ISM Seminar Questions: Topics Exam Question(s) No
ISM Seminar Questions: Topics Exam Question(s) No
ISM Seminar Questions: Topics Exam Question(s) No
Seminar 1
Exam Question(s) No
Q-1 Without strategic integration of its IT and business strategy an organisation will not gain as great a competitive advantage as it should. Evaluate this statement ma ing reference to any models and e!amples you are familiar with Q-" What are the recent trends in the business environment.. #ive e!amples to support the concepts discussed
Seminar "
Q-$ %iscuss the strategic purpose of a mission statement and highlight the ey elements that should go into the construction of such a mission statement. #ive e!amples of an effective one Q-& 'ompare the three generic E commerce models and illustrate the main disadvantages of the (ure %ot 'om model. Q-) a* +E-'ommerce is the technology that has created the largest impact on the way we do business., Evaluate this statement and give suitable e!amples. b* In what way does portfolio analysis support the strategic planning process- %iscuss with reference to the .oston 'onsulting #roup /odel and one other model you are familiar with. 0%iagrams can be utilised* c* E!plain in detail how information systems contribute to the decision ma ing processes of organisations in the "1st century. %escribe the various methods adopted in the process Q-1 'ritically e!amine the belief that when ma ing IS investment decisions2 organisations are dominated by organisational politics Q-3 What can corporation do in improving Strategic %ecision /a ing Q-4 What is a 5ybrid IT6.usiness manager and what s ill sets do they possess- %iscuss with reference to 1
Seminar $
IT pro7ect management. Seminar & Q-8 'learly describe the information systems 0IS* appropriate to #eneral /otors and their relation to the various managerial decision ma ing levels. /ap each IS to the type of decision made and the benefits it would bring. Q-19 : large manufacturing organi;ation wishes to integrate the information systems using Enterprise <esource (lanning software. =ou are re>uired to prepare a write?up for the management e!plaining clearly the standardi;ation and security aspects2 the merits and merits of such information systems Seminar ) Q-11 a* E!plain the concept of '</. +'</ creates value to the organisation,- discuss how this value can be created for (rimar using IS6IT b*'ritically evaluate the strengths2 wea nesses2 threats and opportunities of this organi;ation Q-1" 'ritically evaluate the (orters @ive forces on this organi;ation2 focusing on the competition aspect and how can IS6 IT be used to have an impact on these forces. #ive suitable e!amples.