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The article discusses the history and performance of the 5.56x45mm round and various options to improve its capabilities. It was found lacking in penetration power against brick walls and required multiple hits against opponents in Somalia. Shorter barrel lengths on weapons like the M4 reduce velocity and effectiveness at longer ranges.

In Somalia it became apparent that the M855 round lacked the ability to penetrate brick walls and other common obstacles. Reports also indicated it often took multiple hits from M4 carbines to neutralize opponents, even those of slight build.

The truncated barrels of weapons like the M4 do not create sufficient velocity to cause fragmentation at longer distances. Shorter barrels also reduce effective range. The trend toward smaller arms with shorter barrels combines with decreased performance of M855 out of short barrels.

Editors Note: While we are not recommending replacement

of the 5.56x45mm round, discussion of current service and

developmental rounds and their characteristics can be useful.
Revised and updated from the July-August 2004 issue of
t has been four decades since the 7.62mm NATO
round was first superseded as the ammunition of
choice for U.S. combat rifles when the 5.56x45mm
M193 cartridge and the M16A1 rifle that fired it
proved better suited to the battlefields of Vietnam. When
5.56x45mm ammunition became NATO-standard about
20 years ago, projectile weight was boosted from 55
grains to 62 grains, and the heavier, green-tip round
was type-classified as M855 Ball in U.S. service.
Accounts from the Vietnam War indicate that M193
ammo was very lethal at the relatively short engagement
distances encountered in jungle warfare, and could
penetrate the walls of typical bamboo huts with ease.
However, circumstances were much different when,
many years later, Soldiers were again sent into harms
way in the hostile regions of Somalia, Afghanistan, and
In Somalia it became all too apparent that the M855
round was lacking in the ability to punch through the
brick walls and other obstacles commonly encountered
in urban areas. As Captain John Hodge related in his
article, The M240B Machine Gun (Infantry, March-
June 1997, p. 8), it was noted that while the M249
provided good firepower, in some situations, they needed
greater range and penetration power. Equally
disturbing were the reports that when M855 ammo was
fired from the M4 carbines employed by special
operations personnel, it too often required multiple hits
to neutralize an opponent, even though many Somali
males were of slight build.
These problems were soon magnified as more
individuals were armed with the short-barreled, M4-series
weapons. Soldiers of the 82nd Airborne and 101st Air Assault
Divisions had their M16A2 rifles replaced by M4 and M4A1
carbines in the years prior to conducting combat operations in
Afghanistan and Iraq. Also, in these units and others, like the
Stryker brigades, the standard M249 light machine gun (LMG) is
being considered for replacement by a paratrooper model with a
barrel as short as that of the M4 carbine.
While these alterations do result in a weapon that is lighter
and easier to handle in the confined interior spaces of infantry
vehicles, utility helicopters and urban buildings, terminal
performance suffers. The primary mechanism behind the
lethality of 5.56mm ammo is the fragmentation that results
when the bullet impacts soft tissue at high speed. The
truncated barrels do not create sufficient velocity to
produce this effect beyond a short distance, nor do they
provide sufficient reach to engage enemy personnel at
the extended ranges encountered in desert and mountain
Given the trend to acquire lightweight small arms
with abbreviated barrels, combined with the decreased
performance of the M855 Ball round out of a short barrel,
what can be done to regain the lost capabilities?
Option 1: Create a 5.56mm heavy ball load
The simplest approach to improving the combat
potential of 5.56mm weapons is to increase bullet weight.
This has been done on a limited scale by special
operations forces, which have used Mk262 competition
ammo in the mountains of Afghanistan. The 77-grain
open tip match bullet reportedly is effective when used
against unprotected enemy personnel, but the open tip
design is less capable than a full metal jacket (FMJ)
projectile for penetration of barricades, brick walls,
vehicles and other hard targets.
In the 1960s a German company developed a heavy
ball load with a steel-jacketed, 77-grain bullet that
would be a viable quick-fix to the problem, since long
range trajectory and hard target penetration appear to
be better than that of the M855 round. The manufacturer
was unable to generate any interest at the time, no doubt
because the heavy projectile was incompatible with the
slow rifling twist used in M16A1 barrels. However, since
it would be stabilized by the faster twist that is used in the M16A2
and M249, it could be worthwhile to either resurrect this loading,
or create a FMJ version of the 77-grain Mk262 ammo.
