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Clarinet Fingering

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Owners Manual


Mode demploi

Manual de instrucciones










You are now the owner of a high quality musical instrument. Thank you for choosing Yamaha. For instructions on the proper assembly of the instrument, and how to keep the instrument in optimum condition for as long as possible, we urge you to read this Owners Manual thoroughly.


Wir beglckwnschen Sie!

Sie sind nun der stolze Besitzer eines hochwertigen Musikinstruments. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich fr ein Instrument der Marke Yamaha entschiedenen haben. Um mit den Handgriffen zum Zusammensetzen und Zerlegen des Instruments vertraut zu werden und dieses ber Jahre hinweg in optimalem Zustand halten zu knnen, raten wir Ihnen, diese Anleitung aufmerksam durchzulesen.


Vous tes ds prsent le propritaire dun instrument de musique de haute qualit. Nous vous remercions davoir choisi Yamaha. En ce qui concerne les instructions relatives un assemblage adquat de l instrument et sur la faon de garder linstrument dans des conditions optimales aussi longtemps que possible, nous vous conseillons vivement de lire entirement le prsent Mode demploi.


Usted es ahora propietario de un instrumento musical de alta calidad. Le agradecemos su eleccin de un instrumento Yamaha. Le aconsejamos que lea todo este manual de instrucciones para ver las instrucciones para el montaje correcto del instrumento y para aprender a conservar el instrumento en ptimas condiciones durante tanto tiempo como sea posible.



. Yamaha. , , , .


. .


Clarinet Owners Manual

Please read before using The precautions given below concern the proper and safe use of the instrument, and are to protect you and others from any damage or injuries. Please follow and obey these precautions.
If children are using the instrument, a guardian should clearly explain these precautions to the child and make sure they are fully understood and obeyed. After reading this manual, please keep it in a safe place for future reference.
In regards to brass instruments with a plate nish, the color of the nish may change over time however, it should be of no concern in regards to the instruments performance. Discoloration in its early stage can easily be removed with maintenance. (As discoloration progresses, it may be difcult to remove.)
* Please use the accessories that are specified for use with the particular type of nish found on the instrument. Also, metal polishes remove a thin layer of the nishs top coat which will make the nish thinner. Please be aware of this before using polish.

About the Icons

: This icon indicates points which should be paid attention to. : This icon indicates actions that are prohibited.

CautionMovable Thumb Rest

l Adjusting the Thumb Rest
1. Loosen the stopper screw and adjust the thumb rest to the desired position.
* Removing the stopper screw can result in losing the screw so only loosen the screw enough to adjust the thumb rest.

Disobeying the points indicated with this mark may lead to damage or injury.

Do not throw or swing the instrument when others are close by.
The mouthpiece or other parts may fall off hitting other people. Always treat the instrument gently.

2. Secure the thumb rest in place by tightening the stopper screw with a screwdriver or a coin.

Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of childrens mouths.

Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of childrens reach and do maintenance when children are not present.

Strap Ring

Be careful not to touch the pin springs during maintenance, etc.

The end of the pin springs found on high-end models is sharpened to provide greater key action.

Stopper Screw

Be aware of climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc.

Keep the instrument away from heat sources such as heaters, etc. Also, do not use or store the instrument in any extreme conditions of temperature or humidity. Doing so may result in damage to key balance, linkage, or pads, resulting in problems during performance. Thumb Rest

CautionWhen Using the Strap Ring

(Only for instruments equipped with a strap ring on the thumb rest.)
Use with the strap around your neck and the straps hook inserted through the strap ring. When inserting the strap hook into the instruments strap ring, or while playing, always hold onto the instrument with your hands. Letting the instrument hang from the hook without any support places excessive weight on the ring, which can cause damage. Moreover, if the strap ring were to come off of the hook, the instrument could drop. Please use caution.

Never use benzene or thinner for maintenance on instruments with a lacquer nish.
Doing so may result in damage to the nishs top coat.

Take care not to disgure the instrument.

Placing the instrument where it is unstable may cause the instrument to fall or drop resulting in disgurement. Take care as to where and how you place the instrument.

Do not modify the instrument.

Besides voiding the warranty, modication of the instrument may make repairs impossible.


The wooden clarinets body is made of natural Grenadilla (other models are made of ABS resin which is extremely weather resistant). For this reason, sudden changes in temperature or humidity may result in cracking of the body or difficulty when connecting the body sections together at the joint. Please take into consideration, the place that the instrument will be used and the manner in which it is used.
During the winter season before using it. wait until the entire instrument has adjusted to room temperature. When the instrument is new, do not use it for long periods of time. Play it for only about 20 to 30 minutes a day for the first two weeks. Whenever possible, use a cleaning swab to remove moisture or dirt from the instrument.

The wooden clarinet is a very delicate instrument. Do not use it under the following conditions. Doing so may result in damage to the body.
Do not expose it to direct sunlight for any extended period of time. Do not expose it to rain or excessive humidity. Do not expose it to heat sources such as a stove, heater. Do not expose it to cool air such as that from an air-conditioner.

