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Literature Survey in Normalised Adaptive Channel Equalizer For MIMO-OFDM

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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 647-652 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882

IJSRET @ 2014
Literature Survey in Normalised Adaptive Channel
Equalizer for MIMO-OFDM
Saranya V.P
, B Bhuneshwari
PG Scholar Department of Communication Systems, PET Engineering College, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Systems, PET Engineering College, India
Abstract The chief goal in this paper is to provide an
analysis on adaptive channel equalizers technique based
on the varied approach. This given paper describes a
survey on varied techniques for adaptive channel
equalization and problems associated with individual
operations. Inter-symbol Interference (ISI) is taken into
account as a major obstacle in the wireless
communication channel to transfer data. The purpose of
the equalizer is to reconstruct the original signal by
using filters or other methods, and removing the
influence of the ISI, thus enhancing the reliability of data
transmission. Existing minimum-symbol-error-rate
equalizers were derived based on the symbol-error-rate
objective function. Because of the complexity of the
objective function the derivation isnt simple. In the
current system, MSER-based channel equalization is
concentrated. In existing analysis, the MSER equalizer is
derived based on the bit error rate (BER) or SER
objective function, that are for BPSK sources and QAM
sources, correspondingly. The BER/SER objective
functions are non-convex and consequently it's tough to
get a closed-form solution. The proposed paper describes
comparison between approaches and strategies to estimate
the novel blind channel estimation algorithm for a
multiple input multiple output (MIMO).
Keywords Analysis, Blind, Estimation, distorted,
interference, MIMO.
Recently introduced Multiple Input Multiple Output
(MIMO) signal transmission schemes are attractive for
recently rising high-speed data transmission wireless
communication systems as a result of they provide an
increased data throughput (capacity) while not
increasing operational bandwidth [S.Chen et al., 2008,
M.R. McKay et al., 2010]. Their other advantage is that
they are capable to enhance the quality of signal
transmission through the utilization of transmitter and
receiver diversity. These benefits are potential under the
condition that the MIMO channel state information
(CSI) is obtainable at the receiver. Traditionally CSI is
acquired by sending training sequences (pilot signals)
equally spaced along a block of transmit symbols. So as
to save the bandwidth and increase spectral efficiency,
blind and semi-blind channel estimation strategies are
applied to get the CSI.
Inter symbol interference (ISI) could be a limiting
factor in several communication systems. ISI can arise
from time-varying multi-path fading, which may be
severe in, for instance, a mobile communication system.
Other channel impairments that contribute to ISI consist
of symbol clock jitter, carrier phase jitter, etc. To attain
high-speed reliable communication, channel estimation
and equalization are necessary to beat the effects of ISI
[Rusek and Prlja, 2012].
OFDM systems have recently emerged as good
candidates for future generation high-rate wireless
systems because of their efficient utilization of
bandwidth and robustness to multipath. In this paper it
concentrate on blind channel estimation for OFDM
systems. The literature along these lines are often
classified as follows.
Single-user OFDM systems with multiple
transmit / receive antennae - Multiple transmit /
receive antennas together with coding are
accustomed to improve diversity and rate. Some
representative schemes embrace the space time
block codes (STBC) [S.Chen et al., 2006], space
time trellis codes, and layered space time. In this
case, the channel matrix is non-diagonal. A
channel estimation scheme for such MIMO
systems is that the two-input one-output MIMO
OFDM system studied in [S.Chen et al., 2006],
where STBC was applied at the inputs and also
the system was estimated by exploiting the
