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Gurus On Business Strategy

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Business Strategy
Tony Grundy

Inside front cover



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About the author

Dr Tony Grundy is Director of Cambridge Corporate Development and Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at Craneld. He is an independent strategy facilitator (contact: 01494 873934 or



List of illustrations Introduction What have the strategy gurus got to tell us? ONE A taster of the gurus Introduction What is strategy? Understanding the external environment Understanding competitive advantage Strategic options and decision-making Implementation Learning and control Conclusion TWO Key strategic concepts Introduction The key concepts THREE The business strategy gurus Igor Ansoff (a major guru) Chris Argyris Christopher Bartlett and Samantha Ghoshal (major gurus) G Bennett-Stewart Blackadder Boston Consulting Group Cliff Bowman Braybrooke and Lindblom

ix 1 1 5 5 5 9 15 19 21 22 22 23 23 23 37 40 46 48 49 51 53 55 58

Campbell A and Goold (major gurus despite being in the UK) Alfred Chandler (a major guru) A De Geus Eliyahu Goldratt Robert Grant Tony Grundy (the alternative guru the author) Gary Hamel and S K Prahalad (major gurus) Charles Handy (a major guru and from the UK) P Haspeslagh and D Jemison Gerry Johnson and Kevin Scholes (UK gurus) Rosebeth Moss Kanter (a major guru) Kaplan and Norton (major gurus) Kurt Lewin (a major guru albeit a long time ago) P Lorange and J Roos Henry Mintzberg (a major guru) Ian Mitroff Kenichi Ohmae R T Pascale (a major guru) Tom Peters (a major guru) Nigel Piercy Michael E Porter (a major guru) J B Quinn Alfred Rappaport Peter Senge (a major guru) A Slyvosky J C Spender E Stalk Sun Tzu (a major guru, now deceased) David Ulrich (a major guru) P Wack Jack Welch (a major guru) George Yip

60 63 65 67 69 71 77 80 82 84 86 88 90 91 95 98 102 104 106 109 111 117 120 124 127 129 130 132 134 136 138 140




Champneys health resort and the business strategy gurus Introduction Background Strategic analysis Strategic choice Implementation Champneys strategic breakthroughs Implementing the strategic breakthroughs A summary of Champneys strategic change breakthroughs Key lessons from the Champneys case Champneys Some options for competitive strategy Organisational strategy Options Case postscript Conclusion Summary of key points

141 141 142 143 150 153 159 160 165 166 167 170 172 172 173


Marks & Spencer and the business strategy gurus Introduction Marks & Spencer The position mid-1990s Marks & Spencer Recipes for success Marks & Spencer The position 1997 2001 Marks & Spencer Turning to the future Conclusion

174 174 175 178 184 191 192 193 193 193 194 195 196 197 198


Checklists for managing strategy Introduction Organic business development strategies New product strategies New market strategies Selling more to existing customers New value-creating activities New distribution channel strategies


New technologies Strategic and nancial planning processes Restructuring strategies Information systems strategy Management buy-out strategies Alliance and joint venture strategies Setting strategy and objectives Acquisition evaluation Negotiating the deal Integration Operational strategies Conclusion SEVEN Conclusion gurus and the future

199 200 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212





List of illustrations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Strategy process PEST factors Porters ve forces Strategic option grid, Grundy 2003 Ansoff grid SWOT analysis Gap analysis The BCG matrix Perceived use value/relative price

9 10 11 19 41 42 44 53 54 72 73 95 98 102 108 112 120 120 122 124 135 150 160 163 176 185

10 Growth drivers 11 The strategy mix 12 Deliberate and emergent strategy 13 Uncertainty importance grid 14 Kenichi Ohmaes three Cs 15 Stakeholder analysis grid 16 Business value system football industry 17 Value drivers 18 Cost drivers 19 Value over time curve 20 Scenario development 21 The uncertainty tunnel 22 Octopus 23 Force eld analysis at Champneys 24 Champneys stakeholder analysis 25 A brief summary of M&S nancial performance 1994 1990 26 M&S nancial performance 1997 2002



What have the strategy gurus got to tell us?
There are a number of reasons why it might be worth knowing about the Strategy Gurus. You might just want to be familiar with their names, and a few of the concepts which they have given us. You may want to go more deeply into what they have to say, providing a fuller framework for understanding some management issues in the organisation around you.This might extend to having a process for doing strategic thinking yourselves. You may wish to expand your learning of leading management thinking, perhaps as a preliminary to doing an MBA. And nally, you may be keen to use some Guru concepts more directly and practically on some of your own issues. This book addresses all of these needs.


10 Key tenets from the Business Strategy Gurus

So, if we were to distil the lessons of the strategy gurus into ten key tenets about strategy, we would nd: 1 A strategy is a plan, indeed a cunning plan (Ansoff (1965), Blackadder (1999)). But strategies are often created in, and managed in an incremental way (Quinn). Successful strategies need to be rooted in competitive advantage (Ohmae (1982), Porter (1985)). Strategy often means changing the rules of the game (Hamel and Prahalad (1994)). Some markets are inherently more attractive than others, because of their competitive forces (Porter (1980)). But in many cases these strategies emerge, (and are thus called emergent) rather than are deliberate. Regardless of their form, a useful starting point is to Think Future and how you will compete differently in the future and then work backwards to dene your strategy, or cunning plan (Hamel and Prahalad (1994)). A successful strategy requires the exploration of many options (Winnie The Pooh, Milne (1926). And this might entail creating some overall pictures, or stories of the future (Wack (1985)).

10 Imagination in strategy is insufcient, change is also often necessary (Kanter (1983)).


These are some very important and practical lessons which can make a very real difference to how well we manage. In this book we will develop those themes, giving you at the same time an overview of both the major and the minor strategy gurus. This guide to strategy gurus is structured by topic as follows:

ONE A taster of the gurus

A look at strategy as a management concept, from the gurus viewpoint and the need for creativity and innovative thanking, not just analysis.

TWO Key strategic concepts

An alphabetical look at the key concepts of strategy from Acquisitions through to Vision and Uncertainty.

THREE A detailed, guru-by-guru guide

An alphabetical listing, from Ansoff to Yip, of the Business Strategy Gurus, the main concepts they are famous for and how they link to each other.

FOUR AND FIVE Two integrative case studies illustrating the gurus perspectives with checklists for managing strategy
An in-depth study of Champneys Health Resort and the relevance of the Strategy Gurus A detailed look at the considerable management challenges encountered by Marks & Spencer.


SIX Checklists for managing strategy

A selection of useful checklists for managing your strategy in: Organic business development, Strategic and nancial planning, Restructuring, Management buy-outs, Alliances and joint ventures, and operational situations.

SEVEN Conclusion gurus and the future

A look at where we could go from here.


ONE A taster of the gurus

Strategy is a much used, but much misunderstood, concept in management. In this introductory chapter we therefore begin by using the gurus to answer the question What is strategy? We then look at what the main gurus say on managing the external environment. Our next port of call is the notion of competitive advantage what is this and why is this important? This is followed by a section on strategic decision-making. Another important area is implementation and change management. Many good strategies fail because they are badly implemented and not because they are not robust. In the nal phase the monitoring of the strategy needs to be considered, through learning and control.

What is strategy?
Strategy can be dened in a number of ways. The design school strategy theorists, who consider strategy to be a part of a well formed, logical planning process (Ansoff, 1965, Porter 1980, 1985) might dene strategy as:

Moving from where you are to where you want to be in the future through sustainable competitive advantage.


Strategy can also be dened much more uidly, perhaps even as emergent strategy. Strategy in this mode is dened by Mintzberg (1994) as:

A pattern in a series of decisions or actions.

According to Mintzberg, strategy thus may not be something which is within a formal plan, but is more likely to be discovered intuitively. This can be achieved by reecting on what has actually already happened, or what is currently happening, or what is about to happen. Whilst these conceptual denitions are useful (to a point) much of strategic management is hidden behind theoretical language. To demystify the concept let us now look to an unusual source.

A further denition of strategy (which is perhaps more off-the-wall is that drawn from Blackadder (the Television comedy) which is in turn derived from everyday usage). Quite simply, strategy is The Cunning Plan.

A cunning plan is something which has some, or even all of the characteristics of the following: Where there is a major constraint, there is some non-obvious way of getting around it Where there is a stretching objective, there is a way of getting there in a way which secures maximum advantage, or at minimum cost, or in minimum time Is likely to involve looking at the problem or opportunity from a novel and perhaps surprising perspective


Is fundamentally simple at bottom May well incorporate solutions from unrelated areas of experience (e.g. from other industries)

(For more on the cunning plan, see the section on Blackadder as a guru in Chapter 3.)

From the not so cunning plan to the cunning plan

For example, when writing this book I visited the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. My son James and I were running late for the Saturday qualiers. We shot out of our car (without checking our exact location). On our return later that day we came out of what looked like the same exit (but it wasnt). As we had entered our car park from a different angle we could not locate our car indeed, we were actually looking in the wrong place in a sea of cars. After fteen minutes, and getting increasingly desperate, we looked for assistance from one of the stewards, who suggested a not-so-cunning plan: You cant nd your car?, he said. No, I responded. What kind of car was it?, he asked. Its an Audi A4, dark red, I said. What was its registration number?, he then asked. N151 SPE, was my response. Pausing for a moment to reect, he then said, Maybe if you walked around you could see if you could spot it.


We rolled our eyes and resumed our long search. Finally we realised we had come out of a different exit and we found the car. On the journey home, as an amusing piece of in-car entertainment, I got us both to brainstorm more cunning plans for how we might have found it. These included: ELEVEN CUNNING WAYS FOR FINDING OUR CAR 1 2 Borrowing a very large ladder from Octogan, who run the Grand Prix. Climbing up the mobile phone ariel (adjacent to the car park (with a radioactive proof suit)). Going on the Big Wheel adjacent to the car park. Asking to take over from one of the cameramen who track the Grand Prix with telescopic cameras mounted on incredibly tall platforms. Climbing on the roof of one of the more central cars without damaging it. Chartering a helicopter (at 1000 an hour). Parachuting down on the car park (a bit dangerous, though). Waiting until all the cars had gone (perhaps not-so-cunning-this one). Calling in the SAS to home in on our car with laser sights.

3 4

5 6 7 8 9

10 Contacting the Pentagon to obtain high resolution/magnied pictures of the car park (either by Blackbird spy-plane or by spy-satellite). 11 Bribing the steward 200 to call in his entire team to help us nd it (the best one very simple).

The above example illustrates: The need for creative and innovative thinking in developing a strategy and not merely analysis. The equal need to be creative in challenging constraints and in acquiring and deploying resources for competitive advantage.


The imperative to make trade-offs between options in coming to a strategic choice, and particularly to assess the implementation difculty ahead.

In essence, the best strategies often have the ingredient of SIMPLICITY.

The importance of understanding the potential for opportunities which may not be self-evident in the external.

We now turn to environment, our nal point above understanding the external environment.

Understanding the external environment

A classic model of the strategy process (which we now work through is contained in Figure 1.

External analysis

Competitive positioning

Strategic options


Learning and control


The external environment is (and has always been) a major preoccupation of strategy. Ansoff (1965) underlined the need for scanning the wider environment review. Many of the strategy consultants still (today) employ models which have roots in Ansoff. Ansoffs environmental scanning breaks down into strong signals (for example, the onset of a sudden recession) and weak signals (for example, the slowing of growth on demand for letters post in the UK around the turn of the century) due at least in part to the explosion in the use of e-mail.


One of the most under spread models for environmental scanning is SWOT analysis (Ansoff 1965). SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses and, more particularly, opportunities and threats analysis) can help to identify external changes with a direct or indirect impact on your business. Whilst SWOT is an extremely common strategic technique and perhaps the dominant one in most organisations it might be accused of being limited and even dangerous. Its deciencies include: Inefficiency (Professor Cliff Bowman of Cranfield School of Management jokingly calls this a Stupid Waste of Time). Subjectivity especially of its strengths. Incompleteness: especially of the threats and also weaknesses listed. Inadequate interpretation (what is its so-what?) For example, what is really important in it, and what strategic options does it suggest (Grundy 2003). Environmental scanning can be done at a variety of levels. For instance, we can consider the PEST factors at large in the environment. At the most general level these begin with the PEST factors (or the Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors) see Figure 2. Equally important are the factors driving growth (within the market itself) or growth drivers (see Chapter 2), (see Figure 10). Next, within the market itself, are the ve competitive forces (Porter 1980) (see Figure 3).








After SWOT analysis Porters ve forces is one of the most prominent techniques taught on MBA courses.

Potential entrants

Industry competitors


Bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers


Rivalry among existing firms

Threat of substitute products or service



It would be remiss to omit mention of futures and scenarios in considering the external environment. A scenario is dened as being:

A picture or story-line of the future which is internally consistent and insightful.



Well now look at a typical scenario of an industry.

A scenario for the football premiership 2002/3

Following Manchester Uniteds disappointing season in 2001/2002, Sir Alex Ferguson agrees the sale of the Argentinean Veron for 25 million and buys Rio Ferdinand Colefence) for 29 million. Its captain, Roy Keane, keen to make amends for his dropping out of Irelands World Cup Challenge, resumes his assertive role at the heart of Manchester United. Its nearest contender, Arsenal, weakened by injuries to its world-class players and due to tiredness drop to number three position. This leaves Manchester United to romp home to yet another double, and come a near-second in the European Champions Cup nal.

Scenarios draw from a number of our earlier environmental analysis techniques in their development. In particular they will require thinking about: PEST analysis: to explore changes in the wider industry context, and their knock on effect. The growth drivers: to consider shifts in those factors driving growth, in terms of new ones coming in, old ones becoming less inuential, or even turning into brakes on growth. Porters ve forces: to explore changes in the structure and dynamics of the industry (for example from low to high rivalry, from low bargaining power of the buyers to medium bargaining power). The industry mind-set: the industry mind-set is dened (Grundy 1994, 2003) as being: The set of perceptions, assumptions and expectations in the industry which determine how key players add value and compete with one another This concept is also implicit in Hamel and Prahalad (1994) who argue that Porters forces should not be seen as givens but as open to innovation, challenge and to disruptive competitive behaviour. This concept helps us to understand Porters ve forces from a psychological viewpoint indeed it has been suggested (Grundy 2002) that this could be a competitive force missed by Michael Porter).



According to HSBCs Head of Strategy Development Mike Guest: I think there is something missing here in Porters ve forces, we also need to think about the industry mind-set. In our industry it is probably the most important competitive force. In learning about futures more generally, there is nothing better to read than Hamel and Prahalad (1994). In sharp contrast to the majority of the literature on scenarios (what tends to be highly (and unnecessarily) technical and remote) Hamel and Prahalads thinking is a breath of fresh air. Perhaps for a change we nd gurus who are really in touch with the practical issues which managers face, for example: How do I think differently about my industry? and How do I avoid accepting my current competitive advantage as a given? For in many markets both market attractiveness and competitive position are not givens, but they are asking for someone to change the rules of the game. For example, in the mid-1990s the author performed a Porters ve forces of the strategy consulting industry. This suggested that: The bargaining power of the buyers in the market was low to medium. The entry barriers were high (brand is very important as well as competence and experience. Rivalry was low between consulting rms. Supplier power was medium/high (to hire someone to be competent in strategy consulting was very expensive due to scarcity of analysis and process skills). The threat of substitutes was high (see below).

Focusing on the nal force, substitutes, I realised that this was a negative force (companies either wanted to do it themselves) or they were so frightened of being ripped off by the strategy consulting rms that they would either try to do it themselves, or maybe even not do it at all (properly).



This gave me a rather important and profound set of insights, namely: 1 2 Substitutes was the force I had to work on and not the others. The business I was in (being a strategy consultant) could be redened as Avoiding Strategy Consultants so I train them to do it themselves. 3 If I was able to help major companies to avoid strategy consultants with more value, at less cost and in less time, then I would have Porters elusive sustainable competitive advantage. 4 This would be easy for me and difcult for the big strategy rms because: a) they would need to shoot themselves in the foot to compete with me and b) they couldnt possibly compete with me because they sell in terms of teams and weeks (their mind-set), whilst I sold in terms of myself (and days).

Quick example
Another quick example of the use of scenarios and of futures was that of a major retailer who, in the mid/late 1990s was contemplating entering the homeshopping market. At that time they had limited market presence on that emerging market. Their (independent) consultant said to them: I am not sure that competing from where we are now is going to be particularly helpful. Why dont we simply imagine the market in 2002? The team looked at their future homeshopping market which seemed in (post-Internet) to be substantial and potentially protable and thus interesting. They said to their consultant: This is a pretty big and attractive market given the PEST factors, the growth drivers, and the competitive forces. Their consultant then said: Well, where do you want to be in it? Their response was, Well, given that we are Bestco, we want to be dominant in it. So that is your starting point, said their consultant (and the rest was history).



Understanding competitive advantage

Besides analysis of the external environment the next major thing we learn from the gurus is to analyse and evolve our competitive advantage. Competitive advantage was dened by Kenichi Ohmae, head of strategy, McKinsey Co, Tokyo as being:

Delivering superior value advantage to your target customers relative to your competitors

Delivering equivalent customer value to your target customers relative to your competitors but at lower cost

Kenichi Ohmaes book The Mind of the Strategist (1982) is short, brilliant in style, and succinct. It is an extremely lucid and relevant account of the basis of competitive strategy. Somewhat more heavyweight is Porters Competitive Advantage (1985). The book was published during the last year of my MBA in 1985. It represented a major advance in thinking about strategy. Already, in 1980, Porter had put himself both globally and eternally on the map with his thoughtful and well researched book on Competitive Strategy. This was centred on: His ve competitive forces (see Figure 3) and Applying life-cycle analysis not just to products/markets, but to entire industries (and many of his insights are just as relevant today).



Competitive Strategy is superbly structured taking the reader through the evolution of markets, and examining how the ve competitive forces change over the industry life-cycle. Competitive Advantage (of 1985 vintage) was perhaps more of a breakthrough in jargon than one of intellectual advance. It was a superbly packaged book. Instead of thinking about SWOT analysis, we were now encouraged to think about securing an incremental competitive advantage, over and above that of our competitors. The idea of competitive advantage already existed implicitly in economics but, Porters brilliance here was to turn an essentially economic idea into one which was an every day, catchy, management notion. And this certainly caught on. Every business school in the world jumped on the (then) bandwagon of competitive advantage. Possibly the strategy world has never seen anything like this level of excitement since. Indeed since that time there have been a lot of confusions about Porters notion of generic competitive advantages. These were perhaps motivated in part by genuine mistrust of generic prescriptions but also, perhaps to be just a little tinge of academic rivalry. Surprisingly, since 1985 Porter appears to have regarded his work on competitive strategy as more or less nished at least at the business/corporate strategy level) and has moved onto better things (looking at countries as quasi strategic business units). Many have critiqued his work, few have built from it. Whilst Porter brought together perhaps the rst, truly comprehensive and detailed account of the analytical needs for developing a competitive strategy, it is a pity that so few have sought to rene his ideas further. MBA students who have relied to so far only on secondary texts of Porters work (some examples are Johnson and Scholes (1989) or Grundy (1994, 2002)) would do well to avoid being lazy and to read Porter in the original.



Turning back now to Porters more controversial, second work Competitive Advantage, the more novel areas of this book are: The suggestions that these are a number of generic strategies (or ideal forces of strategy), including differentiation (or high valueadded strategy) costs leadership (having the lowest costs) or focus (competing on a narrower area). The prescription that if you do not make a strategic choice and if you try to pursue a number of different generic strategies simultaneously then you will lose focus within your strategy, and this will undermine your strategic success. The key reasons why there is likely to be tension within an organisation pursuing differentiation and cost leadership styles of strategy simultaneously include: The customer might get confused with contradictory brand messages. Common processes may result in it being difcult to cope with the opposing demands of these polar, strategy styles. The organisational culture and mind-set is unlikely to be able to cope with the imperative to switch styles of competing, depending upon what product market is being serviced at that particular moment in time. To get around this limitation companies might try to have it both ways nevertheless, for example by: Offering superior value for money with the trade off being that there is a more limited product offering, thus gaining economies of scale over a smaller volume (Marks and Spencers clothing strategy 1990-1997). Creating a back ofce for commodity-type activities, whilst attempting to differentiate through the brand, the core product, and through sales process (this was the UK bank, Abbey Nationals strategy). However, this strategy can prove difcult to sustain where the customers are affected by quality problems in obtaining routine servicing from the back ofce.



Having decentralised business units who do not need to get confused by conicting mind-sets. (For example, British Airways set up the budget airline Go to compete with EasyJet in the late 1990s. But this proved hard to sustain both because of competitive conditions and the difculties of reporting to a corporate parent with a different mind-set. Go was then bought out and subsequently EasyJet bid to become its new corporate parent company in 2002.)

Looking back at Porters book on Competitive Advantage which was, and is still now a very helpful concept one cannot help feeling that its battle-cry might (inadvertently) have sometimes led to an inappropriate mindset. For although companies pursue competitive advantage they are often motivated to excel in some areas, this is frequently done to the detriment of others. In many ways an even more pertinent concept is that of: Avoiding competitive disadvantage for so many companies fail to grow a sustainable competitive advantage not because they are not able to differentiate or achieve low cost positions, but because they undermine the effective delivery of customer value.

Short case study Einstein Finance

Einstein Finance was a new and innovative nancial services provider which aimed to give extra value for money to the customer by excellent deposit rates, innovative style accounts, and customer service by bright call centre staff. It invested heavily in television and other advertising, its name suggesting that it was a really clever place to put ones money. One of its customers invested one hundred pounds with Einstein Finance. He was intending to invest a further 60,000 following a property sale. Unfortunately on his rst telephone enquiry it took twenty minutes to get an answer.



This went as follows: Thank you for your patience, we value your call, please listen to this pleasant music to prevent you from getting bored, said the electronic voice. Einstein Finance, the (human) teleoperator then said (eventually). Thank you for answering at last, but I have now passed the ultimate intelligence test and wish to withdraw all my money forthwith, said the author.

Strategic options and decision-making

One of the central notions of strategy is choice (Porter 1985). This means choice of positioning and also effective allocation of resources (Grant 1991). Choice means being able to apply decision criteria in a multitude of strategic settings, including deliberate and emergent strategies. The criteria for strategic decision-making are dispersed throughout many strategy books, with tests of sustainability, feasibility or t often being used. To cut through this mist of often very general criteria, it is proposed to the reader that Figure 4 below is very much worth a try.

Options Criteria Strategic attractiveness Financial attractiveness* Implementation difficulty Uncertainty and risk Acceptability (to stakeholders)
* Benefits less costs net cash flows relative to investment

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4



Besides looking to the academic gurus we should also look at who are leading the way in terms of applying strategic analysis tools in dealing with ambiguous, uncertain and even intractable decisions. A number of major companies have now used/are adopting this technique, for example: Diageo Ford HSBC Microsoft Nokia Standard Life Tesco

The ve criteria on the strategic option grid can be scored using: very attractive moderately attractive less attractive

These scores are then added up at the bottom to see what is (prima facie) the most attractive option. Note that if something is very difcult it is scored as a one tick and not a three likewise with high uncertainty and risk. These scores are only as good as the cunning plan implying a high degree of creativity rather than merely analysis. Once the scores have a preliminary estimate, you should then check them out with bottom-up techniques (as follows), and with carefully selected data analysis: Strategic attractiveness Financial attractiveness Implementation difculty PEST factors, Porters ve forces, growth drivers (Grundy/Ohmaes/Porters competitive advantage) Value and cost drivers (see shareholder value theory later in the book) Force eld analysis (Lewin)



Uncertainty and risk Stakeholder acceptability

Key assumptions (Mitroff)

Stakeholder positionings (Piercy)

Whilst the gurus describe strategic decision-making as being typically emergent, (Mintzberg 1994) messy (Braybrooke and Lindblom (1963) and incremental (Quinn 1980), using the strategic option grid gives at least some clarity to senior managers in future direction. In practice strategy tends to move through different states of degree of form and logic, as we will see in the section in Chapter 3 on Grundy The Strategy Mix (Figure 11). Effectively, the Strategic Option Grid (Grundy 2002) therefore brings together (in practical terms) the disparate insights of a variety of gurus.

Whilst the design school (Ansoff, Porter, Hamel and Prahalad) tend to focus on deliberate external strategy, process theorists tend to focus on emergent strategy and on organisational factors. It is this rare to nd rounded accounts of implementation in the strategy literature (except perhaps for Johnson and Scholes, 1987). As the book develops we will see the need to draw from the more behavioural work of theorists like Peters (1982), Kanter (1983) and Pascale (1990), some analytical techniques, notably: Force eld analysis (Lewin 1935). Stakeholder analysis (Piercy 1989).

These are essential techniques to anticipate, and to avoid, implementation difculty.



Learning and control

The literature on learning and control is quite patchy apart from the Balanced Score-Card (Kaplan and Norton, 1991) and the emphasis on the learning organisation (Senge 1990). One of the major limitations on organisations in this area is not so much process mechanisms, but an absence of strategic leadership (contrast later on our Champneys case, Chapter 4, with Marks and Spencers, Chapter 5.

Whilst strategic theory is well developed in terms of external analysis there are far less well developed frameworks of strategy implementation, learning and control. The organisational literature (as would nd) tends either not to be too helpful as it just accepts what is however bad, or it is dominated by prescriptive gurus like Peters. This gives pointers for new avenues of strategy and guru development for the future.



TWO Key strategic concepts

In this chapter we now dene the key concepts of strategy, link them to each other and also the main gurus as sources.

The key concepts

Acquisitions involve one company having a controlling interest in another one. Acquisitions can be characterised as in-ll versus step-out, related or inter-related (Haspeslagh and Jemison 1991; Grundy 2002). (Linked concept to alliances, mergers, integration.)

An alliance is a longer-term partnership between two or more organisations. Alliances can be relatively loose and tactical through to strategic. A strategic alliance involves a reciprocal commitment by the various parties to longer-term collaboration which involves the mutual deployment of resources. These resources could involve money, time and attention. These resources may be supplied to a specic venture (perhaps structured as a company), or on an on-going basis. (Linked concept to acquisitions.)



Benchmarking involves some comparison of performance and of some underlying capability in order to achieve learning and change. Customer benchmarking entails comparison of customer needs against supplier delivery (Ohmae 1982). Competitive benchmarking involves understanding differences between delivery of value to customers, or cost (or both) between at least two players (Grundy 2002). World-class benchmarking involves comparison with the best in the world, either within or outside your industry. Internal benchmarking looks at the learnings from comparison of different operations within your ownership. Cyclical benchmarking looks at performance levels either between economic cycles or over an entire cycle. (Linked concept to competitive advantage.)

Buyer power
This is the degree of pressure which buyers have over companies in terms of price, discounts, delivery times, quality levels and penalties for poor quality. Buyer power will vary by market, segment, distribution channel and customer. It will also vary according to whether it is a primary supply or a secondary supply (e.g. spares in the latter case buyer power is usually lower) (Porter 1980). (Linked concept to Porters ve forces.)

