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Youth Employment: Facts On

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Youth employment

Across the globe, the economic crisis has had a dramatic impact on the challenges facing young people seeking jobs. Between 2008 and 2009, the youth unemployment rate has seen the largest annual increase on record, reversing the pre-crisis trend of declining youth unemployment rates since 2002 and rising to 13 per cent in 2009. Unemployment rates, however, reect only the tip of the iceberg. Young people are prone to work longer hours under informal, intermittent and insecure work arrangements characterized by low productivity and earnings and reduced social protection. Young workers are more exposed to poverty than other age groups. In 2008, an estimated 152 million young workers were living with their families on less than US$1.25 a day, amounting to more than 28 per cent of all young workers in the world.



In 2009, 81 million young people were unemployed, the most ever. Youth unemployment rate rose from 11.9 percent to 13.0 percent between 2007 and 2009, an increase of 7.8 million. In 2008, an estimated 152 million young workers or nearly 25 percent of the worlds working poor were living with their families on less than US$1.25 per person per day. Young women have more difculty than young men in nding work. The female youth unemployment rate in 2009 stood at 13.2 per cent compared to the male rate of 12.9 per cent.

The lack of Decent Work exposes young people to high levels of economic uncertainty. Although vital to the future prosperity of society, youth encounter disproportionate difculties in nding and maintaining decent jobs. A poor employment record in the early stages of a young persons career can harm job prospects for life. A generation without hope for decent employment can be a problem for families, the economy and society at large. The inability to nd stable employment creates a sense of frustration and idleness among young people. It poses signicant challenges, therefore, to youth themselves, but also signicant economic costs in terms of lost output and social costs. Furthermore, it hampers the capacity of companies and countries to innovate and develop competitive advantages.

UN system response
In September 2000, the Millennium Summit the largest gathering ever of Heads of State and Government recognized the political urgency and relevance of addressing the problem of youth unemployment and underemployment. Achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and youth, is a target of Millennium Development Goal 1, which aims to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. In June 2005, the annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a Resolution on youth employment setting out policy messages and an overarching framework for governments, employer and worker organizations to address the youth employment challenge at the national level. At the international level, the UN Secretary-Generals Youth Employment Network (YEN) a global partnership of the World Bank, the United Nations and the ILO provides a major opportunity to build international consensus and inuence the international agenda through a comprehensive strategy for employment and social inclusion of young people. The United Nations has proclaimed an International Year of Youth starting on 12 August 2010, under the theme Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. (For more information see IYY link below).

The way forward

Creating jobs for the millions of young women and men entering the labour market every year is a critical component in the path towards wealthier economies, fairer societies and stronger democracies. It is not only the quantity but also the quality of jobs that matters. Decent Work is the best way young people can realize their aspirations, improve their living conditions and actively participate in society. There is no one-size-ts-all solution to the youth employment challenge. Policy responses depend on national circumstances. Policy options should be part of an integrated framework that promotes economic development and employment growth. Furthermore, young people have different experiences and their needs depend on individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, national origin, socio-economic background and educational and training levels). This calls for combining policies for employment expansion with targeted programmes that overcome the specic labour market disadvantages faced by many young people. The best labour market entry path for young people remains a good basic education, vocational training or higher education and initial work experience. Policies and national programmes that provide incentives to enterprises to hire young people, promote youth entrepreneurship, and facilitate access to nance and to other targeted active labour market measures can also help countries to improve decent work prospects of its young population.

ILO Youth Employment Programme (YEP): Youth Employment Network ILO Global Job Crisis Observatory. Online information resource, regular updates. Section on youth employment. International Year of Youth:

Contact: ILO Youth Employment Programme 4, route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva Email: Website:

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