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Criticism of A Government

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March 17, 2014, Via Mail Mayor Rick Bonnette, Town Councilors, and The Public At Large The

Government of Georgetown Halton Hills Georgetown Halton Hills City Hall 1 Halton Hills Drive Georgetown, ON. L7G 5G2 Mr. Mayor, Town Councilors, and The Public At Large:

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Once again, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills has illegally used force against an individual, simply because that individual exercised his CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, expressed his opinion, his freedom of speech, his freedom of expression, his freedom of thought, his freedom of association, his freedom of philosophy and/or religion, and, his freedom to criticize government. This time, that individual is me, Graydon Hillock. The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills has ignored the laws of Canada, the laws of the Province of Ontario, and, the Decision of Justice Corbett J., handed down on April 7, 2006. On April 7, 2006, Justice Corbett J. handed down his Decision, a mammoth and humiliating and decisive defeat for the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, Terry Alyman (circa $150K per year, Dir. Parks and Rec.), and John Schaljo (Helson Kogon Ashbee Schaljo). His Decision illustrates that in a Free and Open Democracy, Freedom of Opinion, Freedom of Expressing that Opinion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Philosophy and/or Religion, and, Freedom to Criticize Government, are all Paramount, Privileged, and Protected by Law. And that, any attempt by a government to persecute (force) or oppress (force) or quash (force) or control (force) or suppress (force), those Freedoms is illegal and prohibited by law. Canada is an Open and Free Democracy. The Province of Ontario is an Open and Free Democracy. Justice Corbett J.s Decision is a beautiful document, and shows how the Government of Georgetown Halt on Hills was kept in check, and prevented from abusing its power, and using (its) force, illegally, against an individual against the Public. Justice Corbett J. is to be commended for his thinking: it is elegant and perspicuous. It demonstrates the importance of a free and open democracy, and, it demonstrates that the individual and his opinions, are truly precious, and to be protected. It is a caveat, and it reminds us all, to be cognizant and vigilant, as to the perversions and abuses of a government. On April 7, 2006, Justice Corbett J. wrote: [4] No government may bring an action in defamation: authority in support of this conclusion from the United Kingdom, the U nited States of America, South Africa and Australia, is correct and ought to be fol lowed. Disposition [5] Accordingly, I order that the claim of Halton Hills be dismissed, without leave to amend, with costs to the defendant (Defendant: Al J. Kerouac the individual who expressed his opinion) (d) Summary Judgment and CHARTER Cases [17] The defendant takes the position that the CHARTER precludes actions in defamation by a local government. This bar is an incident of freedom of expression under s. 2(b) of the CHARTER. In simple terms, everyone should be free to criticize democratically elected governments, be they federal, provincial or local, without risking a defamation action. [22] The clash of positions goes directly to the content of the protection of freedom of speech. The Constitutional Argument Overview [25] Without free speech, there is no free press. Without a free press, there is no free political debate. Without free political debate, there cannot be true democracy. Freedom of speech, writ large, is a pillar of democracy. [27] A law that restricts free speech, even slightly and for noble purposes, has some chilling effect. The chill is greater than the metes and bounds of the restriction itself, since the risk of prosecution or litigation will surely discourage speech near the boundaries of what is permitted.

