types of methods:
Constructor: Method that creates instances (objects) of the class.
Destructor: The method that destroys instances.
Conversion method: The method that converts a value from one unit f
measure to another.
Copy method: The method that copies the contents of one instance to
another instance.
Attribute set: The method that sets the values of one or more attributes.
Attribute get: The method that returns the values of one or more
I/O methods: The methods that provide or receive data to or from a
Domain specific: The method specific to the application.
Object constraint language (OCL)
Private protocol
Protected protocol
Public protocol
1. Private protocol of the class, includes messages that normally should not be
sent from other objects
2. Public protocol defines the stated behavior of the class as a citizen in a
population and is important information for users as well as future

3. Protected protocol is nothing but Methods or attributes can be used by the
class itself or its subclasses
4. Use the Object Constraint Language- a specification language, provided
by UML to specify the properties of a system
1. Private protocol of the class, includes messages that normally should not be
sent from other objects
a) Object constraint language (OCL)
b) Private protocol
c) Protected protocol
d) Public protocol

2. Public protocol defines the stated behavior of the class as a citizen in a
population and is important information for users as well as future
a) Object constraint language (OCL)
b) Private protocol
c) Protected protocol
d) Public protocol
3. Protected protocol is nothing but Methods or attributes can be used by the
class itself or its subclasses
a) Object constraint language (OCL)
b) Private protocol
c) Protected protocol
d) Public protocol

4. Use the Object Constraint Language- a specification language, provided
by UML to specify the properties of a system
a) Object constraint language (OCL)
b) Private protocol

c) Protected protocol
d) Public protocol
1. What are public and private protocols? What is the significance of separating
these two protocols? (Pg 220)
2. What are some characteristics of a bad design? (Pg 226)
3. How do design axioms help avoid design pitfalls? (Pg 226)
4. List out the type of attributes. Explain them (Pg 222)
5. How is an attribute represented in the UML? (Pg 222)
6. How is an operation represented in the UML? (Pg 227)
7. Define Encapsulation Leakage (Pg 220)
8. What is OCL? (Pg 218)
9. What is the use of protected protocol? (Pg 220)

References :
Bahrami, A.(1999). Object Oriented Systems Development,
using the unified modeling language, McGraw-Hill
Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, by Rational
Software Corporation (2002)
Leszek A. Maciaszek (2001). Requirements Analysis and System
Design, Developing Information Systems with UML, Addison-

Access Layer - Object Storage Object Interoperability

At the end of this chapter, students should be able to
Define and understand the persistent objects and transient objects
Define and understand the object-relational systems
DBMS = is a set of programs that enables the creation and
maintenance of a collection of related data
Fundamental purpose of a DBMS provide a reliable, persistent
data storage facility and the mechanisms for efficient, convenient data
access and retrieval
In an OO system, it concerned with both persistent objects and
transient objects
Transient data data that will be erased from memory after they
have been used
Persistent data data that must be stored in a secondary data storage
system, not just in computer memory, that must be stored after the
program that creates or amends it stops running, and that usually must
be available to other users

Access Layer: Object storage and object interoperability

A Date Base Management System (DBMS) is a set of programs that enables
the creation and maintenance (access, manipulate, protect and manage) of a
collection of related data.
The purpose of DBMS is to provide reliable, persistent data storage and
mechanisms for efficient, convenient data access and retrieval.

Persistence refers to the ability of some objects to outlive the programs that
created them.
Object lifetimes can be short for local objects (called transient objects) or
long for objects stored indefinitely in a database (called persistent objects).

Persistent stores
Most object-oriented languages do not support serialization or object
persistence, which is the process of writing or reading an object to and from
a persistence storage medium, such as disk file.
Unlike object oriented DBMS systems, the persistent object stores do not
support query or interactive user interface facilities.
Controlling concurrent access by users, providing ad-hoc query capability
and allowing independent control over the physical location of data are not
possible with persistent objects.

Object Store and Persistence

Each item of data will have a different lifetime. These lifetimes are categories
into six, namely

1. Transient results to the evaluation of expressions.

2. Variable involved in procedure activation (parameters and variables
with a localized scope)
3. Global variable and variables that are dynamically allocated

4. Data that exist between the executions of a program

5. Data that exist between the versions of a program.

6. Data that outlive a program.

Typically, programming languages provide excellent, integrated support for the
first three categories of transient data. The other three categories can be supported
by a DBMS, or a file system. A file or a database can provide a longer life for
objects longer than the duration of the process in which they were created. From
a language perspective, this characteristic is called persistence.

Essential elements in providing a persistent store are:

Identification of persistent objects or reachability (Object ID)

Properties of objects and their interconnections. The store must be able to
coherently manage nonpointer and pointer data. (i.e interobject references)
Scale of the object store. The object store should provide a conceptually
infinite store.
The system should be able to recover from unexpected failures and return
the system to a recent self-consistent state.
Database Models
A database model is a collection of logical constructs used to represent the
data structure and data relationships within the database. The conceptual
model focuses on the logical nature of that data presentation. It is concerned
with what is represented in the database and the implementation model is
concerned with how it is represented.
Hierarchical model
This model represents data as a single rooted tree. Each node in the tree
represents a data object and the connection represents a parent-child
Network Model
This is similar to a hierarchical database, with one difference. Here record
can have more than one parent.