structure of the codes. This approach depends on
transmission redundancy, i.e., every information
symbol is transmitted twice in two consecutive
time intervals through two different antennas. In
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 647-652 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
[Aaron and Tufts, 1966], identical setup as in
[S.Chen et al., 2006] was used, and also the
channel was estimated based on a subspace
Multi-user OFDM systems with multi-user
interference-All users use all obtainable
subcarriers independently. Every user can use one
or more antenna. Inevitably, in this case theres
multi-user. Interference and also the channel
matrix is non-diagonal. The bulk of the single-
user OFDM channel estimation strategies don't
apply to this case. There exist solely a few
channel estimation schemes for such systems. In
[M.R. McKay et al., 2010], an OFDM system with
cyclic prefix has been considered. Every block
was multiplied with a scalar which varied
periodically between blocks. Cyclic statistics of
the received blocks, before the removal of the
cyclic prefix, were accustomed to yield the
channel estimate. This type of precoding leads to
variable power between blocks. A semi blind
channel estimation technique was proposed for
multi-user OFDM systems that use zero-padding
rather than cyclic prefix. It ought to note here that
the channel estimation strategies developed for
multi-user multi-antenna systems are often
applied to most single user multi-antenna
By reviewing recent surveys [Yeh and Barry, 2000,
J.-Y. Li et al., 2007], the aim of this paper is to review
some blind channel estimation approaches. It offer a
systematic outline of some algorithms in the area of
blind channel estimation. Numerous existing algorithms
are classified into the moment-based and also the
maximum likelihood (ML) strategies. If input is
assumed to be random with prescribed statistics, the
corresponding blind channel estimation schemes are
considered to be statistical. On the other hand, if the
source doesnt have a statistical description, or though
the source is random however the statistical properties
of the source arent used, the corresponding estimation
algorithms are deterministic [J.-Y. Li et al., 2007].
The paper further ordered as follows: Section II
proposes Basic Description. Section III Algorithms
Description whereas statistical result is given in section
IV and conclusion is defined in section V.
Minimum-Mean-Squared-Error (MMSE):
Conventional criteria for receive filter design, like
the minimum-mean-squared-error (MMSE) criterion and
also the least-square (LS) criterion, adopt the squared
error as the performance measure. These criteria will
minimize the mean or cumulant of the squared error
between the filter output and also the target signal.
Though, in practice its the systems symbol error rate
(SER), not the mean squared error (MSE) that actually
matters. Its been illustrated by numerous simulations
that minimizing the MSE doesn't essentially produce the
minimum SER (MSER) performance. Furthermore, the
theoretical analysis on MMSE receiver additionally
indicates that, when channel coding isnt applied, the
possible SER of MMSE receiver isnt optimal. The
MSER criterion that is directly based on minimizing the
SER, has attracted increasing attention in the past two
decades. The MSER criterion are often derived back to
the error rate analysis in multipath channel. Recently the
MSER criterion has shown promising performance in
numerous analysis fields, together with channel
equalization, multiuser detection, beam forming, power
control/allocation, carrier phase recovery, timing
recovery and precoding. A thorough review on the
application of the MSER criterion is found in. In this
paper it concentrates on MSER-based channel
It will assume a coherent symbol-spaced receiver
front-end, in addition to specific knowledge of the signal
phase and symbol timing, such the channel are often
approximated by identical, discrete-time, baseband
model, wherever the transmit filter, the channel, and also
the receive filter, are delineated by a discrete-time linear
filter, with finite-length impulse response
[ ] [ ]

