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MERS Bankruptcy and Idaho

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) Case No. 08-20381-TLM
) Chapter 7
Debtors. )
________________________________ )



In this Chapter 7 case, the trustee, Ford Elsaesser (“Trustee”), objects to a

motion under § 362(d) for relief from the § 362(a) automatic stay.1 Motions under

§ 362(d) are common in bankruptcy cases.2 Most stay relief requests proceed

promptly to entry of an order, after proper notice, without any objection.3

However, changes in mortgage practices over the past several years have

created a number of new issues. The one highlighted in this case is the standing of

All chapter and section references are to the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1532,
unless otherwise indicated.
In 2008, this Court saw over 2,300 stay relief motions in the 5,224 cases filed.
See Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001.2 (addressing substantive and procedural
requirements for stay relief motions, and providing for entry of orders upon absence of objection
after notice).

the moving creditor. Serial assignments of the mortgagee’s interest(s) and the

securitization of mortgages have complicated what was previously a generally

straight-forward standing analysis. Though many creditors provide in their

motions adequate explanation and documentation of their standing to seek relief

on real estate secured debts, Trustee challenges the adequacy of the subject motion

in this case.

Following hearing and consideration of the arguments of the parties, the

Court determines that Trustee’s objection is well taken and the same will be

sustained. The motion for stay relief will be denied.


On June 24, 2008, Darrell and Sherry Ann Sheridan (“Debtors”) filed their

joint chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, schedules and statements. They scheduled a

fee ownership interest in a residence located in Post Falls, Idaho. See Doc. No. 1

at sched. A (the “Property”). Debtors asserted the Property’s value was

$225,000.00. Id. They indicated secured claims existed in favor of “Litton Loan

Servicing” ($197,000.00) and “Citimortgage” ($34,000.00). Id. at sched. D.

While this left no apparent equity in the Property, Debtors nevertheless claimed

the benefit of an Idaho homestead exemption. Id. at sched. C.4

There was no objection, and the exemption was therefore allowed. Taylor v. Freeland
& Kronz, 503 U.S. 638, 643-44 (1992); Rainsdon v. Farson (In re Farson), 387 B.R. 784, 797
(Bankr. D. Idaho 2008). Debtors indicated in their § 521 statement of intention that they would

The § 341(a) meeting of creditors occurred on July 31, 2008. Debtors

received a discharge on October 3, 2008. While the case was noticed to creditors

as a “no asset” chapter 7, and though Trustee concedes there will be no anticipated

distribution to creditors, Trustee has not yet filed his final report of no distribution

which would allow the case to close.5

On October 16, 2008, the subject motion for relief from stay was filed. See

Doc. No. 21 (the “Motion”). It was filed by “Mortgage Electronic Registration

Systems, Inc. as nominee HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Indenture

Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust Series 2006-3.” Id. at 1 (the

“Movant”).6 The Movant characterized itself as a “secured creditor and

Claimant.” Id. The Motion further alleges that Debtors were indebted at filing “to

Movant” and that the debt arose out of a promissory note and a deed of trust dated

September 20, 2006 “naming Movant as beneficiary.” Id.

Attached to the Motion is a promissory note (the “Note”) executed by

Debtors. It is payable to “Fieldstone Mortgage Company” as the “Lender.” See

reaffirm the secured debts on the Property.
Closing of the case as a no asset chapter 7 would constitute an abandonment of the
Property as a scheduled but not administered asset, see § 554(c), and the automatic stay would
terminate, see § 362(c)(1).
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. refers to itself, and is generally referred
to by others and in the case law, as “MERS.”

Ex. 1.7 A portion of the Note states: “I understand Lender may transfer this Note.

Lender or anyone who takes this Note by transfer and who is entitled to receive

payments . . . is called the Note Holder.”