Criticism of a Government page 2/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved [30] local governments do not have private reputations. Their sole existence is public: they exist to conduct public busine ss, and have no other purpose. In this respect they are unlike other corporations, and unlike natural persons, and instead are more akin to the democratically elected governments of the provinces and the federal government. [31] And while local governments remain subordinate to the governments that created them, they are subject to the same public law values that constrain the Provinces and the federal government, at least in respect to democratic values. [32] In a democracy, it is essential that the government be in the public domain, and be available for criticism of all kinds. [33] Unlike public officials, governments have no private interests, no private reputations. They exist wholly in the public domain, and it is in this arena that their reputations may be attacked [35] (b) It is difficult to imagine a guaranteed right more important to a democratic society than freedom of expression. I ndeed, a democracy cannot exist without that freedom to express new ideas and to put forward opinions about the functioning of public institutions. The concept of free and uninhibited speech permeates all truly democratic societies and institutions. The vital importance of the concept cannot be over-emphasized. [37] it is the restriction on freedom of speech made about the state that is the real mischief. oppressive (as discussed below) any law that restricts speech of and about government is inimical to the basic tenets of democracy. [38] Justice Fisher of the Illinois Supreme Court put it thus more than eighty years ago: Where any person by speech or writing utterances or publications against the government must be considered absolutely privileged. It follows, therefore, that every citizen has a right to criticize an inefficient or corrupt government without fear of civil as well as criminal prosecution. This absolute privilege is founded on the principle that it is advantageous for the public interest that the citizen should not be in any way fettered in his statements, and where the public service or the administration of justice is involved he shall have the right to speak his mind freely. [39] Naturally, the absolute freedom to comment upon public administration cannot be confined to situations where the critic ism is wellfounded, for there is no monopoly on right-thinking in a democracy. Everyone has a right to her opinion, whether sound or ill-advised, moderate or extreme, well-documented, or utterly baseless. And everyone has a right to voice her opinion, whether orally or in writing. [40] The House of Lords considered this issue in relation to a local government in 1993. Lord Keith distinguished a local authority from other corporations, a distinction in keeping with the greater recognition local government is now accorded in Canada: There are, however, features of a local authority which may be regarded as distinguishing it from other types of corporation, whether trading or non-trading. The most important of these features is that it is a governmental body. Further, it is a democratically elected body It is of the highest public importance that a democratically elected governmental body, or indeed any governmental body, should be open to uninhibited public criticism. The threat of civil action for defamation must inevitably have an inhibiting effect on freedom of speech. [41] The Supreme Court of New South Wales described a defamation action by a local authority as entirely misconceived, and held that if defamation actions were available to local governments, it would open the way to oppression of a most serious kind. It appears that a similar position prevails in South Africa: there are good practical reasons why such an action [a defamation claim by a public authority] should not now be recognized in South Africa. [42] [t]he modern approach appears to be the same in all jurisdictions to have considered the issue [T]he universal view is that government actions for defamation are oppressive and contrary to free expression A government suit against a citizen for spe aking his mind or [facilitating] the right of others to do so, is contrary to the CHARTER. [43] I agree with this conclusion (a) freedom of speech is important and protected by the CHARTER, (b) speech about a local government is political speech and thus lies at the core of protec ted speech; (c) defamation actions are an impediment to free speech; (d) therefore defamation actions brought by local governments impede free speech and are contrary to the CHARTER, and (e) other modern democracies have adopted this approach. [44] The court should be able to conclude safely that defamation actions by government are barred.

Criticism of a Government page 3/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved [47] For while a government has a reputation, sometimes called a governing reputation, it exists wholly in the public sphere. A government has no reputation apart from this public governing reputation. And the courts are not a fit institution to sit i n judgment on the fairness, or otherwise, of critical comments made abo ut government Ultimate judgment will be made by the public in periodic elections. [48] I agree with Gleeson C.J. where he notes as follows: [T]o maintain that an elected governmental institution has a righ t to a reputation as a governing body is to argue for the existence of something that is incompatible with the very process to which the body owes its existence. [49] I also agree with the observation of Kirby J. that if this could be done [defamation actions by government], it would open the way to oppression of the most serious kind. [51] American courts have foreclosed defamation actions by government for two principled reasons: (i) a governmental unit is not a person and thus has no reputation that can be defamed; As long as ultimate sovereignity (sic) resides in the people, the state cannot be thought of having a separate personality and, therefore, cannot be said to have been defamed. (ii) Such actions are constitutionally unsound; Criticism of a government is at the very center of the constitutionally protected area of free discussion. [54] I agree that defamation actions by government are constitutionally unsound. [56] it is not the identity of the speaker that precludes a defamation action. ( by government) (2) There is no reason, in principle, that persons who are not citizens or taxpayers or residents should not be able to criticize government. Why should non-Canadians have any less freedom to criticize a Canadian government? Canadian media might well criticize foreign governments: should their ability to do so be constrained by their personal relationship with that government? For example, assume that a Canadian newspaper publishes a defamatory article about, say, the Government of Canada. In my view, no action lies against the paper by Canada. I see no reason, in principle, why the result would change if the article was published in an American newspaper. Further, some of the most disadvantaged persons in Canadian society may not be taxpayers: surely their rights to criticize government are not constrained by their poverty? Others may also not be citizens or residents and yet they are surely not constrained thereby from voicing their criticism of government. I conclude that it is not the relationship between the speaker and the government that gives rise to the unavailability of defamation actions. ( by government) It is in the very nature of a democratic government itself that precludes government from responding to criticism by means of defamation actions. [58] Speech About Government Is Absolutely Privileged: The reason for the prohibition of defamation suits lies in the nature of democracy itself. Governments are accountable to the people When a government is criticized, its recourse is in the public d omain, not the courts. The government may not imprison, or fine, or sue, those who criticize it. Litigation is a form of force, and the government must not silence its critics by force. Government must