A breakthrough is a major shift in a companys competitive position, organisational capability and nancial performance (or all three) (Grundy 1994, 2002). (Linked concept to gap analysis.)

This is the overall ability of a company to compete (Ulrich and Lake 1990). (Linked concept to competencies and HR strategy.)



Competitive advantage
This is about either adding superior value to your target customers or similar value at lower cost (relative to your competitors). (Linked concept to capability, resource based theory, imitability.) (Porter 1985.)

Core competence
A core competence is a particular skill area which a company has which will enable it to add value to its customers, and to manage its cost base. An example of a core competence is Virgin Groups expertise in brand development (Hamel and Prahalad 1994). (Linked concept to capability, resource based theory.)

Competitive positioning
This is a distinctive way of competing (Porter 1985). (Linked concept to generic strategies.)

Competitive strategy
The scope of what business you are in, the relative focus on differentiation, focus on cost leadership strategy, and the resources and competencies used to deliver that generic strategy (Porter 1985; Hamel and Prahalad 1994). (Sometimes called business strategy linked concept to corporate strategy.)

Competitive rivalry
The extent of competition between existing rivals within an industry (Porter 1980). (Linked concept to Porters ve forces.)

Corporate strategy
This is the scope of existing businesses which a group is in, the intended future businesses (and the strategy to develop them) and the way in which the corporate centre adds value to them. (Ansoff 1965; Campbell and Goold 1994; Porter 1987).



Cost drivers
The direct or indirect factors both within and outside the business, now and in the future, which generates cash outows (Grundy 2002; Rappaport 1986). (Linked concept to value drivers.)

Cost leadership
This is a strategy which aims to achieve the lowest unit costs either within an industry or within a particular strategic group (or grouping of like-minded and similar competitors) (Porter 1980). (Linked concept to differentiation, focus strategies.)

Cost of capital
This is the level of nancial return required to achieve minimal satisfaction of suppliers of capital (both from shares risk capital, long-term loans and other methods of longer-term nancing) (McTaggart et al. 1994; Rappaport 1986; Reimann 1990). (Linked concept to shareholder value.)

This is the set of characteristic values, attitudes and behaviours which are characteristic of an organisation, or of a part of it (Kanter 1983; Pascale 1990; Peters and Waterman 1982). (Linked concept to style, strategic leadership, paradigms and values.)

Deliberate strategy
This is a strategy which takes detailed account of a) market attractiveness, b) competitive position, and c) changes in the markets and in customers needs and d) competitor intent, (Ansoff 1965; Mintzberg 1994; Porter 1985). (Linked concept to emergent strategy, strategic intent.)



This is the unbundling of a business, or of a group of businesses, into standalone units. This unbundling splits up these into groupings with differing growth, competitive strategies, industry sectors, future potential, prospects, financial performance, and perceived attractiveness to shareholders (Campbell and Goold 1994).

This is a generic strategy, aimed at generating either more real or perceived value to its target customers than its competitors. (Linked concept to cost leadership, focus strategies) (Porter, 1985.)

This is a shift into either new products, new markets, new channels to market, new technologies, now geographic domains or into new competencies (or into a combination of some of these) (Ansoff 1965; Porter 1987). (Linked concept to gap analysis.)

This is a decision to sell, close or automatically downscale an operation (Campbell and Goold 1994).

This is a competitive position which is so strong a player has either the controlling market share, the number one brand, unique access to superior resources or technology, the lowest unit costs (by far), the standard setter, or leadership of industry mindset (or a combination of these things) (Sun Tzu). (Linked concept to sustainable competitive advantage.)

Emergent strategy
This is a pattern in a series of strategic actions or decisions (Mintzberg 1994). (Linked concept to deliberate strategy.)



Entry barriers
Entry barriers are the perceived and real costs, difculty and risks of entering a particular market. Entry barriers might relate a) to entirely new market entry, or to entry into a new geographic market (by an existing player) (Porter 1980). (Linked concept to Porters ve forces).

Exit barriers
Exit barriers and the perceived costs, difculty and risks of exiting a particular market (Porter 1980). (Linked concept to Porters ve forces).

Financial strategy
This is the sourcing and deployment of sources of capital to get the best balance between cost, risk and return. (Linked concept to shareholder value) (Rappaport 1986.)

Focus strategy
A focus strategy is a generic strategy which is deliberately limited in its scope of markets, products, or technologies (and some or all of these) (Porter 1985). (Linked concept to differentiation and cost leadership.)

Gap analysis
This is the difference between a companys goals and its likely performance given current strategies (Ansoff 1965). (Linked concept to breakthroughs, diversication.)

GE (or General Electric Grid sometimes called the Directional Policy Matrix)
This is the trade off between inherent market attractiveness (based on growth drivers and Porters ve competitive forces) and the relative competitive position of either a group or of an individual strategic business unit. (Linked concept to positioning.)



Generic strategy
This is a particular style of competing involving the company choosing not only how it will compete, but also of how it will not compete. Differentiation, cost leadership and focus strategies are all examples of generic strategies (Porter 1985). (Linked concept to competitive advantage.)

Why do organisations exist and how can their strategies be regulated? This brings in ethical concerns as highlighted by Handy (1989, 1994).

Global strategy
A global strategy is a strategy which deals with strategic issues across national borders, and cultures. By global we do not necessarily mean everywhere or necessarily everything. A global strategy may well focus just on a subset of issues, including: market, product development, technology, distribution, organisation, nance, acquisitions and alliances (Bartlett and Ghoshal 1984; Yip 1992).

Growth driver/brakes
A growth driver is any external factor which might either increase volumes sold, or prices over a particular time period in a market. A growth brake is any external factor which might either decrease volumes sold, or prices again over a particular time period in a market. (Grundy 2002) (Linked concept to Porters ve forces, PEST analysis.)

HR strategy
An HR strategy is a set of intentions, priorities and plans which aim to shift the capability of an organisation over time to meet present and new challenges (Ulrich and Lake 1990, Grundy 2003, forthcoming). (Linked concept to capability.)



Imitability is the relative ease with which competitors or new entrants can imitate a particular company strategy. (This is closely coupled with sustainability Grant 1991, Porter 1985.) (Linked concept to competitive advantage.)

Industry mind-set
The industry mind-set is the set of perceptions, expectations and assumptions prevalent in a particular industry (Grundy 1994, 2002). (Linked concept to Porters ve forces.)

Integration is the process of adding value to an acquisition either through absorption, change or development (Haspeslagh and Jemison 1991). (Linked concept to acquisitions.)

The legacy of a strategy is the sum of issues from the past. These issues will include the existing resource base and skills, and past strategic decisions (both their successes and failures).

Logical incrementalism
This is the relatively haphazard process through which strategic decisions are made largely as add-ons, or changes, or deletions to current strategies. Logical incrementalism is to be contrasted with more visionary strategies (Quinn 1980).

Marketing strategy
A marketing strategy is a coherent plan for how to compete in a number of markets, with a clear denition of priorities and with targeted market and nancial goals.



Mergers involve two businesses or groups coming together on a more-orless equal footing. (Having said that, many mergers are pretend mergers they clearly involve one company and one set of managers taking over another one) (Haspeslagh and Jemison 1991). (Linked concept to acquisitions.)

A mission is a concise and memorable statement of the purpose of why we are in business and of what business we entered into, and how we are going to compete distinctively in them. It should also be inspirational. (Linked concept to vision, strategic leadership.) (Campbell and Goold 1994.) Many mission statements do not actually pass the above test, being either too long, or too generic (and little more than motherhood statements). In fact many mission statements can actually dilute competitive strategy, and even destroy shareholder value by encouraging the coverage of markets of dubious attractiveness and where there is little real, shareholder value (Campbell 1994). (Linked concept to strategic intent, vision.)

PEST factors
These are the political (and regulatory), economic, social and technological forces impacting on its wider environment (Ansoff 1965). (Linked concept to growth drivers.)

A paradigm is how we do things around here. It is a very close, if not identical concept to culture (Johnson and Scholes 1987). (Linked concept to strategic change, culture, values.)

A positioning is the external and internal commitment to serve a particular product/market segment and to compete in a certain way. Positioning implies strategic choice by taking one strategic position you are implic-



itly not (at least at present) taking other possible positionings. (Linked concept to emergent strategy.)

Process school
This is the school of strategic thought which regards process as far more important than the analytical content of strategy and also of analytical techniques (Mintzberg 1994).

The range of alternative strategies or ways of implementing them (Winnie the Pooh, Milne 1926 which encourages one to avoid doing the same thing over and over again (like bumping ones head going downstairs, over and over again)).

Resource-based competitive advantage

The extent to which competitive advantage is based on access to unique or distinctive resources and which are hard to acquire/imitate (Grant 1991).

A scenario is an internally consistent storyline or picture of the future (De Geus 1988, Wack 1985). (Linked concept to transitional events, uncertainty.)

Shared values
These are the deeply held rules guiding behaviour which are shared through all or part of the organisation (Peters and Waterman 1982).

Shareholder value
This is the perceived or real value of the future discounted cash ows likely to arise from the sum of the business strategies of a group, less the costs of head ofce. By perceived we mean perceived by the shareholders (as measured by stock market valuation). By real we mean the internal economic value of these strategies, and of their future potential. Besides the existing



business strategies of a group we also need to include its opportunity stream, which also has a value (Rappaport 1990; Reimann 1990; McTaggart et al. 1994). (Linked concept to nancial strategy.)

A stakeholder is anyone (internal or external to the business) who is either a decision-maker, adviser, implementer, or victim of the strategy (Piercy 1989, Grundy 2002).

Strategic assumptions
These are the explicit and implicit expectations about the state of the market or of the future success of a companys strategy (Mitroff 1993). (Linked concept to scenarios, assumptions).

Strategic business unit (or SBU)

This is a part of the organisation which is focused specically on serving a particular product market area and has the dedicated resources and structure to serve it. SBUs were a concept which came into vogue in the 1960s and 1970s.

Strategic change
This is the incremental or more radical adjustments of a companys competitive strategy and organisations to react to, anticipate and to pre-empt external changes (Johnson and Scholes 1987; Kanter 1983).

Strategic t
This is the extent to which a new strategy is consistent with, and adds value to overall objectives and intent and to other strategies (Johnson and Scholes 1987).



Strategic intent
The desires, decisions and initial development of resources to achieve particular strategic goals (Hamel 1994). (Linked concept to vision, deliberate strategy.)

Strategic leadership
This is the symbolic embodiment of the strategy in the attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and statements of the Chief Executive and/or his top team (Kanter 1983; Peters 1982). (Linked concept to mission, vision.)

Strategic management
The process of scanning the environment, identifying and prioritising options, resource mobilisation and implementation to pro-actively shape the environment and to create sustainable competitive advantage (Ansoff 1963; Porter 1985).

The organisational framework for channelling the people resource to deliver the strategy without excessive cost, complexity, and time. (Chandler.)

The way in which the organisation is actually run, e.g. participative, autocratic etc. (Campbell and Goold 1987; Peters 1982.)

These are the other ways of satisfying customer needs as perceived from a buyers point of view (Porter 1980).

Supplier power
This is the extent of negotiating power of suppliers to the industry (Porter 1980).



Sustainability can be applied to either growth drivers, the level of competitive pressure generally (Porters ve forces) or to a companys own competitive position. It is the extent to which a strategic situation can be perpetuated without undue cost, difculty or threat (Porter 1985).

This is the creation of incremental value through the sum (whether at the business or corporate level) being more than its parts (Campbell and Goold 1994).

Time-based competitive advantage

This is the potential for a company to gain a competitive edge by speed either through being able to explicit strategic opportunity faster than competitors (externally), to implement strategic change more quickly or to be able to respond to changing customer needs distinctively quickly (Stalk 1990).

Transitional event
This is an external or internal event what takes either the company or its environment into a new competitive world. (This concept is used in scenario development.)

Value creation
This is the potential of a business strategy, decision or project to generate incremental cash ow in the future to exceed the cost of capital (Grundy 1998; McTaggart et al, Rappaport 1986).

Value destruction
This is the potential for a strategic decision or business unit to produce future negative cash ows or positive ones which are not adequate to cover the cost of capital (Grundy 1998b). (Linked concept to value creation, value dilution, shareholder value.)



Value dilution
This is the potential for the above to make some (accounting, prot) but actually not meet the cost of capital fully (Grundy 1998b). (Linked concept to value creation, value destruction, shareholder value.)

Value drivers
These are direct or indirect factors both within and outside the business, now and in the future, which generate cash in-ows (Grundy 1998b, 2002, 2000e, Rappaport 1986). (Linked concept to cost drivers.)

These are the underlying preferences and rules which guide organisational behaviour (Johnson and Scholes 1987; Kanter 1983; Peters 1982). (Linked concept to culture, paradigms.)

This is a picture of the future which is either of the market or of ones own position or intent. (Linked concept to strategic leadership, mission, strategic intent.(Peters 1982))

This is a hard to quantify risk. (Linked concept to scenarios, strategic assumptions(Mitroff 1993.))



THREE The business strategy gurus

These are our gurus in alphabetical order, and the main things which they are famous for: Ansoff corporate planning, diversication, deliberate strategy, environmental scanning Argyris Bartlett and Ghoshal Bennett-Stewart Blackadder Boston Consultancy Group Bowman Braybrooke and Lindblom strategy and learning global competition EVA (economic value added) the cunning plan the BCG matrix Perceived use value/relative price strategy as muddling through Boston Consulting Group the BCG matrix Campbell and Goold Chandler De Geus Goldratt Grant strategy and styles, the role of the centre strategy and structure scenarios the theory of constraints the resource-based theory (of competitive advantage) Grundy (the alternative guru) strategy and shareholder balance, breakthrough thinking, strategy implementation, HR strategy, strategic behaviour, valuing strategic thinking, acquisitions, HR strategy etc



Hamel and Prahalad

case competencies, strategy as stretch, compelling for the future

Handy Haspeslagh and Jemison Johnson and Scholes Kanter Kaplan and Norton Lewin Lorange and Roos

the virtual organisation strategic management of acquisitions the strategy process (and paradigms) strategic change and catalysts the balance score-card force eld analysis, organisational resistances strategic alliances

McTaggart, Kontes & Mankins shareholder value Mintzberg strategic behaviour, organisational forms, emergent strategy Mitroff Ohmae Pascale Peters Piercy Porter uncertainty analysis competitive positioning contention in strategy, the seven s model the seven S model, organisational challenge stakeholder analysis Porters ve forces, the generic strategies, industry dynamics, the value chain Quinn logical incrementalism (within strategic decision-making) Rappaport Senge Slyvosky Spender Stalk Sun Tzu shareholder value the learning organisation value migration strategic recipes (for decision-making) time-based competition strategies and dominance




organisation capability and competing from within

Wack Welch Yip

scenarios organisational transformation global strategies



Igor Ansoff (a major guru)

Who is Igor Ansoff?
Igor Ansoff was the founding father of corporate planning. His involvement in Strategic Management extends over several decades. He is to Strategic Management what Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was to rock music and over a similar time scale (from the 60s through to 2000). Igor is a key gure in the school of strategy which extols a more logical, and deliberate approach strategy.

What was he famous for?

Igor was famous for several major things, notably: establishing corporate planning as a formal management process. popularising SWOT analysis. providing us with the Ansoff grid (see Figure 5,) which helps us to understand the degree of risk involved in diversication strategies. developing the idea of environmental scanning and of detecting weak signals of disruptive environmental change. repositioning strategic planning as strategic management i.e. as part of a continuing process rather than a once-a-year (or less frequent) planning process. doing battle with Henry Mintzberg on the various advantages and disadvantages of deliberate strategy versus emergent strategy. Gap analysis which looks at the gap between your aspirations and the likely outcome of current strategies.




Existing Existing PRODUCTS New


We now look briey at each of these areas in turn.

Establishing corporate planning as a formal management process

Ansoffs seminal book Corporate Planning emphasised the need to break down the strategy process into a series of steps, distinguishing in particular: external analysis understanding market opportunities and threats. internal analysis understanding strengths and weaknesses. choice (and our alternatives). implementation.

This model (with renements) is still used by major strategy consulting rms today (see Figure 1 for a renement of this).




Popularising SWOT analysis

Whilst it is unclear what the precise origins of SWOT analysis were, it is far clearer that Ansoffs popularisation of this technique not only made it the most commonly used strategic analysis technique over four decades, but also an essential marketing analysis technique. (See Figure 6).






The Ansoff Grid: this grid was one of the key early strategy grids. Its virtue is its simplicity: it compares business development across existing versus new products against existing versus new markets: its core hypothesis is that: Development into both new products and new markets simultaneously increases risk substantially and disproportionately. Whilst being a cautionary warning, the extensive research on relative success of diversication indicates, perhaps surprisingly, that diversication of this kind does not necessarily reduce performance provided that the company is exploiting its core competencies. Diversication, therefore, is not necessarily a fatal move indeed to an extent some degree of diversication is positively associated with superior performance. The essential proviso here is that the company is innovative and in a relevant way to its markets.



Repositioning strategic planning as strategic management

Igor took the innovative step of redening strategic planning as strategic management in order to signify that: strategy is not something that one does simply to fall within an annual planning cycle, but as a continuous, ongoing process. strategy is not just about responding to environmental change, but should involve creating a more favourable, competitive environment.

Environmental scanning
Igor majored on the need to keep an ongoing track of environmental change. In particular, he emphasised the need to be sensitive to weak signals in the environment, for example, signals that you are entering a new economic/competitive era. Often Ansoffs weak signals are anything but weak. September 11 was a signal and not such a very weak one to be prepared for major global disruption on a scale not seen since the Cuban Missile crisis (which threatened World War III) in the 1960s. The deliberate versus the emergent school of strategy in the early 1990s Igor did battle with Henry Mintzberg over the various merits/demerits of having a deliberate versus an emergent strategy. The long battle in various academic journals ended with about a 4-4 draw with both sides failing to vision the argument discursives. Reading these diatribes one cannot help feeling that this was essentially an articial disagreement and that one should draw from both schools of thought, probably equally in deciding how to manage, strategically.

Gap Analysis
Gap analysis (see Figure 7) is one of the most fundamental and most forgotten techniques of strategic management Figure 7 shows: Future performance given a do nothing state of the business. Future performance given current plans. Future objectives (or Hamel and Prahalads strategy as stretch (1993)).


Strategic objectives Profitability Gap Business under development

Existing business


The central issue to focus on here is that new (breakthrough) strategies should be created to ll the gap whilst gap analysis is an essential feature of any robust strategic plan it does have some drawbacks. The disadvantages of gap analysis are that: It can provoke panic to nd things to throw into the gap unless managers have a grounding in how to be strategically creative and also in how to appraise these potential breakthroughs. It can limit managers aspirations to those objectives dictated by medium-term nancial objectives, rather than by the art of the possible (as per Hamel and Prahalad (1994) who we expand on later). Surprising, Ansoffs gap analysis has virtually dropped out of the mainstream corporate strategy literature and is probably only used by about twenty per cent of companies in practice. The few people who have come across it appear to be marketeers, who have learnt about it through their marketing courses. The author wonders how major (and more modest) corporations actually develop plans without using gap analysis. (The reality is that it would appear that many plans are mere pretences as the gap to just hidden in halfgrounded forecasts). Probably what actually occurs is that when performance droops top management recover at least some of the gap, albeit temporarily,



by Beating Managers Up, i.e. by putting more pressure on them to perform during the annual operating cycle or by reducing cost budgets.

What are his links with other gurus?

As mentioned above, Ansoff is diametrically opposed to Mintzberg in his approach to strategic management. He is very much of the design school, which includes Porter and others.

What are his main works?

1 Corporate Strategy, New York, McGraw Hill, 1965 the rst complete analytical system of corporate planning. 2 Managing Surprise by Response to Weak Signals, California Management Review (XVIII 1975) environment analysis. 3 The New Corporate Strategy, New York, Wiley 1988 from strategic planning to strategic management.

What are his key concepts?

Corporate strategy; diversication; PEST factors; SWOT analysis; options; strategy process.

Ease of reading medium.



Chris Argyris
Who is Chris Argyris?
Chris Argyris is a social psychologist by training, and was drawn to strategy through his interest in management behaviour in teams and also learning in teams. Chris is Professor of organisational behaviour at Harvard University. Chris has focused (over several decades) on how individuals respond to changing organisational situations and how organisational learning becomes the basis for diagnosis and action.

What was he famous for?

Chris highlighted the importance of learning in teams and of its antithesis, defensive behaviour. Chris found that the cleverer the team was, the more difcult it became to maintain openness to learning, and to avoid becoming defensive. He described the process involved here as double-loop learning. Whilst single-loop learning involved doing existing things better, double-loop learning entailed doing existing things in new ways or inventing new things. Effectively, double-loop learning involves reframing problems and stopping outside of existing mind-sets. The concept of double-loop learning does sound a little bit technical and mysterious, indeed Argyris language is sometimes hard to understand, perhaps in part to make his ideas appear more profound. Unfortunately this has made him a more esoteric rather than widely known guru, as the essence of his ideas is very signicant. Chris is at his best in the Harvard Business Review when he highlights that where managers are bright they will typically be more averse to making mistakes. Where they do make errors they may well deny them, or react defensively. Argyris calls this (in its most severe form) self-sealing errors so that once errors are made they are covered up (witness the collapse of Enron and Worldcom in 2002).



What are his links with the other gurus?

Argyris concern with strategy as learning places him close to Senge (1992), who wrote about The Learning Organisation. More of the process school, he provides a good account of the cognitive and political forces which shape emergent/incremental strategies.

What are his main works?

1 Organizational Learning A Theory of Action Perspective, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley 1978) with Schon D.A. 2 Teaching Smart People How to Learn, Harvard Business Review 69, 3, pp 99-109 May-June 1991.

What are his main concepts?

Single versus double loop learning; defensive routine.

Ease of reading difcult.



Christopher Bartlett and Samantha Ghoshal (major gurus)

Who are Bartlett and Ghoshal?
Bartlett is professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Samantha Ghoshal is Professor of Business Policy at INSEAD (in Europe).

What are they famous for?

Bartlett and Ghoshal were famous for stressing that competition was now taking place across global markets, and not just in national markets. This book was very much focused on identifying the critical competencies of the transnational. Effectively they tackled the imperatives and dilemmas of how to manage across borders, particularly within matrix structures.

How are they linked with other gurus?

Bartlett and Ghoshal have links with other writers who have studied global competition including Hamel and Prahalad, Porter, Pascale and Yip. Their contribution has been very much about Think globally, but act locally suggesting that a global strategy still needs to be closely tailored to the local environment. Bartlett and Ghoshal describe the ways in which they see the Transnational corporation as being managed as an integrated network of strategic business units. This involves developing centres of excellence worldwide and also ensuring that learning is spread between these units.

What is their main work?

Managing Across Borders, Harvard Business School Press, Boston Mass 1989 which is a combination of a rigorous research project and a prescriptive discussion of how organisations should think and act to be more global.

What are their main concepts?

Global strategy. Ease of reading medium.



G Bennett-Stewart
Who is G Bennett-Stewart?
G Bennett-Stewart is a US-based management consultant who coined the idea of EVA.

What is he famous for?

He is famous for coining the expression of EVA; or Economic Value Added. Put simply, economic value added is the present value of future cash ows which is in excess of that required to service the cost of capital. EVA has won over a large number of major corporations, particularly in the US as being a way to nancially evaluate both new and existing business strategies. It can also be used to evaluate possible areas for corporate disposal and closure. Equally it both can and must be used to evaluate any new acquisition or alliance. EVA is a measure which is based on cash ow rather than on conventional accounting prot measurement. Cash ows are that much closer to the economic worth of a business than accounting prot (accounting prot being distorted by many non-cash adjustments (like depreciation). A further benet of the EVA approach is that it does take into account longer-term cash ows whereas accounting prot is merely shorter term. Also, using EVA it is possible to trade off long and short cash ows thereby avoiding shorttermism in the economic valuation of strategic decisions. EVA can thus be used as an additional evaluation tool which will complement more qualitative, strategic analysis in: Corporate strategy. Acquisitions and mergers. Alliances. Business strategy. Strategic investment decisions. Targeting the value of strategic change. More effective cost management.



What are his main links to other gurus?

He is closely linked to McTaggart et al, Reimann and Rappaport.

What is his main work?

The Quest for Value, HarperCollins, New York, 1991 This is a very clear account of how to plan for shareholder value creation and how to evaluate and manage the cost of capital.

What are his main concepts?

Economic value added (or EVA). Ease of reading more difcult.



Who was Blackadder?
Blackadder was a famous TV series starring Rowan Atkinson as a jovial character set in the past.

What was he famous for?

Blackadder was famous for his cunning plans. Indeed, an alternative denition of strategy is strategy is the cunning plan. As an example of a cunning plan in the Blackadder millennium video, Blackadder and Baldrick invent a time machine. Before they are ready to set off one of them falls on the controls, sending them back into the past. Unfortunately they cannot remember the original time settings, and although they are enjoying themselves disrupting the past, eventually want to get back to the present. In frustration, Blackadder says to Baldrick: So I am condemned to spend the rest of my life in a small room with two toilets, with the stupidest man on earth. To which Baldrick replies: Dont worry, because I think I have a cunning plan. To which Blackadder says, I am sceptical, what is your cunning plan? Baldrick outlines his plan: You know how when people drown, there life ashes back in front of their eyes. If you were to stick your head in a bucket of water, just until the moment you were about to die, then you would remember the settings, and we could all go home. Cunning plan, said Blackadder, with one or two minor improvements. And in the next scene we see Blackadder putting Baldricks head down the toilet. Not content with Baldricks cunning plan, Blackadder has made a stunning plan.



A cunning plan thus typically: starts off with the objective what do I really, really want? in this case, remembering the settings. brings together some possible solutions in a novel combination for looking at how you might remember something you have forgotten. at least one of these solutions is relatively surprising and not obvious it certainly is not an obvious solution. but the total package (the whole cunning plan) is relatively simple at bottom. and also, preferably, relatively hard to imitate.

In summary, Blackadders denition of strategy, the cunning plan, is a useful and light antidote to some of the heavier guru books on strategy.

What are his main concepts?

The cunning plan.



Boston Consulting Group

Who is the Boston Consulting Group?
The Boston Consulting Group (or BCG) is a major strategy consulting rm which thrived originally in the 1960s and has become an international organisation working with innumerable major companies worldwide.

What is BCG famous for?

BCG is famous for the market growth/market share matrix (see Figure 8). On the vertical axis we see relative market growth. On the horizontal axis we see relative market share.


Question marks

Cash cows


Low High Low



The grid is split up into four main quadrants: North west: stars growth businesses. South west: cash cows harvest businesses. North east: question marks emerging businesses. South east: dogs businesses which are candidates for divestment.



