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Cyborg Commando Rpg-Players' Adventure Notes

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The document provides an overview of the Cyborg Commando role-playing game setting, including details about the political alliances, history, weapons, equipment, and game mechanics.

The five alliances mentioned are the European Commonwealth, Pan-African Union, Pan-Asian Cooperative, South American Confederation, and United States of America.

Some of the political changes described are the formation of new nations like the North Atlantic States and Tyrrhenia in Europe, and many islands gaining independence. Germany was reunified and countries like Monaco and Andorra joined neighboring nations. Northern Ireland gained independence from the UK.



Players' Adventure Notes

CYBORG COMMANDO and the Cyborg Commando logo are trademarks owned by Trigee Enterprises Corporation. The New Infinities logo is a trademark owned by New Infinities Productions, Inc. 1987 Trigee Enterprises Corporation.

by Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, & Kim Mohan

Editing & Layout: Penny Petticord Cover Art: Valerie Valusek Interior Art: Diane Hamil, Valerie Valusek & Gary M. Williams

Adventure Notes


by Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, & Kim Mohan


The Five Alliances Elements of Good Play Weapons & Equipment

1 4 5

CYBORG COMMANDO and the Cyborg Commando logo are trademarks owned by Trigee Enterprises Corporation. The New Infinities logo is a trademark owned by New Infinities Productions, Inc. 1987 Trigee Enterprises Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

New Infinities Productions, Inc. P.O. Box 127, Lake Geneva, WI 53147 ISBN: 0-941993-18-3

Your first CYBORG COMMANDOTM games will probably take place in the same country, and in fact the same state, where you now live. But this is only a starting point; the campaign takes a much more cosmopolitan view. Your characters will soon be traveling to far-off lands, working and fighting in deserts, jungles, and many other exotic places. The world of 2035 is of course a bit different than the current one, not merely because of the remarkable technological advances of the near future, but also reshaped by the forces that produced them. The political geography of the world is quite as important as the physical in shaping the history of Man. The boundaries and goverments of the Earth are thus major factors in the campaign game, and must be dealt with in due course - perhaps not in your early games, but certainly in the long run. AlthQugh most of the countries we know today (late 1980s) are still present in the setting of this game, many changes

Five Alliances

have also occurred. The most extensive changes came with the South American Territorial Wars (2005-2009). Still moreoccurred when one country seized another, or when two or three united. The period of 2014-2018 was noteworthy for the number of secessions. During this period, many island groups broke away from the nations with which they had been associated as territories. Such control was often a remnant of exploration and colonization that had taken place centuries ago. When the new world government emphasized the rights of member countries, its position apparently encouraged many would-be nations to achieve their own goals. The following is basically a condensed summary of world history from 1990 to 2030. The information is arranged alphabetically in the order of the five political blocs, or alliances. The names of countries used here are the English versions, which are in many cases not the ones used by the local inhabitants.



Various islands in the north Atlantic seceded from their founding nations and united to form the new North Atlantic States. Led by gallant little Iceland, they included the Faeroes, Shetlands, and

