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Settlement Agreement

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VALERIE BEZDEK, Individually and on
Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,

Case No. 12-10513-DPW
BRIAN DE FALCO, Individually and on
Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,

Case No. 13-10764-DPW

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Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
II. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 5
III. SETTLEMENT RELIEF ....................................................................................................... 10
IV. NOTICE TO THE CLASS .................................................................................................... 14
V. REQUESTS FOR EXCLUSION ........................................................................................... 20
VI. OBJECTIONS TO SETTLEMENT ...................................................................................... 21
VII. RELEASE AND WAIVER ................................................................................................... 22
RELATED ORDERS............................................................................................................. 27
X. MODIFICATION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT ..................................... 30
XI. GENERAL MATTERS AND RESERVATIONS................................................................. 33

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Table of Exhibits
Document Exhibit
Claim Form .........................................................................................................................................1
Class Notice ........................................................................................................................................2
Final Order ..........................................................................................................................................3
Final Judgment ...................................................................................................................................4
Order Authorizing Notice ...................................................................................................................5
Summary Settlement Notice ...............................................................................................................6
Settlement Claim Procedures and Claim Calculation Protocol .........................................................7
Postcard Notice ...................................................................................................................................8
Stipulation of Dismissal ......................................................................................................................9
Banner Advertisements .....................................................................................................................10
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IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by, between and among Plaintiffs
Valerie Bezdek, Brian De Falco, and Ali Safavi (Plaintiffs), and Defendant Vibram USA Inc.
and Vibram FiveFingers LLC (collectively, Vibram), with all terms as defined below, through
their duly-authorized counsel, that the above-captioned actions, Bezdek v. Vibram USA Inc., et
al., Case Number 1:12-cv-10513-DPW (D. Mass.), De Falco v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case
Number 1:13-cv-10764-DPW (D. Mass.), and Safavi v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number
12-5900-BRO-JCG (C.D. Cal.), and the matters raised therein, are settled, compromised, and
dismissed on the merits with prejudice, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Settlement
Agreement and the release set forth herein, subject to the approval of the Court.
A. On March 21, 2012, Plaintiff Valerie Bezdek filed the first above-captioned
action in this Court, Bezdek v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number 1:12-cv-10513-DPW (D.
Mass.) (Bezdek). She filed an Amended Complaint on June 25, 2012. In her Amended
Complaint, which focuses its allegations on Vibrams marketing campaign relating to its
FiveFingers footwear, Bezdek alleged violations of Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 26, 91, Mass. Gen.
Laws ch. 93A, 2, Florida Statutes 501.201 et seq., and unjust enrichment. She further sought
to represent a class of all others similarly situated consisting of all persons in the United States
who purchased FiveFingers running shoes during the period from March 21, 2009 until notice is
disseminated to the Class.
B. On July 9, 2012, a putative class action lawsuit captioned Safavi v. Vibram USA
Inc., et al., Case Number CV 12-5900-BRO-JCG (Safavi) was filed in the United States
District Court for the Central District of California. Plaintiff Safavi is represented by the same
counsel as Bezdek, and his complaint is substantially similar to hers. Safavis Complaint
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includes claims for violations of Californias Unfair Competition Law, Business and Professions
Code 17200 et seq., Californias Consumer Legal Remedies Act, Civil Code 1750 et seq., and
breach of express warranty. Safavi proposes to represent all others similarly situated consisting
of all persons in California who purchased FiveFingers running shoes from the time they were
first sold in California until notice is disseminated to the Class. This proposed class is
subsumed by the class proposed by Bezdek. After Vibram moved to dismiss or stay Safavi, the
parties stipulated to a stay of that case pending a ruling on class certification in Bezdek.
C. On August 8, 2012, Plaintiff Brian De Falco filed an action in the Superior Court
for Will County, Illinois, No. 2012L601. In his Complaint, De Falco asserted claims for
violation of the Illinois Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act, 815 ILCS 505/1 et seq.,
breach of express warranty, and unjust enrichment. De Falco sought to represent a class of all
Illinois residents who purchased Vibram FiveFingers running shoes from an authorized retailer
located in Illinois or online for shipping to an Illinois address. This proposed class is subsumed
by the class proposed by Bezdek. The De Falco action was removed to Federal Court on
September 11, 2012, and was docketed as De Falco v. Vibram USA LLC et al., 1:12-CV-07238.
On March 18, 2013, the Court, Hon. Virginia M. Kendall, granted in part and denied in part
Vibrams Motion to Dismiss De Falcos Complaint, and by an Order dated April 3, 2013,
transferred the case to the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, De
Falco v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number 1:13-cv-10764-DPW (D. Mass.) (De Falco,
and together with Bezdek and Safavi, the Actions).
D. Vibram filed Answers to the Bezdek Amended Complaint and the De Falco
Complaint, which are both pending before Hon. Douglas P. Woodlock.
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E. Vibram expressly denied and continues to deny any and all wrongdoing alleged in
the Actions, and neither admits nor concedes any actual or potential fault, wrongdoing or liability
in connection with any of the facts or claims that have been or could have been alleged against it
in these actions.
F. To date, Lead Class Counsel has conducted an extensive and thorough
examination, investigation, and evaluation of the relevant law, facts and allegations to assess the
merits of the claims and potential claims and the strength of both defenses and liability sought in
the Actions. The Parties agree that throughout the course of the litigation, all Parties and their
counsel complied with the provisions of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11.
G. Vibram produced to Plaintiffs, through Lead Class Counsel, extensive discovery,
including documents and written responses to Plaintiffs discovery requests. In particular,
Vibram produced voluminous documentation to Lead Class Counsel regarding the FiveFingers
footwear in the following categories: (i) product design, creation and development; (ii) scientific
studies and research; (iii) marketing, advertising, media, and public relations; (iv) sales and
accounting records; and (v) e-mail correspondence kept by key Vibram custodians. In total,
Vibram produced over 52,000 pages of documents. Plaintiffs and Lead Class Counsel have
thoroughly reviewed the documents.
H. Based upon their review, investigation, and evaluation of the facts and law
relating to the matters alleged in the pleadings, Plaintiffs and Lead Class Counsel, on behalf of
the Plaintiffs in the Actions and the other members of the proposed Class, have agreed to settle
the Actions pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, after considering, among other things:
(1) the substantial benefits to Plaintiffs and the other Class Members under the terms of this
Agreement; (2) the risks, costs, and uncertainty of protracted litigation, especially in complex
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actions such as this, as well as the difficulties and delays inherent in such litigation; and (3) the
desirability of consummating this Agreement promptly in order to provide effective relief to
Plaintiffs and the other Class Members.
I. Vibram expressly denies any of the wrongdoing alleged in the pleadings and does
not admit or concede any actual or potential fault, wrongdoing, or liability in connection with
any facts or claims that have been or could have been alleged against it in the Actions and / or
any other actions. Even though Vibram expressly denies any wrongdoing, Vibram considers it
desirable for these cases to be settled and dismissed, because this Settlement will finally put
Plaintiffs claims and the underlying matters to rest and will avoid the substantial expense,
burdens, and uncertainties associated with the continued litigation of these claims and cases.
A. As used in this Agreement and the attached exhibits (which are an integral part of
this Agreement and are incorporated in their entirety by reference), the following terms have the
following meanings, unless this Agreement specifically provides otherwise:
1. Action means Valerie Bezdek v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number
1:12-cv-10513-DPW (D. Mass.).
2. Actions means Valerie Bezdek v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number
1:12-cv-10513-DPW (D. Mass.), Brian De Falco v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number 1:13-
cv-10764-DPW (D. Mass.), and Safavi v. Vibram USA Inc., et al., Case Number CV 12-5900-
BRO-JCG (C.D. Cal.).
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3. Agreement or Settlement means this Settlement Agreement and the
exhibits attached hereto or incorporated herein, including any subsequent amendments and any
exhibits to such amendments.
4. Attorneys Fees and Expenses means such funds as may be awarded by
the Court to Lead Class Counsel from Vibram to compensate all Plaintiffs Counsel for their
fees and expenses in connection with the Actions and the Settlement, as described in Section
VIII of this Agreement (below).
5. California Case means Ali Safavi v. Vibram USA Inc. and Vibram
FiveFingers, LLC, Case Number 11-cv-10632 (C.D. Cal).
6. Claim means the claim of a Class Member or his or her representative
attested to on a Claim Form as provided in this Agreement.
7. Claim Form means the document, in substantially the same form as
Exhibit 1 attached to this Agreement.
8. Claim Period means the time period in which Class Members may
submit a Claim Form for review to the Class Action Settlement Administrator. The Claim
Period shall run for one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the first dissemination of
the Summary Settlement Notice or Class Notice, whichever is earlier.
9. Claim Process means that process for submitting Claims via the Claim
Form as described in this Agreement.
10. Claimant means a Class Member who has submitted a completed Claim
11. Class means all people who, during the Class Period, purchased certain
FiveFingers footwear (as defined herein) from Vibram and/or its authorized retailers including,
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without limitation, Excluded from the Class are: (a) Vibrams Board
members, executive-level officers, or employees, including its attorneys; (b) persons or entities
who purchased the FiveFingers footwear primarily for the purpose of resale; (c) any claims for
personal injury relating to the use of the FiveFingers footwear; (d) distributors or re-sellers of
the FiveFingers footwear; (e) the judge and magistrate judge presiding over the Actions and
their immediate families; (f) governmental entities; and (g) persons or entities who timely and
properly exclude themselves from the Class as provided in this Agreement.
12. Class Action Settlement Administrator means the third-party agent or
administrator agreed to by the Parties and appointed by the Court. The Parties agree that Heffler
Claims Group LLC shall be retained to implement the claims and Settlement requirements of
this Agreement, subject to the Courts approval.
13. Class Member means a member of the Class.
14. Class Notice means a notice substantially in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 2.
15. Class Period means the time period from March 21, 2009, up to and
including the date of the first dissemination of the Summary Settlement Notice or Class Notice,
whichever is earlier.
16. Class Representative means Valerie Bezdek.
17. Court means the United States District Court for the District of
18. Escrow Agent means Huntington National Bank.
19. Fairness Hearing means the hearing at or after which the Court shall
make a final decision whether to approve this Settlement and this Agreement as fair, reasonable,
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and adequate. The Parties shall request that the Court schedule the Fairness Hearing for a date
that is at least one hundred and fifty-five (155) days, but no later than one hundred and seventy-
five (175) days, after entry of the Courts Order Authorizing Notice.
20. Final Order and Final Judgment mean the Courts order approving the
Settlement and this Agreement, as described in Section IX.B of this Agreement, which are to be
substantially in the forms attached hereto as Exhibits 3 and 4, respectively.
21. Final Settlement Date means the date on which the Final Order and
Final Judgment approving the Settlement and this Agreement becomes final. For purposes of
this Agreement:
a. if no appeal has been taken from the Final Order and Final
Judgment, Final Settlement Date means the date on which the time to appeal
therefrom has expired; or
b. if any appeal has been taken from the Final Order and Final
Judgment, Final Settlement Date means the date on which all appeals
therefrom, including petitions for rehearing or reargument, petitions for rehearing
en banc and petitions for certiorari or any other form of review, have been finally
disposed of in a manner that affirms the Final Order and Final Judgment; or
c. if the Lead Class Counsel and Vibram agree in writing, Final
Settlement Date can occur on any other agreed date.
22. FiveFingers footwear means the following models of Vibram shoes
purchased as new by Class Members during the Class Period:
Alitza, Bikila, Bikila EVO, Bikila EVO WP, Bikila LS, Classic, Classic
Smartwool, EL-X, Estrada, Flow, Fresca, Jaya, Komodo Sport, Komodo
Sport LS, KMD Sport, KMD Sport LS, KSO, KSO EVO, KSO Trek,
Lontra, SeeYa, SeeYa LS, SeeYa LS Night, Signa, Speed, Speed XC,
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Sprint, Spyridon, Spyridon LS, Spyridon MR, Trek LS, TrekSport,
TrekSport Sandal, V-On, and Vybrid Sneak.
23. Lead Class Counsel means: Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz
24. Notice Administrator means the Court-appointed third-party agent or
administrator agreed to by the Parties and appointed by the Court. The Parties agree that Heffler
Claims Group shall be retained to implement the notice and related requirements of this
25. Order Authorizing Notice means the order to be entered by the Court
preliminarily approving the Settlement as outlined in Section IX.A of this Agreement and
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5.
26. Parties means Plaintiffs and Vibram, collectively, as each of those
terms is defined in this Agreement.
27. Plaintiffs means Valerie Bezdek, Ali Safavi, and Brian De Falco.
28. Plaintiffs Counsel means the following counsel of record: Wolf
Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP; Blood Hurst & OReardon, LLP; Berman Devalerio;
Shepherd, Finkelman, Miller & Shah, LLP; Gary Roberts & Associates, P.A.; Pomerantz LLP;
The Breeden Law Firm; Sweetnam LLC; Milberg LLP; and Whatley Drake & Kallas.
29. Postcard Notice means a notice substantially in the form attached hereto
as Exhibit 8.
30. Release means the Release and Waiver set forth in Section VII of this
Agreement and in the Final Order and Final Judgment.
31. Released Parties means Vibram, its parents (including but not limited to
Vibram SpA, and any intermediary and/or ultimate parents), officers, directors, employees,
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stockholders, agents, attorneys, administrators, successors, reorganized successors, spin-offs,
assigns, holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, joint-ventures, partners, members, divisions
predecessors, Vibram-owned U.S. Retailers, Vibram-owned Stores and
32. Service Award means a sum of money, to be paid exclusively out of the
Settlement Fund, to compensate a named plaintiff for representing the Class, as is more
specifically provided in Section VIII hereof.
33. Settlement Claim Procedures and Claim Calculation Protocol means the
protocol attached hereto as Exhibit 7.
34. Summary Settlement Notice means the Summary Class Notice for
publication substantially as attached hereto as Exhibit 6.
35. Vibram means Vibram USA Inc. and Vibram FiveFingers LLC.
36. Vibrams Counsel means Jones Day.
B. Other capitalized terms used in this Agreement but not defined in this Section II
shall have the meanings ascribed to them elsewhere in this Agreement.
C. The terms he or she and his or her include it or its where applicable.
Settlement relief shall consist of two primary components: (1) refunds to Class Members
who submit valid and completed Claim Forms; and (2) Vibrams agreement to discontinue
certain marketing and advertising campaigns relating to its FiveFingers footwear.
A. Relief Amount:
1. Vibram shall deposit $3,750,000.00 (the Settlement Fund) in escrow to
be held by the Escrow Agent within ten (10) business days of the issuance of the Order
Authorizing Notice and upon notice from Lead Class Counsel to Vibrams Counsel that Lead
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Class Counsel has executed and delivered agreements with the Escrow Agent, the Class Action
Settlement Administrator, and the Notice Administrator all in form satisfactory to Lead Class
Counsel. At the written direction of Lead Class Counsel, the Escrow Agent shall invest the
Settlement Fund exclusively in instruments backed by the full faith and credit of the United
States Government or fully insured by the United States Government or an agency thereof,
including a U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund or a bank account insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to the guaranteed FDIC limit. At the written direction of
Lead Class Counsel, the Escrow Agent shall reinvest the proceeds of these instruments as they
mature in similar instruments at their then-current market rates. Defendants shall not bear any
responsibility for or liability related to the deposit of the Settlement Fund with or investment of
the Settlement Fund by the Escrow Agent.
2. All payments, including (a) payments made to any Class Member or any
Plaintiff, including any Court-approved Service Awards; (b) administrative/notice costs to the
Class Action Settlement Administrator for (i) charges and invoices by the Class Action
Settlement Administrator and Notice Administrator relating to this Settlement; (ii) the costs and
expenses associated with disseminating the notice, including, but not limited to, the Class
Notice and the Summary Settlement Notice, to the Class; (iii) the costs and expenses associated
with the claims administration; (iv) the costs and expenses associated with the timely, valid, and
approved Claim Forms submitted by Class Members pursuant to the Claim Process
(collectively, the Administrative Costs); and (c) Plaintiffs Counsels Attorneys Fees and
Expenses shall be paid exclusively from the Settlement Fund. In no event shall Vibrams
liability or obligations hereunder exceed the Settlement Fund.