Typically over its lifetime a business might start off as a Question Mark, then become a Star, and then in maturity become a Cash Cow, fading eventually into a Dog. The matrix thus helps not only with portfolio analysis but also with the life cycle analysis of company products. The BCG matrix (or grid) is a crude way of evaluating portfolio strategic business units. However, it suffers from a number of dangerous disadvantages as follows: Relative market growth is only one dimension of attractiveness, ignoring the PEST factors and Porters ve forces. Relative market share is only one variable of competitive positioning (you need to consider also: brand, product quality, service, responsiveness, unit costs etc). The denition of relative market share can be fudged depending on market denition (e.g. niche local or global). The presumption that you should divest of Dogs is potentially dangerous and inappropriate: actually, under the BCG denition, most businesses are actually dogs. The matrix can easily be taken to imply that the positionings are givens and nal they are not, but are merely starting points for thinking imaginatively about the strategic business unit.

What are their main concepts?

Stars, cash cows, dogs and question-mark businesses; portfolio analysis.

Reading verdict Dont use it!



Cliff Bowman
Who is Cliff Bowman?
Cliff Bowman is Professor of Strategic Management at Craneld School of Management in the UK.

What is he famous for?

Cliff Bowman is mainly famous for his highlighting the need to work out the quotient of: Perceived Use Value Relative Price Whilst some would think this a relatively obvious thing to work out or position on a two-by-two-grid (see Figure 9) it would appear (from practical application, and from research), this is typically not the case.







In the grid in Figure 9 the best quadrant to be positioned in is where there is a very high perceived use value, and low relative price (top left). This leads to more sustainable growth and a strong competitive position. The weakest position is to have a low perceived use value and a high relative price the symptom of a company that has become complacent and lost its way. More difcult again is where you have a high perceived use value but the relative price is very high, too. So, for example, the author is organising a business trip to Microsoft in Seattle. He has only three options to y direct with British Airways: economy (1,150), British Airways World Traveller Plus slightly better than economy (1,550) and business class (over 6,000!). Microsoft are incredulous about the 6,000, and require much persuasion to pay World Traveller Plus. And who are Microsoft? One of the most successful companies in the world (as at 2002)! Perhaps British Airways has problems, here? Bowman has also worked excessively on the tacit competencies which often play a major role in determining competitive advantage. For instance, in one of his cases it turned out that the main ingredient in one Companys competitive edge was the particularly clever way in which the sales force got client buy-in. To identify these tacit competencies is often very hard from the inside of an organisation, as they are taken for granted. It often needs some customer input, some independent observations of key value creating activities vis a vis customers, and outside facilitation. Whilst being thoroughly researched, Cliff Bowmans work is a refreshing antidote to strategy theories which seem remote and practical.

What other gurus does he link to?

Bowmans work on tacit competencies is closely linked with Hamel and Prahadad 1994. It also moves well beyond Porters generic strategies. His practical emphasis is parallel to that of the author himself (as alternative guru).



Also, his comparison of perceived use value (or PUV) against price helps us with Porters assertion (see later section on Michael Porter) that you cant pursue a differentiation and cost leadership simultaneously to be successful. For Bowman, the essence of competitive strategy was to be found in providing greater perceived value (relative to price) relative to your competitors.

What are his main works?

The Essence of Competitive Strategy, Prentice Hall, 1995.

What are his main concepts?

Perceived use value (PUV); and the PUV/relative price grid.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Braybrooke and Lindblom

Who are Braybrooke and Lindblom?
Braybrooke and Lindblom were process-school theorists who highlighted the lack of structure (and equally logic) in the strategic decision-making process in most organisations.

What were they really famous for?

Their book characterised strategic decision-making in organisations as being fundamentally uncertain and chaotic, and as being naturally hostile to the idea of formal strategic planning. The merits of their work are that it provides a healthy check on nave attempts to install a strategic planning process which does not reect and take into account of the behavioural realities. Whilst highly analytical systems like Ansoffs (1965) focus on environmental scanning, SWOT analysis, gap analysis etc., and do provide some structure to strategic thought, they do not always map on easily to the existing management process. To combat the difculties of muddling through one might: deploy a number of analytical, strategic analysis techniques, but without expecting them to, in themselves, deliver strategic insights and change without managing organisational politics on parallel. have an off-site. reect on team-roles beforehand. use a facilitator.

What are their links with the other gurus?

Braybrooke and Lindblom pre-dated Quinns work (1980) on logical incrementalism which painted a slightly more rational account of strategic decision-making, and also of Mintzbergs emergent strategy, which again emphasised the uidity of the strategy process. Their ideas also link in with the need for organisational learning to deliver real strategic thinking (Argyris 1991, Senge 1990).



What are their main works?

Braybrooke D and Lindblom C E. A Strategy of Decision, New York, Free Press, 1963 how organisations muddle through in the strategic decisionmaking process.

What are their main concepts?

Muddling through. Ease of reading difcult.



Campbell A and Goold (major gurus despite being in the UK)

Who are Campbell and Goold?
Campbell and Goold were both ex strategy consultants who moved over into strategy academia in the early 1980s. They are two of the rare number of UK strategy thinkers to penetrate the Harvard Business Review. They are perhaps more closely associated with the deliberate school of strategy, with their analytical concerns, but this does not mean that they are unaware of the process perspective throughout their thinking.

What are they famous for?

Campbell and Goold wrote both Strategies and Styles (1987) and the meaty text Corporate-Level Strategy (1994). Their rst book Strategies and Styles distinguished between three types of corporate style, being: The strategic planning style: where the centre dominates not only the why? of business strategies, but also its what?. The strategic control style: here the corporate centre may set the ground rules (the why?) but the what and the how are mainly down to the strategic business units. The nancial control style: in this style the centre is very focused indeed on delivering the nancial numbers, and is hands-off if these are delivered well, and hands-on if they are not. The main point in this typology is that the corporate parent needs to make choices in a) how it is going to interrelate with its strategic business units choosing between the above styles and b) in also the areas as a centre it will add value or not add, to its portfolio (for example in the provision of central services). The author used this typology over a decade ago with the Cookson Group, a conglomerate in materials processing (originally metals). There was a great debate over whether the group was a nancial control or a strategic control company there was (then) an obvious ambiguity over how the group was



managing strategy. This debate was very helpful as very senior managers had previously been getting somewhat confused and frustrated at apparent contradictions in the centres role/their roles. Campbell and Goold obviously realised quite quickly that whilst their typology was insightful and useful it required renement. Campbell and Goold then furthered this work by extensive empirical research on synergies within Groups. Perhaps, not surprisingly, they discovered that the economic value of synergies is highly elusive. The main reasons for this appear to be: Managers main (and natural) preoccupation is with harvesting the value of their own business limits, rather than in collaborating in the hoped-for delivery of value with other business units. Internal, political rivalry, which reduced cooperation in many companies. Structurally, it is difcult to manage synergies across organisational and cultural boundaries. Without recognising a rewarding managers explicitly for harvesting synergies, managers simply will not do it. Besides their earlier ground-breaking work (along with Marcus Alexander), they also contributed to strategic thought with their thoroughly researched book on corporate parenting, Corporate Level Strategy (1994). This looked at the conditions for corporate parents actually adding value to their business portfolios, through identifying opportunities, avoiding value-destruction, through inuencing stand-alone businesses to do certain strategic things, and through synergies. One of their main concepts is that of parenting advantage very simply it asks what the corporate parent is really good at, rather than merely competitive advantage primarily. One of their main ndings was that synergy value is highly elusive, and is often not really worth trying to manage. This is due to their complexity and their lack of appeal, and to the common agendas of different stakeholders.



What are their links to other gurus?

Campbell and Goold have operationalised Ansoffs earlier account (1965) of corporate planning by looking at the style of corporate planning, as opposed to its process and context, linking this style too to both corporate culture and structure. They are also loosely linked with the Shareholder Value movement, focusing on the value of the corporate centre, although they fall short of an in-dept interest in quantication of economic value. As gurus, they have tried to position themselves as the ordinary Porters of Competitive Strategy and with some success.

What are their main works?

1 Strategies and Styles, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1987 (Campbell and Goold): An important work suggesting that corporate Groups can manage corporate strategy in a variety of dissimilar ways highlighting that you need to choose. 2 Corporate Level Strategy, John Wiley, New York 1994 (Goold, Campbell and Alexander): a thorough treatment of how corporate strategy can create value.

What are their main concepts?

Strategic planning; strategic control and nancial control styles; parenting advantage/corporate value added; corporate synergy.

Ease of reading medium.



Alfred Chandler (a major guru)

Who is Alfred Chandler?
Alfred Chandler was a very famous academic strategist who pre-dated Michael Porter, and who provided an early and rigorous account of the relationship between strategy and business structure. He is perhaps better known in the US than in Europe. He is more closely associated with the deliberate or rationale school of strategic management rather than the process school.

What is he famous for?

Chandlers seminal work Strategy and Structure suggested that before business structure is dened, the business strategy itself must be claried. His thoughts fed into McKinseys development of the idea of Strategic Business Units. A Strategic Business Unit (or SBU) can be dened as: A set of similar customer needs, similar customer types, and similar ways of delivering value to those target customers. So, for example, SBUs at Manchester United might include: Media (broken down into terrestrial, Sky, own SkyChannel MUKV, Internet, mobiles) Merchandising Corporate entertainment Catering The team itself

Typically many companies are organised around more arbitrary lines than the above, (especially in the much earlier period of the1960s) and often contain a mass of different business models. By extolling the virtues of think market rst, organisation second, Chandler helps us to dene organisational structure more effectively.



What are his main links with the other gurus?

Chandlers view of strategy is very much based on economic analysis, and paved the way for Ansoff (1965) and later on Porter (1980, 1985).

What are his main works?

Strategy and Structure, Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 1962: How decentralised units facilitate strategic management.

What are his main concepts?

Strategy should precede structure in business design. Ease of reading medium.



A De Geus
Who is De Geus?
De Geus was a former senior strategic planner at Shell who was instrumental in developing its scenario process, who moved into more academic work.

What is he famous for?

De Geus was notable for outlining and popularising the key principles of scenario planning: Scenarios are story-lines of the future which give it a dynamic picture. These story-lines are merely possibilities which are both internally consistent, and also have a good degree of plausibility. The purpose of scenario development is to give us insights about possible futures and absolutely not to make forecasts. The future story-line can be developed by identifying the key environmental systems which will shape the future, for example, the political, the economic, the market, competition, customers and innovation. The shift from the present would to some future world occur by identifying possible transitional events these give rise to either weak signals Ansoff), or potentially strong symptoms.

What are his links with the other gurus?

De Geus is associated with systems thinking (Senge 1990), strategy as learning (Argyris 1991) and with environmental scanning (Ansoff 1965) and Wack 1985 (also of scenario development). This has been taken further in the world of IT strategy in the notion of disruptive technologies.



What are his main works?

Planning as Learning, Harvard Business Review, March-April pp70-74, 1988.

What are his main concepts?

Scenarios and discontinuities. Ease of reading relatively easy.



Eliyahu Goldratt
Who was Goldratt?
Goldratt was a writer whose novel The Goal focused on decision-making by identifying the most limiting constraint at each stage of the decisionmaking process, resolving it, and moving on to the next one.

What is he famous for?

Goldratts focus on constraints is helpful because it assists strategists to focus on blind-spots during implementation, rather than getting carried away by blue sky ideas.

What are his links with the other gurus?

Goldratts work has linkages with other major themes in management: force eld analysis: (see Lewin (1935), later on): which identies and prioritises constraining forces. critical path analysis (from project management): which tells us to identify that series of activities which is the most limiting constraint. operational research: where linear programming attempts to optimise a solution to a problem where there is a limiting constraint. Goldratts practicality is a powerful antidote to the perhaps over-prescriptive and sometimes hyped works of writers like Kanter 1983, Peters 1982 and Pascale 1990.



What are his main works?

1 The Goal North River Press, Great Barrington Mass, 1985 A novel based on eliminating the constraints, one by one (actually in a particular project). 2 Theory of Constraints, North River Press, Great Barrington, Mass, 1990 A more conventional management text explaining the basis for these colours.

What are his main concepts?

The concept of focusing on the limiting constraint. Ease of reading medium.



Robert Grant
Who is Robert Grant?
Robert Grant was a US strategy academic who challenged Porters views on the basis for competitive advantage. He suggested that competitive advantage was more frequently to be discovered in access to distinctive or unique internal resources, rather than a choice between the different forms of generic strategies externally (see Porter 1985).

What was he famous for?

Grant was famous for suggesting that insights about competitive positioning were more likely to come from understanding a companys resource base rather than from its generic strategies. He particularly focused on the extent to which organisations had non-immitatable resources. One example of unique resources was the company Video Arts, set up by John Cleese to exploit his talents as a spoof manager in management training videos. Of course, there is only one John Cleese, and these videos sold extremely well and at a high margin. There was not, at the time, any real competition and fewer real substitutes. In its heyday, Video Arts had a turnover of 2 million per year and a net prot of 1 million a return in sales of a staggering fty per cent a very good return on non-immitatable resources.

What are their links with the other gurus?

Grants work has close links to Hamel and Prahalad 1994 in the form of core competencies. In many ways Grants resources and Hamel and Prahalads core competencies overlap to a considerable extent. His concepts have also been taken further by Bowman (1995).



What is his main work?

The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage, Californian Management Review pp114-135, 33, 3, 1991 How acquiring a unique set of resources is the key to competitive advantage.

What are his main concepts?

Imitability; resource-based competitive advantage.

Ease of reading difcult.



Tony Grundy (the alternative guru the author)

Who is Tony Grundy?
The author is a former chartered Accountant, and an MBA and PhD who has researched strategic decision-making, strategic thinking, strategic behaviour and organisation strategy. He has spent much of his career as a management consultant, now in parallel with a senior lecturer role at Craneld School of Management.

What has he contributed?

The author has made a number of contributions to strategic management, including for example: Into the links between strategic decision-making and shareholder value. (Grundy 1992, 1998b, 2002a). Into the role of creative and innovative thinking in strategic management (Grundy 1993, 1994, 2002b). Growth drivers which determine the rate of market growth (Grundy 1994, 2002) see Figure 10. The strategy implementation process (Grundy 1993, 2001). The behaviours associated with strategy (Grundy 1998). The management of strategic acquisitions (Grundy 1994, 2002). The (economic) value of strategic thinking (2002). Organisation/HR strategy (Grundy 2003).



Internet takes off Press commentary Ignorance about the future Dot com hype

Capital gains investors

Growth drivers

Uncertainty about the future

Growth brakes

Linking strategic decision-making and shareholder value: Grundy (1992) looked at why strategic decisions can be hard to put an (economic) value on, and how to deal with the problems of interdependency, intangibles, and uncertainty. Most of these problems dissolved when a number of qualitative methodologies were used (like Mitroffs uncertainty-importance grid see Mitroff). Grundy (1998b, 2002a) expands these concepts into a more rounded account of the constellation of value-creating activities (the business value system) and in managing key value and cost drivers which is a more exible concept. Grundy also suggested Porters value chain (that conventional strategic analysis) is typically limited to dening the problem/opportunity within its current diagnosing denition, rather than challenging the art of the possible. In particular, he put forward the idea of a sixth competitive force, (to complement Michael Porters ve forces) of the industry-mind-set. The industry mind-set is dened as the set of expectations, perceptions and assumptions currently prevalent in an industry.



He also evolved a more rened version of Mintzbergs two forms of strategy into ve. These comprise (see Figure 11): Deliberate strategy. Emergent strategy. Submergent strategy (escalating commitment to a wobbly strategy). Emergency strategy (disparate attempts to turn it around). Divergent strategy (sorting the mess out, afterwards).
Deliberate strategy

Detergent strategy

Emergent strategy

Emergency strategy Submergent strategy


The strategy mix is a helpful diagnostic tool which purports the current predominant form of strategy prevalent in an organisation.

The strategy implementation process

Unlike many authors (whose primary interest is in strategic analysis and choice) the author has developed an integrated process to help shape strategic implementation (Grundy 1992, 1994, 2001, 2002). Aspects of this process have been adopted formally within HSBC, Microsoft, Nokia, Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Life and Tesco.



The authors research into strategic behaviour at BT (or how its managers interact to develop and discuss strategy) also highlighted that: Many internal disputes about strategy are due to implicit (and not so well revealed) personal agendas. To work well as a strategic team, a very large and complex number of organisational factors need to be aligned. Surprisingly the use of analytical techniques can (of itself) dissolve a large proportion of political and inter-personal difculties. On a more process-related topic, the author has developed a useful management process for dealing with strategic acquisitions (Grundy 2002). This process integrating strategic, and nancial, and organisational perspectives. The authors research into HR/organisational strategy suggests that this should be owned by line management, and not by HR. It also indicates that the analytical processes required for strategy implementation provide effective ways of dealing with less tangible HR/organisational strategy issues. Finally, the authors research with Brown (Grundy and Brown 2002b), highlighted that strategic thinking (and more specically, strategic thoughts) can generate considerable shareholder value. Unfortunately, managers tend not to dene the economic value created by them, and this tends to undermine the strategic thinking capability in many organisations.

What are his links to other gurus?

The author borrows equally from both the design and process schools of strategy (Porter 1985) and Mintzberg (1994). He is also closely linked in with the literature on shareholder value management (McTaggart et al, etc). There are also close parallels with the emphasis on innovation from Hamel and Prahalad.



What are his main works?

1 Corporate Strategy and Financial Decisions, (1992) the role of strategic investments in strategy formulation. 2 Implementing Strategic Change, (1992) tools and processes for managing strategic change. 3 Strategic Learning in Action, (1993) using learning to drive strategic thinking. 4 Breakthrough Strategies for Growth, (1994) tools and cases for developing breakthrough strategies in Europe. 5 Harnessing Strategic Behaviour, (1998a) lessons from research at BT into the impact of management behaviour on strategy. 6 Exploring Strategic Financial Management, (1998b) the sister book to Johnson and Scholes Exploring Corporate Strategy linking strategic and nancial analysis. 7 Strategic Project Management, (2002a) a unique guide to managing projects as mini-strategies. 8 Acquisitions and Mergers, (2002b) an exhaustive account of the strategic, nancial and other implications of acquisitions. 9 Be Your Own Strategy Consultant Demystifying Strategic Thinking, (2002) an updated and complete account of practical strategic thinking and of its contribution to shareholder value. 10 Growth, (2002d) a concise guide to managing growth. 11 Shareholder value, (2002e) an overview of content and process issues in managing for shareholder value. 12 Value-Based HR strategy, Butterworth Heinnemann, (2003 forthcoming) a complete toolkit for how to manage HR strategy and for shareholder value.



What are his main concepts?

The strategy mix; the industry mind-set; growth drivers; the business value system; valuing strategic thinking; strategic project management; breakthroughs; the strategic option grid.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Gary Hamel and S K Prahalad (major gurus)

Who are Hamel and Prahalad?
Hamel and Prahalad are eminent gurus of strategy. They are more closely associated with the deliberate school of strategy. Gary Hamel is Professor of Strategic Management at London Business School. He has researched strategy development in a multinational context.

What are they famous for?

Hamel and Prahalad are famous for three main contributions: Core competencies. Competing in the future. Innovation in strategy.

Core competencies
A core competence is a cluster of skills which either enables us to compete, or gives us a distinctive way of competing. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to identify an organisations core competencies from the inside, as these competencies are often taken for granted and of a tacit nature. It is often easier to assess these from the outside, particularly by examining customers perspectives of the organisation. For example, Ryan Airs core competencies are: Low cost mind-set. Low cost management and operational processes.



Offsetting these competencies are also Ryan Airs not-so-good competencies in: Media management. Handling customer complaints. Dealing with customers as individuals.

Core competencies will change over time and these changes need to be built into future organisational strategy.

Competing for the future

Hamel and Prahalads book Competing for the Future is an accessible, imaginative and a must-read book. The authors do not see any industry as a given but refreshingly, are willing to entertain a variety of possible futures, which can then be created. (They belong to the visionary school.) Whilst many MBAs get over-focused on analysing what currently exists, in industries and markets, rather than what might be there, Hamel and Prahalad focus on stretching out mind-sets and on our powers of imagination. This line of thought is encapsulated within the authors own concept of Breakthrough Strategic Thinking, which regards strategy as a creative, imaginative and analytical process. Companies that have delivered deliberate breakthrough strategies in the past ten years include: Dyson: carpet cleaning. Manchester United: merchandising and media. Tesco: diversication into non-food, higher value products.

Finally, Hamel and Prahalad underline the importance of innovation in strategy and of introducing more playfulness into strategic thinking sessions, thus de-emphasising planning bureaucracy.

What are the links with the other gurus?

Hamel and Prahalad have effectively picked up on Kenichi Ohmaes denition of competitive advantage and taken it into the future. They are also not entirely dissimilar to Pascale, Peters and Kanter, who are trying to challenge the existing organisational mind-set.



What are their main works?

1 The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, pp79-91, May-June 1990 understanding the specic bases of competitive advantage. 2 Strategic Intent, Harvard Business Review, pp63-76, May-June 1989 strategic intent is more specic than mission, very similar to vision. 3 Strategy as Stretch and Leverage, Harvard Business Review, 71, 2, pp75-84, March-April 1993 looking at how strategy can stretch your view of the possible. 4 Competing for the Future, Harvard Business School Press Boston, Mass 1994 imagining and creating the future rules of the game.

What are their main concepts?

Core competencies; strategic intent; breakthroughs; challenging mind-set; future thinking.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Charles Handy (a major guru and from the UK)

Who is Charles Handy?
Charles Handy is one of the very few, major UK gurus, for many years a professor at London Business School.

What is he famous for?

Charles Handy was to strategic management what Phil Collins was to pop music. (Phil Collins was part of the band Genesis who produced a number of off-the-wall albums in the 1970s which had a cult following, but never sold in vast volumes.) Then he produced albums of wider and simpler appeal and became extremely successful. Charles Handys original book on Organisations was a well thought through, academic account of different organisational forms which underpinned strategy through structure. But it was not until much later that Handy became both popular and famous, with his more accessible book and also his book on The Empty Raincoat on the virtual organisation. Handy always likes to be at the leading edge of thinking, especially in the cultural and ethical issues associated with management.

What are his main links to other gurus?

Handys work was parallel with Rosebeth Moss Kanter in the US, with her emphasis on empowerment and on new forms of careers for senior managers (see next guru).



What are his main works?

1 Understanding Organisations, Penguin, 1976 a systematic account of generic organisational structures and how they operate (still used on some MBA courses). 2 The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London, 1994 a challenging account of the virtual organisation where a core workforce is surrounded by outsourced (mainly home) workers.

What are his main concepts?

The virtual organisation; organisational forms; governance.

Ease of reading easy.



P Haspeslagh and D Jemison

Who are Haspeslagh and Jemison?
Phillipe Haspeslagh and David Jemison are two leading strategy academics who have studied the strategic aspects of acquisitions. Haspeslagh is Professor of Business Policy at INSEAD, and Jamison is Professor of Management at the University of Texas.

What are they famous for?

They are famous for providing the rst comprehensive, theoretical and practical account of the strategic management of academics. They highlighted in particular: The need to conduct a thorough strategic analysis of the acquiring companys own position, capability and options before commencing the acquisition search process. That acquisitions fall into different categories, such as domain protection or extension, and that a variety of different integration strategies may be appropriate, depending upon the particular acquisition context for example relative autonomy versus absorption. Acquisition appraisal needs to be conducted with reference to how the two separate value-chains of acquirer and the acquired interrelate and potentially complement (or duplicate) one another. Integration is a crucial phase of the acquisition process and one where there is considerable chance of economic value being destroyed. Their book contains some very useful input to in-company checklists for due diligence both at the acquisition appraisal and integration stages of the process.



What are their links with the other gurus

Managing Acquisitions is closely linked to Porters classic book on Competitive Advantage. The book is also helpful as a support text for those readers wishing to think through how acquisitions add shareholder value (Reimann, Rappaport etc) and also in understanding the role of the corporate centre (Campbell and Goold).

What are their main works?

Managing Acquisitions, The Free Press Macmillan, 1991 a complete guide to the strategic management of acquisitions.

What are their main concepts?

A typology of acquisitions; the importance of acquisition integration.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Gerry Johnson and Kevin Scholes (UK gurus)

Who are Johnson and Scholes?
Johnson and Scholes are acclaimed strategists who produced the rst complete European textbook account of strategic management from the late 1980s through to the present time. Their UK textbook position is akin to the kind of dominance that Manchester United achieved in the 1990s through to 2001 in the strategy textbook industry. They are neither deliberate or process based in their classic textbook, but certainly Gerry Johnson is largely a process school thinker in his other works. Gerry Johnsons career includes professorial positions at Craneld and at Glasgow, and Scholes at Shefeld Business School which he was formerly head of.

What are they famous for?

Exploring Corporate Strategy gives a comprehensive overview of strategic management concepts, techniques and approaches, right through from the analysis, choice and to implementation phase. The book also contains extensive case material (which is continually being updated). Indeed the book has become a business, and even a strategy in its own right. From a management students perspective, here are some hints: Dont try to read it in a weekend plan to read it in sections, perhaps over 6-8 weeks. Go back and re-read parts strategic management is somewhat chicken-and-egg. Whilst Johnson and Scholes do an admirable job in presenting it in a particularly logical order, there are many interdependencies between the concepts, so you will need to re-read and review parts you have already read, to get the big picture. Dont take it on holiday my partner did take it on holiday when she was doing her MBA. It never got opened and threatened to break our baggage weight limit!



What are their main links with the other gurus?

There is much value in reading their casebook: which gives you an excellent experience of doing a top-class MBA.

What are their main works?

Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, 1989: this classic MBA text deals with analysis, choice, and implementation as the key stages of strategic management. This very comprehensive book is accompanied by a wealth of up-to-date case studies.

What are their main concepts?

Strategic t; the paradigm; the strategy process.

Ease of reading difcult (but only due to the volume of their work, so dont let this put you off). This book needs to be read over a period of weeks, chapter by chapter.



Rosebeth Moss Kanter (a major guru)

Who is Rosebeth Moss Kanter?
Rosebeth Moss Kanter is a US Sociologist and Harvard Business School Professor who has developed a theory of change management. She consults with major companies and is a fearless critic of traditional management thinking.

What is she famous for?

Kanter is famous for being an early guru of strategy implementation. She was a major exponent of empowerment and (rightly) highlighted the need to increase total power in the organisation (to actually implement a strategy) as a positive sum game. (A positive sum game is one where all parties are better off then they would otherwise be after collaborating.) Her main books (see below) are long and contain a large quantity of semi-prescriptive case studies. But she may still be worthwhile reading in the original. Her central ideas are: that major corporations need to be lean, and able to do more with less, and to be proactive in seeking change, rather than resisting it. the individuals in the organisation need to be empowered so that they can implement strategy, rather than have intrusive interventions from on high. the structure of individuals careers is far more likely to be uid with more portable careers than previously.

What are her links with the other gurus?

Kanter is part of the management movement (which included Peters 1982 and Pascale 1990) who focused on the interrelationships between strategy and organisational change. (See also Welch 2001.)



What are her main works?

1 The Change Masters: Corporate Entrepreneurs at Work, Schuster, New York, 1994. 2 When Giants Learn to Dance, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1989.

