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Spells 31

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The document describes various spells for purposes like protection, healing, courage and banishing negative emotions. It also provides instructions for rituals like casting a sacred circle and a ceremony called 'Cakes and Ale'.

Some spells described for protection include 'Charm For Protection', 'Protect Space' and 'Protection Stone'. The 'Charm For Protection' involves writing a message on paper and carrying it for protection.

The process described for casting a sacred circle involves lighting candles to represent the four elements while calling on them for protection. Salt and water are also used for purification before inviting spiritual entities to join and witness the rites.

Maria, Following are 31+ Spells, that I got from a Witch I be-Witched, recently. Get the pun, here?

LMFAO! Unless otherwise noted, repeat each spell three (3) times before finishing with "With harm to none, so mote it be." Also, you may perform the spells in the style you are most comfortable with. I myself cast most spells using only a simple white candle upon my alter. If you chose to cast a circle (also called erecting a temple or a cone of power), then a second white candle is lit first, then used to light each quarter candle in turn (yellow-east, red-south, blue-west, green-north) then finally to light the alter candle. You always move in a clockwise direction in the circle/temple (when in doubt always move from east to south to west to north) CONTENTS: Charm For Protection. Hurt me no more Change of attitude Forget bad memories Remove anger Cleanse a magic place Home/Hearth Cleansing Clear Bad Luck/Jinx/Curse/etc. Protect Space and Show me their face Spell Protection Stone Blessing Respect Stone Blessing Return to sender To Reverse A Curse Protection Chant/Remove Curse Luck Spell Wealth, Happiness and Health Blessing For a Poppit Spell To See The Truth Protective Smoothie Harmony spell Stop A Stalking To overcome hate Freezer binding Beauty Spell #1 Beauty Spell #2 Happiness Spell #1 Happiness Spell #2

Healing Spell Courage Spell #1 Courage Spell #2 Relaxation Spell Ceremonies: Casting a sacred circle Cakes and ale Closing the sacred circle ************************************* Charm For Protection Write the following a slip of paper and in one of the following: purse, wallet, pocket, locket, shoe, etc. If you wish to carry a copy yourself change then change the words to first person (ex. Thee = me, you = me, etc.). Wrap thee in Cotton Bind thee with love. Protection from ham surrounds like a glove. May brightness of blessings surround you this day. For thou are cared for. Healing thoughts and blessings are sent your way. ************************************* Hurt me no more (Chant following until you feel peaceful. At least 3 times) "For those who have hurt me For those who have made my heart sore They will not harm me They will hurt me no more. When you feel peaceful then say "With harm to none so mote it be." ******************************** Change of attitude "Powers that be hear my plea. My _(sister, husband, etc.)___ doesn't respect you nor me. So open __his/her/name's___ eyes and open __his/her/name's___ heart Let __him/her/name__ see what's true Let them believe in me and you. OR Let them believe what's true through me and you. With harm to none so mote it be." ******************************** Forget bad memories

"I call the past to meet the present, that the future might be bright. I bring myself forth from the dark and hold myself to the light. Let not the past control me. Let not my future be dark as night. I meet and greet me with open arms and move back unto the light." (After doing this one, my mom and I had a HUGE fight/conversation over the phone. I was able to get a lot of my chest that I had kept bottled up my whole life. She finally listened and over 10 years later we are still closer then ever before.) ******************************** Remove anger Powers that be hear this plea Remove this feeling from __(name)____ and me Take this anger and turn it to glee Remove this anger from __(name)___ and me Take his anger away from we With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** Cleanse a magic place Lite incense (a little thyme sprinkled over a candle flame will work or if you time to make your own incense brick mix enough water in with some thyme to create a paste, shape into little squares and let dry. burn in a fire proof container.) With burning incense walk clockwise around the room (or the inside of your whole house if you want to) starting at the door and wafting the smoke onto each wall as you go. Say the following over and over as you do your walking (make sure you say it at least 3 times). When you are done push the energies out the door and slam it. Say "So mote it be!" "Incense air of high refine purify this space of mine. Purge and purify this place I have chosen as my special space. Herbs of mother earth give blessings here to me this rite this sacred sphere. Protect and cleanse this sacred place. Hallow it now as my protected space." ******************************** Home/Hearth Cleansing Walk through your house with a stick or two of incense. Walk clockwise around the room (or the inside of your whole house if you want to) starting at the door and wafting the smoke onto each wall as you go. Say the following over and over as you do your walking (make sure you say it at

least 3 times). When you are done push the energies out the door and slam it. Say "So mote it be!" By the power of __planet's___ day all negative energies and bad vibes now go away. Depart old spells and worn out charms. Dissolve benignly and cause no harm. By the powers that be watch over my home this house is cleared as my charm is sung. Day Planet Sunday Sun Monday Moon Tuesday Mars Wednesday Mercury Thursday Jupiter Friday Venus Saturday Saturn ******************************** Clear Bad Luck/Jinx/Curse/etc. Walk through your house from the back of the house toward the front door, smudging every corner with a stick or two of incense and chant: As these words are spoken, bad luck is broken. Bad luck will now flee, from its influence I am free. Bad luck goes out the door, and troubles me no more.

