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Ethical Values of Corporate Movie

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Ethical Ethical View View of of the the Movie Movie Corporate Corporate


Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

Submitted to

Dr. Md. Mor-hed Ha-an .han

A--o/iate Pro0e--or De1t. o0 Mar2etin) 3ni,er-ity o0 Dha2a

Submitted by

Md. Habibur Rahman

ID No: !"""##$

Md. Mahbubur Rahman

ID No: !%"%#&$

Rube' Miah
ID No: !"""##(

Ethical View of the Movie Corporate

Page 14

Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program


It is a great pleasure for us to express my deep sense of gratitude to our honorable teacher Dr. Md. Morshed Hasan Khan for giving us such a wonderful topic as a term paper.

The topic thics in business! is the burning issue now"a"days. I thin# this report will help us to #now about the present situation of $rgani%ational &ulture of business sectors.

$ur research topic was thical view of the movie &orporate!. In the preparation of this term paper' information has been collected from papers' articles' websites' reports and our self"reali%ation from the movie.

Ethical View of the Movie Corporate

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Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

Synopsis of the Movie Corporate

verything is fair in (ove and &orporate )arfare. That*s precisely the theme of the movie titled *&orporate*. Director Madhur +handar#ar is giving a multi"dimensional viewpoint about the lives"n" fetishes of up"mar#et party people, he paints the ruthless"n"sharp *Deals* of the business world with a penchant for being oblivious to the sensitivities of people involved in it. &orporate is made memorable by some brilliant performances by a battery of fine actors. +ipasha +asu who as the high flying -ice .resident of /ehgal 0roup of Industries' da%%les with a touching"the"heart performance. Her beau 1itesh /ahani 2Kay Kay Menon3 is the brother in law of hot shot -inay /ehgal 21a4at Kapoor3' the &hairman of 1s 566' 6667 crore /0I. His immediate rival Dharmesh Marwah 21a4 +abbar3 would stoop to any level to stay a step ahead. +e it the +usiness awards' lucrative business contracts or poc#eting the most influential of politicians' Marwah 0roup pips its nearest rivals at the post. The boardroom battle hots up when 8ishi steals a ma4or Marwah pro4ect and ensures that 1itesh heads it. The ensuing battle resembles the cold war where pesticides are detected in the /ehgal brand' 9ust &hill. :mbitious -inay /ehgal goes ahead with his plans in spite of the negative report of ;D:. It goes without saying, Marwah gets bac# to him and soils his image completely. In all this hullabaloo of opportunism' the love of live"in couple 8ishi and 1itesh has to deal with tough times. )hat they do' whether they manage to ride the tide is the crux of the story. $r' in other words' there is no scope for emotions in the corporate world. They learn it the hard way. :nd they thought they #new everything. +ipasha +asu has given the best performance of her career. Her suave chic loo#' dapper suits' closely cropped hair and moist eyes convey a hell lot of misery and claustrophobic loneliness. :nd obviously she has had her fill of glamorous bimbette song"n"dance, it*s time for the real thing baby. Kay Kay Menon is smoldering lava of perfection. His restless energy and deep dar# eyes can do magic with the vocabulary of silence. 1a4at Kapoor as -inay /ehgal is another bright spar#. In fact he is a total surprise. ;or his calm exterior inhabits an ambitious monster. 1a4 +abbar as Dharmesh Marwah 4ustifies his reputation of being a fine actor. +ut the disappointments are the two young guns Minisha (amba and /ammir Dattani who are completely wasted in spectator parts. :s for Madhur +handar#ar*s direction' then hats off to this master creator. ;or' he ta#es chances with the idiom of stream of consciousness. He also ta#es the re<uisite ris#s by shoc#ing the viewer sensibility by showing the star# na#ed truth. He never deviates from his vision to accommodate cinematic liberties.

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Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