What are her main concepts?

Empowerment; contention; de-layering.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Kaplan and Norton (major gurus)

Who are Kaplan and Norton?
Kaplan is a Harvard Business School Professor whilst Norton is the cofounder of the IT strategy consultants, Nolan and Norton. Their work is more in keeping with the deliberate strategy school, approaching it from an operational and nancial perspective.

What are they famous for?

Kaplan and Norton are famous for developing the Balanced Score-Card as a means of: a) not over-focusing on nancial measures of performance; and b) tracking the effective implementation of a strategy. Their four key areas of control/measures are: Customer satisfaction. Operational efciency. Employee morale. Financial performance.

The main idea of the balanced score-card is that one needs to measure and manage all of these indicators and in balance, rather than primarily nancial performance. The original balanced score-card covers certain aspects of strategic control (customer satisfaction) well but not others, such as: relative strength vis a vis competitors innovation capability development



It also tends to over-emphasise short-term nancial measurement over and above the generation of longer-term shareholder (or economic) value. But its biggest limitation is probably that it is very difcult to implement in most organisations certainly without a lot of tailoring simplication and renement. The authors own experience, for example, of helping implement a tailored, balanced score-card process within a division of HSBC is that: You need to identify your own, high-level, balanced score-card headings relevant to your industry, organisation, and strategic agendas (a maximum of ve). These headings need to be broken down into more specic, micro measures (perhaps three to ve). The top team should not focus on all measures equally and simultaneously, but should focus each quarter in the year on a smaller number of areas where there is a performance gap.

What are their links to other gurus?

There are some links between the balanced score-card approach and the shareholder value/economic value-added (or EVA) literature, including Rappaport 1986, Reimann 1990 and McTaggart et al 1994 as the non-nancial aspects of the balanced score-card are in effect the indirect value drivers of the business.

What are their main works?

The Balanced Score-Card Measures that Drive Performance (Kaplan RS & Norton DP), Harvard Business Review, pp71-90, January-February 1992.

What are their main concepts?

The Balanced Score-Card (and also Activity-Based-Costing: Kaplan). Ease of reading medium.



Kurt Lewin (a major guru albeit a long time ago)

Who was Kurt Lewin?
Kurt Lewin was a famous organisational theorist who devised a pictorial way of representing organisational change in the 1930s, which is still used today.

What was he famous for?

Lewins force eld analysis splits out between: the enablers: the things that make change easier, from the constraining forces: the things that make change more difcult.

Enablers and constraints might include for example: leadership, culture, resources, heyday, context, project management and existing workload/ overload. An example of force eld analysis is to be found in Chapter 4 on the Champneys Case. Force eld analysis creeps into MBA courses often in modules on strategic change. It is also taught on HR courses and is used by a minority of HR consultants/facilitators to examine implementation difculty. Grundy and Brown (Strategic Project Management, Thomson Learning, 2002) have attempted to popularise its use again.

What are his main links with other gurus?

Lewins work is an important forerunner of the change school of the 1980s (Kanter, Peters and Waterman, Pascale). This technique has extended the use of force eld analysis (see Grundy Be Your Own Strategy Consultant 2002) into many other domains of strategy.

What are his key concepts?

Force eld analysis; organisational resistances.

Ease of reading medium.



P Lorange and J Roos

Who are Lorange and Roos?
Lorange and Roos are to strategic alliances what Haspeslagh and Jemison are to acquisitions. They are both leading business school academics. Lorange formally at the Norwegian School of Management, now President of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Roos at Wharton in the US.

What are they famous for?

Lorange and Roos produced the rst really classical account of how alliances need to be managed, and covered the international perspective. They distinguish between a variety of forms of alliance ranging from loose, collaboration arrangements with suppliers or distribution channels through to fully autonomous, separate joint ventures where the various partners take equity stakes in the business. Lorange and Roos take essentially a competitive perspective on Alliances. They emphasise that the longer-term nature and success of a strategic alliance (where parties have a clear, longer-term stake in the alliance of both money and usually management, too) is contingent on the relative bargaining power of the various partners. An alternative perspective is the collaborative when an alliance is a positive sum game between partners (i.e. where they are better off when they collaborate closely, so that they will tend to do just that).

What are their links with other gurus?

Lorange and Roos book stands in relative isolation from the other gurus, although there is a need certainly, to tell scenario stories about their likely future evolution.



What is their main work?

Strategic Alliances, Blackwell, Cambridge, Mass, 1992 a complete account of the reliance, the dynamics and pitfalls of strategic alliances.

What are their main concepts?

Alliances as vehicles for competition. Ease of reading relatively easy.



McTaggart, Kontes and Mankins

Who are these gurus?
McTaggart, Kontes and Mankins were on the top staff at Marakon Associates, a value-based management consultancy. Marakon has been active in working at numerous companies including Alcan, Barclays Bank, BP, Cadbury Schweppes, ICI Paints, the Prudential and many others.

What are they famous for?

McTaggart et al have provided a very practical and relatively easy to read account of what Managing for (shareholder) Value means in terms of content, process and culture. Managing for shareholder value is considered by them to be The Governing Objective of Corporates. They emphasise the need for a detailed assessment of potential for value creation through strategic decisions (via the value and cost drivers). They emphasise the importance of external, environmental value drivers much more than many other writers). Their treatment of management process is particularly useful including strategic planning budgeting, resource allocation, performance management, and top management corporation.

What are their main links with the other gurus?

Their work is closely linked with other shareholder value theorists like Rappaport 1996, Bennett Stewart 1991, Grundy 1998b, 2002e and Reinmann 1990. Of these writers (along with Grundy) they also share links with Porters economic models of strategic environments (ve forces, value chain).



What is their main work?

The Value Imperative (McTaggart JM, Kontes PW and Mankins MC), The Free Press, Macmillan, 1994 contains an accessible and informative guide to the strategic, nancial and organisational implications of managing shareholder value.

What are their main concepts?

Value-based strategic management. Ease of reading relatively easy (given the subject matter).



Henry Mintzberg (a major guru)

Who is Henry Mintzberg?
Henry Mintzberg is a Canadian professor of strategic management at McGill University. He also holds a chair at INSEAD. He has, over several decades, been a leading gure in the strategy world. More of an academic than a prescriptive writer/consultant, his philosophy is based on how managers actually create and implement strategy, rather than how they supposedly should do it.

What is he famous for?

Mintzberg has also been a major contributor to the debate on the links between strategy and organisational structure. His organisational forms predated Henrys later work on organisational structure and are a helpful way of understanding why different companies have vastly different structures and cultures. Mintzbergs rst major input came from studying managers at an everyday level. He found that whilst the theory was that managers should be reective thinkers, the reality was that they were frenetic doers, lost in the momentum of management actions. Mintzberg also looked at organisational structures, distinguishing: the strategic apex top executives. the technostructure the advisory stuff. the operating case the main doers. the middle line the supervisory force. the support staff R&D, HR etc.

This helped him to understand how organisational structures change over time to respond to market and company life cycles, and to thus adjust to strategic change. His book Structures in Fives is perhaps a more comprehensive account of organisational structures than Handys.



Most famous for his characterisation of strategy as messy and haphazard (sometimes however, falling into a coherent pattern of one form or another or an emergent strategy), he acted as a healthy counterbalance to the prescriptive theorists (like Ansoff and Porter). Figure 12 gives an illustration of how the forms of strategy may operate: Deliberate strategies can be realised or unrealised, whilst emergent strategies simply materialise through action. His weighty book The Rise and Fall of Strategies of Learning (1994) argues that conventional planning processes are inappropriate to the more uid decision-making process characteristic of most organisations. Mintzberg (et al) also wrote one of the most enlightening books on strategy of recent times called Strategy Safari. This likened the various schools of strategy (deliberate, process, visionary etc.) to the different kinds of animals which one would literally see if one were, as it were, on safari. This is well worth a read, and will not put you to sleep!














What are his links to the other gurus?

Mintzberg is part of the process or incremental school of strategic management alongside Braybrooke and Lindblom, and also Quinn.

What are his main works?

1 2 The Nature of Managerial Work, Harper and Row, New York, 1973. The Structuring of Organisations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1979 an insightful analysis of organisational forms and they relate to strategy. 3 Structures in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1983. 4 The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, 1994 a more than comprehensive, but slightly onesided critique of conventional strategic planning. 5 Strategy Safari (Mintzberg H, Ahlstrand B and Lampel J), The Free Press, New York, 1998 a humorous account by Mintzberg (and co-authors) of the diverse schools of strategic management.

What are his main concepts?

Deliberate and emergent strategy; the design and process schools of strategy; organisational forms.


Strategy Safari easy, essential reading. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning medium. The Structuring of Organisations and Structures in Fives more difcult.



Ian Mitroff
Who is Ian Mitroff?
Ian Mitroff is a Californian-based strategy guru with a direct, challenging style and who provided us with a framework for surfacing strategic assumptions. Mitroff is Professor of Business Policy at the University of Southern California.

What is he famous for?

Mitroff is famous for his contribution to helping uncover managers mental maps of their strategy. He recognised that strategies often fail because of their dependency on taken-for-granted assumptions which subsequently turn out not to be met. This called for an explicit process of mapping these assumptions, called the uncertainty-importance grid. The uncertainty-importance grid is illustrated in Figure 13. In its original form, the uncertainty grid appears somewhat abstract, so I have rened this by using four, generic descriptions for each quadrant. These include: very important and very uncertain: the danger zone. very important and low uncertainty: the complacency zone. low importance and very uncertain: the early warning zone. low importance and low uncertainty: the trivial zone.



Very certain



Lower importance

Very important



Very uncertain


Mitroffs uncertainty-importance grid is an essential technique for scenario development. Typically a number of assumptions in the Danger Zone can be used to draw out a story-line for a future which is signicantly different from the present. The uncertainty-importance grid can be used for: Acquisitions. Alliances. Restructuring. Managing strategic projects. Market entry. New product launch.

For example it has been used to track BMWs strategic decision to acquire Rover Group in 1994. (See Grundys Breakthrough Strategic Thinking, Pitman, 1984 and Be Your Own Strategy Consultant, Thomson Learning, 2002.)



The grid suggested some major downsides to this decision including: Rovers high unit costs. The likelihood of major investment in Rover. The possibility of culture clash. Life cycles: Rovers four-wheel drive models maturing (the Discovery range). As a result of these uncertainties actually crystallising, Rover lost 900 million on a turnover of around 4,000 million in its last year of ownership by BMW in 1999, this being a salutary warning to those overlooking this essential technique. When using the uncertainty-importance grid it is important to make sure that: The assumptions are spelt out in full remember to ask the question: what is the big thing which we have forgotten? The assumptions need to be set out quite explicitly and with predetermined parameters. Sometimes a highly critical assumption needs to be broken down into its sub-assumptions.

What are his links with the other gurus?

Mitroff straddles the divide between the deliberate strategy school and the process-school. The uncertainty-importance grid helps the formation of both deliberate and emergent strategies. Not only this, but it also reects a concern for the strategic management process which is often implicit rather than explicit. Mitroffs questioning of the assumption-set of managers also links to Hamel and Prahalads (1994) emphasis on re-examining mind-sets, and also to the authors own work on Porters sixth (missing) competitive force the industry mind-set. (Note Grundy/Mitroff also make explicit use of systems thinking (linking him to Senge 1990.)



What is his main work?

The Unbounded Mind(Mitroff II and Linstrom HA), Oxford University Press, 1993: on how imaginative thinking is essential in strategy, and how assumptions need to be continually surfaced and examined (using the uncertainty-importance grid).

What are his main concepts

Sustaining strategic assumptions; challenging mind-sets; the uncertainty-importance grid.

Ease of reading medium to difcult.



Kenichi Ohmae
Who is Kenichi Ohmae?
Kenichi Ohmae was one-time Head of Strategy Consulting, McKinsey Japan. Ohmaes concise book The Mind of the Strategist is a classic introductory book which is very accessible. This accessibility has assumed its very ready availability on book shelves for twenty years.

What is he famous for?

Ohmae was probably the rst major thinker to dene competitive advantage and to do so just ahead of Michael Porter. He dened it as being: Either delivering superior value to your target customers relative to your competitors, or, delivering equivalent customer value to your target customers relative to your competitors at least cost. This is embodied in his Three Cs model (see Figure 14), for actually thinking through the idea of competitive position. To actually use this in practice we would also need to have previously researched: Customer bench-marking of the company (in terms of perceived and real value-added) vis a vis its customers. A more detailed appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses (including its cost base), vis a vis its competitors.




? Value





What are his main links to other gurus?

Ohmae is linked closely with Michael Porter (1985), who created his generic strategies to help give some rules of thumb on the choice of a competitive strategy. He is also linked with Hamel and Prahalad (1994), who in Competing for the Future essentially applied Ohmaes three cornered model within the context of the future, rather than merely of the present.

What are his main works?

The Mind of the Strategist, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1982 this is still in print and is one of the best and simplest introductions to strategic management.

What are his key concepts?

Competitive advantage; competitive bench-marking; degrees of strategic freedom.

Ease of reading easy.



R T Pascale (a major guru)

Who is Pascale?
Pascale was a leading business consultant and member of Stanford Universitys business school. He contributed to the Seven S model of organisational success, popularised by Peters and Waterman in 1982.

What was he famous for?

Pascale was famous for his stress on contention and challenge in strategic management. Much of conventional strategic management focuses on logical analysis and thus on achieving consensus, whereas Pascale suggests that some degree of contention is actually fruitful.

How does his work link to the other gurus?

Pascals work links closely with Kanter and Peters, who all share the agenda of challenging the organisation to think differently about key strategic issues.

What is his major work?

Managing on the Edge highlights this need for challenge in the ongoing processes of strategic diversion making and strategic change particularly through challenging paradigms. To do this he proposed that it was often essential to provoke debate, contention and conict, which would then lead to strategic renewal. He also draws from studies of the ecology of natural organisms to help understand organisations as complex systems. But perhaps his initial claim to fame was his work on The Art of Japanese Management (Pascale and Athos 1981), which explained (using the seven S model) how Japanese organisations were often superior. He contended that they were often better at managing the softer factors, particularly the shared values (or superordinate gurus) than their western counterparts.



What are his major links to other gurus?

Pascales major links are with Peters (and Waterman 1982), and of course with Senge 1990 (on systems thinking).

What are his main works?

1 The Art of Japanese Management (with Athos A Simon and Schuster), New York 1981) is a comparative study of organisational factors for strategic success between Japan and the US. 2 Managing on the Edge?, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990 suggests that existing paradigms need to be challenged through debate, contention and possibly conict.

What are his key concepts?

Challenging mind-sets; contention.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Tom Peters (a major guru)

Who is Tom Peters?
Tom Peters is a larger than life purveyor of challenging management ideas which have made more complacent top managers sit up and think and for two decades. He is best known for his earliest book In Search of Excellence (co-written with Robert Waterman).

What is he famous for?

In Search of Excellence was a piece of management research seeking to distil the lessons from a number of (then) high performing US companies. Peters and Waterman distilled from their research an organisational framework called the seven s model. In Search of Excellence sold at least a million copies worldwide. The seven S model included: Strategy Structure Staff Skills Style Systems Shared values

The seven Ss are indeed a useful checklist for making sure that in a particular organisational issue one has covered all the main angles. Separately, it is often useful to map the various interdependencies between the individual components of the seven Ss, for example: Between strategy and structure. Between structure and style. Between style and share values etc.



Effectively this earlier model was based on the need for organisational alignment (following a deliberate strategy school model). Unfortunately, many of Peters and Watermans earlier success stories actually went into decline (for example, IBM), causing him to revisit and even reverse earlier thinking. Peters and Waterman were caught out here by changing industry competition, by complacency within the highly successful companies, and by sample, corporate life cycle effects. Tom Peters went on (in Thriving On Chaos) to stress the antithesis to this alignment thinking by underlining the need for challenge, some disruption and also for breaking the corporate mind-set, especially in more mature organisations. Peters used the success of this later book to build a platform for worldwide Peters workshops to spread the Thriving On Chaos doctrine. Peters targeted corporate soft spots like internal mistrust and even the role of the HR departments whose control-led mind-set often reduced companies competitive advantage, rather than added to it.

What is his main links to other gurus?

Peters is very much a part of the organisation redesign school which includes Pascale and Kanter. His challenge to existing mind-sets also echoes the work of Hamel and Prahalad, Mitroff and also of the author of this book. His earlier alignment model is very much along the lines of systems thinking and the learning organisation (Senge).

What are his main works?

1 In Search of Excellence, Harper and Row, New York 1982 this examines the conditions for success from the experience of major and leading companies during the 1970s. 2 Thriving On Chaos, Alfred A Knopf, New York 1988 Peters goes on to suggest that disruption to the status quo can actually be helpful, and provide the catalyst for change.



What are his main concepts?

The seven Ss; contention; thriving on chaos; downsizing; delayering.

Ease of reading would be relatively easy if Peters wrote a little more succinctly. Otherwise medium to difcult.



Nigel Piercy
Who is Nigel Piercy?
Nigel Piercy was Professor of Marketing at Cardiff University. He is now a Professor of Marketing at Craneld School of Management.

What is he famous for?

Nigel Piercy is famous for stakeholder analysis. His stakeholder analysis grid is shown in Figure 15, separating out attitude (for, neutral, against) from inuence (high, medium, low). The grid is used mostly to map internal stakeholders, especially on a specic strategic decision. An example of a stakeholder analysis picture is contained in Chapter 4, Figure 24.

Coalition building

Attitude NEUTRAL
Leave alone

Win over/ coalition building

Take out of play


Distract or fragment

MEDIUM Influence

A stakeholder can be dened as anyone inside or outside of the business who is either a decision-maker, adviser, implementer or victim of a strategy and of how it will be implemented.



The grid can be used: to analyse stakeholder positions (and their underlying agendas). to anticipate changes in who they are, or in their position. to devise cunning inuencing plans. to reduce and dissolve organisational politics.

The grid has been developed in the authors own writings and is in everyday use at: CGNU, HSBC, Microsoft, Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Life and Tesco.

How does he relate to other gurus?

Piercys technique actually enables us to manage contention within more political organisations without having overly destructive effects (Pascale 1990). It is also a most useful sister tool to Lewins force eld analysis (1935).

What is his main work?

Diagnosing and Solving Problems of Strategy Implementation, Journal of General Management, pp19-38, Henley Vol 15, No 1, 1989.

What is his main concept?

Stakeholder analysis. Ease of reading medium.



Michael E Porter (a major guru)

Who is Michael Porter?
Michael Porter is Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and has also consulted with major corporations extensively. In 1983 he was appointed to the Presidents commission on industrial competitiveness. Michael Porter is a prolic author, best known for his two seminal works: Competitive Strategy and Competitive Advantage.

What is he famous for?

Porter is famous for a number of major innovations in strategy, particularly: Porters ve competitive forces. The value chain. the generic strategies: differentiation and cost leadership, focus. A critique of Internet strategies.

Competitive Strategy (1980) contains not just Porters ve competitive forces but also a comprehensive account of the evolution of markets throughout their life cycles. Porters ve competitive forces address the question of why are some markets more attractive (in terms of long-term protability) than others? The answer is that they are more attractive than others because of structural reasons. This is down to (according to Porter), ve key forces, namely: The bargaining power of the buyers. Entry barriers. Competitive rivalry. Substitutes. The bargaining power of the buyers.



Porter advises that each force should be appraised in terms of its relative attractiveness (high, medium or low). Porters ve forces can give you a number of outputs: A better prioritisation of markets by their inherent attractiveness. A list of the critical success factors in the market, i.e. what things has any player got to get right/avoid getting wrong strategically to succeed. Providing insights for the criteria for judging yourself against competitors. Ideas for changing the rules of the game (e.g. by reducing rivalry by acquisitions, shortening the value chain by going direct etc to the end-market) of value-creating activities.

Porters value chain splits company operations into a number of generic components, namely: In-bound logistics. Manufacturing. Servicing. Sales and marketing. Administration. Out-bound logistics.

Essentially Porters value chain is an (economists) input-output model of how value is created in a business. It draws our attention to the internal choices which a company makes in determining how it is going to compete. The model can also be applied to an industry level, to look in particular at different ways of distributing products or services. In its modern form it has been called the business model to indicate that it is specic to a particular business Porters headings above (like in-bound logistics) are not terribly helpful. Also it has been subsumed into the Business Value System (Grundy 1998b) where not only is it drawn to be specic to a business, but instead of it being drawn as a linear, input-output analysis,



it is depicted as more of a system (Senge 1990). (See Figure 16) In more recent years his value chain has probably waned in popularity on business school courses. Not only is it perhaps one of the least exciting strategy tools to teach, but it does not often tell you an awful lot without a good deal of tailoring effort to a specic industry context.


Net transfer fees Player disposal



Match performance

Player acquisition

Satellite TV Pay TV Gate takings


New player attraction


Porters generic strategies comprises of: differentiation, cost leadership, and focus. A differentiation strategy is one where you set out to add more value to your target customers (perceived and real) than your competitors do. This incremental value is manifest in either higher prices or discounts avoided, or both. A cost leadership strategy is one where you achieve parity of value with your competitors, but at a lower cost. Both generic strategies lead to above-average protability.



A focus strategy is where you have narrowed your competitive strategy to concentrate only on your target customers and their specic needs, and potentially also your product range. This aims at recouping the advantage of specialisation, either through more appropriate targeting of needs or by economies of scale within a narrower area of the market, thereby achieving lower costs. Porter suggested that you must choose which generic strategies you should focus on, and that if you dont, then your strategy will not succeed and you will get stuck in the middle. (Like Rover Group, which aimed to be differentiated in some products, cost leadership in others, covering a wide area of the market and yet sometimes focusing on niches within the organisational structure within different strategic business units.) The arguments for supporting this prescription are that: there are good empirical case studies to support it (like Rover Group). culturally, it is very hard to have a differentiation and cost leadership mind-set simultaneously, even where activities are semi-insulated from each other. The arguments against it are that: More exible operations can sometimes ne-tune the delivery or competitive strategies. An organisation may have a mixture of superior value creating competencies (leading to motivator factors (Grundy 1998b, 2002) along with those more basic standards (or the customers hygiene factors), and that you may therefore just need to juggle these when prioritising how to compete. Porter has also contributed to our thinking on Strategy and the Internet. Unsurprisingly Porters thoughts on the Internet were that: The ve forces would be generally worse, as the Internet made information more freely available (helping buyers, and increasing rivalry). The Internet also, potentially, reduces long-term barriers to entry. This meant longer-run margins would not be so good.



But, there might be temporary advantages through simplifying the industry value chain, helping to reduce costs, until customers and competitors bargained that value away.

What are his links to the other gurus?

Porters work on competitive advantage is very similar to that of Kenichi Ohmae (1982). Also his competitive forces are an extension of Ansoffs environmental scanning (1975). Indeed competitive strategy is a much more powerful and comprehensive model/process than that developed by Ansoff in the 1960s. Porters ve forces are also linked with the authors own idea of the industry mind-set as the underpinning competitive force which Porter missed.

What are his main works?

1 Competitive Strategy, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1980 a thorough account of the life-cycle dynamics of industries incorporating the ve competitive forces; and of the critical success factors of different phases. 2 Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1985 Porters generic strategies and the value chain. 3 From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy, Harvard Business Review, pp 43-59, May-June 1987 an account of how acquisitions should be managed for corporate value. 4 Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review, March-April 2001: an after-the-event analysis of why the Internet has been disappointed in commercial terms.



What are his main concepts?

Industry life-cycles; Porters ve forces; the value-chain; competitive advantage; sustainability; the generic strategies; and the competitive advantage of nations.

Ease of reading Competitive Advantage is relatively difcult but well worth it. Competitive Strategy is probably still a must read.



J B Quinn
Who is J B Quinn?
J B Quinn was a major thinker within the process school of strategy. Quinn played a major inuence in suggesting that strategic management was not primarily about analytical, rational activity, but was very much dependent upon strategic action. Strategic action means that strategy evolves in a way which is virtually impossible to distinguish from everyday management action.

What is he famous for?

Quinn is famous for explaining how strategic decisions typically evolve in a part random, or erratic, and part logical way. Quinn (1980) coined the expression logical incrementalism to capture this idea. Clearly, strategic decisions did have some logic to them, otherwise strategic action would be foolish, and the business unsuccessful, and top people would get red. (Having written this in 2002, for a split second this proposition actually seems plausible after the corporate disasters of the early new millennium, and the resulting stockmarket melt down.) But in the long run top managers are awarded for not being foolish, so illogical incrementalism is not really an option. Whilst being inuenced signicantly by Braybrooke and Lindblom (1963), Quinn (1980) incorporated within his theory of strategic decisions both random and logical elements. Quinns view was that managers tended to make strategic decisions according to perceptions of incremental opportunities which appeared to add to what they already had. Partly driven by their business legacy, and partly by the change, and partly by thirst for incremental prot, top managers were attracted to piecemeal strategies.



The practical advantages of logical incrementalism are that: Strategic decisions tended to be made on the basis of existing competencies and knowledge, thus reducing exposure. By making them incrementally, this made it more possible to digest their implementation (as managers would have to execute strategies before moving on to new ones). Their economic value could (in theory) be better targeted, monitored and controlled. This style of strategy provided (again, in theory), ample opportunity to learn. On the downside, the practical disadvantages of logical incrementalism are that: Managers would typically not anticipate where a particular decision might lead them next. Like a poor chess player, managers would tend to think about their current move primarily, their next move little, and the one after probably hardly, or not at all. Where a series of strategic moves did not necessarily t together well then over time this would create something of a strategic mess. (Quinn called this disjointed incrementation.) Quinns work was very thoroughly researched. In his study of strategic decision-making in major corporations there was ample evidence of logical incrementalism at work. But just as we saw in our discussion of Henry Mintzberg (1994), another (and more famous) strategy guru, just because this is how managers typically do it does not mean that they cannot do it another way. Nor does it mean that they should not do it another way. The authors personal view (both from empirical research (see Grundy and Brown, 2002) and from over twenty ve years business experience managers can benet from using strategic thinking to manage in a more holistic way. Indeed, when they are shown how to do this, not only are they able to be less incremental but they certainly want to. The experience of managers at Lex, John Menzies Group, Oxford University Press, Standard Life, Tesco and many others, testies to the suggestion that shifts in strategy style towards more holistic thinking are at least partly sustainable.



What are his links to other gurus?

Quinn is closely linked to the process school of strategy, for example with Henry Mintzberg. This school has its roots in organisational decision theory stemming from Braybrooke and Lindblom.

What is his major work?

Strategies for Change Logical Incrementalism Richard D Irwin, Illinois 1980 is a research based account of patterns in strategic decision-making.

What is his main concept?

Logical incrementation. Ease of reading medium.



Alfred Rappaport
Who is Alfred Rappaport?
Alfred Rappaport was a key founder of the Shareholder Value movement. As long ago as the early-mid 1980s he helped lay the foundation for a more explicit focus in strategy formulation for managing it to create shareholder value.

What is he famous for?