k n h n h
of length M. The coefficients
h are assumed to be
time-in- variant and known to the receiver that the
MMSE criterion is evaluated over both the distribution
of the noise in addition to the distribution over the
It proposes a fast LMS/Newton algorithm that mixes
simplicity of the LMS and also the fast convergence of
the Newton algorithm. When the autocorrelation input
process matrix eigen value dispersion is large and also
the performance surface contour is far away from perfect
circle, the LMS/Newton algorithm illustrates well
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 647-652 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
convergence characteristics. Newton technique has high
convergence speed.
Various channel equalizer model has the subsequent
(1) The MSER criterion is reformulated as the
constraint of correct symbol detection. It doesn't ought to
calculate the BER/SER expressions and thus includes a
simpler derivation.
(2) For various source modulation schemes, the
proposed model applies a same objective function (with
different formulations of constraints). Thus it's an even
framework for various source modulation schemes. In
this paper it illustrates that BPSK and QAM sources
have an identical derivation. Against this, in existing
work the BER/SER expressions for difference
modulation techniques ought to be derived individually.
The proposed constrained optimization drawback is
solved with the Lagrange multiplier technique, which
ends in an adaptive algorithm that mimics the classical
Normalized Least- Mean-Square (NLMS) algorithm.
Compared with existing AMBER equalizers, the
proposed equalizer doesn't involve channel parameters
and thus includes an easier structure. Additional, a
normalization factor is introduced to the proposed
equalizer. Simulation results illustrate the new algorithm
includes a faster convergence than the adaptive
Tchler et al. has mentioned regarding Turbo
equalization is an iterative approach to this drawback, in
which a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP)
equalizer and a MAP decoder exchange soft information
in the kind of previous probabilities over the transmitted
symbols. A number of reduced-complexity strategies for
turbo equalization have recently been introduced in
which MAP equalization is replaced with suboptimal,
low-complexity approaches. In the given paper, it
explores a number of low-complexity soft-input/soft-
output (SISO) equalization algorithms based on the
minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. This
embraces the extension of existing approaches to general
signal constellations and also the derivation of a novel
approach requiring less complexity than the MMSE-
optimal solution. All approaches were qualitatively
analyzed by observing the mean-square error averaged
over a sequence of equalized data. It illustrate that for the
turbo equalization application, the MMSE-based SISO
equalizers perform well compared with a MAP equalizer
whereas providing an incredible complexity reduction.
Qilian Liang and Jerry M. has outlined about a new
kind of adaptive filter: type-2 fuzzy adaptive filter
(FAF); one that's realized using an unnormalized type-2
TakagiSugenoKang (TSK) fuzzy logic system (FLS).It
apply this filter to equalization of a nonlinear time-
varying channel and demonstrate that it will implement
the Bayesian equalizer for such a channel, includes a
easy structure, and provides fast inference. A clustering
technique is accustomed to adaptively design the
parameters of the FAF. Two structures are used for the
equalizer: transversal equalizer (TE) and decision
feedback equalizer (DFE). A new decision tree structure
is accustomed to implement the decision feedback
equalizer, in which every leaf of the tree could be a type-
2FAF. This DFE immensely reduces computational
complexity as compared to a TE. Simulation results
illustrate that equalizers based on type-2FAFs perform
much better than nearest neighbor classifiers (NNC) or
equalizers based on type-1FAFs.
WeiShi et al . had mentioned to the problem of inter-
symbol interference in communication channel, an
adaptive equalization algorithm based on the new quasi-
Newton technique is proposed. Using the positive
definite symmetric Hesse matrix iteration formula
rather than auto correlation function inverse matrix, the
proposed algorithm beats the influences caused by the
step factor and also the signal auto correlation function
estimation on the convergence speed and steady-state
error. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed
algorithm has fast convergence speed and low bit error
rate within the large step.
Atapattu et al. had mentioned regarding Linear
adaptive channel equalization using the least mean
square (LMS) algorithm and also the recursive least-
squares (RLS) algorithm for an innovative multi-user
(MU) MIMO- OFDM wireless broadband
communications system is proposed. The proposed
equalization technique adaptively compensates the
channel impairments caused by frequency selectivity in
the propagation environment. Simulations for the
planned adaptive equalizer are conducted employing a
training sequence technique to determine optimal
performance through a comparative analysis. Results
show an improvement of 0.15 in BER (at a SNR of 16
dB) when using Adaptive Equalization and RLS
algorithm compared to the case in which no
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 647-652 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
equalization is used. Generally, adaptive equalization
using LMS and RLS algorithms showed to be
considerably benefitial for MU-MIMO-OFDM
Constantinos et al. has proved a new system
with improved processing on new adaptive
equalization algorithms for direct sequence
code division multiple access (DS-CDMA)
systems operating over time-varying and
frequency selective channels. The equalization
schemes contain variety of serially connected
stages and find users in an ordered manner,
applying a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) at
every stage. Both the equalizer lters and also
the order in which the users are extracted are
updated in a recursive least squares (RLS)
manner, efciently accomplished through time-
and order-update recursions. V-BLAST
detection ordering is enforced, that is, the
stronger signal is extracted rst so the weaker
users are often more simply detected. The
spreading codes are unavailable at the receiver
of the rst scheme, whereever as the second
algorithm uses the RAKE receiver idea,
incorporating knowledge of the spreading
sequences to offer performance improvement. The
bit error rate (BER) performance of the
equalizers is estimated via simulations, in each
mild and severe nearfar environments. Their
superiority over existing methods is
While Labat et al. had outlined regarding a novel
unsupervised (blind) adaptive decision feedback
equalizer (DFE). It may be thought of as the cascade of
four devices, whose main components area purely
recursive filter(R) and a transversal filter (T): Its main
feature is that the ability to handle severe quickly time-
varying channels, in contrast to the conventional
adaptive DFE. This result is acquired by permitting the
new equalizer to change, in a reversible way, both its
structure and its adaptation consistent with some
measure of performance like the mean-square error
(MSE). In the starting mode, R comes first and whitens
its own output by means that of a prediction principle,
whereas T removes the remaining inter symbol
interference(ISI) due to the Godard (or Shalvi
Weinstein) algorithm. In the tracking mode the equalizer
becomes the classical DFE controlled by the decision-
directed (DD) least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm. With
identical computational complexity, the new
unsupervised equalizer shows identical convergence
speed, steady-state MSE, and bit-error rate (BER) as the
trained conventional DFE, however it needs no training.
Its been enforced on a digital signal processor (DSP)
and tested on underwater communications signalsits
performances are very convincing.
Based on the above discussion many authors have
listed regarding their effectiveness of the system
relatively outlined that an adaptive system may be an
improved choice for perfect channel equalizer selection.
Subspace-Based Parameter Estimation Scheme:
Sample estimates ,

