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The majority of his colleagues might have believed such promises two years ago, but not any longer.. A) A couple of years ago, when he made those promises, less than half of his colleagues believed him. B) It is not difficult for him to deceive his colleagues now as it was two years ago. C) Hes making the same promises now as he did two years ago, but this time most of his colleagues dont believe him. D) Many of his colleagues now realise that he didnt keep the promises he made two years ago. E) A couple of years ago he could, perhaps, have deceived his colleagues with the promises, but not now.


He entered furtively, in the vain hope that the others would not realise he was late.. A) However stealthily he may enter, they are bound to know he was late. B) Though he crept in quietly, he couldnt hide from them the fact that he was late. C) By creeping in so quietly he only drew attention to the fact that he was late. D) He must have expected that some of the others would arrive late. E) Once they realised he was late it was too late to try and hide the fact.


If only he had kept to the original statement he made to the police!. A) How lucky that the police realised that his first statement was false! B) It was a good thing he did deny the statement he gave to the police. C) I wish he hadnt gone back on that first statement he made to the police. D) I wish he hadnt gone back on that first statement he made to the police. E) I wish he hadnt gone back on that first statement he made to the police.


Hell never get oranges to grow here; the climate just isnt suitable.. A) If he wants to grow oranges he could try here; the climate is just right. B) Oranges require sun and warmth, so naturally they wont grow here. C) However hard he tries, he wont manage to grow oranges here as its the wrong sort of climate. D) The climate may be right for growing oranges but hes had no success. E) The climate is the most important factor when growing oranges. 7.

However hard he tries, hell never again enjoy the confidence of the country as a whole.. A) Apparently he is quite confident that he does enjoy the respect of most people in the country. B) So long as he tries, theres every chance that he will gain the support of the whole country. C) It will be hard to recover the respect of the country at large. D) No matter what he does, hell never recover the trust of the country as a whole. E) If only hed try a little harder he would gain the respect of the whole country.


At this stage there is no sense in discussing the matter with anyone else.. A) Whatever happens, news of the matter must not be allowed to leak out. B) Theres a lot at stake so the matter must not be allowed to go any further. C) For now, the fewer the people who know, the better. D) For the present its pointless to bring others into the discussion. E) Once the stage is passed we can safely ask the others for their opinions. 8.

The Wests main response to events in Yugoslavia has been to avoid any direct involvement.. A) The West could have responded to the situation in Yugoslavia with a policy of active involvement. B) The involvement of the West in Yugoslavia was in response to certain major events. C) Direct intervention was the response of the West to the situation in Yugoslavia. D) In the main, the response of the West to the situation in Yugoslavia was unavoidable E) By and large the West has been reluctant to commit itself actively to affairs in Yugoslavia


The more time I spend with him the more I realize that he really is a most remarkable man.. A) As I get to know him better it becomes more and more apparent that hes really an outstanding person. B) Of the people I know well, he is the most extraordinary of all. C) Its really worth spending time on getting to know a wonderful person like that. D) It was a long time before I really understood that hes actually a very fascinating person. E) The really fantastic thing about him is that I still feel theres a lot more to him than I know.


You should get some professional advice if you're thinking about changing the system radically.. A) My professional advice to you is to avoid any major changes in the system B) Don't make any radical changes in the scheme; that's my advice to you C) It would be very unprofessional behaviour if you were to make any major changes in the system. D) If you're considering major alterations in procedures, I suggest you consult an expert. E) Without consulting an expert you were ill advised to introduce any major changes to the system.


