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The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics

Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics

Editorial board

T. Muraoka, A.D. Rubin and C.H.M. Versteegh


The titles published in this series are listed at

The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics

Sbawayhi and Early Arabic Grammatical Theory

Edited by

Amal Elesha Marogy With a foreword by M.G. Carter

LeIdeNBostoN 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The foundations of Arabic linguistics : Sibawayhi and early Arabic grammatical theory / edited by Amal Elesha Marogy ; with a foreword by M.G. Carter. p. cm. (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics; v. 65) ISBN 978-90-04-22359-2 (alk. paper) 1. Sibawayh, Amr ibn Uthman, 8th cent. 2. Arabic languageGrammarHistory. I. Marogy, Amal. PJ6101.S53F68 2012 492.75dc23


This publication has been typeset in the multilingual Brill typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see ISSN 0081-8461 ISBN 978 90 04 22359 2 (hardback) ISBN 978 90 04 22965 5 (e-book) Copyright 2012 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Global Oriental, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers and Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. This book is printed on acid-free paper.

CoNteNts Acknowledgements......................................................................................... Foreword............................................................................................................ List of Contributors.........................................................................................


vii ix xi

SBAWAYHI IN THE KITB The Term Mafl in Sbawayhis Kitb...................................................... Almog Kasher Dont Be Absurd: The Term Mul in Sbawayhis Kitb.................... Avigail S. Noy Spatial Language in the Kitb of SbawayhiThe Case of the Preposition f/in........................................................................................... Mohamed Hnid The Relation between Frequency of Usage and Deletion in Sbawayhis Kitb........................................................................................ Hanadi Dayyeh

3 27



SBAWAYHI IN HIS HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC CONTEXT The Parsing of Sbawayhis Kitb, Title of Chapter 1, or Fifty Ways to Lose Your Reader....................................................................... 101 M.G. Carter Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi: Theory of Proper Names and Reference in Early Arabic Grammatical Tradition........................... 119 Amal E. Marogy



yaqum vs qma in the Conditional Context: A Relativistic Interpretation of the Frontier between the Prefixed and the Suffixed Conjugations of the Arabic Language................................. 135 Manuela E.B. Giolfo A Comparison between the Usage of laysa in the Qurn and laysa in Sbawayhis Kitb........................................................................ 161 Haruko Sakaedani The Mood of the Verb Following att, according to Medieval Arab Grammarians..................................................................................... Arik Sadan


THE GRAMMAR OF OTHERS Elements of the Syriac Grammatical Tradition as these Relate to the Origins of Arabic Grammar.............................................................. 189 Daniel King The Medieval Karaite Tradition of Hebrew Grammar......................... 211 Geoffrey Khan Subject Index..................................................................................................... 231 Index of Names................................................................................................. 234

AckNowledgemeNts The papers in this volume are a selection of the papers presented at the first Foundations of Arabic Linguistics Conference (FAL1), which was held in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge between 3rd and 4th September 2010. It had as its main focus Sbawayhi and early Arabic linguistic theory. I am extremely grateful to each of the authors for their contribution to this volume and for their hard work and dedication. I am privileged to be able to count them not only as colleagues but as friends. As Chair of Faculty and a colleague, Professor Geoffrey Khan never failed to show his encouragement and support and I am deeply grateful to him. I am greatly indebted to Professor M.G. Carter for his unfailing encouragement and his willingness to write the foreword for this volume. In fact he was the one who suggested the title of the conference. Very warm thanks are due to Professor Harry Norris whose fatherly care and scholarship were of the greatest value. I am also indebted to Marie-Claire Daaboul for her generous financial support in organising the FAL1 Conference, and to Gerard Hill for making this manuscript a much better text. Special thanks are due to my students Charles WalkerArnott and Thomas Crooke for their editorial suggestions and to Jasmin Lange, who oversaw the production of this book. I should like to end these acknowledgements by expressing my deepest gratitude to my family and especially to Jan, Elise and Joseph. Cambridge December 2011

Foreword All the papers in these Proceedings are concerned with Sbawayhi to a greater or lesser extent, and it is appropriate to arrange them here not in the order of presentation but according to the degree of their focus on the Kitb. We shall therefore divide them into groups, using the familiar binary scheme of qisma aqliyya or taqsm, the exhaustive dichotomy borrowed from the Greeks and enthusiastically applied in all the Islamic sciences, though conspicuously absent from the Kitb. By the first taqsm the papers are divided into those devoted exclusively to Sbawayhi and the Kitb and those which are not, the former group comprising (in order of publication) the papers of Kasher, Noy, Hnid and Dayyeh. The residue is subdivided into those which deal with Sbawayhi in the wider context of the development of grammar within the Arab-Islamic tradition, and those which do not, the former group containing the papers of Carter, Marogy, Giolfo, Sakaedani, and Sadan, leaving two papers in which Sbawayhi is only marginal, those of King and Khan. There is little to be gained from summarising the contents of individual papers, but some general qualitative remarks may help to put this conference into perspective. Group One examines Sbawayhi alone, sometimes in very great detail, exploring hitherto unremarked aspects of his theory, his terminology, categories and linguistic evidence. It is always risky to make claims of completeness, but it can be safely asserted that some of the papers in this group are so data-rich that they may well have captured every item of relevant information in the corpus. The humanities do not deal in certainties, and it will be apparent from some contributions that the lifetime of a scholarly opinion on Sbawayhi is not much more than a generation. Indeed perfect unanimity is either an impossible dream or a sign of intellectual stagnation. The mediaeval grammarians knew this well, and spent much of their energies in disagreeing with their rivals, often by relabelling or reanalysing the same old facts. In Group Two the horizons are broader, placing Sbawayhi in the context of his grammatical legacy and reviewing his system in the light of modern theories (the boundary is too vague to support another taqsm). It will become obvious how much the later grammarians owed to Sbawayhi, who remains to this day the acknowledged fountainhead of authentic data and methodological adequacy. When his ideas are measured against those


of modern Western linguistics the profundity and coherence of his analysis become clear, and his observations and conclusions compare well with our own most recent perceptions, a scientific convergence which proves no historical link, merely the truth of the old saying that great minds think alike. Another way of putting it is that the study of the Kitb in the West over the last one hundred and eighty years or so (from de Sacys Anthologie grammaticale arabe of 1829) has been a continuous application of the prevailing Western linguistic theories as they successively emerge, with no end in sight. In this regard the pedagogical by-products of the Kitb have their own special importance, as they illustrate the gradual simplification of theory and reduction of the range of possible patterns symptomatic of a situation where the language had not only ceased to be a mother tongue and could only be acquired artificially, but which also for religious reasons could not be allowed to evolve like a natural language. Group Three takes us out of the Kitb and into the intellectual environment in which Sbawayhis ideas were formed. The two papers give a vivid impression of the immense vitality of the period, the watershed of the transition from informal oral contact to documented literary dependence on Greek sources. The result is, however, three different grammars within three different cultural frameworks: in contrast to the Arabic, both the Syriac and Karaite Hebrew grammars were self-consciously non-universal, reflecting the position of those communities inside an Islamic political structure which did explicitly claim to be universal. Sbawayhi takes all this for granted: simply by describing Arabic in all its domains, religious, poetic, commercial, legal, administrative, proverbial, conversational, his grammar acquires a universality unattainable by the grammars of Hebrew and Syriac, languages which (to over-simplify) functioned largely as the religious and liturgical vehicles of a minority. It is astonishing how sophisticated the speculations were in each of the three cultures, and there is no doubt of their common methodological ground, but their individuality and autonomy are even more striking. If the three systems were expressed as Venn diagrams, the overlap would be exceedingly small by comparison with the large areas in which they go their separate ways.

LIst of CoNtrIButors M.G. Carter, after a D.Phil. (Oxon), taught at Sydney University (196885), Duke University (19856), New York University (19861996) and Oslo University (19962004) until retirement. Research interests are Sbawayhi and early Arabic grammatical theory, and the relationship between grammar, law and philosophy in mediaeval Islam. Hanadi Dayyeh, BA (1994); MA (1998) is currently a Ph.D. student in the department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages in the American University of Beirut. Her thesis concentrates on Sibawayhi in the context of Arabic historical linguistics. Her work experience in the field of teaching and researching teaching methods in Arabic language, both to native and non-native speakers, extends over 15 years. Ms. Dayyeh has produced a number of textbooks in this field. Manuela E.B. Giolfo is lecturer in Arabic at the University of Exeter. She holds an MA in philosophy from the University of Milan, and a PhD in Arabic linguistics from the Universit de Provence (France). She has taught in Italy as Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Urbino, Bergamo, Turin and Enna. Mohamed Hnid is Lecturer at the Institut National des langues et Civilisations Orientales, INALCO, (Sorbonne, Paris Cit). Grammarian and linguist, he is particularly interested in the question of spatial representation in Arabic through the study of prepositional space. Almog Kasher, Ph.D. (2007) in Arabic, is Instructor at Bar-Ilan University. His main field of study is Medieval Arabic Grammatical Tradition. Geoffrey Khan, Ph.D. in Semitic Languages, School of Oriental and African Studies, London (1984). Currently Professor of Semitic Philology, University of Cambridge. Elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1998 and Honorary Fellow of the Academy of the Hebrew Language in 2011. Awarded Lidzbarski Gold Medal for Semitic Philology in 2004.


list of contribut0rs

Daniel King is a lecturer in Religious Studies at Cardiff University. He specialises in the thought and literature of the Christian East, and the interfaces between Greek, Syriac, and Arabic in late antiquity. He has published books on the Syriac versions of Cyril of Alexandrias Christology and on Syriac Aristotle, and articles on aspects of Syriac philosophy and theology. Amal Marogy, Ph.D. in Orienal languages and Cultures, University of Ghent (2007) is Lector in Arabic at the University of Cambridge. She is a bilingual Aramic-Arabic speaker. She has published a book on Kitab Sibawayhi (2010) and is organisor of the first two Foundation of Arabic Linguistics Conferences (2010, 2012). Avigail S. Noy is a graduate student at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. Her dissertation deals with poetics and rhetoric in the Islamic world in the 6th-7th/12th-13th centuries. Her Masters thesis, written at Tel Aviv University, studied the concept of itil in medieval Arabic grammatical theory, with a special focus on Sbawayhis Kitb. Arik Sadan received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, in 2010. During 20092011 he carried out a post-doctoral research project in Paris, France and Jena, Germany, focusing on Arabic manuscripts in the fields of Arabic grammar and syntax. Haruko Sakaedani is a part-time lecturer in Arabic at TUFS, Keio University, Waseda University and Tokai University. She holds an M.A. in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language from the American University in Cairo and PhD in Arabic linguistics from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS).



THE TERM MAFL iN SBAWAYHis KITB1 Almog Kasher Introduction Modern studies of medieval Arabic grammatical tradition are always at risk of reading Western linguistic theories into the writings in question. This problem is most acute when translating grammatical terms, since there is hardly an exact one-to-one correspondence between the meanings of indigenous terms and those of Western linguistics. Modern scholars are therefore at odds over the extent to which it is desirable to translate indigenous terms to the closest equivalent Western term.2 In this article I will discuss the term mafl as it appears in the earliest extant grammatical treatise in Arabic, Sbawayhis Kitb.3 Sbawayhis use of this ostensibly simple term is actually rather intricate, raising the question as to the level of linguistic analysis, syntax or semantics, to which this term pertains. Two translations for this term have been suggested in modern scholarship, object and patient. According to the former, mafl pertains to the syntactic, and according to the latter to the semantic level of linguistic analysis. What I would like to show in the following pages is that the term embraces both syntactic and semantic aspects, but that its syntactic component does not correspond to object, nor does its semantic component correspond to patient. The interpretation proposed here may also throw some light on this terms origin.4

1I would like to thank Avigail Noy for her helpful suggestions. 2For a discussion of the various viewpoints of modern scholars on the use of Western equivalents for indigenous terms, see Y. Suleiman, The Arabic Grammatical Tradition: A Study in tall (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999), 911n2. 3The morphological sense of the term mafl, viz. passive participle, will not be examined here, and will be taken into account only insofar as it sheds light on its nonmorphological sense. 4I will not discuss the possible foreign origin of the term mafl; see C.H.M. Versteegh, Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking (Leiden: Brill, 1977), 5961.

almog kasher 1.The Syntactic Component of the Term Mafl

The rendition of the term mafl in Sbawayhis Kitb as object appears already in Jahns German translation,5 but was refuted later by Mosel.6 In her dissertation, Mosel shows that the term mafl in Sbawayhis Kitb is not applied to just one syntactic function, the direct object, but also to the subject of verbs in the passive voice and to the objective genitive:7 (1) Mafl as direct object: The sentence Abdullhi hit Zayd is used by Sbawayhi to illustrate Chapter 10amidst a series of chapters dealing with the categorization of verbsentitled this is the chapter about the fil 8 whose verb passes over beyond it to [one] mafl.9 The constituent , here a direct object, is labeled mafl. The key-term taaddin transitivity (lit.: passing over), featuring in this title, has been extensively discussed by modern scholars.10 Suffice it to say, with regard to the sentence in question, that it basically denotes the relationships obtaining between verbs and dependent nominals labeled mafl. In the sentence in question, the verb engages in a taaddin
5For example, Jahn translates the sentence (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 8, (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819) 1, 10, (2) ed. A.S.M. Hrn (Beirut: lam alKutub, 1983) 1, 33 as Ueber des Subject, ber welches die Handlung desselben nicht hinausgeht zu einem Object (d.i. ber die intransitiven Verba). G. Jahn, trans., Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik bersetzt und erklrt (Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 18951900), 1.1, 13. See also A. Levin, The Meaning of taadd al-fil il in Sbawayhis al-Kitb, in Studia Orientalia Memoriae D.H. Baneth Dedicata (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1979), 193210 passim. 6U. Mosel, Die syntaktische Terminologie bei Sibawaih (Ph.D. thesis, University of Munich, 1975), 246ff. 7On objective genitive, see M.G. Carter, ed., Arab Linguistics: An Introductory Classical Text with Translation and Notes (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981), e.g. 345. 8Similarly to mafl, the term fil (lit. doer) does not denote just one syntactic function; see Mosel, Terminologie, 248. Here it refers to the subject of verbs in the active voice. Several suggestions regarding this term will be made in what follows. 9Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 10, Derenbourg 1, 10/Hrn 1, 34. The expression the verb of the fil refers to the verb in the active voice; as we shall see, the expression the verb of the mafl refers to the verb in the passive voice. What is at stake in such expressions is the identity of the constituent which functions as the subject of the verb in question. 10See e.g. Mosel, Terminologie, 6570; G.N. Saad, Sbawayhis Treatment of Transitivity, al-Arabiyya 12 (1979): 8388; Levin, taadd al-fil il, 193210; H. Bobzin, Zum Begriff der Valenz des Verbums in der arabischen Nationalgrammatik, in The History of Linguistics in the Near East, ed. C.H.M. Versteegh, K. Koerner, and H.J. Niederehe (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1983), 93108; J. Owens, The Foundations of Grammar: An Introduction to Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988), 167ff.; Z.A. Taha, Issues of Syntax and Semantics: A Comparative Study of Sibawayhi, alMubarrad and Ibn asSarraaj (Ph.D. thesis, Georgetown University, 1995).

relationship with . This, needless to say, has to do with the amal (grammatical operation) which the verb exerts here: the verb, according to this chapter, assigns the fil the independent, and the mafl, here , the dependent case.11 (2) Mafl as subject: The title of Chapter 9also in the same series of chapters about the transitivity (taaddin) of verbsreads: 12 this is the chapter about the fil whose verb does not pass over beyond it to a mafl, and about the mafl which a fils verb does not pass over to it, nor does its [own] verb pass over beyond it to another mafl.13 The first part of this title refers to sentences such as Zayd was Zayd went away,14 whereas the second refers to e.g., hit, in which the constituent the subjectis labeled mafl.15 In this chapter, Sbawayhi puts this mafl on a par with the fil, in that both take the independent case due to the grammatical operation (amal) of the verb. This applies also to Chapter 14, which deals with constructions such as Abdullhi was clothed in the garment,16 and accord this is the chap ingly its title is ter about the mafl whose verb passes over beyond it to [one] mafl;17 Abdullhi was hit after comparing these constructions with with respect to the grammatical operation (amal) exerted on the subject, Sbawayhi labels the verbs in question a verb of a
11As we shall see below, for Sbawayhi, verbs do not engage in transitivity (taaddin) relationships with the space/time qualifier (arf), its dependent case being accounted for by means of the so-called tanwnnab principle. As we shall also see, constituents conveying the meaning of a arf may behave syntactically as mafls (i.e. they may be objectivized, as a case of saat al-kalm latitude of speech), and it is only then that a taaddin relationship obtains between them and their verbs. Hence, the category of maflt/mafl of later grammarians (a general category embracing not only the direct object but also other functions such as the arf; see Z.A. Taha, mafl, in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, ed. K. Versteegh et al. [Leiden: Brill, 2008], 3, esp. 100101, 1045, and the references therein) does not exist in the Kitb. . 12Hrns edition reads: 13Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 9, Derenbourg 1, 10/Hrn 1, 33. 14Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 10/Hrn 1, 33. 15Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 10/Hrn 1, 34. 16Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 1415/Hrn 1, 4143. 17Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, 41. In a similar vein, chapter that Zayd is the 15, dealing with constructions such as I was informed father of so-and-so, bears a title commencing with the words: ... this is the chapter about the mafl whose verb passes over beyond it to two mafls... Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 15, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43.

the term mafl in sbawayhis kitb

almog kasher

mafl which has the same status as the fil,18 i.e. by virtue of its functioning as the subject, thereby taking the independent case.19 He also remarks in this chapter that the form (laf) of the mafl functioning as a subject is the form of the fil.20 These statements emphasize, on the one hand, the parity between these two types of subject, yet, on the other hand, they reflect the markedness of the mafl functioning as a subject.21 (3) Mafl as objective genitive: Sbawayhi asserts that the oblique nominal, referring in the case in question to an objective genitive, behaves just like the dependent nominal, viz. as a direct object. First, he discusses two possible parsings of the objective genitive when the annexed noun is a verbal noun (madar): in the sentence I was astonished at causing the people to repel each other, the objective is a mafl,22 this sentence corresponding to the sentence genitive I caused the people to repel each other;23 in a I was astonished similar vein, in the sentence is a fil,24 this sentence corat the peoples repelling each other, the people repelled each other. The responding to oblique constituent, Sbawayhi says, behaves analogously to the corresponding dependent constituent in the first case, and to the corresponding independent constituent in the A general statement follows: second. and such is the case 25 with all we have mentioned, when you cause the verbal noun to operate on them [viz. annex a verbal noun to them], their behavior corresponds to their behavior following the [corresponding finite] verb.26
18Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, 42. 19See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 15, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 44; chapter 24, Derenbourg 1, 32/Hrn 1, 83. 20Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43. 21See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 452, Derenbourg 2, 258/Hrn 4, 78. 22 the personal character of the term mafl is noted in Mosel, Terminologie, 246n2. See also Y. Peled, Aspects of the Use of Grammatical Terminology in Medieval Arabic Grammatical Tradition, in Arabic Grammar and Linguistics, ed. Y. Suleiman (Richmond: Curzon Press, 1999): 5085. functions as an apposition of the regular mafl, viz. being 23The first ( a monotransitive verb), whereas the extra mafl, with , owes its existence to a second ary process of causativization by dint of this preposition. 24 see fn. 22. . 25Hrns edition reads: 26Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 65/Hrn 1, 154. See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 27, Derenbourg 1, 39/Hrn 1, 96; chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 6566/Hrn, 1, 154;

the term mafl in sbawayhis kitb

The term mafl thus refers to the direct object of verbs in the active voice, the subject of passive verbs and the objective genitive, hence the inadequacy of its rendition as object. What can be inferred from this discussion is that Sbawayhi regards these three syntactic functions as a correspondence set constituting the syntactic aspect of the term mafl. That is, the three constructions, Abdullhi hit Zayd, Zayd was hit and the hitting of Zayd are regarded by Sbawayhi as syntactically analogous. Generally speaking, any of the three constructions implies the other two.27 Moreover, as we shall see presently, the meaning conveyed by the mafl in all three constructions is the same. This syntactic, as well as semantic, correspondence is the reason, so it seems, for labeling the three functions by the same term.28 As we shall see in the next section, there is semantic justification for such a set; however, Sbawayhis conception of the term mafl is not restricted to the semantic level and is not applied accidentally to constituents following a certain semantic condition.29 In other words, the set of syntactic functions discussed above is part and parcel of Sbawayhis conception of mafl. The evidence supporting this interpretation will be discussed presently. But first, two remarks are in order: First, it is rather tempting to interpret the term mafl in terms of a unidirectional derivation, i.e. as applying to all direct objects, either in the surface structure or underlyingly (or originally).30 Yet, although such a concept is coextensive with the syntactic aspect of Sbawayhis concept of mafl, it is nevertheless inadequate as its interpretation, simply because Sbawayhi does not couch this relationship in such terms. As we have seen, Sbawayhi juxtaposes, in one chapter, [he] sat and [he] hit, never stating that [he] was hit, even before he discusses

chapter 40, Derenbourg 1, 80/Hrn 1, 190; chapter 207, Derenbourg 1, 333/Hrn 2, 359. See Mosel, Terminologie, 249. 27This does not entail, however, that every transitive verb can be used in all three con[ he] is not). It seems to be nonetheless a property of the prototypical structions (e.g. transitive verbs. 28This correspondence is manifest also in Sbawayhis discussion of verbs which basically take a prepositional phrase in addition to one (dependent) mafl, yet the preposition may be omitted, which results in the taaddin transitivity of the verb to two mafls, I named him such-and-such vs. I named him Zayd; into this e.g. discussion are incorporated also verbs in the passive voice. See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 11, Derenbourg 1, 1213/Hrn 1, 3739. 29Cf. Mosel, Terminologie, 247. 30Cf. Taha, Syntax and Semantics, 55.

Zayd was hit is derived from, for example, Abdullhi hit Zayd.31 The following excerpt is of interest with this regard: ... 32 ...I was informed that Zayd is the father of so-and-soas the [verb of the] fil passes over to three [mafls], the [verb of the] mafl passes over to two, and you say: I am made to think/
know that Abdallhi is the father of so-and-so, since if you had added to this verb the fil and formed it [viz. the verb] for it [the fil; viz. used the active voice], its [the fils] verb would have passed over beyond it to three mafls.33

almog kasher

Note that whereas in the first statement the direction is from the active to the passive ( ) , in the second it is from the passive to the active ( ). This passage demonstrates the correspondence obtaining between mafl as an object and as a subject in syntactical terms, even if we take into consideration the fact that mafl as a subject is regarded as marked vis--vis fil as a subject.34 Second, it is interesting to compare the syntactic aspect of the term mafl to Sbawayhis use of the term abar. In addition to the predicate of the subject of nominal sentence (mubtada ), this term applied also to the predicate in sentences introduced by indeed or one of its sisters,
31See Saad, Sbawayhis Treatment of Transitivity, 8385. 32This is a rather peculiar wording, since it implies that it is the fil and the mafl which are passing over, whereas it is always the verb elsewhere in the Kitb. One might suggest a different vocalization from the one presented here (taken from the printed edi as the fil tions of the Kitb), namely: is passed over [by the verb] to three [mafls], the mafl is passed over [by the verb] to two, which solves this problem, although the text remains peculiar. On the other hand, a version presented in alSrfs commentary suggests that the text is slightly corrupted: as the [verb of the] fil passes over to three [mafls], the verb of the mafl passes over to two. Ab sad alSrf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. A.. Mahdal and A.S. Al (Beirut: Dr alKutub alIlmiyya, 2008), 1, 291. I would like, on this occasion, to thank A. Sadan for bringing the Beirut edition of alSrfs commentary to my attention during the conference. 33Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 15, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43. 34For the sake of comparison, alSrf, Sbawayhis celebrated commentator, does couch the relationship between active and passive constructions in terms of derivation. See, for example, alSrf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, 1, 261. See also Carter, Arab Linguistics, 170ff.; Owens, Foundations of Grammar, 180ff.

the mafl of [he] was (i.e. the predicate in sentences introduced by ) and its sisters,35 the second mafl of ditransitive cognitive verbs such as [he] thought and the circumstantial qualifier (l).36 It thus applies to constituents whose relation with some other constituent corresponds to that obtaining between regular predicates and subjects. This also seems like a set of functions engaging in a certain correspondence relations.37 Strong evidence for the centrality of the syntactic aspect in Sbawayhis conception of mafl stems from his theory that constituents conveying the meaning of a space/time qualifier (arf) occasionally behave syntactically as mafls. These, consequently, may function as subjects of verbs in the passive voice and as objective genitives. Nevertheless, their meaning remains intact. Sbawayhi discusses this theory in scattered places in the Kitb, including several instances in his series of transitivity (taaddin) chapters, mentioned above; the following discussion will be based mainly on one chapter in which it is explicated in the most perspicuous and con densed manner, Chapter 38.38 The title of this chapter reads: this is a chapter [about 39 what]40 behaves analogously to the active participle whose verb passes
35For Sbawayhis application of the term mafl to these constituents, see the discussion in the next section. 36See Mosel, Terminologie, 28185; Levin, Sbawayhis View of the Syntactical Structure of kna waaxawtuh, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1 (1979): 193ff. 37I will not discuss here the question of whether or not Sbawayhi regards this case of ( see above); cf. Owens, correspondence as a derivation, in light of his use of the verb Foundations of Grammar, 22326, 242. Note that we have seen above that Sbawayhi uses with regard to the inference from the passive to the active construction! the verb 38Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 38, Derenbourg 1, 7577/Hrn 1, 17581. See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 10, Derenbourg 1, 1112/Hrn 1, 3537; chaprer 13, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, 41; chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 1415/Hrn 1, 42; chapter 15, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43; chapter 25, Derenbourg 1, 33/Hrn 1, 85; chapter 40, Derenbourg 1, 81/Hrn 1, 19394; chapter 42, Derenbourg 1, 88/Hrn 1, 211; chapter 43, Derenbourg 1, 9096/Hrn 1, 21628; chapter 45, Derenbourg 1, 99/Hrn 1, 23435. See G. Troupeau, La notion de temps chez Sibawaihi, Comptes rendus du Groupe linguistique dtudes chamito-smitiques (GLECS) 9 (196063): 45; Levin, taadd al-fil il, 19596n11; J. Owens, Early Arabic Grammatical Theory: Heterogeneity and Standardization (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990), 11115; K. Versteegh, Freedom of the Speaker? The Term ittis and Related Notions in Arabic Grammar, in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, ed. K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990), 281ff.; A. Kasher, The arf in Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory (Hebrew) (Ph.D. thesis, BarIlan University, 2006), 20739. . 39Hrns edition reads: 40The notion of category is conspicuous here in Sbawayhis use of the word . On the other hand, in alSrfs version, the word does follow the word ; alSrf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, 2, 31.

the term mafl in sbawayhis kitb


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over to two mafls, in form, not in meaning.41 The three relevant constructions are:

(1) Oh you who steals42 from the people of the abode in the night! (lit.: Oh you who steals43 the night from the people below),44 the abode!see of (2) I stole from the people of the abode in the night (lit.: I stole the night from the people of the abodesee below),45 and (3) hunting took place on it for two days (lit: two days were hunted on itsee below).46 According to Sbawayhi, (1) is equivalent, with respect to its form (laf), to (i.e. it displays the same syntactic behavior as):

(1) this [man] gives47 Zayd a Dirham, whereas the meaning (man) of (1) is: in the night. Similarly, the meaning of (3) is hunting took place on it for two days.48 That is to say, Sbawayhi distinguishes two states, the add al-kalm the ordinary way of speech and saat al-kalm latitude of speech.49 In the former state, the normal relationship is kept between the form (laf) and the meaning (man) of configurations. The space/time qualifier (arf) thus has a certain unmarked syntactic behavior, wherein it may function neither as the subject (taking the independent case) nor as a nomen rectum (taking the oblique case), and even when it takes the dependent case in a verbal sentence its case is not assigned to it by the verb by means of

41Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 38, Derenbourg 1, 75/Hrn 1, 175. 42Or: will steal, or: the one who stole. 43Or: will steal, or: the one who stole. 44Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 38, Derenbourg 1, 75/Hrn 1, 175. 45Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 75/Hrn 1, 176. As we shall see, another parsing is eligible here, to which the literal translation does not apply. 46Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 38, Derenbourg 1, 75/Hrn 1, 176. 47Or: will give, or: is the one who gave. 48Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 38, Derenbourg 1, 75/Hrn 1, 176. 49On this pair, see Levin, kna waaxawtuh, 211; Versteegh, ittis, esp. 283; A. Levin, The Theory of al-taqdr and its Terminology, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 21 (1997): 15557.

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transitivity (taaddin).50 On the other hand, in the latter state, the space/ time qualifier behaves syntactically as a mafl, while keeping its locative/ temporal meaning intact. This accounts for examples (1) and (3): since a mafl, but not a space/time qualifier, can implement the function of does not qualify as a nomen rectum of an active participle, and since regular mafl of the verb ,51 only behaves formally as a mafl, yet it keeps its temporal meaning, which is illustrated with the paraphrase . A similar explanation holds for (3). The analysis of the dependent nominal in (2) as behaving syntactically as a mafl can be accounted for if one considers the following schema: (mine:) (mine:)

In the left column there are three configurations displaying mafls implementing three syntactic functions: objective genitive, subject of a verb in the passive voice and dependent object, respectively. These constituents are mafls with regard to both form and meaning. In the right column are presented, in the first two rows, the two problematic constructions, in which a constituent carrying a meaning of a space/time qualifier behaves syntactically as a mafl. From these it is inferred that a constituent conveying the meaning of a space/time qualifier may behave syntactically as a mafl, and therefore nothing prevents it from this behavior also in the sentence appearing in the third row, although its unmarked parsing therein, needless to say, is as a regular space/time qualifier. Put differently, the third construction is sanctioned by the first two. The correspondence principle is manifest here: a construction in which functions as
50The dependent case of the space/time qualifier is explained by means of the principle of tanwn-nab. See M.G. Carter, Twenty Dirhams in the Kitb of Sbawaihi, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 35 (1972): 48596; Owens, Early Arabic Grammatical Theory, 107ff.; A. Kasher, Sbawayhis tanwn-nab principle revisited, Zeitschrift fr Arabische Linguistik 51 (2009): 4250. 51Although this verb may take two direct objects (see E.W. An Arabic-English Lane, Lexicon [London: Williams and Norgate, 186393], 4, 1352), qualifies as neither of them: those from which something is stolen are referred to by , and the night cannot be regarded as the thing stolen.


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an objective genitive, one of the mafl-functions, entails a construction in which it functions as a direct object. The two-faceted character of mafl is manifest in the pair of terms laf form and man meaning, used in the above discussion to designate syntactic behavior and meaning, respectively. Furthermore, Sbawayhis theory with regard to the space/time qualifier, as depicted here, applies mutatis mutandis also to the absolute object (what came to be labeled by later grammarians al-mafl al-mulaq).52 I will not go here into Sbawayhis conception of the absolute object;53 suffice it to say that this time Sbawayhi labels these constituents explicitly as mafls (see also the next section).54 The classification, on sheer syntactic grounds, as mafl, of constituents which do not convey the semantic meaning of mafl, is strong evidence against the interpretation of mafl as merely a semantic term. Corroboration for the centrality of the syntactic component of the concept of mafl is provided by Sbawayhis treatment of prepositional phrases. Chapter 26 of the Kitb deals with constructions of the type: I saw Zayd, and Amr [dependent]I spoke to him.55 The second clause is an itil (lit. being occupied) construction, thedepen dent case of being explained by positing an underlying verb, , preceding it.56 This holds also if the verb takes a prepositional phrase instead
52On the term al-mafl al-mulaq, see Levin, What is Meant by al-mafl al-mulaq? in Semitic Studies: In Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of his Eighty-Fifth Birthday, November 14th, 1991, ed. A.S. Kaye (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991), 2, 91726. 53See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 10, Derenbourg 1, 11/Hrn 1, 3435; chapter 13, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, 41; chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 1415/Hrn 1, 42; chapter 15, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43; chapter 42, Derenbourg 1, 88/Hrn 1, 212; chapter 45, Derenbourg 1, 9699/Hrn 1, 22834; chapter 75, Derenbourg 1, 14951/Hrn 1, 35561; chapter 90, Derenbourg 1, 162/Hrn 1, 385. See Versteegh, ittis, 281ff. 54See, e.g., Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 45, Derenbourg 1, 96/Hrn 1, 228. It is thus plausible that Sbawayhi also regards as mafl those constituents conveying the meaning of space/time qualifier, yet syntactically behaving as mafl, dealt with above. 55Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 26, Derenbourg 1, 35/Hrn 1, 88. 56The term itil is not used by Sbawayhi, who discusses such constructions in a series of chapters (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 24ff., Derenbourg 1, 31ff./Hrn 1, 80ff.). See R. Baalbaki, Some Aspects of Harmony and Hierarchy in Sbawayhis Grammatical Analysis, Zeitschrift fr Arabische Linguistik 2 (1979): 7ff.; Owens, Foundations of Grammar, 188; Levin, Theory of al-taqdr, 14445. The preference of this construction here stems from the tendency to maintain equilibrium between the two clauses: due to the itil construction, in both clauses the nouns are said to be built on their verbs (here referring to their

Amr [independent]I spoke functioning as direct objects); on the other hand, to him, as the second clause, displays a construction in which the verb is built on the noun (which is a subject of a nominal sentence [mubtada], the verbal clause being its predicate), thereby breaching the equilibrium, although the construction is permissible.

of a dependent noun: I passed by Zayd, and Amr [dependent]I passed by him;57 Sbawayhi explains this by stating that * . This assertion is illustrated is a mafl,58 as if it were said: I exasperated him, where by adducing the sentence is in a place (mawi )59 of the dependent and the meaning conveyed is that of the dependent.60 A further analogy, both semantic and syntac tic, is drawn between and I met him.61 Another construction, dealt with in the same chapter, which displays the parity between oblique and dependent nominals, is I passed by Amr and Zayd; the oblique nominal in this construction is again regarded by Sbawayhi as in the place (mawi ) of a dependent mafl, and the mean I came to.62 Sbawayhi thus ing conveyed here is the same as that of couples his assertion that such oblique nominals convey the meaning of mafl with the analogy he draws between them and dependent nominals functioning as mafl, to wit, with a certain syntactic behavior. 2.The Semantic Component of the Term Mafl The point of departure of this section will be Mosels rendition of the term mafl. In light of the inadequacy of the rendition object for the term

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Zayd to something, only is a mafl, to the exclusion of . See also, in the next sec tion, an instance where the difference between direct objects and prepositional phrases is regarded by Sbawayhi as semantically crucial. 59According to Versteegh, this term often means syntactic function; C.H.M.Versteegh, The Arabic Terminology of Syntactic Position, Arabica 25 (1978): 271ff. However, as he also occur, which he explains as [it] occupies the also shows, phrases such as place of the genitive (ibid., 273). 60Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 27, Derenbourg 1, 37/Hrn 1, 92. 61Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 37/Hrn 1, 93. 62Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 38/Hrn 1, 94. This theory will be dealt with in a forthcoming article. Elsewhere, however, Sbawayhi refers to the entire prepositional phrases as in the place (mawi ) of a dependent mafl; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 65/ Hrn 1, 153.

57Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 27, Derenbourg 1, 37/Hrn 1, 92. 58Elsewhere, however, Sbawayhi puts prepositional phrases in contradistinction to dependent nominals, so that only the latter are to be regarded as mafls: after mentioning mafls (in the sense of [he] named), he says: the usage of the verb as taking two but if you mean [by the verb ] calling [some one] to something, [this verb] does not exceed one mafl (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 11, Derenbourg 1, 12/Hrn 1, 37), that is, in the sentence (mine:) I called


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mafl, Mosel suggests patient instead,63 quoting Vermeers definition of the latter as the constituent whose Inhalt als durch den Verbalinhalt betroffen oder bewirkt dargestellt wird,64 although, she states, Sbawayhi uses mafl as a grammatical term, as if there were a grammatical category of patient in Arabic. Similarly, fil is interpreted as agent. In the previous section we already pointed to the inadequacy of a purely semantic definition of the term mafl, since the syntactic component is inherent in Sbawayhis conception of this term. An immediate difficulty in the equation mafl-patient arises when tran[ he] feared are sitive verbs such as [ he] was pleased with or considered. Such verbs, which take non-patient mafls, show that direct objects of many verbs cannot be considered as conveying the meaning of patienthood as this notion is normally understood by linguists.65 Con sider, however, Chapter 432 of the Kitb, entitled: this is the chapter about the patterns of the verbs which [denote] actions passing over beyond you [viz. the perpetrator] to someone/something else and you make [the action] befall him/it, and about their verbal nouns.66 It is inferred from this chapter that action verbs can be either transitive (hence befalling someone/something) or intransitive. It is also inferred (see in what follows) that such actions are characterized as visible and audible. Note that intransitive verbs need not necessarily denote action, but there is no reference in this chapter to non-action transitive verbs (but see below). This semantic trait of amal action constitutes, for Sbawayhi, grounds on which he draws morphological analogies between the two groups (i.e. transitive and intransitive action verbs).

63Mosel, Terminologie, 246ff. The correspondence between mafl and patient is, according to her, ohne Einschrnkung (ibid., 246). See also Saad, Sbawayhis Treatment of Transitivity, 8388; Taha, mafl, esp. 100. 64H.J. Vermeer, Einfhrung in die linguistische Terminologie (Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1971), 78. Whether or not this definition fits Vermeers own ends has no bearing on the present discussion. 65The Western term patient has been used in a large variety of senses by different linguists. We are nevertheless exempt from surveying all the meanings, since Mosel explicates what she means by patient. Note that the translation of fil as agent faces a similar difficulty; see H. Hamz, La position du sujet du verbe dans la pense des grammairiens arabes, in Langage et linarit, ed. P. Cotte (Villeneuve dAscq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1999), 12728; Y. Peled, amr, in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, ed. K. Versteegh et al. (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 1, 556. 66Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Derenbourg 2, 224/Hrn 4, 5. Cf. Levin, taadd al-fil il, 2056.

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Although this category of verbs is characterized as denoting actions befalling the referents of their direct objects, verbs such as are also subsumed under this category. Two explanations for this apparent discrepancy can be suggested, which are by no means mutually incompatible: First, Sbawayhis conception of the notion of being affected with regard to the semantics of verbs (i.e. the notion of patienthood) may differ from the one generally used in modern linguistics, by being more relaxed. Interesting in this respect is the following quotation from Lyons, regarding the relationship between the formal and the traditional-notional aspects of transitivity; after pointing to the inappropriateness of what he labels the traditional notional definition of transitivity, according to which the effects of the action expressed by the verb pass over from the agent (or actor) to the patient (or goal), he says:
Furthermore, it might be maintained that the grammatical form of an English sentence like I hear you or I see you (its parallelism with I hit you, etc.) influences speakers of English to think of hearing and seeing as activities initiated by the person doing the hearing and seeing. Whether this is a correct account of perception, from a psychological or physiological point of view, is irrelevant. If the native speaker of English...tends to interpret perception as an activity which proceeds from an actor to a goal, this fact of itself would suggest that there is some semantic basis for the traditional notion of transitivity. 67

That is, the verb characteristics, might , for instance, due to its formal have been construed by Sbawayhi as denoting a ( its verbal noun) befalling the referent of the direct object. Second, Sbawayhi seems to regard the notion of transference of an action as basic, or prototypical,68 to the formal feature of transitivity, so that verbs which, at least prima facie, do not conform to this notion yet display the formal characteristics of transitive verbs, are said to be inserted (i.e. incorporated or drawn) into this category. Taylor lists

67J. Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968), 35051. Cf. G.N. Saad, Transitivity, Causation and Passivization: A SemanticSyntactic Study of the Verb in Classical Arabic (London: Kegan Paul International, 1982), 8788. 68The phenomenon of prototypicality is ubiquitous in grammatical terminology. For this phenomenon (labeled hard core) with regard to the parts of speech, see G. Bohas, J.-P. Guillaume, and D.E. Kouloughli, The Arabic Linguistic Tradition (London: Routledge, 1990), 5153.


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several semantic properties characterizing prototypical transitivity, of which those relevant to the present discussion are:
...The event is initiated by the referent of the subject NP, i.e. by the agent.... As a consequence of the agents action, something happens to the patient,69 i.e. the referent of the object nominal.... After the occurrence of the event, the patient is in a different state from before the event. Usually, the difference is one which would be highly perceptible to an onlooking observer;...The agents action on the patient usually involves direct physical contact,...The event has a causative component, i.e. the agents action causes the patient to undergo a change;...70

Taylor then discusses deviations from this paradigm case, including verbs denoting perception (e.g. watch and see), mental states (e.g. like), relations between entities (e.g. resemble), as well as verbs stating a property of the subjects referent (e.g. cost).71 Interesting in this regard is Sbawayhis treatment of the verb [ he] was angry. He explains the pattern of the verbal noun (madar) of this verb, viz. faal, which is characteristic of intransitive verbs,72 by analogy to the (near)synonym , on the ground of their identical verbal pattern (faila) and their semantic similarity.73 The following statement ensues [ the forms] angry I and was angry with him show you that [this verb] is inserted into the category of [verbs denoting] actions which are visible and audible, and that [possibly: while] he [viz. the perpetrator] causes it to befall someone/something else.74 What is asserted here is that con takes a direct object and its trary to its (near-)synonym , the verb verbal adjective takes the pattern fil,75 both regarded as formal characteristics of transitive action verbs, which raises the abovementioned problem with regard to the pattern the verbal noun this verb takes. This verb is
69Taylors use of the term patient here is rather relaxed, yet still semantically restricted: whereas he comments on John obeyed Mary that it is doubtful whether it is still legitimate to speak of the subject [in this sentence] as the agent and of the direct object as the patient, he does not prompt this doubt with regard to the sentences We approached the city and I read the book. See J.R. Taylor, Linguistic Categorization, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 23334. 70Ibid., 23233. 71Ibid., 23334. 72See W. Wright, A Grammar of the Arabic Language, 3rd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 189698), 1, 113. 73Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Derenbourg 2, 225/Hrn 4, 6. 74Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Derenbourg 2, 225/Hrn 4, 6. does not take the form fil. See alSrf, ar 75Note that the verbal adjective of Kitb Sbawayhi, 4, 400, also quoted in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Hrn 4, 6n3.

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thus inserted into a category characterized notionally.76 It is not clear, though, whether projection of the notional property of this category on to this verb ensues, that is, whether Sbawayahi holds that speakers conceive of this verb as denoting an action befalling someone/something, by virtue of its formal behavior, or that to the contrary, this verb is only said to behave formally as if it had these notional traits. A somewhat clearer statement appears in the next chapter; there Sbawayhi discusses inter alia intransitive verbs denoting fear, whose verbal adjectives take the pattern fail and whose verbal nouns take the pattern faal (see above), e.g. I feared him, is then and . Their transitive use, i.e. and explained; the problem this usage raises seems to be both semantic and formal: the sense of fear is apparently semantically construed as fitting intransitive non-action verbs, which consonant with the fact that other is , and with the fact that the verbal verbs of fear are intransitive, e.g. adjective of these verbs take the pattern fail, rather than fil, and their verbal nouns take the pattern faal. These ostensibly transitive verbs are explained as being in the sense of , wherefrom the preposition is elided; these verbs are thus not considered as basically transitive.77 Then the verb I feared him is considered, which is transitive and whose verbal adjective takes the pattern filtwo formal features which, as we have seen, designates that the verb in question belongs to the category of transitive action verbs. Moreover, its verbal noun takes the form fala rather then faal. This is accounted for by analogy to the verb [he] had mercy on, which belongs to the category of transitive action verbs;78 here Sbawayhi states that the formal behavior of this verb differs from that of other verbs conveying the same meaning, i.e. verbs denoting fear, and that the patterns of its verbal adjective and of its verbal noun are accorded to a verb which has the same verbal pattern, viz. faila.79 Thus, although the verb behaves just like other verbs considered as denoting an action befalling someone/something, its meaning is still regarded as identical to intransitive verbs denoting fear. Hence, its direct object is not a patient.80
76See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Derenbourg 2, 226/Hrn 4, 9. 77Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 433, Derenbourg 2, 230/Hrn 4, 1819. 78On this verb, see Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 432, Derenbourg 2, 226/Hrn 4, 9. 79Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 433, Derenbourg 2, 230/Hrn 4, 19. 80There is no indication in the text of the Kitb bearing out alSrfs interpretation, to ; originates in the effect that also originates in , as well as that alSrf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, 4, 4089. See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 442, Derenbourg , as well as 2, 245/Hrn 4, 49, where and are regarded as transitive, without


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The corollary from this discussion is that there exists a group of transitive verbs which are semantically construed as denoting actions befalling someone/something; there are also verbs which are said to behave formally as transitive action verbs, although they are probably not semantically construed as such. It is not clear, with regard to a host of transitive verbs, to which of the two categories they belong.81 More conclusive counterevidence against the equation maflpatient can be extracted from Sbawayhis treatment of [he] was and its sisters.82 According to Chapter 17, also in the abovementioned series of transitivity (taaddin) chapters, the independent nominal in sentences introduced by and its sisters is labeled fil (also: ism al-fil), and the dependent nominalmafl (also: ism al-mafl). and its sisters are subsumed along with [he] hit under the same general cate gory, with regard to their taaddin to one mafl, and the basic reason for Sbawayhi to present them in separate chapters is, as he says, the fact , that the two constituents in sentences introduced by are i.e. they refer to the same thing, a semantic fact which entails the impermissibility of the omission of the mafl. Sbawayhi introduces in this chapter several syntactic similarities between and .83 What is striking with regard to and its sisters is that Sbawayhi himself states that these verbsas well as ditransitive cognitive verbs such as [he] thoughtdo not indicate an action affecting the referent(s) of the 84 ... mafl (s). He says, regarding these two categories: ....and they are not [verbs denoting] actions which you perpetrate from you to someone/something else, such as I hit and I gave.85 The mafls in these cases are therefore regarded by
any qualification. If alSrfs interpretation were correct, this would mean that the verb is basically intransitive, hence irrelevant to our discussion, just like and . 81Interestingly enough, the verb is deemed in medieval Arabic lexicons an ant ;see Lane, Arabic-English onym of the verb Lexicon, 3, 10991100. Needless to say, the discussion above does not aim at being a comprehensive account of the issue of semantics of verbs in the Kitb, which merits a separate study. 82For an extensive study of the issues discussed here, see Levin, kna waaxawtuh, 185213. 83Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 17, Derenbourg 1, 16/Hrn 1, 4546. See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 26, Derenbourg 1, 35/Hrn 1, 89; chapter 29, Derenbourg 1, 42/Hrn 1, 102. , which seems more plausible; alSrf, ar Kitb 84alSrfs version reads: Sbawayhi, 3, 126. 85Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 211, Derenbourg 1, 337/Hrn 2, 366. Sbawayhis applica tion of the term taaddin transitivity to and its sisters and to cognitive verbs such is regarded by Levin as strong evidence against the interpretation of the term as taaddin as denoting the passing of an action; Levin, taadd al-fil il, 19899.

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Sbawayhi himself as not affected, and consequently the term patient, as defined above, does not apply to them.86 What I would like to suggest, with regard to the semantic component of the term mafl, is: (a) that the meaning of a certain mafl is the same, regardless of which of the three abovementioned syntactic functions it assumes; (b) that the meaning of mafl is relative to each verb; (c) that it is relative to each slot;87 (d) that it basically corresponds to the meaning conveyed by the passive participle of the verb at stake: Zayd being is asserted in the sentence Abdullhi hit Zayd, as well Zayd was hit and as in the hitting of Zayd. Corre spondingly, the referent of the fil in the first sentence, viz. Abdullhi, with regard is the . The difficulty for the mafl-patient equation, , does not arise and to non-patient mafls such as the mafl of I was here: in the sentences (mine:) pleased with Zayd and feared Zayd, the referent of , viz. Zayd, is said to be the I ) and the , respectively.88 ( or: In what follows we shall survey the loci in the Kitb where the meaning of mafl is referred to.

the passive participle ) , as follows: due to the fact that it is something by which they are afflicted, into which they are brought against their will and by which they were smitten. As the meaning is the meaning of the passive participle, they used for it the broken plural according to this meaning. Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 431, Derenbourg 2, 223/Hrn 3, 648. The term mafl, needless to say, pertains in this excerpt to the morphological level. See also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 431, Derenbourg 2, 22324/Hrn 3, 64950.

