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PU11 Computer Science Notes - Excel

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PU11 Computer Science Notes Excel

Questions carrying ONE mark each : 1. What is a cell? A cell is the intersection of a row and a column in MS-Excel 2. How many rows are there in MS-Excel worksheet? 65536. 3. How many columns are there in MS-Excel worksheet? 256. 4. What is the extension name of Excel worksheet? XLS 5. How will you initiate editing of data in a cell? Move the cell pointer to that cell and double click or press F2. 6. What does MAX() function do? Give any one built in function of spread sheet. To find the maximum value among the given numbers stored in a specified cell address in a excel sheet. 7. When do you use ABS() function? When we want to find the absolute value of a given number. 8. What values does TODAY() function return? This function returns the serial number corresponding to the current date. 9. Name any tow logical function in MS-Excel AND(), OR(), NOT(), IF(). 10. What is a Macro? Macro is a small program that carries out pre-defined and pre-recorded series of steps by giving a few keyboard shortcuts. 11. What will be the result of the function =MOD (-5,2) in a cell? 1 12. What will be the result of the function round (1343.45,2)? 1300 13. Which function is used to display the serial number of current date? NOW() or TODAY() 14. What do you mean by chart? Charts are the graphical component of Excel or a chart is a representation of worksheet data.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Excel

Questions carrying TWO marks each : 1. Explain any two arithmetic function in MS-Excel OR Explain briefly any two built in functions in spreadsheet. SUM (num1,num2,..) : This function returns the sum of all the numbers in the list of arguments. Eg : SUM(A1:A10) This will find the sum of numbers from A1 till A10 MOD (number, divisor) : This functions returns the remainder after number is divided by divisor. The result has the same sign as divisor. Eg : =MOD(25,10) equals 5. 2. Explain any two logical functions. AND (logical1, logical2,..) : This function returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE, returns FALSE if one or more arguments are FALAE. logical1, logical2,.. are 1 to 30 conditions you want to test tat can be either TRUE or FALSE. Eg : AND (2<3,4=4) returns FALSE. OR (logical1, logical2,..) : This function returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE, returns FALSE if one more more arguments are FALSE. logical1, logical2,.. are 1 to 30 conditions you want to test tat can be either TRUE or FALSE. Eg : OR (2<3,4<>4) returns TRUE. OR (2>3, 4<>4) returns FALSE. 3. What is the output of the following functions? i. DAY (25-May-1990) ii. MONTH (25-May-1990) Ans : i) 25 4. ii) 5

Explain the following functions. a. RATE () b. NPV() a)The RATE () function returns the interest rate per period of an annuity. RATE is calculated by iteration and can have zero or more solutions. NPV() function calculates the net present value of an investment by using a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative values) and income (positive values).


What are the different types of charts available in MS-Excel? MS-Excel supports different types of charts like area chart, column chart, 3-D charts, Bar charts, Pie chart, Line chart, X-Y chart, etc.


Differentiate between Max() and Min() built-in functions. Max() function returns maximum of values in the given range. Min() function returns minimum of the values in the given range.

PU11 Computer Science Notes Excel


Briefly explain any two advantages of spreadsheet. The two advantages of spreadsheets are : a) Autofill : It helps you fill rows or columns with series of data. b) Autosum : You can add a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button.


Explain any two DATE functions used in spreadsheets. i) TODAY : Returns the serial number of the current date. The serial number is the date-time code used by Microsoft Excel for date and time calculations. If the cell format was General before the function was entered, the result is formatted as a date. Syntax : TODAY () Eg : if you type = today () in cell A2, the current date will be inserted in cell A2. ii) NOW : Returns the serial number of the current date and time. if the cell format was General before the function was entered, the result is formatted as a date. Syntax : NOW() Example : if you type = now() in cell A2, the current date and time will be inserted in cell A2.

Questions carrying FIVE marks each : 1. Explain in detail about the steps involved in recording a macro. Macro is a small program that carries out pre-defined and pre-recorded series of steps by giving a few keyboard shortcuts. Macro is just a way of doing your work in a series of steps, which it carries out automatically once it is selected. It can be very easily said that a macro is like a batch file created in DOS. If contains a series of commands. So, as and when a macro is called and run, the instructions (commands) given in it are executed one by one. To record a macro, follow these steps : Step1 : Plan exactly what you want to accomplish, and now to go about it. Suppose you want to write a macro that would cut a range of cells and paste it at some other location. Step 2 : Select Tools *Macro*Record New Macro This opens the Record Macro dialogue box. Step 3 : Name the macro under which you want to save it. Name to a macro can be given in Macro Name box. A long name upto 225 characters can be given to a macro. However, you cannot included spaces in the macro name. Your macro name can have only numbers, letters and underscore character. But there is one limitations to it. The macro name cannot start with a number or an underscore character. Step 4 : After assigning a name, you are required to give a keyboard shortcut to it. A keyboard shortcut is assigned only if the user wants to execute the macro using a keyboard. If, any lowercase alphabet is given in the shortcut key box, then the macro can be executed by pressing

PU11 Computer Science Notes Excel

the <Ctrol+alphabet>keys together. However, if an uppercase alphabet is used, then you need to press<Shift+Ctrl+alphabet>keys together. Step 5 : Now, we proceed on the Store Macro in box. If you want to use the macro that you are now trying to create in the current workbook only, then select the option. This workbook from the drop-down list. Step 6 : In the Description box, give some relevant and important details about your macro like the data on which macro was recorded, the owner of the macro, the purpose for which the macro has been created, etc. Thus, any kind of descriptive text can be given in this box. It enables you to remember all the important things about your macro. Step 7 : Now, as and when all the relevant details are filled in the Record Macro dialog box, click on the <ok> button. A very small stop recording toolbar will appear on the screen. 2. Describe steps involved to create chart using chart wizard. The chart wizard is a series of dialog boxes that guides your through the steps required to create a new embedded chart or modify settings for an existing embedded chart. It displays either five steps or two steps, depending on what is selected. If worksheet data is selected, all five steps are displayed because you are creating a new chart. If you have selected an existing chart to modify it, only two steps are displayed. When you choose the Fish button in any of the steps, the chart wizard finishes your chart for you. Step 1 : Select the data range that will be included in the chart including header. Step 2 : Click the Chart wizard button on the standard toolbar to view the first chart wizard dialog box. Step 3 : Select the chart type and click on Next button. Step 4 : Chart Source Data Select the series tab button. Step 5 : Select the category (x) axis labels button and click on the more information button. Step 6 : Select the X-axis range and click on Chart Data Source category (x) button. Step 7: Click on Next button. Step 8: Chart options Enter the name of the chart and titles for the X-axis and Y-axis. Other options for the Axes, grid lines, legend, data labels and data table can be changed by clicking on the tabs. Press Next button to move to the next set of options. Step 9: Click on Finish button to create the chart.

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