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Advice for General Dental

Practitioners, PCTs and LHBs

Guidelines for Referrals for
Orthodontic Treatment
This document has been produced by the British Orthodontic Society
Guidelines for Referrals for
Orthodontic Treatment
1. What is Orthodontics?
The provision of orthodontics varies
considerably across the UK. In some areas
the majority of orthodontics is provided
by specialists while, in other areas, general
dental practitioners provide a large part
of the service, often in close collaboration
with the local hospital service. Historically,
this is a reection of how the service
has developed and where orthodontists
trained. There has also been an increasing
demand placed on the service as the
populations awareness of dental health
has increased and more people have
sought treatment. This increase in demand
has not however been met by a relative
increase in the number of specialist
orthodontists being trained and therefore
large waiting lists for treatment have
developed in certain parts of the country.
To help provide a service in parts of
the country where there was a lack of
specialist orthodontic provision, a large
percentage of the treatment was being
provided by general dental practitioners.
Since the introduction of the new dental
contract, in April 2006, this service has
reduced, placing greater pressure on
the specialist providers. There is also
the introduction of the 18 week wait
for consultant led services in secondary
care which will be a national target by
December 2008. Combined, these place
greater onus on the referring practitioner
to refer, in the rst instance, to the most
appropriate provider. This, for some,
will be a cultural shift as they may have
referred preferentially to one provider for
a variety of reasons.
However, considering the reported high
levels of inappropriate referrals
have in part contributed to the long
historic waits for orthodontic assessment
and treatment, it is important that all
parties work together to manage referral
pathways. This is dependent on good
communication between all parties.
Introduction By working closely with user groups,
providers in primary and secondary
care can develop a managed clinical
network with robust and transparent care
pathways improving access to specialist
orthodontic care. This includes the use of
referral guidelines to ensure patients are
referred to the most appropriate provider
with minimal delay. This will negate the
need for intermediate triaging of referrals
and all the unnecessary cost and delay
this would incur.
Introduction of Guidelines
Malocclusion is not a disease state but
a variation from what is considered the
ideal. Therefore there can be confusion
among non-specialists as to what warrants
referral for a specialist opinion. There
is further confusion in orthodontics as
specialist care is provided in a variety
of settings. One possible solution is the
introduction of guidelines on referral. To
be acceptable and effective, guidelines
need to be developed locally with input
from the general dental practitioners who
will be using them
. Guidelines produced
nationally by societies or colleges can be
used as a basis and they should be based
on scientic evidence as much as possible.
They should not be prescriptive or take
away referring practitioners or patients
choice where they access a specialist
opinion. They should also not be used
to limit or prevent referral for a specialist
opinion, which remains a fundamental
patient right.
Therefore written guidelines should be
accompanied by education and support
for referring practitioners including
lectures and courses, outreach education
in the form of practice visits and regular
reminders particularly for those practices
which nd it difcult to change their
referral practice. The introduction
of guidelines should be followed by
regular audit to monitor their use and
effectiveness and revision as necessary.
commitment to treatment assessed.
Ideally written information should be
given to the patient and their parents/
guardians prior to referral to help them
make a decision. Patient information
leaets are available from the British
Orthodontic Society. If the patient is
unsure, a cooling off period is appropriate
prior to referral for the patient to reect
on whether they want to proceed. If a
referral is made, the patient should be
advised why they are being referred and
to whom.
If there is any doubt especially in relation
to the need for orthodontic treatment, it
is appropriate to seek a specialist opinion.
Similarly, it is the view of the British
Orthodontic Society that a patient has
the right to seek a specialist opinion even
if they present with a mild malocclusion
that may not be eligible for NHS
Where to make an orthodontic
There are four main providers of
1. Specialist orthodontic practitioners
working from practice
2. Hospital consultant service
3. Community orthodontic service
4. General dental practitioners with a
special interest in orthodontics
Although there is crossover in the service
they provide, each group provides a
different service. Specialist practitioners
