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Circle The Best Answer: Beginners TEST Level One

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a) live 18)

b) living c) lives

d) lived

Beginners TEST Level one Circle the best answer

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
jameel and Adel's office in Blida. a) am a) are a) have a) arent a) lives children. a) those b) that b) I c) these d) this b) is b) is b) am b) called b) does lives c) are c) be c) has d) do. d) am

He doesn't li'e cola. so he .. drin's cola% a) al*a"s b) $s$all" c) never d) ever"da"


The (ilot is married. .........*ife is a hostess. a) Her b) Their c) 0$r d) His

He .... a teacher. I ... ! "ears old. d) is d) says d) live #" name ..... "o$nes% I&m Lo$nes . c) isnt c) living


Bill and 1ane are driving their .. car toda". a) (arents b) (arents' c) of (arent d) (arent

21) 22)

The" ... li'e golf. a) don't b) not c) no d) doesn't I am s$re this is the officer's des'. beca$se boo's are on the des'. a) his b) their c) "o$r d) her

She .. in Bechar. Loo' at .. (hotos here% The" are m"

23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29)

2on't ...... me% I'm not coming. a) *ait b) *ait for c) *ait on d) *aiting for ................... (hone is this) a) 3ho's a) have b) 3hat b) are c) 3hose d) 3ho c) *ill d) is 3hat ... she reading) #" $ncle is a4n) ....... . He b$ilds ho$ses. a) doctor b) engineer c) la*"er d) teacher The librar" is. the s(orts centre. a) on a) those b) of c) ne5t to b) these d) bet*een c) that d) this Loo' at . big clo$d. It's going to rain. The" are st$d"ing English. beca$se the" are going to to England. a) travel b) s*im b) are c) (la" c) is d) see d) has

7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

#" name is Sebbahi . .. am English. a) We a) Has a) from a) an a) trains a) Are c) She d) They c) Is c) on c) the d) Do d) at d) d) lions .. she got a flat in Bejaia) b) Does b) in b) a b) trees b) Is I start *or' nine o'cloc'. There's ......... orange on the table. There are ten o$r garden. c) pools "o$ *or' at a hos(ital) c) Does d) Do A+ Are "o$ ,ree') B+ -o. a) you aren t c) I m not b) you are d) I am

30) 31) 32)

3hat ........ "o$ eating) a) have I'm ..... ver" hard. a) *or'ing b) *or' c) *or's d) *or'er I li'e to sit ... ......the beach on m" holida"s. a) ne5t to b) $nder c) on d) bet*een

14) 15) 16) 17)

A ........... li'es carrots ver" m$ch. a) rabbit b) lion c) horse d) butterfly . "o$r brother got a car) a) Is a) an b) Have c) Has b) c) the d) Does d) a . /aris is a bea$tif$l cit". I don&t live in Algiers. I .. in Annaba.


#om. dad% is 6arim . m" friend.

a) Those b) These c) That d) This 34) The ho$se is ver" .. . It has five
bedrooms. a) earl" b) large b) li'es b) not c) fast c) li'ing c) no d) fat d) not li'e d) doesn't

never late. a) 3e 51) b) I c) She d) The" Loo' at the sign% a) /ar'ing b) -o (ar'ing c) 2on't (ar' d) /ar's 52) Is she going to *ear that . at the (art") a) soc's 53) st$d"ing. a) is 54) b) arent c) isnt d) am not #" to*n is not far from the ca(ital . .. is a small to*n. a) It 55) 56) 57) 58) b) He c) She d) I It is 7 o&cloc' in the morning. It is ver" .. a) e!pensive b) early c) angry d) dirty Are .... "o$r boo's over there) a) those b) these c) that d) this Loo' at those ..% It is going to rain. a) people b) flo"ers c) clouds d) girls A+ Ho* are "o$) B........................ a) #oodbye b) All right c) See you d) $ine% than& you 59) 60) #" *ife and I doctors. a) am b) are c) is d) has
A+ 3hat are "o$ doing) B+ I'm (la"ing the .. . a) (iano b) *indo* c) lesson d) bed

35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40)

I .. golf. a) li'e a) don't He ... li'e golf. The (hone is............. a) r$nning b) slee(ing c) singing d) ringing she often travel aro$nd the *orld) a) Has b) 2o c) 2oes d) Is ............... a train to London this evening) a) There is b) Is there c) There d) Is b) (aints d) is (ainting c) the b) coat d) d) car 3e . the bedroom tomorro*. a) are (ainting c) (ainting

b) shoes c) tro$sers

d) s'irt

She .. (la"ing the (iano. She is

41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47)

2ad% There is a man at . door. a) an b) a 1ane drives her . on *ee'ends. a) $mbrella c) garden 2on't to$ch that dog% It . bite "o$.

a) is

b) is going to

c) has

d) are

I.............. a glass of mil' ever" da". 2o "o$ *or' . #onda"s) a) in a) does b) at c) on d) of c) is d) has got She . three sisters. b) have 3e are not going to b$" a car. 3e .. got an" mone". a) haven&t b) hasn&t c) isn&t d) aren&t

a) drin' b) is drin'ing c) drin's d)dr$n'

