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Panbrake PDF

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The document provides step-by-step instructions for building a pan brake folder, which is a metalworking tool used to bend sheet metal. It describes the various parts needed and details each step of the building process.

The materials required include mild steel sheets and bars of various thicknesses. Tools needed include a welder, milling machine, lathe, drill bits, and possibly a laser cutter. Basic workshop tools like rulers, files and clamps are also needed.

There are 24 main steps involving making and shaping the various parts like the bed pieces, end pieces, pivot assemblies, handles and bushes. The parts are cut, drilled, tapped and welded together according to the diagrams and instructions.

Making a Pan Brake "Folder with fingers" for home

By Simso Taken from: !"#$% Okay, just a quick overview of what were dealing with here. Grahame posted up recently a topic about handiest tool you ve made for metalwork, ! posted a pic of my panbrake"folder with fingers" and through #m s from people wanting more info, ! have decided to start a thread with step by step guide to how to make one. This will take a sheet of steel up to $%%mm wide and bend &.$mm mild steel nice and sharply. !f you want to be able to bend thicker steel sharply then you can and !ll point out which bits need to be beefeir as ! go along. 'or the purpose of this e(ercise !m actually going to help a local mate build one and !ll organise photos on the way, so that way you can see whats actually involved in them. Theres a bit of welding a bit of milling and a bit of lathe work, if you don t have access to a mill, lathe or a )% and )*mm drill bit then ! recommend maybe getting the bits laser cut out, !ll give you a rough costing of how much these cost as well. Total cost of unit in materials ) years ago anyway wont go over +% bucks, if you get bits laser or plasma cut then maybe &*% all up, not bad when you consider a commercial unit of this strength and quality will cost you around &$%%. ,hat can ! bend with this unit, well ! use this for making my own tool bo(es at home and ! restore old cars,so as you can imagine for restoration it is absolutely unbelievable. ! made one for a mate who works in the panel and paint business, he uses this unit every day just to make the rust replacement bits for the cars, and were talking from ma-das to mercedes. . lot of the shape to these bits is purely asthetical, ! made my very first unit out of square edges act, worked great looked like crap. /ut it worked, its your call ! lost all the computer files a while back 0hard drive crash", ! have my original hand drawn ones and some printed cad drawings, so ! may take a while with some of the photos pics as !ve got to redraw them On my pictures youll see the following notes &)*,1* This is a cad co2ordinate, or for your ruler from the corner of your paper &)*mm across and 1*mm up is the point at reference 34T53rill and Tap 3 5 3rill 6 5 6adius

2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &, you require ) units of this item as they are the ends to your bed. !f you get your measurements out between the two units, it will still work but it will stiffen the mechanism, and promote wear. 3on8t forget to 3rill and tap the two holes from above, so that way you can bolt your bed down later. 9ou can square all slopes if you want to there just there for aesthetics. !f you wish to get these laser cut, it8ll cost you about &+ bucks each. #lasma cut even cheaper again. !ll attach a photo of a completed item as well, :ave fun now

222222222222222222222 7tep ). 'oot end piece, nothing complicated here, its just ) lumps of steel that s going to be welded in step 1 to the end pieces from step &, all it does is provide some rigidity for the end pieces and a means of clamping them down to a bench hence the holes. !f you want it can be just a flat piece of steel with no holes etc.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep 1. Okay all you ve got to do here is simply weld item ) onto the bottom of the end piece run a couple of stitch welds on the inside and tack it 1 places outside, grind the outside ones flush for aesthetics. ;ake sure the pieces face inwwads respective of which end they are on eg left and right. !f you cant weld the item then drill ) holes +mm in si-e up through the end piece foot and tap ) m+ holes in the bottom of the end pieces and simply bolt them together.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep <. 'lat /ed piece,okay this piece is simply flat bar $+<mm long by &&%mm wide with a material thickness of &%mm. The two end holes on both sides are +mm and allow the bed to be bolted down with m+ bolts to the end pieces, thereby creating the folder base frame. The first notch you see in the corner allows the bed to sit around the end piece, with this in mind if you cant get a piece of steel &&% wide but in fact wider say up to &*%mm then its not a problem youll just have to do a similar notch on the back edge for whatever deviation you go by. =g &*%mm requires a rear notch of <%mm and so forth. Okay the second notch on the front you see is for clearance of the lifting assy pivot point, have a look at the completed picture to get a better understanding if required.

