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STEM Teaching Annotated Bibliography

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Resources for

STEM Faculty
Recommended Readings Many of these books and other resources are available at the
STEM Station or the Center For Teaching and Learning. Most of the provided descriptions
were prepared by the various publishers.

Website Articles and White Papers

Engage! Increasi ng Facul ty-Student I nteracti ons
Becky Wai-Ling Packard and Susan Staffin Metz.
This must-read guide shows how micro moments of interaction lead to mega results with its easy-to-use tips for
enhancing spoken and written communication with students.

Framework for Eval uati ng Impacts of Informal Sci ence Educati on Proj ects
National Science Foundation

The Intel l ectual Devel opment of Sci ence and Engi neeri ng Students, Part 2: Teachi ng to Promote
Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent.
This article is a good resource for those who want to dig a little deeper and connect educational theory to
classroom practice, while still focusing on understandable and practical course strategies.

Li nki ng Evi dence and Promi si ng Practi ces i n Sci ence, Technol ogy, Engi neeri ng, and Mathemati cs
Undergraduate Educati on: A Status Report for the Nati onal Academi es Nati onal Research Counci l
Board of Sci ence Educati on
James Fairweather

Teachi ng for Retenti on i n Sci ence, Engi neeri ng, and Math Di sci pl i nes: A Gui de for Facul ty
Marie Kendall Brown, Chad Hershock, Cynthia J. Finelli and Chris ONeal.
From creating a classroom climate supportive of learning to increasing inquiry learning, the strategies in this paper
from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at University of Michigan offer practical advice to increase
STEM retention.

Whi te Paper on Promi si ng Practi ces i n Undergraduate STEM Educati on
Jeffrey E. Froyd.
Eight, evidence-based promising practices for lower division STEM courses and programs have high standards for
adaptability and student learning.


Achi evi ng Hi gh Educati onal Standards for Al l : Conference Summary
National Academies Press, 2002.
This volume summarizes a range of scientific perspectives on the important goal of achieving high educational
standards for all students. Based on a conference held at the request of the U.S. Department of Education, it
addresses three questions: What progress has been made in advancing the education of minority and
disadvantaged students since the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision nearly 50 years ago? What does
research say about the reasons of successes and failures? What are some of the strategies and practices that hold
the promise of producing continued improvements?

Assessi ng Sci ence Learni ng: Perspecti ves from Research and Practi ce
NSTA Press, 2008.
The National Science Foundation-funded research projects described here show the strong link between
assessment and improved student learning; the essays invite science teachers to reflect on their practices and
priorities and to consider a variety of productive assessment strategies and frameworks. The central ideas around
which the chapters are based and which provide compelling data to fuel conversations about assessment purposes
and opportunities include the: Roles of assessment in teaching and learning, Characteristics of meaningful
assessment items, Need for research to validate assessment practices, Significance of assessing both student
knowledge and their misconceptions, Value of assessing students.

Cl assroom Assessment and the Nati onal Sci ence Educati on Standards
National Academies Press, 2001.
This accompanying volume to the Standards focuses on a key kind of assessment: the evaluation that occurs
regularly in the classroom, by the teacher and his or her students as interacting participants. As students conduct
experiments, for example, the teacher circulates around the room and asks individuals about their findings, using
the feedback to adjust lessons plans and take other actions to boost learning.

Cl assroom Research
K. Patricia Cross and Mimi Harris Steadman
Classroom Research is designed for use in faculty discussion groups, workshops, and seminars to prepare
discipline-oriented faculty for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. The book's real-life case studies illustrate
basic principles of learning and provide provocative materials for discussion along with practical suggestions for
research that can be conducted by faculty from all disciplines in their own classrooms.

