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Bridge 070 Passage Planning

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Card No Bridge-070 Version 2008-01-01 Page 1 of 4
Passage Plaig
1! Geeral
Passage plan for the voyage must e !one in a""or!an"e #ith the "orre"t maritime "ustoms an! in
"omplian"e #ith the $MI %esolution A 8&'(21) * +ui!e for Voyage Planning, It aims to ensure the est
safety "on!itions for-
- the "re# an! the passengers.
- the ship.
- the "argo.
- an! the prote"tion of environment,
"! #$e Bridge O%era&ig #ea'
Passage planning (in"lu!ing !ra#ing the "ourses) is prepare! from (er&$ &) (er&$ y the /avigation
$ffi"er in a""or!an"e #ith the Master0s !ire"tives an! #ith the instru"tions given y the Charterer or
the Ship $#ner, 1he planning is "he"2e! (an! signe!) y the Master. an! rought to the 2no#le!ge of
the $ffi"ers on 3at"h efore getting un!er #ay,
4riefing prior to !eparture
Prior to !eparture. the Master shall organise a meeting gathering all the "re# memers involve! in the
"on!u"t of the vessel, He shall ma2e a statement of the parti"ularities of the voyage- true "ourses.
!angers for the navigation en"ountere! in parti"ular areas. safety level "hanges !uring the passage.
5spe"ial6 areas in #hi"h parti"ular "are #ill have to e ta2en to prevent pollution of the environment
(garage an! #aste !isposal. sulphur rates in fuel oil7) an! any other suggestions #hi"h may have
"onse8uen"es on the passage plan7
He shall remin! the asi" rules of the ship positioning "ontrol (the offi"er on !uty having to point out
the route at the eginning of his #at"h. using at least t#o !ifferent means of positioning. 2eeping the
hait of referring to visile lan!mar2s. not to e over"onfi!ent on the a""ura"y an! reliaility of the
navigation !evi"es. et",)
1he Master. the Chief 9ngineer. the Chief $ffi"er. the $ffi"ers on !uty. the Helmsmen an! the Men on
3at"h form a team "alle! Bridge O%era&ig #ea' *BO#+!
1he Pilot shall e as2e! to :oin the team if ne"essary,
1he 4$1 shall e informe! of any important alteration implying a "hange in !estination. in sailing
"on!itions !ue to the #eather. in safety or se"urity "on!itions or any "hange #hi"h may imply ne#
threats to the environment or for any other reason that the Master may "onsi!er useful. in or!er to
ta2e the appropriate "orre"tive a"tions if ne"essary,
N)&e- 9nfor"ing all ; or part of - the aove mentione! instru"tions. a""or!ing to the lo"al prevailing
"ir"umstan"es an! "on!itions (navigation in high ris2 areas. navigation in over"ro#!e! areas7) is the
Master0s responsiility,
,! Passage %la s$ee& *(er&$ &) (er&$+
1he passage plan sheet (see sample "opy 4ri!ge-0<=). siged (- Mas&er. must e availale %ri)r &)
&$e .)''e.e'e& )/ &$e 0)-age )r %assage. an! "orre"tly !isplaye! on the "hart tale at the
!isposal of the Master. the $ffi"ers on 3at"h an! the Pilot, It #ill e file! in the 4ri!ge %e"or! 4in!er
so as to 2eep only the "urrent voyage an! the pre"e!ing one, 1he passage plan #hi"h is generate!
using 9C>IS "an e use! for this purpose if it "ontains all the relevant information an! is siged (-
4! D).1'e&s &) (e .)s1l&ed ad i/)r'a&i) &) (e .)lle.&ed
Card No Bridge-070 Version 2008-01-01 Page " of 4
Passage Plaig
All information relevant to the passage shoul! e "olle"te! an! analyse!, Su"h information may e
foun! in the follo#ing !o"uments issue! from SMS ?irary (up!ate! y >PA ?etter),
1he Chart-1ra"2 soft#are. as #ell the puli"ations issue! from the @A Hy!rographi" $ffi"e. allo#s the
monitoring of ne# e!itions an! "orre"tions of nauti"al !o"uments,
?ist of nauti"al !o"uments on oar! (ut not limite! to)-
Mariner0s Han!oo2
Catalogue of A!miralty Charts an! puli"ations
A!miralty /oti"es to mariners
/avigational Charts. as #ell as the %outeing Charts an! the 5Pilots Charts6
$"ean Passages for the #orl!