The directors of the firm have agreed to a change in policy; its up to us to implement it.. A) The task of putting into effect the policy changes agreed to by the firm's directors is ours. B) Having agreed to a change in policy, we must force the directors of firm to implement it. C) The firms directors realise that the change in policy will be difficult to implement. D) The directors of the firm have decided to give the task of implementing the change in policy to us. E) Any change in policy on the part of the firm's directors requires our approval before it can be implemented


Within a few weeks of winning the election his leadership skills were put to the test.. A) His election confirmed that the country recognised him as their leader. B) Shortly after he was elected he had to prove that he really could be a leader C) Having shown his ability to lead he won the election a couple of weeks later. D) It wasn't until after he had been elected that they realised he was a gifted leader E) A few weeks later he came out well ahead of the others in the elections


Obviously, concessions will have to be made on both sides if an agreement is to be reached.. A) Allowances will have to be made on both sides if they fail to reach an agreement. . B) If either side shows positive signs of giving ways the resulting agreement will not be in their favour. C) Both sides have admitted that they are not willing to make any concessions. D) Clearly there can only be an agreement so long as both sides are willing to give way over something E) Before coming to an agreement, both sides will have to discuss any concessions they might consider making


Many countries share the view that drastic measures must be taken to stop the pollution of the seas.. A) The pollution of the seas can only be prevented provided that many countries follow the same policy. B) By putting into practice a series of precautions it is generally believed' that the pollution of the seas will be prevented C) Owing to the pollution of the seas, many countries find it necessary to develop new strategies. D) The seas will, it seems, continue to be polluted unless this agreement is accepted by a majority of the countries E) A lot of countries agree that it is essential to take strong action to put an end to the pollution of the seas.


His gift for assessing the risks involved in granting any specific loan makes him invaluable to the bank.. A) Before granting a loan, a bank will always try to assess the risks involved and these vary with each individual case. B) The bank expressed its gratitude to him with a gift, since he had rightly pointed out the risks involved in that particular loan. C) The bank relies heavily on him because of his ability to judge accurately the degrees of risks entailed with any given loan. D) The bank agreed to lend him a specific amount but not an indefinite one as that would have involved higher risks. E) The loan he received from the bank shows his ability to get what he wants in spite of the risks involved.


The new health system is likely to prove unsettling for physicians and patients alike.. A) The new health service has caused considerable unrest among both doctors and patients. B) Physicians and patients are disturbed by reports concerning the new health service. C) Both physicians and patients will probably find it hard to adapt to the new medical system. D) Patients, unlike doctors, cannot be counted on to give their support to the new medical system. E) The medical service is going through a crisis and this affects medical staff and patients alike.


He advised me not to sell such a quantity of shares without consulting an expert.. A) The experts advice was to consult him first and then sell the shares. B) He told me that only experts could sell so many shares C) He thought it would be better if I were to seek professional advice before selling so many shares. D) The sale of shares, he argued, was to be done on the advice of professionals. E) He claimed that professional advice was necessary before we sold any quantity of shares.


Hes being paid out of all proportion to his usefulness.. A) A proportion of his salary is kept in reserve. B) The extra money has proved most useful. C) With piece-work one is paid for each item produced. D) He receives far more money than he deserves. E) Part of his earnings goes on luxuries, part on necessities.


In view of the evidence, it seemed quite clear that John had committed the crime.. A) At court John was charged with crime. B) From the evidence it was fairly obvious that the criminal was John C) As far as the evidence is concerned, John seems to be a suspect D) All the evidence showed that John was the only person to be charged with the crime. E) If John had committed the crime, the evidence would have shown it.


The architects were told to give practical considerations precedence over aesthetic ones.. 21. A) The architects had to be reminded that a welldesigned building is both beautiful and useful. B) Architects are supposed to give more attention to appearance than to right construction. C) It is said that architects prefer aesthetic considerations to practical ones. D) The architects were reminded that the appearance of a building is not of primary importance. E) The architects had to concentrate, not on the appearance of the building, but on making it functional.

Efforts at the collective bargaining have failed because what was demanded was more than the firm could afford.. A) The demands made at the collective bargaining could have been met by the firm. B) Even if the firm could have afforded more, the collective bargaining wouldnt have been useful C) The failure of the efforts of the collective bargaining was due to the lack of interest on the part of the firm D) Since the firm could not possibly meet the demands, the parties at the collective bargaining could not reach an agreement E) Both sides made considerable efforts to ensure the success of the collective bargaining


He was sent for trial for causing a disturbance.. A) The trial turned out to be an extremely unpleasant one. B) He found the trial extremely disturbing. C) He is upset at the idea of having to stand trial. D) He was brought before the judge, accused of breaking the peace. E) The trial was conducted under rather unpleasant circumstances.


