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18th Colloquium Final Program

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18th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian

Literatures and Linguistics

Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Texas at Austin


Merging Textualities, Emerging Paradigms

in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics

November 13th-14th, 2009

at The Texas Union Building (UNB)

Presented by

The Graduate Student Organization

of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
at The University of Texas at Austin
Organizing Committee

Literature Co-chairs Linguistics Co-chairs

Enrique González Conty Ashwini Ganeshan
José Enrique Navarro Iera Zinkunegi Uzkudun

Special thanks to all the graduate students

who generously donated their time and expertise:

Rocío del Águila Lydia Huerta

Cristine Tamayo Adriana Pacheco
Paula Park Jennifer Lang
Karla González Marco Alves
Joseph Pierce Marta Vacas-Matos
Drew Wilson Mark Amengual Watson
César Taboada Sandra Sotelo-Miller
Mary Margaret Dowdy Alanna Breen
Michael French Giulianna Zambrano
Rebecca Thompson Rachel Showstack
Verónica Ríos Quesada Jesse Abing
Joe Fees Lanie Millar
Alexandre Lima Adam Coon
Francisco Maldonado Brian Bobbit
Nancy Tille-Victorica Meredith Clark
Jorge García Núñez

Webpage Design | Cristine Tamayo and José Enrique Navarro

Program Design | Enrique González Conty and Paula Park
Poster and Cover Design | Drew Wilson

We enthusiastically thank our sponsors, whose generous support
and contributions have enabled this colloquium:

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese

University Co-op
College of Liberal Arts
The Graduate School
The George W. Jalonick III and Dorothy Cockrell
Jalonick Centennial Lectureship
The Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Brazil Center
Department of Linguistics
Graduate Student Assembly
Permanent Seminar in Latin American Art
Institute for Historical Studies
Performance as Public Practice Graduate Program
Department of English
Department of French and Italian
Center for Women's and Gender Studies
Center for Mexican-American Studies
Department of Anthropology
Harry Ransom Center
Program for Comparative Literature
UT Student Government
Division of Musicology and Ethnomusicology
UT Senate of College Councils
Revista Pterodáctilo

We would like to extend our gratitude to the

Department of Spanish and Portuguese:

Professor Nicolas Shumway

Professor Madeline Sutherland-Meier
Katherine “Niki” Holmes - Laura Rodríguez - Derrick Davis - Mary Kleba
Lisa Mailloux - José de Haro - Víctor Martínez

We also thank the professors of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

for all their help.

Last but not least, we want to thank the members of the Graduate Student
Organization of our department for their support.


Keynote Speaker in Linguistics

Professor Scott Schwenter

The Ohio State University

Anaphoric Direct Objects in Spanish and Portuguese: Variation and Accessibility

Presented by Professor Dale Koike

Friday, November 13th

5:00 – 6:30 pm | Quadrangle Room (Texas Union 3.304)


Scott A. Schwenter is an Associate Professor of Linguistics in the

Department of Spanish and Portuguese and Adjunct Associate Professor in
the Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University. He received his
M.A. in Linguistics from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and
completed his Ph.D. from Stanford University, California. He has
previously taught at Ball State University and University of California,
Santa Barbara.

His research interests include Pragmatics, Variation Analysis,

Sociolinguistics -especially Morphosyntactic Variation-, Discourse
Analysis, Semantics, and Spanish and Portuguese Dialectology. His books
include Pragmatics of Conditional Marking: Implicature, Scalarity, and
Exclusivity (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics), Diccionari de
Lingüística (in collaboration with Manuel Pérez Saldanya et al.) and
Sociolinguistic variation: Data, Theory and Analysis. Selected papers from the
twenty-third NWAV at Stanford University (Co-editor with Jennifer Arnold,
Renee Blake, Brad Davidson, Julie Solomon).


Keynote Speaker in Literature

Professor Debra A. Castillo

Cornell University

Meruane and the Borg

Presented by Professor Nicolas Shumway

Saturday, November 14th

6:00 – 7:30 pm | Eastwoods Room (Texas Union 2.102)


Debra A. Castillo specializes in contemporary narrative from the Spanish-

speaking world, gender studies, cultural theory, and visual studies. She is
author, editor, or translator of ten books, including Talking Back: Strategies
for a Latin American Feminist Literary Criticism (l992), Easy Women: Sex and
Gender in Modern Mexican Fiction (l998), and (cowritten with María Socorro
Tabuenca Córdoba) Border Women: Writing from La Frontera (2002). Her
most recent book is Re-dreaming America: Toward a Bilingual Understanding of
American Literature (SUNY, 2004), a book that focuses on Spanish-language
US writers.