When you are done push the energies out the door and slam it. Say "So mote it be!" ******************************** Protect Space and Show me their face Spell Powers that be Hear this plea. Protect this place, Anyone who enters and knows not to touch this space, harm them not. Anyone who disturbs this place, show me their face by placing an ache in their left knee for days numbering three. With real harm to none, so mote it be.

I like to write a copy of the spell and leave it with the object for added strength. ******************************** Protection Stone Blessing While holding the stone and pressing the energies into it, repeat three times: "Powers that be bless this stone. Let it protect me, my family and my home. Bless all that pass by it with health, happiness and wealth. Give this stone blessings from the sky." Third time finish with: "With harm to none, so mote it be." ******************************** Respect Stone Blessing Find a stone that you like, whether you find it on a walk or buy one in a store, it can be as small or as large as you like. Find a stone that you like, whether you find it on a walk or buy one in a store, it can be as small or as large as you like. While holding the stone and pressing the energies into it, repeat three times: "Powers that be hear this please. Anyone who passes by this stone will do as I wish. No ______ing, no ____ing, nor____ing in this zone. All that pass will obey my rule, no No ______ing, no ____ing, nor acting a fool. Fun and games and playing is aloud and okay but No ______ing, no ____ing and ____ing is forbidden." Third time finish with: "With harm to none so mote it be." ******************************** Return to sender Oh powers that be your help is needed today please send all the negativity back where it came Just make the negativity go away Happy thoughts and feelings are my aim. So with harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** To Reverse A Curse Repeat 9 times This spell on me I return to thee, To thee who hast so ill-wished me."

9th time finish with: "So mote it be ******************************** Protection Chant/Remove Curse Say the following three times: With these verses remove all curses. Let them leave no toll upon my soul. Finally say: With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** Luck Spell Say the following three times: To the moon To the sun To the skys To the waters Stars let your fires burn wind let your strength grow Unite all with me let my luck shine bright. Finally say: With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** Wealth, Happiness and Health "Powers that be Hear me please Send to me, __name__ wealth happiness and health. Don't skimp on the help you send this day Whether you work in sight or hidden away. Send wealth happiness and health to improve my life." With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** Blessing For a Poppit As you stuff the poppit/doll with something personal from the target (ex. Nail clippings, hair or a photograph) Say the following three times:

Though separate you were, now you are as one. This link of unison has begun. Finish with: This is my will so mote it be. ******************************** Spell To See The Truth To see the truth to know the way, I cast his spell in every way. By the powers of three I conjure thee to give the truth unto me. Finish with: With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** Protective Smoothie For protection with an added antioxidant boost, make yourself a berry smoothie today. In a blender, mix half a cup of milk and four ounces of vanilla yogurt with one cup of frozen blackberries, blueberries and raspberries. Throw in a small handful of ice and blend until smooth. As it blends, imagine a protective shield surrounding you, and try this chant to raise some extra energy. Fruit of blue and Red and black, I ask you please To watch my back. Berries of the Earth and Sun, Bless me until This day is done. Drink deeply and feel the blessings of the sacred smoothie filling you, body, mind, and soul. ******************************** Harmony spell "Oh powers that be send some harmony my/___'s way heal the rift in the peace of my/her/his day Your help is needed so hear my plea stop all the negativity" Third time finish with: "With harm to none so mote it be."

******************************** Stop A Stalking Powers that be hear me talking help ____ stop stalking He/she need to take the clue That "The ____ isn't into you" With harm to none so mote it be. ******************************** To overcome hate Materials required A bowl of water Hold the bowl in your hands and visualize all your hate filtering into the water. Take as long as required, then repeat the following chant. "Hate is alien to my mind. Hate begets hate and makes me blind To Evil's treacherous face. Now I cleanse my soul and mind And within true love I find leading me to my rightful place." When you have finished throw the water into a river,stream or even down the toilet to release the spell. ******************************** Freezer binding Write name of person that is hurting you on a scrap of paper. As you write it picture their face being printed on the paper. Fold paper 3 times. Tie with a a black thread, string, whatever you have. Place it in a small water tight container (baby food jars work really well). Fill jar with water an place in very back of freezer where it wont be disturbed. Say "Stay there and freeze as long as I please" If done correctly the person should stop bothering you. ******************************** Beauty Spell #1 Stare into a mirror. Best done when you have no make-up on Say three times: Oh Goddess Help me see,

the beauty that resides within me. Bring this beauty out of its shell to the surface where it may dwell." Third time finish with: "This is my will, with harm to none so mote it be." ******************************** Beauty Spell #2 Standing in the moon light say three times: "Moon above, full and bright enhance My beauty with all your might. Grant me this blessing I ask this of you. This is my wish for beauty true." **************************** Beauty 3 Grant me beauty, Grant me grace, Grant me this wish For a beautiful face For others to see As I do too. Grant me this wish For beauty true. ******************************** Happiness Spell #1 Standing in the moonlight, say three times: "Moon above full and bright grant me happiness on this this magical night." ******************************** Happiness Spell #2 Say 9 times: "Pleasure, joy, delight and bliss oh dear goddess grant me this." ******************************** Healing Spell

