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Calibration of A Jump Di Fussion

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Calibration Of A Jump Diusion

Rasa Varanka McKean, ACAS, MAAA


This paper outlines an application of a weighted Monte Carlo method to a jump diusion model in the presence of clustering and runs suggestive of contagion. The paper was originally submitted as a masters thesis in the Mathematics in Finance program at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, on March 15, 2003. The author wishes to make the material available to a wider audience. Explanatory material has been added to make the paper easier to read. The mathematics is unchanged. Although the motivation for this application is actuarial in nature, the method is not limited to insurance accidents. In fact, the method has broad application to nancial analysis. The rst equation below may be seen as a theoretical bridge between the two elds of Actuarial Science and Finance; the underlying processes have a common construct. In its most general form, a sample path corresponding to a stochastic process which is dierential, homogeneous, and increasing may be decomposed as a linear part plus a pure jump function [12][10]. The process is referred to as a homogenous dierential process with increasing paths. The process will be dened in Section 2. For now, we state only the equation:

pt = p(t) = mt +

([0, t] d ); t 0


The term corresponds to the size of a jump. The function counts the number of jumps. In this paper, the counts will be Poisson distributed. The term [0, t] d corresponds to a set over which the counts are taken. The expression ([0, t] d ) is the number of jumps occuring up to time t of severity between and + d . In other words, the integrand corresponds to the well-known actuarial phrase frequency times severity. The linear part of the decomposition is mt. If the linear term is dropped, i.e. mt = 0, then the resulting pure jump function resembles an insurance aggregate loss. Frequency of accidents times severity of those accidents are summed over a given population to obtain the total loss amount [8]. If the linear part is replaced by a Brownian motion with or without drift, a nancial model results. Its important to note here that in the nancial model, there is a stochastic dierential equation where the Brownian motion is in the exponential. There is no exponential term in the actuarial model; a jump is a jump. Avellaneda has calibrated a variety of nancial instruments [1]. Throughout this reference, a pricing model refers to a model for pricing less liquid instruments relatively to more liquid instruments (the benchmarks). Calibration of the Monte Carlo model is performed by assigning probability

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

weights to the simulated paths. The weights are derived by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy of the posterior measure to the prior (empirical) measure. Recall the denition of entropy and dont feel bad if you look it up in Wikipedia. Entropy is a measure of how evenly energy is distributed in a system. Entropy is a measure of order versus disorder or randomness. Relative entropy measures the entropy of one state as compared to the entropy of a second state. A very rough analogy can be found in the measurement of temperature. Temperature is measured with thermometers, which may be calibrated to a variety of temperature scales such as degrees Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin. Relative entropy would be very roughly similar to a comparison of any two of these three temperature scales.

Modelling A Jump Diusion

Applications of jump diusions include option pricing, credit risk, and actuarial science. Applications in option pricing and actuarial science are outlined in the history of jump diusion models below. For a nancial model of credit risk, a suggested reference is [15]. A stochastic process with sample paths p(t), p(0) = 0 is said to be dierential if its increments p[t1 , t2 ) = p(t2 ) p(t1 ) over disjoint intervals [t1 , t2 ) are independent, homogenous if the law of p[t1 + s, t2 + s)is independent of s( 0), and increasing if p(t1 ) p(t2 ) for t1 t2 . A sample path may be decomposed into a linear part plus an integral of Poisson processes:

pt = p(t) = mt +

([0, t] d ); t 0


(dt d ) being Poisson distributed with mean dt d where d = d , being the density function of the measure d . The measure shouldnt be too large in the sense that the integral is nite:

d +
0 1

d <


Then: P [(B ) = n] = n e ; for n 0, B ([0, +) (, +)), n! (4)


dt d


The process pt is dierential because the counts (B ) attached to disjoint B [0, +) (0, +) are independent, and additive in the sense that ( n1 ) = n1 (Bn ) for disjoint B1 , B2 , etc. ([0, +) (0, +)). ([t1 , t2 ) [ 1 , 2 )) is just the number of jumps of p(t); t1 t < t2 of magnitude 1 < 2 .

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Natural extensions of the basic model would include stochastic volatility, mean reversion, and multiple jump processes. Stochastic volatility accommodates volatility clustering, an important feature of the data. Mean reversion may account for perturbations induced by diusion vs. perturbations created by jumps. Multiple jump processes may be used to distinguish between types of jumps or sizes of jumps. Additionally, the jump sizes may be modelled by various distributions. Each of these scenarios will be described in turn.