Through the center there are 1 holes +mm in dia these are for the attachment of the brace in step * for rigidity, obviously you will have to countersink the tops so that way the heads of your bolts are not sitting proud, if your happy welding the underneath brace then don t bother drilling these holes, they are there solely for the drilling and tapping method of assy. Okay that s pretty much it for this step, have fun now

222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep *. 'lat /ed brace piece, this is solely to add ridgitiy to the bed so that way when you bend say a &.$mm piece of steel the bed base wont bow on you, trust me it will if you don t fit it. Okay its flat steel again &%mm thick, $*)mm long and )*mm high, you can use up to *%mm wide for e(tra ridgitity or if you cant get it for some reason in the )*mm range

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep $. Okay lets fit the two pieces from step < and step *. The flat bed is simply bolted down using two m+ bolts on the end pieces from step 1. That s it. >ow place the flat bed brace bar underneath the flat bed and clamp it along the center line &?mm back from the front edge, if you drilled the 1 center holes from above you8ll see the steel dead smack underneath you. :ave a look on the end pieces as well it should cover the +mm holes you drilled on both sides. Okay drill and tap the flat bar from the end pieces first. >ow bolt them up with m+ bolts. 9ou can remove your clamps. !f you drilled the three center holes through your flat bed then now continue these three holes into the flat bed brace using a $.+mm drill and then tap them m+, dont forget to countersink the holes on the flat bed as required by whatever fastener heads your using, its got to be a flush surface remember. !f you didn t drill the three holes then stitch weld from underneath the flat bed brace onto the flat bed

22222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep @. Aifting assy handle and locating guides are simply made out of )%mm round stock. The handle is <%%mm long and )%mm round, it can be longer if you wish or shorter. ! mill both sides of one end down by 1mm per side with a milled length of **mm, you could also easily file this shape in as well, its not critical, the flat surfaces are a means of allowing the handle to sit flush with the lifting arm. There are two +mm holes and these are center located from the end &%mm and <%mm.

These are here so you can bolt the item to the lifting arm, if your happy once again welding the item in place then disregard drilling the holes and just weld the handle in place when the time comes The locating guides are included into this step because they are )%mm round as well, you need qty ) and they each have a length of 1*mm, find the end center of each piece and mark it out so you have < perfect quarters. 6emove one complete quarter for the full length, file it, mill it, it doesn t matter just remove one quarter. .fter you ve done this test there fit against the end pieces, these go into the )%mm holes at the front, sand grind ect to make a nice smooth fit, your goal is to have them turn smoothly in the end pieces, and yes you do use grease when assembly comes, so you can test them with grease as well Okay that s this step completed

22222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep + Aifting assy brace piece, this is e(actly the same piece as you made for the bed brace, its flat steel &%mm thick, $*)mm long and )*mm high its purpose is to e(tend the &%mm edge you have on your lifting assy and help assist in the fold. 'or those that don t know trying to bend a piece of steel with a &%mm edge is really horrible, you have this sheet of steel hanging out and swaying everywhere, you also start getting creases in your steel ect when you try to bend it, hence the requirement of this piece, it e(tends that &%mm edge and turns it into a 1*mm edge, !f you want you can use a wider piece than the )*mm bar, but the wider you go the more it intrudes into working space around the folder.

222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep ?. 6eally easy one, you need two of these, this is a flat piece of *mm thick steel &&%mm long and )*mm wide. !t has a *mm by *mm notch in one corner and this is here to allow you to put a blob of weld on it later. The hole is central and <%mm away from the edge, its an m+ si-e drilled and tapped. The purpose of this piece is to allow the lifting assy to be moved closer or further away from the bed assy. The closer you get the sharper the bend radius on the item you fold, the further away the rounder the bend radius you get on the folded job. That s a s difficult as it gets

22222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &% Okay this is the last step for component making for the the lift assy, in the ne(t step we will put all these bits together.This item is a piece of &%mm flat bar $*%mm long and @*mm wide, if you want wider like a &%%mm then thats fine as well but you cant vary the $*%mm length There are two slots, one on each end, drill these with a &%mm drill at the co2ordinates ive written and then simply file the gap or mill between the holes. The two holes in the centre are drilled and tapped for an m+ thread, this is were you will bolt up your handle from the earlier step. 9ou have to mill both @*mm width ends as shown in the drawing down to a thickness of appro( *mm and a width of )*mm. The adjustment slides you made before in step ? need to sit neatly and flush at these points. !f you want to this can be laser cut as well for about &* bucks.

