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Laminate Specification and Characterization

Composite Bridge Decking

Publication No. FHWA-HIF-12-020 January 2012

Notice This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document. Quality Assurance Statement The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.

1. Report No.

4. Title and Subtitle

2. Government Accession No.

3. Recipient's Catalog No. 5. Report Date

Technical Report Documentation Page

Laminate Specification and Characterization: Composite Bridge Decking

7. Author(s)

S.R. Ayers

6. Performing Organization Code 8. Performing Organization Report No.

January 2012

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

BridgeComposites, LLC 121 Upper Bennett St. Hornell, NY 14843-1451

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 11. Contract or Grant No. 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Federal Highway Administration Highways for LIFE Program HIHL-1 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, D.C. 20590
15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract

This report discusses work done on the specification and characterization of fiber-reinforced polymer laminate materials used for the trapezoidal profile used in creating a replacement deck unit.

17. Key Words

Fiber-reinforced polymer, FRP, laminate, bridge decking

18. Distribution Statement

Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72)

19. Security Classification (of this report)

Unclassified Reproduction of completed page authorized

20. Security Classification (of this page)

No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.
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22. Price


TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH .................................................................................................... 3 Resin Selection............................................................................................................................ 3 Reinforcement Selection ............................................................................................................. 7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 10 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR LAMINATES ........................................................................ 11 Specified Test Methods............................................................................................................. 11 Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol Impressor................................................................................................................................... 12 LAMINATE TESTING .............................................................................................................. 13 Ice Shield Laminate Configuration ........................................................................................... 13 Results of Testing for Ice Shield Laminate............................................................................... 15 ALTERNATIVE LAMINATE LAYUP PROPOSAL............................................................. 17 Compmillenia Test Panel Results ............................................................................................. 20 ADDITIONAL LAMINATE CHARACTERIZATION WORK CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS ................................................................................................................................. 23 Pultruded Profile Laminate ....................................................................................................... 23 Additional Test Laminates ........................................................................................................ 28 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 29 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 33 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 35


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Photo. Ice shield constructed by XC Associates. .......................................................... 13 Figure 2. Diagram. Geometry of ice shield profile with single cavity (dimensions in inches). ... 13 Figure 3. Photo. Plastic mold used to form the inner tube of the ice shield. ................................ 14 Figure 4. Diagram. Construction of deck profile from two trapezoidal tubes. ............................. 14 Figure 5. Diagram. Action of upper trapezoid surface under local wheel loading. ...................... 18 Figure 6. Diagram. Pultruded combi tube. .................................................................................... 23 Figure 7. Diagram. Laminate construction for pultruded combi tube. ......................................... 24 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. ASTM standard tests specified for sample laminates. .................................................... 11 Table 2. Ply sequence for ice shield laminates. ............................................................................ 15 Table 3. Predicted properties for ice shield trapezoid laminate. ................................................... 15 Table 4. Comparison of predicted values versus test values for ice shield sample laminate. ...... 16 Table 5. Total areal weight in each primary direction ice shield laminate. ............................... 18 Table 6. Vectorply E-glass fabrics stocked by Compmillenia...................................................... 19 Table 7. Ply stacking sequence Compmillenia laminate. .......................................................... 19 Table 8. Comparison of ice shield and Compmillenia layups. ..................................................... 20 Table 9. Tested properties of Compmillenia laminates. ............................................................... 21 Table 10. Predicted properties of pultruded tube versus tested ice shield laminate. .................... 24 Table 11. Ply details for horizontal walls of pultruded tube. ........................................................ 25 Table 12. Ply details for vertical walls of pultruded tube. ............................................................ 26 Table 13. Areal reinforcement weights (oz/yd2) of potential tube laminates. .............................. 26 Table 14. E-glass reinforcements for test laminates fabricated at LeTourneau University. ......... 27 Table 15. Resins for laminate testing and evaluation. .................................................................. 27 Table 16. Summary of test data as of November 1, 2011. ............................................................ 30


OVERVIEW A composite laminate is a structural plate consisting of multiple layers of fiber reinforcement encased in cured resin. The number of layers, the type of fiber (carbon, glass, or other), the fabric configuration (e.g., woven, stitched mat, uni-directional), the type of resin, and other factors can be varied to design a structural element that is suitable for a particular need. Raw materials (fiber, resin, and usually some filler) in themselves are not useful as a structural member, but when combined together, the product takes on new properties that make them desirable for use in structures. Laminates, or hardened sheets of composite material, usually are cut up into coupons for mechanical testing to validate the predicted properties. There are numerous resins on the market, but only the most durable are suitable for use as part of a bridge deck system. For this study, the project team performed a literature search to narrow the number of resins under consideration. They also requested composite test panels (also called witness panels) from several composite fabricators, then tested the panels that were received so that a variety of specimens could be compared. The project team also made use of data obtained from a recent project involving a composite ice shield. In some cases, incomplete data were obtained from suppliers, but it still made a contribution to the body of knowledge that was being built. Laboratory samples were prepared to make up for samples that were not readily available from other sources. Various manufacturing processes are being considered: hand, vacuum infusion, and pultrusion. This helps to widen the number of potential fabricators for this type of deck system, and it is hoped this will in turn promote broader acceptance and commercial adoption of the system. Various resins and fiber architectures are being evaluated. After weighing all viable options, and in consultation with the project teams manufacturing partners, a fire-resistant vinyl ester resin (Derakane 510C from Ashland) was selected for use in the combination tube that was developed and will be pultruded. Glass reinforcement was selected, and a layup sequence was adopted based on theoretical predictions. Testing to validate these decisions is ongoing. This report outlines characterization work and testing done to date. The development of laminate configurations is discussed, and physical test data are presented.