86Note also that does not appear in the chapters regarding the patterns of transitive and intransitive verbs (see above), possibly due to the prominence of the semantic characteristic of transitivity therein. This notwithstanding the fact that with regard to its formal behavior, fits perfectly in the category of transitive action verbs, since its verbal adjective takes the form fil and its verbal noun takes the form fal! 87By slot I refer here to the distinction customarily drawn between first, second and third mafl (mafl awwal, nin and li, respectively). 88The argument put forward here does not rule out the possibility that patienthood may be regarded as the prototypical meaning of the direct object. In fact, this would be in line with our argument, since the prototypical meaning of the passive participle seems to be also of patienthood: after Sbawayhi states that fal in the sense of mafl ( )has the broken plural pattern fal (e.g. killed person and its plural form ; it is inferred that is regarded as semantically identical to the passive participle ) (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 431, Derenbourg 2, 222/Hrn 3, 647), he explains, on the authority of his master, alall, the broken plural pattern fal of forms such as sick person; it is inferred that is not identical, for him, to (the plural form of


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The correspondence, discussed in Section 1, between mafl as a direct object and mafl as a subject, is justified by Sbawayhi on semantic grounds as well: .
know that the mafl to which a verb of a fil does not pass over [i.e. which functions as a subject], haswith regard to passing over and failing to pass overthe same status as the [corresponding mafl] when the fils verb does pass over to it [i.e. when it functions as a direct object], since its meaning is the same whether or not the verb of the fil passes over to it.89

This is illustrated by the fact that it is impermissible to add another mafl to I hit Zayd or which Zayd was hit, in both of is a mafl.90 The same is asserted with regard to I clothed Zayd in a garment vs. Zayd was clothed in a garment: in the latter is said to have the same status as in the former.91 In both cases the explanation is that the same meaning (man) is conveyed. This chapter demonstrates thus that the meaning of a certain mafl as an object and as a subject is the same; it is also inferred that this meaning is sensitive to the slot the mafl occupies: with regard to a ditransitive verb such as , Sbawayhi states that its first mafl keeps its meaning regardless of whether it is a subject or an object; it is thus inferred that this meaning differs from the meaning of the second object of this verb. The identity of mafl as an object and as a subject, with respect to meaning, is manifest also in Chapter 16 dealing with the circumstantial qualifier (l): while characterizing the distinction between the circumstantial qualifier and the mafl on semantic grounds,92 Sbawayhi puts, with respect to meaning (man), the mafl functioning as the second (regardless of whether or not the first object is menobject of the verb tioned) on a par with the mafl functioning as the subject of a passive verb. That is, the meaning (man) of , which is mafl, is the same
89Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 42. 90Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 14, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 42. 91Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 43. 92The circumstantial qualifier (l) is characterized as

circumstance under which [the content of] the verb occurred, which is not the case with mafl; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 16, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 44. On this usage of l and fil as metagrammatical intuitive terms, whose semantic scopes cover both their meaning as technical terms, and the everyday concepts underlying them, see Peled, Grammatical Terminology, 5085.

[ denoting] a

in I clothed Zayd in the garment, I clothed [someone] in the garment and the garment was clothed [on someone].93 Again, from Sbawayhis assertion that the meaning of the second mafl of a ditransitive verb is the same regardless of whether it functions as an object or as a subject, a distinction is inferred between the meaning of the first and the second mafls of such verbs. Both mafls (i.e. and )are nevertheless coupled together semantically, in this chapter, in contradistinction to the circumstantial qualifier. After dealing, in Chapter 12, with ditransitive cognitive verbs such as , e.g., Abdullhi thought that Zayd is Bakr,94 Sbawayhi discusses in Chapter 13 the corresponding tritransitive verbs, , e.g. God caused Zayd to think/know such as that Bir is your father.95 The first mafl in these constructions (here: ) is said to be semantically constructions of to the fil in the identical ... the previous chapter (here: ): ...since the mafl here is like the fil in the preceding chapter, with respect to meaning.96 In a similar vein, Sbawayhi points to the parity between I caused the weak people to fear the strong and The weak people feared is mafl in the former, but fil in the latter.97 the strong, although These passages demonstrate again the sensitivity of the meaning of mafl to its slot. They also demonstrate its relativity to each verb: although the meaning of the fil of is the same as the meaning of the first mafl , the first is a fil and the second is a mafl since these labels are of relative to each verb. The subject of the verb is its fil, and its refer the first direct object of ent is the ( its active participle), whereas ( its passive participle).98 is its mafl, and its referent is the We have already seen, in Section 1, that Sbawayhi refers, in his discussion of constituents conveying the meaning of space/time qualifier
93Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 16, Derenbourg 1, 15/Hrn 1, 44. 94Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 12, Derenbourg 1, 1314/Hrn 1, 3941. 95Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 13, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, 41. 96Ibid. 97Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 65/Hrn 1, 153. 98For more such cases (including a pair of sentences whose verbs do not share the same root), see Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 65/Hrn 1, 15354; chapter 35, Derenbourg 1, 67/Hrn 1, 15658. These cases raise the question of the extent to which the meanings of mafls of ditransitive and tritransitive verbs are conveyed by the passive participles of these verbs. The text of the Kitb, however, does not provide an answer to this question.

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(arf) yet behaving as mafl, to the meaning (man) of mafl. Note, in this respect, Sbawayhis statement regarding verbal nouns functioning as subjects of passive verbs, i.e. analyzed as mafls, as a case of saat striking took place with al-kalm latitude of speech, e.g., it [viz. a whip], of two strokes, lit.: two strokes were struck with it: although the two strokes are not [the person/thing which is actually] being struck.99 What is asserted here is that when a certain constituent is a mafl, it is expected to convey the meaning of the subject of the verb in question in the passive voice (that is, the verb in the passive voice can be predicated of it). This condition is not met with the verbal noun analyzed as a mafl, hence the discrepancy between syntax and semantics, designated by the term saat al-kalm here. Put differently, the constituent in question does not refer to what is actually . Although Sbawayhi does not correlate his parsing of the predicate in sentences introduced by as a mafl directly with its meaning, there is an indication in the text of the Kitb that point (d) applies to . Sbawayhi says in the chapter about and its sisters: , 101 that is, , as active and passive par100 and ticiples, respectively, belong to the verb just as and the forms belong to the verb Abdullhi .102 That is, in is the was your brother, . This might , whereas is the explain the labels fil and mafl, respectively.103 3.A Possible Provenance of the Term Mafl It has been suggested in modern scholarship that the term mafl originated in the term mafl bihi (lit. that to which [the content of the verb] is done),104 an impersonal passive participle, by the omission of the prep 99Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 45, Derenbourg 1, 97/Hrn 1, 22930. . 100Hrns edition reads: 101Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 17, Derenbourg 1, 16/Hrn 1, 46. 102See Carter, Arab Linguistics, 221. 103As noted above, the direct linkage between the meaning conveyed by a mafl and the passive participle of its verb does not apply to all verbs. An obvious counterexample [ he] is not, is which has no passive participle. Another case is prepositional phrases such as ( see Section 1). See also the remark in fn. 98 regarding ditransitive and tritransitive verbs. It is still the case that in all these categories the meaning conveyed by mafl is relative to each verb (rather than a general meaning of patient). 104This literal sense may be linked to the patient interpretation of this term.

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ositional phrase.105 Even if such a process is plausible,106 the assumption that the introduction of the term mafl followed, chronologically, the use of the term mafl bihi, is not substantiated by the Kitb: whereas the term mafl occurs in Derenbourgs edition of the Kitb, according to Troupeau, 174 times, both as a semantico-syntactic and a morphological term, the term mafl bihi occurs only six times.107 Out of these, two are totally irrelevant, since mafl bihi conveys therein a meaning akin to the term mafl maahu accompanying object, lit. that with which [the content of the verb] is done.108 As for the remaining four, none of them appears as such, if at all, in all the versions of the Kitb at hand in the printed editions.109 Thus, the extent to which Sbawayhi in fact uses the
105See R. Kbert, Zum Verstndnis des arabischen Grammatikerterminus mafl und seiner Verbindungen, Orientalia 29 (1960): 330; Levin, al-mafl al-mulaq, 924. al-Srf, on the other hand, suggests a different explanation: given that the real mafl ( ) is what is originated by the fil, e.g. created things by God, actions by human beings, the application of the term mafl by the grammarians to the direct object is merely figurative (majz; see Versteegh, ittis, 28586); alSrf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, 3, 129. 106Kbert draws a parallel between the pair mafl bihi and mafl, on the one hand, and the pair al-mubtada bihi and al-mubtada (the subject of a nominal sentence), on the other; for him, al-mubtada is the shortened form of al-mubtada bihi. See Kbert, mafl, as a directly transitive verb far more fre330. However, since Sbawayhi uses the verb quently than with the preposition , Kberts view is unfounded. I have also not found any occurrence of al-mubtada bihi in the Kitb; see also G. Troupeau, Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi (Paris: Klincksieck, 1976), 3637. A similar case is that of the term maml fhi (the constituent affected by the grammatical operation): whereas it appears three times, in Derenbourgs and Hrns editions, as maml fhi (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 41, Derenbourg 1, 84, line 13/Hrn 1, 202; chapter 41, Derenbourg 1, 84, line 17/Hrn 1, 2023; chapter 176, Derenbourg 1, 303/Hrn 2, 281), it appears in these editions twice as maml alone (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 32, Derenbourg 1, 53/Hrn 1, 128; chapter 41, Derenbourg 1, 84, line 16/Hrn 1, 202); however, these two occurrences also appear as maml fhi in some of the manuscripts consulted in Derenbourgs edition. A more convincing case is the expression that to which [the content of the verb] is done in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 187, Derenbourg 1, 316/Hrn 2, 313; the same notion, however, is conveyed later by the word place (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 187, Derenbourg 1, 316/Hrn 2, 314), raising the possibility of corruption in the text. Another such case is the passive participle , referring to direct objects (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 13, Derenbourg 1, 14/Hrn 1, (see above) is the subject, not the direct object. 41), since the direct object of the verb 107Troupeau, Lexique-Index, 164. 108Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 58, Derenbourg 1, 125, line 11/Hrn 1, 297; chapter 58, Derenbourg 1, 125, line 15/Hrn 1, 298. See Mosel, Terminologie, 256. 109The one in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 10, Derenbourg 1, 11 appears as mafl in Hrn 1, 34; the one in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 19, Derenbourg 1, 22/Hrn 1, 57 is a part of a sentence which does not appear at all in one of Derenbourgs manuscripts; the one in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 66, Derenbourg 1, 136 does not appear in one of Derenbourgs manuscripts as well as in Hrn 1, 325 and seems to be a late interpolation (see Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch 1.2, 204); and the one in Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 89, Derenbourg 1, 161/ Hrn 1, 383 appears as mafl in several of Derenbourgs manuscripts.


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term mafl bihi is unclear; at best, it is extremely marginal vis--vis the term mafl. We should therefore at least not rule out the possibility that the term mafl, in the semantico-syntactic sense, is an original term, and try to account for it. This can be explained by the linkage pointed to above between the semantic component of mafl and the passive participle. It might be the case that in Abdullhi hit Zayd was termed mafl since it conveys the meaning of , which is the mor phological mafl, the passive participle.110 Studies have shown that one of the facets of Sbawayhis terminology is that terms are often applied to more than one level of linguistic analysis.111 In the case of mafl, the direction of the semantic extension might be discerned, i.e. from the morphological level to syntax. Further study should decide whether or not this is the general direction with regard to early Arabic grammatical terminology. Conclusion The term mafl in Sbawayhis Kitb pertains exclusively neither to the syntactic nor to the semantic level of linguistic analysis. It carries both syntactic and semantic aspects. At the syntactic level it is not restricted to one syntactic function, but rather consists of a correspondence set of syntactic functions. At the semantic level it does not correspond to the term patient, but conveys a meaning relative to each verb, basically corresponding to the meaning of the passive participle. This raises the possibility that the origin of this term is to be found in its morphological meaning.

110The direction of our argumentation here can, of course, be inverted: if it is the case that the semantico-syntactic term mafl in fact originated in the morphological meaning of this term, this substantially corroborates our argument for the link between the semantic component of mafl and the passive participle. One might venture to raise the possibility that it was the semantico-syntactic use of the term fil which prompted the semantico-syntactic use of mafl, its already established counterpart at the morphological level. 111See e.g. M.G. Carter, Sbawayhi (London: I.B. Tauris, 2004), 5354. Note that Troupeau does not differentiate between the semantico-syntactic and morphological mafls. Rather, he translates mafl as opr. See Troupeau, Lexique-Index, 164.

the term mafl in sbawayhis kitb References

Primary Sources


Ab sad alSrf alasan ibn Abdallh ibn alMarzubn. ar Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Amad asan Mahdal and Al Sayyid Al. 5 vols. Beirut: Dr alKutub alIlmiyya, 2008. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. 5 vols. [Beirut]: lam alKutub, 1983. Secondary Sources Baalbaki, R. Some Aspects of Harmony and Hierarchy in Sbawayhis Grammatical Analysis. Zeitschrift fr Arabische Linguistik 2 (1979): 722. Bobzin, H. Zum Begriff der Valenz des Verbums in der arabischen Nationalgrammatik. In The History of Linguistics in the Near East, edited by C.H.M. Versteegh, K. Koerner, and H.J. Niederehe, 93108. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1983. Bohas, G., J.-P. Guillaume, and D.E. Kouloughli. The Arabic Linguistic Tradition. London: Routledge, 1990. Carter, M.G. Twenty Dirhams in the Kitb of Sbawaihi. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 35 (1972): 48596. , ed. Arab Linguistics: An Introductory Classical Text with Translation and Notes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1981. , Sbawayhi. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004. Hamz, H. La position du sujet du verbe dans la pense des grammairiens arabes. In Langage et linarit, edited by P. Cotte, 12749. Villeneuve dAscq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1999. Jahn, G., trans. Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik bersetzt und erklrt. 2 vols. Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 18951900. Kasher, A. The arf in Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory (Hebrew). Ph.D. thesis, BarIlan University, 2006. , Sbawayhis tanwn-nab principle revisited. Zeitschrift fr Arabische Linguistik 51 (2009): 4250. Kbert, R. Zum Verstndnis des arabischen Grammatikerterminus mafl und seiner Verbindungen. Orientalia 29 (1960): 32830. Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon. London: Williams and Norgate, 186393. Levin, A. The Meaning of taadd al-fil il in Sbawayhis al-Kitb. In Studia Orientalia Memoriae D.H. Baneth Dedicata, 193210. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1979. , Sbawayhis View of the Syntactical Structure of kna waaxawtuh. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1 (1979): 185213. , What is Meant by al-mafl al-mulaq? In Semitic Studies: In Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of his Eighty-Fifth Birthday, November 14th, 1991, edited by A.S. Kaye, 2, 91726. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991. , The Theory of al-taqdr and its Terminology. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 21 (1997): 14266. Lyons, J. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Mosel, U. Die syntaktische Terminologie bei Sibawaih. Ph.D. thesis, University of Munich, 1975. Owens, J. The Foundations of Grammar: An Introduction to Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988. , Early Arabic Grammatical Theory: Heterogeneity and Standardization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.


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Peled, Y. Aspects of the Use of Grammatical Terminology in Medieval Arabic Grammatical Tradition. In Arabic Grammar and Linguistics, edited by Y. Suleiman, 5085. Richmond: Curzon Press, 1999. , amr. In Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, edited by K. Versteegh et al., 1, 55559. Leiden: Brill, 2006. Saad, G.N. Sbawayhis Treatment of Transitivity. al-Arabiyya 12 (1979): 8388. , Transitivity, Causation and Passivization: A Semantic-Syntactic Study of the Verb in Classical Arabic. London: Kegan Paul International, 1982. Suleiman, Y. The Arabic Grammatical Tradition: A Study in tall. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999. Taha, Z.A. Issues of Syntax and Semantics: A Comparative Study of Sibawayhi, alMubarrad and Ibn asSarraaj. Ph.D. thesis, Georgetown University, 1995. , mafl. In Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, edited by K. Versteegh et al., 3, 100106. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Taylor, J.R. Linguistic Categorization. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Troupeau, G. La notion de temps chez Sibawaihi. Comptes rendus du Groupe linguistique dtudes chamito-smitiques (GLECS) 9 (196063): 4446. , Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi. Paris: Klincksieck, 1976. Vermeer, H.J. Einfhrung in die linguistische Terminologie. Munich: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung, 1971. Versteegh, C.H.M. [=Kees]. Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking. Leiden: Brill, 1977. , The Arabic Terminology of Syntactic Position. Arabica 25 (1978): 26181. , Freedom of the Speaker? The Term ittis and Related Notions in Arabic Grammar. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April-1 May 1987, edited by K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter, 28193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. Wright, W. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 189698.

DONT BE ABSURd: THE TERM MUL IN SBaWaYHIS KITB Avigail S. Noy Introduction In this paper I offer a thorough investigation into the notion of mul crooked; absurd in Sbawayhis (d. ca. 180/796) monumental Kitb, in the hopes of shedding new light on the understanding of the term by the early and influential grammarian. The analysis of the term is undertaken by examining all of its occurrences in the Kitb and by a conducting a close reading of the context in which the term mul appears.1 We first come across the notion of ila crookedness in a very brief chapter in the preliminary sections of the Kitb (the so-called Risla) titled On the Straightness and Crookedness of Utterances.2 The chapter, which has received much interest in modern scholarly literature,3 presents the reader with five correctness or soundness criteria that presumably encompass all utterance types. One of these
1I wish to thank Professor Wolfhart Heinrichs for reading an earlier version of this paper and for providing me with helpful comments and suggestions. Needless to say, any remaining shortcomings are solely mine. 2Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 6, (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1881) 1, 7, (2) ed. A.S.M. Hrn ([Cairo]: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977) 1, 256 (henceforth: bb al-istiqma). 3M.G. Carter, Les Origines de la Grammaire Arabe, Revues des tudes Islamiques 40 (1972): 814 (reprinted as The Origins of Arabic Grammar, in The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, ed. R. Baalbaki [Aldershot; Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Variorum, 2007], 1115); idem, An Arab Grammarian of the Eighth Century A.D.: A Contribution to the History of Linguistics, Journal of the American Oriental Society 93.2 (1973): 14657; idem, Sbawayhi (London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004), 6165; G. Bohas, J.-P. Guillaume and D.E. Kouloughli, The Arabic Linguistic Tradition, forwarded by M.G. Carter (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2006. Originally published: London, New York: Routledge, 1990), 402; T. Ivnyi, Qad yaz f sh-shir: On the Linguistic Background of the So Called Poetic Licenses in Sbawayhis Kitb, in Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Grammar, Budapest 17 September 1991, eds. K. Dvnyi and T. Ivnyi = The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 34 (1991): 205; R. Baalbaki, The Legacy of the Kitb: Sbawahis Analytical Methods within the Context of the Arabic Grammatical Theory (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008), 9; A.E. Marogy, Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010), 749; and P. Abboud, Sbawayhis Notion of Grammaticality, al-Arabiyya 12 (1979): 5867 (which I was only recently made aware of by R. Talmon, Al-kalm m kna muktafiyan bi-nafsih wa-huwa l-umla: A Study in the History of Sentence-Concept and the Sbawaihian Legacy in Arabic Grammar, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 138 [1988]:


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criteria is mul. The others are a combination of two of the following terms: mustaqm lit. straight i.e. sound, correct, mul lit. crooked i.e. incorrect, asan beautiful, qab ugly or kaib false; besides mul these will mostly not concern us here. I begin with an introductory section that presents medieval technical and lexical definitions of the term, as well as modern scholarly understandings thereof in Sbawayhis work. I touch on the Greek and Legal Hypotheses regarding the origin of the term in grammatical thinking only to show that lexically, mul inherently implies speech. In the second section I lay out the two basic functions played by the term mul in Sbawayhis Kitb, functions that operate on the assumption that sentences marked mul do not occur in natural Bedouin speech. Sections three and four delve into each of the two functions of mul by discussing instances of its usage. The last section offers concluding remarks by way of comparing the notion of ila to the adjacent notion of naq contradiction. The title of this paper is in fact misleading for Sbawayhi does not use ila to refer to plain absurdity. Rather, he employs ungrammatical, mul-marked sentences as a tool for either teaching the reader a grammatical phenomenon or proving the validity of a pre-defined grammatical rule.4 1.Technical and Lexical Definitions of Mul One of the many merits of Sbawayhis Kitb lies in its systematic employment of Arabic terminology at a time when Arabic as a scientific language was at its infancy. In this respect, my investigation into the term mul should be seen as a small chapter in the history of the development of medieval Arabic technical terms. In order to frame our discussion in the larger context of medieval Arabic thought, we should keep in mind that mul does not develop into a full-fledged technical term in later grammar, but does appear in the later adjacent sciences of philosophy and

7498). For a literal translation of the chapter see G. Troupeau, La Rislat al-Kitb de Sbawayhi, Mlanges de lUniversit Saint-Joseph 48 (1973): 337. 4I use the expression mul-marked sentences to refer to stretches of speech that Sbawayhi says are mul; there is no real marker. Also, I have chosen the word sentences to refer to these stretches of speech, rather than utterances, because they are not attested in native speech and are thus not uttered (see 2). I have placed an asterisk before these stretches of speech, which are ungrammatical.

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literary theory (naqd).5 One prevailing definition of the term mul found both in philosophy and in some of the works on literary theory talks about a co-occurrence of two contradictory [things] within the same object at the same time, in the same element [or] the same relative state ( ) , such as describing an object as being both black and white at the same time.6 As such, mul is not only non-existent but also inconceivable (and the philosophers make the distinction between that which does not exist but is imaginable and that which does not exist and is unimaginable).7
5The term occurs in another early work of grammatical import, namely Man al-Qurn of al-Farr (d. 207/822); since it is limited to only two passages (4 occurrences in all cited by Kinberg), we would hesitate to refer to it as a technical term. Kinberg translates mul as solecistic, impossible, construction, combination, etc.; see N. Kinberg, A Lexicon of al-Farrs Terminology in his Qurn Commentary: With Full Definitions, English Summaries and Extensive Citations (Leiden, New York: E.J. Brill, 1996), 196. al-Farrs usage of mul might be comparable to that of Sbawayhi, but one would need additional textual evidence to be sure. 6This definition is taken from the technical dictionary of al-uwrizm (d. 387/9978), Kitb maft al-ulm, ed. G. van Vloten (Lugduni-Batavorum: Brill, 1895), 140, under the chapter of philosophy (the text reads instead of ) . Definitions to this effect are stated by the early philosopher al-Kind (d. ca. 256/873) and the literary critic Qudma b. Jafar (d. between 320/932 and 337/948) and can be found in later technical dictionaries and books of definitions. For al-Kinds definition in his Risla f udd al-ay wa-rusmih see J. Jihm, Mawsat mualat al-falsafa inda al-Arab, Silsilat Mawst al-Mualat al-Arabiyya wa-l-Islmiyya (Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn, 1998), 774; for Qudmas definition see his Kitb al-ir, ed. S.A. Bonebakker (Leiden: Brill, naqd absurdity and self-contradiction, 1956), 124 (under the sub-heading 12433); for a later typical philosophical definition see al-arf al-Jurjn (d. 816/1413), Kitb

al-tarft (Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn, 1969), 217. The example is given by the literary critic Ab Hill al-Askar (d. ca. 395/1005) in his al-Furq f al-lua, ed. Lajnat Iy al-Tur al-Arab (Beirut: Dr al-fq al-Jadda, 1983), 345. The term ifa in its philosophical sense refers to a state that is by nature continuously relative or analogous to something else (Tarft, 289), such as fatherhood (inherently suggests son) or slavehood (inherently suggests owner). 7For the non-existent aspect of mul see Jihm, Mawsa, 774. Qudma distinguishes between mumtani impossible and mutanqi self-contradictory (or mustal [used by Qudma interchangeably with mul], so we infer from his sub-heading ), stating that the former cannot come into existence ( ) but may be con ceived in the imagination ( ) , while the latter is non-existent but also inconceivable (Qudma, Naqd, 133; also Ab Hill al-Askar, Furq, 35). Interestingly, Qudma contrasts mul/mustal (or mutanqi) with mustaqm (e.g. Naqd, 125). For a subdivision of poetic hyperbole based on the distinction mumkin-mumtani-mustal (the latter translated as unthinkable) see W. Heinrichs, Mublagha, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, eds. P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs (Brill, 2011.Brill Online, Harvard University), accessed September 19, 2011, http:// (henceforth: EI2). Utterances are sometimes later classified according to the philosophically-inspired modal distinction


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It would seem at first from Sbawayhis quasi-definition of mul given in his bb al-istiqma that it is the same self-contradictory sense that stands at the basis of the term in its grammatical application: mul is contradicting the beginning of your utter ance with allegedly corroborate this: its end.8 The archetypal examples * I came to you tomorrow and * I will come to you yesterday. Indeed, modern Western scholars have understood Sbawayhis mul in a logical or semantic sense: Carter makes the distinction between semantic and structural correctness, as he understands the istiqmaila pairing to reside in the former;9 according to Versteegh, the category of correctness (mustaqm) [is used] in a logical sense;10 according to Mosel, similar to Carter, mustaqm does not mean grammatisch richtig, i.e. asan, but rather ein sinnvoller verstndlicher Satz (= semantic/ logical sense);11 and going further back to Jahn, it is not clear whether he sees mustaqm as grammatisch richtig (= structural/formal correctness) or as dem Sinne nach angemessen (= semantic/logical correctness) because on one hand he contrasts mul with dem Sinne nach angemessen and renders it dem Sinne nach verkehrt (= logical) but on the other hand mustaqm is translated throughout as grammatisch richtig (= structural/formal).12 Interestingly, Owens identifies the archetypal mul-sentences as grammatically acceptable in that they exhibit structural correctness: verb + agent + object + circumstantial complement.13
wjib-jiz-mumtani necessary-possible-impossible; e.g. Ibn Fris (d.395/1004), al-Sib f fiqh al-lua wa-sunan al-arab f kalmih, ed. M. al-Choumi (Beirut: Muassasat Badrn li-l-Tiba wa-l-Nar, 1963), 179, al-Suy (d. 911/1505), Kitb al-iqtir f ilm ul al-naw (Hyderabad: Jamiyyat Dirat al-Marif al-Umniyya, 1940), 14 (quoting Ibn al-Tarwa, d. 528/1134). I thank Professor Michael Carter for these references and hope to elaborate on these and other classifications, found in naqd works, elsewhere. 8Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 6, Derenbourg 1, 7/Hrn 1, 25. 9Carter, Sbawayhi, 61; idem, An Arab Grammarian, 148; Marogy (Kitb Sbawayhi, 749) accentuates the pragmatic role played by the istiqma-ila pairing. 10K. Versteegh, Arabic Grammar and Qurnic Exegesis in Early Islam (Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1993), 34. 11U. Mosel, Die Syntaktische Terminologie bei Sbawayh (Munich: Dissertationsund Fotodrck Frank, 1975), 17, n. 1. 12G. Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik: bersetzt und Erklrt (Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 1895) 1, 1011. Instances of this inconsistency (parentheses are Jahns): category (i) of Sbawayhis soundness hierarchy is rendered was (grammatisch) richtig und (dem Sinne nach) angemessen ist (mustaqm asan); category (iv): was (grammatisch) richtig, aber (der Wortstellung nach) incorrect ist (mustaqm qab); category (v): was (dem Sinne nach) verkehrt und (dem Inhalt nach) eine Lge ist (mul kaib). 13J. Owens, The Foundations of Grammar: An Introduction to Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory (Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1988), 228. Cf. Chomskys grammatical Colourless green ideas sleep furiously, as grammatical-

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That Sbawayhis sense of mul was not obvious even to his successors is evident from the account given by his commentator Ab Sad al-Srf (d. ca. 368/979). In expounding on mul al-Srf stays true to the philosophical understanding of the term,14 while its antipode mustaqm takes hav on a more formal sense (cf. Jahn) as it is glossed ing sound form and sound declension/verbal-mood, i.e. permissible in the Bedouins speech, without [necessarily] being preferable ( ) .15 In fact what I hope this paper will show is that in Sbawayhis application of the term, mul simply means ungrammatical and should be taken as the opposite of al-Srfs understanding of mustaqm: i.e. impermissible. Moreover, this impermissibility or ungrammaticality is best described, in the Sbawayian context, as a syntactic one.16 By following Sbawayhis actual usage of the term mul we are initially finding out whether its application conforms to the definition17 but are consequently unravelling additional aspects of the analytical-theoretical, as well as pedagogical mechanisms that are employed by Sbawayhi. Such an approach, applied to the other correctness-categories, could potentially yield a better understanding of Sbawayhis views on grammaticality and value judgements of utterances.18
ity for him cannot be identified with meaningful or significant in any semantic sense (N. Chomsky, Syntactic Structures [s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 1957], 15). As will be shown, the ungrammaticality of the mul archetypes lies within the verbs tense: i.e. it is the verbconjugation that is incorrect. 14al-Srf, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, eds. R. Abd al-Tawwb, M.F. Hijz and M.H. Abd al-Dyim ([Cairo]: al-Haya al-Miriyya al-mma li-l-Kitb, 1986) 2, 90 ff. 15al-Srf, ar 2, 8990. The term jiz here should be taken in its most basic lexical sense and should not be confused with any philosophical sense thereof (viz. mumkin, cf. n. 7). Carter (Les Origines, 84) suggests that the term jiz was taken up from law; he understands a jiz-utterance to be both asan and mustaqm. 16It would perhaps be inaccurate to assign the incorrectness of an utterance to one linguistic level (e.g. semantic, pragmatic) as all linguistic levels are one and the same for Sbawayhi (on the inseparability of form and meaning in the Kitb see Baalbaki, Legacy, 17091, esp. 173 [wherefrom I quote], 181, 187. To form and meaning we should add context to account for the pragmatic dimension of many of Sbawayhis analyses; see e.g. Bohas et al., Arabic Linguistic Tradition, 423). In the case of mul-marked sentences, we will see that Sbawayhi explains their ungrammaticality primarily in structural or syntactic terms. 17Carter, An Arab Grammarian, 148. He states: As used in the Book these criteria [the behavioural criteria, p. 147; i.e. categories of speech-correctness] entirely conform to the definitions given to them. As will be shown in what follows, this is not the case with regards to mul. 18Thus, I would not be quick to rely on Sbawayhis archetypal qab-example, say, given in his bb al-istiqma in order to evaluate the term. A scrutiny of the terms asan and qab throughout the Kitb would be a much more extended undertaking, as their


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Since one cannot attend to the istiqma-ila discourse without invoking the Greek Hypothesis or Legal Hypothesis regarding the origin of these terms,19 I should say that I subscribe to neither, at least in the case of mul. A brief lexical survey of the word suffices to show that we need not view mul as the opposite of an ethically-charged mustaqm20 nor as the Arabic counterpart to the Greek adnatos,21 as mul seems to have originally applied to speech, rather than things or ideas. According to Ibn Manr (d. 630/13112), it is said that the verbs ( form I) and (form X) may refer to anything that is altered from straightness ( ) to and crooked, ), wherefrom the adjectives crookedness ( uneven, distorted, twisted are derived.22 The word mul, however, signi fies a crookedness the verbs that solely applies to speech, such that (form II) and ( form IV) derive from it: mul (speech): that which is turned away/ deviated from its [right/natural] way;23 awwala [transitive]: to make s.t.
appearance in the work is several-fold that of mul. In the case of kaib, besides its occurrences in the introductory chapter, the notion is absent from the Kitb. The term mustaqm will be scrutinized in this paper only inasmuch as it corroborates our conclusions regarding mul. 19For a neat presentation of these hypotheses, as well as the Syriac connection regarding the origins of the Arabic grammatical tradition, see Versteegh, Grammar and Exegesis, 2236 and recently Baalbaki, introduction to Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, xxxxvii. With regards to the speech soundness criteria, Versteegh seems to support the Greek hypothesis (Grammar and Exegesis, 35) while Baalbaki seems to support the legal one (Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, xxv). 20E.g. M.G. Carter, The Ethical Basis of Arabic Grammar, al-Karmil 12 (1991): 12. 21Versteegh, Grammar and Exegesis, 24 (following Rundgren). and 22Ibn Manr, Lisn al-arab (Cairo: Dr al-Marif, n.d.) 2, 1054. are commonly said of a bow ( )and of the edges of a thigh/leg (or a person who has a twisted thigh/leg; ibid.). Seemingly, both the active and the passive participles are synonymous: this may explained by the fact that many form X verbs are at least originally, reflexive (thus the agent, that is the active, and the patient, that is the passive, are the same); see W. Wright, A Grammar of the Arabic Language, revised by W.R. Smith and M.J. de Goeje (3rd edition reprint; n.p.: Simon WallenbergPress, 2007) 1, 45 (one example to stand upright lit. to hold oneself upright [ibid.; italics his]). Wright adduces is We also find straightness and crookedness in the most profane of contexts (viz. far from having moral/ethical import), as the following proverb and explanation thereof suggests (Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1054): Proverbially [it is said:] That is more crooked/twisted than a cam els urination, and this is [said] because its urine does not come out straight going in one of the two directions [right and left]. This proverb should not be confused with : He is more cunning than a wolf (stated several entries later; , derived from Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1055). 23al-arf al-Jurjn mentions a lexical definition to this effect (Tarft, 217) but does and not limit it to speech. Cf. some of the definitions of the verbs as deviating

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mul; ala [intransitive]: to utter mul .24 Linguistically, it should be said, form IV verbs in Arabic (here ) comprise many denominatives, such that they combine with the idea of the noun, from which they are derived, that of a transitive verb, of which it is the direct object.25 Simi ) are frequently denominative and express larly, form II verbs (here [...] the making or doing of [...] the thing expressed by the noun from which it is derived.26 In other words, the grammar of the language (in terms of the semantics of verb-forms) supports Ibn Manrs synopsis. would be used adjectivally to modify the Notice that whereas intrinsically implies it: word speech, the word [The meaning of] mustal speech [is] mul.27 In what way is speech crooked/twisted? This question remains unexplained in the Lisn.28 It is here that we find the speech-classification attributed to Sbawayhis most prominent teacher, al-all b. Amad (d. between 159/776 and 173/791), opening thus (on the authority of Ibn Shumayl [d. 203/818?]): mul is the saying/speech for a non-thing and mustaqm is the saying/speech for a thing.29 It is not clear
from the correct [way] in T. Ivnyi, Lan and Lua, The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 1 (1988): 679. 24Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1055. 25Wright, Grammar often be 1, 345. Wright adds that in these cases the verb would to produce ). Of the many examples provided by Wright are intransitive (as is herbage ][ or to speak eloquently [with ]. What is a bit strange in our case ] is that the noun itself is a derivative of form IV of to produce crooked speech [ (passive participle). The only comparable example I found in Wright was to become , the active participle of form IV. possible, the noun from which it is derived being Regarding the intransitivity of , it should be noted that Ibn Manr does record a possible usage of the verb as a transitive one; i.e. it could be used with the complement ... ala: to utter mul speech: [...] and it is said aaltu l-kalma I make speech mul (+conjugations): when you corrupt it [speech] (Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1055). 26Wright, Grammar 1, 32; italics his (cf. Ibn Manrs wording, ) . 27Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1055. 28According to one definition it exhibits corruption (see n. 25), but what exactly is corrupt in the speech is still unclear to me. 29Ibn Manr, Lisn 2, 1055. This classification is not found in al-alls extant work, Kitb al-Ayn, and is more in line with the criteria stated by al-Afa (al-Awsa, d. ca. 215/830, credited with making the Kitb widely known) and by Ab Al al-Fris (d. 377/987), in that all three are additionally concerned with subjective lies and inadvertent errors. The views of al-Afa are recorded by al-Srf, ar 2, 94 and by al-antamar (d. 476/1083), al-Nukat f tafsr Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. Z.A.M. Suln (Kuwait: Mahad al-Mat al-Arabiyya, al-Munaamma al-Arabiyya li-l-Tarbiya wa-l-aqfa wa-l-Ulm, 1987) 1, 134; and see Ab Al al-Fris, Aqsm al-akhbr, ed. A.J. al-Manr, al-Mawrid 7.3 (1978): 2024. The entry mul in Kitb al-Ayn, eds. M. al-Mazm and I. al-Samrr


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whether this definition should be taken in the philosophical-logical sense (as in Versteegh: Impossible is speech about something that does not exist)30 or whether it should be seen as a more basic lexical explanation, in which case the English nonsense could be an appropriate literal rendering of muls speech for a non-thing. It is nevertheless apparent from Ibn Manrs account that he preserves an earlier, speech-bound sense of mul; this is while the semantically-extended sense of the word seems to have become standard among many of the lexicographers preceding him (Ibn Manr does not mention the logical definition).31 An explicit statement concerning this issue is made by Ab Hill al-Askar (d. ca. 395/1005) in his semantically-organized dictionary al-Furq f al-lua, according to whom our saying mul pertains only to speech/utterances ( theologians ) . As his explanation goes, the ( ) use the term to refer to a nonexistent attribute ( ), although lexically ( it refers to the utterance of the one making the attri) bute () .32 Also noteworthy is the fact that the notions of straightness and bentness/crookednessthough not in terms of ilaare used long before Sbawayhi to critically apply to speech (poetic speech, to be exact). This can be attested by the following poetry line by the Umayyad Adiyy b. \\ al-Riq (d. ca. 95/714) (in the kmil meter): many a qada I would spend all night revising (lit. assembling its [scattered parts]) until I straightened out what was bent/crooked
([Baghdad]: al-Jumhriyya al-Irqiyya, Wizrat al-aqfa wa-l-Ilm, Dr al-Rad, 1980 1985) 3, 298 is much less informative than the account given by Ibn Manr. 30Versteegh, Grammar and Exegesis, 34. : it (speech, 31Lane preserves the speech-bound sense only with regards to language or thing) became mul (E.W. Lane, An Arabic-English Lexicon [New-Delhi: Asian Educational Studies, 1985], 675); according to him may refer either to a saying is rendered absurd, inconsistent, self-contradictory, unreal, impos or to an action; sible (Lexicon, 674). Hava distinguishes between speech-bound and non-speech-bound mul, as his entry of the word reads: Absurd (speech); Crooked; Impossible (J.G. Hava, al-Farid: Arabic-English Dictionary, 5th ed. [Beirut: Dr al-Mariq, 1982], 151). Kitb al-ayn (3, 298) does preserve the speech-bound sense of mul (but here it is derived from the , rather than the other way around). In al-Zamaars (d. 538/1144) thesaurus verb and figurative dictionary Ass al-balgha we find mustaqm and mul being said of things: ( no further definition); Ass al-balgha, eds. M. Nuaym and . al-Maarr

([Baghdad]: al-Jumhriyya al-Irqiyya, Wizrat al-aqfa wa-l-Ilm, Dr al-Rad, 1980 1985), 177. For al-Zamaar it is from this adjective that the verb when applied to things said () is derived. 32Furq, 35. Notice that al-Askar is attending to the speech-bound sense of mul parenthetically; his point of departure is the philosophical sense of mul and it is the latter aspect that receives most of his attention.

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and corrupt.33 Statements like these, and the fact that mul intrinsically refers to speech, would seem to render the legal understanding of the term irrelevant. To conclude this section, it is important that we identify the distinction between the philosophical-logical and what was to become standard sense of mul, namely absurd, impossible, and the lexical speech-bound sense thereof, namely nonsense (or crooked, inherently implying speech). Even though Sbawayhis quasi-definition of mul seems to reflect the former, it is indeed the latter from which the term in its technical grammatical sense develops. If at all foreign influences are to be found, they may lie in the quasi-definition itself. In what follows we shall see that throughout the Kitb, the term is used in a systematic, grammatical and indeed technical way. In the context of the Kitb the term mul is best rendered ungrammatical.34 2.Mul-Marked Sentences in the Kitb as Hypothetical Speech As recorded by Troupeau, the term mul appears 45 times in the Kitb, with an additional 10 occurrences of the variants ala to utter mul, istala to be mul, mul uttering mul and ila the state of being mul.35 In most of these occurrences mul is used by Sbawayhi as a tag referring to sentences. In a minority of occurrences, however, mul is used in the sense that befits the later standard sense of the word, viz.

33Dwn shir adiyy b. al-riq al-mil, eds. N.H. al-Qays and H.S. al-Dmin ([Baghdad]: Mabaat al-Majma al-Ilm al-Irq, 1987), 88; M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Ibn Qutayba, Introduction au Livre de la posie et des poets, Muqaddimatu kitbi l-ir wa-luar: Texte arabe daprs ldition De Goeje. Avec introduction, traduction et commentaire par Gaudefroy-Demombynes (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947), 17. What precisely sind refers to is not agreed upon, except that it is a fault in poetry (ayb); Dwn, 88, Lisn 3, 2115. I was made aware of this line by Heinrichs, Nakd EI2, who paraphrases the line when discussing critical vocabulary found in poetry during the pre-systematic stage of literary criticism. 34Or: ungrammatical sentence, see below. It should be noted that mul (or mustal) does not appear in the Qurn nor does it show up in the poetry of six prominent preIslamic poets; see A. Arazi and S. Masalha, al-Iqd al-amn f dawwn al-uar al-sitta al-jhiln (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1999). 35G. Troupeau, Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi (Paris: Klincksieck, 1976), 756, who translates mul as absurde, impossible. I exclude istala in the sense of trouver absurde, impossible (2 occurrences) as they do not refer directly to sentences. Note: in the following references to Derenbourgs edition of Sbawayhis Kitb I specify the line number only if the term mul appears more than once on the same page.


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impossible. Thus we find comments like it is impossible for you to assign the raf independent case marker to [a word in a sentence] on account of [another word in that sentence].36 I call this the non-technical use of the term.37 My investigation is limited to the technical use of the term, and my conclusions are a result of a close examination, not only of all of the sentences marked as mul, but also (and especially) of the context in which Sbawayhi adduces them. We should keep in mind that ila occurs on the level of the sentence (or stretch of speech, kalm), not the single word; meaning, ungrammaticality on the morphological or phonological level would not be deemed mul. So much so that mul is contrasted at one point with kalm (cf. al-alls utterance-classification): it [a certain construction] is a [valid] utterance as an interrogative but ungrammatical as a declarative sentence (emphasis mine).38 More important is the fact that mul may be contrasted with asan (what is commonly rendered well-formed, i.e. structurally sound);39 what Sbawayhi probably means here is asan in the (non-technical?) sense of fine, permissible. This may explain why we further find the contrast of mul with yajzu is permissible ( and cf. al-Srfs understanding of mustaqm as ) . Examples of the mul-asan juxta position (all emphases are mine): it is ungram matical in one sense/aspect but fine [i.e. grammatical] in another;40 al-all mentioned this only in order for you to know/distinguish what is ungrammatical of [a certain construc ... tion] from what is grammatical;41
36Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 110, Derenbourg 1, 200/Hrn 2, 35 (but the alterna cf. , which tive reading in Hrn). This case should not be confused with

I understand to mean that the pronunciation of the u-ending is deemed ungrammatical (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 240, Derenbourg 1, 372/Hrn 3, 26). with regards to the idea of notifying him [the 37Another example could be listener] that he is none other than himself (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 205, Derenbourg 1, 332/Hrn 2, 355). A gray area consists of statements like it is mul for you to say [...], where the sense could be either non-technical it is impossible to say [...] or technical it is ungrammatical to say [...] (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 145, Derenbourg 1, 259/Hrn 2, 177; chapter 146, Derenbourg 1, 263/ Hrn 2, 184; chapter 146, Derenbourg 1, 264/Hrn 2, 187 [two instances of mul]). I count these as technical instances of the term. 38Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 224, Derenbourg 1, 353/Hrn 2, 406; cf. Talmon, Kalm, 84. Talmon analyzes the term kalm in the Kitb (p. 82 ff.), seeing it essentially as a nonsyntactic term; on its basic tenet as acceptable speech see Ivnyi, Poetic Licenses, 211. 39All the structural features of Arabic, from the level of the phoneme to the sentence, are evaluated as either asan or qab [and the like] (Carter, An Arab Grammarian, 148). 40Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 1, 186/Hrn 1, 439. 41Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 117, Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 80. For discussion see 3.

had you not suppressed it [the particle an], the utterance would have been ungrammatical [...] and if you suppress an, the utter ance is fine.42 Examples of the mul-yajzu juxtaposition: ... had you said [sentence] it would have been ... ungrammatical [...] and this is not permissible but it is permissible as a [constituent] opening [the sentence];43 it is ungrammatical in one sense but permissible in another.44 Probably the most important aspect of mul-marked sentences is that the vast majority of them do not reflect actual Bedouin speech but are rather the result of the grammarians forged speech. In fact, we only find one clear-cut instance of a natural sentence being tagged as mul, but this is put in the mouth of al-all, not Sbawayhi (see below).45 Most of the )had occurrences follow a formulaic (sometimes:... ... you said X, it would have been ungrammatical (because P) (X=sentence, P=grammatical phenomenon or rule), thus exhibiting hypothetical sen ... had tences that were not said.46 One variant is ...
42Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 234, Derenbourg 1, 362/Hrn 3, 3. 43Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 270, Derenbourg 1, 420/ Hrn 3, 144 [and see n. 1]. 44Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 224, Derenbourg 1, 353/Hrn 3, 406. Cf. ... . Notice also the contrast mustaqm-ghayr jiz: ... ... if you mean [...], it is impermissible, but if [...] and you mean [...], then it is correct [i.e. grammatical]; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 251, Derenbourg 1, 395/Hrn 3, 84 (emphasis mine). 45Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 92, Derenbourg 1, 167/Hrn 1, 395. In two other it cases is equivocal whether or not mul is referring to actual sentences. One is ... ... (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 113, Derenbourg 211/Hrn 2, 59): )and could be interpreted as the sentence that exemplifies what is not allowed ( not as a natural utterance (thus we would translate it as That would be your saying [...]); conversely, if we do take to represent your saying, i.e. a natural utterance, we should be alerted to the fact that this argument, too, is attributed to al-all, as it concludes with ( chapter 113, Derenbourg 211/Hrn 2, 59) (for a discussion of the words the grammatical question at hand see Carter, An Arab Grammarian, 14950). The second ... as for [sentence], it is ungrammatical (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter case is 224, Derenbourg 1, 353 [l. 21]/Hrn 2, 406), but from the context it is inferred that this sentence too is nonfactual. 46Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 101, Derenbourg 1, 184/Hrn 1, 135; chapter 224, Derenbourg 1, 353 (ll. 1213)/Hrn 2, 405; chapter 240, Derenbourg 1, 372/Hrn 3, 2627; chapter 254, Derenbourg 1, 403/Hrn 3, 103; chapter 270, Derenbourg 1, 420/Hrn 3, 1334 (two separate instances). Not all occurrences follow the formula literally but they essentially express the same idea. The interlocutors in al-Srfs discussion of bb al-istiqma (ar 2, 90), who object to Sbawayhis use of the word mul, miss in fact this exact point by interpret ing the sentences ). Indeed, and as utterances that exist ( they may exist as poetic utterances, but this is not reflected in the Kitb. Already Abboud (Grammaticality, 61) alerts to the fact that mul sentences do not occur in actual speech

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you said X while intending Y, then it [X] would have been ungrammatical (X could represent a grammatical sentence here).47 The cause for adducing a nonfactual, non-grammatical sentence seems to fall within one of the following two reasons: either (a) to explain or describe a grammatical rule/behaviour or (b) to justify the rule and to provide proof (dall) to its validity.48 Cases that fall under the second reason tend to follow a formulaic (sometimes opening with ) \( (dont you see) the ... ) ... indication/that which indicates to you that P is that had you said X, it would have been ungrammatical (alternatively: simply P because X is ungrammatical).49 That mul-marked sentences are unattested in the speech of the Bedouins is somewhat reminiscent of the taml-type sequences which are not spoken.50 However, the explicitly glossed by Sbawayhi as

(Talmon similarly does so with sequences of speech tagged is not a [valid] utterance; Talmon, Kalm, 83). Cf. Ivnyis take on law qulta-utterances (utterances preceded by the words had you said, Ivnyi, Poetic Licenses, 2014): if they are tagged bad or ugly, they are (sometimes) used in speech (p. 202; Ivnyis parentheses). Note that in his view, all actual utterances adduced by Sbawayhi do not reflect everyday Bedouin speech but rather everyday ruwt or so-called Bedouin speech (Ivnyi, Poetic Licenses, 204). 47Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 112, Derenbourg 1, 209/Hrn 2, 55; chapter 177, Derenbourg 1, 219 (ll. 1718)/Hrn 2, 81; chapter 145, Derenbourg 1, 259/Hrn 2, 177 (two instances); chapter 194, Derenbourg 1, 3223/Hrn 2, 331; chapter 205, Derenbourg 1, 3312/Hrn 2, 355 (if we interpret mul as a technical term); chapter 241, Derenbourg 1, 372 (l. 20)/ Hrn 3, 28 (though istala could be interpreted here in its non-technical sense. Note that istla in the following line is a clear case of non-technical usage); chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 55 (two instances); chapter 247, Derenbourg 1, 390/Hrn 3, 723 (two separate instances). Not all occurrences follow the formula literally. 48Cf. Baalbaki, Legacy, 133: [...] Sbawayhi was interested not only in describing linguistic phenomena but also in justifying them. 49Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 110, Derenbourg 1, 199/Hrn 2, 32; chapter 118, Derenbourg 1, 220/Hrn 2, 81 (mul could be interpreted here in its non-technical sense); chapter 141, Derenbourg 1, 255/Hrn 2, 168; chapter 146, Derenbourg 1, 263/Hrn 2, 184; chapter 146, Derenbourg 1, 264/Hrn 2, 187 (put in the mouth of al-all. According to my understanding, it is used as a sarcastic [!] proof to denounce a dialectal variant); chapter 193, Derenbourg 1, 322/Hrn 2, 331; chapter 194, Derenbourg 3223/Hrn 2, 331; chapter 208, Derenbourg 1, 334/Hrn 2, 3612; chapter 220, Derenbourg 1, 349/Hrn 2, 3945; chapter 224, Derenbourg 1, 353 (ll. 2122)/Hrn 2, 406 (here P=X is mul); chapter 239, Derenbourg 1, 370/Hrn 3, 23; chapter 247, Derenbourg 1, 390 (ll. 67)/Hrn 3, 723; chapter 251, Derenbourg 1, 395/Hrn 3, 84 (note that mul is equated with lam yajuz); chapter 252, Derenbourg 1, 397/Hrn 3, 88; chapter 253, Derenbourg 1, 400/Hrn 3, 97; chapter 278, Derenbourg 1, 432/Hrn 3, 169. Once more, these need not follow the formula literally but their function as providing a dall still holds. 50See G. Ayoub, De ce qui ne se dit pas dans le Livre de Sbawayhi: La Notion de Taml, in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, eds. K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990), 115, esp. p 11. She rightly notes that mul is a criterion of admissibility (p. 12, n. 3).