Network Model
A network database model is similar to hierarchical model. Here in this
model each parent can have any number of child nodes and each child node
can have any number of parent nodes.

Relational Model
It is simple and widespread. Here the relation can be thought of as a
The columns of each table are attributes that define the data or value
domain for entries in that column.
The rows of each table are tuples representing individual data objects
being stored.
A relational table should have only one primary key.
A primary key is a combination of one or more attributes whose value
unambiguously (clearly) locates each row in the table.
A foreign key is a primary key of one table that is embedded in another
table to link the tables.

Database Interface

The interface on a database must include a data definition language
(DDL), a query and data manipulation language (DML). These
languages must be designed to reflect the flexibility and constraints
inherent in the data model. Databases have adopted 2 approaches for
interfaces with the system.
One is to embed a database language such as structured query language
(SQL), in the host programming language. The problem here is that
application programmers have to learn and use two different languages.
The application programmers have to negotiate the differences in the
data models and data structures allowed in both languages.
Another approach is to extend the host programming language with
database related constructs. Here application programmers need to
learn only a new construct of the same language rather than a
completely new language. Eg. GemStone from Servio Logic has
extended the Smalltalk object-oriented programming.

Database Schema and Data Definition Language
DDL is the language used to describe the structure of and relationships
between objects stored in a database. This structure of information is
termed the database schema. In traditional databases, the schema is the
collection of record types and set types or the collection of relationships
and table records to store information about entities of interest to the
E.g.. CREATE TABLE inventory (Inventory_Number CHAR(10)

Data Manipulation Language and Query Capabilities
Asking Questions, formally making queries of the data is a typical and
common use of a database. A query is expressed through a query
language. A Data Manipulation Language (DML) is the language that
allows users to access and manipulate (such as create, save or destroy)
data organizations. The SQL is the standard DML for relational
DBMSs. The query usually specifies
The domain of the discourse over which to ask the query
The elements of general interest
The conditions or constraints that apply
The ordering, sorting or grouping of elements and the constraints that
apply to the ordering or grouping

Query processes have sophisticated engines that determine the best
way to approach the database and execute the query over it. The may
use the information in the database or knowledge of the whereabouts of
particular data in the network to optimize the retrieval of a query.
DML are either procedural or nonprocedural. A Procedural DML
requires users to specify what data are desired and how to get the data.
A non-procedural DML requires users to specify what data are needed
but not how to get the data. Object-oriented query and data
manipulation languages, such as Object SQL, provide object
management capabilities to the data manipulation language.
In a relational DBMS, the DML is independent of the host
programming language.

A host language such as C or COBOL would be used to write the body
of the application. SQL statements then are embedded in C or COBOL
applications to manipulate data.
Once SQL is used to request and retrieve database data, the results of
the SQL retrieval must be transformed into the data structures of the
programming language.
The drawback here is that the programmers code here in two
languages, SQL and the host language.

Logical and Physical Database Organization and Access Control
Logical database organization refers to the conceptual view of database
structure and the relationships within the database. Physical database
organization refers to how the logical components are represented in a
physical form by operating system constructs eg objects may be
represented as files.

Shareability and Transactions
Data and objects in the database need to be accessed and shared by
different applications. With multiple applications having access to the
object concurrently, it is likely that conflicts over object access will
arise. The database must detect and mediate these conflicts and
promote maximum amount of sharing without any data integrity
problem. This mediation process is managed through concurrency
control policies, implemented, by transactions.

Transaction is a unit of change in which many individual modifications
are aggregated into a single modification that occurs in its entirety or
not at all. Thus either all changes to objects within a given transaction
are applied to the database or none of the changes. A transaction is said
to commit if all changes can be made successfully to the database and to
abort if canceled because all change to the database cannot be made
successfully. This ability of transactions ensures atomicity of change
that maintains the database in a consistent state.
Many transaction systems are designed for short transactions (lasting
for minutes). They are less suitable for long transactions, lasting hours.
Object databases are designed to support both short and long
transactions. A concurrent control policy dictates what happens when
conflicts arise between transactions that attempt to access to the same
object and how these conflicts are to be resolved.

Concurrency Policy
When several users attempt to read and write the same object
simultaneously, they create a contention (conflict) for object. Then
concurrency control mechanism is established to mediate such conflicts
by making policies that dictate how they will be handled.
To provide consistent view, the transactions must occur in serial order.
A user must see the database as it exists before a given transaction
occurs or after the transaction.