Educati ng Engi neers: Desi gni ng for the Future of the Fi el d
Sheri D. Sheppard, Kelly Macatangay, Anne Colby and William M. Sullivan
Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field is the third of a series of reports on professional
education issued by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching's Preparation for the Professions
Program. Informed by the findings of the Foundation's concurrent studies of professional education, Educating
Engineers is also, like the other studies, grounded in direct observation of education in process. Initial study
focused on forty schools of engineering and examination of one hundred accreditation self-study reports. Over
several academic semesters, a research team visited eleven electrical and mechanical engineering programs at six
colleges and universities in the United States. Public and private, part of technical institutes or situated within
universities, geographically diverse and serving different populations, these 11 programs represented a cross
section of U.S. undergraduate engineering education.

Educati ng Teachers of Sci ence, Mathemati cs, and Technol ogy: Practi ces for the New Mi l l enni um
National Academies Press, 2000.
This book synthesizes what we know about the quality of math and science teaching, draws conclusions about why
teacher preparation needs reform, and then outlines recommendations for accomplishing the most important goals
before us. Professional Development Schools are reviewed and vignettes presented that describe exemplary
teacher development practices.

Eval uati ng and Improvi ng Undergraduate Teachi ng i n Sci ence, Technol ogy, Engi neeri ng, and
Mathemati cs
National Academies Press, 2003.
This book offers a vision for systematic evaluation of teaching practices and academic programs, with
recommendations to the various stakeholders in higher education about how to achieve change. What is good
undergraduate teaching? This book discusses how to evaluate undergraduate teaching of science, mathematics,
engineering, and technology and what characterizes effective teaching in these fields.

How Learni ng Works
Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPeitro, Marsha C. Lovett, Marie K. Norma, and Richard E.
Distilling the research literature and translating the scientific approach into language relevant to a college or
university teacher, this book introduces seven general principles of how students learn. The authors have drawn on
research from a breadth of perspectives (cognitive, developmental, and social psychology; educational research;
anthropology; demographics; organizational behavior) to identify a set of key principles underlying learning, from
how effective organization enhances retrieval and use of information to what impacts motivation. Integrating
theory with real-classroom examples in practice, this book helps faculty to apply cognitive science advances to
improve their own teaching.

How Peopl e Learn: Brai n, Mi nd, Experi ence, and School
National Research Council
This book offers exciting new research about the mind and the brain that provides answers to a number of
compelling questions. When do infants begin to learn? How do experts learn and how is this different from non-
experts? What can teachers and schools do-with curricula, classroom settings, and teaching methods--to help
children learn most effectively? New evidence from many branches of science has significantly added to our
understanding of what it means to know, from the neural processes that occur during learning to the influence of
culture on what people see and absorb. How People Learn examines these findings and their implications for
what we teach, how we teach it, and how we assess what our children learn. The book uses exemplary teaching to
illustrate how approaches based on what we now know result in in-depth learning. This new knowledge calls into
question concepts and practices firmly entrenched in our current education system.

How Peopl e Learn: Bri dgi ng Research and Practi ce
National Academies Press, 1999.
In synthesizing a broad body of research, How People Learn provides an opportunity to provide research-based
messages that are clear and directly relevant to classroom practice. Three of the findings are highlighted in this
report because they have both a solid research base to support them and strong implications for how the
enterprise of education is conducted.

How Students Learn: Sci ence i n the Cl assroom
National Academies Press, 2005.
Organized for utility, the book explores how the principles of learning can be applied in science at three levels:
elementary, middle, and high school. Leading educators explain in detail how they developed successful curricula
and teaching approaches, presenting strategies that serve as models for curriculum development and classroom
instruction. This book discusses how to build straightforward science experiments into true understanding of
scientific principles. It also features illustrated suggestions for classroom activities.

Improvi ng Student Learni ng: A Strategi c Pl an for Educati on Research and Its Uti l i zati on
National Academies Press, 1999.
This book offers suggestions for designing, organizing, and managing an effective strategic education research
program by building a structure of interrelated networks. The book highlights such issues as how teachers can help
students overcome their conceptions about how the world works, the effect of expectations on school performance,
and the particular challenges of teaching children from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Inqui ry i nto the Col l ege Cl assroom: A Journey toward Schol arl y Teachi ng
Paul Savory, Amy Nelson Burnett and Amy Goodburn
An essential companion for university faculty interested in conducting scholarly inquiry into their classroom teaching, this practical
guide presents a formal model for making visible the careful, difficult, and intentional scholarly work entailed in exploring a teaching
question. As a how-to guide, this is an invaluable resource for planning and conducting classroom researchformulating questions
and hypotheses, defining a data collection methodology, collecting data, measuring the impact, and documenting the results.