Jump Diusion Processes In The Literature

The Initial Pricing Model

The rst pure jump model in the nancial literature is attributed to Cox, Ingersoll and Ross [4].The model is illustrated as follows in the usual discrete pricing diagram. S
Su S exp(wt)

The upward and downward probabilities for stock price movement in time t are t and 1 t respectively. The asset price declines at rate w except for occasional jumps occurring as a Poisson process with rate . The size of the jumps are modelled as u times the current asset price S . Criticism of the model notes that jumps here can only be positive which is unrealistic in the nancial markets except for the probability of ruin. Note that the exponential term in the diagram above cannot yield a negative value. However, this criticism would not hold for insurance losses. For instance, the value of a property lost in a re cannot be negative, one does not lose negative time on the job due to an injury, and so forth. Arguably, a reserve for future indemnity benets, as an example, may be posted and subsequently netted down due to the death of the claimant. In such a case, however, the life expectancy of the claimant would have been quantied and posted as the initial reserve. The resulting downward movement could be seen as parameter risk. In other words, if the reserve had been estimated with greater accuracy, the downward movement would not have occurred. Further such arguments could be made to show that a pure jump process is useful in modelling insurance losses. Another criticism of the nancial model is that the process leads to a distribution of stock price values with a fat right tail and a thin left tail, the opposite to that observed for equities. Such a distribution, however, is common in insurance and especially in reinsurance. The time lags in discovering and reporting losses such as medical malpractice or products liability create a fat right tail. inationary and social trends in jury awards may be very dierent ten years hence, leading to unexpected increases in the size of awards. In Actuarial Science, pricing models for aggregate distributions of claim data occur in the cohort approach to collective risk theory. An analysis of collective risk theory and insurance models is beyond the scope of this paper. Aggregate loss distributions have been widely discussed in the actuarial literature. The interested reader is referred to basic, comprehensive treatments [2] [8] [6].

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion


An Application To Option Pricing

Merton rst suggested a modication to the standard option pricing model, a jump function added to the Brownian motion term [13]. The jump component represents the occasional discontinuous breaks observed in the nancial markets. Dene: B the expected return from an asset associated with the Brownian motion B the volatility of the Brownian motion the rate of occurrence of a jump the average jump size (amplitude) as the change in asset price. Then the model is written in the following form: dS = (B )dt + B dW + dq (6) S 2 ) for J and J the mean and standard where is drawn from a normal distribution N (J , J deviation of the jump respectively, W is a Wiener process, and q is a Poisson process generating the jumps. The processes W and q are assumed to be independent. If is the contribution from the jumps then the remainder B is the expected growth rate provided by the geometric Brownian motion. In a special case of Mertons model, the logarithm of the jump amplitude is normally distributed. The European call option price is then written as: e( T ) ( )n fn n!

C = n=0


where = T t, = (1 + ) and fn is the Black-Scholes option price with parameters n 2

2 n = 2 +


for , the standard deviation of the normal distribution, and n(ln(1 + ))

rn = r +


for r, the interest rate. Terminating the innite sum is not problematic since the factorial function grows rapidly. Note that the model gives rise to fatter left and right tails than Black-Scholes and is consistent with implied volatilities in currency options but not in insurance losses. 4

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

The key assumption in Mertons model is that the jump component of the asset return models non-systematic risk. This assumption would be dicult to make in an actuarial model where the jumps may represent a mixture of both systematic risk and non-systematic risk. Insurance claim sizes tend to cluster due to insurance policy limits, trends in jury awards, and claims adjusters case reserving practices. The jump component of risk may involve contract law, procedural law, and insurance goodwill. A more sophisticated model incorporating multiple jump processes may be required.


Stochastic Volatility

A stochastic volatility model may be of the following form. dS = B dt + dW + kdq S

2 where k N (J , J ) and


d(ln 2 ) = b(h ln(h2 ))dt + cdZ


The logarithm of the variance 2 follows a mean-reverting process with the Wiener error term dZ . This model is termed a stochastic volatility jump diusion process (SVJD)[5]. The model has constant jump amplitude and a mean-reverting process for the volatility. In other words, the path of the volatility parameter is a mean-reverting process. Note the drift is also a mean-reverting process.


Multiple Jump Processes


In the general form of the sample path, denote the pure jump process by Jt = and replace mt by dW where W is a Wiener process with drift dW = dZ + dt. dZ is an independent Gaussian shock is the variance is the drift

([0, t] d )