Concurrency issues
The conservative way of enforcing serialization is to allow a user to lock
all objects or records when they are accessed and to release the locks
only after a transaction commits. This is called conservative or
pessimistic policy. It provides exclusive access to the object, despite
what is done to it. The policy is conservative because no other user can
view the data until the object is released.
By distinguishing between querying (reading) the object and writing to
it, greater concurrency can be achieved. This policy allows many
readers of an object but only one writer.

Under an optimistic policy, two conflicting transactions are compared in
their entirety and then their serial ordering is determined.
A process can be allowed to obtain a read lock on an object already
write locked if its entire transaction can be serialized as if it occurred
either entirely before or entirely after the conflicting transaction.
The reverse also is true. A process may be allowed to obtain a write
lock on an object that has a read lock if its entire transaction can be
serialized as if it occurred after the conflicting transaction. Now the
optimistic policy allows more processes to operate concurrently than the
conservative policy.]

Distributed Databases and Client-Server Computing
In distributed databases, portions of the database reside on different
nodes and disk drives in the network.
Each portion of the database is managed by a server.
The server sends information to client applications and makes queries
or data requests to these client applications or other servers.

Client-Server Computing

It is the logical extension of modular programming. In modular
programming we separate a large piece of software into its constituent
parts (modules). This makes development easier and gives better
In client-server computing all those modules are not executed within the
same memory space or even on the same machine. Here the calling
method becomes client and the called module becomes the server.
The important component of client-server computing is connectivity,
which allows applications to communicate transparently with other
programs or processes, regardless of their locations. The key element of
connectivity is the network operating system (NOS), known as
middleware. The NOS provides services such as routing, distribution,
messages, filing, printing and network management.
Client programs manage user interface portion of the application,
validate data entered by the user, dispatch requests to server program
and executes business logic. The business layer contains all the objects
that represent the business.
The client-based process is the front-end of the application, which the
user sees and interacts with. It manages the local resource with which
the user interacts, such as the monitor, keyboard, workstation, CPU and
A key component of a client workstation is the graphical user interface
(GUI). It is responsible for detecting user actions, managing the
Windows on the display and displaying the data in the Windows.
The server process performs back-end tasks.

Client Node that request for a service
Server Node that services the request.
Client Server computing is the logical extension of modular
The fundamental concept behind the modular programming is
decomposing the larger software in to smaller modules for easier
development and maintainability.
Client Server computing is developed by extending this concept i.e,
modules are allowed to execute in different nodes with different
memory spaces.
The module that needs and request the service is called a client and the
module that gives the service is called a server.
The network operating system is the back bones of this client sever

It provides services such as routing, distribution, messages, filing and
printing and network management. This Network Operating System
(NOS) is called middleware.

Client Program:
It sends a message to the server requesting a service (task done by
Manages User Interface portion of the application.
Performs validation of data input by the user.
Performs business logic execution (in case of 2 tier).
Manages local resources.
Mostly client programs are GUI.
Server Program:
Fulfills the task requested by the client.
Executes database retrieval and updation as requested by the client.
Manages data integrity and dispatches results to the client.
Some cases a server performs file sharing as well as application services.
Uses power full processors and huge storage devices.

File Server Manages sharing of files or file records. Client sends a
message to the file server requesting a file or file record. The File Server
checks the integrity and availability of file/record.
Data Base Servers Client pass the SQL query in the form of messages
to the server in turn server performs the query and dispatches the
Transaction Servers Client sends message to the server for a
transaction (set of SQLstatements) where the transaction succeeds or
fails entirely.
Application Servers Application servers need not to be database
centric. They may Serve any of user needs such as sending mails,
regulating download.

Characteristics of Client Server Computing
1. A combination of client/ front end process that interacts with the user
and server/ backend process that interacts with the shared resources.
2. The front end and back end task have different computing resource

3. The hardware platform and operating system need not be the same.
4. Client and Server communicate through standard well defined Application
5. They are scalable.

File server Vs Database server
The server can take different forms. The simplest form of server is a file
server. With a file server, the client passes requests for files or file records
over a network to the file server. This needs a large bandwidth and can slow
down a network with many users. Traditional LAN computing allows users
to share resources such as data files and peripheral devices.
Advanced forms of servers are database servers, transaction servers, and
application servers and object servers. With database servers, clients pass
SQL requests as messages to the server and the results of the query are
returned over the network. Both the code that processes the SQL request
and the data reside on the server, allowing it to sue its own processing power
to find the requested data. This is in contrast to the file server, which
requires passing all the records back to the client and then letting the client
find its own data.

Transaction Servers
With transaction servers, clients invoke remote procedures that reside
on servers, which also contain an SQL database engine. The server has
procedural statements to execute a group of SQL statements
(transactions), which either all succeed or fail as a unit.
Applications based on transaction servers, handled by on-line
transaction processing (OLTP), tend to be mission-critical applications
that always require a 1-3 second response time and tight control over
the security and integrity of the database. The communication
overhead in this approach is kept to a minimum, since the exchange
consists of a single request and reply (as opposed to multiple SQL
statements in database servers).

