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ST John Ambulance Letter From Ali Ammoun

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May 2014

Saint John Ambulance Mr Ali Ammoun
Complaints Department c/- Acacia Prison
209 Great Eastern Highway Locked Bag 1
6104 6558

RE: Possible Staff Misconduct Perverting The Course Of Justice
Ambulance Officer Michelle Farmer

My name is Ali Ammoun and I am a prisoner at Acacia Prison just outside of
Perth. I have served almost 8 years of a 16 year sentence for (allegedly)
attempting to murder my ex-wife and mother in law. I include a photo because I
want you to know that I am a real human being, not just words on paper which
is the way I have been treated for over 8 years now.

I do not want to go into the case right at this moment, suffice to say its the
opinion of many that my matter exceeds even the corruption of the Andrew
Mallard affair. I never attempted to murder anyone. If it wasnt so serious - it
would be extremely funny. But its not funny. Ive lost everything - business,
home, children and even my second marriage.

I am currently working towards the High Court of Australia. Before doing so I have been instructed by my
lawyer to contact any and all departments of witnesses (police, nursing ambulance, media) to ascertain how it
was enormous discrepancies appeared in the presentation of evidence. This is not simply run of the mill
details that indicate small flaws in the flow of the prosecution narrative, but are in fact clear indicators of a
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice that runs through the entire case. There is a specific reason the
police and DPP did this and I do not want to go into it right now.

It is routine for the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions to coach witnesses and guild the lilly to
make their case more airtight. One such detail involves a former employee of your Michelle Farmer. I
believe she now works at Royal Perth Hospital.

A Clinical Nurse - Adele Du Camp - made statements in her clinical notes that she cut off a bra that was
wound tight around my ex-wifes neck. This was inside the Fremantle Hospital Emergency Department.
However, ambulance officer Michelle Farmer notes that she cut off a bra from around my ex-wifes neck at the
scene of the incident. Someone is lying. Here is an extract from a book I had written on my case. It quotes
from transcript