Jt may be further decomposed as a multiple jump process Jt = Jt1 + Jt2 where Jt1 has jumpamplitudes 1 and Jt2 has jump-amplitudes >1. The Jt1 term may be comprised of an mininite number of small jumps. In nancial and actuarial applications, the Jt1 term would assume a nite number of jumps or insurance losses in a given period of time. Then, referring back to equation (2):

pt = mt +

([0, t] d ) = dW + Jt1 + Jt2 = dZ + dt + Jt1 + Jt2


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion


Jump Amplitudes

The jump amplitudes can give rise to a variety of models. The large jumps may be seen as rare events relative to the background noise of the diusion. The jump amplitude may be time dependent. Denote the positive measure by and the associated density function as , as before in the general form of the model. The measure is the product of the Poisson rate and the size of the jump. The measure may not be a probability measure. In such a case, the jump diusion model is not of the compound Poisson type. Further, (dx) = d may not be nite. Processes with an innite number of jumps may be modelled by jump amplitudes with densities given by: 1. (x) = A | x |1 e( |x|) a variance gamma function 2. (x) = A | x |(1+) e( |x|) a tempered (truncated) stable process 3. (x) =
Ae(x) sinh(x)

a Meixner process

Note that in these cases, the singularity occurs near the origin as the denominator approaches zero. The small jumps may be truncated or the singularities may be omitted by dropping the Jt1 term. In cases where = (x)dx < +, the measure is nite and the measure can be normalized to dene a probability measure which can be interpreted as the distribution of jump sizes: (dx)

(dx) =

In these cases, it may be shown that one necessarily obtains a compound Poisson process as in formula (1). Processes constituted by stochastic variation in both the number of jumps and amplitude of the jumps are termed compound processes. The independence of the variables denoting the number of jumps and the jump amplitudes follows from the assumption of independent increments for the sample paths. The jump amplitudes xi and xj are independent of each other i = j by independence of increments. Each xi has the same distribution by homogeneity. Consider sample paths. Let X (t) = n=0 xn where xn are independent identically distributed random variables, N (t) is a Poisson process with rate . The sum of the jumps is compound Poisson. Without loss of generality, we may assume X (0) = 0. Let d = d be the normalization of the measure to a probability measure. Compute the characteristic function of the sample path:
N (t) n=0

N (t)

E(eikX (t) ) = E(eik


) = E(eikx0 ...eikxN (t) )


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

By independence of N and x:

= E((

eikx d(x))N (t) ) =

j =0

(t)j t e ( j!

eikx d(x))j


= et
j =0

(t)j ( j!

eikx d(x))j = et (et

eikx d(x)

= et(

eikx d(x)1

) = et

eikx d(x)t


Substituting the normalized probability measure, one obtains:

(eikx(t) 1)d (x)



In a nancial or actuarial application, the number of jumps per unit of time is nite so the application may be described by a jump process of compound Poisson type.


The next step in this exposition is a description of contagion as it aects the statistical properties of the number of jumps seen as a random process. We introduce contagion into the jump diusion process by considering a mixed compound Poisson process. This type of process is often used in actuarial work when one accident eectively increases the probability of future accidents through a conditional probability. We begin at the beginning with Polyas urn scheme and Polyas scheme of contagion [7]. Suppose an urn contains b black balls and r red balls. A ball is drawn at random. The ball drawn is always replaced and in addition, c balls of the same color are added to the urn. The absolute probability of the sequence black, black is by Bayes theorem below. Let H denote the rst drawing of black and let A denote the second drawing of black. The sequence black, black is denoted by AH. If the rst b+c) ball drawn is black, the conditional probability of a black ball at the second drawing is (b(+ c+r ) . The probability of the sequence AH is, by Bayes theorem: b (b + c) (b + r) (b + c + r)

P [AH ] = P [A | H ]P [H ] =


If the rst two drawings result in black, the urn contains b + 2c black balls and b + r + 2c balls in b+2c) total. The conditional probability of a black ball at the third trial becomes (b(+2 c+r ) . The probability 7

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

of any sequence can be calculated in this way. The ordering of the sequence is immaterial. Any sequence of n drawings resulting in n1 black and n2 red balls for n1 + n2 = n has the same probability as the sequence rst n1 black balls and then n2 red balls given by: b(b + c)(b + 2c)...(b + n1 c c)r(r + c)...(r + n2 c c) (b + r)(b + r + c)(b + r + 2c)...(b + r + nc c)

Pn1 ,n2 =


The Polya process describes a model for contagion, where every accident increases the probability of future accidents. The applications of the process include contagious diseases, meteorology, lattices in crystal structure, industrial quality control, and insurance, where long runs are suggestive of contagion or accumulated chance eect. It can be shown that the limiting form of Polyas distribution of probabilities is the negative binomial distribution. The limiting form may be used in a mixed compound Poisson process as the distribution for the Poisson rate variable [7].

Calibration Of The Pricing Model

The calibration methods are taken from a pricing model developed for the nancial markets due to Avellaneda [1]. One purpose of the model is to price less liquid instruments relative to more liquid instruments. Avellaneda has calibrated a variety of nancial instruments. Further work was done by Cont [3]. Avellanedas model for bid-ask spreads admits a jump diusion, an enhancement proposed by this paper. The enhancement will be shown in the next section.