N-tier architecutre

In a two-tier architecture, a client talks directly to a server, with no
intervening server. This type of architecture is used in small environments
with less than 50 users. To scale up to hundreds or thousands of users, it is

necessary to move to a 3-tier architecture.
Three-tier architecture introduces a server between the client and the server.
The role of the application or Web server is manifold. It can provide
translation services, metering services (transaction monitor to limit the
number of simultaneous requests to a given server) or intelligent agent
services (mapping a request to a number of different servers, collating the
results, and returning a single response to the client).

Basic characteristics of client-server architectures
The client process contains solution-specific logic and provides the interface
between the user and the rest of the application system. The server process
acts as a software engine that manages shared resources such as databases,
printers, modems or processors.
The front end task and back-end task have fundamentally different
requirements for computing resources such as processor speeds, memory,
disk speeds and capacities and i/o devices.
The environment is heterogeneous and multivendor. The h/w platform and
o/s of client and server are not the same.
They can be scaled horizontally and vertically. Horizontal scaling means
adding or removing client workstations with only a slight performance
impact. Vertical scaling means migrating to a larger and faster server

Distributed and Cooperative Processing

Distributed processing means distribution of applications and business logic
across multiple processing platforms. It implies that processing will occur
on more than one processor to complete a transaction. The processing is
distributed across 2 or more machines, where each process performs part of
an application in a sequence. These processes may not run at the same time.
Cooperative processing is computing that requires two or more distinct
processors to complete a single transaction. Here programs interact and
execute concurrently on different processors

Common Object Request Broker Architecture
It is used to integrate distributed, heterogeneous business applications
and data. The CORBA interface definition language (IDL) allows
developers to specify language-neutral, object-oriented interfaces for
application and system components. IDL definitions are stored in an

interface repository that offers object interfaces and services. For
distributed enterprise computing, the interface repository is central to
communication among objects located on different systems.
CORBA implements a communication channel through which
applications can access object interfaces and request data and services.
The CORBA common object environment (COE) provides system level
services such as life cycle management for objects accessed through
CORBA, event notification between objects and transaction and
concurrency control.

Microsofts ActiveX/DCOM
Microsofts Component Object Model (COM) and its successor, the
distributed component object model (DCOM) are alternative to COR
BA. DCOM was bundled with Windows NT 4.0. DCOM is an Internet
and component strategy where ActiveX (formerly known as object
linking and embedding or OLE) plays the role of DCOM object.
DCOM is backed by web browser (Internet Explorer).


Many modern databases are distributed databases, which implies that portions of
the database reside on different nodes (computers) and disk drives in the network.
Usually, each portion of the database is managed by a server, a process responsible
for controlling access and retrieval of data from the database portion.

What is Client-server Computing

Client-server computing is the logical extension of modular programming.

The modular programming is hat separation of a large piece of software into its
constitute parts (modules) creates the possibility for easier development and
better maintainability.

Client-server computing extends this theory a step further by recognizing that all
those modules need not be executed within the same memory space or even on the

same machine. With this architecture, the calling module becomes the client
(that which requests a service) and the called module becomes the server (that
which provides the service)

Another important component of client-server computing is connectivity, which
allows applications to communicate transparently with other programs or
processes, regardless of their locations. The key element of connectivity is the
network operating system (NOS), also known as middleware . The NOS provides
services such as routing, distribution, messages, filing and printing, and network

Client Process

The client is a process (program) that sends a message to a server process
(program) requesting that the server perform a task (service).

Client programs usually manage the user interface portion of the application,
validate data entered by the user, dispatch requests to server programs, and
sometimes execute business logic.

The business layer contains all the objects that represent the business (real objects)
such as Order, Customer, Inventory. The client-based processes is the front-end of
the application, which the user sees and interacts with. The client process contains
solution-specific logic and provides the interface between the user and the rest of
the application system.

A key component of a client workstation is the graphical user interface (GUI),
which normally is a part of the operating system (i.e. the Windows manager). It is
responsible for detecting user actions, managing the Windows on the display, and

displaying the data in the Windows.

Server Process

A server process (program)fulfills the client request by performing the task
requested. Server programs generally receive requests from client programs,
execute database retrieval and updates, manage data integrity, and dispatch
response to client requests. Sometimes, server programs execute common or
complex business logic. The server-based process may run on another machine
on the network. This server could be the host operating system or network file
server; the server then is provided both file system services and application
services. The server process acts as a software engine that manages shared
resources such as databases, printers, communication links or high-powered
processors. The server process performs the back-end task that are common to
similar applications.

More advanced forms of servers are database servers, transaction servers,
application servers, and more recently object servers. With database servers, clients
pass SQL requests as messages to the server and the results of the query are
returned over the network. Both the code that processes the SQL requests and the
data reside on the server,

allowing it to use its own processing power to find the requested data. This is in
contrast to the file server, which requires passing all the records back to the client
and then letting the client find its own data.

With transaction servers, clients invoke remote procedures that reside on servers,
which also contain an SQL database engine. The server has procedural statements
to execute a group of SQL statements (transactions), which either all succeed or

fail as a unit.
The server has procedural statements to execute a group of SQL statements
(transactions), which either all succeed or fail as a unit.