BACKGROUND RESEARCH RESIN SELECTION While the reinforcement fiber is largely responsible for determining key structural properties, such as tensile strength and stiffness in the fiber direction, the successful performance of a composite relies greatly on both constituent phases. High-level composite performance can be achieved only through correct selection of both the fiber reinforcements and the polymer matrix (resin) that binds them into a cohesive structural unit. The primary purpose of the reinforcement in a polymer composite system is to improve the strength and stiffness of the system. Fiber reinforcements possess strength and stiffness properties two or three orders of magnitude above that of the neat polymer resin. However, a fiber reinforcement is essentially a cable-type element, in that it possesses excellent structural characteristics under tensile loading but little or no compressive or shear capacity when acting in isolation. Therefore, the purpose of the resin is to bind the reinforcement fibers into a single cohesive structural system. In doing so, the resin must hold the reinforcement in place and act as a path for load transfer between the fibers. Through a combination of adhesive and cohesive characteristics, the resin enables the development of a single material system. The new system provides not only tensile capacity but also compressive and shear capacity. The polymer matrix also serves to protect the reinforcement fiber from adverse environments. Selection of the appropriate matrix material for environmental durability is critical in ensuring the longer term viability of a composite system, particularly in harsh service environments such as off-shore and shoreline applications, chemical plants, and cold climates where products such as de-icing salts are used. The polymer matrix also provides all the inter-laminar shear strength of the composite, as well as resistance to crack propagation and damage. It can also be used to contribute properties such as ductility, toughness, or electrical insulation. The resin also affects the temperature performance of the material, typically determining properties such as the maximum service temperature. Polymers can be classified into two primary groups: thermoplastics and thermosets. In terms of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems for infrastructure applications, thermosetting polymers are by far the most common type utilized. Unlike thermoplastics, which need to be heated to relatively high temperatures, many of the thermosets used for composite matrices can be formulated for processing at ambient temperature. In addition, most thermosets can be processed without the use of high pressure, which simplifies production and opens the door to a wide range of fabrication techniques. The low-viscosity nature of the resins also provides significantly easier impregnation and wetout of fiber reinforcements. Impregnation can be undertaken prior to the curing reaction, and upon curing, the continuous thermoset network totally encompasses the fibers. The formation of cross-links in a thermoset network typically results in a stiffer and stronger matrix than that of a thermoplastic.

However, thermosets generally tend to have lower elongations and toughness thermoplastics. Thermosets also display good resistance to a wide array of chemical environments, including acids, bases, and solvents. Common examples of thermosetting polymer resins used for civil engineering applications include polyesters and vinylesters, epoxies, phenolics, and polyurethanes. The first three types are considered to be the materials of primary interest, in terms of their current viability for civil engineering structures. The other two represent a possible future option for civil engineering composites; however, current technology for these materials presents a number of difficulties that limit their viability at present. Epoxy Resin Epoxy resins are widely regarded as the high-performance family of composite resins and have grown to dominate aerospace composites and other high-performance application areas, such as motor racing and racing yachts. The higher performance of epoxy resins comes at an increased cost, but these materials are not limited to high-performance applications. A diverse array of epoxy systems is available in todays composite market, with performance ranging from highend 350 F curing aerospace systems to general-purpose ambient cure systems with properties similar to vinyl esters. The chemistry of epoxies provides a wide scope for alteration of processing parameters, with systems available for use with every major composite production method. Curing time and temperature, as well as parameters such as resin viscosity, can be varied through correct formulation of the resin system. While epoxies have not been widely used in FRP deck systems to date, they are of major interest in civil engineering applications, due primarily to their structural performance and durability. These material offer exceptional adhesion characteristics between matrix and fiber, and hence enable the generation of excellent structural properties in fiber-reinforced laminates. In terms of FRP infrastructure applications, epoxies have found their widest utilization in carbon fiber strengthening systems, where the additional cost of epoxy can be justified to make full use of the properties of the carbon. For this project, it was considered desirable to include at least one epoxy in evaluations due to their potential performance advantages. Due to the diverse array of epoxy resins and hardeners available and their wide range of end properties, it was decided that the best approach was to consult with an established epoxy resin producer and seek a recommendation for one or two specific epoxy products. As one of the largest epoxy producers, Huntsman Advanced Materials was approached regarding potentially suitable epoxy resins for the proposed bridge deck design. Huntsman identified a laminating epoxy system Araldite LY3505 / Aradur XB3403 as a viable system offering a good balance between cost and performance. The system can be laminated at ambient temperature, and good properties can be developed with a moderate temperature post-cure. The mix viscosity is low enough for easy hand lamination and potential vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) fabrication.

Vinyl Ester Resins Whereas epoxy resins typically are regarded as covering the high end of the polymer matrix performance spectrum and polyester as covering the lower end, vinyl ester resins very much hold the middle ground. Originally released into the market in the 1960s, these materials offer a number of the superior performance properties of epoxies in combination with the processing flexibility of polyesters. Vinyl ester resins have been found to offer exceptional chemical resistance characteristics and have been the matrix material of choice in harsh chemical environments for over 30 years. Many such applications are detailed in the literature. (See references 1 through 4.) Vinyl esters present several attractive characteristics from a civil engineering perspective, including a lower cost structure than epoxies. They also display several negative characteristics that must be understood and accommodated for successful use. Standard vinyl esters can be modified to provide improved performance in areas such as toughness and impact performance. Rubber toughening is a common technique used with vinyl esters. A range of toughened products are available in the marketplace, including Dows Derakane 8084, Interplastics CoRezyn VE8550, and Reichholds DION 9500. Derakane 8084 has been used in numerous infrastructure projects, including the current bridge deck design and the ice shield project undertaken by Bridge Composites prior to this current bridge project. Its improved toughness and impact resistance result in reduced matrix cracking, which may in turn enhance durability characteristics. Given the prior work with Derakane 8084 and the current deck design, this resin will be used extensively in testing for this current project. There also are several versions of vinyl ester with improved fire resistance (commonly achieved through the incorporation of halogen material such fluorine, chlorine, or bromine). Given continued concerns by asset owners regarding the fire characteristics of FRP structures, it would seem reasonable to investigate the inclusion of this type of resin in this projects evaluation program. The brominated vinyl ester resins Derakane 510C, CoRezyn VE8441, and DION FR9300 have been recommended by manufacturers associated with this project. All three will be included in testing work to varying extents. Polyester Resins Unsaturated polyesters are the workhorse resins of the composite industry and are consumed in larger volume than any other resin. Traditionally, use of these materials was restricted to generalpurpose applications without major structural demands. However, ongoing development over the past decade or so has seen an increasing usage of these materials in higher performance applications with significant structural loads. Offering a combination of low cost and sound structural performance, polyester resins are now widely utilized in almost all areas of composite application. One of the major concerns in respect to polyester resins in civil engineering is their ability to maintain performance with long-term exposure to a typical civil engineering service environment. Of particular concern is their response to moisture. There are a high number of ester linkages that occur along the polyester molecule, and these segments are susceptible to attack both from water and from a range of chemicals, particularly alkaline media.(5) Cross-link

