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Maintenance of Flats: Example Risk Assessment For

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Health and Safety Executive

Example risk assessment for maintenance of ats

Setting the scene
The residential managing agent, employed by the landlord, carried out the risk assessment at this block of flats. The block, built in the 1930s, has communal gardens and separate garage blocks, with asbestos cement roofs. It is a three-storey block with 12 flats and two central stairways with landings. A caretaker, who lives offsite, carries out general maintenance, small repairs and cleans communal areas. The gardens are managed by an independent contractor. Larger, planned maintenance is contracted to specialist companies. As the premises were built before 2000 the building was surveyed for asbestos when acquired by the owner. Asbestos-containing materials were found in the survey and their locations and conditions were recorded, a copy of the survey is kept in the caretakers office and the managing agent holds a duplicate copy to send out to contractors tendering for work. How was the risk assessment done? The managing agent first looked at relevant guidance on the HSE website including: He then identified the hazards in the block of flats. He did this by: How to use this example
This example risk assessment shows a wide range of hazards that might be present in this type of small business. It can be used as a guide to help you think through some of the hazards in your business and the steps you need to take to control the risks. However, this is not a generic risk assessment. Every business is different. To satisfy the law you must identify and assess the hazards your business poses, think through the controls required to provide effective protection to people who may be affected by them, and record the significant findings from your risk assessment of your business.

walking around all parts of the property, noting things looking at the website of the Association of Residential making clear who was responsible for what work
Managing Agents at under the terms of the lease/tenancy agreement. This was especially important for issues such as asbestos management, gas safety, pressurised equipment, etc talking to the caretaker and staff to learn from their knowledge and experience and listen to their concerns and opinions on health and safety issues talking to contractors to ensure that their activities did not pose a risk to other staff or residents looking at the accident book to learn what had previously resulted in accidents or near misses. that might cause harm

As he identified the risks he thought about who could be harmed and how accidents might happen. He noted what he was already doing to control the risks and whether he needed to do anything more. He then recorded any further actions required. Putting the risk assessment into practice the managing agent set out what actions needed to be taken, who would do them and by when. He discussed the findings with the caretaker, contractors, and residents and determined to carry out additional risk controls suggested.

A copy was pinned-up on a notice board for residents to see. As part of the induction process new starters and all contractors were made aware of the risk assessment. It was agreed to review the risk assessment whenever there were significant jobs taking place in flats

The health and safety toolbox: How to control risks at

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Example risk assessment: maintenance of flats

1 of 5 pages

Health and Safety Executive

Company name: TVW Contract Bricklayers

Date of risk assessment: 1/5/2012 Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? No further action Action by who? Managing agent Action by Done when? Ongoing 4/05/12 and annually At staff meetings 12/05/12

What are the Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? hazards? how? Fire If trapped, maintenance Fire Risk Assessment has been done and is available in managers workers and residents could office see, Faulty electrics, suffer fatal injuries from arson smoke inhalation or burns. Working at height Working on the stairwells or ladders Falls from any height can cause bruising and fractures.

All work carried out by in-house staff or contractors will adopt the following approach: -- Work at height avoided wherever possible, eg windows cleaned using pole device -- Boards used to guard stairwells, stair openings, safe working practice when using stepladders on landings, ie steps side to ascending stair side etc -- Ladders and stepladders only used for short duration jobs, eg those taking less than 30 minutes -- Ladders are tied off whenever practical if this is not possible, they are secured in another way, eg wedged against a wall or footed -- Only ladders and stepladders that are Class 1 or EN 131 used -- Periodic and pre-use checks done Longer-duration and riskier projects to are carried out by experienced, professional contractors using adequate safe working systems Contractor to produce risk assessment and method statement (RAMS) for acceptance by the managing agent. Examples of working at height controls include: -- External work and work on staircases carried out from most appropriate access equipment for location of work, eg suitable scaffold, tower, cherry-picker or scissor lift by suitably trained staff -- Crawling boards used when working in roof spaces or on fragile roofs -- Adequate edge and leading edge protection, fall protection systems (eg harness and lanyard systems with suitable anchor systems) to be used and maintained by competent contractors Balustrades checked for signs of damage/corrosion and repairs carried out

Check that caretaker knows how to use ladders safely

Managing agent

Check condition of all ladders Provide training for new staff taking on managing agent role to be able to accept risk assessment and method statements (RAMS)

Managing agent Managing agent

At next site visit Ongoing


Example risk assessment: maintenance of flats

2 of 5 pages

Health and Safety Executive

What are the hazards? Slips and trips Doorways (rain), spillages, uneven surfaces

Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to how? control this risk? Maintenance workers and Doormats provided for wet weather Treat the slippery stone surface near rear residents and workers may All equipment, cleaning materials etc to be cleared away as soon as job entrance treated with anti-slip covering suffer injuries if they slip on completed spillages or trip over objects. Wet floor warning signs are always used Cordless tools used wherever possible, if tools or machines have trailing cables the nearest socket used and warning signs put out Lighting illuminates all walkways and stairs and is checked regularly by visiting caretaker Maintenance workers and residents could get shocks or burns from faulty electrical equipment. Electrical faults can also lead to fires.