The application based on transaction servers, handled by on-line transaction
processing (OLTP), tend to be mission-critical applications that always require a 1-
3 seconds response time and tight control over the security and the integrity of the

Interaction Between the client-server

A typical client-server application consists of the following components:

1. User interface. This major component of the client-server application interacts
with users, screens, windows, windows management, keyboard and mouse
2. Business Processing. This part of the application uses the user interface data to
perform business tasks.
3. Database Processing. This part of the application code manipulates data within
the application. The data are managed by a database management system, object
oriented or not. Data manipulation is done using a data manipulation language,
such as SQL.

Distributed and Cooperative Processing
Distributed Processing means distribution of applications and business logic
across multiple processing platforms. Distributed processing implies that
processing will occur on more than one processor in order for a transaction to
be completed. In other words, processing is distributed across two or more
machines, where each process performs part of an application in a sequence.

Example, in processing an order from a client, the client information may
process at one machine and the account information then may process on a
different machine.

Cooperative processing is computing that requires two or more distinct
processors to complete a single transaction. Cooperative processing is related
to both distributed and client-server processing. Cooperative processing is a
form of distributed computing in which two or more distinct processes are
required to complete a single business transaction. Usually, these programs
interact and execute concurrently on different processors.

Cooperative processing also can be considered to be a style of distributed
processing, if communication between processors is performed through a message-
passing architecture.

Distributed Object Computing

Distributed object Computing(DOC) promises the most flexible client-server
system, because it utilizes reusable software components that can roam anywhere
on networks, run on different platforms, communicate with legacy applications by
means of object wrappers.

Distributed objects are reusable software components that can be distributed and
accessed by users across the network. These objects can be assembled into
distributed applications. Distributed object computing introduces a higher level of
abstraction into the world of distributed applications. Applications no longer
consists of clients and servers but users, objects and methods. The user no longer

needs to know which server process performs a given function. All information
about the function is hidden inside the encapsulated object. A message requesting
an operation is sent to the object, and the appropriate method is invoked.

Distributed object computing resulted form the need to integrated mission-critical
applications and data residing on systems that are geographically remote,
sometimes from users and often from each other, and running on many different
hardware platforms. The business have had to integrate applications and data by
writing custom interfaces between systems, forcing develops to spend their time
building and maintaining an infrastructure rather than adding new business
Object-relational systems

The object-oriented development creates a fundamental mismatch between the
programming model (objects) and the way in which existing data are stored
(relational tables).

To resolve the mismatch, a mapping tool between the application objects and the
relational data must be established. Creating an object model from an existing
relational database layout (schema) often is referred to as reverse engineering.
Conversely, creating a relational schema from an existing object model often is
referred to as forward engineering.

Tools that can be used to establish the object-relational mapping processes have
begun to emerge. The main process in relational and object integration is
defining the relationships between the table structures (represented as schemata)
in the relational database with classes (representing classes) in the object model.
Example Sun Java Blend allows the developer access to relational data as java

objects, thus avoiding the mismatch between the relational and object data

Object- Relation Mapping

In a relational database, the schema is made up of tables, consisting of rows and
columns, where each column has a name and a simple data type. In an object
model, a table is a class, which has a set of attributes (properties or data
members). Object classes describe behavior with methods.

A tuple (row) of a table contains data for a single entity that correlates to an
object (instance of a class) in an object oriented system. In addition, a stored
procedure in a relation database may correlate to a method in an object-oriented
architecture. A stored procedure is a module of precompiled SQL code
maintained within the database that executes on the server to enforce rules the
business has set about the data.

Therefore, the mapping essential to object and relational integration are between
a table and a class, between columns and attributes, between a row and an
object, and between a stored procedure and a method.

The relational data maps to and from application objects, it must have at least
the following mapping capabilities.

Table-class mapping

Table-multiple classes mapping

Table-inherited classes mapping

Tables- inherited classes mapping.

The tool must describe both how the foreign key can be used to navigate among
classes and instances in the mapped object model and how referential integrity is
maintained. Referential integrity means making sure that a dependent tables
foreign key contains a value that refers to an existing valid tuple in another

Table-Class Mapping

Table-Class mapping is a simple one-to-one mapping of a table to a class and the
mapping of columns in a table to properties in a class. In this mapping, a single
table is mapped to a single class.

Table-multiple classes mapping

In the table-multiple classes mapping, a single table maps to multiple noninheriting
classes. Two or more distinct, noninheriting classes have properties that are
mapped to columns in a single table. At run time, a mapped table row is accessed
as an instance of one of the classes, based on a column value in the table.

