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TMP F204

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Igor Lavrov, Andrei Makarovsky, Anatoli Mokrushin and Yuri Gerasimenko

Pavlov Institute of Physiology,
Makarova 6, 199034 St.Petersburg, Russia

Abstract – Obtained results shows that the peptide transected at Th10 level and then exposed by a
spectra in CSF before, during low and high frequency laminectomy at L3- L7 vertebrae. The experiment was
SCS are different. It was found that there is correlation started 2-4 hours after spinalization. The EMG activity of
between producing of neuropeptids with molecular weight
m. quadriceps (Q), m. semitendinosus (St), m.
(15-12 kDa) and appearance of stepping movements
under high frequency SCS. One of neuropetids which gastrocnemius (G) and m. tibialis anterior (T) was
could be produced in this conditions is the P substance. recorded with bipolar electrodes inserted into these
The experiments on rat olfactory cortex slices have shown muscles on both sides. The strength of SCS was 10–400
the difference of molecular-cellular mechanisms under mkA with pulse duration 0.2 ms. The frequency of SCS
low and high frequency epidural stimulation. from 0,5 Hz to 50 Hz was used.
Biological assay method. In rat olfactory tangential cortex
slices the focal potentials (FPs) were recorded in response
Keywords: spinal cord, locomotion, CPG, to electrical stimulation of lateral olfactory tract (LOT).
electrophoretical analysis, cerebral spinal fluid. The slices were bathed in control medium. The
composition of this artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF)
1. Introduction at 37.0±0.5 C was (mM): NaCl 124.0, KCl 5.0, CaCl2 2.6,
It is know that in decerebrated cats the central pattern
MgSO4 1.2, KH2PO4 1.24, NaHCO3 3.0, Tris-HCl (buffer,
generator (CPG) can be activated by electrical stimulation
pH 7.2) 23.0, d-glucose 10.0, pH 7,2-7,3; during the
of subthalamic and mesencephalic locomotor regions [1]
as well as by stimulation of the locomotor strips in experiment O2 was constantly fed in the ACSF. Single
dorsolateral funiculi [2]. At the same time in acute spinal pulses with 5sec interval were applied to slices during the
cats the locomotor activity can be induced by continuous 15-20 min control period. Then the medium was switched
electrical stimulation of dorsal roots, or dorsal columns to the testing CSF taken from patients: 1) before, 2) after
only after the injection of the noradrenergic precursor L- high frequency (33 Hz) or low frequency ( 0.5 Hz) of
dopa [3]. The aim of the study was to determine by means spinal cord electrical stimulation. Parameters of
of epidural spinal cord stimulation (SCS) the locomotor stimulation were the same as in control. Every slice was
ability of the spinal cord deprived of brain control and to used for testing of one ACSF type only.
evaluate is there the correlation between the locomotor
activity produced by SCS and the appearance of specific 3. Results
neuropeptides in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). It was found that in paraplegic patients most
frequently the stepping movements and locomotor- like
2. Function Types of Activities (Methods) EMG activity was observed, when the cathode was over
Epidural stimulation. SCS was performed both in the L2-L3 spinal cord segments with frequency of
chronic paraplegic patients and in acute experiments on stimulation of 20-50 Hz, pulse duration of 0.3-1 ms and
spinal cats. The patients had complete transection of the cord at strength of 8-12 V. It is interesting that in spinalized cats
a level varying from the fourth to twelfth thoracic vertebra, as well the effective point for evoking of locomotor-like activity
as complete absence of voluntary motor control and sensation was located as in humans over preenlargement (L4-L5).
below the site of injury. In all patients, the proprioceptive As a rule, in the beginning, SCS evoked tonic activity in
and exteroceptive spinal reflex activity was retained. The the hindlimb muscles, but then it was transformed to the
stimulating electrode was penetrated into epidural space burst activity. The optimal location for the electrodes was
by lateral puncture method. The location of the electrode along the midline, overlying the dorsal columns.
was verified by fluoroscopy. Recordings of the surface The electroforetical analysis of CSF in patients have
EMG activity in both proximal (m. quadriceps, m. indicated that the peptide spectra in CSF before, during
hamstring) and distal (m. soleus, m. tibialis) muscles were low and high frequency SCS are different. Data
performed in the supine position.
demonstrated that there is correlation between producing
The cats were anaesthetized by injection of kalipsol (30
of neuropeptids with molecular weight (15-20 kDa) and
mg/kg) and following this an anemic or surgery
appearance of stepping movements under SCS. One of
decerebration was performed. The spinal cord was
neuropetids which could be produced in this conditions is in progress to investigate the nature and identification of
the P substance. According recent investigations, during the active substances in CSF.
fictive locomotion, this substance increase the frequency For combined epidural electrical stimulation and
epidural drug electrophoresis we have developed original
of locomotor activity and the duration of EMG bursts [4].
device. The device used for transplantation was made
During low frequency SCS the peptides with molecular from the compact titanium and consisted of a system of
weight (30-40 kDa) were appeared in CSF. passages, the two electrodes and the microinjector. The
In order to investigate the molecular-cellular device was implanted between bodies of the resected
mechanisms of cerebral spinal fluid effects we carry out vertebrae on the final stage of the surgical anteriolateral
experiments on the rat olfactory cortex slices. The decompression. The two electrodes implanted
application of CSF in olfactory cortex slices was 10-5 percutaneously in the posterior epidural space served as
ml/l. It was revealed that perfusion of CSF taken before an anode, the device itself served as a cathode. We
SCS induced significant reduction the amplitudes of N - believe that the use of SCS and drug intervention
methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) acxitatory postsynaptic simultaneously will effective in regulation of motor
potential component of FPs in slices and increased of activity.
amplitude of slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (n=4).
After high frequency SCS an increase of presynaptic References
responses (action potential of LOT) but decreased the a- [1] Shik, M.L., (1994). Neurophysiology of mammalian
amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4- propionic acid locomotion. In Sovet scientific reviews: Section F. Physiology
(AMPA) and NMDA postsynaptic components of FPs and general biology (Vol. 6, Part 5, pp. 1-49). Yverdon,
(n=4) was occured. The addition of CSF after low SCS Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers.
resulted in the increase of amplitude presynaptic and [2] Kazennikov, O.V. et al., (1983). Stepping elicited by
postsynaptic components of FPs in tested slices (n=4). stimulation of the dorsolateral funiculus in the cat spinal cord.
During in wash the effects of different types of CSF Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 96(8), 8-10. (In
were long (30-40 min). These data demonstrate that some
[3] Grillner, Zangger, (1979). On the central generation of
specific substances are released into extracellular fluid in locomotion in the low spinal cat. Experimental Brain Research.
spinal patients. Data obtained indicate that these effects 34, 241-261.
were caused more likely by polypeptides contained in [4] Barthe and Clarac, (1997). Modulation of the spinal network
CSF. At first, the ones evoked the long-term changes of for locomotion by substance P in the neonatal rat. Experimental
excitability of slices. And secondly, these substances Brain Research. 115(3): 485-92.
activated the different neurophysiological mechanisms:
NMDA EPSP, fast IPSP. Acknowledgement: The study was supported by RFBR
grant 98-04-49097
Moreover, phasical reactions of Fps indicate the
heterogeneity of peptides in CSF. Further experiments are

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