Although it performs well in some circumstances, the
5.56x45mm cartridge has been found wanting in others, and
lacks the growth potential necessary to meet these demands.
While a heavier bullet would certainly boost the performance
of 5.56mm NATO, if a substantial improvement is desired it
Small Arms Ammunition for the 21st Century:
28 INFANTRY May-June 2006
may be necessary to adopt an entirely new
caliber. It would be best if any new
cartridge were dimensioned so that
current and fut ure weapons can be
reconfigured to fire it at minimal cost. This
limits cartridge overall length to that of the
5.56x45mm round, but allows some
flexibility in regards to case diameter.
Option 2: Load a bigger bullet in
the 5.56x45mm case
The second easiest way to increase
performance is to neck up the
5.56x45mm case to accept a 6mm bullet,
something that has been done by civilian
competition and varmint shooters who
wanted more capability than the original
round could provide. The result is the
wildcat 6x45mm cartridge (not to be
confused with the 6x45mm XM732 round
that was developed in the 1970s), which
can be loaded with a 90-grain FMJ bullet
to an overall length the same as that of
5.56x45mm. The 6x45mm promises
increased range and lethality compared to
the M855 round, yet requires little more
than a barrel change to be fired in existing
5.56mm weapons.
In order to wrest the greatest possible
performance from a cartridge case of such
small diameter, it may be necessary to
increase bullet diameter even more. This
approach was taken in 2004, when a
noted civilian gunsmith started work on
another drop-in solution to the stopping
power problem reported with short-
barreled 5.56mm weapons. The neck of
the 5.56mm NATO case was increased
sufficiently to accept a 6.5mm bullet,
while case length was shortened slightly
to 42mm, just enough to accept projectiles
of higher ballistic efficiency than the
original length would allow. The result
was t he 6. 5x42mm Mul t i Purpose
Cartridge (MPC), which produces impact
energies that are 30-50 percent greater
than M855 Ball at normal engagement
distances (up to 300 meters). Like the
6x45mm round, the 6.5x42mm cartridge
fits in, and feeds from, magazines and
metallic links made for 5.56mm NATO
ammunition, but delivers greater terminal
Option 3: Use a bigger bullet and
a bigger cartridge case
The perceived incapacitation failures of
the M855 round during operations in
Afghanistan triggered an effort by a few
innovative Soldiers to create a more potent
cartridge for the M4 carbine. With the
approval of their commander, these
individuals, with assistance from a major
ammunition company, developed the
6.8x43mm Special Purpose Cartridge
(SPC). The 6.8mm SPC hits much harder
than 5.56mm Ball at all engagement
distances, but because the 115-grain bullet
has rather modest aerodynamic qualities,
trajectory and wind drift show little or no
The 6.8mm SPC is quite adequate for
engagements of point targets to a distance
of about 500 meters, but for shots at longer
range, greater ballistic efficiency is called
for. To achieve this, a competition shooter
and a firearms maker collaborated on a
cartridge that could give the M16 the
capability for precision shots out to 1000
meters, or more. The result was christened
the 6.5mm Grendel (it was named after a
fabled mythological monster), and this
6.5x38mm round is capable of shooting
highly-streamlined bullets with a flatter
trajectory and less wind drift than even
7.62mm M80 Ball ammo.
Conversion of 5.56mm rifles and
carbines to 6.8mm SPC or 6.5mm Grendel
is rather an expensive procedure, requiring
not only a change of barrels and bolts, but
also replacement of magazines, along with
development of caliber-specific stripper
clips. Additionally, converting 5.56mm
LMGs to either caliber will be considerably
more difficult and costly, necessitating the
redesign of the belt feed mechanism,
together with development of a new series
of metallic links.
The Soldiers Load
In addition to cost and complexity of
conversion, a major drawback of both the
6.8mm SPC and 6.5mm Grendel is the
weight of the ammunition, which is more
than 40 percent heavier than that of the
5.56mm NATO cartridge. Also, the 25-
round magazines made for the two larger
rounds are constructed of steel, so they
May-June 2006 INFANTRY 29
Figure 1 Low cost options for improving
performance over the 5.56x45mm round (left),
are the 6x45mm (center), and 6.5x42mm MPC
(right). These cartridges are compatible with
5.56mm magazines and bolts, M27 metallic
links, and the M249 feed mechanism.