Theory Of The Model

Consider a simulation with sample paths denoted by 1 , ..., . Dene a uniformly weighted simulation to be one where each path has equal probability of occurrence. In a non-uniformly weighted simulation, we assign probabilities p1 , ..., p to each path where the probabilities are not necessarily equal. For a contingent claim that pays the holder hi dollars if the path i occurs, the value of the 1 contingent claim in the non-uniformly and uniformly weighted scenario where pi = i is:

h =

hi pi


and h = respectively. 1



A prior distribution is generated by simulating the paths of a stochastic process which are uniformly weighted. Probabilities p1 , ..., p are then determined to simulate a posterior distribution comprised of non-uniformly weighted sample paths. 8

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

For two probability vectors p1 , ..., p and q1 , ..., q , the relative entropy of p with respect to q is dened as:

D(p | q ) =

pi log(

pi ) qi


For the Monte Carlo simulation with equal weights, denote the uniform probability vector by u = (1/, . . . , 1/ ). Then substitute qi = 1/ ui into the above equation to derive the relative entropy distance immediately below. The calibrated posterior probability measure is found by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy of the prior and posterior measures. The relative entropy distance

D(p | u) = log +

pi log pi


measures the deviation of the calibrated model from the prior data. Note that D 0 with equality 1 . holding only if pi =
1 For pi = :

D(p | u) = log +

1 1 1 log pi = log + log( ) = 0 i=1

1 i


The relative entropy is directly related to the support of the measure. Suppose pi = i = 1, 2, ..., . Let N represent the number of paths with i = . Then,


N = ,

= 1, and: D(p | u) = log +

1 N log


which reduces to: log

N log = log (1

N ) = log (1 Ep ())


A small relative entropy corresponds to a large expected value of . A small corresponds to a thin support, which implies that a large number of paths are discarded by the algorithm. A small may also be seen as a mismatch of probabilities between the prior and posterior measures since the measure will be concentrated on a small number of paths in the posterior measure. One sees that it all depends on the measure. Therein lies the diculty in calibrating a jump diusion when the frequency of jumps is small. To elucidate the theory, denote the set of sample paths as: (i) = (x1 ( (i) ), ..., xN ( (i) ) for 9

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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

i = 1, 2, ..., and the associated stochastic dierential equation with Wiener process W

dX = (X, t)dW + (X, t)dt


Denote the market prices of N benchmark instruments by C1 , ..., CN and the present value of the jth cashow as g1j , g2j , ..., g j for j = 1, ..., N . The price relations for the benchmark instruments, for j = 1, ..., N are:

pi gij = Cj



The Calibration Algorithm

As before, denote the uniform probability vector by 1 1 u = ( , ..., )

In the case of the prior measure, we consider the following minimization problem. Minimize:

D(p | u) = log +

pi log pi


under linear constraints Cj =


pi gij for Lagrange multipliers 1 , ..., N :


min[max{ log
p i=1

pi log pi +
j =1

j (

pi gij Cj )}]


Consider the max rst. Dierentiate with respect to pi , for xed i and equate the derivative to the Lagrange multiplier for the additional constraint pi = 1 :

log pi 1 +
j =1

j gij =


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Let = 1 Then

log pi 1 +
j =1

j gij = 1

log pi = +
j =1

j gij

Let e =

1 Z.

Then the maximum occurs at the value p i i, e(

N j =1

p i =

j gij )


The constraint

pi = 1 =
i=1 i=1


N j =1

j gij )

shows that Z is a normalizing constant. Note:


log pi =
j =1

j gij log Z


at the max p. Thus, at the maximum,


max{ log
p i=1

pi log pi +
j =1

j (

pi gij Cj )}

= log

pi (
j =1

j gij log Z ) +
j =1


pi gij
j =1

j Cj


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

= log +

pi log Z
j =1

j Cj = log + log Z
j =1

j Cj

Now consider the minimum:


min[ log + log Z

j =1

j Cj ]

Dierentiate with respect to k and equate to zero: 1 Z k


N j =1

j gij )

Ck =

1 Z

gik e(

N j =1

j gij )

Ck = 0

Let V () = log + log Z ()

j Cj
j =1


By substituting (28) into (27), one sees that the optimization of (27) is equivalent to minimizing V (). For the minimizing k so determined, dene the calibrated instrument: V () = k

pi gik Ck = Ep (gk ( )) Ck


where gik = gk (i ) = gk ( ) and Ep (gk ( )) =


pi gk (i )

Calibration Of The Jump Diusion Model

Avellaneda models a bid-ask spread by minimizing the relative entropy and the sum of the weighted least-squares residuals:

2 w

1 = 2

j =1

1 p (E (gj (w)) Cj )2 wj


where w = (w1 , ..., wN ) is a vector of positive weights.