She has also published nearly 100 articles and reviews, mostly in refereed
journals, and is frequently called on for invited lectures and distinguished
lecturer appointments in the US, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
With the theater troupe Teatrotaller, she has been honored to participate in
invited theater performances in various regional universities in the
northeast USA, as well as in Mexico, Belgium, and Canada.


Prof. Castillo’s address will discuss the short story “Tijeretazos,” published
by Lina Meruane in Se habla español. Voces latinas en USA (2000). We are
deeply grateful to the author for allowing us the distribution of her short
story to our participants.


Round Table

Agonías y antagonías de lo cubano: Cintio Vitier y Virgilio Piñera

Moderator: Pilar Cabrera Fonte

Professor Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez

University of Texas at Austin

Professor Enrique Fierro

University of Texas at Austin

Professor César A. Salgado

University of Texas at Austin

Guest Speaker:
Professor Alan West-Durán
Northeastern University

Friday, November 13th

2:40 – 3:40 pm | Quadrangle Room (Texas Union 3.304)


In light of the 30th anniversary of Virgilio Piñera's death and the recent
death of Cintio Vitier on October, this round table will reflect on the
contrasting careers and legacies of these two Cuban intellectuals whose
early work is associated with the Revista Orígenes (1944-1956). Although
both Piñera and Vitier were key contributors to José Lezama Lima's
influential journal, their poetic sensibilities and cultural theories clashed
severely and eventually helped polarize and split the Orígenes project.
Piñera's and Vitier's feud continued in dueling essays and poems
throughout the 1950s (in José Rodríguez Feo's "antiorigenista" journal
Ciclón) and into the 1960s and 70s (in Cabrera Infante's Lunes de Revolución
cultural magazine, among other publications). Piñera and Vitier have
remained antagonistic literary icons in Cuba up to this day. This legendary
battle-of-the-poets has deeply impacted most of the cultural policy and the
work of various generations of writers that have emerged throughout the
Cuban Revolution.

Alan West-Durán was born in Cuba and grew up in Puerto Rico. He is the
author of Dar nombres a la lluvia/Finding Voices in the Rain, which won the
Latino Literature Prize for Poetry (1996), as well as a book of essays, Tropics
of History: Cuba Imagined (1997). He worked on the Caribbean segment of
the first CD-ROM on Latinos in the United States (1995) and the first
scholarly CD-ROM on Caribbean literature: Literature of the Spanish
Caribbean to 1900 (1998) jointly with Antonio Benítez-Rojo. He has
translated works by Alejo Carpentier, Rosario Ferré, Nelly Richard, and
Luisa Capetillo, and is the editor-in-chief of two reference works, African
Caribbeans: A Reference Guide (2003) and Latino and Latina Writers (2004).


Round Table

Mass Media and Culture in Latin America

Moderator: José Enrique Navarro

Professor Jason Borge

University of Texas at Austin

Professor Luis Cárcamo-Huechante

University of Texas at Austin

Saturday, November 14th

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Eastwoods Room (Texas Union 2.102)


If, as Marshall McLuhan proposes, the medium is the message, the

appearance and expansion of media should have a profound effect on our
communication and exchanges. Given that the local is affected by global
media, the analysis of the impact of media on different cultures and their
products becomes a critical issue. The task becomes to explore how media
continually permeates Latin American culture and how far-reaching the
effects of the changes in these media are. Does welcoming global media
locally represent a Faustian pact? Our critical task is to study the
interaction between media, culture and literature, and how media, as a
hegemonic product, is assimilated and transformed for local purposes.

