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INSTEON Smart Homes For Everyone

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The document discusses various home automation systems and protocols including INSTEON, Z-Wave, Zigbee and others. It also mentions some of the issues with traditional centralized lighting control systems.

Centralized lighting control systems require specialty wiring and installation, are expensive to install, have a single point of failure, and the system will become obsolete. They are also mainly limited to lighting control.

Alternatives mentioned include Universal Power Bus (UPB), Z-Wave, INSTEON, and Zigbee which are designed to work with standard home wiring and be upgradable. INSTEON in particular is discussed.


Smarthomes for Everyone

For Jisty, Jathan, Jeanna, and Jira
Someday well meet in the Jamazon Jungle
Id like to thank Steve Lee at SmartLabs, who has been an enthusiastic
supporter of this book since I frst emailed him with the idea of writing it.
Al Choperena at SimpleHomeNet, Michel Kohanim of Universal Devices,
and Harold Brooks at Interactive Electronic Systems have also generously
supported this project with their time, expertise, and enthusiasm.
My most heartfelt thanks go to my wife and children. Te time
that I steal away for projects like these rightfully belongs to them. My wife
makes my life so easy that it allows books like this to exist.

My wife and I have friends who had built a home that included central
lighting control, allowing them to light paths between rooms and lighting
scenes for purposes such as watching a moving or cooking with the touch
of a button. It was a pretty impressive system.
When it came time for my wife and I to rebuild, we knew we wanted
to be able to do things like turn of all the lights throughout the house at
bedtime and when we lef the house, and light the way to the kids rooms
when we arrive home late at night and had to carry them in.
But when I looked into the cost, I was astonished. Our friends had
spent over $35,000 to install their system, and our cost would be similar.
I wasnt about to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a central lighting
systemwe didnt have that much room in the budget.
Centralized lighting systems require all lighting circuits to be run to a central
location, and use a separate network of low-voltage wires run to specialized
wall switches. Te installation requires manufacturer-certifed electricians,
about twice as many labor hours, and the resulting system is difcult for the
owners to program and reconfgure. Furthermore, when one of the central
lighting controllers failed at our friends home, it took down a few rooms
for weeks until it could be ordered, shipped, and re-installed. Finally, while
central lighting control systems can take commands from security systems
and home theater systems, they can usually only be used to control lighting
I didnt like the idea of specialty wiring; there would be substantial
extra cost in the increased lengths of cable, the low-voltage wiring for wall
switches, and all the extra time and higher-priced labor it would take to
install them. Furthermore, any modern electrical control system will be
completely obsolete in 50 years, but your house will still be around. What
if homes arent wired that way when it comes time to retroft the house?
I defnitely wanted a system that was wired the same way a typical home
would be wired, to ensure compatibility with future systems.
So I started educating myself about home lighting systems, and
discovered that new options had come to market since my experiments with
X10 compatible de-centralized switches in the 1990s. Universal Power Bus
(UPB), Z-Wave, INSTEON, and Zigbee all looked as though they might meet
our requirements for a lot less money than a centralized lighting system.
Te more I looked into it, the more obvious it became that INSTEON
was the way to go. It helped a lot that INSTEON was the least expensive
about half as much as the other options. It also helped that INSTEON sold
their devices directly online, and that from forum comments on various
websites I could tell that regular people werent having any signifcant
trouble installing INSTEON devices and getting them working themselves.
With rare exception, the forum conversations I read were very positive, and
the few people that had reported problems were able to solve them quite
So I bought a starter kit and setup a few devices in the house that we
were renting while our new home was being built. I rewired a set of switches
to create a 3-way switch that controlled both the living room and entry, and
put all the lamps on the house on a central controller so we could turn of the
common room lights. Afer living with INSTEON for a year, during which
time the setup worked perfectly, we specifed INSTEON for the new house.
INSTEON is so simple to use that even my small children have fgured
out how to program switches (which is actually something of a liability). Its
quite clear that being able to leverage existing standards, labor practices, and
installed wiring makes good economic sense.
Ultimately, our friends system cost about $35,000 in hardware and
labor, compared to $5000 in hardware and labor that it cost us to install a
functionally superior system that controls a lot more than just lighting.
About this Book
Tis book is the product of my experience evaluating, buying, and installing
INSTEON systems as both a zero installation retroft in an existing home
and as an integrated control system in a new construction home. Its the
book I wish I could have bought when I started looking into INSTEON.
Ive included my personal opinions and some discussion of how
Ive solved certain problems along with the general information about
INSTEON, so I hope youll forgive the authors voice that may be quite
obvious throughout the book.
Tis book is a completely independent work that was not
commissioned by SmartLabs, the company that developed and markets
INSTEON. Tey have had no editorial control over the content, nor have
I accepted any material support or evaluation devices from them. I did ask
that they read through the book for technical errors prior to publication,
and they have graciously provided some feedback in that regard. Tey
have also provided stock photos of their devices. All errors, omissions, and
opinions expressed in this book are solely my responsibility and should not
be construed as being an ofcial representation of any other party.
Universal Devices and IES, two independent third party manufacturers
of INSTEON devices, have provided equipment for review in order to make
this book more complete than my system alone would have provided for.
No matter what your level of INSTEON expertise is, this book is for
you. Te chapters of this book start with Smarthome basics and progress to
a professional installation reference. More advanced users may want to skim
through the frst chapters until you reach the material that matches your
level of expertise. You can help improve this book by sending any errors you
fnd to:
About the Author
Matthew Strebe is the author of seventeen books focused on the Windows
operating system, computer and network security, and the business of
computer services for publishers such as iUniverse, Sybex, Microsof Press,
and Wiley.
He is the founder and CTO of Connetic, an IT services corporation
focused on managed services for the small and medium sized business
market. He is also a founding partner and CTO of Zaxyz, A 3D-Printing
technology research and development corporation that focuses on sofware
development and materials research for inexpensive 3D object creation from
digital sources.
His avocations include sofware development and electronics, and
he enjoys sailing, motorcycling, automobiling, movies, and socializing. He
lives in North County San Diego with his wife, three children, and a variable
number of stick bugs, depending upon the season.
Chapter 1
What you can do with INSTEON
Te term smarthome means diferent things to diferent people, but the
core concept is easy to understand: A smarthome is a home where the major
systems are computer-controlled to work in concert with one another and
which can be adapted to the needs of the occupants.
Tis chapter defnes the role of INSTEON technology
in the Smart Home. If you are already an INSTEON
user, you may want to skip ahead to Chapter 2.
Tere are many diferent elements in a complete smarthome:
Lighting and Appliance control to manage artifcial lighting and
Environmental control systems to manage natural lighting,
ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, and irrigation.
Security and Access Control, to save energy when the house is not
occupied, and alert the owner to security, fre, or fooding events,
and to enable remote monitoring of the home.
Entertainment Systems to control home theater systems, computers,
and ambient music.
Tis chapter will discuss the various components of a complete smarthome
and the role of INSTEON in the smarthome.
Terminology: Networks and Home Automation
Bridge A device that listens for signals on a network protocol and
repeats or converts them for use on a diferent network using a diferent
Ethernet Te most popular protocol for connecting computers together
to form a high-speed data network.
Home Automation Controller A special purpose dedicated computer
that comes preloaded with a home automation program to provide a
single point of control of all home automation systems.
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
manage the air temperature and humidity in a home.
I/O Controller A device that sends input or output to a non-INSTEON
device (such as a sprinkler valve, drapery closure motor, or siren) by
opening or closing a circuit.
ISM Band Free and unlicensed radio spectrum that device
manufacturers can use without acquiring a specifc FCC license to use
the spectrum. Tere are three ISM Bands: 900Mhz, 2.4GHz, and 5.8GHz.
Wireless INSTEON devices operate in the 900MHz ISM band.
ProtocolAn agreed-upon method of communicating. In digital
communications, a protocol defnes how to address a message to a
recipient, how to format the message in a way that the recipient will
understand, and when to send messages in response to events.
Repeater A device that receives and then re-transmits or regenerates a
signal without modifying it. Repeaters are used to increase the distance
that a digital signal can travel.
WiFi Wireless Fidelity is wireless Ethernet data networking. Also
referred to as 802.11a, b, g, or n depending on the speed and ISM band
in which it operates.
Smarthome Technologies
No single technology or protocol is capable of managing all of the diferent
systems of a Smarthome because fundamentally diferent signals are required
for diferent circumstances. Te technology required to report the status of
a two-position switch is considerably lower-speed and lower-cost than the
technology required to stream video in real-time.
It would not make economic sense to put the same expensive, high
data-rate technology in the dozens of switches around your house as youd
put in a few cameras.
A smarthome will typically need at least two types of networks:
A Control Network that is a low-speed, low cost network that
manages large number of lighting and environmental controls. A
control network is essentially a network that operates switches and
other electronic controls of one sort or another.
A Data Network that is a high-speed, high-cost network capable
of moving large amounts of information between a small number
of computing devices to enable Internet access, video streaming,
and audio communication in the home. Your data network may be
specifc to a certain type of device, such as coaxial video cable for
cameras and television distribution, or it may be a general-purpose
digital network such as Ethernet.
Tis book focuses exclusively on the control network portion of
the Smarthomedata networking is a very large topic and no single book
could cover all the complexities and options available. Control network are
considerably simpler and more easily solved. Tis chapter discusses data
networks only to describe their role in the smarthome and to explain how
the data network is interfaced with the control network.
To the degree possible, you should choose the two technologies you
want to use for each of the two systems in the beginning and stick to them.
In your smart home, use a single technology for the
control network, and another single technology for
the data network.
You can also use compatible technologies that work seamlessly
together for the two: for example, its trivial to combine Ethernet and WiFi
data networks because they were designed to work together, and its trivial
to combine X10 and INSTEON networks because INSTEON devices are
compatible with both types of networks.
Using incompatible technologies, such as Z-Wave and INSTEON,
will require a general-purpose computer or a Home Automation Controller
to bridge the two technologies and will require substantial additional cost
and confguration.
Tere are various options for connecting the control network and the
data network together, ranging from a simple technology bridge to expensive
and high functioning home automation controllers. You may fnd that you
dont need to integrate the two networks together at allif one network does
not need to control the other, then you neednt bridge them together at all.
Te Cable TV cabling and telephone cabling in your home will
only play a peripheral role in your smarthome. Analog delivery systems
such as coaxial cable and voice-grade telephone wiring are single-purpose;
they can only perform the one function for which they were designed, and
generally cannot participate in a data or control network without some sort
of technology bridge. For example, I use a TiVo to bridge my Cable TV
network onto my data network--the TiVo converts shows into data fles that
I can move around the house over my home network and watch whenever
and wherever I want.
Te data network choice has already been made for you: Ethernet
and its wireless cousin WiFi dominate the data networking world, so theres
no reason to choose anything else. Ethernet is built into anything that can
participate on a data network these days, including digital video recorders,
networkable security cameras, computers, and even cell phones. Both wired
and wireless Ethernet have increased in speed over the yearsfrom 10 to
100 and then to 1000 megabits per second for wired, and 11 to 54 to 110 for
WiFiand both standards have even higher speed options in development.
Te Ethernet vendors have done a good job with backward compatibility
however, so you neednt worry much about the speed of individual devices
on your network. With rare exception, everything will just work.
HomePlug, an Ethernet over powerline solution
delivers from 14Mbps to 200Mbps over home
powerline wiring. Te devices are about $100 each,
and they are a very efective solution for creating a
data network when Ethernet cabling or WiFi wont
work. HomePlug and INSTEON do not interfere
with one another and can coexist over the same
Te control network choice isnt so obvious: Tere are many competing
technologies and they use many diferent methods to interoperate. Tis is
similar to the situation in the late 1980s and early 1990s when numerous
diferent data network choices existed. Ethernet at the time was considered
low cost, low capability compared to its competitors Token Ring and
FDDIBut its low price became a market advantage, allowing many
more people to being using data networks than could aford competing
technologies. All of the competing technologies worked, but the low cost
and wide adaptability of Ethernet made its march to the top complete within
just a few years. None of its rival technologies from ffeen years ago remain
available for sale today.
INSTEON is well positioned to become the Ethernet of home
control. It is the lowest cost among reliable options, it has more types of
devices available, it is backward compatible with older X10 control network
devices, it requires no special planning or equipment to use, and it has the
largest market share amongst modern distributed home control technologies.
It was exactly these attributes that allowed Ethernet to dominate data
networking, and its a safe bet that INSTEON will dominate home control.
Home Automation controllers, which are actually just special
purpose computers, can be used to join together all the diferent home
automation devices in your home to act in concert so that that you can
perform actions such as bringing down the lights when you turn on your
television, or automatically begin recording video when a particular motion
sensor activates. Tey do this by communicating using all of the various
protocols you have in your home, allowing them to control devices on each
diferent type of network.
With INSTEON, Home automation controllers are available, but not
necessary. INSTEON-specifc devices such as web interfaces, IR bridges,
and I/O adapters can be used in place of home automation controllers to
perform just about every function that a home automation controller can
perform. I dont use home automation controllers in my installation because
they are a central point of failure, are expensive, and they add an extra layer
of complexity, but they do provide a central point of control for those willing
to perform the required confguration.
What is INSTEON?
INSTEON devices are computer controlled power switches: Light switches,
appliance switches, and specialty switches like dimmers and timer switches.
Like the light switches you already have, INSTEON devices turn a light on
when you press on, and of when you press of. Tey look like just like the
light switches you have now.
But unlike traditional light switches, INSTEON switches can all talk
to one anotherthey can tell other switches to turn of as well, or dim, or
perform any sort of appliance control function such as drawing curtains or
turning on a fan.
INSTEON devices can do this because every switch has a tiny
computer called a microcontroller built in to it that communicates over your
powerlines. Some INSTEON devices such as remotes and motion sensors
communicate over radio frequency, and these signals are repeated on the
powerline by INSTEON Wireless Access Points.
INSTEON creates a dual-mesh (radio-frequency and powerline)
network of peer microcontrollers that all act as transmitters, receivers, and
repeaters of all INSTEON signals. Te signals are used to control the delivery
of power to appliances. But this defnition is like saying that a movie is a
series of 1s and 0s on a plastic substrate compatible with the DVD formatit
doesnt tell the story of what the technology can do.
INSTEON enables low-cost lighting and environmental control
networks. It connects the various controls in your home (such as light
switches, irrigation valves, vent fans, and appliances) together so that a
person can use a single switch to control numerous devices simultaneously,
or create time or event-based triggers to control devices.
INSTEON automates the control of home systems such as lighting and
environmental controls and connects them to security systems, environment
control, irrigation, entertainment, and other home control systems to enable
a home to react to the needs of its occupants.
By creating a web of links between switches, homeowners are able
to easily created complicated scenes that can bring up interior lighting
automatically when a garage door opens, allow you to turn all the lights in
the home of from your nightstand, or automatically turn of every light in
the house at 1:00 a.m.
INSTEON devices are:
Instantly responsive
Easy to retroft into existing homes
Simple for the homeowner to confgure
Highly reliable
Compatible with a vast array of devices
What INSTEON does on its own
A good way to defne INSTEON is to explain what it can do. INSTEON is
the control network component of a home automation system.
Tese are the functions that INSTEON alone enables:
Multi-way light switching
Path lighting
Scene lighting
Appliance control
Environmental control
Multi-way light switching
Setting up multi-way switching is perhaps the simplest useful thing you can
do with INSTEON. A multi-way switch is a set of switches that all control
the same light. Tere is almost certainly at least one multi-way switch in
your house right nowkitchen and living room lights usually are wired
with switches at each of the entrances to the room.
Traditional multi-way switches have to be wired when the house is
built or remodeled, because the wiring to the fxture must also go to each
switch. Adding more switches to the control of the light makes the wiring
more complex and the use of the light more complicated, to the point that
wiring more than a 4-way switch is not feasible.
It is usually not cost efective to install a multi-way switch afer a
home has been builtthe rewiring involved would take a considerable
amount of time, you would have to open up walls and then patch them when
the work was completed, and then re-paint. Tis would cost over $1000 for
a typical home.
INSTEON enables you to turn any switch in your house into a multi-
way switch simply and easily by simply replacing the switch that controls the
light along with the switches that you want to use to control the light with
INSTEON enabled switches. Te only other requirement is that you also
have an inexpensive phase coupler installed (which will be discussed later
in this chapter).
For under $200 and using nothing but a screwdriver, you can setup
reliable multi-way switching yourself. It would cost many hundreds to
thousands of dollars to have an electrician rewire switches to enable multi-
way switching for a light.
Path Lighting
Another common use for INSTEON is the creation of Path and scene
lighting, which is similar to multi-way switching except that it turns on
multiple lights along a path from a single switch, rather than controlling one
light from multiple switches.
For example, you are used to walking in the front door and turning
on the living room light. Ten, on your way to the bedroom, youd turn
on the kitchen light, then the hall light, and fnally your bedroom light. Its
likely that your house would be wired so that most of those lights could be
controlled at both entryways so you can shut them of as you move through
the house. If not, youd probably just leave them all on until bedtime when
youd walk around the house to make sure everything was of. Tis is how
weve all lived our lives so far, and were quite used to thinking in terms of
controlling individual lights.
Contrast this with path lighting: When you walk in the door, you
press the Master Bedroom path on an eight-button KeypadLinc keypad
next to the door. Te living room light, kitchen light, hall light, and bedroom
lights all come up at once. Ten, when you arrive in your bedroom, you
press the Path of button on a similar controller by the door and all those
lights (except the bedroom light) turn of at once.
Path lighting requires that all devices along the path
be switched using INSTEON switches.
Scene lighting
Scene lighting is the control of lighting in a room to establish a particular
environment. Scene lighting is sometimes referred to as mood lighting or
ambient lighting. Tink of Scene lighting as path lighting with a theme.
For example, in your living room during the day you may want to
have the shades open and no lights on. In the late afernoon, you may want
to have the shades go down to block the low sun, and then at sunset youd
turn the overhead recessed lights on. Whenever you press the TV On
button on your remote, youll want the overhead lights to dim to 20% and
all the shades to shut irrespective of the time of day. If its overcast, you may
want to have the interior lights on and the Windows open.
Scene lighting uses timers, events, and sensors to control the shades
and lighting in your home to enable exactly these sorts of scenarios.
Scene lighting allows you to use the environmental controls that
you probably just ignore now, such as drapes, shades, thermostats, and gas
freplaces, to automatically operate themselves during the day to establish
the mood and environment you want to have around you.
Scene lighting requires all the devices involvedlighting, shade
controllers, and the home theater system in this example, to be INSTEON
enabled. To enable true scene control in a particular room, you would
need to have all of your lighting and devices in that room controlled by the
INSTEON control network.
Appliance control
INSTEON doesnt just control lights; any appliance that can be on/of
controlled by plugging it in or unplugging it can be controlled by an INSTEON
relay. Tis simple level of universal control is appropriate for devices like
Home theater equipment, electronically controlled gas freplaces, fans, and
so forth.
For example, you could automatically turn of a freplace when you
turn on the television, turn lamps of simultaneously with light fxtures, or
shut of window fans when the sun sets. Or you could turn of all youre
sleeping home appliances at night when theres no chance than anyone
would use them, reducing their power draw even further.
Environmental Control
INSTEON devices called Input/Output (or I/O) controllers are used to
manage low-voltage devices and to detect the condition of switches and
sensors such as window and door closures, leak detectors, motion sensors,
etc. Tey can control low power devices such as shade rollers, window
operators, sprinkler valves, and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) dampers.
I/O controllers allow you to set the condition of an INSTEON switch
based on the value of a sensor. For example, you could turn on the lights
in the living room and master bedroom if a window sensor detects that a
window has been opened in a childs roomthus alerting you to the event.
Or you could turn on patio lighting when a motion-sensing camera detects
movement outside, thus automatically turning on path lights when you
arrive home.
Security systems are essentially large, integrated I/O controllersthey
connect sensors to inputs, process the sensor inputs to determine when a
security event is happening, and trigger outputs to ring alerts or alarms.
INSTEON I/O controllers can be use to create simple security
systems that turn on lights or alarms in response to events like windows
or doors being opened or a motion sensor being triggered. Creating the
sophistication of an actual alarm system is possible, although it would likely
be less expensive to simply use an existing alarm system and integrate it with
your INSTEON system.
Integrated INSTEON
INSTEON does plenty on its own, but a complete smarthome security
system will need to integrate the INSTEON control network with a high-
speed data or video network. Fortunately, INSTEON supports a complete
range of home control sofware and various technology bridges that can
connect these systems together.
Sophisticated security systems
Using a stand-alone security system allows you to defne more complex
events than INSTEON alone would provide. In addition to operating as a
stand-alone security system, INSTEON compatible security systems include
an INSTEON bridge so that the security system can control INSTEON
devices and listen for INSTEON events. For example, you can confgure an
INSTEON enabled alarm system to automatically shut of all the INSTEON
controlled lights in your house when you arm the panel for exit, and bring
up certain lights when you come back into the house.
As of the time of this writing, the Elk M1 Gold alarm system is the
frst INSTEON enabled alarm system available. Te Elk alarm panel can
send INSTEON codes when any of its sensors, such as motion sensors or
door and window open sensors are triggered. Tis allows you to use any
security sensor device as an INSTEON controller.
While the Elk M1 Gold is specifcally adapted for INSTEON
compatibility and can directly control INSTEON devices, you can integrate
any security panel with INSTEON by connecting the security panels alarm
outputs to an INSTEON Input/Output Controllers inputs. Tis allows
you trigger INSTEON events from any security alarm event, and it doesnt
require specialty sofware or hardware to do it. You can also do the reverse
connecting Alarm panel inputs to INSTEON I/O outputs to trigger alarms.
Remote home control
Tere are a number of ways to remotely control an INSTEON smarthome.
Most of computer sofware applications that are compatible with INSTEON
can create a website that will allow you to log over the Internet to access and
control INSTEON Devices. Most dedicated home automation controllers
also serve a web site for remote control via the Internet.
INSTEON specifc devices, such as the SmartLinc, the
SimpleHomeNet EZSrve or the Universal Devices ISY-99 are designed to
provide a web interface for INSTEON control at a very low costbetween
$100 and $400 dollars.
Be especially careful about allowing remote access to your home
control systems. Connecting anything to the Internet makes it potentially
hackable and can create a security riskespecially if youre not completely
familiar with the various security protocols and techniques that are necessary
to secure the device. Even if you are good with computers, you didnt write
the application sofware installed in the automation controller and you cant
guarantee that it was written with proper attention to security in mind.
Sophisticated Scene management
Sophisticated scene management refers to a system that responds to what the
occupant of the home is doing, rather than what the occupant has asked for,
in order to control the home automation. Sophisticated scene management
uses multiple sensors and inputs going to a home automation controller
which interprets those inputs in order to detect the presence of occupants
and enable various lighting and environment scenes.
Sophisticated scene and environment management is considered
by many to be the nirvana of smarthome control. However, it requires a
considerable amount of forethought about what you want and a considerable
amount of programming, testing, and de-bugging.
Most people who deploy the equipment for sophisticated scene
management never actually do the work required to get it working
irrespective of which technology they use. Tere are a number of reasons
for this, but primary amongst them is the fact that its nearly impossible to
determine all the ways in which the system might be incorrectly triggered
for example, using motion sensors to detect when someone has entered the
home theater and using that input to turn on the television is going to annoy
someone who is only there to vacuum the carpet, or who is carrying a sleeping
child. No system can really determine the intent of a person, and so any case
that is uncommon will create unwanted reactions from the system.
For that reason, I recommend designing to specifc, real-world uses
such as I want these seven lights to come on when I press one of these
three switches rather than vague ideas like I want the system to detect
when Ive lef the house and turn of everythingbecause that statement
doesnt defne what specifc, measureable events constitute leaving, and the
system may not know that another person remains in the house (who will be
surprised when everything goes dark).
By simply defning a switch by your front door as Exit and Arrive,
you can use your human ability to know whats appropriate and simply assert
to the home control system what it should be doing. Tis is vastly simpler
than trying to deploy enough sensors to manage every possible case.
Te amount of testing and troubleshooting involved in developing
a properly functioning scene management system is considerable and
ongoing. If you expect a third-part smarthome integrator to understand
your requirements and program the system perfectly in advance of using it,
you will be disappointed when they inevitably fail.
With sophisticated scene management, youll have to do the
testing and debugging yourself through much iteration as you discover the
capabilities of the system and your own needs. Start simple, and grow into it
as you become comfortable with the technology. Chapter 4 covers designing
scenes in detail.
What you cannot do with INSTEON
INSTEON provides only the control network portion of a home automation
systemit does not provide the data-networking portion. For that reason,
there are components of home automation that INSTEON alone cannot
Home Teater
INSTEON is minor component of a home theaterDimming the lights
before a movie comes on, drawing the shades, and perhaps shutting down
home theater components at night, are the ways in which INSTEON supports
a home theater system. I use an INSTEON ApplianceLinc to power on the
fans that cool my A/V cabinet when I power on my television.
Video surveillance
INSTEON doesnt have the bandwidth required to move video through a
housethis would have to be done over a high-speed network or coaxial
video cable.
INSTEON support the multimedia portion of a smarthome by
transmitting and responding to triggersindications that there is
something has happened that other devices need to respond to. For example,
in response to an INSTEON motion detector, door or window sensor, or a
light being turned on, you could trigger the I/O inputs on a Pan/Tilt/Zoom
(PTZ) camera to focus on the area where the even occurred--automatically.
Tis ensures that you automatically get video coverage of the things that
are actually occurring in your house. Most surveillance network cameras
have I/O inputs that can be confgured to move the camera to pre-specifed
locations when theyre tripped, and INSTEON I/O controllers can trigger
those inputs.
Audio & Intercom
Tere is not enough bandwidth available over the powerline INSTEON
network to move audio throughout a home. Terefore, it cannot be used
to transport audio data for such purposes as Intercoms, baby monitors, or
ambient music.
It is possible to create an INSTEON-RF Intercom system because
there is enough data available to transmit voice over the INSTEON RF
network. No devices exist to do this at the time of this writing, however.
Technologies that are not compatible with INSTEON
Because INSTEON works over the power lines and in the 900 MHz ISM
radio-frequency band, there are a few relatively obscure technologies that it
is not compatible with.
Plan the use of the ISM bands to avoid interference.
In my home, INSTEON operates in the 900MHz ISM
band, WiFi Networking in the 2.4GHz band, and the
cordless phone operates in the 5.8GHz ISM band.
You may have some interference with 900MHz telephones, baby
monitors, or other 900MHz ISM band equipment, although the interference
would be minor and intermittent. In practice, I havent had any signifcant
problems with this, but interference is always a possibility with RF devices.
Buy equipment that operates in the 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz ISM band instead.
Problems with INSTEON
No technology is perfect for all purposes; Engineers always make tradeofs
to enable the features they want at the price-point that the market wants, and
INSTEON is no exception. All of INSTEONs competitors are designed with
diferent constraints, and the consequences of those constraints determine
which technology will work best in a particular environment.
Te address space is limited
Tis is a problem that wont afect you, but will limit the future growth of
INSTEON and necessitate a follow-on protocol that may not be completely
compatible with current devices.
INSTEON device addresses are 24-bits long, which provides 16
million unique addresses. Tis length was chosen as a trade-of between a
large enough address space to uniquely identify a vast number of devices
and yet small enough to be transmitted rapidly on the wire.
16 million sounds like a lot, but when you consider that the average
home will have at least sixteen devices, INSTEON will run out of address
space before one million home installations. Tere are 100 million homes in
the U.S., and about one billion worldwide. Te address limitation problem
for INSTEON is not remote enough if the protocol becomes extremely
Tere are no easy choices when the limit is reached:
SmartLabs cannot simply start re-using addresses because that will
cause unlikely but random failures when someone buys two devices
with the same address.
Tere is no simple way to address the devices manually or randomly
in an installation, and requiring an address to be applied to devices
afer purchase will cause an enrollment process that makes
installation more difcult to use.
SmartLabs also cannot simply increase the size of the address space
and remain compatible with older devices. Tere are hacks they
could try to implement such adding extra address info as data, but
that would not be compatible with existing devices.
While frmware updates for existing devices could take them to 32
bits and solve the problem, asking people to update the frmware of
every switch in their house is not reasonable.
If INSTEON becomes popular enough that SmartLabs begins running
out of address space, they will almost certainly come out with INSTEON
2 series that have a 32-bit address space allowing for four billion devices.
Tese devices would be incompatible with original INSTEON devices out
of the box, but will probably be sofware reconfgurable to work on a 24-bit
INSTEON installation with a manually assigned address.
In any case, the problem is a years into the future in the worst case,
and certainly not a problem for early adopters.
Te Internet has the same problem: Its 32-bit IP address space is not
enough to address all the computers in the world already, and hacks such
as network address translation have been developed to conserve addresses.
Some countries will run out of Internet address space in the next few years,
forcing the move to a new 64-bit version of the Internet Protocol.
Simultaneous Switch Presses
Two INSTEON switches cannot begin transmitting at exactly the same time.
Tis is because only one INSTEON signal can travel over your electrical
wiring at one time.
In practice, this is so unlikely to occur accidentally that it is almost not
worth mentioning: Two people would have to tap a switch within about ffy
milliseconds of one another in order for the problem to express. I calculate
the odds of that occurring in a home with fve occupants to be about one
in ten thousand switch pressesor perhaps once per year. However, if you
tap two paddle switches with two fngers at the same time, youll see the
problem: Te two INSTEON signals step on one another and the command
is garbled so nothing happens. If youre even slightly of of the exact same
time, the second device will wait for the frst one to fnish and then transmit
its signal, so youll notice a delay for the second signal.
Te odds of simultaneous switch pressing go up with
the number of occupants of the buildingnot with
its size. INSTEON installations can be any size, but
should be limited to buildings with fewer than 60
occupants to keep collisions unlikely.
Retry Delay
Every once in a while youll notice a light take a moment longer than youre
used to turn on, especially if youre turning on a large group of lights. Tis
is a case where the light missed the original group on command, and came
on later during the acknowledgement phase when the original sender
decided that it did not receive an acknowledgement from the light and re-
transmitted the command to turn on. Tis isnt actually a problem; its the
feature that makes INSTEON networks so much more reliable than X10
device networks, because in an X10 network, the light never comes on at all
if the original command is missed.
Incorrect Cross-linking
Some INSTEON devices that are setup to control other lights, such as
KeypadLincs, do not get status reports of the light if the light has been
controlled by another switch and all the devices are not cross-linked correctly.
Unfortunately, incorrect cross-linking is common.
For example, if you turn a light on with a KeypadLinc, the KeypadLinc
will light the button to indicate that the button is on. But if you turn the light
of with a switch that is not linked to the KeypadLinc, the button will remain
lit even when the light is of. When you press the lit KeypadLinc button, the
light will go out to match the status of the light, and the next time you press
it the light will go on, as you would expect.
Its not a signifcant problem and in most cases it is easy to fx, but
you should be aware that switch status lights wont always accurately tell you
whether a remotely controlled light is on or not.
Te locally controlled load is special
When you have a group of lights linked together and you press one of the
switches, the locally controlled light (the light actually wired to the switch
you pressed) will come on instantly while the linked lights will come on
a fraction of a second, but noticeably, later. Tis occurs because there is a
slight amount of time required to send the command to the other lights, but
locally controlled lights come on instantly.
INSTEON switches always control their local loadyou cannot
setup a switch to control other devices without controlling its own local
load. Tis is rarely a problem, but it is something to be aware of.
LEDs can be too bright
Most INSTEON switches contain relatively bright LEDs (usually white) that
make convenient night-lights for most rooms. Tey can produce too much
light for bedrooms at night if they are close to a sleeper, however. Consider
ICON line switches, which have a dimmer amber LED, for bedrooms
instead of INSTEON SwitchLinc lights, or use KeypadLinc switches, the
current version of which can be programmed to turn of their local LEDs
Power consumption
Each INSTEON device will consume between 5 and 10 watts continuously
based on the measurements Ive made with my power meter, whether the
circuit it controls is on or of. Tis is a trivial amount of power individually
far less than a night-light.
But I have ffy INSTEON devices installed in my home. Tis means
that INSTEON devices consume about 300 watts at all timesthe equivalent
of leaving a television on continuously. At 0.3KW/h * 14 per KW/h in my
area, INSTEON costs me 4.2 per hour to operate. With 720 hours per
month, thats $30 additional on my power bill for a yearly operational cost of
$360. Not quite so trivial in those terms. Your mileage will vary.
Tats pretty much it for problems. Teres a very slim chance that
sometime in the lifetime of your INSTEON network that youll hit a switch
and nothing will happen because somebody else in the house hit a switch
at the exact same time. Tis hasnt happened to me except when I did it on
Not compatible with Modifed Sine wave inverters
Modifed sine wave inverters are used to convert DC from cars and
photovoltaic solar power systems inexpensively. Tese inverters create A/
C using switching electronics rather than through the radial motion of a
generator, so the signal they produce is not a smooth sine wave; it is a square
wave or modifed sine wave.
INSTEON devices are not compatible with square wave or modifed
sine wave power inverters, and will quite likely be damaged by them. Te
one device I tested on the output of a modifed sine-wave inverter never
worked again afer having been connected to it.
If you have a photovoltaic solar system installed
in your home, or if you intend to use your plug-in
electric hybrid vehicle or R/V as an emergency power
generator for your home, this warning applies to
If you have a photovoltaic system or if you intend to use an automobile
or R/V as an emergency power generator for your home, you will have to use
a true sine wave inverter in order to be compatible with INSTEON devices,
which will cost considerably more than a modifed sine wave inverter.
To create a smarthome, you need a control network. Distributed control
networks such as INSTEON are the least expensive reliable way to create
multi-way switching, path and scene lighting, and to control appliances
throughout your home. While INSTEON cannot perform the functions of a
high-speed data network, it can integrate with your data network to provide
the complete smarthome experience.
Chapter 2
Understanding Home Electrical Wiring
Understanding home electrical wiring is important to understanding how
and why INSTEON works the way that it does. Its so fundamental to how
INSTEON works that its important to cover the basics before we get too
much further into the book.
Tis chapter concentrates on electrical theory
and home electrical wiring in general. Chapter 6
focuses on wiring specifcally for INSTEON home
automation. If you already know how home electrical
wiring works, feel free to skip to Chapter 3.
Afer a short digression concerning electrical safety, this chapter will focus
on home electrical power theory and practice, including how power phases
work, how switches and outlets are wired, and the diferences between early
electrical wiring and modern electrical wiring.
Tis chapter contains a lot of potentially confusing terminology, and
many of these terms mean slightly diferent things in diferent contexts. If
youre not very familiar with electrical terminology, be sure to refer back to
this terminology section as you read if you dont know how a particular term
is being used.
Terminology: Electrical Home Wiring
110VAC110 Volts AC. Derived from one half of 220VAC supplied to the
home, supply voltage is actually 120VAC that typically drops to 110VAC
at the device, so supplies are typically referred to as 120VAC and devices
are referred to as 110VAC. Both numbers are used interchangeably and
they mean residential lighting and outlet power.
220VAC220 Volts, Alternating Current. Te type and potential voltage
of electrical current delivered to homes in North America. Te actual
voltage varies from 240 to 220240 is delivered to the house, and the
voltage generally drops to 220 under load, so power supply is typically
referred to as 240, while device draw is typically referred to as 220. Teyre
used interchangeably to mean Residential home supply power.
Amp A unit of electrical quantity. In the water analogy, amperage
would refer to the amount of water fowing past a particular point. Volts
x Amps = Power, which is measured in Watts.
Circuit Breaker A switch designed to shut of if current exceeding its
rating is drawn through it. Circuit breakers on 110VAC circuits are rated
for either 15 or 20 amps, and on 220VAC circuits for either 30 or 50 amps
in North America.
Circuit (1) Any complete path between two diferent electrical
potentials through which electrical current can fow. (2) A path of lights
and/or outlets in a home controlled by a circuit breaker.
EarthTe same thing as Ground. Earth is more typically used in the
Gang An amount of space taken in a junction box by a single switch or
typical dual outlet. A single gang junction box has space for one switch;
a double gang has space for two, etc.
Gauge Also referred to by the acronym AWG (American Wire Gauge
standard) is the thickness of the conductors in electrical wiring. 12 or 14
gauge wire is typically used for 110-volt circuits. Te lower the gauge, the
more current the wire can deliver without overheating.
Ground A conductor leading to actual earth ground. Ground is usually
a bare copper wire or may be insulated green.
Fixture an installed lighting receptacle that is wired to power and
(usually) a switch. Light bulbs are installed in lighting fxtures.
Hot Te energized wire of a circuit that has electrical potential when
connected to neutral (or, by accident, ground). Also frequently referred
to as Live or Line. Hot may be black, red, or orange wire according
to the National Electric Code (NEC) that most localities adopt as their
electrical code.
Junction BoxA metal or plastic box set into a wall for the purpose of
fxing switches our outlets in place. Electrical wiring is run from circuit
breakers to junction boxes, and from junction boxes to load devices. In
situations where a junction box cannot be used, a metal ring or surface-
mount box may be used.
Kilowatt Hours the unit of power consumption used to measure home
usage at your meter and on your bill. If you run ten 100-watt light bulbs
for one hour, you have consumed 1 KW/h of electricity. An occupied
home will typically consume between 1 and 3 Kilowatts per hour.
Line Te wire on a switch that is connected to Hot.
Load (1) any device that consumes power, (2) Te wire on a switch that
should be connected to the device to be energized. Load is connected to
line and power fows through the switch to the load device when the switch
is in the on position but not when the switch is in the of position.
Low-Voltage wiringLow voltage wiring is used in systems that operate
below 50 volts, and which are therefore not considered deadly, and so
are not regulated by electrical code. Low-voltage wiring is used for data
networking, video and telephone wiring, doorbells, fre alarms, and
security systems. Unlicensed contractors can legally install low-voltage
wiring in most localities.
National Electric Code (NEC)A private organization that develops
best practices and standards for home and commercial power wiring.
Te vast majority of municipalities adopt the NEC standards with little
or no changes, so the NEC standards are what all-electrical appliances
and devices are manufactured to comply with.
Neutral Te center voltage between the two hot phases of 220VAC
power supplied to a home. Neutral is connected to Earth ground at the
electrical main point of entry (MPOE) in most houses. Current fows
from the Hot wire through the energized device, to neutral. Neutral wires
are white or less commonly grey in color.
Phase In residential home wiring, phase refers to the two legs of
220VAC power, which are split into two 110VAC legs by splitting their
voltage with a neutral wire that is at the center point of voltage between
the two hot conductors.
Romexstandard two-conductor, three-conductor, or four-conductor
PVC shielded electrical home powerline cable.
SwitchA device that interrupts an electrical circuit, causing work to
Switch-LegA switch that is wired from the device that it powers rather
than from a hot circuit. Switch-legs use typical black and white-romex
wires to run from the device to the switch, with the black wire connected
to the load and the white wire connected to Hot at the device.
Traveler Te cable leading from one switch to another in a three-way
switch circuit.
VoltA unit of electrical potential force. In the water analogy, voltage
would be analogous to the pressure or speed of the water fowing through
a full pipe. Volts x Amps = Power, which is measured in Watts.
WattA unit of measure for total electrical power. A watt is 1 amp of
electrical power at 1 volt of potential for 1 second of time. A typical
home circuit can deliver 110 volts x 15 amps or 1650 watts of power to
a device.
Wirenut A threaded conical cap that can be twisted over two or more
bare wires to permanently but reversibly join them together. Wirenuts are
the standard method for wiring switches and outlets to electrical cables
in junction boxes.
Electrical Safety
Electrical safety is paramount when working on home electrical wiring.
110 and 220 volt power is deadly, and should be approached with extreme
Much of this section may seem obvious to some
readers, but remember that this book is written for
a wide audience of people, many of whom may have
never worked on electrical circuits before.
Most municipalities allow homeowners to perform their own wiring.
Some cities require that a certifed electrician perform all electrical wiring.
Check with local codes to ensure that it is legal for you to perform your own
electrical wiring before proceeding.
Hire a qualifed electrician
If you have any reservations about your skill in working with electrical
circuits, hire a qualifed electrician to install wired-in INSTEON devices. If
you will be performing the design of your system and the programming of
your INSTEON devices, any qualifed electrician can install them. Teres
nothing special about wiring for INSTEON, so the electrician neednt know
anything about INSTEON other than that he will need to wire the neutrals
to the switches, which is not necessary with traditional switches.
Never work on an energized circuit
Never work on an energized circuit. Shut of circuits at the circuit breaker
panel before opening a junction box faceplate or removing a fxture.
If you live with other people who may not realize youre working on
electrical circuits, place a danger tag on the circuit breaker switches you have
shut of indicating that they should not be turned back on until you remove
the tag.
Besides just being good safety sense, breaking circuits is required
because INSTEON devices are powered by the neutral line and can be
damaged by the arcing and sparking caused by attempting to wire them up
in an energized circuit. Causing a short while you are attempting to wire an
INSTEON device is also highly likely to damage the INSTEON device.
Use AC voltage detectors or multimeters
AC voltage detectors and multimeters allow you to probe individual wires
in a junction box for the presence of AC current before you work with
them. Even if you think that youve shut of the correct circuit, multi-gang
junction boxes frequently contain wires run on diferent circuits. You may
have correctly powered of the circuit for the switch you intend to work on,
only to be shocked by another cable in the junction box.
Always use an AC voltage detector or a multimeter to check for power on
every wire in the junction box before you work and afer youve shut of the
circuit breakers. You can purchase an AC voltage detector or multimeter at
any home improvement store or Radio Shack for about $25.
Never work in the house alone
Do not work on electrical circuits in the house alone. If something should
happen that renders you unconscious, you will need someone else to
administer frst aid and potentially call 911.
Never leave a junction box open at the end of the day
You may be tempted to leave junction boxes open with wires exposed at the
end of a long day so you can pick up where you lef of the next morning.
Its unlikely that youll be able to control what other occupants in the house
may do, however, and they will likely want to re-energize circuits that youre
working on. If you have to leave an installation incomplete, cap of all bare
wires with wirenuts and plate over the junction box so that it is safe to re-
energize the circuit. Youll also need to put a wirenut over any wires lef bare
when an installation is complete.
Use the right tools for the job
It is especially critical that you use the correct size wirenuts for the gauge of
wire and the number of wires when you install anything in a junction box.
Wirenuts that are too tight or too loose may work their way loose when
youre stufng them back into a junction box. Always twist wires together
before applying a wirenut.
While Scotchlok brand wirenuts do not require pre-
twisting, it is ofen difcult to tell what brand of
wirenut you have in an existing home.
INSTEON has done a good job of making INSTEON devices thin
enough to install in the space taken by a traditional switch, but they do
occupy more space than a typical switch leaving less room for wires. Most
junction boxes will be a tight ft, making correctly sized wirenuts all the more
important. Buy a large selection to make sure youve got the right wirenut
every time.
Get a low-voltage (such as 3.6v), low-speed, low torque electric
screwdriver with a swappable battery if you are installing a large number of
INSTEON devices. Screwing and unscrewing dozens of long junction box
screws will wear you out quickly if youre doing it manually. Avoid using a
drill howeverthey are generally too powerful and will strip junction box
and faceplate screws.
Use a gauged wire stripper of the correct size to strip wires. Dont
use your teeth, a pair of scissors, or a utility knife, as these methods are
needlessly unsafe.
Any home improvement store or Radio Shack will
carry all the tools you need to perform electrical
home wiring safely. A complete set of tools will cost
less than $50. I like to keep all my electrical tools in
a tool belt to keep them handy (and to let my spouse
know that Im doing something useful).
Understanding Electricity
Understanding electricity is fundamental to understanding electrical home
wiring, and how lights, switches, and circuits work. Tis section explains
electricity and basic electrical terms.
Electrons orbit the nucleus of all atoms in much the same way that planets
orbit the sun (except that electrons orbit in a sphere, not just in a fat plane).
If an electron is pulled away from an atom by some force, then the atom has
a hole and becomes strongly attractive to other electrons until the missing
electron is replaced. If an atom has too many electrons orbiting it, it will
shed them when it comes near an atom that that can more readily accept the
Skip to the next section if you already understand the
theory of electricity.
Electricity is the potential to do work that exists when electrons
that are able to move freely between the atoms that make up an electrically
conducting material such as a metal wire are put under an electromotive
force such as magnetism. Te interaction between magnetism and electricity
is called electromagnetism.
Materials (such as metals) that allow electrons to fow freely are
called conductors, whereas materials that strongly resist the fow of electrons
(such as plastics) are called insulators. Insulators do not easily give up or
accept electrons, whereas conductors swap them freely. Conductance is the
measure of how freely a material conducts electrons, and resistance is the
measure of how much a material insulates against conductance.
In a conductive material (a conductor), electrons will move freely
from atoms that have too many electrons to atoms that have too few.
Te atoms that need electrons will pull them from their neighbors, who
immediately replace them by pulling them from their neighbors, in an
instant chain reaction reaching back to the atoms that have a surplus. Te
fow of electrons from atoms with a surplus to atoms with a scarcity is called
Electricity explains how batteries work: Te positive (+) side of the
battery contains chemicals that need electrons, and the (-) side of the battery
contains chemicals that have a surplus of electrons (electrons have a negative
charge). When you plug the battery into a circuit, a path is created between
the positive and negative reservoirs, and electrons fow through the circuit
causing work to be performed. Positive and negative electrical potential are
referred to as positive or negative polarity.
Resistance converts electricity to light and heat. Tis is how electric
heaters and incandescent light bulbs work: Running electricity through a
moderately resistive conductor causes it to heat up and produce both heat
and light. Optimizing for heat makes an electric heater, choosing materials
that optimize for light creates a light bulb.
All devices that cause electricity to perform work, such as light bulbs,
vacuum cleaners, cofee makers, and televisions, are called loads and they
all resist the fow of electricity by some signifcant amount. A resistor is a load
that performs no work other than to heat up and resist the fow of electricity.
Resistors are used to ensure that electrical power cannot overwhelm a load
that cannot itself resist the fow of electricity sufciently for its own safe
All conductors have a slight amount of resistance, so they all heat
up slightly as electricity moves through them. Te larger a conductor is,
the more electricity it can safely carry. Te more electricity the conductor
carries, the warmer the conductor will get.
Electricity will always take the shortest, most conductive circuit
(path). If you have a battery with two lights connected in parallel between
positive and negative, the light with the lower resistance will glow brightest,
and the light with the higher resistance will glow very little if at all. A
short-circuit is caused when electricity is able to take a short cut rather
than fowing through the intended load such as a light bulb. Short-circuits
are very dangerous because they provide very little resistance to the fow
of electricity, allowing the electricity to heat up conductors and destroy
electrical devices.
Magnetism and Electricity
Magnetic felds cause electrons to fow in materials even when no imbalance
naturally exists because the movement of the magnetic feld pushes the
electrons in much the same way that a pump pushes water.
Moving a magnet past a conductor causes electrons to fow in
the conductor, and this efect can be used to reliably generate electricity.
Generators work by using some mechanical force to turn a coil of wires
inside a magnetic feld, which creates electrical potential at the ends of the
wire coil. Tis efect converts mechanical force, such as that generated by a
gas motor or a wind turbine, into electromotive force called electricity.
Generating Electricity
Generators can be made to generate positive polarity (a scarcity of negatively
charged electrons) at one end of the wire and negative polarity (a surplus of
negatively electrons) at the other. Tis is called a Direct Current generator.
Te speed (motive force) of the fow of the electricity is measured
as voltage, while the area of the fow is measured as amperage. Multiplying
speed time area provides total quantity of power, which is measured in
watts. 10 volts times 10 amps = 100 watts of electrical power. You can think
of this in terms of water at your tap: Te speed of fow times the area of the
pipe cross-section = total quantity of water.
Generators can also be made to reverse electrical polarity once each
turn of the generator so that electricity moves back and forth through the
wire, with each end of the coil swinging from positive to negative and back
in opposite phase. Tis is called Alternating Current and generators that
create AC are called alternators.
If you imagine water fowing between two reservoirs on a moving
seesaw through a pipe that connects them, youll understand how one end
is positive (full) when the other is negative (empty), and how the electrical
force (measured as voltage) fows back and for the between them. Te two
sides are said to be in opposite phase with one another. When the seesaw is
level, the two sides are equal, and at that moment, there is no electromotive
potential between them until one side goes lower. Tat middle point when
the current reverses direction is 0v (zero volts).
A switch is an electrical valve that interrupts an electrical circuit
by disconnecting the conducting wires. With conductivity interrupted, no
power can fow and work stops. Tis is exactly like turning a faucet on and
ofthe valve interrupts the fow of water.
Power stations use alternators that create AC power with tremendous
electrical force, which is then transmitted through the powerlines, which
create a circuit connecting every building in the power grid. Te buildings
tap of the electrical force and reduce it through transformers to a level
(generally) safe for humans to work and live around. Tis is similar to
municipal water supplylarge diameter pipes feed smaller pipes, all the way
to your home where small pipes deliver the water to individual faucets.
In your home, electrical service comes into a main electrical
panel, where it is connected to a number of special switches called circuit
A circuit breaker is a switch that has a heavy spring that causes it to
push back against being switched on. To turn it on, you push past the force
of the spring until the switch clicks into place, which holds the circuit on.
Power fows through the switch via a special type of conductor
that will deform if it gets too hot. When the conductor passes too much
electricity, its natural resistance will cause it to deform, which releases the
clip that holds the switch, which shuts of the circuit. If too much electricity
is drawn through the circuit, the circuit breaker will heat up and break the
circuit, interrupting the fow of power and preventing a dangerous discharge
of electricity.
Circuit breakers prevent the wires built into your
home from overheating when an appliance or device
short-circuits, or when you make a mistake while
Each circuit breaker controls the delivery of power to a circuit of
installed fxture lighting or outlets in your home. Generally, four to ten