The Note is secured by a deed of trust dated September 20, 2006 and

recorded in the real property records of Kootenai County, Idaho, on September 22,

2006 (the “Deed of Trust”). The Deed of Trust at paragraph (C) identifies and

defines the “Lender” as “Fieldstone Mortgage Company, a Maryland corporation.”

Paragraph (E) of the Deed of Trust recites:

MERS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as nominee for

Lender and Lender’s successors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary
under this Security Instrument.

Ex. 1.

Trustee objected to the Motion, contending that the Movant failed to

establish its interest in the Property or its standing to seek stay relief. Doc. No. 23.

At a preliminary hearing on November 4, 2008, the parties requested a final

hearing because the question of standing remained unresolved.8 A final hearing

was held on December 16, 2008, at which Trustee and counsel for Movant made

argument, but no evidence was presented other than the documents that, as noted

The documents attached to the Motion were admitted into evidence at the final hearing,
by stipulation of the parties, as “Exhibit 1.”
A “final hearing” is contemplated under § 362(d) and (e). That it would be an
evidentiary hearing is a result of the presence of material, disputed facts, which under Fed. R.
Bankr. P. 9014(d) requires testimony in the same manner as in an adversary proceeding.

above, were admitted by agreement.9


A. Stay relief requires a motion by a party in interest with standing

The Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules and this District’s local rules

govern stay relief requests.

Under the Code, relief from the § 362(a) stay is authorized “[o]n request of

a party in interest and after notice and a hearing, . . . .” See § 362(d) (emphasis

added). See also § 362(e)(1) and (2), § 362(f), § 362(j) (all referring to requests

made by a “party in interest.”) One ground for stay relief is “cause, including the

lack of adequate protection of an interest in propertyof such party in interest[.]”

§ 362(d)(1) (emphasis added). The Motion here alleged “cause” based on

delinquent payments, see Doc. No. 21 at 2, thus implicating § 362(d)(1) even

though no specific citations to § 362(d)(1) are made.10

The Code establishes time frames for preliminary hearing, final hearing and ruling.
See § 362(e)(1), (2). In this case, the Motion was originally filed October 16, 2008. Under
§ 362(e)(2), the stay generally “shall terminate on the date that is 60 days after a request is made
by a party in interest” if the case is one under chapters 7, 11 or 13 and the debtor is an individual.
However, that period may be extended by either agreement of the parties or by the Court for good
cause. See § 362(e)(2)(B). Here, the scheduling of the hearings resulted in a final hearing on
December 16, 2008, about the 60th day after the request. This delay was by or with concurrence
of the parties. The Court concludes that additional delay to the date of this Decision was required
to address the contentions of the parties.
Another ground for stay relief with respect to acts against property is an absence of
equity in such property coupled with a lack of necessity of such property for an effective
reorganization. See § 362(d)(2). The Motion indicated a lack of equity in the Property and, in
light of the fact that this is a chapter 7 liquidation, the Property is not required for reorganization.

The Rules require that a stay relief request be made by a motion. See Fed.

R. Bankr. P. 9013 (“A request for an order, except when an application is

authorized by these rules, shall be by written motion, unless made during a

hearing.”) (emphasis added); Fed. R. Bankr. P. 4001(a)(1) (“A motion for relief

from an automatic stay provided by the Code . . . shall be made in accordance with

Rule 9014[.]”) (emphasis added).

In addition to the Bankruptcy Rules, this District’s local rules require, inter

alia, that:

– the request shall be made by a “party in interest” and by “motion;”

– the motion shall “[p]rovide the details of the underlying obligation or

liability upon which the motion is based;” and

– the motion shall have attached “accurate and legible copies of all

documents evidencing the obligation and the basis of perfection of

any lien or security interest[.]”

LBR 4001.2(a), (b)(2), and (b)(5).

1. Party in interest, and standing

While the term “party in interest” is not defined by the Code, this Court has

held that such a party must have a “pecuniary interest” in the outcome of the

dispute before the Court. See In re Simplot, 2007 WL 2479664 at *9 n.45 (Bankr.