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B. Claim Form Submission and Review:
1. Class Members may submit a Claim via a Claim Form through the Claim
Process during the Claim Period and the Class Action Settlement Administrator shall review and
process the Claim Form pursuant to the Settlement Claim Procedures and Claim Calculation
Protocol, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 7. As part of the Claim Process, Class Members
shall be eligible for the relief provided for in this Agreement, provided Class Members complete
and timely submit a Claim Form to the Class Action Settlement Administrator within the Claim
2. As further specified in the Settlement Claim Procedures and Claim
Calculation Protocol, the Claim Form shall advise Class Members that the Class Action
Settlement Administrator has the right to request verification of the purchase of FiveFingers
footwear, including, but not limited to, receipt(s) or other documentation demonstrating
purchase of any and all of the FiveFingers footwear during the Class Period. Adequate and
customary procedures and standards will be used by the Class Action Settlement Administrator
to prevent payment of fraudulent claims and to pay only legitimate claims.
3. The Class Action Settlement Administrator shall provide periodic updates
to Lead Class Counsel and to Vibram regarding Claim Form submissions beginning not later
than one week after the entry of an order granting Approval of Notice and continuing on a
monthly basis thereafter.
4. The Class Action Settlement Administrator shall pay timely, valid, and
approved Claims commencing ten (10) days after the close of the Claim Period so long as this
period is after the Final Settlement Date, or sooner upon Vibram and Lead Class Counsels joint
direction, but not before the issuance of the Courts Final Order and Final Judgment approving
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the Settlement. In the event the Final Settlement Date falls after the close of the Claim Period,
then the Class Action Settlement Administrator shall begin to pay timely, valid, and approved
Claims commencing ten (10) days after the Final Settlement Date. The Class Action Settlement
Administrator shall have completed the payment to Class Members who have submitted timely,
valid and approved Claims pursuant to the Claim Process no later than one hundred twenty
(120) days after either the Final Settlement Date or the close of the Claim Period, whichever is
5. The relief to be provided to eligible Class Members for each pair of
FiveFingers footwear purchased by an eligible Class Member shall be paid on a pro rata basis
from the balance of the Settlement Fund after payment of Administrative Costs, necessary taxes
and expenses, Attorneys Fees and Expenses, and Service Awards, up to a maximum of $94.00
per pair, the average manufacturers suggested retail price of FiveFingers footwear. Based on
the experience of similar settlements of class actions, it is reasonable to expect that Class
Members may receive payment in the range of $20.00 to $50.00 per pair. Class Members may
recover payment for up to two pairs of FiveFingers footwear by timely submitting a valid Claim
Form. Class Members may recover payment for more than two pairs of FiveFingers footwear
only by timely submitting a valid Claim Form and providing Proof of Purchase or other
documentation or evidence reasonably establishing the purchase of FiveFingers footwear, as the
Class Action Settlement Administrator may in its discretion determine to be sufficient proof in
accordance with the Settlement Claim Procedures and Claim Calculation Protocol for each pair
of FiveFingers footwear for which payment is sought.

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C. Adjustments and Remaining Funds:
6. If there are any funds remaining in the Settlement Fund after payment of
Administrative Costs, necessary taxes and expenses, Attorneys Fees and Expenses, Service
Awards, and all Claims to eligible Class Members (taking into account un-cashed distributions
made payable to eligible Class Members) (Residual Funds), the Class Action Settlement
Administrator shall distribute the Residual Funds to the American Heart Association with
specific earmark relating to research regarding health benefits associated with running or
exercise or substantially similar research, or such other beneficiary as the Parties and the Court
shall agree at the time of the Final Judgment and Final Order. The Residual Funds will not be
returned to Vibram. Vibram represents and warrants that any payment of Residual Funds to any
charities, non-profit organizations, or governmental entit(ies) shall not reduce any of its
donations or contributions to any entity, charity, charitable foundation or trust, and / or non-
profit organization.
D. Agreement to Refrain from Certain Conduct
In addition to the relief discussed above, as part of this Agreement, Vibram will agree to
take commercially reasonable efforts to discontinue certain aspects of its advertising and
marketing campaign, including: (i) Vibram will not make or assist others in making any claims
that the FiveFingers footwear or products similar to the FiveFingers footwear are effective in
strengthening muscles or preventing injury unless that representation is true, non-misleading and
is supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence; (ii) Vibram will not make or assist
others in making any health benefit claim about FiveFingers footwear or products similar to the
FiveFingers footwear unless Vibram possesses and relies upon competent and reliable scientific
evidence to substantiate that the claim is true and non-misleading; and (iii) Vibram will not
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misrepresent or assist others in misrepresenting the existence, contents, validity, results,
conclusions, or interpretations of any test, study, or research relating to Vibrams FiveFingers
footwear or products similar to the FiveFingers footwear. For the purposes of this Agreement,
third party sales of FiveFingers footwear in connection with advertising or promotional material
no longer in active use by Vibram shall not constitute a violation of this Agreement.
A. Duties of the Class Action Settlement Administrator and the Notice Administrator
1. The Parties shall jointly recommend and retain Heffler Claims Group LLC
to be the Class Action Settlement Administrator and the Notice Administrator to help implement
the terms of this Agreement. Following the Courts preliminary review of this Agreement and
the Courts appointment of the proposed Class Action Settlement Administrator and the
proposed Notice Administrator, the Notice Administrator shall disseminate notice to the Class
as specified in the Order Authorizing Notice and in this Agreement, and in order to comply with
all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Due Process Clause of the Constitution.
2. The Notice Administrator shall be responsible for, without limitation: (a)
printing, mailing, emailing, or arranging for dissemination of Class Notice; (b) arranging for the
publication of the Summary Settlement Notice; (c) handling returned e-mail and mail not
delivered to Class Members; (d) attempting to obtain updated address information; (e) making
any additional mailings required under the terms of this Agreement; (f) responding to requests
for Class Notice; (g) receiving and maintaining on behalf of the Court any Class Member
correspondence regarding requests for exclusion and objections to the Settlement; (h)
forwarding written inquiries to Lead Class Counsel or their designee for a response, if
warranted; (i) establishing a post office box for the receipt of any correspondence; (j)
responding to requests from Lead Class Counsel and/or Vibrams Counsel; (k) establishing a
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web site and toll-free voice response unit to which Class Members may refer for information
about the Actions and the Settlement; and (l) otherwise implementing and/or assisting with the
dissemination of the notice of the Settlement. The Class Action Settlement Administrator shall
be responsible for, without limitation, implementing the terms of the Claim Process and related
administrative activities.
3. If the Class Action Settlement Administrator and/or the Notice
Administrator fail to perform adequately on behalf of Vibram or the Class, the Parties may
agree to remove the Class Action Settlement Administrator and/or the Notice Administrator.
The other Party shall not unreasonably withhold consent to remove the Class Action Settlement
Administrator and/or the Notice Administrator, but this shall occur only after Vibram and Lead
Class Counsel have attempted to resolve any disputes regarding the retention or dismissal of the
Class Action Settlement Administrator and/or the Notice Administrator in good faith, and, if
they are unable to do so, after the matter has been referred to the Court for resolution.
4. The Class Action Settlement Administrator and/or the Notice
Administrator may retain one or more persons to assist in the completion of its responsibilities.
5. Not later than ten (10) days before the date of the Fairness Hearing, the
Notice Administrator shall provide Vibrams Counsel and Lead Class Counsel: (a) a list of those
persons who have opted out or excluded themselves from the Settlement; and (b) the details
outlining the scope, methods and results of the notice program.
6. The Notice Administrator shall promptly after receipt provide copies of
any requests for exclusion, objections, and/or related correspondence to Lead Class Counsel and
Vibrams Counsel.