fxtures or outlets will be wired to a single circuit breaker, usually delineated
by room so that the circuit breaker can be conveniently labeled. Outlets and
fxtures should not be combined on a single circuit, but exceptions to this
rule are common. Shutting of a circuit breaker makes it safe to work on the
de-energized circuit.
Finally, power to a fxture is interrupted a fnal time by the light
switch. A single light switch will control power to one light or a group of
lights all having the same function, such as a chandelier, counter lights, or a
pair of sconces in a room.
Understanding Alternating Current
Alternating Current power, or AC, is electrical current that rapidly cycles
from positive to negative and then back again in a short time period. AC
current is used for power transmission because it does not sufer from
increasing loss over long distances due to resistance the way that Direct
Current (DC) does. Te period of the alternating current (referred to as
Hertz or Hz) is 60Hz in North America so that electric clocks can be made
to tick one jify once each cycle (A jify is 1/60
of a second). In much of the
rest of the world, 50Hz is used.
AC power in the United States is delivered to homes as single-phase
alternating current on two hot conductors at 220-240 volts with a center
neutral, hereafer referred to as simply 220VAC.
At the circuit breaker, the neutral, which is at the mid-point of
potential between 0 and 220, is wired to earth ground, and the two hot
conductors are split into two 110VAC legs. Tis is somewhat erroneously
referred to as two-phase power (which is actually something else entirely),
but in residential electrical wiring when people refer to two phase power,
they mean single-phase 220VAC residential power split into two legs.
Tis book follows the common convention of
referring to each 110VAC leg as a phase.
Each phase feeds half of the lighting and accessory outlets in the
home, with outlets for high voltage devices such as dryers and stoves fed by
Devices that require 220VAC power, such as electrical dryers and stoves, use
both phases and a large round outlet. 220VAC outlets are directly wired to a
single circuit breaker rated for either 30 or 50 amps.
Most home electrical appliances and lighting are designed to operate on 110
volts in North America. Electrical circuits in the home are generally attached
to either 15 amp circuits for typical use, or 20 amp circuits for particularly
high-draw circuits or areas of the house where more power is required from
outlets, such as the Kitchen. Te rating of a circuit is defned by the thickness
or gauge of wire used in the circuit and the rating of the circuit breaker at
the panel. 12-gauge wire is required for 20 amp circuits; 14-gauge wire can
be used for 15 amp circuits.
Calculating power usage
Calculating how much power a device will draw is easy: Just multiply its
rated amp or milliamp draw by 120 (the maximum voltage delivered) to get
its power usage in watts. 1000 milliwatts = 1 watt.
To determine how much draw there will be for a particular circuit,
sum the power draws of all the devices on the circuit. When you dont know
what the draw of the appliances will be, the typical average used is 200 watts
per outlet, for up to eight outlets on a single 15-amp circuit. Tis includes
the presumption that not all outlets will be used.
15 amps x 110 volts = 1650 watts / 200 watts per device = 8 outlets
Figure 2.1: 220VAC split into two 110VAC legs
AC Wiring
Power coming into the home at the main point of entry is divided into a
number of circuits at an electrical panel. Te electrical panel will have a
circuit breaker for each 220VAC outlet and a breaker for each circuit of
110VAC lighting fxtures and appliance outlets. A typical 110VAC circuit
will connect four to eight lighting fxtures or outlets depending on the
expected draw.
220VAC outlets typically have two hot wires and a neutral. Tey may
also have a ground.
Also sometimes referred to as phase, line, or live, Hot is the lead in an
electrical cable that carries the electrical potential compared to Neutral.
When a device is connected to both Hot and Neutral, a circuit (or path) is
formed, and current can fow through the device (devices are also called a
load). Power fowing allows the device to operate.
On INSTEON devices, hot is referred to as line.
While hot is technically only dangerous if you also touch either
Neutral or Ground, you are always closer to ground potential than you are
to any other electrical potential so Hot will always be dangerous.
Load is the Hot conductor afer it has gone through a switchin other
words, load is disconnected when a switch is open (in the of position),
and connected to hot when a switch is closed (in the on position).
Traditional switches are wired only to hot and load, and for this
reason there are no neutral wires run to switchboxes in many homes built
prior to 1980. In anticipation of smarthome systems such as INSTEON
and to standardize the wiring of switch-legs, the National Electrical Ccode
changed in the early 1980s to require that neutrals be run to switchboxes.
Neutral or Common
Neutral, ofen referred to as Common, is the center voltage between the two
legs of 220VAC. As such, when connected to either leg it creates a circuit at
half voltage, 110VAC. All typical outlets in a home are connected to one of
the two 110VAC Hot leads and to neutral.
Neutral is connected to earth ground at the main point of entry
electrical panel. Tis prevents electrical problems in neighboring homes
from having any signifcant impact in your home, ensures that supply power
hasnt strayed too far from your houses earth ground to be safe, and ensures
that any transient supply voltage is shunted to ground before it enters your
While neutral is intended to have 0 volts of potential, this is never
actually the case in practice because it forms part of the circuit of every
device in the house, and every device draws difering amounts of power.
INSTEON devices draw a small amount of operating power from neutral
and hot (about 6w) to power their internal circuitry and LEDs.
Always treat neutral as if it were hot, because you
dont know how much electrical potential there is
between it and you.
In junction boxes for switches, neutrals are usually unused and wired together
into a large bundle with a wire nut. Occasionally youll see two bundles of
neutrals with a wire connecting them because there were too many neutrals
for a single wirenut to bind. By code, all unused neutrals in the home must
be wired together.
In an outlet junction box, neutrals are wired to the outlets along with
hot and ground.
All electrical power fows to the Earthit is the zero-voltage reference for all
wired electrical circuits. Ground wires create a path for errant power to fow
to earth without damaging equipment or shocking humans. Te diference
between a ground wire and a neutral wire is that ground wires are never
intended to carry electrical current as a matter of course and are instead a
safety valve in the event of a short circuit.
All metal piping systems in the home are connected to earth electrical
ground at the MPOE panel, including copper water pipes, gas pipes, and
HVAC ducts. Tis ensures that no unsafe voltage potential can build up and
that they shunt any electrical wire that touches them to ground.
In outlets, ground is wired to the third pin of a standard electrical
plug. In switchboxes, ground is typically wired to the groundnut on the
switch, to the junction box if it is metal, or lef free if the junction box is
plastic and the switch does not have a groundnut.
It should always be safe to touch a ground wire by defnition. If you
detect signifcant (>5v) voltage on a ground wire compared to a known
ground such as a water pipe, something is wrong and you should contact a
qualifed electrician to troubleshoot it.
Circuit wiring
Outlets and lighting are typically wired on separate circuits. While this is
not required by code, it is good practice because a device that trips a circuit
breaker from over-use is almost always plugged into an outlet, and you dont
want to loose lighting when that happens. But there are occasions when it
makes sense to put light fxtures and outlets on the same circuitthis is
especially common when an outlet is provided at counter-height in the same
junction box as a switch.
Most lighting circuits are 15-amp circuits run with 14-gauge wire.
Outlets are either 15-amp run with 14-guage wire or 20-amp circuits run
with 12-gauge wire, depending on their expected load. Kitchens, bathrooms,
and garages are typical places where a 20-amp circuit might be used to power
high-draw loads such as microwave ovens, curling irons, and power tools.
In commercial buildings, 15-amp circuits are limited to 8 outlets or
fxtures per circuit, and 20-amp circuits are limited to 10. Tere are no limits
for residential wiring according to the NEC, but the commercial limitations
are generally adhered to as good practice.
220VAC outlets are typically run on 30 amp breakers using 10-gauge
wiring, or may be run on 50 amp breakers using 8-guage wiring for especially
heavy loads such as large electrical stoves. Only one outlet can be wired to a
220VAC breaker by code.
Outlets and fxtures on the same circuit are wired in parallelhot
and neutral pass by the load (rather than through it) on their way to the next
load so that the circuit is not interrupted or afected by the other loads on
the circuit (other than to increase the amount of power drawn overall).
Circuits running to bathrooms must be protected with a Ground
Fault Interrupter (GFI), which is an outlet with a fast-blow circuit breaker
built into it that can disconnect a circuit faster than the circuit breaker at the
panel. Tis prevents shorts caused by water from electrocuting people who
may be wet which makes them better conductors of electricity.
Figure 2.2: Circuit wiring on a blueprint
Switch Wiring
Light fxtures are always wired to switches. Outlets may be, but usually
arent unless the home does not have enough installed fxtures and lamps
are necessary.
Switches can be wired two diferent ways: with the circuit going from
the switch to the fxture (referred to as switch-fxture wiring), or from the
fxture to the switch (referred to as fxture-switch wiring).
When power is at the fxture, the circuit is brought to the fxture or outlet,
and a traveler cable is wired to the switch. Te purpose of the traveler wire is
to take the hot conductor to the switch and bring it back as the load wire.
Figure 2.3: Fixture-Switch Wiring
At the fxture, hot is connected to the hot lead of the traveler (and
not connected to the fxture), and the fxtures hot is connected to the load
wire of the traveler. Hot and load are connected to the switch, so when the
switch is closed the circuit is completed and the fxture comes on. Neutral
is brought to the switch junction box either as a third conductor or more
typically in another cable, and simply capped of (or connected to other
neutrals) with a wire nut because it is unused in traditional switch wiring.
When power is at the switch, the circuit is brought to the switch junction
box. Neutral is wired through to the cable going to the fxture, and hot
is wired to the switch. Load leaves the switch with the cable going to the
fxture. At the fxture, neutral and load are wired to the device. Tis method
has the advantage of not requiring an additional cable run to the junction
box and in bringing neutral to the switch while still allowing less expensive
two-conductor romex to travel from the switch to the fxture, but is less
fexible to re-wire than running power to the fxture.
Figure 2.4: Switch-Fixture Wiring
Switch-legs and multi-way switches
Traditional three-way switching, where two wall switches control a single
fxture, require special three-way switches in most confgurations. Te
three-way switches are wired to allow power to be routed by either switch,
resulting in the typical switches are the same, light is ofswitches are
diferent, light is on pattern you are used to if youve lived in a home with
three-way switching.
Rewiring multi-way switches for INSTEON is an intermediate level
skill. Detailed instructions are provided in chapter 6, but you should expect
that you might need to call an electrician to get it worked out correctly if you
dont have much experience with electrical home wiring.
Figure 2.5: Different three-way switch configurations
If you are building a home new construction, tell the electricians
not to wire switch-legs or travelers for three-way switches. Be prepared for
skepticism, howeverI did this, and despite my insistence I still wound
up with three three-way switches in my house because my electricians just
didnt believe that I knew what I was talking about and Id regret it if I
didnt wire three-way circuits. Fortunately they wired them all as Switch-
fxture-switch with a traveler, which makes the last traveler easy to simply
wire out. I was able to place INSTEON switches in the junction boxes with
no loads (the load wire is capped of with a wirenut) to control the devices
in exactly the same way.
4-way switches add yet another magnitude of complexity. Sufce it
to say that its not really feasible to wire more than 4-way switching using
traditional switches and wiring, which is one of the primary reasons that
distributed switching like INSTEON was developed.
Wiring in older homes
Older homes can have substantial electrical wiring diferences from the
modern wiring described in this chapter.
Figure 2.6: Knob & Tube wiring
Knob & Tube wiring: 1880s through 1920s
Te oldest homes may have knob & tube wiring where separate cloth
covered conductors are strung freely through the attic through circular
insulatorsthey might even have bare conductors exposed.
Most rubber cable sheaths developed prior to 1950 will be rotten and
brittle today, and unsafe to modify. If you have a home of this age, you should
strongly consider upgrading the electrical wiring for your own safety.
Knob & Tube wiring universally lacks correct
Although INSTEON will actually operate correctly on home wiring
of this age, it may be difcult to install INSTEON devices without damaging
your wiring and causing safety issues. Consider using INSTEON plug-in
devices and controllers rather than installed devices in homes of this age.
In addition to the issues youll have with knob & tube wiring, you will also
have the issues associated with two-conductor wiring described in the next
Consider using plug-in controllers such as the ControlLinc or
RemoteLinc and plug in responders such as the LampLinc and ApplianceLinc
in homes with Knob & Tube wiring. If you also integrate X10 screw-in light-
bulb switches for fxtures, you can efectively create a smarthome without
touching your electrical wiring.
Two Conductor wiring: 1930s through 1970s
In nearly all homes built prior to the 1980s only two conductors were run
to outlets: Hot and Neutral. Tese homes have outlets with only two vertical
slots in the outlet plugsthey lack the third ground hole.
Tese homes also may lack neutrals run to switches if they are wired
fxture-switch. Tese switches typically will have only hot and load run
to them. Neutral wires stop at the light fxture, and a travelera two-
conductor wire from the fxture to the switchboxis sent to the switch. One
wire of the traveler is connected to hot at the fxture, and the other wire is
connected to the load light. At the switchbox, closing the switch connects
hot to load, completing the circuit. You can recognize this type of circuit
by the single two-conductor cable coming into the junction box with both
conductors connected to the switch, and no other wires.
If youre lucky, you may have switch-fxture wiring in most switches,
which will provide all the wires you needneutral and hot coming into
the switchbox and line and load going to the fxture. If two wires are wired
together in the switch junction box, they should be neutrals.
If you have three wires in the box but they are all wired to the switch,
youre probably looking at a three-way switch.
Figure 2.7: 2-wire switch wiring
Te problem with two-conductor wiring in switches
is that neutrals are not available at the switchbox to
power INSTEON devices.
You can still use INSTEON devices in two-conductor homes. Chapter
6 describes how to deal with two conductor switches in simple and efective
INSTEON devices are easy to install and useany do-it-yourselfer will
be able to install a complete INSTEON system without professional help.
Electrical safety is an important concern howeveralways observe proper
safety precautions such as shutting of circuit breakers when working on
electrical wiring. If you are unfamiliar with electrical home wiring, have an
electrical contractor assist you with your frst installations or perform the
installation for you.
INSTEON runs over the vast majority of existing home wiring with
no modifcations. You may require specifc INSTEON devices for your
particular home wiring needs, but these devices are available. Tere are a
few cases where you may have to perform some additional wiring inside
junction boxes and light fxtures in order to get INSTEON devices working
correctly, but these cases are easily resolved.
Chapter 3
Understanding INSTEON
If youve read Chapter 1, you know what INSTEON can do. But how does it
do it? Tis chapter covers everything an end-user and installer of INSTEON
devices needs to understand about INSTEON in order to design, install,
confgure, and use INSTEON technology.
Tis chapter covers basic INSTEON technology,
INSTEONs place amongst competitors in the market,
and the basic types of INSTEON devices. If you are
already familiar with INSTEON technology, you may
want to skip to the next chapter.
INSTEON is: A distributed control network protocol that operates
over powerlines and Radio frequency to create a dual-mesh of peer controls
and switches that all repeat signals multiple times for greater reliability. Te
protocol implements two-way acknowledgement features to ensure that
control signals reach their intended destination or the user is warned that
they did not. Tats easy to write, but what does it all mean? Te meaning of
that defnition is the subject of this chapter.
Terminology: Control Technologies
Cross-Linkmutual links that make it possible for multiple devices to
control and respond to one another in unison.
Dimmer An electronic component that can lower the delivered power
from maximum to open (of). Electronic dimmers do this by rapidly
switching the circuit on and of. Te light will average the power, and
dim as the ratio of on-time to of-time diminishes. Dimmers are made
from solid-state devices called triacs.
GroupA set of INSTEON links that list the responders of a particular
INSTEON devices button (or other control group).
ISM(Industrial, Scientifc, and Medical) Reserved radio frequency
bands that do not require a license for transmission, which opens them
up for unlimited use in short range data networking.
Link An entry in an INSTEON devices memory that contains the
addresses of other devices that it will send control and status messages
Microcontroller a CPU with its own memory and input/output devices
onboardan entire special purpose computer on a single chip.
Network A group of interconnected devices that can communicate
directly with one another by name or address.
Packet a computer message. Rather than communicating entire
volumes of data at once, data is chopped into small packets and
individually addressed to the intended recipient. Packet networks allow
multiple interleaved conversations to occur simultaneously over a single
Relay An electronically controlled switch that can connect or interrupt
one circuit based on the condition of another circuit. Te relay can be
a traditional electromechanical relay of the type used in automotive
blinkers or a solid-state silicon controlled relay (SCR).
Repeater A device that listens for signals and then repeats them in a
subsequent time frame.
SceneA concept of control used in home automation controllers that is
equivalent to the same group programmed into multiple controllers.
INSTEON technology is designed to avoid the complexity pitfalls that other
control networks face:
Rather than arbitrating access to the network with a complex collision-
avoidance protocol in order to prevent devices from talking over one
another, INSTEON uses simultaneous transmission to boost signal
Rather than creating complex routing protocols to determine how
signals should be forwarded, all INSTEON devices forward all
Rather than requiring complex enrollment or individual device
address programming, INSTEON devices are assigned a unique
address at the factory and need only to be linked in order to begin
Because INSTEON technology is comparatively simple, all devices
can contain the same control circuitry and act as peers. INSTEON devices
require no role confguration, enrollment into the system, or defnition of
masters and slaves.
Te next few sections detail exactly what happens from switch
pressed to lights on on an INSTEON network to explain in some depth
what is actually happening.
Sending INSTEON commands
All INSTEON devices contain a microcontroller (a complete computer on a
chip) that controls the operation of the device. Tis controller sends signals
over the powerline through a network interface, which is an electronic
circuit that connects them to the powerline or radio frequency network.
Te network interface handles sending packets of information to other
microcontrollers on the network.
Te process for sending an INSTEON command is simple:
1. Te controller sends a broadcast message to all INSTEON devices
with its address, group (button) number, and the requested command
(On, of, dim, brighten, etc.)
2. All devices on the network examine their link table for an entry
from the controller and group. If found, the device will immediately
perform the command
3. Te controller next sends a peer-to-peer message to each group
member individually with the same command request. Tis
guarantees that any device that missed the group broadcast will come
4. Each device responds with an acknowledgement. If the controller
does not receive an acknowledgement, it will repeat step 3 up to fve
Te following paragraphs describe the process in more detail.
When you press the switch paddle on an INSTEON SwitchLinc, the
Microcontroller sends a signal containing its own address and the switch
state that the user requestedusually either on, of, dim, or brighten.
Te message also indicates which button (also called a group in Insteon
terminology because the button controls a group of responders) on the
switch was pressed, so that the various buttons on a multi-button keypad
can have diferent functions.
All INSTEON devices in your home will receive this signal. Tey
each look up the address of the sending device in their table of links, and
if they fnd a match for that device and group (button number), they will
perform the requested control command. Tis way, all the lights in a group
can come up instantly and simultaneously.
Te original device will then go through its table of links and send
an individual ON message to each device linked to that button. Tis retry
ensures that each light comes on. Te individual lights all acknowledge this
cleanup message, which is how the originator knows that every light did
indeed come on.
If the original device fails to receive an acknowledgement when it
sends the individual command, it will retry up to fve times, and then fash a
light to indicate that a message was not received.
Figure 3.1: Sending an INSTEON control message
Te purpose for sending the group broadcast frst, rather than
simply sending an individual command to each light in the group in order,
is due to the low speed at which INSTEON commands travel over the
wire. If the controller communicated with each device in order before they
came on, a noticeable delay would occur and the lights would come up in
order. By sending a group code frst, all the lights have the ability to come
on immediately and simultaneously, and then any problems that occurred
can be cleaned up afer the fact. Since problems are rare, this methodology
optimizes the responsiveness of the system to human users, but still allows
for certainty that lights will come on even when messages are missed.
All devices are repeaters
In addition to listening for control messages, every device that hears the
broadcast decreases the hop count number and then retransmits the message
simultaneously with all the other devices that heard the message.
Messages would repeat forever if there were no mechanism to have
them automatically expire. For that reason, INSTEON messages contain
a hop count; a number that is incremented each time a device forwards
it. When a message is received that already has the maximum hop count
number, it is no longer forwarded. Te hop count limits INSTEON messages
to fve repetitions.
Te simultaneous repeating nature of INSTEON is akin to a
cheerleader that starts a cheer, which nearby cheerleaders hear and then
repeat to the beat, and then the nearby fans repeat it, and soon the entire
stadium is repeating the chant. Although you may not have heard the
original cheerleader, if youre in the stadium youll defnitely hear the cheer
by the endeven if some people are out of sync, saying other things, or fail
to repeat the cheer.
Te cheering works because its synchronized to the beat of the
cheer itself. Te ultimate strength drowns out noise, other signals, and even
INSTEON devices that may be slightly out of sync. INSTEON signals are
synchronized to the 60Hz power phase, which guarantees that all signals
will be repeated in lock step.
INSTEON does not have to develop routing paths to particular
devices or keep track of which device to transmit messages to in order to
reach some ultimate recipientAll devices simply repeat everything, so all
messages eventually get through to their intended recipient.
Figure 3.2: Automatic Message Repetition
INSTEON creates a dual-mesh network
INSTEON defnes two diferent media over which its signals can be sent:
Wirelessly via radio frequency, and over home electrical powerlines. Because
signals are repeated over both types of networks each time theyre sent,
problems that may occur on one network can be routed around with signals
sent over the other. Tis is why INSTEON Access points are used to bridge
the two powerline phases in the home.
Figure 3.3: A Dual Mesh Network
A mesh network is a network wherein most or all of the devices can
participate in forwarding messages, either by routing through a specifc
predetermined path (as in the case of competing home control wireless
technologies Zigbee and Z-Wave) or by repeat broadcasting until all devices
have received the signal (as is the case with INSTEON).
Because both RF and powerline INSTEON devices (except battery
powered devices) repeat every message they hear, the odds of a message
reaching its receiver are dramatically increased: Even though the receiver
may not be able to communicate directly with the transmitter, the devices
between the two will relay the message between them until the message is
received, or a maximum of fve relays (or hops) has occurred. Tis happens
automatically across both types of networks.
If you have a home with older, unreliable electrical
wiring, simply add additional INSTEON Access
point to improve INSTEON message propagation.
If you live in an environment with considerable RF
interference, such as near an airport or military base,
use a hardwired phase bridge instead. Te dual-mesh
nature of INSTEON makes it easy to solve problems
that bedevil other protocols.
When an INSTEON signal hears a message, in compares the source
address to its list of controllers. If they match, then this responder has been
previously linked to the sending controller and should listen to the message.
Te responder interprets the control message and performs the function
indicated by the control messageit switches on or of, or to the indicated
dim level.
Te responder waits for the message to stop being transmitted and then
transmits an acknowledgement which indicates the state that the device
changed to. Tis response is repeated in the same manner as a transmission.
If the original sender does not receive a response, it may be programmed to
try again or to inform the user that the message was not receivedor more
likely it will do both in order.
INSTEON includes special commands for linking. When you press the set
button on an INSTEON device, the following actions occur:
1. Te frst device sends a set button pressed message to all INSTEON
devices. Tis informs all INSTEON devices on the network that the
sender is looking for group members, or INSTEON devices to add
to a particular buttons link table. Tis frst device then listens for the
set button pressed message from other devices.
2. Subsequent devices send a set button pressed message to all
INSTEON devices. Because the frst device is listening for links, it
records the addresses of these devices in its link table.
3. Te frst device then sends a join group message to each device that
it recorded a link from. Because these devices are now in set mode,
they record the link from the frst device in their link tables. Tis
creates a standard controller-responder link.
4. Subsequent devices then send an acknowledgement to the frst device
to indicate that they joined the group.
To create a cross-link, the linking process is repeated with the devices
Te linking process creates a web of control between numerous
controllers and numerous responders. Most INSTEON devices contain
both a controller and a responder, so they can be linked in a number of
diferent ways: As a controller, as a responder, or both as a controller and a
responder to another INSTEON device. When both devices are confgured
as controllers and responders of one another, they are cross-linked, and they
will track their loads status across devices and turn on in concert with one
Links are stored in the memory of every INSTEON devicenot just
in a central computer or controller. Since each controller has its own link
database, it can send and receive signals without assistance from a PC or
home automation controller. Tis makes INSTEON very reliable because
there is no central point of failure.
Te complete set of links between INSTEON controllers and
responders creates the environment in your homethe multi-way switching,
the lighting paths, the scenes, the security triggers, and the environmental
controls. Te total set of links in all devices is what you create when you
confgure or program your INSTEON network.
Creating Links using a PC
Creating links can be performed manually on any device, or it can be
controlled with a central PC. In practice, youll manually create links in
small installations or when a new inspiration strikes. When performing
larger installations or programming sophisticated controllers such as a
KeypadLinc, youll probably want to use a central PC. However, once your
programming is complete on the PC, the web of links is downloaded into
the INSTEON devices so that the PC is no longer necessary.
Direct Device Control
Computers and home automation controllers can simply directly address
devices to control their state without creating links in the devices. Tis makes
it easy for programmers to maintain the state of links in the computer, and
make complex decisions about which devices to control and how to control
them. However, it also makes the entire system depend on the computer.
SmartLabs HouseLinc sofware correctly synchronizes
links into INSTEON devices and should be used for
large scale programming of INSTEON devices if
your home automation controller cannot program
INSTEON devices with reconfgured links.
Home automation controllers can also act as technology bridges to connect
INSTEON to the data network portion of a smarthome system. Tis enables
control of INSTEON devices to be controlled remotely over the Internet,
and to work with your home theater and other systems.
INSTEON message passing also includes provisions for the passing of group
messages and for X10 backward compatibility. All INSTEON devices can
understand and generate X10 signals if programmed to do so; however,
they do not repeat X10 signals and will not make an X10 installation more
reliable other than by replacing most X10 devices with INSTEON devices.
X10 compatibility makes it easy to begin adding INSTEON devices to your
X10 network and smoothly transition one device at a time to a more reliable
INSTEON based system.
Basic Types of INSTEON Devices
All INSTEON devices fall into the following categories of devices, based on
how they operate. Some are pure controllers and some are pure responders,
but most are both controllers and responders.
Chapter 10 covers the INSTEON devices at the time
of this writing in detail.
Phase Couplers
Phase coupling is required in INSTEON installations to allow signals to travel
between the two phase-legs in a typical home. Hardwired phase bridges
dont have any other functionality, so they are something youll install and
forgetbut they are necessary.
If you are building or doing any electrical remodeling, you should
strongly consider installing a hard-wired phase coupler. Teyre the least
expensive and most reliable way to couple the phases. Or consider installing
a 220VAC plug-in phase coupler on one of your 220V appliance outlets.
Tey are easier to install, but 220VAC outlets are ofen not easy to get to
without moving an appliance.
If a hard-wired phase coupler is not appropriate for your installation,
you can use two INSTEON Access Points as RF phase couplers. Access Points
also receive signals from RF remotes. You may fnd reference to SignaLinc RF
wireless phase-bridges. Tey were the original type, but have been replaced
by INSTEON Access Points.
INSTEON switches (called SwitchLincs) replace your existing light switches
and locally control the load of the switch they replaced. When you link two
SwitchLincs together, they operate in tandemboth loads are controlled by
the switch you reprogrammed. You can establish reciprocal links so that both
switches control both loads (which you would do in a multi-way switching
scenario) or you can leave them so that one switch controls others but is not
controlled by them (as you may do in a path lighting scenario).
You can retroft an existing home for path lighting, multi-way
switching, and scene lighting using nothing but SwitchLincs and a phase
INSTEON supports a wide array of keypad controllers, from six and eight
button single-gang keypads to in-wall touch screens to tabletop controllers,
you can use keypad controllers to put considerable capability at your
fngertips. Youll use keypads primarily for multi-way switching, path, and
scene lighting.
Remote Controls
Remotes are battery powered handheld controllers, and may be either RF
or Infrared (IR). Tey always have a bridge connected to the INSTEON
powerline network to receive the signals and either repeat them onto the
powerline or convert them into INSTEON signals, depending upon the
technology in use.
Figure 3.4: A KeypadLinc and a SwitchLinc installed
Technology Bridges
Various INSTEON bridges exist to connect the Powerline network to non-
INSTEON controllers such as Infrared remote controls, the Internet, alarm
panels, and wireless sensor systems. For example, INSTEON Access Points
are a powerline to RF bridge, IRLinc is an infrared to INSTEON bridge, and
SmartLinc is an Internet to INSTEON bridge.
Powerline Modems and Powerline Controllers
Powerline Modems and Controllers are bridges that adapt INSTEON signals
to common computer interfaces such as RS-232 serial and USB. PLMs and
PLCs are the basis of nearly all other technology bridges because they give
developers an easy way to interface to INSTEON using existing protocols
and tools. PLCs are PLMs with additional memory and the ability to run a
small amount of custom program code.
With the addition of a Powerline Modem (PLM) or Powerline Controller
(PLC), any computer can become an INSTEON controller. Tis enables any
level of sophistication in scene management and device control.
Relays are INSTEON devices that turn power on or of to any type of
appliance. Relays can be part of an INSTEON switch, can sit between the
device and the outlet, can replace the outlet, or can be wired in line with
the controlled appliance depending on the particular need. Some INSTEON
devices are referred to as ON/OFF devicesthis term is synonymous with
Timers are relays that include a timing circuit to turn them of afer a specifc
period of time, which may be indicated by preprogramming, by tapping the
switch a number of times, or by pressing a key that indicates how long the
device should remain on. Timers are used in rooms that are not normally
occupied to ensure that lights dont remain on indefnitely.
Dimmers are a special case of relay that can provide a percentage of power to
incandescent lights instead of being limited to on/of operation. Tey should
not be used with inductive loads such as fans or other magnetic loads, or
fuorescent lighting. Tese loads can be damaged by dimmers and will cause
premature failure of the dimmer itself.
I/O Controllers
I/O Controllers are a type of technology bridge designed to detect inputs
from relay-type sensors that cause a short when they are sensing, or to drive
low-voltage loads such as sprinkler valves or bells. I/O Controllers connect
INSTEON to a wide variety of devices.
Sensors detect a state in the environment and send a control signal based on
the state or change of state. Motion sensors are a common type of sensor. Many
non-INSTEON sensors can be bridged to an INSTEON network through an
I/O controller, but a few sensors are directly available as INSTEON devices.
Comparing INSTEON
A useful way to learn about a system is to compare it to other similar systems.
Te remainder of this chapter compares INSTEON to the various other
home automation technologies that are available as of this writing.
If youve already decided to use INSTEON technology
and arent interested in its history or place amongst
competitors, you can skip the remainder of this
Types of Home Control systems
Tere are two basic types of home control systems:
Central lighting systems
Distributed control systems
Central lighting systems bring all the lighting wiring to a central
point in the home and use a large array of load switching panels to control
everything using a single computer. Tey are somewhat similar to alarm
panels in their functional design except that they include electronics to
handle much larger switched voltages than an alarm panel has to deal with.
Distributed control systems work with traditionally wired homes
and operate by replacing traditional light switches with microcontrollers
that operate on a network that either runs over the electrical wiring or is
wireless using radio frequency in the ISM bands.
All types of lighting control systems have advantages
and drawbacks.
Central Control Systems
Central control systems centralize all the power switching in large panels in
a single location in the home. Every lightnot just every lighting circuit
has its own home run to these switching panels. Every switch in the house
also has its own home-run low-voltage cable running to the lighting system
control units.
Te central panels are then programmed to match a specifc switch
button input to a particular set of lights (a path or scene) that should be
turned on or dimmed.
Central lighting systems are considered in the industry to be
premium lighting solutions: While expensive, they provide perfect control,
reliable switching with no technology related trade-ofs (other than that they
only control lighting), and high reliability.
However, central lighting systems require that the entire home be
specially wiredboth in the fact that every light must be wired to the control
panel, and the fact that switches must be wired using specialty wiring. For
this reason, central lighting switches cannot be retroft into existing homes
without a complete electrical replacement as part of a remodel.
Tere are also problems with controlling lamps and other free
standing appliancesoutlets are generally not wired to the central lighting
system because theres no way to tell what will be plugged into them, so
freestanding lamps arent part of the home control system. You cant easily
change a load type from a light to a ceiling fan or fuorescent light unless the
load is exactly the same as the system was built to handle in that particular
location. Putting an inductive load on a dimmed circuit for example can
damage the load and the control panel. Tis problem keeps centralized
lighting systems focuses exclusively on lighting and not able to incorporate
other elements of home control.
Because the central control panels are expensive, the wiring is
specialized and increases costs, and the installers require special skill. For
these reasons, centralized lighting systems are simply not an option for
most people. Tats why their market has been strictly limited to new luxury
homes. Te various vendors have been forced to price their products for that
specifc market, thus preventing much penetration into the typical home
Distributed Control Systems
Distributed control systems do not centralize the power switching. Rather,
they work the way traditionally wired systems work, but they automate the
function of the switch.
Fault tolerance starts with de-centralization. Distributed systems
such as the Internet are far better able to tolerate the loss of a few components
than centralized systems like the obsolete mainframe computers of old. In
the same way, a decentralized control system can better tolerate the loss of a
component than a centralized system.
Te major distributed control systems developed for home use are:
UPB (Universal Powerline Bus)
Tese technologies will all be discussed and compared in the following
section. Tey all share a number of common features:
Signal distribution by powerline, wireless in the ISM bands, or both
A system of controllers, responders, and repeaters to transmit,
receive, and strengthen signals
A very similar set of available devices.
Tey are diferentiated primarily by cost and reliability.
Terminology: Distributed Control Systems
Responderperforms load control. Responders listen for commands,
and switch the load based on the received command. Te switches are
either relays, dimmers or specialized I/O devices.
Controllersends commands to the responder. Most protocols support
combined controller/responders that locally control a particular load and
also transmit commands to other responders.
Bridgepasses commands from wireless devices to wired devices, or
converts commands from one type of control system to another (for
example, to a security system). Bridges may simply resend received data
on another type of network, for example from radio to powerline, or they
may receive a signal on one network or protocol, match that command
in a conversion table, and resend the converted command on another
network or protocol.
Interfaceadapts the protocol to general-purpose computers so that
the automation system can be controlled by computer sofware. Tese
automation controllers adapt the protocol to some computer interface,
such as serial, USB, or Ethernet, and provide a way for sofware programs
to directly control the home automation system.
Te frst home automation system developed was X-10, which was developed
in 1975 by Pico Electronics. X-10 transmits communication signals over the
power lines, so it requires no special wiring. X-10 is now an open industry
standard. It remains the least expensive and most popular home automation
system, and dozens of manufacturers make thousands of diferent X-10
compatible devices.
INSTEON devices are backward compatible with X-
10 devices and can control and be controlled by them
because INSTEON devices speak X-10 protocol in
addition to INSTEON protocol. X-10 devices cannot
receive INSTEON messages however.
X-10 systems consist of controllers and responders. A controller
sends commands, and a responder or device module responds to commands.
Examples of device modules include plug-in on/of appliance controllers,
screw-in lamp dimmers, and I/O controllers.
X-10 communications exploits the fact that household electrical
wiring is relatively quiet during the moment when the AC signal transitions
across the zero voltage boundaries 60 times per second. In that instant,
an X-10 device can transmit one bit, or binary digit, of information.
Te information that X-10 sends is usually an address of the device being
controlled, and a command.
An X-10 packet consists of a 4-bit house code, a 4-bit unit code, and
a 4-bit command code. Tis provides 256 uniquely addressable devices (4-
bits of house code + 4-bits of unit code=8-bits, 2^8=256). Te commands
are typically On, Of, and dim level, although the command can be anything
that the receiving device can interpret. A controller can transmit multiple
unit codes before sending a command, and this will cause all the receivers to
react to the command instantly.
House codes are important because the high-frequency carrier
signal used by X-10 can pass through power pole transformers, making X-
10 codes appear on the electrical wiring of nearby homes, which could cause
unintentional interference with a neighbors X-10 devices. A better solution
is to use inductive flters at the main point of entry to attenuate X-10 signals
as they pass in and out of the house. Tese are known as powerline flters,
and they are a common component of professional X-10 installations.
Other than neighbors, theres nothing to prevent one from using
multiple house codes in a single homehowever, you cannot send a single
command to units in more than one house code, so house codes efectively
equal groups in X-10.
X-10 repeats each command twice to improve reliability and improve
immunity to noise. However, there is no acknowledgement from the receiver
that a command has been acted upon.
X-10 also implements a radio frequency protocol that operates at
310MHz in the U.S. and 433MHz in Europe. An X-10 receiver bridges
received signals onto the powerline system.
HomeLink garage door controllers, built into most
luxury cars, can learn and transmit RF X-10 signals.
You can integrate this functionality into your
INSTEON network using an EZX-10RF bridge.
Problems with X-10
X-10 originally had a number of problems related to signal propagation
through house lines, such as signals not transiting across the two power
phases, signal propagation between separate homes, and transient line noise
caused by inductive loads such as transformers and motors. Tese problems
would cause the installation of some installations to be so unreliable as to
be useless.
Tese problems have largely been solved by the introduction of
phase couplers, noise flters, and signal repeaters, but signifcant problems
X-10 controllers will transmit on the line even when another
command is being transmittedthe two commands then become garbled.
Because it takes quite a bit of time (more than half a second) to transmit a
single X-10 command, the likelihood that two people will initiate a command
at the same is actually quite high. Worse, an X-10 command that starts afer
another controller has transmitted an address but before the command starts
can actually override the command with the command of the second device
and cause the wrong operation to occur.
X-10 responders do not acknowledge to the controller that the
command has been received and acted upon, so the user will only know
if the command has been completed if what they wanted to have happen
actually occurred. Ofen times this is not obvious.
X-10 can support only 256 devices, which is an easy number to
reach in a completely automated home. Because devices are individually
addressed, large scenes are slow to deploy causing a very noticeable delay
in lighting. Support for arbitrary dimming is primitive compared to more
modern protocols.
Tese problems combine to create more than a 1% failure case for
X-10 devices in a system that works well, and about 25% in bad cases. Lights
that dont switch on and Garage doors that open randomly create a strong
sense of unreliability in the minds of users and have severely limited the
adoption of X-10 amongst non-technical users.
Universal Powerline Bus
Universal Powerline Bus was the frst major competitor to X-10 to achieve
any real market success. It has been on the market about fve years longer
than INSTEON and Z-Wave.
UPB operates in a manner similar to X-10, but using a fundamentally
diferent method of creating signals on the powerline. It is more reliable than
X-10 and twice as fast.
UPB isnt nearly as fast or reliable as INSTEON, however, and it lacks
the range of device support that INSTEON has. Furthermore, UPB is not
considered to be user-installable by its own industry because it requires
special tools and sofware to confgure the UPB devices. Te manufacturer
recommends certifed installers and there is very little support for purchasing
UPB devices directly without purchasing them through an installer who will
mark them up.
UPB has serious problems with dimmers because dimmers work by
chopping the AC powerline signaland these chops look a lot like UPB
messages. UPB dimmers avoid the problem by not getting too dim, but a
traditional dimmer anywhere in the house can jam the entire UPB system if
its on a dim setting.
UPB devices cost about twice as much as equivalent INSTEON
INSTEON and UPB do not interfere with one
anotheryou can successfully use both over the
same powerlines, although they cannot control
one another directly. UPB will have problems with
INSTEON dimmers however.
Z-Wave is a distributed control system very similar to INSTEON in terms
of the available devices and capabilities of the system, but which transmits
its control signals over wireless in the 900MHz ISM band (similar to the
INSTEON-RF protocol) rather than over electrical home wiring. Z-Wave
and INSTEON-RF transmit on diferent channels in the 900MHz ISM
band and do not interfere with one another.
Z-Wave devices automatically create an RF-mesh network amongst
themselves, and every powerline device (some are battery operated) acts as
a repeater of Z-Wave signals in exactly the same way that INSTEON repeats
powerline signals. Signal repetition solves the problems of distant devices for
Z-Wave for the same reason. Each Z-Wave device has a nominal transmission
distance of between 20 in constricted areas to 100 in free space areas, with
the vendor recommending that devices be placed every 30 at maximum to
ensure good coverage.
Z-Wave requires a central controller, usually in the form of a remote
control, to manage the routing of Z-Wave signals. Te controller is also used
to enroll and link devices into the network. Z-Wave routing is determined
by the master controller but is self-healing, with devices able to fnd
paths around damaged devices. Z-Wave routing is actually phenomenally
complicated, but handled entirely automatically by the devices themselves.
Te complexity is not apparent to end users, but it does increase the cost of
the circuits that perform the work.
Tere is actually one case where the routing complexity of Z-Wave
is apparent to users: When you want to change something. Moving any Z-
Wave device requires you to un-enroll it and re-enroll it so that the master
controller can determine its new position in the network and create new
routing paths.
Un-enrolling can be very problematic: If a Z-Wave device disappears
from the network (because it failed, you unplugged it, a circuit-breaker is
of, or what have you) the Z-Wave devices attempting to control it will retry
for up to seven secondsofen times being completely unresponsive during
that period. Furthermore, you have to press a button on a Z-Wave device to
un-enroll it from the network. If the device failed or is no longer available
to be wired back in, all devices that control it will be subject to this very
long pause behavior. Te standard solution is to factory reset all controllers
and re-enroll all devicesin other words, start over completely. Its a pretty
bad failure mode that is caused by the complexity of the network routing
protocol used in Z-Wave.
Teoretically, because of the placement criteria and the 4-hop
maximum repetition, larger houses (over 5,000 sq.f.) would be a problem
for Z-Wave and would at a minimum require more careful planning. In
practice, there are very few houses too large for Z-Wave, although most
commercial buildings would be.
Te primary competitive problem for Z-Wave is cost. While the Z-
Wave consortium has done a good job of making RF devices inexpensive,
they still cost nearly twice as much as the comparable INSTEON device.
Tat makes a large installation cost a large amount more than the equivalent
INSTEON installation.
As with any RF device, problems of interference, reception, and
propagation throughout a home are possible in some installations and difcult
to detect without testing. Tat said, Z-Wave by all accounts is more reliable
than X-10 and probably about as reliable as INSTEON. Tese problems vary
widely depending on the size of the home, the distance between devices, the
number of devices, and the type of home construction. Older homes with
plaster-wire walls and grounded metal back boxes, which are common, can
cause serious problems for Z-Wave devices.
Zigbee is an open standard for communication amongst low power control
devices. Based loosely on the Bluetooth specifcation used in cell phone
headsets and wireless computer mice (amongst other things) and operating
in either the 900MHz or 2.4GHz ISM band, Zigbee devices are lower power,
lower battery consumption, and lower range than Z-Wave devices. At the
time of this writing, only an insignifcant number of Zigbee devices exist
and it is not yet possible to predict how well Zigbee will compete against Z-
Wave and INSTEON in the market.
Zigbee was originally designed to be a less expensive, lower
powered, and more specifc version of Bluetooth for applications where the
features and expense of Bluetooth werent necessary but a routing protocol
was. Unfortunately, Bluetooth is now mature and inexpensive, and Zigbee
still isnt really on the market. Bluetooth doesnt defne a routing protocol
however, so it cannot act as a home automation control protocol.
Zigbee will have similar problems to Z-Wave based on the fact that
it is RF based, requires device enrollment, and uses sophisticated routing
protocols and master/slave devices. In fact, because it is a lower-power
protocol, it is likely that it will have more problems than Z-Wave in reception
One big strike against Zigbee is its failure to get out of the gateits
already in it third major revision and no signifcant market yet exists. Te
frst generation of Zigbee devices isnt even compatible with the second
generation because the specifcation was essentially incomplete. Te third
generation is backward compatible with the second, however.
Zigbee and INSTEON operate on diferent channels
in the 900MHz ISM band do not interfere with one
The History of INSTEON
SmartLabs, a large manufacturer of X-10 devices, developed INSTEON
specifcally as a follow-on replacement for X-10. X-10 had been a really good
ideamany of the things it enabled could not be efectively accomplished
using any other technology available at the time. But afer thirty years, no
technology will continue to compete well without being updated.
X-10 compatibility was considered to be a key feature, both to drive
adoption amongst X-10 users and to retain the large market of esoteric X-
10 devices that would likely not be available in an INSTEON compatible
version until adoption was at least as high as X-10.
Why replace X-10 with something similar? Because INSTEON
corrects or largely mitigates all the problems that plagued X-10 without
signifcantly increasing costs.
Tere was no standard way to couple the powerline phases in X-10
it was an exercise lef to the installer, and uninformed users may have never
understood that phase coupling was important. INSTEON emphasizes phase
coupling and provides retroft phase couplers as a standard part of all starter
packages. Furthermore, the instructions for all INSTEON devices point out
the necessity of phase couplers clearly.
INSTEON devices automatically repeat every signal they hear in the
next signal window. Tis means that a signal becomes stronger every time
its repeated throughout the house and virtually guarantees that even distant
devices will receive the signal correctly.
As the number of INSTEON devices increases, the
reliability of the INSTEON network increases.
INSTEON devices acknowledge the receipt of signals, so if a signal
fails to reach its intended responder, the controller can repeat the signal or at
least alert the user with a fashing light or other signal to warn them.
INSTEON devices are pre-addressed at the factory with a unique
address. Not only is no programming required, address conficts are not
INSTEON is more than 10 times faster than X-10 in practice,
reducing the likelihood of signal collisions and increasing the number of
commands (and therefore size of home) that can be efectively controlled.
Finally, INSTEON devices are backward compatible with X-10, and
can be confgured to control or respond to X-10 signals. X-10 compatibility
allows uses to make use of obscure and small-market X-10 devices that
may never be manufactured in an INSTEON version, as well as providing a
migration path from X-10 to INSTEON without requiring every device to
be replaced at once.
INSTEON is a home automation control protocol that allows a network of
peer controllers and responders to communicate over powerline and radio
frequency to act in concert as a unifed lighting, appliance, and environment
control system.
INSTEON devices automatically repeat all messages that they hear
simultaneouslycreating a louder broadcast throughout the home with
each retransmission and new device that joins in the chorus. Tis virtually
guarantees that the responder will hear the controller irrespective of their
distance from one another, noise on the line, or other impediments to
Other competing distributed control network protocols exist, but
they are either considerably more expensive or considerably less reliable.
INSTEON has a complete range of home automation devices available and
works well in homes of any size.
Chapter 4
Starting Out with INSTEON
Firstly, dont worry about designing for INSTEON. Besides the installation of
a phase bridge, which can be as simple as plugging in two Access Points, there
are no system requirements you need to worry about beyond purchasing the
devices to do exactly what you want.
INSTEON is nearly design-freeYou dont have to
know or do anything beyond solving your immediate
requirements other than to install an inexpensive
phase bridge.
Dont expect to come up with every possible use for your system or
pre-program it entirely in advanceone of the major features of INSTEON
(especially when compared to its competitors) is how easy it is to redefne
your uses afer the system is installed. Nothing in your INSTEON design
need be permanent; dont worry about getting everything right the frst
time. As you get a feel for your system, you will certainly come up with more
uses for it.
If you are building new or performing a complete electrical remodel,
you should strongly consider using INSTEON switches for all of your
installed lighting. Although INSTEON switches cost more than manual
switches, the cost savings you can realize through simpler wiring may ofset
much of the cost.
Terminology: INSTEON Language
Accessory buttons buttons on controllers that do not control the local
load. On a 6-button KeypadLinc, the On and Of buttons control the local
load, while the A/B/C/D buttons are accessory buttons. On an 8-button
KeypadLinc, the A button controls the local load in Toggle Mode and the
B/C/D/E/F/G/H buttons are accessory buttons.
Cross-Linkthe state of two controller-responders confgured so that
they have reciprocal links to each other. When a cross-link exists, the
devices will correctly maintain on/of and brightness levels matching
the controlled load. When cross-links are not confgured, LEDs on the
controller indicate the status of the last button press and may not match
the status of the device.
Link an entry in an INSTEON controller that defned the address and
other parameters of a device that it controls, so that when the controller
is activated, it can send a message to the receiver to perform the action
it received. INSTEON controllers can be linked to multiple receivers so
that a single action controls multiple devices.
Non-Toggle Modemethods of operation for KeypadLinc accessory
buttons that cause the button to always send an ON (or OFF) command.
Tese modes are useful when buttons cannot be cross-linked.
Toggle Modea method of operation for KeypadLinc accessory buttons
that cause the button to maintain an on/of state (indicated by the LED).
When the LED is lit, the button will send an OFF command if pressed,
and when unlit it will send an ON command. Toggle Mode is the default
mode of operation and should be used when an individual light can be
cross-linked to the button.
If you arent performing a complete rebuild, youll probably want
to start small and grow your system room-by-room. Teres no penalty or
extra work involved in growing an INSTEON system piece-by-piece. You
wont have to start over with your existing programming, call out a service
technician, or go through a lengthy device enrollment process when you add
a new device to your system. Growing your system device-by-device ensures
that youll spend the bare minimum to get what you want.
Because my home was new construction, I did perform very heavy
predictive planningbut I went overboard by purchasing devices beyond the
installed switches that we had to have up front. You only need to have wired-
in devices in advance. Dont buy advanced items such as Web Controllers
and TimerLincs until youve got your initial wired-in devices working and
Over time, Ive moved about 30% of my switches in order to swap
relays and dimmers, move the location of timers, install KeypadLincs in
places where we hadnt predicted wed need them, and remove them from
places where they werent being used. I wound up deleting the links I setup
originally, creating new ones that actually match how we use the system,
and ordering new laser-etched buttons for about half of the buttons on our
KeypadLincs. I also have plenty of spare INSTEON devices that I didnt
wind up needing for problems I chose to solve a diferent way. Save yourself
the hassle and money by starting small and growing your system organically
as you come up with uses for it.
I spent about $5000 on INSTEON devices (perhaps
$1000 of which I turned out not to really need) for
a 6000 sq.f. home, and saved about $2500 on the
electrical contracting and wiring due to simpler
Getting started
Te frst thing you need to do to get started with INSTEON is to install a
phase bridge. You have four options:
A pair of INSTEON Access Point plug-in wireless phase bridges.
Tis is the easiest possible solution.
Two INSTEON Access Points. Easy to install and provides the ability
to link to INSTEON wireless devices, but also the most expensive.
SignaLinc plug-in 220v phase bridge. An easy and highly reliable
SignaLinc hardwired phase-bridge. Te most reliable and least
expensive, but also the most difcult to install.
A Wireless INSTEON System
What You Need
Two INSTEON Access Points (#2443P).
What To Do
Plug one Access Point or SignaLinc into each of the two phases of your
home electrical wiring.
An Easy and Economical INSTEON System
What You Need
One plug-in phase bridge #4816A2 or #4816B2.
What To Do
Install between your electrical dryer and 220VAC outlet.
The Most Reliable INSTEON System
What You Need
One hardwired phase bridge #2406H
What To Do
Install the phase bridge at your circuit breaker panel
Solving a specifc lighting problem
Tere are a number of specifc problems you can solve with INSTEON
without replacing every installed switch in your house. INSTEON technology
is a great enabler for do-it-yourselfers who want to improve or change the
function of electrical switches.
Solving a specifc problem with INSTEON is a great way to get your
feet wet with INSTEON before committing a lot of time and money to
purchasing INSTEON devices for your entire home. Youll be able to prove

