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RESCHER, Nicholas. Unpopular Essays On Techonological Progress

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The book examines controversial social issues related to technological progress and discusses whether technological progress leads to greater happiness, whether environmental problems can be solved, and whether costly scientific research should be pursued.

The book discusses topics like technological progress and human happiness, the environmental crisis, the allocation of medical therapy, issues regarding health care delivery, ideals and crime, and scientific progress.

The author discusses criteria like medical need, benefits of treatment, and costs of treatment as factors to consider when evaluating medical treatment.

Unpopular Essays

on Technological Progress
Nicholas Rescher
ln these essays, Nicholas Rescher examines a
number of controversial social issues using the
intellectual tools of the philosopher. His
analysis clarifies such complex and troubling
questions as whether technological progress
leads to greater happiness, whether we can
solve our environmental problems, whether we
should proceed with costly scientific research
on the frontiers of knowledge. At a time when
there is much muddled thinking about the di-
rections our technological society is taking, a
clear dissection of each issue into its compo-
nent parts is especially valuable. Professor
Rescher is not afraid to face the hard questions
nor to advocate an unpopular point of view.
''Technological Progress and Human
''The Environmental Crisis and the Quality of
''The Allocation of Exotic Medical Lifesaving
"Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery of
Health Care"
"Ideals, Justice, and Crime"
"Economies Versus Moral Philosophy: The
Pareto Principle as a Case Study"
"Why Save Endangered Species?"
"Scientific Progress and the 'Limits of Growth'"
(Continued on back f1ap)
on Technological Progress
on Technological Progress
University of Pittsburgh Press
Published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260
Copyright 1980, University of Pittsburgh Press
Ali rights reserved
Feffer and Simons, Inc., London
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Rescher, Nicholas.
Unpopular essays on technological progress.
Includes index.
1. Technology- Philosophy. 2. Science-
Philosophy. 1. Title.
T14.R42 601' .9 79-21648
ISBN 0-8229-3411-6
"The Environmental Crisis and the Ouality of Life," 1974 by the University of
Georgia Press, is reprinted from Philosophy and Environmental Crisis, ed.
William T. Blackstone, by permission of the University of Georgia Press. "The
Allocation of Exotic Medical Life Saving Therapy," 1969 bythe University of
Chicago, is reprinted from Ethics 29 (1969). "Ethicallssues Regarding the
Delivery of Health Care" first appeared in Connecticut Medicine 41 (1977).
"Economies Versus Moral Philosophy: The Pareto Principle as a Case Study"
first appeared in Theory and Decision 10 (1979), 169-79, 1979 by D.
Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland; reprinted by permission of
D. Reidel Company.
For Catherine
patris amore
Preface IX
1 Technological Progress and Human Happiness 3
2 The Environmental Crisis and the Quality of Life 23
3 The Allocation of Exotic Medical
Lifesaving Therapy 30
4 Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery
of Health Care 45
5 Ideals, Justice, and Crime 57
6 Economies Versus Moral Philosophy:
The Pareto Principle as a Case Study 69
7 Why Save Endangered Species? 79
8 Scientific Progress and the "Limits of Growth" 93
Notes 107
Name Index 119
Subject Index 121
Notwithstanding their tapical diversity, the essays braught tagether
in this volume share a common theme: the impact for human
concerns of the complexity and scope of modern technological
progress and its economic and social ramifications. Most of these
essays 9rew out of invitations to contribute a paper to some sort of
conference or symposium. Despite the professional's predilection
for shoptalk with colleagues, a philosopher even nowadays finds
himself impelled by various pulls and pressures to enter into the
nontechnical discussion of timely issues of the day.
Some of these essays have appeared before, though in each
case they have been revised for publication. Chapter 2 is a revised
version of a paper presented in a symposium, Philosophy and
Environmental Crisis, at the University of Georgia in Athens in Feb-
ruary 1971 and initially published in William T. Blackstone, ed., Phi-
losophy and Environmental Crisis (Athens, Georgia, 1974J. Chap-
ter 3 is a revised version of an essay first published in Ethics 29
(1969). Chapter 4 has been revised trom a paper read at a confer-
ence on Ethical Issues in the Distribution of Health Care at Brown
University in April 1975 and subsequently published in Connecticut
Medicine41 (1977). Chapter6 isa revised version ofa paper published
in Theoryand Decision 10 (1979). f wish tothanktheeditorsofthese
publications for their kind permission to include this material in the
present volume.
Chapter 1 was prepared as a Phi Beta Kappa Lecture delivered at
the University of Pittsburgh, December 6, 1977. Chapter 5 is based
on a paper read in a series of lectures on Justice in America at the
University of Vermont in March 1977. Chapter 8 grew out of a
lecture delivered at the Sixteenth World Congress of Philosophy
held at Dsseldorf in 1978. ix
x Preface
1want ta thank Virginia Chestek for her able assistance in preparing
this material for publication and in helping me ta see it through the
on Technological Progress
Technological Progress
and Human Happiness 1
Ooes increased knowledge of nature, and mastery
over it, enhance man's happiness and satisfaction, or is what we
honorifically, nay almost reverently, characterize as "progress" really
irrelevant to this central issue regarding the human condition? This
question lies at the dead center of any examination of the relation-
ship between technology and humanistic concerns. It goes to the
very heart of the matter: the linkage between man's knowledge and
"mastery over nature" on the one side, and his humane life-world of
thought and feeling on the other. It is a question that theoreticians of
science and technology generally ignore. But humanists have often
touched on it - it may be viewed as a key issue in Goethe's Faust, for
Writing in 1920, the able British historian of progress J. B. Bury
painted the following picture: "The very increase of 'material ease'
seemed unavoidably to involve conditions inconsistent with universal
happiness; and the communications which linked the peoples of the
world together modified the methods of warfare instead of bringing
peace.... [The modern triumphs of the advance of man's aims]
hardly seemed to endanger the conclusion that, while knowledge is
indefinitely progressive, there is no good reason for sanguine hopes
that man is 'perfectible' or that universal happiness is attainable."1
This quote provides an appropriate setting for deliberating about
the implications of the impressive modern growth in our techno-
logical competence for human happiness and the tenor of the con-
dition of man.
The Historical Dimension
Let us look briefly at the historical dimension of this issue. The
question of the reality and significance of progress has been de- 3
bated since the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns re-
garding the relative importance of the wisdom of classical antiquity
as compared with modern learning was launched in the late Renais-
sance. At the dawn of modern science in the seventeenth century,
the leading figures from Bacon to Leibniz ail took a highly optimistic
view. Man's knowlege was about to enter a new era, and his
circumstances and conditions of life would become transformed in
consequence. Consider a typical passage from Leibniz:
1believe that one of the biggest reasons for this negligence [of
science and its applications] is the despair of improving matters
and the very bad opinion entertained of human nature.... But ...
would it not be fitting at least to make a trial of our power before
despairing of success? Do we not see every day new discoveries
not only in the arts but also in science and in medicine? Why
should it not be possible to secure some considerable relief from
our troubles? 1shall be told that so many centuries had worked
fruitlessly. 8 ut consideri ngthe matter moreclosely, weseethatthe
majority of those who dealt with the sciences have simply copied
from one another or amused themselves. It is almost a disgrace to
nature that so few have truly worked to make discoveries; we owe
nearly everything we know ... to a handful of persons.... 1do
bel ievethat if agreat Monarch wouIdmakesome powerfu1effort, or
if a considerable number of individuals of ability were freed from
other concerns to take up the required labor, that we could make
great progress in ashort ti me, and even enjoythefruitsof our labors
Such a perspective typifies the seventeenth-century view of the
potential of scientific and technical progress for making rapid and
substantial improvements on the human condition.
By the nineteenth century the bloom of ameliorative hopefulness
was definitely beginning to fade. The lines of thought worked by
Malthus and Darwin introduced a new element of competition,
struggle, and the pressure of man against man in rivalry for the
bounties of nature. The idea that scientific and technological progress
would result inenhanced human satisfaction/contentment/happiness
came to be seriously questioned. Writing about 1860, the shrewd
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 5
German philosopher Hermann Lotze said: "The innumerable indi-
vidual steps of progress in knowledge and capability which have
unquestionably been made as regards this production and man-
agement of external goods, have as yet by no means become
combined so as to form a general advance in the happiness of
life.. 0 Each step of progress with the increase of strength it brings,
brings also a corresponding increase of pressure."3 Thus already
over a century ago, thoughtful minds were beginning to doubt that
man's technical progress offers him a royal route to happiness.
Sorne Distinctions
Before turning to a closer exploration of this issue, let one or two
important preliminary points be settled. For one thing, it is neces-
sary to approach the issue of the human advantageousness of
technical progress via the important distinction between negative
and positive benefits. A negative benefit is the removal or diminution
of something bad. (It is illustrated in caricature by the story of the
man who liked to knock his head against the wall because it felt so
good when he stopped.) A positive benefit, on the other hand, is one
which involves something that is good in its own right rather than by
way of contrast with an unfortunate predecessor.
Now there is no doubt that the state of human well-being has
been, or can be, enormously improved by science and technology
as regards negative benefits. There can be no question but that
technical progress has enormously reduced human misery and
suffering. Consider a few instances: medicine (the prevention of
childhood diseases through innoculation, anesthetics, plastic and
restorative surgery, hygiene, dentistry, etc.); waste disposai and
sanitation; temperature control (heating and air conditioning). It
would be easy to multiply examples of this sort many times over.
But the key fact remains that such diminutions of the bad do not
add up to agood; the lessening of suffering and discomfort does not
produce a positive condition like pleasure or joy or happiness.
Pleasure is not the mere absence of pain, nor joy the absence of
sorrow. The removal of the negative does not create a positive-
though, to be sure, it abolishes an obstacle in the way of positivity.
And so the immense potential of modern science and technology
for the alleviation of suffering does not automatically qualify it as a
fountain of happiness.
Moreover, in various ways science and technology have created a
setting for life which is counterproductive for the achievement of
happiness. One instance is modern military technology and life
under the shadow of the atomic sword; another is the overcrowding
of human populations, the product largely of modern medical, hy-
gienic, and agricultural technology. There is organizational central-
ization that has put ail of us at risk as victims of disgruntled em-
ployees, irate consumers, disaffected citizens, political terrorists,
and other devotees of direct action against innocent bystanders as a
means to the realization of their own objectives. This list is easily
prolonged, but here 1want to make a larger and perhaps foolhardy
assumption. For 1am going to adopt the somewhat optimistic stance
that ail the problems that science and technology have created, sci-
ence and technology can also resolve. And accordingly 1am going
to leave this negative aspect of the situation wholly out of account
and look at the situation if best comes to best, so to speak.
The question to be considered is, Even if we view the conse-
quences of science and technology for the human condition in the
most rosy light and look on them in their most favorable setting (not
in Ethiopia, say, or India, but in the United States and Western
Europe where the most advantageous and least problematic condi-
tions have prevailed), is it really clear that science and technology
have wrought benign effects upon the condition of human happi-
ness, viewed in its positive aspect?
Transition: The Sociological Perspective
Let us now move off in a different direction. The issue today has a
newdimension. In the past, discussion has proceeded on aspeculative
basis, and the participants were principally philosophers and philo-
sophically inclined historians or students of social affairs. But now
the sociologists and social psychologists have taken over. It thus
becomes possible to bring statistical data to bear and to look at the
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 7
empirical situation. We need no longer speculate about the relation
between progress and happiness. We can "go out into the field" and
find out how things go in what tough-minded social scientists like to
refer to as "the real world." That is, we can proceed by means of
questionnaires and the whole paraphernalia of empirical social science.
When we do this, ail but the most cynical among us are in for some
The Negative Correlation Between Progress and Perceived
If the thesis that increased physical well-being brings increased
happiness were correct, one would certainly expect Americans to
regard themselves as substantially happier today than ever before.
This expectation is not realized.
A substantial body of questionnaire data makes possible a survey
of trends in the self-evaluated happiness of Americans. Operating
with increasing sophistication, various polling organizations have
queried massive numbers of representative Americans as to their
degree of happiness: whether "very happy," "fairly happy," "not happy,"
or the usual "don't know." Some relevant findings are set out in
schematic form in table 1.1 and in figure 1.1. There is doubtless
some looseness in the comparison of these data collected by
somewhat different procedures by different organizations,4 but a
relatively clear and meaningful picture emerges ail the same: There
has been no marked and significant increase in the self-perceived
happiness of Americans to accompany the very substantial rise in
the standard of living that has been achieved in the postwar period.
Moreover, for about a generation now sociologists and social
psychologists have gone about asking people for their judgments
regarding the changing condition of human happiness Ccontent-
ment, satisfaction) in the face of a steadily rising standard of living.
Consider some illustrations:
Science has made many changes in the way people live today as
compared with the way they lived fifty years ago. On the whole, do
vou think people are happier than they were fifty years ago because
of those changes, or not as happy? (Roper/Minnesota, 1955)
Not as No No Opinion/
Happier Happy Difference Other
36% 47% 15% 3%
Thinking of life today compared to back when your parents were
about your age-do you think people today generally have more ta
worry about, or that there's not much difference? (Roper/Minnesota,
Don't Know/
No Answer
Figure 1.1: Happiness ot Arnericans by Incorne Category
60 r r ~ _ . . . _ _ . . _ .
. 50
. ~
~ 40
t 30
--- Upper Income
---- Middle Income
--- Lower Income
e _
e--------__e e\
....... _---
------. .
e _
. _ . ~ . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . .

10 ""---"- -----"------1--
1957 1963 1971 1972
Source: A. Campbell, P. E. Converse, and W. L. Rodgers, The
Quality ofAmerican Lite: Perceptions, Evaluations, andSatisfactions (New
York, 1975).
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 9
The same sort of result comes from a 1971 study by the Institute of
Social Research:
Are things getting better in this country (USA)?
Setter Worse About the Same
17% 36% 47%
This, of course, stems from 1971 - before Watergate, before the
spate of "shortages" (gasoline, heating fuel, sugar, toilet paper, etc.),
and before the period of major inflation and the whole complex of
our latter-day discontents.
Such data indicate a clear result on the question, Ooes progress
Table 1.1: Self-<;Iassification of Americans in Point of Happiness

Year and Very Fairly Not Don't
Organization Happy Happy Happy Know Score
1946 (AIPO) 39% 50% 9% 2% 110
1947 (AIPO) 38 57 4 1 125
1949 (AIPO) 43 44 12 1 106
1957 (SRC) 35 54 11 102
1963 (NORC) 32 51 16 83
1965 (NORC) 3D 53 17 79
Sources: for 1946-1949: Hazel Erskine, "The Polis: Some Thoughts
About Life and People," Public Opinion Quarterly 28, no. 3 (FaIl1964); for
1957: Gerald Gurin, Joseph Veroff, and Sheila Feld, Americans View
Their Mental Health (New York, 1960), p. 22; for 1963 and 1965: Norman
M. Bradburn, The Structure of Psychological Well-Being (Chicago, 1969),
chap. 3, table 3.1 .
Note: This table is compiled from the results of questionnaire studies
conducted by AIPO (American Institute of Public Opinion, Princeton, N.
J.-theGallup organization), SRC(Survey Research Center, University of
Michigan), and NORC (National Opinion Research Center, University of
a. In computing the "score," we set the following figures: very happy =
+2, fairly happy = + 1, not happy =-2, and don't know = O.
enhance happiness? When we approach the issue in this way, in
terms of people's perceptions, the answer is emphatically negative.
Half the people or more apparently think that the current hedonic
quality of people's lives bears ill comparison with earlier stages of the
"march of progress."
It is of interest to view such findings in the lightof more detailed
questionnaire studies, such as the following:
Do you think the human race is getting better or worse from the
standpoint of health? knowlege? inner happiness? peace of mind?
(AI PO, 1949)
No No
Setter Worse Difference Opinion
Health 73% 18% 6% 3%
Knowledge 82 7 7 4
Inner happiness 21 51 18 10
Peace of mind 17 62 11 10
Peace of mind by education
College 16 74 6 4
High school 18 63 11 8
Grade school 17 57 13 13
Note: For comparable and supporting data see Hadley Cantril and
Mildred Strunk, Public Opinion: 1935-1946 (Princeton, N.J., 1951), p.
The contrast is a striking one here. Substantial majorities envisage
a course of substantial improvement in terms of material and intel-
lectual attainments. N-evertheless sizable pluralities take the view
that our situation is deteriorating as regards "inner happiness" or
"peace of mind," and, interestingly enough, the more highly educat-
ed the group being sampled, the more emphatic this sentiment
becomes. The results of such surveys indicate that in fact a substantial
majority of people believe there is a negative correlation between
progress and happiness.
Such evidence, to be sure, relates to the subjective impression of
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 11
the people interviewed.
But there are also relevant data of a more
objective kind that indicate a failure of Americans to achieve a higher
plateau of personal happiness in the wake of substantial progress in
the area of social welfare. For one thing, the suicide rate per 100,000
population per annum has hovered with remarkable stability at
about eleven, plus or minus one-half, ever since World War II.
Moreover, since 1945 a steadily increasing number of Americans
are being admitted to mental hospitals, and, on the average, are
spending an increasingly long time there. Statistical indicators of this
sort are readily matched by a vast body of psychiatrie data. Even
political observers, who certainly have their hand on the nation's
pulse, have become concerned over our inability to translate
augmented personal affluence into increases in happiness. Richard
Nixon in his first State of the Union message said: "Never has a
nation seemed to have had more and enjoyed less."7
The Preference for the Present
Given such extensive-and continuing-indications that happi-
ness is on the wane, it would seem clear that people would hanker
after "the good old days," that many or most people would prefer to
have lived in a bygone, happier time.
So, indeed, it might weil appear. But the statistics obtained in the
field indicate that this expectation is altogether wrong.
Do you think you would have rather lived during the horse-and-
buggy days instead of now? (Roper, 1939)
Yes No No Opinion
25% 70% 5%
If you had the choice, would you have preferred to live in the "good
old days" rather than the present period? (Roper/Minnesota, 1956)
Here we have something of a paradox. On the one hand, people
incline to believe that "things are going to the dogs"; on the other
hand, people evince no real preference for "the good old days." And
these findings are altogether typical of findings obtained over the
past generation. Invariably, Americans reject the would-rather-have-
lived-then-than-now option by a ratio of better than two to one.
Explaining the Paradox: The Role of the Subjective
How can this paradox be explained? One can only approach the
issue on the basis of conjecture and guesswork. But a pretty plausible
account can be developed; the key lies in the consideration that
satisfaction and happiness are subjective issues that turn on subjective
The desired account can be given in something like the following
terms: an individual's assessment of his happiness is a matter of his
personal and idiosyncratic perception of the extent to which the
conditions and circumstances of his life meet his needs and aspira-
tions. And here we enter the area of "felt sufficiency" and "felt insuffi-
ciency." A person can quite meaningfully say, "1 realize full weil that,
by prevailing standards, 1have no good reason to be happy and
satisfied with my existing circumstances, but ail the same 1am
perfectly happy and quite contented." Or, on the other hand, he may
conceivably (and perhaps more plausibly) say, "1 know full weil that 1
have every reason for being happy, but ail the same 1am extremely
discontented and disatisfied." We are dealing with strictly personal
ln this context one is carried back to the old proportion from the
school of Epicurus in antiquity.8
. . attai nment
degree of satisfaction = expectation
The man whose personal vision of happiness calls for yachts and
polo ponies will be a malcontent in circumstances many of us would
regard as idyllic. He who asks but little may be blissful in humble
circumstances. It is ail a matter of how high one reaches in one's
expectations and aspirations.
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 13
This issue of expectations deserves a closer look. People's expec-
tations tend to be geared to the record of their past experience.
When improvements are subject to the limits of finitude which gen-
erally prevail in human affairs, the situation shown in figure 1.2
Figure 1.2: Expectations of Future Improvement
o ~

Expected Level
~ ..........
of Achievement '"
~ ~ / / - / /
,,' Actual Level
... ~ of Achievement

Envisaged Future
The phenomenon of deceleration is obvious here. We have the
usual configuration of an S-shaped, signoid curve of development.
When we extrapolate past experience, we see that the result is
inevitably such that our expectations outstrip our attainments. The
inescapable result is one of dissatisfaction. Things may get "better,"
objectively speaking, but they don't get better fast enough to meet
our subjective expectations.
On this basis, it becomes possible to provide a readily intelligible
account for the apparently startling phenomenon of increasing dis-
content in the present era of improving personal prosperity and
increasing public care for private welfare. What we are facing is an
escaJation of expectations, a raising of the levels of expectations with
correspondingly increased aspirations in the demands that people
make upon the circumstances and conditions of their lives. With
respect ta the requisites of happiness, we are in the midst of a
revolution of rising expectations, a revolution illustrated by the growth
of narcissism and the cult of self-advancement and self-advantage.
And, as our Epicurean proportion shows, when increased expecta-
tions outstrip actual attainments, even significantly growing attainments,
the result is a net decrease in satisfaction.
The paradox mooted above is readily resolved on the basis of
these considerations. In the past people were happier because their
achievements lived up to-or exceeded-their expectations. With
us, even though our level of achievement is higher (and therefore
our demands greater), a lower degree of satisfaction is bound to
result because of a greater shortfall from expectations. But neverthe-
less we will not want to exchange our circumstances for the subjectively
happier (but objectively less weil off) circumstances of the past. It
would seem that Americans have come to require more of life to
achieve a given level of happiness. Their view seems to be: "To be
sure, given what little people asked of life in those 'simpler' days,
what they had was quite sufficient to render them happy, or at any
rate happier than we are today, we who have more than they. But of
course we, with our present expectations, would not be very happy
in their shoes."
The Sources of Discontent
Other people can tell a person if he is healthy or in good financial
shape more reliably than that person himself. His physician may weil
be better informed than he on the former score, his tax consultant
on the latter. But no one else can tell more accurately whether or not
a person is happy. On happiness and its ramifications every man is
his own prime authority. Such self-appraisals of happiness are very
useful barometers, and the sociologists who design questionnaires
have often paid attention to this issue. This tends to produce rather
interesting findings, particularly as regards the sources of our dis-
contents, or at any rate their perceived sources. Consider, for ex-
ample, the data in table 1.2. It emerges that the prime factors that
separate the happy trom the unhappy are health, aging, and money
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 15
(which correlates closely with these, given the decline of economic
mobility that cornes with old age).
Table 1.2: Happiness and Worriment
Topics That Respondents Worry "Otten" About
(% of replies)
Grow- Get-
Self- ing ting
classification Health Old Money Ahead Work Marriage Children
Very happy 16%
Pretty happy 22
Not too happy 42
Source: Figures are derived trom data given in N. M. Bradburn and D.
Caplovitz, Reports on Happiness (Chicago, 1965), p. 55, table 2.27.
Indeed, table 1.3 shows that ag;ng ;s an espec;ally prominent con-
Table 1.3: Self-appraisals of Happiness
Happiness Categories
(% of replies)
70 and over
Very Happy
Pretty Happy
Not Too Happy
Source: Bradburn and Caplovitz, Reports on Happiness, p. 9, table 2.1
Another important factor bearing on happiness has to do with com-.
par;sons w;th others, about keeping up with the Joneses next dOOr.
The data of figure 1.3 are interesting in this connection.
Again, a consideration of work satisfaction is illuminating. The ac-
companying table shows the percentage of people in occupational
groups who would choose similar work again.
Professional and Percent of
white-eollar Willing
occupations Repeaters
Urban university
professors 93
Mathematicians 91
Physicists 89
Biologists 89
Chemists 86
Lawyers 83
Journalists (Wash-
ington corre-
spondents) 82
Church university
professors 77
workers, cross
section 43
Skilled printers
Paper workers
Skilled autoworkers
Skilled steelworkers
Textile workers
Blue-eollar workers,
cross section
Unskilled steelworkers
Unskilled autoworkers
Percent of
Only professionals in the more prestigious socioeconomic qccupa-
tions seem comparatively content with their allotted share of the
world's work. It is particularly noteworthy that 55 percent of ail
workers teel that they do less weil than persons in other occupa-
tions. One is reminded of the statistic that sorne 80 percent of ail
motorists regard themselves as better than average drivers.
The empirical facts do not bolster any optimistic viewthat scientific
and technological progress is about to usher in the millennium. The
main sources of unhappiness for people seem to be factors like
aging and decline in health and vigor, doing less weil than one would
like, problems in human relationships (particularly in regard to fami-
Iy and chidren), having less prestige than one would like.
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 17
Figure 1.3: Workers' Growing Feeling of /nequity
Ali Workers
1 1 r r
.. ~ JI
~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~
1 1 1 1
Fa" 1972
Fa" 1973
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
, f 1 1 1
~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~
1 1 1 r
.....................................~ j
........! ! } < ~ 1
~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ J
age 35 and over
White Collar
Jess than age 35
age 35 and over
Blue Cailar
Jess than age 35
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Percent Who Feel They Get Less
Than They Deserve Compared ta
Persans in Other Occupations
Source: University of Michigan /nstitute for Social Research: ISR
News/etter 2 (Summer 1974), 2.