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B. Class Notice:
1. Dissemination of the Mailed Class Notice
a. No later than three (3) business days after the entry of the Order
Authorizing Notice, Vibram shall provide the Notice Administrator with
the name, mailing address, and e-mail address of each reasonably
identifiable Class Member, subject to the existence and availability of
such information and its current possession, if at all, by Vibram.
b. Beginning not later than ten (10) business days after entry of the
Order Authorizing Notice and to be substantially completed not later than
twenty (20) days after entry of the Order Authorizing Notice, and subject
to the requirements of the Order Authorizing Notice and the Settlement
Agreement, the Notice Administrator shall send the Class Notice and
Claim Form by Electronic Mail (E-Mail) to: (i) each reasonably
identifiable Class Members last known E-Mail address; and (ii) each
appropriate State and Federal official, as specified in 28 U.S.C. 1715,
and shall otherwise comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and any other
applicable statute, law, or rule, including but not limited to, the Due
Process Clause of the United States Constitution.
c. No later than thirty-five (35) days after entry of the Order
Authorizing Notice, the Notice Administrator shall send the Postcard
Notice, substantially in the form of Exhibit 8 hereto, by First Class U.S.
Mail, proper postage prepaid, to each Class Member whose E-mail address
returned a message as undeliverable, subject to the existence of such
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information as provided by Vibram pursuant to Section IV.B.1.a of this
Agreement, notifying the Class Member of the Settlement and directing
them to the Settlement Website and/or the toll-free telephone number to
obtain a Class Notice and Claim Form.
d. No later than fifty (50) days after entry of the Order Authorizing
Notice, the Notice Administrator shall: (i) re-mail any Postcard Notice
returned by the United States Postal Service with a forwarding address
that are received by the Notice Administrator; (ii) by itself or using one or
more address research firms, as soon as practicable following receipt of
any returned Postcard Notices that do not include a forwarding address,
research any such returned mail for better addresses and promptly mail the
Postcard Notice to the better addresses so found.
2. Contents of the Class Notice: The Claim Form and the Class Notice shall
be in a form substantially similar to the document attached to this Agreement as Exhibits
1 and 2, respectively, and shall advise Class Members of the following:
a. General Terms: The Class Notice shall contain a plain and concise
description of the nature of the Actions, the history of the litigation of the
claims, the preliminary certification of the Class, and the proposed
Settlement, including information on the identity of Class Members, how
the proposed Settlement would provide relief to the Class and Class
Members, what claims are released under the proposed Settlement and
other relevant terms and conditions.
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b. Opt-Out Rights: The Class Notice shall inform Class Members
that they have the right to opt out of the Settlement. The Class Notice
shall provide the deadlines and procedures for exercising this right.
c. Objection to Settlement: The Class Notice shall inform Class
Members of their right to object to the proposed Settlement and appear at
the Fairness Hearing. The Class Notice shall provide the deadlines and
procedures for exercising these rights.
d. Fees and Expenses: The Class Notice shall inform Class Members
about the amounts being sought by Plaintiffs Counsel as Attorneys Fees
and Expenses and individual Service Awards to the Plaintiffs, and shall
explain that Vibram will pay the fees and expenses awarded to Plaintiffs
Counsel and individual Service Awards to the Plaintiffs.
e. Claim Form: The Class Notice shall include the Claim Form,
which shall inform the Class Member that he or she must fully complete
and timely return the Claim Form within the Claim Period to be eligible to
obtain relief pursuant to this Agreement.
C. The Summary Settlement Notice: The Notice Administrator shall have the
publication of the Summary Settlement Notice substantially completed no later than seventy-five
(75) days after entry of the Order Authorizing in such additional newspapers, magazines, and/or
other media outlets as shall be agreed upon by the Parties. The form of Summary Settlement
Notice agreed upon by the Parties is in the form substantially similar to the one attached to the
Agreement as Exhibit 6.
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D. Settlement Website: Prior to the dissemination of the Class Notice pursuant to
Section IV.B.1 to Section IV.C, the Notice Administrator shall establish an Internet website,, that will inform Class Members of the terms of this Agreement,
their rights, dates and deadlines and related information (the Settlement Website). This
Settlement Website shall include, in .pdf format, materials agreed upon by the Parties and/or
required by the Court, which shall include, at a minimum, orders Authorizing Notice and Final
Approval, the Class Notice, the Claim Form, the Summary Settlement Notice and this
Agreement. Notice to the Class shall be supplemented by banner ads on the Internet that shall
direct Class Members to the Settlement Website through an embedded hyperlink posted on the
following families of sites, or networks, for a period of time sufficient to deliver approximately
300,000,000 impressions:; The Time Access Network;