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion


The Minimization

Minimize: D(p | u) + 2 w (34)

Preliminaries: Denote Ep {gi (w))} by Ei . Then 2 w = Let 1 ai = (Ei Ci ) wi and bi = i wi

N 1 i=1 wi (Ei

Ci )2 .

1 2 2 Utilizing the inequality 1 2 a + 2 b ab (right hand side is the inner product) and summing over i:

1 2


1 1 (Ei Ci )2 + wi 2

wi 2 i
i=1 i=1

i (Ei Ci )

i.e. 2 w

1 i (E{gi (w)} Ci ) 2 i=1

wi 2 i

It follows that

min[D(p | u) + 2 w ] max{min[D (p | u)
p p j =1

j (Ep {gj (w)} Cj )]

1 2

wj 2 j}
j =1


The next equality holds by the following logic: max(x) = min(x).


= min[ min[D(p | u)
p j =1

j (E {gj (w)} Cj )]

1 2

wj 2 j]
j =1

and since the last two terms are independent of p


= min[max[D(p | u) +
p j =1

j Ep {gj (w)}]
j =1

j Cj +

1 2

wj 2 j]
j =1


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

It can be shown that the inequality is in fact an equality. Now let D be the entropy rather than relative entropy D = is dropped without loss of generality. Then
N N i=1

pi log pi , where the term log

max[D +
p j =1

j E (gj )] = max[D +
p j =1


pi gij ]

= max[
p i=1

pi log pi +
j =1


pi gij ]


j =1

j gij +

pi log Z +
j =1


pi gij

where the last equality holds at the maximum p = p . This line now reduces to:

pi log Z = log Z = log Z




pi = 1) and Z does not depend on p.


min[D(p | u) + 2 w ] = min[log Z
p j =1

j Cj +

1 2

wj 2 j]
j =1


= min[V () +

1 2

wj 2 j]
j =1


Here V () = log Z ()

j Cj is the function used in the case of exact tting.

Dierentiating with respect to k , V () + wk k = k

pi gik Ck + wk k


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

= Ep {gk (w)} Ck + wk k = 0

and we have the optimal k : k = 1 p [E {gk (w)} Ck ] wk


Note, the minimization over p is the same as in the case of exact tting since 2 w does not depend on p, and so leads to the same values of p : i p i = 1 e( Z ( i)
N j =1

j gij )



The Calibration Algorithm

The minimizing function in the case of least-squares tting is


log(Z ()
j =1

j (Ep {gj (w)} Cj ) +

1 2

wj 2 j
j =1


This may be seen where, in the minimization of W (), the term substituted for longer holds.

N j =1

j (Ep {gj (w)} Cj ) is

N j =1

j Cj . The substitution occurs since our assumption Ck = Ep {gk (w)} no

The term Ep {gj (w)} Cj is precisely the modelled bid-ask spread, the bid-ask spread being a small constant-valued jump. This term, however, may be any constant value. Ck is a constant, the instantaneous price observed in the market. As an expected value, Ep {gj (w)} is not a stochastic term. In fact, an expected value is a constant. If we replace the bid-ask spread with a larger jump term, the minimization is essentially unchanged. The mispriced asset value represented by the bid-ask spread is replaced by a larger mispriced value representing a shock. This paper proposes that if the shock occurs as a compound Poisson process, one may replace the bid-ask spread by the expected value of the compound Poisson jump. The exhibits of the next section illustrate the concepts. See [9], [11], and [14] for background material, basic concepts, and formulas.

An Example: Exhibits


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Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Rates as of 12/16/02 Term Structure of Interest Rates Maturity Zero Price 1 2 3 5 7 10 0.985 0.962 0.932 0.855 0.769 0.660 P = exp ( -r * t) Valuing Coupon Bonds 0 (nowyear) s (zeroyear) Bond Face Value (L) Bond Coupon (cL) 0 10 1.00 0.05 Maturity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zero Price (via function) 0.992 0.959 0.925 0.890 0.853 0.816 0.778 0.739 0.698 0.657

Zero Yields for various maturities obtained from the U.S. Treasury website.

Zero Yields (continuous) 0.015 0.0194 0.0235 0.0314 0.0375 0.0415

Zero Price calculated using continuous compounding and fit to a parabola with R squared = 99.75% to obtain Zero Price via function.