Rappaport is most famous for highlighting the need to explore value and cost drivers when attempting to put an (economic) value on a strategy. A value driver can be dened here as being: Anything both within and outside the business, which might directly or indirectly generate case inows, either now or in the future (Grundy 2002). A cost driver can be dened as being: Anything, both within and outside the business, which might directly or indirectly generate cash outows, either now or in the future (Grundy 2002). Value and cost drivers are thus quite tangible things. An example of a value driver in the holiday industry is that of word-ofmouth which will help to generate incremental sales volume without pushing up marketing costs. An example of a cost driver in the nancial services industry is the number of brand managers required per branch. It is not necessary to have a single senior manager to look after a particular branch. On the contrary, one branchlevel manager can look after perhaps one or even two branches.



Examples of value drivers and cost drivers for a new, innovative supermarket trolley are continued in Figures 17 and Figures 18.

New trolleys

Company value Customer value Operating cost saved

Ease of use

Irritation avoided Investment cost saved

Contributing to capturing new customers?

Switching to competitor avoided

Contribution to brand image



New trolleys

Investment cost

Operating costs

Buying quantity Diversity of design

Costs of recovery car park Damage and losses

Design sophistication




Rappaports own denitions of value and cost drivers are actually much more tangible, and much closer to the direct generation of the nancial numbers themselves. For example, Rappaport lists sales growth and margin as value drivers. From the authors viewpoint, these denitions are somewhat limited, as they focus too closely to the directly quantifying nancial numbers. Frequently it is more interesting to dene them in terms of the underlying system which actually generates these intermediate variables (or Grundys Business Value System (1998b)) The earlier examples above of word-of-mouth value drivers and number of branch heads per branch for cost drivers are perhaps more useful. One useful insight from Rappaport, however, is that margin level is often a more important value driver than sales growth. Often growth actually destroys rather than creates shareholder value, especially when the growth is not of particularly high quality (for instance where there is a relatively unfavourable set of Porters ve forces).

What are his links to the other gurus?

McTaggart et al 1994, Reimann, whilst are heavily quantitative and McTaggart et al 1994 and Reimann 1990 are more qualitative, Rappaport falls somewhere in the middle in terms of his relative emphasis on qualitative versus qualitative analysis. Rappaports stress of margins levels also has close links with Michael Porters emphasis on the economic analysis of industries. The idea of value creation can be developed even further (for example, by the author 2002) through for instance the value-over-time curve, which can be applied to: Corporate strategy. Business strategy. Implementation. Meetings. Customer experience and value.



An example of its application to customer experiences and value is shown in Figure 19 which involves the curtains falling down, the pole damaging the resident, the subsequent pain and the hotel losing the visitors car keys for a while.




What is his major work?

In Creating Shareholder Value, The Free Press, New York 1986, Rappaport gives a comprehensive treatment of the role of value and cost drivers in generating shareholder value.

What is his main concept?

That of value drivers. Ease of reading moderately difcult.



Peter Senge (a major guru)

Who is Peter Senge?
Peter Senge is Director of the Systems Thinking and Organizational Learning Program at MITs Sloan School of Management, and has consulted extensively with major corporations.

What is he famous for?

Peter Senge was famous for the learning organisation. Writing in the early 1990s Senge emphasised the role of learning is not only developing and implementing strategy, but also in managing performance. The learning organisation was intended to signal a shift from thinking about strategic issues as part of a formal, bureaucratic process to its being completely infused with organisational learning. At the heart of this idea was the concept of systems thinking. For Senge systems thinking meant that one needed to allow free interow of debate throughout the organisation. This represented a major shift away from being focused on strategic decision-making, centred especially on the top of the organisation in a hierarchical model. An example of a systems thinking picture used for scenario development is shown in Figure 20.



Savings loans Changes in family structure Disposable income Types of customer More leisure More crime

Economic growth

Change in government

Tax regime Housing market


House moves Create secure home Substitutes leisure pursuits Do it yourself market growth

Scarcity of skilled tradespeople Out of town planning constraints

Competitive rivalry


Supermarket entrants


Pressure groups

Push to diversify

Other options


The idea of the learning organisation did become very popular, but in practical terms few companies have actually managed to get the idea taken seriously by top managers.

What are his links to the other gurus?

The authors own research on the Value of Strategic Thinking (Grundy and Brown 2002) suggests that there are still very major organisational constraints to achieve these ambitions.



Having said this, the learning organisation is a useful step on the way towards getting companies to exploit their natural organisational capability (Ulrich 1990) more effectively. Also, Senges idea of systems thinking is useful in developing scenarios (Wack 1985), and also in developing Porters (1985) value chain into something more tailored and interactive the Business Value System (Grundy 2002). Senge is most closely linked to process the artists including Mintzberg who has even gone as far as to suggest that strategic planning is simply unworkable. There are also some links with Kaplans balance of score-card in terms of its focus on the softer issues as well as the harder issues in evaluating performance.

What is his main work?

The Fifth Discipline The Art and Practise of the Learning Organisation, Century Business, 1990 which is a patchwork of ideas of how organisations are interactive systems with learning, feedback loops.

What are his main concepts?

Systems thinking; the learning organisation.

Ease of reading difcult The Fifth Discipline is not the most accessible book.



A Slyvosky
Who is Slyvosky?
Slyvosky is founding partner of Corporate Decisions, an international strategy consulting company.

What was he famous for?

Slyvosky was famous for the idea of Value Migration. Value Migration is a simple concept which means that businesses often need to reinvent how they add value as industries and their markets change. This might, for example involve: Getting rid of activities which add little value, which dilute value, or which destroy value (like Dysons Say goodbye to the bag in his cyclonic carpet cleaning machine). Exploiting new ways of distribution (for example using the Internet, or for the football industry, using new forms of media). Rebundling or unbundling existing products or services (for example, the funerals business offers a myriad of different combinations in which value can be added, for example, by services facilitating the do-it-yourself market) see Grundy and Brown Be Your Own Strategy Consultant.

What are his links to other gurus?

Slyvoskys work has linkages and parallels with: Ansoff (1965) the issue of value migration entails questioning what business(es) are you in? Hamel and Prahalad (1994) value migration is another way of saying competing for the future. Hamel and Prahalads (1990) core competence (adding new ones). Porters value chain (1985), involving innovation within it. Shareholder value theory nding new ways of creating or capturing customer value (Grundy 1998b).



Finding new ways of adding distinctive value (or the customers motivator factors things that make switching to other sources of supply virtually unthinkable Grundy 1998, Grundy and Brown 2002).

Transforming the organisation (Pascale 1990, Peters 1982), and competing from within (Ulrich 1990).

What is his main work?

Value Migration contains powerful arguments drawn from specic case studies for not standing still and for continually reinventing yourself.

What is his main concept?

Value migration. Ease of reading relatively easy a good and stimulating read.



J C Spender
Who is J C Spender?
J C Spender is Professor of Strategic Management at Strathclyde University.

What is he famous for?

Spender is famous for his concept of strategic recipes. Strategic recipes are the taken-for-granted rules of strategic decision-making which characterise the strategic action of the top team. Strategic recipes are founded on things that have worked, or not worked in the past. These recipes relate back to a past group, or individual, strategic situations. When a new leader is appointed, particularly from the outside these are likely to change or at least be challenged. Besides company level recipes, we can expand this notion to look at (strategic) industry recipes, a very similar idea to the authors own concept of the industry mind-set. Another renement (see Grundy 1992) is to couple these with nancial recipes, which capture the decision criteria/the worst of situations where a company believes it has made money in the past, or will make money in the future.

What are his links to other gurus?

Spencer is associated with Mintzbergs emergent strategy, with strategic recipes guiding the choice of strategic option, rather than formal, strategic analysis.

What is his major work?

Strategy Making in Business, PhD, University of Massachusetts, 1980.

What is his main concept?

Strategic recipes. Ease of reading medium.



E Stalk
Who is Stalk?
Stalk is a writer who realised that Ohmae/Porters concepts of competitive advantage appeared rather static, and did not take into account the edge which can come through momentum through time.

What was Stalk famous for?

Stalk was famous for putting the idea of competitive advantage into a more dynamic context, notably by incorporating the dimension of time. More specically, Stalk emphasised the role which speed played in determining competitive advantage. As conventional paths to competitive advantage (differentiation, cost leadership, focus, core and distinctive competencies) could often be copied, Stalk suggested that speed was an important path to competitive advantage work, in its own right. By speed Stalk meant: The rate of competitive innovation: being able to innovate faster than your competitors. The speed with which strategic opportunities are identied and exploited. The speed of implementation. Responsiveness to customer need (at a transaction-by-transaction level).

What are his main links to other gurus?

His main links are to Porter (generic strategies, 1985), Hamel and Prahalad (1994) (competing for the future) and Ohmae 1982 (the three Cs).



What is his main work?

Competing Against Time, The Free Press, Macmillan, 1990, is a lucid account of how time-based competition (as Stalk calls it) can be created and sustained.

What is his main concept?

Time-based competition. Ease of reading relatively easy.



Sun Tzu (a major guru, now deceased)

Who was Sun Tzu?
Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese military theorists who was one of the very earliest strategists.

What was he famous for?

Sun Tzu was famous for his discussion of the strategic lessons which need to be applied in situations of conict. These lessons deal with the imperatives of strategic choice, focus, and of dominance. One of Sun Tzus recommendations is that strategy development should begin with the victory scene. What does this scene actually look like? How many people are still alive, dead or injured, who do they belong to, and who has emerged as the victor? How was victory brought about, what was the context of the battle, and what actually led up to this? As you can easily see this approach entails working backwards from your desired result, what is sometimes called (Grundy 2002) the Spice Girl Strategy or what is it that you really, really, want?. It also involves a story telling approach very similar to that required to do effective scenario development. But the authors favourite quote from Sun Tzu is: When the front is prepared the rear is unprepared. And when the rear is prepared then the front is unprepared. Preparedness on the right means a lack on the left. And preparedness on the left means a lack on the right. But preparedness everywhere means a lack everywhere. This is good to enact in workshops by pretending to physically do the various manoeuvres (a largish room is pretty essential for this). The above quote is very powerful and is an important lesson to strategists everywhere. It is especially important at the corporate strategy level, where resources are often dissipated across too many (and too diverse) strategic business units. Indeed each Chief Executive should have the above quote



nailed facing his or her desk, and probably as an automatic prompt on their lap-tops as well!

Who is linked to Sun Tzu?

Michael Porters Competitive Advantage is an obvious candidate, being a guru who is in the Sun Tzu mode. But many of Sun Tzus military anecdotes/lessons are also reminiscent of Mintzbergs emergent strategy and the process school. This is also linked to the authors notion of conditional strategy.

What is his major work?

The Art of War Sun Tzu a tapestry of suggestions about how to seize advantage.

What is his major concept?

Dominance; strategic intent; resource-based competitive advantage; capability.

Ease of reading easy but you do need to think a lot!



David Ulrich (a major guru)

Who is David Ulrich?
David Ulrich teaches at the University of Michigan. (See also Welch 2001.) He was a major force behind Work-Out, GEs culture change programme. He has consulted with many multinational companies.

What is he famous for?

David Ulrich is famous for looking at how organisations can create competitive advantage from the inside-out and not from the outside-in (or from a competitive strategy standpoint). Ulrichs thinking is closely designed with the idea of resource-based competitive advantage (Grant 1991). In this perspective, the most central insights on strategy are held to come out of an analysis of a companys resource base, and not from its competitive market place. Ulrich takes this idea one stage further by suggesting that the softer aspects of the resource base the organisation are actually central in understanding competitive position. This view corresponds with many of the authors observations over the years. For example, when he spoke to a major supplier to Tesco about a client of his, the (then) Director of Non-Food at Tesco, Simon Uwins, said: Oh, you know Simon Uwins, a great guy. Actually, Simon would never have the same job at Sainsburys. No, I correct myself, he would not even be employed by Sainsbury. This was obviously a reection of the perceived differences in culture (and in organisational effectiveness) perceived by this person at the time between Tesco and Sainsbury, and was not a slur in any way on Simons effectiveness. David Ulrichs second major contribution to strategy was that of his emphasis on HRs role as being more than that of consultant/facilitator, rather than as Personnel Administration. Ulrich saw HR as potentially being there to facilitate the implementation of business strategy, and also, potentially of its formulation too. Sadly, whilst much hype exists on HR circles about the



changing role, few HR staff appear to a) fully understand it, b) be capable of executing that role.

What are his links to other gurus?

Ulrich is an organisational development turned organisational strategist. Accordingly, he falls into a similar school of thought to Argyris (1991), Handy (1994), Kanter (1983) Mintzberg (1994), Pascale (1990), Peters (1982) and Senge (1990). A more recent text is Grundy and Brown (2003 forthcoming).

What is his main work?

Organizational Capability Competing from the Inside Out, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990 summarises his main arguments very effectively.

What are his major concepts?

HR strategy; capability.

Ease of reading medium.



P Wack
Who is Wack?
Wack is a former senior strategic planner at Shell during the period when Shell was using scenario development to anticipate major and unexpected shifts in the business environment.

What was he famous for?

Wack was instrumental in promoting the idea of scenario development not just within Shell but to the outside world as well. One of Shells notable successes with scenarios as a process of story-telling was in anticipating the oil crisis of the 1970s. Not only did Shell anticipate this disruptive event but also had contingency strategies in place for dealing with it. This, it was deemed, allowed to react much faster than its competitors the other oil company majors of that time. Scenario story-telling is a dynamic process which can be understood better through the authors own uncertainty tunnel (see Figure 21). This helps think through the force and volatility of a change, and of the series of its likely effects.



First, second, third order consequences




Scenario story-telling is a uid process, possibly drawing from PEST factors, the growth drivers and Porters ve forces. But it is also helped considerably by using Mitroffs uncertainty-importance grid, as used also by Shell (see Figure 13). Companies where the uncertainty-importance grid has now been introduced, coupled with scenario development include: Amerada Petroleum, BT, Direct Line, HSBC, Standard Life and Tesco.

What are his links to other gurus?

Wack (and his ex-Shell colleagues including De Geus (1988) many of whom have now become strategy academics) have close links to Hamel and Prahalad (1994) (Competing for the Future), Argyris (double-loop learning 1991), and Senge (1990) (the learning organisation/systems thinking). Scenarios are also used as a vehicle for sensing, amplifying and interpreting weak environmental signals (Ansoff 1975).

What are his main works?

1 Scenarios Unchartered Waters Ahead, Harvard Business Review, pp 73-89 September-October 1985. 2 Scenarios Shooting the Rapids, Harvard Business Review, pp139-150, November-December 1985.

What are his major concepts?

Discontinuities; scenarios; transitional events.

Ease of reading relatively easy.



Jack Welch (a major guru)

Who is Jack Welch?
Jack Welch was the Chairman of General Electric (GE), once called the greatest manager of the twentieth century.

What was he famous for?

Jack Welch was responsible for initiating Work-Out which involved problem-solving within every level of the work force. Welch also pioneered the rst real downsizing in the US in the 1980s, simultaneously with implementing a cultural revolution in the organisation. Welchs focus on ideas generation and dissemination extended to the use of total quality management, and preparation for the Internet-based organisation. Indeed, GE is perhaps one of the very few real examples of the learning organisation. Welch, perhaps above all, embodied Hamel and Prahalads idea of strategy as stretch, being awesome in his challenging style.

How does he link to the other gurus?

Welch has played a major inuence in the work of Kanter (1983) (The Change Masters), Pascale (Managing on the Edge) (1990), Peters (Thriving on Chaos) (1987) and Senge (1990) (The Learning Organisation).

What is his main work?

Jack: Straight from the Gut, Warner Inc, New York, 2001: this is an intense, personal account of his experiences in transforming GE.



What are his major concepts?

The learning organisation; downsizing; delayering; organisational transformation.

Ease of reading easy.



George Yip
Who is George Yip?
George Yip has taught at Harvard, the University of California and was also Professor of Strategic Management at Cambridge University. He is also a consultant to leading corporations.

What was he famous for?

George Yips Total Global Strategy is a standard text on global strategy on many leading MBA courses. His book helps us to discriminate between the extent to which markets are truly global, by looking at different drivers, including: Market drivers. Competitive drivers. Cost drivers. Governmental drivers.

He also looks at the cost/benets of being global, across products and services, marketing, competitive moves, and organisation. Rare for more US-based thinking (originally), he is less prescriptive in his views, taking a more diagnostic view of the otherwise cloudy concept of global and also taking a contingency approach to its applicability (i.e. being global depends on the context).

What is his main work?

Total Global Strategy, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992.

What are his main concepts?

Global strategy. Ease of reading reasonably difcult, due to the detail.



FOUR Champneys health resort and the business strategy gurus

Let us now turn to a case study which illustrates the relevance of the strategy gurus (mentioned in brackets) and is based on a documentary on BBC television in 1996 and also on interviews with Champneys Managing Director. This case illustrates: Acquisitions Breakthroughs Competitive advantage Competitive positioning Competitive strategy Cost drivers Deliberate and emergent strategies Differentiation Divestment Future thinking HR strategy Integration Legacy Logical incrementation Marketing strategy Mission Paradigms Options Shared values Stakeholders Stakeholder value Strategic t Strategic change Strategic leadership Strategic intent.



Champneys Health Farm is located at Tring, Hertfordshire, UK. Champneys is a select, rural retreat for its members who reside principally in and around the Home Counties, England. Traditionally it is a most exclusive retreat, charging near-Savoy prices for its luxurious and relatively exotic services in body and skin care generally. But by the recession of the 1990s Champneys was suffering considerably. Falling demand meant that its cash ow had deteriorated to the point where it experienced an annual cash decit of one million pounds. Its previous owners decided that enough was enough, and sold out to foreign investors (acquisitions). In business terms, Champneys was in dire need of strategic change (Johnson and Scholes, Kanter), no longer having strategic t to the environment. So its new, foreign investors decided that a new breath of life needed to be injected to secure Champneys future. In late 1995, Savoy trained Lord Thurso was recruited to spearhead Champneys recovery. It had been recently acquired by a new Middle Eastern owner who it would appear existed after the acquisition, needed an integration strategy. (Haspelagh and Jemison.) As its new Chief Executive, Lord Thurso set about formulating a turnaround plan which would secure Champneys a viable future. At this time Champneys also featured on a BBC2 production, Trouble at the Top. Some of the quotes by Lord Thurso are taken from that television programme and some from interviews with one of the authors. Because Champneys prided itself on its exclusive customer service, this turnaround strategy needed to be managed with great sensitivity to the people issues. (Peters, Ulrich and Lake.) This case study is structured along Johnson and Scholes three phases of strategic management: analysis, choice, and implementation.



Strategic analysis
In the tradition of turnaround specialists, Lord Thurso set himself a tight deadline to formulate and project manage his strategic turnaround plan. This was just one month. In the course of that month Lord Thurso was to spend the bulk of his time listening to Champneys various stakeholders, (Piercy) particularly: its members, and regular customers; its staff; and its current managers.

A number of strategic breakthroughs were born out of Lord Thursos strategic thinking as follows: Sampling Champneys treatments (by Lord Thurso). Simplifying management processes. Improving management reporting processes. Management restructuring. Management recruitment. The communication plan. The strategic vision. Developing a business strategy. Customer database. Maintaining organisational morale. Culture change. Getting rid of Health-for-Life. Premises strategy. The business case and its approval.

To begin with, when Lord Thurso took over Champneys he weighed in at 16 stones. As a parallel agenda, Lord Thurso undertook to reduce this weight coincidentally in parallel with what became Champneys own corporate



slimming exercise. Most important in those early days for Lord Thurso was to sample Champneys exotic, health-generating treatments, being his rst project to help turn the business round, in order to understand customer value delivered and competitive advantage (Ohmae, Porter). Lord Thursos early diagnosis within the turnaround project indicated that Champneys suffered from a number of underlying legacy problems, including: A legacy of under-investment (and decay), due to past shareholder value destruction (Rappaport). A decline in standards generally. An over-zealous attempt to market Champneys time-shares to customers outside Champneys core customer base (this was an inappropriate deliberate strategy, Mintzberg). Promises made to members which could not be kept. A top-heavy management structure (which was a major cost driver, rather than a lean one (Peters), and a lack of strategic leadership. Relatively poor (or inappropriate) management and nancial controls. A lack of sense of strategic direction generally.

Champneys difcult situation was brought about by a combination of unrealistic past deliberate strategy (Mintzberg), a lack of organisational alignment (Peters and Waterman, Senge, Ulrich and Lake) and muddling through and incremental thinking (Braybrooke and Lindblom, Quinn). Lord Thurso wisely negotiated a remuneration package which would not disadvantage him in recommending possibly unpalatable options highlighting the linkages between strategic thinking, reward structure, and shareholder value (McTaggart et al). Reecting on this situation (in an interview in 2000), on the strategic choices available (Johnson and Scholes), Lord Thurso elaborates: There isnt any money and my job is to get the value out bang, bang, bang. They take difcult decisions with easy. In a way, what I was doing was not far short of that. You arrive, the thing is absolutely bleeding to



death and the shareholders are not going to be able to bale it out a great deal more and you have to have a plan for dealing with the emergency situation. Thats when you whip the patient into an ambulance and off to hospital. The thing was absolutely in the shit that is a technical term. Lord Thurso continued: When I rst started I had an option, which was to recommend closing the business down, and I would be paid, I would have a kind of parachute, so I was free to say: Look, I am sorry, I dont feel that the business is viable, the only way out is to chop it up and sell all the bits off [recaps on the process during the rst months]. Lord Thurso, on his rst inspection of the property after taking over tells us (BBC2): It is clearly very tired. These rooms would have been considered ve star when they were built but clearly the expectations of ve star has changed. It is bland, it is grey, it is a very dead, dull room, it has no colour and it has zero on the excitement scale. Also, Champneys strategic positioning (Ansoff, Porter) itself seemed to be unclear and its marketing strategy: I have asked the question of everybody what are we selling? and I get a lot of long-winded answers; the real answer is that no-one has thought about it. (BBC2) He also reects (1997 interview): I had also decided it was as plain as day that the previous strategy, there was this wonderful name Champneys, which is true, it is the great opportunity. But what had been created in the past was the infrastructure for a hundred million pound company even though it was only a ten million pound company.



It had all these people here who were called brand managers. And none of them understood what a brand was. And that was the extraordinary thing. None of them understood the elementary concept of a brand being a promise made to customers that has values and a character. If you said to them what does Champneys mean? the answer was, they hadnt thought it through. Whilst Champneys thought it had a deliberate strategy, it was probably more emergent (Mintzberg) indicating the kind of bureaucracy which Peters and Waterman twenty years ago suggested was irrelevant. Many of these issues must have been apparent almost as soon as Lord Thurso drove up Champneys drive. As soon as he arrived he found a mass of memos from his managers. Lord Thurso says (BBC2): There are piles and piles of paper. It is a fairly classic thing. There are too many managers sending memos to each other. And I am suspicious of any company that is capable of generating so much paper when they are told they are expecting a new Chief Executive. Also (1997 interview): When I arrived here there were huge reports on everything. I said to them, Look I just dont read them. I dont mind reading a novel by Tolstoy or Dick Francis, but I am not going to read that! The following reveals Lord Thursos quite different management style which was one of leadership (Pascale): I tend to communicate by getting up and sitting in someones ofce. I loathe memos. In my last company I banned them completely for two months. I said the next person who writes a memo will be red it was amazing, we didnt have a single memo written for two months. It was brilliant, people actually started talking to one another. (1997 interview) The above thinking clearly agged-up two signicant strategic breakthroughs simplifying management processes and improving management reporting processes.



At the same time management lacked the fundamental information that it required for managing shareholder value it was based on inappropriate accounting data (BBC2): We do not have good nancial information, in fact not only is it not good it is actually awful. The management accounts that I have seen are mathematically correct but they are not informative. So, besides simplifying the management process, a further strategic breakthrough would need to be improving management reporting processes. He continued on structure (Chandler, Handy, Mintzberg, Peters): There was a management structure which didnt work. The management reports were gibberish. I asked simple questions Do you know what your cash ow is? and the guy couldnt tell me... They didnt produce balance sheets. They produced huge, thick reports, full of graphs, trend analysis. But the one thing that they didnt do was to produce reports where you could nd prot, where you could nd cash ow. I said we will really have to start from scratch. I remember sitting on the lawn on holiday wearing my Panama hat and a tee-shirt and my kilt, and smoking a cigar trying to read through two years of drivel, the management accounts... I can usually work things out and I just couldnt make it work. But instead of rolling out a strategic turnaround plan straight away, Lord Thurso spent precious time soliciting the views of all its key stakeholders, especially of its disgruntled customers focusing on diagnosis (Johnson and Scholes). This enabled him not only to be absolutely sure that his chosen path was the right one in deliberate strategy terms but also, in behavioural terms, was owned (Kanter), and didnt produce a reaction due to the organisations shared values.



This period of listening was primarily so Lord Thurso could establish a rapport with his new staff and thus to provide a platform for inuencing them effectively. He told me: To be honest, I had already made up my mind before I arrived here what I would do. I had actually decided before the day that I started that I was going to take a million pounds out of the costs. (1997 interview) He continued: I wanted them to have thought that I had thought it through. They wouldnt have understood that I was capable of thinking it through very quickly, and that it was really clear what had to be done. It was really a very simple problem and it needed some pretty straightforward solutions. After I arrived I said I will have a month and I will take no decisions until the end of the month. It was a good thing. I did fractionally amend certain decisions but ninety per cent of it was exactly what I had thought (previously). (1997 interview) Strategic thinking does not necessarily need a lot of time to accomplish unlike Mintzbergs characterisation of it with his attack in The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. Nevertheless it is important to ensure that parallel strategic thinking occurs, even at a simplied level and at a slower speed in the rest of the organisation. This does not come naturally easily to those senior managers who are particularly bright. Lord Thurso realised intuitively that Champneys was the kind of situation which could so easily blow up if a number of stakeholders (Piercy) decided, rightly or wrongly, that he was the wrong man for the job. Quite quickly Lord Thurso concluded from his own personal course of treatments that his operational staff were a real asset to be retained, nurtured and grown. Lord Thurso said: The closer I get to the front line the better I nd the troops are. And that is very pleasing because if you have good ofcers and lousy soldiers you have got a lot of work to do, but if you have good soldiers and lousy ofcers, then you have to work to train or change the ofcers. (BBC2)



In some contrast, Lord Thurso found the management which he inherited, although up to the task of managing in a more steady state environment, not really up to a turnaround. The top-heavy management structure was not only an expense that the business could not afford; it also impeded the recovery plan, inviting two further interrelated breakthroughs management restructuring and management recruitment. Lord Thurso reects in late 1997 just how serious the problems at the old Head Ofce had become: And there was a business over there that had been completely neglected at Head Ofce. There was a ipchart in every ofce, which to me was a symptom of this very introverted style the moment anybody had a meeting someone was on a ipchart. The whole thing was driven by the processes rather than by the objectives. If there were objectives they were tacked onto the process. People worked hard and interacted and interfaced and essentially went around in circles. There was no questioning of why are we here? or What is the meaning of the universe? It was quite clear that I had to make a very clear, that I had to make a very denitive statement that there was a complete change coming. It wasnt quite as bloody as it looked, because I re-deployed quite a lot of the people I had here back into the units. That refocused them on where the action was. I described it once as this Head Ofce was once a great black hole which sucked energy out of the units. Things vanished into it never to be seen again. Whereas my idea of Head Ofces is that it should be a tiny, tiny star in the sky, twinkling light down, completely out of the way. (Interview) Here Lord Thurso is giving a steer on the value-adding activities of the corporate centre (Campbell and Goold.), and is using contention deliberately (Pascale).