78 9 3hat *o$ld "o$ li'e for the main co$rse) a) I like fish. c) I have fish. b) Can I have fish, please. d) Yes fish 7 )9 . .............. does the train leave) It leaves ever" T$esda" a) 3hen b) *hat time c) ho* often d) Ho* long 7:)- 3hat time is it) ;+!! . It&s........... a) nine to five c) five to nine b) ten (ast five d) five to ten 7<. He .................. school b" b$s a) never goes b) goes never c) never go d) doesn't go


A+ 3hat have "o$ got in "o$r (oc'et) B+ A . . a) c$(board b) 'nife c) bic"cle d) door

49) 50)

I am a n$rse. I *or' in a .. . a) hos(ital b) ban' c) hotel d) resta$rant Ted and his sister are here. are

7!. 3hat time the morning) At =+:> a) have "o$ got brea'fast b) do "o$ brea'fast c) 2o "o$ have brea'fast d)2id "o$ have brea'fast 77. #ar"&s sister ............... b$s" at *or'. a) al*a"s is b) is al*a"s c) does al*a"s d) not b$s" 7=. Loo' at that car. ............... car% a) Ho* bea$tif$l c) Ho* a bea$tif$l b) 3hat bea$tif$l d) 3hat a bea$tif$l 7?. a)The father of Tom has got a nice ho$se b) @ather&s Tom has got a nice ho$se. c) Tom&s father has got a nice ho$se. 7;. ........ the children........... earl" in the morning) a) are9get $( b) do9gets $( c) does9get $( d) do9get $( =>. The" (la" football..................... a) ever" *ee'end b) ever" *ee'ends c)ever"*ee'ends d) ever"*ee'end =8. a) #" h$sband $s$all" get $( at <+>>. b) #" h$sband gets $( $s$all" at <+>>. c) #" h$sband $s$all" gets $( at <+>>. = . a) 3hat a big ho$se% b) Ho* big ho$se% c) Ho* big% =:. Ao$&ve got an e5am tomorro*. Ao$......... st$d" toda" a) can b) m$st c) m$stn&t d) can&t =<. ............ I invite a friend to have dinner tonight) a) #$st b) 2o c) Ban d) *ill =!. #" da$ghter st$dies after dinner ever"da" b$t toda" she ............ tennis *ith her friend. a) is (la"ing b)(la"s c) are (la"ing d) (la"$dents are there in the class) a) Ho* long b) Ho* man" c) Ho* m$ch d) Ho* often ==.This ho$se is................than that ho$se. a) more older b)oldest c)the oldest d) older =?. Ao$r father *or's there. .............. a) do he) b) isn&t he) c) don&t he) d) doesn&t he =;.The bl$e s$it is chea(er......... the red one. a) That b) 3hat c) Than ?>. -e5t "ear I................. *ith m" father. a) am *or'ing b) *or' c) am going to *or' ?8. ................. a coffee) Aes. (lease. a) 3o$ld "o$ li'e b) 2o "o$ li'e c) 3o$ld "o$ *ant ? . I am interested......... com($ter st$dies.

a) at b) on c) in ?:. a) She&s go to st$d" English in the CSA b) She&s st$dies English in the CSA c) She st$dies English In the C.S.A no*. d) She is going to st$d" English in the CSA ?<. The" often go to the cinema. ............... a) I am not b) I don&t c) I don&t go ?!. His father+............ to clean "o$r room . a) tr" b) tr"ing c) tr"ing d)tried ?7. /eter&s $ncle is ver" rich ........... a) isn&t he b) is he c) doesn&t he ?=. I enjo" s*imming ............. a) So am I b) So does I c) So do I ??. *e............... m" village tomorro* . a) is visiting b) are visiting c) can visit ?;. She is not going on holida" this "ear. ....................... a) I go b) So am I c) so I am ;>. 3e haven&t got ................. of mil'. a) Some bottles c) no bottles b) an" bottle d) an" bottles ;8. ................ an" cheese in the fridge) a) Are there b) is there ; . There is ........... tea in the c$(board. a) A b) an" c) some d) an ;:. 3e don&t need an".......... a) (otato b) (otatoes c) (otatos ;<. I li'e /eter9I li'e........ a) he b) him c) his d)them ;!. I don&t li'e .......... shirt. a) her b) she c)it d) them ;7. 1ohn *ants the boo'. It is for ...... a) his b) he c) him ;=. Ao$ need the radio. It&s for...... a) "o$ b) "o$r c) his d) them ;?. ......................) She is tall. (rett" and thin. a) 3hat is she) b) *hat does she loo' li'e) ;;. He................... bl$e jeans and a long blac' coat. a) has got b) is *earing c) *ears d) have 8>>. .............a (ost office in to$r to*n) a) Has b) Is it c) Is there d) there is .

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