Fiting Parameters: y = c + b*(x-d)^2 1.483766 c -0.00053 b -29.3765 d

ln ( 1+IRR (FV cash flows)) Bond value (using ytm) 1.072 PV Bond Cash Flows 0.050 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.037 0.035 0.690 Bond yield to maturity 4.03% FV Bond Zero Yields Forward Rates (via function) Cash Flows (via function) -1.072 0.050 0.84% 0.84% 0.050 2.11% 3.38% 0.050 2.61% 3.61% 0.050 2.93% 3.87% 0.050 3.17% 4.15% 0.050 3.38% 4.46% 0.050 3.59% 4.80% 0.050 3.79% 5.19% 0.050 3.99% 5.63% 1.050 4.20% 6.12% Check On Bond value 1.072 PV Bond Cash Flows (continuous) 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.038 0.036 0.035 0.702

time in years

fitted bond prices these are PV

price * FV cashflow

- ln (p_i) / t_i - ln (p_i+1 / p_i)

CF * exp ( -t_i * IRR)

coupons + face value FV (full value) cash flows are undiscounted

Zero Yields and Forward Prices both based on Zero Price.

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Exhibit 7.1

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

---- Descriptive Statistics for Variables ---Variable Minimum value Maximum value Mean value Standard dev. ---------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------x 1 10 4.666667 3.386247 y 0.66 0.985 0.8605 0.1261091 ---- Calculated Parameter Values ---Parameter Initial guess Final estimate Standard error t Prob(t) ---------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ------c 1 1.48376593 0.5056422 2.93 0.06078 b 1 -0.000533394524 0.0004189297 -1.27 0.29264 d 1 -29.3764531 27.38353 -1.07 0.36199 ---- Analysis of Variance ---Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F value Prob(F) ---------- ---- -------------- -------------- --------- ------Regression 2 0.07931547 0.03965773 588.88 0.00013 Error 3 0.0002020314 6.73438E-005 Total 5 0.0795175

Fitting Program Output: 1: Title "Parabola"; 2: Variables x,y; 3: Parameters c,b,d; 4: Function y = c + b*(x-d)^2; 5: plot; 6: data; Beginning computation...

---- Final Results ---NLREG version 5.3 Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Phillip H. Sherrod. Parabola Number of observations = 6 Maximum allowed number of iterations = 500 Convergence tolerance factor = 1.000000E-010 Stopped due to: Relative function convergence. Number of iterations performed = 37 Final sum of squared deviations = 2.0203139E-004 Final sum of deviations = -3.3234526E-012 Standard error of estimate = 0.00820633 Average deviation = 0.00518032 Maximum deviation for any observation = 0.00895358 Proportion of variance explained (R^2) = 0.9975 (99.75%) Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (Ra^2) = 0.9958 (99.58%) Durbin-Watson test for autocorrelation = 2.021 Analysis completed 29-Dec-2002 16:38. Runtime = 0.04 seconds.

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Exhibit 7.2

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Vasicek Model : see Hull (4th Edition) pp 567-9 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + sr dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life r B(0,s) A(0,s)

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross Model : see Hull (4th edition) pg 570 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + s sqrt(r) dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life exp((s-0))-1 B(0,s) A(0,s)

0.1779 0.0866 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00% 4.6722 0.6442

Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.6006 via fn 0.6006 Zero yield R(0,s) via fn 5.10% 5.10%

0.2339 0.0808 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.0200 0.2356 9.5491 3.8547 0.6094

Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.5752 via fn 0.5752 Zero yield R(0,s) via fn 5.53% 5.53%

Zero yield (infinite maturity) R() 8.02% Volatility of zero yield R(0,s) 0.93%

Zero yield (infinite maturity) R() 8.05% Volatility of zero yield 0.09%

Vasicek Term Structure Vasicek Zero Yield 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.10% 1.50% 2.09% 2.61% 3.07% 3.47% 3.83% 4.14% 4.42% 4.67% 4.90% 5.10% Zero Yield Volatility 0.93% 2.00% 1.83% 1.68% 1.55% 1.43% 1.32% 1.23% 1.14% 1.07% 1.00% 0.93% Vasicek Forward Rate

CIR Term Structure CIR Zero Yield Zero Yield Volatility 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.53% 1.50% 2.21% 2.82% 3.35% 3.80% 4.20% 4.54% 4.84% 5.10% 5.33% 5.53% 0.09% 0.24% 0.22% 0.20% 0.18% 0.16% 0.14% 0.13% 0.12% 0.11% 0.10% 0.09% CIR Forward Rate