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function played by mul-marked sentences is markedly different from that played by taml- (or ka-annaka qulta- as if you said) sentences in that the purpose of the mul sentence is not to explain a case/mood marker whose cause is not manifest in the sentence. Only two of the mul-marked sentences do in fact coincide with taml and reflect an underlying structure intended to manifest or bring to the senses the cause for the case/mood marker. The first is (explaining the nab depen dent case after, what later grammarians call ww al-maiyya): ... As if you had said [with regards to the sentence What did you do with your brother(-dependent)] *What did you do your brother, and this is ungrammatical but I wanted to bring [it] to your senses.51 The second case is assuming an implied verb to explain be careful or the nab in get away/save yourself.52 By contrast, the vast majority of ungrammatical sentences tagged as mul are adduced to serve one of the two functions mentioned above. The first function (viz. explanation and description) takes place on the level of acquisition of the language: the reader may or may not identify the sentence as ungrammatical, hence its pedagogical import; the second function (viz. proof ) takes place on the level of theory: Sbawayhi relies on the fact that the reader will identify the sentence as ungrammatical, otherwise the proof is ineffectual. Before we delve into the two distinct functions played by mulmarked sentences, let us attend to the occurrence of a mul-marked sentence that represents a natural utterance. Within the chapter dealing with non-adjective and non-madar adverbial dependents,53 Sbawayhi I got a profit of one dirham on cites al-alls rejection of ) : every dirham and the ensuing debate among Bedouins (

51Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 59, Derenbourg 1, 126/Hrn 1, 300. 52Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 54, Derenbourg 1, 117/Hrn 1, 2757, and see 4 below. The notion of taml is stated explicitly in the beginning of chapter 54 (dealing with warning exclamations Derenbourg 1, 116/Hrn 1, 273): of beware!, in the sense Except that [in] this [construction], making apparent [i.e. uttering] that which you concealed is impermissible but I mention it [to you] to bring to your senses the [component] whose concealment is not apparent [uttered]. 53Such as lit. I spoke to him, his mouth[-dependent] to mine i.e. I spoke to him face-to-face; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 92, Derenbourg 1, 167/Hrn 1, 391.


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al-all claims that their saying I got a profit of one dirham[-indefinite, dependent] on every dirham[-definite, dependant] is nonsense,54 unless you say f l-dirhami or li-l-dirhami [i.e. utter the prepositions f or li- before the definite dirham]. Likewise we have found the Bedouins say: Were someone to say, Omit the preposition and cast it aside [i.e. say: rabitu l-dirhama dirhaman], he would be replied, It is not permissible to do that [omit the preposition] just as saying I passed your brother and meaning by your brother is impermissible. If [the first] says [i.e. concedes], Omitting the [preposition] bi- from here [marartu aka] is impermissible, then he is replied, Then this [rabitu l-dirhama dirhaman] is not said either.55

The fact that the tag mul is applied to their speech ( ) may reflect a more prescriptive approach to natural sentences on the part of al-all; similarly, the highly developed debate that Sbawayhi records may reflect an internal dialogue among Bedouin circles regarding the (prescriptive) correctness of certain sentences that existed in their language. Sbawayhis silence on the issue is suggestive of his differing approach, that is to say, his descriptivism toward attested Bedouin speech.56 3.Mul-Marked Sentences Used as a Pedagogical Tool The explanatory function of mul-marked sentences serves as a pedagogical tool to describe to the learner the rules of the language, or rather, the rules that Sbawayhi and his colleagues have defined. One example can be found within the chapter titled That which is assigned the nab because it [gives] information on a known [entity], as in the archetype there is Abdullhi leaving.57 Here Sbawayhi sets out to explain why sentences like that is Zayd, no doubt or that is Zayd [in his] boasting[-self ], opening with the independent pronoun, are grammatical but is not. belong to the same synAlthough both and tactic construction, the intention of the former (opening with the demonstrative) is not to identify Abdullhi but to inform about his departure,
54I refrain from translating mul here as ungrammatical as this rendering reflects Sbawayhis use of the term, not al-alls. 55Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 92, Derenbourg 1, 167/Hrn 1, 395 [and see n. 1]. I follow Hrns reading. See also Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch 1, 248. accentuates once again the propin 56The controversy surrounding quity of mul and l yajzu. For a less clear-cut instance of mul used as a tag on a (perhaps) natural sentence, see n. 45. 57Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 117, Derenbourg 1, 2189/Hrn 2, 7781.

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whereas the intention of the latter is to identity of Zayd or an aspect there- of.58 It is in this context that Sbawayhi says that uttering the sentence he is Zayd leaving I am Abdullhi leaving or (opening with the pronoun) to notify someone who knows you or Zayd well about the departure would be mul, or ungrammatical, because uttering the pronoun ( , )makes uttering the referents name redun dant.59 The point at hand, however, is that in the case of \ an aspect of Zayds identity is being highlighted or clarified, hence its grammaticality, whereas the fact that one is leaving does not clarify ) an aspect of ones identity.60 It is due to Sbawayhis ( tendency to exhaust all possibilities that he discerns the following inconsistency: admissible \ inadmissible * The inconsistency lies between the admissibility of one sentence and the inadmissibility of another, whichformallyseems to belong to the same construction. The inadmissible sentences are of interest to Sbawayhi only inasmuch as they clarify the admissibility of sentences in the construction opening with a pronoun. We should note that the option of is tagged ayr jiz impermissible a few lines earlier: once again, highlighting the equivalence between the two terms, mul and ayr jiz.61
well-known as 58Ibid., Derenbourg 2, 7781. For the meaning of 1, 2189/Hrn no doubt ( )see Derenbourg 1, 219/ Hrn 2, 79. In the case of boasting, the idea is to highlight a trait in Zayd that the listener may be unaware of, or it could be a way to belittle Zayd or to praise or threaten him, depending on the adjective uttered (Derenbourg 1, 2189/Hrn 2, 7880; cf. al-Srfs explanation stated in Hrn 2, 79 n.1). In these cases the dependent constituent (seen as a l circumstantial qualifier) is taken as an explanatory component (tafsr). 59Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 801. 60Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 218/Hrn 2, 7880. 2, 79). It should be noted 61 ( Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn that Sbawayhi does provide a context in which is admissible (Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 81), meaning in and of itself, the sentence is not ungrammatical: this is if the listener is located behind a wall or somewhere the speaker is unaware of, in which case uttering a sentence like Its me Zayd coming to your aid ( ) would be fine (asan; note the contrast with mul). This example is cited by Baalbaki (Legacy, 202) to illustrate the importance Context in Sbawayhis grammatical analysis. of The nawiyyn seem to have accepted regardless of context (Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 80; compare R. Talmon, Nawiyyn in Sbawayhis Kitb, Zeitschrift fr


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A statement that could support the view that Sbawayhis intent here is pedagogical is the following (quoted above for the mul-asan juxtapo sition): al-all mentioned this [the explanation regarding ]only in order for you to know/ distinguish what is ungrammatical of [this construction] from what is grammatical.62 In other words, the reader may not know the limits and workings of the construction at hand and thus may not recognize the ungrammatical sentence as such. We shall find a similar remark below. The next example exhibits another so-called inconsistency, this time between the verbs form, or tense, and the intended time reference. This example could potentially shed some light on the archetypal * and * , as it seems to be the question of tense that stands at the basis of these ungrammatical sentences. Interestingly, this is the only mul instance that is comparable to the archetypal mul sentences. The discussion in point concerns the various conjugations of the con struction you inevitably did [so and so], you did not delay/fail to do [so and so].63 The key statement here is The imperfect [after the particle an] can be placed in the position of the perfect [i.e. still keeping with the past time reference], but the perfect cannot be placed in the position of the imperfect [i.e. still keeping with the future time reference].64 Thus
arabische Linguistik 8 [1982]: 23). We find another instance of mul in this context, but here it is probably in the non-technical sense: It is impossible/absurd for the noun to appear after it [the pronoun] when you give information about an action-like or a nonaction-like attribute [...] (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 117, Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 80). Alternatively, one could understand it as Uttering [making apparent] the noun after the pronoun [...] is ungrammatical, in which case the sense of mul would be technical. It is cases like this which I referred to above as a gray area (n. 37). 62Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 219/Hrn 2, 80. 63Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 556 (henceforth: the m adawta an faalta-construction). This construction is discussed as a side-note to the chapter dealing with two verbs separated by a conjunction following the particle an; viz. ( where the second verb shares the mood the distinction between marker with the first) I want you to visit[-dependent] me and then talk[-dependent] with I want you to visit[-dependent] me, then you will talk[ me and independent] with me (chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 382/Hrn 3, 52). 64Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 55 (a similar remark is given in chapter 239, Derenbourg 1, 370/Hrn 3, 24). Sbawayhi adds that the only exception to this rule is the condi tional mood (mujzt), as in If you do, I will do, which displays a future time reference despite the perfect form of the verb (chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 55). More on the lack of correspondence between tense-forms and time-referencemeanings can be found in Owens, Foundations, 2345 (Sbawayhi is not mentioned). One

can express either a past or a future time reference I inevitably [-perfect] sat in your company/will sit in your company[-imperfect], but it is inferred that can only refer to the past (I keep to the verb to sit in ones company above for the purpose of uniformity; see next excerpt): ] sic.[ ]sic.[
When you say I am not failing[-perfect] to visit you[-imperfect] you mean inevitably this will happen according to what I expect will occur [i.e. time reference = future], and the imperfect [tiyaka] can be placed in the position of the perfect [i.e. m adawtu an tiyaka = m adawtu an ataytuka = past time reference] but the perfect [ataytuka] cannot be placed in the position of the imperfect [i.e. m adawtu an ataytuka in the future sense is inadmissible].65

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It is because Sbawayhi identifies a double sense in that he moves on to experiment with and ( -imperfect). Here, however, the former can only refer to the past and the latter can only refer to the future:
You say: By God I did not fail[-imperfect] to sit in your company[-perfect], meaning I had done that, i.e. I am not overlooking my sitting in your company in the past; and if he means It is inevitable that I sat in your company[-perfect] tomorrow [i.e. in the sense of future], it is ungrammatical and a contradiction, just as if he were to say It is inevitable that I sit in your company[-imperfect] yesterday [i.e. in the sense of past], it is ungrammatical.66

The sole purpose of expressing the adverbials yesterday and tomorrow here (or before/in the past and that which I anticipate [to come]) is to signal the time reference; viz. the sense of
tenth century grammarian uses specific technical terms to refer to perfect/imperfect verbs that express the opposing time reference; see R. Baalbaki, Unfamiliar Morphological Terminology from the Early Fourth Century A.H.: Muaddibs Daqiq al-Tarf, in Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism: A Collection of Articles in Honour of Michael G. Carter, eds. L. Edzard and J. Watson (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006), 246. 65Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 55. 66Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 383/Hrn 3, 55.


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past and future, respectively.67 Once again, adducing the ungrammatical sentences has to do with exhausting all possibilities in the construction, especially as one encounters a single time reference being expressed by two different verb forms ([ = past]) and conversely, two time references being expressed by one and the same verb form ( [ either past or future]).68 We may summarize the conjugations that Sbawayhi exhausts in the following table:69
)perfect( grammatical )F( grammatical )F( ( ( ) ) ungrammatical )P( * grammatical )P( ( ( ) ) grammatical )P( grammatical )P( ( ( ) ) ungrammatical )F( * ungrammatical )F( * ( ( ) ) )imperfect(

That Sbawayhis purpose here is pedagogical is evident from his conclud ing remark: I am only mentioning this [to you] because of its [the m adawta an faaltaconstruction] versatile ways and meanings and lest you find some grammatical [form] of it ungrammatical, for it is a con-

67For the use of as a non-terminological reference to the future tense in al-alls Kitb al-Ayn, see R. Talmon, Arabic Grammar in its Formative Age: Kitb al-Ayn and its Attribution to al-all b. Amad (Leiden, New York: Brill, 1997), 155 (under the sub-heading Tenses). ~ Wording vis--vis meaning 68Cf. the chapter in the Risla titled dealing with synonymy and homonymy; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 4, Derenbourg 1, 67/ Hrn 1, 24 (his examples are limited to single words, but by extension synonymy and homonymy can reside on the sentence-level, as in the case above). 69Key: P=past time reference; F=future time reference. I specify in parentheses the expression used by Sbawayhi to mark the sentence; if Sbawayhi precedes the sentence you say, we take it as a marker of grammaticality. I am keeping with the verb with of uniformity. The unmarked forms with which Sbawayhi opens the for the sake . It is inferred that the former has discussion are and [] a past time reference and that the latter has a future time reference.

struction that people use70 (cf. above, ). In other words, due to the versatile behaviour of the construc tion at hand, the reader may not identify the ungrammatical sentences as such; indeed, he may not at all be aware of the significations of the constructions various forms. Another example that we may characterize as pedagogically-oriented has not to do with correct use of tense but with correct use of mood. It is discussed under the chapter dealing with the particle until; so that; such that; even involving two agents; i.e. cases in which the agent of the verb preceding differs from the agent of the verb following it.71 After presenting the properties of construction, disallows this Sbawayhi ~ * I , ( ) the independent in travelled such that I entered[-independent] it and that the sun would rise[-independent] on account of that fact that your travelling does not * cause the suns rising.72 Conversely, the dependent in ~ I travelled such that I entered[-independent] it and the sun ) unless you assign the depen rose[-dependent] is also disallowed ( dent mood [nab] to the verb preceding the conjunction [i.e. ] , for the presence of the conjunction demands that both verbs share the same )form would be to utter an mood marker.73 The only acceptable ( additional : I travelled until the sun rose[-dependent] and such that I entered[-independent] it.74 As in the previous mul examples, here too one might assume that the reader is not necessarily familiar with the workings of the grammatical construction at hand and may not recognize the sentences as ungrammatical. What is more revealing about this case, however, is that the first
70Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 3834/Hrn 3, 56. 71 that in which the action is [carried out] by two [agents]; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 240, Derenbourg 1, 371/Hrn 3, 25. 72Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 372/Hrn 3, 267. This complies with the previously defined two agents), according to which the inderule regarding this construction ( involving pendent mood (raf ) in the verb following implies that the agent of that verb is the , cause ( ( Derenbourg 1, 371/ ) for the action expressed in the verb preceding Hrn 3, 25). This construction has bearings on the Hijz reading of Q 2.214 They were shaken so that the Prophet would say[-independent] (rather than

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until the Prophet said[-dependent]). Constructions that deal with the verbal mood following not involving two agentsare treated in this volume by Arik Sadan.
73Sbawayhi Kitb chapter 240, Derenbourg 1, 372/Hrn 3, 267. 74Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 372/Hrn 3, 27.


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disallowed sentence, explained in pure semantic (or logical) terms, is tagged primarily as l yajzu (in addition to mul), whereas the second disallowed sentence, explained in pure formal terms (raf-nab discrepancy between the two verbs) is tagged solely as mul. This would support the hypothesis put forth in this paper, according to which Sbawayhis ila refers primarily to syntactic ungrammaticality (however multifaceted). To recapitulate this section: when Sbawayhi adduces a mul-marked sentence to fulfil an explanatory and descriptive function, i.e. for pedagogical purposes, he usually does so out of a highly systematic tendency to exhaust all linguistic possibilities pertaining to the grammatical construction at hand. The following table may be given as one last example that neatly reflects this tendency (the sentences are discussed under the chapter dealing with multiple adjectives, here badal substitution, sharing the same case):75
Sentence 1 2 3 Structural Properties sentence is negative sentence is affirmative sentence is negative

I did not pass by a good person but by a corrupt one grammatical I passed by a good, rather, a corrupt person grammatical I did not pass by a good person but by a corrupt one * ungrammatical (mul) *I passed by a good person but a corrupt one


*sentence is affirmative

It is because both an affirmative and a negative sentence are adduced in the case of but; rather that Sbawayhi exhausts the affirmative and
75Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 101, Derenbourg 1, 178/Hrn 1, 421 ff. The table is extracted from chapter 101, Derenbourg 1, 184/Hrn 1, 4345; emphases are mine. In all four sentences the second adjective is the badal sharing its case with the first adjective. The ungrammatical sentence (#4) is discussed in more detailalbeit in isolation from the context in which it is adducedin Carter, An Arab Grammarian, 149. In sentence ;) the #2 the speaker retracts his words out of forgetfulness ( )or error ( second adjective is nevertheless a badal.

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the negative options with regards to but. The tendency to present linguistic behaviours in patterns is strongly associated, to my mind, with pedagogical methodology.76 4.Mul-Marked Sentences Used as a Theoretical Tool (Dall) A separate function that a mul-marked sentence may fulfil is to provide evidence or proof ( ) for a grammatical rule that is defined by the grammarian (in the classic cases we will find the stem .. to indicate, to prove in Sbawayhis discussion, but it need not appear explicitly). This type of proof forms part of the theoretical, or scientific apparatus of the Kitb albeit its pedagogical import should not be ignored. When adducing a mul-marked sentence as proof, the reader must recognize it as inadmissible; indeed, Sbawayhi counts on this recognition, or judgment, in order for the proof to be effective. For the purpose of our discussion, we may refer to this identification on the part of the reader as a type of grammaticality judgment.77 Our first example concerns for; to; theunderstanding of the particle so that in the archetypal I came to you so that you would do [-dependent] [such and such] not as the causer of the dependent mood in the imperfect verb. According to Sbawayhi, the mood marker is the result of an implied , and had we not understood with an implied , the sentence would be ungrammatical (mul) as it would amount to uttering a verb after a preposition, the latter being the basic function the previously defined rule accordof . The reason for this stems from and can only exert effect on nouns, not ing to which particles like
76Other cases which I would classify as fulfilling the pedagogical function are Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 1, 186/Hrn 1, 439; chapter 141, Derenbourg 1, 255 (ll. 1521)/ Hrn 2, 169; chapter 145, Derenbourg 1, 259/Hrn 2, 177; chapter 224, Derenbourg 1, 353 (ll. 1221)/Hrn 2, 4056; chapter 241, Derenbourg 1, 3723/Hrn 3, 28 (if one interprets istala in the technical sense); chapter 254, Derenbourg 1, 403/Hrn 3, 1023; chapter 270, Derenbourg 1, 420/Hrn 3, 1434. 77It should be made clear that as opposed to the modern understanding of grammaticality judgments, here it is Sbawayhi who is making the judgment and counting on the reader to corroborate it. We find a striking (coincidental) parallelism to Sbawayhis method of proof using a mul-marked sentence in al-Frbs (d. 339/950) al-Alf al-mustamala f al-maniq, his introductory work to logic. Termed invalid statement, al-Frbs ungrammatical sentence is adduced in order to prove certain semantic properties of philosophically-loaded particles such as what; see Ab Nar al-Frb, al-Alf al-mustamala f al-maniq, ed. M. Mahd (Beirut: Dr al-Mariq, 1986), 4853.

had you verbs: not understood an implicit [an] the utterance would have been ungrammatical because li- and att exert [grammatical] effect only on nouns.78 Of course, another approach would simply be to grant the power of amal grammatical effect when it comes to verbs as well, but that would go against the defined rule.79 In fact, were someone to understand in this as the cause for the dependent mood, the sentence uttered, manner , would still be grammatical! In other words, Sbawayhi is using the term mul here as a tool for indoctrination, so to speak. This method of justification (and for that matter, the previous method of description and explanation) need not be limited to ungrammatical sentences marked as mul. The next example exhibits an explicit use of the stem .. but with respect to an ungrammatical sentence tagged l yajzu (and only later as mul). The ungrammatical * many a person and Zayd(-definite) is adduced as proof to the indefi brother in niteness of and his many a person and has the definite form of the ifa annexation.80 his brother, where Adducing a clearly definite noun like Zayd annuls the possibility of under standing as definite: That which proves to you that it [ahi] is indefinite [in this construction] is that you cannot say *Many a person and Zayd.81 It is a few lines later that Sbawayhi states that uttering while intending a specific, or identifiable82 referent ( ) would be mul, or ungrammatical. But the reiteration of the ungrammatical sense of many a person and his brotherthis time marked mulonly comes as a concluding remark that reaffirms the principle stated earlier regarding the indefinite expression that looks definite in the construction at hand.83


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78Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 234, Derenbourg 1, 362/Hrn 3, 6. 79For an elaborate discussion on this issue see Baalbaki, Legacy, 767, 1389. Baalbaki too states that the most obvious alternative of this interpretation would be to ascribe the subjunctive to particles like (p. 139). 80Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 112, Derenbourg 1, 209/Hrn 2, 55. 81Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 209/Hrn 2, 55. 82The term identifiability is adopted from Lyons and Lambrecht by Marogy (Kitb Sbawayhi, 95123). principle is restated after adducing the saying of one of the Bedouins, 83This every ewe and its lamb[ifa ] (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 112, Derenbourg 1, 209/ Hrn 2, 55).

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One of the more famous examples of a mul occurrence is replying no to the disjunctive question Is Zayd at your place or Bir?.84 Admittedly, Sbawayhis point here is not to explain why answering no to a disjunctive question yields no communicative meaning (which indeed it does not); his point is to prove that the particle or has the sense of an alternative conjunction and is equivalent to or which one of them/which of the two. It is in this context that Sbawayhi asserts,

Making the point that has the sense of an alternative conjunction is important for the following chapter that deals with the non-alternative sense of (termed munqaia disconnective), an issue pertinent to Sbawayhis analysis of certain Qurnic verses.86 Interestingly, here too Sbawayhi sets out to prove status of , and he does so by adducing both (a) an ungrammatical sentence tagged by the mul-corresponding unsound, incorrect, ungrammatical (based on the same grammaticality test Sbawayhi preformed on the alternative ), and ( b) a grammatical sentence that exhibits the disconnective sense of in an unambiguous manner:
84Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 278, Derenbourg 1, 432/Hrn 3, 169; Carter, An Arab Grammarian, 149; idem, Pragmatics and Contractual Language in Early Arabic Grammar and Legal Theory, in Approaches to Arabic Linguistics: Presented to Kees Versteegh on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, eds. E. Ditters and H. Motzki (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2007), 29. 85Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 278, Derenbourg 1, 432/Hrn 3, 169.

The proof that your saying Is Zayd at your place or [am] Bir is equivalent to [lit. has the status of ] Which of the two is at your place is that had you said Is Zayd at your place or Bir and the one being asked had answered No, it would have been ungrammatical just as had he said Which one of the two is at your place and the [one being asked] had said No, he would have uttered an ungrammatical sentence.85

86E.g. Q 32.3 [ The sending down of the book wherein no doubt is from the Lord of the worlds] Or/and yet they say He has invented it. See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 279, Derenbourg 1, 433/Hrn 3, 171 ff.


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This is the chapter on am [when it is] disconnected [from the preceding words]. That is your saying Is Amr at your place or rather is Zayd at your place [exhibiting two independent indaka] and it is not equivalent to Which of the two is at your place; dont you see that had you said *ayyuhum indaka indaka [based on the grammaticality test of the preceding chapter] it would not have been grammatical unless [it was] by way of repetition and emphasis. That which proves to you that this last [am] is disconnected from the beginning is the persons saying They are camels, rather sheep O my kin.87

One might quibble over the strength of his lam yastaqimexample, but the adducing of a grammatical utterance exhibiting in a declarative sentence (rather than an interrogative one) indeed strengthens his point regarding its disconnective character. What matters for our purposes is that Sbawayhi (very much like modern linguists) realizes the effectiveness grammaticality judgments have in scientific theory and utilizes them to the full.88 Our next example concerns the protasis of a conditional sentence that and, contains two verbs separated by a conjunction (like then, and; then).89 Sbawayhi discusses this construction vis--vis the protasis that contains two verbs not separated by a conjunction.90 The theory Sbawayhi sets out to prove is that when the two verbs are separated by a conjunction, the second verb must share its mood with the first and thus be assigned the apocopate (jazm) rather than the independent mood. Thus: If you come to me[-apocopate] and ask me[ apocopate], I will give you [-apocopate], and not * If you come to me and ask me[-independent], I will give you.91 Sbawayhi proves his case (even though the stem .. is absent) by stating that if * whenever you come to him and coming at one were to say dark, the sequence would be mul.92 In order to understand this proof ,

87Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 433/Hrn 3, 172 (note the slightly alternative reading in Hrn). 88Sbawayhis method of adducing grammatical sentences as proof (in addition to ungrammatical ones) could well occupy a separate paper; we shall therefore limit ourselves to the brief remarks above. 89Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 253, Derenbourg 878. 1, 3967/Hrn that3, [verb] which is assigned 90The chapter is titled the independent mood between two apocopate [verbs; i.e. between the verb in the protasis and that in the apodosis] and that which is assigned the apocopate between the two; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 253, Derenbourg 1, 395/Hrn 3, 85. 91Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 3967/Hrn 3, 878. 92Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 397/Hrn 3, 88.

we must look at the beginning of the chapter where if you come to me asking me[-independent verb; no conjunction] is equated if you come to me asking[-active participle] exhibiting with a clear case of l circumstantial qualifier. This equation is conveyed by you intended/meant to say, the expressions in the place/function of [...] and as if he said.93 The same equation is made in the case of whenever you come to him at dark [-independent], taken from a line by the poet al-Huaya (d. after 41/661).94 We may demonstrate the process of proof in the following stages: 1. Stage #1: equating verb[-independent mood] with participle = 2. Stage #2: adding conjunction to the new sentence exhibiting participle *mul (the reader instinctively identifies it as ungram matical) 3. Stage #3 (not stated explicitly): going back from participle to independent verb *ungrammatical 4. Stage #4 (conclusion; not stated explicitly): the verb must be in the apocopate form grammatical Since Sbawayhi sees the independent verb as fulfilling the place, or function of (what we may call) l,95 he adduces the unmarked l equiva lent in the form of the participle ( ) in order to make his point, just as he adduced the more pronounced definite noun Zayd, instead of the seemingly definite his brother (see above). Sbawayhi resorts to the most obvious (or least marked) case in order to be sure that the
93I am using the term l here for the sake of simplicity. Sbawayhi does not refer to the dependent active participle here by the term l; all he does is say that the meaning of the sentence with the independent verb is that of the sentence with the participle, or see Derenbourg 1, 396/Hrn that they occupy the same place/function. For

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see Derenbourg 1, 397/Hrn 3, 88. 3, 85; for and 94Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 3956, 397/Hrn 3, 856, 88. The full poetic line is (in the awl meter): \\ whenever you [as a nightly

guest] come to him at dark seeking light from his fire [because of his generosity], you will find that the best fire in it is the best kindler [of the fire; i.e. the praised one] (see Hrn 3, 86, n. 2 and Ibn Manr, Lisn 4, 2960 on the meaning of ) . 95Once again, Sbawayhi does not use the term l in the discussion; see n. 93.


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reader identifies his hypothetical sentence as ungrammatical; otherwise, his proof is ineffective. We shall devote the rest of the section to additional examples of the method of justification and proof through the use of mul-marked sentences. For the sake of brevity, I will summarize the theory in question, followed by the proof. Some of the arguments are circular, others may be less convincing; they are nevertheless based on the assumption that ones recognition of an ungrammatical sentence can play an importantand intuitiverole in the process of persuasion.96 Theory: The ending ( second person suffix) in slowly, take it easy can, in certain contexts, be a mark of emphasis and not a personal pronoun. Proof : If it were a personal pronoun (i.e. an ism noun), the utterance make [your] escape would have been mul, as the first term of the ifa cannot contain the definite article.97 except follows a word belonging to the Theory: When the particle category of words that can take a suffixed object pronoun (such as verbs or indeed and its sisters), the independent object pronoun must be I did not see [anyone] but used and it cannot be suffixed: does not pass the postposing test you. Proof: the exceptive particle ( )that applies to constituents like adverbials or the subject of the sentence, i.e. postposing the component that comes between the verb/ and the independent ( Sbawayhi seems to be positing it as a historical process): ( after postposing) indeed you are there/in it; ( after postposing) in , the Zayd hit him. Conversely, if one were to postpose )* .98 sequence (kalm) would be mul (i.e. Theory: When relative pronouns like whoever and whatever are preceded by indeed or was, they lose their conditional charac ter; viz. Indeed whoever comes[-independent] to me I will
96Notice that in several cases the sentence is counterfactually being tagged as mul: Had not P, then X [a grammatical sentence] would have been mul (versus the usual The proof that P is that X [an ungrammatical sentence] is mul). 97Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 48, Derenbourg 1, 1034/Hrn 1, 2445. Sbawayhi specifies the contexts in which the suffix would have the function of a personal pronoun and the context in which it would not. 98Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 208, Derenbourg 1, 334/Hrn 2, 3612. One could take the itself does not belong to the category of words discussion to mean that the exceptive taking a suffixed pronoun, but that would be inconsistent with Sbawayhis reasoning of why it does not belong there.

*exhibiting the apocome[-independent] to him rather than copate verbs. Proof: Uttering or lit. indeed if/whenever would be mul ( if and whenever exhibit a more pronounced condi or , just as Zayd exhibited a more pronounced tional sense than made above).99 sense of definiteness than ; see point Theory: In sentences like If any man other acts as an than Zayd had been with us, we would have been defeated, as, like and other than. Proof : Had adjective (waf) equivalent to ) one said (removing the term before if [ anyone] other than Zayd had been with us, we would have perished and intended , he would have uttered an ungramthe exceptive sense (istin) of matical sentence (aalta).100 lit. take upon yourself Theory: One cannot utter the implied verb that is understood to be the cause of the dependent mood in warning be careful (or to utter exclamations like upon yourself in the case of get away, save yourself ) because these exclama * tions have the status of the imperative ( ). Proof : Uttering or ( *take it) upon yourself do! is mul (i.e. just as or cannot be uttered before an imperative verb, likewise they cannot be uttered before a warning exclamation).101 Conclusion: ila vis--vis naq

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Looking back at Sbawayhis quasi-definition of mul, namely contradicting the beginning of your utterance with its end and (see 1), it is perhaps surprising to find that the collocation of contradiction occurs only twice in the Kitb (excluding bb al-istiqma; these are in fact the only instances of the madar verbal noun of the

99Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 247, Derenbourg 1, 390/Hrn 3, 712. 100Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 194, Derenbourg 1, 3223/Hrn 2, 331. 101Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 54, Derenbourg 1, 117/Hrn 1, 2756. For additional examples of ungrammatical sentences adduced as a dall proof see n. 49. For examples of ungrammatical sentences adduced as a proof but tagged lam yastaqim/l yastaqm see Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 33, Derenbourg 1, 58/Hrn 1, 138 (notice the word ;) chapter 33, Derenbourg 1, 59/Hrn 1, 141 (... dont you see [...]); chapter 219, Derenbourg 1, 346/Hrn 2, 389 (... ;) chapter 221, Derenbourg 1, 34950/Hrn 2, 397 ( that which strengthens [...]); chapter 239, Derenbourg 1, 371/Hrn 3, 245 ) . (...


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in the Kitb).102 One instance involves incorrect use of tense (in verb the m adawta an faaltaconstruction) similar to the archetypal mul sentences (see relevant quotation and discussion in 3).103 The second instance involves the noun-like particle how many in the impermis * lit. how many not one person sible ( ) sequence [-dependent] nor two[-dependent], in which uttering the constituent , i.e. the noun being after as the explanation of the number ( counted) would be ungrammatical and a contradiction.104 The word ing in both instances, namely ) ( , suggests a difference between the two terms. Indeed, following the occurrences of the verb in the Kitb reveals that it is in fact this term that is associated with the logical/semantic dimension of the utterance: the vast majority of occurrences exhibit the term man meaning, intention as the verbs direct objectbringing us directly to the realm of the speakers intention or the purpose of the utterance.105 The expression usually occurs in the nega does not contradict [any] meaning.106 tion,
102Troupeau, Lexique, 205 (I am excluding Derenbourg 1, 9 [l. 12] which has the alterna ). The verb tive reading , on the other hand, appears 27 times besides its occurrence in bb al-istiqma (Troupeau, Lexique, 205; note that Derenbourg 1, 144 [l. 3] should read 145 [l. 3]). 103Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 244, Derenbourg 1, 383 (l. 21)/Hrn 3, 55. 104Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 141, Derenbourg 1, 255/Hrn 2, 168. More precisely, the impermissible sentence is adduced in order to explain the sentence How many [people] came to me, not one person[-independent] nor two[-indepen not one person nor two is the modifier dent]!: here, Sbawayhi says, )of (whose predicate is ( came to me) and not of the counted nounhence its independent moodotherwise the sentence would be ungrammatical and a contradiction. One could classify this case within the dall function of mul-marked sentences. 105This reflects Carters understanding of the term man in the Kitb as cited in K. Versteegh, The Arabic Tradition, in The Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions, eds. W. van Bekkum, J. Houben, I. Sluiter and K. Versteegh (Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1997), 2423. Versteegh concedes that man may refer to the purpose of speech but states that in most cases, man denotes the syntactic function of a word or category (p. 243). This is not the place to open up the question of to con man in the Kitb, but at least in the case of (including tradict the [meaning of ] negation, see following note), I think Carters understanding is appropriate. I would like to thank Almog Kasher for referring me to Versteeghs discussion of man in the Kitb. 106Other variants include does not contradict what you intend/mean \ (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 196, Derenbourg 1, 325/Hrn 3, 338), does not contradict the speech/purpose of speech that you intend (chapter 37, Derenbourg 1, 74/Hrn 1, 174; chapter 59, Derenbourg 1, 127/Hrn 1, 303), ... had does not contradict the meaning/purpose that they intended you con they uttered... (chapter 208, Derenbourg 1, 334/Hrn 2, 361), tradict what you uttered (chapter 75, Derenbourg 1, 151/Hrn 1, 361). All but three of the

dont be absurd: the term mul in sbawayhis kitb


The technical expression lam yanqu manan (and its like) is typically employed by Sbawayhi in order to justify certain syntactic operations on the grounds that they do not contradict the purpose/intention of the utterance. Conversely, mul-marked sentences typically do not revolve around the intention of the speaker (though this question is always in the background of Sbawayhis analyses) but rather around the formal correctness of the sentence. Put differently, if at all a contradiction is implied by mul-marked sentences, its basis is formal: adding a preposition to verb, incorrect use of tense (i.e. the form faaltu vs. the form afalu), inconsistent case/mood markers (i.e. the form -u vs. the form -a or ), indefinite vs. definite words (vis--vis their form), and the like. In light of the fact that Sbawayhis actual employment of mul typically lacks the explicit naq dimension, we are once again confronted with the extraneousness of his bb al-istiqma (cf. the moot kaib). Carter concedes that many of the notions appearing in the Risla may have been taken from the teachings of the nawiyyn.107 The speech-soundness classification could in fact be one of these notions, especially as we find another predecessor of Sbawayhi treating the issue, namely al-all (as recorded by Ibn Manr, see 1). As I hope this study has shown, the main issue concerning mul-marked sentences is not whether their incorrectness lies in a syntactic level or a semantic one, nor whether or not the sentences are nonsensical; in fact, many a time they can quite easily be deciphered by the listener.108 Rather, the picture that emerges from
in the Kitb follow this pattern (again, usually exhibiting 27 instances of the verb simply man as the direct object). In two instances (both in chapter 241, Derenbourg 1, 3778/Hrn 3, 40) it is a type of man that is being contradicted, namely negation ( ), or what Versteegh would call a function of a word or category (Versteegh, Semantics, 2423). One instance (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 119, Derenbourg 1, 220/Hrn 2, 83) could be read as a non-technical instance of the verb in that it does not refer to a specimen of language. 107Carter, Les Origines, 95, n. 85; restated in Talmon, Nawiyyn, 18. 108Notable examples of mul sentences that could be understood by the listener * indeed whoever comes to me I will come to him (verbs should be include: dent; see 4), * I travelled such that I entered it and [until]

* if you come in the independent mood, not the apocopate; see 4), to me and ask me I will give you (second verb should be in the apocopate, not indepen-

the sun rose (the imperfect verb to rise cannot be in the dependent mood but must

* The people have said it ; see 3), follow an additional ; see Sbawayhi, [such that] even Zayd is saying it (wrong conjunction: should be Kitb chapter 270, Derenbourg 1, 420/Hrn 3, 1434 and Talmon, Kalm, 89, n.50), or answering two slaves to the question How many slaves[-dependent]


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analyzing the mul instances shows a deliberate and consistent use of ungrammatical sentences on the part of Sbawayhi for the purposes of pedagogy and/or theory (3, 4). When pedagogy comes into play, the ungrammatical sentence is adduced as a way of mapping out all linguistic possibilities pertaining to a certain construction, thus making clear the limits of that construction; the reader would not necessarily identify the sequence as ungrammatical. When theory comes into play, the ungrammatical sentence is used as a scientific tool to prove a previously-defined grammatical rule; in order for the proof to be effective, the reader must identify the sequence as ungrammatical. The term mul, which in its original lexical meaning is language-bound and thus intrinsically implies speech (1), is not the only expression used by Sbawayhi to mark ungrammatical sentences. Other such expressions is not sound/correct, is not in the Kitb include \ is not a [valid] utter you do not say and permissible, ance, some of which we came across in this paper.109 In fact, and pending on further research, it would seem that the only thing distinguishing these ungrammatical sequences from those tagged mulis rhetorical effect. References
Primary Sources al-mil, Ad b. al-Riq. Dwn ir ad b. al-riq al-mil. Edited by Nr Hammd al-Qays and Htim Sli al-Dmin. [Baghdad]: Mabaat al-Majma al-Ilm al-Irq, 1987. al-Askar, Ab Hill. al-Furq f al-lua. Ed. Lajnat Iy al-Tur al-Arab f Dr al-fq al-Jadda. Beirut: Dr al-fq al-Jadda, 1983. al-Frb, Ab Nar. al-Alf al-mustamala f al-maniq. Edited by Musin Mahd. Beirut: Dr al-Mariq, 1986. al-Fris, Ab Al al-Hasan b. Amad. Aqsm al-abr. Edited by Al Jbir al-Manr. alMawrid 7.3 (1978): 201220.

, not do you have (the number in the reply should be in the independent case, i.e. dependent; see chapter 141, Derenbourg 1, 255/Hrn 2, 169). 109For l taqlu-sentences see e.g. Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 141, Derenbourg 1, 251/ Hrn 2, 1589 (two instances); chapter 256, Derenbourg 1, 406/Hrn 3, 110; chapter 269, Derenbourg 1, 41920/Hrn 3, 142. For l yaknu kalman-sentences see e.g. chapter 2, Derenbourg 1, 2/Hrn 1, 14; chapter 19, Derenbourg 1, 23/ Hrn 1, 16 (notice the clear dall function in both cases. I thank Mohsen Goudarzi for the latter reference) and also Talmon, Kalm, 83. For lam yastaqim-sentences see 4 and n. 101. Instances of l yajzu sentences have been discussed throughout the paper; notably, the verb in its negated form appears 440 times in the Kitb (Troupeau, Lexique, 63, though not all instances need be tags referring to sentences).

dont be absurd: the term mul in sbawayhis kitb


Ibn Fris, Amad al-Qazwn. al-Sib f fiqh al-lua wa-sunan al-arab f kalmih. Edited by Moustafa al-Choumi. Beirut: Muassasat Badrn li-l-Tiba wa-l-Nar, 1963. Ibn Manr, Muammad b. Mukarram. Lisn al-arab. 3rd edition. 6 Vols. Cairo: Dr al-Marif, [n.d.]. al-all b. Amad al-Farhd. Kitb al-ayn. Edited by Mahd al-Mazm and Ibrhm al-Samrr. 5 Vols. [Baghdad]: al-Jumhriyya al-Irqiyya, Wizrat al-aqfa wa-l-Ilm, Dr al-Rad, 19801985. al-uwrizm, Ab Abdallh Muammad b. Amad b. Ysuf al-Ktib. Kitb maft al-ulm. Edited by G. van Vloten. Lugduni-Batavorum: Brill, 1895. al-Jurjn, Al b. Muammad al-Sayyid al-arf. Kitb al-tarft. Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn, 1969. Qudma b. Jafar. Kitb naqd al-ir. Edited by S. A. Bonebakker. Leiden: Brill, 1956. al-antamar, al-Alam Ab al-Hajjj Ysuf b. Sulaymn. al-Nukat f tafsr Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Zuhayr Abd al-Musin Suln. 2 Vols. Kuwait: Mahad al-Mat al-Arabiyya, al-Munaamma al-Arabiyya li-l-Tarbiya wa-l-aqfa wa-l-Ulm, 1987. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. 5 vols. [Cairo]: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977. al-Srf, Ab Sad. ar Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Raman Abd al-Tawwb, Mamd Fahm Hijz and Muammad Him Abd al-Dyim. 10 vols. [Cairo]: al-Haya al-Miriyya al-mma li-l-Kitb, 1986. al-Suy, Jall al-Dn b. Abd al-Ramn b. Ab Bakr. Kitb al-iqtir f ilm ul al-naw. Hyderabad: Jamiyyat Dirat al-Marif al-Umniyya, 1940. al-Zamaar, Mamd b. Umar. Ass al-bala. Edited by Mazyad Nuaym and awq al-Maarr. Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn Nirn, 1998. Secondary Sources Abboud, P.F. Sbawayhis Notion of Grammaticality. al-Arabiyya 12 (1979): 5867. Arazi, A. and S. Masalha. al-Iqd al-amn f dawwn al-uar al-sitta al-jhiln. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1999. Ayoub, G. De ce qui ne se dit pas dans le Livre de Sbawayhi: La Notion de Taml. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, edited by K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter, 115. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990. Baalbaki, R. Unfamiliar Morphological Terminology from the Early Fourth Century A.H.: Muaddibs Daqiq al-Tarf. In Grammar as a Window onto Arabic Humanism: A Collection of Articles in Honour of Michael G. Carter, edited by L. Edzard and J. Watson, 2150. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. , Introduction to The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, edited by idem. Aldershot; Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Variorum, 2007. , The Legacy of the Kitb: Sbawayhis Analytical Methods within the Context of the Arabic Grammatical Theory. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008. Bohas, G., J.-P. Guillaume and D.E. Kouloughli. The Arabic Linguistic Tradition. Forwarded by M.G. Carter. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2006. Originally published: London, New York: Routledge, 1990. Carter, M.G. Les Origines de la Grammaire Arabe. Revues des tudes Islamiques 40 (1972): 6997. Reprinted as The Origins of Arabic Grammar. In The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition, edited by R. Baalbaki, 126. Aldershot, Burlington, VT: Ashgate/Variorum, 2007. , An Arab Grammarian of the Eighth Century A.D.: A Contribution to the History of Linguistics. Journal of the American Oriental Society 93.2 (1973): 14657. , The Ethical Basis of Arabic Grammar. al-Karmil 12 (1991): 923. , Sbawayhi. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004.


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, Pragmatics and Contractual Language in Early Arabic Grammar and Legal Theory. In Approaches to Arabic Linguistics: Presented to Kees Versteegh on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, edited by E. Ditters and H. Motzki, 2544. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2007. Chomsky, N. Syntactic Structures. s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 1957. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M. Ibn Qutayba. Introduction au Livre de la posie et des poets, Muqaddimatu kitbi l-ir wa-l-uar: Texte arabe daprs ldition De Goeje. Avec introduction, traduction et commentaire par Gaudefroy-Demombynes. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947. Hava, J.G. al-Fard: Arabic-English Dictionary. 5th edition. Beirut: Dr al-Mariq, 1982. Heinrichs, W. Mublagha, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Edited by P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2011.Brill Online. Harvard University. Accessed September 19, 2011 , Nakd (a.), in Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Edited by P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2011.Brill Online. Harvard University. Accessed September 19, 2011 entry?entry=islam_COM-1438. Ivnyi, T. Lan and Lua. The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 1 (1988): 6786. , Qad yaz f sh-shir: On the Linguistic Background of the So Called Poetic Licenses in Sbawayhis Kitb. In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Grammar, Budapest 17 September 1991, edited by K. Dvnyi and T. Ivnyi = The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 34 (1991): 201216. Jahn, G. Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik: bersetzt und Erklrt. 2 Vols. Berlin: Reuther and Reichard, 1895. Jihm, J. Mawsat mualat al-falsafa inda al-Arab. Silsilat Mawst al-Mualat al-Arabiyya wa-l-Islmiyya. Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn, 1998. Kinberg, N. A Lexicon of al-Farrs Terminology in his Qurn Commentary: With Full Definitions, English Summaries and Extensive Citations. Leiden, New York: E.J. Brill, 1996. Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon. 8 Vols. New-Delhi: Asian Educational Studies, 1985. Marogy, A.E. Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010. Mosel, U. Die Syntaktische Terminologie bei Sbawayh. 2 Vols. Munich: Dissertations- und Fotodrck Frank, 1975. Owens, J. The Foundations of Grammar: An Introduction to Medieval Arabic Grammatical Theory. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1988. Talmon, R. Nawiyyn in Sbawayhis Kitb. Zeitschrift fr arabische Linguistik 8 (1982): 1238. , Al-kalm m kna muktafiyan bi-nafsih wa-huwa l-umla: A Study in the History of Sentence-Concept and the Sbawaihian Legacy in Arabic Grammar. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 138 (1988): 7498. , Arabic Grammar in its Formative Age: Kitb al-Ayn and its Attribution to al-all b. Amad. Leiden, New York: Brill, 1997. Troupeau, G. La Rislat al-Kitb de Sbawayhi. Mlanges de lUniversit Saint-Joseph 48 (1973): 32138. , Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi. Paris: Klincksieck, 1976. Versteegh, K. Arabic Grammar and Qurnic Exegesis in Early Islam. Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1993. , The Arabic Tradition. In The Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions, edited by W. van Bekkum, J. Houben, I. Sluiter and K. Versteegh. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1997. Wright, W. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. Translated from the German of Caspari and edited with numerous additions and corrections by W. Wright, LL.D.; revised by W.R. Smith and M.J. de Goeje. [3rd edition reprint]. 2 Vols. Combined. [N.p.]: Simon Wallenberg Press, 2007.