Strategic choice
As Lord Thurso said (illustrating Senges systems thinking) (interview 2000): I think life is all about circles and not straight lines. You can jump onto the circle anywhere you like. Number one, it is having a vision call it a vision, call it an objective, call it a goal, it is the idea of where you want to go. The beginning of strategic thinking is where you are working out the vision strategy, then its mapping out the ways in which you could deliver that, like policies you put in place. Overall, a series of moves in chess is a strategy. Each move is a tactic. He continues, on the role of leadership and vision, or strategic intent (Peters, Hamel and Prahalad): The leader has to ensure that there is a vision, that there is a clear idea. Whether the leader dreams that idea up himself or whether that idea is produced by a process of consultation, it doesnt really matter. He then has to make sure that there is a strategy for prosecuting it. At this point it is now worthwhile doing an exercise on what you would see as being the possible strategic options facing Champneys. This can be done at three levels: 1 Options for competitive strategy competitive positioning (Ansoff, Ohmae, Porter). 2 3 Options for organisational (or HR) strategy (Ulrich and Lake). Options for the change process (Kanter, Pascale).

To help you to think about level 1) consider once again the following lines of enquiry: these are depicted as the Octopus or Option Octopus (Grundy 2002) which is an extension of the Ansoff grid (see Figure 22): Which market sectors should Champneys be in? Where? (Geographic options.) Which customers should it target and what areas of value creation? (Rappaport, Grundy.)



Are there different means of value delivery and resource bases? Are there alliance or acquisition possibilities? (Haspeslagh and Jemison, Lorange and Roos.)

Might Champneys divest or outsource any activities as a group? (Campbell and Goold.)

Market sectors Geography Customer segments

Divestment or outsource


Value creation

Acquisitions Alliances

Value delivery


Here we see the need to be quite creative and uid in your strategic thinking. As Lord Thurso reects (interview, 2000): future thinking The guy at the top must always be mentally in the future.



EXERCISE Champneys options for competitive strategy

Based on the case study so far, your imagination, and upon structured input from the Octopus: What key strategic options can you think of for Champneys? How attractive are they on the Strategic Option Grid (using the scoring techniques of three ticks means very attractive, two ticks means average attractiveness, and one tick means low attractiveness)? (See Chapter 1.) What overall scores do you get for the various options? Can you think of any ways of making these options more attractive (through the cunning plan, Blackadder)? What key vulnerabilities might reduce your option scores? (Mitroff)

Note: a number of suggestions of possible answers are contained later in this book, somewhere, but it is advisable not to peep at these rst.

This kind of reection needs to be done in some specially created thought or helicopter space (and time) (for strategic thinking (Mintzberg). Lord Thurso reected (interview, 2000), illustrating that: The guy at the top is probably the only person spending his time thinking six to nine months ahead of the business. The most important single thing is thinking ahead. The rst thing is one, with door shut, with phone switched off, gazing at this ceiling, running what-ifs through my mind Turning now to the organisational structure (which will facilitate the strategy Chandler), assuming that you are going to reposition Champneys back to its traditional up-market focus, what future organisation would you really, really want.



EXERCISE Champneys Options for organisational structure

What key value-creating activities would you need in the future (say, over the next three years)? What likely roles would be needed to deliver these value-creating activities? How could you deliver these with least resources in the organisation? What numbers of managers would this imply?

But knowing this posed a major dilemma for Lord Thurso if he were to move very fast and introduce a new, slimmed down management structure, the shock might topple the organisation, undermining morale at the cutting edge of customer service. In these situations there is probably no single right answer. Arguably, by leaving the Champneys managers in suspense for one month, he prolonged the agony of uncertainty. But on the other hand, by at least listening to them over this period he would have a better idea of who was, and was not, able to make the transition and also how many managers in simple, nancial terms, he could take with him. He continues (interview, 1997) highlighting the need to create some sense of crisis (Pascale, Senge): First of all I wanted a huge change and I wanted that to sink in quickly. I wanted the troops, the army in the resort to go Hey this guy might know what he is talking about! I also felt that I only wanted to do it once. I wanted it to be viciously quick for two reasons, one was to make a point and the other thing was to say to people thats it. It is done. And that undoubtedly worked. Lord Thurso decided that Champneys above all needed a new strategic vision. (Hamel and Prahalad).



Strategic vision
Lord Thursos own vision for Champneys is profoundly simple. Lord Thurso prefers the idea of vision to mission principally because mission statements are harder to grasp onto, particularly in terms of the behaviours which are implied by them (1997 Interview) (Campbell et al): If you cannot remember a mission statement (I cannot remember our old one), if you have to refer to something, thats wrong. To me, any mission statement which is we will have care for our customers, be nice to our staff, be nice to grey squirrels on Sundays, you know, you have gone to sleep. It has got to be something that encapsulated the spirit. Nowhere else makes you this good (Champneys) yes, it is a spirit statement. Thats why, NASA says: To get a man on the moon makes sense. At Champneys it is: Nowhere else makes you feel this good and that should apply to the staff as well. Potentially, Lord Thurso faced major resistance to his plan, (and these defensive routines (Argyris, Kanter) especially from his senior managers who expressed their loyalty to their previous MD and to his past strategy (during the television documentary). In business terms there was little alternative but to severely reduce the number of his central management team. Lord Thurso addressed the team at a management meeting (BBC2): Please view my arrival not as something disastrous but actually as an expression of support by our shareholders. The problem in a nutshell is that we are losing money. You are all intelligent people and therefore you will know that there will be a cost-cutting exercise. We have an expression in the tness centre of no pain, no gain but there will be pain. We are with the cost of Head Ofce losing as a company approximately one million pounds in cash terms per year. It is my intention and target that by the end of the next year we will be cash-breakeven. The direction I have decided to follow is to put Champneys absolutely and without doubt at the top of the tree.



He had decided to tell them collectively of his decision so that he delivered two clear and separate messages. The rst message was that there was an impelling need to restructure and reduce the management resource, effectively downsizing (Kanter, Peters). The second message was to specic individuals that they were, or were not, to be members of the future team. Within the restructuring project there would be two sub-projects diagnosing current skills and dening the future skills needed to deliver the strategy. Indeed, besides developing an overall strategic vision, a further project was also required developing a business strategy. Key sub-parts of this strategic project were: a marketing strategy for current activities, a review of wider strategic options, a customer services strategy, and nally a premises strategy. This was also related to a further strategic project: to enhance Champneys customer database. The key factors which needed to line up to deliver the vision of Champneys nancial turnaround through nowhere else makes you feel this good were: * Restructuring and cost reduction. Appropriate business strategy. Promises now fullled through exit from health for life. New management team. Staff enthused. Financial support for development. Appropriate investment. Word-of-mouth (resumes).* No major adverse environmental change.**

factors over which Champneys had partial inuence.

** factors over which Champneys had relatively little inuence. The nal alignment factor no major adverse environment change could be analysed down and positioned separately on the uncertainty grid, particularly for: no increase in competition, substitutes not being a major threat, no major economic stagnation after 2000 etc. (Johnson and Scholes.)



Coming now to Champneys change process, Lord Thurso had a number of options in communicating his strategy. One alternative, for instance, would have been to speak to individuals separately both to communicate the need for the change and whether or not they still had a job. This alternative approach would have had the merit of removing the period of uncertainty during which his managers would have been concerned about their job security. But equally it would have meant that whilst Lord Thurso was interviewing his managers some would have heard about the organisational change sooner than the others. These simple logistics highlight the behavioural implications (Argyris) of making a strategic change in an organisation. For whichever way Lord Thurso played it, the effect on individuals feelings perhaps of hurt and fear might have ramications in their future and also that of the remaining team. Thinking through options in this area is always a major area for applying strategic thinking. The impact of these redundancies was obviously severe on the managers. Champneys Property Manager, Willie Serplis, attempted to put a brave face on it as he came smiling to the television interview following his meeting with Lord Thurso. His smile quickly faded as he tells us (BBC2): Do you want to ask the question then... How are you? Not very happy. I just lost my job which is better knowing but what can I do? You want to be angry with someone or something but it doesnt make sense. You can dress it up in all the esoteric bullshit you know downsizing, redundancy but the reality is, for no fault of my own I have just been red... Lord Thurso himself looked emotionally strained when he was asked how he felt about this part of the process, showing that it is draining to be a Change Master (Kanter): I would nd it hard to sleep if I felt that anything I was doing was wrong in any way. I dislike doing it, but it is a necessary operation that has to be done on the company. All that one can do is to do it as humanely and professionally as one can. Most of them have been angry because at the end of the day we all like to think that we have a value in an organisation and effectively when



you are made redundant someone is saying that you dont have a value in the organisation. When I say that it isnt to do with your performance it is to entirely do with the nancial structure of the company, it actually doesnt help them very much. (BBC2) One can imagine the atmosphere within the Management Block at Champneys as the reality sank in that it was the end of an era. Also those staying realised that they would be expected to achieve a quantum shift in the level of effectiveness if the business were to come back into prot. The above account highlights a further, short-term project: maintaining organisational morale (Ulrich and Lake). It was then Lord Thursos turn to address his operational staff. Lord Thurso appeared to be in a lighter mood as he informed his staff not merely about the severity of the situation but also of the fact that he was not planning other job cuts. He continued: The last part of the strategy and the bit that does concern all of you is that New Court and the concept of a headquarters is going to be quite radically scaled down. There are twenty-two people sitting here and we have probably half that for the number of places that I actually have available. You are intelligent and you will have worked this out. And therefore some people are going to have to be made redundant... And I do recognise the pain that this will cause you. I am sorry that some of you will be going, but please understand that it is nothing to do with you and your capability. It is simply about how this business has been run over the past few years and the requirement to put it on a proper cash footing. In order to restore a viable differentiation strategy (Porter) he tries to give staff a stretching vision: Finally, I would like to give you a little thought. All my life I have been involved in giving rst-class service to people and I believe it is a wonderful thing to do. Be always ready to say yes whenever a client or guest comes to see you and asks for something and you are tempted to say no. Stop, think, and that will help us to create a level of service unheard of in this country.



Besides dealing with internal stakeholders (Piercy), Lord Thurso had to manage the expectations of the Champneys members, whose business was needed to secure a successful future. These members had been disappointed in the past by its prior management who had, perhaps, set up expectations about improvements in standards that had not, or could not have, been delivered. Lord Thurso then decided to end the previous managements scheme for time-sharing not only to those sales activities but also to buyingback the time-share. Getting out of this business area proved to be one of the most difcult projects. Lord Thurso was quick to realise that the Health-For-Life time-sharing scheme, which was a diversication, needed to be halted (BBC2) as it was value destroying (Rappaport, Reimann, Grundy): From what I have seen the constant push-push-push on Health-ForLife has given the wrong impression in the marketplace. I think maybe we should cut that right back. Apparently this was an issue which emerged only during his fact-nding. After being assured by his senior managers that there were not any other burning issues to be brought to his attention (other than the cash ow, said his nance director) he discovered that (interview, 2000): Some of the key issues I did not realise until later. The fact that the timeshare was totally critical and I would need to do that was something which I didnt realise. When I rst got here one thought yes, thats a time-share business I will have to rev it up. He also determined that the physical facilities and amenities at Champneys (its hard to imitate, superior resources Grant) did not provide a sustainable foundation for its future marketing strategy which was aimed at repositioning Champneys as an exclusive resort (BBC2): What a great architect friend of mine once described as the wow factor. What we have got here is the er factor. What we need is a wow factor. So, besides the organisational changes which Lord Thurso instigated, he also set about developing an ambitious project to revitalise the physical



fabric of Champneys to restore its competitive advantage (Porter). This included: A major upgrade in the entrance and facade to the central building and to the driveway itself. A possible conversion of the Management Block to produce twenty additional treatment rooms. This, Lord Thurso hoped, would provide the spur to expand Champneys customers. These renovations, Lord Thurso hoped, would provide a further benet, signalling to Champneys employees that Champneys was genuinely going to be set on the road to a prosperous future.

Champneys strategic breakthroughs

But to achieve these plans, Lord Thurso needed to build the condence of his investors, who might well have thought that a turnaround was not possible without major investment of this order. To achieve this he needed to produce a robust business case which, yet again, became a key project. Lord Thurso realised that to provide the basis for this condence he would need to achieve a number of things: The restructuring of management had to be implemented successfully (Kanter). Better nancial planning and control needed to be implemented with the help of its new Finance Director whom Lord Thurso had brought in. Lord Thursos restructuring would need to have delivered the required cost savings. Although a gap still remained (Ansoff) (to break-even) with these cost savings, this gap would need to be closed by expanding revenues. To achieve this, the quality of service and standards generally at Champneys had to improve considerably to the point where members felt a real difference and new members were brought in (Porter a differentiation strategy).



Although cost savings of half a million pounds per annum were achieved relatively quickly, it proved much slower to improve sales through improving customer condence. But within one year Champneys managed to breakeven. So, Lord Thurso was able to then put into effect his plan to obtain enough investment to reposition Champneys as an outstanding health resort. The overseas investors were able to give Lord Thurso the vote of condence he needed in order to move onto Stage Two of the turnaround a major upgrading programme whose implementation became a further strategic breakthrough. So, at last, all the planks of Lord Thursos future strategy were in place. We have now told the story of Champneys strategic change (Johnson and Scholes) but mainly from the point of view of the business. But if we look at this situation from a more behavioural point of view, we nd that this dimension has perhaps even more importance than more tangible areas of change.

Implementing the strategic breakthroughs

The key three strategic breakthroughs for Champneys comprised: the new strategy; an effective resource base; and a responsive organisation.

We will see these eshed out in a later section, which summarises the key strategic projects. The key forces enabling Champneys change programme included Lord Thursos leadership, the clarity of the strategy, and the support of lowerlevel operational staff. The most important forces were thus more behavioural in nature. These highlighted that: Lord Thurso had introduced a number of key enablers (Lewin) into the strategic change through his own leadership, a new strategy, a thorough restructuring and particularly in making some fresh appointments. (This was, in effect, a cunning plan, Blackadder.)



Whilst there were a number of constraining forces, these were overall weaker than the enabling forces. Even these, Lord Thurso managed to eradicate or mitigate with his cunning change plan.

But, we always need to ask the question What is the One Big Thing we have forgotten? Probably it is the traditional culture of Champneys which was the missing constraining force from the 1998 picture we see in Figure 23.

Clairity of change objective

New leadership

Staff keen to change Pressure from investors

Business losing money self evident change

Through diagnostics phase

Enabling forces

Speed and decisiveness

Change project managed

Existing bureaucracy

Cash constraints

Organisation morale

Middle managers

Constraining forces




Lord Thursos own larger-than-life character was a crucial ingredient in signalling that the changes necessary were very, very real, and also the need for stretch (Hamel). He reects on the progress of his customer service project, which is also closely linked to the ongoing project of culture change (1997 interview): But the key at the top should have a kind of evangelical fanaticism about what the strategy is. Unless you have this, you are not going to manage to convince people. For example, last year I called our plans Going from Good-to-Great. And we didnt go from Good-to-Great, we got better. So I said This is Good-to-Great part two. We could be back here next year doing part three or even part four. But one day we will get there and I aint leaving here until we do. I believe that all human beings are capable of change for the better. This may be an optimistic view. But I therefore start from the premise that it is better to work with people rather than change them. I nd that the grass on the other side of the fence is not often greener. (Echoing Kanter and Peters.) When you are sorting out a business and getting the headcount right, yes you have to cut to get it right. But some people would go in and say, I cant work with that General Manager and re them and get another one. And then after six months you get another one. Personally I prefer to say Why is this not working? Let us look at it and actually help this person. I nd that you then get staff who are more loyal. But this involves recognising that staffs agendas (Piercy) may not be nicely aligned with the vision. Lord Thurso tells us about the practicalities of achieving the necessary culture change another breakthrough strategy to radically shift old behaviour patterns (1997 interview), indicating that change of this kind can take a long time (Johnson and Scholes, Welch): If I am honest with you I am only a small part the way through. All the things, these wonderful things that managers do, that is all part of our game. But the guy at the bottom says Sod you, I only have forty hours to do my job. What he is saying to you is if you want me to do this, give me a reason.



And that guy at the bottom isnt going to say, Wow, that guy at the top he is a zing, now I will suddenly smile at customers. There has got to be something in it for him. And part of it is being controlled, led, cajoled, pushed into it. And a part of it is being rewarded, feeling nice, all of the rest of it. It is a huge culture change that virtually every company in this country needs to actually genuinely understand what a customer-orientated organisation is. I have grave difculty in thinking of a truly customer-orientated organisation in the United Kingdom. I mean, there must be one somewhere. You do have to have a strategy. You can ght battles without a strategy and have success but it is a pretty haphazard thing. You have got to have a clear idea of where you are going, but equally you have to recognise that the achievement of the strategy will be a series of tactical steps. (Mintzbergs deliberate strategy, Sun Tzu ghting battles.) It is also necessary to look at how implementation difculty changes over time. Initially, Lord Thursos turnaround project faced severe difculties. But once the new structure was put in place, and once Lord Thursos new vision for the organisation had been unveiled, this difculty would be mitigated. As time progressed this difculty increased at certain times as the organisation found a new stability and sought to resist further changes. In turn this difculty was then reduced once Lord Thursos programmes to improve customer service and to shift attitudes began to bite. Looking now at the key stakeholders (Piercy), who had an inuence on this strategic change, we see that: before Lord Thurso unveiled his turnaround strategy the balance of inuence in the organisation was against him (especially the existing middle and senior managers). but by introducing new stakeholders (including two new senior managers), exiting some old ones, and by appealing directly to the staff, the balance of inuence was reversed in Lord Thursos favour (see Figure 24). Figure 24 is an impressive turnaround in the balance of power within the organisation again down to Lord Thursos cunning plan.




+ New managers New leader Investors



Bring on board Reduce influence

STAFF Take out of play





To understand the inuence patterns of these stakeholders (Piercy, Grundy and Brown Be Your Own Strategy Consultant) we must also bear in mind some additional factors: The agendas of stakeholders are not xed but will change over time vis-a-vis the various projects as new issues arise and as perceptions change within the organisation (Grundy). At any point in time agendas may be uid and ambiguous, particularly at the start of the turnaround. Key stakeholders, particularly middle managers, may not have any clear attitude at all. Although they may have some core agendas (such as I want to hang onto my job) these might be very limited. And even here, core agendas might be conditional on Champneys being seen as a congenial atmosphere to work in, given its new leadership. Never assume therefore that attitudes and underlying agendas of stakeholders are always givens.



Individuals within one group will inuence the agendas of others within the group. Through the informal network opinion leaders will signal their approval or disapproval of particular actions (as a system Senge).

You may need to break down the strategy into a number of substrategies as stakeholder positions will vary according to what is being implemented (Grundy). For instance, a stakeholder may approve of Lord Thursos plans to renovate the buildings, also approve of his plans to end the Health-For-Life promotion, but be violently against running a smaller department.

We will now summarise Champneys strategic breakthroughs (Johnson and Scholes), which then provided the vehicle for turning strategic thinking into reality (Grundy Strategic Project Management).

A summary of Champneys strategic change breakthroughs

Champneys strategic change projects according to the categories of strategic, operational and organisational are as follows: Strategic programmes for a new business strategy (Ansoff, Hamel and Prahalad). Marketing strategy involving market research and brand strategy. Business case. Exit time-sharing. Operational and systems projects for an effective resource base (Grant). Sampling of services. Customer service improvement. Premises upgrade. Management process simplication.



Management reporting. Customer database enhancement. Organisational projects for a responsive organisation (Ulrich and Lake).

Management re-structuring. Management recruitment. Maintaining staff morale. Culture change. Communication plan. Organisational skills diagnosis.

Later on we expand on the rst bullet point above, strategic programmes, by examining some options for Champneys competitive strategy (Porter) which have been thought about in the past. Not only do the above strategic breakthroughs gain in attractiveness through being part of a set of aligned and mutually supportive programmes, but they also gain through reduced implementation difculty.

Key lessons from the Champneys case

In summary, the key lessons for using strategic thinking (Mintzberg) through the strategic change process (Johnson and Scholes) and especially those that impact on people and behaviour specically are: Stakeholder analysis (Piercy): is absolutely central to managing the various strategic breakthroughs effectively. Accordingly, sufcient strategic thinking time should be devoted to analysing the current and potentially future positions of stakeholders and their driving agendas. Leadership (Pascale, Peters Kanter): is crucial in a situation where stakeholders are likely to actively resist implementation efforts. This leadership requires a degree of evangelical enthusiasm, a great



practical tenacity in implementing that vision, and a continual openness to the environment of strategic change through strategic thinking. Achieving headway depends on building a sufcient stakeholder platform (Piercy) to leverage off. This involved (at Champneys) key appointments of a new Finance Director and Property Manager and winning over Champneys front-line staff. The difculty over time of a strategic change or particular strategic project will vary over time (Grundy and Brown, Strategic Project Management). The shifts in difculty need to be anticipated and managed rather than just coped with, which requires strategic thinking to sense the future. There are invariably more options which can be addressed through strategic thinking than most managers normally think about (Ohmae).

Champneys Some options for competitive strategy

A considerable range of options have come up over the years for what Champneys might have done (or might still do) based on strategy as stretch and competing for the future (Hamel and Prahalad). These include: Market sectors: the corporate market the younger market professionals, generally the mass market (but not necessarily down-market).

Geography (see Bartlett and Ghoshal, Yip): the US tourist market middle-Eastern market continental Europe via franchise (on cruise liners).



Customers: the pamper yourself customer the stressed-out person the exploratory, alternative treatments type the health fanatic men (in their own right).

Value creation (see Rappaport, Grundy): more focus on guiding customers through treatments after-care between visits, as part of a continual better life process, e.g. through help-line, home visits more focus on stress and life style.

Change of use to, for example (Ansoff): a management centre an up-market retreat therapy for worn out, rich people, including pop stars, football stars weekend dating activities.

Value creating activities (Grundy, Slyvosky): franchising smaller Champneys centres (actually now implemented).

Alliances (Lorange and Roos): with a food company (to market Champneys brand) with a restaurant company (who might deliver food to Champneys recipes) with a cruise line or other up-market leisure providers.

Acquisitions (Haspeslagh and Jemison): to acquire and develop a second site, with a different catchment area (for example, in the North of England or in Scotland).



Divest or outsource (Campbell et al): perhaps to sell some of Champneys land, as a highly exclusive set of ats to sell Champneys to another buyer (Haspeslagh and Jemison), either: as soon as possible after the business was turned around, or on the back of the rise in property prices in 1998-2000.

To oat all or part of the business (McTaggart et al).

Interestingly, the most common options most people come up with are to make Champneys more exclusive and to re-market it to its core market, which is actually the option which Lord Thurso adopted. Most groups who work on this case study underestimate the cost of this strategy (Champneys invested around 6.75 million) and fail to think through the possibilities for Champneys coming under greater competitive pressure (Porter). Also, Champneys traditional positioning might (some day) be not quite in tting with customer demand. Occasionally groups do come up with the sell the business or divestment option, reecting in part the tendency to hang onto what you have already got, rather than thinking who might be the best corporate parent for a particular business (Campbell et al). Some lines of enquiry possibly open up then peter out. For instance, Lord Thurso reects (2000 interview) on diversication (Ansoff): For example, we looked at opening restaurants. Now I am not saying that we wont open restaurants, but I have put it to one side for a while. We happen to produce stunningly good food. I have had conversations with a supermarket chain but at the end of the day if you go to Birds Eye, for example, or Nestle they very quickly say Actually, we can invent a brand and in the short-term your name, Champneys, wont help us. It is an area which remains of interest to me.



The range of options which can be generated for Champneys underlines the need to think much broader about options through strategic thinking, than is conventionally done (Grundy). Each of these options can then be mixed with others through a mix-andmatch process, for example Champneys could hold alternative treatment sessions at one-day sessions for professional, stressed-out people (with their partners), delivered through an alliance (Lorange and Roos) with an upmarket hotel group.

Organisational strategy Options

When doing the exercise on organisational (or HR) strategy (Ulrich, Grundy) no one has ever wanted to keep the organisation much as it was. Invariably, managers go for at least halving current numbers, and some take it down as far as six or even less. Whilst Champneys delivers very high levels of service in comparison with other organisations, its value-creating activities are (Porters value chain, Grundys using value system), if broken down, not unduly complex. Further, apart from IT there is little technology base (currently) to manage and develop. The main roles which are often identied are: A Managing Director: to provide leadership, strategic thinking and challenge. A General Manager: to deliver day-to-day excellent service. A Financial and Commercial Director. A Marketing and Sales Manager (perhaps reporting to the Financial and Commercial Director). An HR Manager.



Breaking this down into sub-options: The Finance Director might have been supplied for the rst nine months on a loan basis to help sort Champneys out. After that a Financial Manager could sufce, once Champneys became steady-state. The HR Managers role might be part-time, subsumed into that of the General Manager supported with some outside HR consultancy. It would be crucial that the Financial and Commercial Director or the Marketing and Sales Manager had the competencies (Hamel and Prahalad) to develop the sales database. Here we see conventional structure thus semi-dissolving with a number of leaders managing uid, strategic projects rather than making the assumption that for every value-creating activity there must be a role, there must therefore be an incremental person, and therefore there must be a cost. (This invites a Handy-esque view of the ideal organisation.) Following the Champneys case study, the following is a useful exercise.

EXERCISE Reections on the Champneys case

What parallels are there (if any) between Champneys organisation and your own? (For example, in its strategic drift, its internal rigidities, and its focus on the internal environment over and above the outside world.) What parallels are there between Champneys strategic change process (Johnson and Scholes) and the way change is managed in your own business (Kanter, Pascale, Peters), especially in the extent to which strategic thinking guides the change, or perhaps does not?



Case postscript
In August 2002 (and after Lord Thursoe had left the business to become a full-time politician in 2001), Champneys was sold to the Henlow Grange Leisure Group which owns two other health farms in the UK and was seeking to develop overseas. Commentators at the time were somewhat surprised by that: 1 because Champneys was much more up-market than the Henlow Group; 2 it had (arguably) a much higher standard of leadership and of customer service; 3 there appeared little that Henlow could bring to Champneys either in the way of its core competencies, accelerating market development, or through cost synergies.