222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep && Okay lets put the bits together, fist well take your adjustment arms and your pivot units and weld them together. /asically take the adjustment arm end with the notch slit into it, place this into the <* degreed groove of the pivot units and overhang the edge with the cutout, you need to make a left and right unit so the cut outs overhang on the inside edge, now just weld the item into place on the outer edge of the pivot unit, use the attached photo for reference if needed. >e(t bolt these two slides onto the main fold arm this is the unit with the )*mm milled edgee. >ow bolt the handle to the back side .nd lastlty the brace, butt this against the top front edge to e(tend the &%mm width to now 1*mm width, you can either weld it into place or if you so choose drill and tap the unit in place, your call. The lift mechanism is now complete, undo the bed base plate from the ends slide this unit into the front )%mm holes use a bit of grease and then bolt the base bed back on. :ope it all makes sense

2222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &) Okay there are two of these units they allow the clamping assy to move up and down and backwards and forwards. 'or info when you bend a piece of steel you adjust the clamping fingers back from the main edge of the bed by the thickness of the steel your bending, if you don t move them back then when you raise your lifting assy youll snap of the front edge of your fingers. ;mm not good that s for sure. Okay the drawing is for aesthetics, you can use just a piece of square if you want. &%mm thick, &<* mm long and *%mm high. These can be laser cut for about *.*% each.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &1 This is simply a piece of unequal angle $*mm by *%mm ( $mm thick with a length of $@*mm !t holds the fingers and supplys the ridgity to hold the sheet solid and square during the fold. !f your going to bend thicker steel than &.$mm then this needs to be &%mm thick or greater, same rule applies if you wish to make the bed wider than the $%%mm unit. 9ou need to notch the ends on the *%mm length in to a depth of &*mm with a width of &*mm this is to allow clearance on your base bed end pieces, if you want for aesthetics you can machine the *%mm length to a total thickness of 1*mm for the entire length, your choice. The cad picture shows the unit with notched ends, my photo shows where ! milled it for the full length.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &<. This unit allows the end pieces of your clamping assy to be fastened to the bed through the )%mm hole , it also allows the clamping assy to move forwards and backwards by simply turning the he( part of this assembly with a shiftter. Okay ) pieces of )* 2 1*mm he( bar ))mm in length with one side turned down to appro( )%mm by &%mm length. ! say appro( because this needs to fit into the clamping assy end piece which you ve already made, so if they have a slightly larger or smaller hole then you can compensate for this now. 9ou also need to drill a +mm hole through the entire piece, off centre by about *mm, its not critical just so long as you don t drill through the outer wall.

2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &* This is probably the hardest for most people to do, my recommendations get someone that has a mill to do it for you, you can do these by hand by scribing a line in the waste areas clamping it into a vise and draw filing the items. /asically it s a piece of &%mm thick steel by whatever widths you want with a machined height of ?&mm or thereabouts make it a &%% if you want, just make sure there all the same. The top angle is <% degrees but you can vary this up to <* degrees if you want as well. The machined section on the bottom is 1%mm long by 1mm deep this allows a solid hard face for clamping onto your cross brace. The other relief is simply a key way setup for the clamp brace to lock into, have a look at the pic for a better e(planation. The hole is ?mm wide so that way an m+ bolt fits in loosely, if you make &%%mm wide units youll want ) bolt holes )%%mm wide units 1 and so on. That s it

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &$ Bust a bit of angle line here cut down and a hole tapped to allow the finger to tighten into, pic saids it all. >e(t step we will assemble this part of the unit which only leaves one stage to go and that s the locking stage