D. Idaho Aug. 28, 2007) (citing In re Elias, 05.2 I.B.C.R. 41, 42, 2005 WL

4705220 (Bankr. D. Idaho 2005), and In re Stone, 03.2 I.B.C.R. 134, 135 (Bankr.

D. Idaho 2003)). See also Brown v. Sobczak (In re Sobczak), 369 B.R. 512, 517-

18 (9th Cir. BAP 2007) (noting that a “party in interest” may be one who has an

actual pecuniary interest in the case, one who has a practical stake in the outcome

of the case, or one who will be impacted in any significant way in the case).

Simplot not only defined party in interest, it addressed “standing” issues.

The question there was whether the J. R. Simplot Company, which was not a

creditor with a claim against the debtor or estate, “had sufficient party in interest

standing to be heard[.]” 2007 WL 2479664 at *9. This Court stated:

Hasso v. Mozsgai (In re La Sierra Fin. Servs.), 290 B.R. 718 (9th Cir.
BAP 2002), explained that the doctrine of standing encompasses both
constitutional limitations on federal court jurisdiction (i.e., the case or
controversy requirements of Article III), and prudential limitations on
the court’s exercise of that jurisdiction. Constitutional standing
requires an injury in fact, viz. an invasion of a judicially cognizable
interest. 290 B.R. at 726-27. Prudential standing requires that the
party’s assertions fall within the zone of interests protected by the
statute and, further, requires that the litigant assert only its own rights
and not those of another party. Id. at 727 (citing Bennett v. Spear, 520
U.S. 154, 162, 167-68 (1997). The party asserting standing exists has
the burden of proving it. Id. at 726. Though sometimes articulated in
the cases as principles applicable to standing on appeal, the same
propositions apply to a party at the bankruptcy court level.

Id. (footnote citations omitted). In Simplot, the Court concluded that “parties may

not assert . . . objections that relate solely to others, or that go to issues that do not

directly and adversely affect them pecuniarily.” Id. at *10 (footnote citations

omitted). These same standing requirements were recently highlighted in a stay

relief context by the court in In re Jacobson, ___ B.R. ___, 2009 WL 567188 at

*5-6 (Bankr. W.D. Wash. Mar. 6, 2009).

2. Real party in interest

Under Rule 9014, which by virtue of Rule 4001(a)(1) governs stay relief

requests, certain “Part VII” rules are applicable. See Rule 9014(c). Among those

incorporated rules is Rule 7017, which in turn incorporates Fed. R. Civ. P. 17, and

Rule 17(a)(1) provides that “An action must be prosecuted in the name of the real

party in interest.”

Jacobson notes that its moving party, who claimed to be a servicer for the

holder of the note, “neither asserts beneficial interest in the note, nor that it could

enforce the note in its own right.” 2009 WL 567188 at *4. It concluded that Fed.

R. Civ. P. 17 applied, requiring the stay relief motion to be brought in the name of

the real party in interest. Id. (citing In re Hwang, 396 B.R. 757, 767 (Bankr. C.D.

Cal. 2008)); see also In re Vargas, 396 B.R. 511, 521 (Bankr. C.D. Cal. 2008). As

Jacobson summarized:

The real party in interest in relief from stay is whoever is entitled to

enforce the obligation sought to be enforced. Even if a servicer or
agent has authority to bring the motion on behalf of the holder, it is the
holder, rather than the servicer, which must be the moving party, and
so identified in the papers and in the electronic docketing done by the
moving party’s counsel.

The upshot of these several provisions of the Code, Rules, local rules and

case law is this: to obtain stay relief, a motion must be brought by a party in

interest, with standing. This means the motion must be brought by one who has a

pecuniary interest in the case and, in connection with secured debts, by the entity

that is entitled to payment from the debtor and to enforce security for such

payment. That entity is the real party in interest. It must bring the motion or, if

the motion is filed by a servicer or nominee or other agent with claimed authority

to bring the motion, the motion must identify and be prosecuted in the name of the

real party in interest.11

B. The present Motion

Under the documents attached to the Motion and later admitted at hearing

as Ex. 1, Fieldstone Mortgage Company, a Maryland corporation, would certainly

appear to be a party in interest and have standing. It has an economic interest

according to the Note attached to the Motion and an interest in Debtors’ Property

according to the Deed of Trust that is also attached.