It is clear that factors like these do not readily lend themselves to
manipulation by science and technology.
The Influence of the Life Cycle
It is illuminating to correlate people's self-appraisal of satis-
faction/dissatisfaction with their age and family status, as shown in
figure 1.4. Such a tabulation brings clearly to light where the high-
risk factors with regard to happiness attainment are. The advice to
offer would seemingly be: be female, be young (under 29), be
married, be childless.
These considerations show that much of human contentmentl
Figure 1.4: Life Satisfaction of Women and Men at Stages of the Life Cycle (1971)
Nver married, between
ages 18 and 29
Married. betwee"n ages
18 and 29. no children
1 r 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Married, youngest child
less than age 6
---.-.--.------.--.----.--.-it- -,--.--.---,.-- -.- -, ii.- - --.-.- ...-.-.--.---.---li
.............................. " ..
.................................................................................................................... .

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1
.. -.. .. - --.- -.--. "1
.............- "' ..
....................................................................... 'II .
............................................................................ .. . .

Married, youngest child
between ages 6 and 17
Married. youngest child
over age 17

:::::: :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:::;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;
Married. over age 29.
no children
1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1
Never married,
over age 29
; ;: :;:::::;:::::;:::;:;:::;:::;:;:::::;:j:;:::;:;:::::::;:::::
1 1 1
Divorced or separated

1 1 1 1
100 90 80 20 10 30 40 50 60 70
Percent Satisfied with Life as a Whole
Source: Campbell, Converse, and Rodgers, The Quality of American Lite.
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 19
satisfaction/happiness lies at a lever so deep that technological
progress can, by comparison, scratch only the surface of life. The
capacity of technical progress to contribute to our unhappiness
(pollution, overcrowding, system breakdown) is thus much greater
than its potential for contributing to our happiness, which seems to
turn in largedegree on factors like age and human (especially
familial) relationships and social interactions that lie largely or wholly
outside the manipulative range of science and technology.
A review of some of the main points in our deliberations is now in
1. Thinking about happiness and technological progress is apt to
be distorted by a deep-rooted tendency to think weil of the pas1.
(Every language has a phrase for it: the good old days, les bons
vieux temps, or eualquiera tiempo passado tue mejor; the Romans
spoke of laudatores temporis aefi, "glorifiers of the pas1.") This is
simply an amusing fact that tends to color our thinking about this
issue-one that we have to learn to discount for if we are going to
think realistically.
2. Contentment and satisfaction seem to depend on very basic
elements of the human condition, factors which our technical progress
leaves largely untouched and which actually do not admit of ready
3. There is what might be called the Fundamental Paradox of
Progress: progress produces dissatisfaction because it inflates ex-
pectations faster than it can actually meet them. And this is virtually
inevitable because the faster the expectations actually are met, the
faster they escalate.
At this stage it becomes necessary to dwell on the dangers of
turning against reason. Science and technology cannot deliver on
the $64,000 Question of human satisfaction and happiness because,
in the final analysis, they simply do not furnish the stuff of which real
happiness is made. And here lies the slippery slope of the danger-
ous descent from antiscientism to antiintellectualism to irrationalism.
Only reason and intelligence can solve our problems: if we turn
against them, we are lost.
And many people seem prepared to turn away from reason and
rationality. To quote from one popular book, significantly entitled
Science is a Sacred Cow by Anthony Standen: "Modern life in this
country is highly unnatural. Machines, telephones, radios, vitamin
pills, subways, cars, trains, airplanes, elevators, injections, television
... ail products of science, and ail intended individually to help us,
collectively harry us day and night and drive us to stomach ulcers or
the psychiatrie ward."
ln the 1920s and 1930s thoughtful and
socially concerned people looked on science and technology as
man's best hope and friend. Exactly the same sort of people would
now unhesitatingly dismiss this view as hopelessly naive. Indeed
science and technology are often seen as "the enemy" of ail that is
good and humane. Even so informed a thinker as the distinguished
bacteriologist Ren Dubos, in his book Reason Awake draws the
contrast between the past, when man was threatened by natural
forces he could not control, and the present, when our most potent
fears are engendered by the malign effects (or side effects) of
science and technology.15
Surely, great dangers loom ahead along this road. Science,
technology, and education in general present the nation with an
enormous bill for human and material resources. As long as people
maintain the illusion that they afford a royal road to human content-
ment, they will foot this bill willingly. But what if such disillusionment
reaches serious proportions not just with respect to science, but the
whole area of the life of the mind?
Science and technology will not, cannot, produce the millennium.
And yet in a crowded world of very limited resources we cannot
create an adequate setting for human life withoutthem. To recognize
that scientific rationality is not a sufficient condition for human hap-
piness is one thing -and represents a true insight. However, to
reject it as not being a necessary condition of human welfare would
be a gross mistake. It makes no sense to join the cult of antireason in
turning our backs on science and technology. The poor workman
always blames his tools; but in this context the difficulties lie not in the
tools but in our capacity to make intelligent use of them.
Technological Progress and Human Happiness 21
Also, and perhaps most seriously, it is worth dwelling on the
dangers of an inflation of expectations. Throughout the history of
this country, each generation has addressed itself to life on the
premise that the conditions and circumstances of its children would
be better than its own. Our faith in "progress" runs deep. What is life
going to be Iike when this expectation is abandoned, or even reversed?
Turning expectations around in a zero-growth world is no easy
matter. It will be very difficult to get people who have been taught that
every day in every way things are getting better and better to accept
the idea that the millennium is not around the corner. There is no
need to elaborate upon the whole collage of grumbling, discontent,
search for scapegoats, political extremism, and so on, that lies in this
Now if the recent escalation of expectations in regard to the
requisites of happiness were to continue unabated, then a tragic
time of reckoning will come. But man is a creature that learns by
experience, and a harsh curriculum of unpleasantly monitory expe-
riences lies ahead.
Finally, let us look back to the initial question: Does scientific and
technological progress promote human happiness? 1am afraid 1
have to say no. 1do so not because 1am a humanistic curmudgeon,
but because of the hard facts we encounter when we go into the field
and look at the reactions we get from people themselves.
Something akin to a principle of the conservation of negativity
seems to be operative in human affairs. It is a cruel fact of life that the
achievement of real progress need not be accompanied by any
commensurate satisfaction. And there is nothing perverse about
this; it is ail very natural. Man (as we know him in the West) tends to
be a creature of discontents, be they divine or otherwise. The immi-
nent goal once achieved, he simply raises his level of expectation
and presses onward to the next goal under the goad of renewed
One result of this tendency-a result that may properly be viewed
as unfortunate- is what might be characterized as the phenome-
non of hedonic discounting. This is best explained by an analogy. It
is a familiar commonplace that the stock market primarily responds
not to present economic facts but to anticipations .of the future.
Making present allowance for foreseeable future economic improve-
ments (or declines), the market has already discounted them by
anticipation when they become a reality and so underreacts to or
even ignores major achievements when they occur. A parallel
phenomenon operates in the context of foreseeable improvements
in the conditions of human life: a similar undervaluation of realized
achievements in the light of prior expectations. Having expected as
much (or generally more), we simply refuse to value very real
achievements at their own true worth. Once progress is achieved, it
becomes discounted as regards its real contribution to happiness;
we have already "raised our sights" in anticipation of its successors.
The considerations of this discussion point to the ironic conclusion
that advances have in the past, through their promotion of an escala-
tion of expectations, been self-{jefeating from the standpoint of
promoting happiness. The progress that has been made, real though
it is, has nevertheless tended to bring in its wake a diminution rather
than an increase in the general happiness of people.
Humanists are (or should be) lovers of reason, and one's every
rational bone cries out that, ideally speaking, people ought to be
happier as their conditions of life improve. But recalcitrant circum-
stances of the real world indicate that they do not in fact become so.
And seemingly for a deep-seated reason. As concerns happiness,
progress sets a self-{jefeating cycle into action:
Improvement ~ Aroused Expectations ~ ~ Disappointment
It seems that we must bring ourselves to realize, more in sorrow
than anger, that it is a forlorn hope to expect technological progress
to make a major contribution to human happiness, taken in its
positive aspect.
The Environmental Crisis
and the Quaiity ot Lite 2
We generally think of the environmental crisis as resulting from "too
much"-too much pollution, wastage, pesticide, and so forth. But
the economist views the problem as one of scarcity-too little clean
air, pure water, recreationally usable terrain, agriculturally exploit-
able land. The answer traditional among welfare economists to
problems of scarcity is based single-mindedly on the leading idea of
production. But, alas, the things that the environmental crisis leaves
in short supply-fresh air, clean rivers, unpolluted beaches, fertile
valleys-are not things to which the standard, traditional concept of
the production of goods and services applies. The project of
producing another planet to live on after we have used this one up is
unfortunately infeasible.
Most discussions of the environmental crisis are simply exercises
in motivation and social uplift. The lesson is driven home that if we
are good and behave ourselves, everything will come out just fine.
To adopt more stringent statutes of regulation, to subject grasping
enterprise to social pressure, to accept better social values and
attitudes, to espouse the program and ideology of planned parent-
hood or feminism, to hand the control of affairs over to those who
are younger and purer of heart-so runs the gamut of remedies
which their respective advocates would have us adopt and which,
once adopted (so we are told) will put everything to rights. Throughout
this stance there runs the fundamentally activistic optimism of the
American experience: virtue will be rewarded, and at the end of the
sixth reel, the good guys will ride off into the glorious sunset.
The present discussion proposes to dash some cold water on ail
this. It offers the deeply pessimistic suggestion that, crudely speaking,
the environment has had it and that we simply cannot return to "the
good old days" of environmental purity. We ail know of Thomas 23
More's futile laments over the demise of the feudal order and the
ruralistic yearnings voiced by the romantics in the early days of the
Industrial Revolution. Historical retrospect may weil cast the present
spate of hand-wringing over environmental deterioration as an essen-
tially analogous- right-minded but utterly futile- penchant for the
easier, simpler ways of bygone days.
Even to think of the problem as an environmental crisis is tendentious.
Crises are by definition transitory phenomena: they point toward a
moment of decision for life or death, not toward a stable condition of
things. The very terminology indicates an unwillingness to face the
prospect of serious environmental degradation as a permanent
reality, an ongoing fact of life to be contended with in an ongoing
way. To take this view goes deep against the grain. It involves a
circumstance that is unattractive, and unwelcome. But perhaps it
could be granted -at least for the sake of discussion -that the view
might possibly be correct and so deserves consideration. Granting
this hypothesis, let us explore its implications.
First let us be clearer about the hypothesis itself. It is certainly not
maintained that environmental activism is futile, that man cannat by
dint of energy and effort manage to clean up this or that environmen-
tal mess. Rather, what is at issue is the prospect that we may simply
be unable to solve the environmental crisis as a whole, that once this
or that form of noxiousness is expelled from one door some other
equally bad version comes in byanother. My hypothesis, in short, is
that the environmental crisis may weil be incurable. It just may be
something that we cannot solve but have ta learn to live with and
make the best of.
This hypothesis is surely not altogether unrealistic and fanciful.
Basically, the environmental mess is a product of the conspiration of
three forces: high population densities, high levels of personal con-
sumption, and a messy technology of production. Can one even
realistically expect that any of these can really be eliminated? Not the
population crunch surely. As one character remarked in a "Pea-
nuts" cartoon: "Everybody says there are too many of us, but no-
body wants to leave." Nor do things look rosy as regards consump-
tion. People everywhere in the world are clamoring for affluence and
a place on the high-consumption bandwagon, and pitifully few are
The Environmental Cri sis and the Quality of Life 25
jumping off. Nor, save in certain limited, highly publicized areas, are
we likely to get an environmentally benign technology of production
and consumption. (Nobody is enough of a bookworm to start eating
the evening newspaper, no matter how palatable chemical ingenu-
ity may be able to make it). Ail in ail, it takes much doing to persuade
oneself that the day of environmental pleasantness is somehow just
around the corner.
Thus the hypothesis in view is not altogether visionary.
Sorne Ideological Victims
If the continued unfolding of such an environmental crisis occurs,
various conceptions integral to the Americal social ideology will
have to go by the board, in particular the conceptions of mate-
rial progress, of technological omnipotence, and of millenial
Material Progress. Americans naturally tend to be antipathetic ta
the idea of a golden age, a time in the past when conditions of life
were superior to those of our own day. The concept of progress is
deeply, almost irremovably, impressed on the American conscious-
ness. And this is so not just in the remote past but very much in our
own day. Take just the most recent period since World War II.
Consider the marked signs of progress: (1) the increase of life
expectancy (at birth) from sixty-three years in 1940 to seventy years
in 1965; (2) the rise of per capita personal income from $1 ,810 in
1950 to $2,542 in 1965 (in constant [1958] dollars); (3) the increase
in education represented by a rise in school enrollments from 44
percent of the group in 1950 to 60 per-
cent in 1965; (4) the growth of social welfare expenditures from $88
per capita in 1945 to $360 per capita in 1965 (in constant [1958]
Taken together, such statistics bring into focus the steady and
significant improvement in the provisions for individual comfort and
social welfare that has taken place in the United States since World
War II. The very concept of "the good old days" is anathema to us
when the terms of reference are material rather than moral. (Ameri-
cans have usually been prepared to grant that the Founding Fathers
were better-and perhaps even happier-men than their own
contemporaries, but they have never been prepared to concede
that they were better off.) We have in general had a fervent commit-
ment to the concept of material progress, that everything is getting
bigger and better (or almost everything-with such occasional ex-
ceptions as trains and restaurant service).
Relinquishing the concept of progress will not come easy to us. It
is going to take a lot of doing to accustom us to the idea that the
quality of life in this nation is on balance going to get worse or at any
rate will not get better. We have had little preparatory background
for accepting the realization that in some key aspects in the quality of
life the best days may be behind us. It is doubtful, to say the least, that
we are going to take kindly to the idea; there may be vast social and
political repercussions in terms of personal frustration and social
unrest. The British have made a pretty good show of having to haul
down the flag of empire. But one may weil be skeptical about our
ability to show equally good grace when the times comes to run
down our banner emblazoned with Standard of Living.
Technological Omnipotence. A belief in the omnipotence of
technology runs deep in the American character. We incline to the
idea that, as a people, we can do anything we set our mind to. In a
frontier nation there was little need to acknowledge limits of any sort.
The realization of finite resources, the recognition of opportunity
costs, the need for making choices in the allocation of effort, and the
inescapable prospect of unpleasant consequences of our choices
(negative externalities) are newcomers to American thinking. The
new economic consciousness, the recognition of the realities of
cost-benefit analysis, is so recent that it has not as yet come fully
home to us. For the course of our historical experience has not really
prepared us for these realities of finiteness and incapacity. We ex-
pect government to "handle things" - not only the foreign wars,
economic crises, and social disorders of historical experience, but
now the environmental crises as weil. The idea that our scientific
technology and the social technology of our political institutions may
be utterly inadequate ta the task does not really dawn on us. If and
when it finally does, the fur will surely fly. (The unhappy fate of the
The Environmental Crisis and the Quality of Life 27
conservationist, retrenchmental sector of Jimmy Carter's energy
program is perhaps the first indication of this.)
Millennial Hankerings. Americans have manifested more mil-
lennial hankerings than perhaps any other people since the days
when apocalyptic thinking was in fashion. The idea that a solution to
our problems lies somehow just around the corner is deeply
ingrained in our onsciousness. Nobody knows the themes to
which people resonate better than politicians. And from Woodrow
Wilson's Fourteen Points to Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal to the
quality-of-Iife rhetoric of Lyndon Johnson's presidential campaign,
the fundamentally millennial nature of our political rhetoric is clear.
"Buy our program, accept our policies, and everything in the coun-
try will be just about perfect." That is howthe politicians talk, and they
do so because that is what people yearn to hear. We can accept
deprivation now as long as we feel assured that prosperity lies just
around the corner. No political campaign is complete without sub-
stantial pandering to our millennial yearnings through assurances
that if only we put the right set of men in office ail our troubles will
vanish and we can ail live happily ever after. We as a nation have yet
to learn the unpleasant lesson that such pie-in-the-sky thinking is a
luxury we can no longer afford.
A New Ideology: The Need for Realism
The conception that the quality of life, currently threatened by the
environmental crisis, represents simply another one of those condi-
tions of scarcity for which the welfare economists' classic prescrip-
tion of "producing oneself out of il" applies is profoundly misguided.
There is good reason to think thatthe environmental crisis is not real-
Iy a crisis at ail, but the unavoidable inauguration of a permanent
new condition of things. This new condition will engender a reversai
of the ongoing escalation of expectations regarding the material
conditions of life that is and long has been typical of Americans. In
various crucial respects regarding the quality of life we may have to
settle for less. This development will unquestionably require consid-
erable ideological revisionism. In particular, it will demand as victims
our inclination to progressivism, our Promethean faith in man's
technological omnipotence, and our penchant for millennial think-
ing. What is needed in the face of the environmental crisis at this
point, as 1see it, may weil be not a magisterial confidence that things
can be put right, but a large dose of cool realism tempered with stoic
resignation. We had better get used to the idea that we may have to
scale down our expectations and learn to settle for a lowered stan-
dard of living and a diminished quality of life.
The ideological consequences of such a reorientation will clearly
be profound. The result cannot but be a radically altered ideology, a
wholly new American outlook. What will this be? Ail too temptingly it
may be a leap to the opposite extreme: to hopelessness, despon-
dency, discouragement, and escapism; the sense of impotence and
aprs nous le dluge. Such an era of negativism may weil be the
natural consequence of the presently popular rhetoric of the envi-
ronmental crisis. And the American people do not have a particu-
larly good record for sensible action in atime of disappointed expec-
tations. Our basic weakness is a rather nonstandard problem of
morale: a failure not so much of nerve as of patience.
Yet such a result-despair and disillusionment-is surely un-
warranted. It is realism and not hopelessness that provides the
proper remedy for overconfidence. Let us by ail means carry on the
struggle to "save the environment" by ail feasible steps. But let us not
entertain misguided expectations about the prospects of success,
expectations whose probable disappointment cannot but result in
despondency, recrimination, and the tempting resort ta the dire
political measures that are natural to gravely disillusioned people.
The proper stance is surely not one of fatalistic resignation but of
carrying on the good fight ta save the environment, doing so in fully
realistic awareness that we are carrying on a limited war in which an
actual victory may weil lie beyond our grasp. It has taken an ex-
traordinarily difficult struggle for us to arrive at a limited war perspec-
tive in international relations under the inexorable pressure of the
political and technological facts of our times. And we have not even
begun to move toward the corresponding mentality in the sphere of
social problems and domestic difficulties. Yet just this is clearly one
of the crucial sociotechnological imperatives of our day.
The Environmental Crisis and the Quality of Life 29
This conclusion will very likely strike many as a repulsive instance
of "gloom and doom" thinking. This would be quite wrong. The
moral, rather, is at worst one of gloom without doom. Man is a being
of enormous adaptability, resiliency, and power. He has learned to
survive under some extremely difficult and unpleasant conditions.
By ail means, let us do everything we can to save the environment.
But if we do not do a very good job of it-and it is doubtful, to say the
least, that we will- this is not necessarily the end of the world. We
have been in tight corners and unpleasant circumstances before
and have managed to cope.
The Allocation of Exotic
Medical Lifesaving Therapy 3
Technological progress has in recent years transformed the limits of
the possible in medical therapy. However, the very sophistication of
modern medical technology has brought .the economists' classic
problem of scarcity in its wake as an unfortunate side product. The
enormously complex equipment and the highly trained teams of
experts needed to operate it are scarce resources in relation to
potential demand. The administrators of the great medical institu-
tions that preside over these scarce resources thus come to be
faced increasingly with the awesome choice: Whose life to save?
A (somewhat hypothetical) paradigm of this problem may be
sketched within the following set of definitive assumptions. We suppose
that people in some particular medically morbid condition are "mor-
tally afflicted" in that in the absence of treatment it is effectively certain
that they will die within a short time. It is assumed, furthermore, that
some very complex course of treatment (e.g., a heart transplant)
represents a substantial probability of life prolongation for people in
this condition. We assume that the availability of human resources,
mechanical instrumentalities, and requisite materials (e.g., hearts in
the case of a heart transplant) make it possible to give a certain
treatment-an "exotic medicallifesaving therapy"-to a number of
people that is small relative to those in the mortally afflicted condition
at issue. The problem then may be formulated as follows: How is
one to select within the pool of afflicted patients the ones to be given
the lifesaving treatment in question? Faced with many candidates
where effective treatment can be made available to only a few, one
confronts the decision of who is to be given a chance at survival and
who is, in effect, to be condemned to die.
30 As has already been implied, the heroic variety of spare-part
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 31
surgery can pretty weil be assimilated to this paradigm. One can
foresee the time when heart transplantation, for example, will have
become a routine medical procedure, albeit on a very limited basis,
since acardiac surgeon with the technical competence to transplant
hearts can operate at most only a few times each week and the
elaborate facilities for such operations are bound to exist on a
modest scale. Moreover, in spare-part surgery there is always a
problem of the availability of the spare parts themselves.
Another example is afforded by long-term hemodialysis, a process
by which an artificial kidney machine is used periodically in cases of
chronic renal failure to substitute for a nonfunctional kidney in cleaning
potential poisons from the blood. There is only a Iimited number of
chronic hemodialysis units, whose complex operation is an expen-
sive proposition. For the present and the nearfuture, "the number of
places available for chronic hemodialysis is hopelessly inadequate."16
The traditional medical ethos has insulated the physician against
facing the very existence of this problem. When swearing the
Hippocratic oath, he commits himself to work for the benefit of the
sick in "whatsoever house 1 enter," renouncing the explicit choice of
saving certain lives rather than others.
Of course, doctors have
always had to face such choices on the battlefield or in times of
disaster, but there the issue had to be resolved hurriedly, under
pressure, and in circumstances which effectively precluded calm
deliberation by the decision maker as weil as criticism by others. In
sharp contrast, however, cases of the type we have postulated in the
present discussion arise predictably and represent choices to be
made deliberately and "in cold blood."
It should be remarked, to begin with, that this problem is not
fundamentallya medical problem. For when there are sufficiently
many afflicted candidates-so we may assume-there will als0 be
more than enough for whom the purely medical grounds for lifesaving
intervention are decisively strong in any individual case, and just
about equally strong throughout the group. But in this circumstance
a selection of some afflicted patients rather than others cannot, ex
hypothesi, be made on the basis of purely medical considerations.
Selection is thus a problem which must somehow be solved by
physicians, but that does not make it a medical issue any more than
the problem of hospital building is a medical issue. Structurally, it
bears a substantial kinship with those issues that revolve about the
notorious whom-to-save-on-the-lifeboat and whom-to-throw-to-the-
wolves-pursuing-the-sled questions. But whereas those questions
are artificial, hypothetical, and farfetched, the issue of lifesaving
therapy poses a genuine policy question for the responsible admin-
istrators in medical institutions, indeed a question that threatens to
become commonplace in the foreseeable future.
A body of rational guidelines for making choices in these literally
life-or-{jeath situations is an obvious desideratum. This is an issue in
which many interested parties have a substantial stake, including
the responsible decision maker who wants to satisfy his conscience
(and his potential critics) that he is acting in a reasonable way.
Moreover, the family and associates of the patients who are turned
away-to say nothing of the patients themselves- have the right to
an acceptable explanation. And indeed even the general public
wants to know that what is being done is fitting and proper. Ail these
interested parties are entitled to insist that a reasonable code of
operating principles provides a defensible rationale for making the
life-and-{jeath choices.
1. The Two Types of Criteria
Two distinguishable types of criteria are bound up in the issue of
making such lifesaving choices: criteria of inclusion and criteria of
comparison. This distinction requires explanation. We can think of
the selection as being made by a two-stage process: (1 ) the selection
from among ail possible candidates (by a suitable screening process)
of a group to be taken under serious consideration as candidates for
therapy; and then (2) the actual singling out, within this group, of the
particular individuals to whom therapy is to be given. Thus the first
process narrows down the range of comparative choice by eliminat-
ing en bloc whole categories of potential candidates. The second
process calls for a more refined, case-by-ease comparison of those
candidates that remain. By means of the first set of criteria one forms
a selection group; by means of the second set, an actual selection is
made within this group.
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 33
2. Essential Features of an Acceptable Selection System
A selection process for the choice of patients to receive lifesaving
therapy will be acceptable only when the reasonableness of its
component criteria can be established.
To qualify as reasonable, the selection procedure must meet two
important structural requirements: it must be simple enough to be
readily intelligible, and it must be plausible, that is, patently reasonable
in a way that can be apprehended easily and without involving
ramified subtleties. Those responsible for lifesaving choices must
follow a modus operandi that virtually ail the people involved can
readily understand to be acceptable (at a reasonable level of gener-
ality, at any rate). Appearances are critically important here. It is not
enough that the choice be made in a justifiable way; it must be
possible for people- plain people-to see (i.e., understand without
elaborate teaching or indoctrination) that it is indeed justified, insofar
as any mode of procedure can be justified in cases of this sort.