%outeing gui!es (re"ommen!e! tra"2s)
A!miralty Sailing >ire"tions
A!miralty ?ist of ?ights an! Bog Signals
A!miralty ?ist of %a!io Signals
A!miralty 1i!e 1ales
1i!al streams "harts
Chart for appli"ation of the International "onvention on ?oa! ?ines
3eather an! $"eanographi" /auti"al Information
Area an! Coastal 3arnings (/avteC. Safetynet7)
?o"al #arnings roa!"aste! y VHB (M%CC. V1IS7)
3eather fore"asts (3eather Charts. Port Master0s $ffi"e7)
>istan"e tales
Port Authorities. Company information7
2! I&e's .).erig &$e .)di&i) )/ &$e s$i% ad .)s&i&1&i) )/ &$e .re3 &) (e &a4e
i&) a..)1&
All information relevant to the "on!itions of the ship has to e "olle"te! an! analyse!, Among these
ut not limite! to-
1he ship must e sea#orthy
1he "on!ition an! the availaility of the main engine an! auCiliaries. the an"horing gear. the
navigation an! ra!io-"ommuni"ation e8uipment7
1he "argo "on!ition. lashing an! staility
1he "argo type (>angerous goo!s onoar! or not)
1he trim. the ship0s !raft*air !raft. an! the limitation of shearing for"es an! en!ing moments.
1he manoeuvring "hara"teristi"s of the ship,
1he availaility an! the eCperien"e of the operating personnel7
5! Mai r1les /)r %laig ad %l)&&ig .)1rses
1he /avigation $ffi"er #ill prepare the passage in a""or!an"e #ith the Master0s instru"tions, He must
also 2eep in min! the follo#ing rules-
Colle"t the relevant information an! ensure that the !o"uments to e use! are up to !ate,
Choose "harts #ith the appropriate s"ale. up!ate! #ith the latest "orre"tions,
5!1 Pl)& sa/e .)1rses6
Card No Bridge-070 Version 2008-01-01 Page , of 4
Passage Plaig
1he "ourses are to e plotte! on the "harts for the "omplete passage ta2ing into a""ount the
follo#ing points (ut not limite! to)-
9nsure that the +PS setting is in a""or!an"e #ith /avigational Chart referen"e (3+S8D).
9nsure a suffi"ient "learan"e un!er the 2eel in all "ir"umstan"es. ta2ing into a""ount-
- the fore"ast ti!e status an! any s8uat effe"t.
- the influen"e of #in! an! arometri" pressure.
- the a""ura"y of the hy!rographi"al !ata.
- the "hange of #ater !ensity.
- the effe"ts of rolling an! pit"hing.
- the ship0s hogging an! sagging.
- the reliaility an! a""ura"y of ship0s !rafts oserve! an! "al"ulate! (1he ship0s spee!
"oul! e re!u"e! to limit the s8uat effe"t #hen passing shallo#s #aters).
- the safe !istan"e from any ostru"tion or !anger,
?eave allo#an"e for manoeuvring an! altering the "ourse !epen!ing on the ship0s
"hara"teristi"s an! the lo"al "on!itions (#eather. "urrents. et",).
Plan easy "hange of "ourse.
Choose o"ean "ourses !epen!ing on the #eather fore"ast * "urrents.
9nsure that an easy "he"2 of the ship0s position is possile (y alignment. guar! "ourse. ra!ar
Courses in #ay of traffi" separation s"heme (:oining an!*or "rossing) shoul! e in a""or!an"e
#ith the C$?%9+.