The Xaxis
Network; (including on mobile web versions of those sites); and on the Mobile
APP network. The form of the banner advertisements agreed upon by the Parties is in the form
substantially similar to the one attached to this Settlement Agreement as Exhibit 10.
E. Toll-Free Telephone Number: Prior to the dissemination of the Class Notice
pursuant to Section IV.B.1 to Section IV.C, the Notice Administrator shall establish a toll-free
telephone number that will provide Settlement-related information to Class Members.
A. Any Class Member who wishes to be excluded from the Class must mail a written
request for exclusion to the Notice Administrator at the address provided in the Class Notice,
postmarked no later than ninety-five (95) days after entry of the Order Authorizing Notice, or as
the Court otherwise may direct, and specifying that he or she wants to be excluded. The Notice
Administrator shall forward copies of any written requests for exclusion to Lead Class Counsel
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and Vibrams Counsel. A list reflecting all requests for exclusion shall be filed with the Court by
Vibram no later than ten (10) days before the Fairness Hearing.
B. Any potential Class Member who does not file a timely written request for
exclusion as provided in the preceding Section V.A shall be bound by all subsequent
proceedings, orders, and judgments, including, but not limited to, the Release, in the Action,
even if he or she has litigation pending or subsequently initiates litigation against Vibram
relating to the claims and transactions released in the Action. Vibrams Counsel shall provide to
the Notice Administrator, within ten (10) business days of the entry of the Order Authorizing
Notice, a list of all counsel for anyone who has litigation against Vibram that involves
FiveFingers footwear. The Notice Administrator shall mail copies of the Class Notice to all such
legal counsel. Vibram will promptly direct the Notice Administrator to serve the Class Notice on
counsel for any Class Members who subsequently initiate litigation, arbitration or other
proceedings against Vibram relating to claims alleging events occurring during the Class Period,
FiveFingers footwear, and/or otherwise involving the Release.
A. Any Class Member who has not filed a timely written request for exclusion and
who wishes to object to the fairness, reasonableness, or adequacy of this Agreement or the
proposed Settlement, or to the award of Attorneys Fees and Expenses, or the individual Service
Awards to Plaintiffs, must deliver to the Lead Class Counsel identified in the Class Notice and to
Vibrams Counsel, and file with the Court, no later than ninety-five (95) days after entry of the
Order Authorizing Notice, or as the Court otherwise may direct, a written statement of the
objections containing the objectors dated signature, as well as the specific reason(s), if any, for
each objection, including any legal support the Class Member wishes to bring to the Courts
attention, any evidence or other information the Class Member wishes to introduce in support of
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the objections, a statement of whether the Class Member intends to appear and argue at the
Fairness Hearing, and a list of the Class Members purchase(s) of the FiveFingers footwear.
Class Members may do so either on their own or through an attorney retained at their own
expense. The objection must include proof of purchase for the FiveFingers footwear.
Acceptable proof of purchase includes a cash register receipt, a credit card receipt or a credit
card statement or other verifiable information that sufficiently indicates the purchase of the
FiveFingers footwear. The objection must also contain the objectors name, address, telephone
number and, if represented by counsel, the same information for his/her counsel (in any event,
the objectors actual residential address must be included). The Parties shall request that the
Court allow any interested party to file a reply to any objection, as described in this Section
VI.A, no later than seven (7) days before the Fairness Hearing.
B. Any Class Member who files and serves a written objection, as described in the
preceding Section VI.A, may appear at the Fairness Hearing, either in person or through personal
counsel hired at the Class Members expense, to object to the fairness, reasonableness, or
adequacy of this Agreement or the proposed Settlement, or to the award of Attorneys Fees and
Expenses or Service Awards to the individual Plaintiffs. Class Members or their attorneys who
intend to make an appearance at the Fairness Hearing must deliver a notice of intention to appear
to the Lead Class Counsel identified in the Class Notice and to Vibrams Counsel, and file said
notice with the Court, no later than ninety-five (95) days after entry of the Order Authorizing
Notice, or as the Court may otherwise direct.
C. Any Class Member who fails to comply with the provisions of Sections VI.A and
VI.B above shall waive and forfeit any and all rights he or she may have to appear separately
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and/or to object, and shall be bound by all the terms of this Agreement and by all proceedings,
orders and judgments, including, but not limited to, the Release, in the Action.
D. Any Class Member who objects to the Settlement shall be entitled to all of the
benefits of the Settlement if this Agreement and the terms contained therein are approved, as
long as the objecting Class Member complies with all requirements of this Agreement applicable
to Class Members, including the timely submission of Claim Forms and other requirements
discussed herein.
A. The Parties agree to the following release and waiver, which shall take effect
upon entry of the Final Order and Final Judgment.
B. In consideration for the Settlement benefits described in this Agreement, Plaintiffs
and the other members of the Class, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, guardians, assigns,
executors, administrators, predecessors, and/or successors, will fully, finally and forever release,
relinquish, acquit, and discharge the Released Parties from and shall not now or hereafter
institute, maintain, or assert on their own behalf, on behalf of the Class or on behalf of any other
person or entity any and all manner of claims, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, debts,
sums of money, payments, obligations, reckonings, contracts, agreements, executions, promises,
damages, liens, judgments and demands of whatever kind, type or nature and whatsoever, both at
law and in equity, whether past, present or future, mature or not yet mature, known or unknown,
suspected or unsuspected, contingent or noncontingent, whether based on federal, state or local
law, statute, ordinance, regulation, code, contract, common law, or any other source, or any
claim that Plaintiffs or Class Members ever had, now have, may have, or hereafter can, shall or
may ever have against the Released Parties in any other court, tribunal, arbitration panel,
commission, agency, or before any governmental and/or administrative body, or any other
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adjudicatory body, on the basis of, connected with, arising from, or in any way whatsoever
relating to the purchase of FiveFingers footwear during the Class Period and the claims alleged
in the complaints (amended and otherwise) in the Actions, and, more particularly, but without in
any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, arising from, directly or indirectly, or in any
way whatsoever pertaining or relating to the claims alleged in the complaints (amended and
otherwise) in the Actions, including, but not limited to, communications, disclosures,
nondisclosures, representations, statements, claims, omissions, messaging, design, testing,
marketing, advertising, promotion, packaging, displays, brochures, studies, manufacture,
distribution, operation, performance, functionality, notification, providing, offering,
dissemination, replacement, sale and/or resale by the Released Parties of the FiveFingers
footwear; any claims for rescission, restitution or unjust enrichment for all damages of any kind
relating to the purchase of FiveFingers footwear during the Class Period and the claims alleged
in the complaints (amended and otherwise) in the Actions; violations of any states deceptive,
unlawful and/or unfair business and/or trade practices, false, misleading or fraudulent
advertising, consumer fraud and/or consumer protection statutes relating to the purchase of
FiveFingers footwear during the Class Period and the claims alleged in the complaints (amended
and otherwise) in the Actions; any violation of the Uniform Commercial Code, any breaches of
express, implied and/or any other warranties, any similar federal, state or local statutes, codes,
damages, costs, expenses, extra-contractual damages, compensatory damages, exemplary
damages, special damages, penalties, punitive damages and/or damage multipliers,
disgorgement, declaratory relief, expenses, interest, and/or attorneys fees and costs against the
Released Parties pertaining to or relating to the claims alleged in the complaint in the Action
relating to the purchase of FiveFingers footwear during the Class Period and the claims alleged
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in the complaints (amended and otherwise) in the Actions, notwithstanding that Plaintiffs and the
Class acknowledge that they may hereafter discover facts in addition to or different from those
that they now know or believe to be true concerning the subject matter of the Action and/or the
Release herein.
C. Notwithstanding the language in this section and/or this Agreement, the Plaintiffs
and the other members of the Class are not releasing any claims of or relating to personal injury.
D. Plaintiffs represent and warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owner of all
claims that they personally are releasing under this Agreement. Plaintiffs further acknowledge
that they have not assigned, pledged, or in any manner whatsoever, sold, transferred, assigned or
encumbered any right, title, interest or claim arising out of or in any way whatsoever pertaining
to the Action, including without limitation, any claim for benefits, proceeds or value under the
Action, and that Plaintiffs are not aware of anyone other than themselves claiming any interest,
in whole or in part, in the Action or in any benefits, proceeds or values under the Action. Class
Members submitting a Claim Form shall represent and warrant therein that they are the sole and
exclusive owner of all claims that they personally are releasing under the Settlement and that
they have not assigned, pledged, or in any manner whatsoever, sold, transferred, assigned or
encumbered any right, title, interest or claim arising out of or in any way whatsoever pertaining
to the Action, including without limitation, any claim for benefits, proceeds or value under the
Action, and that such Class Member(s) are not aware of anyone other than themselves claiming
any interest, in whole or in part, in the Action or in any benefits, proceeds or values under the