Special Lecture

Reconsidering Dominican Spanish

Professor Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

University of Texas at Austin

Presented by Mark Amengual Watson

Saturday, November 14th

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)


One of the more salient and stigmatized features of Dominican Spanish is

[s] hypercorrection, the insertion of an [s] in a lexical item where it should
not appear, as in ¡Hola[s] Ja[s]queline! This phenomenon is much satirized in
popular culture, but those who parody it often misrepresent it as a rampant
and random insertion. More importantly, the incorrect characterization has
carried over into the scholarly linguistic literature, where [s]
hypercorrection is equally misunderstood. The data presented in this talk,
drawn from interviews with men, women, and children of all ages,
demonstrate that [s] hypercorrection is much more rule-governed and
systematic than previously thought. These findings correct the common
misperception that illiterate and semi-literate Dominicans do not know
where [s] belongs.

Brown Bag Lunch

Informal Presentation on the Gale/Scribner's Encyclopedia of Cuba Project

Prof. Alan West-Durán and Prof. César A. Salgado

Saturday, November 14th

12:30 – 1:20 pm | Benedict Hall (Room 1.134)

As the recently appointed editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Cuba

under contract with Gale/Scribner Publishers, Prof. Alan West-Durán will
speak informally about the logistics and his vision for this project as well as
about his experience as editor-in-chief of other reference works related to
Latin American and Caribbean studies.

18th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Texas at Austin

Merging Textualities, Emerging Paradigms

in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics

Friday, November 13th, 2009


Breakfast and Registration

8:30 – 9:30 am | Benedict Hall (Room 2.102)


Welcome Remarks
Professor Nicolas Shumway
Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

9:30 – 9:45 am | Benedict Hall (Room 2.102)


Panel 1 | Textualidades emergentes en el Caribe

10:00 – 11:00 am | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez

Francis Watlington | University of Texas at Austin

Un hobo comiendo jobos: José Luis González como humorista y Carl Sandburg
como hito de comicidad noventayochesca en La llegada

Octavio Borges-Delgado | Michigan State University

El traje de pena: Luchas de poder y represión del deseo en Sirena Selena vestida
de pena

Alejandro González Landeros | Michigan State University

Desmaquillando a Leocadio y sus “textos secretos” en Sirena Selena vestida de


Panel 2 | (Re)organizando la nación: Política, moral y enfermedad en la

novela latinoamericana
10:00 – 11:00 am | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. John González

Alejandra Zambrano | University of Texas at Austin

"Señalar los límites de la república": novela y catecismo político como relatos

Rocío del Águila | University of Texas at Austin

“Mi pobre cuerpo”: Tísicas y huérfanas enfrentan a la nación

Karla González | University of Texas at Austin

¡Vámonos al norte! Migraciones durante la Revolución Mexicana: La frontera
como ente desmoralizante y la desintegración de la identidad nacional


Panel 3 | Discourses of Trauma, Disappearance, and Re-encounters

10:00 – 11:00 am | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Gabriela Polit

Celina Van Dembroucke | University of Texas at Austin

Los recordatorios de desaparecidos: Un nuevo género discursivo

Erik Larson | University of California, Davis

Mapping Trauma: A Discussion of the Noir Aesthetic in José Pablo Feinmann’s
Últimos días de la víctima

Luis Carlos Ayarza | Texas A&M University

Vicisitudes entre la palabra escrita y la imagen cinematográfica: Reflexiones a
partir de la novela Ilona llega con la lluvia del escritor Álvaro Mutis y su versión
cinematográfica llevada al cine por el director Sergio Cabrera


Panel 4 | Transgresiones textuales en espacios telúricos y carnales

11:10 – 12:30 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Enrique Fierro

Paula Thorrington | University of California, Los Angeles

Poetry off the Page and into the Public Eye: Raúl Zurita’s Sky Writings,
Earthworks, and Visual Verse

Amanda Suhey | University of Texas at Austin

De sombras y luz de luna: Revisando la interpretación erótica en “Nocturno”

Paula Park | University of Texas at Austin

El lector amputado: Una disección textual de Farabeuf


Panel 5 | Re-defining Hierarchies in Latin America

11:10 – 12:30 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Arturo Arias

Ana Margarita Hernández de Polaczyk | Universidad Rafael Landívar y

Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala
Caballeriza de Rodrigo Rey Rosa cabalgando entre whodunit y el hard-boiled

Douglas Mulliken | University of Virginia

Authorship, Authority and Power: A Study of Juan Carlos Onetti’s Para una
tumba sin nombre

Sandra Sotelo-Miller | University of Texas at Austin

Secretos debajo del hábito: Cuerpo, lenguaje y espacio en Jesusa Rodríguez


Panel 6 | Documentando hechos y memorias en Latinoamérica

11:10 – 12:30 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Madeline Sutherland-Meier

Miguel Ángel de Feo | Grambling State University

Las tretas del olvido: Memoria y mass media en la obra ensayística de Nicolás

Osvaldo di Paolo | University of Kentucky

El periodismo y el cuento: Un estudio del policial argentino basado en hechos reales
y en “Las primas” de Enrique Sdrech


Lunch Break: Let’s go to Texas!