Figure 2 Threat small arms ammunition: (l. to
r.) Russian 5.45x39mm, Chinese 5.8x42mm,
Russian/Chinese 7.62x39mm. The 5.8x42mm is
the best combat rifle/LMG round currently in
service, and has more growth potential than other
intermediate cartridges.
Figure 3 5.56mm projectiles: (l. to r.) 55-grain
M193 Ball, 62-grain M855 Ball, 77-grain heavy
ball. The steel jacket of the heavy ball bullet is
tougher than the gilding metal jackets of the other
two, enabling better penetration of typical
battlefield obstacles.
are heavier than the standard issue aluminum magazines that
can be used with the smaller cartridges. Therefore, the number
of loaded magazines that can be carried for a given weight
differs significantly between the two sets of alternatives. If the
riflemans basic load of ammo is kept at a constant weight, the
box above shows how the number of rounds varies per caliber.
This difference can be critical in sustained combat where
resupply is not possible, and can be a major factor determining
victory or defeat, survival or death. As an example, a veteran of
early battles in Vietnam attributed the successful outcome of those
actions to the increased amount of 5.56mm ammo that the
infantrymen could carry, and is certain that his unit would have
been overrun had they been armed with 7.62mm rifles. However,
the quantity of ammunition that can be carried must be balanced
against terminal effects, penetration capability, weapon
controllability, and other factors.
Ballistics Tables
Ballistics tables are useful tools when comparing different
cartridges, but in this particular instance, the data contained therein
must be evaluated with a bit of caution. This is due to a number of
30 INFANTRY May-June 2006
factors, most important of which is that the load development of
the candidate rounds is ongoing, with different FMJ bullet designs
being created and tested in an effort to achieve optimum combat
capability and terminal performance.
As of this writing, the 6x45mm and 6.5mm MPC are made
solely by and for handloaders, with no commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS) FMJ ammunition being available. A 90-grain FMJ bullet
is available for the 6x45mm, and use of that projectile is assumed
in the accompanying tables. Because there is no COTS 95-grain
FMJ bullet for use in the 6.5mm MPC, data for a hunting-type
projectile was substituted.
There are two COTS versions of the 6.8mm SPC with a 115-
grain FMJ bullet. The manufacturer calls one a commercial
round, and the other a combat load. Since the latter is a high-
pressure load that may not be safe in some weapons, the commercial
version was selected for inclusion in the tables.
Pre-production 6.5mm Grendel ammunition loaded with a 110-
grain FMJ bullet is currently being tested. Specifications are
preliminary and subject to revision, but they are used herein
because at present there are no other FMJ factory loads in this
Velocity and energy tables can help the reader in forming an
opinion as to which, if any, of these rounds are worthy of further
development. Once that decision is reached, better FMJ projectiles
can be designed for optimum terminal effectiveness in soft tissue,
and penetration of hard targets.
Which is the best cartridge for upgrading the combat
capability of 5.56mm infantry weapons depends on just how
much improvement is desired. Clearly, a 5.56mm heavy bullet
load would be the most economical choice, because no
alterations to the weapons are necessary, although expected
performance increase is minimal. Opting for the 6x45mm or
Figure 5 Magazines for the 5.56mm NATO cartridge (left) can be used
with the 6.5mm MPC (right), and the 6x45mm round (not shown). Also,
6.5mm MPC and 6x45mm cartridges fit perfectly into 5.56mm stripper
clips. For 6.5mm Grendel and 6.8mm SPC, it would be necessary to
manufacture new magazines, stripper clips, and clip guides.
Figure 6 The 6x45mm (not shown) and the 6.5mm MPC, seen here
plugged into standard M27 links and positioned on an M249 feed tray,
essentially require only a barrel change for conversion of the LMG. How-
ever, the 6.8mm SPC and 6.5mm Grendel, need a new series of links
designed and manufactured, and the M249 feed mechanism modified.