E. Without in any way limiting its scope, and, except to the extent otherwise
specified in the Agreement, this Release covers by example and without limitation, any and all
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claims for attorneys fees, costs, expert fees, or consultant fees, interest, or litigation fees, costs
or any other fees, costs, and/or disbursements incurred by Plaintiffs Counsel, or by Plaintiffs or
the Class Members.
F. Plaintiffs expressly understand and acknowledge, and all Class Members will be
deemed by the Final Order and Final Judgment to acknowledge, that certain principles of law,
including, but not limited to, Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California, provide
that a general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to
exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must
have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor. To the extent that anyone might
argue that these principles of law are applicable notwithstanding that the Parties have chosen
Massachusetts law to govern this Agreement Plaintiffs hereby agree that the provisions of all
such principles of law or similar federal or state laws, rights, rules, or legal principles, to the
extent they are found to be applicable herein, are hereby knowingly and voluntarily waived,
relinquished and released by Plaintiffs and all Class Members.
G. Nothing in this Release shall preclude any action by the Parties hereto to enforce
the terms of the Agreement, including participation in any of the processes detailed therein.
H. Plaintiffs and Defendants hereby agree and acknowledge that the provisions of
this Release together constitute an essential and material term of the Agreement and shall be
included in any Final Order and Final Judgment entered by the Court.
A. On behalf of Plaintiffs Counsel, Lead Class Counsel agrees to make and Vibram
agrees not to oppose, an application for an award of Attorneys Fees and Expenses in the Actions
no later than fourteen (14) days before the objection deadline set forth in Section VI that will not
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exceed 25% of the Settlement Fund, or $937,500.00 in fees, and for an award of out-of-pocket
expenses reasonably incurred in the prosecution of the Actions up to $70,000, which shall be the
sole aggregate compensation paid by Vibram for all Plaintiffs Counsel representing the Class.
Any such fee and expense amount approved by the Court shall be paid solely and exclusively
from the Settlement Fund within ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the Final
Settlement Date.
B. Lead Class Counsel, in its sole discretion, shall allocate and distribute this award
of Attorneys Fees and Expenses among Plaintiffs Counsel. Lead Class Counsel shall be
responsible for allocating and distributing the Attorneys Fees and Expenses award to Plaintiffs
C. Lead Class Counsel may petition the Court for Service Awards of $2,500.00 per
Plaintiff. The purpose of such awards shall be to compensate the Plaintiffs for efforts and risks
taken by them on behalf of the Class. Any Service Awards made by the Court shall be paid out
of the Settlement Fund, as instructed by Lead Class Counsel, within ten (10) business days after
the occurrence of the Final Settlement Date. The Service Awards to these Plaintiffs will be in
addition to the other consideration to the Class Members as set forth in Section III.B.5. above.
D. In accordance with the cy pres doctrine, any amount remaining in the Settlement
Fund after payment of Notice and Claim Administration Expenses, necessary taxes and tax
expenses, Attorneys Fees and Expenses, Service Awards and Eligible Claims (the Residual
Settlement Amount) shall, subject to Court approval, be paid to the American Heart Association
for special earmark for research relating to health benefits of exercise or running or substantially
similar research, or such other beneficiary as the Parties and the Court shall agree at the time of
the Final Judgment and Final Order.
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E. Vibram shall not be liable for or obligated to pay any fees, expenses, costs, or
disbursements to, or incur any expense on behalf of, any person or entity, either directly or
indirectly, in connection with the Actions or this Settlement Agreement, other than the amount or
amounts expressly provided for in this Settlement Agreement.
A. The Parties shall seek from the Court, within fifteen (15) business days after the
execution of this Agreement, an Order Authorizing Notice in a form substantially similar to
Exhibit 5. The Order Authorizing Notice shall, among other things:
1. Certify a nationwide settlement-only class, approve Valerie Bezdek as
Class Representative, and appoint Lead Class Counsel as counsel for the class pursuant to Fed.
R. Civ. P. 23;
2. Preliminarily review the Settlement;
3. Require the dissemination of the Notice and the taking of all necessary and
appropriate steps to accomplish this task;
4. Determine that the notice complies with all legal requirements, including,
but not limited to, the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution;
5. Schedule a date and time for a Fairness Hearing to determine whether the
Order Authorizing Notice should be finally approved by the Court;
6. Require Class Members who wish to exclude themselves to submit an
appropriate and timely written request for exclusion as directed in this Agreement and the Class
Notice and that a failure to do so shall bind those Class Members who remain in the Class;
7. Require Class Members who wish to object to this Agreement to submit
an appropriate and timely written statement as directed in this Agreement and the Class Notice;
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8. Require Class Members who wish to appear to object to this Agreement to
submit an appropriate and timely written statement as directed in this Agreement and the Class
9. Require attorneys representing individual Class Members, at their own
expense, to file a notice of appearance as directed in this Agreement and the Class Notice;
10. Appoint the Class Action Settlement Administrator and/or the Notice
11. Authorize Vibram to take all necessary and appropriate steps to establish
the means necessary to implement the Agreement;
12. Issue other related orders to effectuate the preliminary review of the
Settlement Agreement.
B. No later than fourteen (14) days from the deadline for filing objections to this
Settlement Agreement as set forth in Section VI, Plaintiffs shall file an application for an award
of Attorneys Fees and Expenses in the Actions and a Motion for Final Approval of this
Settlement Agreement. Such application and motion shall be supplemented, if necessary, no
later than 14 days before the Fairness Hearing.
C. After the Fairness Hearing, the Parties shall seek to obtain from the Court a Final
Order and Final Judgment in the forms substantially similar to Exhibits 3 and 4, respectively.
The Final Order and Final Judgment shall, among other things:
1. Find that the Court has personal jurisdiction over all Class Members, the
Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the claims asserted in the Amended Complaint and/or
Actions, and that venue is proper.
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2. Finally approve the Agreement and Settlement, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.
3. Finally certify the Class for settlement purposes only;
4. Find that the notice and the notice dissemination methodology complied
with all laws, including, but not limited to, the Due Process Clause of the United States
5. Dismiss the Actions with prejudice;
6. Incorporate the Release set forth in the Agreement and make the Release
effective as of the date of the Final Order and Final Judgment;
7. Issue a permanent injunction;
8. Authorize the Parties to implement the terms of the Agreement;
9. Retain jurisdiction relating to the administration, consummation,
enforcement, and interpretation of the Agreement, the Final Order and Final Judgment, and for
any other necessary purpose; and
10. Issue related Orders to effectuate the final approval of the Settlement
Agreement and its implementation.
D. Within ten (10) days following the Final Settlement Date, Plaintiffs shall file a
stipulation of dismissal with prejudice in the California Case, in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit 9.
A. The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be amended, modified, or
expanded by written agreement of the Parties and approval of the Court; provided, however that,
after entry of the Final Order and Final Judgment, the Parties may by written agreement effect
such amendments, modifications, or expansions of this Agreement and its implementing
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documents (including all exhibits hereto) without further notice to the Class or approval by the
Court if such changes are consistent with the Courts Final Order and Final Judgment and do not
limit the rights of Class Members under this Agreement.
B. This Agreement shall terminate at the discretion of either Vibram or the Plaintiffs,
through Lead Class Counsel, if: (1) the Court, or any appellate court(s), rejects, modifies, or
denies approval of any portion of this Agreement or the proposed Settlement that the terminating
party in its (or their) sole judgment and discretion reasonably determine(s) is material, including,
without limitation, the terms of relief, the findings, or conclusions of the Court, the provisions
relating to notice, the definition of the Class, and/or the terms of the Release; or (2) the Court, or
any appellate court(s), does not enter or completely affirm, or alters or expands, any portion of
the Final Order and Final Judgment, or any of the Courts findings of fact or conclusions of law,
that the terminating party in its (or their) sole judgment and discretion reasonably determine(s) is
material. The terminating party must exercise the option to withdraw from and terminate this
Agreement, as provided in this Section X, by a signed writing served on the other Parties no later
than 20 days after receiving notice of the event prompting the termination. The Parties will be
returned to their positions status quo ante.
C. If an option to withdraw from and terminate this Agreement arises under Section
X.B above, neither Vibram nor Plaintiffs are required for any reason or under any circumstance
to exercise that option and any exercise of that option shall be in good faith.
D. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section X.B, above, then:
1. this Agreement shall be null and void and shall have no force or effect,
and no Party to this Agreement shall be bound by any of its terms, except for the terms of
Sections X.D herein;
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2. the Parties will petition to have any stay orders entered pursuant to this
Agreement lifted;
3. all of its provisions, and all negotiations, statements, and proceedings
relating to it shall be without prejudice to the rights of Vibram, Plaintiffs or any Class Member,