One further requirement is obviously an essential feature of a
reasonable selection system: ail its component criteria, those of
inclusion and those of comparison alike, must be reasonable in the
sense of being rationally defensible. Above ail, it must be fair - it
must treat relevantly like cases alike, leaving no room for influence
or favoritism.
3. The Basic Screening Stage: Criteria of Inclusion (and
Three sorts of considerations are prominent among the plausible
criteria of inclusion/exclusion at the basic screening stage: the con-
stituency factor, the progress-<>f-science factor, and the prospect-<>f-
success factor.
The Constituency Factor
Sophisticated therapy is usually available only at a hospital or
medical institute or the like. Such institutions generally have clientele
boundaries. A veterans' hospital will not concern itself primarily with
treating nonveterans; a children's hospital cannot be expected to
accommodate the senior citizen; an army hospital can regard col-
lege professors as outside its sphere. A medical institution is justified
in considering for treatment only persons within its own constitu-
ency, provided this constituency is constituted upon a defensible
basis. Thus the hemodialysis selection committee in Seattle "agreed
to consider only those applicants who were residents of the state of
Washington.... They justified this stand on the grounds that since
the basic research ... had been done at ... a state-supported
institution - the people whose taxes had paid for the research should
be its first beneficiaries. "19
The Progress-of-Science Factor
The needs of medical research itself can provide a second valid
principle of inclusion. The research interests of the medical staff in
relation to the specifie nature of the cases at issue is a significant
consideration. It may be important for the progress of medical
science (and thus of potential benefit to many patients in the future)
to determine how effective the therapy at issue is with diabetics or
persons over sixty or with a negative Rh factor. Considerations of
this sort represent another type of legitimate factor in selection for
lifesaving therapy. (A borderline case under this head might be a
patient who was willing to pay, not in monetary terms, but in offering
himself as an experimental subject, say by contracting to return at
designated times for a series of tests substantially unrelated to his
own health, but yielding data of importance to medical knowledge in
The Prospect-of-Success Factor
It may be that while the therapy at issue is not without some
effectiveness in general, it has been established to be highly effective
only with patients in certain specifie categories (e.g., females under
forty of a specifie blood type). This difference in effectiveness - in the
absolute or in the probability of success- is (we assume) so marked
as to constitute virtually a difference in kind rather than in degree. In
this case, it would be perfectly legitimate ta adopt the practice of
making the therapy at issue available only or primarily ta persans in
this substantial-promise-of-success category. (It is on such grounds
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 35
that young children and persons over fifty are sometimes ruled out
as candidates for hemodialysis.)
Ta this point, we have held that the three factors of constituency,
progress of science, and prospect of success represent legitimate
criteria of inclusion for selection for exotic lifesaving therapy. But it
remains to examine the considerations which legitimate them. The
legitimating factors are in the final analysis practical or pragmatic in
nature. From the practical angle it is advantageous, indeed to some
extent necessary, that the arrangements governing medical institu-
tions should embody certain constituency principles. It also makes
good pragmatic and utilitarian sense that progress-of-science con-
siderations should be operative. And, finally, the practical aspect is
reinforced by a whole host of other considerations, including moral
ones that countervail against violating the prospect-of-success cri-
terion. Throughout this basic screening stage, then, a legitimating
rationale of fundamentally pragmatic considerations is forthcom-
The appropriateness of each of these three factors is of course
conditioned by the ever present element of limited availability. Each
is operative only in this context; specifically, prospect of success is
a legitimate consideration only because we are dealing with a situa-
tion of scarcity.
4. The Final Selection Stage: Criteria of Selection
Five elements must, as we see it, figure prominently among the
plausible criteria of selection that will be used in further screening
the group constituted after application of the criteria of inclusion:
the relative-likelihood-of-success factor, the life-expectancy factor,
the family-role factor, the factor, and the
services-rendered factor. The first has already been discussed. Let
us consider the remaining four.
The Life-Expectancy Factor
Even if the therapy at issue is "successful" in a patient's case he
may, considering his age or other aspects of his general medical
condition, expect to live only a short time. This matter of the expect-
ed duration of future life (and of its quality as weil) is obviously a
factor that can appropriately be taken into account.
The Family Role Factor
A person's life is a thing of importance not only to himself but ta
others-friends, associates, neighbors, colleagues. But his (or her)
relationship to his immediate family is a thing of unique intimacy and
significance. The nature of his relationship ta his wife, children, and
parents, and the issue of their financial and psychical dependence
upon him, are obviously matters that deserve to be given weight in a
lifesaving selection process. Other things being anything like equal,
the mother of young children must take priority over the middle-
aged bachelor.
The Potential-Contributions Factor (Prospective Service)
ln choosing to save one life rather than another, the society,
through the mediation of the particular medical institution in
question - which should certainly look upon itself as a trustee for the
social interest - is clearly warranted in considering the likely pattern
of future services to be rendered by the patient (adequate recovery
assumed), considering his age, talent, training, and past record of
performance. In its allocations of complex and expensive therapeutic
procedures, society invests a scarce resource in one person as
against another and is thus entitled to safeguard its own interests by
looking to the probable prospective return on its investment.
It may weil be that a thoroughly egalitarian society is reluctant ta
put someone's social contribution into the scale in situations of the
sort at issue. One popular article states that "the most difficult standard
would be the candidate's value to society," and goes on ta quote
someone who said: "You can't just pick a brilliant painter over a
laborer. The average citizen would be quickly eliminated."21 But
what if it were not a brilliant painter but a brilliant surgeon or medical
researcher that was at issue? One wonders if the author of the obiter
dictum that one "can't just pick" would still feel equally sure of his
ground, particularly seeing that it is (ex hypothesi) not a matter of
just picking, but picking for clear and cogent reasons. In any case,
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 37
the fact that the standard is difficult to apply is certain no reason for
not attempting to apply il. The problem of lifesaving selection is
inevitably burdened with difficult standards.
The Services-Rendered Factor (Retrospective Service)
One person's services to another person or group have always
been taken to constitute a valid basis for a claim upon this person or
group, of course a moral and not necessarily a legal claim. Society's
obligation to recognize and reward services rendered, an obligation
whose discharge is also very possibly conducive to self-interest in
the long run, is thus another factor to be taken into accounl. This
should be viewed as a morally necessary correlative of the previously
considered factor of prospective service. It would be morally inde-
fensible of society in effect to say: "Never mind about services vou
rendered yesterday- it is only the services to be rendered tomorrow
that will count with us today," We live in very future-oriented times,
constantly preoccupied in a distinctly utilitarian way with future
satisfactions. And this disinclines us to give much recognition to
past services. But parity considerations of the sort just adduced
indicate that such recognition should be given on grounds of equity.
Moreover a justification for giving weight to services rendered can
also be attempted along utilitarian lines. ("The reward of past services
rendered spurs people on to greater future efforts and is thus socially
advantageous in the long-run future pour encourager les autres.")22
These four factors fall into three groups: a biomedical factor, a
familial factor, and two social factors. With the first, the need for a
detailed analysis of medical considerations comes to the fore. The
age of the patient, his medical"condition, his specific disease, and so
forth, will ail need to be taken into exact account. These biomedical
factors represent technical issues; they cali for the physicians' expert
judgment and the medical statisticians' hard data. And they are
ethically uncontroversial factors. Their legitimacy and appropriateness
are evident from the very nature of the case.
Greater problems arise with the familial and social factors. They
involve intangibles that are difficult to assess. How is one to develop
subcriteria for weighing the relative social contributions of (say) an
architect or a librarian or a federal judge? And they involve highly
problematic issues. (For example, should good moral character be
rated a plus and bad a minus in judging services rendered?) Issues
of this sort are strikingly unpleasant for people brought up in times
greatly inclined toward maxims of the type Judge Not! and Live and
Let Live! Ali the same, in the situation that concerns us here such
distasteful problems must be faced. Unpleasant choices are intrin-
sic to the problem of lifesaving selection; they are of the very essence
of the matter.
But is reference to ail these factors indeed inevitable? The justifica-
tion for taking account of the medical factors is obvious and that of
the familial factor is relatively straightforward. But why should the
social aspect of services rendered and to be rendered be consid-
ered at ail? The answer is that they must be taken into account not
from the medical but from the ethical point of view.
Despite disagreement on many fundamental issues, moral phi-
losophers of the present day are pretty weil agreed that the justifica-
tion of human actions is to be sought largely (if not exclusively) in
the principles of utility and justice.
But utility requires reference of
services to be rendered and justice calls for a recognition by parity to
services that have been rendered. Moral considerations would thus
seem to demand recognition of these two factors.
To be sure,
someone might say that moral considerations ought to play no role
in such a context of social politYbecause they are inherently contro-
versial (philosophers continue to dispute about them-as about ail
else). But this should not worry us. For one thing, the exclusion of
moral considerations is itself a doctrinal stance that is itself no less
controversial and disputable. There is no shirking the ethical dimen-
sion. We must in this domain, as elsewhere, simply do the best we
can in the circumstances at hand.
5. More Than Medical Issues Are Involved
ln recent years, an active controversy has sprung up in medical
circles over the question of whether nonphysician laymen should be
given a role in lifesaving selection (in the specifie context of chronic
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 39
hemodialysis). One physician writes: "1 think that the assessment of
the candidates should be made by a senior doctor on the [dialysis]
unit, but 1am sure that it would be helpful to him-both in sharing
responsibility and in avoiding personal pressure- if a small unnamed
group of people [presumably including laymen] officially made the
final decision. 1visualize the doctor bringing the data to the group,
explaining the points in relation to each case, and obtaining their
approval of his order or priority. "26
Essentially this procedure of a selection committee of laymen has
for some years been in use in one of the most publicized chronic
dialysis units, that of the Swedish Hospital of Seattle, Washington.
Many physicians are apparently reluctant to see the allocation of
medical therapy pass out of strictly medical hands. Thus Dr. Ralph
Shakman writes: "Who is to implement the selection? ln my opinion
it must ultimately be the responsibility of the consultants in charge of
the renal units.... 1can see no reason fordelegating this responsibility
to lay persons. Surely the latter would be better employed if they
could be persuaded ta devote their time and energy to raise more
and more money for us to spend on our patients."28 Other physi-
cians strike much the same note. Dr. F. M. Parsons writes: "In an
attempt to overcome ... difficulties in selection some have advocat-
ed introducing certain specified lay people into the discussions. Is it
wise? 1doubt whether a committee of this type can adjudicate as
satisfactorily as two medical colleagues, particularly as successful
therapy involves close cooperation between doctor and patient. "29
And according to Dr. M. A. Wilson: "The suggestion has been made
that lay panels should select individuals for dialysis from among a
group who are medically suitable. Though this would relieve the
doctor-in-eharge of a heavy load of responsibility, it would place the
burden on those who have no personal knowledge and have to
base their judgments on medical or social reports. 1do not believe
this would result in better decisions for the group or improve the
doctor-patient relationship in individual cases."3Q
But no amount of flag-waving about the doctor's facing up to his
responsibility (or prostrations before the idol of the doctor-patient
relationship and reluctance to admit laymen into the sacred precincts
of the conference chambers of medical consultations) can obscure
the essential fact that Iifesaving selection is not a strictly medical
problem. When there are more than enough places in a facility for
lifesaving therapy to accommodate ail who need it, then it will clearly
be a medical question to decide who does have the need and which
among these would successfully respond. But when 9ross insuffi-
ciency of places exists, when there are ten or fifty or one hundred
candidates for each place in the program, then it is simply unrealistic
to take the view that purely medical criteria can furnish a sufficient
basis for selection. The question of selection becomes serious as a
phenomenon of scale; as more candidates present themselves,
strictly medical factors are increasingly less adequate as a selection
criterion precisely because by numerical category-crowding there
will be more and more cases whose "status is much the same" so far
as purely medical considerations go.
The problem clearly poses issues that transcend the medical
sphere because, in the nature of the case, many residual issues
remain to be dealt with once ail the medical questions have been
faced. Because of this there is good reason why laymen as weil as
physicians should be involved in the selection process. Once the
medical issues have been considered, extramedical and specifically
social issues remain to be resolved. The instrumentalities of therapy
have been created through the socialinvestment of scarce resources,
and the interests of the society deserve to play a role in their utilization.
As representatives of their social interests, lay opinions should function
to complement and supplement medical views once the proper
arena of medical considerations is left behind.
One physician has argued against lay representation on selection
panels for hemodialysis as follows: "If the doctor advises dialysis and
the lay panel refuses, the patient will regard this as a death sentence
passed by an anonymous court from which he has no right of
appeal. "32 But this drawback is not specific to the use of a lay panel.
Rather, it is a feature inherent in every selection procedure, regardless
of whether the selection is done by the head doctor of the unit, bya
panel of physicians, or some other person or group. No matter who
does the selecting among patients recommended for dialysis, the
feelings of the patient who has been rejected (and knows it) can be
expected to be much the same, provided that he recognizes the
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 41
actual nature of the choice (and is not deceived by the possibly
convenient but ultimately poisonous fiction that because the selection
was made by physicians it was made entirely on strictly medical
ln summary, then, the question of selection in the allocation of
scarce lifesaving therapy would appear ta be one that is in its very
nature heavily laden with issues of medical research, practice, and
administration. But it is not a question that can be resolved on solely
medical grounds. Strictly social issues of justice and utility will invari-
ably arise, questions going outside the medical area in whose reso-
lution medical laymen can and should play a substantial raie.
6. The Inherent Imperfection (Nonoptimality)of Any Selection
The preceding discussion has argued that four factors must be
taken into substantial and explicit account in the operation of a
system of selection for scarce Iifesaving therapy:
A. Expectancy of future lite. Is the chance of the treatment's
being successful ta be rated as high, good, average, or what?33 And
assuming success, how much longer does the patient stand a good
chance of living, considering his age and general condition?
B. Fami/yraIe. To what extent does the patient have responsibilities
ta others in his immediate family?
C. Social contributions rendered. Are the patient's past services
to his society outstanding, substantial, or average?
D. Social contributions ta be expected. Considering his age,
talents, training, and past record of performance, is there a substantial
probability that the patient will- adequate recovery being assumed-
render in the future services to his society that can be characterized
as outstanding, substantial, or average?
This list has a serious deficiency. It is clearly insufficient for the
actual construction of a reasonable selection system, since that
would require not only that these factors be taken into account
(somehow or other), but, going beyond this, would specify a set of
procedures for taking account of them. The specifie criteria that
would constitute such a system would have to take account of
the interrelationship of these factors (e.g., C and 0), and to set out
exact guidelines as ta the weight that is ta be given ta each of them.
This is something our discussion has not as yet considered.
No doubt, there is no such thing as a single rationally superior
selection system. The position of affairs in this regard stands somewhat
as follows: (1) It is necessary (for reasons already canvassed) to
have a system; and (2) to be rationally defensible, this system should
take the factors A-O into substantial and explicit account. But (3) the
exact manner in which a rationally defensible system takes account
of these factors cannat be fixed in any one specifie way on the basis
of general considerations. Any of the variety of ways that give A-O
their due will be acceptable and viable. One cannot hope to find
within this range of workable systems some one that is optimal in
relation to the alternatives. There is no one system that is "the
(uniquely) besf; there are a variety of systems that manage, in one
way or another, to accommodate ail the various factors.
The situation is structurally very much akin to that of the rules for
dividing an estate among the relations of a decedent who leaves no
will. It is important that there be such rules. And it is reasonable that
spouse, children, parents, siblings, and others be taken account of
in these rules. But the question of the exact method of division (for
instance that when the decedent has neither living spouse nor living
children then 60 percent of his estate is to be divided between
parents and 40 percent between siblings rather than dividing 90
percent between parents and 10 percent between siblings) cannat
be settled on the basis of any general abstract considerations of
reasonableness. Within broad Iimits, a variety of resolutions are ail
perfectly acceptable; no one procedure can justifiably be regarded
as "the Cuniquely) best" because it is superior ta ail others on the
basis of considerations of general principle.
Such considerations
can only indicate that these factors be taken into account, but they
do not determine exactly how this should be done.
7. A Possible 8asis for a Reasonable Selection System
Having said that there is no such thing as the optimal selection
system, no uniquely correct system of rules for the allocation of
The Allocation of Lifesaving Therapy 43
livesaving therapy in situations of scarcity, let us now sketch out the
broad features of what might plausibly qualify as an acceptable
The basis for the system would be a point rating. The scoring
would give roughly equal weight to the medical consideration A in
comparison with the extramedical considerations B, C, and D, also
giving roughly equal weight to these three items. The result of such a
scoring procedure would provide the essential starting point of the
selection mechanism.
The detailed procedure 1would propose-'not of course as opti-
mal (for reasons we have seen), but as eminently acceptable-
would combine the scoring procedure just discussed with an ele-
ment of chance. The resulting selection system would function as
1. First the criteria of inclusion described in section 3 would be
applied to constitute a first phase selection group which, we shall
suppose, is substantially larger than the number n of persons who
can actually be accommodated with the therapeutic resources at
2. Next the criteria of selection of section 4 are brought to bear via
a scoring procedure of the type described in section 6. On this basis
a second phase selection group is constituted which is only slightly
larger, say by a third or a half, than the critical number n.
3. If this second phase selection group is relatively homogeneous
as regards rating by the scoring procedure, that is, if there are no
really major disparities within this group (as would be likely if the
initial group was significantly larger than n), then the final selection is
made by random selection of n persons from within this group.
This introduction of the element of chance in what could be
dramatized as a "lottery of life and death" should be justified.
tact is that such a procedure would bring with it three substantial
First, as we have argued above (in section 6), any acceptable
selection system is inherently nonoptimal. The introduction of the
element of chance prevents the results that Iife-and-<1eath choices
are made by the automatic application of an admittedly imperfect
selection method.
Second, a recourse to chance would doubtless make matters
easier for the rejected patient and those who have a specifie interest
in him. It would surely be quite hard for them to accept his exclusion
by relatively mechanical application of objective criteria in whose
implementation subjective judgment is involved. But the circum-
stances of life have conditioned us to accept the workings of chance
and to tolerate the element of luck (good or bad); human life is an
inherently contingent process. Nobody, after ail, has an absolute
claim to therapy in a situation of drastic scarcity, but most of us
would feel that we have as good a claim to it as anyone else in
substantially similar circumstances. The introduction of the element
of chance assures a like handling of like cases over the widest area
that seems reasonable.
Third (and perhaps least) , such a recourse to random selection
does much to relieve the administrators of the selection system of
the awesome burden of ultimate and absolute responsibility for
life-or-<ieath decisions.
These three considerations would seem to build up a substantial
case for introducing the element of chance into the mechanism of
the selection system. 36
It should be recognized that this injection of man-made chance
supplements the element of natural chance that is present inevitably
and in any case (apart from the role of chance in singling out certain
persons as victims for the affliction at issue). As F. M. Parsons has
observed: "Any vacancies [in a technologically sophisticated lifesaving
program- specifically hemodialysis] will be filled immediately by the
first suitable patients, even though their claims for therapy may
subsequently prove less than those of other patients refused later. "37
This first-eome-first-served aspect introduces an inescapable ele-
ment of contingency. The realm of the goddess Fortuna has not
shrunk since classical antiquity; life is a chancy business, and even
the most rational of human arrangements can cover this circum-
stance over to a very limited extent at best.
Ethicallssues Regarding
the Delivery of Health Care 4
Often in life we are "of two minds" about something; conflicting
factors pull us in opposite directions and "we can see it both ways,"
so to speak. We feel ambivalent because there is a good deal to be
said on each of two diametrically opposed sides, and the operation
of conflicting forces impel us in divergent and incompatible direc-
tions. This produces the sort of situation which Marxist theoreticians
like to reter to as a contradiction. This essay will describe and
examine four such conflicts or contradictions in the ethics of health
care. These are: (1) the system versus the individual; (2) quality
versus equality; (3) the present versus the future; (4) the more
narrowly available better versus the more widely available good.
Each of these conflicts indicates deep ethical problems that have
very practical and pressing implications for policy and procedure.
ln seeking to clarify the issues involved here, my aim is to do the
job of a philosopher: to raise questions, to sharpen our focus on the
issues, and to indicate considerations that must be taken into ac-
count. To do this is not necessarily to provide answers or solutions.
But it seems nonetheless to be a virtually indispensable preliminary
thereto, as weil as representing a useful mission in its own right. It is
none too soon to examine these problems at the level of general
theory before they bewilder us at the level of detailed practice. It is
weil to clarify the theoretical issues before the push and shove of
political controversy blocks any prospect of calm and informative
1. The System versus the Individual
The first tension to be considered relates to the allocation of
responsibility for health care and centers on the question, is it to be 45
the individual himself who is primarily and predominantly respon-
sible for seeing that his h l t h ~ r services are adequately provided
for in "the system" that society might institute through design or
inadvertence? This question of responsibility clearly poses para-
digmatically ethical issues.
ln its present-day setting, this problem cannot be handled in the
abstract on the basis of general principle alone. We must begin
with a closer look at the real-world situation regarding threats to
health and the delivery of h l t h ~ r services. What is striking to
anyone who examines the statistics of the causes of death in the
United States is the massive role played by conditions traceable
to what may simply and honestly be characterized as bad personal
habits. Ccnsider the state of affairs portrayed below:
Death Rates for Selected Causes (1972)
(per 100,000 population)
1. Major cardiovascular diseases 494
2. Malignant neoplasms 167
3. Influenza and pneumonia 29
4. Diabetes mellitus 19
5. Cirrhosis of the liver 16
6. Certain diseases of early infancy 16
7. Bronchitis, emphysema, and 16
8. Motor vehicle accidents 27
9. Other accidents 27
10. Suicide 12
11 . Violent crime 9
The historical statistics indicate a tendency for death rates to in-
crease markedly from conditions traceable to the impact over many
years of certain personal habits: smoking, drinking (and drugs),
inactivity, and poor diet. Smoking contributes a substantial fraction
to items 1 and 2. Drinking accounts for some of item 1, ail of item 5,
roughly two-thirds of item 8, and a certain amount of item 9. As to
items 10 and 11, it is reliably estimated that one-half of ail homicides
Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery of Health Care 47
and one-third of ail suicides in the United States are related to the use
of alcohol. Inactivity and poor diet contribute massively ta item 1.
We ail know the propaganda about these so-ealled diseases of
affluence. Middle-aged men who are 20 percent above normal
weight run two to three times the risk of fatal heart attack. About 75
percent of lung cancer is caused by smoking. Death rates for heart
attacks in men range from 50 to 200 percent higher among ciga-
rette smokers than among nonsmokers, depending on age and the
amount smoked. And it would be easy to pralong this statistical
As one considers the causal situation regarding the big killers that
represent the major threats to health in present-day America, the
realization is forcibly brought home ta us that an increasingly im-
prominent role is played by those factors (communicable diseases
and nonautomotive accidents) over which the individual has rela-
tively little control and an increasingly prominent role is played by
those factors over which the individual in fact has substantial con-
trol. Like it or not, we are driven to the conclusion that in very large
measure it is the individual himself who alone can and should take
the responsibility for delivering the great bulk of h l t h ~ r services
he stands in need of.
This line of thought indicates the unrealism of some of the current
discussions on health-eare delivery. Ail too often the issues are
posed in the format of a Victorian melodrama. We have the villain
(the existing institutional system), the hapless heroine (the poor
person being denied medical care), the hero (the state that forces
the villain's hand in doing the heroine justice), the appreciative by-
stander (the cheering public). There hovers before us a monitory
example of the poor man with appendicitis being turned away
from a mercenary hospital to perish miserably in the streets. This
sort of picture cannot withstand critical scrutiny. Even acursory look
at the fact of the situation is enough ta show up its unrealism as a
pattern for the problems of distributive justice in the medical area.
If such a stress on self-Driginating initiatives is anything like cor-
rect, it bears sorne very uncomfortable implications. Americans are
addicted to, and are pretty competent at handling, issues that re-
quire technological solutions and systems-design problem-solving.
We are fascinated by problems that admit of economicopolitical
solutions and cali for enhanced governmental fundingand adminis-
trative rationalization. We focus our attention on getting an ambu-
lance service better able to care for heart-attack victims, or on the
really big issues of distributive imbalance-geographical imbalance
(getting more doctors into rural areas) and service imbalance (get-
ting more doctors into family practice and other primary-eare activi-
ties). And there is no question that such problems are important and
difficult. But important though they are, they yet remain second-
order-or even fourth-order-considerations in the larger health-
care picture. We must face the sobering but inescapable fact that no
foreseeable improvement in medical practice or in the distribution of
medical services could make an impact on the health of Americans
that would amount to more than a minute fraction of the improve-
ment that could be wrought by the cultivation of better personal
The major issues, it would appear, lie in the sphere of the individ-
ual rather than of "the system." And just this is the source of the
discomfort. For the real issues involve sensible attitudes and intelli-
gent actions on the level of the individual. They root in the facts of
human heedlessness and stupidity. It is clear that such factors are
comparatively intractable and do not lend themselves to monetary
or administrative resolution. The basic problem is the relative effec-
tiveness of public action versus private values in grappling with the
issues. It would be a grave-even if comforting - illusion that a
combination of greater governmental outlays and statutory manipu-
lation will prove of substantial avail here. For what we most urgently
need is not socialized medicine, or an ampler infusion of public
funds into the medical area, or a better distributive system of medical
services, or lower hospital costs, but a larger dose of old-fashioned
morality or even plain common sense. Unfortunately, the latter
items are much harder to come by than the former.