can provide the majority of specialist
orthodontic treatment for children and
adolescents. The hospital consultant
service provides treatment for those
cases that require multidisciplinary care
including patients with impacted teeth,
severe skeletal problems that require
a combination of orthodontics and
surgery to correct and patients with
complex medical histories. Many hospital
departments also provide training and
The Index of Orthodontic
Treatment Need
The provision of orthodontics under
the new contract is based on the Index
of Treatment Need (IOTN); this has
been shown to be both reliable and
reproducible. It is therefore important
that referring practitioners are aware
of under what criteria, treatment will
be offered to their patients and by
what provider. At present however, the
majority of practitioners are unfamiliar
with IOTN and are unable and unhappy
to apply it to their patients. It is therefore
unrealistic to expect general dental
practitioners to be able to accurately
provide an IOTN score for the patients
they refer. Referral guidelines should
therefore be based on IOTN but not just
replicate it. An effective alternative is
to use a pictorial guide showing various
malocclusal traits that correspond
to categories of the dental health
component of IOTN (Appendix 1).
When to make an orthodontic
The majority of orthodontic treatment
can commence in the late mixed and
early permanent dentition. Earlier referral
is needed in certain circumstances as
outlined in Appendix 2 when interceptive
treatment is needed
. However, for the
majority of patients, this is the
appropriate time to refer for an
orthodontic assessment. If patients are
referred too early for treatment they
should be referred back to the referring
practitioner to monitor the dental
development and then re-referred at the
appropriate time. Patients should not be
referred early in an attempt to circumvent
long waiting lists as this is unfair on the
patients, already on a waiting list, who
were referred at the appropriate time.
Before making a referral the patient
should be advised what orthodontic
treatment may involve and their
teaching for specialist registrars and
general dental practitioners and as such
will accept a limited number of routine
orthodontic cases. The community
orthodontic service, similarly to the
hospital service, will provide treatment for
patients with complex medical and social
problems. The provision of orthodontic
services provided by general dental
practitioners with a special interest in
orthodontics will vary in different parts of
the country depending on the number
of specialist orthodontists. Generally
however, general dental practitioners
with a special interest in orthodontics can
provide routine orthodontic treatment for
children and adolescents.
The referring practitioner should refer
the patient to the appropriate provider.
Guidelines for this are provided in
Appendix 3. The patient should not be
referred to multiple providers as this will
result in inappropriate referrals, creation
of articial waiting lists and confusion for
the patient
Referral letters
All referral letters should include the
following information:
1. Patient demographics
2. Reason for referral i.e. treatment,
3. Salient features of patients
4. History of previous treatment
5. Recent relevant radiographs where
If the above information is not provided
the referral should not be accepted, but
returned to the referrer to provide the
appropriate information. This information
can be provided in the form of a referral
pro-forma or standardised referral form.
The advantage of a pro-forma is that
it will help standardise referrals and
encourage referral to the appropriate
provider. To be effective however it will
need to be understandable by a non-
specialist, be easy and quick to ll out
and not require any specialist tools or
equipment to assess the patient. The use
of a pro-forma will also not work when
a practice accepts referral by telephone.
If it is apparent, from the information
given with the referral, that the patient
has been referred to an inappropriate
provider, the referrer should be informed
and advised to redirect the referral.
It is important that patients are advised,
on referral, that treatment may not be
offered and they may be referred to
another provider, or that treatment is not
available under the new NHS guidelines.
Patients will not be accepted onto the
treatment waiting lists if oral hygiene is
poor or there is evidence of active dental
Patients responsibilities during
Orthodontic treatment depends on
good compliance to achieve a successful
outcome; therefore it is important that
the referring practitioner informs patients
before they are referred that:
1. All appointments should be kept
2. Appliances must be worn as
3. Dietary advice and oral hygiene
instruction must be adhered to
4. Treatment generally takes between
18 to 30 months followed by a
period of retention
5. Appliances will be removed and
treatment discontinued if there is
persistent poor oral hygiene, broken
appliances, poor compliance with
instructions or failed appointments