5.56x45 10 x 30-round magazines =
300 rounds
6x45 & 6.5x42 9 x 30-round magazines =
270 rounds
6.5x38 & 6.8x43 8 x 25-round magazines =
200 rounds
Velocity (ft/sec) 20.0" barrel Range (yards) Deflection@1000yds
Cartridge Bullet 0 100 300 500 800 1000 10 mi/hr crosswind
5.56x45mm 62gr 3100 2762 2156 1638 1107 947 79 in
5.56x45mm 77gr 2720 2483 2047 1660 1215 1040 64 in
6x45mm 90gr 2650 2417 1989 1612 1185 1024 66 in
6.5x42mm 95gr 2700 2229 2013 1622 1182 1018 67 in
6.8x43mm 115gr 2575 2311 1834 1433 1051 930 80 in
6.5x38mm 110gr 2670 2478 2119 1793 1380 1176 50 in
Energy (ft-lbs) 20.0" barrel Range (yards) Maximum Trajectory
Cartridge Bullet 0 100 300 500 800 1000 when fired to 1000yds
5.56x45mm 62gr 1323 1050 640 369 169 124 193 in
5.56x45mm 77gr 1265 1054 716 471 252 185 176 in
6x45mm 90gr 1403 1167 791 519 281 210 186 in
6.5x42mm 95gr 1538 1274 855 555 295 219 185 in
6.8x43mm 115gr 1693 1364 859 524 282 221 235 in
6.5x38mm 110gr 1741 1499 1096 785 465 338 146 in
Velocity (ft/sec) 14.5" barrel Range (yards) Deflection @ 1000yds
Cartridge Bullet 0 100 300 500 800 1000 10 mi/hr crosswind
5.56x45mm 62gr 2860 2539 1964 1482 1038 908 86 in
5.56x45mm 77gr 2500 2275 1862 1503 1122 987 70 in
6x45mm 90gr 2550 2322 1905 1540 1143 1000 68 in
6.5x42mm 95gr 2600 2363 1929 1550 1140 995 69 in
6.8x43mm 115gr 2500 2241 1773 1384 1030 917 82 in
6.5x38mm 110gr 2485 2301 1958 1648 1273 1104 55 in
Energy (ft-lbs) 14.5" barrel Range (yards) Maximum Trajectory
Cartridge Bullet 0 100 300 500 800 1000 when fired to 1000yds
5.56x45mm 62gr 1126 887 531 302 148 114 228 in
5.56x45mm 77gr 1068 884 592 386 215 167 211 in
6x45mm 90gr 1299 1078 725 474 261 200 202 in
6.5x42mm 95gr 1426 1178 785 507 274 209 201in
6.8x43mm 115gr 1596 1282 803 489 271 215 249 in
6.5x38mm 110gr 1508 1293 936 664 396 297 172 in
Stanley C. Crist served with the 3rd Battalion, 185th Armor, and has
worked as a small arms ammunition consultant. He is the author of numerous
articles on small arms testing and evaluation, and his work has appeared in
Infantry, Armor and Special Weapons for Military & Police magazines. Mr.
Crist would like to extend his sincere thanks and appreciation to Woodin
Laboratory for allowing specimens from their extensive collection to be
6.5mm MPC would provide more significant gains, yet require
little more than a barrel change, since these rounds fit existing
bolts, magazines, and metallic links.
The 6.8x43mm and 6.5x38mm are the most capable upgrades,
but they are also the most expensive. The 6.8mm SPC would
provide a substantial improvement in close combat capability,
which was its stated design purpose. However, the streamlined
projectiles fired by the 6.5mm Grendel deliver vastly superior all-
around performance, combining improved terminal effects with
greatly enhanced capability to reach out and touch someone at
long distance.
When it was learned in the early 1990s that the Chinese
army was planning to field a new family of small arms, it was
widely thought that the new weapons would be chambered for
the Russian 5.45x39mm cartridge. To the surprise of experts
May-June 2006 INFANTRY 31
worldwide, the Chinese instead created a unique 5.8x42mm
round that, by any objective standards, must be considered the
best assault rifle cartridge currently in service. The U.S. Army
should take similarly bold action and adopt a new, more capable
rifle cartridge so that Soldiers will be better armed to meet the
challenges that they will encounter on the diverse battlefields of
the 21st century.

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