SPATIAL LANGUAGE IN THE KITB OF SBAWAYHI THE CAsE OF THE PREPOsITION F/IN Mohamed Hnid Introduction The purpose of this article is to explore a semantic field rarely developed in modern Arabic linguistic studies,1 the relationship between language and space. One finds very early, in the Kitb2 and even before,3 structured analysis of the way linguistic entities express different spatial values in Arabic. These relations are typically locatives as al-itiw containment, which is represented by f in, or al-istil, superimposition, which is expressed by al, on. But they can also be directionallaying stress on a trajectory descriptionwith one of the following two values: al-ibtid beginning, and al-intih end, activated by min from and il to. I will here examine the semantic structure of f with the aim of describing its spatial configuration as it has been developed in the Kitb.4 As regards the specificities of his approach, I will first discuss a very short
1Among the rare studies on the question of the spatial meaning of the prepositions in Arabic, one can cite the study of K.R. Lentzner, Semantic and Syntactic Aspects of Arabic Prepositions (Michigan: University of Texas, 1980). 2Sbawayhi, Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi, ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819), (2) ed. Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. Maktabat al-nj, (sd). 3In a book which is commonly attributed to al-all, one finds a spatial analysis of att (p. 204205) dealing with the question of the boundaries of att, which is a key

, point in trajectory definition, in the famous example: I ate the fish up to its head (al-all, al-Jumal f al-Naw [Beirut: Muassasat ar-Risla], 1995). 4This exploration would not have been possible without the crucial help of the theories developed in modern linguisticsespecially cognitive semanticsabout a topic which has been globally examined from the angle of linguistic space and perception by Miller Johnson-Laird, and more specifically from the angle of prepositional space by D. Bennett, Spatial and Temporal Uses of English Prepositions (London: Longman, 1975); A. Herskovits, Language and Spatial Cognition (Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 1986); R. Langacker, Foundations of Cognitive Grammar (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987); L. Talmy, Toward a Cognitive Semantics (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000); S. Levinson, Space in Language and Cognition: Explorations in Cognitive Diversity. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003); A. Tyler, and V. Evans, The Semantics of English prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).


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text of Sbawayhi without considering any predefined analysis. Then, I will try to infer, from other examples and commentaries which I will comment on, the underlying structure that governs the spatial value of the preposition. Starting from the analysis later grammarians gave of his text, one can confirm that this approach has been universally valued by them. They developed a theory of the spatiality of the preposition by extending the perimeter of contexts in which the preposition could be used and giving a list of the parameters required for the definition of the semantic structure. So what are the distinctive features of Sbawayhis approach to the spatiality of f ? What are the main parameters required to realize its semantic structure? 1.Terminology In a very short passage on fi, Sbawayhi expresses a key notion which governed nearly everything he wrote about the spatial value of this preposition, which is al-wi, the container: ..., Con cerning f, it expresses the meaning of the container, al-wi.5 Two observations have to be mentioned here. First, the term wi has been used in texts which are subsequent to al-Kitb, by Ibn al-Sarrj:6 al-Uul, by al-Zajjj,7 urf al-man, by Mliq,8 Raf al-mabni and Man al-urf by al-Rummn.9 However, other grammarians like Ibn Ya10 in ar al-mufaal, al-Astarb11 in ar al-kfiya, Ibn Him12 in Muni al-labb and al-Zamaar in al-Mufaal,13 prefer another term, al-arfiyya the circumstance. The term wi so far has been less common, if not rarely used in most of the recent grammatical literatureparticularly in grammar bookswhere one finds it replaced by another term, which is more general and less precise, i.e., al-arfiyya, and from which two subcategories derive: al-arfiyya al-makniyya and al-arfiyya al-zamniyya

5Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2,335/Hrn 4, 226. 6al-Sarrj, al-Ul f al-naw (Beirut: Muassasat al-Risla, 1988), 1412. 7Zajjj, urf al-mani (Jordan: Muassasat al-Risla, 1986), 12. 8A. Mliq, Raf al-mabn f ar urf al-mani (Damascus: Majma al-Lua al-Arabiyya, 1975), 388. 9al-Rummn, Kitb mani al-urf, ed. A. F. I, alab (Jedda: Dr ash-Shurq, 1981), 96. 10Ibn Ya, ar al-mufaal (Beirut: Dr dir, sd) 8, 20. 11al-Astarb, ar al-kfiya (Istanbul: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1979) 2, 327. 12Ibn Him, Mun al-labb an kutub al-arb (Beirut: al-Maktaba al-Ariyya, 1987), 1168. 13Ibn Ya, ar al-mufaal, 820.

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi


(spatial circumstance and temporal circumstance). They both have two kinds of realizations: al-arfiyya al-aqqiyya and al-arfiyya al-majziyya. 2.Approach Although Sbawayhi did not give any definition of the notion which under examination here or any further detail of its inner characteristics, Sbawayhi provided examples that reveal its distinctive properties. The concise text of the Kitb explains that the spatial value of wi can be represented under two main forms or layers, the first of which is actual wi or prototypical meaning of f as in It is in the jug,14 It is in the bag15 and He is in his mothers belly.16 The other form or layer is analogical wi as in He is in chains,17 He is in the house.19 One He is in the mosque18 and can assume, on the basis of texts which are subsequent to al-Kitb, that the approach of Sbawayhi implicates, a third level, i.e., the figurative wi, which he derives from the notion of ittis. 3.Analysis: Phrasal and Spatial Structure Sbawayhis grammatical representation is first based on a binominal phrasal structure in which only the following three fundamental components of the spatial relation are mentioned: the content, the container and f. This structure maintains the preposition as a major semantic governor of the sentence. The fact that Sbawayhi chose this structure for all the examples in his text implicitly reveals that his conception of the standardand prototypicalspatial relation was of structural nature. This relation is dominated by the central position of the f. Syntactically (mil naw), it is a major governor, and semantically (mil dalli), it determines the two spatial roles of the two other nouns, namely the container and the content. The pre-prepositional noun, or the content, is always a personal pronoun, huwa he, it, a choice which is not arbitrary. Instead of revealing
14Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 335/Hrn 4, 226. 15Ibid. 16Ibid. 17Ibid. 18Ibid. 19Ibid.


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the lexical identity of whatever content he could mention, Sbawayhi implicitly underlined that this position may be occupied by any lexical reference but must also be validated by the post-prepositional reference. In this second position, and contrary to the first one, the lexical identity of the noun is always realised (a jug, a bag, a belly, etc.). This tells us that, even if the lexical features are not required for giving the content a proper sense, they are mandatory for the sense of the container, which is the real wi or in other words the lexical realisation of the prepositional spatial value. I am here assuming that if the grammatical definition and the lexical definition are both relevant to understanding the approach of Sbawayhi, each of them gives different weights to the targeted noun. What is fundamental for the container is its lexical characteristics, which in turn can define precisely its shape and offer a detailed view of either its geometrical or functional dimensions. As for the content, which is grammatically definite, huwa, he, it, it does not express any details of its inner characteristics despite having the possibility of being contextually definite. The single condition that has to be met is to match the geometric and functional dimensions of the container.20 Structurally speaking, the preposition maintains its central position between the two nominal blocks, confirming its relational function which is traditionally given to the class of particles in general and prepositions in particular.21 Semantically speaking, f gives a bit of information (order or instruction) which is appropriate for designating the spatial function of the two nouns, namely the content and the container. This crucial information is essentially of prepositional nature, but it further needs some lexical confirmationspecial featuresfrom the post-prepositional nounthe containeras already seen above. This means that if the two nouns do not lexically describe the required spatial information, they are nonetheless considered, through the prepositional semantic instruction, as container and content.22
20It is possible to imagine, whatever difficult it may be in a standard relation of containment, a content which is bigger than its container. In the sentence the tree is in the jug, we can imagine that the biggest part of the content, the tree, is geometrically outside the dimensions of the container, the jug, but still remains functionally speaking in the jug. 21V. Brondal, Thories des prpositions: Introduction une Smantique Rationnelle. (Copenhague: Munskgaard, 1950), 50. 22The semantic roles of container and content are principally attributed by the preposition as a grammatical instruction. This means that, even if this information is confirmed by the lexicon, its role remains limited to the description of the outer characteristics of the contentdistinctive featureswithout any attribution of semantic role. We will show

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi 4.The Representation of the wi


In what follows, three levels representing the notion of wi, i.e., actual, analogical and metaphorical, are distinguished and dealt with in some detail. The point, here, is to expose the fundamental structure of Sbawayhis approach of spatial language in Arabic through his description of the semantic functioning of f. Even if his text did not explicitly mention these levels, we presume that it is based on a structured approach with specific role and properties for each of its components. Moreover, Sbawayhis theory of prepositional spacenot only with f- is a key element in nearly all the analyses proposed by later grammarians. 4.1The Actual wi or the Prototypical Spatial Form The actual wi is both the prototypical form of the semantic value of the preposition and its most perceptible or realizable figure. By prototypical form, I mean a configuration that meets most of the conditions and parameters which are needed to represent a standard spatial relation of itiw containment. By most perceptible, I mean an iconic representation which is illustrated by the nominal block in the first three examples given by Sbawayhi: The jug (al-jirb), the bag (al-ks.), the mothers belly (banu al-ummi). These lexical entities are almost identical in their semantic, lexical and (specifically) geometric properties. Four main conditions are required for meeting an iconic wi: a potbellied form, an upper opening, vacuity or three-dimensionality. These properties draw with accuracy the concept of a container in the Kitb and inform us that, at this stage, the spatial relation is basically geometric as what determines the semantic information is the lexical content of the post-prepositional noun or the landmark.23 I make here a distinction between the iconic form drawn by the lexicon, where the wi is an independent structure having its own distinctive features, and the wi as a spatial relation between two nouns.

how, with later grammarians, the grammatical status of f which is so firmly based on its spatial component, allows it to attribute the role of container to nouns that do not lexically have the status of wi. 23We will use in this article two appellations from the field of cognitive semantics (Miller and Johnson-Laird, 386)when dealing with spatial relations; Landmark, for the post-prepositional nounor the place where the thing is localizedhere the container. Target, for the pre-prepositional noun or the thing localized, here the content.


mohamed hnid 4.2The Analogical wi: Resemblance vs. Conformity

The second level of spatial relation, which is represented in the Kitb by the examples 4, 5 and 6, is also characterized by some new properties. On one hand, Sbawayhi maintains the same grammatical status for the pre-prepositional noun, whatever it may be, target or content. It is grammaticallyand even contextuallydefinite, but lexically indefinite. We assume, on the basis of this choice, that (at this level too) mentioning the lexical identity of the content is not mandatory for it to properly represent the spatial relation. On the other hand, the landmark, or the receptacle, is lexically determinedand grammatically definiteand also put forward one main characteristic: it does not actually fit the content, because it is either smalleras in example 4or biggerexamples 5 and 6. In example 4, the chains do not actually contain the prisoner; they cover a very small part of his body instead. In examples 5 and 6, the target personal pronoun/hedoes not cover more space than a small part of the landmarklocation/house or mosqueand does not cover the entire space described by it. Thus, the second level, the analogical wi, is essentially characterized by the geometric differences between the two nominal blocks. Despite this geometric dissimilarity, Sbawayhi considers the spatial relation as valid and admits that the preposition is realizing its semantic value. He comments on this level as follows: ...
Even in the sentence: He is enchained, f realizes the meaning of wi because when he chained him [lit. enter him in the chain], he makes it [the chain] as a container and this is the same way we can analyze the sentences: He is in the mosque, and: He is in the house...24

The concept like a container in the text of Sbawayhi informs us that the prepositional spatial value is realized by resemblance, (abah)25not by conformity, (mubaqa)to the prototypical form, the actual wi.

24Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 335/Hrn 4, 226. 25In G. Ayoub De ce qui ne se dit pas dans le Livre de Sbawayhi: La Notion de Taml, in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II, eds. K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1990), 115, one finds an elaborated analysis of the different concepts which are activated by the notion of abah and taml and the multiple connections resulting from their usage in the Kitb.

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi 4.3The Metaphoric or Abstract wi and the Notion of ittis


Sbawayhi does not offer any example to illustrate this level; he limits his commentary to the following sentence instead: When you widen the dis course, it is [ f or the spatial relation] like this [the second level]. It is like an example which is used to be similar to something [clarify something] but it is not the same example.26 The following two interconnected notions may characterize this representational level of the spatial relation: al-ittis fi-l-kalm discoursewidening and al-mubaha resemblance: al-Ittis fi-l-kalm discourse-widening directly concerns the usage of language and the linguistic behavior of the speaker.27 The widening of the usage of f is also at the level of space: f leaves the semantic core of the prepositional valuethe tight perimeter of the prototypical leveland moves further, thus implicating new contextual elements. And because of the infinite number of examples and situations in which f can be used, Sbawayhi did not propose, here, any example to put forward the open character of this category. The second property of al-mubaha resemblance remains connected to the semantic category as a whole, wi, so that the widening of the usage of f does not have to disconnect it as completely from the standard form. The phrasal illustration of this level is put forward by another gram Somebody has marian, Ibn al-Sarrj, who gives two examples: He is full of youth29. a flaw28

26Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 335/Hrn 4, 226. 27This notion which is also called saat l-kalm has multiple meanings that heavily depend on the domain in which it is used. For Versteegh it is closely related to the freedom of the speaker and is found in a special network of concepts like al-af omission, al-itir brevity, al-taarruf flexibility, al-taqdrimplication or the coupleaqq real and majz figurative (K. Versteegh, Freedom of the Speaker: The Term ittis and Related Notions in Arabic, in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II, eds. K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter [Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990], 2825). In this study, what is particularly interesting is the wider meaning of this notion which pertains essentially to the speakers transgression of the strict usage of the preposition. This transgression enables f to leave the narrow domain of its canonical usage to the wide (wsi) domain of the unconventional usage of the preposition. See the introductory chapter of this notion in Ibn al-Sarrj, al-Ul 2, 255. 28Ibid., 2, 412. 29Ibid.


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Ibn al-Sarrj comments further on these examples, using the same terms employed by Sbawayhi: ...
When you say: in somebody a flaw, it is a metaphorical usage that widens the discourse because you consider the man as a place containing the flaw...30

You also say: I met somebody and he was full of youth, which means he was powerful. That is a resemblance between the two levels and the meaning is: He was surrounded with these facts31

Three observations are worth making. First, as far as the third level is concerned, we are far from the previous four conditions advanced by Sbawayhi to illustrate a prototypical realization of wi, the actual wi. However, this transgression moves the new realized spatial form out of the standard semantic categories in such a way that it still belongs to the semantic domain of f. Second, the text of Ibn al-Sarrj represents an elaboration of the spatial theory of f. On the one hand he confirms the analysis of Sbawayhi by mentioning the same examples and using the same terms. On the other hand, he puts forward two new notions, al-itiw containment, and al-ia surrounding, each of them having their own semantic parameters. Third, Despite the lexical nature of the post-prepositional nouns (somebody/ youth), which makes it difficult to see them as conventional receptacles, f imposes consideration of its complement as wi, whatever its lexical distinctive features may be. This may induce two conclusions: a) The central role of the preposition: f actually determines the function and nature of the two nominal blocks, which are limited in lexically specifying the inner properties of the noun. b) Unlike the category of prepositions as a whole, f is heavily based on its grammatical and semantic field.32
30Ibid. 31Ibid. ... 32A later grammarian describes the status of f as follows: . As for f, it can only

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi 5.The wi as a Key Notion and the arf


The two terms the Arabic grammatical literature puts forward to express the semantic value of f, al-wi and al-arfiyya or al-arf mean lexically speaking the same thing. The lexical and grammatical texts confirm this terminology by using both of these names. In ar al-Mufaal and al-Lisn,33 one finds these two definitions: ...
The arf is the container of something. We call receptacles urf because they are containers in which we put things. Space and time are also called urf because verbs take place in them and so they become like their containers....34

... ... . The arf of something is its container...the arf is the container of everything, even the pitcher is a arf of what is inside.35

In both of the passages above quoted, the expression arf means envelope and is closer connected to the semantic field covered by the preposition. However, the wi becomes a specific concept having its own application codes, which is not the case for the arf or arfiyya which expresses a general meaning of localization. I assume that this distinction is fundamental in revealing the inner semantic properties of the preposition when analysing some of its occurrences. So the concept of wi as presented by Sibawayhi enables any attempt to bring out the distinctive features of any spatial use of f. Applying new theories of linguistic analysesgenerative semantics, predicate calculus, componential analysis and case grammarto the study of Arabic prepositions, Ryding36 prefers the term arfiyya without mentioning the term wi. In the following examples f expresses the spa tial value of al, al-istil superimposition as in: The

function as a particle and only assign the oblique case, and it is never semantically empty when it is used. Its meaning is a container and when it is used this meaning is always realized (Ibn Ab r-Rab, al-Bas f ar jumal al-Zajjj [Dr al-arb al-Islm], 850). 33Jaml ad-Dn ibn Manr, Lisn al-Arab (Beirut: Dr dir, 1994, 9228). 34Ibn Ya, ar al-Mufaal, 240. 35Ibn Manr, Lisn al-Arab 9, 2289. 36Lentzner, Arabic Prepositions, 32.

peak appears on the horizon and Her body had many wounds on it. She writes, Arabic grammars occasionally list al-istil superiority as one of the meanings of f or else state that f can be used li-muwfaqati al in accordance with al.37 Certainly some grammarians confirm this phenomenon. Ibn al-Sarrj notices that it is a result of identical semantic contexts: ...
The Arab speakers widen its usage and substitute some of them for others when they have similar meanings like b. You can say: Somebody is at Mecca [bi-Makkata] and in Mecca [ f Makkata]. Both of the sentences are correct because when you say: Somebody is at that or that place, you inform people about connection and contiguity to this place and when you say: He is in that place, you inform us, by using f, that he is contained and encircled in it. Therefore, when the values of two prepositions are similar, their substitution is permitted, but when their values are different it is not permitted....38


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According to Ryding,39 the meaning realized in the two examples (1 and 2, given earlier) is al-istilsemantic and spatial value of albecause of the phenomenon of muqaba. We assume, despite the different arguments advanced to defend this hypothesis, that his analysis is not appropriate since it does not make any distinction between what is specific, al-wi, and what is generic, al-zarfiyya. In the two sentences, f realizes its spatial valueal-wi and not al-istilbecause of the following main reasons. As already seen above with Ibn Ab al-Rab, f is characterized, by being heavily based on its semantic component; it is never used devoid of any semantic dimension, which is not the case in the other remaining prepositions. Furthermore, the condition laid down by Ibn al-Sarrjwhich allows the possibility of muqaba, when there is a semantic resemblance (i tabahat l-man)is not fulfilled, because the similarity between f and al in
37Ibid., 58. 38Ibn al-Sarrj, al-Ul 2, 414. 39Lentzner, Arabic Prepositions, 32.

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi


the two sentences is irrelevant. Applying the meaning of al-istil instead of the meaning of wi considerably affects the semantic structure of the two sentences and neutralizes the core feature of their significance. In sentence 1 the horizon is the container of the peak because when one visualizes the spatial image of the sentence, one notices that the lower part of the mountain is unseen. It is contained in the horizon in such a way that it constitutes a receptacle of the peak. In sentence 2, the body is a container of the wounds to express their depth and to put forward the pain of the subject. The wounds are not on her body; they are in her body. Two parameters are here mutually opposed; one is the superficiality conveyed by al and the other is the depth conveyed by f, which is the meaning to which this example leads. 6.Developing the Approach of Sbawayhi Through his concise text about the spatial value of f, Sbawayhi established a structured representation of its semantic value, especially for its spatial component. This is the framework in which subsequent grammatical contributions about the spatiality of f are elaborated, extending its fundamental meaning and encoding the way it works. This evolution corroborates what Carter called the universal validity of his concept of language in the Kitb40 and illustrates how Sbawayhis spatial approach became the starting point from which later grammarians developed their hypotheses. Its validity can be confirmed in several ways. First, the three representative levels advanced in his text are maintained in all the approaches dealing with the spatial value of f from Ibn al-Sarrj41 in al-Ul, until Ibn Abi al-Rab42 in al-bas. Besides, the examples proposed in the Kitb served as patterns, especially for the first two: actual wi and figurative wi. The third level, which he did not illustrate by any example because of the infinite possible phrasal combinations, is the point from which begins the widening of Sbawayhis approach. So the first two dimensions of wi were considered implicitly valid and were not discussed. The general nucleus of interest, in later analyses of the spatial value of f, was mainly various examples which allowed different

40M.G. Carter, Sibwayhi (India: Oxford University Press, 2004), 1. 41Ibn al-Sarrj, al-Ul, 2412. 42Ibn Ab al-Rab, al-Bas, 850.


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interpretations (amila ilfiyya) to come from different contextual elements involved in the direct environment of the prepositional structure. Second, later grammarians, developing Sbawayhis spatial approach to f, aimed particularly at harmonizing the open levelthe third onewith the remaining two standard levels, as if the fundamental goal had to confirm the semantic componentthe wias heavily based on all of the occurrences of the preposition. This confirmation is realized by proving, whatever the example and the contextual environment of f may be, that the notion wi is inseparable from f. In ar al-Kfiya, for example, al-Astarb proposed the two follow I would crucify you, certainly, in [on ing sentences, tree trunks] tree trunks (Mliq, 388) and (al-Astarb 2, 327), Pay one hundred camels in the murder of a religious person (al-Astarb 2, 327). Then he comments on the two sentences as follows: ... ...
[The sentence] Pay one hundred camels in the murder of a religious person would mean because of his murder. The cause, which is the murder, involves the debt as a container containing its content and this usage of f is called causal43

In the two sentences, f realizes its spatial value according to what al-Astarb states. In this example, f corresponds to the usage proposed by Ryding in example (2). If the container does not correspond in its spatial features to a conventional receptacle, wi, like a trunk or a human body44 the presence of the preposition necessarily involves the consid eration of the notion of wi. Astarbd further notes, ... ... [ f] maintains its original value [the wi] because the crucified is really contained [mutamakkinun] in the trunk resembling the relation of a container and its content.45 Finally, the development of the spatial value of f by later grammarians and the widening of its representative status created an implicit, sophisticated, semantic network. This structured representation, which is
43al-Astarb, ar 2, 327. 44The two lexical units clearly violate the main four conditions advanced by Sbawayhi to illustrate the realization of a prototypical wi. 45al-Astarb, ar 2, 327.

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi


essentially a set of parameters, enabled f to express its spatiality inside a codified structure where the nature of the activated relation particularly depends on the kind and the number of the respected parameters. The spatial theory of wi advanced by Sbawayhi and developed by later grammarians depends on the realization of two interconnected categories. On one hand, we have a group of spatial relations resulting from the usage of f and differing from each other regarding the nature of the realized spatial relation. On the other hand, there are a number of parameters or conditions that serve as rules for the activation of the spatial relation. To the first group belongs the wi as a prototypical spatial form that respects the four conditions stated by Sbawayhi. In the same group are other relations representing less prototypical configurations of the standard image but still strongly connected to the iconic form, among which al-ia surrounding, al-itiw containment, al-ull localization, al-itiml implication and al-taammun inclusion.46 To the second group belong a number of parametersor conditions including al-man control,47 al-tamakkun attachment,48 al-uml cover-ing49 and al-iti specificity.50 This second group essentially regulates and codifies the functioning of the spatial value. Thus, for the realization of each spatial relation, several parameters are required. al-itiw containment, for example, needs most of the above mentioned parameters because it has a prototypical status. It is very close to the notion of wi because of the similarity in the number of parameters they involve. Firstly, a relation of containment requires a container that controls the content, either actually or figuratively. Secondly, from the point of view of the content, it should be firmly attached (mutamakkin) to its container. Then, the spatial relation should enable the container to cover (yamala) the content. Finally, each of the two actors in the spatial relation should be exclusively concerned (muta) with the other. This requires that they should not be semantically connected to, or dependent on, another semantic actor.51 In contrast, a spatial relation
46Ibid. 47Ibn Ab al-Rab, al-Bas, 850. 48al-Astarb, ar 2, 327. 49Mliq, Raf al-mabn, 389. 50Ibn Ya, ar al-Mufaal, 8, 20. 51Spatially, al-Iti does not differ from its grammatical meaning. When one considers, for example, that the prepositions are nominally specified, one means that they exclusively govern the nominal class. Here the parameter of specificity demonstrates the close


mohamed hnid

like al-ull localization or presence does not require the activation of different parameters because it represents a form of wi which is less prototypical.52 This approach can be explained by the analytic schema I have elaborated above, where I considered the wi as the core representation of the spatial value from which derive multiple configurations. On the same basis, the phenomenon of muqaba semantic interaction between prepositional values is caused essentially by moving from centralprototypical form and implicated parametersto new contextual situations. This movement invalidates the fundamental parameters belonging to the iconic form and requires the acquisition of new ones from new contexts. Consequently, any risk of expressing the semantic value of another preposition is a logical outcome whenever it is taken away from the semantic center of a regionor contextoccupied conventionally by other linguistic units. We can assume, therefore, that the semantic interaction is a codified grammatical reaction having its own conditions and parameters, not just a contextual arbitrary phenomenon. Conclusion Sbawayhis approach to the spatial value of f revealed a sophisticated concept of the way the preposition represents, communicates and articulates information about space. He managed to establish both theoretical and empirical frameworks for the spatiality of f which have been taken over by subsequent works. His contributions on its geometric elements and functional parameters were also expanded and encoded by subseconnection between the container and the content and excludes any additional semantic component from interferring with one of the two spatial actors. Each of them is exclusively concerned with the other. 52al-ull is one of the farthest configurations of wi. It is far from its central semantic value and its prototypical representation, and this is the reason why it expresses a simple meaning of location. Ibn al-Sarrj, comments on sentence (9) as follows: f has not the value of al [in the sentence], but he [the speaker] compared the crucified to a content as if it were strongly attached to the trunk... (Ibn al-Sarrj, al-Ul, 1, 414). Mliq, notes: Sara big tree is a place for the clothes because it is compared to the relation between the body and the clothes. So, when the clothes are on a tree, they should be stable on it. However, total covering is also unnecessary, as we have (said) before (cf. Mliq, Raf al-mabn, 389).

spatial language in the kitb of sbawayhi


quent works. It may not be too early to precisely identify the different steps realized in the establishment of the representative structure of f. It appears that Sbawayhis ideas of the spatial structure changed in three main steps. In the first stage, he tried to establish the fundamental elements required by the semantic structure. This explains in part the brevity of his commentaries and the shortness of the illustrations he gave. In the second stage, the aim of Sbawayhi was to consolidate and to develop the structure first realized. This can be seen in the text of Ibn al-Sarrj, widening the examples advanced by Sbawayhi and illustrating his commentaries whenever he did not propose any examplesuch as at the third level of wi. In the third stage, he widened exploration of the contextual possibilities in which f could appear, studying its spatiality at boundaries that link the wi with other prepositional and spatial values and not in the nucleus of the semantic structure which Sbawayhi achieved. This explains why subsequent approaches were essentially interested in the representation of the spatial value as a problematic one. Even if this short article did not allow me to comment on the multiple operations and components which are mobilized when activating prepositional significance, I believe that they prove how deep Sbawayhis structured analysis may be considered. They also prove, I may add, the originality of his representation found in the fundamental text of the Kitb and later contributions. References
Primary Sources al-Astarb, Rai al-Dn Muammad b. asan al-Astarb. ar al-kfiya. Istanbul: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1979. al-all b. Amad Farhd. al-Jumal f al-naw. Edited by Faru al-dn Qabawa. Beirut: Muassasat al-Risla, 1995. Ibn Ab al-Rab, Abdallh b. Amad b. Ubyd Allh, al-Bas f ar jumal al-Zajjj. Edited by Ayyd b. d al-T abt. Beirut: Dr al-arb al-Islm, 1986. Ibn al-Sarrj, Ab Bakr B. al-Sar. al-Ul f al-naw. Edited by Abd al-usayn al Fatl. Beirut: Muassasat al-Risla, 1988. Ibn Him, Jaml al-Dn Ab Muammad Abdallh b. Ysuf. Mun al-labb an kutub al-arb. Edited by Abd al-amd. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-Ariyya, 1987. Ibn Manr, Jaml al-Dn Mukarram b. Mukarram. Lisn al-Arab. Beirut: Dr dir, 1994. Ibn Ya, Muyaffaq ad-Dn Ya b. Al. ar al-mufaal. Beirut: Dr dir, (sd). Mliq Amad Abd al-Nr. Raf al-mabn f ar urf al-mani. Edited by Amad al-arr. Damascus: Majma al-Lua al-Arabiyya, 1975. al-Rummn, Ab al-asan. Kitb mani al-urf. Edited by Abd al-Fatt Isml alab. Jedda: Dr al-urq, 1981.


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Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) ed. Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. Maktabat al-nj, (sd). Zajjj, Ab al-Qsim Abd al-Ramn b. Isq. urf al-mani. Jordan: Muassasat al-Risla, 1986. Secondary Sources Ayoub, G. De ce qui ne se dit pas dans le livre de Sbawayhi: la notion de Taml. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, edited by K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter, 115. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. Bennett, D. Spatial and Temporal Uses of English Prepositions. London: Longman, 1975. Brondal, V. Thories des prpositions: Introduction une Smantique Rationnelle. Copenhague: Munskgaard, 1950. Carter, M.G. Sibwayhi. India: Oxford University Press, 2004. Herskovits, A. Language and Spatial Cognition. Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Langacker, R. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987. Leegh, G. Semantics. England: Penguin, 1975. Lentzner, K.R. Semantic and Syntactic Aspects of Arabic Prepositions. Michigan: University of Texas, 1980. Levinson, S. Space in Language and Cognition: Explorations in Cognitive Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Miller, G.A., and Philip Johnson-Laird. Language and perception. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1976. Talmy, L. Toward a Cognitive Semantics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2000. Tyler, A. and Evans, V. The Semantics of English prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Versteegh, K. Freedom of the Speaker: The Term ittis and Related Notions in Arabic. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, edited by K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter, 28193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.

THE RELAtION BEtWEEN FrEQUENCY Of USAGE AND DELEtION IN SBAWAYHIS KITB Hanadi Dayyeh Introduction The term kara frequent usage has two meanings in Sbawayhis Kitb: The first is associated with single words which the Arabs used frequently; the second is associated with structures which became known to both the speaker and the listener because they were repeatedly used. Kara in the first meaning leads either to favouring a certain morphological form or a certain grammatical case which was frequently used, or to changing it to be different from its like. In its second meaning, kara leads to af deletion of one of the elements of the structure (the verb, the noun, or the particle). The relation between kara frequent usage and af deletion, as presented in various parts of Sbawayhis Kitb, is the subject of this study. As for af, it is in the Kitb different from imr suppression, itizl reduction, or taqdr suppletive insertion. It is that kind of imr suppression in which deletion is necessary. Itizl reduction, on the other hand, is a specific kind of deletion where the verbal noun substitutes for the deleted verb. Taqdr suppletive insertion is used in the Kitb to express the meaning of value, and not the sense of implying a certain elided element. Sbawayhi is unique in establishing the relation between kara and af. None of his contemporaries or successors exploited the far-reaching implications of this relationship. His awareness of this relation and his study of its grammatical implications are attested throughout the Kitba fact that highlights the internal unity of the Kitb, in its terminology, awhid, and analytical tools. 1.The Term Al-Kara Frequent Usage in the Kitb The term al-kara and its variants (kaura, kar, akar) appear in various parts of the Kitb.1 Sbawayhi uses al-kara to justify syntactical,
1The root k--r and its derivations appear more than 700 times in the Kitb. Troupeau, Gerard, Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi (Paris: Kleinseich, 1976), 180181. The present


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morphological and phonological cases associated with verbs, nouns and particles. A close examination of the occurrences of the term al-kara in abwb al-fil chapters on verbs, abwb al-ism chapters on nouns, and abwb al-urf chapters on particles/letters shows that a relation is established between al-kara f l-istiml frequency of usage and af deletion of the verb, noun or particle in certain utterances. 1.1Al-Kara in Sbawayhis Chapters on Verbs The appearance of the term al-kara in Sbawayhis chapters on verbs in the Kitb is restricted to a chapter where Sbawayhi discusses the dependent forms caused by a suppressed verb that remains covert because the mean ing is self evident .2 In this chapter, Sbawayhi presents examples of deletion of the verb in utter , with or without ances of command and cautioning iyyka , in utterances other than of command and cautioning , .3 and in utterances that gained the status of a proverb Citation 1Utterances of cautioning with iyyka: ... .
And an example of that you saying beware of the lion and beware of evil, It is like he said protect yourself from the lion and protect yourself from evil...and they deleted the verb after iyyka because it is frequently used so it [iyyka] substituted for the verb.4

Iyyka is frequently used in utterances of cautioning. The frequency of usage makes the verb protect known to both the listener and speaker, so it is elided. Frequency of usage in this citation led to deletion of the verb.

study is based on an examination of the occurrences of the root k--r throughout the Kitb. 60 awhid, in which al-kara has a syntactical, morphological or phonological function, were extracted and used as the data for this study. 2Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 54, (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819) 1, 1161, (2) ed. Blq (18981900 [repr. Baghdad, 1965]) 1, 138. 3For a complete list of the awhid taken from this section of the Kitb, refer to Table 1. 4Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 54, Derenbourgh1, 116/ Blq 1, 138.

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb Citation 2Utterances other than cautioning or command:
Y [calling] Abdallhi


They deleted the verb because this [calling] is frequently used in talking and y substituted for the utterance of the verb, as if he said y I want Abdallhi so he deleted I want and y substituted for it because if you said y someone it is known that you want him.5

In this citation, frequency of usage also led to deletion. Sbawayhi explains that when calling someone it is known that you want this person due to frequent usage of nid vocative. The verb consequently is elided and y substituted for it. Citation 3Utterances that gained the status of a proverb:
I am not deluded by your claims

led to the deletion of the verb. Frequent usage of the utterance The utterance gained the status of a proverb, and proverbs are known to both the speaker and listener. It is worth mentioning here that Sbawayhi highlights another important clue that allows for the deletion of the verb: the fact that the listener is aware of the situation and knows the context of . The knowledge of the elided element is the utterance essential for allowing deletion. The frequent usage of the utterance allows deletion because it makes the elided verb known to both the speaker and the listener.

And they did not mention deluded because they frequently used it and it is indicated in what is seen in the situation where he is prohibiting him from such claims.6

5Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 57, Derenbourgh 1, 123/ Blq 1, 147. 6Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 56, Derenbourgh 1, 119/ Blq 1, 141.


hanadi dayyeh 1.2Al-Kara in Sbawayhis Chapters on Nouns

The occurrences of the term al-kara in relation to nouns appear in syntactical, morphological and phonological explanations that Sbawayhi gives to certain utterances.7 In some of these explanations al-kara is used to justify deletion of the noun, in others al-kara justifies favouring a certain syntactical case or morphological form, and in few al-kara leads to changing the noun to be different from its like. The following are three examples that illustrate the uses of al-kara in the three above mentioned situations respectively. Citation 4: .

And similar to None like Zayd where the noun is deleted [there is no one like Zayd], saying La alayka where you mean nothing wrong with you [l basa alayk] or nothing against you[l aya alayk] but it (the noundependent) was deleted because they frequently used it.8

Citation 5: .
And if you named him an adjective that follows the pattern fala like al-qaba (the ugly) and al-arfa (the gracious), the plural is fail because it is more frequently used so you follow what is most frequent.9

Citation 6: .... .

[ ]

It (the definitive article alif lam) is in Allh inseparable....and they changed it in this word because if a word is abundant in their utterances, it is treated differently from its like.10

7For a complete list of the occurrences of al-kara with nouns, refer to Table 2. 8Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 181, Derenbourgh 1, 309/ Blq 1, 354. 9Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 350, Derenbourgh 2, 99/ Blq 2, 101. 10Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 148, Derenbourgh 1, 268/ Blq 1, 310.

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb 1.3Al-Kara in Sbawayhis Chapters on Particles/Letters


Frequency of usage (al-kara fi-l-istiml) in Sbawayhis chapters on particles appears to justify deletion of the arf letter/particle whether it is a particle or a letter.11 In all the examples studied, al-kara fi-l-istiml frequency of usage led to the deletion of the arf letter/particle. Citation 7: that is In discussing suppressed prepositions in sentences like Sbawayhi says: originally .
And not all prepositions are suppressed because the prepositional object is linked to the preposition, so they are both treated as one particle, then this was considered qab ill-formed, but they may suppress and delete it in what is frequently used in their utterances because they need to reduce what is frequently used. 12

Citation 8: When explaining the deletion of the letter nn from laally ( ), Sbawayhi says:13 So they deleted nn as they delete what is frequently used. 1.4Meanings of al-Kara in the Kitb While al-kara led to deletion of the verb, noun or particle in frequently used utterances, al-kara in abwb al-ism chapers on nouns led also to favouring a grammatical case ending or a morphological form or to changing the noun to be different from its like.14 This may be explained in
11For a complete list of the awhid, refer to Table 3. 12Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 141, Derenbourgh 1, 253/Blq 1, 294. 13Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 213, Derenbourgh 1, 338/Blq 1, 386. 14There is one example in which al-kara leads to tawassu extension in the use of adverbial nouns of time. These nouns are allowed to be annexed to verbs like saying (Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 260, Derenbourgh 1, 209/Blq 1, 460). Adverbial nouns of time are frequently used so they are treated differently from other nouns. These nouns can be annexed to verbs. In this sense, tawassu means the process by which a word is placed beyond its proper boundaries, as an extension of its normal domain (K. Versteegh, Freedom of the Speaker: The Term ittis and related notions in Arabic Grammar in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II, eds. K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter [Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company], 1990), 283. With this meaning in mind I included this citation in the examples where al-Kara leads to changing the word to be different from its like.


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two ways: First, frequency of usage leads to the three different functions (af deletion, tarj favouring or tayr changing). If this explanation is valid then it is worth asking why frequency leads in one situation to deletion, in a second to favouring a syntactical case or morphological form, and in a third to changing the noun. Second, frequency has different meanings each associated with a different function. Citations 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 serve as examples to three patterns of deletion due to frequency of usage. Citations 1 and 2 are examples of the first pattern.15 In these citations, frequency of usage led to deletion of the verb in utterances that are known to both the speaker and listener. There are enough clues for the listener to figure out the elided element. In this pattern, frequency of usage rendered the utterance known, so when the verb is deleted the meaning of the utterance remained clear. Citation 3 is an example of the second pattern,16 where the utterance due to frequent usage is considered a proverb. Proverbial expressions are known to the speaker and listener as well, so the elided element is retrievable by the listener. Citations 4, 7 and 8 serve as examples of the third pattern.17 In these citations Sbawayhi justifies deletion of an element of a structure simply because of frequency of usage. It is clear that in presenting the cause of deletion, Sbawayhi depends mainly on frequency of usage that makes the elided element known to the listener. It is worth noting here that he states that Arabs tend to reduce what they frequently use .18 And they do so because both speaker and listener know the utterance and the deleted element can be retrieved.19 In citation 5, Sbawayhi favors a morphological form fail as plural to fala because it is more frequent. In this example frequency is associated with a single word that Arabs used in a certain morphological form more frequently.20 Sbawayhi states so you follow what

15For complete list of the awhid that follow this pattern, refer to Table 4. 16For complete list of the awhid that follow this pattern, refer to Table 5. 17For complete list of the awhid that follow this pattern, refer to Table 6. 18Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 141, Derenbourgh 1, 253/Blq 1, 294. 19Cf. A. Marogy, Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010), 8586. 20Among the 60 citations used in this study, there are 16 cases where frequency of usage led to favoring of a certain grammatical case or morphological form (refer to Table 2). In all these citations frequency is used to describe single words that are used more in a certain syntactical or morphological form.

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb


is most frequent. Here frequency is descriptive and associated with number of times a single word is used. Citation 6 represents one of three instances where frequency led to changing the noun to be different from its like.21 In the three examples frequency is associated with single words. It is descriptive. The noun Allh is used abundantly and that is why it is treated differently from they [Arabs] other nouns. Sbawayhi says: change the most frequently used to be different from its like.22 Kara frequent usage, then, appears in the Kitb to convey two meanings: The first is associated with utterances that are frequently used, and consequently have become known to the speaker and listener. Frequency in this context leads to deletion of the verb, noun or particle in the utterance. The second meaning is descriptive and associated with single words. al-kara frequent usage in this context leads to favouring a syntactical or morphological case or changing the noun to be different from its likes. Deletion in the Kitb In an attempt to study deletion throughout the Kitb, the following terms and their variants were examined: af deletion, imr suppression, itizl reduction, and taqdr suppletive insertion. These terms may be confused to be synonyms. A fact that is observed in some Arabic Grammar books, where grammarians may use amara to suppress to mean aafa to delete, or itazala to reduce to mean amara to suppress, or taqdr suppletive insertion to mean imr suppression or af deletion.23 This study will show that these terms are not synonyms in the Kitb.24 Sbawayhi uses each term in a specific related context consistently wherever it appears in the Kitb.

21Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 148, Derenbourg 1, 268; 357/Blq 1, 310; 404 and chapter 310, Derenbourg 2, 39/ Blq 2, 42. 22Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 227, Derenbourgh 1, 357/Blq 1, 404. 23I shall discuss the use of these terms in 2nd, 3rd and 4th century sources in section 4. As to recent books, refer to M. Mazm, F al-naw al-arab (Beirut:al Maktaba al Arabiya, 1946) and M. Yqt, Qady al-taqdr al-naw bayn al-qudam wa al-mudan (Cairo: Dar al-Marif, 1985) for samples of grammar books that uses the terms as synonyms. 24Cf. M.G. Carter, Elision, in Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Grammar, Budapest 17 September 1991, eds. K. Dvnyi and T. Ivnyi = The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 34. (Budapest, 1991), 122.


hanadi dayyeh 2.1Between af Deletion and Idmr Suppression

The difference between af deletion and imr suppression appears in parts of the Kitb where Sbawayhi explains the suppressed verb (al-fil al-mumar). He distinguishes between two kinds of suppressed verbs: A suppressed verb that may be overt and A suppressed verb that remains covert.25 Examples of the latter were discussed in section 1.1 of this study. The suppressed verb that remains covert is a deleted verb due to frequency of usage. As to the suppressed verb that may be overt, its awhid show that the verb is mumar suppressed and not maf deleted. Neither the word aafa to delete nor its variants is used with the suppressed verb that maybe overt: .
As to prohibiting, it is cautioning like saying the lion the lion, the wall the wall, the boy the boy, you prohibited him from getting closer to an inclined wall or a lion, or stepping on the boy, and if he wants he may mention the suppressed verb.26

The verb in this citation is referred to as mumar suppressed and not maf deleted. Sbawayhi states clearly that it is up to the speaker to mention the verb or not .27 This option is not given to the speaker in the case of a suppressed verb that remains covert. There is a clear distinction in the use of the terms idmr suppression and af deletion. Sbawayhi uses the first when the suppressed verb may or may not be overt, and the second only when the verb has to remain covert.28 In discussing the suppressed verb that remains covert in utterances of cautioning, Sbawayhi says:
25Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 140, Derenbourgh 1, 247/Blq 1, 149. 26Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 50, Derenbourgh 1, 107/Blq 1, 128. 27Ibid. 28Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 5054, Derenbourgh 1, 107117/Blq 1, 128139.

Like saying Your head and/with the wall,29 cautioning him as if saying protect your head, the verb is deleted in these utterances when the structure conveys duality due to frequency of usage and sufficiency with what is seen and said, the first dependent substitutes for the verb because it resembles iyyka, and it would not have been like iyyka if the structure is not dual because it is not frequent in their talk the way iyyka is.30

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led to the deletion of The frequency of using the structure the verb. Sbawayhi argues that It is the fact that this structure conveys duality that led to the deletion of the verb because in this structure only the first noun (dependent) resembles iyyka which is frequently used by .31 If Arabs allowing the deletion of the verb in structures like the structure is made up of one noun (dependent), Sbawayhi states that the verb may appear: .... .
And if you said Yourself, Your head or The wall the verb may appear...when you added a second, the structure gained the status of iyyka, and iyyka substitutes for the verb.32

Deletion of the verb in this example occurred when a condition of duality is fulfilled. This duality creates a structure that resembles the frequently used structure of iyyka. The verb in this case is referred to as maf deleted. If the utterance is made up of one noun (dependent) like , then the verb may or may not appear. In this case the verb is referred to as mumar suppressed. The distinction in the uses of the terms af deletion and imr suppression may be tracked throughout the book, and not only when discussing eliding a verb, but also a noun33 or a particle.34 The term af
29Sbawayhi explains that ww in this example can be ww atf conjunction or ww maiyyah (Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 54, Derenbourgh 1, 117/Blq 1, 138). 30Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 54, Derenbourgh 1, 117/Blq 1, 138139. 31Ibid., Derenbourgh 1, 117/Blq 1, 138. 32Ibid., Derenbourgh 1, 117/Blq 1, 139. 33For examples of suppressed nouns refer to Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 140, Derenbourgh 1, 220; 241; 245/Blq 1, 258, 279; 284. 34For examples of suppressed nouns refer to Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 140, Derenbourgh 1/Blq 1, 407408.


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deletion appears with the frequently used structures where the elided element is covert, whereas imr suppression is associated with structures were the elided element may or may not appear. With this conclusion in mind, a question may be raised regarding the relation between imr suppression and af deletion. The terms are not used as synonyms in the Kitb, however, they are related. Sbawayhi refers to the deleted verb as . A deleted verb is a suppressed verb; however, it is a specific kind of fil mumar suppressed verb that has to remain covert. The same can be said about deleted nouns and particles. Then, af deletion is a specific kind of imr suppression where the elided element remains covert. Throughout the Kitb, Sbawayhi consistently uses af to refer to elided elements that remain covert in utterances that are frequently used. 2.2Between af Deletion and Itizl Reduction The root zl and its derivations appear 10 times in the Kitb.35 It is mainly used in discussing verbal nouns that are dependent due to a a covert verb. These verbal nouns appear in utterances where the speaker invokes God for or against, and in utterances other than invoking God.36 In these utterances the verbal noun substitutes for the verb, so the verb is elided. Example of these verbal nouns: God quench May your thirst, Sbawayhi explains: .... The verb was reduced here because it [the verbal noun] substituted for the verb. 37 Studying the situations where itazala to reduce is used, it is observed that itizl is associated with elided verbs in utterances where the verbal noun substitutes for the verb. In these specific situations the verb is said to be ituzila reduced and not uifa deleted. Sbawayhi consistently uses the term itazala to reduce in these situations, which means that he distinguishes between the two terms and does not use them as synonyms. Although not a synonym to af deletion, the term itizl reduction, is related to it. It is associated with verbs that remains covert ( fil matrukun ihruhu), however, in specific utterances where verbal nouns substitute for the elided verb. This may lead to a conclusion that itizl reduction is a specific kind of af deletion associated with certain
35Troupeau, Lexique Index, 8. 36Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 6266, Derenbourgh 1, 1325/Blq 1, 158162. 37Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 61, Derenbourgh 1, 131/Blq 1, 157.