all of whom shall be restored to their respective positions existing immediately before the
execution of this Agreement, except that the Parties shall cooperate in requesting that the Court
set a new scheduling order such that neither Partys substantive or procedural rights is
prejudiced by the attempted Settlement;
4. Released Parties, as defined in Section II, above, including, without
limitation, Vibram, expressly and affirmatively reserve all defenses, arguments, and motions as
to all claims that have been or might later be asserted in the Actions, including, without
limitation, the argument that the Actions may not be litigated as a class action;
5. Plaintiffs and all other Class Members, on behalf of themselves and their
heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, predecessors, and successors, expressly and
affirmatively reserve and do not waive all motions as to, and arguments in support of, all claims,
causes of actions or remedies that have been or might later be asserted in the Actions including,
without limitation, any argument concerning class certification, consumer fraud, and treble or
other damages;
6. neither this Agreement, the fact of its having been made, nor the
negotiations leading to it, nor any discovery or action taken by a Party or Class Member
pursuant to this Agreement shall be admissible or entered into evidence for any purpose
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7. any Settlement-related order(s) or judgment(s) entered in this Action after
the date of execution of this Agreement shall be deemed vacated and shall be without any force
or effect;
8. all costs incurred in connection with the Settlement, including, but not
limited to, notice, publication, and customer communications, will be paid from the Settlement
Funds. Neither Plaintiffs nor Lead Class nor Plaintiffs Counsel shall be responsible for any of
these costs or other Settlement-related costs;
9. any attorneys fees and expenses previously paid to Plaintiffs Counsel
shall be returned to Vibram; and
10. notwithstanding the terms of this paragraph, if Settlement is not
consummated, Plaintiffs Counsel may include any time spent in Settlement efforts as part of
any statutory fee petition filed at the conclusion of the case, and Vibram reserves the right to
object to the reasonableness of such requested fees.
A. The obligations of the Parties to conclude the proposed Settlement is and shall be
contingent on the following:
1. entry by the Court of the Final Order and Final Judgment approving the
Settlement, from which the time to appeal has expired or which has remained unmodified after
any appeal(s); and
2. Vibrams payments as set forth in Section III.A. and Section VIII.C. of
this Settlement Agreement, and Vibrams full and complete performance of any and all
obligations, terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement.
B. The Parties and their counsel agree to keep the contents of this Agreement
confidential until the date on which the Motion for Preliminary Review and Authorization of
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Class Notice is filed; provided, however, that this section shall not prevent Vibram from
disclosing such information, prior to the date on which the Motion for Preliminary Review and
Authorization of Class Notice is filed, to state and federal agencies, independent accountants,
actuaries, advisors, financial analysts, insurers or attorneys, nor shall it prevent the Parties and
their counsel from disclosing such information to persons or entities (such as experts, courts, co-
counsel, and/or administrators) to whom the Parties agree disclosure must be made in order to
effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
C. Plaintiffs, their counsel, and Lead Class Counsel agree that the confidential
information made available to them solely through the settlement process was made available, as
agreed to, on the condition that neither Plaintiffs nor their counsel may disclose it to third parties
(other than experts or consultants retained by Plaintiffs in connection with this case); that it not
be the subject of public comment; that it not be used by Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs Counsel in any
way in this litigation should the Settlement not be achieved, and that it is to be returned if a
Settlement is not concluded; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall prohibit
Plaintiffs from seeking such information through formal discovery if not previously requested
through formal discovery or from referring to the existence of such information in
connection with the Settlement of this litigation.
D. All information marked as Attorneys Eyes Only or Confidential provided by
Vibram to Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs Counsel, or any individual Class Member, counsel for any
individual Class Member and/or administrators, pursuant to the implementation of this
Agreement or by Court Order, constitutes trade secrets and highly confidential and proprietary
business information and shall be deemed Attorneys Eyes Only or Confidential pursuant to
the protective orders that have been or will be entered in the Actions, and shall be subject to all
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of the provisions thereof. Any materials inadvertently produced shall, upon Vibrams request, be
promptly returned to Vibrams Counsel, and there shall be no implied or express waiver of any
privileges, rights, and defenses.
E. Within ninety (90) days after the Final Settlement Date (unless the time is
extended by agreement of the Parties), Plaintiffs Counsel, and any expert or other consultant
employed by them in such capacity or any other individual with access to documents provided
by Vibram to Plaintiffs Counsel shall either: (i) return to Vibrams Counsel, all such documents
and materials (and all copies of such documents in whatever form made or maintained) produced
by Vibram in the Actions and any and all handwritten notes summarizing, describing or referring
to such documents; or (ii) certify to Vibrams Counsel that all such documents and materials
(and all copies of such documents in whatever form made or maintained) produced by Vibram in
the Actions and any and all handwritten notes summarizing, describing or referring to such
documents have been destroyed; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any
documents made part of the record in connection with a Claim, nor to any documents made part
of a Court filing, nor to Plaintiffs Counsels work product. Vibrams Counsel agrees to hold all
documents returned by Plaintiffs Counsel, and any expert or other consultant or any other
individual employed by Plaintiffs Counsel in such capacity with access to documents provided
by Vibram, until six months after the distribution of the Settlement Funds to Class Members who
submitted acceptable Claim Forms. Six months after the distribution of the Settlement Funds to
Class Members who submitted acceptable Claim Forms, the Class Action Settlement
Administrator shall return all document and materials to Vibram and/or Lead Class Counsel that
produced the documents and materials, except that it shall destroy any and all Claim Forms,
including any and all information and/or documentation submitted by Class Members.
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F. Vibrams execution of this Agreement shall not be construed to release - and
Vibram expressly does not intend to release - any claim Vibram may have or make against any
insurer for any cost or expense incurred in connection with this Settlement, including, without
limitation, for attorneys fees and costs.
G. Lead Class Counsel represent that: (1) they are authorized by the Plaintiffs to
enter into this Agreement on behalf of Plaintiffs, their respective present or past law firms and
any other attorneys who have represented or who now represent Plaintiffs in these Actions with
respect to the claims in these Actions; and (2) they are seeking to protect the interests of the
H. Plaintiffs represent and certify that, as applicable to each Plaintiff: (1) they have
agreed to serve as representatives of the Class proposed to be certified herein; (2) they are
willing, able, and ready to perform all of the duties and obligations of representatives of the
Class, including, but not limited to, being involved in discovery and fact finding; (3) they have
read the substantive pleadings in the Actions, including the complaint and/or the Amended
Complaints, or have had the contents of such pleadings described to them; (4) they are familiar
with the results of the fact- finding undertaken by Lead Class and Plaintiffs Counsel; (5) they
have been kept apprised of settlement negotiations among the Parties, and have either read this
Agreement, including the exhibits annexed hereto, or have received a detailed description of it
from Lead Class Counsel or Plaintiffs Counsel and they have agreed to its terms; (6) they have
consulted with Lead Class Counsel or Plaintiffs Counsel about the Actions and this Agreement
and the obligations imposed on representatives of the Class; (7) they have authorized Lead Class
Counsel to execute this Agreement on their behalf; and (8) they shall remain and serve as
representatives of the Class until the terms of this Agreement are effectuated, this Agreement is
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terminated in accordance with its terms, or the Court at any time determines that said Plaintiff(s)
cannot represent the Class.
I. Vibram represents and warrants that the individual(s) executing this Agreement is
authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Vibram.
J. This Agreement, complete with its exhibits, sets forth the sole and entire
agreement among the Parties with respect to its subject matter, and it may not be altered,
amended, or modified except by written instrument executed by Lead Class Counsel and
Vibrams Counsel on behalf of Vibram. The Parties expressly acknowledge that no other
agreements, arrangements, or understandings not expressed in this Agreement exist among or
between them and that in deciding to enter into this Agreement, they rely solely upon their
judgment and knowledge. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, or
undertakings (written or oral) by and between the Parties regarding the subject matter of this
K. This Agreement and any amendments thereto shall be governed by and
interpreted according to the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, notwithstanding its
conflict of laws provisions.
L. Any disagreement and/or action to enforce this Agreement shall be commenced
and maintained only in the Court in which these Actions are pending.
M. Whenever this Agreement requires or contemplates that one of the Parties shall or
may give notice to the other, notice shall be provided by e-mail and/or next-day (excluding
Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal Holidays) express delivery service as follows:
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1. If to Vibram, then to:
Christopher M. Morrison
Dana Baiocco
Jones Day
100 High Street, 21
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Tel.: 617.960.3939
Fax: 617.449-6969