A comparative study of religions is a subject that appeals to most theologians.. A) Religions are often compared by some of the theologians B) Many theologians argue that religions should have been studied comparatively. C) Comparatively, many theologians are involved in the study of religions. D) For most theologians, religious subjects are interesting even though they are studied comparatively. E) For the majority of theologians, the comparison of religions is a subject of great interest


Few of the people who attended the opening the exhibition realised just how remarkable the exhibition was.. A) Many people at the opening were unable to appreciate the worth of the exhibition. B) Most people who came to the opening did not expect the exhibition to be of any value C) A great majority of the people were, in fact, impressed by the exhibition when it was opened. D) At the opening of the exhibition some people thought it was inefficiently organised E) Of those who attended the opening, some thought the exhibition was rather disappointing


To tell you the truth, I was rather disappointed in this new production of Carmen.. A) To be fair, there wasnt much that was new in this production of Carmen. B) If you really want to know, the new production of Carmen wasnt as good as Id hoped it would be. C) Obviously I was disappointed to learn that they were doing Carmen again. D) Someone should have told you that the new production of Carmen is not as good as we hoped. E) Theyll have to admit that this new production of Carmen may prove unsatisfactory.

28. 24. If Mr Drake doesnt hand in resignation, then Paul will.. A) Apparently, neither Paul nor Mr Drake plans to resign. B) Either Mr Drake resigns or Paul does C) Mr Drake gave in his resignation before Paul. D) Paul would have resigned if Mr Drake had E) Paul wont resign unless Mr Drake does 25. We couldnt help feeling disappointed when, after all our hard work, we had to close down the factory.. 29. A) By working even harder we could, perhaps, have managed to keep the factory open. B) If only we could have kept the factory going we wouldnt have kept that all our work had been wasted. C) Since wed put in so much effort it was inevitable that we should feel upset when we couldnt keep the factory going. D) However hard we worked we could not have stopped them closing down the factory. E) When the factory was closed down it obviously upset us, but there was nothing we could do about it. 26. Meals at 'The Round Table' are undoubtedly the best in town and prices are reasonable.. A) Considering the prices, the quality of food at 'The Round Table' is not satisfactory. B) At 'The Round Table' you get extremely good food, but you certainly, pay for it. C) Prices have gone up at 'The Round Table' but the quality of the food has gone up accordingly. D) They dont overcharge you at 'The Round Table' and the food there is unrivalled in the town. E) Considering how much they charge the food they serve at 'The Round Table' is not as good as it ought to be.

What can we do to convince him that the project is sure to succeed?. A) Why cant he admit that the success of the project is in doubt? B) Why cant we persuade him that the scheme is sure to fail? C) How should we go about persuading him that the success of the project is assured? D) Why must he believe that the scheme is sure to succeed? E) Doesnt he w ant us to believe that the project is sure to succeed? One can hardly expect profits to double again this year.. A) Profits will probably drop by as much as 50 percent again this year. B) They dont expect this year to be profitable at all. C) Its quite possible that profits this year will be halved again. D) It wont be easy to double the profits again this year. E) Its not likely that profits will again go up by 100 percent this year.


As Jane and I are going to Antalya by car, why dont you join us?. A) Will you come toAntalyawith Jane and me if we decide to take the car? B) How about going to Antalya with Jane and me since were taking the car? C) If you and Jane decide to go toAntalya, couldnt we go by car? D) Why dont you want to go to Antalya by car with Jane and me? E) Havent you decided to go toAntalyaby car with Jane and me?


It is impossible that you finished writing such a long composition in just an hour.. A) It can't have taken you just an hour to write this long composition. B) The longer the composition, the more time it takes. C) You can't possibly finish writing a long composition in only an hour. D) You should have taken more time to write this composition. E) It is not possible to write a long composition like this in less than two hours.