to yourself how well INSTEON works and be certain that it will meet your
requirements before you spend a lot of money on it.
Te next few sections cover a number of situations where installing
just a few INSTEON devices makes sense.
Lamp control
Te simplest problem INSTEON will help you solve is automating the control
of lamps in your living room. By purchasing an Access Point, a RemoteLinc,
and a LampLinc dimmer for each of your lamps you can remotely control
each lamp in your living room from wherever you sit, without retroftting
anything in your home or touching your electrical wiring in any way. If you
are looking for an easy and convenient way to test INSTEON, this is it.
Wired Lamp Control
What You Need
One ControlLinc plug-in Insteon controller (#2430)
A LampLinc Lamp dimmer for each lamp you wish to control
What To Do
Link each LampLinc Dimmer to the ControlLinc plug-in Insteon
Link to diferent buttons to control lamps individually, or link multiple
lamps to the same button to control them as a group, creating scenes.
Wireless Lamp Control
What You Need
An INSTEON Access Point (#2443) (Not necessary if you already have
Access Points as phase bridgeshowever, Te RemoteLinc does not work
with SignaLinc RF phase bridges)
One RemoteLinc Wireless remote control (#2440)
A LampLinc Lamp Dimmer for each lamp you wish to control

What To Do
Link the RemoteLinc buttons to each LampLinc.
Link to diferent buttons to control lamps individually, or link multiple
lamps to the same button to control them as a group, creating scenes.
Creating a virtual multi-way switch
Te simplest wired-in INSTEON problem to solve is the multi-way switch.
All you need to do is replace the light switch for the light(s) you want to
control with an INSTEON SwitchLinc, and replace the light switches that
you want to use to control it with SwitchLincs.
If all you want to do is create a virtual three-way switch in a single
room, its likely that all your circuits will be on the same phase and you
can get away with not installing a phase bridge. However, if any of the
devices doesnt seem to work when you try to link it, youll need to install
a phase bridge to solve the problem. Also be aware that you wont get away
with expanding your INSTEON system much beyond one room without
installing a phase bridge.
Be aware that installed INSTEON switches always control their local
loadthe light or appliance that the original switch controlled. For example,
lets say you have a long hallway that has only one light switch at one end.
But theres a room with a center light fxture at the other end of the hallway,
and you would like to use that switch to control the hallway light. If you
replace the room light with a SwitchLinc, you can confgure that SwitchLinc
to control both the room light and the hall light, but you cannot confgure it
to control the hall light alone.
Te correct solution in situation is to use a 6-button KeypadLinc
to control the room light fxture. Tis way, the primary load (the room
fxture) can be controlled using the on/of buttons, and the hall light can
be controlled using one of the A/B/C/D buttons (or two of them if you want
to create separate on/of buttons rather than a toggle button).

Multi-Way Switches
What You Need
An INSTEON SwitchLinc (#2476D) to replace the switch for each light
you wish to control
An INSTEON KeypadLinc 6-button Dimmer (#2486DWH6) for each
switch location you wish to control the light from.
What To Do
Replace the switch that currently controls the light with an INSTEON
SwitchLinc dimmer (for incandescent lights) or relay (for forescent
Replace each switch at locations where you would like to control the light
with an INSTEON KeypadLinc 6-button Dimmer. If you want this switch
locations local load to also come on, you can use a typical SwitchLinc.
Program the A, B, C, or D accessory button on each KeypadLinc to
control the SwitchLinc attached to the light. Now the KeypadLincs on/of
buttons will control their local light, and the accessory button will control
the multi-way light.
Moving a switch
A common problem with electrical installations in a home is that switches
ofen wind up where they would be convenient for the original builder rather
than where they would be convenient for the user. In my house, we have a
light switch below a wall sconce, but the switch is placed next to a door that
nobody will ever use because it goes out to a small balcony.
By linking that switch to the main living room recessed lights, we
can use that light without having to walk across the living room to it all the
Placing a KeypadLinc next to the primary entrance to a room is a
great way to control all the room lighting conveniently irrespective of where
the wall switches are actually located. You can put lamps and other movable
lights on them as well.

Linking or Moving Switches

Use the procedure above entitled Multi-Way Switches
A single path of lights
Path lighting in a home is really usefulbut the architecture of many homes
create only one or perhaps two paths that would ever need to be controlled
as a path. In these cases, you need only replace the switches that control the
lights involved to create a single path of lights. You can use a switch at both
ends of the path to turn the entire path on or of, or use a KeypadLinc at both
ends to create path on/of buttons.
Path Lighting
What You Need
An INSTEON SwitchLinc (#2476D) to replace the switch for each light
you wish to participate in the path.
Two INSTEON KeypadLinc 6-button Dimmers (#2486DWH6) for the
locations at the beginning and end of the path where you will turn on
and turn of the path.
What To Do
Install the KeypadLincs at both ends of the path. For example, if you
want to turn the path on when you enter the house, replace the frst
switch you come to when you enter the house with a KeypadLinc. If the
path ends in the master bedroom, place the other KeypadLinc at that
Replace all switches participating in the path with SwitchLincs appropriate
for their load type.
Program a non-toggle mode Path On button at the entry way by linking
each SwitchLinc to the KeypadLinc. Do the same for a Path Of button
at the end of the path. Use the instructions that come with the KeypadLinc
to perform the conversion to non-toggle mode for the path buttons.

Solving hard-to-reach problems

Pull-chain lights, retroftted attic vent fans, and plug-in lamps and appliances
usually dont come with easy-to-reach wall switches. Ofen you have to
stumble through a dark room to turn the lights on.
INSTEON makes it trivial to use LampLincs, ApplianceLincs, and
InLineLinc relays and dimmers to turn any light switch into a control for
these kinds of problems. InLineLincs allow you to control fxtures and
permanently installed appliances that lack wall switches. LampLincs and
ApplianceLincs are plug-in adapters that control power to the appliance or
lamp plugged into them.
Switch Control for a Pull Chain Light
What You Need
An INSTEON InLineLinc Relay installed above the pull-chain light
fxture in the ceiling.
One INSTEON KeypadLinc 6-button Dimmer (#2486DWH6) to replace
a light switch at the location where you would like to control the pull-
chain lighting fxture.
What To Do
Install a KeypadLinc 6-Button Dimmer or On/Of switch near the light.
Remove the fxture in the ceiling and wire in an INSTEON InLineLinc
Relay or Dimmer. Do not complete the installation.
Link the KeypadLinc to the InLineLinc manually before completing
the installation. Alternately, you can record the InLineLinc address and
perform the programming using HouseLinc if you have it.
Complete the installation by placing the InLineLinc relay in the ceiling
above the fgure, replacing the light fxture, and leaving the lights pull-
chain in the on position.
Switched Control for a Plug-In Fan
What You Need
One INSTEON KeypadLinc 6-button Dimmer #2486DWH6 to replace a
light switch at the location where you would like to control the fan.

One INSTEON ApplianceLinc #2456S3 installed between the fan and the
What To Do
Install the KeypadLinc at the entry to the room.
Unplug the fan, plug it into an ApplianceLinc Relay, and plug the
ApplianceLinc Relay into the wall.
Link the ApplianceLinc relay to an accessory button on the KeypadLinc.
Controlling Holiday lighting with INSTEON
Te typical way to control holiday lighting is with mechanical plug-in timers.
You put one on everything you plug in, and the lights come on and go of at
the time specifed on their individual timer.
INSTEON gives you a lot more control. Using either a TimerLinc
plug-in timer or the Events feature of HouseLinc in combination with an
ApplianceLinc or LampLinc plugged in to each of your lighting displays,
you can customize the timing of your display to come on at sunset or to fade
on and of slowly. You can also easily override your timers from any switch
in the house to bring the lights on instantly when guests arrive or turn them
all of manually at night.
If you celebrate Christmas, set the Christmas tree lights to come on
based on a motion sensor for Christmas morning so the tree lights up when
the little ones enter the room. You can set the motion sensor to bring up
your bedroom lights as well, so you know when theyre up and about.
Whatever you decide to do, the ability to extend lighting control to
all of your holiday lighting displays and managing them as a single group
will make your life easier and save power.
Control Holiday Lighting
What You Need
ApplianceLinc relay for outside lights or lights that dont require

What To Do
Setup the TimerLinc to send an ON command at sundown, and an of
command at midnight or an appropriate time to turn holiday lights of.
Connect the frst string of lights to the TimerLinc, and each subsequent
string of lights to an ApplianceLinc.
Link each Appliance Link to the TimerLinc by pressing the TimerLincs
set button for three seconds, and then pressing the set button on the
ApplianceLinc. All the ApplianceLincs will now come on in unison with
the TimerLinc based on its timer programming.
Control Christmas Tree Lighting
What You Need
LampLinc dimmer for lighting displays you want to fade on or of
An INSTEON motion sensor
What To Do
Plug your Christmas tree lights into a LampLinc and link it to an
INSTEON motion sensor.
Set a custom ramp rate on the LampLinc by dimming the LampLinc
(with dimmer corresponding to a slower ramp rate) and then pressing
the set button on the LampLinc twice. Te return to the motion sensor
controller and press its set button for three seconds. Now your tree lights
will fade on when someone enters the room.
Link your bedroom lights to the same INSTEON motion sensor.
Security with INSTEON
INSTEON I/O Controllers and motion detectors or EZSnsRF bridges from
SimpleHomeNet are all you need to create a simple security system that
can be retroftted into any home. Using wireless battery operated motion
detectors and door closure detectors, the EZSnsRF turns security events into
INSTEON commands that you can use to turn on a warning light, buzzer,
patio light, or buzzer.
You can use EZIO outputs or an I/OLinc to sound an electric chime,
direct a pan-tilt-zoom camera towards detected motion, or trigger the
inputs on any traditional alarm panel. EZIO devices can also be wired to a

myriad of existing security sensors such as motion sensors, glass breakage

detectors, window and door closure sensors, and light detectors. By creating
INSTEON events in reaction to these sensors, you can bring up lights or
control any aspect of your smarthome.
INSTEON motion sensors send an on command, and then afer a
delay, an of command. Tis can be problematic if you are controlling a light
that is already onthe signal to turn it on will have no efect, but the signal
to shut of will turn the light of, which may tend to annoy anyone using the
light. INSTEON motion sensors can be programmed to only send an on
command to mitigate this problem.
A Simple Home Security System
What You Need
Any Insteon controlled lighting, or an I/OLinc Remote Chime Alert kit
One SimpleHomeNet EZSnsRF Dakota to Insteon Bridge (#31275) or an
Access Point
A Dakota Wireless motion sensor or INSTEON motion sensor for each
area you want to monitor (#7315)
What To Do
Install the EZSnsRF Dakota to Insteon Bridge on any electrical outlet in
your home.
Link the Dakota Wireless Motion Sensor to the EZSnsRF Dakota bridge
using the instructions that come with the EZSnsRF bridge.
Link the EZSnsRF bridge to the INSTEON lights or the I/OLinc Remote
Chime Alert Kit that you would like to be activated when motion is
Tere are limits to what you can accomplish with this type of simple
security system: You can only alert on any single trigger. If youd like to
combine a series of triggers, or negate a trigger based on the value of another
trigger (such as a disarm system button) youll need an actual alarm panel
or a home automation controller to combine the inputs for you.

Te Smart Entertainment Center

INSTEON cant transmit video or audio throughout your home, but it can
dim the lights when you start a movie or allow you to control lighting from
your universal remote.
Dimming the lights for a movie
Dimming the lights automatically when you start a movie is the obvious
use for INSTEON. Tanks to devices like the IRLinc from SmartLabs, the
ISY-99/IR from Universal Devices, and the EZUIRT from SimpleHomeNet,
its easy to make your lighting respond to IR signals in harmony with your
home theater system.
Turning Down the Lights for a Movie
What You Need
IRLinc (Instructions for EZUIRT are similar, ISY-99/IR can also perform
this function).
What To Do
Plug the IRLinc into an outlet near your television, and route the IR
Receiver to an area near your television. Using the double-sided tape,
mount the receiver next to your television in an inconspicuous place.
Program your universal remote to mimic an NEC remote control.
Using the instructions that come with the IRLinc, link all the lights in
your living room area to the IRLinc, and confgure your universal remote
to shut of the lights when you enable a movie scene.
Ventilating your A/V cabinet
Dimming the lights isnt the only think you can do with INSTEON. Nearly
everyone who builds a complicated Audio Visual system decides they need
to hide all the blinking lights in a cabinet or closet. Te problem with hiding
A/V components is that many of them generate considerable heat. Worse,
those with hard disk drives, such as Tivos, DVRs, AppleTVs, or computers
will sufer early death because of the heat they generate. You must ventilate
an enclosed A/V cabinet, and INSTEON can help.

To correctly ventilate, you cant simply put a fan inside the cabinet.
You need to exchange the hot air inside the cabinet with ambient air and
ensure that air fows past all of the heat generating components. I recommend
using low wattage 4 computer fans to move air past each hot component
and one to pull air into the cabinet. By pulling air in, you can put a 4 flter
on the inbound fan to trap dust. If you reverse the fow to pull air out of
the cabinet, you create low pressure inside the cabinet and cause air to be
pulled in through all the nooks and crannies and cannot control dust, which
will wind up being pulled through your components leaving them coated in
Im going to recommend using A/C fans because they are powerful,
even though they are noisy. Use a LampLinc to reduce the voltage to the fans
to the point where they no longer make noise. Adjust the dim level until
the resonant buzz caused by driving an inductive load is minimal, which
indicates that the fan rotation is sympathetic with the duty cycle produced
by the LampLinc. You can silence the fans by mounting them with foam so
that the fans do not directly contact a hard surface.
You could also perform the same ventilation with 4 DC fans,
using either an EZIO capable of driving low wattage DC loads or a 12-volt
transformer and a LampLinc Relay.
Ventilate an A/V Cabinet
What You Need
A number of 4 (120mm) A/C fans typifed by Digi-Key part number
259-1389-ND, and a matching number of A/C power cords that you can
connect to the fans using wire nuts.
A passive power splitter.
One LampLinc V2.
What To Do
Cut a 4 round hole in an appropriately hidden area of the A/V cabinet
that vents to ambient air. You may need to get creative with 4 fexible
dryer ducting to make this work.

Mount one of the fans and a matching flter to the vent hole such that the
direction of airfow pushes air into the cabinet.
Place a fan next to each of the heat generating components such that it
draws air out past the components heat vents.
Plug each fan into a passive splitter, and plug the splitter into the
LampLinc. Do not plug the LampLinc into a fltered splitter, as flters
attenuate INSTEON signals.
Using HouseLinc or any other INSTEON dimmer controller, reduce
the voltage to the fans until they are silent and the inductance buzz is
Link the LampLinc to your IRLinc to automatically turn the fans on and
of with youre A/V components.
Te Green Smart Home
A properly confgured INSTEON smart home has the potential to cut your
electricity usageand billssubstantially by helping to eliminate the waste
associated with lights lef on in unoccupied spaces, by truly turning of
sleeping appliances at night, and by reducing HVAC usage through smart
management of fans and window closures.
Remember that INSTEON systems do require power
to operate, so you will have to save a moderate amount
of power in order to achieve a net positive energy
savings. Reducing A/C usage, heavy use of timers,
and all of paths to make sure lights are not lef on
is the easiest way to accomplish signifcant energy
Turning of lights
INSTEON is the perfect solution for people who want to make sure that
theyre minimizing their power draw for lighting. From a wide array of
timer-based lights to the ability to integrate motion sensors with lighting,
INSTEON allows you to minimize power draw throughout your home easily
and with minimal inconvenience.

One of the best Green features of INSTEON is the ability of

INSTEON dimmers to be programmed to come on at a level less than 100%-
-So you can set lamps and installed incandescent lights to draw less power
every time you turn them on, and still bring the lights up further when
you need to. Tis wont work for compact forescent lights, which must be
switched from INSTEON relays.
Save Power by Dimming Lights By Default
INSTEON dimmers of all types can be programmed to come on by default
to a lower level than 100%. Once you have your INSTEON dimmers
installed, bring down the lights to a level that your comfortable with, and
then program the dimmers to come on to that level rather than to 100%.
Youll save energy and extend the life of your bulbs without having to
think about it twice. Chapter 7 explains how to set default dim levels
manually, and Chapter 8 describes how to do it with HouseLinc.
While traditional timer and occupancy sensors work well for
situations such as utility rooms and bathrooms that are not normally
occupied, INSTEON makes it easy to control lighting in rooms that are
normally occupied. And INSTEON timers are more controllable than typical
timers as well, and can be used to control more than just a single device.
Control All Lights and Fans From a Single Timer
What You Need
An INSTEON SwitchLinc Dimmer (#2476D) wired to your bathroom
mirror or accessory lights.
An INSTEON SwitchLinc Relay (#2476S) wired to your bathroom Fan.
An INSTEON count-down timer such as the 8-button Keypad Count-
down timer with dimmer (#2484DWH8) wired to your bathrooms
primary light.
What To Do
Link the INSTEON Count-down timer to also control the SwitchLinc
Relay connected to the fan, and both devices will go of when the
countdown timer shuts of.

If you use HouseLinc sofware with a PLM to control INSTEON

devices with your computer, the PLM can be programmed with events that
will automatically trigger based on the time of day. You can use this feature
to create an event at night to go through and turn of all your INSTEON
devices. I set mine for midnight, but you can use whatever time it is that
everyone will be asleep. Tis makes sure that no lights or appliances are lef
on over night.
Te use of HouseLinc is covered in Chapter 8.
Turning of leaky appliances
Some devices that automatically turn of or enter a sleep mode actually still
use quite a bit of power. You can determine exactly how much by plugging
a power leakage monitor between the outlet and the devices plug. Home
Teater equipment is especially notorious for this behavior because this type
of equipment has to stay on to watch for remote control codes.
Kitchen appliances such as cofee makers, microwave ovens and
devices that use power adapters or battery chargers also continuously draw
current and are good candidates for being turned of when not in use. Your
microwave will constantly blink 12:00 if you turn it of routinely, but thats
a small price to pay for the energy savings and you probably dont rely on it
for the time anyway.
You can avoid inconvenience by using an Insteon timer or a PLM
event to turn appliances of at night, say from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. By the
time youre awake in the morning, your devices will be powered back up and
ready for you without wasting energy through the night.
Your home network may also be a candidate for shutting of at night.
When you add up your cable modem, router, switches, and wireless access
points, youll reach 200 watts pretty quickly. Turning them of at night
not only saves power, but also secures your computers and wireless access
pointsif they cant be reached, they cant be hacked. Tis wont work if
you download content over night routinely, or if you have network security
For A/V equipment, use an ApplianceLinc before the power-strip
that you connect your devices to. By linking the ApplianceLinc to an Insteon
IRLinc, you can have the equipment come on simultaneously when the
IRLinc senses a remote in use. Use another always-on power-strip for
devices that must remain on overnight, such as TiVo. Tis way, you can
make your decision about whether any particular device should be shut of
by simply plugging it into the appropriate power strip.
Tere are a couple of real-world caveats to this type of use however:
Insteon devices do draw power, albeit a small amount. An
ApplianceLinc draws 6w of power continuously, which may be similar
to what a sleeping device draws. Use a plug-in through outlet power
meter to decide whether youre really saving a signifcant amount of
Some devices may change to a default mode of operation afer being
turned on that isnt what you expect or want. If its problematic, youll
have to leave these devices on.
Digital Video Recorders (DVR, such as a TiVo) must be lef on in
order to record shows when you arent using your system. Also,
computer-based devices containing hard disk drive storage (such as
an Apple TV) should be shut down rather than having power cut to
Your devices will miss the frst remote control code that triggers their
power up because they were of when it happened, and it may take
most devices a few seconds to come fully on-line. Your universal
remote will have to be programmed with a delay to account for cold-
start times.
Devices can draw signifcantly more power while starting up than
when in standby, so you probably dont want to be turning them on
and of many times throughout the day.
Automatically Powering Off Leaky Devices at Night, with
Manual Override
What You Need
An ApplianceLinc for each group of appliances on a power strip that you
want to control as a group.
Any Insteon controller such as a ControlLinc, RemoteLinc, or IRLinc to
trigger the devices to turn on. For Microwave ovens and cofee makers,
consider linking them to a KeypadLinc button on a kitchen main
Any INSTEON device with an integrated time-of-day timer, such as
the INSTEON Powerline Controller (#2414U) and a computer running
HouseLinc (#2416D) or the SimpleHomeNet EZServe (31279).
What To Do
Link the ApplianceLinc to the selected manual controller or to an
INSTEON switch.
Create a Time-of-day event in the home automation controller to power
of the ApplianceLincs at Midnight every day. Do not create an automatic
event to power them back on.
Manually turn on the devices whenever you want to use them. Getting
into the habit of simply turning them on when you want to use them
saves considerably more power than automatically turning them back on
when you are home.
Environmental control
INSTEON can help you manage the HVAC systems in your home to use
good weather when its available rather than simply having the HVAC system
running constantly.
By using vent fans that communicate to move air throughout the
house, and by using casement windows that can be opened or closed based
on the inside and outside temperature, the weather, and the occupancy of the
home, you can minimize your use of heating and air conditioning systems to
keep your home comfortable.