Zero Price


Zero Price

0.979 0.949 0.912 0.870 0.826 0.780 0.734 0.688 0.644 0.601

2.09% 3.13% 3.98% 4.68% 5.25% 5.72% 6.11% 6.43% 6.69% 6.91%
Exhibit 7.3

0.978 0.945 0.904 0.859 0.811 0.762 0.713 0.665 0.619 0.575

2.21% 3.44% 4.40% 5.17% 5.77% 6.25% 6.63% 6.93% 7.16% 7.35%

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Value Zero Yields

Random Numbers (Excel) Vasicek stochastic DE 1st term 0.00127 2nd term 0.02000 CIR stochastic DE 1st term 0.00154 2nd term 0.00245 r + dr MC value MC stdev Vasicek 0.0120 0.0214 CIR 0.0160 0.0026

Vasicek Model : see Hull (4th Edition) p567-9 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + sr dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life r dt B(0,s) A(0,s) 0.1779 0.0866 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00% 0.10 4.6722 0.6442 Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.6006 MC Value 0.6089 Zero yield R(0,s) 5.10% MC value 4.96% Volatility of zero yield R(0,s) 0.93% MC value 1.00%

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross Model : see Hull (4th edition) p570 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + s sqrt(r) dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life r dt exp((s-0))B(0,s) A(0,s) 0.2339 0.0808 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00% 0.10 0.2356 9.5491 3.8547 0.6094 Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.5752 MC Value 0.5729 Zero yield R(0,s) 5.53% MC Value 5.57%

Volatility of zero yield R(0,s) 0.09% MC Value 0.01%

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.4

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Value Zero Yields

Quasi Random Numbers Vasicek stochastic DE 1st term 0.00127 2nd term 0.02000 CIR stochastic DE 1st term 0.00154 2nd term 0.00245 r + dr MC value MC stdev Vasicek 0.0154 0.0194 CIR 0.0164 0.0024

Vasicek Model : see Hull (4th Edition) pp 567-9 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + sr dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life r dt B(0,s) A(0,s) 0.1779 0.0866 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00% 0.10 4.6722 0.6442 Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.6006 MC Value 0.5993 Zero yield R(0,s) 5.10% MC value 5.12% Volatility of zero yield R(0,s) 0.93% MC value 0.91%

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross Model : see Hull (4th edition) pg 570 RN model dr = a(b-r) dt + s sqrt(r) dz a b r 0 (nowyr) s (zeroyr) zero life r dt exp((s-0))B(0,s) A(0,s) 0.2339 0.0808 1.50% 0.00 10.00 10.00 2.00% 0.10 0.2356 9.5491 3.8547 0.6094 Zero-coupon bond price P(0,s) 0.5752 MC Value 0.5720 Zero yield R(0,s) 5.53% MC Value 5.59%

Volatility of zero yield R(0,s) 0.09% MC Value 0.01%

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.5

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Value Bond Prices

Comparison of Results MRE (Minimum Relative Entropy) Prior Distribution

Zero Yield
time in years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bond Price Vasicek equation 1.50% 2.09% 2.61% 3.07% 3.47% 3.83% 4.14% 4.42% 4.67% 4.90% 5.10% 0.54706 Vasicek MC1 1.64% 1.93% 2.39% 3.12% 3.61% 3.93% 4.17% 4.47% 4.79% 5.03% 5.27% 0.54012 Vasicek MC2 1.42% 2.03% 2.57% 3.03% 3.45% 3.81% 4.14% 4.43% 4.68% 4.91% 5.12% 0.54478 CIR equation 1.50% 2.21% 2.82% 3.35% 3.80% 4.20% 4.54% 4.84% 5.10% 5.33% 5.53% 0.52858 CIR MC1 1.45% 2.23% 2.84% 3.41% 3.83% 4.26% 4.57% 4.89% 5.16% 5.39% 5.59% 0.52478 CIR MC2 1.49% 2.22% 2.84% 3.38% 3.84% 4.24% 4.58% 4.89% 5.15% 5.38% 5.59% 0.52521

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Value Bond Prices

Comparison of Results MRE (Minimum Relative Entropy) Prior Distribution

Forward Rate
time in years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vasicek equation 2.09% 2.09% 3.13% 3.98% 4.68% 5.25% 5.72% 6.11% 6.43% 6.69% 6.91% Vasicek MC1 1.93% 1.93% 2.85% 4.59% 5.08% 5.22% 5.37% 6.27% 7.05% 6.95% 7.35% Vasicek MC2 2.03% 2.03% 3.10% 3.97% 4.69% 5.27% 5.76% 6.15% 6.48% 6.75% 6.98% CIR equation 2.21% 2.21% 3.44% 4.40% 5.17% 5.77% 6.25% 6.63% 6.93% 7.16% 7.35% CIR MC1 2.23% 2.23% 3.45% 4.57% 5.08% 5.97% 6.12% 6.82% 7.05% 7.23% 7.39% CIR MC2 2.22% 2.22% 3.46% 4.45% 5.22% 5.84% 6.32% 6.70% 7.00% 7.24% 7.42%