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &@ Aets assemble the clamping assy. 'irstly attach the clamping assy ends onto the base frame end pieces by bolting the pivot units into place, the clamping assy ends sit e(ternal to the base ends. 6otate the pivot units so they move the clamping assy end pieces as far forward as possible. >ow bolt them down tight so they don t move. Take two fingers and fasten them onto your main arm one at each end. #lace the main bar between the clamping assy ends and rest the fingers on the base bed. Aift and prop up the back of the main arm until the fingers are sitting dead flush 0this is important", once there sitting nice and squarely tack weld the main arm to the clamping assy ends. 6aise the assembled unit up and down a few times to make sure it is square ect and it sits flush and if it does then fully weld the ends into place. That s this step finished 9ou can remove and paint the item if you want as theres no more work required on this part

22222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &+. Aocking .ssy canter lever. Okay you need two of these items, they are &**mm long by @%mm wide by &%mm thick, the shape ! have given is purely aesthetic, you can use a flat piece with square edges. Aaser cut they cost about + bucks each. One end has a <@mm hole and the other end a )%mm hole, distance between hole centers is &%%mm

22222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep &?. This is word for word the same as step &<, so when you make the two for step &< make < so that way this steps done as well, but lets say it again anyway. Okay ) pieces of )* 2 1*mm he( bar ))mm in length with one side turned down to appro( )%mm by &%mm length. ! say appro( because this needs to fit into the locking assy end piece which you ve already made, so if they have a slightly larger or smaller hole then you can compensate for this now. 9ou also need to drill a +mm hole through the entire piece, off centre by about *mm, its not critical just so long as you don t drill through the outer wall.

222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep )%. This is the pivoter units, it allows the clamping assy to be locked by overcentring the clamping arm. !t s two simple pieces of round turned down to fit into the canter levers with a shoulder still present and a )%mm hole drilled of centre and a small m+ hole drilled and tapped for handle attachment later on. Cse the drawing supplied for locations and measurement points

2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep )&. =asiest piece to make, it connects the two pivoters together and allows them to turn in unison to each other. !t s a )%mm round bar @1%mm long with m+ threads drilled and tapped into each end for bolting the handle on later. ! recommend whilst you ve got this out of the unit, scribe a line through the centre of both ends in the same plane as each other, this will help in jigging the pivoters squarely when we fit them in the final assembly. Okay one handle and ) bushes and were finished

2222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep )) Okay there are two of these, they are simply a plastic bush that pops into the )*mm hole in the end pieces from stage &. !t allows the crossbar from this stage to rotate smoothly. The shoulder can be any dia or thickness but ! went with *mm because that gave a bit of strength to the bushing, ! would not go greater than &%mm because it may bind the canter levers up during there movement. The center outer bit is )*mm but machine to fit your end pieces and the bore is )%mm but once again machine to suit your crossbar.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep )1. Aast piece and a nice easy one to do as well. !ts just a piece of )%mm round or bo( tube ect about <*%mm long doesn t really matter what length and a piece of )*mm angle line welded on the bottom with two holes through it for attaching onto the pivoter unit. That s it no more parts to make, just assemble this stage and wolla one folder completed, with many years of use to come

2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 7tep )<. Okay lets assemble the locking mechanism, which also completes the final step in the folder. !nsert the plastic bushes from step )) into the end pieces of your base bed these are the ones you made in step &. !nsert the locking assembly cross shaft though both bushes this is the item from step )&. >ow assemble the pivoter item from step )% into the canter levers from step &+. #ush the canter lever over the top of the shaft protruding from your plastic bushes until the end of the cross arm is flush with the pivoter. >ow we have to lock the pivoter and cross arm together, ! hope you marked a line on each end like ! said to in step )&, you have a choice now you can weld the two items together that is the cross arm and pivoter but it meand you will not be able to disassemble the unit again. ! like to scotch key the two items together. That is drill a hole between the two pieces and tap a thread and insert a bolt in, havce alook at one of the phots !ve attacehed for clarification. The important thing here is to ensure that both pivoters are in alignment with each other and locked to the shaft. Okay pop in your pivot units from step &? into the top of your canter levers and bolt them onto the clamping assy ends from step &). /olt your handle onto one of the pivoter ends left or right it doesn t matter its universal. .nd your finished. 9ayyyyy &ow ha'e a play (he rear pi'ot units mo'e your )ed )ack and forth and the front pi'ot units 'ary the clamping force on the *o)+ you want to set this so that way with a piece of ,.-mm steel it o'ercentre locks+ youll see what . mean when you do it. /n*oy for many years to come

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