12:30 – 1:20 pm | Benedict Hall (Room 2.102)
Lunch Provided


Panel 7 | Descubriendo textualidades emergentes

1:30 – 2:30 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Naomi Lindstrom

Caroline L. Thomson | Tulane University

El secreto del mundo escondido en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño

Diego Fabián Arévalo Viveros | Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá

Después de la ciudad letrada: El problema de la biografía en Estrella distante de
Roberto Bolaño


Panel 8 | Dynamics of Classroom Resources

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Rafael Salaberry

Rachel Showstack, Jocelly Guie Meiners, Scott Spinks | University of

Texas at Austin
Preparing L2 Spanish Students for Study Abroad: The Pragmatics of Dinner Table

Obianuju C. Anya | University of California, Los Angeles

The Taquito Hot Seat: A Microanalysis of the Dynamics of Peer Assistance in the
Repair of Spanish Interlanguage Transfer-Related Errors in a Beginner-Level
Portuguese Class


Panel 9 | Textual Ethnicities in Colonial and Early Modern Literature

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Meredith Clark

Rebecca Bowman | Texas State University, San Marcos

Eludir y capturar en dos sonetos de Sor Juana y “Presencia y fuga” de José

Christina I. McCoy | University of Texas at Austin

Racializing the Exotic Body: Transreligious Women in El Quijote


Round Table

Agonías y antagonías de lo cubano: Cintio Vitier y Virgilio Piñera

Moderator: Pilar Cabrera Fonte

Professor Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez

University of Texas at Austin

Professor Enrique Fierro

University of Texas at Austin

Professor César A. Salgado

University of Texas at Austin

Professor Alan West-Durán

Northeastern University

2:40 – 3:40 pm | Quadrangle Room (Texas Union 3.304)


Panel 10 | Escaping Images and Genres in Cuban Literature

3:50 – 4:50 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. César A. Salgado

Ingrid Robyn | University of Texas at Austin

Entre labios y vuelos desligados: Vanguardismo e imagen en “Muerte de Narciso”
de José Lezama Lima

Pilar Cabrera Fonte | University of Texas at Austin

“Nothing to Declare”: Oscar Wilde’s Trials in Virgilio Piñera’s “Treno por la
muerte del Príncipe Fuminaro Konoye”

Margarita Pintado Burgos | Emory University

Devíos y desvaríos de un escritor no-escritor: Lorenzo García Vega y la anti-


Panel 11 | Perceptions and Strategies towards SLA

3:50 – 4:50 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Dale Koike

Chary-Sy T. Copeland | Florida State University

Individual Differences in Second Language Sentence Processing

Marta Vacas-Matos | University of Texas at Austin

Acquiring Pragmatics in Study Abroad Programs: FTAs Perception and Response


Panel 12 | Discursive Strategies in Art, Literature and Film

3:50 – 4:50 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Stanislav Zimic

Salomé Gómez Pérez | Universidad de Guadalajara, México

Análisis de estrategias argumentativas en discursos escritos sobre arte

Marcela Naciff | Arizona State University

Octavio Paz ante el romanticismo y el modernismo

Miguel Zarate | Texas A&M University

Alatriste, o el eterno fracaso del cine de época en España: Análisis de la
construcción cinematográfica de la historia y su recepción en España


Keynote Address

Anaphoric Direct Objects in Spanish and Portuguese: Variation and Accessibility

Professor Scott Schwenter

The Ohio State University

Presented by Professor Dale Koike

5:00 – 6:30 pm | Quadrangle Room (Texas Union 3.304)


Dinner on your own

6:30 – 7:30 pm


Open Mic

7:30 – 10:00 pm
Gabriel’s Café (AT&T Conference Center @ UT)
1900 University Ave., Austin TX
(two blocks south from Benedict)


Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Breakfast and Registration

9:00 – 9:50 am | Benedict Hall (Room 2.102)


Panel 13 | Documenting Memory and Silence

10:00 – 11:00 am | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Cory Reed

Laura Hartmann | St. Louis University

Usted no parece como las otras: Leonora Ordaz en El fin de la historia por Liliana

Verónica Ríos Quesada | University of Texas at Austin

Frente al héroe Santamaría: Silencio y censura en la literatura costarricense

Ela Molina-Sevilla de Morelock | University of the Cumberlands

Memoria y testimonio en Tinísima de Elena Poniatowska


Panel 14 | Language Evolution through Contact and Transfer

10:00 – 11:00 am | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Frederick Hensey

Hannah Washington | Ohio State University

Popular Brazilian Portuguese: Creole, Semi-creole, or Simplified Standard?

Rocío Raña Risso | City University of New York

Análisis de la variación en la posición del pronombre sujeto en el español de Nueva

C. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch | University of Texas at Austin

El vocabulario de la crisis hipotecaria en el diario Clarín de Buenos Aires


Panel 15 | Mídia, cultura e política

10:00 – 11:00 am | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Sonia Roncador

Raquel Kennon | Harvard University

Etymological Enigma of Pelourinho: From Pillory to Tourist Paradise

Marzia Milazzo | University of California, Santa Barbara

Black Intersections: Revisiting African American Literary Constructions of Racial
Relations in Brazil

Ken Martin | University of Georgia

Terra Sonâmbula by Mia Couto: An Integral Response to a Modernist Problem


Panel 16 | Memories and Identities in Performance: Intersections of

Music and Words
11:10 – 12:30 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Michelle Wibbelsman

Tania Camacho | University of Texas at Austin

Todo está relacionado: Música, palabras e imágenes en Efecto Mariposa de

Ana Sánchez-Rojo | University of Texas at Austin

De tabloides y rock pop, entonces y ahora: Café Tacvba, “Alármala de tos”

Leo Cardoso | University of Texas at Austin

Texts, Sounds, and Images of a Dictatorship: Memory and Nostalgia in Brazil
through Rebel Years

Andrés Amado | University of Texas at Austin

Un Beethoven guatemalteco: Texto, música y agenciamiento en un arreglo para
marimba de la novena sinfonía


Panel 17 | Processing Visual Stimulants

11:10 – 12:30 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Delia Montesinos

Claire Burrows | Stony Brook, The State University of New York

Destabilizing Artistic Binaries: The Hispanic Artist in Comics and Graphic

Alfredo Márquez | Texas Tech University

Réquiem por Yarini. Cuban Ritual Theater: Staging the Play

Sebastián Patrón Saade | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Más allá de la ekphrasis: La relación entre poema y fotografía en Nada queda
atrás de Carlos Trujillo


Panel 18 | Rompendo fronteiras: Crítica literária, construções culturais e

11:10 – 12:30 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Ivan Teixeira

Javier Uriarte | New York University

Desconciertos críticos: En torno a la “hibridez” de Os sertões

Darío Sánchez González | University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Cities Upon A Hill: Cidades norteamericanas nos autores portugueses do século

Rodrigo Lopes de Barros | University of Texas at Austin

Messianismo e Revolução: Haiti-Russia

Thiago Lima Nicodemo | University of São Paulo

Literatura e consciência nacional: A história da literatura brasileira de Sérgio
Buarque de Holanda


Lunch Break
12:30 – 1:20 pm | Benedict Hall (Room 2.102)
Lunch Provided


Brown Bag Lunch

Informal Presentation on the Gale/Scribner's Encyclopedia of Cuba Project

Prof. Alan West-Durán and Prof. César A. Salgado

12:30 – 1:20 pm | Benedict Hall (Room 1.134)


Round Table

Mass Media and Culture in Latin America

Moderator: José Enrique Navarro

Professor Jason Borge

University of Texas at Austin

Professor Luis Cárcamo-Huechante

University of Texas at Austin

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Eastwoods Room (Texas Union 2.102)

Special Lecture

Reconsidering Dominican Spanish

Professor Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

University of Texas at Austin

Presented by Mark Amengual Watson

1:30 – 2:30 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)