If the people of a country is made up of several races, racial harmony isn't always easy to achieve.. A) It has always been difficult to keep harmonious relations between its individuals. B) There being different races in a country usually leads to conflict between its individuals. C) In a country whose people is composed of a number of races, it can sometimes be difficult to establish harmony. D) To achieve harmony between the races of a country isn't at all possible. E) Racial harmony between the races that compose the people of a country is sometimes possible.


Try to avoid confusing the students by making too complicated explanations.. A) The students got confused because your explanations were rather complex. B) In order not to cause confusion among the students, your explanations should be fairly simple. C) The more complicated the explanations, the more confused the students get. D) The complexity of your explanations usually causes confusion among the students. E) Most of the students get easily confused if the explanations are not clear enough. 36.

In some parts of Turkey, farming is still carried out with primitive tools despite many advances in technology.. A) In many parts of Turkey the use of simple tools has become obsolete as a result of technological advances. B) As regards agricultural methods, Turkey has made little progress. C) Modern agricultural tools should have been introduced to the farmers in Turkey by now. D) Although technology has advanced a great deal, there are some places in Turkey where farmers still use out-of-date tools. E) In spite of the primitive tools used in farming, Turkey is a leading country from the point of agriculture.


It's possible that getting the two sides to agree will not as easy as you think.. A) What made you think that the two sides might easily reach an agreement? B) To persuade the two sides for an agreement may not be so easy as you imagine. C) It's quite possible that you will have difficulty in getting the two sides to agree on the case. D) It won't be so difficult as you think to convince the two sides to reach an agreement. E) There might have been trouble making the two sides agree on the case. 37.

Citrus trees thrive on wide range of soils, but well-drained and slightly acid types are most suitable.. A) The ideal soil for citrus trees is one which is welldrained and rather acid; they do not do well in other types. B) Though citrus trees prefer a well-drained and slightly acid soil, they do well in many other types. C) Citrus trees grow in many different places, but the soil must always be well-drained and fairly acid. D) The well-drained and rather acid soil that suits citrus trees is the most common of soil types. E) Citrus trees are particular about the soil on which they grow and do best on well-drained and slightly acid soil types.


We have to postpone going on holiday until mother completely gets over her illness.. A) We are considering going on holiday if mother feels well enough soon. B) As mother was ill, we couldn't leave on holiday and had to wait until she recovered. C) I don't think it's a good idea to go on holiday before mother gets over her illness completely. D) For a thorough recovery, mother has to put off going on holiday until later. E) We can't go on holiday before mother has fully recovered her health.


The theory of natural selection made the idea of organic evolution acceptable to the majority of the scientific world.. A) The world's scientists accepted the idea of organic evolution more readily than the concept of natural selection B) Without the theory of natural selection to support it, no scientist would ever have approved the theory of organic evolution C) In the eyes of the scientific world, the theory of natural selection and the idea of organic evolution are inseparable concepts D) It was only after the introduction of the theory of natural selection that scientists paid attention to the idea of organic evolution. E) On the whole, the scientific world approved the concept of organic evolution once the theory of natural selection had been postulated.


Usually people treat you in accordance with how you treat them.. A) If a person behaves in certain way to you, you ought to react accordingly. B) Its rare for people to reciprocate your behaviour. C) Your attitude towards people generally determines their attitude towards you. D) Your handling of people is usually reflected in their opinion of you. E) You should treat people in the way you wish them to treat you.


Setting up ones own business requires a good many factors to be considered.. A) A person has to bear in mind plenty of factors before starting his work. B) When you set up your own business, you realise how many factors need attention. C) One must weigh up lots of factors when running ones own business. D) Launching ones own business means thinking about more factors than in other cases. E) There are too many factors to consider in establishing ones own business.


Although the cost of living goes upsteeply, people can still afford what they need, since the salaries rise too.. A) The more the cost of living rises, the less people can afford to buy what they need. B) People dont seem to suffer much from the sharp increase in prices because salaries and prices rise accordingly. C) Because of the rapid increase in prices, its becoming more and more difficult to keep pace with them. D) Prices are going up very fast, so people should try to increase their salaries to keep up with them. E) Whether the cost of living goes up or not, people have no difficulty buying the things they need because the increase in salaries is bigger. 43.