density can significantly affect the susceptibility of the resin to attack. Heavily cross-linked systems form a tight three-dimensional network that physically resists penetration and attack.(6) However, this type of resistance generally comes at the sacrifice of resin flexibility and toughness. Most laminating grade polyesters display low strain-to-failure levels. While it is possible to formulate extremely flexible polyester resins, this normally is achieved with a significant sacrifice in stiffness and temperature performance. The low strain-to-failure levels of typical laminating polyesters have been found to cause microcracking and crazing of the resin prior to failure, which appears to reduce the ultimate capacity of the laminate. Premature cracking of the resin also creates major concerns over long-term performance of polyester laminates. It is thought that these crack will create a path for moisture migration to the resin/fiber interface and that this will result in a loss of structural capacity through breakdown of the resin/fiber bond over time.(7) Resistance to moisture attack is a significant concern with polyester resin systems in exterior civil engineering applications. Care must be taken to ensure that resin degradation from moisture attack does not reduce structural capacity to unsafe levels over time. While it is possible to formulate very high-performance polyester resins, these materials can cost as much as, or more than, competing vinyl ester systems. In such instances, it is thought that the overall performance characteristics of vinyl ester systems probably results in these materials being chosen over polyester. Polyester resins also have been found to exhibit high volumetric shrinkage during cure. This shrinkage is an intrinsic part of the cure reaction and cannot be fully eliminated. Shrinkage has been seen to result in part distortion and residual stressing of components if not properly accommodated. Overall, polyester systems cannot be discounted from use in civil engineering structures. Indeed, their low cost makes them a desirable option to many clients. However, their low toughness, low strain characteristics, and increased susceptibility to environmental attack may result in the preclusion of polyesters from primary structural applications such as the current bridge deck. However, in many secondary structural applications using glass reinforcements, they may represent an economical and competitive option. Polyester resin will not be included in testing for the current study.

REINFORCEMENT SELECTION The reinforcement fibers are the primary load-carrying component of the composite; thus, the selection of an appropriate type and form of reinforcement is critical in obtaining a material with the desired engineering properties. With the diverse array of reinforcement fibers and fabrics available today, and the current limited understanding of these materials within civil engineering circles, the selection of an optimal reinforcement is a challenging task. From a civil engineering perspective, reinforcements for composite laminates can be categorized into four basic groups: Glass fibers. Carbon fibers. Aramid fibers. Other fibers.

Other fibers include products such as high-density polyethylene, polybenzoxazole (PBO), boron, polyester, and nylon. While these materials are available commercially and may be suitable in a number of application fields, they are not regarded as viable options for civil engineering structures on the basis of either cost or performance. These types of materials will not be addressed further in this work. Glass, carbon, and aramid fibers are discussed in more detail in the following sections. Glass Fibers Glass fiber reinforcements are the most common synthetic reinforcing fiber available in todays composite industry. The development of high-quality glass fibers on a commercial scale in the early 1940s was one of the key enabling technologies in the current composites era. Since that time, glass fibers have been used in every segment of the composites industry. The success of glass fibers has been attributed to a number of factors, including cost, availability, handling and processing ability, useful properties and characteristics, and a history of past good experience in service.(8) Glass reinforcement costs less per pound than any other reinforcement type. Moreover, glass was the first type of reinforcement available. By the advent of carbon fibers on the market some 20 years later, glass fibers had already developed a successful history of application and processing. For comparison purposes, a reinforcement supplier contacted for this study provided the following costs for one yard of fabric of similar weights: carbon $40, aramid $44, and glass $10. It is a common perception that glass fiber in composite materials is a low-tech approach that is not appropriate for civil engineering structures. However, as noted above, there are a number of advantages to using glass reinforcements which make them worthy of consideration. One advantage with glass fibers is that the composition of the different fiber types is essentially standardized around the world. This means that a given type of glass fiber sourced from a particular country is basically the same as another originating from a different part of the world.

The most common fiber type is E-glass. Originally developed for electrical applications due to its high electrical resistance, E-glass fiber is now the workhorse fiber of the composites industry. E-glass fiber provides high tensile strength, good heat resistance, thermal stability, chemical resistance, moisture resistance, and fire resistance. One key issue that has a major bearing on the structural properties of a fiber-reinforced laminate is the adhesion of the fiber and matrix. For a composite to perform, the material must function as a single cohesive unit rather than as individual constituents. It is therefore important to ensure a successful bond between fiber and matrix. Juska and Pucket noted a number of reports in the literature which indicate that compression strength, flexural strength, in-plane shear strength, transverse tensile strength, and mode I fracture toughness are all affected by the quality of the fiber matrix bond.(9) As an inorganic material, glass is essentially incompatible with organic resin matrix materials and thus does not form good bonds. To alleviate this problem, a chemical intermediary known as a coupling agent is applied to the glass to assist in bonding. All glass fiber designed for use as reinforcement is treated with a coupling agent. These coupling agents are specific to a certain resin chemistry. It is essential to ensure that the selected resin and glass reinforcement for a project are compatible. It is worth noting, too, that a number of manufacturers utilize a combination of coupling agents to create a reinforcement that is compatible with more than one resin, which provides manufacturing and cost benefits. The key issue, though, is still to identify the type of resin being used and to ensure its compatibility with the reinforcement. Carbon Fibers Carbon fibers offer an exceptional combination of high strength and stiffness, and low weight. Combined with indications of excellent long-term performance, these factors have made carbon fibers a material of significant interest in civil engineering applications. The performance of a carbon fiber is determined by the precursor fiber used to produce the carbon. The performance properties also depend on the process parameters used in the conversion of the fiber from precursor material to carbon. Unlike glass fibers, at this time there is no system of standardized composition across the carbon fiber industry, with individual companies each utilizing different precursor compositions and producing different carbon fiber reinforcements. The successful adhesion between a carbon fiber and the polymer matrix material is critical in obtaining high-performance laminates. However, in their as manufactured state, carbon fibers do not bond well to polymer resins.(10) A surface treatment is thus required to improve fiber/matrix adhesion. These surface treatments aim to boost surface reactivity and promote wetting of the fiber. Most carbon fibers sold as reinforcements are supplied with some type of surface treatment, with the most common type of process being a controlled oxidation. From a civil engineering perspective, the primary advantage of carbon fiber reinforcements is their stiffness characteristics. The modulus of elasticity of general-purpose, high-strength carbon fibers such as T300 and AS4C is around 33 MSI. In a typical hand-fabricated laminate with unidirectional fibers, this translates to an elastic modulus for the laminate of around 11 MSI.

