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Solutions To Homework Questions 12: Chapt28, Problem-3

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Physics 112

Homework 12 (solutions)

(2004 Fall)

Solutions to Homework Questions 12

Chapt28, Problem-3:

The size of the atom in Rutherfords model is about 1.0x10 1 0 m.

(a) Determine the attractive electrical force between an electron and a proton separated by this distance.
(b) Determine (in eV) the electrical potential energy of the atom.



From Coulombs law,


ke q1q2

( 8.99 ! 10

N " m 2 C2 1.60 ! 10#19 C


(1.0 ! 10


8.99 !10 N " m

k qq
V= e 1 2 =
1 eV
= !2 .3 " 10!18 J %
$ 1.60 "10 -19

The electrical potential energy

= 2 .3 ! 10 N

C2 #1.60 ! 10#19 C 1.60 ! 10#19 C




1.0 ! 10 m
( = !14 eV

Chapt28, Problem-6:

In a Rutherford scattering experiment, an !-particle (charge = +2e) heads

directly toward a gold nucleus (charge = +79e). The !-particle has a kinetic energy of 5.0 MeV when very far
(r " !) from the nucleus. Assuming the gold nucleus to be fixed in space, determine the distance of closest
(Hint: Use conservation of energy with PE =

k e q1 q 2

Assuming a head-on collision, the a-particle comes to rest momentarily at the point of closest approach. Let
this point be the final point. From conservation of energy,

KEf + PE f = KEi + PE i , or 0 +

ke ( 2 e )( 79e )

= KEi +

ke ( 2 e )( 79e )

With ri ! " , then the right-most term is zero, hence we can rearrange the resulting expression to gives the
distance of closest approach:
158 k e e 2 158 8.99 ! 10 N" m C 1.60 ! 10 C
rf =
5.0 MeV 1.60 ! 10-13 J MeV


= 4.5 ! 10"14 m = 45 fm

Physics 112

Homework 12 (solutions)

Chapt28, Problem-7:

(2004 Fall)

A hydrogen atom is in its first excited state (n = 2). Using the Bohr theory of
the atom, calculate (a) the radius of the orbit, (b) the linear momentum of the electron, (c) the angular
momentum of the electron, (d) the kinetic energy, (e) the potential energy, and (f) the total energy.
rn = n 2 a0 yields r2 = 4 ( 0.0529 nm ) = 0.212 nm

With the electrical force supplying the centripetal acceleration,

m ev 2n ke e2
ke e2
m ek ee 2
= 2 , giving vn =
and p n = m ev n =
m ern

me ke e2
p2 =

kg 8.99 ! 109 N # m 2 C2 1.6 !10 "19 C

(9.11! 10




0.212 !10 "9 m

kg # m s
= 9.95 ! 10


" h %
" 6.63 ) 10*34 J+ s %
Ln = n $
= 2 .11! 10 J # s
# 2! &


9.95 !10 "25 kg# m s

KE2 = m e v22 = 2 =
2 me
2 9.11 ! 10"31 kg


8.99 " 109 N # m 2 C2 1.60 " 10!19 C

ke ( !e ) e
PE2 =
0.212 "10 !9 m


E2 = KE2 + PE2 = 3.40 eV ! 6.80 eV = ! 3.40 eV

= 5.43 !10 "19 J = 3.40 eV


= !1.09 " 10!18 J = ! 6.80 eV

Chapt28, Problem-12:

Four possible transitions for a hydrogen atom are listed below:

I. n i = 2; nf = 5
II. n i = 5; nf = 3
III. n i = 7; nf = 4
IV. ni = 4; nf = 7
(a) Which transition will emit the shortest-wavelength photon? (b) For which transition will the atom gain
the most energy? (c) For which transition(s) does the atom lose energy?