not silence its critics by force. Government must not

silence its critics by force. Government

must not silence its critics by force.

[59] Section 2(b) of the CHARTER guarantees freedom of expression. Statements made about public affairs generally, and about government in particular, lie at the very core of this democratic value. [60] the starting position, at common law, is that statements made about government are absolutely privileged. [62] I conclude as follows: 1) Section 2(b) of the CHARTER guarantees freedom of expression; 2) Expression about public affairs in general, and government in particular, lies at the core of freedom of expression; 3) Any legal restriction on freedom of expression about public affairs has a chilling effect on freedom of expression generally, and infringes the Section 2(b) guarantee; 5) There is no counterveiling justification to permit governments to sue in defamation; 6) The common law position is that absolute privilege attaches to statements made about government; 7) Government includes democratically elected local governments. Justice Corbett J. End of Justice Corbett J. Decision Excerpts, April 7, 2006.

Criticism of a Government continues on next page

Criticism of a Government page 4/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved Until recently, I enjoyed visiting the Georgetown Halton Hills Library and the warm and friendly association of several library employees. They always said hello, always smiled, and always made me feel welcome. On their initiatives, they regularly engaged me in goodnatured, enjoyable chitchat about running, strength training, Iron Man, nutrition, food preparation, recipes, good vegan products, kitchens, great 10 burner stoves, house design, home repairs, fixing my mothers leaking roof, bed bugs in hotels (!), etc., etc., and were always generous with their time, helping me with a computer issue. I have a certain command of the English language, but the computer, not so much. I say, On their initiatives, because, as a gentleman, I learned many, many years ago never to approach a woman. Inste ad, allow the woman to approach you (me). This establishes a comfortable, non-threatening environment. At the outset I stated, Until recently,. Thats because I no longer visit the Georgetown Halton Hills Library. A short time ago, everything changed from friendly to non-friendly. En masse, en bloc, and in concert, all of the library employees stopped smiling at me, stopped saying hello, stopped talking to me, stopped being courteous, gracious, affable and pleasant. Some walked aggressively past me in close proximity too close, did not make eye contact, or, gave me a stern glare and then looked away in disdain. I sat at the computer but was too uncomfortable to check my email, so, I departed. I didnt accomplish an ything that day and had a difficult time sleeping that night. One thing loomed large and wouldnt leave me: What the Hell was going on? Although I tried to temper my disquiet, my work was suffering and I couldnt attain my usual daily stasis. I was troubl ed, baffled and perplexed. I returned to the library a few days later, hoping that I was wrong, but instead, the environment had worsened: 2 Georgetown Halton Hills Library employees were openly hostile to me. I departed. None of this made any sense, but certain things were blatantly obvious: 1. Someone at the Georgetown Halton Hills Library had Intentionally made False and Erroneous and Derogatory and Defamatory Statements about me with Malice (force), Intentionally Damaging my Good Name and Reputation with Malice (force), Intentionally Causing me Great Embarrassment with Malice (force), Intentionally Causing me Great Emotional Pain with Malice (force), and, Intentionally Causing me Great Suffering with Malice (force). 2. Someone in a senior position with authority, had directed and ordered all library employees to change their natural, previously established, pleasant and good-natured behavior towards me, 180 degrees, to the exact opposite end of the horizon, and demonstrate animosity (force) towards me instead. 3. PROOF: This phenomenon does not occur naturally in life: a group of people, substantial in number, changing their behavior identically, to an opposite behavior, en masse, en bloc, and in concert. For this artificial phenomenon to occur, outside, pre-meditated and intentional machinations, and forces, with intentions to orchestrate such an artificial phenomenon and drastic change, must be present. 4. Nothing about this hostility (force) was inadvertent. 5. Furthermore, these library employees, that I knew, are not sheep, and, they are not stupid, they are intelligent individuals. Therefore: they were Intentionally Coerced (force) and Intentionally Mislead with Misinformation (force), into this new, foreign behavior, against their natural instincts and their natural disposition towards me that were already, previously established. 6. Coercion (force) in the work place, either implicit or explicit, perpetrated by the employer, senior personnel, or person of authority, directed at a subordinate employee, is illegal, and constitutes both Provincial and Federal Offences and Infractions, including, but not limited to, Labour Laws Violations, CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, Human Rights Violations, and, Breach of Trust. 7. A standard corporate tactic to coerce employees into Lock Step, is to imply job loss or discipline, causing instant fear this is illegal. *N.B. Corporate Fascism in Government, in Canada, is illegal. Corporate Totalitarianism in Government, in Canada, is illegal.