However, the Motion was not brought by Fieldstone Mortgage Company.

The Ninth Circuit’s recent decision in Reusser v. Wachovia Bank, 525 F.3d 855 (9th
Cir. 2008) does not require a different conclusion. Reusser held that a lender, Wachovia Bank,
did not violate the automatic stay by seeking to foreclose on the debtors’ property after the
bankruptcy court granted the loan servicer’s (Washington Mutual) § 362(d) motion. Id. at 861-
62. Although Wachovia did not join in the motion or separately seek stay relief, the court held
that the order entered “as to Washington Mutual” was effective as to Wachovia. Id. at 857, 861.
Notably, however, the Reussers never challenged Washington Mutual’s standing in bankruptcy
court; instead, they launched that attack in a subsequently filed district court action. Id. at 861-
62. The Ninth Circuit held that “a final order lifting an automatic stay is binding as to the
property or interest in question—the res—and its scope is not limited to the particular parties
before the court.” Id. at 861. The difference here is that Trustee has timely objected to Movant’s
standing and, of course, no final order has been entered.

1. MERS as “nominee” or “beneficiary”

Counsel for Movant argues that MERS, given its titular designation of

“beneficiary” under the Deed of Trust, is or should be able to prosecute the

Motion under the Code, Rules and Local Rules. Counsel conceded, however, that

MERS is not an economic “beneficiary” under the Deed of Trust. It is owed and

will collect no money from Debtors under the Note, nor will it realize the value of

the Property through foreclosure of the Deed of Trust in the event the Note is not


Further, the Deed of Trust’s designation of MERS as “beneficiary” is

coupled with an explanation that “MERS is . . . acting solely as nominee for

Lender and Lender’s successors and assigns.” Ex. 1 (emphasis added). Movant’s

briefing suggests that a “nominee” is synonymous with an “agent.” See Doc. No.

26 at 2.

The Motion was filed by MERS “as nominee [for] HSBC Bank USA,

National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment

Trust Series 2006-3.” Even assuming that MERS as a “nominee” had sufficient

rights and ability as an agent to advance its principal’s stay relief request, there

Idaho Code § 45-1502(1) defines beneficiary for purposes of the trust deed statute as
“the person named or otherwise designated in a trust deed as the person for whose benefit a trust
deed is given, or his successor in interest, and who shall not be the trustee.” Idaho Code § 45-
1502(3) defines trust deed as “a deed executed in conformity with this act and conveying real
property to a trustee in trust to secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor or other
person named in the deed to a beneficiary.” Id. (emphasis added).

remains an insuperable problem. The Motion provides no explanation, much less

documentation or other evidence, to show that the Fieldstone Mortgage

Investment Trust Series 2006-3 (as an entity) or HSBC Bank USA (as that entity’s

“indenture trustee”) has any interest in the subject Note or the subject Deed of


In light of Trustee’s objection on this score, Movant argues that MERS’

role as “nominee for Lender [i.e., Fieldstone Mortgage Company] and Lender’s

successors and assigns” gives it ample authority to assert the stay relief request

under the Deed of Trust for whatever successor in interest or assignee might have

the beneficial interest.14 Even if the proposition is accepted that the Deed of Trust

The Motion uses several terms (Movant, Claimant, Petitioner) without definition or
evident consistency. The Motion commenced as follows:

“COMES NOW Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee

HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone
Mortgage Investment Trust Series 2006-3, a secured creditor and Claimant
herein, and moves the Court for its Order granting relief from the automatic