The Five Alliances

others. In similar maneuvers, the Azores & Madeira Islands (in the mid-Atlantic) pulled free of Portugal, and many islands of the Mediterranean (including Corsica, Sardinia, and the Balearics, but not Sicily) joined to form Tyrrhenia. All these new nations prospered. The infamous Berlin Wall was removed in 2003, but by then the border between communist East Germany and democratic West Germany was ignored by most. The East was not evacuated by such freedom, as some had predicted. Monaco finally asked to join France, and was welcomed. Andorra was similarly welcomed by Spain. In a different type of maneuver, Liechtenstein allied with Switzerland, and the union called itself Suisse. Northern Ireland won its hardfought battle against English rule and almost immediately joined the rest of the isle. defense against the United Arab States (greater Syria, in practice), which gobbled up the war-torn and mismanaged nations of Lebanon and Jordan. Tiny Bahrain and Qatar joined the existing United Arab Emirates, which was complemented by the new United Hadramawt Emirates, the latter being an alliance (mostly for defensive purposes) of Yemen, Oman, and the P.D.R. Yemen. Southeast Asia rearranged itself slightly when Laos, the only stable government in the region, successfully invaded Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam within a' seven-month period. Only the people of the Malay peninsula escaped the Laotian maneuver, establishing themselves in the process as a new nation called Kra, It is noteworthy that the Laotian government thereafter proved itself quite capable, making much progress where once there was only strife. This success was partially because the new regime followed the lead of the regional government and emphasized the preservation of the cultures of its member states. Kra, on the other hand, has stagnated. In central southern Asia, the large islands of Andaman and Nicobar seceded from India to protest its absorption of Bangladesh and the small Laccadive, Maldive, and Minicoy islands. Thereafter they found that self-government can be hard work, but they survived. politely declined to join the new nation, rnaintaininq its independence and its socialist regime. Bermuda and the Bahamas became separate nations, breaking their last ties to Great Britain, and the nearby Turks & Caicos Islands joined in. The southeastern islands of the Caribbean followed Bermuda's lead, and formed a loose confederation called the Republicas Americanas. This group included the Virgin Islands, which was until then a territory of the U.S.A. The latter considered retaking them, but decided that such actions would be contrary to the spirit of the new era. Guatemala absorbed the nation of Belize. The coup was bloodless, mostly because the latter secretly gave its wholehearted support but did not want to reveal publicly the failures and near-collapse of its inept government. All of the above is quite benign and minor when compared with the changes that occurred in South America. The only major war of the century was fought therein, from 2005-2009. Only four nuclear weapons were used, and they were of the small tactical variety; nevertheless, several million people died, and the politics and geography of the continent were markedly changed. In the weeks before the war, the part of Brasil west of the Tocantins, Araguaia, and Taquari rivers seceded from the rest, calling itself Selvas. In a joint maneuver shortly thereafter, the Atlantic States (the union of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana established in 1997) claimed that part of Selvas north of the Amazon but east of the Trombeias, while Venezuela seized all the other territory north of the great river. Colombia and the Atlantic States then disputed the latter's claim, however. The Atlantics attacked Venezuela at about the same time as the "Selvas dispute" (later known as the Brasilian Civil War). Argentina seized the opportunity to sweep through Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and tried to take southern Brasil as well. Bolivia stayed neutral throughout the conflict, and was ultimately the only country to remain essentially unchanged by the war. Venezuela, anxious to maintain the safety of its oil industry and strengthened by backing from the U.S.A., quickly negotiated a treaty with Colombia, allowing the latter to take that part of Selvas between the Negro and Amazonia rivers. Colombia's massive preparations for war were thus unneeded to the east, and turned south, seizing western Selvas (down to the Madeira river). Encouraged by its easy victories in that region as well, Colombia then turned against its southern neighbors. Capitalizing on Venezuela's pacifism, the Atlantics seized northern central Selvas between the Rios Branco and

Pan-Asian Union
Changes were few in the two dominant nations, Russia and China. Afghanistan, Poland, and Rumania were absorbed by Russia, but the process took many years of slow assimilation and was no surprise to anyone. Meanwhile, China slowly but surely reabsorbed Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mongolia under similar circumstances. In all cases, protests were lodged by other politically powerful nations of the globe, and some resistance was offered by the victims, but this was quite expected and did not hinder the process. The Middle East changed significantly. Palestinians, finding no holes in the Israeli defense and eroded by years of oppression, moved into the Sinai peninsula and eventually seceded from Egypt. The latter offered little resistance, realizing that the action provided a solution for a problem that had plagued the region for decades. Israel maintained its isolation, ownership of the Gaza strip, and close ties with the United States. The last was its strongest