Te major climate control problem that we have in my house is that

we usually dont need A/Cthe weather is generally cooler than 78 degrees,
so we just leave the windows open and set the A/C not to come on below 78
degrees. Te problem is that when it does get hot outside, the inside air will
go above 78 and the A/C will come onwith the windows open. Tis just
wastes power.
Te solution was to interrupt the A/C compressor with a 30-amp
INSTEON 220V switch and to link it to a button on a KeypadLinc near the
windows. Now we can easily and directly control whether the A/C will come
on or not once weve closed the windows.
Manual A/C Control
What You Need
One KeypadLinc or other INSTEON controller
One EZSwitch30 220VAC switch
What To Do
Install the EZSwitch 220VAC switch on your A/C compressor.
Link the EZSwitch to a button on the KeypadLinc controller. Turn the
button on to allow the A/C to run, and of to disable it based on whether
or not your windows are opened.
INSTEON compatible thermostats are an easy way to enable your
thermostat to be controllable from anywhere in the house. Link it to a switch
by your nightstand to lower the heat for the night or to an exit button by
each door to turn of the HVAC system when youre not at home.
Controlling the thermostat
What You Need
One INSTEON Remote Control Termostat (#2491T1)
One INSTEON Access Point if you dont already have one
What To Do
Attach the INSTEON Remote Control Termostat interface to your
existing thermostat.

Set the thermostat to the mode and temperature that you want to associate
with an INSTEON controller.
Set the INSTEON controller to SET mode.
Return to the thermostat and press the SET button on the side of the
thermostat for six seconds. Te thermostat will now go to this mode and
temperature when you press the ON button for the INSTEON controller.
OFF commands are ignored.
Repeat this sequence for each controller/temperature setting you want
to make.
Garage Door Control
Tere are numerous ways to control your garage door using INSTEON
technology. From opening the door itself to triggering lights when the door
opens to remotely closing your garage door over the Internet, INSTEON can
make coming home really easy.
Never remotely close your garage door unless you can
be certain that it is safe to do so. Ensure that you have
beam-breaker interlocks working at that the garage
door will stop at a safe pressure.
Detecting Garage Door opening
Te earliest easy signal you can provide when youre arriving home is the
signal you send from the garage door opener in your car. Tere are numerous
ways to detect garage door opening and trigger an INSTEON response:
With a garage door signal receiver and an I/O Linc
With an EZX-10RF and your HomeLink compatible car
With a door contact closure sensor and an I/OLinc
With a wireless door contact sensor and an Access Point
With an INSTEON compatible motion sensor
For the best reliability, security, and lowest cost youll want to avoid
wireless signals completely and use a simple garage door contact closure and
an I/OLinc plugged into a nearby outlet.

Detect Garage Door Opening

What You Need
One garage door contact closure
One I/OLink. sells a garage door closure sensor kit with
all required parts.
What To DO
Mount the garage door contact closure at the base of your garage door.
You probably already have on to detect the garage door at bottom, so be
sure to mount the new one on the other side.
Wire the garage door contact closure to the I/OLinc.
Plug the I/OLinc into a nearby outlet and link it to your garage lights.
Now your garage installed lighting will come on when you raise your
garage door.
You can also wire an I/OLinc to your garage door directly to close it
based on an INSTEON command if your garage door has an isolated input
to cause closure (most do). In many cases you could also open the garage
door this way. Be exceptionally careful about remotely operating a garage
door howeverif you cant see it, you cant be certain that it can be safely
Closing the Garage Door
Te other half of garage door control is ensuring that its closed, especially in
case youve lef the house and think you may have forgotten to close it.
In order to close your garage door when you arent home, you have to be able
to remotely access your INSTEON network:
Via the web using a SmartLinc, EZSrve, or ISY-99
Via telephone dial-in control using an ELK-M1 Gold
Given that youve got a way to remotely signal any INSTEON device,
you then have three options to remotely close your garage door:
Te Smarthome I/O Link Garage Door Kit, which contains an I/O
Link and all the equipment necessary to both indicate your garage-
door status and remotely open or close it.

Te GarageHawk, which is specifcally designed to close a garage

door with no possibility of accidentally opening it.
An EZIO output wired to your garage door opener to trigger a close.
Tis option requires some Do-It-Yourself acumen. Te EZIO8SA
comes with instructions for confguring it to both detect door
opening and close the door.
Te frst two options are relatively easy to setup and confgure. Te
absolutely least expensive way to go to achieve remote closure of the garage
door would be to combine the Smarthome I/O Link Garage Door Kit with a
SmartLinc web controller, providing remote closure control for about $200.
Te great strength of INSTEON is how easy and inexpensive it is to get
started. Unlike most smart-home systems, you dont have to go all out and
buy the system in advance of knowing how to use it (or even whether youll
use it). You can get started by solving very specifc problems, certain in the
knowledge that you can build your system piece-by-piece into an entire
smart-home system.
Tis capacity for organic growth rather than front-loaded planning
that most systems require is a great strength of INSTEON technology,
because you simply cannot know exactly how youre going to use your
system in advance.
Chapter 5
Te INSTEON Smart-Home
Why do you want a smart home system?
Te answer to that question will guide your planning for a whole
home electrical remodel or new construction. If you are facing a rebuild
or electrical remodel, you can save a considerable amount of money
by installing an INSTEON system at the outset rather than wiring with
traditional methods and then organically growing a system.
Keep in mind that you will not be able to predict all of your potential
uses, so take a minimalistic approach in the beginning and be prepared for
some organic change to your requirements and systems afer youve moved
Tis chapter will walk you through a practical approach to INSTEON
planning for the whole home by marking up a set of prints with codes that
designate each device youll need at the position that you will install it. As
you go through the chapter, youll be prompted to think through potential
uses and make decisions about them, marking up your set of house plans
as you go. At the end of the chapter, you can simply count the codes on the
plans to produce your bill of materials for ordering, and youll have your
plans ready to go for installation when your devices arrive.
Defning Your Goals
Our home automation system started with these two simple goals:
We wanted to be able to turn all the lights in the house of as we lef
the house or went to bed
We wanted to be able to light a pathway to the kids bedrooms from
the car when we arrived home, for the frequent case when wed arrive
home at night and have to carry them to bed because they fell asleep
in the car.
From these two simply stated goals, all of our design choices sprang.
If one of your requirements is turn all the lights of when I leave the home
or go to bed then youll have to put an INSTEON switch on every light in
your house.
Once we knew we were going to have a smart home system, we
subsequently made some building decisions to save money and maintenance
in the future.
Initial changes we made include:
We eliminated all exterior light switches for our back patio and roof
deck lighting, and replaced them with InLineLinc relays near the
back door and a RemoteLinc that can be taken with us when were
outside. Tis is more convenient, less expensive, and maintenance
free compared to exterior switches.
We installed an INSTEON compatible security system. Instead of an
annoying siren, the security system brings up the bedroom and living
room lights when triggered. Tis makes false alarms less annoying,
doesnt wake the kids, and provides immediate light if we do have to
react to something (usually, one of the kids).
We informed the electricians that no multi-way switches would be
requiredall installed lighting should be run to a single switch. Tis
saved about 10% of the cost of the electrical contracting, which
nearly paid for all the INSTEON devices.
In our city, kitchen lights are required to be compact fuorescent
lights that cant be dimmed. We have an array of twelve cans in the
ceiling, and have them setup so that we can turn on 1, 3, 6, 9 or all 12
in a pattern to get the amount of light we want.
Te system we have now can do much more than our original goals
required, and afer we moved in we found ourselves making little changes to
the way lights function all over the houselittle things that we did because
we could and because they made the home more convenient that we never
would have thought of prior to actually using the system.
Examples of changes weve made include:
Te wall switch next to my chair in the living room is linked to the
bedroom lights and fans in the Kids bedrooms. If they turn a light
on to play when theyre supposed to be in bed, I can just reach over
from my chair in the living room and turn it back of.
Our television remote control will automatically turn of the all the
living room and kitchen lights when we start a movie.
A long basement hallway was wired with the light-switch at the
wrong-end, causing us to have to walk through the dark hallway to
turn the light on. A simple matter of linking it to a switch near the
correct end solved the problem.
My son likes to have a particular plug in fan blowing on him as he
falls asleep. Turning it of used to mean going into his room at night
and fnding the fans cord switch in the dark. Now we have it plugged
into an appliance link and linked to the ceiling fan switch on his wall
so we can turn it of from the door.
We installed a SmartLinc web controller that works reasonably well
from my and my wifes cell phone web browsersso were always
carrying a remote for lights on our person while were in the house.
It works well for those times when weve forgotten to take the
RemoteLinc out to the patio or we want to turn the downstairs lights
I wont bore you with additional usesthe point is that we hadnt
predicted any of these uses in advance. Youll fnd that you wont have
predicted the most common ways you use your system in advance either.
Since most home construction costs are computed in terms of cost-
per-square-foot, its useful to compare the cost of INSTEON in terms of
square feet. Typical homes have about ten light switches per thousand square
feet. Multiplying that by ffy dollars per switch on average, and you can
plan on INSTEON costing about 50 per square foot at the time this book
was written for lighting control of an entire home. If you have requirements
beyond lighting or want to get fancy with home automation and control,
youll get nearer to $1 per square foot. In my home, I wound up at about 85
per square foot (excluding the security system that we would have installed
irrespective of the Smarthome installation).
Remodeling For INSTEON
INSTEON doesnt require you to open walls or incorporate major equipment
to install it in a typical homesimply turning of your circuit breaker and
replacing switches is all that is required in many cases.
Tere are a couple of things you will need to change, however:
Check for neutrals in switchboxes and determine how to proceed
Convert existing multi-way switches to typical switches.
Check older homes for neutrals
If your home is more than twenty years old, you need to open a few light
switches and ensure that you have neutrals wired to the switch junction
boxes before you begin ordering equipment. Check for proper grounding
wires while youre at it.
If your home is wired without neutrals in switchboxes, you will need to
decide how to proceed:
You can upgrade your electrical wiring to comply with modern
You can use INSTEON Two-wire switches
Upgrading your electrical wiring
If you choose to upgrade your electrical wiring, and its highly likely youll
need an electrician to perform the upgrade, and that the electrician will want
to open up walls to accomplish the work. In this case, you should be prepared
for a substantial remodeling cost and combine the electrical remodel with
other remodeling work.
Using Two-wire INSTEON switches
If you do not have neutrals wired to switches, you may want to order 2-wire
INSTEON switches rather than upgrading your wiring.
Two-wire INSTEON switches work by placing the relay or dimmer
module that controls the light at the fxture in the ceiling where neutral and
hot exist, rather than in the switch Junction box. Te runner to the switch
junction box is then connected to a special switch plate that is powered by
the dimmer/relay module.
Tis technique eliminates the need to use three-wire switches, but it
is more complicated to install because it requires opening up each electrical
fxture to place a module behind it. It is considerably less expensive than
upgrading your electrical wiring, however.
Bear in mind that not all types and colors of INSTEON switches are
available in two-wire confgurations.
What You Need: Add Insteon Control to a Two-Wire Switch
One INSTEON 2-Wire dimmer (#2474D) or on/of switch (#2474S) kit
for each two-wire switch you want to add to your INSTEON system
Rewiring Multi-way switches
Multi-way switching works diferently in INSTEON than in traditional
electrical wiring. For a fxture with multiple switch locations, you will need
to determine which switch you want to use as the primary switch for the
fxture when you convert to INSTEON.

You then have three options for each of the remaining switches:
Replace them with INSTEON switches that have no wired load and
which are linked back to the primary load switch to match your
current functionality.
Plate them over if the switch location isnt needed.
Convert them to outlets.
You cannot leave them wired as multi-way switches because that will
interrupt power delivery to the other INSTEON switches in the multi-way
Building for INSTEON
If you are building a new home, you can save yourself some money and
efort by eliminating the wiring of multi-way switches. Depending on the
size and complexity of your installation, you may save enough in simplifed
runs and lower labor costs to pay for the cost of your INSTEON switches.
Tell the electricians to wire the home with a single
switch per fxture (no multi-way switching), from
switch to fxture.
Wiring in a switch-fxture pattern will allow you to use two-wire
romex cable throughout. If you wire fxture-switch, you will have to use
three-wire romex cable from the fxture to the switch.
You can also eliminate exterior switches for patio lighting and deck
lighting. Exterior switches are subject to a lot more weather related corrosion
and fail earlier than interior switches even when they are enclosed in proper
weatherproof enclosures. Wire switches for exterior fxtures to the interior
of the home in convenient locations such as near backdoors or in utility
rooms, and then use Access Points and a RemoteLinc to control them when
youre outside.
Have electricians leave a breaker slot open so you can have a
hardwired phase coupler installed at the panel. Better yet, hand them a hard-
wired phase bridge and have them install it.
INSTEON Switch Types
In this book, I use the term SwitchLinc to refer to any INSTEON controlled
switch. In practice, youll need to determine exactly which INSTEON switch
you will use at each location.
Te criteria are:
Te load type (on/of relay, 600w dimmer)
Te switch type (paddle, toggle, keypad, or none)
Te installation type (plug-in or wired-in)
You can use table 5.1 to quickly identify which switch you want based
on these criteria.
Type Wired On/Of Wired Dimmer Similar plug-in option
Paddle SwitchLinc Relay SwitchLinc Dimmer ControlLinc
Toggle ToggleLinc Relay ToggleLinc Dimmer ControlLinc
Keypad KeypadLink Relay KeypadLinc Dimmer KeypadLinc Tabletop
Low cost ICON Relay ICON Dimmer ControlLinc
Outlet OutletLinc LampLinc (plug-in) ApplianceLinc
Timer SwitchLinc Timer (none) TimerLinc
Hidden InLineLinc Relay InLineLinc Dimmer ApplianceLinc

Table 5.1: INSTEON switch selector
Chapter 10 details INSTEON switches and other
Determining the load type for switches
Most INSTEON devices come in two types based on the load they control:
On/Of non-dimming Relay switches
Dimmer switches
All electrical appliances and lights can be controlled by relays. A dimmer
can control only incandescent lights.
If you dont know what the load type is or the load
type may change, use a relay.
Switches for typical on/of switched loads use the term Relay or ON/OFF
in their name to refer to the electrical component that actually causes the
switching: A relay.
Relays are on/of devices that can be used to control any device.
Tey use the same mechanism as an ApplianceLinc. You must use relays
on fuorescent and fan loads because the way dimmers rapidly switch
the electrical power interferes with their operation. Teyre safe to use
everywhere, but they cant be dimmed. Relays can also provide more power
to the load than a typical dimmer.
If the switch controls fuorescent lighting or a fan, you should use a
SwitchLinc Relay.
Relay devices typically have the term Relay in their name, such as
the SwitchLinc Relay. Te exception to this is the ApplianceLinc, which is
also a relay-based device.
Switches for dimmable loads use the term dimmer in their name. Dimmers
rapidly switch the electrical load to reduce the amount of power that reaches
the device. Incandescent lights use less power and become dimmer when
this happensbut dimmers can only be used on incandescent loads.
Putting a dimmer on other types of loads can cause the dimmer or the load
device to rapidly wear out or make a noticeable humming noise. Dont put
a dimmer on fuorescent lights unless the lights specifcally state that they
work with electronic dimmers. INSTEON (and my electrician) both state
that dimmers should not be used on ceiling fans because the rapid electronic
switching method used by the dimmer to reduce power can cause the fan to
buzz. Ive done it anyway, and while it does work, the hum is quite noticeable
at certain speeds and unnoticeable at others.
Typical fan controls look almost exactly like typical dimmers, but
they operate completely diferently. Fan controls are variable resisters that
dissipate excess power as heat, whereas lighting dimmers are semiconductor
high-speed switches that are much more efcient and do not heat up. Tere
are no INSTEON fan controllers made as of the publication date of this
INSTEON says that its electronic dimmers can drive magnetic
transformers for low-voltage lighting. Ive wired one up and while it works
just fne, the dimmer does make a slight buzzing sound that I dont hear on
typical incandescent loads.
Typical INSTEON dimmers can handle up to 600-watt loads.
INSTEON makes a more robust dimmer that can handle up to 1000-watt
loads, but it costs a bit more.
When you perform power calculations for dimmers, remember to
add up the values of all the light bulbs that the switch operates. For example,
If you have four recessed lights in the living room that are dimmed by a
single switch, add the wattage of all four lights to determine the total wattage
for the dimmer. Be sure to drive no more than 75% of the rated load to be
safe in case higher wattage lights are installed in the future as well. Finally,
the National Electric Code requires that you do not go over 80% of the rated
load if more than one dimmer is installed in the same junction box.
For example, I have a chandelier with 12 lights, each using a 40W
light bulb. Tis totals 600W. If I used a 600W dimmer, there would be no
margin at all, and would be illegal to install in a junction box with another
dimmer. Te solution is to use a dimmer rated for 1000W.
INSTEON devices that control incandescent loads usually use the
term Dimmer in their name, such as the ToggleLinc Dimmer. Te exception
is the LampLinc, which is the dimming version of an ApplianceLinc.
Determining the key type for switches
Most of the switches in your home will be replaced by SwitchLinc or
ToggleLinc single-switch devices. But at major entryways and high-use
locations, consider using KeypadLinc switches so that you can enable path
and scene lighting easily.
Its not always easy to tell where youre going to want to put
KeypadLincsbut you can always swap them around afer the fact if you
fnd youre not using them in a certain location.
In my home, we have KeypadLinc switches in the following locations:
In the entryway at the front door and garage door.
In the garage
At the top of the stairs to the second foor
At the back door
In the master bedroom
On the wall next to my chair in the living room
At the end of a hallway whose actual switch is at the other end
Of these locations, we predicted the frst four correctly, but the
second three came afer-the-fact when we were in the home and realized
we wanted more control from specifc areas or where we had a problem to
In general, you can fgure that 10% to 20% of your switches will be
KeypadLincs and the remainder will be either SwitchLincs or ToggleLincs.
SwitchLinc and ToggleLinc
SwitchLinc and ToggleLinc switches are direct replacements for a typical
solitary light switch. SwitchLincs are Decora style paddle switches, and
ToggleLincs are traditional toggle switch style switches. Otherwise they are
the same.
Use SwitchLinc or ToggleLinc switches to control a single light or
appliance Load.
KeypadLinc switches can be confgured as six or eight button single-gang
keypadstheyre actually the same device but come with two diferent
keypad overlays and are confgured in sofware to work in six or eight button
In six-button mode, the upper large On button and the lower large Of button
control the primary load, and the four center buttons only send INSTEON
signals to other devices.
In Eight button mode, the A or top-lef button is a toggle button that controls
the primary load, and the remaining seven buttons only send INSTEON
signals to other devices.
Use a KeypadLinc in six-button mode to replace a switch in your
house and add buttons to control other individual devices. Tis is a great
way to put other controllers of a particular light or device at an entryway to
a room for example, without making it difcult to determine which buttons
take the function of the original switch.
Use a KeypadLinc in eight-button mode as a main control panel for
lighting scenes and paths at major entryways such as the front and back
door, and in places where you naturally want the ability to control a number
of devices because you spend a lot of time there. For example, you might put
one in a master bedroom, at the front and back doors, and in the garage.
Put a plug-in KeypadLinc Tabletop on your
nightstand in your bedroom for a simple, small, and
inconspicuous way to turn lights of when you go to
bed and turn them on when you wake up.
Laser etched KeypadLinc buttons
Smarthome ofers laser-etched buttons for both KeypadLincs. Teyre very
well made and look greatthey put a very elegant fnishing touch on your
But dont order them in advance of moving in if youre building a
home new construction. When we planned our house, we planned where we
would put the KeypadLincs and defned what we thought would make good
lighting paths. But small changes to the house electrical layout occurred
afer we made our order, and once we moved in, we found that we didnt
use everything the way we thought we were going to in advance. Te way
we referred to rooms changed afer we moved in as well. KeypadLincs were
also moved around, from locations where a simple switch was all that was
necessary to locations where we discovered that we wanted more control.
Te end result was that about 50% of our pre-planned keys are now
completely obsolete and had to be replaced. Save yourself the planning and
waste by ordering your etched buttons once your system has settled.
Use a post-it note above your KeypadLincs prior
to ordering etched keys to keep track of their
purpose. You can re-write them frequently as your
programming changes, and then order your etched
keys once your system has settled.
InLineLinc switches are responders without buttons on themthey are
designed to be linked to another INSTEON switch to be controlled and
either hidden in the wall or ceiling or plated over if they replace a switch.
Use InLineLinc switches to eliminate hard-to-reach switches, and to
add control to individual lights in the ceiling at the light fxture. For example,
you can use InLineLinc relays to add individual control to lights that have
been placed on the same circuit and are controlled together, such as a line of
ceiling cans, or to put switched control on an outlet inside the wall.
Once linked, you rarely need to see or update an InLineLinc device
again, so you can feel free to put them inside walls and ceilings. Te only time
Ive needed to un-plate them was to link them to an INSTEON SmartLinc
network controller.
TimerLincs are regular SwitchLinc and KeypadLinc hardware but with
diferent frmware that gives them the capability to automatically turn of
afer a period of time. Use TimerLincs to control devices that shouldnt
remain on for long afer a person leaves a room, such as on bathroom lights
and fans, closet and attic lights, hallway lights, garages, laundry rooms,
and anywhere else that lights are routinely lef on because the room isnt
typically occupied.
INSTEON Planning
If you are performing a whole-house electrical remodel or building new
construction, you can save yourself both hassle and over-purchasing by
performing some up-front planning.
Use your electrical system blueprints as a basis for INSTEON
planning. Tese prints will show the locations of all the switches in your
home. If you dont have a set, use a 2D layout program such as Visio,
ConceptDraw, or OmniGrafe to create a rough map of your home and all
the current switch locations. Draw a line from the switch locations to the
fxture that they control as shown in fgure 5.x below.
Initial Whole-House Switch Layout
On your plans, place a switch symbol ($) at each switch location. Draw a
curved arc to the fxture controlled by each switch.
Once youve laid out your switches and fxtures, mark each fxture type
as L for incandescent light, S for Relay controlled forescent, F for
inductive load fans, V for low-voltage, and A for a switch that controls
an appliance outlet.
Mark each switch location with a KL for KeypadLinc if it is near a major
entryway, or SL for SwitchLinc otherwise. Sufx them with a D for
Dimmer if the connected fxture load type is L Incandescent, or with
R For On/Of Relay otherwise.
For lamps and other plug-in appliances that you wish to control, mark the
location of the outlet with AL for ApplianceLinc or LL for LampLinc
as appropriate.
Keep your plans handy as you proceed through the remainder of
this chapter. When youve fnished, youll have a complete count of all the
devices you need to purchase to create your system.
Its easy to tell where you should use KeypadLincs
Anywhere you currently have a gang of more than
two switches is an ideal location.
Make choices that allow you to defer as many of the system devices
as possible. Tis way, youll have a basic system up and running and will
have learned how you will use the system before you spend a lot of money
on esoteric devices that you may fnd you dont need.

Figure 5.1: Electrical Switch Layouts

Upfront Decisions
Tere are only a few basic decisions you need to make when you plan your
INSTEON system:
What type of phase bridge will you use?
What type of central home automation controller, if any, will you
Will you integrate INSTEON with your home security system?
Will you integrate INSTEON with your environmental controls?
Te next few sections cover these decisions in detail.
What type of phase bridge will you use?
If you are building or remodeling, you should defnitely install a hard-wired
phase bridge. Using Access Points to phase bridges is more expensive, more
visible, and slightly less reliable than using a hard-wired bridge.
Te choice then is quite simple:
If you are installing or remodeling your electrical panel, have the
electricians install a hard-wired phase bridge.
If your electrical panel will remain the same during your remodel or
installation, use a plug-in 220V phase bridge.
If you dont have an available 220V outlet, you rent, or you want a
non-permanent installation, use Access Points
Tats all there is to it.
Decision Point: Phase Bridge
Mark HPB next to the electrical panel for Hardwired Phase Bridge,
PPB next to a 220V outlet for Plug-in Phase Bridge, or AP next to
two circuits on the diferent phases of your home.
What type of home automation controller, if any, will you use?
Te question of central home automation control can be complicated. Firstly,
INSTEON doesnt require central control of any kindit works perfectly

well as a peer-to-peer solution without any central controller (unlike just

about every other smart home available). But central controllers can be
convenient, and for large installations having the ability to centrally program
the system is nearly a necessity.
Te complexity of your link maps increases exponentially with the
number of devices that you have. For a few devices, manually creating and
deleting links is no big deal. But every time you add a device and link it
others, it becomes less and less likely that youll be able to keep track of all
those links. Youll start factory-resetting devices because you cant fgure out
why theyre behaving the way they are, and re-linking from scratch.
Tere are two ways that home automation controllers work:
By programming the links you make into the INSTEON hardware
directly, so that the home automation controller need not be running
in order for your scenes and paths to work
By maintaining the links and directly controlling devices, so that
INSTEON links are not used and the home automation controller
must be running in order to control devices.
Of the two methods, the frst is both more difcult and more robust:
It takes time to determine what links exist and to push them out to INSTEON
devices as well as good programming in order for a home automation
controller to determine what links ought to be programmed, but because
the home automation controller neednt be running, your INSTEON system
will be more reliable. You should prefer home automation controllers that
correctly create INSTEON links over those that merely directly control
If you have more than about twenty INSTEON devices, the complexity of
managing and changing links will become a disincentive to using the system.
All installations of this size or larger should be managed using HouseLinc
or another home automation controller that can program links back into
HouseLinc (or an equivalent option such as Indigo 4 or the ISY-99)
is a necessary component of any large INSTEON system in my opinion.
Although it does have a learning curve, it keeps the complexity of changing
links manageable. I dont know how I would get along without it.
HouseLinc is by far the simplest and least expensive
central management system for INSTEON. I strongly
recommend using it for whole-house INSTEON
HouseLinc 2 is the current version at the time this book went to
press. HouseLinc 2 difers from HouseLinc 1 primarily in that it uploads
timer and scene control to the Powerline Controller so the program need
not be lef running.
Keep in mind that most 3rd party home automation controllers
can directly control INSTEON devices but they cannot program links into
the devices. If the home automation controller fails, so does all of your
automation. You will have a much more reliable system if you use a home
automation controller that can program links back into the devices and does
not rely on direct control except for event management.
Te ISY-99i is just as good as HouseLinc at
managing links, although the user interface is more
Decision Point: HouseLinc
If you are going to use HouseLinc, mark PLM on your plans near an
outlet next to the computer that you will install the sofware on.
HouseLinc isnt marketed as a remote control solution. But if youve
got a couple of computers in your home, it can be used as such. HouseLinc
has the fexibility to control any INSTEON device in the house, which

means that you can use it to do things on a whim that you havent planned
in advanceand quite a tool for discovering what you do want to be able
to do. For example, my kids were in the habit of turning their lights back
on and playing in their bedrooms afer bedtime, which I was able to put an
end to by simply turning their lights back of whenever they came on. Tis
wasnt in my original planning, but it revealed a very typical use case that I
subsequently programmed into my web-based controller.
HouseLinc is detailed in Chapter 8.
Simple Web Controllers
Web browsers are becoming more common all the time. If you have a
Windows Mobile, Palm Treo, Apple iPhone or similar full web smart
phone on your person most of the time and you already have a network in
your home, a web-based controller will turn it into an easy-to-use remote
control for you. Be sure that youre taking all the occupants of your house
into account, however. If youre the sort of person that has a web browser
handy most of the time, a web-based controller may be your best solution.
Te EZServe and a small mobile web browser such as an iPhone
or iPod Touch makes a very fexible remote control solution, although it is
quite a bit more expensive than a RemoteLinc unless you already happen to
have one. Youll also need a WiFi network to connect the dots. Te EZServe
website is a bit clunky on smartphones, however.
Te SmartLinc is quite similar to the EZServe with a user interface
designed specifcally for smartphones, and is less expensive.
You neednt purchase a web-controller up-front. Tey
are easy to add to your system at any time.
Carrying a remote on your person makes these simple web controllers
far more useful in my opinion than sophisticated home automation
controllers. But if you dont have remotes on your person or within easy
reach, youll rarely if ever use this type of controller.
Many home automation controllers, including the
ISY-99i, also provide web interfaces for use from
mobile devices.
Decision Point: Web based controller
If you will be purchasing a web-based controller up-front, mark WEB
on your plans next to the location of your wireless base station or cable/
DSL router that the device will plug into.
Home Automation Controllers
Choose a home automation controller when you have multiple home
automation systems to bridge between (such as Z-Wave and INSTEON) or
when you want to integrate multimedia systems such as ambient music or
home theater in complex ways. Home automation controllers interface with
the INSTEON system using either a serial or USB PowerLinc power-line
If you have decided to use a home automation
controller, you should select it up front and use it to
program your system rather than manually creating
Keep in mind however that sophisticated home automation controllers
create a single point of failure in your system. Tey are very expensive, and
they dont make the programming or confguration of your system any easier
than a good link manager like HouseLinc. Te core problem is that making
good defnitions of what you want to have happen is difcult, and while
home automation controllers can technically do anything you want, they
cannot make intelligent decisions about how to react to numerous inputs
to create a response that is always appropriate. And when the response

isnt appropriate, youre going to be confused about why strange events are
If you are leaning towards a home automation
controller, check out the ISY-99 from Universal
Devices frst. It works well, is the only home
automation controller designed specifcally for
INSTEON, is compatible with the widest array of
INSTEON devices, and is remarkably inexpensive.
It is far simpler to tell your smart-home system what you want than to
program it to fgure it out. Choose simple command systems over predictive
or intelligent systems that might be right 80% of the time and leave you
annoyed 20% of the time.
I havent met a person yet who has truly confgured a home
automation controller completely to the point where they (and their spouse)
is happy with it.
Decision Point: Home Automation Controller
If you will be using a home automation controller or a computer running
home automation sofware, mark PLM on your plans near your wireless
network hub or Cable/DSL Router where it will be installed.
Will you integrate INSTEON with your home security system?
You have four options when it comes to security and INSTEON:
Dont integrate security.
Use the Elk M1 Gold security system.
Use SimpleHomeNet EZIO devices to integrate with an existing
alarm system.
Create a simple INSTEON security system from scratch using all
INSTEON devices.

Non-integrated security
Do you need to link your security system with INSTEON? Te primary
reason for connecting the systems is to perform actions other than alarming
on security events, such as automatically bringing up exterior lights or
master bedroom lights when a security event occurs. Tis is a good reason to
integrate a security system, but its pretty much the only one. If this isnt what
you intend to have happen, theres little reason to integrate your security
system with INSTEON.
Integrating with Elk M1 Gold
If you intend to integrate INSTEON with your home security system and
you are acquiring a system, you should look into the Elk M1 Gold security
system. It is compatible with INSTEON, meaning that it can control
INSTEON devices based on security events. However, INSTEON devices
cannot control the security system. You can program lights to come up when
security systems trigger using this system.
To be frank, however, the INSTEON compatibility is rather tacked
on and not very simple to accomplish. Security systems can be difcult to
program and confgure, and there are a number of frmware updates youll
have to do to get the security system confgured correctly for INSTEON.
When completed, it does work well and you can confgure the security
keypads to control INSTEON paths, eliminating the need for a KeypadLinc
anywhere that you have an Elk security keypad. Its much easier to simply
use a KeypadLinc in my opinion.
Specifcs on how to integrate Elk M1 Gold with INSTEON are
provided in Chapter 9.
Decision Point: Elk M1 Gold Security System
If you will be installing an Elk M1 Gold, mark ELK on your plans in the
location where you will put the security panel, and mark ESK on your
plans where you will put Elk Security Keypads.

Integrating Security with SimpleHomeNet EZIO

If you wont be replacing your security system, you can use SimpleHomeNet
EZIO controllers to integrate both inputs and outputs on your alarm panel
with I/O on the EZIO controllers. An output on an EZIO can be wired to an
alarm sensor on the alarm panel to trigger an alarm, and an output on the
panel can be wired to an EZIO input to trigger an event.
You can integrate any security system with INSTEON
using this technique, at any point in the future.
Making this choice will allow you to defer integration
until your INSTEON system is operational.
It is frankly probably easier to integrate your alarm panel using
EZIO devices into an INSTEON system than it is to integrate it using the
Elk M1 Gold system, and doing it this way keeps the two realms (security
and home control) cleanly separatedyou program only the EZIO device,
not the security panel, for home automation requirements.
Specifcs on how to integrate security with EZIO
devices are provided in Chapter 9.
Decision Point: Alarm Panel Integration
If you will be integrating your existing security alarm panel with
INSTEON using EZIO devices, mark IO next to the location of your
alarm system panel.
Creating a simple security system using INSTEON devices
If your security needs are modest, its cheaper and easier to create a simple
home security system using all INSTEON devices.
Security systems at their heart are sense/react systems. INSTEON
maps well to this pattern of behavior with its linked action/reaction model.

By establishing a set of sensors and a set of responders, you can easily create
a security system ad-hoc.
Tere are three ways to create security sensors for INSTEON:
Using the SimpleHomeNet EZSnsRF Dakota bridge for INSTEON.
Tis device maps existing Dakota compatible sensors such as
driveway/vehicle sensors, wireless motion detectors, and liquid level
SimpleHomeNet EZIO devices can be used to integrate just about
any typical wired sensor, such as window and door closures, motion
detectors, glass breakage sensors, etc. With a large number of sensors
(more than a dozen or so), it will be cheaper to use an inexpensive
alarm system to handle the sensors and connect the alarm system
alarm outputs to a single EZIO device.
Use INSTEON Wireless motion sensor, wireless door closure sensor,
and an INSTEON Access Point. Tis is the least expensive option
Te other piece of the puzzle in an INSTEON only alarm system is
the alarm outputs. Tis solution is simple: Simply plug an alarm light or AC
siren into an ApplianceLinc, link it to the sensors, and it will go of whenever
the sensors trip.
You can create an INSTEON based security system at
any time, and neednt plan for it in advance unless you
want to. Te security system should be the last phase
of your INSTEON deployment if you do integrate it
in the beginning.
Decision Point: Wireless Motion Sensors
Mark MS next to each area in your house where you will place a wireless
motion sensor. Mark SNS at an outlet central to the motion sensors
youve placed if you will be using EZSnsRF devices, or AP if you will be
using INSTEON motion sensors. Bear in mind that Access Points only
have an efective range of about 50 feet through indoor walls and you
will likely need more than one. EZSnsRF devices should require only one
receiver per home, as they are considerably longer range.
Will you integrate INSTEON with your environmental controls?
It is possible to integrate INSTEON with your environmental controls,
to handle thermostat settings, casement window closure, irrigation, and
Actually getting these systems to work well in an integrated fashion
is a fairly expensive proposition, however, and its generally less expensive to
simply use a good controller designed for the problem.
What INSTEON could potentially provide is a way to schedule times
when the home is typically unoccupied and a mechanism for the occupants
to indicate that they are leaving or have arrived home. In these cases,
INSTEON can provide energy savings by not running HVAC systems when
nobody is home.
But thats really about all of the advantage that environmental control
integration can provide at this point, and unless your home runs by a fairly
regimented schedule or is typically unoccupied for long periods of time
during the day, theres little advantage to be had by integrating INSTEON
compatible environmental controls.
I recommend holding of on environmental controls until youve got
your INSTEON system deployed and you know how youre using it. With a
little forethought, you can plan for them now and integrate them later.
Decision Point: Environmental Controls
Mark TS next to each thermostat that you will be INSTEON enabling.

Mark WC at each casement window that you will be automating. Mark

IO at some discreet outlet near the center of your Window closures.
Automatic Window Controllers
When its a nice day outside, you should shut of your HVAC system and
open the windows. But thats a lot of work to go to and quite frankly you
may not even notice the weather outsideafer all, nice weather is weather
you dont notice.
Use an INSTEON compatible EZIO2x4 to keep track of inside and
outside temperatures and wire the zone controls to the inputs of a motorized
window controller for your modern casement windows. Te EZIO2x4 has
two analog inputs that can be wired to an interior and an exterior temperature
sensor, or you can use a temp sensor that triggers inputs when high and low
levels are met.
Wiring the outputs of the EZIO2x4 to the window closure controllers
will trigger them to open or close when the temperature settings you establish
have been met.
By linking it to an INSTEON compatible thermostat, another
EZTerm2 that controls your HVAC system, or an EZSwitch30 connected to
your HVAC compressor, you can shut of the HVAC while the windows are
open. Finally, by linking the EZIO2x4 to an exit button on any INSTEON
switch near your doors, you can shut the system of so that windows dont
come open when you arent occupying your home.
Automatic Window closures
What You Need
One INSTEON controller such as a button on a KeypadLinc by each exit
door in your home to indicate when you have exited your home. You
could also link this system to an ELK security system to deactivate it
when you arm the alarm system.
Two HAI in/out temp sensors (#110725) from

One SimpleHomeNet EZIO2x4 from to

monitor temperatures and send control signals to your automatic
A Wintrol LC-II Control Switch from for each set of
up to three windows that you want to control as a group.
A Wintrol M2100 motor to match your casement windows from www. for each window you want to automatically control.
What To Do
Wire the HAI temperature sensors to the inputs of the EZIO2x4 I/O
Wire the Wintrol LC-II switch to the outputs of the EZIO 2x4 controller.
Confgure the EZIO2x4 to trigger a close event when the temperature
goes below 68F degrees or above 80F
Confgure the EZIO2x4 to trigger an open event when the temperature
is between 70F and 78F.
Warning: This procedure is untested and should be
considered guidance only
Living Room
Te primary uses for INSTEON in the living room are integrating lighting
with home theater, bringing down all the lights and lamps as a group, and
establishing path lighting through the living room. Replacing each light
switch in the living room with a SwitchLinc and plugging each lamp into
a LampLinc module easily accomplishes all of these scenarios. You have a
number of options for controlling the lighting once you have INSTEON
switches throughout. If youve gone through your electrical layouts and
replaced fxed switches with INSTEON switches already, youve covered
most of the requirements for your living room.

Remotely controlling lights

Dimming or turning of lights without getting up turns out to be the use case
we use most ofen in my home. Tere are a lot of ways to accomplish this
task with INSTEON switches:
With entertainment system universal remote and an IRLinc
With a RemoteLinc and an Access Point
Using a laptop and control sofware such as HouseLinc (this is only
convenient if you happen to be using the computer already)
Using any smartphone web browser and a web-based controller such
as the SimpleHomeNet EZServe, the Universal Devices controller, or
the SmartLinc Network controller.
Which method you choose depends on how youand your family
intend to use the system. All of these methods cost less than $200, so its
certainly possible to use more than one.
SmartLinc is a simple web based controller specifcally designed to look
good on the Apple iTouch, iPhone, and other small devices. It is by far the
most convenient, most universal, and simplest to confgure of all the remote
control methods Ive tried. We use it routinely in our house for just about all
of our remote control needs.
Te best thing about the SmartLinc is that it allows me
to use something I already have on my personmy
cell phoneas a universal remote for my lighting.
Te only downside of the SmartLinc is the cost: Te controller itself
is inexpensive (especially considering what competing functionality costs)
but you must have a WiFi network in your house and the devices youll need
to control it with are expensive: iPod Touch, the least expensive web tablet
you can buy, costs $250. When you add up the equipment required, youd be
at $1000 if it had no use other than INSTEON remote control.
SmartLinc is especially convenient if you already have a Smartphone
with a good web browser and a WiFi network in your homein that case, its
your least expensive option. Otherwise, consider the RemoteLinc.
Decision Point: SmartLinc
Mark SL on your plans near your wireless router if you plan to use a
SmartLinc web controller, EZS if you plan to use an EZSrve, or ISY if
you plan to use an ISY-99.
Using a Universal Remote
You can control INSTEON lighting from any universal infrared remote by
installing an IRLinc infrared receiver. Te IRLinc option is pretty easy to
use if your primary remote needs are based around your television. Like
all infrared solutions, IRLincs are specifc to a single room and purpose
specifcally, dimming the lights when you turn on your television. Teyre
not all that useful for other purposes, but theyre terrifc for solving the
home theater problem.
Te SimpleHomeNet EZUIRT is a very similar device that is also
capable of working as an IR Blaster in order to transmit commands to A/V
I have my IRLinc confgured to bring down the room lights when I
press the Play button on my Harmony 890 Universal remote, and to bring
them back up to 50% when we turn the A/V system of. It also controls the
A/V cooling fans. We dont use the IRLinc much beyond that because it
is difcult to fnd use cases that always apply irrespective of who is using
the TV and what time of day it isand because we dont carry a universal
remote around in our pocket.
Decision Point: Universal Infrared Remote Linking
Mark IRL on your plans next to where you will place your television if
you intend to use an IRLinc for remote control.

For most people, the RemoteLinc is the lowest-cost, simplest, and most
convenient solution to the remote control problem. Its wireless so it works
through walls and has a range large enough to cover most homes. Like most
remotes, it always seems to be somewhere else when you need it, and it is
limited to six switches, which means your choice of any six devices, scenes,
or paths.
I use the RemoteLinc to control the outdoor lighting
on our deck when were outside. I can bring it back
in the house, and we avoided installing outdoor
If you have Access Points in your INSTEON system for phase bridging
or for receiving wireless motion sensor signals, you should strongly consider
adding a RemoteLinc to your system. Teyre simple to use and very handy.
Decision Point: RemoteLinc
Mark RL in your living room area. Also mark AP somewhere nearby
the living room an in any other distant area you intend to control with
Te primary use for INSTEON in the kitchen is lighting control. Kitchens
typically have a number of utility lights, so consider putting KeypadLinc
controllers nearby your counters so you can easily control any of them from
wherever you work.
Tink about your use cases before you purchase automation devices.
For example, while you could use a TimerLinc to control a cofee maker to
automatically turn on and begin brewing cofee at sunrise, it would be far less
expensive to simply get a cofee maker that has a timer. Use INSTEON when
you cant get appliances that have superior automation functionality built in,
or when you need the automation to work together with other devices.