# 1
$ ni nf '

The change in the energy of the electron is !E = E f " Ei = 13.6 eV %

#1 1 &
!E = 13.6 eV % " ( = 2.86 eV (absorption)
$ 4 25 '
# 1 1&
Transition II: !E = 13.6 eV %
" ( = "0.967 eV (emission)
$ 25 9 '
# 1
Transition III: !E = 13.6 eV %
" ( = "0.572 eV (emission)
$ 49 16 '
# 1 1 &
Transition IV: !E = 13.6 eV % "
( = 0.572 eV (absorption)
$ 16 49 '
Since ! =
, transition II emits the shortest wavelength photon.
E" # $E
Transition I:


The atom gains the most energy in transition I .


The atom loses energy in transitions II and III .


Physics 112

Homework 12 (solutions)

Chapt28, Problem-23:

(2004 Fall)

Consider a hydrogen atom. (a) Calculate the frequency f of the n = 2 to

n = 1 transition and compare with the frequency forb of the electron orbital motion in the n = 2 state. (b)
Make the same calculation for the n = 10 000 to n = 9 999 transition. Comment on the results.
(a) The wavelength emitted in the n i = 2 ! n f = 1 transition is


2 2
1 # ni n f &
# ( 4) (1 ) &
( = 1.22 ) 10 m
% 2
2( =
-1 %
RH $ n i " n f '
1.09737 )10 m

c 3.00 "10 m s
= 2 .47 ! 10 Hz
1.22 " 10#7 m
From L n = m ev nrn = nh , the speed of the electron is vn = nh mern

and the frequency is f =

Hence, with rn = n 2 a0 , the orbital frequency is forb =

For the n = 2 orbit, forb =

6.59 !1015 Hz

(2 )

% 1 6.59 ( 1015 Hz
1 vn
T rn 2 ! m e rn2 # 4! 2 m e a20 & n 3

= 8.23 ! 10 Hz

(b) For the n i = 10 000 ! n f = 9 999 transition,


(1.09737 "10

m -1

$ ( 10 000) 2 ( 9 999 )2 '

) = 4.56 " 104 m
& ( 10 000 )2 # ( 9 999 ) 2 )

c 3.00 "108 m s
= 6.59 !103 Hz
4.56 " 104 m
6.59 !1015 Hz
For the n = 10 000 orbit, forb =
= 6.59 !10 Hz
(10 000)



For small n, significant differences between classical and quantum results appear. However, as n becomes
large, classical theory and quantum theory approach one another in their results. (correspondence principle)

Chapt28, Problem-30:

Construct an energy level diagram like that in Figure 28.7 for doubly
ionized lithium (Li ), for which Z = 3

We use En =!

Z 2 (13.6 eV )
122 eV
with Z = 3 to give: En =!



4.90 eV
7.65 eV



13.6 eV



30.6 eV



122 eV

Physics 112

Chapt28, Problem-33:

Homework 12 (solutions)

(2004 Fall)

List the possible sets of quantum numbers for electrons in the 3p subshell.

In the 3p subshell, n = 3 and l = 1 . The 6 possible quantum states are


l =1
l =1
l =1

Chapt28, Problem-36:

m s = 12
m s = 12
m s = 12

m l = +1
ml = 0
m l = !1

(a) Write out the electronic configuration of the ground state for oxygen (Z

= 8). (b) Write out values for the set of quantum numbers n, , ml , and m s for each of the electrons in
(a) The electronic configuration for oxygen ( Z = 8 ) is 1s 2s 2p .

(b) The quantum numbers for the 8 electrons can be:

1s states

n =1

l =0

ml = 0

m s = 12

2s states

n =2

l =0

ml = 0

m s = 12

l =1

ml = 0
ml = 1

m s = 12
m s = 12

2p states

n =2

Chapt28, Problem-38:

How many different sets of quantum numbers are possible for an electron
for which (a) n = 1, (b) n = 2, (c) n = 3, (d) n = 4, and (e) n = 5? Check your results to show that they agree
with the general rule that the number of different sets of quantum numbers is equal to 2n2 .
For n = 1, l = 0 and there are 2 (2l +1) states = 2(1) = 2 sets of quantum numbers