Che"2 that the appropriate navigation instruments are availale an! that the instrument errors
have een ta2en into "onsi!eration, 3here ne"essary. they are to e set to the ship0s time or
1a2e into a""ount the times an! !istan"es re8uire! for spee! in"reasing an! slo# !o#n.
Anti"ipate emergen"y situations an! prepare emergen"y response plan (emergen"y
an"horing. alternative "ourses).
Consi!er !angerous or fori!!en area,
5!" I/)r'a&i) &) (ear ) Passage Pla
All information relevant to the safety of the passage has to e "learly pointe! out on the passage
plan, 1his in"lu!es ut is not limite! to-
1he areas to e avoi!e!.
1he true "ourse ; true earing. !istan"e et#een turning points. important lan!*seamar2s.
1he 3ay Points. an! #hen ne"essary turning ra!ius.
1he safe earing an! safe !istan"es from !angers.
1he temporary an! permanent navigation !angers su"h as #re"2s. un!ersea "ales.
military eCer"ises areas. #ar Eones. shallo# #aters an! other ostru"tions.
Changes in the V1S areas. VHB reporting points an! "alling "hannels. points to pi"2-up the
Bor navigation using +PS. any "orre"tions #hi"h must e ma!e to the positions sho#n on
the "hart an! any other spe"ial useful information in the area "on"erne!,
1he follo#ing information #ill also e sho#n on the "harts in a""or!an"e #ith Master0s
instru"tions. ut !o not overloa! the "hart #ith too mu"h information-
Soun!ing lines in or!er to "he"2 the e"ho-soun!er.
?ights visiility.
Card No Bridge-070 Version 2008-01-01 Page 4 of 4
Passage Plaig
Arrangements "on"erning the pilot la!!er an! the an"horing position. the points for "alling
the Master. the time for the "re# to stan!y or the time for the #at"h to e !oule!.
%a!ar earings an! !istan"es from important lan!*seamar2s.
Minimum un!er2eel "learan"e.
Areas for Se"urity ?evel "hange.
Spe"ial instru"tion to prevent the pollution of the environment (S9CA areas for eCample),
/4- the information #ill e #ritten on the "harts using pen"il only,
7! Use )/ .$ar&s
Pa%er .$ar&s
Ma2e sure that the "harts for the passage to "ome are all availale in a !ra#er in their or!er of use,
$nly the "hart in use an! routine "hart #ill e availale on the "hart tale,
@se! "harts #ill e imme!iately remove! ut the "ourses an! in!i"ations sho#n #ill not e erase!
efore the en! of the "rossing an! #ith Master0s agreement,
Ele.&r)i. .$ar&s
1he turning points (3ay point) must perfe"tly "orrespon! et#een the !ifferent navigation ai!s
(ele"troni" "harts. +PS. ra!ar 7) an! the tra"2 on the paper "harts,
7! Se.1ri&- Le0el
1he information aout the ship se"urity level. as #ell as the port of "all se"urity level is to e
mentione! on the Passage Plan, 3henever ne"essary. up!ating the assessment is to e "arrie! out
(see Ship Se"urity Plan)
8! Res1l&s )/ &$e %assage
$n "ompletion of ea"h passage. the follo#ing #ill e "al"ulate!-
time of sea passage.
average log spee! an! groun! spee!
time an! !istan"es in manoeuvre
1hese !ata #ill e re"or!e! in ?og 4oo2 an! use! for Master0s an! C*9 reports,
10! De(rie/ig
A final !eriefing shall e organise! to enale the 4ri!ge $perating 1eam to report the possile
"orre"tive a"tions to e ta2en for a smoother running of the neCt voyage- estimate! positions.
information sour"es. positioning systems use!. "on!u"t of the vessel. steering an! propulsion. sea
2eeping 8ualities of the ship. "argo sto#age. 8uality of #at"h 2eeping. meteorologi"al oservations.
"ommuni"ations. et",

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