This document provides information on the refurbishment and modernization of a Webster & Bennett 48LV 1urret Type Conventional Vertical Turret Lathe. The electrical system and controls were redesigned to modern specifications. The machine's components were disassembled, refurbished, and reassembled to like-new condition. Testing was performed to certify the machine's alignment and capabilities. The lathe is for sale with a 12-month warranty.
This document provides information on the refurbishment and modernization of a Webster & Bennett 48LV 1urret Type Conventional Vertical Turret Lathe. The electrical system and controls were redesigned to modern specifications. The machine's components were disassembled, refurbished, and reassembled to like-new condition. Testing was performed to certify the machine's alignment and capabilities. The lathe is for sale with a 12-month warranty.
This document provides information on the refurbishment and modernization of a Webster & Bennett 48LV 1urret Type Conventional Vertical Turret Lathe. The electrical system and controls were redesigned to modern specifications. The machine's components were disassembled, refurbished, and reassembled to like-new condition. Testing was performed to certify the machine's alignment and capabilities. The lathe is for sale with a 12-month warranty.
This document provides information on the refurbishment and modernization of a Webster & Bennett 48LV 1urret Type Conventional Vertical Turret Lathe. The electrical system and controls were redesigned to modern specifications. The machine's components were disassembled, refurbished, and reassembled to like-new condition. Testing was performed to certify the machine's alignment and capabilities. The lathe is for sale with a 12-month warranty.
th Street, Stoneleigh Park, Nr Coventry, CV8 2LZ Phone : +44 (0) 2476 692116 Email : :
Directors : I.L.B.Exeter, T.J.Exeter, A.M Exeter Registered Address : 1 Gainsborough Crescent, Solihull B93 9EX Registered in England No. 1382020. VAT registration no. 738 6893 71 Bankers : NatWest, Birmingham City Centre, 60 0235 account 67451705 Webster & 8ennett 48LV 1urret 1ype Convent|ona| Vert|ca| 1urret Lathe New mach|ne standard 12 month warranty
In 40 years rebu||d|ng and modern|s|ng Webster & 8ennett Vert|ca| Lathes th|s |s the best spec|f|cat|on convent|ona| mach|ne we have ever processed - the top spec|f|cat|on of a new W&8 V1L were |t bu||t today
1he e|ectr|ca| system has been redeslgned Lo a modern updaLed speclflcaLlon lncorporaLlng a new elecLrlcal cablneL wlLh LC and new solenolds and new wlrlng. Irom the pendant contro| the operator |s ab|e not on|y to se|ect the speed range he |s ab|e to |ncrease 20 or decrease S0 the tab|e speed wh||e |n that range - w|thout stopp|ng to change gears.
1he new des|gn pendant provldes all operaLor conLrols ln Lhe mosL operaLor frlendly way posslble wlLh prec|s|on [oyst|cks and seL ln a CnC sLyle enclosure swlvelllng on Lhe guardlng ln operaLor's poslLlon 1he machlne ls flLLed wlLh an Lmergency sLop.
1he mach|ne's cond|t|on and accuracy w||| be as new - fu|| new mach|ne standard 12 months warranty
1h|s mach|ne |s from one of the |ast ser|es of convent|ona| mach|nes bu||t by Webster & 8ennett. Due to nature of the prev|ous users work |t was a|ready |n very good, ||tt|e worn mechan|ca| cond|t|on but we have fo||owed our standard pract|ce to comp|ete|y str|p down the mach|ne, regr|nd operat|ng gu|deways and f|t new |ow fr|ct|on mater|a| to mat|ng surfaces and g|bs, to d|sassemb|e the tab|e dr|ve and sp|nd|e bear|ngs, c|ean thorough|y, check, ad[ust, rep|ace where necessary and to reassemb|e ensur|ng a fu||y funct|on|ng |ubr|cat|on system. 1h|s mach|ne's ma|n tab|e sp|nd|e bear|ng |s a 1|mken bear|ng des|gned to run at speeds up to S00rpm. 1he mach|ne spec|f|cat|on for the or|g|na| user |s for |ow speed work so the bear|ng |s bare|y run |n.
