Assignment Brandy's Case Study
Assignment Brandy's Case Study
Assignment Brandy's Case Study
ID # 13879
#here was no way to ma"e glo al data changes, forces employees to manually update details on a given products in multiple locations in the catalog. 'ystem did provide the means to store product attri utes, ma"ing it difficult to timely information to customer for purchasing decisions. &ess user friendly setup
)3: *+at are t+e 2ene3its o3 t+e ne0 e, -atalog. #o -ustomers. #o 2rady.
Brady choose (ull tilts product management system to store and organize product data attri utes in a central repository. Bene3its to Customers: Customer can chec" the description of the product visually ecause of the snaps saved in the data ase It is user friendly Customer can chec" the description of the product visually ecause of the snaps saved in the data ase, providing the e%tra layer of safety against the data error.
Bradys choose $nd)ecas *Information +ccess platform, in order to meet the navigation and search challenge. $ndecas -uided summarization #echni!ue, Catalog can support featured products, ma"e suggestions, and offered related information ased on customer e%ploration on the site. In this way customer can search est products for their use.
$asy access and ease in updating ecause of single repository Company can allow authorized user from glo e to edit product information locally If a product is placed multiple times in a catalog, if one has edited the product, change will automatically ma"e on the other locations. .ew product information is already uploaded from the mar"eting department via an e%port file on the we 'ystem is so user friendly so that Bradys only need two account managers, ma"ing it cost effective