Innovation and Technological Advancement in Spinning
Innovation and Technological Advancement in Spinning
Innovation and Technological Advancement in Spinning
Subject – Fabric Knowledge for Merchandiser
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The Contamination
world 2008/09 Mill Consumption 194.89 203
projections indicate fiber
Short lower Small Scale Unit Consumption 21.26 23
stocks, production, Non-Mill Consumption 15.88 15
consumptions, and ending Exports 58 85
stocks. and Neps
World production will Total Off-take 290.03 326
reduce a major
by 1.5 million bales of Carry-over stock 47.5 43
480 lbs. duein the
percentage to mainly
yarn Source – Cotton advisory board E=estimated
quality production.
The cotton scenario in the country also presents a difficult picture with
factors. decrease in carry forward stock for the upcoming year and decrease in
acreage allotted for cotton production. This would lead to increase in
price of raw material which would subsequently lead to its increase in
yarn manufacturing cost.
Yarn Realization to address the power availability machine utility and
issues. The machines in the efficiency and
In the production economics of a entire spinning system are elimination of skilled
spinning mill, yarn realization designed with less energy man power
plays a important role. The consumption parts. Chute feed systems to
machines in every sub system of
the Spinning system are Short Staple Spinning System
Automatic Can Changers
configured by attaching
The short staple spinning system at card
importance to raw material
comprises of the following Delivery in sizes upto
characteristics and yarn
system: 40” to 48”
Maintenance free digital
Cost silver system- blow room drives
Human Resource
and cards
The Indian textile industry is Blow room and card
facing challenges on the Combing system- non together form the package in
following in the human resource autoleveller draw frame, lap catering to the deficiencies
front: former, comber, autoleveller of the raw cotton due to
draw frame continuous down grading of
Non availability of labor the fibre properties, stress is
Ring spinning system- speed
Skilled manpower put more on blow room
frames, ring frame, and compact
spinning. machine and cards.
To address the above issues to
an extent, automation in the
Card Sliver System
machines are designed with state
of the art technologies. Blow Room with Bale
plucker Line
Production upto 1500
The energy efficiency and kg/hr
power utilization for machinery Bale plucker with
has become the need of the hour autoscanning increases
Blow Room Cards
In the production
The fibers are subjected to Basic principles of carding economics of
gentle and soft treatment to remains unaltered even though
spinning mill, yarn
avoid NEP generations / there are other technological
increase in short fibre content. development. The production realization plays a
The nature of rates are determined by raw significant role. The
contamination/impurity such as material properties. The
machine in every
seed coat fragments, husk, leaf emphasis is on devices which
bits, etc. are difficult to extract. could control the deterioration sub system of the
Due this blow room had to be of fiber and maintain optimum Spinning system are
readopted with machines production. The neps are
configured by
capable of intensifying the disentangled and reaches the
cleaning significantly. minimum level at carding stage. attaching
The wire points in the carding importance to
This has resulted in a pre- machines are configured to suit
cleaning with free movement of material
all types of cotton varieties and
fibers by air handling and fine synthetics. characteristics and
cleaning with different beaters
yarn realization.
depending on the fibre nature. Combing System
The beater in the blow room are
also designed to suit both cotton Non auto levelor draw
and synthetic handling. frame.
High delivery speed upto
The concept of modern blow 1000 mpm.
room development is based on Feed and delivery can
the following: with 40” X 48”
OPTIMAL OPENING Lap former and Comber
transportation system
Automatic / Semi
OPTIMAL BLENDING automatic batt piecing.
Spinning machinery produced in india can meet the requirement of the spinning industry with cost
effective solutions.
Hand Spinning
In 1741 John Wyatt and Lewis Paul built the first series of spinning machines for spinning cotton
yarns. They used a Roller-Drafting principle which helped in producing strand of fibers called
Roving. This roving was stretched to Bobbin-and-Flyer twisting mechanism.
Arkwright used this same principle in 1769 when he constructed a spinning machine called the
Water Frame which was given this name because it was operated by water power.
James Hargreaves in 1760’s invented Spinning Jenny which made eight yarns at the same time.
The yarns made by Hargreaves and Arkwright machine were not as strong as hand spun yarn.
Samuel Crompton combined water frame and spinning jenny into one basic machine known as
Spinning Mule, which was basic machine for producing cotton yarn in England until well into 20th
John Thorpe invented Automatic Spinning Mule in 1830 which is also called Ring Spinning
Machine and used even today.
Open End Spinning in which air suction takes the fibers through tube in which twist is imparted to
fiber was invented for staple fiber.