The north polar region was divided by the U.S.A. and Russia, and is maintained as a research area open to all. Canada formally absorbed the tiny islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon (formerly French territories) into Newfoundland. The United States added Midway Island to its state of Hawaii and offered statehood to Puerto Rico. The latter refused, instead becoming a dominant member of the new democratic state of Hispaniola, which included Jamaica, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Cuba

The Five Alliances Trombetas. Meanwhile, Selvas was successfully resisting reabsorption by Brasil. The latter, severely angered by Argentina's maneuvers and seeing more likelihood of success in a southern war, achieved a cease-fire with Selvas and eventually recognized its independence, while shifting the bulk of its forces southward. Argentina was able to maintain its hold on the docile Chile, but internal dissent led to very poor performance in the east. When the dust cleared, Brasil had taken Paraguay and Uruguay, plus all of the formerly Argentine territory east of the Parana river. Colombia had absorbed the former countries of Ecuador and Peru, and western Selvas east to the Rio Negro and south to the Madeira. Venezuela had taken the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, and held a small triangle of land north of the Amazonas from Rio Negro to Rio Branco; the Atlantic States controlled lands from there to the Atlantic. With the loss of these northern regions, the proudly independent Selvas settled for lands between Rios Amazonas and Madeira (north and west), the Bolivian border to the southwest, and its first-proclaimed eastern border at the Rios Tocantins, Araguaia, and Taquari. Although Trinidad and Tobago had succumbed to Venezuelan control, the other islands of the south Caribbean united and established their independence, becoming the Confederated Caribbean Territories (C.C.T.). The Archipfelago de Col6n and Tierra del Fuego were technically established as separate nations, though neither was densely enough settled to support a restaurant, let alone a ruling body. Each was declared a Wildlife Preservation Area, under direct administration by the government of the Trans-American Union. relatively small and quite bloodless. The northeast remained essentially unchanged, except for the secession of eastern Libya (sponsored secretly by Egypt). The new nation was called

United Afrika
Minor coups swept through most of Africa in the 21st century, but all were

Western Africa has always been dominated by the coast. The aggressive Moroccans intensified their claim on the Western Sahara by occupying it, and seized the Canary islands as well. As if in response, Senegal gobbled up The Gambia and the Cape Verde Islands. About the same time, Ghana absorbed the small country of Togo, and Guinea took Guinea-Bissau. But peaceful mergers occurred as well; Liberia and Sierra Leone, in a spirit of progress and friendship, merged to form a new nation they called Freeland. And Niger, Benin (aka Dahomey), and Nigeria united as New Nigeria. Central Africa was also a mixture of benign and violent changes. Ethiopia invaded and annexed Djibouti, and Uganda finally succeeded in a long fight to absorb Burundi and Rwanda. Following the example of other island groups worldwide, those off the central west coast united, taking the name of one of the larger (the Sao Tome Islands); they included Annobon and Bioko (Fernando Poo).ln another gesture of peace, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon joined the Congo, forming the new People's Republics of the Congo. Zaire negotiated with Angola and purchased the province of Cabinda. But in a religious dispute thereafter, southern Zaire seceded and called itself Katanga. Other island groupings occurred, of course. St. Helena and Ascencion (plus others) formed the South Atlantic States, and Madagascar convinced Comores, Reunion, the Seychelles, and others of the southern Indian Ocean to join in forming the alliance of Madagasikara. The nation of South Africa was split by civil war in 1990-1992 (though preliminary symptoms appeared in the early 1980s), and the liberal southern region broke away, retaining the national title. The racist northeast became the Orange Free State, and promptly annexed the nations of Lesotho and Swaziland. That situation is still turbulent, and further change is expected. Afrika is simultaneously the world's worst problem and its best hope. Beneath its soil lie the answers to Man's distant past; in time, that information may shape the future. But within the continent's dark corners lurk the diseases, superstitions, and fears of the distant past. And yet, the great experiments - the redevelopment of jungle into rich agricultural land, the irrigation of the Sahara, and others - may eventually provide the answers to problems that occur not merely here, but throughout the world.