While a laminate modulus of 11 MSI is still significantly lower than the modulus of steel, it is a major improvement over other reinforcement options. The stiffness of standard E-glass fibers is about 11 MSI. This is less than a third of the modulus of AS4C carbon and typically translates to a unidirectional laminate modulus of only around 3.6 MSI. Another advantage of carbon fibers is their low density, which enables the development of high strength and stiffness components at a fraction of the weight of conventional materials. Carbon fiber laminates possess some of the highest strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios of any material. In civil engineering structures, this weight advantage does not provide the significant benefit that it does in fields such as aerospace development. Given the current cost of the reinforcement, it is anticipated that these materials would represent only a very small portion of the overall structure volume; hence, their influence on the total structure weight would be minor, unless a structural panel were made predominately of carbon, which may be the case in some unique applications. Carbon fiber reinforcements are attractive for their performance under long-term static and cyclic loading. Carbon fiber laminates exhibit excellent creep performance for fiber dominated loading situations, and they are less susceptible to stress rupture, with little change in stress retention shown in testing over 1,000 hours.(11) Carbon fibers provide excellent fatigue performance. Peebles et al. noted that after 107 cycles, carbon/epoxy laminates retained 80 percent of durability, while glass fiber laminates retained only 30 percent and aluminum retained 55 percent.(12) The good long-term performance of carbon fiber composites provides some significant benefits in terms of initial design, with reduced safety factors used for these materials. In discussing material safety factors for LRFD methods, Karbhari and Seible suggested a longterm capacity reduction factor of 0.7 to 0.9 for carbon fiber laminates, compared with 0.3 to 0.5 for E-glass laminates.(13) This improved capacity factor can yield significant benefits for carbon fibers in design calculations and associated economics. The most significant drawback of carbon fiber is cost. Though the actual cost per pound varies according to the type of weave, fiber orientation, and other factors, as a general rule carbon costs four times as much as glass. For the current project, the cost of carbon fiber reinforcement is too high to allow for competitive design solutions. Carbon fibers therefore will not be included in testing for this project. Aramid Fibers Aramid fibers are a specialist fiber for impact type situations and are not as widely used as glass or carbon reinforcements. While the basic mechanical properties offered by aramid fibers are similar to those achieved by other reinforcement types, aramids have several unique characteristics, including toughness and impact performance, low flammability, and resistance to solvents and bases. In regular applications, aramids possess several drawbacks which limit their use. These include poor off-axis properties, susceptibility to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and excessive moisture absorption. Aramids will not be included in testing for this project.

CONCLUSION Based on the background research and prior experience of the research team, the following materials were selected for inclusion in the testing program for this project: Reinforcement: Resin: Epoxy (room temperature curing, laminating epoxy). Standard vinyl ester. Toughened vinyl ester. Fire resistant vinyl ester. Phenolic. Urethane hybrid. E-glass (continuous directional fiber fabrics and short random fiber mat).


TESTING PROCEDURE FOR LAMINATES To develop a broad-based specification for the bridge deck system, the researchers approached several commercial manufacturers about supplying sample panels using the identified materials. Additional panels were planned for laboratory fabrication to further knowledge on potentially suitable options and to develop a reasonable database of material data. Each company prepared a test panel with minimum dimensions of 48 inches by 36 inches with the nominal 0 degree direction being parallel to the 48-inch side. Cutting of the panels into two panels 24 inches by 36 inches was permitted to facilitate shipping. SPECIFIED TEST METHODS Table 1 outlines the standard test methods specified for laminate test panels in this project. The test program was developed to obtain mechanical properties required for design and analysis as well as base level properties for quality control testing during the subsequent manufacturing phase of the project. A test for degradation due to ultraviolet radiation is not included because all surfaces are to be protected in the proposed deck system. The top will have a polymer concrete wearing surface, and other exposed surfaces will be protected with paint. Table 1. ASTM standard tests specified for sample laminates.
ASTM Test No. D3039/ 3039M-08 Title Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composites Properties Obtained Ultimate tensile strength (0) Ultimate tensile strain (0) Modulus of elasticity (chord) (0) Ultimate tensile strength (90) Ultimate tensile strain (90) Modulus of elasticity (chord) (90) Ultimate compression strength (0) Ultimate compression strain (0) Modulus of elasticity (chord) (0) Ultimate compression strength (90) Ultimate compression strain (90) Modulus of elasticity (chord) (90) Symbol 11T 11T E11T 22T 22T E22T 11C 11C E11C 22C 22C E22C

D6641/ D6641M-09

Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Using a Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture


Table1. ASTM standard tests specified for sample laminates, continued.

D7078/ D7078M-05 Standard Test Method for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by VNotched Rail Shear Method Ultimate shear strength (0/90) Ultimate shear strain (0/90) Shear modulus (chord) (0/90) Ultimate shear strength (90/0) Ultimate shear strain (90/0) Shear modulus (chord) (90/0) Ultimate flexural strength (0) Ultimate flexural strain (0) Flexure Modulus (chord) (0) Ultimate flexural strength (90) Ultimate flexural strain (90) Flexure modulus (chord) (90) Fiber fraction - mass Fiber fraction - volume Short beam shear strength Rate of burning Extent of burning Barcol hardness Specific gravity SG 12 12 G12 21 21 G21 11F 11F E11F 22F 22F E22F mf vf

D7264/ D7264M-07

Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials


Standard Test Method for Constituent Content of Composite Materials Test Method I, Procedure G: Matrix Burnoff in a Muffle Furnace Standard Test Method for Short-Beam Shear Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol Impressor Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement

D2344/ D2344M-00 D635-03

D2583-07 D792-08


LAMINATE TESTING ICE SHIELD LAMINATE CONFIGURATION In July 2010, XC Associates fabricated a protective ice shield for a bridge in Erie County, NY, using the same FRP profile under consideration for this current project (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Photo. Ice shield constructed by XC Associates.