2. Quality versus Equality
ln the modus operandi of a system for providing health-eare
services the fundamental tension between quality and equality crops
Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery of Health Care 49
up from many points of view. One faces in various ways the choice
between equal care versus a superior system for providing care in
general. It is a question of a smaller pie divided equally versus a
larger pie where everyone is better off but the divisions are unequal:
Consider a very concrete example of this. Many of us have ad-
mired the National Health Service of Great Britain as an intelligent
and efficient component of a combination of public and private
medicine, a two-track system of publically and privately financed
medical care, both functioning at what has in the past seemed to be
a very high level. But some parts of this combination reflected a
highly pragmatic compromise made when Parliament instituted the
service following World War Il: the allocation of some private beds in
public hospitals, and the provision of some supporting services
(X-ray facilities, laboratory facilities, etc.) by the public to the private
sector, in both cases at charges that generally met the actual ex-
penses involved. This pragmatic compromise in fact proved advan-
tageous for public-sector medicine. By exacting a partial subsidy
from the private sector it tended to make the public system superior
to what it would otherwise have been. And by helping to make
medical practice more attractive it has helped to recruit and retain
practitioners for British medicine.
On the other hand, there is no question that the two-tier system
produces inequities. The private patient has a wider choice of physi-
cians and services than the public health patients do. Moreover, the
private patient does not have to wait for nonemergency surgery,
while a public health patient may face a delay of many months
because of long waiting lists. It is unnecessary to dwell at length on
how distasteful this situation seems to the academic ideologues of
the politicalleft and their rank-and-file adherents (at any rate in those
trades whose unions have not managed long ago to persuade
management to provide for private medical insurance). So there
has sprung up a powerful and largely successful movement-with
nurses and technicians pushed into its foremost ranks- to undo the
compromise of the 1940s and create a total divorce between public
and private medicine. As could readily be foreseen, purblind pursuit
of rigid equality in this context has worked to diminish the capacity of
the National Health Service to maintain the quality of service it could
otherwise deliver. But this consideration cuts no ice with the doctri-
naire devotees of the left.
The preceding characterization has perhaps drawn the lines of
this case too harshly for the sake of an example. But, so drawn, it does
at any rate illustrate clearly the fundamental point at issue. We face
here what is a rather general issue of distributive justice throughout
many contexts, namely the issue of more versus more equal. In
certain situations, what is unfair may nevertheless not be unjust in a
deeper sense, provided that the unfairness can be shown to work
itself out to the general advantage. We face the deep question of
whether equality is not bought at too high a priee if it can only be had
by compromising the qualities of the services available to every-
body. The tension in the delivery of medical services between the
systemic quality of service and the equality of access in its delivery
seems to present a vivid illustration of such a situation.
3. The Present versus the Future
Let us nowturn to the third example of a tension or "contradiction"
in the health-care area, that between the demands of the present
and those of the u t u r ~ t h claims of the living versus those of the
yet unborn. The issue can be posed in the form of a resource-
allocation question. Specifically, it is the problem of the costs and the
benefits of medical research.
Historically, this was a nonissue. Even a single generation ago, the
amount of money and talent invested in medical research was a
trivial quantity. For example, less money was spent on polio re-
search in the entire prewar generation 1915-1945 than in any pair of
years during the decade after 1948. Throughout the early 1960s
Ethicallssues Regarding the Delivery of Health Care 51
substantially more was spent on medical research than on nursing-
home care throughout the United States. In the early 1970s we spend
annually on medical research an amount standing at some 6 per-
cent of the total costs of hospital care, and at morethan 12 percent of
the sum total of physicians' services. In recent years the increase in
medical research and development expenditure has been particu-
larly dramatic, to the point where these costs are a hefty share of the
overall pie of total health costs. They have increased trom a 3
percent slice of a $26 billion pie in 1960 to a ,4 percent slice of a $94
billion pie in 1973-an impressive quadrupling from $.85 billion in
1960 to $3.5 billion in 1973.
A very general and fundamental point about the development of
science is forcibly illustrated by biomedical research rather than
violated by il. In the course of scientific progress one solves the
relatively easy and straightforward problems first and puts the rela-
tively more complex and intractable ones off to the future. As time
goes on, problems become more difficult.
Medicine affords an interesting illustration of the extent to which
latter-day problems tend to be more intractable than earlier ones
and the demand for their solution a vastly greater resource invest-
ment. The historical predominance of the diseases that represent
the major killers are set out in table 4.1.
Table 4.1: The Killer Diseases
Percentage of Deaths
1900 1930 1960
Heart disease and stroke 15.4 35.9 54.0
Influenza and pneumonia 11.8 9.1 3.9
Tuberculosis 11.3 6.3 0.6
Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, and colitis 8.3 2.3 0.5
Children's ailments (measles,
diphtheria, whooping cough) 3.8 1.1 0.0
Cancer 3.7 8.6 15.6
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever 1.8 0.4 0.0
Source: Economic Costs of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer, 1962,
Public Health Service Publication No. 947-5 (Washington, D.C., 1965),
table 1.
The record of success is doubtless impressive: more than half of the
big killer-diseases of 1900 have been virtually eliminated as serious
threats. But what is significant is the greater intractability of the prob-
lems that remain. Finding a cure for TB or gastritis or diphtheria is
still small potatoes compared with finding a cure for today's big kil-
lers. In 1962, a total of $1 ,032 x 10
was spent on medical research
in the United States, distributed as follows:
$117x 10
$128 x 10
$787 x 10
The United States was spending more money (and effort) on cancer
in 1962 than it was spending on ail medical research in 1950 and,
arguably, more than had been spent on ail medical research in the
history of mankind until 1940. Phenomenally, this massive expendi-
ture has morethan doubled to $2,277 x 10
by 1972, and America is
currently spending on medical research an amount that is some-
what over 4 percent of what private consumers are expending on
medical care.
The scale of this research effort is truly impressive.
Of course, one tackles the easier problems first-that goes without
saying. But the striking thing is the extent to which the later prob-
lems become more difficult and demand ever increasing levels of
effort for their resolution, in the biomedical area exactly as elsewhere
in natural science. It is sobering to contemplate the vast efforts and
expenditures of present-day drug research when one considers that
the basic research that led to the discovery of penicillin was a shoe-
string operation costing no more than $20,000.
We thus find ourselves entering into the characteristic condition of
a classic law ofdiminishing returns: costs rise, the significance of re-
sults diminish on the average, the waiting times for significant results
increase dramatically. Many observers have commented on the
ironie fact that, as one acute British writer recently put it: "It is pre-
cisely during the last two decades-when scientific medicine is
alleged to have blossomed and when the quantity of resources allo-
cated to medical care has rapidly increased - that the decline in mor-
tality that has been associated with the industrialization has tapered
off to virtually zero."
Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery of Health Care 53
1ndeed some observers see the situation not as a slowdown but as
a stoppage. The eminent Australian immunologist Sir Macfarlane
Burnett, who received a Nobel prize for medicine in 1960, after
surveying work in the biological sciences concludes:
After working for a year on the present book 1cannot avoid the
conclusion that we have reached the stage in 1971 when little
further advance can be expected from laboratory science in the
handling of the "intrinsic" types of disability and disease. There
will always be possibilities of improvement in detail but 1 am
specially impressed by the fact that since 1957 there has been no
new thought on the handling of cancer, of old age, or of auto-
immune disease. The only real novelty has been kidney trans-
plantation.... None of my juniors seems to be worried as 1am,
that the contribution of laboratory science to medicine has vir-
tually come to an end. The biomedical sciences ail continue to
provide fascinating employment for those active in research, and
sometimes enthralling reading for those like me who are no longer
at the bench but can still appreciate a fine piece of work. But the
detail of an RNA phage's chemical structure, the place of cyclo-
stomes in the evolution of immunity or the production of antibody
in test-tubes are typical of today's topics in biological research.
Almost none of modern basic research in the medical sciences
has any direct or indirect bearing on the prevention of disease
or on the improvement of the medical care.
The lesson of these considerations for our purposes is contained
in two facts. (1) Research is getting so expensive as actually to direct
significant resources from delivery of health care. (2) Progress is so
slow and the payoff on research such a long-term issue that the
benefit of research may never redound to those actually making the
investment but only to their historical successors.
Consider the increased waiting times between the initiation of an
intensive research effort and its successful issue in decisive preven-
tive or curative instrumentalities. For the communicable diseases
that were big killers at the turn of the century this was a matter of a
few years and some tens of thousands of dollars; for polio it was a
matter of a couple of decades and some $25 millions; for cancer the
escalation may weil reach billions of dollars stretched over a whole
The massive increase in research costs and the elongation of the
gestation period exemplify the operation of our third tension, the
claims of the present versus those of the future. There can be no
question that the massive requirement of medical research for the
investment of material resources and skilled manpower leads to a
substantial curtailment of our capacity to deliver health-eare serv-
ices here and now.
4. The Question of Resources: Settling for Less than the
As medicine advances into regions of ever growing complexity
and sophistication, the demands on talent, human services, and
equipment grow to a point where the economics of therapy become
well-nigh unmanageable. The individual patient has for the most
part already arrived at this juncture of economic incapacity in more
cases than one likes to think of. And the time when third-party insur-
ers will get there is not ail that far away. More and more the real
question does not concern the technical issue of what we can do,
but the economic issue of what we can afford to do.
ln the past, the biomedical sciences have flourished at a logarith-
mic growth rate whose ever accelerating increases cannot be pro-
jected into the future. Take the cost of delivering medical services in
the United States, for example. If these costs continue to rise at
today's rate, they would amount to the whole of our gross national
product early in the next century. But we are entering an era of zero
growth, which means an era of scarcity in many regards. And here
questions of priorities arise, of doing this at the expense of that.
Issues of a fundamentally ethical and moral character now arise
because the very economics of modern high-technology medicine
itsel1 poses moral problems of the most acute and difficult variety.
Throughout recent times American medicine has been governed
by the simple precept that the patient deserves the best; where the
medical needs of people are concerned nothing less than the very
best is viewed as minimally acceptable. This reflects an attitude that
Ethical Issues Regarding the Delivery of Health Care 55
is unquestionably admirable. But its practical application is highly
problematic. Here, as elsewhere, it can transpire that the better is the
enemy of the good. The pushing out of the frontiers of capability can
weaken the more mundane, but yet no less important, regions
closer to home. The situation in contemporary medicine is reminis-
cent of the late Roman empire-strength at the outer frontiers and a
great multitude of weaknesses and problems in the less exotic
regions of the heartland.
The economics of the situation put some very difficult and uncom-
fortable questions on the agenda:
1. Considering the great expense in manpower and resources
involved in work at the frontiers, should there be a major redeploy-
ment from research to therapy, adopting the idea that a bird in hand
is better than a (pretty costly) bird in the bush?
2. Should we redeploy resources from complex and expensive
high-technology intervention to lower-technology therapy and-
above all-to preventive medicine?
3. Should we abandon the idea that "only the very best is good
enough?" And atjust what stage are we to shiftfrom an optimizing to
a satisficing rationale in the delivery of health care (to use Herbert
Simon's term)?
The present discussion has drawn attention to four conflicting
tensions in the area of the delivery of h l t h ~ r services: (1) the
extent to which responsibility can be imputed to "the system" for
delivering medical services versus the extent to which it does and
should rest with the individual; (2) the relative desirability of enhanc-
ing the overall quality versus improving the equality-of-access to
medical services; (3) the claims of the present versus those of the
future as an issue posed by the escalating resource demands of
biomedical research; (4) the related, economically rooted problems
posed by the principle that the patient deserves the best and the
issue of expensive (and so limited) high technology intervention
versus less costly (and so more pervasively available) lower-technology
therapy. Each of these cases has the classic form of a moral dilemma
ln each instance we are torn in a conflict of two discordant desid-
erata- individual responsibility versus social concern; quality of ser-
vice versus equality of opportunity; present welfare versus future
benefits; deeper effectiveness versus wider effectiveness. Ali four
issues pose problems of a very general structure that arise as ethi-
cal issues in many areas. But they seem to me to pose particularly
relevant and increasingly pressing problems in the medical con-
text because the stakes are so high: the physical welfare and indeed
the very lives of people are at stake.
Although nothing said here can be claimed to provide or even to
point toward any manageable solutions to these problems, there
nevertheless are some rather obvious morals that emerge more or
less spontaneously once the issues are spelled out clearly. (1) Our
concern for the delivery of health-eare services has been too system-
oriented. People as individuals can and should carry a far heavier
burden of responsibility here. (2) The desideratum of equality, no
matter how legitimate a value in its own right, should not be pro-
moted in so doctrinaire and unthinking a way as to dilute the
capacity of the health-eare system to serve the community at large.
(3) We should acknowledge as real and authentic the claims pres-
ently made upon us by the concerns of the future through the
mediation of research. (4) Nevertheless, this can and should be
done with open eyes, with the realization that these claims may
become very large indeed if substantial progress is to be made as
one penetrates further into the area of diminishing returns.
Ideals, Justice, and Crime
This essay will consider the relative role of theoretical ideals and
harsh realities in relation to justice. What sort of a thing is justice or,
for that matter, other things of its kind, like liberty or equality? The
answer is that they are clearly ideals. Accordingly, let us begin by
considering what ideals are, how they work, and what can be ex-
pected of them. Thereafter, in the second part of the essay, we shall
apply these general considerations about ideals to justice in particu-
lar and examine in this light the major obstacles to realizing a 9reater
degree of justice in American society under present-day conditions.
The word ideal used as a noun, is quite versatile. The dictionary
accords a wide spectrum of senses to the term, of which the one
relevant for present purposes may be defined as follows:
an aspect of states of affairs that is to be valued for and desired on
account of its embodiment of an element of excellence; a noble
desideratum relating to the human condition. Examples: liberty,
eQuality, and fraternity; liberty and justice for ail; well-roundedness
~ the full development of human potential; humility or courage
or charity. 44
An ideal in this sense represents an important human value that we
would-or at any rate 1eel we should-like to promote and to see
realized more fully, and whose enhancement is viewed as an inherently
worthy objective in the management of human affairs.
What do ideals do for us? What raie ta they play in the scheme of
things? The answer lies in the consideration that man is a rational
agent. He can act and he must choose among alternative courses of 57
action. This crucial element of choice means that our actions will be
guided by ends and aims, purposes and objectives. To some extent,
these goals will be fixed by considerations of "necessity" relating to
survival and physical well-being. But to some extent they can, and in
an advanced condition of human development they must, be guided
by necessity-transcending objectives. Man's "higher" aspirations
come into play-his yearning for a life that is not only bearable, and
not merely secure and pleasant, but is also meaningful in that it has
some element of excellence or nobility about it. And this is where
ideals come in. They are the guideposts to action aimed at these
excellence-oriented objectives in human affairs.
Ideals al ways involve an element of idealization. They are as-
pects of excellence, taken in isolation as apart from other aspects.
When we consider one such desideratum in separation from others,
we engage in an act of abstraction - we put ail other considerations
aside for the time being. This aspect of idealization attaches to ail
ideals. It has important consequences. It means that we do not
encounter ideal situations in actual experience. Ideals are not merely
"things of the mind," but visions of things about which there is
al ways an element of the visionary. This links them to idealism in the
other sense of this term- not that of an attachment to ideals but that
of the doctrine of the fundamentality of mind-made artifacts. They
are incapable of "genuine fulfillment." Circurnstances as we actually
encounter them do not- nay cannot-exhibit the complete and
unqualified realization of ideals.
An ideal tells us what is best in sorne respect or other. When we
know the ideal state, we have before us what is the very best of
possible alternatives. But this is not enough. For to apply any such
principle in practice we must know which of several feasible nonideal
alternatives is to be preferred; we must know not only what is the
best, but must be able ta determine-in the great majority of cases,
at any rate-which of several alternative possibilities is "the better." A
principle of evaluation is not adequate if it merely depicts atheoretical
ideal that we cannat apply in practice to determine which of several
putative possibilities cames "closest to the ideal." (How far has the
beginner come toward learning how to evaluate bridge hands when
he is told that the ideal holding consists of the four aces, the four
kings, the four Queens, and a jack?)
Ideals, Justice, and Crime 59
By themselves, ideals are thus a very incomplete guide to action.
One must have the practical sense needed to effect a working
compromise among them. It is a point weil worth stressing that an
ideal morality-a framework of ideals-is in itself far from sufficient
to furnish the guidance we need in the proper conduct of our
evaluative affairs.
What is needed for making effective use of our ideals is something
to which writers on ethics and value theory have been loath to
address themselves, a criterion of comparative merit for suboptimal
alternatives. To proceed intelligently in the sphere of values, we must
be capable not simply of absolute idealization (i.e., of knowing what
the ideal is), but also of relative evaluation (i.e., of determining which
of the actually available suboptimal alternatives is to be regarded as
the most satisfactory).
ln thinking about an ideal, one should never forget that other,
"competing" ideals are there as weil. Ideals, Iike values and desiderata
in general, do not exist in a vacuum. They do not operate in isolation.
They can be pursued only in acomplex setting where other "compli-
cating" factors are inevitably copresent. Every ideal coexists along-
side others within the context provided by what could be character-
ized as a system of ideals.
Ideals must accordingly be coordinated with one another. Each
ideal can-and should-be pursued and cultivated only insofar as
this is consonant with the realization of other values. The pluralism of
ideals, the fact that each must be taken in context, means that in the
pursuit of our ideals we must moderate them to one another. Whenever
multiple desiderata coexist they stand in contextual interaction; we
cannot appropriately pursue one without reference to the rest.
Safety is a prime desideratum in a motorcar. But it would not do to
devise a "perfectly safe" car whose maximum speed is 1.75 mph.
Safety, speed, efficiency, operating economy, breakdown avoid-
ance, and so forth, are ail prime desiderata of a motorcar. Each
counts but none predominates in the sense that the rest should be
sacrificed to it. They must ail be combined in a good car. The
situation with respect to ideals is altogether parallel.
The pluralism and interactionism of ideals means that a narrow
focus upon a single ideal is not very helpful in guiding action. Ideals
must stand in balance. To stress one to the neglect of the rest is
ultimately self-<iefeating. The pursuit of ideals is profitable only within
the setting of a concern for the overall "economy" of the system of
ideals, providing for the mutual interaction of its component desiderata
in the light of mutual constraints. An ideal mustthus be seen ta figure
as simply one component within a framework of interrelationship
which makes it possible to strike a reasonable balance between the
different and potentially discordant demands of various concurrent
Two points must be carefully distinguished in this connection. The
first is the simple and essentially economic point that the resources
we commit ta the pursuit of one ideal cannot be committed to that of
another; in a world of limited resources we must thus make choices.
This point is true- but also rather trivial. The second is more subtle.
It is that the realities of the world are such that ideals stand in
systematic interaction of the sort exemplified in the motorcar ex-
ample. And this means that their realization is inherently Iimited by
the intrinsically interactive nature of things.
Different aspects of "our imperfect world" are at issue: in the one
case we have to do with man's limited resources, in the other with
man's limited power. Even were our resources unlimited, there
would nevertheless remain drastic, nature-imposed limits to the
extent to which man1s wish and will can be imposed on the realities
of the world. The stress on ideals must be tempered by recognition
of this inherent feature: they balance off, one against another.
This feature of our ideals (and of our desiderata in general) means
that the contrivance of an evaluatively suitable mix of life arrange-
ments is a design problem, akin to that of landscape gardening or
interior decoration. One can have too much of a good thing. Simplicity
is fine but can lead to barrenness; variety is good but can lead to
clutter. Ideals can be similarly overstressed. Justice is a splendid
thing; but fiat justitia, ruat caelum is not an appealing precept.
This aspect of the inherent interaction-limitedness of ideals has
important consequences. It means that ideals can only be pursued
within the limits of the possible in a complex and no doubt imperfect
world. And so, while ideals can and should be striven after, they can
never be realized fully or perfectly or completely because the at-
tempt to achieve such realization would mean an unacceptable
Ideals, Justice, and Crime 61
sacrifice of other ideals. Their pursuit must be conditioned by a
realistic appreciation of the intrinsic limits: there is a point at which
further pursuit would produce unacceptable sacrifices elsewhere
and thus prove counterproductive in the larger scheme of things.
ln the pursuit of ideals, unrealism is thus a constant danger. There
is an object lesson to be learned from the case of the man so intent
on the cultivation of his pet ideal that he fails to realize that it is not
worth having if its achievement blocks the way to other desiderata.
(This might be called the "Monkey's Paw" effect after the classic
short story by W. W. Jacobs.) Such unrealism is implicit in the
somewhat negative note struck in common language by the use of
"idealistic" to characterize a person who has an exaggerated
(unrealistic, unwarranted) view of the extent to which an ideal can be
brought to realization -without producing untoward side effects.
The cultivation of ideals must thus be tempered and conditioned
by the recognition that the pursuit can be overdone. Even as we can
make the car so safe that we exact an unacceptable reduction of
(say) its economy of operation, so we can emphasize public order in
the state in such a degree as to compromise individualliberty, for
example. Our dedication to ideals must be tempered by the recognition
that in their cult;vation there comes a juncture, the point of no
advantage, where "the better is the enemy of the good."
A very important difference thus exists between a compromise of
one's ideals and abetrayal of them. The former occurs in the cultiva-
tion of one's ideals when one tempers or limits their further pursuit
because their interaction with other ideals requires some mutual
accommodation. To press further with the supposedly "compromised"
ideal would produce unacceptable sacrifices elsewhere within the
framework of ideal-endorsed objectives. In this regard, the com-
promise of ideals;s inev;table, "realistic," and nowise reprehensible.
The betrayal of an ideal is something very different. It is to sacrifice
it for unworthy reasons-greed, convenience, conformity, or the
like, to desist in its pursuit in circumstances where pressing on could
and would actually further the good cause. Betrayal involves not
going as far as one ought; compromise, by contrast, involves not
going further than one ought. The two things are clearly very dif-
It is important-crucially important-for a person to have ideals.
The person without them is like one who wanders through life lost,
bereft of any sense of direction. But having a destination, like having
ideals, is not enough: it does not resolve the practical choices that
confront us on a moment-to-moment basis. Having a destination is
not much help; we must know about life's twists and turns as weil. If
one "doesn't know how to get there from here," then having even an
excellent destination is quite pointless.
Let us now change course and consider the bearing of these
abstract considerations about ideals upon one very particular ideal,
that of justice in general and criminal justice in particular. For justice
is clearly an ideal, and so, in particular, is social justice with its
idealized conception of "the just society," (The concept of "liberty
and justice for ail" is in fact one of the great historie ideals in the
evolution of human aspirations.) Accordingly, certain considera-
tions regarding justice at once follow in the light of the preceding
analysis of ideals in general.
To begin with, we cannot reasonably expect justice to become an
actually realized aspect of the existing state of things. Justice, Iike
any ideal, is a goal to be striven after; it is not a condition into whose
full possession we can ever hope to enter. John F. Kennedy put it
simply: "Life is unjust." It is counterproductive to espouse millennial
expectations, because this leads to a frustration and defeatism that
would impede our realization of suboptimal but perfectly feasible
objectives. With justice, as with other ideals, it can happen that the
better is the enemy of the good.
Another point is equally important. Justice, Iike any ideal, will have
to stand alongside other ideals. And these may countervail against it
in such a way as to require the sort of mutual coordination which we
have seen to be typical with respect to ideals in general.
Now there is one particular conflict within the ideal of justice itself
to which 1wish to cali special attention. This is the tension between
personal justice-justice as it pertains to the rights, claims, and
interests of particular individuals-and communal justice-justice
Ideals, Justice, and Crime 63
as it pertains to the rights, claims, and interests of people in general
within what one might cali the "eommunity at large." There is a
potential eonfliet between retail justice eonstrued as an ideal for
individuals on the one hand (heed for the rights of individuals, the
safeguarding of particular interests) and wholesale justice as an
ideal for the public at large, pertaining to the desiderata of commu-
nal welfare ("the general advantage"; the safety or security of the
public at large).
This potential conflict between personal and communal justice
can become particularly acute in the context of a legal system of
criminal justice. The human condition being what it is, we cannot
perfeet such a system with respect to every desideratum. If we are
overly sensitive to protecting the rights and interests of the accused
individuals who are caught up in the system, we enlarge the num-
bers of potentially dangerous criminals who escape its net to put the
community at risk; if we are too zealous about insuring that ail of the
guilty are caught in the net we must tighten its mesh to a point where
it endangers the rights and interests of the guilty and perhaps of
some of the innocent as weil. This tension is clearly an instance of
problems arising from the coordination of ideals. It is a matter of
getting the balance right in resolving problems of intrasystemic
competition, of getting enough of one ideal without the unfortunate
side effect of the insufficiency of another.