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utterances. Sbawayhi consistently distinguishes between the uses of both terms throughout the Kitb. 3.The Concept of Taqdr in the Kitb The term taqdr is commonly used to mean the supposition of an elided element that affected other elements in a structure. In this sense, the concept of taqdr is related to imr and af deletion. Consequently, a study of taqdr as presented in the Kitb is necessary when af deletion is a main subject of a study. The word taqdr in relation to syntactical explanations appears three times in the Kitb: First .
Then you said Is not that Zaydan munaliqan (Zayd leaving) where munaliqan is dependent because it is circumstantial and similar to the noun after inna, it [the circumstantial dependent] gained the status of a second object of a transitive verb like saying Abdullhi hit Zaydan qiman (while standing), it is similar to it in syntactical value but not in meaning.38

Sbawayhi in this citation is building an analogy between two words in two different structures to explain the syntactical case of one of them. The word munaliqan is dependent in the first structure in the same way the word qaiman is dependent in the second although both structures do not convey same meaning. Second .
Verily are your people honorable and Verily is your maid leaving so the ha in inna-hu refers to the suppressed speech that you mentioned after ha as if supposing, although not stated, he said that verily the issue is that your maid is leaving.39

38Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 140, Derenbourgh 1, 247/Blq 1, 287. 39Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 145, Derenbourgh 1, 259/Blq 1, 300.


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The word taqdr appears in this citation to mean of an the supposition is elided and elided word.40 In the example given the word is independent as it is abar (comment). Third .
You may say Abdullhi what a man (dependent) starting with Abdullhi, if nima is related to Abdullhi you would not have said Abdullhi what a man (independent), Abdullhi has nothing to do with nima, the man is Abdullhi but separated from it the way the brother is separated when saying Abdullhi, his brother left (Abdullhis brother has left), it has the same value (i.e. equivalence) but not the same meaning.41

Again, taqdr is used here to mean the value of two elements in two parallel structures in an analogy. Abdullhi is separated from the man in the sentence the way it is separated from the brother in . Abdullhi in the first and second structures is in similar situation. It may be noticed that taqdr is used only once in AL Kitb to mean supposition of an elided element. This conclusion may even be supported by studying the occurrences of the word taqdr in explaining certain morphological and phonological phenomena. In morphology, it is mainly used in the sense of forming a word according to a certain pattern.42 In phonology, its use is restricted to words where ayn substitutes for the glottal stop (hamza).43 In both areas, taqdr is not used in the sense of supposing an elided element. Based on the above, it may be concluded that the concept of taqdr in al-Kitb is not associated with af deletion or imr suppression. It is used to mean similar value in qiys analogy or similar pattern.

40The translation of taqdr as suppletive insertion has first been suggested by Baalbaki, cf. Ramzi Baalbaki, The Legacy of the Kitb (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008), 69, fn. 151. 41Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 145, Derenbourgh 1, 260/Blq 1, 301. 42Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 141, Derenbourg 2, 2; 59/Blq 2, 3; 63. 43Ibid., Derenbourgh 2, 1; 21; 39; 81; 83; 104; 128; 175; 254; 256; 262; 311; 313; 330; 410; 429/ Blq 2, 21; 42; 84; 86; 105; 126; 169; 239; 240; 245; 285; 286; 303; 370; 386 (note that the chapter numbers are not given here).

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb 4.The Relation between Frequency of Usage and Deletion in Sources Other than the Kitb


In the previous sections of this study, it is proposed that a relation between frequency of usage and deletion is established in the Kitb. In this section, the present study will trace this relation in other language sources from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th century in an attempt to find out if any of Sbawayhis contemporaries or successors noticed the relation between frequency of usage and deletion. From the 2nd century, the study will look into al alls (d. 175/791) Kitb al-ayn and al-Farrs (d. 207/822) Man al-Qurn. From the 3rd century, al-Mubarrads (d. 285/898) al-Muqtaab and Ibn al-Sarrjs (d. 316/929) al-Usl f al-naw, and from the 4th century, Ibn Jinns (d. 392/1002) al-ai will be examined. 4.1In Kitb al-Ayn Frequency of usage in Kitb al-ayn leads to: 1. Merging two words to become one, example: munu (originally min i)44 2. Deleting letters or short vowels from certain frequently used words, example: at (originally awtww is deleted)45 3. Tawassu extension in the use of words46 Although al-kara frequent usage has in Kitb al-ayn similar functions to those presented in the Kitb,47 it is noticed that the relation between frequency of usage and deletion is not established the way it is in the Kitb. Two observations are worth mentioning regarding the use of the term al-kara frequent usage in Kitb al-ayn. First, there is confusion in presenting the functions of al-kara frequent usage for it may lead to two contradictory functions in the same example: ww awt is deleted due to frequency, however, its t is pronounced due to frequency.48 Second,
44al-all, Kitb al-ayn, edited by M. al-Mazm and I. al-Smarra (Baghdd: Dr al-Rad 198085) 8, 192. See also for more examples: 4, 116 and 8, 350. 45Ibid., 8, 207208. See also for more examples, 4, 320 and 5, 301. 46Ibid., 5, 301. 47Refer to citation 25 in Table 2 for an example of merging two words to become one due to frequency of usage. The merging happens as a result of deleting letters, so basically it is another example of deletion due to frequency of usage. For tawassu extension see footnote 5. 48Ibid., 8, 207208.


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al-kara frequent usage leads to deletion of particles or vowels only. It is not associated with deletion of the noun or verb. Nouns and verbs in Kitb al-ayn are suppressed and not deleted.49 al-Kara appears to justify the suppression and not deletion of the verb or noun,50 and the deletion of the particle. It is observed that the relation between frequency and deletion is not established in al-Ayn. However, it may be argued that its basis can be traced there. After all, al-ayn is a lexicon and not a grammar book like the Kitb. 4.2In Man al-Qurn al-Kara in al-Farrs Man al-Qurn leads to: 1. Merging two words to become one either by treating them as one51 or by deleting a letter.52 2. Taff lightness by treating diptotes as triptotes,53 or by deleting a particle.54 In both cases the relation between al-kara and deletion is not established, although a beginning of such a relation may be observed. al-Farr refers to deleting particles due to frequency. Also the concept of iffa is related to deletion. 55 Sbawayhi establishes this relation in the Kitb clearly, he states: .56 As to deleting the verb or noun, al-Farr, like al-all, speaks about imr suppression of the verb or noun and not af deletion.57 Among his contemporaries it appears that Sbawayhi is unique in establishing a relation between frequency of usage and deletion. He is
49About the difference between suppression and deletion in al-Ayn, refer to Mazmi, F al-Naw al-Arab 207224. 50al-all, al-Ayn, 1, 330; 3, 121; 215. 51al-Farr. Man al-Qurn (Cairo: Dar al Kutub al Miriyya, 1955) 1, 34. 52Ibid., 2, 144. 53Ibid., 1, 321. 54Ibid., 2, 314. 55On iffa lightness and iqal heaviness, cf. Ramzi Baalbaki, Some Aspects of Harmony and Heirarchy in Sbawayhis Grammatical Analysis. Zeitschrift fur Arabische linguistik 2 (1979): 15. 56Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 141, Derenbourgh 1, 253/ Blq 1, 294. 57Cf. K. Devenyi, Imr in the Man al-Farr, in Approaches to Arabic Linguistics 49: Presented to Kees Versteegh on his Sixtieth Birthday, eds. E. Ditters and H. Motzki (Leiden, Boston: Brill 2007), 61.

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consistent in linking between frequency and deletion and using the exact terminology any where the relation appears in the Kitb. 4.3In al-Muqtaab Influenced by Sbawayhi, al Mubarrad uses the citations that Sbawayhi uses in discussing eliding a verb, noun or particle and gives similar explanations. A comparative study between the two explanations shows that:58 First, the use of al-kara in al-Muqtaab is almost nonexistent and when mentioned it is not related to deletion.59 Second, the term af deletion is not consistently used in al-Muqtaab. in Instead Mubarrad uses terms like explaining some citations.60 Also, he might use af deletion and imr suppression exchangeably.61 It is noticed that frequency of usage is neglected as a cause for deletion in al-Muqtaab, instead the presence of a clue that refers to the elided verb becomes the condition for deletion. The clue may be the situation itself that is sufficient to know the elided element62 or the knowledge of the listener.63 al-Mubarrad does not recognize the role of frequency of usage in building the listeners knowledge. 4.4In al-Ul f al-Naw Like Sbawayhi, Ibn al Sarrj differentiates between three types of verbs: An overt verb that cannot be covert, a suppressed verb that may be overt and a suppressed verb that remains covert.64 In discussing the last two types of the suppressed verb, he uses Sbawayhis awhid and explains the deletion of the verb neglecting frequency of usage. He focuses though on the presence of a Dall (an indicator of what is elided) as a condition to deletion.65 Ibn al Sarrjs al-Ul f al-naw shows that grammarians after
58Ten common citations were compared (al-Kitbal-Muqtaab): 1, 1474, 202; 1, 1473, 252; 1, 1603, 226; 1, 1383, 212; 1, 1393, 215; 1, 1713, 264; 1, 3532, 151; 1, 2793, 76; 1, 3534, 429; 2,1472, 302. 59al-Mubarrad, al-Muqtaab, edited by M. Uaima (Beirut: Alam al-Kutub) 3, 226; 2, 151. 60Ibid., 3, 252; 3, 212; 264. 61Ibid., 2, 308. 62Ibid., 3, 215; 3, 264; 2,151. 63Ibid., 4,429. 64Ibn al-Sarrj, al-Usl f al-Naw, edited by A.. al-Fatl (Beirut: Muassasat al-Risla, 1985) 2, 247. 65Ibid., 2, 254.


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Sbawayhi, although influenced by him in discussing deletion, neglected the concept of frequency of usage, and focused on the situation of the utterance or knowledge of the speaker as a condition for deletion. 4.5In al-ai Ibn Jinni devotes a chapter in al-ai to af. He discusses deletion of a sentence, a word, a particle and a short vowel: ( Arabs deleted sentences ,words ,particles and vowels and they did so only while there is an indicator of it otherwise it would be entrusting knowledge of the unknown).66 In the deletion chapter, frequency is neglected. Ibn Jinni is more interested in the context of the utterance as it is a powerful clue to the elided verb: .
And among that when you see a man aiming an arrow towards the target and then shooting and then you hear a sound so you say the target meaning he hit the target, hit, although not pronounced, it has the status of a pronounced verb, however, the situation itself substituted for the pronunciation of the verb hit.67

This citation is presented as an illustration of the deleted verb that is con sidered pronounced because of a clue that refers to it: .68 The focus in this citation is the context of the situation that substituted for the pronunciation of the verb. In this example, the verb may be overt, nevertheless it is referred to as Maf deleted. The distinction between imr suppression and af deletion seem to be insignificant.

66Ibn Jinn, al-ai, edited by M.A. al-Najjr (Cairo: al-Haya al-Miriyyah al-Amma, 1987) 2, 362. 67Ibid., 1, 286. 68Ibid., 1, 285.

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb Conclusion


This paper has shown that the relation between frequency of usage and deletion as established in the Kitb was neglected after Sbawayhi. Deletion was developed as a concept but not in relation to al-kara frequent usage and post-Kitb sources limit themselves to setting rules and conditions for af deletion. Although influenced by Sbawayhi, these sources did not pay attention to frequency of usage and its role in making the utterance known to the listener. The relation between frequency of usage and deletion as established in the Kitb highlights the internal unity of Sbawayhis work. Sbawayhi establishes a link between the two notions wherever they appear in the Kitb. What is more, he is consistent in using the right term of af deletion, imr suppression or itizl reduction when describing the linguistic phenomena he is dealing with, as this study shows. Sbawayhis unique achievement in establishing the relation between kara frequent usage and af deletion among all his contemporaries and successors proves that the Kitb still holds much linguistic treasure to be unearthed and studied. References
Primary Sources al-Farr, Ab Zakria Yehya b. Ziad al-Farr. Man al-Qurn. Vol. 1, edited by Muammad Al al-Najjr and Amad Ysuf al-Najt. Cairo: Dar al-Kutub al-Miriyya, 1955. Vol. 2, edited by Muammad Al al-Najjr. Cairo: al-Dar al-Miriyyah li al-Talf. Vol. 3, edited by Abd al-Fatt alab. Cairo: al-Haya al-Miriyya al-mma, 1972. al-all, Ab Abdulramn b. Amad al-Farhd. Kitb al-ayn. 8 vols. Edited by Mahd al-Mazm and Ibrhm al-Smarra. Baghdd: Dr al-Rad 198085. Ibn Jinn, Ab al-Fat Umn. al-ai. Edited by Muammad Al al-Najjr. 3 vols. Cairo: al-Haya al-Miriyyah al-Amma, 19861988. Ibn al-Sarrj, Ab Bakr Muammad b. Sahl. al-Usl f al-naw. Edited byAbd al-ussein al-Fatl. 3 vols. Beirut: Muasasat al-Risla, 1985. al-Mubarrad, Ab al-Abbas Muammad b. Yazd. al-Muqtaab. Edited by Muammad Uayma. Beirut: Alam al-Kutub, s.d. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) ed. Blq, 18981900 (repr. Baghdad, 1965). Secondary Sources Baalbaki, R. The Legacy of the Kitb. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008. , Some Aspects of Harmony and Heirarchy in Sbawayhis Grammatical Analysis. Zeitschrift fr Arabische Linguistik 2 (1979): 722.


hanadi dayyeh

Carter, M.G. Elision. In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Grammar, Budapest 17 September 1991, edited by K. Dvnyi and T. Ivnyi = The Arabist: Budapest Studies in Arabic 34 (1991): 121133. Dvnyi, K. Imr in the Man al-Farr. In Approaches to Arabic Linguistics 49: Presented to Kees Versteegh on his Sixtieth Birthday, edited by E. Ditters and H. Motzki, 4565. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2007. Mazm, M. F al-naw al-arab. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-Arabiya, 1946. Marogy, A.E. Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010. Troupeau, G. Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi. Paris: Kleinseich, 1976. Versteegh, K. Freedom of the Speaker: The Term ittis and Related Notions in Arabic. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on the History of Arabic Grammar, Nijmegen, 27 April1 May 1987, edited by K. Versteegh and M.G. Carter, 28193. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. Yqt, M. Qady al-taqdr al-naw bayn al-qudam wa al-mudan. Cairo: Dr al-Marif, 1985.

Table 1 Page no. (Blaq) 1/ 138 1/138 1/147 1/147 1/147 1/148 Citation Frequency of usage led to Deletion of the verb after iyyka Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb

Beware of the Lion Your head and the wall

I took it for one Dirham and more

O [calling] Abdallhi

Deletion of the verb You are departing then I depart with you

Who are you to mention Zayd


Thou hast come to ampleness, spaciousness, and kinsfolk By God, what a man he is

Deletion of the verb

1/353 1/141

Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb

I am not deluded by your claims

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb


Table 1 (cont.) Page no. (Blaq) 1/142 1/142 1/142 1/143 Citation Frequency of usage led to Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb

The dwellings of Mayya

Both of them and dates

Deletion of the verb Stop what you are doing and go for Come to me tomorrow
At the time now what is good

Anything but cursing a free man

1/114 1/114 1/279

Deletion of the verb

Deletion of the verb Deletion of the verb

He did not hide anything from you Table 2

Page no. 1/179 1/353 1/145 1/146 1/42 1/44 1/137


Yes by God
No man like Zayd

Frequency of usage led to Deletion of noun

If it were not for Abdallhi

Deletion of the noun Deletion of the noun

I killed all three

By God, I will do... If you reach Ibn Abi Moussa

Deletion of the noun

Favoring of independent ibn Favouring of dependent kullahuna Favouring of dependent raidan mahdiyyan

May God make thee to be a follower of a right way

Table 2 (cont.) Page no. 1/162 Citation

hanadi dayyeh

Frequency of usage led to Favoring of dependent abr

Be patient, we both are afflicted 1/110 1/130

Favoring of al yawm He walked for part of the day Favoring of independent ayr
If it is for the good then it is good


Favoring of independent Zayd

They only come if Zayd is present 1/53

1/401402 Which/ who

1/460 1/318

May I be a ransom for thee

Favoring of oblique fida Favoring the use of the plural form in interrogative Expanding the use of Yawm Favoring of dependent um and am

The day when Zayd stands up O son of the matriarchs and patriarchs 1/403 2/42

Who is Zayd

Favoring of dependent noun that follows man. Treating these nouns as particles (changing them to be different from its likes)

2/69 2/101 1/351

A sour camel

You do not have a gracious


Favoring of the pattern

Deletion of nunation

Favoring of the pattern as plural

1/314 1/316 1/301

Deletion of nunation Deletion of nunation Deletion of the short vowel fata

frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb


Table 2 (cont.) Page no. 2/428 2/430 2/264 1/310 Citation

Frequency of usage led to Deletion of the letter ()

Deletion of letters from

Favoring of imala of the sound of alif Changing the word to be different from its likes (the definite article is inseparable from the noun) Table 3

Page no. 1/294


Frequency of usage led to Deletion of the prepositions Deletion of the particle Deletion of the particle Deletion of

2/144 2/144 2/46 1/482 1/330 1/337 2/222 2/140 2/165 2/343 2/345, 347, 349 1/301 1/386

By God, your father, I met him yesterday By God, I will do...

You are better

O my kin

Deletion of the preposition

May God forgive you

Deletion of the letter Deletion of the letter Deletion of the letter

O companion

Become white

/ / / /

Deletion of the letter alif Deletion of hamza Deletion of alif in the present tense Deletion of the letters ww and y

Deletion of the letter in

Deletion of ta from


hanadi dayyeh
Table 4

Page no. 1/ 138


Cause of deletion The verb is deleted because the utterance is frequently used and iyyka substituted for the verb The verb is deleted because the utterance is frequently used and y substituted for the verb

Beware of the Lion


Y [calling] Abdallhi


The verb is deleted because of Who are you to mention Zayd frequency of usage and knowledge of the listener The verb is deleted because of Thou hast come to ampleness, frequency of usage and the verbal spaciousness, and kinsfolk noun substituted for the verb By God, what a man he is The verb is deleted because it is known to the listener that the verb is not mentioned in this utterance due to frequency of usage




The verb is deleted due to frequency Stop what youre doing and go of usage and knowledge of the listener for whats good Table 5

Page no. 1/141


Cause of deletion Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage

I am not deluded by your claims The dwellings of Mayya

1/142 1/142 1/142

Both of them and dates

Anything but cursing a free man Come to me tomorrow


frequency of usage and deletion in sbawayhis kitb


Table 5 (cont.) Page no. 1/114 1/279 Citation

Cause of deletion Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage Utterance gained the status of a proverb due to frequency of usage

At the time now

He didnt hide anything from you

Table 6 Page no. 1/353 1/145 1/146 1/351 Citation

Yes by God

Cause of deletion Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage

No man like Zayd

By God, I will do...

1/314 1/316 1/301 2/428 2/430 1/294

You do not have a gracious slave Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage

By God, your father, I met him yesterday By God, I will do.

2/144 2/144 2/46 1/482

Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage

You are better

May God forgive you

Table 6 (cont.) Page no. 1/330 1/337 2/222 2/140 2/165 2/343 2/345, 347, 349 1/301 1/386 Citation

hanadi dayyeh

Cause of deletion Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage Frequency of usage

O my kin

O companion

Become white

/ / / /



THE PARsiNG OF SBAWAYHis KITB, TiTLE OF CHApTER 1, OR FiFTY WAYs TO LOsE YOUR READER M.G. Carter The work which forms the basis of this paper appears as the 14th masala in a compilation of short essays on miscellaneous linguistic topics attributed to Ab Al al-Fris (d. 377/987). It deals with the parsing of the title of Sbawayhis Kitb, Chapter 1, h bb ilm m al-kalim min al-arabiyya, and presents fifty grammatical interpretations of the seven words which launched the science of Arabic grammar. The authorship is questionable for various reasons. Biographical sources do not mention it among Ab Als works, nor does he refer to it in other writings consulted, where, moreover, he uses jarr for the oblique case and not af as here. alab1 argues that all the masil in the set are probably by Ab Al, and is followed in this by Sezgin2 and the editor of the Baddiyyt,3 while the editor of the Talqa4 is sceptical. A serious objection is that the very first masala in the collection contains a brief excursus on lying which is quoted in full by al-Badd (d. 1093/1682),5 but there ascribed to Ab Bakr Ibn al-Anbr (d. 328/940). For convenience we will have to give Ab Al the benefit of the doubt. The theme may be quite ancient: Ab Al himself states elsewhere6 that Ab l-Abbs [al-Mubarrad (d. 2856/8989)] and earlier grammarians used this chapter title as parsing practice for students, though it does not appear where it might be expected in al-Mubarrads main work, the Muqtaab. Predating Ab Al by a good generation is al-Kalm f tal irb qawl Sbawayhi h bb ilm m l-kalim min al-arabiyya, by al-Nas
1alab, Min ayn al-Sha. Ab Al al-Fris, aytuh wa-maknuh bayn aimmat al-arabiyya wa-ruh f l-qirt wal-naw bi-munsabat murr alf m al waftih. (Cairo, 1958), 568f. 2F. Sezgin. Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums (Leiden: Brill, 1982), 8, 108. 3al-Fris, al-Masil al-mukila l-marfa bi-l-Baddiyyt, ed. al al-Dn Abdullh al-Sangw. (Baghdad, 1983), 365, n. 1. 4al-Fris, al-Talqa al Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. Awa ibn amad al-Qz. (Riya, 1990 96), 1, intro. 26. 5al-Badd, iznat al-adab wa-lubb lubb lisn al-Arab. (Blq 1882 and repr.), 3, 13. 6al-Fris, Baddiyyt 365.


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(d. 338/950).7 The manuscript could not be examined for this paper, but a secondary source reports that it contains some 40odd parsings, which confirms its similarity to Ab Als masala 14. The only other monograph on this topic is credited to Ibn al-Munif al-Naw (Andalusian, d. ca 630/1233),8 by al-Maqqar in Naf al-ib, who tells us is that it contained the unbelievable number of 130 parsings, but there is no evidence that the work survives. Not surprisingly the Kitb commentaries all have something to say about the title. al-Srf (d. 368/979), who probably knew Ab Al, as they had masters and pupils in common, offers fifteen parsings,9 and al-Rummn (d. 384/994), achieves twelve10 (they do not completely overlap with al-Srf). In two of Ab Als other works the parsings do not reach double figures, but he devotes a number of pages to the syntax of the title, as do the Andalusians Ab Nar Hrn b. Ms (d. 401/1010) and al-Alam al-antamar (d. 476/1083), the latter relying heavily on al-Srf. The text given here (at the end of the article) is the version published by Al Jbir al-Manr;11 the editors punctuation and his interventions in round brackets are retained as printed, the present writers are in square brackets. The serial numbers have been converted for clarity from words to digits, in italics are those which have been moved from the end of the line to the beginning; at no. [12] two parsings were combined as one, confusing both the scribe and the editor, and the correct numbering has been restored. Textual emendations are conjectural in the absence of a sight of the original manuscript. They include replacing ayyiz by abar in [36]/ [37]; the last phrase of [34] has been moved from the end of [33], where it is clearly misplaced; in [46] the printed text makes no sense, raf al-bb mufan il l-ilm wa-l-ilm munawwan bi-l-af al anna l-ilm wa-m kilhum abar h bbu in indep. form annexed to obl. ilmin with tanwn on the basis that ilm and m are both predicates of h and has been replaced by al-Srfs parsing;12 the last phrase of [46] has been left as i jamaa l-amayni but with misgivings. The count of sixty parsings at the end of the text means only that this number could easily have
7Sezgin, Geschichte (1984) 9, 208. 8Sezgin, Geschichte 9, 62. 9al-Srf, Ab Sad. ar Kitb Sbawayhi, (photo of MS Atef Efendi 2548), fols. 1b2a. 10al-Rummn, ar Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. al-Mutawall bin Raman Amad al-Damr. vol. 1. al-Manra, 1992), 1, 104116. 11al-Mawrid, 21619. 12al-Srf, ar fol. 2a and margin, . ad, Kitb Sbawayhi wa-shuruh. (Baghdad, 1967), 185.

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb


been reached (qad tablu), and even more than seventy if the ramifications were followed up more thoroughly. The Table is an attempt to assign a place to every parsing, with some additional parsings from the Kitb commentaries in square brackets. The technical vocabulary on the whole reflects the typical discourse of the 4th/10th century grammarians, as indeed it should, if genuine. Unusually, along with the familiar term taqdr, e.g. in [3] (only one token parsing will be cited in the examples), tal occurs five times in the same sense, e.g. in [2] and yatalaa in [6]. Whether this is a true technical term or a private usage cannot be ascertained: tal normally means abridging, summarising, but in Dozy13 it is recorded with the meaning of calculating (scil. the number of folios per day al-abar would have written over his lifetime), and is thus a perfect synonym of taqdr assigning a numerical or grammatical value. In its brevity the work takes a number of methodological principles for granted. Thus the distinction between overt and implicit inflection is observed, e.g. in [8] al-kalimi is formally in obl. case by annexation but implicitly in indep. case as the agent of the passive verb implied in ilm, as shown in the paraphrase (tal), an yulama l-kalimu. Agreement is accounted for in several ways, by adjectival concord (nat) [49], apposition (badal) [47], repetition (takrr) [38], correlation (aml) [18], attraction or a kind of assonance (itb ) [12] and equivalence to a compound word ilwun-miun sweet-sour [46]. Mad praise is used with striking frequency to account for the case in seventeen of the fifty parsings, both dep. [14] and indep. case [15]; in seven pairs of parsings either case is permitted [19/20] etc. Mad praise therefore appears in the Table with all the nouns and pronouns except those in obl. case. For this paper three topics have been selected for more detailed comment. (1)Deixis problems with h. As a demonstrative pronoun, h must refer to something, an issue left entirely untouched in our fifty parsings. However the commentators were not at ease with it. Their three explanations in the first row of the Table are incompatible, and reflect three different scenarios for the public presentation of the Kitb pragmatically as an acoustic, not a literary event, hinging on whether the reference of h
13Supplment aux dictionnaires arabe.


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is anaphoric, cataphoric or purely rhetorical. Rather than review these explanations here it will suffice to link the problem with one which every reader would have called to mind, namely the prefatory demonstratives in the Qurn, interpreted in a presentative sense (taqrb, see below), as in Sra 55:43, hihi jahannamu llat yukaibu bih l-mujrimn this is the Hell which the wrong-doers deny, quoted by al-Srf.14 In some Kitb commentaries, notably Ab Al15 and Hrn ibn Ms16 an elaborate reallife situation is reconstructed in which the chapter title is the answer to a supposed question about what words are, with Hrn stressing the vocative (tanbh) force of the initial element of h. It should be remembered that the Kitb is one of the earliest books in Arabic, and appeared well before there were any conventions of composition and arrangement, so it has no formal start. If we are to believe that it was dictated to al-Afash (d. 215/830) then this abrupt and enigmatic h is the first thing he would have heard as Sbawayhi personally addressed him. Curiously in one MS of the Kitb the title of Chapter 1 precedes the basmala, suggesting that the custom of beginning every work with the basmala was not always observed. The deixis in h at least gives our author the opportunity to account for dep. elements as presentative predicates abar al-taqrb in a number of parsings, e.g. [27], and cf. Sra 11:72 wa-h bal ayan And this is my husband, an old man. Note that the indep. case can also occur with presentative h, as in h l-shitu muqbilun this is the winter approaching,17 though this possibility is not entertained among our fifty parsings, where presentatives are confined to dep. nouns. (2) Tanwn issues. There may or may not be tanwn on both bb and ilm, and the structural implications would not have gone unnoticed. Two features invite comment: (a) perhaps because it marks the end of a constituent, tanwn is associated with potential repetition, e.g. [4] h bbu ilmin [ilmi] m l-kalimu, [34] h bbun [bbu] ilmin. The plausibility of the analysis is not our concern, and we must assume that these constructions do occur in natural speech or poetry, as is certainly the case with [46] in the kind
14ar fol. 1b, ad, Kitb 183, followed by al-antamar in al-Nukat f tafsr Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. Yay Murd. (Beirut, 2005), 13f. 15Talqa 1, 6. 16Hrn ibn Ms al-Qurub, ar uyn Kitb Sbawayhi, ed. Abd al-Laf Abd Rabbih. (Cairo, 1984), 35. 17al-Srf, ar fol. 1b, ad, Kitb 183.

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of inflectional repetition seen in the virtual compound ilwun miun sweet-sour. (b) There is a correlation between tanwn and the status of the verbal noun ilm. The impression is that when the madar is felt to be more nominal than verbal it is annexed, as in [5], ilmi m l-kalimu the knowledge of what words are, and when it is more verbal than nominal it has tanwn, [2] ilmin m l-kalimu knowing what words are. This reflects the same distinction in the active participle, e.g. nominal qtilu ulmika the killer of your slave, against verbal qtilun ulmaka one going to kill your slave. Objective and subjective annexation are of course taken for granted, as made explicit in the verbal paraphrases of ilm in [2] talamu (active, objective) and [3] an yulama (passive, subjective). (3) Interrogative and relative m and problems of subordination. Redundant m has no function, but when the referential pronoun (id) is omitted, relative m is indistinguishable from interrogative m, and m l-kalimu can mean either what are words? [1] as a question (direct or indirect!), or what words are [2] as a relative clause. For pedagogical and expository purposes the ambiguity can be removed by substituting alla, e.g. [6] al-ayu lla huwa l-kalimu (also restoring the missing referential pronoun), or by replacing uninflected m with inflected ayy which[ever]. The locus classicus is irib ayyuhum afalu hit whichever of them is best, with indep. case of ayyu as the subject of an interrogative clause (cf. Sra 18:12, ayyu l-izbayni in [1]), versus irib ayyahum afalu, with dep. ayya as the object of irib in a relative clause, hit the one of them who is best. So far so good: we must pass over the fact that there was just as much dispute about the inflection of ayy as there was about the status of m, and proceed to the main difficulty for the grammarians, how to accommodate interrogative clauses syntactically into compound sentences when there was no standardised structure for indirect questions or even indirect speech. Since the fifty parsings are only jumping-off points for the author to develop the material in the classroom or majlis, we can best start by listing here a series of interdependent assumptions which would have been elaborated during discussion. They are drawn largely from Ab Als explicit treatment of the topic in his Talqa and Baddiyyt. (a) Relative clauses are pronominalised sentences, that is, they can function in any position where a pronoun can occur. Pronominalised is preferrable to the usual term nominalised here because so-called nominalised sentences cannot occur as the first term of annexation, a


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characteristic they share with pronouns (including demonstratives). Thus in Arabic, as in English, we may say the name of the book and the name of it but not *the it of the book, likewise the clause in the name of the book which he wrote can be pronominalised as the name of it, but there is no *the which he wrote of it. Interrogative sentences, on the other hand, cannot by definition function as single nouns or be pronominalised at all (see jumla below): they remain autonomous sentences, and when they occur in the position of subordinate clauses, they are either direct objects of the verb in the special case of qla say, or pseudo-objects of verbs of asking, knowing etc. (b) The function of a clause being determined by its head, it is conventional to state only the inflection of the head, with the remainder of the clause being considered a mere adjunct (ila) in the Arab theory. Thus in [2] relative m is said to have dep. case as the object of the verb, whereas we might see the whole clause as the object. The same procedure is followed with interrogative clauses, which by default have to appear in some function or other (mawi, syntactical position), as in [5], where m is said to have obl. status by the annexation of ilm, even though, as the subject in an interrogative jumla, m cannot be directly operated on by an outside element (hence marked with * in the Table, row 4). (c) When questions do seem to be objects of verbs of knowing, asking etc. (apart from qla), the Arab theory is that these verbs are suspended (muallaq) or neutralised (mul), and do not operate grammatically on the interrogative sentences, which remain quotations of direct speech and not subordinate clauses. Note that both these concepts of neutralisation (il) and suspension (talq) arise in conversations between Sbawayhi, al-all and Ynus, and most of the issues of neutralised verbs are covered in the Kitb.18 (d) The unit of discourse labelled jumla is important. In later grammar jumla was subcategorised into various types of sentences and subordinate or coordinate clauses, but in the 10th century it is less specific, denoting a group of words with an internal syntactic structure which cannot be overridden by external operators. It is strongly linked to direct speech, and the terms ikya and ad often occur alongside it. The structural property of the interrogative jumla, that it cannot be pronominalised, is matched by a semantic property which it has in common with conditionals, imperatives, prohibitions, optatives, performatives and
18Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 31, (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819) 1, 4952, (2) ed. Blq (18981900 [repr. Baghdad, 1965]) 1, 614.

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb


exclamatory sentences. All these are termed ayr wjib by Sbawayhi, lit. non-binding, i.e. not placing the speaker under the obligation of the speech contract to make a verifiable statement. We would call them non-assertive (and not negative as in some of the secondary literature, since non-assertive sentences can be positive or negative), and in later grammar most of these utterances were classified as in, lit. creating, denoting speech acts intended to elicit a physical or linguistic reaction, in contrast to ibr, the conveying of information in the form of declarative sentences. As mentioned above, the peculiar status of indirect questions had already attracted the attention of Sbawayhi and his teachers, who could only account for it by appealing to the somewhat ad hoc notions of neutralisation (il) and suspension (talq) to explain how the main verb does not operate grammatically on the following clauses. Ab Al holds to this principle, but he stands out among the commentators for the thoroughness with which he applies it to the title of Chapter 1 of the Kitb,19 and particularly for extending it to the problem of whether questions can be agents of passive verbs. Following Sbawayhi, Ab Al shows that the verbs which take interrogative clauses as apparent objects all belong to a category whose operation can be neutralised or suspended under certain conditions. Thus in alimtu Zaydan munaliqan I knew Zayd [was] gone the verb has two genuine direct objects, while in alimtu anna aydan munaliqun I knew that Zayd [was] gone its operation has been cancelled by anna, and the (pronominalised) anna clause occupies only the position of the first direct object. Applying the same analysis to alimtu m l-kalimu I knew what words are, the interrogative clause, being a jumla, can likewise fill only one slot, yet al-kalimu can substitute for a second direct object in the same way as munaliqun in alimtu anna Zaydan munaliqun. In both cases the clause is in the position (mawi ) of a direct object without actually being one. Ab Al also offers a second, pragmatic explanation. He supposes that the question has been put, what are words?, and the chapter heading answers it by repeating the question, which he paraphrases as h bbu an talama m l-kalimu this is a chapter of [the fact] that you will know what are words?, effectively retaining direct speech.

19Baddiyyt 3669, Talqa 1, 68.


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Ab Al goes a step further, and asks why questions cannot be the agents of passive verbs.20 His hypothetical examples are ulima araba Zaydun Zayd struck was known, unna kayfa Zaydun how is Zayd was thought, and ulima ayna Zaydun where is Zayd was known. There is little difficulty in accepting that the first is impossible, but the second appears merely unlikely, while the third, especially if rendered in more natural English as it was known where Zayd was, seems unobjectionable to Indo-European linguistic intuitions, yet all three are classified as l yajz not permitted, and by the same token ulima m l-kalimu what are words was known is also disallowed. The formal argument for rejecting these sentences as passive agents is irrefutable: each item is a jumla, a syntactic complex which cannot be replaced by a single term, i.e. [pro]nominalised, therefore it cannot be a topic of predication, and a fortiori cannot be the agent of a verb either. There are supporting semantic arguments having to do with the special nature of the verb alima know, but they will not be explored here. In practice constructions of the type ulima ayna Zaydun are rather rare, and the phenomenon still needs to be investigated. It is a grey area of Arabic syntax, which has no fully developed structure for reported speech and indirect questions. The situation is still unresolved in modern Arabic: Cantarino21 paints a picture of complete chaos, with relative structures in indirect questions and interrogative forms in relative clauses. An obvious exception is qla was said and its partner ujba was answered from dialectic, but these are a special case (see Guillaume).22 With suila was asked we seem to have an intermediate type somewhere between qla and ulima: a sentence such as suila ayna Zaydun (the example is made up) does not mean [the question] where is Zayd? was asked, but he was asked, where is Zayd? (in more natural English
20Ab Al may be among the first to take this topic so seriously; it was obviously going round in his time, as it was raised earlier by Ibn al-Walld (d. 332/943, see M. Bernards, Changing Traditions. al-Mubarrads Refutation of Sbawayh and the Subsequent Reception of the Kitb. Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1997: 123), and it was discussed by al-Friq (d. 391/1001, see the extracts in the footnotes to al-Mubarrad, Kitb al-Muqtaab, ed. Muammad Abd al-liq Uayma. (Cairo, 19658), 4: 62ff and the editors remarks id. 1: 85f). Sbawayhi does not mention it, and the rle of al-Mubarrad remains to be ascertained. 21V. Cantarino, Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose. Bloomington, London: Indiana University Press, 197451, 142ff, 3,97ff, 3,320. 22J.-P. Guillaume, Fragments dune grammaire oublie: relations prdicatives non assertes, verbe dclaratif et verbes modaux daprs Sbawayhi (premire partie). Bulletin dEtudes Orientales 35 (1983): 1935.

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb


he was asked where Zayd was, that is, it is the passive equivalent of saaltuhu ayna Zaydun I asked him where Zayd was and the like. In suila sulun a question was asked (more accurately some questioning was done we have a mafl mulaq, not a direct object, and it does not tell us the content of the question any more than qla qawlun a saying was said tells us the contents of the statement, so these are not within the scope of Ab Als analysis. The fifty parsings are enumerated without any stated preference, but in the commentaries the vocalisation h bbu ilmin m l-kalimu min al-arabiyya is clearly preferred by all scholars for the title in the Kitb itself, with the tanwn of ilmin often spelt out and m l-kalimu specified as an interrogative clause. It is difficult to be sure which of our fifty, if any, corresponds to this in every part. In [1] the m clause is interrogative but ilmun is indep. (because it is treated as a quotation, like Sra titles, Srat al-Munfiqn etc.), [2], [3] and [6] are explicitly relative clauses, while in [4] the nature of the m clause is not stated, and in [5] the clause is interrogative, to be sure, but ilmi is without tanwn. The remaining parsings add nothing, and this uncertainty is itself another argument against the authorship of Ab Al, who elsewhere leaves no doubt that ilmin and interrogative m are the only authentic readings for the Kitb.23 In four printed versions of the Kitb, Hrns edition leaves the title unvowelled, while Derenbourg, Blq and a Lebanese pirate edition are all vocalised with ilmi, which is only the third preference in al-Srf, not proposed at all by al-Rummn, and appears in nos. [5] (interrogative) and [6] (relative) and elsewhere in our fifty. The Blq, Hrn and Lebanese editions are all based on Derenbourg (Humbert),24 so we are looking at the reading of one Frenchman against the prevailing Muslim tradition. To be fair Derenbourg was only following the Paris copy (his MS A), which appears to have ilmi: in three other manuscripts consulted two were not vowelled anyway, but the third has a clear tanwn (Humbert, Voies Pl. IX), and is thus consistent with the majority preference. Inexplicably de Sacy in the first printed edition of this chapter25 reproduces the short version of the title from Derenbourgs MS A (i.e. lacking min al-arabiyya), as h bb ilm m l-kalima (no inflections are
23Talqa 1,3, Baddiyyt 365, al-tanwn f ilm wa-anna m istifhmiyya, and cf. the facsimile of the manuscript in Talqa 1, intro. 62. 24G. Humbert, Les voies de la transmission du Kitb de Sbawayhi. (Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1995), 304. 25Sacy, S. de. Anthologie grammaticale arabe. (Paris, 1829. Ar. text 15254, Fr. trans. 36163, annotations 38188), 152.


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marked), replacing the original plur. al-kalim with with generic fem. sing. al-kalima; he offers no justification for this choice (cf. his n. 2, p. 384), nor does Derenbourg remark on it. Certainly the plur. al-kalim is the original, and most commentators (al-Srf fol. 2a, al-Rummn 113, al-antamar 14, Hrn 5) felt obliged to account for its distributive sense, as if they would have preferred the general term al-kalm speech, reflecting the scholastic distinction between dividing the whole (kalm) into its parts and the generic (kalima) into the particular. As for the motives for constructing the fifty parsings, there are three possibilities, pedagogical, systematic and professional. A pedagogical intention cannot be ruled out, though the technicalities of the parsings would have gone over the heads of all but the most advanced students, and it is hard to see what they would have learned from them. In their range and complexity the parsings are proof of the highly developed state of grammar achieved within a century and a half of Sbawayhs death, and it is very likely that they have a systematic purpose. By the 4th/10th century all the sciences were in a ferment of elaboration and demarcation within the emergent Islamic Organon: it is the era of the classification of the sciences, such as the Maft al-ulm of al-warazm (d. 387/997), and of the appearance of works with the title Ul al-naw and Ul al-fiqh, two closely related sciences which evolved in tandem. Both Islamic law and Arabic grammar necessarily claimed to be exhaustive, that is, they operated on the principle that there was no problem which they could not solve, and here the parsings, like the hypothetical cases in law (uwar), go far beyond pedagogy. They serve to test the system, often to limits which might seem absurd, but which can never stray into irrationality, for then they would simply be rejected. Common sense plays no part in this, only systematic coherence: as we have seen, the thirteenth century Andalusian Ibn al-Munif is said to have devised 130 parsings of the Kitb chapter title, in his case probably an attempt to outshine his rival grammarians in the East, while an anonymous sixteenth century scholar rose to the occasion with 1,800,000 ways to parse a certain verse of al-Mutanabb.26 A mediaeval European analogue is the debate (possibly spurious) about the number of angels who could dance upon a pinhead, where the aim was not to come to a numerically precise conclusion but to

26M.G. Carter, Two works wrongly attributed to early Arab grammarians. Islamic Quarterly 18 (1974), 11.

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb


show that within the limits of the human mind there are no topics which cannot be tackled. These are typical activities of a civilisation in a state of intellectual homostasis, to use a term which avoids the negative connotations of calling it a closed or stagnant world: it is the consequence of closing the gate of ijtihd, which took place in the 4th/10th century, when the Muslim community decided to limit the linguistic and legal data to a finite body of text in order to provide a valid basis for deductive reasoning in the application of grammar and law, but which also led, inevitably, to counting up the number of verses, words and even letters in the Qurn. In a more subtle way the proliferation of parsings, as with legal speculations, demonstrates another axiom of Islamic reasoning, to wit that the exercise of unaided human intelligence does not lead to unique and universally accepted conclusions but only, as the lawyers put it, to akbar al-ann the most likely supposition, with absolute certainly being confined to revealed truths. Such exercises are more than simply displays of pedagogical virtuosity or academic ingenuity, however, and have good professional motives as well. Ab Als fifty parsings are an assertion of his competence and a challenge to fellow grammarians to do better (perhaps even with the earlier forty parsings of al-Nas in mind). Islamic scholarship was an extremely disputatious arena in which a scholars prestige depended on his ability to defeat opponents in public debate, and hundreds of controversies both oral and written are recorded, notably in the majlis literature. In the spirit of the ad itilf ummat rama disagreement in my community is a mercy, scholars competing in alab al-risa the quest for leadership strove to assert their superiority by having the last word, and many such encounters are collected under the title al-ajwiba l-muskita answers which reduce the opponent to silence. There is no more famous (or infamous) incident in our field than the Masala l-zunbriyya, in which Sbawayhi was humiliated by counter-evidence from Bedouin informants who, some say, had been bribed by al-Kis to provide false data. What is truly remarkable is that every notion deployed in our fifty parsings is already explicitly stated or clearly foreshadowed in the Kitb. There is a pleasing circularity in the fact that Sbawayhis first words are analysed in terms of his own grammatical theory, and it is historically significant that, in order to demonstrate control of this theory and earn the scholarly authority it confers, Ab Al should remain entirely within the Sbawayhian system, even when making his private excursion into the


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topic of questions as agents of passive verbs. This is one reason why the parsings were chosen for this paper, to confirm the rle of the Kitb as the Foundation of Arab Linguistics, which has been the theme of this conference. We are still talking about the parsings a thousand years later, so Ab Al has achieved more than he expected, as it is unlikely that he envisaged such a chronologically and geographically distant audience as this majlis of ours. References
Primary Sources al-Badd, Abd al-Qdir ibn Umar. iznat al-adab wa-lubb lubb lisn al-Arab. Blq 1882 and repr. al-Fris, Ab Al. Aqsm al-abr. Edited by Al Jbir al-Manr. al-Mawrid 7 (1978): 201220. , al-Masil al-mukila l-marfa bi-l-Baddiyyt. Edited by al al-Dn Abdullh al-Sangw. Baghdad, 1983. , al-Talqa al Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Awa ibn amad al-Qz (el-Kozi). Riya, 199096. Hrn ibn Ms al-Qurub, ar uyn Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Abd al-Laf Abd Rabbih. Cairo, 1984. al-Mubarrad, Ab l-Abbs. Kitb al-Muqtaab. Edited by Muammad Abd al-liq Uayma. Cairo, 19658. al-Rummn, Al b. s. ar Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by al-Mutawall bin Raman Amad al-Damr. vol. 1. al-Manra, 1992. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) ed. Blq, 18981900 (repr. Baghdad, 1965), (3) ed. A. S. M. Hrn. Cairo, 196870 and later eds. al-Srf, Ab Sad. ar Kitb Sbawayhi, photo of MS Atef Efendi 2548. al-antamar, al-Alam. al-Nukat f tafsr Kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Yay Murd. Beirut, 2005. Secondary Sources Bernards, M. Changing Traditions. Al-Mubarrads Refutation of Sbawayh and the Subsequent Reception of the Kitb. Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1997. Cantarino, V. Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose. Bloomington, London: Indiana University Press, 19745. Carter, M.G. Two works wrongly attributed to early Arab grammarians. Islamic Quarterly 18 (1974): 1113. Dozy, R., Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Leiden: Paris, 1967. Guillaume J.-P. Fragments dune grammaire oublie: relations prdicatives non assertes, verbe dclaratif et verbes modaux daprs Sbawayhi (premire partie). Bulletin dEtudes Orientales 35 (1983): 1935. ad, . Kitb Sbawayhi wa-shuruh. Baghdad, 1967.

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb


Humbert, G. Les voies de la transmission du Kitb de Sbawayhi. Leiden, New York, Kln: Brill, 1995. Sacy, S. de. Anthologie grammaticale arabe. Paris, 1829. Ar. text 15254, Fr. trans. 36163, annotations 38188. Sezgin, F. Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums. vols. 8, 9. Leiden: Brill, 1982, 1984. alab, Abd al-Fatt Isml. Min ayn al-Sha. Ab Al al-Fris, aytuh wa-maknuh bayn aimmat al-arabiyya wa-ruh f l-qirt wal-naw bi-munsabat murr alf m al waftih. Cairo, 1958.