One nice thing you can do with INSTEON is easily retroft lighting
where you want it. For example, you probably have counter-level outlets in
your kitchen, but you may not have under-counter lighting. Running a circuit
through walls to a switch would be expensive and would mean repairing a
considerable amount of drywall.
But you can easily install under-counter lighting and connect them
to near-by outlets that would typically be so close you could simply fsh the
wiring behind the drywall from the counter lights to the outlet. To control
the lights, install an InLineLinc relay in the wall behind the outlet and link
it to any KeypadLinc.
You can also use this technique to gain more control over a string
of lights that are all currently controlled via a single switch. For example, in
our kitchen we have a set of six fuorescent recessed lights (cans) on a single
switch, which lights up the kitchen quite a bit more than we usually want
later in the evening. So I removed a can cover and discovered that I could
easily place an InLineLinc relay in the ceiling in series with the last three
cans to control them separately. Now we can turn on three of the cans or an
additional three with separate buttons on a KeypadLinc.
Decision Point: Adding lighting control with InLineLincs
Mark your plans with ILR or ILR at each fxture on a loop that you
would prefer to directly control with a switch button. You can also replace
existing gangs of switches with InLineLincs and a single KeypadLinc if
you have switches in poorly planned areas. Consider plating over exterior
switches and installing InLineLincs in those locations as well, with a
RemoteLinc to control lighting when you are outside.
Ofces typically have a considerable number of devices that either dont
sleep or continue to draw a considerable amount of power while in sleep
mode. You can use an ApplianceLinc to cut power to these devices when not
in use can lower your energy use if their sleep mode power draw exceeds six

watts in sum. Linking the main light switch to the ApplianceLinc to light up
your ofce when you enter.
You cant just arbitrarily cut power to your computer using an
ApplianceLinc, nor should you cut power to many directly attached
peripherals or the devices involved in creating your computer network.
Some devices, such as printers and monitors, are safe to automatically shut
of when youre not using them.
Saving Power in the Office
Office Equipment that should not be power interrupted
Home Computers or Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).
USB Connected peripheral devices such as External Hard disks
DSL/Cable Routers, Wireless Access Points, and your DSL/Cable
Ethernet hubs and switches
Devices you can safely cut power to when unused
Printers and multifunction devices, even when USB attached
Fax machines
Split the devices between diferent power stripsone for devices that
remain on, and one for devices that can be switched of. Put the ApplianceLinc
on the power strip powering devices that can be turned of.
Decision Point: Saving power with ApplianceLinc
Mark AL on your plans in your ofce area.
INSTEON is especially convenient in the bedroom. Being able to light up
areas outside the bedroom at night is a nice convenience. Path lighting is
also especially important in bedrooms both as the end-point to turn paths
of and to light paths if you have to get up in the middle of the night. Being

able to bring up all your external lights from bedside if you hear something
outside provides peace of mind.
One non-obvious issue with installing INSTEON devices in
Bedrooms is the amount of light generated by LEDs and keypad backlights.
When I setup our Master Bedroom, I didnt give any thought to the LED
issue. In most of the house, the LEDs from INSTEON Devices make for nice
ambient night lighting, but the frst night that my wife and I tried to sleep
in the Master bedroom the lights kept waking both of us. Our room was lit
up like a Christmas scene with light from four SwitchLinc Dimmers, two
KeypadLincs, an ApplianceLinc, and an Elk security keypad.
Te next day was spent covering LEDs with electrical tape and
confguring brightness levels in the security keypad device frmware. I
ordered black opaque key change kits for the KeypadLincs to dim them
(which worked perfectly). You may also want to consider ICON INSTEON
switches which have only a single amber LED for bedrooms.
Master Bedroom
Master bedrooms typically dont have light switches installed near the bed.
Using a plug-in INSTEON controller such as the ControlLinc, a KeypadLinc
in a tabletop enclosure, or a IES TouchScreen in a tabletop enclosure provides
a very simple plug-in controller that can be used to turn of all the lights in
the house, control lights in childrens rooms, turn of all the lights in the
room, control television lights or any appliances that leave annoying of
lights on at night.
Decision Point: Bedside Lighting Control
Mark KLE on your plans for a KeypadLinc with Enclosure, or CL for
ControlLinc, near an outlet by a bedside table.

I use an ApplianceLinc on my clock radio to unplug

it at night so its bright display doesnt keep me up.
Its internal battery keeps the time, and a time-of-day
event programmed in HouseLinc turns it back on in
time for its alarm to go of in the morning.
We use INSTEON to control the lights in our childrens bedrooms primary
to turn them back of when they turn them on. We also bring them up to 50%
in our carry the kids to bed path that we can turn on from the Garage.
We also control the ceiling and appliance fans and the lamps in my
daughters rooms using LampLinc and ApplianceLinc modules. Tis allows
me to turn of fans remotely once theyve gone to sleep.
While it may be possible to control fan speed using a SwitchLinc
Dimmer, the power chopping method used in SwitchLincs will cause fan
motors to hum, can cause the dimmer to hum, and will shorten the life of
both. Electronic dimmers are for use only with incandescent lights and are
not designed to control inductive loads such as fans.
Decision Point: Bedroom Accessories
Mark AL near an outlet on your prints for every appliance fan you
intend to run in a bedroom.
Mark LL near an outlet on your plans for every lamp you intend to run
in a bedroom.
Guest Quarters
Its actually probably not wise to go crazy with INSTEON devices in guest
quarters, because most people dont know what to expect from a smart-home
system. Your use cases and programming is easy for you to remember, but
actually a bit hard to teach, especially for people who wont be in your house

for very long. Also, you probably dont want guest lights to go of when you
issue all of group commands.
Because guests have a large degree of autonomy in their actions, it is
probably best to leave guest rooms out of your INSTEON design.
We have an accessory unit in our home, with no
INSTEON devices installed. Tis prevents strange
behavior from misunderstood or mis-programmed
switches or lights from afecting our guests.
Passageways & Halls
Although passageways and halls might not seem particularly important for
lighting, they are places where lights typically are lef on because theyre
ofen not wired conveniently. Putting INSTEON switches on hall lights also
allows them to be incorporated correctly into path lighting.
Entries and Exits
Entries are the perfect place to put KeypadLincs in place of typical switches.
By providing a number of control buttons, you can enable path lighting, turn
on interior scenes, and shut of all the exterior lights from a single location.
Garages are ofen the most common entryway to the house. As with other
entryways, you will probably want to put a KeypadLinc at the doorway
between the Garage and the house. You should also consider putting the
garage lights on a timer.
You can use driveway sensors or motion sensors to pick up the
presence of an incoming car. Youll have to think about how to tell the
diference between an arriving car and a departing car, however.
Chapter 4 highlights a number of ways to detect the
garage door opening.
Decision Point: Lighting from the Car
Mark IO on your prints at an outlet inside your garage.
Bathrooms are simple: Put the fan on a SwitchLinc Timer, and put the light(s)
on a typical SwitchLinc. Ten Link the fan to the Light. Tis way, when you
turn the light and fan on using the fan switch, they will both turn of afer 15
minutes or some other programmable time. When you turn only the light
on, the timer is not enabled and the light will stay on indefnitely. Remember
to tell everyone how that simple system works.
Decision Point: Bathroom Timers
Mark SLT next to the fan light switch for a SwitchLinc timer (or KLT
for an eight button timer)
Mark SLR (relay) or SLD (dimmer) as appropriate for the bathroom
Utility Rooms
Utility rooms that are not normally occupied should all be place on either
timers or motion sensors to ensure that lights are turned of throughout the
Utility rooms include:
Utility rooms
Storage Rooms
Save money by putting lights in rooms that are not
normally occupied on typical timer or motion sensors
rather than INSTEON switches. Tere is very little
gain to using INSTEON in rooms where lights are
normally of.

As an alternative, you can create an event timer in a home automation

controller, HouseLinc, a web controller, or an INSTEON PLC to turn of all
utility room lights at midnight. Tis ensures that even if they are lef on,
theyre all turned of at night and you wont leave a light on pointlessly for
more than a day.
Decision Point: Utility Room Timers
Mark SLT next to the light switch in each utility room.
Exterior Lighting and Outdoors
INSTEON really shines when it comes to outdoor lighting. INSTEON
provides the ability to control lights in outbuildings from a distance, to
replace outside switches with RemoteLincs, and to provide time-of-day
control for landscaping.
Entry, Exterior, and Landscape Lighting
Exterior lights should be placed on typical SwitchLincs inside the home near
an entry. Tis will provide the ability to turn of all the exterior lights at once
and provide time-of-day events to turn them on at dusk and of at midnight
or dawn.
Circuits with multiple 300w food lamps should be controlled by
SwitchLinc Relays or by 1000w SwitchLinc dimmers. Typical SwitchLinc
dimmers are rated for 600w and would be maxed out from two food
Decision Point: Floodlights
Mark SLDK next to the switch for high wattage outdoor lights.
Decks and Patios
Decks and patios can be placed on typical SwitchLincs or even plated-over
InLineLinc relays inside the home near the back door. Ten use an Access

Point and a RemoteLinc, or a web-based controller and your WiFi controller

to manage the deck lights when youre out.
Decision Point: Deck & Patio Lights
Mark SLR next to each of your deck and patio lights. If theyre exterior
and you are doing a major remodel or new construction, have the
electricians move them to the interior of the home.
Mark AP and RL next to an outlet close to the deck on the interior of
the home.
Put all the lights in your outbuildings on SwitchLinc timers. Tat way they
can be controlled using paths from inside your home as youre going out
to them, and will automatically shut of when you arent using them. Eight
button SwitchLinc timers make a great choice when you stay in a building
for difering lengths of time.
Also consider putting major appliances that might be lef on in
outbuildings (such as compressors, fans, etc.) on ApplianceLincs so you can
shut them down remotely.
Decision Point: Outbuilding Control
Mark KLT next to each light switch in your outbuildings.
Mark AL next to outlets that will be plugged into appliances that may be
lef on unintentionally.
Pool lighting should be controlled using INSTEON 1000w dimmers. Pool
lighting is typically higher wattage than regular lights.
Pool heaters and pumps can be controlled using the SimpleHomeNet
EZSwitch 30 220v relays, allowing you to turn the heaters and pumps on and
of using INSTEON events.

Decision Point: Pools and Spas

Mark SLDK next to the pool lighting switch.
Mark EZ3 next to the pool pump switch.
SimpleHomeNet makes a line of irrigation valve controllers that can be
programmed with timers to perform all of your irrigation watering like a
typical irrigation timer and can also be programmed to respond to seasonal,
time-of-day, or other INSTEON events. Teir current model as of this
writing is the EZFlora.
Tey lack on-device user interfaces however, and are not weather
proof. Because they must be programmed using computer sofware, it
probably makes more sense to go with a standard irrigation timer until you
have an INSTEON system that is fully established.
Decision Point: INSTEON Irrigation Control
Mark your plans with EZF at an exterior outlet with a waterproof
enclosure near your exterior irrigation valves.
Determining which devices will be required
Now that youve gone through your home plans room-by-room and switch-
by-switch, you have your installation plan and the full count of exactly which
devices youll need.
Using a copy of the next page (or better yet, create a spreadsheet
based on it), go through your plans and count the number of each INSTEON
device code youve marked on your plans.
Next, look up the current cost of each INSTEON device at www. and fll in the price column. Multiply the quantity of devices
total by the price column to come up with an item total, and then sum the
item total column to come up with your entire installation budget.
Ive not included the cost of sophisticated home automation
controllers or any home automation sofware beyond HouseLinc and the very

low cost embedded web controllers in this planning chapter because those
devices change very rapidly and because I strongly believe that you should
establish your INSTEON system and get your basic links programmed prior
to deciding that you need a home automation controller.
Code Device Cost Qty Total
KLR KeypadLinc Relay $70
KLD KeypadLinc Dimmer $70
KLDE KeypadLinc Dimmer with Enclosure $80
SLR SwitchLinc Relay $46
SLD SwitchLinc Dimmer $46
SLDK SwitchLinc Dimmer, 1000w $70
AL ApplianceLinc $35
LL LampLinc $35
HPB Hardwired phase bridge $25
PPB Plug-in phase bridge $40
PLM Powerline Modem, Serial $60
PLC Powerline Controller, USB $70
WEB SmartLinc $120
IO I/OLinc (cost per each I/O) $46
MS Motion Sensor $35
SNS EZSnsRF $135
AP Access Point (need 2 to bridge) $40
TS Termostat $160
WC Window Controller $350
IRL IRLinc $100
RL RemoteLinc $60
ILR InLineLinc Relay $46
Code Device Cost Qty Total
ILD InLineLinc Dimmer $46
CL ControlLinc $35
EZX EZX-10RF $125
EZS EZSrve $210
SLT SwitchLinc Timer $60
KLT KeypadLinc Timer $65
EZ3 EZSwitch 30 $115
EZF EZFlora $125
ISY ISY-99 $400
Budget Total
Table 5.x: Calculating an INSTEON system budget
Te prices in the following table were valid at the
time of this writing, but are for budgetary purposes
only and will change without notice or modifcation
of this book.
Budgeting and Ordering
Taking your device counts and budgets and converting them to an order online is easy.
Most of the devices are sold at Te remainder of this chapter gives advice
on ordering strategies and tips to reduce your overall cost.
Order and install in small batches and a number of increments
By making your frst order rather small and specifc in purpose, you can
be absolutely certain that everything works they way you want before you
make an entire order. Youre also far less likely to accidentally over-order
this way, and you can take advantage of deals that appear periodically on the website.
When you order from, they frequently send out follow
up e-mails with a coupon code to save 10% or so of your next order. By
ordering incrementally, you can take advantage of these deals. Youll also
want to confgure your orders in increments of $200thats the price point
at which frequently ofers free ground shipping.
Hold of on high-cost devices until you know you need them
Install the basicslighting and appliance controland get them confgured
before you invest in expensive devices like LCD keypads, web controllers, or
a home automation controller. Youll likely fnd that you wont need the more
expensive controllers afer all, or that low cost devices such as an EZSrve or
SmartLinc will do what you need.
With any large installation, you will want to use SmartLabs HouseLinc
sofware to manage links between devices more easily than manual linking.
While HouseLinc is great for programming, its also possible to use it for
direct light control, although the user interface is not built for that purpose.
Look for lower cost versions
SmartLabs occasionally makes lower cost versions of their devices. For
example, theyve periodically released batches of KeypadLinc keypads that
use lower cost amber LEDs rather than White and are 25% less expensive. If
you want amber anyway or youre going to put opaque keys over the device,
you can save money by looking for these kinds of deals.
Minimize the number of devices in your plan
You dont necessarily have to use INSTEON to control every light in your
house. Outside lights, bathroom lights that are already on motion-sensors or
timers, closet and utility room lights, and bathroom fans are all examples of
devices that you would probably not include in a path or scene for lighting.
Tink of it this way: If you wouldnt want to turn the light on when
you arent actually in the room, you probably dont need INSTEON control
over that light or device. A simple and less expense timer or motion sensor
switch will do to ensure that the light isnt lef on.
ICON switches and appliance controls are lower priced INSTEON devices.
Tey typically cost 25% to 33% less than their Linc counterparts, and they
achieve this cost savings by using less expensive components: Magnetic
relays rather than silicon controlled relays, lower cost amber LEDs rather
than white, and no pass-through power outlet. Teyre a great way to reduce
the cost of an INSTEON project without sacrifcing functionality.
You wont want to mix ICON installed switches and
INSTEON switches in the same room. Te style and
light colors do not match, and it gives the room a
random electronics look rather than a coherent
While INSTEON is simplest for specifc purposes, its easier than competing
technologies to plan for the entire home as well. Whole home planning
and budgeting for INSTEON requires a copy of mockup of your electrical
blue-prints, and some thought about the automation problems you want to
You should perform your installation in an initial phase consisting
of installed switch devices, and then individual purchases of the additional
devices you want to add for particular purposes and more complex
Save money by limiting the rooms in your house where you use
automation, growing your installation over time, and selecting lower cost
Chapter 6
Installation & Troubleshooting
INSTEON is a highly reliable system designed with numerous resiliency
and fault tolerance measures built in. Amongst its primary fault tolerance
features is its distributed naturethere are no single points of failure, so
theres literally no possibility that an entire INSTEON deployment will fail.
At worst, only parts of an INSTEON system will fail to function.
But as with any complex system, failures occur.
Tis chapter provides generic troubleshooting advice
for all INSTEON devices and installations. You
should also follow the specifc troubleshooting steps
provided in the users guide for the INSTEON device
you are having trouble with.
Ive presented the troubleshooting measures in this chapter in the
order that you should perform them for an arbitrary problemnot in
order of how common the failures are. Te most common failure in a new
INSTEON installation is failure to couple phases properly. But once phase
coupling is done, its done; there are rarely future problems with phase
coupling, especially in systems that use hardwired phase couplers.
Terminology: Installing INSTEON devices
2-Wire SwitchA junction box that contains only LINE and LOAD
wires with no NEUTRAL wire.
Fixture-SwitchA circuit wired such that the power travels from the
circuit panel to the fxture, and from the fxture to the switch.
Inductive LoadA magnetic load such as a low-voltage transformer or
a ceiling fan.
Null SwitchAn INSTEON switch that controls no load, because the
switch location was originally a traveler from a three-way switch or a
switched outlet.
Switch-FixtureA circuit wired such that the power travels from the
circuit panel to the switchbox, and from junction box to the fxture.
Switched Outleta power outlet that runs through a switch because it
was originally designed to switch a lamp.
Wiring for INSTEON
Many INSTEON devices require no installation at allthey are plug and
play. You can do a lot with INSTEON without touching your electrical
wiring at all, but if you want to control installed fxtures, you will have to
install wired in INSTEON devices.
Insteon SwitchLinc and InLineLinc switches have three wires: HOT,
NEUTRAL, and LOAD. In all cases you simply wire the corresponding
NEUTRAL, HOT, and LOAD wires in the junction box to the switch. It can
sometimes be difcult to determine which wire is hot and which is load, but
a voltage tester can tell you with certainty.
INSTEON OutletLinc devices are wired simply to NEUTRAL and
HOT, because theyre switched load is the outlet itself. Tey are a simple
replacement for traditional outlets.
INSTEON operates over typical house wiring. Even in the case that
you have two-wire switch-legs with no neutrals, SmartLabs has switches that
will work for you.
Te biggest change most people will have to make to their wiring is re-
wiring three-way switches. Because there are many diferent ways that a
three-way switch might be wired, correctly wiring them for INSTEON can
be confusing. Tis section demystifes the three-way wiring problem and
provides detailed instructions for identifying and correctly wiring three-
way switches for INSTEON.
Identifying neutrals
Typical switches are not wired to neutral, but INSTEON switches have to
be. When you open the switch junction box, remove the screws from the
switch and pull it out. Behind the switch, youll see multiple white (typically)
wires twisted together with a wirenut on them. Tese are the neutrals in
your switchbox. To install an INSTEON switch, remove the wirenut from
the bundle, add the white wire from the INSTEON switch to the bundle, and
screw the wirenut back down onto the bundle.
If the bundle of neutrals becomes too large for a single wirenut, get
another wirenut, split the bundle of wires into two equal groups, and cut
a 3 length of white 14-gauge solid core wire to connect the two bundles
electrically (You can cut this from one of the neutrals in the switch box if
it is long enough). Screw down wirenuts on both bundles such that the 3
wire is screwed into each of the two to ensure that they remain correctly
Identifying Line vs. Load
Identifying neutral and ground is easy. Unfortunately, the line=black and
load=red convention is actually not ofen adhered to. In my home, which
is brand new, the colors properly identify line and load about half the
timecompletely randomly, in other words. Furthermore, in manual on/of
switches and many dimmers, line and load can be safely reversed, so their
position on the switch you are replacing does not necessarily indicate which
is which.
Do not presume that you can match red-to-red and black-to-black
with your INSTEON device. If you are not certain which line is line and which
is load, use a voltage sensor to determine it. Te surest way to determine
line is to energize the circuit and use a voltage sensor to fnd the hot line.
Unfortunately this can be dangerous, so be very careful with exposed wires.
In my testing, INSTEON relay based devices work
irrespective of whether LINE and LOAD are swapped,
although they tend to switch with a slight delay if they
are swapped.
Testing for Line Voltage
Wear leather palmed electrical gloves
Make sure all white neutrals are bundled together with a single wirenut
(or two directly connected wire-nuts)
Make sure all ground lines are wired to ground
Cap all the red and black load and line candidate wires individually with
small wirenuts before you re-energize the circuit so that no bare wires are
exposed anywhere
Connect the common lead of your voltage meter to ground using the
alligator clip lead
If you are using a multimeter, set it to AC voltage and to the 100 volt
Check voltage one wire at a time by inserting the positive (red) needle
probe of your voltmeter into the wirenut. If necessary, remove the
wirenut, check the voltage by touching the bare wire, and replace the
wirenut. All the lines will read some small voltage, but only hot lines will
read over 100 volts.
Label hot using black electrical tape
Label lines youve identifed as load with red electrical tape
Dealing with 2-wire switches
If you dont have neutral wires in the junction box, youll need to
order special two-wire INSTEON switches. Two wire switches split the
switch plate and the relay or dimmer so you can place the relay at the fxture
in the ceiling, and re-wire the traveler going to the switch to include both
hot and neutral, rather than hot and load.

Installing an INSTEON 2-wire switch

De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker.
Wear leather gloves.
At the junction box, remove the old switch and wire the 2-wire switch
plate to HOT and the former LOAD wire which will now be designated
At the fxture, wire both HOT wires and the LINE wire from the 2-wire
switch together with a wirenut. Wire the NEUTRAL, the former LOAD
wire now designated NEUTRAL, and the NEUTRAL wire from the 2-
wire switch together using a wirenut. Wire the LOAD wire from the 2-
wire switch to the fxture load.
Two-wire switches are more difcult to install because you have to
rewire both at the switch and at the junction box.
Figure 6.1: 2-Wire INSTEON switch wiring
Rewiring switched outlets
When you move to INSTEON, you may no longer want to have outlets
wired to switches because you can use INSTEON to control lamps and other
appliances anywhere in your house. In this case, simply remove the switch
and use wirenuts to connect hot to load in the switch junction box.

If you want to retain the switch for some other purpose, just put an
INSTEON switch in place of the original switch by wiring the line wire into
the hot-line wirenut and wiring the neutral. Place a wirenut over the load
wire, which will remain unused. Now you have an INSTEON switch that
does not directly control a load but which can be programmed to control
any INSTEON device in your home.
If your house lacks neutrals in the junction box, you could rewire the
outlet to bring neutral back to the switch junction box on the load lead and
use that to wire an INSTEON switch.
Figure 6.2: Re-wiring a switched outlet for INSTEON
Rewiring a switched outlet
Using a multimeter, identify the LINE (120v), NEUTRAL (0V), and
LOAD (0V When of, 120V when on) lines.
De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker. Turn the light switch on and
ensure that it remains of to be certain that the correct circuit has been
Wear leather gloves.
In the switch junction box, remove the original switch.
Wire the GROUND wire to the bare copper GROUND wire on the
INSTEON device using a wirenut. Repeat this process for the LOAD,
NEUTRAL, and LINE wires in that order. NEUTRAL will probably be
wired into a bundle with other NEUTRAL wires. Ensure that no bare
wires are exposed below any wirenuts except the GROUND wires.
Re-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker.

Test the INSTEON switch to ensure that it correctly drives the primary
Push the wirenut circuits back into the junction box and install the
INSTEON switch into the junction box.
If you are building a home new construction, dont install switched
outlets. Youll use INSTEON devices to accomplish the same thing in a much
more controllable fashion.
Re-wiring energized circuits
It is my strong advice that you never wire an INSTEON device without de-
energizing the circuit. If, for whatever reason, youve determined to do so
anyway, the following steps are the safest way to do so.
Rewiring a switched outlet
De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker if at all possible.
Wear leather gloves. Never, under any circumstances, should you work on
a live circuit without wearing insulating leather gloves made specifcally
for electrical use.
Prepare the INSTEON device by pulling out the set switch by 1/8 and
ensuring that it stays extended. Tis will keep the device powered of and
prevent sparking while you install it.
Unscrew the LINE or HOT wire from the switch, being exceptionally
careful not to allow the exposed wire touch anything. Cap the wire of
with a wirenut that will identify it as LINE. Repeat this procedure for
NEUTRAL, LOAD, and GROUND in that order.
Remove the wirenut from GROUND and wire it to the INSTEON device,
being careful not to touch the wire to any thing other than the intended
wire and wirenut. Repeat this process for LOAD, NEUTRAL, and LINE
in that order. Be absolutely certain that no bare wire is exposed outside of
a wirenut for any wire except GROUND.
Push in the INSTEON set switch to power on the INSTEON device. Test
its proper installation, and install the switch into the junction box.

Re-wiring three-way switches

If you have an existing three-way switch with switch-legs, you will have to
re-wire the switches to ensure that the junction boxes all receive power at all
times. If you dont re-wire the switches, you could wind up with INSTEON
devices that loses power and cannot respond to signals.
Tis section is going to seem completely confusing
if you are just casually reading. Read through this
section carefully when you actually have the problem
of re-wiring a three-way switchyou can skip it for
now unless you are very interested in the nuances of
three-way switch wiring.
Once your switch is rewired, youll have one switch that controls the
load and one null switch that controls nothingits load line will be capped
of and disconnected. You can either plate over the old switch, or install an
INSTEON switch that is cross-linked to the load control switch in order to
mimic the previous three way circuit.
If the location of the null switch is near a high-trafc doorway,
theyre the perfect place to put eight-button KeypadLincs in my opinion.
INSTEON switches always control their local load, so the A button on
a KeypadLinc is normally dedicated to the local load. In locations where
you are not controlling a load, the A button can be freely assigned to any
purpose you want.
Determining how a three-way switch is wired
Typical three-way switches have two switch poles and a COMMON
terminal that will be diferently colored (usually green). When the switch is
thrown, common connects to one of the two switch poles.
No matter how a three-way circuit is wired, COMMON on one switch
will be wired to HOT. Tis is called the power-feed switch. COMMON on
the other switch will be wired to fxture LOAD. Tis is called the fxture feed
Circuits are identifed by the order in which
power from the circuit breaker panel is wired to
Te possible ways that a 3-way switch could be wired are:
FSS-T (Fixture-switch-switch with traveler)
FSS (Fixture-switch-switch without traveler)
SSF-T (Switch-switch-fxture with traveler)
SFS-T (Switch-fxture-switch with traveler)
SFS (Switch-fxture-switch without traveler)
It is actually pretty easy to determine how a three-way circuit is
wired once youve determined which switch is the power feed switch and
how many cables are wired to each switch and fxture.
Using the following table and procedure, you should be able to
determine exactly how any 3-way switch is wired. Once youve determined
how the switch is wired, you can use the instructions in the remainder of
this section to re-wire the switch for INSTEON.
Determine how a three-way switch is wired
Preparing to determine the circuit type
Open the fxture, and determine whether the fxture is wired to one two-
conductor cable (label the fxture 1 cable), or to two diferent cables
(label the fxture 2 cable).
Leaving the circuit breaker energized, place both switches in the OFF
position such that the fxture light is of.
Remove the faceplates from both of the three-way switches.
Using an alligator clip black negative probe, clip the black voltmeter lead
to ground.
On a three-way switch, the oddly colored screw terminal is the common
terminal. Identify the common terminal on each switch.

Using a needle probe tip on the red positive probe of the voltmeter, touch
the common terminal.
If the common terminal is hot, this is the power feed switch. Label this
switch as Power Feed. If both switches seem to be the power feed switch,
then one of the switches is on. Switch the switches until you can fnd a
state where the light is of and only one of the switches has power to the
common terminal of the 3-way switch. Tis is the power feed switch.
Inspect both switches to determine whether all conductors wired to the
switch come from a single cable, or if the conductors wired to the switch
come from two diferent cables. Label switches wired to a single cable as
1 Cable and switches wired to two cables as 2 cable.
SSF-T: Switch-Switch-Fixture with Traveler
If both switches are labeled 2 cable, then this circuit is wired SSFT. Te
fxture feed switch is the switch opposite of the power feed switch. Te
fxture will be labeled 1 cable. Skip the rest of this procedure as you have
identifed the circuit.
FSS: Fixture-Switch-Switch
If both switches are labeled 1 cable, then this circuit is wired FSS. Te
power feed switch is the same switch as the fxture feed switch. Te
fxture will be labeled 2 Cable. Skip the rest of this procedure as you
have identifed the circuit.
SFS: Switch-Fixture-Switch
If the power feed switch is labeled 2 cable, then this circuit is wired
SFS. Te power feed switch is the same as the fxture feed switch. Te
fxture will be labeled 2 Cable. Skip the rest of this procedure as you
have identifed the circuit.
SFS-T: Switch-Fixture-Switch with Traveler
If the fxture is labeled 1 cable, then the circuit is wired switch-fxture-
switch with a traveler. Skip the rest of this procedure as you have identifed
the circuit.
FSS-T: Fixture-Switch-Switch with Traveler
If the fxture is labeled 2 cable, then the circuit is wired fxture-switch-
switch with a traveler. Skip the rest of this procedure as you have identifed
the circuit.

In the table below, power-feed switch refers to the switch with HOT wired to common,
fxture-feed switch refers to the switch with COMMON wired to fxture LOAD. 1 cable
refers to a device being wired to conductors from a single cable, and 2 cable refers to a
device being wired to conductors in separate cables.
Now that youve determined how your three-way switch is wired,
you can convert the wiring for INSTEON.
INSTEON requires that all junction boxes be powered at all times,
so in circuits with travelers, you will convert a traveler wire to be a power
feed wire to carry power to the second junction box in order to power the
INSTEON switch.
Fixture Power-feed switch Fixture-feed switch
SSF-T 1 cable 2 cable 2 cable
FSS 2 cable 1 cable 1 cable
SFS 2 cable 2 cable 1 cable
SFS-T 1 cable 1 cable 2 cable
FSS-T 2 cable 1 cable 2 cable
Table 6.x: 3-way switch characteristics
Once youve converted the traveler to carry power, the switch you
identifed as the fxture feed switch will be wired to control the load directly,
and the other switch will have its load wire capped of and will not directly
control any loadyoull use INSTEON links to re-create the three-way
Using the wiring type youve determined from the above procedure,
select the correct procedure from the four options below to rewire your
Re-wiring SFS for INSTEON
In a switch-fxture-switch circuit with no traveler, the two switches are wired
together in the fxture, thus eliminating the need for a traveler wire going
from one switch to another. Rather than a traveler the fxture feed switch is
on a switch-leg.
Rewiring SFS circuits for INSTEON
De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker and remove the existing
switches from both junction boxes.
At the power-feed junction box, wire both white NEUTRAL wires and
the SwitchLinc NEUTRAL together. Wire all three black HOT wires
together. Wire the LOAD wire going to the fxture to the LOAD wire on
the SwitchLinc. Be sure to correctly identify HOT and LOAD using either
the correct wire colors (black=hot, red=load) or with electrical tape.
At the light fxture, there will be two three-conductor cables. Wire both
cable neutrals and the fxture NEUTRAL together. Wire the fxture to the
LOAD line from the power feed switch. Wire the two HOT wires in the
cables together. Cap of the third unused wire in the cable going to the
fxture feed switch with a wirenut.
At the fxture feed junction box, wire the HOT and NEUTRAL wires to
the SwitchLinc, and cap of the unused wire in the cable with a wire nut.
Cap of the unused LOAD wire on the INSTEON switch with a wirenut.
Figure 6.3: Re-wiring SFS switches for INSTEON
In an SFS circuit with no traveler, youll re-wire the power-feed
switch box to control the light, connecting HOT, NEUTRAL, and LOAD to
the appropriate wires going to the fxture. In the fxture, youll wire the light

to HOT and LOAD, and also wire HOT and NEUTRAL to the cable going
down to the second switch.
In the second switch junction box, youll wire the switch to HOT and
NEUTRAL, capping of the LOAD wire and program a cross-link with the
frst switch to control the light.
Re-wiring SFS-T circuits for INSTEON
In a Switch-Fixture-Switch circuit with traveler circuit, power actually comes
into the same junction box as the fxture feed but hot is wired over to the
second switch making the switch at the end of the traveler the power feed
Tis circuit is easy to re-wire: Simply replace the fxture feed
switch with an INSTEON switch, and then wire the traveler for HOT and
NEUTRAL. In the second junction box, wire the INSTEON switch to HOT
and NEUTRAL leaving the LOAD wire capped of. Use a programmed
crosslink between the two switches to control the three-way light.
Figure 6.4: Re-wiring SFS-T switches for INSTEON
Rewiring SFS-T circuits for INSTEON
De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker and remove the existing
switches from both junction boxes.
At the fxture-feed junction box, wire both white NEUTRAL wires and
the SwitchLinc NEUTRAL together. Wire HOT to the black HOT wire in
the traveler cable and to the SwitchLinc HOT. Wire the LOAD wire going
to the fxture to the LOAD wire on the SwitchLinc. Be sure to correctly
identify HOT and LOAD using either the correct wire colors (black=hot,
red=load) or with electrical tape.
At the Power-feed junction box, wire the INSTEON device to NEUTRAL
and HOT, using a wirenut to cap of the unused LOAD wire.
Re-wiring SSF-T circuits for INSTEON
In a switch-switch-fxture with traveler circuit, power feeds to one of the
switches, through a traveler to the other switch, and then to the fxture. Tis
is the most common type of three-way switch circuit.
Figure 6.5: Re-wiring a SSF-T switch for INSTEON
To convert this switch to INSTEON, the traveler is converted to carry
power from the power feed switch to the fxture feed switch, the power feed
switch load wire is capped of, and the fxture is directly controlled from the
fxture feed switch.

Rewiring SSF-T circuits for INSTEON

De-energize the circuit at the circuit breaker and remove the existing
switches from both junction boxes.
At the power-feed junction box, wire both white NEUTRAL wires and
the SwitchLinc NEUTRAL together. Wire all three black HOT wires
together. Cap of the unused LOAD wire on the SwitchLinc. Cap of the
unused third (red) wire in the traveler cable.
At the fxture-feed switch, wire the LOAD wire going to the fxture to the
LOAD wire on the SwitchLinc.
Re-wiring FSS circuits for INSTEON
In fxture-switch-switch circuits with no traveler, power is fed to the fxture,
and a switch-leg goes down to each of two switches.
Figure 6.6: Re-wiring an FSS switch for INSTEON
Te FSS circuit is easy to convert to INSTEON: Simply wire HOT
and NEUTRAL to both switch-legs, and then wire LOAD on the power-feed
switch to LOAD on the fxture, capping of LOAD on the other switch.

Rewiring FSS circuits for INSTEON

At the fxture, wire all three HOT wires together from the three cables
in the fxture. Wire all three NEUTRAL wires together along with the
NEUTRAL wire for the fxture. Wire the LOAD wire for the fxture to
the LOAD wire of either cable, capping of the LOAD wire of the other
At the fxture wired to LOAD at the fxture, install a SwitchLinc switch
according to the normal instructions.
At the fxture not wired to load, install a SwitchLinc switch capping of
the unused LOAD wires on the switch and the cable.
Re-wiring FSS-T circuits for INSTEON
In fxture-switch-switch circuits, power feeds to the fxture, and then down
to a switch, through a traveler, and to the fnal switch.
FSS-T switches are a problem: Tere are typically only two wires that
go from the fxture to the frst switch. Because these two wires need to be
converted from HOT and LOAD to HOT and NEUTRAL, there is no LOAD
wire to carry the switched power back to the light.
Te solution is to use an INSTEON InLineLinc in the ceiling with the
fxture. In this scenario, HOT and NEUTRAL are sent down the switch-leg to
the switch, and also wired into the InLineLinc device. Te InLineLinc HOT
and LOAD are then wired to the fxture. In the junction boxes, INSTEON
switches are wired to HOT and NEUTRAL with the LOAD wire capped of.
Finally, link programming is used to control the fxture InLineLinc from the
Rewiring FSS-T circuits for INSTEON
At the fxture, install an InLineLinc Dimmer or Relay by wiring all three
HOT wires together, all three NEUTRAL wires together along with the
Fixture light NEUTRAL, and by wiring the InLineLinc LOAD to the
Fixture LOAD.

At each switchbox, wire all NEUTRAL and HOT lines together, and cap
of the unused wire in the traveler cable and the unused LOAD wires in
both switches.
Figure 6.7: Re-wiring FSS-T switches for INSTEON
Hard-wired phase coupling
Hard-wired phase coupling is more reliable than RF phase couplers.
SmartLabs emphasizes the RF phase couplers because theyre easier to
install and can get do-it-yourselfers up and running with INSTEON very
easily. Teyre an important part of the total INSTEON equation. And since
most people test INSTEON with a starter kit before they jump in, nearly
everyone will own a pair of INSTEON Access Points anyway.
Once youre relying on INSTEON to run your home, install a plug-
in phase coupler on any 220V outlet. Or, if you are building a new home
or you have room in your breaker panel, have an electrician install a phase
coupler in your circuit breaker. Hard-wired phase couplers are very simple
and practically failure-proof. Teyre also more reliable in the long run and
not subject to interference, signal fade, or being accidentally unplugged.
Powerline fltering
In my experience, powerline fltering has not been required for the reliable
operation of INSTEON devices. But your mileage may vary.