The Appreciated Pros of Corporate

Through the film #nits a compelling criss"cross of agile entrepreneurship it*s the heart that eventually triumphs over the head in this smartly"told drama of doom and redemption. &orporate is about the vicious circle of ambition in the private sector' and how human emotions and life have no significance in it' thus it teaches all to learn the survival means to be the length in this rude corporate world. Due credit is given to an employee*s contribution' thus by throwing a party in honor of 8ishi 2+ipasha +asu3 and her inspiration 21itesh /ahani3 Kay Kay Menon. The transformation of +ipasha from middle class city girl to a wor#ing woman is amongst the most convincing aspects of the film. It teaches us that there is e<ual opportunity for all employees' if anyone can pose that <uality. mployees can accomplish and achieve their full potential. There is a stronger communication and information dissemination among the employees regarding the company*s policies and issues. In movie corporate!' Meet the handful of men and women' who hold in their hands the power to influence the lives of unsuspecting millions= (ive their lives. (earn their lies even to be such successful li#e them. Thus proves the picture that corporations produce dedicated leaders with a vision and purpose. This film ta#es a deep insight in the mindset of these powerful people and attempts to find out what ma#es them tic#. It explores the nexus between the corporate world and the political, and follows the trail of sex and corruption that hides behind a glittering and glassy exterior. :nd thus the movie gives insights of the reality' and is ma#ing the ambitious young learn the hard' rough beats of life. The film shows how the corporate world functions " their style of wor#ing' their language' boardroom dramas and rival groups vying for one"upmanship. The film is a must"see' especially for all those aspiring professionals who are ready to do anything to be at the top. It subtly conveys the message that one should not compromise one*s principles. :s the morally upright' 8ishigandha who steals her rival*s pro4ect only to pay an unimaginable price for her indiscretion' which initiates the need for understandable guidelines of the employees in their selves. Madhur aptly portrays the deceitfulness and underhand tactics behind the sna%%y' suave and sophisticated demeanor of the corporate world and the people associated with it. In a world that may bring fame and fortune' one definitely has to pay a price but 4ust how high a price is paid' Madhur delves into this aspect.
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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program (i#e &handni +ar and .age >' &orporate sets its feet firmly in a culture"specific wor#"oriented milieu. It then finds an emotional bedroc# in its innumerable characters' portrays them as people trapped in ambitions and desires over which they*ve no control after a point to ma#e us learn that hard part. Madhur manages to explore the psyche of the corporate world and the people who are associated with it. &orporate reiterates the belief that behind power' money and glamour there is a lot of deceit' lies and an erosion of moral and ethical values. &orporate shows the extent to which people can stoop to for success' power and money, it has also explored the close connection between politics' the film world and the corporate world. It shows how sex and scandal are used to the advantage of the players of the game. ?ltimately the corporate world war has an effect on the day to day functioning of common people and they are the ones to suffer. &orruption is a deep"rooted aspect in the corporate world and Madhur manages to portray this aspect <uite clearly and convincingly. The Thin (ine @ between right and wrong' success and failure' profiteering and ethics' loyalty to your company and loyalty to yourself is well played out by Madhur +handar#ar 2M+3. Here in this movie the leaving of & $ 8aveen /hroff 2Harsh &haya3 reminds us the fact there in some ways some people are' who tries at least to care for the commons, it creates a great relief from being lonely out in the way of 4ustice along with trying to survive in the rude corporate world.

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Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

The Appreciated Cons of Corporate

It is critici%ed as a futile endeavor to ApigeonholeA or categori%e the organi%ational culture itself. The movie welcomes to the world of &orporates. : battlefield of power"hungry people' a world filled with deceit and corrupted minds' where wealth' fame and success are fought over. :nd rules don*t exist. It showed the fact that )hen the mar#et opens up to international players' competition gets fierce. :nd the battle for supremacy begins. Moral codes are abandoned and ethics are forgotten as these two bitter rivals embar# upon a deadly game of monopoly. The harm that the common man faces due to some cheap egoistic rivalry has even been portrayed in this movie. /uccess and prestige ta#e precedence over everything else. 0ood is no longer good enough. :nd people are driven to the brin# of insanity. :ll in the name of business. If the war was 4ust between two companies then their battles should*ve remained behind the scenes. ?nfortunately' its implications have an impact on the common man. The film also explores another shoc#ing issue " the use of actresses by businessmen to lure politicians. I n his film *&orporate*' +handar#ar ta#es a dig at the corporate world and exposes the depravity that has become an intrinsic part of the business culture in the times of cutthroat competition. The movie mostly focuses the ugly sides of this culture " top executive sleeping with high"class girls' the nexus of corporate world with corrupt politicians' the innocent ta#ing the fall while the guilty wal#s away free. :t the end of the day' the film will have you believe that many of the executives in their well"preened suits and ties are morally ban#rupt within.

Deceit B &orruption C &orporate' The film ta#es a candid loo# into the world where nothing matters more than profits' power and prestige. )here wealth' fame and success ta#es precedence over human emotions. )here one has to step upon another in order to raise a rung higher in the corporate ladder. In this corporate tussle' covert business tactics are played. .eople are manipulated' moral codes abandoned and ethics forgotten.