United Nations of Oceania

With many regroupings, secessions, and some armed conflicts, this area changed greatly between 1995 and 201O. When Laos took over southeast Asia and the Malay peninsula became Kra (see P.A.U., page 2), the rest of Malaysia on and near the island of Borneo renamed itself Kalimantan (the local name for Borneo) and promptly invaded the rest of the island, most of which was part of Indonesia, though a small chunk was the independent nation of Brunei. Mostofthe Indonesians, who lived on Java and Sumatra, were busy fighting off repeated attempts by Kra to invade Sumatra, so they offered no resistance whatsoever. The time seemed appropriate, so the rest of Indonesia (everyone east of the Lombok strait) also seceded. They limpedalong with little success, and those on New Guinea eventually gave up and joined Papua New Guinea, uniting their island. The smaller isles finally formed a loose and chaotic grouping called Molucca, but that will probably be reabsorbed by Indonesia in the future. The vast number of small islands in the South Pacific grouped as Northwest, Southwest, and Eastern Polynesia, breaking their ancient ties to the Europeans. The first group included Bikini, the Marshall Islands, and Micronesia; the Southwestern group gathered most of those in the Coral Sea. The Eastern group, a very loose and disorganized federation at best, took in all the rest, reaching far across the Pacific to include even the remote Pitcairn Island. Little changed in the south, except that the population of Australia grew by leaps and bounds, and Tasmania was granted its independence. Intensive development of Antarctica as both a huge technological research base and a water source led to its establishment as a separate nation, though it (expectedly) has fewer people per square mile than any other nation on the globe.

Playing Tips

Playing Tips
In most types of games, players compete against each otherto reach an objective. But in this and other role-playing games, players form a group, and that group strives toward the goal. Individual players do not win or lose; the group succeeds or fails. This is the crucial point that makes role-playing games different from all other types. You will plID' the role of a CYBORG COMMANDO character. The fun of the game comes from playing that role, and from interacting with other players as they portray their characters. That's the most important part of the game - not the specific details about tactics, or die rolls, or character construction, or anything else. Some fun can come from these other elements, but if the roles are improperly or incompletely played, the game won't reach its full potential for entertainment. The group's goals are to have fun and to succeed in reaching the specific objectives set forth in the adventures. The individual's primary goal is to improve the character. This progress occurs in the form of SP (Stat/Skill points), which are awarded to characters by the Game Master. These can be "spent" in a variety of ways to improve the character's mind, nerves, and body, and to improve or add to the character's skills. The awarding of SP usually occurs at the end of each play session, though points may be accumulated in the course of an adventure that spans many such sessions, the total being awarded at its end. Your Game Master will reward good play with SP awards, and will discourage bad play by omitting rewards. scenario, role-playing blends with action and adventure to produce an entertaining and fulfilling game. But if either element is lacking - if the adventure has too much role-playing or too much action - the game fails to reach its full potential. Individual game sessions may have more of one or the other, but the balance should be maintained in the long run. The game can be fun as a simple tactical exercise in which your characters destroy enemy aliens, but this kind of adventure is not much more than an elaborate game of chess. A "kill-the-monsters" game will lose its appeal in a relatively short time. If you only want to sit around and talk, playing the role of your character to the utmost, that too can be fun. But it will also lose its appeal in time, just as surely as a shallow "kill-the-monsters" game. Consistency is an important part of role-playing. For a role to be rewarding, it must be stable and not vary widely from one session to another. If your portrayal conflicts with what is known about your character, you will certainly get no awards for good role-playing. the answers. You might think you understand what's going on, but you probably don't know the whole truth - perhaps because of inaccurate deductions or incomplete information-gathering on your part.