2. If to Plaintiffs, then to:
Janine Pollack
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP
270 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10016
Tel.: 212.545.4600
Fax: 212.545.4762
N. All time periods set forth herein shall be computed in calendar days unless
otherwise expressly provided. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this
Agreement or by order of the Court, the day of the act, event, or default from which the
designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so
computed shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday or a Federal Holiday, or, when the
act to be done is the filing of a paper in court, a day on which weather or other conditions have
made the office of the clerk of the court inaccessible, in which event the period shall run until the
end of the next day that is not one of the aforementioned days. As used in this section Federal
Holiday includes New Years Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Presidents Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Patriots Day,
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any other day appointed as a holiday by the President or
the Congress of the United States.
Case 1:12-cv-10513-DPW Document 69 Filed 04/30/14 Page 40 of 45

O. The Parties reserve the right, subject to the Courts approval, to agree to any
reasonable extensions of time that might be necessary to carry out any of the provisions of this
P. The Class, Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs Counsel, Lead Class Counsel, Vibram and/or
Vibrams Counsel shall not be deemed to be the drafter of this Agreement or of any particular
provision, nor shall they argue that any particular provision should be construed against its
drafter or otherwise resort to the contra proferentem canon of construction. All Parties agree that
this Agreement was drafted by counsel for the Parties during extensive arms length negotiations.
No parol or other evidence may be offered to explain, construe, contradict, or clarify its terms,
the intent of the Parties or their counsel, or the circumstances under which this Agreement was
made or executed.
Q. The Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that this Agreement and its exhibits,
along with all related drafts, motions, pleadings, conversations, negotiations, and
correspondence, constitute an offer of compromise and a compromise within the meaning of
Federal Rule of Evidence 408 and any equivalent rule of evidence in any state. In no event shall
this Agreement, any of its provisions or any negotiations, statements or court proceedings
relating to its provisions in any way be construed as, offered as, received as, used as, or deemed
to be evidence of any kind in the Actions, any other action, or in any judicial, administrative,
regulatory or other proceeding, except in a proceeding to enforce this Agreement or the rights of
the Parties or their counsel. Without limiting the foregoing, neither this Agreement nor any
related negotiations, statements, or court proceedings shall be construed as, offered as, received
as, used as or deemed to be evidence or an admission or concession of any liability or
wrongdoing whatsoever on the part of any person or entity, including, but not limited to, the
Case 1:12-cv-10513-DPW Document 69 Filed 04/30/14 Page 41 of 45