PARSINGS AND FUNCTIONS of h bb ilm m l-kalim min al-arabiyya

2. not annexed to ilm 1. predicate of h 2. pairs with ilmun like ilwun miun 3. mad annexed to ilm 1. qa from h 2. taqrb 3. mad


[rhetorical or mental deixis]

[anaphoric to something present]

annexed to ilm 1. predicate of h 2. bbu ilmin in appos. to h, with m as predicate 3. mad

[cataphoric to sth. coming]

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3. annexed to m or alkalimi if m redundant 1. predicate of h 2. predicate of elided huwa 3. apposition or nat to bbun 4. badal of h 5. mad not annexed to next word 1. pred. of h 2. predicate of elided huwa 3. apposition or nat to bbun 4. pairs with bbun like ilwun miun 5. mad

not annexed to ilm 1. l 2. qa from h [3. tamyz] 4. taqrb 5. mad

annexed to m or alkalimi if m redundant 1. made obl. by bbu, bba or intended repetition of bbu after bbun, bban

not annexed to next word, made obl. by bb, or by: 1. intention to repeat ilm 2. intended repetition of bbun

annexed to m or al-kalimi if m redundant [1. tamyz of bb] 2. taqrb with h bbun 3. mad

not annexed to next word [1. tamyz of bb] 2. mafl mulaq of elided verb 3. nat of bban 4. taqrb 5. mad


Table (cont.)

interrogative 1. indep., subject of al-kalimu 2. indep., predicate of al-kalimu 3. * obl. by annexation of ilm

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb

only with redundant, emphatic or indefinite m 1. object of verb implied in ilm 2. taqrb with h 3. mad of h with indefinite m

relative with elided A. independent functions: 1. agent of passive verb in ilm 2. apposition to bbu(n), like a nat 3. repeating contents of, or agreeing with h bbu(n) 4. after elided huwa 5. predicate of h after qa 6. mad of bb or ilm B. dependent functions: 1. object of active verb in ilm 2. after elided ukur 3. taqrb with h 4. mad of bb or ilm C. oblique functions: 1. annexation of ilm 2. agreeing with ilmin only with redundant, emphatic or indefinite m 1. annexed by active ilm 2. annexed by passive ilm 3. apposition to ilmi, ilmin

redundant, emphatic, indef. 1. redundant m, no function at all 2. emphatic m, no grammatical effect 3. indefinite m, no grammatical effect

1. predicate of m 2. subject of m 3. predicate of elided huwa 4. agent of passive sense of ilm 5. agent of passive yulam 7. predicate of h 6. mad of h or bb


)Table (cont.


4+5 A. interrogative m 1. *indep. function, agent of ilm B. relative m 1. agent of passive sense of ilm with suppressed huwa 2. annexed by ilm, passive sense partitive 1. predicate of h 2. predicate of m

paraphrased as if

A. interrogative m: 1. *dep. function as obj. of ilm B. relative m 1. object of active sense of ilm with suppressed huwa 2. annexed by ilm in active sense

paraphrased as if
redundant not applicable if


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( ) . 1 [ ] ( )12/18 () ] [ ) ( ) () ( 2 3 () : ][ 4 : () () : 5 [] : () 6 7 :

the parsing of sbawayhis kitb 117

8 9 ] [ () 01 11 () 12 () () 13 13 14 [] 14 16 15 16 15 17 17 18 18 20 19 ] 20 19 [ ) 21 21 ( [] 23 22 23 22 24 24 ( ) 26 25 26 25 27 () 27 () 28 28 () 29 30 30 29 [] 31 32 32 31

118 m.g. carter

33 [ : [ ] [ ] ] 34 35 35 ( ) [ ] 37 36 : [ ] 37 36 [ ] 38 38 39 40 40 39 () 41 () 41 42 43 43 42 ] [ 44 ) 44 () ( []45 [ 46 : ] () 47 48 () () 49 50

ZAYD, AMR AND ABDULLHI: THEORY OF PROpER NAMES AND REFERENCE IN EARLY ARABIC GRAMMAtICAL TRADItION Amal E. Marogy Introduction When studying the use of proper names in early Arabic grammatical tradition, and more particularly in Kitb Sbawayhi, a puzzle immediately arises. Proper names that have acquired the status of prototypical or focal exemplars in traditional Arabic grammar are restricted to Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi, while certain other names that one would have expected to find are conspicuously absent, e.g., Muammad or Amad. The pioneering contribution of Sbawayhi to the grammar of names1 is still terra incognita. This paper seeks to show that Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi are not random names or gap fillers introduced when illustrating grammatical phenomena, but are referents evoked to make linguistic features of good Arabic salient in their extra-linguistic context. There are clear interactions between grammar and the socio-historical context within which names as linguistic entities occur and are organized. An account of proper names is therefore needed and in what follows I explore some of the ways of using prototypical names in the Kitb. Some linguistic features of proper names are referred to and analysed. Further, three key components of proper names are emphasized. These components are differentiated in the Kitb and coincide with the three components of grammar, i.e. semantic, pragmatic and syntactic. 1.The Extralinguistic Scene of the Kitb There are various modes of describing the world surrounding us and expressing our relationship with it, but the giving of the name to someone or something constitutes the single most effective way of not only identifying but also communicating.

1This term is adopted from J.M. Anderson, The Grammar of Names. Oxford Linguistics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).


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Against this communicative backdrop of onomastics, I wish to draw attention to the neglected grammar of names in the Kitb and its relevance to grammatical theory in general. I also set out and clarify the linguistic and extra-linguistic role of proper names in the Kitb.2 What concerns us here is the fact that Sbawayhi dedicated considerable space in his work to assessing how far the morphosyntax of proper names is semantically and pragmatically informed. Before addressing questions related to proper names, something should first be said about the social and religious milieu in which Sbawayhi lived and worked. It would be unnecessary repetition to cover this historical period at any length.3 However, if we are to deal with a number of issues of particular relevance on a sound linguistic and extralinguistic footing, a few facts should be presented to elucidate the topic under discussion and emphasize the inherent relationship between the choice of particular prototypical names and the prevailing social and cultural order within which these names occur. The beginning of Abbasid rule ushered in a period of prosperity and relative peace which was matched by urban development and intellectual achievements. The surge of intellectual activity, pioneered mainly by Christians, Persians and Jews, mirrored the cultural vigour and efflorescence that characterised one of the greatest period in Islamic history and especially that of Caliph Hrn al-Rads reign (170193/789809). It was during the reign of this caliph that Sbawayhi (d. 180/796) worked and developed further his intellectual activity as a linguist. The Muslim rulers established in the conquered areas a new religious hegemony which aimed to encourage those embracing the new religion to break with previous ways of life and form a new community based on solidarity and equality. However, Islams rejection of traditional tribal society and forced settlement of new converts in Kfa and Bara failed to do away with tribal antagonism. In spite of measures that aimed to bind the tribal converts in ways that cut across tribal lines, old tribal rivalry and affiliation were still very real to Arab society in the eighth century, and Arabs never denounced their attachment to lineage and descent. This is not difficult to prove, for anyone who looks at any linguistic account in the Kitb will appreciate the weight given to tribal judgment in linguistic
2The discussion will be restricted to anthroponyms or proper nouns with human reference. 3See, for instance A.E. Marogy, Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics No.56, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010), 145.

zayd, amr and abdullhi


O Tamm, all of you, and O Qays, all of you10 or Are you a Tamm on one occasion and a Qays on another?11
exemplify a social trend where the long-standing rivalry between two powerful Arab tribes did not diminish in intensity and was still reflected

matters.4 When Sbawayhi is seeking tribal arbitration, he is aware of the importance of quoting his authoritative sources of good Arabic verbatim. His trustworthy informants were most probably men who relied on the reputation of their tribe. Attachment to tribal affiliation was apparent in the new garrison cities, which were divided along tribal lines into quarters and districts, in most cases with their own tribal mosques. In the chapters dealing with the names of districts,5 the boundaries are shown to have been clearly demarcated according to the type of the new settlers. What is more, the geographical distribution of local tribes and groups of early comers is reflected linguistically in the way their names are treated as masculine or feminine, diptotes or triptotes. We learn from the Kitb that when the names of Maadd, Quray or aqif are mentioned in speech, they usually refer to the groups, not the tribes of Maadd, Quray and aqif and hence to the districts named after them, whereas Tamm usually refers to the dominant tribe in Sbawayhis region. Suppressing the recoverable word group is made by analogy with suppression of the word tribe when talking about Tamim.6 In spite of some clear signs of erosion in tribal tiesas exemplified in a verse by the poet b. Tawsia al-Yakur Nahr ( d. 85/704),7 quoted by Sbawayhi: My father is Islam, I have no other. Let others boast with Qays or Tamm8utterances like By us Tamm, the fog is dispersed,9

4For a full list of the tribes mentioned in the Kitb, see G. Troupeau, Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi (Paris: Klincksieck, 1976), 2445. 5Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 304, (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819) 2, 2427, (2) ed. Blq (18981900 [repr. Baghdad, 1965]) 2, 2528. 6The aim of ellipsis in language is brevity and economy of speech, but it can only occur when the speaker is certain that the listener is able to recover the full meaning of the utterance and the omitted words. 7Nahr b. Tawsia, a poet of the tribe Taym Allh (part of the Bakr b. Wil) has been called the best poet of the Bakr in ursn. See G.L. Della Vida, Taym Allh b. h alaba, in EI2 online. 8Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 176, Derenbourg 1, 304/Blq 1, 348. 9Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 162, Derenbourg1, 285/Blq 1, 327. 10Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 146, Derenbourg 1, 263/Blq 1, 304. 11Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 72, Derenbourg 1, 144/Blq 1, 172.


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in some peoples tendency to change allegiance according to a tribes position and power within the new political and religious order. Let us now bring into the discussion the cosmopolitan nature of the Abbasid society, where non-Arab Muslims and non-Muslims dominated cultural activity, which was both rich and varied. Although the Abbasid state was essentially a more pronounced Muslim state, the administrative and intellectual elite and a large proportion of the rank and file were not only non-Arab, but also non-Muslim. Many aspects of these manifold cultural activities and social realities are reflected in the Kitb, from which some understanding of how Sbawayhi approaches onomastics ought to emerge.12 We may as well say something about the general attitude of the Muslim Arabs at this period of uninterest in various fields of Islamic studies and Arabic language in particular. Part of the reason for this might be the fact that for true Arabs pre-Islamic poetry was the only science that was worth knowing, imitating and transmitting.13 Goldziher quotes a story about a Qurayite exclaiming, on noticing an Arab child studying Kitb Sbawayhi: Bah! this is the science of school-teachers and the pride of beggars.14 2.Sbawayhian Grammar of Names: A Preliminary Outline The uniqueness of proper names resides in their function of denoting individual entities endowed with their own referential character. The proper name, as its name implies, has the function of identifying a person being talked about within a specific spatiotemporal context of a speech act.15 In line with what is universally assumed, Sbawayhi considered proper names as a subcategory of noun. That is why he dedicates lengthy chapters to clarifying, analysing and debating their definiteness and identifi12Cf. the hemistichs referring to the Jews, the ever-burning fire the Magians worshipped, Christians abstinence from food and drink during their fasting period just before Easter and the way they kneel and pray (Sbawayhi Kitb chapter 305, Derenbourg 2, 27/ Blq 2, 29). 13One instance in the Kitb, where this attitude and the primacy of poetry are reflected, may be Sbawayhs admission at the end of one of his chapters that the linguistic problem he had been discussing hardly arises anywhere in poetry and counts for little in the speech ( Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 21, of the Arabs: Derenbourg 1, 28/Blq 1, 37). 14I. Goldziher, Muslim Studies. (Edited by S.M. Stern; translated by C.R. Barber and S.M. Stern; with a major new introduction by H, Dabashi. London, New Brunswick N.J.: Aldine Transactions, 2006), 1056. 15cf. J. Lyons, Semantics. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), 637.

zayd, amr and abdullhi


ability, the range of their inflection, patterns, shortening and lengthening, their function and number, and of course their particular gender. Here we have another fine example of subtle and serious analysis, which is the hallmark of the Kitb, but not without its challenges. A comprehensive study of the general principles of the theory of names in the Kitb goes far beyond the limits of this short paper;16 but, if I highlight some basic assumptions on which this theory is built, that should help us to come closer to Sbawayhis purpose. In doing so, I am obliged to gloss over a number of relevant issues, difficulties and complications that a more comprehensive discussion of the topic would require. What is of concern to us here is to focus on the importance of the grammar of names, as a linguistic area to which, in its various aspects with their underlying extralinguistic context, Sbawayhi considered it worth dedicating hundreds of pages in his work. In this next short passage, Sbawayhi offers an explicit account of the essence of the grammar of names as he envisaged it. He draws a clear semantic line between common and proper nouns:17 .
If you say This [is] the man you may intend his bodily vigour, and you may also say This [is] the man intending that every male who speaks and walks on two legs is a man, but if you want to render the meaning clear and specific so that one may know who you are exactly identifying and referring to, in that case you say Zayd and the like.

The semantic information used to communicate the different meanings intended by the speaker supports the view that, even though most proper names lack lexical meaning,18 they nevertheless are meaningful
16The amount of syntactical as well as morphological data on onomastics scattered through the two volumes of the Kitb will prove any such attempt futile; as Carter puts it, Clearly it was Sbawayhis intention to identify and classify every known kind of word in Arabic, and history has confirmed that later scholars were able to add very little to the enormous treasury of word patterns in the Kitb. He adds that the 10th-century Arab linguist al-Zubayd managed to find only some eighty words missing from the Kitb (M.G. Carter, Sbawayhi. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004), 100. 17Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 122, Derenbourg 1, 225/Blq 1, 263. 18Any attempt to summarize or discuss theories of name and reference in general linguistics will lead us too far afield. Without going into detail, it suffices to adopt Katzs method in grouping these theories into what he calls the classical theory, represented by Frege, Church and Searle, and the casual theory of Kirpke and Donnellan. The classical


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and therefore cannot be considered as being completely empty of referential content. It is essential to our understanding of this particular area of grammar in the Kitb to remind ourselves of one distinctive and indispensable feature of proper nouns, namely the fact that they are definite in themselves and not by virtue of any definiteness marker. In other words, their definiteness cannot be ascribed to the lack or presence of definiteness marker: 19.
As for the specific pertinacious marker [sic. of definiteness], instances are Zayd, Amr, Abdullhi or the like. They are considered definite because they are names allotted to the person, by which he is known concretely and exclusively to everyone else in his group.

... 20.

If you say This is Zayd, Zayd then is a meaningful noun equivalent to This is the man whereby the listener knows the individual either in himself or by means of some specific information he has acquired about him and which distinguishes him from any other person the speaker may know...What prevents the lion and the like from being a noun with a meaning similar to Zayds is that the lion and the like are not permanent entities living with people so that they need nouns by which they are distinguished from each other.21

theory is Aristotelian and is based on a mental link between a set of properties and a name, a process that allows us to identify the object as having each of these properties and to name the object as the result of this identification. The central feature of casual theory, however, is that identification is based on historical and casual events, rather than meaning, and that naming an object is dependent on its casual relation to some sort of baptismal ceremony in which the name becomes the name of the referent (J.J. Katz, A proper theory of names. Philosophical Studies. An International Journal for Philosophy in Tradition,31:1 (1977):1). For a more detailed philosophical survey of names and reference theories, see Katz (ibid.) and Van W. Langendonck, Remarks on some theories of names in the Handbook for Name Studie. Review article of Name Studies I. Onoma, 32 (1995) and Theory and Typology of Proper Names (Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs No.168. The Hague: Mouten de Gruyter. 2007), 2065. 19Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 104, Derenbourg 1, 187/ Blq 1, 219. 20Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 122, Derenbourg 1, 2245/ Blq 1, 2634. 21Cf. Van Langendonck, Proper Names,201, where he refers to the interesting parallelism between naming humans and breed animals. In this respect, he mentions a paper by Dobing-Jlch on breed animals names (ibid.).

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At this level of generality, it will be evident to anyone who looks at the detailed account of definiteness of proper names in the Kitb that uniqueness of reference, as an idiosyncratic feature of proper names, is contingent on context. Pragmatically speaking, Sbawayhi points to social deixis and the related functions of identification and location as the main reason for peoples giving and using proper nouns. This function of identification and location represents the main aspect of the analytical model of onomastics developed in the Kitb, for identification requires closeness of entities and appropriated personal features which are assumed to be common ground in the knowledge of both speaker and listener, and exclusive of any other member of the class. The component of location involves spatiotemporal proximity, and thus acquaintance, as an indispensable deictic element. The logical conclusion to be drawn here is that proper nouns are not known by the speaker and listener in an all-or-nothing way, and that the way whereby proper nouns are known is threefold: by acquaintance, by introduction and by description.22 Sbawayhis account of proper names can be fruitfully summarised and made more accessible to linguists by means of the three roles of proper names identified by Anderson: the roles of identification, nomination and address/vocative.23 To put it another way, naming a person is a linguistic process whereby someone is either spoken of or spoken to. The role of identification involves both common knowledge of, or acquaintance with the individual named by the speaker and listener, and the deictic element of location which identifies the individual within the immediate non-linguistic context. The role of nomination, on the other hand, helps us grasp Sbawayhis observation about the indefiniteness of the dual and plural forms of proper names, for, as Anderson rightly points out, names assigned by nomination do not usually exhibit unique features and they are generally chosen out of a common stock. In spite of them being indefinite, a primary identification in context of the individuals sharing the same name is attained, but it remains an identification independent of its derivative context. Finally, vocative names in the Kitb24 are another area whose full extent is awaiting further exploration, but it suffices to
22Admittedly, Sbawayhi does not use equivalent terminology to qualify the process of knowledge in proper names, but he nevertheless describes these three ways of onomastic knowledge consistently, repeatedly and clearly (see for instance, Sbawayhi Kitb, chapter 117; 122; 1478, Derenbourg 1, 21819/Blq 1, 257/; Derenbourg 1, 2245/ Blq 1, 263; Derenbourg 1, 265ff/ Blq 1, 306ff respectively). 23Anderson, Grammar of Names,215222. 24Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 1, 262ff/Blq 1, 303ff.


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mention here that vocatives cannot be classified as simple names for vocatives are not simply nominals of whatever kind; they must be represented as speech acts, and this is part of their lexically derived structure.25 As far as simple utterancessuch as This is Zayd and This is Abdullhiare concerned, we are told that Zayd and Abdullhi are meaningful nouns that may refer to a specific individual, known to both the speaker and listener by acquaintance. However, the same utterances may be the result of the speakers introducing Zayd to the listener; Zayd would therefore be unknown to the listener prior to the introduction event, in which case the speaker might resort to the common strategy of attributive description, whereby a referential link is established with a personal acquaintance or historical personality.26 This is exactly what Sbawayhi is referring to when stating that the speaker has the option to qualify Zayd in This is Zayd either adjectively or not: . 27 Proper nouns may thus be qualified adjectivelyas in I passed by the tall Zayd or I passed by this Zayd and that Amr, or I passed by Zayd, your brother.28 I passed by the tall Zayd, the adjective tall is In required to make Zayd better known and focus the listeners attention on I passed by your him. However, the proper noun Zayd in brother, Zayd does not fulfil the role of an adjectival qualifier because it lacks a lexical meaning, but instead its specific content and referential character (i.e. its meaningfulness) reveal further the identity of your brother within an apposition structure.29 This is the reason why an instance like
25Anderson, Grammar of Names, 222. 26See the general discussion in Van Langendonck, Proper Names,91, where he refers to a similar phenomenon that occurs in the European languages he is discussing. See also Srafs (p.146b) comment on chapter 88 (Sbawayhi, Kitb, Derenbourg 1, 159/ Blq 1, 189) where he mentions that the equational sentence This is Abdullhi may be fully selfsufficient as an utterance or further qualification to remove any doubt regarding may need Abdullhis identity departing where departing is intended to draw the listeners attention to Abdullhis state of departing and certainly not to identifying him further (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 117, Derenbourg 1, 218/ Blq 1, 256). 27Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 157, Derenbourg 1, 281/ Blq 1, 323. 28Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 104, Derenbourg 1, 188/ Blq 1, 220. 29Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 148, Derenbourg 1, 2678// Blq 1, 309). Cf. also Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 115, Derenbourg 1, 215/ Blq 1, 252 where Sbawayhi points out that Zayd I passed by a man, Zayd is possible, because the speaker evaluates the in

but note the difference from This is Abdullhi

considered an example of good Arabic because Abdullhi is already identifiable by the listener beyond any doubt.30 What Sbawayhi intends when qualifying a proper name as describable is that it no longer falls within the remit of identification and recognition by acquaintance. The deictic element of identification and location is lacking and its role of performative nomination and recognition by description is fully assumed. In other words, the entity cannot be identified by reference to the immediate context of speech but only by means of reference-fixing description where the expression of the names definiteness is not assumed.31 An important formal reflection of the pragmatic-semantic characterization of proper names is thus their ability to display grammatical features exhibited by other nouns, such as definiteness, case assignment, gender and number. The correlation between number and definiteness in proper nouns is complex but it will prove highly beneficial for tracing some of the patterns that run through the grammar of names as a whole, and reflect the way proper names fulfil their roles and convey the meaning related to each role. The features we are going to consider in what follows are features that should help us to identify where definiteness and number of proper nouns interact with one another. On the basis of the distinction Sbawahyi draws between the definite interpretation of singular proper names and the indefinite interpretation of their dual/plural form in utterances, there is one point that can be use fully made before we proceed. In These are two departing Zayds and these are two departing Amrs, the dual forms of Zayd and Amr are qualified as unknown or indefinite and this relates to one of the different roles that may be assumed by proper names in various speech contexts, raised by Sbawahyi in the chapters dealing with definiteness and proper nouns in general and those dealing with the dual and plural forms of proper nouns in particular.32 The fact that more than one Zayd or Amr is referred to in the utterance above is enough to deprive these proper nouns of their unique appropriated qualities, which makes it possible for the listener to
mental state of the listener and puts him in the status of someone who asks Who is he? even if he does not actually say so. 30Sbawayhi Kitb chapter 104, Derenbourg 1, 1901/ Blq 1, 223. 31Cf. Anderson, Grammar of Names, 217. 32Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 123, Derenbourg 1, 2289/ Blq 1, 268.

This is Abdullhi who excels in perfection is not

zayd, amr and abdullhi



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identify the two Zayds or the two Amrs. The dual (and indeed plural) forms of proper names in Arabic cease to be a means of identification and assume the function of performative nomination. Here, the core component of proper names is lacking, that is the association of names with fixed referential indices, so that each name-index configuration is unique, enabling identification.33 A final point that deserves comment, one where the Kitbs contribution to the grammar of proper names becomes apparent, is Sbawahyis remark that toponyms, unlike anthroponyms, retain their identificatory character when they have the dual or plural form. The permanent and immobile character shared by mountain ranges or other geographical features means that they are considered a single entity. The Himalayas, for instance, does not refer to the sum total of single Himalaya mountains, and nor will anyone say that they passed by a Himalaya mountain, for the name The Himalayas is applied to the whole range of mountains covered by that name. This is precisely the argument Sbawayhi applies to the two mountain tops referred to collectively as Abnayn (lit. the two Abns). The argument is reiterated in the Kitb when Sbawahyi indicates the impossibility of the name Abnayn referring to one mountain top to the exclusion of the other. Conversely, it is possible to refer to one of two or more mobile humans or beasts of burden in the absence of one or other member(s) of the group sharing the same name.34 Sbawayhis remarkable achievement in this particular area of grammar manifests itself in his ability to establish a sound approach to onomastics by using a large corpus of naturally occurring data; he manages quite smoothly to show how the formal and functional components of language correlate and integrate. 3.Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi in the Kitb Putting together the various elements discussed so far, we are now ready to formulate a tentative hypothesis as to why names such as Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi are found on nearly every page of the Kitb, whereas other names we would expect to see, such as Moammad and Amad, are conspicuously absent or recede into the background in the first extant Arabic grammar.
33Anderson, Grammar of Names,223. 34cf. Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 123, Derenbourg 1, 229/ Blq 1, 268.

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I have deliberately not divided the discussion below into linguistic and extra-linguistic, because this section forms a single argument and both aspects are equally relevant throughout. In the Kitb, linguistic and extralinguistic elements are interconnected and shade into one another in such a way that one element does not distract us from the other. On the contrary, the two fuse smoothly and naturally into a cogent argument that combines the two elements to create a holistic view of what language is all about. This is clearly reflected in Sbawayhis treatment of proper names that are discussed and richly exemplified, from many points of view, not only in the chapters devoted to Arabic proper names, surnames and nicknames but also in the various chapters dealing with Persian, Jewish, Christian or even pagan Arab and non-Arab names.35 Sbawayhi states time and again that Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi are the predominant Arabic names.36 An important reference to the status of Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi comes in the chapter dealing with al-tarm shortening in vocative:37 38.
You should know that no noun without a final h can have parts of it deleted unless it is a predominant name such as Zayd and Amr; this is because popular names occur more often in speech and people use them more widely.

The most important question that must be raised regarding the status of Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi as prototypical names is Tamms role in the Kitb. In what follows I present crucial tribal and genealogical factors as the key to understanding this. My historical arguments and quotations
35Abd ams The Sun-worshipper, for instance, occurs in the chapter discussing annexation of a name to another definite name, but in this case ams the Sun is definite by itself and not by virtue of the definite article al (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 313, Derenbourg 2, 456/Blq 2, 49; for further discussion see Marogy, Syntax and Pragmatics,10911). The celebrated Mr Sargis (St Sergius), whose cult was widespread among Arab tribes and whose shrine was a great centre of pilgrimage, is also mentioned in the chapter dealing with nicknames (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 314, Derenbourg 2, 46/Blq 2, 4950). 36Cf. for instance Kitb chapter 148, Derenbourg 268/Blq 1, 309, where Sbawayhi repeats twice that these three names are the most common Arabic names. 37al-Tarm is a linguistic phenomenon where a common anthroponym is abbreviated by eliding its final letters to facilitate its pronunciation, as in r for rith and in the vocative expression y for y ib O companion. The frequent occurrence of these words in speech is the condition sine qua non for their eligibility to undergo al-tarm (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 1, 293/Blq 1, 290). 38Ibid.


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below, unless otherwise indicated, are based on Leckers article on the tribe of Tamm b. Murr39 because it succinctly contains all the basic sociohistorical data needed to support the hypothesis advanced in this paper. Tamms weight in the tribal population of Iraq is concomitant with the weight given to their authoritative eastern variant of Arabic, which formed the core of the classical language and a great deal of the Kitbs linguistic data. In spite of Sbawayhis reference to the ijaz variant as good old Arabic, the Tamm dialect was the actual model for the practical form of the language Sbawayhi sought to define.40 The tribe of Tamm was divided into three main subgroups whose eponymous ancestors were the three sons of Tamm, namely Zayd Mant,41 Amr and ri. Their descendants in their turn became the eponymous ancestors of many other Arabic tribes. The children of Sad b. Zayd Mant, except Kab and Amr, formed a group called al-abn.42 Except for two of Kabs sons, Amr and Awf, the rest of his sons were called al-ajrib the scabby ones.43 The main group in the Mlik b. Zayd Mant subdivision was the anzala b. Mlik, among whom the Drim b. Mlik, or rather the Abdullhi b. Drim was the dominant group, if not the most important in the whole tribe of Tamm.44 The dominant line among the Abdullhi b. Drim was Zayd b. Abdullhi. As for the Amr b. Tamm branch, the area of Abbdn near Bara was called after one of his descendants. The least important branch of Tamm was ri b. Tamm. Even a cursory examination of the onomasticon of the tribe and its branches suggests that a case can be made for a clear and predominant influence of the Tamm in the area of morphology in the Kitb. Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi are not common in the broad sense of the word; their predominance reflects their correlation with ancestral eponyms of the most powerful branches of Tamm. When dealing with shortening in the voca39M. Lecker, Tamm b. Murr (or Tamm bt. Murr, when the tribe orabla is referred to), in EI2 online. 40Carter, Sbawayhi,41. 41It may or may not be a coincidence that Zayd and Zayd Mant are mentioned in connection with a question about the noblest people, in the chapter dealing with the interrogative particle ayy which (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 222, Derenbourg 1, 350/ Blq 1, 397). 42A clear reference to al-abn or sons of Sad is made in the chapter dealing the annexation of y al-nisba to plural nouns (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 2, 87/ Blq 2, 89). 43Another clear reference to the sons of al-ajrab is found in the Kitb (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 350, Derenbourg 2, 96/ Blq 2, 98). 44Cf. the panegyric verses in praise of some branches of Tamm and a satirical verse taunting the tribe of Kab b. Raba b.mir in the chapter dealing with plural masculine and feminine names (Ibid., Derenbourg 2, 95/ Blq 2, 967).

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tive and the necessary condition of frequency in speech, Sbawayhi clearly states that ri, Mlik and mir are names used in poetry frequently and given to men but the 45 low profile of ri b. Tamm within the tribe may explain why it is not as frequently used by Sbawayhi even though he affirms that ri is as common as Zayd.46 What is crucial about these names is that they throw much light on Sbawayhis circle of informants and the milieu in which he worked and moved.47 Further support is gained from the fact that there is a certain amount of empirical evidence to suggest that names like Muammad and Amad were not very popular in the pre-Islamic or early Islamic period. There is perhaps stronger empirical evidence to support the view that there was hardly any Muslim child called Amad after the founder of Islam before the year 125/742, while there is evidence that children received the name of Muammad.48 It is not as if any religious reference to Muammad as the founder of Islam is completely absent from the Kitb, for I am aware of two verses quoted in the Kitb where the name of the founder of Islam occurs.49 The solid spot in this argument is not only the obvious predominance of the eponyms Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi, but also the geographical distribution of large Tamm groups in both garrison cities of Bara and Kfa that are described as the extensions of Tamms Arabian territories. The Tamms in Bara belonged to the Sad, the anala and the Amr; members of the same groups were among the early settlers in Kfa as well.50 However, the most tantalising and possibly the most significant argument here is the fact that [m]any Tamms settled in the regions of Persia conquered by Baran and Kfan troops.51 The discussion so far nicely dovetails with Tamms pre-Islamic relationship with the Ssnids, al-ra and with Mecca. The Tamm and other
45Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 166, Derenbourg 1, 291/ Blq 1, 335. 46Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 350, Derenbourg 2, 99/ Blq 2, 101. 47One of the instances that show Sbawayhis direct interaction with the Tamms is when he explicitly mentions that he asked the Tamms about the definiteness of some spatial qualifiers (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 311, Derenbourg 2, 43/ Blq 2, 47). 48W.M. Watt, His name is Amad, in Early Islam: Collected Articles. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, (April) 1953),434. 49Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 103, Derenbourg 1, 230/Blq 1, 269 and Derenbourg 1, 363/ Blq 1, 408. 50Lecker, Tamm b. Murr, in EI2 online. 51Ibid.


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Arab tribes were part of the king of al-ras network of allies in the institution of ridfa or viceroyship, a measure to keep troublesome tribesmen and Bedouins under control and secure the safety of the Ssnid52 and ran trade caravans. The Tamimi clan of the Banu Ayyub, whose most prominent member was the poet Adi b. Zayd,53 was quite influential in al-ra and had very close ties with the Ssnid court. References made to the Abn Frs, the Abdd, the Anb54 and the Manira55 may be considered significant pointers to Tamms socio-political and religious world.56 Conclusion My main purpose in this brief account has been to emphasise the theoretical importance of the grammar of names in the Kitb and the importance of the linguistic and extra-linguistic elements and their interconnectedness and mutual interdependence. Complementarity of approach has been reaffirmed yet again as the hallmark of the Kitb. Although this discussion has been of a preliminary character, it has nevertheless drawn attention to a neglected area in the Kitb and most probably in Arab linguistics. Sbawayhis approach stands out again not only for the quality of his arguments, which remain consistently solid, but also for the numerous contemporaneous examples that sufficiently supplement and illustrate his views and add a unique socio-historical value to them. Zayd, Amr and Abdullhi have been the window through which we have managed to take a unique glimpse into the grammar of names and the influence of the well-known Arab tribal group Tamm, both sociopolitically and linguistically. In addition to the valuable data associated with Zayd, Amr and Abdullh, the Kitb can be claimed to have immortalised the Tamms eponyms.

52According to Lecker, Hajar was an important venue of Tamm-Persian co-operation (ibid.). 53Note that the poets son was named Amr. Zayd and Amr were also the names of Adi b. Zayds brothers who were claimed to be among the notable rs who went to meet the leader of the Muslim army that besieged al-ra (F.M. Donner, The Early Islamic Conquests. ACLS Humanities E-Book. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1981: 183; 331 n. 85). 54Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 339, Derenbourg 2, 86/Blq 2, 889. 55Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 350, Derenbourg 2, 97/Blq 2, 98. 56See M.J. Kister, Mecca and Tamm: aspects of their tribal relations, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 8(1965) and Al-Hira: some notes on its relations with Arabia, Arabica, 15 (1968), 169.

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The dialogue between the Kitb and general linguistics has proved fruitful, but this dialogue is meant to be a real encounter so as to prevent the dialogue from degenerating into a monologue. In other words, the Kitb is not meant to be constantly on the receiving end. Sbawayhis comprehensive and detailed study of proper names, probably more than any other area of grammar and linguistics covered by the Kitb, will bring considerable benefits and invaluable insights to this area of linguistic research. We have seen that there is a distinguishable and highly developed grammar of names in the Kitb, which can offer general linguistics some basic but indispensable tools and analytical strategies. The following words express the spirit that guided the writing of this paper and they can fittingly bring it to a conclusion:
Names are obviously not sufficient to make a linguistic system, but they are necessary: name-free full linguistic communication is not an option. And, as the range of concerns we have surveyed testifies to, having a name remains perhaps the most mysteriously and fascinatingly human manifestation of language.57

Primary Sources Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) ed. Blq, 18981900 (repr. Baghdad, 1965). al-Srf, Ab Sad. ar Kitb Sbawayhi. photo of MS Atef Efendi 2548. Secondary Sources Anderson, J.M. The Grammar of Names. Oxford Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Carter, M.G. Sbawayhi. Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2004. Della Vida, G.L. Taym Allh b. h alaba, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, edited by P. Bearman, T. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Brill Online. University of Cambridge. Accessed on 04 January 2011. http:// Donner, F.M. The Early Islamic Conquests. ACLS Humanities E-Book. Princeton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1981. Goldziher, I. Muslim Studies. Edited by S.M. Stern; translated by C.R. Barber and S.M. Stern; with a major new introduction by Hamid Dabashi. London, New Brunswick NJ: Aldine Transactions, 2006. Katz, J.J. A proper theory of names. Philosophical Studies. An International Journal for Philosophy in Tradition,31:1 (1977):180. 57Anderson, Grammar of Names, 333.


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Kister, M.J. Mecca and Tamm: aspects of their tribal relations. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 8(1965): 63113 (repr. in his Studies in Jhiliyya and Early Islam, No.I, London: Variorum, 1980). , Al-Hira: some notes on its relations with Arabia. Arabica, 15 (1968): 143169 (repr. in his Studies in Jhiliyya and early Islam, No.III, London: Variorum, 1980). Lecker, M. Tamm b. Murr (or Tamm bt. Murr, when the tribe orabla is referred to). In Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition, edited by P. Bearman, T. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Brill Online. University of Cambridge. Accessed on 04 January 2011. entry?entry=islam_COM-1165 Lyons, J. Semantics. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Marogy, A.E. Kitb Sbawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics No.56, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010. Troupeau, G. Lexique-Index du Kitb de Sbawayhi. Paris: Klincksieck, 1976. Van Langendonck, W. Remarks on some theories of names in the Handbook for Name Studies. Review article of Name Studies I. Onoma, 32 (1995): 157170. , Theory and Typology of Proper Names. Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs No.168. The Hague: Mouten de Gruyter, 2007. Watt, W.M. His name is Amad. In Early Islam: Collected Articles. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, April 1953, 4350.

YAQUM VS QMA IN THE CONDITIONAL CONTEXT: A RELATIVISTIc INTErPrETATION OF THE FrONTIEr BETWEEN THE PrEFIXED AND THE SUFFIXED CONJUGATIONS OF THE ArABIc LANGUAGE Manuela E.B. Giolfo Introduction: From Syntax to Semantics This article is based on an investigation which we have been conducting on the meaning of conditionality in the earliest Arab grammatical theory and on how that meaning is reflected in syntax.1 Our investigation started by analysing how earliest Arab grammatical theory2 and European grammars3 treat conditional systems of the Arabic language. The analysis was at first led by a syntactic consideration of the conditional sentence, in the attempt to answer the following questions: Which
1M.E.B. Giolfo, Le strutture condizionali dellarabo classico nella tradizione grammaticale araba e nella tradizione grammaticale europea, KervanInternational Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, Universities of Turin and Enna2 (2005), 5579, www.kervan.unito. it; idem, I sistemi condizionali in in dellarabo classico: in yafal vs in faala, unipotesi modale (paper presented at the 12th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, University of Ragusa, Italy, June 69, 2005), in Atti del XII Incontro Italiano di Linguistica Camitosemitica (Afroasiatica), ed. M. Moriggi (Catanzaro: Rubbettino, 2006), 185192; idem, in yaqum vs in qma: unipotesi modale, KervanInternational Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, Universities of Turin and Enna3 (2006), 1734, 2Sbawayhi, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 [repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970]), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn (Cairo: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977); Ibn Jinn, Kitb al-luma f al-naw, ed. H.M. Kechrida (Uppsala: 1976); Zamaar, Kitb al-mufaal f al-naw, ed. J.P. Broch (Christianiae, 1859); Zamaar, al-Mufaal f ilm al-arabiyya (Beirut: Dr al-Jl, n.d.); Ibn al-jib, Kfiya, via Ra al-dn al-Astarb, ar Kfiyat Ibn al-jib (Istanbul: Mabaat al-arika al-ifiyya al-umniyya, 1275 and 1310 H, [rept. Beirut: Dr al-kutub al-ilmiyya, n.d.]; Ibn al-jib, Kfiya, via Molla Jm, al-Fawid al-iyiyya, Molla Jm al al-Kfiya (Istanbul: n.d.); Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya (Cairo: 1965); Ibn Aql, ar Ibn Aql il Alfiyyat Ibn Mlik, ed. .M. al-Zayn (Cairo: s al-Bb al-alab, 19661967). 3W. Wright, A grammar of the Arabic language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited with numerous additions and corrections, 3rd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 189698 [1st ed. 18591862; repr. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1974, 2 vols. in 1, revised by W.R. Smith and M.J. de Goeje; preface, addenda and corrigenda by P. Cachia]; L. Veccia Vaglieri, Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba (Roma: Istituto per lOriente, 1937); R. Blachre and M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Grammaire de larabe classique (morphologie et syntaxe), 3e dition revue et remanie (Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1952); W. Fischer, Grammatik des klassischen Arabisch (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1972; F. Corriente, Gramtica rabe, Madrid: Instituto Hispano Arabe de Cultura, 1980).


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particles4 introduce the conditional sentence? Which verbal forms occur in conditional sentences? Which verbal forms are correlated to a specific conditional particle? These questions necessarily bring to other subsequent interrogatives, which make clear that syntax and semantics are intrinsically tied, and that the first is subordinated to the latter: Which conditional particle is to be used in this or in that case? Which is the typical verbal form associated with a certain conditional particle? Which set is originated by the different verbal forms which are used with the same conditional particle? The first series of questions, being of empiric-formal nature, corresponds to the grammatical investigation for any specific language. The answers to these questions are provided by linguists, or rather by grammarians of that particular language. Questions of the second group cannot be answered without a prior investigation on meaning, that is to say without taking into account the conceptual values of the conditional structures in general, and after that the value of each conditional structure pertaining to a specific language. The second group of questions belongs to the field of logics and semantics, rather than to that of grammar. Nevertheless the grammatical analysis is never complete until the questions of the second group are answered, being these answers the only ones able to explain the results of the syntactic analysis. As a matter of fact, when analysing the conditional structures of the Arabic language, we are compelled to face problems of semantic nature, which are related to the way in which reality is reflected by each single clause of the conditional sentence, and tied to the type of relationship between the two components of a conditional sentence. The conceptual value of different conditional expressions can only be determined after an investigation on these aspects. We are convinced that it is up to the linguists to provide a linguistic answer on these logic-semantic questions.

4As far as the use of the term particle is concerned, it descends from two reasons: on the one hand, the terminological choice of expressly avoiding the use of terms like conjunction, subordinate conjunction, subordinate operator, which could be misleading, as they would reflect the subordinate character of the protasis with respect to the apodosis when referring to the structure in ar jawb al-ar conditional particle-condition-answer to the condition; on the other hand, it also descends from a wish of cautious assent to the neutral terminology of Arab grammarians. Furthermore, the term operator should only be used after a clarification about the elements on which the conditional particles operate or, in other terms, whether they operate directly on the ar condition and only indirectly on the jawb answer, or directly on both the ar condition and the jawb answer.

yaqum vs qma in the conditional context 1.The Arab Grammatical Tradition and the Relationship between Syntax and Semantics


Which kind of process was developed by the Arab grammatical tradition, with respect to the above fields (syntactic and semantic) and to their mutual relationships, in the investigation of the conditional structures? At a first glance, the study of conditionality does not seem to play an important role in the Arab grammatical tradition, as this was primarily concerned with the syntactic-formal aspects. Nevertheless, when getting closer to this problem, we realise that Sbawayhi and early Arab grammarians, though they do not treat the conditional sentence in its pure theoretical sense, refer to an indirect conceptualisation of conditionality, by means of attributing a prototypical character to particular conditional structures. In this respect, a deep difference has to be noticed between the approach of Sbawayhi (d.? 793) and that of any later Arab grammarians. Sbawayhi, in fact, tried to show the semantic-communicative values of formal linguistic structures, and this due to his conviction that any syntactic variation has its semantic counterpart. As Dvnyi5 remarks:
Later grammarians, contrary to Sbawayhi, were not able and, frankly, did not want, to follow this method which demands great discipline and supposes an overall insight into the basic character of language. They inherited, of course, some general semantic principles (the communicative orientation of Arabic grammar had never ceased to be tangible) from great generation of eighthnine century linguists, but on the whole they were mainly interested in syntactic phenomena from normative and pedagogic points of view.

In our opinion, as far as this matter is concerned, it is in virtue of such a syntactic-semantic analysis, reaching the semantic definition of the concept of conditional sentence, that Sbawayhis system of conditional structureswhich actually contemplates only the structure of the type in apocopate, apocopateis minimally inclusive compared to later Arab grammarians. This appears to be due to his restrictive judgement, deriving from the selective view by which he evaluates different syntactic solutions on the basis of their semantic value. The semantic value of a specific conditional structure would be in this view checked against the semantic definition of the conditional expression. As a consequence, a certain number of particles are excluded from the set of conditional particles (namely the
5K. Dvnyi, The treatment of conditional sentences by mediaeval Arab grammarians. (Stability and change in the history of Arabic grammar.), The Arabist (Budapest Studies in Arabic), 1 (1988), 12.


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particle i and the particle law), a certain number of syntactic structures introduced by particles not belonging to the set of conditional particles is excluded from the system of conditional structures, together with verbal forms other than the apocopate. It has to be outlined that Sbawayhis approach is not only due to his conception of language, but also to the subsequent conception of linguistics as a science able to describe the relationships between syntax and semantics. In fact, only such a conception of language and linguistics can justify the exclusion, from his system of conditional structures, of all structures other than in apocopate, apocopate. Conversely, the higher inclusiveness of the systems of conditional structures as contemplated by later Arab grammarians could be explained by the fact that, as reported by Dvnyi,6 they limited themselves to a merely formal treatment of the conditional structures, refraining, in their approach, from that deep comprehension which can reach to the essential character of linguistic expression. The higher inclusiveness of the systems of conditional structures by later Arab grammarians actually represents a loss in descriptive effectiveness and in normative meaningfulness. Anyhow, despite the fact that Arab grammatical tradition is characterised, from a historical point of view, by a certain variability in the methods used when analysing linguistic data, there is a general agreement on the fact that the essence of the conditional sentences lays in their characteristic of uncertainty: uncertainty about the feasibility of the condition, and, as a consequence, uncertainty about the feasibility of the event subject to that condition. The different evaluation of conditional sentences with respect to temporal sentences, arises from this very definition of the true conditional expression. As a consequence, an analysis is performed by Arab grammarians on conditions themselves, abstracting from their relation with the conditioned event, with the aim to distinguish conditions which are only possible (uncertain) from the certain ones (possible and necessary, or impossible). 2.Sbawayhis Definition of the Conditional Expression Sbawayhi clearly limits the field of conditional sentences to the case of only possible conditions, that is to say that he limits the domain of conditional sentences to hypothetical sentences alone. He therefore judges that any sentences arising from a condition which is not uncertain (possible

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and non-necessary) should not be considered as a proper conditional sentence, being in fact non-hypothetical. This would be the case for those conditions which are introduced by the particle i, and by the particle law. Sbawayhis definition of the essence of the conditional expression is in fact as follows: [ ...] 7 : : 8 . 10. 9
Then I asked him [al-all] why i should not be employed as conditional particle. [...] I occurs when there is temporal determination; cant you see that if you said: Ill come to you when (i) the dates, now unripe, will be mature this would be a good expression, whilst in case you said: Ill come to you if (in) the dates, now unripe, will be mature, this would be a bad expression?11 In fact in is always uncertain, like all conditional particles.12

Conditional statement that: particles operate the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis].14 If Arab grammarians did not reach a direct description of the cases of the implication,15 this, in our opinion, is not due to their unawareness of implication itself, and of its cases, i.e. the type of relation between the condition and the event subject to that condition. We think in fact
7Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 56. 8Unripe dates (al-busru). 9Uncertain (mubhama). 10Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 3849/Hrn 3, 5669. 11It is important to notice here that Ill come to you if (in) the dates, now unripe, will be mature would be a bad expression because of a twofold reason: in is always uncertain whilst i occurs when there is temporal determination, and the semantic characteristic of uncertainty of the expression introduced by in is represented

Such a definitionbased on non-formal criteriaof in as proper conditional particle inasmuch as it is hypothetical, in opposition to the temporal character of i, delimits the scope of conditional expression to hypothetical expressions alone.13 This has its syntactic counterpart in the

at the morpho-syntactic level by the fact that Conditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis] (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 62). 12Whilst dates sooner or later do necessarily ripen! Its just a question of time. 13For the particle law, see infra. 14Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 62. 15A. Kratzer, Semantik der Rede, KontexttheorieModalwrterKonditionalstze (Scriptor, 1978); D.K. Lewis, Counterfactuals (Oxford: 1973).