In the setting of this game, your character is a hero, working with others to save the world from the alien invaders. But your character is also a rational, thinking being, and would not perform heroic actions that would be sure to result in its own destruction. Courage must be tempered by good judgment to produce truly heroic actions. Heroism should be combined with a sense of responsibility and duty - your character's duty to the CCF, to the other characters, and to achieving the goals of the adventure. Even truly heroic deeds are flawed when they are used to accomplish irrelevant results. Your motivations may be very good, and your actions very humane, but if they are not important to accomplishing the task at hand, they probably won't earn any rewards. Also remember that your Game Master has spent a considerable amount of time in developing an exciting adventure for your entertainment. Though it may be amusing for you to go off on some other task, it may aggravate your GM unnecessarily. But watch for clues of such displeasure; a devious plot may require you to go off in some unexpected direction. If the GM seems unprepared - back off. You'll all have a better game. Remember that violence is dangerous. When you start or encourage violence in real life, you can get hurt or killed. Since survival is a basic goal of all characters, avoiding unnecessary violence will be rewarded. But note that very important word "unnecessary!" In the war-torn setting of this game, combat is sometimes utterly unavoidable (such as in an ambush), and may be the best tool available to cope with a given situation. Finally, try to come up with ingenious solutions for problems .of all sorts. You may think of something that surprises even your Game Master. This doesn't mean silly things or gimmicks; those usually just waste everyone's time. But search for solutions beyond the logical, means other than the expected, and assets out of the ordinary.

For you as players to act as a group, working together to achieve the goals of an adventure, you must cooperate. Independent actions are certainly allowed, but an overly independent style can disrupt the flow and ruin the fun of the game. A character who is a "loner" could be used in special games with only one or two players plus a Game Master, but this is not a good character type for group games. Beware of self-protective cowardice in combat. You will become fond of your character, and will naturally want it to survive. But when this attitude becomes an overriding fear of all risk, it can in turn endanger all the characters in the group. Such actions are not in the best interests ofthe group as a whole, and will eventually bring resentment from the other players. Politeness and consideration of others are basic parts of cooperation. Don't play your role to the exclusion of others; characters should interact, not give speeches. When another player is describing a character's actions, don't interrupt. If your Game Master is a good one, he or she will always be sure to get your comments before resuming the action. And don't be too sure that you've got all

What is Good Play?

Since good play is the goal of both the group and the individual players, you obviously need to know what constitutes good and bad play before you enter a game. The many elements of play in a CYBORG COMMANDO game can be grouped into three general areas: roleplaying, cooperation, and strategy.

At the start of a game, the Game Master gives you an objective. You then display your role-playing skills as your characters pursue that goal. In an ideal



The following listings will give you some idea of the possible accessories you may use in your game. For specific weapon descriptions, refer to any of the excellent guides available at your local bookstore or library; some fill many volumes. The cost and availability of any accessory is left to the Game Master's choice. Individual styles of play vary widely; some GMs will want to keep equipment expensive and rare, while others may want the converse. Items may always be found, of course, and in any condition from new (in a store or warehouse) to useless (in the field). If a certain item would help significantly in a specific adventure, it should either be given to characters at the Primary base or made available for purchase via SP expenditure. If the item is of critical importance, however, it should always be provided free, not sold. Maser (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation): A device that projects a beam of coherent microwaves. Missile: Any projectile or thrown weapon. Particle Beam: A beam of alpha, beta, gamma, or other atomic particles. Projectile: An object hurled directly at a target. Rifle: A gun that causes a projectile to rotate (for stability during trajectory) upon leaving the barrel. Rocket: An action-reaction propulsion motor, or a missile or vehicle propelled by same. Sonic: A device that produces sound. The intensity can vary widely in effect. Low power has a mental effect (irritation or fear), medium power causes physical damage from molecular vibration, and very loud sound can cause physical displacement (a shock wave effect). Stattor (short for Electrostatic projector): A device that creates and/ or emits an electrostatic charge. Thrower: A device that hurls a substance (rather than a projectile), such as: Flame thrower. Emits burning or flammable solids, liquids, or gases, leer. Emits supercold liquified gases (nitrogen being the cheapest and most common), Aeer. Emits acid (limited use, due to scarcity of ammo). Smart (programmed, self-aiming, and/or self-firing; will either communicate with programmed gun for timing and aim or be target-seeking; might take evasive action, follow odd, unpredictable trajectories, seek targets, relay information, and so forth). Smoke (normal, hot, radioactive) Splitting (comes apart in flight)