Mr. Mayor, Councilors, does the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, actually think that the Georgetown Halton Hills Library employees, are going to perjure themselves, to protect the illegal actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills? A convicted perjurer cannot travel to the U.S., Europe or abroad, and may be placed on a No Fly List, which takes years and thousands of dollars to be expunged. A convicted perjurer cannot achieve a good credit rating, cannot qualify for a mortgage, cannot get a low rate credit card or low rate car loan or car lease. A convicted perjurer will not be admitted to a good school to pursue a degree program, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate. And, a convicted perjurer cannot advance their career and get a good job. In this letter, the term, Library Employee, does not include senior personnel Geoff Canon (circa $113K per year, plus benef its and pension) or Jane Diamanti (circa $145K per year, plus benefits and pension). Geoff Canon (circa $113K per year) has directed his hostility (force) at me in the past. However, he acquiesced when I queried him about the chronically broken computers that were/are designated for the Public, and why, when they do work, they are so chronically slow, that

Criticism of a Government page 5/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved a person can wait 20 minutes to get on line and open their email? And further, why dont the computers designated for the Pub lic, have the universal software, WORD, installed? I queried, why does the library st aff have a separate computer system that functions much better and is much faster, and, does have the universal software, WORD installed? Why does the Georgetown Halton Hills Library have a 2 tiered computer system: The Superior computer system and Superior software, WORD, for the library staff, and, The Inferior computer system and Inferior software, without WORD, for the Public, the Tax Payers? I then said, how do you justify your exorbitant Government salary of $113K per year PLUS your lavish Government Pension and Benefits Package, when you dont possess the skill, knowledge or expertise, to install a proper, modern computer system and software, for the Public, the Tax Payers, that meets or exceeds current standards found in other libraries? Tail betwixt his legs, backbone pulverized by FACTS and the TRUTH, Geoff Canon quickly vanished, like vapor. *N.B. Any Wrong or Hostility (force) perpetrated by government personnel against an individual, constitutes an Impropriety in Government. An Impropriety in Government, at any level, constitutes both Provincial and Federal Offences and Infractions, as well as, CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, Human Rights Violations, and, Breach of Trust. HOUSE OF CARDS All that is required is this: One library employee demonstrates integrity and courage, and tells the truth to the Judge, in Court. Or, One library employee perjures them self, in Court, under oath, in front of a Judge. When either of the above occurs, the entire House of Cards, Intentionally constructed by the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills (and perpetrated against me), will come tumbling down, and, a myriad of Criminal and Civil Charges will ensue. *N.B. Collusion & Conspiracy constitutes both Federal and Provincial Crimes. Penalties include incarceration and severe monetary fines.