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Or)ani*ationa' +eha,ior
MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

The "ssence of Corporate from "thical #al$es


orporate is Madhur +handar#arDs expose on a behind the scenes functioning of the corporate world. /o finally it*s about the conscience. :ll of Madhur +handar#ar*s best wor#sEand this certainly <ualifies as a fine progressive piece of cinemaEhave finally boiled down to the <uestion of the conscience and the individual. Madhur aptly portrays the deceitfulness and underhand tactics behind the sna%%y' suave and sophisticated demeanor of the corporate world and the people associated with it. In a world that may bring fame and fortune' one definitely has to pay a price but 4ust how high a price is paid' Madhur delves into this aspect. &orporate is a social drama by Madhur +handar#ar and its #ey players are +ipasha +asu 28ishigandha Das 0upta3' Kay Kay Menon' 1a4at Kapoor' 1a4 +abbar' /ammir Dattani and Minisha (amba. The music has been done by /hamir Tandon. Kay Kay Menon playing the ambitious but conscientious corporate wheeler"dealer run by an unscrupulous tycoon 21a4at Kapoor3 who would go to any length to ma#e his way up the corporate ladder' is so adept at showing his troubled conscience you wonder which came first the conscience or movies crystalli%ing its dilemma. The corporate world so much a part of television serials has never been exposed on the large screen since /hyam +enegal*s Kalyug. To his credit +handar#ar' with considerable help from his editor' slices through these ambition"driven people with the urgent hiss of a car negotiating a craggy highway. The bumps and 4er#s in these snarled lives are seldom detrimental to +handar#ar*s tremendous #nac# of storytelling. This is a director who pac#s in a precious punch in the plot. The screenplay that +handar#ar has co" written with Mano4 Tyagi has enough twists and turns to ma#e the corporate 4argon decodable to the lay" person. (i#e &handni +ar and .age >' &orporate sets its feet firmly in a culture"specific wor#"oriented milieu. It then finds an emotional bedroc# in its innumerable characters' portrays them as people trapped in ambitions and desires over which they*ve no control after a point.

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

hough +handar#ar forms an ama%ing criss"cross of undercurrents in the two rival families headed by 1a4at Kapoor and 1a4 +abbar 2there*re even the peons ma#ing nudge"nudge"win#"win# remar#s about their bosses3 the narrative finally narrows down to being a burnished love story between two colleagues' played with rhythmic restrain by Kay Kay and +ipasha' wor#ing on the same side of the fence' and yet drifting away due to their inability to control the swing of destiny. &orporate has two main players the /ehgal &ompany headed by -inay /ehgal 21a4at Kapoor3 and the Marwah &ompany headed by Dharmesh Marwah 21a4 +abbar3. +oth companies have their #ey players and 8ishigandha 2+ipasha3 plays a ma4or role in the /ehgal industry. ach company tries to gain an upper hand over the other be it in ac<uiring pro4ects or tearing down the image of the other. The Marwah group gets an esteemed and much coveted pro4ect which pushes the /ehgal group to come up with an e<ually lucrative and high profile pro4ect. The /ehgal group comes up with a lucrative pro4ect but at the expense of their competitors. 8ishi steals an idea from her competitors and uses it as leverage for her own company which led her to pay an unimaginable price for her indiscretion, +ipasha +asu pulls out all stops to deliver a performance that avoids artifice. 8ishi who holds her own in this ruthless war' and #eeps up in pace with all the players steals the idea of a cola launch from their competitors. /he felt no <ualms ta#ing advantage of her sexuality to con the & $ of the Marwah group. The diversity in +ipasha*s character goes to portray that behind an uncompromising' unethical' ruthless corporate businesswoman also breathes a heart that is blindfolded and vulnerable the cola is launched but the drin# is somehow contaminated and this is when the MarwahDs decide to get bac# at the /ehgalDs for stealing their idea. The MarwahDs decide to expose the /ehgals and their contaminated soft drin#. 8ow itDs a war and each side will go to any length to win the battle and tarnish the otherDs image. Moral codes are bro#en' 4ealousy' power and greed emerge in the forefront and 8ishi reali%es that she is nothing more than a mere pawn in this mur#y game. Meanwhile 8ishiDs relationship with her live in boyfriend too is going through turmoil. .oliticians and other power hungry people all become a part of this war and 4oin sides. This one is straight from the heart. Though the film #nits a compelling criss"cross of agile entrepreneurship it*s the heart that eventually triumphs over the head in this smartly"told drama of doom and redemption. &$1.$1:T begins with a narration by :tul Kul#arni as the reels unfold, the viewer gradually slips into a world of deceit' treachery and betrayal. The narrative moves at a bris# pace' with the viewer being on the edge all the while. The transformation of +ipasha from middle class city girl to a wor#ing woman is amongst the most convincing aspects of the film. The camera 2Mahesh Milaye3 doesn*t stop long enough to absorb :4e Monge and Mano4 Tyagi*s penetrating words. +handar#ar moves <uic#ly and surely through the corporate labyrinth. His well" researched plot finds its level within the characters* conscience. Madhur aptly portrays the deceitfulness and underhand tactics behind the sna%%y' suave and sophisticated demeanor of the corporate world and the people associated with it. In a world that may bring fame and fortune' one definitely has to pay a price but 4ust how high a price is paid' Madhur delves into this aspect.