Figure 2. Diagram. Geometry of ice shield profile with single cavity (dimensions in inches). The trapezoidal shape was slightly different than that developed for the current project, in that it only allows for a single grout cavity (see Figure 2). The newly developed shape allows for a cavity at the top and bottom, but since only the wide void is to be filled with grout for the Allegany County proof-of-concept bridge being done as part of this project, the section shown here is very similar to the proposed section. The section shown here was not pultruded, however. The inner trapezoidal tube was made using a custom mold (Figure 3) to shape the outside dimensions, then a bag was inflated on the inside to obtain the correct wall thickness. Once the inner tube was made, the grout was placed on top and the outer tube was made with a vacuum process that employed the smaller tube as tooling.


Figure 3. Photo. Plastic mold used to form the inner tube of the ice shield. The structure was fabricated from two trapezoids each approximately 0.1 inches thick. The smaller trapezoid was designed to be adhesively bonded inside the larger trapezoid (see Figure 4). A series of these tubes would then be adhesively bonded together to form a deck unit. To ensure the structural integrity of the deck unit, the assembly would be completely wrapped by an outer laminate.

Figure 4. Diagram. Construction of deck profile from two trapezoidal tubes. The reinforcement construction of both of these trapezoids was identical and was specified as [E-QX2600 / E-LT5500 / E-QX2600]. E-QX2600 is a 25.18-oz/yd2 quadraxial E-glass fabric, and E-LT5500 is a 54.33-oz/yd2 biaxial E-glass fabric. Both fabrics are manufactured by Vectorply Corporation. The resin used was Derakane 8084. They were made using a VARTM process. A breakdown of the individual ply directions and weight in this laminate is as shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Ply sequence for ice shield laminates.

Individual Ply Direction 0 +45 90 -45 0 90 0 +45 90 -45 Weight (oz/yd2) 6.40 6.27 6.24 6.27 50.97 3.36 6.40 6.27 6.24 6.27

This laminate layup was developed in consultation with Vectorply, who provided a table of predicted properties for the layup. The predicted properties are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Predicted properties for ice shield trapezoid laminate.
Property Fiber Volume Fraction Elastic Modulus 0 Elastic Modulus 90 In-Plane Shear Modulus Ultimate Tensile Strength 0 Ultimate Tensile Strength 90 Ultimate Compression Strength 0 Ultimate Compression Strength 90 Ultimate Shear Strength In Plane Symbol vf E1 E2 G12 1T 2T 1C 2C 12 Predicted Value 52.84 4.84 2.77 0.71 88.6 52.5 60.0 35.8 13.5 % MSI MSI MSI KSI KSI KSI KSI KSI

In developing laminate concepts for the current moveable bridge project, the ice shield laminate provided a natural starting point. Preliminary finite element analysis of the deck design indicated that if obtained properties were in line with the predictions in Table 3, then a satisfactory outcome could be achieved for the moveable bridge deck. To assess whether the predicted properties were achievable in practice, XC Associates was contracted to produce a representative laminate panel that could be mechanically tested and compared to the predicted properties. RESULTS OF TESTING FOR ICE SHIELD LAMINATE Table 4 shows a comparison of the predicted property values and the actual values obtained from testing of the XC Associates sample panel. The 0 properties in tension are relatively consistent with predicted values; however, there are some variations in the corresponding compression 15

values. For the 90 properties, there are significant differences between predicted and tested values. The reason for the differences between predicted and measured properties is not clear. To attempt to reconcile the two data sets, the test data were reexamined to assess whether there were any obvious issues that could explain the discrepancies. No obvious problems could be seen with the data. Statistical screening using a maximum normed residual (MNR) method was performed to identify outlier specimens in each data set. Again, no outliers were identified in the data. There is a slight variation of about 5 percent in the thickness of the test panel versus the predicted thickness. This difference does not explain the other property variations. Table 4. Comparison of predicted values versus test values for ice shield sample laminate.
Property Fiber Fraction Elastic Modulus 0 Elastic Modulus 90 Ultimate Tensile Strength 0 Ultimate Tensile Strength 90 Ultimate Compression Strength 0 Ultimate Compression Strength 90 Laminate Thickness Symbol mf vf E1 E2 1T 2T 1C 2C Predicted Value 52.84 4.84 2.77 88.6 52.5 60.0 35.8 0.106 % MSI MSI KSI KSI KSI KSI in Tested Value 69.82 48.1 (T) 4.37 (C) 2.89 (T) 1.99 (C) 2.18 84.53 29.09 60.09 30.09 0.112 % % MSI MSI MSI MSI KSI KSI KSI KSI in

Data on the behavior of a unidirectional E-glass/Derakane 8084 lamina under tension were available from a previous project. Using these data to estimate the behavior of the current ice shield laminate configuration, it was found that the predicted tensile modulus values were consistent with the actual data. The reason for the significantly lower E2 value found in testing is not readily apparent. The strength values at 0 are in reasonable agreement, but at 90 the estimated value from the lamina data indicated a value for 2T of around 30 to 33 KSI. This is consistent with the tested value of 29.1 KSI and would suggest that the predicted value of 52.5 KSI was a significant overestimation. Corresponding lamina data in compression are not available at this time but will be obtained in future testing. There are no apparent issues with the accuracy of the measured data, and as this represents the measured behavior of an actual panel, it should be taken as representative behavior.


ALTERNATIVE LAMINATE LAYUP PROPOSAL In addition to XC Associates, this project proposed to evaluate alternative manufacturers for the trapezoidal tubes used in the deck. The research team approached Compmillenia, which expressed an interest in producing sample products; however, they did not carry the ice shield reinforcement products in stock and requested that alternative layups be investigated using products they had on hand. The aim in proposing an alternative laminate ply sequence was to produce a laminate with a stiffness and load carrying capacity at least as great at the original ice shield laminate. An attempt was made to optimize the fiber architecture to help it perform better in the transverse direction so that the top of the tubes contributed to the flexural strength of the grout section. Given that the particular fabric used and the manufacturing processes significantly influence stress-based laminate properties, the approach taken in developing the new laminate configuration focused on achieving adequate reinforcement in principal directions. Two basic assumptions were made in establishing an alternative laminate: 1. The resistance of the laminate to load is primarily a function of the amount of reinforcement aligned in the direction of load application. 2. The strength and stiffness of a unidirectional lamina in a given load direction decrease rapidly as the load line moves off the primary fiber axis of the lamina; thus, off-axis layers in a multilayer laminate make a minimal contribution to the overall load carrying capacity or elongation resistance of that laminate. The design of an alternative laminate stacking sequence for Compmillenia was based on providing an adequate amount of reinforcement in several key directions, namely: The longitudinal axis of the tube 0. Normal to the longitudinal axis of the tube 90. +/-45 to the longitudinal axis in the plane of each face of the trapezoid +/-45.