Weapon Damages
Hand-held weapons usually inflict fixed damages ranging from 1 to 20 IPs. Your GM will decide the amount of fixed damage for a given weapon. If variable damage is desired, roll a d1 0 and add a bonus if your GM deems it appropriate. For example, a rifle might inflict 6-15 points; roll a d1 0 and add 5 to the result to determine the damage. As a general guide, remember that a typical adult civilian has about 20 IPs (or 30 total IPs in the advanced game, divided amongst body parts). Fixed damage amounts may be estimated according to the possible effects of a particular weapon on such a person. Weapons with unusual effects, such as tranquilizers, typically inflict only 1 to 5 points of damage. Large and heavy weapons normally inflict standard (d1 Ox) damage, and damage bonuses of 5 to 50 points may be added at the GM's discretion. Very large and very fast missiles may have even higher bonuses; for example, a shot from a large cannon might inflict as much as d10x plus 100 points. Effects that fill a volume or otherwise affect multiple targets may inflict full damage on all targets, or, depending on the effect, damage penalties may apply to all targets except a single central one. For example, an explosive grenade might inflict a full d1 Ox damage to a victim immediately beside it when it goes off, but 20 points less to all others within 3 meters/ yards, 40 points less to those between 3 and 6 meters/yards, and so forth. A machine gun burst, on the other hand, might inflict full d1 Ox damage to all targets within a given area.

Armor may be available as entire suits or specific parts, as follows: Full armor: All parts in one suit. Body armor: All but head, hands, and feet. Body area armor: Head (all), face (front only), eyes, ears, mouth & nose, torso, all (front & back), torso (front only), arm, arm & hand, leg, leg & foot. Anyone piece of armor can be designed to protect against one or more of the following dangers: chemicals, cold, electricity, heat, impacts, lasers, light flashes, magnetism, microwaves, radiation, sound loudness, sound vibration.

Special Effects & Abilities

The following effects may be applied to almost any type of missile, given sufficient technological resources: Armor-piercing Attaching (probably with very thin trailing line) Chemically treated (poison, fire retardant, tranquilizer, gas effects, etc.) Electrically loaded/charged (including programs for electronic targets) Explosive (light, medium, heavy) Fragmentation Gas (tear, knockout, nerve/paralysis, nerve/deadly) Liquid payload Noisemaking (in flight) Noise-releasing (after impact or timed) Self-propelled (for longer range) Shaped (for travel through specific environments, air, water, solid)

Grenade: A small missile containing explosives, possibly with other substances. Gun: A device that can hurl a projectile of any sort directly at a target; may involve recoil or be recoilless. Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation): A device that projects a beam of coherent light. Launcher: A device that propels an object at a target indirectly, or provides stability so that a rocket may accurately propel itself.

Weapon Types by Skill Areas

230. Personal Weapons 231. Ancient bladed melee weapons: axe, bayonet, knife, combat knife (dagger), bladed pole arm, sword (long, short,