Panel 19 | Deviance from Regionalism in South America

2:40 – 3:40 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba

Joseph M. Pierce | University of Texas at Austin

Eduarda Mansilla de García: Deviance in 19th Century Argentine Literature

Taiko Maria Haessler | Independent Scholar

Redefining Approaches to Literary Criticism After the Fall of the Lettered City
Through an Examination of the Brazilian Folheto: From Regionalism to the Age of

Julie Ward | University of California, Berkeley

Literature on the Verge: Arlt, Marinetti and the Future of Literature


Panel 20 | Experimental Phonology

2:40 – 3:40 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Marta Ortega-Llebaria

Jennifer Lang | University of Texas at Austin

Intonation of Narrow Focus in Buenos Aires Spanish

Brandon O. Baird | University of Texas at Austin

K’iche’ (Mayan) Dialectal Influence on Vowel Dispersion in K’iche’-Spanish


Panel 21 | Encuentros e impactos textuales

2:40 – 3:40 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Jason Borge

Paul McNeil | Brigham Young University

Of Bluths and Buendías: The Surprising Parallels between Cien años de soledad
and Arrested Development

Mary Margaret Dowdy | University of Texas at Austin

Ollas en la cocina vs. Ollas en las calles: The Role of the Feminine in Latin
American Protests from 1970 to the present

Rebecca Thompson | University of Texas at Austin

Heterotopías de subversión y violencia en Para detener el tiempo de Jorge


Panel 22 | Producción literaria transformada: Tecnologías y la era

3:50 – 4:50 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Michael Harney

Vicent Moreno | Indiana University

La literatura en la era del internet: Los blogs y la búsqueda de legitimación en el
campo literario peninsular

Lorena Gauthereau-Bryson | Rice University

The Sun Never Sets: Global Linking through Archival Digitization in Las
mujeres españolas, portuguesas y americanas (1876)

Carolina Gainza | University of Pittsburgh

Hiperliteratura en América Latina: Golpe de gracia de Jaime Alejandro

La Poderosa Media Project Presents

Screening of the Short Film "Cachuda" (Ecuador, 2009)

Presented by María Alejandra Zambrano and Jorge García Núñez

3:50 – 4:50 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)

Panel 23 | A reconstrução da identidade e da memória na África e no
3:50 – 4:50 pm | Chicano Culture Room (Texas Union 4.206)
Moderator: Prof. Omoniyi Afolabi

Maria Filomena Barradas | University of Lisboa

O Independente como estética (1988-1990)

Constantin Icleanu | Brigham Young University

The Close Up in Central do Brasil: The Suppression and Emergence of the
National Self from the Globalized Self

Eli Carter | University of California, Los Angeles

“Denaturalizing” Late Night Brazilian Television: The Aesthetics and Ethics of
Luiz Fernando Carvalho


Panel 24 | Spectacular Perversion and Repression in Contemporary

Literature and Film
5:00 – 6:00 pm | African American Culture Room (Texas Union 4.110)
Moderator: Prof. Jill Robbins

Moisés Park | University of California, Davis

Delincuencia y política en Johnny 100 pesos: Del espectáculo televisivo al
espectáculo fílmico

Rodrigo Pereyra-Espinoza | Texas Tech University

Un discurso perverso en Fando y Lis: La obra de Arreola y Jodorowsky

Vicente Marcos López Abad | University of Wisconsin, Madison

Writers Confronted with Repression: The Short-Story as a Statement of Force


Panel 25 | Language and Identity in Multilingual Settings

5:00 – 6:00 pm | Sinclair Suite (Texas Union 3.128)
Moderator: Prof. Almeida Jacqueline Toribio

Belinda Roman | University of Western Ontario

Complexity and the Emergence of the Hispanic Culture in the U.S. Borderlands

Belén Villarreal | University of California, Los Angeles

Náhuatl in Los Angeles

Mark Amengual Watson | University of Texas at Austin

Language and Identity: The Manifestation of Attitudes in Writing


Keynote Address

Meruane and the Borg

Professor Debra A. Castillo

Cornell University

Presented by Professor Nicolas Shumway

6:00 – 7:30 pm | Eastwoods Room (Texas Union 2.102)


Dinner banquet

Musical Presentation by Seu Jacinto

7:30 – 10:00 pm | Quadrangle Room (Texas Union 3.304)





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