There is little difficulty in discerning the shifts that have occurred
historically in attempts to achieve a suitable balance between the pull
of atomic and of molar demands. The rights and claims of individu-
ais and the interests and general advantage of the public at large
have al ways been a matter of difficult and precarious balance. And
over the years, the pendulum has swung back and forth between
too great an emphasis in the one direction or the other.
When one considers where the United States stands in the 1970s
in this regard, there can be little question that we do not in fact have
the balance right, and that we are currently intent-exaggeratedly,
unrealistically, and almost foolishly intent-on cultivating the
individual-oriented sector of justice at the expense of its socially-
oriented sector. On the issue of individual claims (the rights of the
accused, for example) in contrast to the interests of the public (the
personal safety and security of people), we have come to lean far
too much to the side of the individual.
A clear symptom (and effect) of this imbalance is the social dis-
order that pervades contemporary America. Its most striking mani-
festation is crime, and particularly and most strikingly the proliferation
of crimes of violence. For a society nominally at peace with itself, we
have moved shockingly far along the road toward realizing "the
violent community," as shown graphically in table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Crime and Criminality in the United States
1960 1973
Per Per
1000 1000 Increase
No. Pop. No. Pop. 1960-73
Criminal offenses known
ta the police
Total 3,364,000 19.00 10,192,000 48.00 258
Homicides 8,464 0.05 20,465 0.10 100
Total arrests 3,679,000 20.00 6,500,000 31.00 52
Prisoners at end of year
(state & federal) 212,953 1.19 204,211 0.98 -17
Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United States, 1975
These figures bear interesting comparison with public expendi-
tures for law enforcement (in millions of current dollars):
Amount Per Capita
$3,349 $18.54
% Increase
Per Capita 1960-1973
$61.71 332%
Ideals, Justice, and Crime 65
We may let the cost/effectiveness aspect of these figures pass in
charitable silence.
These statistics lead back to our initiai question. They indicate that
America is in a very fundamental respect a grossly unjust society, a
society where the most basic rights of people within the general
community-their rights to security in possessions, and indeed
even safety in life and limb-are very inadequately safeguarded.
One aspect of this condition of things deserves special emphasis.
Ordinarily we tend to think, with a view to the course of recent history
in much of the world, that justice is preeminently a matter of preventing
the state from infringements upon the legitimate rights and interests
of individuals. But the circumstances of the contemporary Ameri-
can context are rather different in this regard. In our present-day
situation, by far the gravest threat against the people's legitimate
rights and interests comes not from the state but from other
individuals-the growth 'of "big government" and the pervasive in-
fluence of the state in our lives notwithstanding. The gravest block to
the just society at this stage of American history is not the abuse
of public power, but the greed, malice, and folly of our individual
fellow men.
Think of the hue and cry that would ensue today if some agency of
government were to abridge even a single life without good and
sufficient reason, without due process and the benefit of extensive
legal proceedings. Think of the vast and elaborate machinery we
have created to assure that justice is done- and seen to be done- to
the individual at the hands of the state. In matters large and small
we have some reasonable security that the state will treat us justly,
and we usually have some means of recourse when it does not.
But where our fellow individuals are concerned, the matter is very
differerlt.- Consider the enormous toll of criminal violence, the
thousands killed, maimed, raped, and robbed by the malicious
individual initiative of their fellow men. It is no exaggeration to say
that the injustices perpetrated upon Americans by ail the organs of
the state, at every level, pale into virtually trivial insignificance as
compared with the toll taken by violent criminality. The simple (though
cruel) truth is that no other factor even begins to compare with crime
in contributing to the circumstance that present-day America is
removed very far indeed from the ideal of a just society. Ironically,
exaggerated fears about the threat to individual (personal) justice
posed by the "big state" have contributed not a little to this gross
abridgement of social (communal) justice.
What can be done to remedy this situation? 1certainly cannot
claim to have the answer. And there is no reason why 1should, being
neither a sociologist concerned with uncovering the causes of
criminality, nor a criminologist concerned with determining its
treatment. The job of the philosopher is to identify problems, to
clarify their structure, and to evaluate their bearing. His task is
diagnosis; the cure involves manipulative talents outside his sphere.
Of course, 1do have a few ideas-ideas, to be sure, for which no
particular originality can be claimed.
The overall object is, of course, the reduction of violent crime. And
this has two aspects: preventive anticipation and ex post facto treatment.
The former involves measures of social amelioration (the reduction
of poverty, ignorance, and alienation), the latter involves criminal
justice per se. Now insofar as the criminal justice system can make
its contribution to the desideratum of crime reduction, we would be
weil advised to rethink the role of the three main parameters here:
rehabilitation/reform, deterrence, and incapacitation.
Let us begin with the first of these approaches to the control of
criminality, rehabilitation (as it is optimistically called). The painful
experience of many decades has finally brought home the fact that
we simply do not know how to go about the rehabilitation and
reform of criminals. It would be a fine thing if we could do it- but
then it would be very nice if money grew on trees or eating apples
cured cancer. The cruel fact is that we might as weil write rehabilitation
off in our thinking. Nobody has any workable ideas of how to go at it
on the scale requisite for an effective criminal justice system in the
United States.
Deterrence is something else again. It hinges on three major
considerations: the likelihood of apprehension; the prospect of con-
viction (if apprehended); the severity of the penalty (if convicted).
When people talk of deterrence, they generally make the great
Ideals, Justice, and Crime 67
mistake of thinking in terms of punishment alone. But the other two
factors are far more crucial, and a great deal could surely be done
here. With respect to the prospect of conviction, for example, we
might do weil to take a leaf out of the book of our English cousins.
Their system of criminal justice has for some time adopted the
practice of so-ealled majority verdicts, where the votes of ten out of
twelve jurors suffices for conviction. Such an alteration of present
practices would diminish the prospect of a successful resort to
bribery, intimidation, or of the exploitation of human foibles.
As regards the third factor, incapacitatibn, a good case can be
made for holding that it deserves to be taken more seriously in
considering the rationale of punishmentthan has generally been the
case in the past. Muggers, burglars, and rapists cannot practice
their trade in prison: each day in jail is a day on which a criminal
cannot victimize other citizens in the community at large. Of course
we must house him and clothe him and feed him at a cost that may
reach $25,000 per man-year. But that may be a tolerable priee to
pay in modern society for greater security of life, limb, and property.
And in any case, we must learn to weigh in the scales of justice not
only the rights and claims of the criminal offender, but those of his
past and potential victims as weil.
Since 1am a philosopher, 1can ask that others devise the practical
steps necessary to grapple with the problem of violent criminality.
But it warrants stress that the problem is today of such a magnitude
that we must approach it with a more determined and enterprising
spirit than we have done in the past and are in course of doing at the
present. And in coming to grips with this issue we have to put away
our ideological blinders and deal with the world as it is, not as we
would like itto 00. Aboveall, we mustapproach the matter pragmatically
and in an empirical spirit. There is no point in seeking to formulate
pet solutions on a basis of "general principles.
Dogmas and ideolo-
gies will not help; what is needed is a pragmatic approach based on
intelligent experimentation and a careful heed of the empirical facts.
ln particular, we would do weil to take advantage of the important
opportunity given us by the fact that we have fifty different states with
different sets of laws and law-enforcement processes. One often
hears this diversity lamented, but it is a blessing in disguise. It is the
height of foolishness to insist on uniformity when one has no real
assurance regarding what to be uniform about. And we can only
learn from the experience of others in circumstances where those
others are in a position to have experiences different from our own.
Economies Versus Moral
Philosophy: The Pareto
Principle as a Case Study
On issues of social policy, economists traditionally tend to enroll
themselves in the ranks of the philosophical utilitarians. They view
questions of social choice in terms of sharing out goods and evils,
benefits and sacrifices, in short, as distributions of positive or nega-
tive "utility" to the members of the society. And they incline to accept
as the determining consideration the traditional utilitarian guidepost
of "the greatest good of the greatest number."
On this basis, a pivotai role comes to be played by a principle that
goes under the name of the great Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto
(1848-1923). Its key components are as follows:
Definition. One distribution of utility to the members of a so-
ciety is a "Pareto improvement" upon another if it is such that
sorne fare better and none fare worse.
Definition. A distribution is "Pareto optimal" within a range of
alternatives if it represents Pareto improvement over every other
member of this set.
Thesis. Whenever one alternative represents an overall distri-
bution of utilities to the members of a society that is Pareto
optimal within a set of its rivais, then the "socially rational" thing to
do is to prefer this alternative over the rest.
There is little that economists of ditferent schools and persuasions
agree on almost universally, but the Pareto Principle seems to be
among the few exceptions to this rule. Virtually without exception,
economists, decision theorists, social-choice theoreticians, and the
like, are inclined to espouse it as a well-nigh truth. It is
viewed as so secure in itsel1 as to qualify as a touchstone by which
the adequacy of social-choice mechanisms can be assessed.
Accordingly, it has become established dogma in the field that, 69
when a Pareto optimal alternative exists, then only a social decision
process that leads to this alternative can possibly qualify as "rational"
(appropriate, justified, or what have you).
This discussion will use the Pareto Principle as a case study to
exhibit the substantial divergence in perspective and approach
that separates economists (decision theorists, social-choice
theoreticians, etc.) from traditionally oriented moral philosophers.
Specifically, it will attempt to do three things: (1) to maintain that
the Pareto Principle is by no means a self-vidently valid truth
from the standpoint of traditional social and moral philosophy; (2)
to argue that there is much to be said for the position of the moral
philosophers-that they are not just being obtuse or obscurantist;
(3) to show how this disagreement is symptomatic of a deeper
difference of approach, a difference based on issues which the
economist or decision theorist can only neglect at the priee of
the acceptability of his findings and the ultimate adequacy of his
The Rationale of the Pareto Principle: How Might It Be
How would an adherent to the Pareto Principle argue for it if
actually pressed to do so? Presumably he would proceed by invok-
ing the idea of the collective will of the community as conceived
within a democratic ethos. The argumentation would run roughly as
follows: "The rational person desires his own advantage, and so the
rational society must, by compilation, desire the case-by-<;ase ad-
vantage of its constituting members. And this conception of individ-
ual advantage is best and most efficiently implemented in the voting
process. By use of voting to determine what members of society
individually prefer (on the basis of judicious assessment of their own
self-interest), we can determine effectively how that society collec-
tively construes its own best advantage."
To ail appearances, this approach immediately yields a straight-
forward validation of the Pareto Principle. For if the choice between
two alternatives, one of these being a Pareto improvement over the
other, were put to a vote, then, since some gain, others fare the
Economies Versus Moral Philosophy 71
same, and none lose, one would expect there to be some votes in
favor, none against, and various indifferent abstainers. And,
accordingly, a Pareto optimal alternative seems bound to emerge
vietorious from such a social decision process based on a rational
exploitation of the voting process.
This line of defense is certainly plausible. But is it decisive? Let us
examine the voting approach to the preferability assessment of
distributions a little more closely. Is it really ail that clear that a
rationally preferable result must emerge from such a decision process?
The Voting Resolution: A Closer Look at the Tacit Pre-
To begin with, it is necessary to distinguish carefully between two
very different sorts of votes with two very different sorts of ballots.
Case 1: Blindered Self-/nterest. Would vou rather have an alter-
native that gives you the return x or which gives you the return Y, no
information about how others fare being provided?
Case 2: Holistically Construed Communal/nterest. Would vou
rather have an alternative that gives such-and-such a distribution
across the whole population (you yourself getting the return x) or
one that gives a certain variant distribution (you yourself getting the
return y)?
With ease 1, the only thing at issue is (in effect) an expression of
preference with respect to one's own share. With case 2, the situation
is very different. Here there is a choiee between two ali-inclusive
distributions-distributions within which, to be sure, one's own case
happens to figure. The tirst case is so set up that "one's own share"
becomes the be-ail and end-ail. But the second case involves a vote
not just on shares but on policies, and not just on a distribution as
sueh, but on the principles involved-at least implicitly and by indi-
These two approaches need by no means yield the same voting
outcome. For it is possible and indeed desirable that a person, even
a "rational" person, should consider in assessing the preferability of
a distribution not just how he himself fares but how others fare in
general. And what is at issue here is not just a matter of particular-
ized fellow feeling or of envy, but a disinterested vision of "the good
society," a vision that actually and rightly finds expression in much of
our social appraisal.
With these ideas in mind, let us explore the linkage between
Pareto optimality and social rationality somewhat more closely. It is
relatively clear that the distribution to 101 people consisting of a
hundred ones plus one,
100 times
1, 1, ... , 1, 1, (1 )
is improved upon (trom the angle of "social preferability") by the
100 times
1, 1, ... , 1, 2. (2)
But does this process continue ad indefinitum? We, or the rational
man, might also have to prefer to distribution 1 its rival:
100 times
1, 1, ... , 1, 1000. (3)
But is it ail that straightforwardly clear that (3) improves upon (1)?
Does it really improve matters to let wider and wider disparities open
up between the lot of the hapless many and the fortunate few (to put
the issue in a somewhat prejudicial way)? This is the inexorable
consequence if the question were one of voting exclusively on the
basis of what we have characterized as blindered self-interest, if one
put aside, that is, any concern for how others are faring under the
distribution at issue, be it on the basis of moral sentiment like sympathy
or envy or on the basis of disinterested principles like equality or
justice. But just this supposition is surely untenable.
Given that the justification rests on such a basis, it signally fails to
Economies Versus Moral Philosophy 73
realize its objectives. Voting on the basis of narrowly construed and
atomistically separated self-interest may or may not be "realistic" as
an account of the empirical realities, but it is neither inevitable in
practice nor desirable in theory.
It does not require profound and subtle reasoning to see that an
argument premised on blindered self-interest cannot validate the
social propriety (or social rationality) of a measure. It is surely both
realistic and justified that people should take account of how others
fare in assessing a distribution. And in rejecting blindered self-
interest as a basis for procedure, their (rational) voting preferences
would surely take account not just of what they themselves obtain in
atomistic isolation, but the sort of environment (world, society) they
get to live in. Distributions would be appraised not just in terms of
their implications for "number 1," but in terms of their implications in
general; they would and should be evaluated as exemplifications of
a social principle or embodiments of a social policy.
A Variant Defense: The Slippery Siopa Argument
ln the face of such objections, a defender of the Pareto Principle
might perhaps take a different li ne. He might seek to approach the
issue via the slippery slope argument: "If vou prefer distribution (2)
ta distribution (1), then a process of 'natural iteration' sets in and vou
will be constrained by 'transitivity of preference' to prefer distribution
(3). Now the Pareto Principle is safely home." But does this argu-
ment work? As the argumentation is pressed further and further,
one is surely going to reach the point of the riposte: "Enough is
enough!" And this stance is not without its justification.
To be sure, it would be a matter of peevishness and regrettable
envy not ta fail ta prefer distribution (2) to distribution (1). But does
this concession force through the thick end of a wedge that means
we must also prefer distribution (3)? Is one deficient in rationality (or
social rationality) in failing ta concede this preferability? Surely not.
Even if one puts envy aside as unworthy and not deserving to be
taken into account, there remains that part of the "sense of justice"
which involves at least a modicum of egalitarianism (in some guise
or other). Accordingly, it becomes necessary ta complicate the
picture of the social-preferability assessment of utility distributions
by looking at this issue not just by a microscopic survey of how
individuals fare, but by a macroscopic regard for the global bearing
of the distributions in terms of the impact of general principles.
And when one looks at the issue from this point of view, it looks
very different indeed. The force of the slippery slope argument is
dissipated by the consideration that one surely can and should
ultimately "draw the line," that at some stage considerations of
general justice come to overbalance those of individual advantage.
The fact that a line is hard to draw-or rather, that its drawing at one
precise spot is hard to justify relative to other, nearby ones-does
not imply that it should not be drawn at al1.
The Orientation of the Traditional Moralists
Our focus on the general principles implicit in various particular
distributions highlights the difference between the approach of econ-
omists on the one hand and old-school moralists on the other.
The old-school moralists see the focus of considerations of social
rationality as aimed not at distributions at ail, but at the level of the
general criterial principles or policies that can be exemplified or
contravened by distributions. They insist upon inserting another
level of consideration as intermediary between the assessment of
rational preferability and distributions. In their view, the issue of ra-
tional social decision making is, in the first instance, not a matter
of distribution assessment at ail, but of the appraisal and legitimation
of higher-Ievel principles of distribution assessment. The theory of
social choice must operate, 'on their view, not at the local, case-by-
case level of specifie distributions, but at the global, synoptic level of
the general principles of the matter. And they correspondingly insist
that, when one approaches the issue from this perspective, the case
for the Pareto Principle is by no means open and shut. There is
much to be said, for example, for an approach that is to some
degree egalitarian. And once one moves in the direction of egalitar-
ian concerns, the Pareto Principle must be abandoned -at any rate
in its usual unqualified generality.
To be sure, a supporter of the orthodox economists' approach
might perhaps abject as follows: "You are counting the Pareto
Economies Versus Moral Philosophy 75
Principle out much too soon. After ail, it too must be construed as a
principle of distribution assessment, one that envisages the
attractiveness of gains somewhere without losses anywhere. And
so why, even on the present "intermediary" approach, should such
a principle come to be recognized as playing a predominant, and
indeed determinative role?"
The answer to be given here is clear. It is that while this could
happen (in some extended speculative sense), there is no good
reason to think that it does. For, as we have seen, to put the Pareto
Principle into a controlling position we need to maintain that conflicting
principles (of distributive justice, egalitarianism, or the like) should
be discounted or subordinated ta il. And there neither is, nor can be,
any good or sufficient reason for sa radical a step.
An Economist's Objection
It is easy to visualize an irate economist objecting at this stage
along the following lines: "Vour discussion overlooks the key reason
for a concern with Pareto optimality. Once we abandon the safe
ground of a situation where everyone fares better, we come up
against the difficulties of having to assess the pros and cons of X's
faring somewhat better at the expense of V's faring rather less weil.
ln short, we come up against the notoriously difficult issue of inter-
personal comparisons of utility. Since this problem is intractable we
are driven, faute de mieux, to some alternative approach that can
dispense with any mechanism for interpersonal utility comparisons,
and its ability to help us to do so in a decisive advantage of the
Paretian approach." However cogent - nay decisive- this objection
may sound to a committed partisan of the economist's approach,
the issue looks very different from where the moral philosopher sits.
The old-school moral philosopher is not worried about the fact
that the members of a society may take a somewhat jaundiced view
of one another's utilities- that X, say, may simply not be prepared to
grant that V's "perfectly awful" is really ail that bad. The moral
philosopher views the prospect of appraising and comparing the
utilities of individuals from an external, detached perspective as an
ineliminable part of the problem. For him, the overridingly important
perspective is that of the external observer (the "impartial arbiter").
And such an arbiter is bound to equate X's "perfectly awful" with Y's,
and U's "absolutely splendid" with V's. The impartial arbiter does not
ask people to agree on some schedule of interpersonal appraisals,
he himself imposes a uniform basis of assessment.
The moral philosopher must be prepared to evaluate utilities; he
cannot take them at face value. For him, the crucial point is that what
is utility-augmenting may nevertheless prove to be ethically invalid.
What counts from the viewpoint of ethicallegitimation is not just that
people are happier (in a better condition in point of welfare or utility)
but how they get that way: by morally healthy and ethically legitimate
means (such as sympathy) or by morally reprehensible and ethi-
cally legitimate means (such as a perverse schadenfreude). For ex-
ample, envy may weil translate an objective improvement in every-
one's condition into a general detriment. In a highly envious society,
a step that best advances the happiness of ail need not be morally
right. But this sort of utility enhancement surely does not deserve
moral recognition.
Of course, drawing this distinction among a man's utility interests
between those which merit merely de facto recognition and those
which merit recognition de jure, between those which deserve an
"ideal observer's" recognition and those which do not, has drastic
implications for the viability of a utility-based approach to policy
assessment. For the orthodox utilitarian must take his utilities as he
finds them; he is not free to admit some and dismiss others on the
basis of considerations that are, in the final analysis, moral. On a
utilitarian approach, normative considerations must reflect consid-
erations of utility and cannot modify or transform them. For the
moral philosopher, however, the situation has a very different 100k.
And so, the economist's insistence that resort to the Pareto Principle
has the advantage of avoiding interpersonal utility comparisons
leaves the moral philosopher cold. For him, this upshot is not a
genuine advantage at ail, but rather the claiming of credit for the
refusai to do a job that needs to be done.
A Pluralism of Principles
As was suggested above, the position of the old-school moral
philosophers envisages a pluralism of principles and criteria of
Economies Versus Moral Philosophy 77
assessment with respect to distributive justice and social rationality.
They consider such principles as that of production (amount of
good), equality, desert or merit, need, and so forth. The problem, as
they see it, is to elucidate the basis and standing of such criteria and
to -examine the meta-principles that mesh them in systematic har-
mony in those applied cases where they pull in opposite directions.
For since a variety of diverse and so potentially divergent desiderata
are at issue, the prospect of conflict and dissonance clearly arises,
and there must be a rational mechanism for meshing discordant
criteria in concrete applications. The moral philosopher sees the
problem in some such terms.
The problem of establishing a suitable meshing within such a
plurality of potentially disagreeing principles doubtless is a hornets'
nest of difficulty. Some of these are implicit in the preceding critique
of the Pareto Principle, which poses the question, Just how should
the egalitarian interest be weighed against that of an effectively
cost-free advantage to some sector of society? The problems that
arise here are complex. The wish to get away from them is only
natural under the circumstances. It is certainly understandable why
economists, decision theorists, and their congeners are reluctant to
get involved and would prefer to settle the matter on the basis of
straightforward and "mechanical" considerations such as those of
the Pareto Principle. But the fact remains that if the problems being
addressed are to be treated properly and to ultimately good effect,
and the underlying issues are not to be simply prejudged by
undefended presuppositions, then these difficult issues cannot simply
be brushed aside.
A Point of Disagreement
Insofar as it is a vehicle for driving home this lesson, a critique of
the Pareto Principle affords a vivid illustration of the difference in
approach between the social scientist (economist, decision theorist,
etc.) on the one hand and the moral philosopher on the other. Now
in this connection there is one defensive maneuver to which econ-
omists (decision theorists, theoreticians, etc.) commonly
incline that is particularly obnoxious to the moral philosopher. This is
their use of the term social rationality with the very narrow construc-
tion of a prudential pursuit of selfish advantage by the individuals of a
social group. There is surely no earthy reason why a perfectly rational
person could not devise a perfectly viable rationale for proceeding
differently, for example, by rejecting Pareto's Principle as an auto-
matic rule of rational choice in the interests of potentially discordant
Once again, one comes up against the shortcomings of the con-
cept of economic man and the economists' traditional conception of
rationality in terms of the efficient pursuit of prudential self-interest.
What the moral philosopher finds particularly objectionable in the
proceedings of his colleagues in economics and decision theory is
the way they appropriate to their own uses the honorific rubric ratio-
na/ity. They enumerate certain principles of assessment- roughly
those of atomistically self-interested prudence- and canonize these
as axioms of rational decision-making. Such theses are put before
us as principles of rationality by fiat or definition or some comparably
high-handed act of preemption. We are told with little ado or argu-
ment that conformity to a narrowly self-interested modus operandi
in choice situations is what necessarily characterizes the choices of
the rational man. And, in place of justificatory argumentation, one
finds these principles cast as effectively self-evident axioms whose
status is somehow foundational, nay virtually definitional, as though
such contentions belonged to the very meaning of rationality.
Here, as elsewhere when economists and decision theorists and
social choice theoreticians speak so casually of what the rational
man does, they manage to conceal under the sheep's clothing of a
seemingly descriptive rubric the wolf of a deeply normative com-
mitment, one that is highly dubious and debatable. They arrogate
the proud title of rationality from the convenient predilections of their
own inherently debatable standpoint. Accordingly, the invocation of
rationality by these analysts marks an attempt to secure a dubious
and controversial conclusion by verbal legerdemain and to obtain
by theft what can only be secured by substantial-and by no means
simple- philosophical toi!.
Why Save Endangered
Man's intellectual, technological, and social progress has greatly
enlarged his numbers and improved the Quality of his life. But it has
done little if anything to enlarge or enhance the scope of nonhuman
life on this planet. Quite the reverse! The sabre-toothed tiger-is long
gone from the face of the earth. The dodo bird became extinct in the
eighteenth century. "Lonesome George," the last of the giant turtles
of the Abingdon Islands in the Galapagos, is living out a solitary Iife in
our own day. In each case, man's technology has contributed to the
unhappy result.
The departure of a species is a particularly grave eventuation in
world history. It represents an irreparable loss-an irreversible change
in nature that cannat be undone since we must presume that "the
genetic material of extinct species cannot be reconstituted."48 And
so, the continued existence of a species has always been viewed by
thoughtful men as an especiafly significant issue.
ln general, the
extinction of a biological species is clearly a matter of justified regret,50
But there rema;ns the Question of why this should be so. Just what
rational basis is there for attributing value ta natural kinds of things?