n the pre"interval period the tactics of the corporate world may seem <uite alien to someone who has never personally been a part of this world. However white collared professionals will clearly identify
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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program with many characters that are a part of the corporate world. The masses though may not be completely intrigued by the glit% and glamour of the corporate world. However the post interval part of the film has a lot of emotion' drama and a gripping climax that definitely captivates the interest of the audiences. +ut the constant use of corporate terminology which is a little too hi"fi for a general audience could have been wor#ed upon in a better manner. Madhur has clearly also used some unnecessary fixtures from his previous successful films li#e the repetition of drivers and peons gossiping about the personal lives of their bosses. :nd it also comes across in certain places that perhaps the director has used sensationalism to add a touch of shoc# value to the film. :lso the expose style execution is similar to the style of MadhurDs earlier films li#e &handini +ar and .age >. ?nfortunately Madhur +handar#arDs expose also seems to highlight only the negative side of the corporate world and at times it seems li#e a fairly biased opinion. )e*re finally watching them with their souls na#ed to the camera. very performance from +ipasha +asu to /ammir Dattani 2who plays a brief but bright part of a young executive in her office3 is credible and often compelling. 1a4at Kapoor and in brief role (illete Dubey' are front"runners in the performing sweepsta#es. Fes' the film*s industrial mood and language may be impenetrable to those who thin# tycoons wear expensive suits and have meetings in G"star hotels. (oo# at the lies beneath' and the gloss vanishes' the grime bubbles to the surface. His plot is wide and often deep' giving incidental characters a sudden but sure sweep of self"expression. 1a4at Kapoor*s domestic life or the beginnings of a romance between new recruit Minisha (amba and /ammir Dattani are dealt with in 4ust one se<uence each. +handar#ar is a past"master wielding the whip over his plot until the characters sing in a language of pain hurt and atonement. The larger picture secretes some startling comments on morality in a ruthless profession. To begin with &orporate may lac# the dramatic intensity of the director*s earlier wor#s. +ut once +handar#ar ta#es you in' he turns the screw hard' reminding us of how far away ambition has driven us from our dreams.

&s "thics 'ealthy( )eclining( A )ead &ss$e*

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

o' never ethics can be identified as a dead issue' as it is human means of conducting. /omewhere along the way' as we chase our goals' deadlines' targets or simply our daily to"do lists' we tend to forget the real issues in the world outside our windows. This post may seem a tad more emotional than previous ones. 1ecent developments impel to cut across all boundaries and appeal to leadership to sha#e off the *bigger"larger"higher* stupor that has consumed business.

The very least we can do is to be honest about what we do each day

here is so much poverty' so much hunger across the world. 0reed for revenue and profits can only transform our world into an animal #ingdom. It matters little what you do as long as you live your life with pride. It is fine to earn more as long as it is done honestly and not at the cost of others. I am not being naHve to say the world can be completely honest. :ll I am saying is the more of us have to find our true passion and wor# for that passion honestly. :nd in doing so' help our people find pride in their wor# and the thrill attached to that rather than in hanging an *available for rent* board around our nec#s. The recent terror attac#s in Mumbai offered a window of opportunity for people from all religions and sects of Indian society to come together and strengthen the war against terrorism. The /atyam disclosure has had a similar effect on the corporate world in India. It is resulting in a search for the *ethical <uotient* among leaders. 0oing beyond the intelligence <uotient and the emotional <uotient' it is see#ing answers to important <uestions such asI How much is too much= How big do you want to be= How far are you willing to go to get there= Is being big more important than being trusted= It is a leader*s approach to these <uestions that determines the destiny of a company.