To keep your instrument in optimum condition, please observe the following precautions.
After playing it, use a cleaning swab to remove moisture or dirt. (See the Instrument Maintenance section on page 19.) When setting the instrument down for a short period of time, use a cleaning swab to remove moisture and dirt from it, then place it on a stable surface with the keys facing up. After use, always store the instrument in its case. Do not store it in places of high temperature or humidity. Never leave a damp gauze or cloth in the case. When transporting the instrument, make sure that the mouthpiece cap is attached.


Eb Clarinet Bb/A Clarinet Alto Clarinet
q w !0 e q w e t t y r t t r r !1 !3

Bass Clarinet
!2 q w

q w

i u i u


q Mouthpiece w Ligature e Barrel r Upper Joint t Key y Main Body u Lower Joint

i Bell o Register Key !0 Neck !1 Upper Neck !2 Lower Neck !3 Fastening Screw !4 Peg

Reverse Side

Mouthpiece Cap Cork Grease Polishing Cloth

* Improvements may change the design and specifications without notice.


Before assembling the instrument, please observe the following.
The clarinet is made of natural wood and precision metal parts. When holding and assembling the instrument, take care not to place any excessive force on the keys. Also, if you have difficulty attaching the joints together when assembling the instrument, apply a thin coat of cork grease to the joint cork and try to put the joints together again. When applying cork grease, be careful not to apply too much. If the joints still do not go together smoothly, apply a thin coat of cork grease to the receiver side as well.

Assembly Bb/A Clarinet 1. Attach the barrel to the upper joint and the
bell to the lower joint.
* Make sure the upper and lower bridge keys do not come into contact with each other.

4. After connecting the upper and lower joints

together, attach the mouthpiece.

2. To link the upper and lower joint bridge keys

together, hold the upper joint in your left hand as shown in the illustration and press the upper keys to raise the bridge key.

Eb Clarinet 1. Attach the barrel and bell to the main body.

3. Hold the lower joint in your right hand and

check the position of the bridge key. Slide the lower joint onto the upper joint by rotating the lower joint.
bridge key

2. Attach the mouthpiece to the barrel.


Alto Clarinet / Bass Clarinet Caution When Assembling
As bridge keys protrude from the neck, upper joint, lower joint, and bell on the alto and bass clarinets, be careful not to damage or bend these parts when assembling the instrument. The bell section and tone hole on the alto clarinet is thin so please use extra caution when assembling these parts.

Bell bridge key

1. Attaching the bell to the lower joint.

Holding the bottom of the bell in your right hand, slide the bell section partially onto the joint.

4. Attach the neck to the upper joint.

On the alto clarinet After attaching the mouthpiece to the neck, insert the neck into the upper joint.

2. Hold down the pad plate on the bell with your

right thumb then slide the bell all the way onto the joint.

When assembling the bass clarinet, insert the peg at this point to provide stability when standing the instrument on the floor.

On the bass clarinet Attach the lower and upper neck sections and secure them with the fastening screw. Next, attach the mouthpiece onto the upper neck and then the mouthpiece/neck assembly into the upper joint.

3. Assemble the upper and lower joints.

While checking the position of the bridge keys, align the upper and lower bridge keys and slide the upper and lower joints together without twisting.

* Make sure the upper and lower bridge keys do not come into contact with each other.


Attaching the Reed 1. Soak the reed in your mouth or in some water.
From the tip end of the mouthpiece, slide on the ligature as shown in the illustration.

Since the temperature of the instrument effects its pitch, the instrument should first be warmed up before tuning by blowing air through it.
A, Bb, & Eb Clarinets Push in or pull out on the barrel to tune the clarinet.


Reed When the pitch is high. Barrel When the pitch is low.


2. Attach the reed to the mouthpiece.

First, place the reed so that the tip of the mouthpiece is seen over the end of the reed then tighten the ligature screws to secure the reed.

Alto Clarinet Push in or pull out the neck to tune the alto clarinet.
Neck When the pitch is high.

Ligature Screws * After playing, use a piece of gauze to dry the reed, then store the reed in a reed case.

When the pitch is low.

As the reed and mouthpiece are easily damaged, always keep the mouthpiece covered with its cap when the instrument is not being played.

Bass Clarinet After loosening the fastening screw, push in or pull out the neck to tune the bass clarinet. After tuning is complete, retighten the fastening screw to secure the neck.
When the pitch is low.

When the pitch is high.

Upper Neck

Fastening Screw


Instrument Maintenance
Instrument Maintenance After Playing
After playing your clarinet, use the following procedures to remove moisture and dirt from the inside of the instrument.
After playing, remove the reed from the mouthpiece and use a piece of gauze, to dry the reed, then store the reed in a reed case. The joint sections especially collect moisture, which can cause cracking, so dry the joints carefully with gauze.

* Even during playing sessions, remove moisture from the body interior as often as possible.