And there is also the related but distinct issue of exactly why men
should strive ta avert the extinction of our remote evolutionary cous-
ins whose survival has become endangered.
Species as Bearers of Instrumental and Intrinsic Value
It is tempting and plausible ta take a homocentrically self-interested
approach, one which sees other species as instrumental goods
capable of serving human interests. We humans, it could be argued,
have a definite stake in the survival of biological species, and it is this
that underwrites the imperative ta save them. Such prudential con- 79
siderations fall primarily into two categories: (1) our intellectual in-
terest in species as objects of pleasurable contemplation and as ma-
terials for study from which we can learn about the ways of nature;52
and (2) our practical interest in species as vehicles from which (at
least potentially) man can extract some material use or benefit, per-
haps by using them for companionship or diversion, perhaps byex-
ploiting them for our own economic ends, perhaps simply through
their role as useful components of the ecosystem. Such an approach
takes the view that we have a prima facie interest in the survival of the
sundry species of biological creatures, casting them in the raie of in-
strumentai goods- man-relative assets for promoting our intellec-
tuai or practical benefit.
As far as they go, such considerations are vaUd. They do correctly
indicate that we have a real and genuine stake in the survival of
species. And various important considerations can be accounted
for within this framework. For example, it seems not quite so serious
a matter if a species dies out while the various others in its close
biological neighborhood continue ta exist. Or again, it would be
seen as not so serious if a species becomes extinct in those rather
exotic circumstances where man could "bring it back fram the
dead"-either synthetically, or by genetic engineering, or by some
sort of deep-freeze storage of genetic materials that made its revival
at will a routine possibility-so that the extinction is not permanent
but reversible at man's pleasure. The fact that we would, under such
circumstances, be naturally inclined to regard the extinction at issue
as something less than catastrophic is perhaps most readily explained
in terms of this homacentrically self-interested view of the matter.
Ali this is fine as far as it goes. But we can and should go fur-
ther. For while the homocentrically self-interested posture affords a
workable and appropriate perspective, it nevertheless does not
represent the end of the matter. The thing cuts deeper. The idea of
value is the key here. When a species vanishes from nature, the
world is thereby diminished. Species do not just have an instrumen-
tai "value for" man; they also have a value in their own right-an
intrinsic value.
Ta be sure, even superficial familiarity with the ways of the world
suffices ta show that it is man and not the lion who is king of the
Why Save Endangered Species? 81
beasts. Yet whether we look to Genesis or to Darwin, it is clear that
man is an afterthought in cosmic history-a lately-eame creature
who may perhaps crown the effort of creation, but whom we can
only with human hubris regard as its raison d'tre. It approaches
megalomania ta view man as the evaluative pivot-point of nature, to
see our particular species notonly as the measurerofvalue but as its
measure as weil. We can hardly be so parochial as ta believe that
other biological species exist only for us, sa that whatever value they
have is man-eorrelative.
It would be more plausible to deny value
to nature altogether than ta ascribe it solely fram the angle of human
desiderata and deny that other species can have value in their own
rig ht. 55
At this point, metaphysics becomes germane, specifically that
quite distinct mode of metaphysical inquiry which may be character-
ized as evaluative (or normative) metaphysics. The paternity of
evaluative metaphysics may unhesitatingly be laid at Plato's daor,
but as a conscious and deliberate philosophical method it can be
ascribed ta Aristotle. In the Phys;cs and the De Anima we find him
not merely classifying the kinds of things there are in the world, but
ranking and grading them in terms of relative evaluations. His
preoccupation in the Metaphysics with the ranking schematism of
is indicative of his far-reaching concern with the
evaluative dimension of metaphysical inquiry. CA sound insight led
anti-Aristotelian writers of the Renaissance, and later preeminently
Descartes and Spinoza, to attack the deeply Platonic/Aristotelian
conception of the embodiment of value in nature.)57 A paradigm of
this traditional, Aristotelian approach can be found in St. Thomas:
"Although an angel, considered absolutely, is better than a stone,
nevertheless two natures are better than one only, and therefore a
Universe containing angels and other things is better than one
containing angels only."58 The locus classicus of philosophical re-
course ta metaphysical values is of course its well-knawn use in
the creation-ethic of the system of Leibniz.
The aim of evaluative metaphysics is not to sort Cclassify, catego-
rize) but ta grade Cappraise, rank), and its work is not ta classify "the
furniture of the universe," but rather ta assess il. The very possibility
of such an enterprise rests on the case for the existence of distinctly
"metaphysical" values. They are values in that they are ail instances
of the application of such evaluative categories as better-or-worse,
or more or less significant; they are metaphysical in that they relate
to the intrinsic merit of existing things, their "desert for existence."
Such values are neither aesthetic (having to do with "enjoyment" in
contemplation, primarily in respect to artifacts), nor ethical (bearing
directly upon the evaluation of human acts), nor pragmatic (relating
to use or consumption or "enjoymenf). They relate to the very
being of things in themselves, not necessarily to the realm of human
purpose or interests.
According to the old supernatural cosmology, God is the fountain
of value even as the monarch is the fountain of honor in a secular
kingdom. Once this theocentric viewpoint is abandoned, it would
appear that value is left without any independent footing and be-
comes a human contrivance, a thing of merely human invention or
convention. But the choice between God and man, between divine
decree and human projection, is a bit facile. There is no reason why
one cannot take the stance of a Leibnizian value metaphysic and see
the basis for value to reside in the ontological nature of things, to be
discovered rather than invented by man. Metaphysical values are
neither moral nor theological but sui generis, that is, they simply
have their own being and status.
To be sure, nobody would say that rational evaluation in the
ontological sphere is easy or even comfortable. "Judge not," the
biblical dictum enjoins us, "lest ye be judged." It is simple enough to
say that ail life is sacred -or at least that there is no inherently
worthless species. But this does not remove the difficult issue of
"higher" and "Iower" forms of life and of their comparative evalua-
tian. This will doubtless turn largely on the magnitude of the capaci-
ties and potentialities of the organisms at issue: "If we prefer to save
the Iife of a fellow-man rather than that of the organism responsible
for yellow-fever-an organism no doubt of considerable interest
and beauty- it is because he has potentialities the yellow-fever or-
ganism lacks, potentialities for evil, admittedly, but also for good....
The yellow-fever organism cannot love, for example, or exhibit cour-
age, or create works of art. It does not suffer as human beings suffer,
or live in fear of death."
It is worth heeding Bertrand Russell's
Why Save Endangered Species? 83
useful reminder that when we deem ourselves superior to the amoe-
ba, it is we, and not the amoeba, who espouse this view. But then,
too, view-espousal is something which the amoeba cannot do at ail.
One does weil to agree with Stuart Hampshire here: "The peculiar
value attached to human life ... [is] not dependent on regarding
and treating human beings as radically different from other species
in some respects that cannot be specified in plain, empirical statements
... [but] the exceptional value attached both to individuallives, and
to the survival of the [human] species as a whole, resides in the
power of the human mind to begin to understand, and to enjoy, the
natural order as a whole."62 The value of human lite derives tram
the value of what it can bring to realization in nature. Why shauld
the case of other species be ail that different?
Let us consider how the concept of obligation bears an these
metaphysical values. The fact that species have an intrinsic value in
their own right, and not merely an instrumental value-for-man, means
that their conservation is not just a matter of prudence but one of
duty as weil. But what sort of duty?
It is not a moral dUty.63 Moral obligation is correlative with two
injunctions. First we have the negative imperative, neminem laedere,
"Do not injure the legitimate interests of others." Secondly there is
the positive imperative, "Promote the legitimate interests of others-
enhance the realization of theirgood." Moral obligation is thus always
interest-oriented. But only individuals can be said ta have interests:
one only has moral obligations to particular individuals or particular
groups thereof.
Accordingly, the dutYto save a species is not a
matter of moral duty toward it, because moral duties are only oriented
to individuals. A species as such is the wrong sort of target for a
moral obligation. 65
Nor is a moral duty to the members of other species at issue. For
moral dutYtoward individuals involves a reciprocity of mutual com-
munal involvementthat-as matters now stand-does notcutacross
the boundaries of the "family of man," thanks to the absence of
sufficiently tight bonds of community on other fronts. (This is a
difficult issue which must rest here simply on the basis of a dogmatic
To be sure, the moral aspect is not entirely irrelevant ta the saving
of endangered species. But insofar as it is a moral dutYthat is at
issue, this moral duty is one we owe to our fellow men. Men have
various legitimate prudential interests in the preservation of species
(as we sawabove). And this yields a straightforward route to a moral
obligation. The duty at issue resided in the requirement to safeguard
the right (the "birthright") of men -even of those yet unborn -to
have a rich, diversified, and interesting environment. The moral dutY
at issue is thus our obligation to other men for preserving species in
view of the very real stake that we have in their existence.
This line of thought at once raises the question of whether this
human stake in the continued existence of biological species is the
end of the matter. Is the only duty we have to save them a dutYto our
own fellows? Surely not. Avery different sort of dutYis also operative,
an ethical dutYin a broader sense than the specifically moral one-
whose basis is larger than the specifie interest-orientation of more
narrowly moral obligation. It is "higher," "nobler," and more lldisinter-
ested" than a specifically moral obligation. Moral duty is aimed at
safeguarding the interests of others. Ethical dutYis oriented more
generally at the enhancement of value in the overall existence of
Ethical obligation has two forms, parallel to the case of moral duty.
There is first a negative dutYto preserve: do not act to the detriment
of what has value-do not diminish the sphere of value. Second,
there is a positive duty to enhance: act so as to protect and promote
what has value-augment the sphere of value. The fundamental
obligation to promote the good - to act 50 as to enhance the realization
of values within nature-is an ethical obligation in a sense that goes
beyond the domain of specifically moral obligations. Ethics in this
sense is not limited by the traditional horizons of morality, confined
to the preservation of human inhabitants and the enhancement of
their lives. Not only can it concern itself, as "evolutionary ethics" has
done, with the preservation of "the" (i.e., our) species, but with that
of others as weil.
With respect to this ethical mode of obligation to save species, we
may deploy a syllogism based on two premises: (1) species are
(ceteris paribus) bearers of value- not just instrumentally, but
metaphysically; (2) we have a prima facie obligation-an ethical
Why Save Endangered Species? 85
obligation in the broadest sense-ta promote the enhancement of
value. And this leads ta the conclusion that it is a matter of dutY(of
ethical duty in the broad sense) to further the realization of objects
of value: in this case, species.
This brings the discussion to the end of one line of thought with
regard to our basic question: Why save species? The answer developed
here runs as follows. We must do this for three reasons: (1) on
prudential grounds, because we ourselves have an interest in them;
(2) on moral grounds, ta safeguard the legitimate interests of other
men; and also (3) on ethical grounds, in view of their embodiment of
metaphysical value in their own right.
Our Duty to Save Species Does Not Derive trom Their
"Right to Exist"
It is sometimes said that biological species have a claim on our
protection because they have an inherent right ta existence. We are
told: "If you allow another species to become extinct, then you
infringe upon its rights." But this conception rests on a category
mistake. For only individuals can have rights or claims, not species,
classes, categories, or such. The mistake arises from the common
misconception that duties are correlative with rights, as, for exam-
pie, that my dutYnot to steal your property derives from your right to
its possession, or that my duty to perform my work satisfactorily
arises from your right as my employer to demand this of me. Butthis
approach is overly legalistic and contractualistic. 1 have a duty ta
endeavor to save the drowning man, but he does not have a right ta
my assistance. 1 have a dutYto develop my human potential where 1
can, but this does not mean that anyone has a right to expect this of
me. We need not go about inventing rights to validate duties and
need not deny the existence of duties in the absence of rights. Thus
animais themselves are not moral agents and so have neither duties
nor rights; but that does most emphatically not mean that men do
not have duties toward them-humanit oblige is a perfectly tenable
John Henry Newman wrote: "We have no dutYtowards the brute
creation; there is no relation of justice between them and us....
[They] can claim nothing at our hands. "69 This gets the matter only
half right. Ta be sure, animais have no claims or rights vis--vis
man - no "relation of justice" obtains.
But this fact does not
preclude men from having duties toward them.
We are not
responsible ta nature (or its constituent species and individuals), but
this does not mean that we are not responsible for it (or for them).
Thus as regards their claims, Newman was quite right-at any rate
as far as biological species are concerned: a species does not have
claims on us for its consideration. Yet this is not the whole story. For
there certainly is a claim-an impersonal claim implicit in the nature
of things-for our consideration of a species. It is necessary-
ethically, morally, and prudentially- for us to be considerate of species.
The locution "There is a claim for our consideration of species S" is
valid. But the very different claim "Species S has a claim on us for
consideration" is literally false, and it is figuratively true only insofar
as it can be glossed as a (misleading) formulation of the former
The ethical dutY ta preserve species thus emerges as a quin-
tessentially humanitarian task. It roots in our ethical dutYto pro-
mate value. And it looks ta no reciprocity or return in terms of
any prudential human interests- apart from our essentially spiritual,
or ethical, interest in the existence of value. (But this broadly ethical
interest is not a matter of theology- it does not relate ta our obliga-
tions ta God or ta anyone apart from "what we owe it ta ourselves ta
do" by way of the cultivation of human excellences.)72
It must, on the other hand, be recognized that this question of
rights does bear on the issue- but in quite a different way. The key
fact here is that from an ethical point of view we have no right to allow
another species ta come ta grief needlessly. For-quite in general-
there is inherent in the very logic of the conceptions of rights and
duties afundamental principle to the following effect: If Xhas no right
ta do A, then X has an obligation (duty) not ta do A.7
And sa the
fact that we have no right ta allow another species to become
endangered entails that we have a dutYto do what we can to avert
threats to its existence.7
The crucial consideration here lies not in
the possession by others of certain rights, but in the lack thereof on
our own part.
Why Save Endangered Species? 87
The Duty ta Save Species Is Defeasible
It must be recognized and stressed that the ethical obligation to
proteet species is a prima faeie obligation-one that is not absolute
and all-overriding but defeasible in the light of countervailing con-
siderations of sufficient weighl. Both from the prudential and the
ethical standpoint, it is not an absolute good that a species should
continue to be exemplified, but only a good when other things are
equal (ceteris paribus), thatis, only when these other issues are
suitably favorable. For example, in cireumstances where a species
that stands "higher" (in the order of appraisal of metaphysical
valuation - presumably in terms of its overall repertoire of capabili-
ties) is imperiled by the continued existence of a lower species, it will
be permissible (and presumably in some circumstances even a
matter of duty) to endeavor to eradicate the latter.
One somtimes finds intrinsic mistaken for absolute, rival-Dverriding,
value. For instance, John Passmore has written: "We can think of
wilderness and of species as having eithera purely instrumental or
an intrinsic value. On the first view, wilderness and species ought to
be preserved only if, and in so far as, they are useful to man. On the
second view they ought to be preserved even if their continued
existence were demonstrably harmful to human interests."
this does not get the matter quite straight. Intrinsic values tao can be
outweighed by other intrinsic values- they can be prima facie rather
than absolute. The intrinsic value of a species can be outweighed by
the intrinsic value of an enhanced condition of human well-being.
Here as elsewhere it is a matter of weighing values against one
Our prudential interest in the continued existence of one species
can be overridden by a greater prudential interest in the continued
existence of yet another that stands in conflict with it. This point is
obvious and needs no development. And the ethical duty to save a
species is similarly defeasible. Our prima facie duty to safeguard
other species does not mean that we could not justifiably eradicate a
noxious species of microorganisms, for example, or a highly deadly
species of insect,76 ln particular, the right of self-preservation is
fundamental and can-in suitable circumstances-override other
duties that conflict with its exercise. It would in certain cases be a
wholly justifiable endeavor to eradicate ail members of a man-
endangering species and to assert our right against theirs. Nor is
self-preservation the only possible counterweight to our dutYto act
for the preservation of species. The interest we have in other species
can be overridden by other interests; the dutYto preserve them can
be outweighed by other duties. The realization of some larger ad-
vantage of the welfare of our fellows-the moral dutY we have
toward other men for insuring their welfare- may weil make the
extinction of a species permissible. Nor need it be our species that is
at issue. To assure one good, it may be necessary to consign
another to destruction.
It is, of course, possible to argue that it is always our flat-out duty to
endeavor to save any and every species and that no considerations,
interested or disinterested, can countervail against this altogether
indefeasible duty. But this "whatever is, is right" posture has little to
recommend it.
It seems implausible to hold that the extant
arrangement is the best possible and that prudential (man-oriented)
or ethical considerations are in ail circumstances insufficient ever to
indicate the justification - perhaps even the duty! - for extinguishing
a biological species. To take this stance would be to endow the
vagaries of the evolutionary process with a weight that scarcely
seems plausible given our understanding of its modus operandi.
Still, the loss of a species is never something to be taken lightly. It is
a matter of complex and painstaking cost-benefit analysis with ail
due safeguards because of the decisiveness and finality of the
transaction. In his poem, "Song of the Redwood Tree," Walt Whitman
asserts that the redwood must "abdicate" his forest-kingship so that
man can "build a grander future." This is a very dubious proposition.
For there is good ground for holding that a human future without the
redwood is eo ipso less grand, that man's interest in its preservation
is substantial, and that our duty to insure its continued existence for
the benefit of our fellows outweighs the counterconsiderations.
A Question of Priorities
ln addition to the problem of weighing species against species, we
encounter the difficulty of allocating scarce resources, which pits
Why Save Endangered Species? 89
the saving of species against other, specifically human interests and
responsibilities. For there is no question that the saving of species
can be expensive. In someinstances, preservation in zoos may be
the best prospect, and zoos are costly institutions. In other cases
human intervention "in the field" on a considerable scale may be
needed to preserve a species in its natural habitat. Protecting certain
species of animais by avoiding the use of pesticides and herbicides
may exact a substantial priee in terms of a lower standard of diet for
local human populations.
And so we face that crass economic question: How much is it
worth? And in the present context this question has deep philosophical
ramifications. To what extent, for example, is the multiplication of the
number of persons living, and the enhancement of the quality of
their lives to take precedence over the maintenance and perhaps
even the elevation of the level of nonhuman existence? What Charles
Hartshorne has written on this issue makes good sense:
To risk a man's or woman's life for a subhuman individual is, 1be-
lieve, unwarranted. But to do so to save an entire species, say of
whale, ape, or elephant, would this be unwarranted? l'm not so
sure. In the biblical tradition the other animais were said to be
there for the sake of man. Still, cruelty to animais was frowned
upon, and in Job and in the sayings of Jesus there seems to be a
feeling that the nonhuman creatures have their own values, apart
from any utility they have for us. "Ye are of more value than
many sparrows," but this implies that they too have some value.
No form of life should be thought a mere means, a mere utility.
Ali forms are beautiful and good in themselves. Here 1agree with
Schweitzer against Kant. 78
The resources we expend in saving a species are resources we
cannot commit to saving or improving human lives-to hospitals
and well-balanced school lunches, to medical research and the
seemingly unwinnable "war on poverty." A very difficult cost-benefit
comparison arises in such cases. We can do something - but only,
alas, very little-with the specifically homocentric bearing of our
interest in the preservation of species. For, as we have seen, the
interests we have in species are in large measure intellectual rather
than practical and welfare-oriented; they relate largely to knowl-
edge, beauty, life enrichment, and so forth, rather than to actual
utility. The human interests involved are real but generally not very
urgent. Our actual stake in species will often relate primarily to
excellences which are in fact of actual interest only to a few. And the
weight of the duties engendered by considerations of metaphysical
value are even graver imponderables.
One important consideration must, however, be borne in mind
here. The extinction of a species is in general an irreversible devel-
opment. Now in reckoning the priee we pay for such an eventuation,
we must bear in mind that there will not only be the recognized costs
that can be calculated in advance, but there may also be unforeseeable
costs which -given the incompleteness and inadequacy of our knowl-
edge of how things work in nature- remain altogether unforeseen.
ln the face of irreversible changes the presence of such imponder-
able risks should always give us pause. The historical evidence does
not indicate that we are in a position to advance impressive claims to
understand the "balance of nature."
The Issue of Creating New Species
The whole of the preceding discussion concerns the issue of
protecting and preserving existing species. The question remains
whether our ethical duty to save existing species carries over to a
dutY to create new species when we have the capacity to do so
through eugenics or genetic engineering or whatever. Recent ad-
vances in nuclear biology, for example, have made the prospect of
creating new microorganisms a realistic one with very far-reaching
This delicate and problematic issue of our dutY to bring new
species to realization also has both a prudential and an ethical
dimension. As regards the former, it is clear that we can have exactly
the same sort of prudential interest in the creation of a new species
as in the preservation of an existing one. Moreover, the ethical
injunction "Enhance value!" cuts the same way in both cases. To ail
appearance, the normative considerations run paraI/el on both sides,
and the issue of saving the old and creating the new stand on exactly
the same evaluative footing. Accordingly, it would seem that the dutY
Why Save Endangered Species? 91
to save existing species carries over to an analogous dutYta create
new ones.
Yet this view of the matter, though at bottom correct, is somewhat
simplistic. The key difference between saving an extant species and
creating a "merely possible" one is more practical than theoretical.
An extant species is a known quantity, and to the very extent that it is
itself endangered it is presumably no threat ta others. But creating a
new species is always a leap in the dark that brings a new and largely
imponderable situation to realization. In Hamlers words it exchanges
IIthe evils that we know for those we know not of." The difference at
issue is in the final analysis a matter of prudence- of averting what
could (for ail that our imperfect intelligence can tell) prove ta be a
real threat to our own position in the scheme of things.
To be sure, bath preserving old species and creating new ones are
are simply ways of intervening in the evolutionary course of events
to produce conditions that would otherwise not be. But there is a
drastic disparity between preservationism and creativism. Our obli-
gation ta protect the extant is of a different order from that of optimiz-
ing the merely possible. The fact that some species is in actual
possession of an ecological niche-it is already there-carries
substantial ethical weight in its own right. The value of some purely
possibilistic alternative cannot countervail against il. (This, surely, is
one of the lessons of evaluative metaphysics.) For one thing the
"balance of nature" has already had the chance to come to terms
with an existing species, whereas a new species creates a new and
imponderable situation. And the balance of nature is in general
extremely delicate; any disturbance of it, however slight, is likely to
have massive repercussions. Given the "purely practical" consider-
ation of this delicate balance-the fact that in ways perhaps difficult
to foresee in detail but almost inevitably rea!, the generation of new
species would or could upset the balance and endanger our own
existence and that of other extant species-that our presumptive
dutY to create species on the basis of the ethical obligation to
maximize value will by and large have ta remain in suspension as
subordinate ta the claims of self-preservation. By contrast, the very
fact that an existing species has become endangered indicates that
its threat to the balance of nature is altogether minimal. No doubt, if
the creation of new species could be achieved in conditions of
absolute safety- say by operating through remote control in a
distant and otherwise unpopulated galaxy-then theforce of the
injunction "Enhance value!" would become operative in this cre-
ationist sphere as weil. But apart from this rather far-fetched situa-
tion, there is a significant asymmetry between conservationism and
creationism with respect to biological species. However, the asym-
metry at issue here emerges in the final analysis as a practical matter
of prudence rather than one of strictly ethical or metaphysical
Scientific Progress and
the "Limits of Growth" 8
One often hears critics lamenting that the advent of "big science" has
brought such evils as inefficiences of scale, administrationitis, a
dampening of initiative, and the public relations promotions needed
to obtain funding,79 For example, Sir Karl Popper in a recent publication
surveys with great dismay the economic involvements of modern
science. He casts them in the role of hindrances to scientific progress
and laments that "Big Science may destroy great science."8D The
labors of big science, we are told, simply get in the way: "Further
progress will come ... notfrom more and more measurements with
increasingly powerful machines, butfrom a revolution ofthought. ... In
place of the bizarre but apparently meaningless phenomena reported
every few months [in high-energy physics] ... we need a new
Einstein to bring order by new intellectual analysis."81 What is needed,
according to many, is less big science and more high thinking. This
perspective strikes me as badly mistaken. For there is good reason
to viewthe onset of big science as not a regrettable aberration but an
inevitable fact of life throughout the natural sciences.