Powerline fltering signifcantly assists X10 signals. But because all

INSTEON devices are repeaters and because INSTEON signals are repeated
more than X10 signals, the signal strength becomes higher with each hop,
practically ensuring that signals will overwhelm any noise on your lines.
For cases where INSTEON signals have trouble reaching devices
when they shouldnt or when it numerous or randomly diferent delays show
that devices are switching later in the INSTEON repetition than they should,
and when all devices seem to be equally or randomly afected, and you know
that phase coupling is installed and working, you should install a powerline
flter at the main point of entry.
Powerline flters attenuate signals on the powerline by coupling
a capacitor across the hot legs and neutral. Capacitors absorb signals
equipment with large capacitors in power supplies can actually attenuate
INSTEON signals in nearby devices, for examplebut they are useful when
you want to absorb signals. A powerline flter at your main point of entry will
reduce noise coming from neighboring homes and prevent your INSTEON
signals from traveling out of your house.
Once youve installed your INSTEON devices, its time to test. Testing is
simple: Power on the circuit and determine whether the installed INSTEON
devices LED turns on. All INSTEON devices have an LED that shows when
the device is powered (although ICON switches shut the LED of when the
load fxture is turned on, and KeypadLincs have a mode that allows you to
shut of the keypad backlighting).
Once you can see that the INSTEON device is powered, turn on the
switch and ensure that the load fxture comes on as you expect.
Incomplete Installation
Every INSTEON device has at least one LED that indicates that it is powered.
If you have installed an INSTEON device and its LED does not light, it is
either wired incorrectly or power has not been applied to the circuit. Follow
electrical troubleshooting as described in Chapter 2 to determine the cause,
or call an electrician if you cannot determine why a device is not receiving
Phase Coupling
Problems with phase coupling appear as typical failure to switch when the
controllers and receives are somewhat distant from one anotherwhen they
are not on the same phase of your electrical home wiring. Phase coupling
problems are usually very consistent: Messages usually dont get through at
all when theres a problem with phase coupling, or get through only rarely.
Problems with phase coupling are usually immediately obvious.
If you use Access Points to perform phase coupling, there is a chance
that these devices may fail. Tey can also be subject to interference in the
900MHz ISM band, or too far apart for their signals to reliably be received.
Failing or intermittent phase coupling issues will appear to be random failure
to switch when the controller is distant from the receiver.
Interference in the ISM bands is notoriously difcult to troubleshoot.
Many commands will get through, so failures will appear to be completely
random. Sometimes you may be able to correlate failure with the source
of interference, such as switch failures occurring when you use a 900MHz
telephone. But in most cases the source of interference will not be obvious.
Hardwired phase couplers are passive in naturethey contain no
complex active electronics and are therefore exceptionally unlikely to ever
fail. Tey also dont use radio frequency to bridge the phases and are therefore
entirely immune to interference.
Switch from RF phase coupling to a hardwired phase coupler if
message propagation seems to be unreliable.
Signal Propagation
Once you know you have good phase coupling, if you still have any
intermittent problems with INSTEON devices randomly in your network,
you probably have a signal propagation problem.
Te diference in efect from a lack of phase coupling is randomness:
Bad phase coupling will typically prevent devices from switching at all, or
interfere with a majority of commandsTe devices fail to switch with
regularity. Powerline condition problems, on the other hand, are much
subtler: devices usually switch, but fail to occasionally, and delays or retries
are common.
Signal propagation problems happen for three reasons:
Attenuationnot enough signal power is generated to travel the
distance between the transmitter and the receiver
Filteringsignals are being damped by power conditioning
equipment such as uninterruptable power supplies or fltering power
Noisesignals are being garbled by other transient electrical noise
on the powerline.
Its not possible to determine which of these specifc problems you
might be having without test equipment except by using your intuition and
these guidelines:
If you know you have powerline flters or conditioners in your home,
suspect fltering. A common problem is plugging INSTEON devices
into power strips that include powerline flters.
If you have few INSTEON devices (fewer than two per 1000 sq.f.)
and they are distant from one anther, suspect attenuation.
If you have numerous INSTEON devices (more than two per 1000
sq.f.) and you know that there are no powerline fltering devices in
your path, suspect electrical noise.
Te most efective solution to signal attenuation is to add more INSTEON
devices to your network. INSTEON devices repeat signals that they hear in
lock step. When you have numerous devices repeating the same signal in
synchrony, the power of the command signal is greatly increased and it can
easily overcome most transient noise and flters.
Its only when you have a very few devices and you are attempting to
send signals long distances that you may encounter attenuation problems.
Try plugging a few LampLinc or Appliance Link modules around the house
between the controller and the receiver to see if the problem goes away. If it
does, you need more INSTEON devices to create a reliable network.
If youve got good phase coupling, only a few devices (less than ten) in your
INSTEON system, and you are having random trouble with certain devices
receiving commands, you probably have problems with electrical noise. To
solve this problem, consider installing a powerline flter at your electrical
panels main point of entry into your house. A powerline flter is essentially
a high capacity capacitor that suppresses transient signals from sources
outside your home. It also stifes X-10 signals and INSTEON signals that
may be travelling from other homes.
Problems stemming from powerline conditions will typically
interfere with INSTEON command propagation and express as random
command lossdevices that randomly fail to switch. Its not possible to tell
command loss due to natural attenuation (signal fade) from command loss
due to powerline noise without test equipment, but installing a powerline
flter at your electrical main point of entry will squelch noise and certainly
wont hurt anything.
Because phase coupling is the most common problem, you should
suspect it frst. Once you know you have good phase coupling, install a
powerline flter to eliminate random failures across a number of devices.
Filters inside the system
While a powerline flter at your electrical main point of entry is a good idea,
flters inside your electrical network will interfere with the propagation
of INSTEON commands. Power strips generally have powerline flters
embedded within them, as do uninterruptable power supplies. Its not always
apparent when power strips have flters, but if they have a switch and a fuse,
they probably also have a flter.
Use a simple powerline splitter with no active electronic components if you
need to connect multiple plug-in INSTEON devices (such as ControlLincs,
ApplianceLincs, or LampLincs) into a single wall outlet. If you have other
devices youd like to use a powerstrip with, plug the INSTEON device into
power and plug the power strip into its pass-through power port.
Bad Programming
Because INSTEON devices are easy to program, you tend to program them.
A lot. And then forget what youve done and why. And then multiple people
reprogram the same devices to do diferent things. And then nobody knows
why a switch is behaving the way it behaves.
Bad programming is a fact of life when you do it yourself. Fortunately,
its easy to fx. All of the issues Ive personally had with INSTEON devices
come down to my own misunderstanding of how to program links initially,
and failure to delete links when Ive moved devices.
Bad link programming expresses as simple undesired switching:
You press the living room light and the kitchen lights also come up. You
move an Appliance link and program it to the Kitchen switch, forgetting
that its still linked to a bathroom switch. Now when you turn on the lights
in the bathroom, the cofee maker goes on. Of course, this will happen to
your spouse who doesnt know anything about the link programming youve
done, and suddenly your smarthome system is untrustworthy.
Bad link programming can also express as extra long on times (as
half-links are transmitted that will never be responded to) and as fashing
LEDs on controllers, which happens when the receiver does not acknowledge
a controller signal.
Te ease of programming links in INSTEON devices is also an
Achilles heel: Because theyre easy to install and move around, you do move
them around. Because theyre easy to program, you program them yourself.
Because you dont have to use a centralized programming tool, you can lose
track of what youve done.
Tere are two solutions to this common problem: Use HouseLinc to
keep track of your programming using a computer, or factory reset a device
every time you move or repurpose it. Te use of HouseLinc is covered in
chapter 7.
Factory Resetting
Every INSTEON device has a technique for factory reset. Factory reset erases
the link table in the device, ensuring that it will no longer respond to other
INSTEON or X-10 controllers until you reprogram it. It is the easiest way to
get to a Known Good state without using HouseLinc.
Of course, when you lose all your programming, you lose all your
programming. Youll have to recreate all the links that involve that device.
Also, factory resetting will leave broken links in the remotely linked device
as well.
Factory resetting an INSTEON device removes links
from all of its controllers. It does not remove links in
the devices to which it is linked and is therefore not a
substitute for correctly deleting links.
For most SmartLinc switches, factory reset is accomplished by pulling
out the set button as far as it will come out until the device powers of and
waiting ten seconds, and then pushing it in and holding it for three seconds.
Afer a few seconds, the switch will power on its controlled load indicating
that the factory reset is complete.
Repairing and managing links using HouseLinc
HouseLinc sofware and a Powerline Controller (PLC) make it easy to
correct all of your programmed links at once. Even when youve already
installed your system, HouseLinc has the ability to spider your network
to discover all your INSTEON devicesessentially, it reads the link tables
of a few devices you introduce it to and uses those tables to discover the
addresses of other devices on your network, and then repeats the process.
Due to the maximum bandwidth of INSTEON over a powerline,
using HouseLinc to read the state of all your devices can take upwards of an
hour. But once youve done it, you can see and correct your link programming
easily with a drag-and-drop interface on your computer. It also takes quite a
while to record changes back to the devices.
HouseLinc is easy to use, and I strongly recommend using it for any
whole home system.
X-10 troubles
INSTEON devices may be linked together using X-10 group addresses and
they sometimes come shipped from the factory this way. You may also be
receiving X-10 signals from neighboring houses.
You cant see X-10 links using HouseLinc or other
link programming sofwarethis can keep X-10 link
related problems hidden from your troubleshooting
If INSTEON devices are behaving strangely and turning on seemingly
randomly, perform a factory reset on the afected devices to clear their X-10
tables and reprogram their links.
Device failure
Device failure is always a possibility with an electronic component
especially components that perform high-power switching. Amongst the
100 or so INSTEON devices in my network, only one has failed and it was
my fault.
It is possible for dirty (poorly conditioned) power to cause INSTEON
devices to lock up or fail to function even though they are powered. Unplug
the device, or if it is installed, pull the set button out until the device powers
of for ten seconds to reset it.
Te troubleshooting hallmark of device failure of course is that the
trouble is limited to a single device, irrespective of what the trouble is. If
the device seems functional but problematic, perform a factory reset. If
the factory reset fails to resolve the problem, swap the device with another
equivalent somewhere else in the house. If the problem moves with the
device, the device is bad. If the problem remains in place with the new
device, the trouble is caused by powerline conditions on the circuit that it is
plugged into.
Overloaded Dimmer
Standard INSTEON dimmers are rated for 600 watts. Tey will easily handle
any single incandescent light fxture, but problems arise when you are driving
more than one light. Te power required is the sum of all the lights on the
circuit. You need to sum the wattages of all the lights on a circuit and ensure
that they are under the load rating of the dimmer you use to control them.
In my home, I connected a KeypadLinc Dimmer the chandelier
without thinking twice about it. Six months later, the light when out and the
KeypadLinc was dark with no LEDs lit. When I went to look at it, the device
was extremely hot. I pulled out the reset button to Air gap the device, and
it cooled of. Once cool, I pushed it back in and the device worked, but it still
ran very hot.
Te problem was that the chandelier has 12 60-watt light bulbs and
drew 720 watts, and the KeypadLinc was only rated for 600 watts. Afer
six months of being overloaded, the device had locked up and was now
permanently damaged.
Te solution was to replace it with a 1000-watt INSTEON dimmer.
Unfortunately, there are no 1000-watt KeypadLinc dimmers, so I had to
move the KeypadLinc to the next gang in the junction box.
If you have a problem requiring more than 1000 watts, you must use
a Relay device. INSTEON relays can handle the full wattage of any 120-volt
Inductive Loads & Dimmers
Inductive loads are loads such as fans and transformers (used in low-voltage
Tere are three ways to reduce the power to an inductive load:
Using a potentiometer (a variable resistor)
Using a Variac (a variable transformer)
Using a variable frequency semiconductor switch
All three methods have problems. Variable resistors convert some of
the unused energy to heat, causing considerable heat buildup in the switch.
Variacs dont produce heat, but they are large, hard to fnd, and
comparatively very expensive.
Variable frequency silicon switching is both efcient and inexpensive,
but the switching frequency it creates will go in and out of harmonic phase
with the induced magnetic feld as the switch rate is changed. Out-of-phase
switching will cause the magnetic load to vibrate, which in turn can cause
very loud buzzing as the motor vibrates against its enclosure or whatever it is
mounted to. Te vibration can also cause the electrical components to wear
out early, so its important to make sure you tune the dimming to reduce
the buzz as much as possible. You might also try shock-mounting the fan or
transformer hardware to dampen vibration, but those sorts of measures can
get quite expensive and arent possible in all cases.
INSTEON does not recommend that you use INSTEON dimmers
with inductive loads, and I echo that advice with the caveat that if you know
what youre doing and youre not too worried about damaging the devices
in question, and you dont mind the buzz, you wont cause any ancillary
problems. Tere are no other types of INSTEON dimmers available.
Hot Dimmers
If you are running a considerable load through a Dimmer, the dimmer will
get warm. However, it should never get hot to the touch. A dimmer is too
hot when the faceplate screws above and below it are obviously hot to the
If you have more than one dimmer in the same junction box, the
National Electrical Code requires that you de-rate the switches by 20%--in
other words, you have to reduce the maximum allowable load on the switch
by 20%. Tis means that a 600W dimmer can only be used to drive a 480W
load, and a 1000W dimmer can only be used to drive an 800W load.
A good rule of thumb is to always de-rate the load by
25% for any switch. Tis way, if someone else installs
a higher wattage light bulb there is cushion built into
the load calculations.
INSTEON Dimmers that run constantly hot will heat the devices
next to them in a junction box and they may fail. You may have to air-gap
the switch in order to cool it of, and then replace it.
If you are driving more than one fxture from a single dimmer, you
should strongly consider using a 1000W dimmer. If the math comes out to
more than 750 watts with the largest bulb someone may use in the fxture,
consider going to a relay rather than a dimmer.
1000W dimmers have four ears that can be removed. However,
these ears are critical to achieving enough heat-sink surface area to dissipate
the heat generated when driving a 1000W load. Each of the four ears is
dissipates the heat generated by 100W of load, so if you break of two, youve
efectively de-rated the dimmer to 800W, and if you break of all four, youd
de-rated it to 600W. Install 1000W dimmers by themselves in a single-
gang junction box if possible. If you have to install them in a multiple gang
junction box, put them on the lef or right side so that you dont have to
break of all the heat sink ears.
If you are already running a 1000W dimmer and the switch still runs
hot, replace it with a relay. INSTEON relays do not heat up signifcantly even
under full load.
Look around your house for switches that run more
than one fxture. Ceiling cans, Bathroom sconces,
chandeliers, and outdoor lights are all places where
you have to be careful about total wattage for
When you have to call an electrician
Any time you realize that you cant fgure out whats going on with an electrical
circuit or INSTEON device, call an electrician. Its fairly easy to explain
INSTEON to them, and in my experience theyre always impressed by it.
Tey can help you determine whether unusual wiring causes the problems
youre experiencing or not.
Electrical problems you probably shouldnt attempt to tackle yourself unless
you have journeyman electrical experience include:
Installing a hardwired phase coupler at a circuit breaker
Installing a powerline flter at the electrical main point of entry
Installing 30 Amp 220v switches such as the EZSwitch30
Installing neutrals to switchboxes in older homes
Tere are actually not that many problems that can occur with INSTEON
below the layer of link programming. INSTEON installations become more
reliable the larger they are, and with good phase coupling, you wont run
into any trouble beyond the possibility of a failed device.
Chapter 7
Manual Link Programming
Once you have your INSTEON devices installed, its time to create your
links. Tis chapter is all about creating the links that you planned when you
designed your system. Tere are two ways to create links in an INSTEON
system: Manually, and automated link programming with a computer or
home automation controller. Tis chapter covers manual link programming.
Chapter 8 covers automated link programming using HouseLinc.
Manual link programming is easy, fast, and uncomplicated. Its
perfect for systems that wont change much and for homeowners who want
control of their system without learning specialty sofware, and for changes
that you think of and want to implement immediately and easily.
Te greatest advantage of INSTEON is the ease with which the owner
can create and change the links between devices. Consider a typical centrally
controlled or UPB system: Te company that installed it for you will have to
come out and make all changes you need. Youll pay for at least an hour of
programmer labor to make any change. Even homeowner-installed systems
such as Z-Wave require centralized change from a centralized controller,
although you can do it yourself.
Terminology: Linking
AutoLincA feature of HouseLinc that enables walk-through
introduction of devices to the sofware. Using AutoLinc, you can establish
your initial list of devices by simply walking around and pressing each
switch button for ten seconds.
Cross-linkTe state of having two or more devices linked as both
controllers and responders of one another. When devices are cross-
linked, the state of all devices will be in sync.
Device ID Te INSTEON address of a device. When using HouseLinc,
you may need to manually enter device IDs if you do not want to use
HouseLinc SmartLabs PC based link management sofware. By
interfacing your computer with your INSTEON system using a Powerline
Modem or Powerline Controller, HouseLinc will allow you to confgure
links centrally and upload the links you create on the computer into your
Link Reciprocal link table entries in two devices that allow the
controlling device to send commands to the receiving device and receive
status responses.
Multi-link A manual method for linking more than one receiver to a
single controller.
On-level Te percentage of full voltage that a dimmer will come on to
when the switch is pressed once. In a typical switch, the on level is 100%.
In an INSTEON dimmer, the on-level can be custom programmed to
any level.
Broken Link A link that exists only in either the controller or receiver,
when no reciprocal entry exists. One-way links will cause various simple
Ramp ratethe time it takes for a dimmer to bring its load to full voltage.
Slower ramp-rates appear as gradual increases in light.
Toggle mode A mode of KeypadLinc buttons that allows a single
button to toggle between sending on commands and of commands. In
non-toggle mode, a particular button sends only on or of commands,
not both.
With INSTEON, you need nothing. You dont need a centralized
controller, a computer-based link programmer, or anything else. Te devices
themselves can establish the links in a way that couldnt possibly be simpler.
You have the option to use centralized programming if youd like, and with
complex systems that you want to reconfgure frequently, its defnitely easier
to use thembut with INSTEON centralized controllers arent necessary.
Linking instructions in this chapter are for SwitchLinc,
ToggleLinc, and KeypadLinc switches, because these
will be the majority of devices in your network. Other
devices are similar.
Creating a link
Manually programming links between INSTEON switches is trivially simple:
Press and hold the switch that will be the controller for a few seconds until
the LED on the device begins to fash, and then walk over to the responder
and press and hold its switch or set button it fashes as well.
Tats it. Te switches are linked. Te controller will now control the
Tis creates a single-directional link, meaning that the responder
will not change the status of the controller in any way. Te controller simply
directly controls the responder.
Linked devices will not always be in the same state. For example,
the responder may be of, but the controller is on. In order to turn on the
responder, youll have to press the on button even though the controller is
already on. Or, if the switch is a KeypadLinc toggle button, youll have to
frst turn the button of and then turn it back on in order to turn on the
If two devices should always be in the same state,
cross-link the devices.
Deleting a link
To delete a link in an INSTEON device, press and hold the on position
switch for ten seconds until it begins to blink. Ten, press and hold the switch
button again for ten seconds (or the set button for 3 seconds) until the light
begins to blink again. Once youve done that, walk over to the device that
you wish to unlink and press its on position switch for ten seconds or its set
button for three seconds. Te link between the devices will be removed.
When you create a link, both devices record an entry in their internal
link tables. Te entry in the responder records the controllers ID code so
that it will respond to commands from it, and the controller records the
receivers ID code so that it can receive acknowledgements from it.
Deleting links is problematic because its very difcult to determine
which devices have corresponding links without using HouseLinc sofware.
Deleting all links
Te problem with deleting links in an existing device is that theres really no
way to know what links are in it other than manually switching on lights and
fguring out what comes up. While you can fgure out what devices it controls
by using it, there is no simple way to know which devices it responds to unless
youve kept scrupulous track of the links youve made (nearly impossible) or
you use HouseLinc sofware.
Deleting all links
Pull the set button all the way out for ten seconds. Te device will be
unpowered and the LED will go out.
Push the set button all the way in and hold for three seconds. Its easy to
accidentally not get the set button all the way in, or to not hold it long
enough, so if the load light doesnt fash, youll need to start over.
If you want to re-purpose a switch, or if the programming has become
confused, you can delete all links by performing a factory reset. A factory
reset is also the frst troubleshooting step you should perform if you suspect
that a device is malfunctioning.
Factory resets are a last resortnot a primary method for repurposing
devices. You should manually delete all the links that you know about rather
than factory resetting to avoid leaving broken links in linked devices. Te

only way to remove broken links is to factory reset a device, to re-link it to

the same device, or to use HouseLinc to delete the broken link entry.
Figure 7.1: A SwitchLinc with the set button pulled out for
Te Whole House factory reset
If your linking has become hopelessly confused due to multiple moves
without deletes and you dont want to use HouseLinc to fx it, you may want
to consider simply factory resetting all of your devices and reprogramming
your links.
Its not as heinous as it soundsYou just walk around to each device,
perform the factory reset procedure, and when complete, you have a fresh
INSTEON system with no bad links programmed. You can then re-program
all the links you intend to have without any side efects.
While a whole-house factory reset is a last resort,
at least it is a resort. You neednt live with badly
programmed links forever or be forced into buying
HouseLinc to fx them.
To cross-link them, reverse the order of the devices and link them again.
Tis will cause the devices to control one another in tandemwhen one
changes state, the other changes to the same state.
Cross-linking is most important with KeypadLinc buttons. If you
want the KeypadLinc button to indicate the lit status of the linked switch,
you must cross-link it. Otherwise, the button will simply toggle between of
and on (by default) and may not indicate the state of the linked switch.
It is not always possible to keep a switch in sync with the state of
multiple remote switches, especially when a single button controls more
than one switch.
Advanced Manual Programming
INSTEON switches include functionality beyond simple linking, and nearly
all of it can be controlled manually. However, it can be difcult to remember
advanced programming sequences because you wont use them that ofen.
Te most common advanced manual programming sequences are:
Setting a custom on-level
Setting a custom ramp-rate
Multi-Link Mode
Te next sections detail how to set these programming functions in
typical SwitchLinc controllers.
Setting a custom on-level
Te On-Level is the percentage of full-voltage that a dimmer will come on
to when you press the on button. By default, it is 100%, but you can lower it
to meet your typical needs.
Its easy to override a custom on-level, either by double-tapping the
on switch which will turn the light on to 100% instantly, or by pressing and
holding the on switch afer turning the light on to bring the light up to 100%
from the custom on-level.
Set a custom on level
Dim the light down to the desired on level.
Press the set button once (the light will fash)
Test by pressing the on button
Wait four minutes before programming any links
Setting a custom ramp-rate
Te ramp-rate is the speed at which a dimmer comes to the on level.
Te slower the speed is, the more dramatic the lighting will appear, at the
cost of taking time to turn on. To override the ramp-rate and turn the light
100% on or of quickly, double-tap the button.
Set a custom ramp rate
With dimmer corresponding to slower, dim the light to the desired ramp
Press the set button twice (the light will fash twice)
Test by pressing the on button
Wait four minutes before programming any links
Multi-Link allows you to set multiple responders to a single controller all at
once, without having to create a link for each as a separate step. You simply
put the controller into multi-link mode, then walk through to link each
responder, and then return to the controller to complete the linking.
Complex cross-linking is considerably easier to
perform using HouseLinc.
Multi-Link can also be used to create multiple cross-links. To cross-
link more than two devices so that they all track one anothers load (such
as in a typical three-way or 4-way switch), simply perform the multi-link
procedure all the way through for the frst switch, the second switch, and all
the remaining switches.

Link many responders to a single controller

On the controller, Press the on button for ten seconds to enter link mode
and then press the set button for three seconds to enter scene setup mode.
Te LED will blink slowly.
On each receiver, press and hold the on button for ten seconds until the
LED blinks, and then press and hold the set button for three seconds. Te
load on the controller will fash to confrm the linking. Repeat this step
for each receiver you want to link to the controller.
When fnished, return to the controller and press the on button to
complete the linking process. If at any time more than four minutes
passes with no linking activity, the multi-link mode will time out and the
controller will exit linking mode.
Cross-Link multi-way switches
To cross-link more than two switches, use the procedure Link Many
Responders to a Single Controller for the frst switch.
Move to the next switch in the group, and considering it as the controller,
repeat the procedure all the way through.
When to advance to computer control
Installing and setting up INSTEON is easy. But making changes to
programming, swapping devices out, and removing programming from
switches is not so easy. Te problem is that a device may have a number of
links programmed into it, and theres no easy way to tell what they all may
HouseLinc, Indigo, and the ISY-99i provide visibility into exactly
how a particular device is programmed, as well as the ability to modify that
If youve gotten lost in the programming of your switches because
you havent been able to keep track of all the links in your head or on paper,
and you dont want to perform a whole-house factory reset, you should
consider using HouseLinc, Indigo, or an ISY-99 to fx your links.

One of the great advantages of INSTEON technology is the ease with which
you can get started. Manual link programming makes getting started easy,
and may be the only method you need to use. Nearly everything you will
need to do with INSTEON devices, including creating and deleting links
as well as advanced programming can be accomplished using manual link
Chapter 8
Link Programming with HouseLinc
Linking becomes increasingly complicated as the number of links and
switches in the system increases. With the complications required for multi-
way cross-linked switches, manual linking can take quite some time and it
can be easy to lose track of where you are in the process.
When linking becomes too complicated, you have a decision to make:
Purchase HouseLinc and a HouseLinc compatible Powerline Modem,
which will enable you to use a Windows PC to manage links
Purchase Indigo 4 and an Indigo compatible Powerline Controller,
which will allow you to use a Macintosh to manage links
Purchase an ISY-99i and a Powerline Modem, which will allow you
to use any computer to manage links.
Tis chapter details the use of HouseLinc II, SmartLabs sofware
designed specifcally for INSTEON link programming. While there are
other applications packages and home automation controllers that can
manage INSTEON, these three options are the only ones that are feature
complete and reasonably trouble free according to my testing, so they are the
only options I can recommend.
Terminology: HouseLinc
ActionA set of INSTEON commands that will be sent when a triggering
event occurs and when its associated conditions are met.
AutoLincA feature of HouseLinc that allows the sofware to
automatically discover INSTEON devices by walking around and setting
them to link mode one afer another without returning to the computer.
COM PortCommunications ports are named areas of memory used
by sofware to send codes to a serial device. Te INSTEON PLM uses an
internal USB to Serial converter, which requires the PLM to be assigned
to a COM port in order to take advantage of more reliable sofware drivers
to communicate between the computer and the PLM.
ConditionA fltering condition that can be used to prevent a trigger
from sending an action.
DiscoveryTe process of reading identity information to determine the
type of a device and its link table data given only its device ID. HouseLinc
uses discovery to inspect the parameters of devices whether they are
manually added, found by spidering, or found by AutoLinc.
HouseLinc Home automation sofware from SmartLabs that is capable
of programming and controlling INSTEON devices from a computer
running modern versions of Microsof Windows.
Powerline ModemAn INSTEON device that interfaces a computer to
the INSTEON powerline network. Recent INSTEON PLMs also store
and manage events so that a computer need not be attached in order for
an event system to run.
Spidering A technique used to discover INSTEON devices on the
network by reading the link tables of known devices, fnding IDs of
devices that are not yet known to HouseLinc, and then reading their
link tables until all devices that have ever been linked on the network are
Synchronization A method by which two sets of data are made equal
to one another by cross inspection and copying data elements that are
missing in either set. In HouseLinc, the HouseLinc sofware database is
kept in synch with the link table in each INSTEON device.
Trigger An event that stimulates a response. In HouseLinc, Triggers
are actions such as a keypad press or time of day that causes the event
mechanism in a PLM to wake up and determine whether or not to send
USB Universal Serial Bus is the interface technology used to connect a
computer to a PLM.
Automated link programming requires a computer, sofware, and
an INSTEON Powerline modem or controller to interface the computer
to the powerline network. Once you learn how to do it, automated link
programming is a powerful tool for creating very sophisticated scenes,
for specifying minute details of operation, and for troubleshooting. Large
installations or complex installations with a lot of diferent requirements
should strongly consider automated link programming.
Before you purchase a home automation controller or sofware other
than HouseLinc, verify that the system correctly programs INSTEON links
rather than just directly controlling devices. If it does not create INSTEON
links, you should strongly consider using HouseLinc for link programming
to ensure that your system will work if your computer is of or the home
automation controller fails.
HouseLinc 2 is the current version as of the time of
this writing, and all the instructions in this book refer
to HouseLinc 2.
HouseLinc version 2 uses a synchronization paradigm rather than
a read from network, write to network paradigm used by its predecessor.
Most instructions are the same in this book and will work with either version
so long as you remember that you will have to manually save changes to the
network using the original version of HouseLinc.
HouseLinc operates at the level of INSTEON device links. It does not
layer a more sophisticated or abstract device management paradigm such
as Scene management, instead keeping its user interface and functionality
directly tied to the operations that are directly performed by INSTEON
devicesthe creation of links. More sophisticated scene management
is available in 3rd party sofware applications and in home automation
Setting up HouseLinc
To install HouseLinc, you must have a Windows PC running Windows
2000, XP, or Vista, the HouseLinc sofware, and a Powerline Controller or
Powerline Modem compatible with your version of HouseLinc.
To setup HouseLinc, install the sofware onto your PC, plug the PLM
in, and connect the USB cable from the PLM to the PC. Start the sofware,
and perform any requested sofware upgrades. Te process is very simple.
Problems with HouseLinc
I did run into some trouble starting HouseLinc II when I frst installed it.
When I connected the PLM to my computer, it was automatically assigned a
COM (communications) port higher than the COM port of my computers
Bluetooth adapter. HouseLinc inspects COM ports in order to fnd the PLM,
and when it inspected the Bluetooth adapter, HouseLinc would simply crash.
Tis unfortunately meant that it crashed immediately every time I started it,
right out of the box.
It took me a considerable amount of troubleshooting to determine
what was going wrong, and I am a professional computer technician. I fxed
the problem by using the Windows device manager to assign a lower COM
port to my INSTEON PLM so that HouseLinc would fnd it frst when it
searched for communications devices. If HouseLinc crashes on startup when
you frst install it, assign the PLM to COM1 and see if that doesnt solve the
Another problem with HouseLinc involves the fact that HouseLinc
tends to use most of the bandwidth on your INSTEON network when its
synchronizing devices. Tis means that when you are using HouseLinc to
change things, routine operation of lights and devices will slow down and
lights will take longer to come on because of the bandwidth HouseLinc is
Tis bandwidth usage even afects HouseLinc itselfofen when you
cancel an operation, it can take many minutes in the background for the
operation to actually fnish. Tis can make it seem like some of the operations
you attempt to perform in the mean time arent working. Te solution is to
give HouseLinc a few minutes to settle afer making changes before doing
things like introducing new devices to the network.
Figure 8.1: The HouseLinc II user interface
Finally, there are occasions (especially afer a large amount of
network updates, or afer cancelling an operation) when the PLM seems to
no longer be able to communicate with the HouseLinc sofware. You can
tell when this situation is occurring because the HouseLinc log will show
that no devices can be found on the network. Tis problem is resolvable by
exiting HouseLinc, unplugging the PLM from the wall, plugging it back in,
and restarting HouseLinc 2.
Managing Devices with HouseLinc
HouseLinc manages your INSTEON devices, so you need to be able to
add devices to the HouseLinc database and remove them. You can also use
HouseLinc to swap devices, which allows you to replace a malfunctioning
device with a matching device and program the new device with all the links
that its predecessor had.
Tere are two ways to enter your devices into HouseLinc:
Manually enter the INSTEON address of the device
Use HouseLincs AutoLinc feature to perform a walk-through
introduction of all of your INSTEON switches to the PLM that
HouseLinc controls.
Of the two methods, AutoLinc is by far the easier. You should use it
unless its simply not feasible to do it.
To setup HouseLinc using the AutoLinc feature, you simply click AutoLinc
in the HouseLinc menu and then walk through your home putting each
switch in Link mode (usually by holding the of position for ten seconds.
HouseLinc can then read the device ID from the network and discover what
sort of INSTEON device it is. Te complete list of devices becomes your
initial confguration in HouseLinc once youve completed the walk-through
Adding Devices to HouseLinc using AutoLinc
Set AutoLinc Mode
Start HouseLinc
Select Devices -> Add New Device
Click the AutoLinc tab
Click Start

Link Devices
Go to each device in order, and press the set button for 3 seconds.
Alternatively, you can press the switch paddle (of or on) for ten
Repeat for each device. When fnished, return to the computer and click
OK to complete the AutoLink
Figure 8.2: HouseLinc in AutoLinc mode
Tere is a signifcant problem with AutoLinc: Devices are not given
useful names automatically, and you can wind up with a long list of devices
in HouseLinc that are not described by their location. You then have to

fgure out which of the dozens of listed SwitchLinc Dimmers control which
fxtures. Tis is a problem in large whole-home installations.
Te simplest way to handle this problem is to AutoLinc one room at
a time, returning to the computer while the order of switches is fresh in your
mind, and then name each switch. Tis will take more time than a large-
scale AutoLinc, but it keeps the order problem manageable.
AutoLinc wont record devices that HouseLinc doesnt have database
entries for, and this can throw of your order of entry. If you seem to have a
problem with fewer devices listed in the AutoLinc window than you attempted
to link, this is probably why. You may need to work back to determine which
devices werent recorded.
If you want to AutoLinc your entire system at once, use your cell
phone or a digital camera to take a picture of each device as you perform
the walk through AutoLinc. Tis way, you have a photo for each device in
the same time-order as the devices are presented to HouseLinc so you can
simply go down the list of devices and name them by looking at the photos.
I take the photo with my fnger actually on the of button during the
10 seconds Im waiting for the link to activate. Tis way I can take the picture
from far enough away to both be in focus and to provide enough context
to fgure out which switch it is. I download the photos into a folder on my
computer called INSTEON devices and named each photo afer the devices
ID. Tis makes it easy to fnd devices in my house when I know the ID, and
gives me a reference for programming other controllers. If you accidentally
sort the list of devices in HouseLinc and lost the link order, dont worry:
Te HouseLinc log will contain all the devices by device ID in the reverse
order that you linked them so you can match up the photos to the devices.
On rare occasion, HouseLinc may fail to determine the type of an
INSTEON device that it should recognize. In that case, the solution is to
record the INSTEON device ID, delete it from HouseLinc, and add it back
manually. Battery operated devices such as RemoteLinc have to be woken up
in order for HouseLinc to fnd them correctly.
Searching for Devices
Once youve added a few devices to HouseLinc either manually or using
AutoLinc, you can use the Search for Devices to fnd more.
When you use the search feature, HouseLinc will read the link tables of all
the devices it knows about, and add all the addresses it fnds in those link
tables to its device database. It will then discover those devices and read
their link tables, repeating the process until no new devices are found. Tis
is a fast way to fnd the devices in a network that have existing links. Tis
technique is called spidering because it crawls the web of links to
discover devices.
Spidering will only fnd devices that are linked to
by other devicesits a great time saver in networks
where lots of manually created links exist, but there
is no guarantee that spidering will fnd all of your
Searching for New Devices
Start HouseLinc
Add as many devices as you conveniently can using the AutoLinc
Select Devices -> Search for New Devices. HouseLinc will examine the
link tables of all known devices, and then perform device discovery for
each address that is unknown to it.
Manually Entering Devices into HouseLinc
HouseLinc lets you enter devices directly by typing in the device ID. Once
youve done that, HouseLinc can inspect the device to determine its type
and current confguration. You will have to manually enter the location and
a name for the device.
HouseLinc cannot add devices to the device database that cannot be
immediately discovered. Tis is somewhat unfortunate because it does not

allow you to pre-populate HouseLinc with devices before they are installed.
You must add devices to HouseLinc afer they have been installed and are
available on the network.
Manually adding devices to HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
Select Devices -> Add New Device. Te Add New Device dialog will
Type in the INSTEON device ID in the form 00.00.00 that is located on a
white sticker attached to the device.
Click the Detect button. HouseLinc will attempt to fnd the device on the
network. If HouseLinc can fnd the device, it will discover its device type
and add it to the list of INSTEON devices in your house. Otherwise, it
will inform you that it cannot fnd the device and the device will not be
added to the device list.
Whats in a name?
Now that youve added devices, give some thought to how you will name
them. Typically, youd simply name them afer the room and the fxture, such
as Bathroom fan or Master bedroom lamp. But how many bathrooms do
you have? Should the location be the location of the fxture, or the location
of the switch (which arent always in the same room)? And if its the fxture,
how do you name multi-way switches?
Te frst problem I ran into was my own inconsistent names for
rooms. Entry was the same room as Parlornow I have switches with
engraved keys that use both terms. Should bedrooms be numbered, named
by location, or named by the occupant? It didnt seem like putting peoples
names on switches was right, so I wound up simply numbering them. Should
the second foor outside staircase landing be called patio, balcony, or
Back deck? Sit down with your blue prints and determine the names for
each room that wont change and that your spouse agrees with before you
etch any keys or name your INSTEON devices, or youll eventually wind up
confusing yourself.

One of the primary problems with the HouseLinc interface is that

devices are listed in more or less random order: You can sort them by name,
device ID, device type, or location, but for managing devices, it is the location
that is most important.
Unfortunately, the location column is not listed as the frst column,
you cannot move the columns around, and the location column is frequently
covered over by the right panel at smaller screen sizes. Even when it is visible,
you cant sort by location and then by name.
Figure 8.3: Adding a device in HouseLinc
To solve the problem, I name devices using a coded notation that
shows the location of the fxture along with the name. Tis way, when I sort
by name, my INSTEON devices are automatically grouped by their foor and
room. I can then use the location feld to indicate the location of the switch,
which is less important and usually just amplifes the location of the switch.
Here are some examples:
1-GAR-Overhead lighting
2-MBR-Right Sconce
In this notation, 0 indicates the basement, 1 indicates the ground
foor, and 2 indicates the upper foor. If your house is single story, dont
bother with a foor number. HAL is shorthand for Hallway, GAR is Garage,
and MBR is master bedroom. I stick to codes of the same length so that the
room abbreviations mimic columns in a table.
Make up your own room codes. In my house, Ive used the following codes:
2BRBedroom #2
EXTExterior lighting
HBAHall Bath
LVRLiving room
MBRMaster Bedroom
SYSSystem devices whose location is unimportant
Ive tried a number of diferent naming schemes prior to settling
on this one, such as including the location of the switch as a code before
the name of the fxture, but that didnt turn out to be all that important
and it made the names more confusing. Ive also tried to put the coded
information in the Location feld instead of the name feld, but then there
was no place to put a longhand description of the location, and the location
feld is frequently hidden.
Figure 8.4: Naming Devices
Naming devices and setting properties in HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
Select the device that you would like to name in the device list
In the right panel, click the Properties tab
In the device name input box, enter the device name
In the location input box, enter the room in which the device is located

In the Notes input area, enter amplifying information about the device,
such as the exact location of the wall plate or anything not obvious about
its programming
Directly controlling devices
HouseLinc can send any supported command to any device that it knows
how to manage.
Figure 8.5: Directly controlling devices from HouseLinc
I use HouseLinc direct control primarily for testing. Its great for
testing bright levels of various fxtures to determine exactly where you want

to set on-levels for various scenes. Diferent lights and fxtures respond
diferently to various power level percentages, so the only way to get them
working correctly by eye is to actually look at them at the various power
I also go to HouseLinc when Im at my computer and I realize theres
something Id like to be able to do without getting up. Its my way of fnding
new uses for INSTEON and prototyping links before I actually program
You can actually use HouseLinc as a lightweight central home
automation controller, but the user interface isnt designed to be particularly
easy to use. For example, HouseLinc does not have an interface for lighting
paths or scenesit can only send commands directly to devices.
Confguring devices using HouseLinc
Devices with specifc HouseLinc drivers can have their various
options confgured by HouseLinc. Primarily, this provides a way to confgure
the ramp-rate and on-level settings for dimmers and button confguration
settings for KeypadLincs.
All devices except KeypadLincs must be manually reset by pulling
out their air-gap button for confguration changes made via HouseLinc to
take efect.
Directly controlling a device using HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
In the device list, select the device you want to control. If the device has
multiple buttons or controllers, a + button will appear next to the device
name. You can click the + button to show all the buttons or controllers
that the device supports.
In the right panel, click the direct control tab. Te direct control panel
will appear showing the various commands that the device can receive.
Devices that have multiple control buttons will show their various
controllers. In this case, click the controller that you would like to directly

In the right panel, click the command that you want to send.
Figure 8.6: Configuring a device using HouseLinc
Deleting a device from HouseLinc
When you take a device out of your network, you have to remove it from
HouseLinc. Deleting devices is simple: Select it in the devices control panel,
right-click, and select delete.
HouseLinc doesnt just remove the deviceit will also remove links
to the device from all the linked devices on the network.

Deleting a device from the HouseLinc Database

Start HouseLinc
In the device list, right click the device you would like to delete and select
delete. HouseLinc will remove the device as well as all links to it in other
Swapping out a malfunctioning device using HouseLinc
When INSTEON devices malfunction, replacing the device is the easy part.
Figure 8.7: Swapping a device using HouseLinc

Re-creating its entire table of links may be quite difcult if it controls a

number of devices, as KeypadLincs and other multiple controllers typically
Tere are two modes for swapping operations:
Switch the link tables of two devices that are on the network
Replace a device that is no longer on the network with a new device
Te mode is automatically determined by whether or not both
devices can be found on the network at the same time.
Replacing a device using the swap device feature is easy. Physically
replace the old device with the new one so that it is available on the network,
add the new device to HouseLinc, then right-click the old device in the
HouseLinc device manager and select swap. Te Swap device wizard will
appear and will walk you through the process.
Swapping a device using HouseLinc
Physically connect the new device to the powerline
Using the instructions that came with the device and the procedures in
Chapter six, physically install the new device.
Use either the AutoLinc procedure or the procedure to manually add a
device to HouseLinc.
Swap the device
In the device list, right click on the old device that you want to replace
and select swap. Te swap device wizard will appear.
Click Next. Read the note and click next again.
In the Select New Device list, place a check mark next to the new device
in the list and click Next.
HouseLinc will verify that the devices are compatible and that the new
device is communicating on the network. Click Next.

Te device wizard will list three steps that it will perform: Make the new
device a responder of all the controllers of the old device, make the new
device a controller of all the old devices responders, and delete links to
the old device from all devices on the network. If there are any steps that
you do not want the wizard to perform, uncheck them.
Click Finish. HouseLinc will queue all the necessary command and
immediately report that it is done. Click OK to close the wizard.
You can use the swap process to copy the link table in a device to a
new device without replacing the device. To do this, uncheck the last step in
the process when the Wizard confrms which actions you want to take.
Devices HouseLinc cannot manage
HouseLinc doesnt know about or provide any particular extra value for
devices such as SmartLinc, IRLinc, EZServe, EZSnsRF, or other whole-
network controllers. Tese devices are either not represented in the device
database or there is no specifc device confguration driver available, so
HouseLinc has only a very limited ability to manage them.
SmartLabs is adding managed devices all the time,
so the devices mentioned in this chapter may be
supported by the time you read this. Check with
SmartLabs for a list of currently programmable
RemoteLinc devices enter a power down state and wont receive
commands sent from a HouseLinc unless you manually put them into linking
mode before you program them with HouseLinc. Te easiest solution is to
simply program the HouseLinc manually.
Te button tables in HouseLinc are defned in the order that you add
infrared buttons to the IRLinc, and they dont refect naming in HouseLinc
that matches them. Its almost certain that this will cause confusion.
Te easiest solution is to program the IRLinc

Managing Links with HouseLinc

HouseLinc is designed to make creating and deleting links amongst devices
very easy. You can also use HouseLinc to repair broken links and correctly
establish cross-links. Finally, HouseLinc automatically acts as a backup
device for links in your devices in case they fail and you need to replace the
device with another one.
Figure 8.8: Creating a device link in HouseLinc
Creating Links
For most purposes, adding links is easysimply select the device you want to
control or respond to another INSTEON device, and then drag the controller
or responder from the device list into the appropriate panel. HouseLinc will
automatically create the reciprocal portion of the link in the other device.
Complicated devices have more than one button or controller. For
these devices, a + symbol will appear next to the device, allowing you to
expand the list of buttons. To create links to these buttons, drag the button
rather than the device to the controllers panel of the controlled device.
Tere are two ways to create a link:
Select the controller, and drag the responder to the responders
panel of the controller.
Select the responder, and drag the controller to the controllers
panel of the responder.
Te two methods are equal opposites, and you can use either method.
I generally choose the controller and drag the responder to it, but which
method I use depends on how Im thinking about the problem.
Creating a device link in HouseLinc
Creating a controller link
Start HouseLinc
In the devices control panel, click the device that will be the controller.
In the right panel, click the Links tab.
Scroll the device list to expose the device you want to control.
Drag the device that you want to control to the lower responders panel
in the right panel. HouseLinc will create the link in both devices and
synchronize them both.
Creating a Responder Link
In the devices control panel, click the device that will be the responder.
In the right panel, click the links tab.
Scroll the device list to expose the device that will be the controller.