REPEAT OFFENDER The Courts, The Judiciary, Judges, and the Attorney General, DO NOT LIKE, Repeat Offenders, especially, White Collar, Highly Paid, Affluent Governments, in a position of Public Trust, who violate and abuse that Public Trust, while receiving much higher salaries, pensions and benefits packages, than the private sector receives the Georgetown Halton Hills Taxpayers. Moreover, this time, as a Repeat Offender, I believe the Judge and the Courts will very heavily fine, and very heavily sanction, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, for its Intentional severe transgressions, Intentionally and illegally using force against an individual, ignoring the law, and, ignoring Justice Corbett J.s earlier Decision and Warning . In addition, I believe that I will be awarded Full and Substantial Compensatory Damages, as well as, Full and Substantial Punitive Damages, as it is blatantly obvious, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, flagrantly and egregiously, doesnt care about the law. Further, if a lawyer/law firm is involved in any of the aforementioned actions and transgressions, in anyway whatsoever, that lawyer/law firm has violated and breached and contravened The Rules of Professional Conduct, as set forth by the Law Society of Upper Canada. And furthermore, that lawyer/law firm has also Suborned Improprieties in Government. Improprieties in Government, at any level, constitute both Federal and Provincial Offences and Infractions, as well as, CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, Human Rights Violations, and, Breach of Trust. In addition, that lawyer/law firm will be reported to Zeynep Onen, Director, Professional Regulation Division, Law Society of Upper Canada.

FULL DISCLOSURE I have filed a Complaint against a lawyer at Helson Kogon Ashbee Schaljo, for Misconduct. I have also issued a CEASE AND DESIST ORDER to that lawyer and his law firm. Should he, or his law firm, or anyone associated with him or his law firm, make any attempt to contact me, in anyway whatsoever, those actions will constitute HARASSMENT, and the Police will be called, and the appropriate parties will be charged. Zeynep Onen, Director, Professional Regulation Division, Law Society of Upper Canada, is monitoring Case #2013-120468. *N.B. Retaliation (force) or Reprisal (force) by a Government, its personnel, or its representatives, is illegal.

Criticism of a Government page 6/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved BLOOD & TREASURE In World War I and World War II, Canada spilt massive amounts of blood and treasure so that one day, someone like me, Graydon Hillock, could speak his mind freely and openly, and express his opinion, and Criticize the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, unfettered, and without fear of retaliation (force) and reprisal (force) from an oppressive government, wrongfully and illegally using force, to quash and quell my voice to silence me and Violate my CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. World War II was, and is, about one thing: FREEDOM. It is my opinion, that the Intentional Actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills (perpetrated against me), are an insult to our Veterans our Fallen Warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice so that one day, someone like me, could speak openly and freely, unfettered, and Criticize the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, without fear. When I cull my lexicon, it is difficult for me to find the most accurate and perspicuous words, to express and transmit my outrage, at the grotesque abuses (force) that I have suffered, the vile and nefarious violations (force) that I have suffered, and, the permanent damages (force) to my good name and reputation, my business and my career, that I have sustained, at the hands of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. I have been Intentionally and Maliciously and Illegally smeared (force) by common fascist thuggery, perpetrated by the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. Libraries have been an important part of my journey and life experience. From Boston, Harvard, Manhattan, Princeton, Miami, Nashville, Chicago, Boulder, Austin, San Francisco, Stanford, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Burbank, and a gem, Brand Music & Art Reference Library, Glendale, CA. These libraries are a joy to visit. Conducive to research, learning, study, reflection, respite, enlightenment, respect for opinion and moderation, and, quiet intellectual industry. The Georgetown Halton Hills Library does not nurture these ideals and virtues and sublime, traditional goals. Instead, its a bastion of hate (force) and hostility (force). A poor education yields ignorance. Ignorance yields fear. Fear yields vindictiveness. Vindictiveness yields extremism. Extremism yields fascism. Fascism yields persecution. The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills is an abject embarrassment. In 2014, in Canada, Fascism is alive and well in the guise of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. This government, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, is unfit to serve. This government, the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, MUST BE IMPEACHED.