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that they did not provide such a direct definition only because the logicsemantic analysis is already implicit in Sbawayhis hierarchy of conditional particles and associated verbal forms. The choice of the particle introducing the protasis, and of the verbal forms in the protasis and the apodosis is in fact based on semantic and non-formal criteria. A confirmation of the possible and non-necessary i.e. hypothetical character of the condition is to be found in another passage of al-Kitb, where Sbawayhi draws a parallel between interrogative, imperative, and conditional expressions. The term which was most commonly used by Arab grammarians referring to the conditional sentence is jaz remuneration, compensation, reciprocation, whilst the conditional particles (urf al- jaz) are those which introduce a conditional sentence (m yujz bi-hi). In Sbawayhis terminology the protasis is called al-kalm al-awwal the first clause, while the apodosis is called jawb al-jaz answer of the conditional expression or, more simply, jawb answer.16 The term jaz became, in time, a term indicating the apodosis, sometimes referred to as jawb and sometimes as jaz17 (though the two terms maintained, for some grammarians,18 a certain distinctive meaning), while the protasis assumed the denomination of ar condition, this latter term maintaining, for some grammarians,19 the original meaning of the term jaz. The fact that the terminology used by Sbawayhi reflects his conviction that a similarity exists between interrogative and conditional sentences, is described in the following passage of al-Kitb:20 21 ] 22[] [ . [ ...] 23
16Dvnyi, The treatment, 14. 17Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya, 377; 380. 18Zamaar, al-Mufaal f al-naw, 151. 19Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 339/Hrn 4, 235; Zamaar, al-Mufaal f al-naw, 151. 20Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 28, 1, 40/Hrn 1, 99. Derenbourg That is to say it is only pos21Ibid., note (1) Hrn: sible, it may occur or not. 22Ibid., Hrn: []. 23Ibid., note (2) al-Srf (b. 279289/892902; d. 2 Rajab 368/2 February 979984): . That is to say, dont you see that the interrogative expression can be followed by an apodosis and that, when it is followed by an apodosis, the verbal form which appears in such apodosis is apocopated, as well as the imperative expression can be followed by an apodosis and, when it is followed by an apodosis, the verbal form which appears in such

24 25. : . .[...] :
The interrogative expression is like the imperative expression inasmuch its character is non-necessary.26 By means of an interrogative expression in fact, the one to whom the question is addressed is asked about what is doubtful for the one who asks. Dont you see that the interrogative expression can be followed by an apodosis and that, when it is followed by an apodosis, the verbal form which appears in such apodosis is apocopated? In fact, interrogative propositions can carry out the same function as the function of the protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence, and the apocopate that follows them is like the apocopate that follows the protasis of the conditional-hypothetical sentence, so that these interrogative expressions

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25Ibid., note (4) Hrn: That is to say, when you say Where is Zayd that I may go and see him?, Where is Zayd? is an interrogative expression which carries out the function of protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence, in fact it is followed by an apodosis as well as the protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence is followed by an apodosis. 26That is to say possible and non-necessary i.e. contingent. What leads us to translate ayru wjibin by means of non-necessary is the fact that Sbawayhi defines in as mubhama uncertain and therefore when he speaks of jaz he only refers to conditional-hypothetical expressions, in which the condition is possible and non-necessary. Probably by Sbawayhi, along with the first Aristotle, uncertainty was simply a characteristic of possibility. Initially in fact, Aristotle excluded necessarily true propositions from the category of possible propositions. He erroneouslysee J. ukasiewicz, Modal Logic (Warzawa: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970), 26stated in De Interpretatione that possibility implies non-necessity: Cf. Aristoteles (B.C. 350) Categoriae et Liber de interpretatione, ed. L. Minio-Paluello (London: Oxford University Press, 1949). We think that the term non-necessary (in logic contingent) describes better the modal character of conditional-hypothetical expressions. Infact, ] regarding [ The conditional expression is like the inter rogative expression (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 59), Srf ( Jahn, comments: Sbawaihis Buch 1.2, 102, note 10) which we translate The meaning of the interrogative expression is similar to that of the conditional expression as the interrogative expression, belonging to the hypothetical/virtual domain, has a non-assertive/non-factual character. In fact, Srfs comment seems to us more generally referred to the fact that both interrogative and conditional expressions would have a non-assertive character which is character, ] pointed out by Jahns explanation of [ ( Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 28, Derenbourg 1, 40/Hrn 1, 99) by insofern beide keine wirklich geschehene Thatsache ausdrcken (Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch 1.1, 63).

apodosis is apocopated? You say Where is Zayd that I may go and see him? as well as you say Come and see me, and Ill come and see you!. : That is to say the 24Ibid., note (3) Hrn: )...( . apodosis of the conditional-hypothetical sentence. Originally: like the apocopate that follows the proposition introduced by the conditional particles (...).


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can acquire a conditional-hypothetical semantic value. They have in fact the same non-necessary character as the conditional-hypothetical sentence [...].27 Dont you see that when you say Where is Abdullah that I may go and see him?, it is as if you said Wherever he were, I would go and see him.

The whole passage actually consists in the explanation that it is possible that interrogative and imperative utterances carry out the function of protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence. What is explained is that the uncertainty of the premise, on which depends the uncertainty of the consequence in a conditional-hypothetical sentence, is either secured by conditional-hypothetical particles (in and similar) which introduce the first utterance, operating at the same time the apocope of the verbal form contained in it, or it is intrinsic to the first utterance being an imperative proposition (ayr wqia,28 and after all already apocopated) or an interrogative proposition (introduced by particles which render it ayr wjiba).29 This is in our opinion the senseof Sbawayhis statement about always uncerthe fact that In fact in is tain, as conditional particles are30 and that Conditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis],31 and this is the sense of the equation m bada urfi al-jazi32 = al-aru the condition33 = protasis of the conditional-hypothetical sentence. 3.From Semantics to Syntax The meaning of mubhama, ayr wjiba, and ayr wqia, both in terms of intentions of the speaker and in terms of functional meaning of linguistic categories is that of non-assertion, which restricts the expression to the
] The conditional expression is like 27Once again [ the interrogative expression (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 59). It is meaningful report one more time the clarifying comment of Srf to (Jahn, Sbawayhis Buch 1.2, 102, note 10) about the fact that both expressions do not carry any truth value (they are neither true, neither false) inasmuch as they are not assertive. 28Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 28, Derenbourg 1, 40/Hrn 1, 99, note (1) Hrn: That is to say it is only possible, it may occur or not.
29Ibid. 30Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 60. 31Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 62. 32Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 28, Derenbourg 1, 40/Hrn 1, 99. 33Ibid., note (4): Hrn.

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domain of virtuality, that is to say to the domain of what exists though not in actual fact.34 Such character of the expression is normally rendered by means of the apocope of the verb, which in the Arabic language is a trait common to conditional-hypothetical sentences and to imperative, jussive, injunctive and prohibitive sentences. The formal mechanism described by Sbawayhi presents the conditional-hypothetical sentence as a structure of two clauses having possible and non-necessary (i.e. uncertain) character, the first of which is either apocopated or imperative or interrogative (protasis) and the second of which (apodosis)apocopatedis operated by the protasis. The formal mechanism described by Zamaar presents instead the conditional sentencehypothetical and non-hypothetical (which differs from the hypothetical inasmuch as it has a certain character: i.e. possible and necessary35 or impossible)as a structure of two clauses both of which are directly operated by the conditional particle (respectively in or law).36
34It is worth citing here a passage from the first chapter of al-Kitb (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 1, Derenbourg 1, 1/Hrn 1, 12), quoted by Versteegh: and translated by ]...[ him Verbs are patterns taken from the expression of the events of the nouns; they are construed for what is past; for what is going to be, but has not yet happened; and for what is being without interruption (K. Versteegh, The Arabic Language [Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997], 77). Versteeghs translation, strongly temporalising and based on the model of temporal tripartition (ibid., 84), does not in our opinion completely fit the concept of ayru wqiin as cleared by Hrns note. 35The reason for the higher inclusiveness of in-systems introduced by grammarians posterior to Sbawayhi and to Ibn Jinn is in our opinion due to the fact that they recognised that possibility is actually included in necessity. For them, necessary propositions would therefore be possible and necessary. In the same way, Aristotle initially excluded necessarily true propositions from the category of possible propositions. He later corrected his assumption, first in De Interpretatione and then in Analytica priora, and stated that necessity implies possibility. Cf. Aristoteles, De interpretatione; idem, Prior Analytics, tr. A.J. Jenkinson, Oxford University Press, 1928, and Prior and posterior analytics, ed. W.D. Ross (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949). On in-systems by Arab grammarians posterior to Sbawayhi and Ibn Jinn, including suffixed verbal forms along with protocolarly apocopated verbal forms, see Giolfo, I sistemi condizionali in in dellarabo classico and idem, in yaqum vs in qma. 36Zamaar (d. 1144) limits the set of conditional particles to only two elements, in and law, being the latter, for the said reasons, not included in Sbawayhi classification: In and law operate on two sentences, rendering the first condition and the second consequence (Zamaar, al-Mufaal f al-naw, quoted in Dvnyi, The treatment, 19). Zamaars classification was generally accepted at that time and, despite the criticisms of later grammarians as for his inclusion of law among conditional particles, is still the classification followed nowadays in contemporary grammar.


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Imperative and interrogative expressions can carry out the function of the protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence inasmuch as they are provided of the same uncertain character of which is provided the protasis of a conditional-hypothetical sentence. They can occupy the place of a ar, they can have the same semantic-syntactic function as a jazm and can thus be followed by a jazm in the same way in which the ar is followed by a jazm. What Sbawayhi states is that the conditional particle (in), operates the apocope of the verb of a proposition transforming it by means of this operation under two respects: the particle transfers to the proposition the same uncertainty of which the particle is provided and at the same time the particle renders the proposition a proposition which cannot stand alone (protasis) but must necessarily be followed by another proposition (apodosis), on which the same twofold transformation (i.e. that the second proposition results uncertain and the fact that it is not independent from the first proposition) is operated by means of the apocope of the verb in the second proposition. This last operation is operated by the protasis. Both clauses result in being uncertain and non-independent. Zamaar sheds light on the fact that the function of all conditional particles, and not only of hypothetical ones, is that of rendering two propositions inseparable in a structure which represents the relationship of implication. If the semantic characteristic common to interrogative, imperative and conditional-hypothetical expressions can be summarised by the term uncertainty, the syntactic characteristic common to interrogative and conditional expressions is represented by the fact that both the conditional particle, introducing the protasis of the conditional sentence, and the interrogative particle, which introduces the interrogative sentence, are not particles of conjunction:37 38 Dont you see that, when you use an interrogative particle, what follows such a particle is not ila?39
37Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 59. 38The Arabic ila designates a sentence after a mawl either ism (relative pronouns) either arf (particles of conjunction). The expression is not ila could be explained as is not in relation with what precedes, where the concept of being in relation with what precedes is wider than the concept of relative clause. The expressions is not ila of what precedes and is not wal of what precedes could be then understood as: is not dependent on what precedes. What, in our opinion, we should read here is that both in the conditional and in the interrogative expression, the conditional particle introducing the conditional expression and the interrogative particle introducing the interrogative expression are not subordinative conjunctions. 39This translation finds its justification in Sbawayhis statement: . When you ask Where are you?, the verb is not ila of what precedes it (Ibid.).

: 41 40 42 43.

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The best thing you can say44 is: The verb in the conditional expression is not ila of what precedes it,45 as well as with the interrogative particles the verb is not ila of what precedes it,46 and when you say Wherever you were, I would be, it is not47 ila of what precedes it, as well as, when you question saying Where are you?, the verb48 is not ila of what precedes it, in the conditional expression it is not ila of what precedes it,49 as well as it is not wal of what precedes it in the interrogative expression.50

: : 51.

You say: Who beats you? when asking, and in the conditional expression: Whoever beat you, I would beat him, and in both the verb is not ila.52

40In the proposition introduced by conditional particles, i.e. in the protasis of the conditional sentence. 41In the proposition introduced by interrogative particles. sentence 42fa-laysa is not is referred to the verb in the protasis of the conditional Wherever you were, I would be. In fact, whilst the expression Where are you?, in the following line, is an interrogative sentence, ayu-m takun wherever you were, being only a part of the conditional sentence Wherever you were, I would be, is not quoted independently of the whole conditional sentence. 43Sbawayhi (Ibid.). Man sollte sich also korrekt so ausdrcken: Das Verbum ist in Bedingungsstzen ebensowenig ila des Vorhergehenden (d.i. der Konditionalpartikel) wie in Fragestzen (ila der Fragepartikel), Jahn, Sbawayhis Buch 2.1, 168. 44Often al-wajh is synonymous with add al-kalm the normal way of expression, cf. A. Levin, Sbawayhis view of the syntactic structure of kna wa-aawtu-h, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1 (1979): 185213 [repr. in A. Levin, Arabic linguistic thought and dialectology, (Jerusalem, 1998), 211]. 45The conditional particle. 46The interrogative particle. 47The verb to be refers here to the verb in the protasis of the conditional sentence Wherever you were, I would be. Where are you?. 48That is to say the verb in the interrogative sentence 49The verb in the protasis of the conditional sentence is not ila of the conditional particle: the conditional particle is not a particle of conjunction. 50The verb in the interrogative sentence is not ila of the interrogative particle: the interrogative particle is not a particle of conjunction. Man sollte sich also correct so ausdrcken: Das Verbum ist in Bedingungsstzen ebensowenig ila des Vorhergehenden (d.i. der Conditionalpartikel) wie in Fragestzen (ila der Fragepartikel); Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch 2.1, 168. 51Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 59. 52Is not ila of what precedes. That is: the verb in the protasis of the conditional sentence is not ila of the conditional particle and the verb in the interrogative sentence is


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If what accounted for clarifies in which sense the terminology by which Sbawayhi refers to the apodosis is based on the fact that for Sbawayhi interrogative and conditional-hypothetical expressions have in common53 a semantic and a syntactic aspect, it also enables to consider that the three sub-domains of linguistic expressioni.e. interrogative, imperative, and conditional-hypotheticalwould belong to the common domain of virtuality (virtual domain) as opposed at the same time to the domain of facts (factual domain) and to the domain of subordination (conceptual domain). For Sbawayhi, in is not a conjunction; the apodosis is maml operated by the complex in+protasis. For Zamaar, who does not subvert Sbawayhis assumptions about the semantic characteristic of conditional-hypothetical sentences, the second maml is maml of the maml of the mil operator, thus being itself maml of the mil. In other terms, defining the mil as a binary operator, it is possible to switch to a simpler representation, where both the protasis and the apodosis are maml of in and are not ila of in.54 Zamaars words clearly indicate that both in and law are not logically translated by if , but instead by if...then, which is to say that they are binary operators. This explains why Sbawayhi, focusing on hypothetical sentences, clearly stated that conditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs:55 such a syntactical description/prescription coincides with his way of representing the implication relatively to conditional-hypothetical sentences. That a verb should be apocopated must actually signify that the proposition which contains it has uncertain character (otherwise the verbal form would belong to the suffixed conjugation), that it has not an assertive character (otherwise the verbal form would belong to the prefixed conjugation in its marf variant), that it is not dependent (otherwise the verbal form
not ila of the interrogative particle. Therefore: the conditional particle is not a particle of conjunction and the interrogative particle is not a particle of conjunction. ] 53 [ ][ The interrogative expression is like the imperative expression inasmuch its character is non-necessary. By means of an interrogative expression in fact, the one to whom the question is addressed is asked about what is doubtful for the one who asks (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 28, Derenbourg 1, 40/Hrn 1, 99). 54 in and law operate on two sentences, rendering the first condition and the second consequence (Zamaar, Kitb al-mufaal f al-naw, ed. J.P. Broch, Christianiae, 1859, quoted in Dvnyi: The treatment of conditional sentences, The Arabist 1 (1988):19). 55Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 62: Conditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis].

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would belong to the prefixed conjugation in its manb variant), that is to say that either it is independent, or it is not independent and at the same time it is not ila. 4.The Prototypical Verbal Form in the Conditional Context Arab grammarians refer to the conditional particles through a non- uniform terminology, and the list of conditional particles is not the same for all early grammarians. According to Sbawayhi,56 the conditional particles are ayya nin, mat, ayna, an, haythu-m, in, i-m, and the conditional nouns57 man, m, ayyu-hum. He indicates the particle in as the mother (umm), that is the root (al) of all conditional particles, being in the one and only particle which does not have any other functions, and therefore possessing a purely conditional meaning.58 According to Ibn Jinn (d. 392/1002), the set of the conditional particles and their classification is essentially the same as for Sbawayhi. Both of them use the same classification for the conditional particles, which assumes by Ibn Jinn the denomination of aawt in59 sisters of in, due to the outstanding conditional character of the latter, which makes of it an al root. However, two other authors, Ibn al-jib (m. 646/1249)60 and Ibn Mlik (d. 672/1274),61 classify the conditional particles among other particles under the terminology al-jzimt li-al-muri so that they are no more presented as conditional operators (awmil), but they are equalised with any formal operator causing the apocope of the verb as, for example, the particle lam for the negative past and the particle l for the negative form of the imperative.62 In so doing, one could say that they recognised not only one syntactic behaviour, but also implicitly defined the apocope of the verb as representing one specific pragmatic-semantic function. It is
56Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 384/Hrn 3, 56. 57Arab grammarians distinguish between conditional particles (urf ) and conditional nouns (asm). Man, m and ayyuhum are nouns. It is possible to group conditional particles and nouns as conditional operators. As Dvnyi points out, originally arf did not only mean a part of speech (particle) but a function, too. This means that even an ism was allowed to occur in the function of arf (Dvnyi, The treatment, 39, note 11). 58Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 63; Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 256, Derenbourg 1, 406/Hrn 3, 112. 59Ibn Jinn, Kitb al-luma f al-naw, ed. H.M. Kechrida, (Uppsala, 1976), 54. 60Ibn al-jib, al-Kfiya, in Molla Jm, al-Fawid al-iyiyya, Molla Jm al al-Kfiya, (Istanbul, n.d.), 227229. 61Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya, 22. 62Ibn al-jib, al-Kfiya, 227229.


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nteresting to see how Ibn Mlik63 introduced, within the same set of pari ticles operating the apocope of the verb ( jawzim) a distinction between those operating on a single verb and those operating on two verbal forms, being the latter in fact conditional particles. The particle law appears among the conditional particles in Ibn al-jibs classification too, but it is not mentioned in the chapter concerning al-ar wa-al-jaz. The apocopated form of the muri (al-fil al-majzm) appears thus by early Arab grammarians as a prototypical form in the conditional context, representing the protocolar uncertain character of hypothetical expressions. If we look in fact at the conditional systems of the type in ar jawb al-ar by early Arab grammarians, namely:64
Sbawayhi (d. 793)65 in yaqum yaqum [in qma yaqum]66
63Ibn Mlik, Alfiyya, in: Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya (Cairo: 1965), 22. 64In the following tables, in yaqum/qma yaqum/qma expressions are treated as morpho-syntactic structures. 65Sbawayhi, Kitb. 66The brackets mean here that Sbawayhi considers this combination of verbal forms as secondary compared to the basic jazm + jazm combination (Dvnyi, The treatment, Con 25). Consistently with his cardinal rules ditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis] (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, The verb is the origin of the conditional sentence (Sbawayhi, 62) and Kitb chapter 252, Derenbourg 1, 398/Hrn 3, 91), Sbawayhi explains that the qma form in the protasis does not only occupy the place of the original jazm but it takes over its role, too (Dvnyi, The treatment, 26) as it governs the verb in jazm in the apodosis. occupies the place and takes the This qma form is for Sbawayhi role of the original apocopated verb (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 388/ Hrn 3, 68). In non-formal terms, if the essence of the conditional sentences lays in their characteristic of uncertainty (uncertainty about the feasibility of the condition, and, as a consequence, uncertainty about the feasibility of the event subject to that condition), this combination of verbal forms would represent a particular hypothetical (uncertain) expression in that the uncertainty of the consequence is safe despite the certainty of the condition. As for the combination qma qma, Sbawayhi only mentions it as an example of his preference for symmetric construction (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 252, Derenbourg And when : 1, 398/Hrn 3, 9192: someone says in faalta, the best thing to say is: faaltu, as it is like it) but he does not mention it in the chapter on conditional sentences (bbu al-jazi). This combination cannot be included in Sbawayhis conditional-hypothetical system as a result of three of Conditional particles operate his statements: the apocope of the verbs, being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes [i.e. protasis] The verb (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 386/Hrn 3, 62),

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Ibn Jinn (d. 1002)67 in yaqum yaqum Zamaar (d. 1144)68 in yaqum yaqum in yaqum qma in qma qma in qma yaqum Ibn al-jib (d. 1249)69 in yaqum yaqum in qma qma in qma yaqum Ibn Mlik (d. 1274)70 in yaqum yaqum [in yaqum qma]71 in qma qma in qma yaqum


we notice that the only combination allowed by all these five grammarians is in yaqum yaqum. Moreover, our analysis of all the occurrences of structures of the type in ar jawb al-ar in the Koran showed that the 87% is of the type in yaqum yaqum, whilst the type in qma qma only covers the remaining 13%.72

is the origin of the conditional sentence (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 252, Derenbourg 1, 398/ Hrn 3, 91) and in is always uncertain, as conditional particles are (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 245, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 60). 67Kitb al-luma f al-naw, 54: Both the protasis and the apodosis are apocopated. 68al-Mufaal f al-naw, 150: Within a conditional sen . tence introduced by in, the verbs can only be two prefixed forms or two suffixed forms, or one of the two verbs can be a prefixed form and the other one a suffixed form. When the case is that the verbs are two prefixed forms, then they are both apocopated. 69al-Kfiya, 227229. 70Alfiyya, vol. 1, 22; vol. 2, 370371, 372374, 377, 380, 385. 71This structure is considered rare by Ibn Aql. In order to justify its presence in Ibn Mliks system, he quotes the ad Those who keep vigil in prayer on the Night of Revelation, their previous sins will be forgiven, cf. Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya, vol. 1, 22; vol. 2, 372. 72For more detailed data, see Giolfo, I sistemi condizionali in in dellarabo classico.


manuela e.b. giolfo 5.European Grammars

As for European grammarians,73 the priority order used by them to list the set of verbal forms allowed in conditional sentences is the same for all (with the exception of Fischer): either the perfect, or the apocopate. According to Fischer the order is: apocopate or perfect. As for the value of the perfect and of the apocopate in conditional sentences, according to Wright the perfect represents an action whose occurrence is so certain that it can be considered as already occurred; according to Veccia Vaglieri the perfect in the Arabic hypothetical structures fulfils its function by presenting as completed the facts mentioned in the protasis and in the apodosis; according to Blachre and Gaudefroy-Demombynes it indicates that the speaker considers the idea that he formulates as already realised; according to Fischer it represents the perfective aspect, and according to Corriente in the conditional structures the perfect shows its full aspectual value, that is its perfective aspect indicating a process which becomes real as a whole. For Wright the jussive following in, or other words having the same sense, has always the meaning of a perfect: he explains that the jussive is used in a protasis depending from in or similar particles, because, when something is presumed or assumed, it is as if an order is issued that this event occurs or happens, and again according to Wright this becomes manifest in the fact that the jussive is used in apodosis depending both on imperative protasis and on conditional ones. As far as the value of the apocopate in conditional sentences is concerned, we remark that only one fact exists which leads to the conclusion that Veccia Vaglieri wished to underline the privileged bond between the apocopate and the conditional structures of the Arabic language: the fact that she inserted the notions on the hypothetical sentence in the chapter concerning the conditional-jussive mood. According to Blachre and Gaudefroy-Demombynes the apocopate represents a process whose realisation is uncertain or conditional, and they find in this statement the reason for the use of the apocopate in sentences containing a notion of eventuality or having a hypothetical content, in injunctive or prohibitive sentences, and after lam not... and lamm not yet with a meaning, in the latter case, of past. If they state
73The five treatises by leading European grammarians which we have examined are mentioned in note 3. For a more detailed treatment see Giolfo, Le strutture condizionali dellarabo classico nella tradizione grammaticale araba e nella tradizione grammaticale europea.

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that the perfect represents the fact that the speaker considers the eventuality or the hypothesis that he expresses as already realised, the use of the imperfect would be instead tied to the presence of particles which underline uncertainty. Fischer states that the apocopate has the function of a perfect, both when it is associated with the particle lam or lamm, and when it appears in conditional sentences. Corriente presents the apocopate as the simplest morphologic form of the imperfect, and points out that its uniformity is poor in terms of its semantic-syntactic content, being the apocopate required by some negative particles which give to it (like lam) the sense of the perfect (which according to Corriente is synchronically unjustified) or by others which give to it (like l) a prohibitive meaning, or by conjunctions like li- for the jussive or the exhortative, as well as it can be required for conditional structures. Both Wright and Fischer speak of protasis and apodosis according to the classical terminology which refers to the apodosis as to the main clause, and to the protasis as to the subordinate clause. Veccia Vaglieri conceives the condition as a subordinate sentence, and the answer as a main sentence. Only Blachre and Gaudefroy-Demombynes treat the conditional structures in a special chapter, dedicated to the double sentence, in which the two clauses which form the sentence are not seen in a relationship of subordination, nor in a mere relationship of juxtaposition, as it is their particular relationship which renders the exact scope of the expression. Corriente underlines that the situation is not simply that one clause is subordinate to a main one, but that a clause (condition or protasis), which should be, in principle, the subordinate, can affect the other one (apodosis or conditioned clause), which in turns should be the main clause, though generally following the protasis in this interrelation. According to Wright in is the conditional particle introducing possible hypothesis, and law the particle introducing impossible hypothesis. According to Veccia Vaglieri, the two main conjunctions translating if are in and law. The difference between them is that in is used for a real or possible hypothesis, while law is used for the unreal one, i.e. opposite to reality. Also Blachre and Gaudefroy-Demombynes distinguish between the double sentence hypothtique ralisable, introduced by in, and the double sentence hypothtique irralisable, introduced by law. Fischer distinguishes between two kinds of conditional sentence: the real conditional sentence and the unreal conditional sentence. In wenn introduces the real conditional sentences, law introduces the potential and unreal conditional sentences. Corriente states that the real affirmative


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onditional sentence is introduced by in if , while the unreal conditional c sentence is introduced by law. 6.yaqum vs qma within in shar jawb al-shar Conditional Context As far as the structure of the type in ar jawb al-ar is taken into consideration, if yaqum yaqum is indeed the only combination shared by early Arab grammarians, nevertheless their systems do also include qma forms. Ibn Aql74 (d. 1367) lists all possible combinations of verbal forms, which generate four different structures. The English translation below each different structure is meant to show that it is still problematic to disclose the semantic differences between the different verbal combinations, whose existence seem to be implicit in Sbawayhis principle that any syntactic variation has its semantic counterpart.75
in yaqum Zaydun yaqum Amrun if to get up (prefix conjugation variant- 3rd p m s) Zayd (n) to get up (prefix conjugation variant- 3rd p m s) Amr (n) If Zayd gets up, Amr will get up in qma Zaydun qma Amrun if to get up (suffix conjugation 3rd p m s) Zayd (n) to get up (suffix conjugation 3rd p m s) Amr (n) If Zayd gets up, Amr will get up in yaqum Zaydun qma Amrun if to get up (prefix conjugation variant- 3rd p m s) Zayd (n) to get up (suffix conjugation 3rd p m s) Amr (n) If Zayd gets up, Amr will get up in qma Zaydun yaqum Amrun if to get up (suffix conjugation 3rd p m s) Zayd (n) to get up (prefix conjugation variant- 3rd p m s) Amr (n) If Zayd gets up, Amr will get up

In order to find the key to disclose the different semantic interpretations which must be underlying the different morpho-syntactic structures of the system, we looked at how the early Arab tradition represented the system over the centuries. It is evident that the tables representing the

74Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya. 75In the following list, in yaqum/qma Zaydun yaqum/qma Amrun expressions are treated as morpho-syntactic structures.

yaqum vs qma in the conditional context


verbal forms combinations considered by Arab grammarians, in virtue of the prototypical position of the structure in yaqum yaqum, appear as variations, in some cases more inclusiveand in some others less inclusive of the combination(s) allowed by Sbawayhi. One important fact is that the existence of variation in terms of higher/lower inclusiveness of the system actually proves the existence of a semantic differentiation among structures generated by different verbal forms combinations. What is also evident is a sequence from earlier systems to later systems which ranges from lower inclusiveness to higher inclusiveness in terms of admitted verbal form combinations. In our opinion, the answer to the question what are the semantic differences within the four structures listed by Ibn Aql? consists in the answer to the question How is the lower and higher inclusiveness of verbal forms combinations justified within the history of this particular system in early Arab grammatical tradition?. An answer may be provided by a modal interpretation of the opposition between yaqum and qma verbal forms within the conditional context. Our position takes distance from the Semitistic paradigm which states that the Arabic jussive is nothing but the old proto-Semitic perfect *yqtVl,76 which would clearly cancel all possibilities of semantic differentiation among verbal forms combinations within the conditional system introduced by in.77 Our hypothesis is in fact that within the conditional context yaqum forms do not represent either two different tenses or two aspects, but rather two different modal categories, namely the two Aristotelian modal categories of possibility ( yaqum) and necessity (qma). Modal logic was developed by Aristotle in De Interpretatione and in Analytica Priora.78
76An important datum in these respects is that, in Koranic Arabic, with in, lam yafal is not the only negation. There is in fact also another negation: l yafal (P. Larcher, Les systmes conditionnels en in de larabe classique, Bulletin dtudes Orientales, tome LVIII, 20082009, (2009): 205232; p. 207ff ), and with no exceptions l yafal is the negative counterpart of yaf al whilst lam yaf al is the negative counterpart of faala (P. Larcher, Les complexes de phrases de larabe classique, Kervan 6 (2007): 2945, p. 35). See H. Reckendorf, Arabische Syntax, Heidelberg, C. Winter 1921 [2., unvernderte Auflage. Heidelberg, C. Winter 1977], 487: lam mit Apok. ist die Verneinigung des Perf. (...). Seltener ist l mit Apok., das als Verneinigung eines Apok. zu verstehen ist. 77In Arabic, too, when the imperfect is used with the conditional particle in (...), it refers to the past (Versteegh, The Arabic Language, 17). 78Cf. Giolfo, in yaqum vs in qma: unipotesi modale. The theory of modal propositions, i.e. of propositions which contain the word necessarily or the word possibly or an equivalent of these words, was developed by Aristotle in De Interpretatione, chapters 12 and 13, and in Analytica priora, I. 3 and 13. The theory of modal syllogisms, i.e. of syllogisms in which at least one of the premises is a modal proposition, was developed by Aristotle in Analytica priora, I. 822.


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Propositions can be in principle divided into possible and impossible (necessarily false). Possible propositions are divided into contingent (neither necessarily true nor necessarily false) and necessary (necessarily true) propositions. At an initial phase, Aristotle excluded necessary propositions from the category of possible propositions. He erroneously affirmed in De Interpretatione that possibility implies non-necessity.79 The same position seems to be adopted by Sbawayhi and Ibn Jinn. In a second phase, Aristotle himself included within the possible propositions the necessarily true propositions. Already in De Interpretatione he realised that necessity implies possibility and corrected his assumption in Analytica Priora.80 According to our hypothesis, both Sbawayhi and Ibn Jinn would exclude the qma verbal forms because these would represent necessarily true conditional sentences, whilst propositions represented by yaqum forms are possible and non-necessary. Propositions in which appears a qma form would lack the feature of uncertainty and would therefore be non-hypothetical. Zamahar, Ibn jib and Ibn Mlik would include qma forms in the system of conditional structures introduced by in because propositions in which appears a qma form would be possible although necessary and, although non-hypothetical, they could be part of a conditional sentence. The frontier between yaqum and qma verbal forms within the system of conditional structures introduced by in appears then as a frontier between uncertainty (possible and non-necessary propositions = contingent propositions) and certainty (possible and necessary propositions = necessary propositions). Only contingent propositions would contain a yaqum form. As an example of how necessary propositions could be part of a conditional sentence introduced by in, we would like to quote one conditional sentence taken from that 13% of the occurrences of in ar jawb al-ar structures in the Koran in which the structure is in qma qma, whilst in the remaining 87% of the occurrences of in ar jawb al-ar structures in the Koran the structure is in yaqum yaqum: 3/144 And Muammad is no more than an apostle; the apostles have already passed away before him; if he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels?.
79He erroneouslycf. ukasiewicz, Modal Logic, 26stated in De Interpretatione that possibility implies non-necessity. Cf. Aristoteles, De interpretatione. 80Already in De Interpretatione and then in Analytica priora, Aristotle corrects his judgment, stating that necessity implies possibility.

yaqum vs qma in the conditional context


We understand this Koranic verse as follows: If Muammad dies (mta) or is killed (qutila)and he will necessarily/certainly die or be killed as he is no more than an apostle like those who have already passed away before himwill you necessarily/certainly turn back (inqalabtum) upon your heels? (Would this certainty be enough for you to turn back upon your heels?). This reading would explain the presence of qma form both in the protasis and in the apodosis. 7.yaqum vs qma within the Wider Conditional Context If the frontier between yaqum and qma verbal forms within the system of conditional structures introduced by in is interpreted as the frontier between the uncertainty of yaqum forms appearing in contingent propositions as opposed to the certainty of qma forms appearing in necessary propositions, the frontier between yaqum and qma verbal forms within the whole conditional context of the Arabic language appears then as a frontier between uncertainty and certainty which separates contingent propositions at the same time from necessary propositions, and from impossible propositions. The definition of law by Sbawayhi is: law is for what could have happened if something else had happened.81 This definition is not part of the treatment that the Kitb reserves to the conditional expression,82 and it was further articulatedby grammarians posterior to Sbawayhiin terms of impossibility (imtin).83 For some of them law would be a particle introducing an impossible condition: they do not specify anything about the consequence.84 For others law
81Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 334/Hrn 4, 224. 82It is worth noting here that at the beginning of his article Two Conceptions, 77, Versteegh, states that The point of departure of this article is a remark in Dvnyis analysis (1988) of conditionality in the Arabic grammatical tradition. She remarks on the fact that within this tradition the particle law is not regarded as a conditional particle. Now, in traditional Western grammars law is always mentioned on a par with the particle in, both of them having a conditional meaning. Westerns grammarians distinguish between the two particles by stating that in indicates real conditions, whereas law indicates irreal conditions. Both particles are categorized as conjunctions. 83Cf. Ibn Him, Mun al-labb an kutub al-arb, ed. M. al-Mubrak, M.A. amd Allh, S. al-Afn, Beirut: Dr al-Fikr, 1969) 2, 283ff. 84For example Ibn Him (Ibid.); Versteegh (Two Conceptions, 83) remarks that He himself, however, does not believe that law indicates the impossibility of both parts of the conditional sentence, and he refutes their theory with an argument derived from logic: if both condition and conclusion are false, the opposite of both must be true (bit), and in many instances this is not the case.


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would introduce an impossible condition and an impossible consequence, being arfu imtinin li-imtini ayri-hi a particle indicating the impossibility of something as caused by the impossibility of something else.85 Ibn Him (m. 1360), however, points out that there are examples of expressions introduced by law in which the condition is impossible, but the consequence is necessary as it exists independently of the existence of the condition (wujida al-aru aw fuqida).86 He therefore rejects the definition of law as arfu imtinin li-imtini ayri-hi and sticks to the definition of law given by Sbawayhi, provided that the expression li-wuq is understood as simultaneity (inda ubti al-awwali)87 and is not restricted to the cause-effect relation between the condition and the consequence. Sbawayhis definition is in fact compatible both with impossible conditions and impossible consequences, and with impossible conditions and necessary consequences. What is relevant for our hypothesis is that in all cases the condition is certain and the consequence is certain. Law introduces impossible conditions (always false and therefore certain), to which are associated impossible consequences (always false and therefore certain) or necessary consequences (always true and therefore certain). Once accepted that only uncertainty (i.e. the non-necessary character of the proposition) is associated with the apocopate,88 it becomes clear why the apocopate cannot appear neither in the protasis neither in the apodosis of sentences introduced by law. It appears at this point also evident that the apocopated verbal form cannot be associated with i, being i not mubhama uncertain. Conclusion: yaqum vs qma within the Verbal System of the Arabic Language As for the verbal system of the Arabic language, along with Massignon, who affirms that the perfect and imperfect represent, outside our tenses,
85Versteegh, Two Conceptions, 84. 86Ibn Him, Mun al-labb 2, 283ff, quoted in Versteegh Two Conceptions, 83. 87Versteegh (Ibid.). 88 In fact in is always uncertain, as conditional par ticles are (Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 345, Derenbourg 1, 385/Hrn 3, 60) and being the apodosis apocopated by what precedes i.e. protasis (ibid., Derenbourg 1, 386/ Hrn 3, 62).

Conditional particles operate the apocope of the verbs,

yaqum vs qma in the conditional context


the degree of realisation of the action,89 it appears to us that the entire verbal system of the Arabic language, made up of the prefixed conjugation and by the triplet of the prefixed conjugation, can be interpretedwithin the different linguistic pragmatic contextsbasing on Sbawayhis opposition certainty vs uncertainty (in Massignons terms reality vs irreality). Our hypothesis is that verbal expressions which represent present or future facts as uncompleted actions clearly have an uncertain character, however, we must recognise that their uncertainty is different from the uncertainty of verbal expressions which represent uncompleted actions whose reality is complementary90 to the reality of other actions on which they depend and to which they are subordinate. These two kinds of uncertainty (factual uncertainty and conceptual uncertainty) would be represented respectively by the prefixed conjugation variant-u and by the prefixed conjugation variant-a. Verbal expressions representing uncompleted actions belonging to the factual domain have an assertive character, are independent and are not introduced by any particle. Verbal expressions representing uncompleted actions belonging to the conceptual domain91 have non-assertive character, are subordinate, and are introduced by a subordinative conjunction.92 There are then verbal formslike jussive, prohibitive, negative, and imperative verbal formswhich have a non-assertive character,

89In his article Le temps dans la pense islamique (1952): 143144, L. Massignon, analysing the notion of time and aspect, writes that Arabic grammar en principe, dailleurs, ne connat que des aspects verbaux: laccompli (m) et linaccompli (muri), qui marquent, hors de notre temps, le degr de ralisation de laction: quoted in V. Monteil, Larabe moderne, (Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1960), 250. Cf. also A. Roman, Le temps dans la langue et la culture dArabie et dIslam. Paroles, signes, mythes, Mlanges offerts Jamel Eddine Benei. Ed. F. Sanagustin. (Damas: Institut Franais dEtudes Arabes de Damas, 2001): 4165. 90In the sense of Blachre and Gaudefroy-Demombynes, who state that in such complex sentences la subordonne quivaut un madar et dpend dune principale dont elle est complment: R. Blachre, M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Grammaire de larabe classique (morphologie et syntaxe), 3e dition revue et remanie (Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1952), 452. 91When the action of the subordinate clause is factual and completed the verb occurs in the perfect after an. This is one of the very limited number of occasions when an may be followed directly by anything other than the dependent imperfect form. S.M. al-Badawi, M.G. Carter, A. Gully, Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar (London, New York: Routledge, 2004), 603. 92The subjunctive is used in subordinate clauses after the following common conjunctions: an that, all (or an l) that not, li-, kay, li-kay and li-an so that, kayl, li-kayl and li-all so that not, att until, so that: D. Cowan, An Introduction to Modern Literary Arabic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958), 93.


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are non-dependent, and can be introduced or not by some particles. The domain to which these latter belong can be defined as virtual. The three domainsfactual, conceptual, and virtualcontain expressions that range from the lowest degree of uncertainty (factual uncertainty) to the highest degree of uncertainty (virtual uncertainty). Viewed from this angle, the verbal system of the Arabic language would represent certainty (suffixed conjugation) as opposed to three different kind of uncertainty (yaf al-u vs yaf al-a/-). Verbal forms contained in the conditional-hypothetical structure (i.e. in yaqum yaqum), representing contingent propositions, would have the maximum degree of uncertainty. As for the optative expressions (positive or negative), the suffixed verbal form by means of which they are construed would express certainty. It is in fact the certainty of faith included in such expression as May God have mercy on him that psychologically differentiate optative propositions from suppositions and hypotheses; if not in faith, the psychological certainty has to be found in ones expectations.93 Finally, as for the negative context, our opinion is that it should be distinguished in two domains. The domain of the external negation being represented by the metanegation m faala of a suffixed form faala or by the metanegation m yaf alu of a prefixed form yaf alu, where faala and yaf alu are positive predicates and m is a modal operator assigning to the proposition a truth value indicating the relation of the proposition to truth. When the modal operator m is applied to propositions of the language, like faala and yaf alu, it generates the propositions of the metalanguage m faala (it is not true that faala) and m yaf alu (it is not true that yaf alu).94 If we eliminate the negation, we find the positive predicate of the language to which the metanegation is applied ( faala or yaf alu). The other domain is the domain of the internal negation, in which predicates are negative predicates. Being all equally uncertain in the sense that they are unrealisedwith the only exception of optative ones which are seen as if they were realisedall negative predicates are construed with yaf al- forms: lam yaf al is the internal negation of faala,
93She knew that what Marianne and her mother conjectured one moment, they believed the nextthat with them, to wish was to hope, and to hope was to expect: J. Austin, Sense and Sensibility (London: T. Egerton 1811, repr. 1970, London, Oxford University Press), 17. Con lagile speme precorre levento, A. Manzoni, Adelchi (1822). 94For a detailed discussion see Giolfo, La particella m nel sistema della negazione verbale in arabo classico: uninterpretazione sincronica, in P.G. Borbone, A. Mengozzi and M. Tosco (eds.), Loquentes Linguis. Studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti, (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006), 307317.

yaqum vs qma in the conditional context


l yaf alu is the internal negation of yaf alu, lan yaf ala is the internal negation of sawfa/sa- yaf alu, l yaf ala is the internal negation of yaf ala, l yaf al/taf al is the internal negation of yaf al95/if al. References
Primary Sources Aristoteles (B.C. 350). Prior Analytics. Translated by A.J. Jenkinson. London: Oxford University Press, 1928. , Categoriae et Liber de interpretatione. Edited by L. Minio-Paluello. London: Oxford University Press, 1949. , Prior and posterior analytics. Edited by W.D. Ross. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. Astarb, Ra al-dn (al-). ar kfiyat Ibn al-jib. 2 vols. Istanbul: Mabaat al-arika al-ifiyya al-umniyya, 1275 and 1310 H. [Repr. Beirut: Dr al-kutub al-ilmiyya, n.d.]. Ibn Aql, ar al al-alfiyya. Cairo: 1965. , ar Ibn Aql il alfiyyat Ibn Mlik. Edited by aha Muammad al-Zayn. 4 vols. Cairo: s al-Bb al-alab, 19661967. Ibn al-jib. al-Kfiya. In: Molla Jm. al-Fawid al-iyiyya, Molla Jm al al-Kfiya. Istanbul, n.d. Ibn Him. Mun al-labb an kutub al-arb. Edited by Mzin al-Mubrak, Muammad Al amd Allh and Sad al-Afn. Beirut: Dr al-Fikr, 1969. Ibn Jinn. Kitb al-luma f al-naw. Edited by Hadi M. Kechrida. Uppsala: 1976. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. 5 vols. Cairo: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977. Zamaar. Kitb al-mufaal f al-naw. Edited by J.P. Broch. Christianiae, 1859. , al-Mufaal f ilm al-arabiyya. Beirut: Dr al-Jl, n.d. Secondary Sources Austin, J. Sense and Sensibility. London: T. Egerton 1811. [Repr. London: Oxford University Press, 1970]. Badawi, S.M. (al-), Carter, M.G. and Gully, A. Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar. London and New York: Routledge, 2004. Blachre, R. and Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M. Grammaire de larabe classique (morphologie et syntaxe), 3e dition revue et remanie. Paris: G. P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1952. Corriente, F. Gramtica rabe. Madrid: Instituto Hispano Arabe de Cultura, 1980. Cowan, D. An Introduction to Modern Literary Arabic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958. Dvnyi, K. The treatment of conditional sentences by medieval Arabic grammarians. The Arabist 1 (1988): 1142. Fischer, W. Grammatik des klassischen Arabisch. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1972. 95In constructions like li-yaf al, but also in constructions like in yafal since, as already mentioned, in Koranic Arabic, with in, lam yaf al is not the only negation, there is in fact also another negation: l yaf al (P. Larcher,Les systmes conditionnels en in de larabe classique. Bulletin dtudes Orientales, 58 (2009): 207ff), and with no exceptions l yafal is the negative counterpart of yaf al whilst lam yaf al is the negative counterpart of faala (Larcher, Les complexes de phrases de larabe classique. KervanInternational Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies 6 (2007): 35.


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Giolfo, M.E.B. Le strutture condizionali dellarabo classico nella tradizione grammaticale araba e nella tradizione grammaticale europea. KervanInternational Journal of AfroAsiatic Studies 2 (2005): 5579. url: , I sistemi condizionali in in dellarabo classico: in yaf al vs in faala, unipotesi modale. Paper presented at the 12th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, University of Ragusa, Italy, June 69, 2005. In Atti del XII Incontro Italiano di Linguistica Camitosemitica (Afroasiatica), edited by M. Moriggi, 185192. Catanzaro: Rubbettino, 2006. , La particella m nel sistema della negazione verbale in arabo classico: uninterpretazione sincronica. In Loquentes Linguis. Studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti, edited by P.G. Borbone, A. Mengozzi and M. Tosco, 307317. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. , in yaqum vs in qma: unipotesi modale. KervanInternational Journal of AfroAsiatic Studies 3 (2006): 1734. url: Jahn, G. Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik, bersetzt und Erlutert von G. Jahn. Berlin: 189495. [Repr. Hildesheim: 1969]. Kratzer, A. Semantik der Rede, KontexttheorieModalwrterKonditionalstze. Scriptor, 1978. Larcher, P. Les complexes de phrases de larabe classique. KervanInternational Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies 6 (2007): 2945. url: , Les systmes conditionnels en in de larabe classique. Bulletin dtudes Orientales 58 (2009): 205232. Levin, A. Sbawayhis view of the syntactic structure of kna wa-aawtu-h. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 1 (1979): pp. 185213. [Repr. in: A. Levin. Arabic linguistic thought and dialectology. Jerusalem: 1998]. Lewis, D.K. Counterfactuals. Oxford: 1973. ukasiewicz, J. Modal Logic. Warzawa: Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970. Manzoni, A. Adelchi. 1822. Massignon, L. Le temps dans la pense islamique. Eranos Jahrbuch 20 (1952): 143148. Monteil, V. Larabe moderne, Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1960. Reckendorf, H. Arabische Syntax, Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1921. [2., unvernderte Auflage. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1977]. Roman, A. Le temps dans la langue et la culture dArabie et dIslam. Paroles, signes, mythes. In Mlanges offerts Jamel Eddine Benei, edited by F. Sanagustin, 4165. Damascus: Institut Franais dEtudes Arabes de Damas, 2001. Veccia Vaglieri, L. Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba. 2 vols. Roma: Istituto per lOriente, 1937. Versteegh, K. Two Conceptions of Irreality in Arabic Grammar: Ibn Him and Ibn al-jib on the particle law. In De la grammaire de lArabe aux grammaires des arabes, edited by P. Larcher. Damascus: Institut Franais de Damas, 1991, 7792. [= Bulletin dtudes Orientales 43]. , The Arabic Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997. Wright, W. A grammar of the Arabic language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited [18591862] with numerous additions and corrections, 3rd ed., 2 vols, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 189698. [1st edition. 18591862; repr. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1974, 2 vols in 1, Revised by W. Robertson Smith and M.J. de Goeje; preface, addenda and corrigenda by P. Cachia].

A COMPaRISON BETWEEN THE USaGE OF LaYSa IN THE QuRN aND LaYSa IN SBaWaYHIS KITB Haruko Sakaedani Introduction Laysa in the Qurn is used to express do/does not exist and am/are/is not. Laysa which means do/does not exist commonly appears (41 of the 45 examples) as laysa he/it does not exist a masculine singular form, even if its subject is a feminine noun, especially when it is an indefinite one. As for laysa which means am/are/is not, its complement is accompanied by the preposition bi- by, with (24 of the 44 examples) much more than it becoming dependent (4 of the 44) in the Qurn, which marks different usage from Modern Standard Arabic. In fact, laysa negates imperfect verbs in Modern Standard Arabic to make an emphasized denial, which is never the case in the Qurn. In this paper,1 I would like to compare what is said about laysa in Sbawayhis Kitb with how laysa is used in the Qurn. I will investigate the common features and the differences in the way laysa is used in the Qurnic Arabic and in Modern Standard Arabic. I will approach these issues from two different angles. One will be a brief survey of Classical Arabic grammar books that will enable us to trace the changes in the way the Classical grammarians explain the usages of laysa. The second is a research into laysas diachronic changes from Jhili verses, which reinforces the hypothesis that changes have occurred in the usage of laysa. Three questions will form the foci of this paper, namely whether the masculine form of laysa has been used consistently even when the subject of the verb is feminine. The second point concerns laysas predicate and the dependent case assigned to it and finally the origins of laysas role in negating imperfect verbs.

1This study was supported by the Global COE Program Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education (CbLLE) of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.


haruko sakaedani 1.Laysa in Modern Standard Arabic

The verb laysa, which means not to be, negates predicates in the present tense without exception in spite of its perfect form. Badawi et al.2 summarize the usage of laysa in Modern Standard Arabic as follows: 1.Usage with a dependent predicate: . But the situation is not serious. 2.Usage when the predicate is a prepositional phrase: . It is not for the general good. 3.Usage when the subject is indefinite: He has nothing new to say.3 . (lit. There is not for him anything new to say.) 4.Usage with a predicate comprising bi- (predicate may be either indefinite or definite, and either noun or adjective): While he is not one who witnessed [it] or . read [it]. 5.Usage with a predicate comprising a partitive min: . Since there is no revolutionary movement. 6.Usage as a compound negative: . I do not live in this house. 7.Usage as a negative conjugation: . It is the people of Egypt, not the government of Egypt. 8.Usage as laysa ill except or laysa ayru no others, either of which when placed at the end of a noun-phrase or sentence means nothing more nothing else or nothing but: a preparatory step, nothing else I want your love, nothing else. . The above mentioned usage of laysa is classified into four large groups.