Drag the device that you want to control to the upper controllers panel
in the right panel. HouseLinc will create the link in both devices and
synchronize them both.
Creating Cross-links
Cross-links allow two devices to control and respond to one anotherin
other words, when you turn on either device, both devices go on or of.
Figure 8.9: Cross-linking two devices in HouseLinc
Cross-links have a related function for multi-function devices like
KeypadLincs. Te LED that shows the light status is actually a controllable

light like any light fxture. Creating a cross link between a fxture and a
KeypadLinc button will ensure that the LED in the KeypadLinc accurately
refects the status of the controlled light.
Creating cross-links in HouseLinc is a simple as creating two links:
Te controller link and its reciprocal responder link. To create a cross-link,
drag the linked device to the responders panel, and then also drag the same
device to the controllers panel. Tis will establish both reciprocal links in
both devices.
If you already have a link in either the controllers or responders
panel, you can right-click the link to copy it and then paste it in the opposite
panel to create a cross-link.
Cross-linking two devices in HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
With the frst device, create a controller link to the second device
Right click the created link and select copy
In the responders panel, right-click on the empty area and click paste.
HouseLinc will create a responder link to the same device.
Double click the link to be switched to the second device. Notice that
both controller and responder links to the frst device are present.
Deleting Links
Deleting links in HouseLinc is as easy as all the other link management tasks.
Just remember to delete the links in both the controllers and the responders
Deleting a link using HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
Select the device with the link to be removed.
In the right panel, click the links tab.
Right click the link you would like to remove and select Delete.
If you are deleting a cross-link, go to the opposite panel and delete the
link to the same device.

Figure 8.10: Deleting a link

Repairing Links
Every INSTEON link should have an entry in both the controller and the
responder. Te controller link allows the controller to initially address the
responder, and the responder link allows the responder to send feedback to
the controller when it completes a command.
Links are broken when either a controller or responder link is
present but the reciprocal link in the other device is not. HouseLinc fags
these links with a half link symbol to indicate that you need to decide
whether to repair the link or delete it.
Broken links occur when a device is factory reset, when you delete
links during time when the opposite device cannot be reached, or if a link
creation partially fails for some reason. Tese occurrences are actually rather
common, unfortunately.
Figure 8.11: Repairing a broken Link in HouseLinc
When a controller link is present but a responder link isnt, the
device can be controlled but it cannot report back to the controller its new
state, so the controller will fash its LEDs indicating that it received no
acknowledgement, and it will attempt to unnecessarily retry the sending the
command. When a responder link is present but a controller link is not,
nothing will occurthe link simply wastes space in the device link table.
HouseLinc makes it easy to fnd and repair broken links. Simply
click the link and then click either the delete link or create link hyperlinks
depending on whether you want to remove or repair the link.
Repairing a broken link using HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
Select the frst device in your device list and look for the broken link
symbol. Use the down arrow button to scroll through your entire list of
For each broken link you fnd, click on the broken link ICON. A popup
will appear with two hyperlinks, Delete Link and Create Link. Choose
the option appropriate for your scene.
HouseLinc will queue the commands to repair the link.
Event Management
PowerLinc Modems include more sophisticated microcontrollers than most
INSTEON devices, and they have more memory. Tey also have a real-time
clock and programming to determine whether it is light outside based on
the programmed latitude and longitude in the device.
HouseLinc can confgure the PowerLinc modem to automatically
send commands based on time of day information. Tese are called events,
and you can use them to do things like control your INSTEON enabled
sprinklers, turn your exterior lights on at night, and turn inside lights of
during the day.
With HouseLinc 2, the events are downloaded into
the PLM, so HouseLinc II need not be lef running in
order for your events to occur. Tis was not the case
with the original version of HouseLinc.

Triggers enable events. Triggering events can times of day, an

INSTEON controller button pressed (or pressed twicea trick you can use
to explicitly trigger events), or an X10 device controller event.
Conditions add additional parameters that the PLM will check
before sending the event actions. You can use conditions to enable actions
only on specifc dates, times, or days of the week. Currently, conditions are
only time of day or date based, but additional conditions such as the state of
other INSTEON devices may be available in the future.
Figure 8.12: Managing Events
To understand the diference between Triggers and Conditions,
think of triggers as actions that wake up the PLM event controller and
conditions as conditions the PLM event controller checks before it sends
Actions are INSTEON responder linksthey indicate the INSTEON
device and command you want sent at the specifed time.
Create an event to turn on a device at specific times
Start HouseLinc
Click the Events tab
Drag the clock symbol into the conditions panel
Click the Edit link on the clock condition
Select time range in the condition pick list
Enter a time range such as between 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Drag the calendar ICON to the conditions panel
Click Edit on the calendar condition
Uncheck Saturday and Sunday in the calendar panel
Drag the devices you would like to control, such as exterior lights, to the
Actions panel.
Click save. At the indicated days and times, the selected devices will come
Troubleshooting with HouseLinc
HouseLinc is a fantastic troubleshooting tool. It has the ability to test and log
attempts at communication amongst all the devices on your network.
Te troubleshooting capabilities of HouseLinc include:
Manually re-synchronizing devices
Displaying low-level device information and advanced properties
Displaying logs of all HouseLinc activity
Running diagnostic communications to determine packet loss
Combined with your map of device locations, HouseLinc can make
it simple to determine when you have a wiring problem, an appliance that
may be absorbing signals, or a problem with your phase coupling.

Setting up a troubleshooting station

One of the frst problems I ran into while installing devices (especially
KeypadLincs) was simply running back and forth between my computer
running HouseLinc and the installed device that I was troubleshooting.
Figure 8.13: Setting up a KeypadLinc before installation
Te simple solution is to move the INSTEON device near my computer
by wiring the device to a three-prong power cord using wirenuts. Ten I
can simply plug in the INSTEON device to a nearby outlet and perform the
installation link programming at my desk. Once the device programming
works correctly, I unwire it from the cord and install it permanently.
If you wire an INSTEON device to a power cord,
be absolutely certain that the HOT and NEUTRAL
wires have no exposed wire at all afer the wirenut is
attached. INSTEON devices can be safely used on a
test bench as long as no wires are exposed.
I bought a power cable with tinned ends that I use to connect
INSTEON devices to the outlet next to my computer. If you purchase a cable
(rather than cutting an existing one) the ends will be tinned and the wires
will be black, white, and green corresponding to hot, neutral, and ground.
Your mileage will vary if you cut your own.
Requesting a Synchronization
When you make a manual change to an INSTEON device, that change wont
be refected in HouseLinc until the routine daily maintenance operation has
occurred. If you dont normally leave HouseLinc running, this maintenance
operation will occur when you start HouseLinc.
If you want a manual change youve just made to be immediately
refected in HouseLinc, you can request synchronization. Tis will cause
HouseLinc to read the devices link table and update the HouseLinc device
database to refect those changes immediately.
Re-synchronizing a Device
Start HouseLinc
Right-click on the name of the device you would like to re-synchronize
Select Synchronize. HouseLinc II will re-synchronize with the device
and read any new device links from the device link table. If an unknown
device is discovered in the link table, HouseLinc will attempt to discover
that device.
Reading Logs
HouseLinc creates a log of all of its activities that you can use to troubleshoot
problems and determine what HouseLinc is doing behind the scenes.

Here are some examples of typical log entries:

11/22/2008 7:05:24 PM NOTICE 2-LVR-IRLinc Status
update: device was responding.
11/22/2008 7:05:41 PM INFO Updating properties for 2-LVR-
IRLinc 0D.D4.1C
11/22/2008 7:12:35 PM WARN Resetting database read for
0C.AE.FD, looks like the database was changed since last
Figure 8.14: The HouseLinc communications log
Log entries are useful for determining such things as the exact order
that AutoLinc devices were discovered, error messages relating to device
that should be reachable but arent, and indications that the PLM might be
Adding Devices to HouseLinc using AutoLinc
Start HouseLinc.
Click the Logs tab in the right panel. Scroll down through the log to
examine actions HouseLinc has taken on the network.
Examining advanced device options
Advanced device options show information about the selected device such
as its exact type and its revision number, as well as the raw database link
table. Ive used the Advance options tab to determine why HouseLinc did
not recognize SwitchLinc Timers and update the XML database to correctly
identify them prior to a HouseLinc update that fxed the problem.
Figure 8.15: Device Advanced Properties
Managing device options using HouseLinc
Start HouseLinc
Select the device whose properties you want to examine in the device
Click the Advanced tab
Scroll through the device properties and the raw link table data.
HouseLinc Diagnostics
Te HouseLinc Diagnostic function is a powerful tool for characterizing the
quality of your HouseLinc network and your underlying electrical circuits. It
does this by methodically communicating with each device on your network
repeatedly, and recording how successful the communication attempts are.
Te HouseLinc diagnostic screen is simple to use, but can be
somewhat difcult to read. Te important number to watch is the SD%,
which counts the success rate of standard packet transmission.

Figure 8.16: The HouseLinc Diagnostics Screen

Finding physical network problems using HouseLinc
Run Diagnostics
Start HouseLinc
Select Tools -> Diagnostics. Te Diagnostics screen appears.
Click start.

Interpret Diagnostic Information

Examine the diagnostic information device by device, looking for those
devices that have an SD% rating of less than 100% success rate in receiving
INSTEON packets.
Comparing the devices with a low success rate to your blueprints, trying
to determine if the devices with little success are distant from other
devices, whether they are on the same circuit, whether the device may be
on the same circuit as a power strip that may be fltering signals, or what
the devices that are missing packets may have in common. Your intuition
will guide your troubleshooting.
HouseLinc makes it easy to manage all of your INSTEON devices in a
coherent way and to change their confguration easily and without guesswork.
Creating sophisticated scenes, reprogramming complex devices such as
KeypadLincs, and deleting old links is far easier for large installations with
HouseLinc than manual link programming. HouseLinc also allows you to
program a PLM to provide sophisticated scene management.
HouseLinc is invaluable for complex troubleshooting because it can
repair broken links, create cross-links easily, remove orphaned links, and
perform sophisticated repairs such as swapping failed devices with their
link tables in tact. Its diagnostic feature allows you to profle your electrical
network to pinpoint physical problems and problem appliances on your
network that may require flters or additional INSTEON devices to amplify

Chapter 9
Integrating INSTEON
One of the greatest features of INSTEON is the wide range of options you
have for controlling your home automation system. Of all home automation
technologies, only X10 has a wider range of integrated sofware and devices
Protocol interfaces such as Powerline Modems, the ISY-99, and
EZBridge provide developers with simple ways to interface their systems
to the INSTEON network without having to develop electronics. Tis ease
of development translates into an ever-increasing range of devices and
technologies that integrate seamlessly with INSTEON.
Tis chapter covers INSTEON specifc web controllers,
touch screens, security panels and devices, and
computer sofware that will allow you to control your
INSTEON devices any way you want to.
A word about Home Automation Controllers
Home automation controllers are dedicated PCs that run dedicated sofware
and interface with home control technologies such as INSTEON. Tey usually
provide a television output to integrate home control with your universal
remote, and additionally can usually receive input from and control touch-
screen LCDs and other keypad devices that are typically placed near major
Ive avoided covering dedicated home automation controllers for a number
of reasons:
Tis book is focused on INSTEON technology, and most home
automation controllers are not. Tey usually have simply tacked on
INSTEON support and do not manage INSTEON links. Tis fails
to make use of INSTEONs greatest strengthits decentralized
I fundamentally disagree with the idea that home automation is
most conveniently controlled by a universal remote or a complex
touch screen menu system. I believe that light switches all around
the house most efectively control lights, occasionally supplemented
by a remote or a touch screen for sophisticated scene management.
Tere are a large number of home automation controllersit is not
possible to cover them all.
Tey cost vastly more than theyre worth in my opinion (more than
all your INSTEON devices combined), which goes against another
of INSTEONs great strengths.
Tey are simply PCs that will eventually fail due to fans or hard disks
wearing out, which guarantees that you will eventually have a home
automation outage if you rely on them.
You can easily make one yourself by purchasing a $400 netbook
PC, confguring it not to go to sleep, installing your favorite home
automation application, and connecting it to a PLM or PLC. And
this home automation controller will have a console directly attached
to it for troubleshooting purposes.
You can fnd a wealth of information about home automation
controllers on the Internet. Tey do have strengths in integrating diferent
home automation technologies and can bridge INSTEON commands to Z-
Wave devices, for example. If you have numerous diferent home automation
technologies, there may be no solution other than a home automation
Te right way to Integrate
Te ability of a system to continue to operate when components fail is called
fault tolerance. Graceful degradation describes the ability of a system to
provide reduced functionality even in the face of signifcant failure.
Tere are three major contributing factors to fault tolerance:
Inherency: At the most basic level, components are capable of safe
operation even when failure occurs. Basic functionality is inherent
in the design of a component in such a way that it cannot fail.
Decentralization: No single point of failure can prevent the system
from functioning. Failures involve only the loss of function of the
failed component itself, not loss of system-wide functionality.
Layers of operation: Low-level functionality is provided by simple
components that are unlikely to fail, while high-level functionality is
provided by complex systems that are more likely to fail. Te failure of
complex components only impacts specifc high-level functionality
and does not interrupt simpler functions.
It is unlikely that youve ever heard of a standard light switch failing
to operate. Light switches that are eighty years old continue to function
safely and correctlybecause their operation is inherent, the only possible
failure is mechanical wear. INSTEON switches dont reach this level of
inherency, although with a built-to-purpose relay design that allowed for
mechanical actuation, they actually could. But they do fail safely: No matter
what happens to an INSTEON switch, pulling out its air-gap switch will
disconnect power to the switch and circuit safely. Tis inherent safety
prevents INSTEON switches from becoming stuck on or unsafe to work
on no matter how theyve failed.
INSTEON devices are completely decentralized. Te failure of
any single INSTEON device isnt going to afect any other devices on the
network. Te web of links between devices does not depend on any central
device to function.
A well-designed INSTEON installation is stratifed into layers of
operation. Te frst layer is INSTEON switches themselves: Tey continue to
control their local load even if they cannot communicate on the network.
Te next layer is group programming. You can program scenes into
an INSTEON device as a group, and trigger that scene using a mechanical
Te next layer up consists of complex devices such as security systems,
touch screens, and web controllers. When these devices are confgured to
activate groups rather than directly controlling individual devices, you arent
relying on them for major functionalityonly for convenience.
If you have programmed your groups into an INSTEON KeypadLinc
and then confgured a Touch Screen system to activate that button (group),
then when the touch screen system fails you can still activate the scene using
the INSTEON KeypadLinc. Furthermore, you can activate that same group
code from multiple complex devices, saving you from having to defne the
same group separately in numerous devices and allowing you to make changes
only to that one devices group in order to change the group throughout
all of your complex devices. Finally, youll have a physical indicator (the
KeypadLinc buttons LED) that tells you when the group is active.
Contrast this to a home automation controller that directly controls
all the INSTEON devices rather than programming groups: When the
automation controller fails, your group and scene controls all fail with it.
No matter which of these integration technologies you use, make use
of group codes in devices such as KeypadLincs to create and control scenes
and use your more complex devices to trigger the groups you program into
them, rather than directly controlling numerous lights. Tis way, youll
always have manual control of scenes when you cant get your more complex
systems working.
It is not much harder, nor more much more expensive, to integrate
the right way. But you can use a slow-growth approach to building your
system that will spread the costs out over time and ensure that you know
how your system works before you proceed to the next level. Youll have far
fewer frustrations and a system that everyone in your house understands
when you design for fault tolerance and graceful degradation.
Web Controllers
Te simplest thing you can do to interface your INSTEON network with a
computer, web-pad, or cell phone is to use a low-cost web controller. Web
controllers are special purpose micro-servers that provide a web page you
can use to control your INSTEON devices.
Tere are three devices currently in the low cost micro-server market for
Te SmartLabs SmartLinc web controller
Te SimpleHomeNet EZServe web controller
Te Universal Devices web home automation controller
Ive ordered this list by cost, complexity, and capabilityOf the three,
the SmartLabs SmartLinc is based on the simplest microcontroller. Te
SimpleHomeNet EZSrve web controller is based on a capable microcontroller
that could be upgradable to perform functions well beyond its current utility,
and the Universal Devices ISY-99 is essentially an entire computer in a tiny
box that could be upgraded to perform tasks of nearly any complexity.
All of these devices require some level of existing home network
infrastructure, including a home computer and a home network of some
type, which could be as simple as a single wired or wireless cable/DSL router.
Youll usually want to have a broadband Internet connection as well, whether
or not you enable access from the Internet so that the device can receive the
current time from the Internet.
SmartLinc is a simple web-based INSTEON controller that integrates a
microcontroller and Ethernet adapter with an INSTEON PLM to create
a plug-in web-interface for your INSTEON system. Te SmartLinc web
interface was specifcally designed to ft the form factor of the Apple iPhone
or iPod Touch, which provides a very low cost web pad that you can use
with the SmartLinc as a universal remote for your INSTEON system. Tat
said, the SmartLinc would work with any computer or cell-phone that has
a web browser, and you can update the frmware with a more basic display
that will work well on any phone or computer.
Figure 9.1: Network Diagram for INSTEON Web Controllers
SmartLinc requires that you have an Ethernet network, and it is
most efective if you also have a wireless WiFi network. You dont need a
broadband Internet connection unless you want to be able to control you
INSTEON network from outside your house (but nearly everyone with the
required equipment also has broadband Internet).
Be exceptionally careful about exposing your web
controller to the public Internet. If your web controller
can be remotely accessed, your home can be remotely
Figure 9.2: SmartLinc Web Interface
Confguring the SmartLinc is easy and can be performed entirely
through the web. To get started, you simply plug the SmartLinc into an
outlet and your Ethernet switch, and point a web browser at the IP address
assigned to it.
SmartLinc can only directly control devicesit does not create or
maintain links or perform any sort of link management. Tis also means,
for example, that it does not know whether or not a light is currently on. It
merely provides a button pad to directly control lights and presumes that
you either know or dont care what the current state of the light is.
Tat said, in terms of out-of-the-box functionality as of the time of
this writing, the SmartLinc is the most focused, easiest to use, and (in my
opinion) useful of the three devicesits capabilities are well tuned to its
current purpose, and its low cost refects that.
Although I own all three of these devices, the only one I routinely
use is the SmartLincit works well, links to all my devices, and is fast and
easy to use.
One signifcant problem with the SmartLinc is that
it cannot receive the current time from the Internet,
and its internal clock is quite inaccurate. Mine has
drifed about 30 minutes in six months, and must be
reset manually.
EZSrve from SimpleHomeNet was the frst all-in-one web interface
specifcally designed for INSTEON. It has exactly the same form-factor
as the SmartLinc interface, but is based on a more sophisticated internal
computer. Tat said, its web interface is not quite as well designedit was
designed for web browsers on general-purpose computers rather than for a
specifc handheld phone. Te website requires a screen too large to be easy
to use on a smartphone.
Unlike the SmartLinc, the EZSrve is capable of acting as a network
bridge for sofware running on general purpose PCs or potentially on
smartphones to provide the capability for any sofware application to
control INSTEON devicesyou can even send commands directly from the
command line of your computer if like typing in XML syntax. For example,
if you are a programmer or network integrator you could trivially write a
script in Perl, Bash, C, Visual BASIC, Python, or any other programming
language that can create an HTTP connection to an XML service in order
to control any INSTEON device on your network. EZSrve is intended to
provide a bridge interface to arbitrary sofware applications as well as a web
interface, and this capability distinguishes it from the SmartLinc.
Figure 9.3: SimpleHomeNet EZSrve Web Interface
EZSrve also has event management capabilities and an internal clock
with time-of-day triggers, which allow you to perform more sophisticated
scene management. Because it can be directly linked with INSTEON
devices, it is capable of receiving triggering inputs from INSTEON devices
and monitoring the status of devices over the network.
Te EZSrve is ultimately more capable, and I expect that
SimpleHomeNet will up the ante with an improved user interface and some
additional functionality to compete better against the newer SmartLinc in
the near future.
Te SimpleHomeNet EZBridge is an earlier device based on similar
hardware that provided a web service designed to receive commands over
the network from sofware running on computers and home controllers.
Some versions of the EZBridge can be sofware updated to become EZSrve
devices, but all are obsolete as of this writing.
mControl home automation sofware can use the EZSrve or EZBridge
devices to send and receive INSTEON commands, which means that your
computer does not need to be located near your PLM or PLC.
Universal Devices ISY-99i IP Bridge/Controller
Universal Devices makes a line of small network servers that are compatible
with INSTEON, UPB, and Z-Wave. Tese devices deliver a Java-based user
interface through a web browser that allow you to directly control your
home automation devices.
Universal Devices provided an ISY-99i for testing
purposes for this book.
Te ISY-99i is a true home automation controller in a tiny package
it is actually a complete computer, and even has a user-upgradable camera-
card fash storage card inside it. It combines the features of a web controller,
a home-automation controller, a link manager, an Ethernet-to-INSTEON
bridge, and an Infrared interface (which is an option).
Te scope of the ISY-99i is quite broad and directly comparable to
HouseLinc or a home automation controller rather than to a simple web
interface designed for direct control like the ones provided by the SmartLinc
and the EZSrve (Although it does provide a simple direct control web page).
Te ISY-99i programs links into INSTEON devices directly, so their scenes
will continue to function correctly if the Universal Devices controller is of-
line. Te ISY-99i stakes out the middle ground between the high cost home
automation controller and the low capability web controller.
Because the ISY-99i is a more powerful general-purpose device, it
is not as easy to use or setup as the SmartLinc or EZSrve. As a fully-fedged
scene manager, it also takes considerable time to add all your devices to
the ISY-99. Te user interface is complex compared to the direct-control
web interfaces provided by the EZSrve and the SmartLinc controllers. It also
costs two to three times as much, is considerably larger, and requires an
external PLM.
Te capability provided by the ISY-99i more than makes up for the
complexity of its confguration, and the ISY-99i integrates with a number of
other systems to make control easy. Although Java support is required for
administration and link management, you can control your lighting from
any device that can display a web page, such as the iPhone or any other
modern smartphone.
Complex user interface
Te user interface of the ISY-99i administrative console is dominated by the
choice to use Java for the administrative console. Java is a cross-platform
programming language that allows the ISY-99i user interface to run on
Windows, Macintosh, Unix, and Linux platforms. It is the only reasonable
choice to achieve this cross-platform capability.
When you browse to the address of the ISY-99i, youre presented with
a simple, no frills website that will function on literally any web browsing
device. Tis is a beneft compared to the EZSrve, which has a too much
interface clutter to function on small displays. You can directly control
any device or scene from the web interface, and you can launch the Java
administrative interface.
Te Java interface applet pops out of the web page and appears in a
separate window as if it were a local application. Te web browser window
that the applet pops out of must remain open, and if you have it selected
and accidentally press backspace, you will lose your connection to the
Figure 9.4: Universal Devices ISY-99 User Interface
Te user interface is divided into a tree browser that allows you to
select device and scenes in the lef panel, and details about the selected device
or scene in the right panelfairly typical of computer applications. When
you select a device, you can modify the devices options and parameters
directly. When you select a scene, you can view the devices in the scene and
control the scene-specifc on-levels and ramp-rates.
Adding devices to scenes isnt necessarily intuitiveyou have to drag
the device from the device selection tree to the scene in the same tree. When
the list of devices and scenes is longer than the screen will show, its difcult
to make the devices scroll to the correct scene.
Te user interface could be more intuitive. Firstly, devices and scenes
are merged into the same tree. Tey arent the same concept and should be
in two separate trees, with the lef panel split into a top panel for devices and
a bottom panel for scenes. Doing this would make dragging devices into
scenes much easier. Te length of the device list is exacerbated by the fact
that devices with multiple buttons (groups) show up as multiple devices
one for each button or group code the device has. Tis artifact means that
you have to rename each button of a KeypadLinc separately and that if you
name them diferently, they wont sort next to one another. Group codes
should be shown as a sub-tree under the parent device.
Te more intuitive mechanism would have been to click the scene,
allow it to occupy the right panel, and then drag the devices from the
selection tree into the right panel occupied by the scene. Perhaps a sofware
update will make adding devices to scenes easier in the future.
Scene Management
Te ISY-99 shines in programming and confguration of your link network.
It provides drag-and-drop control of link programming across all the devices
in your network. Te ISY-99i goes beyond the capability of HouseLinc by
providing true Scene Management as well.
HouseLinc provides Group ManagementEssentially, you can
defne all the devices that will respond to a particular controller button.
Te set of responders of a particular controller (including the controller) is
called a Group.
Scenes are similar to groups, but they can have more than one
controller. For example, if you have a SwitchLinc next to your front door
confgured to control your living room cans, lamps, and sconces as a group,
with Scene management you could also add the controller switches by your
kitchen and hallway to control the same set of responders, and manage
the entire set of devices as a scene. Scene Management requires a sofware
program to sort the scene defnition into a set of links and cross-links to be
programmed into devices, and this is what the ISY-99i does.
Sophisticated Programmed Response
Te ISY-99i includes an embedded programming language similar to BASIC
that allows you to create complex behaviors, such as requiring a specifc time-
of-day, trigger, and conditions of multiple INSTEON devices before sending
an event. For example, if you have a motion sensor that you would like to
trigger a light only afer 6:00 p.m. and only when your living room lights are
already of, you need a device like the ISY-99i. INSTEON link management
and PLM events cannot control events of this sophistication.
Support for complex INSTEON devices
As of the time of this writing, the ISY-99i has better support for the IRLinc,
the EZSnsRF, and the EZX10RF than HouseLinc has. Tese INSTEON
devices are complex because they have to be linked to an INSTEON device
and a native device at the same time, and linking them using nothing but
the set button that comes with them is not simple. Te ISY-99i walks you
through the process.
Integration with other devices
Te ISY-99i provides easy-to-use integration with other home automation
equipment such as:
Elk M1 Gold Security Alarm Panel
IES Touch Screen INSTEON controller
Nokia 800/810 Web Pads via InterfaceGO sofware.
IES EasyTouch-P Touch Screen
Integration Elk Security alarm panel
Te Universal Devices controller is also designed to integrate with the Elk
M1 Gold alarm panel, allowing you to enable and disable the alarm system
through its web interface and allowing you to control sophisticated scenes
built in the Universal Devices controller from Elk alarm system keypads.
IES EasyTouch-P Touch Screen Controller for INSTEON
Te IES EasyTouch-P touch screen Controller for INSTEON receives its
programming for scenes and devices automatically from the ISY-99i with no
confguration, providing a full-color high-end graphical touch screen that
can be mounted in walls near entryways or used as a tabletop controller. Te
Power-over-Ethernet version of the IES EasyTouch requires an ISY-99i as its
bridge from the Ethernet network to the INSTEON network.
InterfaceGO Nokia 810 Touch Screen controller software for
InterfaceGO makes a sofware image for the Nokia 810 Web pad that converts
it into a home automation touch screen interface for the ISY-99. Te system
looks much like very high-end home automation controllers, but costs a
fraction of the price even when you include all the necessary components:
Universal Devices ISY-99i web controller
INSTEON Powerline Modem
Nokia 800 or 810 Web Pad
InterfaceGO sofware image
WiFi Wireless Access Point
Te sum of these components is about $1000, which is still less
expensive than the next closest dedicated home automation controller and a
fraction of what most home automation controllers cost.
Being a native application on the Nokia means that the sofware
interface is smoother and Glitch free compared to web apps, which have at
the very least some latency when switching between screens and generally
have noticeable artifacts, not the least of which is the visible web browser on
the display screen.
IES EasyTouch Touch Screen
IES makes a version of their Touch Screen Interface that is designed to
connect directly to your wired Ethernet network and interface with your
INSTEON network via the ISY-99i. If youve already got an ISY-99i, you can
use this version to avoid purchasing a PLM and locating your Touch Screen
near a plug-in outlet.
Summary of the ISY-99i
In sum, the ISY-99i is a true home automation controller. It is by far the
best of the bunch for INSTEON control despite its low cost. It can replace
a home automation controller, a SmartLinc, HouseLinc or other PC-based
home automation sofware, and an IRLinc (with the optional IR module).
Furthermore, it is cross platform providing the same benefts to Windows,
Macintosh, and Linux users.
More importantly, its clear that the people at Universal Devices are
real programmers who love to write code, not just people whose job it is to
program. It is free from the sofware defects and poor design decisions that
seem to plague home automation sofware and controllers.
You should strongly consider the ISY-99i as your single home-
automation solution. It is superior to more complex home automation
controllers for INSTEON utility, comparable to HouseLinc for link
management, provides a simple web interface for home automation control,
and integrates well with other devices.
Touch Screens
Smarthome systems are strongly associated with touch screens in the minds
of consumers. Im personally not sold on the concept of tapping through
a series of menus to control lights or scenes, but there is something to be
said for a system that anyone can look at and fgure out. Te problem with
light switches alone is that they dont really tell you what theyre going to do.
My wife really liked using a touch screen because she didnt have to fgure
out how I programmed switchesshe could read through the touch screen
scenes and tell exactly what was going to happen. Removing the mystery
from your Smarthome is a big part of making it useful for others, and well
designed touch screens can help.
People who are unfamiliar with your home automation
system will probably have an easier time controlling
lights via a well-designed touch-screen interface than
by using a remote control or fipping light switches to
try to fgure out whats going on.
Touch screens are relatively expensive propositions in an INSTEON
network, but there are some clever options that dont cost nearly as much as
the touch screens designed to work with home automation controllers and
centralized lighting systems.
Te INSTEON-specifc ways to incorporate touch screen controllers are:
Use an iPod Touch, WiFi, and a SmartLinc Web Controller ($450)
Use an IES EasyTouch-S and a PLM ($600)
Use an ISY-99, InterfaceGo, Nokia 810, and WiFi ($1000)
Use an IES EasyTouch-P, an ISY-99, and a PoE Ethernet hub
Of these options, only the EasyTouch is available in an in-wall
mountable unit that can be permanently dedicated to the control of your
INSTEON system. Teyre also available in a tabletop enclosure for placement
on nightstands, counters, and cofee tables.
Because the SmartLinc and ISY-99i options are covered in other
parts of this chapter, only the EasyTouch is covered in this section.
IES EasyTouch
Teres only one touch screen made specifcally for INSTEON at the time of
this writing: Te IES EasyTouch.
Figure 9.5: IES EasyTouch touch screen
IES makes two versions of what is essentially the same device:
Te EasyTouch-S, which communicates and is powered via an
Te EasyTouch-P, which communicates and is powered via Ethernet
and requires an ISY-99i as a bridge to INSTEON.
Both cost around $500 at the time of this writing. Te choice of
which touch screen model to purchase is simple: If you have an Ethernet
network wired throughout your home and you already have or intend to
buy an ISY-99i, use the EasyTouch-P. Otherwise, use the EasyTouch-S. Both
models also come as in-wall or tabletop models.
IES provided each model of their touch screen for
testing purposes for this book.
From a physical standpoint, the devices are beautifully made. Te
screen functionality is excellent: the display is bright and the touch panel
works perfectly with no need for calibration out of the box. Because the
device is powered either by the PLM or by your Power-over-Ethernet hub
(depending on which type you purchase) theres no need to run anything
but a Category 5 network cable to the point of installation. Te in-wall units
are designed to be installed into a dual-gang junction box, and the bezel is
magnetically attached so its easy to get of but stays in place securely. Te
bezels come in white and black, and can be painted to match your dcor. Te
default on-screen graphics are simple without being amateurish and do the
job quite nicely.
Confguring the EasyTouch-P
Tere is no confguration required for the EasyTouch-P. When you plug
it into your Ethernet network, it will power on, boot up, fnd the ISY-99i
automatically, and download all the scenes and devices youve confgured
in the ISY-99 in the space of about twenty seconds. Te touch screen is then
ready to go. If you make a change in the ISY-99, simply press and hold the
IES icon in the welcome screen to enter setup mode and press the update
button. Tats really all there is to it.
If youve changed the password on your ISY-99i from the default
youll need to use the password change sofware for the EasyTouch-P to
update it using your computer and a USB cable. Its a simple process, but it
must be done with a PC. Perhaps a future frmware version will allow you
to set the password in the settings screen to avoid having to hook the touch
screen up to a computer.
Confguring the EasyTouch-S
Te sofware to confgure the EasyTouch-S runs on your Windows computer.
Mac or Linux users will need to use a virtual machine or borrow a computer
to confgure the device. Confguration can be a one-time only prospect if
your system is well settled.
You confgure your rooms, devices, scenes, and schedules using the
sofware and simply download it into the touch screen via a USB cable. Te
USB port is easy to access even afer the touchscreen has been permanently
installed, so you can update the device without removing it.
Setting up devices was trivially easy, albeit a bit repetitive, and in less
than thirty minutes I had the touch screen completely confgured to control
every device in my house. Setting up scenes is also trivially easy: Just add a
new scene, name it, and drag and drop devices into the scene.
Te desktop sofware has a few user interface quirks. While it is
feature complete, additions such as toolbars, double-clicking to edit, would
provide the fnishing touches to make it more intuitive and easy to use. A
feature to import devices, groups, and events from HouseLinc 2 would be a
welcome addition.
Figure 9.6: The touch screen configuration software
Discovering and troubleshooting using the PLM
Te IES sofware can be used to directly control the PLM by connecting
the PLM to your computers serial port (via a USB to serial adapter if your
computer lacks a serial port).
Directly controlling the PLM with the IES confguration sofware allows you
Clear the existing PLM links if you are repurposing a PLM
Discover devices by linking them to the PLM
Test the functionality of INSTEON devices by directly controlling
Modifying the look of the touch screen
IES provides sofware to completely redesign the screens in the EasyTouch
devices. You can customize the icons, fonts, text, button placement,
background, and screens to suit your needs or match your dcor.
Figure 9.7: The screen design software
Te sofware actually does more than IES supports. Te sofware is
included primarily for changing icons, changing backgrounds, and changing
the text on the screens. Future versions may allow you to add buttons to
screens and change the actions that buttons perform. While this sofware
is more difcult to use than the room and device confguration sofware, its
great for things like removing the IES logo or customizing the display with
your family name.
You must disable your computers ClearType feature in order to
prevent Windows from modifying fonts that are downloaded to the device
when you use the screen modifcation sofware. Instructions are provided
with the device for Windows XP. Search Windows help on the term
ClearType for instructions to disable it in Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Even with ClearType disabled, most fonts dont look that great on the touch
screen. Youll want to test buttons with many diferent fonts to fnd the ones
that look best. Most fonts look best when they are bold and not italicized.
Installing the EasyTouch Tabletop Touchscreen
Tabletop versions of the touch screen are simple to deploy: Simply plug them
in to a Category 5 cable and plug that cable either into your wired Ethernet
port or your PLM plugged into an outlet.
Installing the EasyTouch in-wall Touchscreen
Installing the touchscreen in the wall is not difcult for anyone who is
comfortable doing home repair. If you are not comfortable with these
procedures or if you home does not lend itself to pulling new cable through
the walls, purchase the tabletop versions of the EasyTouch instead.
Installing an EasyTouch by running Category 5 Cable
Determine where you would like to install the EasyTouch touch screen.
Using a fsh tape, run a Category 5 cable to the location from your attic,
and to either your Ethernet switch location (EasyTouch-P) or to a power
outlet (EasyTouch-S). You may fnd it convenient to wire an outlet in
your attic to accommodate a PLM for the EasyTouch-S.
Cut in and install a dual-gang junction box.

Terminate the Ethernet cable on both ends using RJ-45 jacks and a proper
crimp tool. It may be easier to install a pre-terminated jumper cable if
you can buy one long enough.
If you are using the EasyTouch-P, connect the terminated cable to your
Ethernet switch. If your switch does not provide Power Over Ethernet,
you will also need a PoE injector, which you can purchase from numerous
sources online.
If you are using the EasyTouch-S, connect the terminated cable to your
PLM an plug it in.
At the faceplate, plug the EasyTouch into the terminated cable and ensure
that it powers up and operates correctly.
Screw the EasyTouch into the junction box and place the magnetic
faceplate over it.
If you have wired Ethernet throughout your house, you can re-
purpose an existing Ethernet outlet that is near the correct location.
Installing an EasyTouch-P in place of an existing Ethernet
Remove the existing faceplate and remove the Ethernet Jack from it.
Afer determining that you will not be blocked by a stud, cut out and
install a dual-gang junction box in the location where you would like to
install the EasyTouch-P.
Using a fsh-tape, pull a terminated Ethernet jumper between the location
of the Ethernet jack and the location of the EasyTouch-P.
Plug the Ethernet Jack into the Ethernet Jumper and plate over the
Ethernet outlet.
At your Ethernet switch location, connect the Ethernet cable going to the
former Ethernet outlet to either a Power-over-Ethernet switch or a PoE
power injector and regular switch.
Connect the EasyTouch-P to the Ethernet jumper. Ensure that it powers
on correctly.
Screw the EasyTouch into the Junction Box being careful not to crimp
any exposed wires, and place the magnetic faceplate cover over it.
If youre using the PLM version, the easiest way to install it will be
directly next to or above an existing electrical outlet or switch.

Installing an EasyTouch-S without running cable

Find a location directly next two or above an existing switch or outlet.
Open the existing switch or outlet and either remove the junction box
or otherwise fnd a way to ensure that your location is easily reachable,
that no studs block the path between your touchscreen location and the
outlet or switch, and that at least 3 of space in the wall is available to
accommodate the PLM and the touch screen.
Cut in and install a dual-gang junction box that does not have a back.
Cut of the outlet side of an extension cord and fsh it through the wall to
the switch that will provide power.
Wire the extension cord ground, LINE, and NEUTRAL wires to the
existing switch or outlet using wirenuts.
At the new junction box cut in, plug your PLM into the extension cord
and into a short Category 5 cable. Place the PLM inside the wall directly
behind the junction box. Depending on available space, you may need to
move the PLM around inside the wall.
Install the EasyTouch-S by screwing it into the dual-gang junction box.
Place the magnetic faceplate on.
Using the EasyTouch
When you power on the EasyTouch, youll be presented with a Welcome
Screen. Youll see an IES logo and two or three buttons:
Schedules (EasyTouch-S only)
Te IES logo is actually a secret setup button. By pressing and holding
it, youll enter a setup screen that will allow you to set the screen brightness
and contrast, button beeps, and the time.
Te Scenes button gives you access to the Scenes you setup. Up to
six scenes will appear on screen, along with back, next, and home buttons.
Pressing next and back will allow you top page among all of your scenes.
Pressing home takes you back to the welcome screen.

On the EasyTouch-S, the Manual button brings up the Rooms button.

