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Thesis - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This Chapter presents the method of research to be used, the instruments, the sources of data and the procedures to be used in gathering of data will employ by the researchers. RESEARCH DESIGN The researchers will take into consideration the present factors and current conditions of a group of person, events or a class in finding facts and data to be interpreted. This summary includes in the descriptive method, which will be used to accomplish this study. Descriptive research is a study in which bodies of data are collected, recorded and analyzed. It is used to answer questions, satisfy curiosity establish a cause and effect relationship. Moreover, descriptive researching is the approach used in this research. It systematically, factually and accurately describes an area of interest or situation. Description, analysis and interpretation of conditions that exist will be involved .researchers may also deal with comparison and contrast or the discovery of existing relationship between events or groups.


In addition, as this method of research will be used in the study it will be describe systematically the nursing job and stress management performed by the staff nurses at FEU-NRMF Medical Center. The study will also describe situations in which stress may arise, effects and ways of its management in order to obtain a factual and accurate result of the research in which staff nurses could avail. RESPONDENT The respondent of this study will be consisted of the selected staff nurses of service areas in FEU-NRMF Medical Center as above 20 years and under the age of 45. The researchers chose them because this is the age bracket in which staff nurses are most exposed to distressors. Through these respondents they are aiming to determine the level of distress and the coping strategies they use towards rendering effective quality nursing care. The researchers also believe that the respondents will be honest and truthful upon answering the questionnaires.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE This study utilized a non-probability sampling technique called Purposive Sampling. This method will allow the researchers to focus on


particular characteristics of a population that are of interest, particularly nurses of service areas 5A, 5B, 4A, 4B and 4C in FEU-NRMF Medical Center as above 20 years and under the age of 45, which will best enable them to answer the research questions. INSTRUMENT/TECHNIQUE The researchers will use the questionnaire as the primary tool in gathering data. This will be made from created materials and statements that could generate the desired result when the correspondents follow correctly the directions that will be given by researchers for answering. The construction of the questionnaire will be preceded by intensive perusal and review of related literature, which will provide the researchers insights in forming the questionnaire. The researchers will formulate questions based on their readings from various books, manuals, journals and experiences as nursing students. The questionnaire will first be drafted for the approval of their adviser and other members of the faculty who are knowledgeable on the topic. This is composed of 6 problems. Problem 1 includes the profile of the staff nurses at FEU-NRMF Medical Center. Problem no. 2 involves the distressors they experience that affect their performance. Problem no. 3


deals with the effects of the distressors as perceived by the staff nurses. Problem no. 4 is the level of distressors they experience in terms of physical, environmental, organizational and emotional factors. Problem no. 5 is the strategies adopted by the respondents to cope up with their distressors. Problem no. 6 is the effect of these strategies in coping with their distressors. Then the first draft will be reproduced for distribution to the respondents. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA The statistical treatment of data will involve the use of percentage and ranking. 1. Frequency will be used to determine the number of response to the survey with regards to the questionnaires. 2. Percentage is the representation of frequency as it is a part of a hundred. P = f/N x100% Where: P - Percentage f- Number of respondents N - Total number of respondent


100% - Constant 3. Weighted mean is the average of the frequency of the respondents putting weights on every response as related to:

To a very great extent To a great extent To a moderate extent To a little extent Not at all

5 4 3 2 1

Formula: X= Where: x Weighted mean Summation W Weight of each item x Value of each item N Total number of observation


Interpretation of Computed Weighted Mean: Range 4.50 5.00 3.50 4.49 2.50 3.49 1.50 2.49 1.00 1.49 Description To a very great extent To a great extent To a moderate extent To a little extent Not at all

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