The harnessing of the wind to generate electricity dates back to 1890, but few notable advances were made until 1970 when energy prices began to rise fast.. A) In 1890 a few efforts were made to generate electricity from wind power, but it was only in 1970 when energy prices rose steeply, that such a scheme was taken seriously B) In I890, when there was a sudden increase in energy prices, efforts were made to harness the power of the wind for the generation of electricity for the first time since 1890 C) It was in 1890 that the wind was first used to generate electricity, but it was long before 1970 when energy prices started to rise sharply, that real advances were made D) Between 1890 and 1970 various attempts were made to harness power of the wind as the rising prices of energy made this desirable E) Impressive advances in the generation of electricity from wind power coincided with rising energy prices in 1970, but the practice actually dates back to 1890.


If the others had taken sensible precautions like we did, this tragedy need never have happened.. A) Their tiresome behaviour meant that we were all inevitably involved in the tragedy. B) If they had not behaved so foolishly, they would not have involved us, too, in this tragedy C) The tragedy is that this could have been avoided if only they had all controlled their emotions. D) This tragic outcome could have been avoided, but, unlike us, the others behaved rashly. E) If only they would follow our example and behave in a reasonable manner all this suffering could be avoided.


We'd better leave right away as the traffic will be heavy at this hour.. A) The sooner they leave the better if they don't want to get caught in a traffic jam. B) We mustnt leave it too late as the roads are likely to be busy for the next hour. C) Let's wait an hour so as to avoid some of this heavy traffic. D) If we set off now we would avoid most of the heavy traffic E) The road are busy at this time of day so we ought to set off at once


Those in favour of capital punishment are motivated only by desire for revenge.. A) People who wish to take revenge seek the death sentence. B) Some people find capital punishment acceptable, regarding it as a good way of getting revenge. C) The death penalty is the only desirable punishment for getting ones own back. D) The sentence of death is many peoples favourite way of taking revenge. E) People who support the death penalty do so solely on the basis of their wanting revenge.


The atmosphere does not come to an end at the level where balloons will rise no further.. A) A balloon can not float any higher than the level at which the atmosphere stops. B) Balloons can rise as far as the point where the atmosphere finishes. C) A balloon is stopped from going further by the end of the atmosphere. D) Beyond the highest point that balloons reach there is still atmosphere. E) When a balloon can travel no more, it is because there isnt enough atmosphere to carry.


I suppose no scheme is foolproof; even the best ones sometimes miscarry.. A) If a plan is not going to fall through it has to be quite foolproof. B) There is presumably no such a thing as a perfect plan; they can all fall through. C) The only schemes that dont miscarry are apparently the really foolproof ones. D) Schemes that seem to be foolproof quite often are not. E) There was a breakdown in proceedings so things went contrary to plan.


I've been out of the country for nearly a year, so I'm out of touch with everything here.. A) I feel quite like a stranger now that I\'m back after almost a year abroad. B) A year or so abroad will make you feel differently about your own country. C) On my return after almost a year, I was amazed to find so few changes here. D) The year abroad has estranged me so I don\'t want to go back to my own country. E) It will seem strange to be back home after almost a year abroad.


If only hed been less officious the other side would certainly have been more amenable.. A) His behaviour was so disagreeable that it caused an impasse between the two sides. B) The other side naturally left offended by the officious manner in which he had approached them. C) He should be reproached for being so disagreeable and offending the other side. D) I wish he could have made himself more agreeable to the other side and ensured a better response from them. E) Surely he behaved in a more considerate manner so as to gain the cooperation of the other side.


It is not the cost of a gift but its appropriateness that matters.. A) A present that isnt fitting isnt worth the money. B) The important thing is the suitability of a gift, not how much is paid for it. C) Not caring about the price ensures that the right present is bought. D) It doesnt matter that the present is appropriate because the cost isnt. E) It doesnt matter that the gift is unsuitable, because the price was low.

SORU CEVAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C C D A B C D E D B E A D C C D E D C B D E A C C D B C E B A B B E C D B E B D

SORU CEVAP 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 C A E E D A B E B D

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