The fibers in the longitudinal axis are responsible for carrying axial tension and compression loads as the tubes span between the stringer beams. The 90 fibers are largely responsible for transferring local wheel loadings into the side walls of the trapezoids. It is assumed that these laminates work in conjunction with the grout as a sandwich panel under bending, spanning between the tube side walls. This results in in-plane tension and compression forces in the 90 direction (see Figure 5).


Nominal 90o Direction Of Tube Local Wheel Load Top laminate of the outer tube Grout Top laminate of the inner tube Direction of Bending

Supporting Side Wall

Supporting Side Wall

Figure 5. Diagram. Action of upper trapezoid surface under local wheel loading. The +/-45 fibers are present primarily to transfer shear loads in the side walls of the tube. The shear loading results in tensile and compressive loads at 45 to the longitudinal tube axis in the plane of the side wall. Provision of sufficient fiber along the +/-45 direction is thus the primary consideration for the side walls. Based on these principles, the new laminate configuration was designed to provide equal or greater fiber in each of the principal directions compared to the ice shield laminate. The total reinforcement in each primary direction of the ice shield laminate is shown in Table 5. Table 5. Total areal weight in each primary direction ice shield laminate.
Direction 0 90 +/-45 Areal Weight (oz/yd2) 63.8 15.8 25.1 Areal Weight (g/m2) 2162 538 852

Compmillenia nominated the Vectorply E-glass fabrics listed in Table 6 as being available from their regularly held stock.


Table 6. Vectorply E-glass fabrics stocked by Compmillenia.

Ply Details Fabric ID E-LM1810 E-LT3200 E-BX2400 Description 0 warp unidirectional with mat - 27.06 oz/yd2 0/90 biaxial 31.36 oz/yd2 +45/-45 double bias 23.90 oz/yd2 Dir. 0 90 CSM 0 90 +45 -45 Weight (oz/yd2) 17.92 0.14 9.00 17.92 13.44 11.95 11.95

Using these fabrics, the laminate proposed was [E-LT3200 / E-LM1810 / E-BX2400 / ELM1810 / E-LT3200]. The top and bottom layers of E-LT3200 are placed such that on the bottom surface the 90 layer is on the outer surface of the laminate and on the top the fabric is flipped such that the 90 layer is on the outer surface again. The laminate yields the ply configuration shown in Table 7. Table 7. Ply stacking sequence Compmillenia laminate.
Individual Ply Direction 90 0 0 CSM +45 -45 0 CSM 0 90 Weight (oz/yd2) 13.44 17.92 17.92 9.00 11.95 11.95 17.92 9.00 17.92 13.44


Table 8 shows a comparison of Compmillenia layup versus the original ice shield layup. Table 8. Comparison of ice shield and Compmillenia layups.
Direction 0 90 +/-45 CSM Ice Shield (oz/yd2) 63.8 15.8 25.1 0 Compmillenia (oz/yd2) 71.7 26.9 23.9 18.0

The resulting theoretical thickness of the ice shield layup is 0.106 inches, and the theoretical thickness of the Compmillenia layup is 0.15 inches.

The proposed Compmillenia panel provides an increase in both 0 and 90 reinforcements with a slight reduction in shear reinforcement. There is a 50 percent increase in laminate thickness; however, this was seen to be the most viable stacking sequence given the materials at hand. Compmillenia provided two sample laminates with the alternative layup. The panels were produced using hand layup without vacuum consolidation. One was produced using a standard vinylester (CoRezyn VE8121), and the other was produced with an alternative fire retardant vinylester resin (CoRezyn VE8441). Both resins were manufactured by Interplastic Corporation. COMPMILLENIA TEST PANEL RESULTS The results of testing on the test panels from Compmillenia are given in the appendix. A summary of data for the panel is presented in the Summary chapter. Table 9 shows a comparison of the test properties found with the Compmillenia test panels. When compared to the ice shield panel figures in Table 4, these figures appear low. However, it should be remembered that this laminate was not designed to be exactly the same as the ice shield laminate and that certain compromises were made to accommodate the materials available.


Table 9. Tested properties of Compmillenia laminates.

Property Fiber Fraction Elastic Modulus 0 Elastic Modulus 90 Ultimate Tensile Strength 0 Ultimate Tensile Strength 90 Ultimate Compression Strength 0 Ultimate Compression Strength 90 Laminate Thickness Symbol mf vf E1 E2 1T 2T 1C 2C CoRezyn 8121 Vinyl Ester 53.5 31.5 (T) 2.48 (C) 2.36 (T) 1.86 (C) 1.84 49.94 29.75 54.42 32.33 0.218 % % MSI MSI KSI KSI KSI KSI in CoRezyn 8441 Vinyl Ester (fireresistant) 52.2 % 33.4 % (T) 2.56 MSI (C) 2.37 MSI (T) 1.99 MSI (C) 1.93 MSI 47.33 KSI 28.41 KSI 45.59 KSI 27.23 KSI 0.229 in

The biggest contributor to the lower test properties is the low fiber fraction achieved in the test panel. The XC Associates ice shield panel had a fiber volume fraction of around 50 percent, while the Compmillenia panels only had fiber fractions of 31.5 percent and 33.4 percent, respectively. It is thought that a significant contributor to this low fiber fraction is the mat layer on the E-LM1810 fabric. It is difficult to obtain low fiber fractions with a mat material as the structure of the mat tends to hold itself open and thus holds more resin. Significantly better stress properties may be achieved if an alternative unidirectional fabric was used which did not utilize a mat layer. An increase in fiber fraction from 31 to 50 percent would result in a thickness decrease of around 62 percent and a corresponding stress-based property increase of around 160 percent. Considering the current tensile modulus values of E1 = 2.48MSI and E2 = 1.86MSI, the area decrease would result in new values of E1 = 4.00 MSI and E2 = 3.00 MSI. This is much more in line with the ice shield properties. However, even if the fiber fraction was increased to 50 percent, the resulting thickness of the laminate would still be around 0.15 inches. This is 50 percent greater than the original targeted laminate thickness of 0.1 inches. To achieve a 0.1-inch thickness it would be necessary to revise the laminate stacking sequence and reduce the amount of reinforcement present.