The Champneys case study gives us a fascinating real-time account of how strategic thinking (Mintzberg) can be used to guide strategic change (Johnson and Scholes). It also highlights that there may be many options which can be created even in an apparently tightly constrained situation, and thus there can be many strategic degrees of freedom (Ohmae). These options can then be manipulated by mix and match to evolve even better, and potentially cunning, strategies. The case study also highlighted the equal importance of thinking through cunning options for implementation (Blackadder).



Finally, Champneys underlined the need to create a joint sense of personal and business need to do strategic thinking. Lord Thursos nal reection is (2000 interview): There are very, very few people who just do that with no pressure at all [think strategically]. If you are comfortable, well paid, good job, and good prospects on the horizon, when the companys making money, unless someone says growth is necessary then you wont think about it.

Summary of key points

The key points from this case study include: Strategic change often demands a complex set of external and internal breakthroughs all of which need to be skilfully prioritised (Grundy). Whilst there were a considerable number of strategic options (Johnson and Scholes) for Champneys, it was probably even more important to apply strategic thinking to the implementation process than it was to identify the perfect strategy (assuming of course that such a thing actually exists). Organisational structure issues are perhaps best addressed through the Spice Girl approach of determining what do we really, really want? (Ulrich and Lake). It is imperative to have an overarching vision to guide strategic thinking about the implementation process (Hamel and Prahalad). Strategic thinking needs to focus very much on nding the optimal communication plan (and style) for the strategy (Pascale, Peters). Potentially, Champneys could have gone for a wider set of strategic options: usually there are many possibilities which need to be stored up as latent strategies for the future (Johnson and Scholes, Hamel and Prahalad). Stakeholder agendas (Piercy) need skilful diagnosis through strategic thinking.



FIVE Marks & Spencer and the business strategy gurus

This case study on Marks & Spencer presents some considerable management challenges. When a company as successful as Marks & Spencer appears to lose its way then it is far from obvious as to the most appropriate strategy which it should adopt (Johnson and Scholes). It is all too easy to try to manage incrementally within the current mindset (Quinn). Alternatively, in desperation sometimes strategies may be adopted which although innovative merely plunge the company into even deeper crisis, becoming unrealised (strategic drift Mintzberg) or submergent (Grundy). This case study illustrates: Acquisitions Alliances Bargaining position Bureaucracy Competencies Competitive advantage Competitive positioning Competitive strategy Competitive rivalry Contention Corporate strategy Core competence Cost drivers Culture Deliberate strategy Demergers Differentiation Diversication Divestment Dominance



Economic prot Emergency strategy Emergent strategy Entrants Financial strategy Focus strategy Gap analysis Global strategy HR strategy Legacy Logical incrementalism Paradigms Options Resource-based competitive advantage

Scenarios Supplier base Shareholder value Strategic change Strategic t Strategic leadership Substitutes Sustainability Vision Uncertainty HR strategy Legacy Logical incrementalism Paradigms Options

The main case study is set out as follows: Marks & Spencer its position mid-1990s. Marks & Spencer its position 1997-2001. Future options for Marks & Spencer.

Marks & Spencer The position mid-1990s

In 1994 Marks & Spencer PLC was a very large, successful business with a turnover of 6.5 billion and prots before tax of 851 million. Fourteen million customers then shopped at M&S each week.




M&S must have been exposed to many opportunities over the past ten to twenty years which would have been strategic temptation but had, by and large, chosen to build on its core business and capability (Hamel and Prahalad). Where M&S had come unstuck in parts of its global development (Bartlett and Ghoshal, Yip) and in acquisition (Haspeslagh and Jemison) is where it had stepped outside its (then) core capability (Ansoff, Ulrich and Lake). But these setbacks may well have prevented M&S from fully capitalising on other avenues for strategic development, nearer to home, for example, into other service industries in the UK and elsewhere. M&Ss core business focused on high street retailing, and core products are clothing for all the family womens, mens and childrens. This general business contributed nearly 3.8 billion of turnover. In 1994 it had also built a very successful niche food business which now amounted to a surprising 2.6 billion of turnover (40 per cent of the group). In the 1990s M&S had successfully diversied (Ansoff) into personal nancial services (although this business is still relatively small compared with the core). Growth has been primarily of an organic nature and overseas ventures (acquisitive and organic) have met with variable success. The most successful ventures appear to have been organic and have involved alliances with local companies from whom M&S has been able to learn (Lorange and Roos). M&Ss gross prot divided by turnover (or gross margin) had increased from 32.8 per cent in 1990 to 35.1 per cent in 1994 with no decreases yearon-year during the severe UK recession in the early 1990s. This was a truly impressive achievement and represented a very hard act to follow. How could M&S sustain this stretching performance into the late 1990s? This was to present a huge challenge. M&Ss annual report and accounts did not, unfortunately, give a breakdown of operating prot by type of trading activity indeed M&S is not (legally) obliged to. However, it is safe to conjecture that the 20 per cent of business activities (by number of activities) which have formed over 80 per cent of prot generation are (as an approximation): mens and womens clothing; the food business.



This left home furnishings, childrens wear, men and womens shoes, nancial services and other products as generating probably around 20 per cent of prot. Also over 80 (in fact 87) per cent of activities were then located in a single country the UK. Increasingly, M&S was beginning to source from non-UK suppliers, having overcome its earlier hesitation. A summary table of M&S results is shown in Figure 25. This shows a remarkable stability in the mix of corporate business over a four-year period. Its rst half interim results for the 1994 year end highlighted relatively sluggish growth in food sales (at 3.9 per cent) relative to general business (posting an impressive 8.9 per cent growth). This highlighted perhaps the tougher competitive constraints impacting on its UK food business. It also highlighted why M&S might be tempted into a major push for growth outside the UK. If we go back even further in time (to 1985), M&S had achieved a compound rate of growth in turnover of around 8 per cent in nominal terms over nine years. On the other hand, during much of that period we saw fairly high annual doses of ination, particularly in the overheated late 1980s and into the earlier part of the recession in the UK. So what was perhaps more impressive was M&Ss stability and consistency of development rather than its percentage real growth per se. 1994 Turnover General Foods m 3786 2632 58% 40% 2% 100% 13.3% of sales Earnings per share
FIGURE 25: A BRIEF SUMMARY OF M&S FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 1994-1990 (Source: M&S Annual Report and Accounts, March 1994).

1992 m 3371 2358 98 5827 635 58% 40% 2% 100% 10.9% of sales 13.5p

1990 m 3221 2306 81 5608 305 58% 41% 1% 100% 5.4% of sales 6.9p

Financial activities 123 6541 Operating prot 873





The main driver of increased economic prot (Rappaport) over 1985 to 1994 was the improvement in operating margin, up from 9.4 per cent of turnover to 13.0 per cent. This kind of improvement could come in a number of forms higher prices, fewer or lower discounts, or supplier productivity improvements/M&S holding supplier prices down, and delaying refurbishments. Much of that improvement came through M&S exercising its very strong bargaining position vis--vis suppliers. But if that were to be the case, then did M&S have much further scope to squeeze suppliers or otherwise improve margins? Did it need to seek other avenues for development to sustain its earnings growth? These were questions raised perhaps prophetically by commentators at the time (Grundy, 1994).

Marks & Spencer Recipes for success

M&Ss success depended upon a philosophy of value for money, quality and service. It had built an extremely strong brand which had an appeal to a high proportion of the middle market in the UK who had high brand loyalty. (To illustrate, M&S claimed to have 35 per cent of the British market for bras and knickers, thus being dominant.) M&S was very selective in having quality locations and relatively simple product ranges (thus having a focus strategy Porter). It was also selective in the things which it did not do for example, it did not (then) take others peoples credit cards and avoided high fashion, etc. It was also (justiably) famed for insisting in the absolute best from its suppliers a distinctive competence (Hamel and Prahalad), and also part of its resource-based competitive advantage. According to one City of London investment analyst (on Channel 4): Being a supplier to Marks & Spencer is a source of unprecedented pressure, and some might say is interference from a customer in those businesses. If you are producing markets which are good enough to Marks, at a price which is acceptable to Marks, and the other conditions of being a Marks & Spencer supplier are satised, then being a supplier to Marks & Spencer is very, very protable.



In the mid-1980s M&S began to lose ground to new competitors, such as Next, which targeted M&S and offered quality clothes with just that bit more fashion increasing rivalry (Porter). This attack was good for M&S, which for a period regained much of the initiative. M&S had also had a variable track record overseas and had had a number of disappointments both in North America (for instance in Canada where M&S traded for 22 years, according to the Financial Times, 1994) and in Europe. Like many companies which have developed a very strong market penetration of a single national country, M&S had found it hard to adapt its strategic and growth recipes to quite new and different business environments (Yip). For example, in Spain, it was said that while local people liked M&S underwear, etc, they found the original clothes offered ugly (Financial Times, 1994). This invited the question as to whether M&Ss merchandising in Spain was originally driven by a tailoring of the UK offering, rather than by working backwards from local tastes reecting inappropriate deployment of competency (Grant, Ulrich and Lake). Whatever one thinks of this global development strategy, there is no doubt that M&S was seeking to exploit those opportunities in a big, albeit still somewhat cautious way. According to an investment analyst in the City of London (Channel 4): I think a much bigger proportion of its prots will come from continental Europe over the next 10, 15, 20 years. There is room for growth in France, maybe into Germany. But I also think that there are very exciting prospects in the Far East. It is already well established in Hong Kong and of course the great unknown is whether it might get into China. In fact M&S intended to double its selling space in continental Europe over the 1994-1997 period, with Germany and Italy (in addition to France and Spain) on the agenda. (The rst German stores were announced in March 1995 Financial Times, 28 March).




According to Sir Richard Greenbury, then Chairman, who appeared to get carried away by globalisation (Yip): There isnt a retailer, a big one, in the world today that can probably say that he is going to stay in his home-based economy, and just do well there. I mean all the great retailers are having to face the facts that they have yet to take their skills abroad, one way or another. (Channel 4.) Perhaps M&S was now much better placed to understand how to exploit its talents internationally than during its earlier experimental efforts. Maybe by recruiting more staff of other nationalities (especially in senior roles) would have helped, so as to adapt the M&S philosophy to other environments. This may seem to be a minor issue at rst sight but could, in the longer term, be major as it shapes the mindset of management. M&Ss competitive advantage in 1994 (Ohmae, Porter, Grant) was based (in order of ease of imitation, beginning with the most difcult things to imitate rst) on: M&S brand. Value-for-money (as of 1994). Very high market share in niche markets (e.g. luxury food and womens underwear). Supplier linkages and innovation. Systems. Sites.

M&Ss brand was then supported by a reputation for value for money and also by its reputation for customer service (and its supporting culture). Around these core competencies were clustered M&Ss supplier linkages and innovation which were also core sources of competitive advantage (Grant). According to one City of London investment analyst (Channel 4): Marks has styled itself the manufacturer without factories They probably do have the closest relationship with suppliers of any UK retailer.



Whilst this list of (then) competitive advantages was impressive, these were potentially ones which could evaporate quickly especially vis a vis nimbler opposition (Stalk). One analyst reected on this: I think they are a very self-condent company, and provided that they remain self-condent and not complacent I dont think that thats a problem. But I think that retailing is a notoriously ckle business. You have to keep on reinventing it and reinventing it year after year, season after season. You have to make sure that your clothes are fashionable, that the styles and colour are what people actually want. (Channel 4) Some felt that (even then) M&S had become too rigid as an organisation (indeed in Mintzbergs organisational forms, a bureaucracy. Sir Richard Greenbury, chairman, espoused the dilemmas of maintaining discipline versus encouraging individual spontaneity: You must have discipline. You cant have everybody doing their own thing. And big businesses do become bureaucratic and they do become inexible. But the day that they become so bureaucratic and inexible that the free thinker, the maverick, the entrepreneur, the fellow or the woman who doesnt do it the conventional way those people must be given an opportunity to express their talents. But did he really mean it? According to one (brave) joiner from another retailer (a department store) who took another view: People just dont say anything. No one will speak against the Chair, because they say it shouldnt be done. You can just see peoples faces changing (when you say critical things). People just dont believe you, when you say something bad about Marks & Spencer, so you just dont bother. (Channel 4) M&S also had some critical areas of competitive disadvantage as follows: M&S perhaps had an over-cautious approach to managing its strategic development (at least in terms of organic development in the UK except for nancial services), and its culture generally;




Its apparent lack of exibility (for example in refusing to take nonM&S credit or debit cards (until very recently perhaps too much deliberate and not enough emergent strategy (Mintzberg)));

Its UK-centred mind-set. This did not particularly affect its UK business but may have hampered its international development (Bartlett and Ghoshal), perhaps seriously.

As regards organisational rigidity, let us note the comments of another analyst (Channel 4): They [M&S] will certainly tend to be dismissive of criticism from outside. When you think about it, when a company is incredibly successful and Marks & Spencer has been, and still is, then your starting base has got to be, that what anyone outside is saying is potentially wrong, and that they know the best way to do things. They have been doing it like that for 20, 30, 40, 50 years and it works for them. (Its paradigm (Johnson and Scholes) did seem to have been frozen in the past.) One of the most distinctive elements of this culture was the attention to microscopic detail at most senior levels. On the UK Channel 4 television programme, Sir Richard Greenbury, chairman, interjected at the start of a meeting to discuss current M&S foods to point out that: I had the potato and leek [soup] last night and it has got lots of cream in it and it has got no potato in it. You know, if you have potato and leek then I like it to have a sort of powerful taste and it was, it was rich, it was too liquid, it just didnt gel with me. This management style felt very much more like Braybrooke and Lindbloms muddling through rather than anything visionary like Kantnar, Peters or Pascale, and certainly not a learning organisation (Senge). As a result of this input in a later scene the food group merchandisers were seen taking notes of his comments as if they were about to change the formula. Yes, this intervention was an example of M&Ss great strength (Retail is Detail). But how could this level of detailed intervention be possible in the



future if M&S were ever successful in generating up to a quarter, a half, or even more sales outside the UK? Could M&S truly become a substantial and successful international retailer with this apparently high degree of centralised, top-down direction and control in its merchandising? (Bartlet and Ghoshal.) Also, the issue of M&Ss (then) deliberate strategy (Mintzberg) to refuse to take other credit or debit cards might have been seen as justied in terms of the virtue of strategic choice saying no to a costly strategy with such a cost driver (Rappaport). However, the costs of excluding (or reducing) the business of many customers lacking M&S charge cards were considerable, if unquantied. Some customers maybe either have found it difcult or possibly too inconvenient to acquire M&S cards (for example, tourists). Again, the history of M&Ss attitude to non-M&S cards was symptomatic of a twin competitive strength and weakness. As one analyst (Channel 4) put it: You are looking at a company which essentially you have to characterise as a family dynasty, everyone is schooled in the history and in the traditions. I think the disadvantage of this kind of culture is that it can make it inward looking, it can perhaps breed a kind of arrogance. Hinting that it would it very, very difcult to implement value migration (Slyvosky). Turning to M&Ss global business, although M&Ss brand strength had power and although M&S still had a clear market and product focus, it did not necessarily have complete t with local cultures (or at least did not originally, as the various examples quoted earlier illustrated). Also, although M&S still had a strong supplier base this was offset by signicant difculties of logistics and attendant higher costs internationally. It was only in the late 1990s that M&S had been able to lift European sales. This success was achieved by exporting its outstanding value campaign from the UK, and thus by reducing its prices and its margins signicantly.




Marks & Spencer The position 1997 2001

For most companies, competitive advantage needs to come from a number of sources and not just one. It is often the specic combination of competitive advantages that makes a company distinctive and which leads to superior performance (Hamel and Prahalad, Ohmae). The main ingredients of competitive advantage that lead to superior performance are: customer value; or lower cost; or greater speed, exibility or responsiveness than our competitors.

This can be made more concrete by dening specic criteria: Value brand and reputation, market share, unique underlying skills and management skills. Cost cost base, market share. Speed distribution, unique operational skills and management skills (Stalk). M&Ss traditional brand strength was supported by the M&S reputation for value for money and also its reputation for customer service (and its supporting culture). M&Ss supplier linkages and product innovation were also its traditional sources of competitive advantage (Grant). From the previous section, M&S had an impressively strong bundle of multiple and reinforcing sources of competitive advantage during the period of 1990-1996, but it had become somewhat bureaucratic and rigid, and not particularly receptive to change (Peters, Porter). By around 1997, M&Ss business portfolio was of varying competitive strength (for instance, between clothing, food, other items and nancial services, UK and internationally). Although M&S had some impressive product lines, particularly womens lingerie and its niche foods business, this was offset by a number of strategically and (probably) nancially less interesting business areas.



The diversied area of nancial services (Ansoff) also represented a potentially attractive opportunity to M&S. The particular strengths which M&S brought to this arena were its: brand awareness (if tarnished in recent times); reputation for quality and, at the same time, value for money; and focus on a narrower product line.

M&S did not, around 1997, change its strategic direction fundamentally other than to change the design focus of its clothes in an attempt to become more fashionable. During the period 1997-1999 a number of external market shifts crystallised (Ansoffs weak signals): 1 Despite continued economic recovery, consumers became more discerning. Where they were asked to pay a premium, they appeared to want a brand and that brand was (at least in the young and middleage groups) not M&S. 2 Because of an increase in the sales of substitute items (Porter) including mobile telephones, computers (including access to the Internet) and in overseas holidays (through cheap ights), a squeeze was put on the retail sector generally. M&S proved to be not well placed to withstand this. 3 Competitive rivalry for upmarket foods increased signicantly, for example, by Tescos Finest lines, imitating M&Ss differentiation/ focus strategy (Porter). 4 M&Ss global expansion (perhaps predictably) faltered, with a Uturn on investment in territories such as Germany. 5 New entrants to the UK retail market, like Gap and Matalan, (Porter) began to take more share of the younger market, pushing M&S up the age range where it was under increasing attack from Next and Debenhams. 6 The fashion cycle was accelerating so that the two-seasons-a-year merchandising process at M&S became unwieldy and obsolescent (Stalk).




Meanwhile, M&S continued to pursue its global expansion plans whilst its UK position came under increasing attack. This was reected in M&Ss more recent results, as set out in Figure 26:



2000 million 4629 3201

1999 million 4765 3110

1998 million 4811 3157

1997 million 4602 3024

million General Foods Financial services 4364 3420

351 8135

365 8195

350 8225

275 8243

216 7842

Operating prots






Earnings per share 5.4p (per FRS 14)





FIGURE 26: M&S FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 1997-2002 (From Annual Report and Accounts, 2002)

M&S did make some major changes to its strategy in the period 1998-2000, as follows: It decided to partially abandon its dependency on its traditional brand, St Michael. Ambitious plans to develop more exciting merchandising ideas came from its Autograph range. Trialled in its more prestigious stores, the plan was to get well known designers to design expensive, up-market clothes to be sold in a separately demarcated section of M&S. (This strategy met with only partial success, and by 2001 signals were given that M&S was to rethink this strategy.) Its previous chairman, Sir Richard Greenbury, eventually retired from the board. Sir Richard had overseen M&Ss success in the earlymid 1990s, but now admitted (Money Programme, 2000) that its nancial success was at least partially due to cost-cutting (Porter).



With hindsight it was admitted that, given the investment in greater service by players like Tesco, this strategy might have been unwise. (Apparently the negative effects of this lower service strategy were not apparent to Sir Richard as stores would eld all their part-timers on the days of his visits. He claimed not to have been aware of this practice.) Following considerable boardroom acrimony (beyond contention) of the like that even Peters and Pascale could hardly have envisaged), Sir Richard was replaced by a successful retailer, Luc Vandevelde, who stated his aim was to turn around M&S within two years. M&Ss advertising campaign (on TV and on billboards) featured a normal sized, but attractive, lady taking her clothes off to celebrate her size 14 body aiming to appeal to Ms and Mrs Average UK. Unfortunately, Ms and Mrs Average UK did not want to identify with that image, so the campaign backred. M&S tried to enliven its underwear with alliances with Agent Provocateur appearing to push very aggressively into more adventurous and sensual markets. This again proved unsuccessful, and the M&S standalone lingerie shop pilot was halted. (Perhaps this venture was an over-reaction to highly visible criticisms of M&Ss boring bras which we see later!) M&S recruited George Davies (ex Next) to form an alliance to create a new sub-brand, called Per Una. By May 2001 George Davies was reported to be having problems in timely sourcing for the new range. By 1999, M&Ss dividend per share was only just covered by current earnings, whereas in previous years it was twice covered by earnings. In 2000, its prots after tax and after exceptional items were 258.7 million compared with a 258.6 million dividend, leaving a surplus of just 0.1 million. At one shareholders meeting one angry shareholder and customer brandished an M&S bra, claiming that it was so fundamentally unexciting that it was no wonder that customers were alienated an apparent lack of strategic t caused by strategic drift. Whilst M&S still has an enviably well-known brand and a deep customer loyalty in some market segments, there is no question that its brand had




been signicantly tarnished by internal events, by its market failures and by adverse commentary from many sources. The half-year results to September 1999 revealed that M&S had made a number of changes, aimed at inuencing both internal and external performance drivers: 1 In management its long-standing chairman left the board and a number of other top-level management changes were made. (This was not a period which could easily be characterised as one of strategic leadership.) A number of television documentaries around the time suggested that Sir Richard had been somewhat autocratic based on sources inside M&S. Whilst this style suited the 19921995 recessionary period it appeared not to be fruitful during 1996-1999, when M&S needed to become faster, more exible and refocused. His exit followed a boardroom battle which involved Keith Oates, then a senior director, making a pre-emptive strike for the chief executives role whilst Sir Richard was away on holiday. Keith Oates also then resigned. A marketing director was appointed (for the rst time) and was recruited from outside. 2 In its supplier base M&S moved fast to cut the less effective parts of its UK supplier base. Whilst this helped to reduce costs this also produced further bad publicity as thousands of manufacturing staff (not employed by M&S) lost their jobs. (Unfortunately, not all of these savings were to help M&Ss bottom line, as they were needed to substantially reduce prices.) 3 In marketing and promotion M&S began to advertise more aggressively and to introduce more aggressive promotions. 4 In its credit card policy M&S decided to allow stores to accept credit cards for the rst time in its history. This was to occur by Spring 2000. 5 Repositioning of the stores by offering better value for money and improved service, and by better display and presentation of merchandise.



By late 2000/early 2001, M&S appeared to be in ever deeper trouble suggesting an unrealised deliberate turnaround strategy (Mintzberg). According to the Financial Times (January 24, 2001), Christmas trading had been even worse and, in the 16 weeks to January, group sales were down 3.1 per cent (down 5.1 per cent on a comparable store basis). Clothing, footwear and gifts were down 9.3 per cent. On the plus side, there was an improvement of 2.9 per cent in food. The 25 new concept stores were only 4 per cent ahead, despite expenditure of 60 million on retting. Mr Vandevelde, Executive Chairman, had given himself two years to turn the store around but time appeared to be running out. Perhaps unfairly, one analyst, Tony Shirt of Credit Suisse First Boston said: You cannot really say that there is a strategy here at all the only strategy seems to be not to completely muck it up, rather than to recover. Everything is being run very defensively. (Grundys emergency strategy.) In March 2001 M&S announced new steps to turn the company around through some re-engineering (Hammer and Champy), including: Job cuts of 4,400. Closure of many European stores (divestment). Closure of a small number of UK stores. Closure of the Direct catalogues business. Sale of half of its Manchester agship store to Selfridges. A share buy-back when property sales had gone through, Brooks Brothers in the US, and Kings Supermarkets (Times, March 30, 2001) attempting to manage M&Ss shareholder value (Rappaport) (nancial strategy). Its Chairman asked for a further three years to successfully turn around the business. This would be through a return to a back-to-basics policy of classically-stylish clothes aimed at the 35+ age group customers (Mail on Sunday, April, 2001). Casual observation of M&Ss actual customer base during lunchtimes in its Marble Arch store in June 2001 indicated that around ninety per cent of its customers were between 35 and 60.




In May 2001, there were demonstrations outside M&Ss Marble Arch store against its cuts and against the closure of M&Ss European outlets (which appeared not to have been handled particularly well in PR terms). 2001 prots showed another fall of 36 million (on 1999) and Luc Vandevelde said he did not know whether sales would grow in 2002 (Guardian, May 23, 2001). In 2001 there was a further re-structuring charge of 335 million. This represented the third consecutive year of declining prots. In a television interview Mr Vandevelde said that M&Ss strategic drift and decline Johnson and Scholes (before his arrival) had occurred over a ve-year period and it would take about ve years to reverse. Some key statistics were: Like-for-like sales down by 2.6%. Clothing and general merchandise down by 6.3%. Food sales up by 2.6%.

Luc Vandevelde also announced that M&Ss head ofce would move to a new headquarters in Paddington Basin in around two years time, helping a change in culture. Interestingly a new bonus scheme (the rst of its kind at M&S) was to be introduced, offering big pay-outs even if M&Ss prots continued to plunge (according to reports). Apparently this was to ensure that successful business areas would not be penalised for poor performance elsewhere in the group. This attracted major adverse Press commentary in May-June 2001. Luc Vandevelde was (in 2001) still assembling his new management team, the last of the old guard having left. Roger Holmes, CEO designate (headhunted from Kingsher in January 2001) was still nding his feet and was putting the nal nishes to the new team. Press comment was concerned that this team lacked really experienced retailers with air (core competencies). Thus, M&S clearly still faced an enormous challenge to turn itself around, having tackled these changes increment-by-increment (Quinn).



Marks & Spencer Turning to the future

Clearly, in June 2001 M&S still faced a massive challenge to turn itself around even in a three-year timescale. The repeated failures to deal effectively with problems had undermined external condence not only in the organisation but also in the leadership of its new Chairman. The scale of the turnaround task was highlighted in a bench-marking visit by a group of chartered accountants who visited M&Ss high prole Oxford Street store in London, in January 2001, as part of a case study exercise (customer benchmarking). The chartered accountants found a number of areas of poor customer value (Bowman, Grundy): The store was a rabbit warren which, given M&Ss poor signage, was hard to navigate around. Its look appeared old-fashioned, and attempts to brighten it up with a couple of TV screens showing videos seemed to create an even worse, patchy effect. Merchandising was not well displayed, with piles of unsold clothes cluttering up the stores, presumably left over from the sale. With one or two exceptions (with more healthy convenience foods) M&Ss food range appeared almost identical to that offered ten years ago. M&S foods seemed to have been stuck in a kind of time warp. There was a tiny ofce bar situated at the back of foods in the basement (not the best place to generate footfall). This was unattended spaces were there for three clocks showing the times in London, Los Angeles and Singapore. The Singapore clock was missing and the Los Angeles clock time was wrong. What had happened to M&Ss famed attention to detail and discipline? (Core competence.) If aliens had visited this store (after being briefed on how successful M&S had been throughout 1975-1995) they would have had a real surprise if not a shock. What had gone wrong?




Drawing the helicopter view out of this analysis, it would not have taken seven hundred pages of a strategy consultants report (which was rumoured to have been presented to M&S top management in 2000) to have realised that: M&S strategy needs still to be fundamentally rethought. and Incremental tinkering with that strategy is not going to work. The scene was therefore set for M&S to conduct a more radical review of its strategic and nancial options

EXERCISE Strategic options

Using the strategic option grid (Figure 4), what options could you see for Marks and Spencers (as at 2002), and how attractive are these options? What scenarios can you paint for their potential success or failure? (Do the scores please?)