Dear Mr. Graydon Hillock: The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally Making FALSE and ERRONEOUS and DEROGATORY and DEFAMATORY Statements about you with MALICE (force), Intentionally DAMAGING YOUR GOOD NAME and REPUTATION with MALICE (force), Intentionally Causing You GREAT EMBARRASSMENT with MALICE (force), Intentionally Causing You GREAT EMOTIONAL PAIN with MALICE (force), and, Intentionally CAUSING You GREAT SUFFERING with MALICE (force). The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally DAMAGING YOUR BUSINESS and CAREER, BOTH PROFESSIONALLY and ACADEMICALLY with MALICE (force), CAUSING YOU LOST EMPLOYMENT, LOST EARNINGS, LOST OPPORTUNITIES with MALICE (force), and, DAMAGE to YOUR FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES, FUTURE BENEFITS and FUTURE ROYALTIES with MALICE (force). The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally Directing and Ordering Georgetown Halton Hills Library Employees, to STOP Saying Hello To You with MALICE (force), STOP Smiling At You with MALICE (force), STOP Talking To You with MALICE (force), STOP Being Courteous, Gracious, Affable, and Pleasant To You with MALICE (force), CAUSING YOU to FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE with MALICE (force) and UNWELCOME with MALICE (force), and CAUSING a HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT with MALICE (force), PREVENTING YOU from REASONABLE ENJOYMENT with MALICE (force) of a Government Owned Building and Service, that YOU PAID FOR, and CONTINUE to PAY FOR, via YOUR TAXES.

Criticism of a Government page 7/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally Directing and Ordering Georgetown Halton Hills Library Employees, to CHANGE THEIR NATURAL, PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED, PLEASANT and GOOD-NATURED BEHAVIOR TOWARDS YOU with MALICE (force), En Masse, En Bloc, and In Concert, TO A COUNTER BEHAVIOR, AN OPPOSITE BEHAVIOR, Demonstrating ANIMOSITY with MALICE (force) and HOSTILITY with MALICE (force) TOWARDS YOU, instead. The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally CONDUCTING a CAMPAIGN OF INTIMIDATION with MALICE (force) AGAINST YOU with MALICE (force). The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, deeply regrets and profoundly apologizes, for Intentionally DESTROYING YOUR FRIENDSHIPS with MALICE (force) and FRIENDLY ASSOCIATIONS with MALICE (force), with Georgetown Halton Hills Library Employees. It is understood that you may file a separate Action/Claim/Complaint for CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS VIOLATIONS, as a result of the Intentional Actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. It is understood that you may file a separate Action/Claim/Complaint for HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, as a result of the Intentional Actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. It is understood that you may file a separate Action/Claim/Complaint for a REBATE of YOUR TAXES, as you are now DENIED ACCESS with MALICE (force) to a Government Building and Service, The Georgetown Halton Hills Library, because of an UNCOMFORTABLE and HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT with MALICE (force), Caused by the Intentional Actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. It is understood that you may file separate Actions/Claims/Complaints for DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY YOU and/or YOUR REAL PROPERTY with MALICE (force), Caused by the Intentional Actions of the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills. Such Intentional Actions may include, but are not limited to: ~ LIBEL with MALICE (force) ~ PREJUDICE AGAINST YOU and/or YOUR REAL PROPERTY with MALICE (force) ~ DAMAGES TO YOU and/or YOUR REAL PROPERTY, Yet Again with MALICE (force) (Herewith is acknowledged receipt of your CEASE AND DESIST ORDER, issued to the Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, its Public Works Department, and, Dick Spear (circa $110K per year, Super. Pub. Works): STOP Damaging Your Real Property with Heavy Equipment with MALICE (force), STOP TRESPASSING On Your Property, and, STOP HARASSING You with MALICE (force) ~ TRESPASS with MALICE (force) ~ HARASSMENT with MALICE (force) ~ BIAS and PREFERENCE for Select Voters with MALICE (force) ~ PROVIDING EXCESSIVE SERVICES for Select Voters ~ NOT PROVIDING SERVICES for Other Voters ~ SQUANDERING TAX PAYERS MONEY and RESOURCES on Select Voters ~ NEPOTISM and FAVOURITISM EXTENDED to Select Voters ~ BUYING VOTES with TAX PAYERS MONEY and RESOURCES ~ OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE ~ BREACH of TRUST ~ et al.

This Public Apology and the enclosed certified check for $1.2 Million Dollars payable to you will be sent to you, at your Georgetown address.