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.6

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

MRE Prior Distribution Term Structure of Interest Rates




Zero Yield





1.00% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Term in Years

Vasicek equation Vasicek MC1 Vasicek MC2 CIR equation CIR MC1 CIR MC2


Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.7

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

MRE Prior Distribution Forward Rate

10.00% 9.00% 8.00% 7.00% Forward Rate 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Term in Years
Vasicek equation Vasicek MC1 Vasicek MC2 CIR equation CIR MC1 CIR MC2


Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.8

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Initial Bond Portfolio Value Final Bond Portfolio Value 0.522890 0.506413

Benchmark instruments
price C_1 0.693 PV cash flow g_1j 0.059 0.058 0.055 0.053 0.051 0.049 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.039 0.194 price C_2 0.608

N=5, nu=11 PV cash flow g_2j 0.050 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.192 price C_3 0.523 PV cash flow g_3j 0.040 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.026 0.191 price C_4 0.438 PV cash flow g_4j 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.020 0.189 price C_5 0.353 PV cash flow g_5j 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.013 0.187

The Vector Of Benchmark Prices C_j 0.692669 0.607779 0.522890 0.438000 0.353111 0.173543

The Vector Of Final Values p_i 0.171769 0.193366 0.209694 0.251628

The Matrix Of Present Valued Cash Flows g_ij 0.059495 0.057519 0.055479 0.053374 0.051206 0.048974 0.046677 0.044317 0.041892 0.039404 0.194332 0.049579 0.047932 0.046232 0.044479 0.042672 0.040811 0.038898 0.036931 0.034910 0.032837 0.192498 0.039663 0.038346 0.036986 0.035583 0.034137 0.032649 0.031118 0.029545 0.027928 0.026269 0.190665 0.029748 0.028759 0.027739 0.026687 0.025603 0.024487 0.023339 0.022158 0.020946 0.019702 0.188832 0.019832 0.019173 0.018493 0.017791 0.017069 0.016325 0.015559 0.014772 0.013964 0.013135 0.186999

The Matrix Of Lagrange Multipliers lambda*_j -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.026586 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 -0.047202 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.171634 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 0.389973 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.9

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

MRE: Find LaGrange Multipliers Maximum allowed number of iterations = 500 Convergence tolerance factor = 1.000000E-010 Number of iterations performed = 5 Final function value = 4.9005938E-017 Analysis completed 2-Jan-2003 07:54. Runtime = 0.02 seconds. ---- Calculated Parameter Values ---Parameter Initial guess Final estimate ---------- ------------- ---------------L1 1 -0.26586057 L2 1 -0.0472018362 L3 1 0.171634464 L4 1 0.389972719 L5 1 1

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.10

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Jump Distribution

Expected Value Of The Jump





Severity 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60

Frequency 6 263 741 765 503 265 111 31 13 2 0


















Severity (Jump Amplitude)

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.11

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

Initial Bond Portfolio Value Final Bond Portfolio Value 0.522890 0.504591

Benchmark instruments
price C_1 0.693 PV cash flow g_1j 0.059 0.058 0.055 0.053 0.051 0.049 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.039 0.194 price C_2 0.608

N=5, nu=11 PV cash flow g_2j 0.050 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.043 0.041 0.039 0.037 0.035 0.033 0.192 price C_3 0.523 PV cash flow g_3j 0.040 0.038 0.037 0.036 0.034 0.033 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.026 0.191 price C_4 0.438 PV cash flow g_4j 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.020 0.189 price C_5 0.353 PV cash flow g_5j 0.020 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.013 0.187

The Vector Of Benchmark Prices C_j 0.692669 0.607779 0.522890 0.438000 0.353111 0.159167

The Vector Of Final Values p_i 0.177378 0.197673 0.220289 0.245493

The Matrix Of Present Valued Cash Flows g_ij 0.059495 0.057519 0.055479 0.053374 0.051206 0.048974 0.046677 0.044317 0.041892 0.039404 0.194332 0.049579 0.047932 0.046232 0.044479 0.042672 0.040811 0.038898 0.036931 0.034910 0.032837 0.192498 0.039663 0.038346 0.036986 0.035583 0.034137 0.032649 0.031118 0.029545 0.027928 0.026269 0.190665 0.029748 0.028759 0.027739 0.026687 0.025603 0.024487 0.023339 0.022158 0.020946 0.019702 0.188832 0.019832 0.019173 0.018493 0.017791 0.017069 0.016325 0.015559 0.014772 0.013964 0.013135 0.186999

The Matrix Of Lagrange Multipliers lambda*_j -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111 -1.276111

Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

Exhibit 7.12

Callibration of a Jump Diffusion

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Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2013

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