After removing the reed, use the supplied cleaning swab to clean the inside of the mouthpiece. Also, use the swab to clean the inside of the main body and neck.

When the pads are wet, place a cleaning paper (sold separately) between the pad and the tone hole and press the pads lightly to completely remove the moisture.

Use a soft cloth to remove dirt and oil from the body surface, taking care not to damage parts such as the keys.

* To prevent damage to the end of the mouthpiece, do not pull the swab all the way through. * Always keep the cleaning swab clean and dry.


Instrument Maintenance
Once or Twice a Month Maintenance
Use a tone hole cleaner (sold separately) to remove any dirt from inside the tone holes or the spaces between the keys.

* Be careful not to bend any parts. * Be careful not to damage the pads.

Apply a small amount of key oil (sold separately) to the mechanism then move the keys to allow the oil to spread evenly.

* Do not apply too much oil. * Completely remove any oil on key surfaces.


The tone is not clear, or the instrument plays out of tune.
If pads are deformed and air is leaking from the instrument, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.
Never apply excessive pressure to the keys. Also, when placing the instrument in the case, make sure that nothing is placed on top of the instrument.

The joint is too tight or loose.

If the joint is tight, apply a small amount of cork grease to the joint cork. If the joint is still tight, apply some cork grease to the receiver side as well.
Changes in temperature and/or humidity can cause the cork to shrink or expand which can make the joints tight in the summer and loose in the winter. After you are finished playing, make sure you store the instrument in its case, rather than leave it out.

If the body cracks, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.
Sudden changes in temperature or humidity can cause cracking. Do not directly expose the instrument to hot or cold air.

If the joint cork is torn, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.
Proper application of cork grease offers some protection against tearing of the cork. However, if the cork becomes torn, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.

The keys are stiff. The keys do not move.

If a spring has become dislodged, returning it to its proper position may correct the problem.
When hooking the spring in position, be careful not to bend the spring. Springs may become dislodged when performing maintenance on the instrument or when wiping the instrument with a cloth. Please use caution.

The keys are noisy.

Apply key oil if the keys lack oil and are dry, and tighten screws that have become loose.
Apply key oil once a month (1-2 drops per location) to prevent abrasion. Also, since woodwind instruments have many small screws, check for loose screws and tighten if necessary.

If keys are bent, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.
Do not apply excessive force to the instrument such as dropping the instrument, closing the case when an object is placed on top of the instrument, etc. Also, when you are finished playing, place the instrument in the case. At this time, make sure that there is nothing in the case that will apply pressure on the keys. When assembling the instrument, be careful not to apply unnecessary pressure to the keys. Hold on to the instrument in the intervals between performance and during breaks between practice.

The cork or felt on the keys has fallen off or torn. The instrument may have received a shock causing the keys to come in contact with the body or other keys. In this case, take the instrument to your dealer for repair.
Take proper care of the instrument to prevent the corks or felts from falling off. After playing the instrument keep the instrument in its case. Also, hold on to the instrument in the intervals between performance and during breaks between practice to prevent excessive pressure being placed on the instrument or keys.


/Fingering Chart/Grifftabelle/Tableau des doigts/

( ) *1 *2 /

Alternate fingerings are shown on the shaded illustrations. This chart uses the Boehm fingering system. *1 Register Key *2 Alto Clarinet/Bass Clarinet: Slide the left fore finger down and hold the key so that the center hole is open. Die abgebildete bersicht basiert auf dem Boehm-Griffsystem. Schattierte Instrumente zeigen alternative Griffe. *1 Registerklappe *2 Altklarinette/Bassklarinette: Mit dem linken Zeigefinger nach unten fahren und die Klappe gedrckt halten, so dass das mittlere Loch geffnet ist.

Clarinete alto/Clarinete bajo


Alto Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Altklarinette/Bassklarinette Clarinette Alto/Clarinette Basse


Close Geschlossen Ferm Cerrado

Open Offen Ouvert Abierto



Grfico de digitado/ / /
Ce tableau utilise le doigt systme Boehm. Les autres doigts de remplacement sont indiqus par les illustrations ombres. *1 Cl de registre *2 Clarinette Alto/Clarinette Basse: Faites glisser lindex gauche vers le bas et tenez la cl de faon que le trou central soit ouvert. Este grfico emplea el sistema de digitacin Bohem. En las ilustraciones sombreadas se muestran digitaciones alternativas. *2 Clarinete alto/Clarinete bajo: Deslice hacia abajo el dedo ndice de la mano izquierda y retenga *1 Llave de registro la llave de modo que el orificio central est abierto. *1 *2 /: . . *1 *2 / : , , . Boehm . . *1 *2 / : .


This document is printed on chlorine free (ECF) paper with soy ink. Auf Umweltpapier mit Sojatinte gedruckt. Ce document a t imprim sur du papier non blanchi au chlore avec de lencre dhuile de soja. Este documento se ha impreso en papel sin cloro alguno, con tinta de soja.
ECF: ECF (soy ink) .

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