ADDITIONAL LAMINATE CHARACTERIZATION WORK CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS PULTRUDED PROFILE LAMINATE The research team is pursuing the production of a custom pultruded trapezoidal profile through Creative Pultrusions, Inc. The pultruded combination or combi tube will be a three-cavity trapezoid as shown in Figure 6. The current generation uses a fire-resistant vinyl ester resin (Derakane 510C from Ashland). The reinforcement is E-glass rovings, woven mat, and chapped strand mat from PPG and Owens-Corning.

Figure 6. Diagram. Pultruded combi tube. Due to production requirements of the pultrusion process, the laminate construction currently specified for the profile is significantly different from that of the original ice shield laminate used as the basis for design. Figure 7 shows the final laminate construction to be manufactured for the profile. The original concept involved a constant 0.2-inch wall in all areas; however, it did not appear that adequate properties could be obtained with this concept. The current concept calls for 0.2-inch horizontal walls with 0.24-inch walls for the inclined sides.


Figure 7. Diagram. Laminate construction for pultruded combi tube. Predicted properties for this profile construction, provided by Creative Pultrusions, are given in Table 10. Table 10. Predicted properties of pultruded tube versus tested ice shield laminate.
Property Unit Horizontal Walls 0.2 n/a 3.39 2.33 0.74 63.6 20.6 54.8 22.3 8 Vertical Walls 0.24 n/a 3.18 2.39 0.75 55.6 22.3 52.6 23.6 8.6 Ice Shield Laminate (tested) 0.2 48.1 4.37 1.99 n/a 84.5 29.1 60.1 30.1 n/a

Thickness Fiber Volume Fraction Elastic Modulus 0 (tension) Elastic Modulus 90 (tension) In-Plane Shear Modulus Ultimate Tensile Strength 0 Ultimate Tensile Strength 90 Ultimate Compression Strength 0 Ultimate Compression Strength 90 Ultimate Shear Strength In Plane



The individual ply details of the laminate constructions for the horizontal and vertical walls are given in Table 11 and Table 12. Table 11. Ply details for horizontal walls of pultruded tube.
Material 1 oz CSM E-TTXM 2308 Angle () n/a 45 90 -45 CSM 0 45 90 -45 CSM 0 45 90 -45 CSM n/a 0 90 +45/-45 CSM Areal Weight (oz / yd2) 1.5 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 38.3 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 38.3 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 1.5 76.6 34.6 37.6 27.3 Thickness (in) 0.016 0.032

Roving - 3.7 ends/in E-TTXM 2308

0.038 0.032

Roving - 3.7 ends/in E-TTXM 2308

0.038 0.032


0.016 0.204

Note: CSM = chopped strand mat (short random fiber mat reinforcement)


Table 12. Ply details for vertical walls of pultruded tube.

Material 1 oz CSM E-TTXM 2308 Angle () n/a 45 90 -45 CSM 45 90 -45 CSM 0 45 90 -45 CSM 45 90 -45 CSM n/a 0 90 +45/-45 CSM Areal Weight (oz / yd2) 1.5 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 78.6 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 6.27 11.52 6.27 8.10 1.5 78.6 46.1 50.2 27.3 Thickness (in) 0.017 0.032

E-TTXM 2308


Roving 7.6 ends/in E-TTXM 2308

0.078 0.032

E-TTXM 2308



0.017 0.240

Table 13 shows a comparison of the total weights of the Creative Pultrusions laminate construction versus the XC Associates ice shield panel and the Compmillenia panels. The Creative Pultrusions laminate has significantly more shopped strand mat (CSM) material than either of the previous laminates, which will likely result in a lower fiber volume fraction. For the thickness, the proposed laminates also contain significantly less unidirectional reinforcement, which may reduce the effective longitudinal strength of the tube further. Table 13. Areal reinforcement weights (oz/yd2) of potential tube laminates.
XC Associates Compmillenia Creative Ice Shield Laminate Pultrusions Laminate* Horizontal Wall 0 127.6 71.7 76.6 90 31.6 26.9 34.6 +45/-45 50.2 23.9 37.6 CSM 0 18.0 27.3 Thickness 0.212 in 0.15 in 0.204 in *Two layers of original ice shield laminate to create ~0.2-inch thickness Fiber Direction Creative Pultrusions Vertical Wall 78.6 46.1 50.2 27.3 0.240 in


To examine the behavior of this construction and to assess production options with different resins and processes, series of test panels will be fabricated using the materials listed in Table 14. Test laminates will utilize a layup sequence of: [E-BX1200/E-M0010/E-LT1800/E-LA1312/E-LT1800/E-BX1200/E-M0010/E-LA1312/ELT1800/E-LA1312/E-LT1800/E-M0010/E-BX1200] Table 14. E-glass reinforcements for test laminates fabricated at LeTourneau University.
Ply Details Fabric ID E-LA1312 E-LT1800 E-BX1200 E-M0010 Description 0 warp unidirectional with A-glass veil 13.42 oz/yd2 0/90 biaxial 17.92 oz/yd2 +45/-45 double bias 12.54 oz/yd2 Random strand mat 9.00 oz/yd2 Dir. 0 Veil 0 90 +45 -45 CSM Weight (oz/yd2) 12.22 1.20 8.96 8.96 6.27 6.27 9.00 Nominal Thickness (in) 0.014 0.021 0.018 0.026 0.013 0.018 0.010 0.024

This configuration will provide directional reinforcement weights of: 0 72.50 oz/yd2 90 35.84 oz/yd2 +/-45 37.62 oz/yd2 CSM 30.60 oz/yd2