Table Inherited Classes Mapping

In table-inherited classes mapping, a single table maps to many classes that have a
common superclass. This mapping allows the user to specify the columns to be
shared among the related classes. The superclass may be either abstract or

Tables Inherited classes Mapping

Another approach here is table-inherited classes mapping, which allows the

translation of is a relationships that exist among tables in the relational schema into
class inheritance relationships in the object model. In a relational database, an is-a
relationship often is modeled by a primary key that acts as a foreign key to another
table. In the object-model, is a is another term for an inheritance relationship.


It is marriage of object oriented programming and database technology.
The defined operations apply universally and are not dependent on the
particular database application running at the moment.
The data types can be extended to support complex data such as multimedia
by defining new object classes that have operations to support new kinds of
It should have object-oriented language properties and database
Rules to make object-oriented system
The system must support complex objects.
Object identity must be supported
Objects must be encapsulated
System must support types or classes
System must support inheritance
System must avoid premature binding
System must be computationally complete
System must be extensible
It must be persistent, able to remember an object state
It must be able to manage large databases
It must accept concurrent users
Data query must be simple
The system must support complex objects. System must provide simple
atomic types of objects (integers, characters, etc) from which complex
objects can be built by applying constructors to atomic objects.

Object identity must be supported: A data object must have an identity and
existence independent of its values.
Objects must be encapsulated: An object must encapsulate both a program
and its data.
System must support types or classes: The system must support either the
type concept or class concept
System must support inheritance: Classes and types can participate in a
class hierarchy. Inheritance factors out shared code and interfaces.
System must avoid premature binding: This is also known as late binding or
dynamic binding. It shows that the same method name can be used in
different classes. The system must resolve conflicts in operation names at
run time.
System must be computationally complete: Any computable function should
be expressible in DML of the system, allowing expression of any type of
System must be extensible: The user of the system should be able to create
new types that have equal status to the systems predefined types.
It must be persistent, able to remember an object state: System must allow
the programmer to have data survive beyond the execution of the creating
process for it to be reused in another process.
It must be able to manage large databases: System must manage access to
the secondary storage and provide performance features such as indexing,
clustering, buffering and query optimization.
It must accept concurrent users: System must allow multiple concurrent
users and support notions of atomic, serializable transactions ,must be able
to recover from hardware and software failures
Data query must be simple: System must provide some high-level
mechanism for ad-hoc browsing of the contents of the database.

Object oriented databases versus Traditional Databases
The responsibility of an OODBMS includes definition of the object structures,
object manipulation and recovery, which is the ability to maintain data
integrity regardless of system, network or media failure.
The OODBMs like DBMSs must allow for sharing; secure, concurrent
multiuser access; and efficient, reliable system performance.
The objects are an active component in an object-oriented database, in
contrast to conventional database systems, where records play a passive role.
Another feature of object-oriented database is inheritance. Relational
databases do not explicitly provide inheritance of attributes and methods.
The objects are an active component in an object-oriented database, in contrast
to conventional database systems, where records play a passive role.
The relational database systems do not explicitly provide inheritance of
attributes and methods while object-oriented databases represent
relationships explicitly (openly, clearly). (improvement in data access
performance )
Object oriented databases also differ from the traditional relational databases in
that they allow representation and storage of data in the form of objects.
(each object has its own identity or object-ID
Object Identity
Object oriented databases allow representation and storage of data in the form
of objects.
Each object has its own identity or object-ID (as opposed to the purely value-
oriented approach of traditional databases).
The object identity is independent of the state of the object.

Multidatabase Systems
A different approach for integration object-oriented applications with
relational data environments is multidatabase systems or heterogeneous
database systems, which facilitate the integration of heterogeneous
databases and other information sources.
Heterogeneous information systems facilitate the integration of
heterogeneous information sources, where they can be structured
(having regular schema), semi-structured and sometimes even
unstructured. Some heterogeneous information systems are constructed
on a global schema over several databases. So users can have the
benefits of a database with a schema to access data stored in different
databases and cross database functionality. Such heterogeneous
information systems are referred to as federated multidatabase systems.

Federated multidatabase systems provide uniform access to data stored
in multiple databases that involve several different data models.
A multidatabase system (MDBS) is a database system that resides
unobtrusively on top of, existing relational and object databases and file
systems (local database systems) and presents a single database illusion
to its users.

The MDBS maintains a single global database schema and local
database systems maintain all user data.
The schematic differences among local databases are handled by
neutralization (homogenization), the process of consolidating the local
The MDBS translates the global queries and updates for dispatch to the
appropriate local database system for actual processing, merges the
results from them and generates the final result for the user.
MDBS coordinates the committing and aborting of global transactions
by the local database systems that processed them to maintain the
consistency of the data within the local databases.
An MDBS controls multiple gateways (or drivers). It manages local
databases through gateways, one gateway for each local database.
Open Data Base Connective (ODBC) is an application programming
interface that provides solutions to the multidatabase programming
problem. It provides a vendor-neutral mechanism for independently
accessing multiple database hosts.
ODBC and other APIs provide standard database access through a
common client-side interface. It avoids the burden of learning multiple
database APIs. Here one can store data for various applications or data
from different sources in any database and transparently access or
combing the data on an as needed basis. Details of back-end data
structure are hidden from the user.