1he mach|ne has the h|ghest spec|f|cat|on for operator contro| be|ng f|tted w|th three very des|rab|e ma[or opt|ons
1. Creep Ieed to the k and 2 axes. A uC servo moLor ls coupled dlrecL Lo Lhe elecLro-magneLlc feed Lransmlsslon unlL. 1hls feaLure ls parLlcularly advanLageous Lo user worklng wlLh dlglLal readouL. (1hls machlne wlll have a new dlglLal readouL seL flLLed). Some users who work wlLh creep feed llke Lo have ball screws lnsLead of Lrapezoldal screws ln x axls for very flne feed work and manual work wlLh reduced sLlck sllp. (1h|s mach|ne has a ba||screw |n the k ax|s) 2. Cperator var|ab|e speed contro| of tab|e 3. Cperators Ioy St|ck endant Contro|. 1hls hlgh quallLy pendanL provldes very user-frlendly conLrol over all operaLlng funcLlons - start, ax|s feed and rap|d movements |nc|ud|ng Creep Ieed contro| to k ax|s, speeds and feeds se|ect|on and tab|e var|ab|e speed contro|. 1he new 2 ax|s D|g|ta| keadout |s |ncorporated to the pendant pane| for opt|mum operator conven|ence 4. New operator safety guard|ng (see photos) w|th front doors for easy component |oad|ng and s|de doors for too|box access and swarf remova| access
Componet |oad|ng Access to change too|s
New e|ectr|ca| cab|net , swarf access door. Lxce||ent swarf co||ect|on area
GkLA1 ICk 1nL CLkA1Ck
Lasy contro| for sett|ng up and check|ng]chang|ng too|ho|ders and cutt|ng too|s
W&8 4 [aw lndependenL chuck (34") 1370 mm Maxlmum Swlng (39") 1499 mm 12 1able Speeds, operaLor conLrolled varlaLlon ln each range 3.1 - 70rpm ***(-S0 to +20)*** verLlcal Lravel of LurreL sllde (38") 963 mm PorlzonLal feed of LurreL from chuck cenLre ouL (36") 914 mm Max helghL under Lhe cross rall (48") 1219 mm Max helghL under Lhe LurreL (39") 1499 mm verLlcal ad[usLmenL of cross sllde (24") 610 mm 12 leed raLes .003 - .230 Approx welghL of Lhe machlne 11300 kgs Maxlmum worklng helghL requlred (163") 4140 mm SLandard LranslL helghL (139") 3331 mm Mlnlmum LranslL helghL (109") 2769 mm ***the new e|ectr|ca| des|gn enab|es the operator to contro| from the pendant each |nd|v|dua| geared speed and to vary each speed from S0 to 120 of the nom|na| speed |n that range
1he machlne wlll be dellvered repalnLed Lo 8AL 3012 llghL blue and guardlng 8AL 7033 llghL grey unless buyer has oLher requlremenL
Documentat|on supp||ed - mach|ne accuracy and capab|||ty cert|f|cat|on and operat|ng]ma|ntenance manua|s
C1ICNS - Convers|on from turret to ram and extra he|ght opt|ons
kAM - 1he machlne can be supplled wlLh a forged ram 8" square reenglneered Lo Lhe verLlcal sllde. 1oolholdlng or opLlons are avallable.
Lk1kA nLIGn1 - 1he machlne operaLlng helghL capaclLy can be lncreased by 12" -
Scope of work
1he e|ectr|ca| system has been redeslgned Lo a modern updaLed speclflcaLlon lncorporaLlng a new elecLrlcal cablneL wlLh LC and new solenolds and new wlrlng. 1he operators pendant provldes all operaLor conLrols ln Lhe mosL operaLor frlendly way posslble wlLh prec|s|on [oyst|cks (see lllusLraLlon). 1he machlne wlll be flLLed wlLh an Lmergency sLop. 1he Lable drlve has been re deslgned to enab|e the operator to |ntroduce tab|e speed |ncrease 20 or decrease S0 w|thout stopp|ng to change gears.
Mechan|ca| work
1he Cross 8all assembly has been LoLally dlsmanLled Lo enable Lhe followlng processes.
1he Cross 8all has been reground Lo ensure Lhe orlglnal geomeLrlc Lolerances.
1he Saddle has been machlned and scraped lnLo poslLlon on Lhe Cross 8all.
1he Saddle Sllde Clamps have been recondlLloned.
1he Swlvel Slldehas been machlned, new low frlcLlon maLerlal flLLed and scraped Lo wlLhln Lhe orlglnal geomeLrlc Lolerances.
1he LurreL sllde has been reground Lo ensure Lhe orlglnal geomeLrlc Lolerances
Low frlcLlon maLerlal flLLed Lo Clb and reLalnlng sLrlps and scraped and bedded lnLo poslLlon.
new Slldeway Wlpers Lo all slldeway maLlng surfaces.
1he 8apld 1raverse urlve ShafLs and Cears have been checked and refurblshed where necessary, bearlngs and new SupporL 8ushes, 1hrusL 8earlngs and Seals have been flLLed.
All LubrlcaLlon lplng and MeLer valves Lo boLh Saddle and 8am Sllde have been replaced.
1able drlve assembly has been fully dlsmanLled, checked, reworked where necessary and reassembled
8epalnL machlne Lo 8AL 3012 llghL blue and guardlng 8AL 7033 llghL grey
kun mach|ne to test a|| funct|ons. Cut test component. Set a||gnments to new mach|ne to|erances and cert|fy.
Turning and Boring
A specialized treatise for machinists, students in the industrial and engineering schools, and apprentices, on turning and boring methods, etc.