G of the noise eigenvectors are
obtainable and solved in the least squares sense and
results in minimize the subsequent quadratic form:
( )

As it can see, q(H) rely on vector H instead of on the
filtering matrix H N. This can be conveniently done by
application of following Lemma, which needs the
subsequent notations. Notations: Let
( ) ( ) 1 0
, ,
V V be
L arbitrary N1 vectors and let V be the LN1 vector
outlined as
( ) ( )
[ ]
1 0
, ,

= .
( )
( ) ( )
( )

1 0
1 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) N M X M L Dim V V V
+ + =

+ + +
1 : , ,
1 1
By theorem 1, if true autocorrelation matrix was
obtainable, the true channel coefficients are the unique
(up to a scalar factor) vector H such q(H) =0. In contrast,
when solely an estimate of the autocorrelation matrix is
obtainable, the quadratic form has not precisely rank
( ) 1 + M L . Thus, estimation of H may be obtained by
minimizing q(H) subject to a properly chosen constraint
avoiding the trivial solution H =0. Different constraints
on H offer different solutions. It have classically thought
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 647-652 January 2014 ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
of minimization subject to linear and quadratic
Quadratic constraint: Minimize q(H) subject to
1 = H . The solution is the unit-norm eigenvector
related to the smallest eigen value of matrix Q.
Linear constraint: Minimize q(H) subject to cHH
=1. Where c could be a ( ) 1 1 + M L vector. The
solution is proportional to Q-1C [N.B.Jayaraj, 2010].
The first choice is more natural however involves
the computation of an extra eigenvector. The second
solution depends on the choice of an arbitrary constraint
vector c. The computational cost of the second solution
is lower since it amounts to solving a linear system
instead of extracting an eigenvector [N.B.Jayaraj, 2010].
Signal Subspace:
It is shown before that minimizing a constrained
quadratic form involving the noise eigenvectors provide
the channel coefficients. This quadratic form is
equivalently rewritten in terms of the signal eigenvectors
( )

H S H N H q (5)
Deterministic Subspace Approach:
Subspace technique based on the property that the
channel is in a unique direction. It might not be robust
against modeling errors, particularly when the channel
matrix is close to being singular. The second
disadvantage is that they're typically more
computationally expensive.
Without presence of noise, the estimator produces
the precise channel using solely a finite number of
samples if the identifiability condition is satisfied. Thus,
these strategies are most effective at high SNR and for
small data sample applications. On one hand,
deterministic strategies are often applied to a much
wider range of source signals; on the other hand, not
using the source statistics affects its asymptotic
Channel estimation is a standard linear system
identification problem with the training sequence as the
pilot input signal. In several applications, the pilot
signals might not be simple to use or they will present an
additional problem, for instance requiring more
bandwidth in communication systems. Blind channel
estimation and equalization eliminates the necessity for a
pilot signal and simplifies the necessities for channel
estimation and equalization. Particularly, recent
developments in blind estimation research have led to a
class of rapidly converging and data efficient algorithms
that may effectively estimate the channel with a small
number of data points. In this paper, it reviewed some of
the basic approaches in blind estimation and identified
blind channel estimation needs an effective decision
making system for processing.
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