Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm
Operations Research
Paper 161-2012
The Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimizing Delivery Routes Using Genetic Algorithms
Sabah Sadiq, Chicago, IL, USA ABSTRACT
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the methodology of optimizing delivery route scheduling using genetic algorithms to solve the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem ( mTSP). The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a combinatorial optimization problem where a salesman must find the shortest route to n cities and return to a home base. While the TSP restricts itself to one salesman, the mTSP generalizes the problem to account for multiple salesmen. With robust clustering and genetic algorithm procedures, SAS provides an ideal environment to solve this type of problem. In order to utilize SAS to optimize the delivery routes, clustering will be used, via PROC FASTCLUS, to transform the mTSP problem into a set of traditional TSP problems. These single TSP problems will then be solved using genetic algorithms, via PROC GA, and visualized using PROC SGPLOT. Finally, the genetic algorithm solutions will be compared to the greedy algorithm solution in terms of optimal tour distances and processing speed.
A company must optimize their daily delivery route scheduling from a central warehouse. One hundred packages must be delivered and five trucks are available. The purpose is to assign each truck a set of packages and find the route that each truck should take to minimize distance. Additional costs such as traveling time and gas are implied in the distance traveled. Table 1 lists the addresses for the first five packages that must be delivered. Customer ID 1 2 3 4 5 Address Latitude 100 Renaissance Center, Detroit, MI 42.329921 22930 Woodward Avenue, Ferndale, MI 42.461841 42855 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfield Township, MI 42.602327 105 East 2nd Street, Rochester, MI 42.678235 1816 Maplelawn Dr., Troy, MI 42.551198 Table 1: Delivery Addresses Sample Data Longitude -83.040613 -83.13517 -83.263204 -83.133347 -83.175077
SAS provides the perfect platform to solve this problem using traditional TSP techniques such as genetic algorithms and the greedy algorithm. The data provided in this section was read into a SAS dataset that was used to cluster the packages together, solve the clusters using genetic algorithms, graph the solution, and compare the genetic algorithm solution to the greedy algorithm solution.
The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is categorized as being a combinatorial optimization problem. Combinatorial optimization problems are problems that attempt to find an optimal object from a finite set of objects. In this case, the goal is to find the optimal tour (path to visit cities) given all possible tours. In this sense, an optimal tour is one in which distance is minimized. Computationally, the TSP is difficult to solve for a large number of cities as the solving time increases exponentially for every increase in n. Thus, approximation and heuristic algorithms are often used to solve these problems. The delivery route scheduling problem is one representation of the TSP, where a city is a delivery address (i.e. package) and a salesman is a truck. Additional TSP applications include planning, logistics, microchip manufacturing, etc. In these examples, a city can represent customers, soldering points, DNA fragments, etc. Similarly, distance represents traveling time or cost.
Operations Research
departs from a single warehouse or depot. Additionally, every salesman must return to the starting city (i.e. GIS coordinate) and thus has a fixed destination. To date, no efficient algorithm exists for the solution of a large-scale mTSP. Traditionally, cities are clustered together and assigned to different salesman, thus converting the mTSP problem into multiple TSP problems.
One method used to solve this type of problem is genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are search heuristics that attempt to find an optimal solution based on a process of natural selection and evolution. The process involves generating random solutions and applying genetic operators in hopes that the solution will evolve to find the optimal solution. This process can be characterized by four stages:
Figure 1: Four Stages of Genetic Algorithms During initialization, a random set of solutions is generated to form an initial population. These random solutions are generated from the entire range of possible solutions (the search space). Once an initial population has been formed, the solutions are evaluated based on the fitness function (equivalent to an objective function). The best solutions are then selected to breed a new population. During the reproduction phase, genetic operators are applied to the solutions in order to breed new characteristics. The most commonly used operators are mutation and crossover: Crossover operations involve combining two solutions (parents) to produce more solutions (children). Genetic material from the previous generation is given to the subsequent generation maintaining fitness strength. Mutation operations involve randomly changing some characteristics of a solution. This introduces a certain amount of randomness into the search and prevents premature convergence to a sub-optimal solution. Once a new population has been bred, it is again evaluated for fit and the best solutions are selected to continue. This process repeats until a terminating condition has been reached. In this case, the terminating condition is a set number of iterations. Once terminated, the best solution in the current population is selected as being the optimal solution.
In order to solve the delivery route scheduling assignment, a three step approach was used. The SAS code used to generate this solution can be found in the references section.
Operations Research
/*Cluster Packages*/ Proc fastclus data=cords out=clust maxclusters=5; var latitude longitude; run;
Essentially, clustering the packages together breaks the large multiple traveling salesman problem into smaller single traveling salesman clusters. These TSP clusters can then be solved using traditional traveling salesman techniques. Table 2 lists the clusters that were developed using FASTCLUS and the number of packages assigned to each truck. Truck # Packages 1 50 2 1 3 16 4 31 5 2 Table 2: Cluster Assignment Table 2 indicates that there are two clusters which have a lower number of assignments (Trucks 2 and 5). In order to examine these clusters, the cluster assignments were graphed according to latitude and longitude. Figure 2 displays the visual representation of these clusters.
Figure 2: Cluster Assignment As seen in Figure 2, Clusters 2 and 5 were assigned to their own clusters due to the large distance between cluster centroids. After verifying that the clusters were logical in terms of their package assignments, the five TSP problems were solved using genetic algorithms.