First Things First: Technological Escalation
Nature inexorably exacts a dramatically increasing effort of en-
hanced sophistication in data deploymentfor revealing her "secrets"
and accordingly becomes less and less yielding to the efforts of our
inquiry at given fixed levels of information-gathering technique.
ln natural science we do the easy things first. The very structure of
scientific inquiry, like an arms race, forces us into constanttechnological
escalation where the frontier equipment of today's research be-
comes the museum piece of tomorrow under the relentless grip of
technical obsolescence. It would thus be as futile to follow various 93
writers into hankering after the days of "string and sealing-wax"
apparatus as it would be to join Talleyrand in lamenting the lost
douceur de la vie of the old regime. There is no point in blaming
human foibles or administrative arrangements for a circumstance
that is built into the very structure of investigation in natural science
(realizing, to be sure, that the facts that make bigness a necessary
condition of significant progress do not establish it as sufficient). The
enormous power or sensitivity or complexity deployed in present-
day experimental science has not been sought for its own sake, but
rather because the research frontier has moveq into an area where
this sophistication is the indispensable requisite of ongoing progress.
ln any problem area of a matured branch of natural science,
continually greater capabilities in point of "capacity" are required to
realize further first-rate results. Once ail the findings accessible at a
given state-of-the-art level of investigative technology have been
realized, one must move to a more expensive leve!. An ongoing
enhancement in the quality and quantity of input becomes req-
uisite-one requires more accurate measurements, more extreme
temperatures, higher voltages, more intricate combinations,and so
on. As the range of telescopes, the energy of particle accelerators,
the power of neutron-beam generators, the effectiveness of low-
temperature instrumentation, the potency of pressurization equip-
ment, the power of vacuum-ereating contrivances, and the accuracy
of measurement apparatus increases-that is, as our capacity to
move about in the parametric space of the physical world (as it
were) is enhanced - new phenomena come into our ken, with the
result of enlarging the empirical basis of our knowledge of natural
processes. The key to the great progress of contemporary physics
lies in the enormous strides that have been made in this regard; as
one commentator has justly observed: "In almost every observational
dimension, short time, small distance, weak signal, and the like, the
limits are being pushed beyond what might have been reasonably
anticipated. "83
The idea of "new phenomena" is the talisman of contemporary
experimental science-and of physics above ail. Workers in this
domain do not talk of increased precision or accuracy of measure-
ment in their own right; it is ail a matter of the search for new
Scientific Prog.'ess and the "Limits of Growth" 95
phenomena. And the development of new data technology is virtually
mandatory for the discerning of new phenomena. The reason is
simple enough. Inquiry proceeds today on such a broad front that
the range of phenomena ta which the old data technology gives
access is saon exhausted. And the same is generally true with
respect to the range of theory testing and confirmation that the old
phenomena can underwrite.
A look at the history of major scientific innovation indicates that it is
generally not a matter of spontaneous generation but rather a provoked
response ta three sorts of challenges that crop up uninvited and
often unwelcome. We regularly encounter situations in which the
equilibrium of "established" theory and "familiar" fact is upset by the
accession of new facts, creating a situation in which new data
sources are at issue because existing theories can presumably-
and usually-accommodate the old data (this, after ail, being the
basis on which they are the "existing" theories).85 The new data or
data complexes create a disturbance of the cognitive equilibrium in
the general coherence of the overall constellation of data-eum-
theory. A setting is thus created - a novel problem-situation - in which
scientific innovation (i.e., readjustment on the side of the accepted
scientific theories) becomes a situational imperative.
It ;s not sa much that new phenomena indicate the need for
innovative theorizing, though this is indeed generally the case. But
also, for a new theory ta establish itself as duly progressive-as
representing an advance on which in turn yet further steps can and
should be based - this theory must afford some guidance in explaining
hitherto unknown phenomena, phenomena which can only be attained
by a more powerful technology. An equilibrium between the old
phenomena and the old theories was presumably established long
aga; the anomalies that demand theoretical innovation generally
come from the new phenomena afforded by novel technology.86
Thus as regards this crucial issue of substantiation, the matter can
be viewed from the familiar perspective of the well-known model of
science as an enterprise of framing and testing explanatory theories
(in Popperian terms, the model of conjecture and refutation). It is
clear that one will here saon exhaust the tests available within the
familiar sector of the parametric range and must move on ta virgin
territory' to carry out the further tests on which (on his modal)
theoretical progress is crucially dependent. The cleverness of
theoreticians assures that the data attainable over the old physical
parameter-range will soon come to be accommodated, and their
refutatory prospects exhausted, so that one must press on into
heretofore inaccessible regions of power or complexity. For at each
stage of scientific inquiry we face the need to reduce a diversified
spectrum of live hypotheses to manageable numbers-a need that
grows more elaborate with the exponential proliferation of possibilities
that lies down the road of sequential conjecture, with iffy hypothesis
piled upon ifty hypothesis.
The Exploratory Penetration Model: An Arms Race Against
Scientific progress thus depends crucially and unavoidably on
our technical capability to push outward in ever widening circles into
the increasingly distant-and increasingly difficult- reaches of the
power/complexity spectrum of physical parameters to explore and
explain the ever more remote phenomena to be encountered there.
It is of the very essence of the enterprise that natural science is
forced ever further into the extremes of nature.
The assumptions that underlie the detailed functioning of such a
prospecting model of inquiry in natural science may be set out in
terms of three theses.
1. The processes of nature hinge on the interconnected operation
of certain parameters, each such parameter varying over a range
which defines one particular physical dimension of the "phase space"
whose exploration is the task of natural science. (These parametric
ranges are such that in the case of an inherently limited range-e.g.,
speeds to the velocity of light, temperatures to absolute zero-an
"order of magnitude" step along the range carries us yet another
one-tenth of the way to the limit, as per the sequence: to within 10
percent of the limit from "where we started from," to within 1 per-
cent of it, to within .1 percent of it, etc.)
2. We humans ourselves occupy a certain (for us) natural position
within this parametric space-a location within it that is the (for us)
Scientific Progress and the "Limits of Growth" 97
natural starting point for its exploration. (For example, our sensory
organs respond to radiation in the visible part of the electromagnetic
spectrum or in the audible range of vibration frequencies.) ln our
own "parametric neighborhood" we can, thanks to the equipment of
our evolutionary heritage of perception, generally make explora-
tions relatively simply and cheaply.
3. Moreover, by suitable technical means we can explore regions
of this phase space at locations increasingly remote from our natu-
rai starting point. This is an ongoing process and one which is
altogether crucial to scientific progress because the cognitive potential
of fixed-distance explorations is soon exhausted. We are forced to
maye ever further autward in parametric remoteness or complexity
of detail. This requires a rapidly increasing commitment of effort and
resources. It is as though we needed to overcome the impedance of
a restraining force which pulls us toward home base and - unlike
gravitation - makes it increasingly difficult for us to move further
away from it. To pursue the metaphor of a voyage of exploration, the
further the journey from home base, the larger the vessel we need
and the more difficult and complicated is its outfitting.
This view of the matter involves no denial of the reality of the
process of technologicalleapfrogging by breakthroughs to increas-
ingly sophisticated levels of technological progress. It is just that this
growth in effectiveness produces no savings, but- quite the
contrary-is ever more expensive. In natural science we are in-
volved in a technological arms race: with every "victory over nature"
the difficulty of achieving the breakthroughs which lie ahead is
increased. One is simply never called on to keep doing what was
done before. A Sisyphyus-like task is posed by the constantly esca-
lating demands of science for the enhanced data to be obtained at
new levels of technological sophistication. One is always forced
further up the ladder, ascending to ever higher levels of technological
performance-and of costs.
Technological Escalation in Science:
The Unavailability of Economies of Reproduction
The preceding considerations set science apart from productive
enterprises of a more ordinary sort. The common course of ex-
perience in manufacturing industries since the industrial revolution
yields a historical picture where (1) the industry has grown expo-
nentially in the overall investment of the relevant resources of capital
and labor, whereas (2) the output of the industry has grown at an
even faster exponential rate. As a result of this combination, the ratio
of investment cost per unit of output has declined exponentially
due to the favorable "economies of scale" available throughout the
manufacturing industries. However, this relationship does not hold
for the science industry- the "industry" of the scientific enterprise
The economies of mass production are unavailable in research at
the scientific frontiers. Here the existing modus operandi is always of
limited utility-its potential is soon wrung dry as the frontiers move
ever onward. Of course, if it were a matter of doing an experiment
over and over, as in a classroom demonstration, then the unit cost
could be brought down and the usual economies of scale would be
obtained. The economics of mass reproduction is altogether differ-
ent from that in pioneering production. With mass production costs,
it is as though each item made chipped off a bit of the cost of those
yet to be made. Here too an exponential relationship obtains, but
one of exponential decay.87 To draw a somewhat odd biological
simile, it is as though the initiation of the species was expensive, but
once the species is realized the further generation of its individual
members becomes increasingly simple. The situation with the research
and development costs of scientific research technology is alto-
gether different.
Frontier research is just that - true pioneering. What counts is not
doing it, but doing it for the first time.
The situation of the initial
reconfirmation of claimed discoveries aside, repetition in research is
in general redundant and thus usually pointless. As one acute ob-
server has remarked, one can follow the diffusion of scientific
technology "from the research desk down to the schoolroom."89
The savings of mass reproduction in science are thus useless out-
side the context of instructional purposes. In innovative science
there are no economies of scale. And these economic realities of
Scientific Progress and the "Limits of Growth" 99
course betoken economic limits and limitations. The finitude of our
resources must be realized and reckoned with.
Implications of Zero Growth
The existence of such economic limitations upon inquiry poses a
fundamental question about the extendability of our knowledge of
the world. Is there in fact any reason to think that the physical
infeasibility of data access to certain r o ~ sectors of parametric
space will seriously impede the expansion of our scientific
understanding? After ail, if for sorne reason certain parts of the earth
could not be explored, this merely geographic deficiency in our
information would almost certainly not retard in any substantial way
our knowledge of the earth's structure, history, or geology.
But this analogy is misleading. With natural science it is not just
some minor and venial deficiency that is at issue. The regions in
which our access to data is blocked by physicoeconomic limits are
precisely the regions where certain peculiar and characteristic sorts
of natural processes take place, processes we have every reason to
regard as crucial for our understanding of nature. The sector of
parametric space we are prevented from viewing is not just another
random region, information about which we could pretty weil by-
pass by extrapolation from without; by its very nature it is a region
whose phenomena are-or may, in the face of ail past experience,
safely be presumed to be-different in kind from those to which we
already have access.
At this point it is necessary to introduce an important distinction.
Scientific problems can be of two kinds. (1) There are synthetic
problems which are holistic rather than factorable and have agestalt
unity in virtue of which they do not admit of decomposition but must
be resolved ail at once through the deployment of a suitably powerful
effort. (2) There are ana/ytie problems which can be factored into
pieces admitting of stepwise resolution, so that while a vast total
effort may be required for the solution of the problem, this can be
expended seriatim in small installments. (A hickory nut can be
cracked only by concurrently marshaling a sizable effort; a bail can
be rolled to a far-off destination by tiny bits of effort expended
successively.) Problems in the first category may be characterized
as power-intensive, those in the second as complexity-intensive.
The investigation of fundamental particles through collisions brought
about by high-energy particle accelerations typifies the category of
power-intensive problems. The etiology of cancer and cardiovascular
disease affords a prime instance of complexity-intensive research
problems, perhaps due to the convoluted functioning of cellular
mechanisms. (For example, it is often impossible in the present state
of knowledge to predict whether a deliberately induced immune
response will stimulate or inhibit the growth of a cancer.) Environ-
mental biology Cecology) with its proliferation of delicately inter-
connected variables, interlocked like ajigsaw puzzle in intricate con-
figurations, also exemplifies this complexity-intensive case. Or again,
molecular biology, with its thousands of investigators painstakingly
elucidating step by step the mode of action of the nucleic acids
and other cellular constituents typifies the category of complexity-
intensive problems.
But the perfectly realistic prospect must be faced that there will be
some problems in natural science that are inherently power-intensive-
problems for whose resolution one needs to have more or less
"simultaneously" a nonaffordable quantity of nonstoreable resource
inputs. In such cases, the escalating level of resource demands,
such as the size of equipment or the magnitude of energy require-
ments, will eventually pose a practically insuperable obstacle. Here
we ultimately approach, in a zero-growth world, a decisive de facto
limit in the attainability of data and hence in the realizability of results,
a limit not of possibility but of feasibility. The resolution of these
problems becomes insoluble not because they are inherently so,
but primarily because those technical measures indispensable to
their resolution cannot be put at our disposition within the limits of
available resources.
To be sure, the situation is quite different in the analytic, complexity-
intensive domain where the analytic aspect of compJication/com-
pilation/complexity can always be accommodated sequentially. Unlike
synthetic problems, analytic issues are always factorable; they can
Scientific Progress and the "Limits of Growth" 101
be decomposed into smaller pieces that can be resolved "on the
installment plan." Thus with the analytic, complexity-intensive problems
of the power-attainable domain, only the sky (or, speaking less
figuratively, the horizon of time and the reach of human patience
and ingenuity) is the limit.
The existence of this category of complexity-intensive problems is
accordingly critical for the long-run prospects of scientific progress.
With the data of the synthetic (power-relative) domain, an effectively
insuperable economic barrier must eventually be reached.
with analytical problems such a barrier can always in principle be
bypassed, given sufficient patience.
Sufficiently elaborate explora-
tion within the "already accessible" parametric regions can always
yield more sophisticated insights into the complexity-Ievels of physi-
cal processes.
The limits that operate in a zero-growth world with respect to our
ability to dedicate increasingly massive resources to the power-
intensive areas of scientific investigation have far-reaching conse-
quences. Inaccessible phenomena entail inaccessible findings. If
physicallimits and their economic amplifications restrict the scale of
our interactions with nature, they thereby limit our cognitive access
to the phenomena of nature, and therefore-so we cannot but
believe- they restrict access to its laws as weil. Data restrictions are
bound to compromise the adequacy and completeness of our
consequent theorizing. The standard empiricist posture must prevail:
our knowledge of the world is empirical, that is, data-dependent,
and any significant deficiency in our access to phenomena must be
presumed to entail a correlative deficiency in an understanding of
the natural laws that govern them. Our knowledge of the world
accordingly becomes circumscribed in such a manner that we
must accept the humbling lesson of Hamlet's dictum that "There
are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio." The existence of
knowledge-impeding limitations on access to the phenomena must
be acknowledged to have decisively negative implications for the
claims of science to the realization of adequacy and comprehen-
The cruel fact is that in a zero-growth world in which the resources
dedicated to science at any given time are stable (rather than grow-
ing exponentially as they have done in the past) there will inevitably
be a substantial retardation in the pace of progress because of the
escalating costs of work at the scientific frontiers.
The Technological Imperative
One oft-encountered objection to the idea of limits to scientific
progress goes as follows: "Ali this attention to Iimits of inquiry and
boundaries of knowledge is gloom and doom thinking. Do not sel!
human intelligence short! Man's intellectual creativity will ultimately
prevail to overcome ail these apparent obstacles to smooth scientific
progress. What looks like an insuperable limit from our present.{jay
perspective may weil crumble down under the next breakthrough
that lies just around the corner."94
But this is surely wishful-and highly unconvincing-thinking.
The obstac'Ies that have been canvassed in our discussion are
technologicallimits on data availability which are themselves inher-
ent in the very nature of the physical world, as best science itself
depicts it for us. Natural science is empirical science; it indispens-
ably needs data. Only a rationalist of an extreme and doctrinaire
stamp could think that sheer intelligence can surmount data barri-
ers in mastering the "secrets of nature." To hold that pure thought
and unaided intellect can overcome the physicallimitations correla-
tive with data dependency is alien to the very nature of empirical
science. (However great its reliance on imagination and creative
thought, natural science is something very different from imagina-
tive literature or pure mathematics, where creative force of intel-
lect can operate alone, without the constraining restrictiveness of
material limitations.) These limits manifest themselves to us in a
fundamentally economic manner. Our physical interventions in the
course of nature are everywhere subject to the limitation of eco-
nomic constraints upon the availability of resources. There is, and
can be, no adequate reason to think the case is otherwise in the
domain of empirical inquiry, where our interaction with nature is a
driving force of the enterprise.
Scientific Progress and the "Limits of Growth" 103
The position presented here is thus not a matter of "gloom and
doom thinking" at ail, but simply one of being realistic-of facing the
facts as best we can make them out. It accepts squarely and honestly
the inexorable implications of the economic limits upon the progress
of inquiry in a context where the deployment of technology in the
acquisition and the processing of data represents an unavoidable
fact of life.
On Not Excusing Inadequate Efforts
One important final point deserves stress. Even if it were certain
that mankind had pushed its effort at scientific inquiry deep into the
region of diminishing returns, one should not suppose that this had
gone too far. The evaluation of the costs of scientific knowledge in
terms of material and intellectual resources must be offset by
recognition of the benefits of scientific work. And these benefits
should not be construed in the narrowly utilitarian, gadgetry-{)riented
sense of panem et circenses. It is important ta recognize that not just
material but intellectual benefits are involved. For while scientific
progress has indeed produced an immense benefit in terms of
physical well-being, there remains the no less crucial fact that it
represents one of the 9reat creative challenges of the human spirit. 95
Man's intellectual struggle with nature deserves ta be ranked as a
key element of what is truly noble in human life, together with our
social efforts at forging a satisfying and our moral
strivings ta transcend the limitations of our animal heritage. The
recognition of human limits and limitations affords no excuse for
inadequate efforts. The runner realizes he will not run a one-minute
mile; the thrower recognizes that he will not hurl his discus for one
thousand yards. But this does not excuse him for failing to do his
best or prevent him from striving to do il. And there is no good
reason why the situation in natural science should be any different.
A society that spends many billions of dollars on a varied cornu-
copia of deleterious trivia, to say nothing of untold billions on military
outlays, assumes an uncomfortable moral posture in deciding that
science-even big and expensive science-is agame that's not
worth the candle.
The scientifically and technologically most ad-
vanced countries today spend some 2 ta 3 percent of their GNP on
research and development and some 3 percent of that on basic
This allocation of roughly one-tenth of one percent of
GNP ta pure science is certainly not exorbitant and perhaps not
even seemly, considering the size of our material and intellectual
stake in the enterprise.
Name Index
Subject Index
1. J. B. Bury, The /dea ot Progress (London, 1920), pp. 332-33.
2. Leibniz: Selections, ed. P. P. Weiner (New York, 1951), pp. 584-85.
3. R. H. Lotze, Microcosmus, trans. E. Hamilton and E. E. C. Tines, 2 vols.
(Edinburgh, 1885-86), Il,' 396.
4. For example, Gallup used "fairly happy" for the middle group while
NORC and SRC used "pretty happy."
5. The discussion in this section and its immediate successor draws on the
author's book We/tare: The Social Issues in Philosophical Perspective
(Pittsburgh, 1972), chap. 3.
6. Judgments of this sort, even about oneself, are notoriously problematic:
"It is hard enough ta know whether one is happy or unhappy now, and still
harder ta compare the relative happiness of different times of one's life; the
utmost that can be said is that we are fairly happy so long as we are not
distinctly aware of being miserable" (Samuel Butler, The Way of Ali Flesh).
7. Sentiments of this tendency are readily found across the entire political
8. A. Campbell, P. E. Converse, and W. L. Rodgers, The Qua/ity of
American Lite (New York, 1975), make use of this Epicurean formula and
offer support for it in chapter 6. Another empirical study regarding this bit of
speculative philosophy as ta the relationship between expectation and
(probable) achievement is Arnold Thomsen, "Expectation in Relation to
Achievement and Happiness," Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 38
(1943),58-73. Other related discussions and further references are given in
James G. March and H. Simon, Organizations (New York, 1958); Richard
M. Cyert and James G. March, A Behaviora/ Theoryotthe Firm (Englewood
Cliffs, N. J., 1963); T. Castello and S. Zalkind, Psycho/ogy in Administration
(Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1963), esp. pt. 2, "Needs, Motives, and Goals." It is
worth noting that often one finds "aspiration" in place of "expectation" in the
denominator of the basic proposition. The difference is important but subtle.
The enterprising persan may aspire to more than he expects to realize; the
all-out optimist may expect ta realize more than what he aspires ta.
9. Rousseau's Emi/e works this line of thought extensively: "True happi- 107
108 Notes to Pages 12-31
ness consists in decreasing the difference between our desires and our
powers in establishing a perfect equilibrium between the power and the
will. ... misery consists not in the lack of things, but in the needs which they
inspire." Emile, trans. B. Foxley (London, 1911), pp. 44-45. 1 owe this
reference to Peter Hare.
10. An important lesson lurks in this finding, to wit, that consideration of
only the idiosyncratic happiness of a society's members is a poor measure of
its attainments in the area of social welfare. It would only be a good measure
in a society whose expectations held fairly constant or, if not that, at least
developed in a "realistic" manner, that is, in a gradualistic pattern that did not
automatically leap beyond increasing attlinments.
11. For an interesting discussion of cognate issues see Philip Brickman
and Donald T. Campbell, "Hedonic Relativism and Planning the Good
Society," in Adaptation Level Theory, ed. M. H. Appley (New York, 1971), pp.
287-302. One of the interesting points of this discussion is its conclusion that
"there may be no way to permanently increase the total of one's pleasure
except by getting off the hedonic treadmill entirely" (p. 300).
12. For an interesting discussion of some relevant issues see Philip
Brickman and R. J. Bulman, "Pleasure and Pain in Social Comparison," in
Social Comparison Processes, ed. J. M. Sols and R. C. Miller (Washington,
1977), pp. 149-85.
13. From Joseph F. Coates, "Technological Change and Future Growth:
Ideas and Opportunities," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 11
(1977), 49-74 (see p. 54).
14. (New York, 1950), p. 205. A good deal of recent antiscientism is
surveyed in Bernard Dixon, What Is Science For? (1973; rpt. Harmonds-
worth, 1976).
15. (New York, 1970).
16. J. D. N. Nabarro etaI., "Selection of Patients for Haemodialysis," British
Medical Journal 1 (March 11, 1967),622-24 (see p. 623). Although several
thousands of patients die in Britain each year from renal failure (there are
about thirty new cases per million of population) only 10 percent of these can
for the foreseeable future be accommodated with chronic hemodialysis.
Kidney transplantation, itself a very tricky procedure, cannot make a more
than minor contribution here. In the United States, about seven thousand
patients with terminal uremia who could benefit from hemodialysis evolve
yearly. As of mid-1968, some one thousand of these could be accommo-
dated in existing hospital units and by June 1967, a worldwide total of some
one hundred twenty patients were in treatment by home dialysis. Cf. R. A.
Baillod et aL, "Overnight Hemodialysis in the Home," Proceedings of the
European Dialysis and Transplant Association 6 (1965), 99 ff.
Notes to Pages 31-38 109
17. For the Hippocratic oath see Hippocrates: Works, Loeb ed. (London,
1959), l, 298.
18. For various aspects of these issues see C. Doyle, "Spare-Part Heart
Surgeons Worried by Their Success," Observer (London), May 12,1968; J.
Fletcher, Marals and Medicine (London, 1955); and G. E. W. Woistenhoime
and M. O'Connor, eds., Ethics in Medical Progress (London, 1966).
19. Shana Alexander, "They Decide Who Lives, Who Dies," Lite 53
(November 9, 1962), 102-25 (see p. 107). Cf. H. M. Schmeck, Jr., "Panel
Holds Life-or-Death Vote in Allotting of Artificial Kidney," New York Times,
May 6, 1962, pp. 1, 83.
20. A doctrinaire utilitarian would presumably be willing to withdraw a
continuing mode of lifesaving therapy such as hemodialysis from a patient to
make room for a more promising candidate who came to view at a later
stage and who could not otherwise be accommodated. 1 should be unwilling
to adopt this course, partly on grounds of utility (with a view to avoiding
demoralizing insecurity), partly on the nonutilitarian ground that a moral
commitment has been made and must be honored despite considerations
of utility.
21. Lawrence Lader, "Who Has the Right To Live?" Good Housekeeping,
January, 1968, pp. 85 and 144-50 (see p. 144).
22. In saying that past services should be counted "on grounds of equity"
rather than "on grounds of utility," 1 take the view that even if this utilitarian
defense could somehow be shawn to be fallacious, 1 should still be prepared
to maintain the propriety of taking services rendered into account. The
position does not rest on a utilitarian basis and so would not collapse with the
removal of such a basis.
23. In his contribution ta Nabarro, "Selection of Patients," F. M. Parsons
writes: "But other forms of selecting patients [distinct from first come, first
served] are suspect in my view if they imply evaluation of man by man. What
criteria could be used? Who could justify a claim that the life of a mayor would
be more valuable than that of the humblest citizen of his borough? Whatever
we may think as individuals none of us is indispensable." But having just set
out this hard-line view he immediately backs away from it: "On the other
hand, to assume that there was little to choose between Alexander Fleming
and Adolf Hitler ... would be nonsense, and we should be naive if we were to
pretend that we could not be influenced by their achievements and charac-
ters if we had to choose between the two of them. Whether we like it or not we
cannot escape the tact that this kind of selection for long-term hemodialysis
will be required until very large sums of money become available for
equipment and services [so that everyone who needs treatment can be
accommodated]. "
11 0 Notes to Pages 38-42
24. The relative fundamentality of these principles is, however, a substan-
tially disputed issue.
25. This, of course, stilileaves open the question of whether the point of
view provides a valid basis of action: Why base one's actions upon moral
principles? Or, to put it bluntly, Why be moral? The present paper is,
however, hardly the place to grapple with so fundamental an issue, which
has been canvassed in the literature of philosophical ethics since Plato.
