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Digitize 200 Yr Old Papers

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Tags: Maharashtra Directorate of Archives | Jai Krishni Pantha | Bombay Sentinel
Archives to digitize copies of 200-
year-old newspapers
Neha Madaan, TNN Sep 27, 2013, 01.2A! "S#
$%&'( #he !aharashtra )irectorate of Archives is considering a proposal sent *y an online
encyclopaedia portal that s+ggested scanning tho+sands of old newspapers - starting fro, late
1700s till the 20th cent+ry. #he scanned copies will *e ,ade availa*le to researchers and
co,,on people.
"f all goes as planned, yo+ wo+ld soon *e a*le to access online copies of newspapers printed in
the co+ntry d+ring the -ritish era.
#he !aharashtra )irectorate of Archives is considering a proposal sent *y an online
encyclopedia portal which has s+ggested scanning tho+sands of old newspapers - starting fro,
late 1700s till the 20th cent+ry. #he scanned copies will *e ,ade availa*le to researchers and
co,,on people.
#he depart,ent has also received proposals fro, so,e state-*ased private instit+tions to
digitize over . la/h religio+s doc+,ents, aro+nd 000 years old and penned *y saints. "t
incl+des a 0100 feet 2pasodi2 or cloth, which *ears the writings of saint-poet )asopant.
A senior official fro, !aharashtra )irectorate of Archives told #3" that the depart,ent was
recently approached *y an online encyclopedia with an international reach, where it proposed
to digitize the original copies of newspapers availa*le with the depart,ent---which are over
45e received the proposal recently. 3nce these newspapers are digitized, the scanned copies
will not only *e posted online *y the encyclopaedia *+t will also *e on o+r we*site. #he plan is
in a preli,inary stageand will ,aterialize in co+rse of ti,e. #he encyclopaedia has as/ed for
newspapers not +nder copyright restrictions. 6enerally, copyright restrictions last +p to 0
years fro, the date of p+*lication,4 said a senior official of the !aharashtra )irectorate of
#he depart,ent has original copies of newspapers s+ch as -o,*ay 7hronicle 81.29-1:9:;,
-o,*ay 7o+rier 817:7-1.0;, #elegraph and 7o+rier 81.07-1.1;, -o,*ay #i,es 81.3.-1.9:;,
-o,*ay 6azette 81.0:-1:10;, -o,*ay 6+ardian 81.9-1:09;, -o,*ay &ative 3*server 81.33;,
-o,*ay 5itness 81.00-1.0; and -o,*ay Sentinel 81:99-9; a,ong others. So,e are in a
very *ad condition and need +rgent preservation thro+gh digitization.
4#hese newspaper copies r+n in tho+sands. "n those days, a newspaper wo+ld *e p+*lished as a
wee/ly or in ten days. 5e have editions of each year +p to the 20th cent+ry for ,ost of these
newspapers, if the newspaper was p+*lished till then,4 the official said.
&ewspaper archive at Alva2s )egree 7ollege ,a/es
August 16, 2012
<'A)'= A=#"7<'( #he >+t+re "s ?ere
May 17, 2008
$reserving history( Archives showcases rare doc+,ents
August 7, 2012

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A co+ple of private instit+tions, one fro, A,*a@ogai in -eed and another fro, A,ravati, have
also approached the state archives for scanning and preserving the age-old religio+s doc+,ents
they have.
4All these instit+tions have approached the state govern,ent with their proposals for approval.
#he instit+tion in A,ravati has as a*o+t . la/h religio+s doc+,ents on the !ahan+*hav sect,
also /nown as Aai Brishni $antha. #he pantha refers to ?ind+ sects in the co+ntry, started *y
7ha/radhar Swa,i in 127. All these doc+,ents are 000-900 years old. After scanning, their
copies will *e preserved in *oth the places- at the !aharashtra )irectorate of Archives as well
as with the instit+tions,4 the official said.
Also, a religio+s organization fro, A,*a@ogai has approached the depart,ent for scanning a
tattered piece of cloth /nown as )asopant2s 2pasodi2. 4#he 2pasodi2 is 00 feet in length and fo+r
feet in width and is a*o+t 000 years old. Scanning this intrig+ing piece of history is also *eing
considered. 5e are wor/ing on the ,odalities. 5e wo+ld need a *ig scanner which will *e sent
to A,*a@ogai or the cloth will have to *e *ro+ght to +s. -oth are h+,ongo+s tas/s,4 the official

!eanwhile, the !aharashtra )irectorate of Archives has received an allocation of =s 0 crore to
,icrofil, as ,any as 19 crore historical doc+,ents it has along with an allocation of =s 3 crore
for scanning the, for the year 2013-10. #he official said the allocation the state archive has
received is ,ore than last year2s, where they had received =s 3 crore for ,icro-fil,ing and =s 2
crore for scanning.

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