For n = 2, l = 0 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(0 + 1) = 2 sets

and l = 1 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(2 + 1) = 6 sets


total number of sets = 8

For n = 3, l = 0 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(0 + 1) = 2 sets

and l = 1 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(2 + 1) = 6 sets
and l = 2 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(4 +1) = 10 sets total number of sets = 18


For n = 4, l = 0 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(0 + 1) = 2 sets

and l = 1 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(2 + 1) = 6 sets
and l = 2 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(4 +1) = 10 sets
and l = 3 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(6 + 1) = 14 sets total number of sets = 32


For n = 5, l = 0 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(0 + 1) = 2 sets

and l = 1 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(2 + 1) = 6 sets
and l = 2 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(4 +1) = 10 sets
and l = 3 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(6 + 1) = 14 sets
and l = 4 for 2 (2l +1) states = 2(8 + 1) = 18 sets total number of sets = 50

For n = 1: 2n 2 = 2 .

For n = 2 : 2n 2 = 8 .

For n = 3: 2n 2 = 18 .

For n = 4: 2n 2 = 32 .

For n = 5 : 2n 2 = 50 .

Thus, the number of sets of quantum states agrees with the 2n 2 rule.

Physics 112

Homework 12 (solutions)

(2004 Fall)

Chapt28, Conceptual-1: In the hydrogen atom, the quantum number n can increase without limit.
Because of this, does the frequency of possible spectral lines from hydrogen also increase without limit?

The energy of the atom is inversely proportional to n2. Thus, as n grows to infinity, the energy of
the atom approaches a value that is above the ground state by a finite amount, namely the ionization
energy 13.6eV. As the electron falls from one bound state to another, its enrgy loss is always less
than the ionization energy. The energy and frequency of the meitted photon are finite.

Chapt28, Conceptual-2: Does the light emitted by a neon sign constitute a continuous spectrum or
only a few colors? Defend your answer.

Neon signs do not emit a continuous spectrum. They emit many discrete wavelengths as could be
determined by observing the light from the sign through a spectrometer (in fact mysterium was
Neonn for some of you in Expt#8) However, they do not emit all wavelengths. The specific
wavelengths and intensities account for the color of the sign.

Chapt28, Conceptual-3: In an X-ray tube, if the energy with which the lectrons strike the metal
target is increased, the wavelength of the characteristic X-rays do not change. Why?

The characteristic X-rays originate from transitions within the atom of the target, such as an Lshell electron making a transition to a vacancy in the K-shell. This vacancy in the K-shell is caused
when an accelerated electron in the X-ray tube supplies energy the the K-shell electron to eject it
from the atom. If the energy of the bombarding electron were to be increased, the K-shell electron
would be ejected with more kinetic energy. But the energy difference between the K- and L-shells
has not changed, so the emitted X-ray has exactly the same wavelength.

Chapt28, Conceptual-8: If matter has a wave nature, why is this not observable in our daily

The de Broglie wavelength of macroscopic objects such as a baseball moving with a typical speed
such as 30 m/s is very small and impossible to measure. That is, ! = h mv , is a very small number for
macroscopic objects. We are not able to observe diffraction effects because the wavelength is
much smaller than any aperture through which the object could pass.

Physics 112

Homework 12 (solutions)

(2004 Fall)

Chapt28, Conceptual-14: The ionization energies for Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs are 5.390, 5.138,

4.339, 4,.176, and 3.893 eV respectively. Explain why this patter of decrease should be expected in terms of
the atomic structure.

Each of the given atoms has a single electron in an l = 0 (or s ) state outside a fully closed-shell core,
shielded from all but one unit of the nuclear charge. Since they reside in very similar environments,
one would expect these outer electrons to have nearly the same electrical potential energies and
hence nearly the same ionization energies. This is in agreement with the given data values. Also,
since the distance of the outer electron from the nuclear charge should tend to increase with Z (to
allow for greater numbers of electrons in the core), one would expect the ionization energy to
decrease somewhat as atomic number increases. This is also in agreement with the given data.

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