Released Parties, Plaintiffs, or the Class or as a waiver by the Released Parties, Plaintiffs or the
Class of any applicable privileges, claims or defenses.
R. Plaintiffs expressly affirm that the allegations contained in the various complaints
were made in good faith and have a basis in fact, but consider it desirable for the Actions to be
settled and dismissed because of the substantial benefits that the proposed Settlement will
provide to Class Members.
S. The Parties, their successors and assigns, and their counsel undertake to
implement the terms of this Agreement in good faith, and to use good faith in resolving any
disputes that may arise in the implementation of the terms of this Agreement.
T. The waiver by one Party of any breach of this Agreement by another Party shall
not be deemed a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach of this Agreement.
U. If one Party to this Agreement considers another Party to be in breach of its
obligations under this Agreement, that Party must provide the breaching Party with written
notice of the alleged breach and provide a reasonable opportunity to cure the breach before
taking any action to enforce any rights under this Agreement.
V. The Parties, their successors and assigns, and their counsel agree to cooperate
fully with one another in seeking Court approval of this Settlement Agreement and to use their
best efforts to effect the prompt consummation of this Agreement and the proposed Settlement.
W. This Agreement may be signed with a facsimile signature or .pdf and in
counterparts, each of which shall constitute a duplicate original.
Case 1:12-cv-10513-DPW Document 69 Filed 04/30/14 Page 42 of 45

Agreed to on the date indicated below.

By: /s/ Janine Pollack DATE: April 30, 2014
Janine Pollack
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP
Telephone: 212-545-4600
Facsimile: 212-686-0114
270 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10016

One Liberty Square
Boston, MA 02109
Telephone: 617-542-8300
Facsimile: 617-542-1194

701 B Street, Suite 1700
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: 619-338-1100
Facsimile: 619-338-1101

35 East State Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063
Telephone: 610-891-9880
Facsimile: 610-891-9883

Case 1:12-cv-10513-DPW Document 69 Filed 04/30/14 Page 43 of 45

324 Datura Street
Suite 223
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Telephone: 561-686-1800
Facsimile: 561-686-1533

1792 Bell Tower Lane, Suite 203
Weston, FL 33326
Telephone: 954-313-3454
Facsimile: 954-313-3455

One Pennsylvania Plaza
49th Floor
New York, NY 10119
Telephone: 212-594-5300
Facsimile: 212-868-1229

578 Washington Boulevard, Suite 552
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Telephone: 310-984-6861
Facsimile: 310-984-6849

582 Oakwood Avenue, 200
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Telephone: 847-559-9040
Facsimile: 847-235-6618

Case 1:12-cv-10513-DPW Document 69 Filed 04/30/14 Page 44 of 45

60 State Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Telephone: 617-573-5118
Facsimile: 617-573-5090

Plaintiffs Counsel


By: /s/ Christopher M. Morrison DATE: April 30, 2014
Christopher M. Morrison (BBO #651335)
Dana Baiocco

100 High Street
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-960-6999
Facsimile: 617-449-6999

I, Christopher M. Morrison, hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing document
filed through the ECF system will be electronically sent to the registered participants as
identified on the Notice of Electronic Filing and paper copies will be sent to those indicated as
non-registered participants on April 30, 2014.

/s/ Christopher M. Morrison

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