Types of occlusal problem eligible for
NHS orthodontic treatment
Occlusal problems not eligible for
NHS orthodontic treatment (unless
there is another occlusal feature
which falls into the eligible category
or a significant aesthetic impairment)

Teeth protrude (overjet) more than 6mm
Teeth protrude (overjet) less than 6mm
Patient does not
want orthodontic
treatment or would
not wear a brace

Reverse overjet greater than 1mm Reverse overjet less than 1mm and no
anterior displacement
Patients over 18 will
only be accepted for
orthodontics if they
have a complex
occlusal and skeletal
problem requiring
multidisciplinary care
(see overleaf)

(Initial contact) (Intercuspal position)
Anterior or posterior crossbite with
mandibular displacement on closure
Anterior or posterior crossbite without
mandibular displacement
Active thumb/finger
sucking (please
encourage your
patient to stop their
sucking habit as
treatment will not be
started until the habit
has ceased)

Impacted teeth Submerged teeth

Spacing between teeth
Poor oral hygiene or
disease (unless
advice is needed for
extractions only)

Severe crowding with at least one contact
point displacement > 4mm

Mild crowding with no significant contact
point displacements

Hypodontia (missing teeth)

Mild crowding

Anterior or lateral open bites > 4mm
Mild anterior or lateral open bites

Increased overbite with clinical evidence of
gingival or palatal trauma

Increased overbite but without gingival or
palatal trauma

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Early referrals
When to refer in the deciduous dentition:
lndividuals wiLh clefL lip and}or palaLe, or
other craniofacial anomalies
Severe naxillary}nandibular
disproportion (only if parents concerned
otherwise wait until mixed dentition stage)
When to refer in the mixed dentition:
AnLerior or posLerior crossbiLes wiLh
associated mandibular displacement
Class lll nalocclusion in Lhe nixed denLiLion
Class ll}l nalocclusion where Lhere is
an underlying skeletal II pattern. Most
functional appliances are easiest to wear
when upper 4|4 are fully erupted. Such a
patient entering his or her pubertal growth
spurt should be seen without delay
AsynneLry in Lhe paLLern of LooLh
eruption (especially upper central incisors)
Severely hypoplasLic}carious hrsL nolars of
poor long-term prognosis
Lack of palpable canine bulges buccally aL
10-12 years indicating palatal impaction of
HypodonLia (nissing LeeLh), supernunerary
Subnerged deciduous nolars, inpacLed
rst permanent molars
PeriodonLal problens caused by severely
ectopic tooth position
Severe crowding of incisors
Appendix 3
Where to make an orthodontic referral
Specialist Orthodontic Practice:
PaLienLs LhaL presenL wiLh nalocclusions
that require routine orthodontic treatment
including crowding, increased overjet,
increased overbite especially with evidence
of gingival trauma, posterior and anterior
crossbites with displacements and mild
hypodontia (missing no more than one tooth
per quadrant)
Dentist with Special Interest in Orthodontics:
PaLienLs LhaL require rouLine orLhodonLic
treatment, as above, but often in conjunction
with a consultants treatment plan
Hospital Orthodontic Service:
Malocclusions which require inLerdisciplinary
orthodontics and orthognathic (jaw surgery)
treatment i.e. those with skeletal anomalies
and/or asymmetries
Malocclusions which require inLerdisciplinary
restorative treatment, such as hypodontia,
ankylosed teeth, previously traumatised
anterior teeth, developmental anomalies
affecting tooth structure (amelogenesis/
dentinogenesis imperfecta), severe tooth
surface loss
Malocclusions which require inLerdisciplinary
orthodontics and surgical treatment, such as
impacted/ectopic teeth, ankylosed teeth
Children wiLh physical or nenLal handicap,
growth-related problems and disease who
also have a malocclusion which fulls the
eligibility criteria in Appendix 1
lndividuals wiLh clefL lip and}or palaLe or
other craniofacial anomalies
Non-nulLidisciplinary cases which fulhl Lhe
eligibility criteria in Appendix 1 (a number
of such cases are required for teaching
purposes but if no cases are needed for
training at the time of your referral it may
be forwarded to a local specialist practice or
Dentist with Special Interest in Orthodontics)
1. OBrien KD, McComb JL, Fox N, Bearn D, Wright J.
Do dentists refer orthodontic patients inappropriately?
Br Dent J 1999;187:132-136.
2. McComb JL, Wright JL, OBrien. Clinical guidelines in
dentistry:will they be useful? Br Dent J 1997;183:22-
3. OBrien K., Wright J, Conboy F, Bagley l, Lewis D,
Read M, Thompson R, Bogues W, Lentin S, Parr G,
Aron B. The effect of orthodontic referral guidelines: a
randomised controlled trial. Br Dent J 2000;188:392-
4. Hassan T, Nute SJ. An audit of referral practice for
patients with impacted canines and the impact of
referral guidelines. Br Dent J 2006;200:493-496.
1. Ferguson JW., Langford JW, Davenport PJ. Making
the best use of consultant orthodontic services, part
1: determining which patients require referral. Dental
Update 1997;24:15-17.
2. Ferguson JW., Langford JW, Davenport PJ. Making
the best use of consultant orthodontic services,
part 2: how to undertake a referral. Dental Update
Orthodontic Practice Committee of the
British Orthodontic Society, November 2008
British Orthodontic Society
12 8ridewell Place London EC4v AP
Email: Telephone: 020 7353 8680 Fax: 020 7353 8682

Registered Charity No: 1073464
GDP 1 July 09
The Orthodontic Practice Committee would like to thank the
West Sussex Orthodontic Sub-group of the Oral Health Advisory Group for their
help in putting together these guidelines.

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