or two-handed). 232. Ancient blunt melee weapons: blackjack (cudgel), chain with ball(s), thin club (stick or staff), thick club, flail, mace, mallet (maul). 233. Ancient missile weapons: artillery (ballista, catapult, trebuchet), small axe, box, crossbow, sling, spear (short, long, javelin, trident). 234. Common devices as weapons: Chain (and related ancient weapons), pipe, rope (lasso), tools (saw, drill, screwdriver), whip, wire (including garrote). 235. Modern small arms: grenades (various types), one-hand laser ("pistol"), two-hand laser ("rifle"), mounted laser ("cannon"), sound projector (for stun or damage), radiation sprayer (gamma particles, microwaves, or X-rays), projectile guns (automatic pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, submachine gun), specialty gun (powered grappling hook, tranquilizer pistol or rifle), throwers (fire, cold substances, or acid). 236. Heavy and Special weapons: machine gun (light, medium, heavy), mortar, rocket. 237. Artillery: cannons, mounted guns, howitzers, rocket artillery. normal Combat Rating ("miss roll"). The total is the revised CR when using that weapon. The CR can never be less than 1 (i.e., there is always a 1% chance of a clean miss) except in special circumstances, such as attacking an unprotected target at point-blank range. CYBORG COMMANDO characters: As above, but divide by 10 instead of 5. CCs improve at a slower rate than normal persons because they gain Mad Mac assistance in aiming, so skill has correspondingly less effect on the attack probability. In the event of MadMac failure, use the procedure for Normal Humans, but remember that the character's CR is 30 (20 penalty for lack of Mad Mac assistance).


Goggles, infrared Goggles, U-V Microphone, standard Microphone, miniature (tracer or bug) Microphone, parabolic Ministudio (audio-visual) Sensor: incorporates various scanning modes (IR, UV, etc.) headband sensor (using goggles) helmet sensor (using binoculars)

First aid kit General medical kit Field surgical kit Laser scalpel Minihospital kit Minilab (for chemical analysis)

Various standard equipment may be needed during the course of adventures. Special types are listed below; more common types may also be available at the GM's discretion.

Personal Miscellany
Carryall bag Flashlight Handcuffs Lantern (50' rad) Rope, 100' Wristwatch (with alarm)



Though most vehicles can easily be placed within the skill system, the following additional notes may be helpful. When developing the details for any vehicle, specify the following: length, width, height, speed, range per fuel unit,lPs by location, built-in weaponry, crew complement, and maximum number of passengers. DV bonuses to crew and passengers, considered with respect to each of the five basic attack forms, should vary by the construction of the vehicle and the amount of cover provided. 131. Landcraft, small: includes ground automobiles (compact, small, medium, or large), hovercars, bicycles and motorcycles, carts, jeeps, vans, and armored cars. 132. Landcraft, large: includes bus, hovertruck (cargo vehicle), and hovercraft (large vehicle for cargo and passengers).

Personal Weapon Skills

The Game Master may require a player to specify a single weapon when purchasing a personal weapon skill. To apply such a skill, use the following procedure. Normal humans: Divide the Skill Rating by 5 and round down to the nearest whole number. Subtract that result from the

Airmask & oxygen bottle(s) Diving gear, light (face mask, fins) Diving gear, heavy (SCUBA) Radiation suit Vacuum suit

Ag ricu Itural Construction Industrial (factory type) Personal service (valet, waiter, etc.) Security (police 'bot)

Dosimeter (radiation) Infrared (heat/cold) Microwave fence generator Motion detector Radar/sonar scanner Radar detector Sound enhancer/filter Smell enhancer/analyzer Wide-angle vision (180, 270, 360) X-ray machine, portable

Tool Kits
(each contains spare parts & disposable necessary tools) Cutting & welding kit Electrical kit Lockpick set (12 pieces) Lockpick, electronic Mechanical kit

Other Equipment
Communications & Optical Devices
Camera, film Camera, video Binoculars, normal Binoculars, range-finding (may combine with others) Binoculars, infrared Binoculars, ultraviolet Comm unit, radio Comm unit, laser Comm unit, A-V Comm scrambler Goggles (eye protection only) Goggles, amplifying (ambient)

Travel Equipment
Backpack Campkit (butane stove, messkit, and accessories) Canteen Flashlight Sleeping bag Sunglasses Tent Trip'puter (includes recorder, compass, etc.) Water jug

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