HEMM-Wheel Loader01
HEMM-Wheel Loader01
HEMM-Wheel Loader01
Open up the battery boxes on the left This photo shows the hydraulic tank,
and right rear of the loader. Check that transmission dipstick and filler (check
they are of sufficient CCA (cold transmission fluid level with motor
cranking amps), the right physical running) and steering ram. Check all
Dip the engine stick, taking note of the hoses and wiring in articulation joint,
and, importantly, that they are
level and condition of the oil. Don’t be check transmission mounts and
properly retained.
afraid to feel and smell the oil. Look visually inspect the driveline.
for signs of water or anything that
shouldn’t be there.
Hop under the rear of the loader and This shot, taken from the right (we
inspect the underside. Check brake always talk left and right as if sitting
lines, grease lines, etc. Note the rear of in the operator’s seat) shows top and
the back diff and the trunnion bearing bottom artic pins, front driveshaft and
which allows the rear axle to oscillate. Look closely at the back of the radiator front rear universals, steering ram
All is in good operating order and for “sandblasting” wear. In this case, anchoring point and all the spaghetti
seems commensurate with the 8000- we also check the air-conditioning running through the articulation
odd operating hours. radiator, inspect all coolant hoses and joint. It all looks good.
clamps. Be alert for engine oil leaks.
Here’s what the manufacturer had to say about the Trojan 8000 Dual-Pivot wheel
The Trojan Dual-Pivot model 8000 tractor shovel provides the speed and manoeu-
vrability of a conventional articulated machine, yet possesses all the stability of
rigid-frame construction. This stability does not depend on excessive width; it is
accomplished by Trojan’s exclusive dual-pivot articulation, an entirely new
design concept.
The Trojan 8000 is built in three sections and articulates in two places. The centre
section weighs over six tons; it acts as a laterally sliding counterbalance, shifting
its weight to the outside on every turn. This counterbalanced, dual-pivot action
results in unprecedented stability, greater reliability, and longer machine life.
Other features include servocontrols, variable-rate steering, demand hydraulics,
and fail-safe brakes — every one Trojan engineered for maximum operator
efficiency and safety.
The Trojan Dual-Pivot Model 8000 tractor shovel is the giant workhorse with small-
machine finesse, your unbeatable production combination.