Thus, the “Claimant” and evidently the “Movant” (i.e., the party who “COMES NOW . . . and
moves”) are one and the same, and this entity also purports to be a “secured creditor.” Since
MERS is acting as nominee, the Claimant/Movant and secured creditor appears by these
allegations to be HSBC Bank USA (in its role as indenture trustee for others). The Motion
continues by asserting that “Debtor was on the date of filing the petition herein, indebted to
Claimant arising out of [the Note] and a Deed of Trust dated September 20, 2006, naming
Movant as beneficiary.” Contrary to these assertions, the Deed of Trust does not name HSBC
Bank USA or the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust as its beneficiary. Nor is there
explanation of how Debtors came to owe HSBC Bank USA.
This language appears in the Deed of Trust only. There is no mention of MERS in the

provisions give MERS the ability to act as an agent (“nominee”) for another, it

acts not on its own account. Its capacity is representative.

2. Documentation

This District’s Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001.2 requires copies of “all

documents evidencing the obligation and the basis of perfection of any lien or

security interest.” The sole documentation provided with the Motion here

evidences the interests in the Note and Deed of Trust held by Fieldstone Mortgage

Company, a Maryland corporation. This submission does not answer the key

question — Who was the holder of the Note at the time of the Motion?

Several movants for stay relief have argued that the holder of a note secured

by a deed of trust obtains the benefit of the deed of trust even in the absence of an

assignment of the deed of trust, on the theory that the security for the debt follows

the debt. Under this theory, it would appear that when bankruptcy intervenes, and

somewhat like a game of Musical Chairs, the then-current holder of the note is the

only creditor with a pecuniary interest and standing sufficient to pursue payment

and relief from stay.15

Some courts have indicated that the stay relief request should explain the serial
assignments resulting in the movant becoming the holder of the note. See, e.g., In re Hayes, 393
B.R. 259, 269 (Bankr. D. Mass. 2008) (“The Court and the Debtor are entitled to insist that the
moving party establish its standing in a motion for relief from stay through the submission of an
accurate history of the chain of ownership of the mortgage.”); In re Maisel, 378 B.R. 19, 22
(Bankr. D. Mass. 2007) (“‘If the claimant acquired the note and mortgage from the original lender
or from another party who acquired it from the original lender, the claimant can meet its burden
through evidence that traces the loan from the original lender to the claimant.’”) (quoting In re

The Motion here certainly suggests that the Fieldstone Mortgage

Investment Trust Series 2006-3 (or perhaps HSBC Bank USA in its capacity as

indenture trustee for that trust) was the holder of the note on the June 24, 2008,

petition date. But at the time of the final § 362(e) evidentiary hearing herein, the

parties discussed and Movant ultimately conceded that (I) the Note contained

nothing indicating its transfer by Fieldstone Mortgage Company, (ii) the Motion

was devoid of allegations regarding the details of any such transfer, and (iii) the

record lacked any other documents related to the issue.

3. The supplemental affidavit

Subsequent to the closing of the hearing and after the Court took the

dispute under advisement, Movant filed a “supplemental affidavit” of its counsel.

See Doc. No. 28 (filed January 2, 2009). This affidavit alleges that Movant’s

counsel obtained on such date the “original” Note and that the same contains an

indorsement. Counsel states that his “affidavit is presented to supplement the

record herein and for the Court’s consideration in the pending motion[.]” Id. at 2.

The filing and consideration of this supplemental affidavit are improper for

several reasons.

Parrish, 326 B.R. 708, 720 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 2005)). The court in Jacobson decided that it
“need not here go so far” as to require such tracing, because of the paucity of proof presented in
that case. 2009 WL 567188 at *6. The same is true here. Movant’s proof does not even show
who presently holds the Note. That alone provides sufficient basis to deny the Motion.

First, the record was closed, and the Court did not authorize the reopening

of that record, nor did it indicate any post-hearing submissions would be accepted.