Methods i n Educati onal Research: From Theory to Practi ce
Katherine H. Voegtle
Written for students, educators, and researchers, Methods in Educational Research offers a refreshing introduction
to the principles of educational research. Designed for the real world of educational research, the books approach
focuses on the types of problems likely to be encountered in professional experiences. Reflecting the importance of
The No Child Left Behind Act , scientifically based educational research, school accountability, and the
professional demands of the twenty-first century, Methods in Educational Research empowers educational
researchers to take an active role in conducting research in their classrooms, districts, and the greater educational
communityactivities that are now not only expected but required of all teachers.

Nati onal Sci ence Educati on Standards
National Academies Press, 1996.
Americans agree that our students urgently need better science education. The Standards offers a coherent vision
of what it means to be scientifically literate, describing what all students should understand and be able to do in
science. The volume reflects the principles that learning science is an inquiry-based process, that science in schools
should reflect the intellectual traditions of contemporary science, and that all Americans have a role in science
education reform.

Physi cs by Inqui ry, Vol . I &II
McDermott, L.C. John Wiley &Sons, 1996.
Physics by Inquiry is a set of laboratory-based modules that provide a step-by-step introduction to physics and the
physical sciences. Through in-depth study of simple physical systems and their interactions, students gain direct
experience with the process of science. Starting from their own observations, students develop basic physical
concepts, use and interpret different forms of scientific representations, and construct explanatory models with
predictive capability. All the modules have been explicitly designed to develop scientific reasoning skills and to
provide practice in relating scientific concepts, representations, and models to real world phenomena.

Sci enti fi c Research i n Educati on
National Academies Press, 2002.
This book describes the similarities and differences between scientific inquiry in education and scientific inquiry in
other fields and disciplines and provides a number of examples to illustrate these ideas. Its main argument is that
all scientific endeavors share a common set of principles, and that each field including education research develops
a specialization that accounts for the particulars of what is being studied. The book also provides suggestions for
how the federal government can best support high-quality scientific research in education.

Strategi c Educati on Research Partnershi p
National Academies Press, 2003.
The Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) proposes a large-scale, coherent program of research and
development that would put the problems of educational practice at its center, and focus on all stages necessary to
influence practice. These include theory testing, the development and evaluation of instructional programs, the
study of practice in context, and attention to taking innovations to scale.

Transformi ng Undergraduate Educati on i n Sci ence, Mathemati cs, Engi neeri ng, and Technol ogy
National Academies Press, 1999.
The book addresses pre-college preparation for students in SME&T and the joint roles and responsibilities of faculty
and administrators in arts and sciences and in schools of education to better educate teachers of K-12
mathematics, science, and technology. It suggests how colleges can improve and evaluate lower-division
undergraduate courses for all students, strengthen institutional infrastructures to encourage quality teaching, and
better prepare graduate students who will become future SME&T faculty.

The Uni fi ed Learni ng Model : How Moti vati onal , Cogni ti ve, and Neurobi ol ogi cal Sci ences Inform
Best Teachi ng Practi ces
Duane F. Shell, David W. Brooks, Guy Trainin, Kathleen M. Wilson, et al.
This cutting-edge synthesis of ideas and concepts from the cognitive, motivation, and neurobiological sciences sets
out a unique theory of learning that should be of interest to everyone from education practitioners to
neuroscientists. The authors base their Unified Learning Model, or ULM, on three core principles. Firstly, that
learning requires working memory allocation (attention). Second, that working memorys capacity for allocation is
affected by prior knowledge. And finally, that working memory allocation is directed by motivation. These three
principles guide a complete model of learning that synthesizes what is known from research in brain function,
cognition, and motivation.

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