26. Nabarro, "Selection of Patients," p. 622.
27. See Alexander, "They Decide Who Lives."
28. Nabarro, "Selection of Patients," p. 624. Another contributor writes in
the same symposium, that "the selection of the few [to receive hemodialysis]
is proving very difficult-a true 'Doctor's Dilemma'-for almost everybody
would agree that this must be a medical decision, preferably reached by
consultation among colleagues" (F. M. Parsons, p. 623).
29. Ibid., p. 623.
30. Dr. Wilson's article concludes with the perplexing suggestion - wildly
beside the point given the structure of the situation at issue - that "the final
decision will be made by the patient." But this contention is only marginally
more ludicrous than Dr. Parson's conTention that in selecting patients for
hemodialysis "gainful employment in a weil chosen occupation is necessary
to achieve the best results" since "only the minority wish to live on charity"
31. To say this is, of course, not to deny that such questions of applied
medical ethics will invariably involve a host of medical considerations. It is
only to insist that extramedical considerations will also invariably be at issue.
32. M. A. Wilson, in Nabarro, "Selection of Patients," p. 624.
33. In the case of an ongoing treatment involving complex procedures,
and dietary and other restrictions (and hemodialysis definitely
falls into this category) the patient's psychological makeup, his willpower to
"stick with il" in the face of substantial discouragements will obviously also be
a substantial factor. The man who gives up, takes not his life alone, but
(figuratively speaking) also that of the person he replaced in the treatment
34. To say that acceptable solutions can range over broad limits is not to
say that there are no limits at ail. It is an obviously intriguing and fundamental
problem to raise the question of the factors that set these limits. This complex
issue cannot be dealt with adequately here. Suffice it to say that considera-
tions regarding precedent and people's expectations, factors of social utility,
and matters of fairness and sense of justice ail come into play.
35. Its historical credentials are impressive. Recourse to chance in this
general connection runs deep in human thought. We speak of a person's
Notes to Pages 42-74 111
"lot" in life and find philosophers taking this idea seriously as early as the Myth
of Er in Book X of Plato's Republic. Cf. also the classic treatise Of the Nature
and Use of Lots: A Treatise Histarical and Thealagical by Thomas Gataker
36. One writer has mooted the suggestion that "perhaps the right thing to
do, difficult as it may be to accept, is to select [for hemodialysis] from among
the medically and psychologically qualified patients on a strictly random
basis" (S. Gorovitz, "Ethics and the Allocation of Medical Resources," Medi-
cal Research Engineering 5 [1966], 5-7 [see p. 7]), To be sure, strictly
random selection has the merit of affording a purely mechanical procedure
that relieves its administrators of any difficult choices. But outright random
selection would seem indefensible because of its refusai to give weight to
considerations which, under the circumstances, deserve to be given weight
(despite their departure from facile egalitarianism) on grounds not only of
ethical considerations but of social advantage and the interests of the
community at large. The proposed procedure of superimposing a certain
degree of randomness upon the rational-ehoice criteria would seem to
combine the advantages of the two without importing the worst defects of
37. Nabarro, "Selection of Patients," p. 623. The question of whether a
patient for chronic treatment should ever be terminated from the program
(say if he contracts cancer) poses a variety of difficult ethical problems with
which we need not at present concern ourselves. But compare note 20
38. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1974 (Washington, D.C.,
1974), p. 62.
39. Data from B. C. Cooper, N. L. Worthington, and P. A. Piro, "National
Health Expenditures: 1929-1973," Social Security Bulletin, February 1974,
pp. 32-34.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid.
42. John Pawles, "On the Limitations of Modern Medicine," Science,
Medicine and Man 1 (1973), 1-30 (see p.- 21).
43. Genes, Dreams, and Realifies (New York, 1970), pp. 217-19.
44. Note that there are also cognitive ideals relating to the organization of
knowledge (e.g., simplicity, consistency, completeness).
45. For some suggestions along these lines see my Distributive Justice
(New York, 1965). It was the failure of the Pareto Principle in the context of
the theory of justice offered in this book that motivated the deliberations of the
present essay.
46. To say that the difficulties of an interpersonal comparison of utilities
112 Notes to Pages 74-81
need not taze the moral philosopher is not, of course, to indicate how he
should deal with them. The writer's views on this theme are sketched in "A
Philosopher Looks at Welfare Economies" in his Essays in Philosophical
Ana/ysis (Pittsburgh, 1969).
47. For a tuiler development of the relevant themes see my Unselfishness:
The RaIe of the Vicarious Affects in Moral Philosaphy and Social Theary
(Pittsburgh, 1975).
48. William Murdoch and Joseph Connell, "Ali About Ecology," Center
Magazine 3 (Jan.-Feb. 1970), 56-63 (see p. 61).
49. Writing ca. 1700, the botanist John Ray observed that if the fossil
evidence were taken at face value "it would follow that many species of
shell-fish are lost out of the world," a conclusion which "philosophers hitherto
have been unwilling to admit, esteeming the destruction of any one species
as a dismembering of the Universe, and rendering it imperfect." (Quoted in
John Passmore's excellent monograph, Man's Responsibility for Nature
(London, 1977), p. 118.
50. In tact, Aquinas taught that Divine Providence is oriented with respect
to lower creatures only to the species level; with intelligent creatures alone
does God care tor the welfare of individuals. Summa contra gentiles, 3.113.
51 . The present focus on animal species is largely immaterial. Most of the
present discussion applies mutatis mutandis to vegetable species and in-
deed to species of inanimate substance as weil.
52. This point is elegantly formulated in Holmes Roiston III, "Is There an
Ecological Ethic?" Ethics 85 (1974-75), 93-107: "For maximum noetic
development, man requires environmental exuberance.... Remove eagles
trom the sky and we will suffer a spiritualloss. For every landscape, there is
an inscape; mental and environmental horizons reciprocate" (p. 105).
53. On the hoary but nevertheless unfortunate tradition of ignoring - and
even denying - the intrinsic value of nonhuman entities see James A. Keller,
'Types of Matrices for Ecological Concern," Zygon 61 (1971), 197-209.
54. Some of us, to be sure, are so parochial. The utilitarians, for example,
were generally committed to the view that "the creation of things, and the
preservation of species, are to be aimed at and commended only in so far as
human beings are, or will be emotionally and sentimentally [and intellectually
and materially] interested in the things created and preserved" (Stuart
Hampshire, Mora/ity and Pessimism [Cambridge, 1972], pp. 3-4). And this
is the mainstream position in Western philosophy, held alike by the Stoics in
antiquity and the schoolmen of medieval Christianity: "Intellectual creatures
are so governed by God as to be objects of care for their own sakes, but other
creatures are, as it were, subordinated to the rational creatures" (Aquinas,
Summa contra gentiles 3.112). Aquinas, however, is sufficiently astute to
Notes to Pages 81-82 113
add: "It is not contradictory for some creatures to exist for the sake of the
intellectual ones anda/50 for the sake of the perfection of the universe" (ibid.).
55. This discussion is somewhat incomplete. The argument it develops is
directed against the "value-naturalism" of those who maintain that ail value
arises trom interest. (See Ralph Barton Perry, Rea/ms of Value [Cambridge,
Mass., 1954.) Now the argument maintains the implausibility of this when
interest is construed as specifically human interest. This leaves it open to a
defender of the doctrine to insist that the scope of the interests at issue should
be broadened to include that of certain other sentient beings, or perhaps
even ail of them, including the subhuman and conceivably the superhuman
as weil. At this stage, the counterargument would have to be broadened as
weil. But the reader can work the needed adaptations out alone.
56. See especially chap. 11 of Bk. 5 (Delta), and chap. 8 of Bk. 9 (Theta).
57. The atomists, who saw value as a specifically human creation, now
come into their own and more.
58. Ouoted in Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Great Chain of Being (Cambridge,
Mass., 1936), p. 77.
59. For details, see the discussion in Nicholas Rescher, Studies in Moda/i-
ty, American Philosophical Ouarterly Monograph no. 8 (Oxford, 1974), pp.
57-70. And cf. also the discussion of uniformity and diversity in Passmore,
Man's Responsibi/ity for Nature, pp. 119 ff. Aldo Leopold's seminal essay,
"The Land Ethic" may count as an important venture in evaluative metaphys-
ics. It is reprinted in A Sand County A/manac (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1949), pp. 201-06. He maintains that: "A thing is right when it tends to
preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is
wrong when it tends otherwise."
60. Historically, the traditional formulation of this line of thought pro-
ceeded in a theological idiom. Thus Aquinas says that ail created things
participate in the goodness of God, their creator (Summa contra genti/es 3.
9), so that everything "imitates the divine goodness, according to its own
mode" (ibid. 3. 20), though, to be sure, in varying degree- "elements, for
instance, [are of lesser goodness] than animais and man because they are
unable to reach the perfection of knowledge and understanding, to which
animais and men attain" (ibid.).
61. Passmore, Man's Responsibility for Nature, pp. 123-24.
62. Morality and Pessimism (Cambridge, 1972J, pp. 36-37.
63. Of course, whenever such an "ought" of cosmic fitness is operative,
there is a correlative dutY to cultivate and promote its realization. But this
represents quite a different issue. People ought to speak correctly or do their
sums properly. But that does not make departures from correct speech or
correct arithmetic ethical transgressions.
114 Notes to Pages 82-86
64. Here we revert to the issue (already mooted in note 55 above) of
whether the individuals at issue are specifically persons or whether sentient
beings in general are at issue. Moral philosophers have always been in
discord in this question. Even within the utilitarian school Bentham (and later
G. E. Moore) took the more liberalline while the Mills were more rigorously
65. It should be obvious, but may nevertheless be worth stressing, that to
say that saving species is not a moral dutYis not to deny that various moral
duties lie in this general area. It is clear that we have a moral duty to avoid the
needless taking of animal lite, the wanton destruction ot animais or plants,
the vandalization of our natural environment, and so on.
66. The issue is ably treated in Passmore, Man 's Responsibility for Nature,
chap. 5, pp. 100-26. And this discussion should perhaps be amplified by
invoking the idea of a potential mutuality of recognition as "kindred spirits"
that cannot readily be projected beyond the confines of the human commu-
67. Ren Dubos has suggested extending the Decalogue with an eleventh
commandment, "Thou shalt strive for environmental quality" (A God Within
[New York, 1977], pp. 166-67). Two considerations arise. (1) Why should
the limiting qualification "environmental" be present here at ail? (2) ln any
event, the addition of this commandment transforms the Decalogue. It is
now no longer a list of specifically moral injunctions but is expanded to reach
into the wider ethical sphere, where we have left behind the parochial
limitation ta human interests as being paramount.
68. John Passmore holds much the same view in Man 's Responsibi/ity for
Nature: "But that men have lost rights over them does nothing to convert
animais into bearers of rights, any more than we give rights to a river by
withdrawing somebody's right to pollute il" (p. 116).
69. Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, 2nd ed. (London, 1858),
sermon 6, pp. 106-07. On the wider issues cf. Lynn White, Jr., "The
Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis," Science 155 (1967), 1203-07.
70. One cannat treat a caterpillar unjustly. But to say this is neither ta deny
that one can abuse it (e.g., by utterly pointless destruction) nor even that one
can be ungenerous toward it (e.g. by idly flicking it off a leaf it happens to be
71 . This also seems ta be the position of Jacques Maritain. See his Neuf
leons sur les notions premires de la philosophie morale (Paris, 1951), as
given in Charles Journet, The Meaning of Evil, trans. Michael Barry (London,
1963), pp. 138-39. For the denial of animal rights see also D. G. Ritchie,
Natural Rights (London, 1894), p. 107; and John Passmore, "The Treatment
of Animais," Journal of the History of Ideas 36 (1975), 195-218. For a
Notes to Pages 86--88 115
statement of the contrary position see Jay M. Lowry, "Natural Rights: Men
and Animais," The Southwestern Journal ot Philosophy 6 (1975), 109-22.
72. See the discussion of hedonic versus aristic values in the 3uthor's book
Weltare (Pittsburgh, 1972), pp. 160-64.
73. The supportive argument at issue here is readily developed in deontic
logic. Thus let:
"X has a right to do A" == (X do A)
We may then reason as follows:
"x does not have
a right to do A" = (X do A)
++ "" -., rMJ -., (X do A) [Since: <> == -., 0 "".]
++ lM) ........ (X do A) == "X has an obligation not
to do A"
The long and short of it is that one should not do that which one does not
have a right to do.
74. This sentence is drafted with care not to read "the fact that we have no
right to endanger another species entails that we have a duty to avoid
threatening its existence." For this cognate, active rather than passively
voiced version would not do the job which needs to be done at this stage of
the argument.
75. Man 's Responsibility for Nature, p. 101.
76. To be sure, various purely practical constraints are at work here. The
attempt to destroy a dangerous species of bacteria or viruses might itself
produce still more dangerous mutants.
77. It is moreover, at odds with preservationism itself. In endeavoring to
save an endangered species we are, after ail, interfering in the evolutionary
course of events to produce in actual intervention a result that otherwise
would not be.
78, Charles Hartshorne, "The Environmental Results of Technology," in
Philosophy and Environmental Crisis, ed. W. T. Blackstone (Athens, Ga.,
1974), pp. 69-78 (see p. 72).
79. 'There is much to be said for the small group. It can work quite
efficiently. Efficiency does not increase proportionally with numbers. A large
group creates complicated administrative problems, and much effort is
spent in organization." Laura Fermi, Atoms in the Family: My Lite with Enrico
Fermi (Chicago, 1954), p. 185.
80. Karl R. Popper in Problems of Scientific Revolution, ed. R. Harr
(Oxford. 1975). p. 84.
116 Notes to Pages 89-98
81. Bernard Dixon, What is Science For? (1973; rpt. Harmondsworth,
1976), p. 143.
82. For a c1ear illustration of this phenomenon in chemistry, see F. H.
Wertheimer et al., Chemistry: Opportunities and Needs (Washington, D.C.,
1965), p. 9.
83. D. A. Bromley et al., Physics in Perspective: Student Edition (Washing-
ton, D.C., 1973), p. 16.
84. Use of the term phenomena and insistence upon their primacy in
scientific inquiry goes back to the ancient idea of "saving the phenomena."
See Pierre Duhem, To Save the Phenomena, trans. E. Doland and
C. Maschler (Chicago, 1969); and Jrgen Mittelstrass, Oie Rettung der
Phanomene (Berlin, 1962). It finds its modern articulation in Newton's
85. See T. S. Kuhn, "Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery," Science
136 (1962), 760-64.
86. General/y, but not inevitably. For example, the main anomaly resolved
by general relativity (the issue of the perihelion of Mercury) had been long
familiar. Neverthe/ess a good deal of high-powered observational work
using very sophisticated technology had to be done before general relativity
became "established." The technological imperative for "new data" in natural
science is usually operative on the side of the genesis of new theories, but
even more emphatically sa on the side of l'heir validation.
87. See Brom/ey, Physics in Perspective, p. 331.
88. Thus in science, as in war, what matters is "gettin' thar fustest with the
mostest." As his father wrote ta the mathematician Johann Bolyai in 1823: "If
you have really succeeded in the question, it is right that no time be lost in
making it public.... every scientific struggle is just a serious war, in which 1
cannot say when peace will arrive. Thus we ought to conquer when we are
able, since the advantage is always ta the first comer." Quoted in Roberto
Bono/a, Non-Euclidean Geometry, trans. H. S. Carslaw, 2nd ed. (La Salle,
1938), p. 99.
89. Gerald Ho/ton, "Mode/s for Understanding the Growth and Excel/ence
of Scientific Research," in Excellence and Leadership in a Democracy, ed.
Stephen R. Graubard and Gerald Holton (New York, 1962), pp. 94-131 (see
p. 115).
90. This dichotomization of problem areas finds its counterpart in the
organization and management of scientific activities. The great national
laboratories, institutes, and installations that typify big science reflect the
concentration of effort needed to resolve power-intensive problems; the
massive proliferation of other scientific activities among myriad smaller units
(universities, industrial /aboratories, etc.) ref/ects the decentralization of
Notes to Pages 98-104 11 7
effort to which the installment-plan aspect of complexity-intensive problems
readily lends itself. For an interesting discussion of the relevant issues see
Alvin R. Weinberg. "Institutions and Strategies in the Planning of Research,"
Minerva 12 (1974), 8-17.
91. For some interesting theoretical discussions of the concept of com-
plexity and an extensive bibliography of the concept, see C. C. Whyle, A. G.
Wilson, and D. Wilson, eds., Hierarchical Structures (New York, 1969).
92. Here a cousin to the myth of Sisyphus is applicable, that of the giant
who rolls up the mountainside path a stone that becomes (nontrivially)
heavier with each advancing step; be he ever so strong, even his most
intense efforts will ultimately receive a check.
93. Reverting to the myth of the preceding footnote, observe that there
need be no limit to how far the stone could be moved by the giant if it (and its
pieces) could be split into halves at any stage.
94. The idea that "everything will be different" after the next breakthrough is
tempting, but is clearly not a very scientific way of defending the interests of
science. Scientific rationality demands adoption of a methodological uni-
formitarianism between the seen and the unseen. And we should surely use
the same ground rules of explanation and method in discussions about
science that apply in discussions within science.
95. On this line of thought compare the author's Welfare: The Social Issues
in Philosophical Perspective (Pittsburgh, 1972), pp. 155-66.
96. The moral aspect aside, it is probably not even a matter of prudentially
enlightened self-interest. Cf. the cogent discussion in Stephen Toulmin, "Is
There a Limit to Scientific Growth?" Scientific Journal 2 (1966), 80-85.
97. See Keith Norris and John Vaisey, The Economies of Research and
Technology (London, 1973), p. 56.
98. Some of the issues raised here are dealt with more fully in the author's
Scientific Progress (Pittsburgh, 1978).
Name Index
Alexander, Shana, 109n19,
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 81, 112n50,
113n54, 113n60
Aristotle, 81
Bacon, Francis, 4
Baillod, R. A., 108n 16
Bonola, Roberto, 116n88
Bradburn, Norman M., 7, 15
Brickman, Philip, 108n 12
Bromley, David N., 116n83
Bulman, R. J., 108n 12
Burnett, Sir Macfarlane, 53
Bury, J. B., 3
Butler, Samuel, 107n6
Campbell, Angus, 8, 107n8
Campbell, Donald T., 108n 11
Cantril, Hadley, 10
Caplovitz, David, 15
Carter, Jimmy, 27
Coates, Joseph F., 108n 13
Connell, Joseph, 112n48
Converse, P. E., 8, 107n8
Cooper, B. C., 111 n39
Costello, Timothy, 107n8
Cyert, Richard M., 107n8
Darwin, Charles, 4, 81
Descartes, Ren, 81
Dixon, Bernard, 108n 14, 116n81
Doyle, C., 109n18
Dubos, Ren, 20
Duhem, Pierre, 116n84
Einstein, Albert, 93
Epicurus, 12
Erskine, Hazel, 7
Feld, Sheila, 7
Fermi, Laura, 116n79
Fletcher, Joseph, 109n 18
Gallup, George, 107n4
Gataker, Thomas, 111 n35
Goethe, J. W. von, 3
Gorovitz, Samuel, 111 n36
Gurin, Gerald, 7
Hampshire, Stuart, 83, 112n54
Hare, Peter, 108n9
Hartshorne, Charles, 89
Hippocrates, 109n 17
Holton, Gerald, 11 7n89
Jacobs, W. W., 61
Johnson, Lyndon, 27
Jourmet, Charles, 11 5n71
Kant, Immanuel, 89
Keller, James A., 112n53
Kennedy, John F., 62
Kuhn, T. S., 116n85 119
120 Name Index
Lader, Laurence, 109n21
Leibniz, G. W. von, 4, 81
Leopold, Aldo, 11 3n59
Lotz, R. H., 5
Lovejoy, Arthur O., 113n58
Lowry, Jay M., 115n71
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 4
March, James G., 107n8
Maritain, Jacques, 115n71
Millelstrass, Jrgen, 116n84
More, Sir Thomas, 23
Murdock, William, 112n48
Nabarro, J. D. N., 108n16,
109n23, 11 On28, 11 On32,
Newman, John Henry, 86
Nixon, Richard, 11
Pareto, Vilfredo, 69
Parsons, F. M., 39, 44
Passmore, John, 87, 112n49,
114n61, 114n66, 114n68,
Pawles, John, 111 n42
Perry, Ralph Barton, 113n55
Piro, P. A., 111 n39
Plato, 81, 111 n35
Popper, Sir Karl R., 93
Ray, John, 11 2n49
Ritchie, D. G., 115n71
Rodgers, W. L., 8, 107n8
Rolston, Holmes, III, 112n52
Roosevelt, Franklin, 27
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 108n9
Russell, Bertrand, 82
Schweitzer, Albert, 89
Shakman, Ralph, 39
Simon, Herbert, 55, 107n8
Spinoza, Benedict de, 81
Strunk, Mildred, 10
Talleyrand, C. M. de, 94
Thomsen, Arnold, 107n8
Veroff, Joseph, 7
Weinberg, Alvin P., 117n90
Wertheimer, F. H., 116n82
White, Lynn J., 114n69
Whitman, Walt, 88
Wilson, M. A., 39, 11 On32
Wilson, Woodrow, 27
Worthington, N. L., 111 n39
Zalkind, Sheldon, 107n8
Subject Index
Arms race against nature, 96-97
Aspirations, 12-14, 58, 107n8,
Attainment, 12, 36-38
Beneti!: negative, 5; positive, 5
Big science, 93-103, 117n90
Chance, 43-44, 111 n35, 111 n36
Claims, 36-38, 63-64
Complexity-intensive problems,
Cosmic fitness, 81-85, 114n63
Crime, 64-68
Crises, 24
Criteria for medical treatment,
Delivery of health care, 45-56
Deontic logic, 115n73
Discontent, 14-1 7
Discounting, hedonic, 21-22
Duty, moral, 83-86
Economic rationality, 69-78
Economics: of medicine, 50-52;
of science, 96-104
Endangered species, 79-92
Environmental problems, 23-29
Equality vs. quality, 48-50
Escalation, technological, 93-104
Evaluation: of happiness, 7-14,
107n6; prudential, 79-81; of
species, 79-92
Excellence, 86
Existence, claims ta, 85-86
Expectations, 12-14, 107n8,
Fitness, cosmic, 81-85, 114n63
Future-directed obligations, 50-51
Happiness, 3-22; evaluations of,
7-14, 107n6; high-risk factors
for, 17
Health care, delivery of, 45-56
Hedonic discounting, 21-22
Hemodialysis, 39-41, 1oan 16
Idealization, 58
Ideals, 57-62
Impartial arbiter, 75-76
Individual vs. system, 45-48
Interests, 79-83
Irrationalism, 20
Justice, 62-64, 85-86
Lite, quality of, 7-19, 23-29
Logic, deontic, 115n73
Mastery of nature, 3, 93-99
Material progress, 25-26 121
122 Subject Index
Medical therapy, 30-44
Medical treatment, criteria for,
Medicine, economics of, 50-52
Methodological uniformitarianism,
Millennialism, 26-29
"Monkey's paw" effect. 61
Moral duty, 83-86
Myth of Sisyphus, 117n92
Nature, arms race against, 96-97;
mastery of, 3, 93-99
Negative benefit, 5
Obligations toward the future,
Omnipotence, technological, 26
Optimality, Pareto, 69-78
Pareto Principle, 69-78
Positive benefit, 5
Power-intensive problems, 100-01
Priorities, 89-90
Progress, 3-22; material. 25-26;
scientific, 93-104
Prudential evaluation, 79-81
Ouality of life, 7-19, 23-29
Ouality vs. equality, 48-50
Randomization, 43-44, 111 n35,
Rationality, economic, 69-78
Rig ht to exist, 85-86
Satisfaction, 12
Science, economics of, 96-104
Scientific prog ress, 93-1 04
Self-interest, 79-81
Sisyphus, myth of, 117n92
Slippery-siope argument, 73-74
Species: endangering of, 79-92;
value of, 79-92
surgery, spare-part, 31
System vs. individual, 45-48
Technological escalation, 93-104
Technological omnipotence, 26
Therapy, medical, 30-44
Uniformitarianism, methodological
Utilitarianism, 35, 38, 79-80,
109n20, 112n54
Voting processes, 71-73
(Continued from front f1ap)
Despite their diversity, a common theme
unites these essays: the impact for human con-
cerns of the complexity and scope of modern
technologicaI progress and its economic and
social ramifications.
Nicholas Rescher is University Professor of
Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, is
TERLY, and is the author of over thirty books in
various areas of philosophy.
Other Bool<5 by Nicholas Rescher-
A Philosophical Essay on the Economies of
Resea(ch in Natural Science
ISBN 0-8229-1 128--0
A Constructivistic and Conceptualistic Account of
Possible Individuals and Possible Worlds
ISBN 0-8229-1 122-1
The Role of the Vicarious Affects in Moral Philosophy and
Social Theory
ISBN 0-8229-3308-X
The Social Issues in Philosophical Perspective
ISBN 0-8229-3233-4
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Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260
ISBN 0-8229-341 1-<J

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