Signed by: Mayor Rick Bonnette __________________________ Date: _______________ 2014 Jane Diamanti __________________________ Date: _______________ 2014 Geoff Canon __________________________ Date: _______________ 2014

Criticism of a Government continues on next page

Criticism of a Government page 8/9 Copyright 2014 by Graydon Hillock All Rights Reserved Sacred Documents in the Snow Those timid timorous reticent craven Rest easy little dove, weve got your back, you are safe Pusillanimous no more an eagle soars Those intrepid drawn are their swords Arrows armaments quivers potent Full, inundated and over flowing Sacred documents provide our knowing, CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, ever glowing, Locked and loaded in our holsters Godspeed. Avaricious cupidity ensconced under rocks. Not for long, ineluctable fate owns the clock. Yes it does matter their testicles served up on a platter, the whole world will see, trophies for the righteous While the bloody fascists bleed. Democracy open and free for us all. The True North strong, strong and free. Vigilance and the courage to speak are necessary Locked and loaded in our holsters CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, sacred documents our soldiers. Godspeed. We are Freedom We are Free We can Speak Guaranteed

A stygian darkness in a town, where oppression, suppression and persecution, all garner little sound A sardonic grin, summer teeth and polished skin. Boots jack and Shirts brown a technocrat, a fascist, and a clown. Antediluvian phartz have no taste they just smell. A white room cold, inimical as Hell. The elite The boors The crass, their noses brown A Technocrat, a Fascist, and a Clown. The 99% not evanescent is on the ascent Their enterprise, their black ink, 24 / 7 / 365 they think Their eyes, their hearts, their dreams peer skyward to the heavens never down And hence they will never be A technocrat, a fascist, or a clown. We come from everywhere, we belong We are Jews not numbers tattooed. We are Roma, Gypsies, Catholics too. Protestants or Christians or not, We are Welsh, Irish, British and Scot. We are Europeans devastated by war. World War I and World War II, our blood spilt massive, WE ARE WARRIORS we are passive We are Nordic, Scandinavian, Inuit, First Nations, Native Americans. We are Indigenous. We are Mediterranean, Asian, Indonesian, Arab, Persian, African, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Bahai, and Muslim We are Island peoples, Polynesian and Caribbean peoples, we are Aussie and Kiwi too. We are Central and South American We are Canadian, American and Mexican we are North American. Our skins are multi-coloured like our flags. We are gay and straight and in between too many of us, adorned with rags. Phat Cats super-girthdom cant take the scrutiny, the criticism, the kitchen heat, so they lash out and squ eal: Force feed those geese, keep those baby cows flaccid and squeezed, we like our skins plump, crispy and brown! So sayeth the technocrats, the fascists, and the clowns.

Vigilance and the courage to speak are necessary. Vigilance and the courage to speak are necessary.

Locked and loaded in our holsters CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, sacred documents, our soldiers. Locked and loaded in our holsters CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, sacred documents, our soldiers. Locked and loaded in our holsters CHARTER RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, sacred documents our soldiers

We are Freedom We are Free

We can Speak


I am Freedom I am Free

I can Speak


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Mr. Mayor, Councilors, and The Public At Large: Thank you.

Graydon Hillock, Award Winning Contemporary Jazz Artist, Studio Composer / Musician, Producer, Impresario Author of, When You Steal Music You Hurt Composers, Songwriters and Musicians, Lecture Series Expert Witness, Copyright Law (17 wins 0 losses) FBI Anti-Piracy Signatory Georgetown / Los Angeles

FOR MY PROTECTION AGAINST The Government of Georgetown Halton Hills, ALL OF MY FILES HAVE BEEN COPIED TO MULTIPLE PARTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ~ Internet, Twitterverse, Facebook, You Tube ~ All Major Media ~ Chief Stephen J. Tanner, Halton Regional Police ~ Kathleen Wynne, Tim Hudak, Andrea Horwath ~ Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau, Michael Chong, Ted Arnott ~ Charter Rights Violations ~ Human Rights Tribunal ~ Andre Marin, Ombudsman ~ Ministry of Consumer Services ~ Law Commission of Ontario ~ A.G. John Gerrestsen, A.G. Peter MacKay ~ Ontario Bar Association ~ Zeynep Onen, Director, Professional Regulation Division, Law Society of Upper Canada

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