Operations Research
Genetic algorithm function calls are then used to utilize the genetic algorithm solver to arrive at a solution. In the PROC GA call, the final solution (i.e. optimal tour) was outputted to a SAS dataset using the lastgen= option. This dataset was used to create a graphical representation of the optimal tour after solving the TSP problem.
/*Initialize Fitness Function*/ call SetEncoding(S51); array distances[51,51] / nosym; do i = 1 to 51; do j = 1 to i; distances[i,j] = sqrt((latitude[i] - latitude[j])**2 + (longitude[i]- longitude[j])**2); distances[j,i] = distances[i,j]; end; end;
The SetEncoding call is used to represent the solution type and size. Possible solution types include Real Numbers (R), Integers (I), Booleans (B), and Sequence (S). For Truck 1, the TSP solution consists of a sequence of 51 cities (the 50 cities clustered together using PROC FASTCLUS and the home city). Thus, the solution is encoded as S51. After specifying the solution type, the distance array is initialized using SAS DATA step programming. Additionally, the NOSYM operator is used to ensure that the array does not link to other variables for efficiency purposes. In addition to the fitness function, PROC GA function calls are used to configure the genetic algorithm search. Table 3 lists the PROC GA options used to solve the TSP problems. Genetic Algorithm Stage Initialization Selection Reproduction Termination Supporting PROC GA Call Initialize setSel Selected Options Initializes a population using the DEFAULT method. The tournament selection method was used to select the fittest solutions. SetCross The ORDER method was used for Cross-over and SetMut INVERT method was used for Mutation. ContinueFor Continues solution generation for a set number of iterations. This value was chosen based on trial-anderror. Table 3: PROC GA Function Call Options
Operations Research
After clustering the packages together, PROC GA was used to solve the five TSP problems. Table 4 displays the genetic algorithm results. Truck 1 2 3 4 5 Distance Traveled First 10 Customer Locations (by PROC GA ID)
1.653464087 22 31 15 34 40 44 19 20 45 41 7.8641307139 21 1.3607628695 5 6 7 13 16 17 9 14 1 10 1.5019987829 14 13 32 25 30 2 15 27 26 17 1.4334926297 213 Table 4: TSP Solutions Using Genetic Algorithm
The outputted datasets were then used to visualize the solution. Figure 3 displays the optimal path for Truck 1.
Figure 3: Truck 1 Optimal Path Figure 3 shows that the optimal path generated by the genetic algorithm seems to be logical. Meaning, no intersecting paths were generated from this solution. After verifying that the solution follows a reasonable path, the solutions were compared to the greedy algorithm to gauge processing speed. Table 4 displays the tour distances for both methods and the increase in processing time incurred through using the genetic algorithm. Truck Truck 1 Truck 2 Truck 3 Truck 4 Truck 5 Genetic Algorithm Solution (Euclidean Distance) 1.653464087 7.8641307139 1.3607628695 1.5019987829 1.4334926297 Greedy Algorithm Solution (Euclidean Distance) Genetic Algorithm Processing Time Increase (Seconds)
1.9434231 4.42 s 7.8641307139 -1.218 s 1.573486 3.313 s 1.770256 0.952 s 1.355027 5.246 s Table 4: TSP Optimal Path Heuristic Comparison
Operations Research
In comparing the two methods, the genetic algorithm often provided an optimized solution to the traveling salesman problem with shorter tour distances. However, processing time also increased with an average increase of 2.54 seconds. Although, the processing time may change depending on the complexity and size of the problem, the results seen in Table 4 display that genetic algorithms provide a competitive alternative to greedy algorithms in solving the traveling salesman problem. When using genetic algorithms to solve this type of problem, the following considerations should be made: 1) The selected genetic algorithm options (initial size of the population, rate of mutation and crossover, selection type, and termination criterion) may affect the ability to converge to an optimal solution. These values should be selected with care using a trial-and-error approach to ensure that the genetic algorithm does not converge to a sub-optimal solution. 2) Genetic algorithms are not guaranteed to find the global optimum. Various factors including the selected options and deceptive individual strength can cause premature convergence. If a certain individual emerges early in the search as being a strong competitor, it may bias the search to converge on a local optimum that represents the competitor rather than a global optimum. 3) Processing time may increase depending on the size and complexity of the problem.
The multiple traveling salesman problem is applicable to a variety of industries and functions. However, exact solutions become infeasible for problems with more than twenty cities. Using genetic algorithms, SAS users can reach valid solutions in a reasonable amount of time. PROC FASTCLUS and PROC GA provide an efficient means to implement this type of solution. Through the use of efficient SAS DATA step programming and function calls, the genetic algorithm was proven to be a competitive alternative to the greedy algorithm. Additionally, the optimal solution can be outputted to a SAS dataset and PROC SGPLOT can be used to visualize the optimal path in order to confirm that the solution is both logical and feasible.
Sadiq, S (2012). Traveling Salesman. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from Solomon, Marius M (03/01/1987). "Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Time Window Constraints". Operations research (0030-364X), 35 (2), p. 254. Paschos, Vangelis Th (01/31/2003). "Approximation algorithms for the traveling salesman problem".Mathematical methods of operations research (Heidelberg, Germany) (1432-2994), 56 (3), p. 387
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