These reinforcement weights are relatively consistent with the horizontal wall reinforcements proposed by Creative Pultrusion. Some differences do exist, but the proposed test layup is as close as can be achieved with readily available materials. Due to the use of lighter weight fabrics, the laminates will have a larger number of layers, but this allows closer approximation of the pultrusion laminate in terms of both reinforcement weight and ply position. Test laminates will be produced using five different resins, as listed in Table 15. Table 15. Resins for laminate testing and evaluation.
Product Name Manufacturer Derakane 8084 Ashland Derakane 510C Ashland DION FR9300 Reichhold Cellobond FRP J2027L Momentive Dion 9800 Reichhold TBD* Huntsman *currently under assessment by Huntsman Type Elastomer modified vinyl ester Fire resistant vinyl ester Fire resistant vinyl ester Laminating phenolic Hybrid urethane Laminating epoxy


ADDITIONAL TEST LAMINATES Four additional unidirectional laminates will be fabricated; one with each of the fabrics listed in Table 14. These will provide base-level lamina design information for assessing alternative tube layups. These four laminates will be fabricated with Derakane 8084 vinyl ester resin.


SUMMARY Table 16 provides a summary of test data obtained in this project to November 1, 2011. Additional detail is provided in the appendix. Testing on the other laminates outlined in previous section is ongoing, and data will be provided upon completion.


Table 16. Summary of test data as of November 1, 2011.


Creative Pultrusions Compmillenia

Interplastic VE8441 Predicted Com bi Tube (0.20" Wall) Predicted Com bi Tube (0.24" Wall) Interplastic VE8121

Creative Pultrusions Value Units Value Units 17665 M Pa 13706 M Pa 16311 M Pa 13338 M Pa 13160 M Pa 17294 M Pa 326.30 M Pa 195.89 M Pa 54.42 KSI 32.33 KSI 66.10 KSI 64.58 KSI 2.43 % 2.13 % 2.43 % 2.07 % 4.23 % 3.06 % 53.5 % 31.6 % 54.86 4.98 ksi 34.37 M Pa 2.11 mm/min 0.0069 fpm 314.34 M Pa 187.73 M Pa 390.57 M Pa 424.43 M Pa 2.37 % 2.23 % 2.14 % 1.44 % 3.84 % 2.77 % 52.2 % 33.0 % 50.31 35.58 M Pa <25 m m 50.31 5.16 ksi <1 in Value 17081 M Pa 12833 M Pa 16271 M Pa 12709 M Pa 14168 M Pa 16446 M Pa 2.39 M SI 49.94 KSI 29.75 KSI 2.05 M SI 1.84 M SI 2.36 M SI 1.86 M SI 2.48 M SI 3.18 M SI 2.39 M SI Value Units Value Units Value 21925 M Pa 16478 M Pa Units Units


Property M odulus Sym bol ET0 ET9 0 EC9 0 EF0 EF9 0 T0 T9 0 377.83 M Pa 375.24 M Pa 222.92 M Pa 455.72 M Pa 445.24 M Pa 153.75 M Pa 22.30 KSI 162.72 M Pa 23.60 KSI 54.80 KSI 355.77 M Pa 51.60 KSI C9 0 F0 F9 0 T0 T9 0 C9 0 F0 F9 0 mf vf 142.03 M Pa 205.14 M Pa 20.60 KSI 153.75 M Pa 22.30 KSI 438.51 M Pa 344.35 M Pa 63.60 KSI 383.35 M Pa 55.60 KSI 16065 M Pa 2.33 M SI 23373 M Pa 3.39 M SI Value Units Value Units

T ension

2.56 M SI 1.99 M SI 2.37 M SI 1.93 M SI 1.91 M SI 2.51 M SI 47.33 KSI 28.41 KSI 45.59 KSI 27.23 KSI 56.65 KSI 61.56 KSI

Com pression EC0

F lexure

Ultim ate Strength

T ension

Com pression C0

F lexure


Strain at M ax. Stress

T ension

Com pression C0

F lexure

F iber Content (%)

m ass

volum e

Hardness Short Beam Strength Burn Rate


REFERENCES 1. Boon, A., and A. Palfreyman, Derakane Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resins - High Performance Resins for Challenging Structural Applications, Midland, Michigan, The Dow Chemical Company, 1998. 2. McConnell, V.P., Vinyl Esters Get Radical in Composite Markets, Reinforced Plastics, pp. 34-38, Nov/Dec 2010. 3. Composite Stacks Reduce Maintenance, Reinforced Plastics, p. 9, Jan/Feb 2011.

4. McConnell, V.P., Getting Ducts in a Row with Corrosion-Resistant FRP, Reinforced Plastics, pp. 20-26, July/Aug 2011. 5. Zaske, O.C., and S.H. Goodman, Unsaturated Polyester and Vinyl Ester Resins, in Handbook of Thermoset Plastics, S.H. Goodman, ed., New Jersey, Noyes Publications, 1998. 6. Kirk-Othmer, Polyesters, Unsaturated, in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology, 4th ed., New York, Wiley & Sons, 1996. 7. Ayers, S.R., Material Foundations for the Application of Fibre Composite Materials in Civil and Structural Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, Toowoomba, University of Southern Queensland, 2001. 8. Reinhart, T.J., Overview of Composite Materials, in Handbook of Composites, S.T. Peters, ed., London, Chapman and Hall, 1998. 9. Juska, T.D., and P.M. Puckett, Matrix Resins and Fiber/Matrix Adhesion, in Composites Engineering Handbook, P.K. Mallick, ed., New York, Marcel Dekker, 1997. 10. Lafdi, K., and M.A. Wright, Carbon Fibres, in Handbook of Composites, S.T. Peters, ed., London, Chapman and Hall, 1998. 11. Mall, S., Laminated Polymer Composites, in Composites Engineering Handbook, P.K. Mallick, ed., New York, Marcel Dekker, 1997. 12. Peebles, L.H., Y.G. Yanovsky, A.G. Sirota, V.V. Bogdanov, and P.M. Levit, Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibers, in Carbon Fibers, 3rd ed., J.-B. Donnet, ed., New York, Marcel Dekker, 1998. 13. Karbhari, V.M., and F. Seible, Design Considerations for the Use of Fibre Reinforced Polymeric Composites in the Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, in Proceedings of ACCSE 1, Brisbane, 1999.












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