Say 9 times. "Moon above full and bright grant __name__ health on this magical night." ******************************** Courage Spell #1 "Oh goddess help me to be courageous and brave in my time of need." Third time finish with: "This is my wish, With harm to none, so mote it be." ******************************** Courage Spell #2 With the intent to make me brave I ask for the courage I do crave. Give me the will, strength and power, to face my fear, in this my darkest hour. ******************************** Relaxation Spell Say 9 times: "Release my mind from the burden of thought and let the ideas run free." 9th time finish with: "Bring relaxation and peace to me, So mote it be." ************************************* Casting the sacred circle. Perform before starting any ceremony or spell castings. This is not mandatory for every spell, but if you want to erect the temple that's your choice. You will need a one each: Yellow candle, red candle, blue candle, green candle and white candle. Salt and water. Bell. Cup of "wine" (apple juice, orange juice, etc. can be used.) Optional: Atheme, waste dish.

Assigned Covener: "Let it be known the temple is about to be erected the circle About to Be cast. Those who wish to attend gather in the east and await summons. Let none be here but of their own free will." Covener 1 (closest to east, yellow candle) lights East candle "Here do I bring a light and air in at the east to light and bring the breath of life to my temple." "Here do I bring light and Water in at the west to light our temple and wash it clean" Convener 3 (blue) lights west candle Convener 4 (green) Lights south candle "Here do I bring light and Earth in at the north to light our temple and build it strong." Convener 2 (closest to red) Lights south candle "Here do I bring light and fire In at the south to light and bring warmth to our temple." Covener 1 starting at alter points atheme at floor and directing protective energies down through that arm and atheme, walks around circle. Upon finishing ring bell 3 times. Priest: Places tip of atheme in salt "As salt is life, let it purify us in all ways. Let it cleanse body and spirit as we dedicate ourselves in these rites to the powers that be*." Priestess scoops some salt on her atheme and puts it in the water. "Let the sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water so that we may use it throughout these rites." She then sprinkles water around circle and then places a cross on each person saying " I consecrate thee in the names of the powers that be*. Bidding you welcome to this, their temple." Covener 1 Draws pentagram in air above yellow candle "All hail the element of air, may it ever watch over our temple." Covener 2 Draws pentagram in air above red candle "All hail the element of fire, may it ever watch over our temple." Covener 3 Draws pentagram in air above blue candle "All hail the element of water, may it ever watch over our temple." Covener 4 Draws pentagram in air above green candle "All hail the element of earth, may it ever watch over our temple." Priestess: "All hail the four quarters and the powers that be*. We bid you welcome and invite you to join us witnessing the rites held in the name of the powers that be*. All hail! Let us share the cup of friendship" Pours some "wine" on the ground/floor/into waste dish. "To the powers that be."

Everyone takes a sip as cup is passed around circle. Priest rings bell 3 times. Priestess: "Now we are here and the temple erected, let none leave save good reason until the temple is cleared. So mote it be." Everyone: "So mote it be." ************************************* Cakes, and ale. A male covener or the priest can do the covener parts below, whichever you prefer. Need: "cakes" (timbits, donuts, cookies or etc.) and items from casting a circle. Male Convener: "Now we give thanks for that which sustains us. May we ever be aware of what we have and what we owe." Priestess holds chalice between breasts and Covener lowers atheme into chalice. Male Covener: " In like fashion May male join with female for their happiness." Priestess: "Let the fruits of union promote life. Let us be full-filled and let wealth spread throughout the lands." Priestess then holds the chalice while the male covener drinks. Then pass the chalice around the circle. Priestess is last to drink. Male covener: Holds plate of "cakes" and priestess touches atheme to them. Priestess: "This food is a blessing, let us enjoy it. And as we do let us always remember to share with those who have not which we have." Priestess eats a bite of cake (or takes a timbit, or cookie or etc.) Then passes tray around, male covener/priest is last to take one. Priest: "Let us remember that without the powers that be*, we would have not." Priestess: "Eat, drink and be happy. Share and give thanks." Everyone: "So mote it be." ************************************* Clearing Temple After you are done doing your spell(s) you should clear the temple. I do this even if I didn't erect the temple/cast a circle. It clears the room and thanks your deities for their help. I personally believe that whether you call the deities or not (by casting a circle) they are still going to help

Sincerely, ~ Haya Busa

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