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Football Tempo Runs

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Conditioning A. Goal: 1. 2. $. ". Emphasize smooth running form Develop Work Capacity: Con itioning for the 1! play rive an the "th #uarter %ecovery ie: post&game Weight Control

'. Warm&up: 1. if (empo %uns follo) *oot+all Game ,pecific (raining the )arm&up )ill not +e necessary 2. Easy -og "!!&12!! as nee e an +y position $. Dynamic *le.i+ility / shoul er circles0 leg s)ings0 ankle rotations etc. ". 1igh 2nee0 1igh 2nee ,kip0 1eel 2ick etc. rills / $&3 of each . 1!&$! y s 4. Easy stri es +uil ing in intensity $&3 . $!&3! y s. C. 5ace: 34&647 of your spee over a time istance. Calculation of 6!7: (ake your time for a istance ivi e +y .6! E.ample: 8f you run a $!! y shuttle in 3! sec. your 6!7 pace is 3! 9 .6! : ;4 sec.

D. %est 8ntervals: %est 8ntervals can vary from 1! sec. +et)een short reps up to $ minutes +et)een sets. 8f you are running faster than your 647 pace then shorten your rest interval. 8f you are running slo)er than a 347 pace +ecause of fatigue than take a longer rest. %est 8nterval Activity +et)een sets: )alking0 sit&ups0 push&ups0 me icine +all rills )ith light +all appro.. 1! reps0 foot+all specific rills such as thro)ing an catching. 'ig <en may )ant to -ust )alk.

E. Distance: (otal Distance run )ill epen on: =a> *oot+all Game ,pecific Con itioning =<eta+olic (raining> one +efore (empo %uns. *or e.ample: %eceivers that have run routes for $! minutes may nee 3!! y s of (empo Work. 8f they have run for 3! minutes they may not run any (empo on that ay. ?ou have to learn to listen to your +o y to kno) )hat is nee e . =+> the time of year. %efer to the 5erio ization@5lan section. Do straight ahea runs. (empo Work is not the time to )ork agility. *irst choice is to run on grass provi e it is )ell maintaine . A&Bine an 'ig D(Cs pre ominantly run istances of $!&4! y s )ith total istance per )orkout : appro.. 64!&1!!! y s. *or the sample runs +elo) rest appro.. 1!&2! sec. +@n repsD 2&$ min +@n sets

(empo %un 1: (otal Distance : 42! y s 2 sets of " . 4! y s. : "!! y s. 1 set of " . $! y s. : 12! y s. (empo %un 2: (otal Distance : ;;! y s

(empo %un $: (otal Distance : 3!! y s $ sets of " . 4! y s. : 3!! y s. (empo %un ": (otal Distance : E3! y s

1 set of ; . "! y s. : $2! y s. 2 sets of " . 4! y s. : "!! y s. 1 set of 3 . "! y s. : 2"! y s. 2 sets of " . "! y s. : $2! y s. 2 sets of " . "! y s. : $2! y s. 2 sets of " . $! y s. : 2"! y s. Ather positions pre ominantly run istances of "!&1!! y s )ith (otal Distance per )orkout : 1!!!&1;!! y s. 8f you are an e.perience track athlete that runs 14!Cs an 2!!Cs for your (empo ,ession you can o your normal program. *or the sample runs +elo) rest appro.. $!&3! sec. +et)een runs 2&" min +et)een sets (empo %un 1: (otal Distance : 1!!! y s. 1 set of " . ;! y s. : $2! y s. 1 set of 3 . 3! y s. : $3! y s. 1 set of ; . "! y s. : $2! y s. (empo %un 2: (otal Distance : 1"!! y s. 1 1 1 1 set set set set (empo %un $: (otal Distance : 12!! y s. " sets of 4 . 3! y s. : 12!! y s (empo %un ": (otal Distance : 163! y s.

of 4 . 1!! y s. : 4!! y s. 1 set of " . 1!! y s. : "!! y s. of " . 1!! y s. : "!! y s. 1 set of 3 . ;! y s. : ";! y s. of $ . 1!! y s. : $!! y s. 1 set of ; . 3! y s. : ";! y s. of 2 . 1!! y s. : 2!! y s. 1 set of 1! . "! y s. : "!! y s. ?ou can esign your o)n (empo ay. %emem+er to apply the training principles for oing (empo outline a+ove.

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