the only bra she had on was the bra around her neck? Was it around her neck, or was it on her
but just undone hanging off her? His questions sounded complicated.
I wondered if he has lost his capabilities to advance a simple coherent sentence.
The ambulance nurse transpired more prepared than him for the cross-examination, for her
answers ensued clearly and promptly. That was the only bra. She also had a T-shirt and
underwear on her. I tried to untie the bra but it was too tight. So, I took a pair of scissors from my
bag, and cut the bra off from around her neck. I peeled off the bra back, and it fell to the ground
behind the patient.
I thought she has just stated to the prosecutor that she did not know if it fell to the ground or
Collin directed her attention to the page 230 of some notes that another nurse had given to
the police. You, Ms. Farmer would have been aware of this problem over the last few weeks.
You were informed prior to coming in to give evidence. Let me read your notes, he accused her,
and read out loud, ....28107 Patient found and bra wrapped around neck, cut loose at scene, nil
obvious neuro-deficits, able to walk to van, states was, he halted to stare at her.
The notes reported indeed that the patient had walked to the van, and not that she was carried
on a stretcher as Ms Farmer has just falsely declared under oath. The notes also stated the
absence of neuro-deficits on the patient, which contradicts her previous statement.
I don't think there's any great secret about this between my learned friend and me, Collin
declared to the attention of the prosecutor before he asked Michelle Farmer, There's a nurse who
examines her at the hospital?
She stated that she cut the bra off, according to her the same bra that you said to have cut
off, and that has fallen to the ground, Collin stated, revealing as such her false statement.
I noticed the reaction of disapproval of the jurors; eyebrows that lifted, heads that shook lightly
and mouths that twisted.
Adele Du Camp, page 138, Your Honor. It says that she removed Tanyas clothing, Collin
declared then continued his reading, I removed (Tanya) Ammouns clothing, which consisted of
a purple jumper, a white T-shirt and a bra. At this time, she was not wearing any clothing below
the waist. The bra was tied firmly around Ammoun's neck, although it was not impairing her
breathing. Ammoun's hair had become entangled in the knot, which was positioned on the left
side of her neck. I did not want to untie the knot as I was mindful of the knot's evidential value. I
therefore cut one of the side straps. I also had to cut some of Ammoun's hair to separate it from
the knot.
Collin ended his reading to charge on the witness, So, she left the bra in situ but cut one of
the straps in order to ease the tightness. You understand? But you say you cut it at the scene
before she got to the hospital. Because this is a clinical nurse at Fremantle Hospital who sees the
patient on. He paused to make his calculation of the timing. The shift started at 21:00 hours
on 21 January and finished at 7:30 hours on 22 January. At about half past 12, she assists with
Tanya Joy Ammoun, including helping her to undress. There's a bit of a conundrum there, isn't
there, as you can see? You describe, I found the bra around her neck. You describe what you
did, and that it fell to the ground. Right? Some little time later at the hospital, as the nurse says,
the bra was still there and - I'll quote it exactly: The bra was tied firmly around Ammoun's neck
although it was not impairing her breathing. Ammoun's hair had become entangled in the knot,
which was positioned on the left side of her neck. I did not want to untie the knot as I was
mindful of the knot's evidential value. I therefore cut one of the side straps. I also had to cut some
of Ammoun's hair to separate it from the knot.
Collin lifted his eyes from the notes and commented to her, It was a bit hard to ask
Tanya, and we haven't because she's a patient and she's in a state where she may or may
not recall that sort of detail, but the ambulance officer and the nurse? We have got this
conundrum: If you cut the bra off, how come it was still tied around her neck and the nurse
had to cut a strap, and cut the hair, and so on, in order to untangle and loosen it? Can you
help us?
The Crown witness Michelle Farmer went mute. Her eyes on Collin appeared glazed as if
not really seeing him. The scarlet red of her face screamed her embarrassment at having been
caught in her lie. Her gullet stirred once, twice, thrice. She obviously tried to swallow hard while
the prosecutor put his head down and sighed in annoyance. Silence prevailed in the court room.
The air thickened with tension. The jurors shared looks of confusion.
I I cut the bra from her neck, the witness finally uttered, her voice barely audible.
I believe that any normal defense attorney would have told her right there that she has lied under
oath. Any other lawyer would have weighed down on that obvious lie to break the chain of the
wicked plot of my opponents to frame me. Yet, Collin let it go. He also remained silent.
The judge intervened to pull her out of her misery, I was going to ask an obvious question.
There weren't two bras around her neck? Mr. the Judge offered her a way out. He indeed tried to
save her; she, the exposed liar who has sworn under oath to say the truth and only but the truth!
She did not grab it. The exposure of her lie must have rendered her dump, or maybe she feared
another lie that could sink her deeper? She replied, I don't remember a second one. I did
ask her, whose it was, and she she told me it was it wasn't hers.
The judge said in frustration, You can't give evidence of that. Before you went off to attend
to the male in the backyard, what was the last thing you did before you left her?
She mumbled, highly unnerved, I I made sure that she was stable as far as any life-
threatening injuries.
And that was it. The Judge told her simply that she was free to go, and everyone pretended
that her lie, stated under oath, was irrelevant, thus acceptable!
The prosecutor has even avoided to showing the bra for her to confirm it as evidence. And
Collin has blown off a golden chance to prove my innocence! His move to expose her lie to the
police and her false evidence-in-chief went astray. He did not take the matter any further.
As per the Law, ambulance officer Michelle Farmer has committed perjury with her false
evidence. As per the Law, she should have been arrested immediately, and sent to prison for up
to two years. That is what the law dictates. But, that did not happen! The fraudulent witness just
walked out free as if she has not sinned against the Law and caused more prejudice to an
innocent man. My frustration was tearing down my insides.

Transcript Quote Manuscript p.575 The Iron Gates Of Life: Not Without My Children

Im sure you get the gist.

Can you contact me giving an indication that you will undertake a departmental investigation into the notes
taken by Michelle Farmer?


Ali Rashid Ammoun

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