Unlike popular perception, corporate governance is not merely ensuring adherence to a set of rules

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

t is also not about smart brand"building exercises to manage Aperceptions.A It is less about policing and posturing and more about nurturing trust as an intrinsic part of an organi%ational culture.

Trust is the only currency that can sustain a corporation through the turbulences over its lifecycle. :nd' in my experience' one of the most uncomplicated ways of seeding trust is through transparency. This fabric of trust can be woven with simple but very effective tools li#e direct and open employee"& $7manager dialogues' either in"person or through interactive platforms li#e blogs' employee polls with results available to all' and access sans gate #eepers. The other pillar on which trust can be built is a culture of accountability of management to its employees' and not the other way around. )e need to simply invert the traditional prism of how businesses should be run. )e all #now that accountability of leadership is non"negotiable to all sta#eholders "" customers' investors' shareholders' regulators. +ut the one sta#eholder that is often missing in accountability is the most important " our own people. )e owe it to the thousands and millions of hard"wor#ing people who have scripted our success. )ho have trusted us and wo#en up every morning with a passion for their wor#.

A cat may have nine lives to live, yet leaders have only one

e need to win bac# their trust. If we destroy our reputation in search of profits' we destroy our pride and ourselves. )e see an opportunity ahead of us to stop' thin# and act by redefining the purpose of existence of our companies beyond revenues and profits. More importantly' we need to stand accountable to that vision each day. +usiness ethics is an interesting branch of business theory' primarily because of the fact that they are inherently interesting in a mar#et economy. .eople tend to be extremely distrustful of corporations in mar#et economies and the bigger they are' the worse that problem of trust usually gets. +usiness ethics therefore are politically charged in many different circumstances and that in turn serves to ma#e them interesting. :side from this academic interest however' business ethics are also important for a company and its success. Here are some ways in which this is true.

Public Image

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

t is impossible to discuss business ethics as a branch of academia without ta#ing a loo# at the relationship between business ethics and public image. ach corporation has a particular public image' which represents the way in which the public views the corporation. )al"Mart' for example' has a terrible public image. Toyota' on the other hand' has a very positive one. These public images are the result of a number of different things' but they are primarily the result of the way in which a corporation acts with respect to the different things around it. : corporation*s environmental policy' the way they treat their employees and the way they treat the communities they exist in are all part of their overall behavior and this in turn is the principle factor in determining their public image. :s proof of this' you will notice that even though )al"Mart ma#es products that have a decent <uality and an extremely low price' they still have a negative public image. /ince public image is largely a result of company behavior' business ethics play a large role in determining public image since they determine behavior. :nd public image is important to success in most cases' which is one of the reasons as to why business ethics are important to a company*s overall success.


nother reason that business ethics are important is the relationship they have to investment. )hen a person or an entity is considering investment in a particular stoc#' there are a number of things they ta#e into account. :side from the <uantitative factors surrounding a company*s profit margin a future prospects' consideration is also given to a particular company from the point of view of the <ualitative aspects such as their public image and the products that they happen to sell. :ll of these things are ta#en into account before the final investment is made. Therefore' a company that would li#e to encourage extra business investment is a company that has a strong sense of business ethics. .art of business ethics is responsibility to the investor and for that reason companies with strong reputations in the field of ethical business behavior are also companies that tend to attract more investment from people that are new into the mar#et. Investment is most definitely important to success.

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program

n the business world' 4oint ventures happen all the time. They happen all the time because they are ultimately of great importance to the bottom lines of businesses. : business can be made or bro#en on 4ust one 4oint venture and part of the reason that 4oint ventures are successful is that they combine the forces of two extremely powerful companies on occasion. If we want your company to do well in 4oint ventures' then you need to have good partners. The only way to get good partners is to have a good reputation both in terms of a trac# record and in terms of your business overall. :nd of course' the best way to get a good reputation is to ensure that your company has a strong tradition of ethical business behavior.

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MKT 511 MBA (Evening) Program


here is no doubt that businessmen perform business activities to earn profit. +ut as a human being a businessman should not lose his ethics to earn more. He should respect humanity' culture' beliefs and should thin# himself as a server of his customer. He should respect the ethical aspect of business and should abandon the Jmoney mongerD characteristics.

n Islam it is said that' JTrustworthy' truthful Muslim businessmen will stand beside the /hahid on the day of :#hiratD. /o' we should #now the responsibility and importance of business activity and should act accordingly.

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