Six rooms are shown per screen, and you can page between screens using
back or next, with a home button to return to the main screen. When you
click a room, you will see a button for every device confgured in that room.
Te touch screen will immediately check the status of each deviceif the
device cannot be reached, the button will fash not reachable, indicating
the problem. A red dot appears in the corner whenever the Touch Screen is
communicating over INSTEON. If the red dot stays too long, it may indicate
a problem with the INSTEON network.
On the EasyTouch-P, the Manual button brings up the Home and
Extra buttons. Extra allows you to directly access every one of your devices.
However, there is no Rooms concept on the EasyTouch-P because there
it receives its programming from the ISY-99i. To implement rooms, use the
Floor Plan feature in the ISY-99i to group your devices, and the EasyTouch-
P will then see those groupings. Te EasyTouch-P does not have a schedules
section because scheduled commands are handled by the ISY-99i.
Each button also has a level bar, and the currently selected device
will have a green LED in the corner. When you select a device, you will
see On and of buttons appear. If the device is a dimmer you will also see
dim, brighten, and 25% and 50% buttons. Clicking these buttons controls
the device as you would expect.
You can also press and hold the device button to toggle its state rather
than pressing the on or of buttons. Te red level lines will indicate the on/of
or dim level of the device.
Sofware and technical manuals for the EasyTouch
touch screens are available at the IES website, which
you can fnd in the Resources Appendix. You can
download the sofware in advance of purchasing the
unit to determine whether it will work for you.
If you want sophisticated touch screen functionality at your major
points of entry, bedside table, or in your home theater, the IES EasyTouch
devices are the best choice. Tey are the only touch screens designed
specifcally for INSTEON at the time of this writing, theyre very easy to
confgure, and they do the job nicely.
Security System Integration
INSTEON has a number of options for integrating with security systems:
Defne a simple security system based entirely on INSTEON sensors
and alarms, with no central alarm panel. Tis results in a medium
cost, fexible, easily confgured system but which lacks the capability
of being centrally armed or disarmed. Its a simple stimulus-response
Using the Elk M1 Gold INSTEON compatible alarm system. Tis
is the most fexible and reliable, but also the most expensive and
hardest to confgure.
Interfacing your existing typical alarm system to your INSTEON
network using an INSTEON I/O controller. Tis is a low-cost
solution, but can probably only be used to trigger alarms and respond
to them. It is easy to setup if you know how to program your existing
alarm panel and are familiar with low voltage alarm wiring.
All three methods are detailed in this section.
Security integration with INSTEON devices
All security systems are relatively simple:
Inputs are connected to simple sensors, such as magnetic closure
sensors, switches, motion detectors, and temperature sensors.
Controllers are programmed with rules to process inputs and
determine when and which outputs to activate.
Outputs are connected to alarms, such as bells, sirens, fashers, and
actuators for fre suppression systems.
Sound familiar? Alarm panels are centralized stimulus-response
systems. INSTEON is a de-centralized stimulus-response system, and fully
capable of performing the same actions.
Te web of links between INSTEON sensors and INSTEON
responders replaces the central control panel of the typical alarm panels.
Creating a simple and efective alarm system is as easy as linking sensors to
responders connected to alarm devices.
As INSTEON technology has matured, new devices have come to
the market that allow very simple integration of sensors that can be used to
control INSTEON responders.
A wide range of INSTEON sensors are available that are trivially easy to
install and confgure. With a little more work, any traditional sensor can
be connected to an alarm system through an I/O controller such as the
INSTEON I/OLinc from SmartLabs or the EZIO line of devices from
INSTEON motion sensors are particularly easy to use and quite small
and reliable. Teyre also quite easy to program using HouseLinc.
INSTEON Wireless open/close sensors can be placed anywhere in
your home, without wires, and used to detect the opening of a door
or window. Youll need an INSTEON Access Point in order to pick
up the signal.
INSTEON I/OLinc devices have one input and one output. Tey
can be connected to a wide array of typical alarm sensors such as
contact closures, water level sensors, or any other simple low voltage
sensors, and can be used to control any single low voltage load. With
numerous sensor modes and output latching states, INSTEON I/
OLincs are an inexpensive, fexible, and easy to use. Tey are also
easily confgured via HouseLinc.
EZSnsRF Dakota bridges have to be manually confgured, but
they can be immediately interfaced with wireless motion sensors,
driveway sensors, and water level sensors.
Any typical alarm system sensor can be integrated with INSTEON
using an EZIO input device.
Some EZIO devices also have Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire interfaces
that allow you to interface them with very inexpensive temperature
and humidity sensors. A single 1-Wire interface can be connected to
a number of sensors on a wire bus.
INSTEON Responders
SwitchLincs, ApplianceLincs, LampLincs, I/OLincs, and EZIO Output
devices are all typical responders that can be used to indicate an alarm
ApplianceLincs can respond to any INSTEON device to activate a
typical light or 120v bell or siren.
I/O Link devices can be used to control a single low voltage device
such as a typical alarm system bell or siren.
EZIO devices have varying numbers of output of diferent types that
can be used to control a wide array of low voltage devices.
With some minor additional electronic components (typically
just a resistor) you can activate literally any electrical device with these
Ultimately what an INSTEON based alarm system will lack is the
ability to make decisions when to alarm. For example, a true security system
can be set to a disarmed state: Even if a security sensor was triggered, alarms
will not go of. A true centralized security panel can process time of day flters
and even complex logic. INSTEON can only achieve this level of complexity
when combined with a home automation controller.
Elk M1 Gold Security System
Te Elk M1 Gold Security System is a powerful and very fexible stand-alone
security system. As such, it is a complex system in its own right. Using an
Elk RS-232 adapter, a smarthome PLM, and a frmware upgrade, you can
confgure an Elk M1 Gold security system to send commands to INSTEON
devices based on any security event or series of events.
Te ELK M1 Gold system can only control INSTEON
devices. It cannot receive inputs from INSTEON
devices over the INSTEON powerline network, but
you can wire I/OLinc or EZIO devices to trigger the
sensor inputs of the Elk System.
Te biggest diferentiator for the Elk M1 Gold system compared
to most security systems (other than its INSTEON compatibility) is its
powerful rule-based processing system. Te Elk system can be confgured
to combine numerous sensors, time-of-day conditions, and other inputs
to determine specifc actions to take, such as activating alarms, sending
INSTEON commands, dialing phone numbers, and so forth based on more
than just a single input.
Consider why this is important: With INSTEON, a single motion
sensor can trigger an alarm. But what if you only want that alarm to trigger
ONLY when the motion sensor reports motion AND you have activated a
light switch you use to indicate that youre home AND the time of day is
between dusk and dawn? INSTEON alone cant do that because theres no
one device to correlate all of those inputs to determine whether or not to
trigger the output. Te Elk M1 Gold can process its own security inputs (not
INSTEON inputs) in complex ways to control INSTEON devices. Te Elk
system can also be dial-in controlled remotely when you are away.
While powerful, the Elk system is quite complexeasily as complex
as an entire whole-home INSTEON system. Ive installed alarm systems
professionally early in my working days and I make my living as a computer
systems integrator, and It took me two full days to get the system installed
and operational all the way through to being able to send INSTEON
Ive found that the uses that I setup the Elk system to perform (such
as turning on lights based on window closures detecting opening or motion
sensors being triggered) are far easier and much less expensive to perform
using INSTEON motion sensors, EZIO devices, or the EZSnsRF Dakota
bridge. Programming the Elk system requires a computer, an Ethernet
bridge or a direct serial connection to the panel, specialty sofware, and a
rather steep learning curve. It doesnt come any where near the ease of use
Ultimately, I would not consider installing an Elk M1 Gold system
unless you wanted a full featured and independent security system anyway,
you were doing it as part of a remodel or new construction, and you had
professional installers do the heavy lifing for the initial programming (or
you are at least as serious a geek as I am).
If you are just looking to detect a few sensors or to build a lightweight
security system to retroft in an existing home, I recommend rolling your
own using INSTEON sensors and alarm lights or bells attached to appliance
Interfacing with traditional security systems
You may already have an existing security system that was not designed to
be compatible with INSTEON systems. Although you may not be able to
perform complex interactions such as enabling and disabling alarms, you will
be able to use INSTEON devices to trigger alarms and respond to alarms.
All of these systems can be interfaced to an I/OLinc or EZIO I/O
controller so long as they have at least one free input (if you want to activate
or control the alarm) or one free output terminal (if you want to activate
INSTEON devices when an alarm triggers).
To trigger an alarm or control your alarm panel, wire the output
of an I/OLinc or EZIO device to an input terminal on your existing alarm
system and link an INSTEON controller to the INSTEON I/O responder.
For example, you could replace an existing Window Closure input with the
output an I/OLinc, and when the I/OLink status became open, an alarm
would sound.
To control INSTEON devices when an alarm triggers, wire the input
of an I/OLinc or EZIO device to an output terminal on the existing alarm
panel, and link the INSTEON I/O controller to the INSTEON responders
you want to activate. For example you could replace an existing bell alarm
with an the input of an I/OLink so that when an alarm was raised, the lights
in your bedroom would come on rather than sounding a bell.
Directly wiring INSTEON I/O devices to alarm panel
I/O terminals will typically require (at least) a resister
wired in series, and you may have to confgure the
INSTEON I/O device for specifc relay modes of
operation. Check your alarm panel documentation
for instructions regarding how to wire to simple
contact closure inputs and outputs.
Interfacing alarm systems with INSTEON devices is relatively simple
and straightforward for anyone with experience with low-voltage wiring
systems. If youve never done work like this before, consider hiring an alarm
system installer to help you out the frst time you work with it.
Sofware for Home Computers
Tere are a large number of home automation programs and home
automation controllers (which are really just special purpose computers
that come pre-programmed with home automation sofware). Most home
automation applications and controllers have at least some support for
INSTEONusually, they can be programmed to directly control lights
when used with a PLM or PLC.
However, simply directly controlling lights does not provide
INSTEONs most important feature: Its decentralized ability to remain
operational even when devices and controllers fail thanks to the
microcontroller built into every switch and the fact that links can be
programmed into the devices themselves.
Tis is such an important feature that I decided to discuss only those
programs which are capable not only of directly controlling INSTEON
devices but also of managing the links programmed into INSTEON
devices as wellcreating, modifying, and deleting them as necessary
and programming timed events into the PLM or PLC directly so that the
computer and sofware need not be lef running.
Indigo is the premier home automation control program for Macintosh
computers. It has evolved quickly since its introduction, gaining the ability
to program links directly into devices and store events in the PLM so that
the sofware need not be lef running in order for your INSTEON scenes
and events to work correctly.
If you have a Mac and do not have a PC, your only two low-cost
options for managing INSTEON links are a Universal Devices ISY-99 or
Indigo. Both are good options, but Indigo is less expensive and more
powerfulthe only drawback is that your computer will be dedicated to
managing your INSTEON network. Indigo requires an INSTEON USB PLC
or an EZSrve or EZBridge from SimpleHomeNet.
mControl is a web-based control system that operates as three components:
A windows PC or device-based web server, an editor program for Windows,
and an Internet Explorer or Windows Media Center Edition specifc web
page. Like all web-page based user interfaces, there are delays and occasional
glitches that youll have to put up with. Normally, being based on a web
page makes an application cross platform, but in the case of mControl, thats
not the caseits web pages work only on Windows-based PCs. mControl
connects through an INSTEON PLM.
Girder is a sophisticated home control application that targets more advanced
users who want extremely sophisticated control over events and actions.
Te user interface is not intuitive by any meansyou will have to read the
instructions at a minimum.
Girder really targets those who are willing to perform some
scripting in order to automate their home. For example, the standard Girder
component, which costs $40, provides basic control of INSTEON devices.
But because of Girders extreme programmability, a motivated Girder user
has created a far superior component that functions through a PLM and
provides very detailed control of numerous INSTEON devices, as well as the
ability to manage links in INSTEON deviceshis component is free.
Girder can be thought of more as a platform for programmers to create
components for end-users rather than a complete existing system in and of
itself. Presuming that it attracts a large number of dedicated programmers,
it has the potential to become the dominant home automation controller
sofware for PCs.
Superna ControlWare
ControlWare provides a Windows Media Center-like interface for controlling
your home from your PC or Windows CE-based PDA. Its primary focus is
on direct control from your PC, rather than on home automation control as
a dedicated server. It is relatively inexpensive.
Home Control Assistant
Home Control Assistant is a classic Windows application originally written to
control X10 devices. Native INSTEON support was added in the 8th edition.
HCA is a Windows application, so you must leave your computer turned on
and logged in order to use it. It is capable of directly programming links into
INSTEON devices from the scenes you create. HCA has a unique drag-and-
drop event designer that allows you to create relatively sophisticated fow-
chart style programs that can be triggered by a variety of events.
A wide and growing array of sophisticated devices and sofware applications
can control INSTEON home automation devices, including low cost web
controllers and sofware applications. You can use these tools to integrate
all of your home systems while retaining INSTEONs strengths of reliability,
fault tolerance, simplicity, and value.
Chapter 10
INSTEON Device Reference
INSTEON is a new and fast moving technology. Tere are dozens of devices
available now and more coming all the timeno book could possibly hope
to stay up to date. However, it is important for people considering INSTEON
technology to have specifc details of how INSTEON devices work and what
they can do. It is also useful for determining which specifc device or device
category will fll a particular need.
Tis device reference is designed to show the range of options for
the common best selling INSTEON devices at the time of this writing. As a
snapshot of INSTEON technology, it should be considered an informative
resource rather than an exhaustive catalog. Part numbers, prices, and
availability will change rapidly, so be certain to search the Smarthome
website for the current models at the time of your purchase.
Tis hardware matrix is organized by major category and then by
specifc devices within the category. Ive included my personal opinions of
these various devices when I own them and have used them in my personal
installation. Ive purchased all these devices myself unless otherwise noted,
and my opinions of these devices when presented are mine alone. I also
point out when Ive not used a device in my network.
Phase Bridges
Every INSTEON installation requires a phase bridge. You have three
For new construction or electrical remodels, use the SignaLinc
For a reliable and easily installed hardwired solution when you arent
going to remodel, use the Plug-in 220V electrical dryer adapter.
For apartments, homes without 220V service, or when you will
use wireless INSTEON devices such as remote controls or motion
sensors anyway, use the Access Points.
SignaLinc Hardwired
Te SignaLinc Hardwired is a simple, reliable, and inexpensive device that
an electrician can wire in next to your circuit breaker to provide permanent
phase bridging in your home. Of all phase bridge options, the hardwired
phase bridge is both the least expensive and most reliable, but it is also the
most difcult to install. It needs to be connected at your main circuit panel
across the two legs of your installation, so your panel will have to be wired
for it.
SignaLinc 3-Wire or 4-Wire Plug-in Phase Bridge
Te SignaLinc Plug-in Phase Bridge is an inexpensive, easily installed, and
highly reliable device for bridging the phases in your home.
I recommend these plug-in phase bridges for any installation that
has a compatible 220V outlet that is easily accessiblethese phase bridges
are more reliable than the RF INSTEON Access Points, which are subject to
interference and distance limitations. Hard-wired solutions are always the
most reliable, and the plug-in adapter is easily installed compared to the
hardwired phase bridge.
Figure 10.1: SignaLinc Plug-in Phase Bridge
INSTEON Access Point
INSTEON Access Points act as wireless SignaLinc phase couplers and add the
capability of repeating INSTEON signals from wireless INSTEON devices
such as the RemoteLinc RF wireless handheld remote control, the INSTEON
wireless motion sensor, and the INSTEON Wireless contact closure.
Access Points work well as phase couplers, but no wireless device
can claim to be 100% reliable. If you use wireless phase couplers and fnd
that you have problems controlling specifc lights from distant switches,
order a plug-in 220V phase coupler and see if that doesnt solve the problem.
Your Access Points will still be useful as RF INSTEON repeaters for wireless
INSTEON devices.
Access Points are very much Plug-and-forget devicesI havent
had a single problem with mine. I even have one plugged in outside in a
very coastal region on our roof deck, and it has been operating just fne
for a year inside a weatherproof electrical outlet cover. Te operation of my
RemoteLinc is reliable and has never missed a beat in over a year.
Prior to the release of the INSTEON access points, SmartLabs
marketed a SignaLinc RF device that could only be used as a phase bridge. It
is no longer sold, as Access Points are now available.
Figure 10.2: INSTEON Access Points
Switches and Dimmers
Switches and dimmers form the basis of an INSTEON smart home. Tey
are either wired in or plugged in between lamps and dimmers and provide
the ability to centrally control the lights to which they are attached. Timers
provide the ability to automatically turn of lights afer a certain period, and
in some cases to turn them on based on the time of day.
SwitchLinc Relay and ToggleLinc Relay
SwitchLinc Relays are the basic INSTEON wired-in device. Tey replace light switches
throughout your house with a switch that is computer controlled and can be linked to any
other switch in your home. SwitchLinc Relays come with Decora-style paddle switches
and have a line of LEDs along the lef side of the paddle that show whether the switch is
on or of.
SwitchLinc Relays are simple to install and are rated for loads up to
15 amps. Te ToggleLinc Relay is the same electronically with a toggle-style
Relay Dimmer Timer
SwitchLinc Relay
SwitchLinc Dimmer
SwitchLinc Timer
ToggleLinc Relay
ToggleLinc Dimmer
KeypadLinc On/Of
KeypadLinc Dimmer
KeypadLinc Timer
InLineLinc Relay
InLineLinc Dimmer
2-Wire Switch
2-Wire Dimmer
LampLinc #2456D3
OutletLinc Relay
ICON Relay
ICON Dimmer
High Power
EZSwitch 30A relay
SwitchLinc 1000
Table 10.2: INSTEON Switches and Dimmers
SwitchLinc Dimmer and ToggleLinc Dimmer
SwitchLinc Dimmers electronically switch the circuit to reduce the total
amount of electricity fowing to the attached device. Tis will dim an
incandescent light, low-voltage lights, and will slow magnetic loads such as
Te chopped power cannot be used to power appliances or incandescent
lights because the interruption to power will cause the transformers in these
devices to drop below the necessary power levels required to operate the
devices. You should not install dimmers on fuorescent lights.
Dimmers also cause fans to vibrate and make a characteristic buzzing
sound that may cause the device to wear out faster, so your mileage will vary
if you attempt to use them to control fan speed. Ive had good luck with
this personally, but SmartLabs recommends driving fans with SwitchLinc
Figure 10.3: SwitchLinc Dimmer
Typical SwitchLinc dimmers are rated for 600-watt loads, but you
should not go above 80% of the load rating when you design, which limits
the devices to 500-watts. It is normal for dimmers to run warm to hot
depending on how much power is being drawn through them.
When you need to control numerous lights from a single switch, use
the 1000W-watt variant. Te 1000W variant comes with a larger face heat
sink that does not ft next to other devices in a multi-gang switchbox. You
can break the heat sink ears of, but they reduce the rating of the switch by
100 watts for each of the four ears. If you remove two ears and place the
switch next to anther switch in a multi-gang box, youve efectively de-rated
the switch to 800 watts. Breaking of all four ears de-rates it to a typical 600-
watt dimmer.
SwitchLinc dimmers can be set to come on at any reduced power
rate, requiring the user to double-tap the on switch to come up to 100%.
Setting lights to come on to 70% is a great way to save energy by default, and
will keep multi-light fxtures from drawing enough power to generate a lot
of heat in the switch.
Figure 10.4: ToggleLinc Relay
You can also confgure SwitchLinc dimmers with a custom ramp-
rate, which refers to the amount of time it takes for the light to come on.
Slow ramp rates create dramatic lighting efects in front rooms and other
show areas of the home. Tey also reduce the initial power surge that occurs
when power comes on suddenly afer an outage, and can help to prevent
circuit breaker overload.
Te ToggleLinc Dimmer is the same electronics with a toggle-style
switch plate.
SwitchLinc Timer
Te SwitchLinc Timer is a SwitchLinc Relay that has a built-in timer and can
shut itself of afer a programmable delay. You can set the delay manually
using a complicated series of tap and set codes, or you can program the
delay using HouseLinc. Use SwitchLinc Timers in rooms that are normally
unoccupied such as bathrooms, closets, and utility rooms.
If you need easily changeable times for rooms such as bathrooms
or garages where you may occasionally spend more time, consider the
KeypadLinc Timer instead. It provides eight diferent pre-programmed
delay time settings on the keypad.
Tere is no ToggleLinc version of the SwitchLinc Timer as of the
time of this writing.
KeypadLinc On/Of
KeypadLinc On/Of is a SwitchLinc Relay with an additional set of backlit
buttons that can be programmed to send commands to other devices. Each
LED backlight can be controlled by the devices linked to a button to show
whether the controlled device is on or of.
Figure 10.5: KeypadLinc 8-button Mode
KeypadLincs come in two varieties: 6-Button and 8-Button. Both are
actually the same device with diferent faceplates, and you can convert them
back and forth by simply swapping the faceplates.
In 6-button mode, the top ON and bottom OFF buttons control the
local load in a manner that anyone can understand. Te four central buttons
are then used to control other INSTEON devices. 6-button KeypadLincs
work great for replacing a single light switch with a keypad controller that
wont confuse people who arent aware of how your system works.
In 8-button mode, the A-button acts as a toggle for the local load,
and the remaining seven buttons are available to be programmed to control
other loads. Each button can be programmed to act as an ON only, OFF
only, or toggle for any device or group of devices. Te A-button will always
control the local load, but you can install KeypadLincs without the load wire
connected if you dont need to control a load. 8-button keypads are most
appropriately used in multi-gang junction boxes where standard switches
control the obvious lights and the KeypadLinc is used to control an auxiliary
Figure 10.6: KeypadLinc in 6-button mode
Te buttons can be used to control dimmable INSTEON devices
even though the KeypadLinc is an on/of device. By holding the button
down, DIM or Brighten commands are sent to bring lights up and down as
you hold.
KeypadLinc Dimmer
Te KeypadLinc Dimmer combines the features of the KeypadLinc On/Of
with the dimmer electronics of the SwitchLinc Dimmer. All of the information
regarding those two products applies to the KeypadLinc Dimmer.
KeypadLinc Timer
Te KeypadLinc Timer is a version of the 8-button KeypadLinc that comes
with a timer and the buttons engraved with eight diferent delay times from
2 minutes to 2 hours. Te eight buttons are programmed to control the local
load for diferent times, which makes the switch just a local load controller
rather than a true keypadyou would not use the KeypadLinc Timer to
control multiple loads.
Te KeypadLinc timer is especially convenient for bathrooms and
garages where people spend widely difering amounts of time.
Figure 10.7: KeypadLinc Timer
InLineLinc Relay
Te InLineLinc Relay is a SwitchLinc Relay without the front switch. It is
designed to be controlled by other INSTEON devices, and can be hidden
in walls or ceilings behind other fxtures. You can use InLineLinc Relays
to convert a large gang of switches to be controlled by a RemoteLinc
or a KeypadLinc, for example, or to convert fxtures in the ceiling to be
controllable separately from other fxtures when they had originally been
wired to come up together.
InLineLinc Dimmer
Te InLineLinc Dimmer is an InLineLinc Relay with the same dimmer
electronics as a SwitchLinc Dimmer.
Figure 10.8: InLineLinc Relay
2-Wire Switch
Te INSTEON 2-Wire Switch is an ICON Relay switch with the faceplate
made separate from the Relay controller. Tis allows you to install the relay
controller at the fxture and convert the switch-leg traveler from HOT +
LOAD to HOT + NEUTRAL, which provides the Neutral necessary for
INSTEON devices. Its a clever solution to the Neutrals problem. Te switch
faceplate and relay controller have the same INSTEON ID and cannot be
used separately from one another.
2-Wire Dimmer
Te INSTEON 2-Wire Dimmer is the same thing as the INSTEON 2-Wire
switch, but with Dimmer electronics rather than a relay.
Te ApplianceLinc is one of the core INSTEON devices. It is a plug-in
INSTEON responder that provides a relay controlled switched outlet that
you can plug any home appliance into.
Figure 10.9: ApplianceLinc
Te LampLinc is the same thing as an ApplianceLinc with Dimmer
electronics. It should only be used to control incandescent lamps.
Te TimerLinc is similar to an ApplianceLinc but it has no pass-through outlet
and instead provides an LCD showing the time and a set of buttons that can
be used to manually confgure the timer. ApplianceLinc Timers can control
themselves and any number of other INSTEON devices, but they have only
a single set of timersall connected devices receive the on/of commands
as a set, including the timer itself. You can program up to fourteen diferent
on/of commands throughout the day or week. TimerLincs are especially
convenient for controlling holiday lighting.
Figure 10.10: TimerLinc
Figure 10.11: OutletLinc Relay
OutletLinc Relay
Te OutletLinc Relay is an ApplianceLinc in the form-factor of a typical
Two-Outlet socket. It has one controlled outlet and one pass-through outlet.
Tere is no dimmer version available because theres no way to be certain
that the loads that will be plugged in are incandescent dimmable loads.
ICON Relay
Te ICON Relay is a low cost version of the SwitchLinc Relay. It uses a
mechanical relay rather than an electronic one, and it has a single low-cost
amber LED rather than a row of white LEDs. Otherwise they are functionally
the same.
ICON Dimmer
Te ICON Dimmer is a lower cost version of the SwitchLinc Dimmer. It
uses lower cost electronics and has a single amber LED rather than a row of
white LEDs and does not show the approximate dim level. Otherwise they
are functionally the same.
Figure 10.12: EZSwitch30 Relay
EZSwitch 30 30A relay
Te EZSwitch 30 relay is similar to an ApplianceLinc but it comes with a high-
amperage relay for loads that are too high to switch with an ApplianceLinc.
In addition to handling high-amperage 120V loads, it is also capable of
switching 220V loads such as HVAC compressors, pool pumps, etc. the
EZSwitch 30 must be wired into the circuit using screw-post terminals.
Technology Bridges
Technology Bridges adapt INSTEON to other technologies, such as television
remotes, the Internet, and other wired and wireless systems. Te functionality
provided varies widely depending on the technology being adapted.
Technology Device
INSTEON-RF Access Point #2443
Dakota Wireless Sensors EZSnsRF #31275
IR for television remotes IRLinc #2411R, EZUIRT #31281, ISY-99/IR #12232P
X-10 RF EZX-10RF #31276
Ethernet EZSrve #31279
USB Powerline Modem #2412UH
Serial Powerline Modem #2412S
Internet EZSrve #31279, SmartLinc #2412N, ISY-99 #12231
Table 10.3: INSTEON Technology Bridges
Powerline Modem
INSTEON Powerline modems allow devices like computers, home automation
controllers, and keypad interfaces to communicate with INSTEON devices.
Tey are required for a broad range of computers and controller devices.
Powerline modems are simple devices that connect via RS-232 serial
ports and simply interpret ASCII strings representing INSTEON commands
to be transmitted on the wire, and a few simple commands to manage the link
table and (in some models) a timer table. Tere are slightly diferent models,
so be sure to purchase the model specifed by your computer sofware or
home automation controller.
Powerline Controller
Powerline Controllers are Powerline modems with a timer, a simple
microcontroller, and additional memory built-in, which allows them
to perform simple event processing and allows them to execute simple
programs written in the SmartLabs Salad programming language. Because
reliability problems with Powerline Controllers have not been resolved and
because they require the installation of a sofware device manager on the
host computer, SmartLabs is phasing them out in favor of the simpler and
more universally supported Powerline Modem.
Te EZSnsRF bridges Dakota compatible wireless security sensors with
INSTEON, allowing the Dakota line of long-range motion detectors, fuid
level sensors, driveway pressure sensors and contact closures to trigger
INSTEON events.
Linking devices with an EZSnsRF is an easy but manual process that
is very specifcyoull want to have a set of instructions with you each time
you perform the operation.
From the factory, the EZSnsRF sends an ON command when the
sensor triggers, and an OFF command when the sensor is fnished triggering.
Tis is usually about 30 seconds for a motion sensor, which will cause a light
to come on only momentarily. You can change the delay up to 15 minutes,
but no longer. Te EZSnsRF is designed more for security alerting than
for convenience lighting. If you need a longer delay, look to the INSTEON
Wireless motion sensors.
Te EZX-10RF allows X10 remote controllers (including HomeLinc
integrated garage door openers) to trigger INSTEON events. It also acts
as an X10 to INSTEON repeater, allowing you to use the entire range of
inexpensive X10 sensors with a reliable INSTEON signal (rather than hoping
the X10 signal reaches INSTEON devices that you would like to control).
Figure 10.13: EZSrve Web Controller
Te EZSrve is a low-cost web interface for INSTEON and X10 networks that
can be used with most web browsers to provide web-based control of your
INSTEON system. It is mid-way between the SmartLinc and the ISY-99 in
terms of functionality, upgradability, and cost. Its primary features are its
strong scene and event management features and the fact that it does not
require an external PLM.
Te SmartLinc is a simple, low-cost web interface to your INSTEON system
specifcally designed to turn your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch into a remote
control over existing wireless computer network. It is fast, functional, works
well, and costs only $120 at the time of this writing.
Te ISY-99 is a fully-fedged home automation controller for less than $400
(plus the cost of a PLM). It can program links in all of your INSTEON devices,
and can perform the functions of a SmartLinc, the HouseLinc sofware
package, and an IRLinc (some models). It is completely cross-platform,
running on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, and can be controlled by a
range of home automation technologies such as Windows Media Center,
Te Nokia 800 Web pad, and the Elk M1 Gold security and alarm panel.
Chapter 9 details the ISY-99i fully.
Figure 10.14: ISY-99i Home Automation Controller
I/O Controllers
I/O controllers provide a standard way to adapt a large number of existing sensors such
as contact closures and food sensors to INSTEON and allow you to control low voltage
devices such as security panels, door locks, sprinklers, HVAC, and most other home
systems to control and be controlled by your INSTEON system.
Device Out In Notes Purpose
1 1 30VDC@5A max Sensor, trigger
2 4 Ratings same as EZIO4O & EZIO6I General purpose
4 0 30VDC or 120VAC 0.5A Small loads <0.5A
0 6 4 0-30VDC, 2 0-5VDC Sensors
EZIO8T 8 3 Low-VAC loads only; 1-wire input
Sprinkler, HVAC,
8 7 Requires PLM; 1-wire input;
Loads < 3A, sensors,
8 0 24VAC Sprinkler valves & pump Irrigation w/timer
Figure 10.4: INSTEON I/O Controllers
I/OLinc allows you to monitor and control alarm sensors and triggers
such as contact closures, garage-door sensors, door strikes, bells, and other
low-voltage devices. Te I/OLinc has one input and one output, and can
be programmed for diferent modes of operation to match the attached
Figure 10.15: I/O Linc
EZIO Series
SimpleHomeNet makes the widest array of INSTEON compatible I/O
controllers. EZIO devices are signifcantly more programmable than the low
cost I/OLinc devices and include a wide range of triggering, timing, and
confguration options to allow the control and monitoring of a very broad
range of devices such as alarm sensors, temperature sensors, and low-voltage
DC or AC loads.
Te EZIO2x4 provides two isolated inputs, two analog level inputs,
and two low-voltage I/O outlets
Te EZIO40 provides four outputs similar to the EZIO2x4.
Te EZIO6I provides six inputs similar to the EZIO2x4.
Te EZIO8T provides 3 digital inputs (including one 1Wire
input for temperature and environment sensors) and 8 0-48VAC
triac controlled outputs. Te EZIO8T is specifcally designed for
controlling small AC loads such as sprinkler valves, model railroads,
and HVAC dampers.
Te EZIO8SA is a large general purpose I/O controller with 4 opto-
isolated general purpose sensors for alarm-type inputs, two 0-5V
line-level analog inputs for environmental sensors, and a 1-Wire
bus input compatible with Dallas Semiconductors environmental
sensors. It also has eight general-purpose 3A output relays rated for
120VAC or 30VDC loads. Te EZIO8SA requires a PLM to interface
to INSTEON networks.
Figure 10.16: EZIO 2x4 I/O Controller
Te EZFlora irrigation controller is an I/O controller specifcally designed
to drive eight 24VAC sprinkler valves. It includes a heavy-duty 24VAC
transformer to operate sprinkler valves, and has sophisticated timers built-
in. A computer is required to confgure the EZFlora timers, but not required
to remain on to operate the sprinkler valves. EZFlora is supported by most
common INSTEON home automation sofware packages.
Controllers are devices that make it convenient to control INSTEON lighting
and appliances in a variety of situations.
Controllers should be purchased only afer you have your INSTEON
system installed and working with standard devices such as SwitchLincs and
KeypadLincs. Once youve identifed a specifc control need for your system,
purchase the device that will handle that specifc need. Buying controllers
based on their features rather than your requirements will cause you to waste
money on devices that you fnd you dont actually use.
Figure 10.17: RemoteLinc
Of the myriad of control options we have for controlling lights in
our house, including the Elk security system, IRLinc, EZSrve, SmartLinc,
ISY-99, RemoteLinc, and HouseLinc, the only one we routinely use is well-
confgured KeypadLincs by the doors. Tey work the way light switches are
supposed to work, and theyre simple enough for everyone to understand.
Nobody in the home except me uses the complex controllers with menus and
screens because theyre simply not intuitive, and because the KeypadLincs
do the job really well.
Te RemoteLinc wireless hand-held remote control provides a convenient
way to control up to six diferent INSTEON devices or scenes from anywhere
in your home.
I have a RemoteLinc, and to be frank I rarely use it. Te only thing
we actually use it for is controlling our exterior lighting when were out on
the deck. Inside the home, placing KeypadLinc controllers in high-trafc
areas is a more convenient and natural way to control lighting than using a
remote control, because the remote control is simply never around when you
need it. Another convenient option if you already have an iPhone that you
carry with you is to incorporate the SmartLinc controller on your wireless
network. With an iPhone, the remote is always on your person.
When youre programming a home automation controller or
sofware application, be aware that INSTEON Wireless devices such as
the RemoteLinc cannot be discovered by HouseLinc Sofware or other
INSTEON control solutions that crawl the network because they go into
standby mode a few minutes afer being used. In order to discover or link
control sofware to them, you must wake the remote up by controlling a
device with it immediately prior to linking or modifying links.
Te RemoteLinc requires at least one INSTEON Access Point, and
may require more depending upon the size of your home.
Figure 10.18: IRLinc
Te IRLinc allows you program the universal remote control for your A/V
system to control lights. By placing the IR receiver near your television you
can assign various remote codes to INSTEON links.
Im quite disappointed in the IRLinc. It is very difcult to program
you basically have to learn every remote code and then link each INSTEON
device manually, and there is no easy way to change or recode the device
other than to factory reset it and start over. Even using HouseLinc doesnt
helpIn HouseLinc, you see 50 arbitrarily numbered Group Codes with
no good way to determine which remote code they actually represent other
than to remember the order you learned the IR codes in and hope that they
all registered correctly.
SmartHome needs to create a mode of operation with pre-
programmed button codes from a well-supported remote, so that you can
use HouseLinc to create a link to (for example) the Play button rather than
requiring remote code learning. Until theyve done that, I cant recommend
the IRLinc. Once they do it, itll be a fantastic device.
Te EZUIRT is an IR receiver and re-transmitter that will allow you to
use your universal remote to control INSTEON devices, and to repeat
INSTEON signals to IR components in your A/V cabinet. Te EZUIRT can
control devices using up to eight remote wired IR emitters, similar to an IR
I dont have an EZUIRT and cant write about how well it works. I use a
Harmony 890 RF remote to control my A/V devices in my cabinet and an
IRLinc to bridge IR to INSTEON.
Te ControlLinc is an inexpensive plug-in tabletop controller that provides
fve on/of button pairs and a set of buttons for controlling all of your
As an inexpensive plug-in controller, the ControlLinc is ideal for
situations where you cannot use wired-in devices. It works perfectly well
with plug-in ApplianceLincs and LampLincs to provide INSTEON control
for rented homes and apartments or in temporary situations. Tat said, it is
quite large and not particularly attractive.
If youre just getting your feed wet with INSTEON while you evaluate
whether or not to install a whole-home system, get a KeypadLinc Tabletop
controller instead. You wont continue using the ControlLinc for long once
youve installed a whole home system. Te KeypadLinc Tabletop can be re-
wired to become an in-wall KeypadLinc, so you wont have wasted a device.
Afer initially testing INSTEON technology, I gave away my ControlLinc to
a friend who was just getting started with INSTEON.
Figure 10.19: KeypadLinc Tabletop
KeypadLinc Tabletop
Te KeypadLinc tabletop controller is simply a KeypadLinc wired to a cord
and placed inside a plastic enclosure that angles it for easy use on a table. Its
actually a really good ideaits both more functional and more attractive
than the ControlLinc, and can be re-wired as a wall switch if you should ever
decide you no longer need a tabletop controller.
IES EasyTouch Touchscreen LCD
Te EasyTouch allows you to control INSTEON scenes and devices using an
intuitive and fexible touchscreen interface. Te touch screens come in two
models: A PLM version and a Power-over-Ethernet version.
Figure 10.20: EIS EasyTouch LCD
Scenes and devices are programmed into the EasyTouch-S using
your computer. It must be connected to an INSTEON 2412S PLM, which
provides power and an INSTEON interface. In the case of an in-wall unit,
this means that youll have to run a serial cable through the wall to the PLM,
which would have to be plugged in unobtrusively. Tere is not enough room
lef in the junction box to accommodate the PLM, so professional installation
should be considered.
Te EasyTouch-P is wired to your home Ethernet network and
communicates via an ISY-99i that you must have installed. You do not
program this version as it downloads scenes and devices directly from the
Te IES EasyTouch Touchscreen Color LCD controller comes in two
versions: An in-wall unit that can be mounted inside a double-gang wall
box, and a tabletop unit that comes in a plastic enclosure.
INSTEON Motion Sensor
Te INSTEON Motion Sensor allows simple light activation by motion
for lights in your home. It is an indoor unitfor outdoor needs, use the
EZSnsRF Dakota with Dakota outdoor motion sensors.
Te motion sensor is very easy to usesimply press the set button
on it and link it to the lights you want to control. Te motion sensor includes
a timer that will turn the light back of afer a set period of time.
Figure 10.21: INSTEON Motion Sensor
Tere is one substantial problem with the motion sensor: If you have
the light on and the motion sensor activates, it will send an on command that
will be ignored. But it will also send an of command when the timer expires,
which means that a light youd intended to have on will go of unexpectedly
a few minutes afer someone walks by the motion sensor.
Te proper mode of operation would be for the motion sensor to frst
determine whether the light is on or of, and avoid sending an of command
if the light is already on. Tis would introduce a delay in turning on the light,
Elk M1 Gold
Te Elk M1 Gold security alarm panel is a full-feature alarm control system.
It is quite fexible and complex, and can be used to control INSTEON devices
from the alarm system keypads. Te complete system required to connect
the Elk to your INSTEON system and interface it with your computer system
for programming will run to about $1000, so you need to be certain that its
going to meet your needs.
I have the Elk system in my home and have confgured it completely
for use, but we dont use it to control lights. Its far simpler to control lights
with a KeypadLinc than it is to look at the Elk keypad, scroll through the
user interface, and select the device that you want to control.
Tis is actually a basic problem with all complicated control
interfaceshaving a menu system that you have to focus on requires far
more mental efort than fipping a switch or pushing a button.
A broad range of INSTEON devices are available to complete your lighting,
environment, security, and home entertainment smarthome. Check the
Smarthome website periodically to see what new devices are available, but
be led by your requirements rather than the possibilities if you want to build
a truly useful system.
Te resource website for INSTEON development partners, alliance partners,
and press. Tis site contains new press releases and technology information
about the INSTEON protocol. is the primary ecommerce website for SmartLabs, the
developers of INSTEON technology, and as such it sells nearly all INSTEON
related hardware and sofware.
SimpleHomeNet developed the next-highest number of INSTEON devices
afer SmartLabs, and was frst to market with a web controller and with I/
O devices. SimpleHomeNet has the widest assortment of I/O controllers
for INSTEON in their EZIO line, and has the broadest range of INSTEON
enabled environment controllers. Teir EZSrve and EZBridge devices
are required by a number of home automation controllers and sofware
applications for INSTEON control.
Universal Devices is the developer of the ISY-99, which is the most important
home automation controller for INSTEON as of this writing.
Te Mac Home Store sells the subset of equipment and sofware for
INSTEON that is Macintosh compatiblewhich is to say all INSTEON
devices, and Mac compatible sofware. Tey primarily focus on Indigo for
sofware control.
Perceptive Automation develops and markets Indigo home control sofware
for Apple Macintosh computers. With version 4, it is the most advanced
INSTEON home control sofware for the Macintosh market, and superior
to most PC based solutions.
Proximis develops the Girder home control platform, which is home
automation sofware that focuses on being highly extensible. It allows for
the relatively easy development of plug-in modules to control equipment,
allowing its user community to support one another by trading their
Power Home is a classic X10 home control application that has been updated
to include INSTEON support.
Linux Home Automation is the blog site of the author of Linux Smarthomes
for Dummies. While only peripherally involved in INSTEON, the site links
to the most comprehensive selection of Linux home control sofware that
is INSTEON compatible. Most Linux INSTEON development has stalled
because of the availability of the low cost and Linux compatible ISY-99.
Elk Products marks the Elk M1 security alarm panel, which has been moving
into the home automation market through successive frmware updates. Now
Linux compatible with the addition of an RS-232 interface and an INSTEON
PLM, the Elk M1 system provides lighting and security integration.
Wintrol makes and markets casement window closures motors that allow you
to add automated control of windows to your scenes. While not specifcally
developed for INSTEON, they can easily be controlled by INSTEON I/O
Cortexa makes a line of home automation controllers and touch-screen
interfaces capable of controlling INSTEON devices.
EYEON Automation makes a home automation controller that is compatible
Garage Hawk is an INSTEON compatible garage door closer that can be
remotely operated to ensure that you never leave your garage door open
IES make a line of touch screens that are INSTEON compatible. Using your
PC, you can program the devices youd like to be able to control and upload
the settings into the touchscreen via USB.

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