ODBC is similar to Windows print model, where the application
developer writes to a generic printer interface and a loadable driver
maps that logic to hardware-specific commands.
This approach virtualizes the target printer or DBMS because the
person with the specialized knowledge to make the application logic
work with the printer or database is the driver developer and not the
application programmer.
The application interacts with the ODBC driver manager, which sends
the application calls (such as SQL statements) to the database.
The driver manager loads and unloads drivers, perform status checks
and manages multiple connections between applications and data
Designing Access Layer Classes
The main idea behind creating an access layer is to create a set of classes
that know how to communicate with the place(s) where the data
actually reside. Regardless of where the data reside, whether it be a file,
relational database, mainframe, Internet, DCOM or via ORB, the access
classes must be able to translate any data-related requests from the
business layer into the appropriate protocol for data access.

These classes also must be able to translate the data retrieved back into
the appropriate business objects.
The access layers main responsibility is to provide a link between
business or view objects and data storage.
Three-layer architecture is similar to 3-tier architecture. The view layer
corresponds to the client tier, the business layer to the application
server tier and the access layer performs two major tasks:
Access Layer tasks
Translate the request: The access layer must be able to translate any
data related requests from the business layer into the appropriate
protocol for data access.
Translate the results: The access layer also must be able to translate the
data retrieved back into the appropriate business objects and pass those
objects back into the business layer.
Advantage of this approach
Here design is tied to any base engine or distributed object technology
such as CORBA or DCOM. Here we can switch easily from one
database to another with no major changes to the user interface or
business layer objects. All we need to change are the access classes
The access layer design process consists of the following activities:
If a class interacts with nonhuman actor such as another system,
database or the web , then the class automatically should become an
access class.
Design the access layer
(1) For every business class identified ,mirror the business class package.: For
every business class identified and created, create one access class in the
access layer package.

Eg , if there are 3 business classes (class1, class2 and class3), create 3
access layer classes (class1DB, class2DB and class3DB)
(2) Identify access layer class relationships (or) define the relationships.
Simplify classes and their relationships main goal is to eliminate redundant
classes and structures
Redundant classes: Do not keep 2 classes that perform
similar translate request and translate results
activities. Select one and eliminate the other.
Method classes: Revisit the classes that consist of only
one or two methods to see if they can be eliminated or
combined with existing classes.
Iterate and refine again.
(3)Simplify classes and their relationships main goal is to eliminate
redundant classes and structures.Inmost cases , combine simple access
class and simplify the super and subclass structures
Redundant classes: Do not keep 2 classes that perform
similar translate request and translate results
activities. Select one and eliminate the other.
Method classes: Revisit the classes that consist of only
one or two methods to see if they can be eliminated or
combined with existing classes.

(4) Iterate and refine again.
In this process, the access layer classes are assumed to store not only the
attributes but also the methods.This can be done by utilizing an OODBMS
OR Relational data base
Design the access layer process (approach-2)

Let methods to be stored in a program (eg: a compiled c++ program
stored on a file) and store not only the persistent attributes
(1) For every business class identified determine if class has persistent
data.An attribute can be either transient or persistent (non transient )
(2) For every business class identified ,mirror the business class package.: For
every business class identified and created, create one access class in the
access layer package.
Eg , if there are 3 business classes (class1, class2 and class3), create 3
access layer classes (class1DB, class2DB and class3DB)
(3) Identify access layer class relationships (or) define the relationships.
(4)Simplify classes and their relationships main goal is to eliminate
redundant classes and structures.Inmost cases , combine simple access class
and simplify the super and subclass structures
Redundant classes: Do not keep 2 classes that perform
similar translate request and translate results
activities. Select one and eliminate the other.
Method classes: Revisit the classes that consist of only
one or two methods to see if they can be eliminated or
combined with existing classes.
(5) Iterate and refine again.

A package groups and manages the modeling elements, such as classes,
their associations, and their structures. Packages themselves may be nested within
other packages. A package may contain both other packages and ordinary model
elements. The entire system description can be thought of as a single high-level
sub-system package with everything else init. All kinds of UML model elements
and diagrams can be organized into packages. Persistence refers to the ability of
some objects to outlive the programs that created them. The persistent data are
those data that exist beyond the lifetime of the creating process. Some categories of
persistent data are:
Data that exist between the executions of a program.
Data that exist between the versions of a program.
Data that outlive a program.
Essential elements in providing a persistent store are:
Identification of persistent objects or reachability
Properties of objects and their interconnections.
Scale of the object store.
Schema or meta-data contains a complete definition of the data formats,
such as the data structures, types and constraints. The meta-data are usually
encapsulated in the application programs themselves. In DBMS, the format of the
meta-data is independent of any particular application data structure; therefore it
will provide a generic storage management mechanism. A concurrency control
policy dictates what happens when conflicts arise between transactions that attempt
access to the same object and how these conflicts are to be resolved. There are two
Conservative or pessimistic policy
Allows a user to lock all objects or records when they are accessed