Action by who? Managing agent and caretaker

Action by Done when? Every 23/05/12 scheme visit

Electrical equipment

Staff are encouraged to identify and report any defective plugs, discoloured or damaged sockets, damaged cables, leads, light fittings, switches or appliances Staff carry out a pre-use visual check before using any electrical equipment Faulty equipment is promptly taken out of use or in the case of tenants equipment noted to be defective. The tenant is advised to seek competent advice Procedures are in place to make sure that inspection and testing of electrical equipment and the fixed electrical installation at the premises is undertaken by a competent electrician at appropriate intervals. Any issues identified are prioritised and put right accordingly. Records of work are kept An electrical safety inspection is undertaken following each change of tenancy. As a minimum this includes a visual inspection of the installation and operation of the RCD by use of the test button The supply intake position and associated equipment is regularly inspected for signs of damage or interference and to ensure that the enclosure is secure and dry Pre-payment meters have been located close to each flat so tenants are not exposed to the main building supply equipment when topping up meters

Ensure the condition of the fixed electrical Landlord or equipment in flats belonging to long term managing tenants is subject to visual inspection and agent any defects are repaired



Example risk assessment: maintenance of flats

3 of 5 pages

Health and Safety Executive

What are the hazards? Contact with cleaning chemicals, eg bleach

Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? how? Maintenance workers risk Products marked irritant are replaced with milder alternatives where skin irritation or eye damage possible from direct contact with Mops, brushes and protective gloves provided and used cleaning chemicals. Staff are shown how to use and store cleaning products safely Cleaning machines designed to minimise handling of cleaning Vapour from cleaning chemicals chemicals may cause breathing problems. Maintenance workers may suffer ill health from exposure to pesticides.

Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Remind maintenance workers to wash gloves and aprons after use

Action by who? Managing agent Managing agent

Action by Done when? Every 23/05/12 scheme visit Every scheme visit Ongoing Ongoing 23/05/12

Remind cleaner that cleaning materials should be stored securely

Hazardous substances Pesticides

Only approved pesticides used All safety instructions on label followed application method, protective equipment, exclusion periods Pesticides stored in a locked, metal cupboard Asbestos survey was done when owner bought the building. Survey is available for contractors use. Any ACMs that deteriorate will be removed by specialist contractors Management plan in place that: identified where there might be asbestos notes the condition of the materials has Danger, asbestos, do not disturb signs includes 12 month check to ensure condition of ACMs have not deteriorated advises legal requirements for using licensed contractors for particular works and other precautions for disposal of waste materials, protective equipment etc Rodents eliminated/controlled by professional contractor Specialist pest-control contractor manages rodent traps, fly and insect control Tetanus all staff to have immunisation Bin room swept and washed every two weeks by caretaker No hazardous waste disposed of through general waste Sharps kit provided to caretaker in case of incidents

Ensure caretaker has received appropriate Managing training and qualifications agent Ensure that contractors who store pesticides on site have up-to-date list available Discuss with contractors possibility of altering job to avoid disturbing ACMs or budget to have them properly removed prior to work commencing Managing agent Managing agent

Asbestoscontaining materials (ACMs)

Maintenance workers are most at risk when carrying out work on the building, in case fibres are released into the air and inhaled (caretaker and contractors carrying out normal work are at very low risk).

One month


Diseases Weils Disease, infection from rats

Caretaker, gardener and maintenance workers may become infected.

Check that caretaker and maintenance workers tetanus vaccination remains up-to-date.

Managing agent

One month


Example risk assessment: maintenance of flats

4 of 5 pages

Health and Safety Executive

What are the hazards? Legionella bacteria growing in the hot and cold water systems that service the whole property, eg in shower heads

Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? how? Residents and workers Competent person appointed to undertake risk assessment and draw using common hot and cold up action plan, including: water supply could seriously -- hot and cold water systems (regular sampling and disinfection) be harmed if legionella is -- boiler (calorifier) etc operated and maintained to manufacturers present in water systems. specification -- thermostats checked to maintain temperatures -- hot water stored above 60 C and the system designed to provide a return temperature of 50 C or above to the calorifier (much higher temperatures avoided to prevent scalding); -- cold water kept below 20 C -- hot and cold taps (when not used), run for 10 minutes every week to prevent water stagnating

Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Monitor water temperatures to check system operating and to decide if further controls needed, eg warning signs or thermostatic mixer valves to avoid scalding risk

Action by who? Managing agent

Action by Done when? Monthly 29/05/12

Cold water temperature should be below 20 C after running the water for up to 2 minutes Hot water temperature should be at least 50 C within a minute of running the water

Managing agent Managing agent



One month Monthly


Identify pipe runs that can be shortened Managing to prevent stagnation of water and agent improve efficiency of hot water distribution Provide periodic reminders to caretaker he should not attempt to lift or move too heavy items Break down loads and use trolley/truck Managing agent Managing agent Managing agent Managing agent


Manual handling Lifting and moving heavy objects or objects that are difficult to grasp Violence and threatening behaviour Verbal abuse, assault

Maintenance workers and residents risk injuries or back pain from lifting heavy loads, eg refuse items for disposal.

Caretaker trained how to move and handle items Trolley and sack truck provided for moving items, eg refuse sacks

Every six months. Every six months. Within three months Within three months



Caretaker and maintenance workers may suffer assaults, threats and verbal abuse from residents, visitors and trespassers.

Good liaison with local police to alert them and receive information about potential problems Caretaker instructed to walk away from incidents and provided with mobile phone to summon assistance Any incidents of abuse etc reported to manager for discussion and support Good working relationships with residents caretaker usually lets residents know that he is on site

Contact local police for advice on what else could be done (eg safer procedures for opening and closing) Ask caretakers feeling about risk, eg frequency of trespassers or criminals



Assessment review date: 01/05/13

Example risk assessment: maintenance of flats Published by the Health and Safety Executive 07/13

5 of 5 pages

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