The Marks and Spencer case study provides us with a graphic account of the relevance of the strategy gurus in the context of strategic change. Where might M&S now be if it had performed the kind of Helicopter analysis which we provided for you in the case study and hopefully was also suggested by your own options, which might have resulted in an unbundling/rebirth of M&Ss corporate portfolio?



SIX Checklists for managing strategy

In this short chapter we give you some useful supplementary checklists for managing your strategy as follows: Organic business development strategies. Strategic and nancial planning generally. Restructuring strategies. Information systems strategies. Management buy-out strategies. Alliance and joint venture strategies. Operational strategies.

These checklists are useful for live business strategies and also for MBA coursework, and for MBA projects and dissertations.

Organic business development strategies

These checklists will help to esh out some of the richer content issues which you may well come up against in evaluating projects. Whilst managers may feel they are well-versed in these organic development projects, they may well look too myopically at the more obvious areas of inquiry. Organic business development projects can be aimed at a number of areas including: 1 2 New products. New markets by sector or by geography.



3 4 5 6

Selling more to existing customers. New value-creating activities. New distribution channels. New technologies.

Lets now look at some core checklists for each of the areas outlined above.

New product strategies

It is often said that nine out of ten new product ideas fail either because they are not thought through sufciently in themselves or (and more commonly) the product concept does not quite match market need. These checklists should help you get a better steer. Our questions now are: How fast is the market for this type of product growing? How much competitive pressure exists in its market? How well does the product meet its target customer needs; what are the turn-ons and turn-offs from a customer point of view? Which other products is it competing with and what are the relative advantages/disadvantages between each? How (if at all) does the product need servicing, and what are the relative competitive advantages here? How complex is the product, and will this level of complexity mean it is: a) harder to launch, b) less exible to change subsequently?

Are there any wonderfully innovative features (which add real value) to the product?

If these exist, how easily can these be imitated? How consistent is the organisations capability and mind-set with this product, and what implementation issues might this raise?

What skills training is required to support this product effectively?



Are the products long-run unit costs likely to be sustainable longerterm?

What other changes in the organisation (for example, to key business processes or to organisational structure) are needed?

Will the sales force and distribution channels accommodate the new product effectively without destruction, disruption, a dilution of sales of other products?

To what extent might the product cannibalise on other existing products?

To what extent will the products innovation be project-managed well?

How can its introduction be positioned and accelerated in the organisation?

New market strategies

New market development strategies may overlap to some extent with new products. Nevertheless, we include some new questions to supplement those on new products: Have you systematically prioritised which (of the potential new markets) it would be most attractive to address (for example, using the Strategic Option Grid)? How inherently attractive is this market (consider its growth drivers and the level of competitive pressure in it)? How difcult is it to operate within that market (generally)? Do we have the natural competencies to do well in that market? Is this market culturally vastly different to our current core markets? Is this a market especially prone to discounting, high costs of satisfying customers or distribution channels, or low margins generally? Have we got a genuinely cunning entry strategy (or just an average one)?



What channel strategy options exist and which of these is a) most attractive inherently (in terms of its use and value-added generally), b) one where we have greatest competitive advantage?

What are the most critical uncertainties about that market and how can we minimise our exposure to these?

Will entering this particular market foreclose options to enter other markets?

To what extent will market conditions vary internationally, and which of these markets should we really give highest priority?

Selling more to existing customers

Selling more to our existing customers may well be a neglected strategy but, nevertheless, one which might be both highly attractive and relatively easy: Which of our existing customer base could we potentially sell more to? What could we sell them, why and how? What things have prevented us from selling as much as our true potential to existing customers in the past? What latent, existing needs could we satisfy, which we are not currently satisfying? What latent, future needs could we satisfy, and how? How might selling more to our existing customers strengthen our relationship with them and gain lock-in? Are there other buyers within the customers organisation which we can sell to (e.g. another management function, another division, etc)? What specic sales or other incentives would encourage greater penetration of our existing customer base?



Which of our key competitors is currently active with these customers and how can we erode their share?

How can we make it unbelievably easy to buy from us (and to buy more from us)?

How can these improvements be project managed?

New value-creating activities

Adding value in new ways may offer exciting strategic opportunities but ones which managers may nd it difcult to think through: Are there new ways in which we can add value to the customer (value-creating activities)? How much additional value is likely to be created for them from their perspective? How will we be able to capture or share this value creation given our relative bargaining power and our longer-term strategy? To what extent should new value-creating activities be in or outsourced, and why? How readily might new ways of adding value be imitated by competitors? To what extent will customers seek to do these value-creating activities themselves (assuming they are worthwhile having)? What is our natural level of competence for adding value in these new ways? Can we easily pilot these new value-creating opportunities? How will we project manage developing these new value-creating activities?



New distribution channel strategies

Opening up new distribution channels avoids the difculties of new product and/or market innovation and may well be cheap. But in order to avoid diluting our strategy and shareholder value, we will need to be relatively selective: How much margin are we likely to obtain from a new distribution channel? How difcult is it likely to be to deal with? What are the key alternatives to dealing with this particular channel (for example by the Internet, sales force, an alliance, etc)? Will this particular channel lead to conict with any other distribution channels and, if so, how will we manage it? Are we likely to get a high level of returns or other quality problems through this channel? Will the channel actually understand our product sufciently well? How much support will this channel put behind our product relative to that of other products? Does this distribution channel have something that ts our natural competencies and our culture? How competitive is this particular channel relative to other pathways to a market? If we do not use this channel, what (if anything) is the biggest downside? How would we project manage a new entry to that channel?



New technologies
New technologies may be a turn-on to middle managers but a turn-off to top managers (whose main focus is to extract short and medium-term values out of the business). We may therefore need some testing questions in order to screen innovative technology projects: Does the technology actually t with our present or emerging denition of the business(es) we are in? Do we really understand the technology? What other things (other than technology) all have to line up to deliver real value? (Use a Wishbone analysis.) Are we doing the project mainly because of its sheer technological edge, and because it is inherently exciting or because it will generate real value, and value that we can actually harvest? What key value and cost drivers are impacted on by the new technology? What new skills do we need to fully exploit any new technology? To what extent do we have to change our mind-set in order to get the very best out of the new technology? Where the technology relies heavily on the Internet, how easy is it for our business model to be copied or imitated? How quickly will the new technology spread and where there are customer turn-offs in its use, how can these be mitigated or removed? How rapidly might the technology be superseded by further technologies and how vulnerable does this therefore make our strategy? What substitute technologies are available which are in many respects better right now? How should we project manage the introduction of the new technology?



Strategic and nancial planning processes

A strategic (and nancial) plan is a complex activity which involves a number of outputs and a variety of stakeholders with different involvement. This is an area for project management par excellence and yet one which is only peripherally touched on by most strategy text books. It is also an area frequently managed not very well within organisations generally. Does the strategic plan genuinely take into account the impact of external change? Does it involve the specic measurement of competitive advantage or disadvantage in terms of value added (and at what cost) to target customers vis-a-vis key competitors? Is it consistent with mission and is this mission credible given the risk and uncertainties in achieving strategic goals? Is nancial appraisal used to evaluate the economic value of business strategies (i.e. in cash ow terms and not just reported earnings projections) or are these strategies left untested in terms of shareholder value? Is the strategy feasible given current nancial constraints, and do these constraints need testing themselves? Does the strategic plan reect the organisational and operational capability (strengths and weaknesses) of the business can we excel in what we propose? Are there clear strategic and nancial milestones for success which link to quarterly or bi-annual business performance assessment? Is the strategic plan communicated in appropriate detail to sufcient relevant levels of management and staff responsible for implementation? Is there adequate scope for emergent strategies to develop within the overall strategic and nancial framework (i.e. in-built provision for innovation and exploitation of hard-to-foresee opportunity)? Are adequate change project mechanisms set in place to implement the strategy? (For example, change project teams, off-site review workshops, rewards for actions to implement change, etc.)



Restructuring strategies
Restructuring strategies are now undertaken on an almost routine basis by most larger organisations. Restructuring is often managed in relative isolation from other projects and is also positioned as geared towards delivering more shorter-term benets. Restructuring, if managed as a strategy, can be handled much more effectively than this, especially if the following questions are addressed: Is the rationale for the restructuring fully thought through and does this reect not merely current needs but anticipate pending changes in the business? Is there a history of frequent re-structuring which has resulted in a permanent (and unnecessary) state of instability in the organisation? (If so, how can this be managed more strategically in the future?) Has the restructuring put managers into articial positions without genuine business benets which are patently transparent and which will aggravate organisational ambiguity? Are new appointees genuinely capable of being effective in their roles given their skills, their style, and also the degree of teamworking within the organisation? Has the restructuring been communicated in such a way to lay bare the business-led reasons for the restructuring? What is the timing of announcement of restructuring has it been deliberately timed so as to prevent reection and debate and thereby result in simmering resentment? How does the restructuring complement other projects or initiatives in the business and how should it be managed alongside these?



Information systems strategy

Life in todays organisations is almost unrecognisable with the expansion of ofce technology and communications. Information systems strategies are demanding at a business, technical, cultural and especially political level. Therefore consider the following: Are all strategies aimed at changing information systems part of an overall information strategy which is, in turn, linked to both business strategy and intended organisational change? How have the cost/benets of any information systems strategy been evaluated in terms of both internal and external benets and costs, including: customer value access to markets customer lock-in improving responsiveness operational efciency and capacity?

Are changes in information systems seen as a) primarily of a technical issue; versus b) as also generating important and more difcult people-related and political issues? In the latter case, does the organisation have the necessary tools (like stakeholder analysis) and processes to gain maximum ownership for change?

Who are the key stakeholders: a) of the end outputs of information systems; and b) as agents within the change process itself?

Is there a risk of overrun against required timescales which might result in an expensive and disruptive crash programme or a dilution of project benets?



Management buy-out strategies

Management buy-outs may rank as one of the most difcult strategies which you may ever choose to contemplate undertaking. To help avoid this becoming Mission Impossible, consider the following: What are the main objectives of the buy-out project and to what extent are these shared by key management stakeholders? For instance: freedom from head ofce diktat. the possibility of making a signicant capital gain. protection of job security. challenge of developing the business into new areas. opportunity to renew the management team.

Has the proposed management team the ability and balance to produce a quantum improvement in business performance or does it smack of more of the same?

What tangible changes will be made to support the symbolic event of the buy-out? For example, changing the company name, relocating premises, throwing out all the old stationery, reorganising managers old ofce layouts, removing unnecessary status symbols; and how will these be project managed?

Is there a robust strategy for improving the competitive position of the business or are the buy-out plans mainly aimed at producing the right set of numbers to please venture capitalists? How will this strategy be project managed?

Has the buy-out team got clear milestones for progress which are achievable but stretching?

How will the issue of an exit route to sell the business on (where this is applicable) be managed by the management team throughout the lifetime of the buy-out. (Are we managing the buy-out result effectively?)



Alliance and joint venture strategies

We will give you checklists on acquisitions next. Whilst acquisitions capture the headlines in the nancial press, many organisations move their corporate strategy forward in a slightly more stealthily fashion through alliances (otherwise known as joint ventures). A strategic alliance can now be dened as: A longer-term strategic partnership between two or more organisations where there is investment in the venture by all of those partners, sharing both reward and risk. Alliances may be thought of as being less risky than acquisitions. It is true that often the exposure of an alliance partner may be less (due to the sharing of risk and the fact that the commitment, although longer-term, is usually not quite so permanent). However, the riskiness of an alliance (sometimes known as a joint venture) can be higher due to: The very looseness of the arrangements. The need for a good deal of co-operation and openness. The fact that alliance partners may often have different aspirations (and possibly ones in tension or conict), or different levels of bargaining power. The strategies of partners may change over time (and alongside that the personal agendas of key players in top management). The alliance itself will evolve and change as will its competitive environment. Some key questions to reect upon for any alliance (split up into the phases of formation and development) are as follows:

What is the fundamental purpose of the alliance what distinctive value does it add? Why is it likely to be better than other possible alliances?



What are the different options for structuring and resourcing the alliance?

To what extent is the alliance well-timed? How are the various needs and competencies of the alliance partners genuinely complementary?

To what extent are these needs and competencies in tension or in potential conict?

To what extent is the alliance genuinely (therefore) a positive sum game (or an arrangement where all parties are signicantly better off through participating in the alliance)?

What is the potential for the alliance leading on into a full acquisition, longer-term?

Culturally, are the alliance partners likely to get on with each other: well, satisfactorily or, perhaps, badly?

Have all partners got sufcient interest and commitment in the alliance to make it genuinely effective?

Will an alliance with another partner(s) only give us a temporary advantage as it will trigger other alliances in the industry?

What are the potential risks and downsides to sustaining our core competencies by depending upon the alliance?

Can we learn about how our partners do things really well and apply them elsewhere in our business without our partners becoming antagonistic?

How long (realistically) do we think the alliance is likely to last? Who (if anyone) is likely to become the more dominant partner in the alliance, and if this is not likely to be us, what is the potential value of us being in the alliance?

Do any arrangements for potential divorce adequately safeguard our interests?

How will the formation of the alliance be project managed?



What investment is the alliance likely to require over time, and are alliance partners both able and willing to commit this when the time arrives? What senior management (and other scarce skills) is the alliance likely to need, and who will support this requirement? How will alliance partners conduct any reviews of performance and steer the strategy forward? In the event that the alliance takes off even more successfully than anticipated, how will it cope with this, particularly with regard to: people; structures; nancial resources.

What processes for change of partners (including new ones coming in, old ones leaving or changes in partner stakes) be managed? How will alliance development be project managed (for example, what will its key milestones be)?

Setting strategy and objectives

Many acquisitions lack a robust strategy. To avoid this please ask the following: What is our own strategic position (i.e. of the acquirer), is it strong, average or weak? What strategic options (generally) for strategic development alongside and including acquisition do we have (including organic development, alliance, or buying-in the relevant skills directly)? Do we have the natural capabilities to screen and evaluate acquisitions (without getting carried away with the thrill of the chase) and also to negotiate a favourable deal and to integrate it effectively? Is this a good time for us to be thinking about acquisitions (for example, in terms of the economic cycle, competitive conditions and those of nancial markets generally)?



More specically, what are our most important objectives for an acquisition project, and are these good or bad? Good reasons for making an acquisition might include: Increasing our own shareholder value so we can add tangible value to the acquired business. To acquire scarce capabilities (for example, management or technical skills) that we can apply elsewhere. To build our own competitive advantage.

Bad reasons for an acquisition project might include: To grow the business (as an end in itself). To enhance our own, personal careers. Because we feel threatened by increased competition. Because others are doing it, and we might get left behind.

How will this phase be project managed?

Acquisition evaluation
Acquisition due diligence is often biased towards internal appraisal. To counter this please ask the following questions: How inherently attractive are the markets which our target is on (consider its growth drivers and the level of competitive pressure)? What is our targets underlying competitive position, and is it okay, average or weak? What is the basis of its competitive advantage, and is this likely to be sustainable given anticipated market and competitive change? How does it add distinctive value to its customers (if at all) and, if so, how does it capture this in the form of nancial (and thus shareholder) value? How competitive is its cost base (and as against existing players and new entrants and/or distribution channels)?



Are any of its products or markets moving into maturity or decline (life-cycle effects)?

What is the strength of its management? How vulnerable is it likely to be to key staff leaving? Given our integration plans, how difcult (and uncertain) is integration likely to be?

Where does the business currently make most/least money, and where does it destroy shareholder value (at the present time)?

Where is the business likely to make most/least money in the future? What can we (genuinely) bring to the party in the way of valueadded to the acquisition?

How will this phase be project managed?

Negotiating the deal

The deal is the most important phase of the acquisition and one which may be poorly handled by the inexperienced. Consider the following: Do we have a strong and experienced acquisition team especially in terms of due diligence skills and negotiation skills? Will the team work well with each other and avoid getting carried away with the thrill of the chase? What competition might exist for the deal, and is this likely to push up the price to a level at which we become indifferent as to whether to go ahead or not with the deal? What is the relative balance in the bargaining power between buyer and seller what is the relative pressure to buy or sell, and who has the most options? How skilled is the vendors team in negotiating and where are their likely vulnerabilities and weaknesses?



Are we absolutely clear as to what we are bringing to the party versus what value is already inherent in the acquisition (so we avoid, in effect, paying twice)?

Are there in-built check-points within the deal-making process for whether we carry on or not?

Who will have the ultimate say over what we are prepared to offer?

Integration is an activity where strategic management will pay off in a very big way. Please consider the following questions: What key synergies are anticipated to be harvested through the acquisition? What changes are required in order to achieve these synergies to products, services, operations, systems and processes, structures and people? Who are the key people who are essential both to protect and develop the business? How can they be convinced that it is worth backing the organisation following this period of pronounced uncertainty associated with the acquisition? For example through: Selling the benets of the acquisition in terms of future opportunity for their own development and reward. Providing them with a clear role in integration and further development. Spelling out openly the criteria for success and failure. Protecting their self-respect through active incorporation of core best practices into a new paradigm. Having a clear and well communicated strategy for steering change.



Is it planned to announce changes in leadership and structure quickly as opposed to playing a wait-and-see game with the result of mounting uncertainty?

Will changes in systems and control routines be handled with delicacy and sensitivity, and will sensible timescales be set to make changes? Where systems and control changes are required from day one are there arrangements to support this externally?

How will the issue of any culture change be handled, especially where it is intended to integrate a large part of operations? Does this reect any pre-acquisition diagnosis of the key differences in culture between both organisations?

How will learning about the acquisition be secured in terms both of what we have got for our money (both internal and eternal capability) and also on the effectiveness of integration process?

How will the phase of integration be project managed as a whole?

Operational strategies
Besides the more purely strategic projects including organic development, acquisitions and alliances, there may also be some major operational projects. These can be grouped (for convenience) under the two main headings of: Operations expansion. Cost management and efciency.

Operations expansion
Based on the checklists dealing with selling more to existing customers/selling to new customers, etc (from Organic Development), what is the potential for relatively easy-to-do expansion? To what extent can capacity be increased: by physical expansion? without physical expansion (and by the cunning plan)? by appropriate out-sourcing?



What productivity targets (by each and every incremental resource) need to be established?

How will expansion be project managed?

Cost management and efciency

How cost-competitive are we against our existing competitors (now)? How cost-competitive are we against any new entrants (now)? How cost competitive are we likely to be (on current plans) vis-avis existing competitors and potential entrants? What are the key cost drivers within our current operational setup and how can these be: a) incrementally improved; b) radically challenged (for example with zero-based approaches, i.e. working up from a situation of nil resources)? What are the key value drivers of the business and how can incremental value be added (and harvested) from a lower, or equivalent, or (preferably) a changed cost base? How can key business processes be re-engineered and simplied to make operations more efcient? Which other companies should we bench-mare and learn from either from inside or outside the industry to become more efcient? By customer bench-marking are there areas of activity that add little real customer value that we can reduce? How might cost management and efciency initiatives be project managed?

The above strategies can be used both as checklists and also as suggested questions to help structure strategic workshops.



SEVEN Conclusion gurus and the future

The last couple of decades have been a fertile market for the strategy gurus. Most of these gurus have (especially the major ones) come from the US, and an even higher proportion from Harvard. Only a handful of European (and even fewer UK thinkers) can really make pretence of having guru status. The Harvard Centre of gravity for gurus does seem to be almost self-perpetuating. Indeed, when the author himself sent a well-researched article to the Harvard Business Review he got only an impolite, standard letter, saying that only a few submissions were ever even looked at. (This is wildly at odds with the practise of other strategic management journals.) The author could not help suspect that you had to know someone on the inside (i.e. the editorial board) even to get someone to take a quick look at it. No doubt there are many extremely good and insightful ideas emanating from other non-US business schools, and consultants. And how often did we ever see MANAGERS writing in the Harvard Business Review? Virtually never, which seems very odd. So probably, Harvard Business Review will continue to be populated by the type of gurus which we have covered in this book with little fresh blood, and also relatively little international diversity. This may be one of the factors which accounts for the lack in part of new ideas in the strategy industry, particularly over the last ve to ten years (apart from Hamel and Prahalad and one or two others). So where might the new ideas come from? What we sadly need is some new, revitalised form of Competitive Strategy, one which is no longer trapped in traditional, industry, corporate and business boundaries?



Perhaps a rst step would be to simply imagine working with amnesia, having forgotten the Strategy Gurus completely, but having knowledge of all the other functional disciplines. Would anything be really missing from the world, what would have to be reinvented, and what might turn out to be quite different, and new? Let me speculate for a moment. we would obviously need to think about the future, and how we might manage it, so we might well nd a need for FUTURE MANAGEMENT. As a practical start in this I propose a new form of strategy, or CONTINGENT STRATEGY, which is dened as: An intended strategy which will be triggered on future conditions of alignment. The logic behind Contingent Strategy is that it would be folly to implement a strategy unless the world was aligned (at the time), to its success. As many strategies are fraught with uncertainty it only seems sensible to manage any commitment. Hopefully this single form of strategy will provide a clue to Future Management. I will leave the reader to ponder this Tony Grundy 2003

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Ansoff, H I, Corporate Strategy, McGraw Hill, New York, 1965 Ansoff, Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals, Californian Management Review, XVIII, Winter 1975, pp 21-23 Argyris, C, Strategy, Change and Defensive Routines, Pitman, London, 1985 Argyris, C, Teaching Smart People How to Learn, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1991 Bartlett, C A and Ghoshal, S, Managing Across Borders, Harvard Business School Press, Harvard, 1989 Bennett Stewart II, G, EVA The Question for Value, Harperbusiness, New York, 1991 Bowman, C, The Essence of Competitive Strategy, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead 1985 Braybrooke, D and Lindblom, C E, A Strategy of Decision, Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1963 Campbell and Goold, Strategies and Styles, Basil Blackwall, Oxford, 1987 Campbell, M, Goold M and Alexander M, Corporate Level Strategy, J Wiley & Son, New York, 1994 Chandler, A, Strategy and Structure, MIT Press, Mass, 1962 De Geus, A, Planning as Learning, Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp70-78, 1988 Goldratt, E, Theory of Constraints, North River Press, Great Barrington, Mass, 1990



Grant, R, The Research-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage. The Implications for Strategy Formulation, California Management Review, p1435, Spring 1991 Grundy, A N, Corporate Strategies and Financial Decisions, Kogan Page, London, 1992 Grundy, A N Implementing Strategic Change, Kogan Page, London, 1992 Grundy, A N, Strategic Learning in Action, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead Grundy, A N, Breakthrough Strategies for Growth, Pitman Publishing, London, 1994 Grundy, A N., Exploring Strategic Financial Management, Prentice Hall, 1998b Grundy, A N, Harnessing Strategic Behaviour, F T Publishing, London, 1998 Grundy, A N and Brown, L, Strategic Project Management, Thomson Learning, London, 2002 Grundy, A N, Acquisitions and Mergers, Capstone Publishing, Oxford, 2002b Grundy, A N and Brown, L, Be Your Own Strategy Consultant, Thomson Learning, London, 2002 Grundy, A N, Growth, Capstone Publishing, Oxford, 2002d Grundy, A N, Shareholder Value, Capstone Publishing, Oxford, 2002e Grundy, A N and Brown, L, Value-Based HR Strategy, Butterworth Heinnemann, Oxford, 2003 (forthcoming) Hamel, G and Prahalad, C K, The Core Competence of the Organisation, Harvard Business Review 68, No 3, pp 79-91, 1990 Hamel, G and Prahalad, C K, Strategic Intent. Strategy as Stretch and Learning Leverage, Harvard Business Review 67, No 3, p 63-76, 1989 Hamel, G and Prahalad, C K, Strategy as Stretch and Learning, Harvard Business Review 71, No 2, p 75-84, 1993 Hamel, G and Prahalad, C K, Competing for the Future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1994



Handy, C, Understanding Organisations, Penguin, London 1976 Handy, C, The Age of Unreason, Business Book, Arrow, London, 1989 Handy, C, The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London, 1994 Haspeslagh, P C and Jemison, D B, Managing Acquisitions, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1991 Johnson, G and Scholes, Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead, 1987 Kanter, R M, The Change Masters, Allen and Unwin, London, 1983 Kanter, R M, When Giants Learn to Dance, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1989 Kaplan and Norton, The Balanced Score Card Measures that Drive Performance, Harvard Business Review, pp71-90, January-February 1992 Lewin, K. A Dynamic Theory of the Personality, McGraw Hill, New York, 1935 Lorange, P and Roos, J, Strategic Alliances, Blackwell, Cambridge, Mass, 1992 McTaggart, J M, Kontes, P W and Mankins, M C, The Value Imperative, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1994 Milne, A A, Winnie The Pooh, The Metheun, 1926 Mintzberg, H, The Nature of Management Work, Harper and Row, New York, 1973 Mintzberg, H, The Structuring of Organisations, Prentice Hall, 1979 Mintzberg, H, The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall, London, 1994 Mintzberg, H, Ahlstrand, B and Lampel, J, Strategy Safari, The Free Press, New York, 1998 Mitroff, I I and Linstome, H A, The Unbounded Mind, Oxford University Press, 1993



Ohmae, K, The Mind of the Strategist, McGraw Hill, New York, 1982 Pascale, R T and Athos, A, The Art of Japanese Management, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1981 Pascale, R T and Peters, T, Managing on the Edge, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990 Peters, T, In Search of Excellence (with Waterman), Harper and Row, New York, 1982 Peters, T, Thriving on Chaos, Macmillan, London, 1987 Piercy, N, Diagnosing and Solving Implementation Problems in Strategic Planning, Journal of General Management, 15(1), pp 19-38, Autumn 1989 Porter, M E, Competitive Strategy, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1980 Porter, M E, Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1985 Porter, M E, From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1987 Porter, M E, Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review, March 2001 Quinn, J B, Strategies for Change: Logical Incrementalism, Richard D Irwin, Illinois, 1980 Rappaport, A, Creating Shareholder Value, Free Press, Macmillan, New York, 1986 Reimann, B, Managing a Value A Guide to Value-based Strategic Management, Blackwell, Oxford, 1990 Senge, P, The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation, Doubleday, New York, 1990 Slyvosky, A J, Value Migration, Harvard Business School Press, Harvard, 1996



Spender, J C, Strategy Making In Business, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Mass, 1980 Stalk, E, Competing Against Time, Free Press, Macmillan, 1990 Sun Tzu, The Art of War (various publications see your bookshop) Ulrich, D and Lake, D, Organizational Capability: Competing from the InsideOut, Wiley, New York, 1990 Wack, P, Scenarios: Unchartered Waters Ahead, Harvard Business Review, pp 73-89, Sept-Oct 1985 Welch, J, Jack: Straight from the Gut, Warner Inc, New York, 2001 Yip, E S, Total Global Strategy, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992




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