Second, Trustee did not have the opportunity to address this “newly

obtained” document at hearing, and nothing shows his consent to the post hoc

supplementation of the evidentiary record.

Third, disputed factual issues in contested matters may not be resolved

through testimony in “affidavits” but rather require testimony in open court. See

Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9014(d). Under the circumstances, the identity of the holder of

the Note certainly appears to be a fact in dispute falling within the ambit of this


Fourth, the affidavit is insufficient to establish that counsel, as affiant, has

the ability to testify regarding or lay the foundation required to admit the

document. See Esposito v. Noyes (In re Lake Country Invs., LLC), 255 B.R. 588,

594-95 (Bankr. D. Idaho 2000).16 The assertion that the newly possessed note is

the “original” appears to be based not on the affiant’s (counsel’s) personal

knowledge but on the assertions of someone else.

Fifth, the proffer of this “new” note as the “original” note directly

contradicts Movant’s prior representations that the Note attached to the Motion

Accord Jacobson, 2009 WL 567188 at *6-8 (discussing inadequacies of evidentiary

was “true and correct” and the operative document in this matter. See Doc. No. 21

at 1.

Sixth, even were it considered, the “new” Note’s asserted indorsement

states: “Pay To The Order Of [blank] Without Recourse” and then purports to be

signed by Fieldstone Mortgage Company through a named assistant vice

president. There is no date nor indication of who was or is the transferee.

Fieldstone Mortgage Company may have indorsed the Note in blank, but this

document does not alone establish that either HSBC Bank USA or Fieldstone

Mortgage Investment Trust is the Note’s holder.17

Thus, even if a “nominee” such as MERS could properly bring a motion for

stay relief in the name of and on behalf of the real party in interest – the entity that

has rights in and pecuniary interest under the Note secured by the Deed of Trust –

nothing of record adequately establishes who that entity actually is. Under the

evidence submitted at the § 362(e) final hearing, which consists solely of Exhibit

1, the only entity that MERS could conceivably represent as an agent/nominee

would be Fieldstone Mortgage Company. But MERS does not represent that party

according to the Motion and, in fact, its contentions are to the effect that

See generally Idaho Code § 28-3-205(2) (“When indorsed in blank, an instrument is
payable to the bearer and may be negotiated by transfer of possession alone until specially
indorsed.”); § 28-3-301 (providing that the holder of the instrument may enforce it). These
provisions make identification of the current holder significant.

Fieldstone Mortgage Company is no longer a party in interest.18

At the time of that final hearing, counsel for Movant conceded that he had

no documentation provided to him by his “client” which indicated the interests

under the Note or Deed of Trust were held by either HSBC Bank USA or the

Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust. Counsel filed the Motion and

characterized the Movant’s identity therein based solely on undocumented

representations made to him. This would appear to be a problematic approach

generally.19 And, in this particular case, Trustee’s objection to the Motion put the

matter at issue and Movant to its proof.


When Trustee challenged the Motion’s bare assertions, Movant failed to

provide an adequate record showing it was a party in interest with standing

entitled to seek such relief. On the record presented, the Court finds and

concludes Trustee’s objection is well taken. That objection will be sustained. The

Motion will be denied. The Trustee will provide a form of order for the Court’s

For this reason, Movant’s reliance on In re Huggins, 357 B.R. 180 (Bankr. D. Mass.
2006) is misplaced. Huggins held that MERS, which was named in a mortgage as the lender’s
nominee, had standing to seek stay relief. Id. at 184-85. But in Huggins, the original lender
continued to hold the note, and the mortgage had not been transferred. Id. at 182, 184.
See Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9011(b) (providing inter alia that a motion’s filing or other
presentation constitutes a certification that there has been an “inquiry reasonable under the
circumstances” and that factual allegations made “have evidentiary support or, if specifically so
identified, are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further
investigation or discovery”). Trustee here was clear, though, that he asserted no Rule 9011
claims against Movant or its counsel.

review and entry.

DATED: March 12, 2009



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