and to release the locks only after a transaction commits.
Optimistic policy
Two conflicting transactions are compared in their entirety and
then their serial ordering is determined.
A database model is a collection of logical constructs used to represent the
data structure and data relationships within the database. The different database
models are,
Hierarchical model
Network model
Relational model
Data definition language(DDL)
Data base management system (DBMS)
Multi database system (MDBS)
Common object request broker architecture (CORBA)
Distributed object computing (DOC)
Cooperative processing
1. Open database connectivity (ODBC) is an application programming
interface that provides solutions to the multidatabase programming problem.
2. A multi database system (MDBS) is database systems that resides
unobtrusively on top of existing relational and object databases, and file
systems and presents a single database illusion to its users.
3. Neutralization also called homogenization is the process of consolidating
the local schemata.
4. Common object request broker architecture (CORBA) is a standard

proposed as a means to integrate distributed heterogeneous business
applications and data.
5. Distributed object computing (DOC) utilizes reusable software
components that can roam anywhere on networks, run on different
platforms, communicate with legacy applications by means of object
wrappers, and manage themselves and the resources thy control.
6. Cooperative processing is computing that requires two or more distinct
processors to complete a single transaction.
7. Data definition language (DDL) is the language used to describe the
structure of and relationships between objects stored in a database.
8. DBMS is a set of programs that enables the creation and maintenance of a
collection of related data
9. Open database connectivity (ODBC) is an application programming
interface that provides solutions to the multidatabase programming problem.
10. A multi database system (MDBS) is database systems that resides
unobtrusively on top of existing relational and object databases, and file
systems and presents a single database illusion to its users.
11. Neutralization also called homogenization is the process of consolidating
the local schemata.
12. Common object request broker architecture (CORBA) is a standard
proposed as a means to integrate distributed heterogeneous business
applications and data.
13. Distributed object computing (DOC) utilizes reusable software
components that can roam anywhere on networks, run on different
platforms, communicate with legacy applications by means of object
wrappers, and manage themselves and the resources thy control.
14. Cooperative processing is computing that requires two or more distinct
processors to complete a single transaction.
15. Data definition language (DDL) is the language used to describe the
structure of and relationships between objects stored in a database.
16. DBMS is a set of programs that enables the creation and maintenance of a
collection of related data

1. Open database connectivity (ODBC) is an application programming
interface that provides solutions to the multidatabase programming problem.
a. Open database connectivity (b) multi database system

2. A multi database system (MDBS) is database systems that resides
unobtrusively on top of existing relational and object databases, and file
systems and presents a single database illusion to its users.
a. Open database connectivity (b) multi database system

3. Neutralization also called homogenization is the process of consolidating
the local schemata.
(a) Open database connectivity (b) multi database system (c) homogenization
4. Common object request broker architecture (CORBA) is a standard
proposed as a means to integrate distributed heterogeneous business
applications and data.
(a) Common object request broker architecture (b) multi database system
(c) homogenization
5. Distributed object computing (DOC) utilizes reusable software
components that can roam anywhere on networks, run on different
platforms, communicate with legacy applications by means of object
wrappers, and manage themselves and the resources thy control.
(a) Common object request broker architecture (b) Distributed object
computing (DOC) (c) homogenization
6. Cooperative processing is computing that requires two or more distinct
processors to complete a single transaction.
a. Cooperative processing (b) Data definition language
7. Data definition language (DDL) is the language used to describe the
structure of and relationships between objects stored in a database.
a. Cooperative processing (b) Data definition language
8. DBMS is a set of programs that enables the creation and maintenance of a
collection of related data
(a) Cooperative processing (b) Data definition language (c) DBMS
1. Differentiate between transient data and persistent data? (Pg 238)
2. What is a DBMS? (Pg 239)
3. What is a relational database? Explain tuple, primary key and foreign key
(Pg 241)

4. What is a database schema? Differentiate between schema and meta-data
(Pg 242)
5. What is a DDL? (Pg 242)
6. What is a distributed database? (Pg 245)
7. What is concurrency control? (Pg 244)
8. Define shareability (Pg 243)
9. What is a transaction? (Pg 244)
10. What is concurrency policy? (Pg 244)
11. What is a query? (Pg 242)
12. Define client-server computing (Pg 245)
13. Name the different types of servers. Briefly describe each (Pg 246)
14. Why is DOC so important in the computing world? (Pg 250)
15. Describe CORBA, ORB and DCOM (Pg 251, 252)
16. What is an OODBMS? Differentiate between an OODBMS and object-
oriented programming (Pg 252, 254)
17. Differentiate between forward and reverse engineering (Pg 255)
18. Describe a federated multidatabase system (Pg 261)
19. Describe the process of creating the access layer classes (Pg 264)
20. Define object store and persistence (Pg 238)

References :
Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, by Rational
Software Corporation (2002)
Bahrami, A.(1999). Object Oriented Systems Development,
using the unified modeling language, McGraw-Hill

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