2E. Badawi, M.G. Carter and A. Gully, Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar (London: Routledge, 2004), 417418; 477481. 3Lit. There is not for him anything new to say.

laysa in the qurn and laysa in sbawayhis kitb


i.the laysa that means (Subject) is not (Complement) (this class encompasses categories 15 above). The complement in question may be a noun phrase, a prepositional phrase, or an adjective. ii.the laysa that negates imperfect verbs (category 6 above). iii.the laysa that is used as a negative conjugation (category 7 above). iv.the laysa ill and laysa ayru that mean nothing more, nothing else, or nothing but when placed at the end of a noun-phrase or sentence (category 8 above). 2.Laysa in the Qurn In this section, we shall see how laysa is used in the Qurn. According to Abdu l-Bq4 and Balabakk,5 laysa and its conjugated forms appear in the Qurn as follows:
Table 1 laysa laysati lays lasta lastu lastum lastunna total 74 times 3 times 2 times 4 times 2 times 3 times 1 time 89 times

Badawi and Abdel Haleem6 have the following to say about laysa in the Qurn:
a word denoting negation, not, and occurring 89 times in the Quran. Grammarians describe it as a conjugable verb, occurring only in the perfect, and classify it amongst the sister of kna ( ) ..., all of which govern a nominal sentence with the subject in the nominal case and the predicate in the accusative....Preposition is often prefixed to the predicate of laysa ( ) for particular emphasis...
4M.F. Abdu-l-Bq, al-Mujam al-mufahris li-alf al-Qurn al-Karm (Beirut: Dr al-Maarifa, 1994). 5R. Balabakk, al-Mawrid al-mufahris li-alf al-Qurn al-Karm (Beirut: Dr al-Ilm li-l-Malln, 1999). 6E. Badawi and M. Abdel Haleem, Arabic-English Dictionary of Quranic Usage (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 859.


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Namely, they opine that laysa neither negates imperfect verbs, nor works as a negative conjugation, nor means nothing more in the Qurn. Actually, Sakaedani7 analyzed the text of the Qurn, and found that other than two, all of the instances of laysa usage fall under the first category of laysa usage mentioned in the previous section, i.e. i. the laysa that states that (Subject) is not (Complement). The other two examples include the word ill, which means except, and no subject appears in them: (Q 11:16) [S]uch people will have nothing in the Hereafter but the Fire8 and ( Q 53:39) [M]an will only have what he has worked towards.9 According to Sakaedani,10 the breakdown of the instances of laysa found in the Qurn is as follows. The numbers of the chapters and verses in which laysa appears have been placed within parentheses:
Table 2 Predicate Subject definite noun phrase None laysa (4:123), (6:30), (6:53), (29:10), (46:34), (58:10), (95:8) 7 times lastu (7:172) 1 time lastum (2:267) 1 time total 9 times laysa (11:8) 1time lasta (4:94), (13:43) 2 times lays (3:113) 1 time total 4 times indefinite noun phrase none

definite noun phrase bi+definite noun phrase / adjective phrase


indefinite noun phrase / adjective phrase


bi+indefinite noun phrase / laysa (3:182), (5:116), adjective phrase (6:122), (8:51), (11:81), (22:10), (36:81), (39:36), (39:37), (46:32 the fast

lays (6:89) 1 time

7Haruko Sakaedani, Kran ni okeru hitdi laisa no yh, Kpasu ni Motodzuku Gengogaku Kyiku Kenky Hkoku 4 (2010), 259276. 8Translation by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, The Quran (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Literally the verse reads: Those for whom [thing] is not in the Hereafter but the Fire. 9Lit. [thing] is not for man except he has worked toward. 10Sakaedani, Kran ni okeru hitdi laisa no yh, 265 and 273.

laysa in the qurn and laysa in sbawayhis kitb


Table 2 (cont.) half), (75:40) 11 times lasta (88:22) 1 time lastu (6:66) 1 time lastum (15:20) 1 time total 14 times preposition (except bi-) + definite noun phrase laysa (2:249), (2:272), (3:28), (3:36), (3:167), (11:46 the first half), (43:51), (48:11) 8 times laysati (4:18) 1 time lasta (6:159) 1 time total 10 times laysa (2:282), (3:66), (3:75), (3:128), (4:176), (5:93), (6:51), (6:70), (7:61), (7:67), (9:91), (11:46 the latter half), (11:47), (11:78), (15:42), (16:99), (17:36), (17:65), (22:71), (24:15), (24:58), (29:8), (29:68), (31:15), (33:5), (39:32), (39:60), (40:42), (40:43), (42:11), (46:32 the latter half), (48:17), (53:58), (56:2), (69:35), (70:2), (88:6) 37 times Subject is not mentioned: (11:16), (53:39), 2 times preposition (except bi-) + indefinite noun phrase lastum (5:68) 1 time laysati (2:113)2 2 times lastunna (33:32) 1 time total 4 times laysa (2:177) 1 time none laysa (2:198), (4:101), (24:29), (24:60), (24:61)2 6 times none

an clause

bi-an clause

laysa (2:189) 1 time

3.laysa in Sbawayhis Kitb 3.1Negations in Sbawayhis Kitb First, as regards the negation of verbs, Sbawayhi has summarized how to 11 as shown in the following chart. However, negate verbs in

11Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 259 (1) ed. H. Derenbourg (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1881) 1, 408409, (2) ed. A.S.M. Hrn ([Cairo]: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977).


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he has made no mention here about either laysa + yaf alu (compound negative) or laysa itself. Nevertheless, he has stated in another section12 that laysa indicates negation.
Table 3 Affirmative faala qad faala laqad faala yafalu (in the actual situation) yafalu (the action was not actual) layafalanna sawfa yafalu Negation lam yaf al lamm yaf al m faala m yaf alu l yaf alu l yaf alu lan yafala

3.2Is laysa a Verb or a Particle? In order to answer this question, I will present Sbawayhis view first, followed by other Arab grammarians view as represented by Ibn Ya. 3.2.1.Sbawayhis View There are two views regarding laysa: laysa is a verb and laysa is a particle. In traditional grammar, the concept of laysa is explained by comparing it with the particles l and m. Sbawayhi says that laysa is a verb and to his point, he points illustrate out that in the section of ,13 laysa governs its subject and predicatein particular in a line of a poem

found therein: Is not Ban Amr bin unjd the most honorable creatures of Allh, as they [the people] knew, as for preserving the honor. Sbawayhi says that the laysa So in this line is placed similarly to its position in and-so family hit your tribe, since laysa is a verb.14

12Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 508, Derenbourg 2, 338/Hrn 4, 233. 13Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 111, Derenbourg 1, 201206/Hrn 2, 3749. 14Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 201/Hrn 2, 37.

laysa in the qurn and laysa in sbawayhis kitb


3.2.2.Other Grammarians View As mentioned above, laysa is explained in traditional grammar in comparison with l and m. Ibn Ya, for instance, gives examples of the al-ijz people in whose dialect m makes its predicate a dependent case, as does :15 laysa in the section of ( Q 12:31) He (Yuf) cannot be mortal! and ( Q 58:2) [T]hey are not their mothers. However, the action of m on a predicate is weaker than the action of laysa on the same, and thus the predicate does not become dependent when the predicate precedes the subject or when an exception particle ( 3:144) appears between the subject and the predicate: Muhammad is only a messenger.16 Therefore, Ibn Ya opines that laysa is a verb and m is a particle. Ibn Him picks up laysa as one of the examples of a verb as it accepts the inflectional ending t for theperfect form of the third person feminine she stood up, she sat. He gives some other singular, like what an excellent...!, what a bad...!, and examples like it could be that....17 Ohalla, on the other hand, summarizes his reasons for regarding laysa as a verb as follows:18 1.It triggers dependent case on nominal and adjectival predicates. 2.It inflects for tense-agreement and enters into agreement with the subject. 3.It occupies the initial position immediately before the subject usually reserved for the verb in the canonical order VSO. 3.3Bi- Attached to laysas Predicate In the context of the usage of laysa in the Qurn, Badawi and Abdel Haleem say that preposition bi- is often prefixed to the predicate of laysa for particular emphasis,19 as has been detailed in Section 2. As for this preposition bi- added to the predicate, Sbawayhi says that there is no difference between the existence of bi- and absence of bi-.20 He
15Ibn Ya, ar al-mufaal (Beirut: lam al-Kutub) 1, 108. 16Lit. Muhammad is not [anything] but a messenger. 17Ibn Him, ar ur al-ahab (Bierut: al-Maktaba al-Ariyya), 20. 18J. Ohalla, Negation, in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, ed. K. Versteegh (Leiden: Brill, 2008) 3, 355. 19Badawi and Abdel Haleem, Arabic-English Dictionary of Quranic Usage, 859. 20Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 20, Derenbourg 1, 2526/Hrn 1, 6768.


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supports his claim by quoting an expression found in Uqayba al-Asads poem: And we are neither the mountains nor the iron. He says that adding bi- to the predicate al-jibl the mountains does not cause any change in its meaning as both and mean this is enough for you. Ibn Ya21 also says that bi- is added to ensure negation, but the addition causes no change in the meaning. Thus, in their investigative accounts on the topic of whether the preposition bi- is added to predicates for particular emphasis, the concerned grammarians have not put forth an affirmative view. Furthermore, as shown in Table 2, when a predicate is a definite noun phrase, the preposition bi- is always added to it. Moreover, the dependent predicates without a preposition total only 4, while the prepositional phrase predicates with the preposition bi- are 23 (4:123 is excluded, as here, bi- means by or according to; that is, if bi- is removed from this verse, its meaning changes). In other words, predicates comprising the preposition bi- appear much more often in the Qurn than predicates without it. Thus, it cannot be described as particular. However, when the predicate is a an clause, it is only once that the an clause attached with bi- appears in the Qurn, while seven an clauses without bi- appear in the same. This fact turns the table, but even so, as regards the total amount, the predicates with bi- (24 examples) far exceed in number the predicates without bi- (13 examples). 3.4Ellipsis of amr al-an Pronoun of the Matter Sbawayhi talks about the laysa that contains an ellipsis of amr al-an pronoun of the matter.22 He gives examples of amr the following We come to whoever al-an pronoun of the matter:23 comes to us24 and Allhs maidservant is going.25

21Ibn Ya, ar al-mufaal 2, 114. He cites the following two verses as examples of Qurnic verses: ( 39:36) Is God not enough for His servant? ( 7:172) Am I not your Lord? . He explains that the former means and the latter means 22Sbawayhi, Kitb, chapter 21, Derenbourg 1, 2728/Hrn 1, 6972. 23Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 27/Hrn 1, 69. 24Lit. It is that whoever comes to us, we come to him. 25Lit. It is that Allhs maidservant is going.

Allh did According to Sbawayhi,26 some Arabs say, not create [anyone] like him.27 He further states that if this laysa had ( he) created could not have appeared, and nei no ellipsis, the verb ther could laysa have governed a noun. Sbawayhi also cites a verse of umaid al-Araqa as an example:28 And they [the starving guests] met the morning, the date pits being piled up beside their nights lodging, but the miserable did not throw away all the date pits [as they were so hungry].29 If laysa governed kulla it might not take the dependent but the nominal case because laysa might not contain an ellipsis of amr al-an pronoun of the matter. In point of fact, kulla takes the dependent case because of the verb tulq, which means they throw (lit. she throws). Another exam ple is given.30 Him A al-Rumma composed the following: It might be the cure of my disease if I got the better of it, but no cure of the disease is given by it.31 Sbawayhi provides an explanation regarding these lines in another section,32 as also about the following expressions including al-an amr pronoun of the matter that are permitted: Allh did not create a more famous poet than he,33 and Zayd did not say it.34 Such laysa that contains an ellipsis of amr al-an pronoun of the matter is never found in the Qurn. Sbawayhi does not give an example of the Qurnic verse, either.
3.5Expressing Exceptions Sbawayhi says that laysa is used to show exceptions in a manner similar to l yaknu.35 He gives some examples to illustrate his point as in: .36 The people came to me except Zayd vs 37

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26Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 21, Derenbourg 1, 27/Hrn 1, 70. 27Lit. It is not that Allh created [someone] like him. 28Ibid. 29Lit. And it is not that all the date pits that the miserable throw. 30Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 21, Derenbourg 1, 27/Hrn 1, 71. 31Lit. And it is not that cure of the disease is given from it. 32Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 34, Derenbourg 1, 62/Hrn 1, 147. 33Lit. It is not that Allh created a more famous poet than he. 34Lit. It is not that Zayd said it. 35Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 202, Derenbourg 1, 328329/Hrn 2, 347350. 36Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 328/Hrn 2, 347. 37Ibid.


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41 following: I wish this night were one month, in which we do not see anyone, except me and you, and we do not fear a guardian. He also mentions hearing the Arabs saying laysa-n, which means except me, too.42 In other words, the object may be a suffixed pronoun in the dependent. Although other grammarians too talk about this type of laysa, however, there is no example of laysa that denotes exception in the Qurn. Of course, there are verses that include an expression of exception, but there is no verse in which laysa is used to denote except. Some verses that include laysa and ill or min dni to show the not...but meaning can be found, as we saw in Section 2 and as in (Q.11:16) Such people will have nothing in the Hereafter but the Fire and ( Q. 53:39) [M]an will only have what he has worked towards. Further, verses (Q. 6:51), (Q. 6:70), (Q. 46:32, the first half) and (Q. 53:58) use min dni instead of ill. For example: ( 6:51) [T]hey will have no one but Him to protect them and no one to intercede.
Conclusion In this study, we investigated the usage of laysa in the Qurn and the description of laysa by the traditional grammarians, especially Sbawayhi. Our findings are listed below. First, compound negative, i.e. the negation of imperfect verbs by laysa that is observed in Modern Standard Arabic, is not mentioned by Sbawayhi and other grammarians. Furthermore, there is no example of compound
38Ibid. 39Ibid. 40Ibid. 41Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 207, Derenbourg 1, 333/Hrn 2, 358. 42Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 333/Hrn 2, 359.

38 and no and they came to me except Zayd and :39 No woman one came to me except Zayd, and 40 No woman came to me except so-and-so vs came to me except so-and-so. Sbawayhi also says that when the object is a pronoun, it is prefixed by y- to become a separate personal pronoun in the dependent, such as the

laysa in the qurn and laysa in sbawayhis kitb


negative in the Qurn. The said usage is supposed to be relatively recent, as it not found in the Qurnic Arabic. Consequently, a diachronic study is needed to investigate this change. Secondly, the preposition bi- is often used as laysas predicate, especially noun phrases rather than an clauses, in the Qurn, although Sbawayhi says such usage does not cause any change in meaning. The usage and disuse of the preposition bi- also warrants a diachronic study on the Arabic language. Third, Sbawayhi points out amr al-an pronoun of the matter is involved in the verb laysa; however, this kind of laysa cannot be found in the Qurn but in Jhili poetry and other Arab utterances. Fourth, Sbawayhi and other grammarians show that laysa means except in expressions of exception, although such usage of laysa is not found in the Qurn. Although both amr al-an of the verb laysa and the laysa of exception are described in Kitb Sbawayhi, they are not used in the Qurn. Even though the purpose of the traditional grammar is to protect the accurate version of the Arabic language to facilitate an exact reading of the Qurn, the grammarians have described some grammatical items that are not found the Qurn. Such items should be older than the Qurnic Arabic. Therefore, other textslike Jhili poetryshould be investigated. References
Primary Sources Ibn Him, Abdu Allh bn Ysuf. (d. 1390 h). ar ur al-ahab. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-Ariyya, n.d. Ibn Ya, Muwaffaq al-Dn Ab l-Baq (d. 643 h). ar al-mufaal. Beirut: lam al-Kutub. n.d., (ten volumes bound together in two volumes). Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. 5 vols. [Cairo]: Dr al-Qalam, 19661977. Secondary Sources Abdel Haleem, M.A.S. The Quran. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Abdu-l-Bq, M.F. al-Mujam al-mufahris li-alf al-Qurn al-Karm. Beirut: Dr al-Maarifa, 1994. Badawi, E., Carter, M.G. and Gully, A. Modern Written Arabic: A Comprehensive Grammar. London, and New York: Routledge, 2004. Badawi, E. and Abdel Haleem, M. Arabic-English Dictionary of Quranic Usage. Leiden: Brill, 2008.


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Balabakk, R. al-Mawrid al-mufahris li-alf al-Qurn al-Karm. Beirut: Dr al-Ilm li-lMalln, 1999. Ohalla, J. Negation. In Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, edited by K. Versteegh. Vol. 3, 355360. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Sakaedani, Haruko. 2010. Kran ni okeru hitdi laisa no yh. In Kpasu ni Motodzuku Gengogaku Kyiku Kenky Hkoku 4. 259276. Tokyo: Global COE Program, Corpusbased Linguistics and Language Education (CbLLE),Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Versteegh, K. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, Volume III. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

THE MOOD OF tHE VERB FOLLOWING ATT, ACCORDING tO MEDIEvAL ARAB GRAmmARIANS Arik Sadan Introduction The mood of the imperfect verb following the particle att is one of the more complicated subjects in Arabic grammar. This paper focuses on one critical aspect concerning the usage of an imperfect verb after att: the relationship between the time that such a verb conveys and its mood, indicative (marf) or subjunctive (manb). It consists of three parts: Part one is a short introduction on the preoccupation of medieval Arab grammarians with the particle att. Part two examines the main theories of Sbawayhi, on the one hand, and of later grammarians, such as al-Zamaar, on the other, regarding the time of an imperfect verb following att. Finally part three is a discussion of al-Astarbs proposal, that the mood of the verb following att is related not only to the time it conveys but also to the speakers intention. 1.The Preoccupation of Medieval Arab Grammarians with the Particle att Medieval Arab grammarians preoccupation with att is due to the many syntactic and semantic contexts in which it can be used: it can be a subordinating particle followed by a verb, a preposition followed by a noun in the oblique case, and a conjunction meaning and even. The famous grammarian al-Farr expressed his frustration concerning att and its I shall die, complexity in the following words: while in my soul there is something [obscure] regarding att.1

1See al-Frzbd, al-Qms al-mu (Beirut, 1987) 1, 192a. This sentence is also quoted by al-Kaffaw, al-Kulliyyt: Mujam f l-mualat wal-furq al-luawiyya (Beirut, 1992), 395a; al-Zabd, ar al-qms al-musamm tj al-ars min jawhir al-qms (Beirut, 1994) 3, 36a; B. al-Bustn, Mu al-mu: Qms muawwal lil-lua l-arabiyya (Beirut, 1870) 1, 341b.


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Although att has been discussed extensively in the scholarly literature, it is my impression that it is still unclear when the verb following att in Classical Arabic should be marf and when it should be manb, according to the views of Sbawayhi and the grammarians who follow him. 2.The Main Theories of Sbawayhi and of Later Grammarians, such as al-Zamaar Medieval Arab grammarians discussions of att pay considerable attention to the question of the mood of the following imperfect verb. In his famous alKitb, Sbawayhi presents a complex theory regarding att and its different meanings when it is followed by a verb in the nasb or in the raf mood.2 He posits four different sentence types in which an imperfect verb follows att, two in which the verb is manb, and two in which it is marf. For only three of these does Sbawayhi explicitly mention the time that the verb following att conveys. The following is a short description of these four types, including the examples that Sbawayhi gives for each. a.In the first sentence type where the verb after att takes the nab mood, att has the meaning of until (il an) and the following verb signifies the the final point (ya) of the domain of the action verb of the preceding att.3 An example of this pattern is the sentence I went until the point of entering4 it, in which the action of entering,
2Sbawayhis theory concerning att is presented in chapters 238240 of al-Kitb (see Sbawayhi, Kitb (1) ed. H. Derenbourg [Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819] 1, 367372, (2) ed. A.S.M. Hrn [Cairo, 1988] 3, 1627). In chapter 238 Sbawayhi elucidates the different usages of the imperfect verb following att (these will be presented below), in chapter 239 he discusses more complex structures of att and chapter 240 is dedicated to sentences in which the agent of the verb preceding att differs from the agent of the following verb. 3According to E.W. Lane, An Arabic-English Lexicon (London, 18631893), 6, 2312a, the meaning of the term ya is the utmost, or extreme, extent, term, limit, point, or reach; or the extremity; of a thing. Ibn Ya explains the term ya in the context of att in the following words: the intention in the [term] ya is that the action of the verb preceding it occurs continuously until the occurrence of the action of the verb following it, in its ending point (i.e. the ending point of the action of the verb preceding it). See Ibn Ya, ar Ibn Ja Commentar zu Zamachars Mufassal, ed. G. Jahn (Leipzig, 1886) 2, 929/Ibn Ya, ar al-mufaal, ed. A.S. Amad and I.A.J. Abd al-an (Cairo, 2001) 3, 248. 4The examples in which the verb following att takes the nab should be translated using a gerund and not a conjugated verb (in this example: until the point of entering

the mood of the verb following att

, is considered the final point of the domain expressed by the verb . The sentence of of going, expressed by the verb the action has the same meaning.5 Sbawayhi states that there is a similarity between a noun and a verb which follow att: when they indicate the ya, the noun takes the oblique case and the verb takes the nab.6 He adds that this observation is due to al-all.7


and not until I have entered). The reason for this way of translation is the fact that a manb verb following att merely represents the idea that this verb is expected to occur, but its actual occurrence is not certain, that is, it might occur in reality but it might also not occur. Concerning this idea, see 3 below. For other sources that express this view, see H. L. Fleischer, Kleinere Schriften (Leipzig, 18851888), 2.1, 84, where he criticizes Trumpps translation of the sentence as ich ging zu, bis dass ich in die Stadt kam (see E. Trumpp, Einleitung in das Studium der arabischen Grammatiker: die Ajrumiyyah [sic] des Muhammad bin Dad: arabischer text mit Uebersetzung und Erluterungen von Ernst Trumpp (Munich, 1876), 36); but this translation, says Fleischer, fits the sentence , whereas the translation of the former sentence should reflect the intention of the speaker to arrive at the city and not the that he has indeed arrived. fact Therefore, Fleischer translates the sentence in three ways, which reflect this idea: ich ging zu, bis dass ich in die Stadt kme/zu dem Ende, in die Stadt zu kommen/in der Absicht, so lange zu gehen, bis ich in die Stadt kommen wrde. See further U. Mosel, Die syntaktische Terminologie bei Sbawaih (Munich, 1975), 2, 48, who translates Sbawayhis example in a similar way to Fleischers translation: Ich bin mit dem Ziel, sie zu betreten, gereist and explicitly says that in this sentence it is unknown if this goal (i.e. entering the city) has in fact been achieved or not; R. Talmon, att + Imperfect and chapter 239 in Sbawayhis Kitb: A study in the early history of Arabic Grammar Journal of Semitic Studies 38 (1993): 73, who also translates this sentence without a conjugated verb: I travelled up to the point of entry to it (viz., to the city). Lane, on the other hand, translates this example by I journeyed until I entered it (see Lane, Lexicon 2, 509b). This translation, which is similar to Trumpps translation mentioned above, does not fit the manb verb following att, as explained above. 5See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 238, Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 17. 6In both cases att is considered a preposition (arf jarr), but only when it appears before a noun does it influence it syntactically (causing it to take the oblique case), whereas when it appears before a verb in nab, Sbawayhi and most of the grammarians posit an an concealed in the mind of the speaker (an mumara) which influences the verb syntactically (causing it to take the nab mood). This an is thus considered to be the mil of the manb verb after att and other prepositions, such as li-, and also after conjunctions, such as fa- and wa-. The main reason for this theory lies in the important theoretical principle of the mil has a uniqueness, i.e. it can either affect the mood of the imperfect verb or the case of a noun, but not both simultaneously. Therefore, a word which is considered to be a preposition, such as att and li-, can only be an mil of nouns and not of imperfect verbs. For Sbawayhis view concerning the case of li- and att, see Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 234, Derenbourg 1, 362/Hrn 3, 56. Cf. al-antamars commentary in al-antamar, al-Nukat f tafsr kitb Sbawayhi, ed. Z.A.M. Suln (Kuwait, 1987) 1, 700. 7See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 238, Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 17.


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b.In the second sentence type where the verb following att takes the nab mood, att has the meaning of in order to (kay) and the action of the verb after att has yet occurred. An example of this pattern is not I spoke to him in order that he would the sentence in command [to bring] me something. Sbawayhi adds that the verb this sentence indicates an action which has not yet occurred and that the has the same meaning.8 It is interesting to sentence note that except for this short explanation, Sbawayhi does not elaborate on this sentence type, neither in this chapter (238) nor in the next two chapters devoted to att. Perhaps this is related to the essential difference between this type and the other three uses of att followed by an imperfect verb: this is the only case in which the verb following att necessarily indicates an action which has not yet occurred, i.e. in a future time relevant to the time of speech. In this case, the nab mood following att is perhaps easier to grasp, as it is considered to be caused by an an concealed in the mind of the speaker (an mumara), which is a sign of the future (alam al-istiqbl).9 c.In the first sentence type where the verb after att takes the raf mood, the action of the verb following att takes place immediately after the action of the verb that precedes att. In addition, both actions must have taken place in the past. An example of this sentence type is I went and indeed I entered it.10 This sentence conveys the fact that there was an action of entering which occurred immediately after the action of going. In addition, it is understood that these two actions occurred in the past. Sbawayhi continues by comparing the example I went and I entered it, quoted above to the sentence because in both of them the action of entering, expressed using a verb in the raf mood, occurred immediately after the action of going.11 Finally,
8Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 17. Cf. al-Fris, al-Talqa al kitb Sbawayhi, ed. A. b. . al-Qz (Cairo, 19901996) 3, 136. 9Regarding this point, see footnote 6 above and al-Astarbs view, presented in 3 below. 10From two explicit remarks by Sbawayhi, it is inferred that the two actions must have taken place in the past. For these remarks, see Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 368, 1617 and 368, 1013/Hrn 3, 20, 810 and 20, 14. 11Ibid., Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 17. Further in this chapter (see Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 368/Hrn 3, 20), Sbawayhi clarifies that the comparison made here between att and fa- is only meant to show that in both cases the two actions occurred sequentially in the past, but it certainly does not mean that the meaning of att is the same as the meaning of fa-. Cf. al-antamar, Nukat 1, 701702; 707.

the mood of the verb following att


he determines that att here becomes like i and the other urf alibtid,12 because in this pattern att does not have the meaning of il an or kay, and therefore no longer belongs to the category of particles causing the verb to take the nab.13 d.In the second sentence type where the verb after att takes the raf mood, the action of the verb after att does not occur immediately after the action of the verb before att. Also, the action of the verb before att must have taken place in the past, whereas the action of the verb after att occurs in the present.14 Often the appropriate translation of att in this case is so...that or such...that, as in the following exam-

ples which Sbawayhi gives for this pattern: I went [so much] that I can enter it, without anyone preventing me [from he doing so]; experienced from me15 last year such a thing, that I cannot speak with him this year about anything; he was so sick, that they (i.e. the people) lose hope regarding him.16 Sbawayhi clarifies that in this pattern, as well in the preceding one, the verb following att takes the raf mood exactly as the noun takes the raf case in the pattern in which it follows att, because in these patterns att is one of the urf al-ibtid.17

12The technical term urf al-ibtid refers to particles which do not affect the irb of the sentences following them, such as innam, a particle followed by the subject of a nominal sentence, which takes the raf case due to the influence of the mil named al-ibtid. Sbawayhis intention here is to clarify that in this pattern, att does not serve as an mil which syntactically affects the word following it. It should be indicated that Jahn, in his translation of al-Kitb, is mistaken in translating the technical term urf al-ibtid here as the particles appearing at the beginning of the sentence. See G. Jahn, Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik, bersetzt und erklrt von Dr. G. Jahn (Berlin, 1895), 1.2, 141. 13See Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 1718. 14There are two differences between the two sentence types in which the verb following att takes raf (c and d above): in the former the two actions are sequential and both must have taken place in the past, whereas in the latter the two actions are not sequential and the second is taking place in the present. For Sbawayhis thorough explanations of these differences, see Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 368/Hrn 3, 1920. he experienced from him such a thing. 15Lane, Lexicon 1, 998b: 16See Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 367 and 368/Hrn 3, 18 and 20. 17See Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 367/Hrn 3, 18. For the meaning of urf al-ibtid here, see footnote 12 above. It is important to distinguish between the mil causing raf in these patterns: whereas the mil causing the noun after att to take the raf case is the mil named al-ibtid, the mil which causes the verb after att to take the raf mood is its occurrence (i.e. of the verb) in a position which a noun can occupy (kaynnatuhu f mawii l-ismisee Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 236, Derenbourg 1, 364/Hrn 3, 10) and not the mil named al-ibtid (I thank Prof. Aryeh Levin for helping me understand this point).


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One of the proofs that att in this sentence type is indeed a arf ibtid is the fact that one can add to att an utterance beginning with the particle inna, exactly as such an utterance can be added to i, which is one of the urf al-ibtid. In other words, the fact that one could say here so [much] that he does it, as one could say he does it, proves that in this case, att is one of the urf al-ibtid.18 Other examples of this sentence type which Sbawayhi provides later in this chapter are: I drank [such a great quan tity of water] that the camel drag its stomach [on the ground, if it would was so sick that drank such a quantity];19 he the bird passes by him and feels sorry for him;20

I went [so much] that God knows that I am tired; he was beaten yesterday [so much] that he cannot move today.21 For three of these four sentence types (b, c and d) Sbawayhi mentions the time that the verb following att conveys, whereas in one (a) this issue remains open: In b, in which att has the meaning of kay, the action of the verb after att has not yet occurred; in c, the two actions are sequential, and both must have taken place in the past; and in d, the two actions are not sequential, and the action of the verb after att occurs in the present. As for sentence type a, in which att occurs in the meaning of il an, Sbawayhi himself does not say anything about the time of the verb following att. Most grammarians adopt Sbawayhis views and attempt to explain them further and elucidate his intentions. It seems to me that the complexity of Sbawayhis explanations, as well as a desire to create a simple distinction between the two moods of the verb following att, caused the grammarians to propose their various theories on the matter.

18See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 238, Derenbourg 1, 368/Hrn 3, 1819. Cf. al-Fris, Talqa 2, 138, who adds that had att here been one of the urf al-jarr, anna would have been expected to be joined to it rather than inna. To the distinction between att inna and att anna Sbawayhi devotes chapter 270 (see Derenbourg 1, 420421/Hrn 3, 143145), where he explains that after att, which is one of the urf al-ibtid, inna (and not anna) should be used. The sequence att anna is only possible, according to Sbawayhi, when it is the conjunctive att (att l-ifa). Cf. Fleischer, Schriften 1.2, 406. 19See Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 238, Derenbourg 1, 367368/Hrn 3, 18. 20See Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 368/Hrn 3, 19. 21See Sbawayhi, Kitb Derenbourg 1, 368/Hrn 3, 20.

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Later grammarians, such as al-Zamaar (6th/12th century), offer the theory that nab is used when the verb after att indicates a future time, whereas raf serves to indicate the present. al-Zamaar says that in either mood the time of the verb after att may be relative or absolute: in the case of nab, the future time may be relative to the time of the occurrence of the verb before att (relative future) or to the time of speech (absolute future). Similarly, in the case of raf, the present time may be relative to the time of the occurrence of the verb before att (relative or historical present, which he calls ikyat al-l al-miya) or to the time of speech (absolute present).22 Ibn Ya interprets al-Zamaars words here and explains that the awmil causing the imperfect verb to take the nab cannot influence such a verb when it indicates the present time, only when it indicates the future time. Therefore, a manb verb after att necessarily means that the time of this verb is futurebe it absolute or relative. An example for an absolute future, continues Ibn Ya, is the sentence obey God so that he will let you into heaven!, in which both verbs indicate an action which has and an example not yet occurred, , in which both verbs for a relative future is the sentence indicate an action which has already occurred in the past, but the second is in a future time relative to the first.23 As for the possibility of a marf verb after att, Ibn Ya explains al-Zamaars words regarding the present time that this verb indicates, be it relative or absolute. al-Zamaars theory as explained above, which is accepted by other later grammarians such as Ibn Mlik and Ibn Aql,24 is an attempt to cope with examples where it is clear that, on the one hand, both verbs before att and following it indicate the past tense, and on the other hand, the verb following att takes mood: the nasb Such an example is the sen tence I went yesterday until its entering point and I exited it today.25
22See al-Zamaar, al-Mufaal f unat al-irb, ed. J.P. Broch, 2nd edition (Christiania, 1879), 110/al-Zamaar, al-Mufaal f ilm al-lua wabiaylihi kitb al-mufaal f ar abyt al-mufaal li-Muammad Badr al-Dn Ab Firs al-Nasn l-alab, ed. M.I.D. al-Sad, (Beirut, 1990), 295. 23See Ibn Ya, ar (1886) 2, 937938/Ibn Ya, ar (2001) 3, 261262. 24See, for example, Ibn Mlik, ar al-kfiya l-fiya, ed A. M. Muawwa and . A. Abd al-Mawjd (Beirut, 1420/2000) 2, 106; Ibn Aql, Alfijjah Carmen Didacticum Grammaticum auctore Ibn Mlik et in Alfijjam commentarius quem conscripsit Ibn aql, ed. F. Dieterici (Leipzig, 1851) 2, 295/Ibn Aql, ar Ibn Aql al alfiyyat Ab Abdallh Muammad Jaml al-Dn b. Mlik, ed. M.M.D. Abd al-amd (Cairo, 1350/1931) 2, 245. 25See al-Jurjn, al-Muqtaid f ar al-, ed. K.B. al-Marjn (Baghdad, 1982) 2, 1083.


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These grammarians claim that although the verb following att in such examples does not indicate an action which has not yet occurred (absolute future), its occurrence at a future time relative to the action before it, allows it to take the nasb mood (relative future). The main problem with the above distinction is that it cannot be a definitive criterion for distinguishing between the nasb and the raf moods, but can only serve as an explanation for some of the examples in which the verb following att takes the nasb mood. The reason is that the verb following att, be it in nasb or raf, indicates an action that occurs after the action of the verb before att. One can compare, for example, the first and the third sentence types that Sbawayhi introduces (see above), and realize that in both of them the action of the verb after att occurs after the action of the verb before att, whereas in the first nasb is used and in the otherraf. Proposal of a Relationship between the Mood of the Verb Following att and the Speakers Intention The first grammarian who raises and treats the problem mentioned above is al-Astarb (7th/13th century), the most famous of the commentators on Ibn al-jibs al-Kfiya. In his commentaries on Ibn al-jibs discussion on att, al-Astarb justifies and praises the latter, who with regard to the possibility of the nab, does not mention the absolute but only the relative future. According to al-Astarb, putting the verb following att in the nab does not necessarily mean that the action which this verb indicates occurs in a future time relative to the time of speech (i.e. absolute future). The nab is possible, he states, when this action is in a future time relative to the occurrence of the first action, indicated by the verb preceding att, because during the occurrence of the first action, the nab of the second verb indicates that the action of this verb is expected to take place, whether, with regard to the time of speech, it has indeed occurred (in the past), is occurring (in the present), will occur after the time of speech (in the future) or shall not occur at all due to a certain action which has prevented its occurrence in reality.26 al-Astarb goes on to say that the time of the verb following att cannot be the sole definitive criterion for distinguishing between the nasb and the raf

26See al-Astarb, ar kfiyat Ibn al-jib, ed. I.B. Yaqb (Beirut, 1419/1998) 4, 5758.

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moods, because, as explained above, in both cases the action of the verb following att occurs after the action of the verb preceding it. Therefore, it is indeed correct to claim that the manb verb following att reflects an occurrence in a future time relative to the occurrence of the first action, but this claim is by no means a definitive criterion for distinguishing between the two moods. This claim should be regarded solely as an answer to the following question: how is it possible that in the sentence can take place , in which the action of the verb in the past, present or future, the verb can take the nasb mood due to the influence of an al-mumara,27 which is alam al-istiqbl? The answer to this question, according to al-Astarb, is that the nab of the verb following att, which is caused by an (i.e. an al-mumara), is possible since the action of this verb is in a future time relative to the occurrence of the first action, expressed by the verb preceding att.28 After showing that the time of the verb cannot be a definitive criterion for distinguishing between the nasb and the raf moods, al-Astarb arrives at the important question: how can one distinguish between the two moods and decide when to put the verb following att in nasb and when to put it in raf ? His answer to this question is that the distinction between the two moods is strongly connected to the speakers intention and the question of what he wishes to expressin al-Astarbs to words: that (i.e. deciding if the verb takes nasb or raf ) depends on the speakers intention. al-Astarb explains that the nasb mood can indicate two kinds of actions: one which has not yet occurred (that is, absolute future) one of which the speaker wants to say that it is meant to occur, without implying whether it has indeed occurred or not. This action, elaborates al-Astarb, may convey an occurrence in any of the three times (past, present or future), but it can also be that this action does not occur at all, due to another action which has prevented its occurrence in reality. The raf mood, on the contrary, according to al-Astarb, indicates that the action has occurred in the past or is occurring in the present and the

27An concealed in the mind of the speaker. For this term, see footnote 6 above. 28See al-Astarb, ar al-kfiya 4, 58.


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intention of the speaker is to indicate that it has indeed occurred or is currently occurring.29 It is interesting to note that some modern researchers seem to express the same idea that al-Astarb conveys in his theory concerning the strong connection between the speakers intention and the decision regarding the mood of the verb following att. None of them, however, seems to rely on al-Astarbs whole theory as described above.30 Following is a summary of their words on this issue: a.Vernier briefly expresses an opinion similar to that of al-Astarb.31 b.Reckendorf points to the two kinds of actions that, according to al-Astarb, the nasb mood can indicate.32 He adds that even when the verb after att indicates an action which has occurred in the past, it is possible to find it in raf, as an indicator of an historical present, or in nasb, as an action about which the speaker wishes to convey that it is expected to occur.33 According to Reckendorf, after a main clause in

29See al-Astarb, ar al-kfiya 4, 58 and 59. Ibn Him, al-Umn and al-Suy explicitly say that the verb after att must be put in nasb when it indicates a future time relative to the time of speech (that is, absolute future), whereas when it indicates a relative future, it can be put in either nasb or raf , depending on the speakers intention. See Ibn Him, Mun l-labb an kutub al-arb (Cairo, 1328/1910) 1, 104; Ibn Him, al-Jmi al-ar f l-naw, ed. A.M. al-Hirml (Cairo, 1400/1980) 173; al-Umn, ar al-Umn al alfiyyat Ibn Mlik, ed. . amd and I.B. Yaqb (Beirut, 1419/1998) 3, 205; al-Suy, Ham al-hawmi f ar jam al-jawmi, ed. A..S. Mukrim (Beirut, 1413/1992) 4, 111. From what Ibn Mlik and his son say it is also inferred that the intention of the speaker is an important factor in the decision as to which mood the verb after att takes. In reference to sentences in which the verb after att indicates the past, both of them explain that either nasb or raf are possible and the decision between them is taken according to the speakers intention. See Ibn Mlik, ar al-kfiya 2, 121; Ibn al-Nim, ar Ibn al-Nim al alfiyyat Ibn Mlik, ed. M.B.U. al-Sd (Beirut, 2000), 481. 30One exception is al-Smarr, who does cite al-Astarb, but incompletely: he cites only the first part of al-Astarbs words concerning the nab after att (that is, concerning the absolute future), but ignores the second part concerning the speakers intention to convey that the action is meant to occur, without implying whether it has indeed occurred or not. As a result, al-Smarr arrives at the false conclusion that the nab must mean, according to al-Astarb, that the action of the verb will occur in a future time relative to the time of speech. See F.. al-Smarr, Man l-naw (Amman, 1420/2000), 3, 376. 31See D.S.J. Vernier, Grammaire arabe compose daprs les sources primitives (Beirut, 18911892), 2, 498 (1044). 32See H. Reckendorf, Die Syntaktischen Verhltnisse des Arabischen (Leiden, 1898), 735 (part of 241) and H. Reckendorf, Arabische Syntax (Heidelberg, 1921), 457 (beginning of 226). 33See Reckendorf, Verhltnisse, 735 and 736.

the mood of the verb following att


which the verb indicates the past, the nasb mood may indicate an action which, relative to the time of speech, has already occurred or not.34 c.asan also notes the important distinction which al-Astarb makes between the raf and the nasb moods. According to asan, raf in the verb following att indicates that the action did occur in reality, whereas nasb merely conveys that this action is expected to occur. asan goes on to say that raf indicates that both actions, i.e. of the verbs before and after att, indeed occurred in reality, whereas nasb indicates that the action of the verb before att indeed occurred and that the action of the verb after att is expected to occur in the future, without the speaker implying whether or not it is about to occur, even if this occurrence is a known fact.35 I find al-Astarbs explanation convincing, since it fits both Sbawayhis theory of the four sentence types used after att and the examples from the living language. In addition, it also corresponds to similar characteristics of other particles, after which the verb may appear in nasb and in raf , such as the particle fa- (meaning and then, as a result): the nasb mood represents an uncertainty of the speaker as to the occurrence of the verb, whereas the raf mood, on the contrary, represents the speakers certainty as to the occurrence of this verb.36 Conclusion In this paper I examined one important aspect related to the usage of an imperfect verb after att: the relationship between the time that such a verb conveys and its mood. Following a short section on the intensive preoccupation of medieval Arab grammarians with att (1), the views of Sbawayhi, al-Zamaar (representing other later grammarians, too) and al-Astarb were introduced, mainly with respect to the question of the time which the verb following att conveys (23). Sbawayhi posits four different sentence types with an imperfect verb following att, the first of which is the only one for which he does not mention the time that the verb following att conveys (his example for this type is

34See Reckendorf, Verhltnisse, 736. 35See A. asan, al-Naw al-wf (Cairo, 1987), 4, 344, footnote 1 and 348349. 36On this point, see Sbawayhi, Kitb chapter 241, Derenbourg 1, 376/Hrn 3, 36.


words, explained in 3, I believe that the verb following att in this sentence type may convey either an action which has not yet occurred (absolute future) or an action of which the speaker wants to say that it is meant to occur, without implying whether it has indeed occurred or not. This solution seems more probable than that proposed by al-Zamaar (and other later grammarians), detailed in 2. In addition, it fits other environments of the nasb mood (see the end of 3). References
Primary Sources al-Astarb, Ra l-Dn Muammad b. al-asan. ar kfiyat Ibn al-jib. Edited by Iml Bad Yaqb, 5 vols. Beirut, 1419/1998. al-Bustn, Burus b. Blus. Mu al-mu: Qms muawwal lil-lua l-arabiyya. 2 vols. Beirut, 1870. al-Fris, Ab Al l-asan b. Abd al-affr. al-Talqa al kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Awa b. amad al-Qz. 6 vols. Cairo, 19901996. al-Frzbd, Majd al-Dn Muammad b. Yaqb. al-Qms al-mu. Beirut, 1407/1987. Ibn Aql, Bah al-Dn Abdallh. Alfijjah Carmen Didacticum Grammaticum auctore Ibn Mlik et in Alfijjam commentarius quem conscripsit Ibn aql. Edited by F. Dieterici. Leipzig, 1851. , ar Ibn Aql al alfiyyat Ab Abdallh Muammad Jaml al-Dn b. Mlik. Edited by Muammad Mahd l-Dn Abd al-amd. 2 vols. Cairo, 1350/1931. Ibn Him, Jaml al-Dn Abdallh b. Ysuf b. Amad b. Abdallh. Mun l-labb an kutub al-arb. 2 vols. Cairo, 1328/1910. , al-Jmi al-ar f l-naw. Edited by Amad Mamd al-Hirml. Cairo, 1400/1980. Ibn Mlik, Jaml al-Dn Ab Abdallh b. Abdallh. ar al-kfiya l-fiya. Edited by Al Muammad Muawwa and dil Amad Abd al-Mawjd. 2 vols. Beirut, 1420/2000. Ibn al-Nim, Ab Abdallh Badr al-Dn Muammad, ar Ibn al-Nim al alfiyyat Ibn Mlik. Edited by Muammad Bsil Uyn al-Sd. Beirut, 1420/2000. Ibn Ya, Muwaffaq al-Dn Ab l-Baq. Ibn Ja Commentar zu Zamachars Mufassal. Edited by G. Jahn. 2 vols. Leipzig, 18821886. , ar al-mufaal. Edited by Amad al-Sayyid Amad and Isml Abd al-Jawwd Abd al-an. 4 vols. Cairo, 2001. al-Jurjn, Abd al-Qhir. al-Muqtaid f ar al-. Edited by Kim Bar al-Marjn. 2 vols. Baghdad, 1982. al-Kaffaw, Ab l-Baq Ayyb b. Ms l-usayn. al-Kulliyyt: Mujam f l-mualat walfurq al-luawiyya. Beirut, 1992. al-antamar, Ab l-ajjj Ysuf b. Sulaymn b. s. al-Nukat f tafsr kitb Sbawayhi. Edited by Zuhayr Abd al-Musin Suln. 2 vols. Kuwait, 1407/1987. Sbawayhi, Amr ibn Umn. Kitb, (1) Le livre de Sbawaihi. Edited by H. Derenbourg. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 18819 (repr. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag 1970), (2) edited by Abd al-Salm Muammad Hrn. 5 vols. Cairo, 1988.

I went until the point of entering it).37 In view of al-Astarbs

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37For the reference, see footnote 5.

the mood of the verb following att


al-Suy, Ab l-Fal Abd al-Ramn b. Ab Bakr b. Muammad Jall al-Dn. Ham al-hawmi f ar jam al-jawmi. Edited by Abd al-l Slim Mukrim. 6 vols. Beirut, 1413/1992. al-Umn, Ab l-asan Nr al-Dn Al b. Muammad b. s. ar al-Umn al alfiyyat Ibn Mlik. Edited by asan amd and Iml Bad Yaqb. 4 vols. Beirut, 1419/1998. al-Zamaar, Ab l-Qsim Mamd b. Umar. al-Mufaal f unat al-irb. Edited by J.P. Broch, 2nd edition, Christiania, 1879. , al-Mufaal f ilm al-lua wabiaylihi kitb al-mufaal f ar abyt al-mufaal li-Muammad Badr al-Dn Ab Firs al-Nasn l-alab. Edited by Muammad Izz al-Dn al-Sad. Beirut, 1410/1990. al-Zabd, Murta b. Muammad. ar al-qms al-musamm tj al-ars min jawhir al-qms. 20 vols. Beirut, 1414/1994. Secondary Sources Fleischer, H.L. Kleinere Schriften. 3 vols. Leipzig, 18851888. [reprint of Beitrge zur arabischen Sprachkunde: Berichte ber die Verhandlungen der kgl. Schsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Leipzig, 18631884]. asan, A. al-Naw al-wf. 4 vols. Cairo, 1987. Jahn, G. Sbawaihis Buch ber die Grammatik, bersetzt und erklrt von Dr. G. Jahn. 2 vols. (every volume contains two parts). Berlin, 1895. Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon. 8 vols. London, 18631893. Mosel, U. Die syntaktische Terminologie bei Sbawaih. 2 vols. Munich, 1975. Reckendorf, H. Arabische Syntax. Heidelberg, 1921. , Die Syntaktischen Verhltnisse des Arabischen. Leiden, 1898. al-Smarr, F. . Man l-naw. 4 vols. Amman, 1420/2000. Talmon, R. att + Imperfect and chapter 239 in Sbawayhis Kitb: A study in the early history of Arabic Grammar. Journal of Semitic Studies 38 (1993): 7195. Trumpp, E. Einleitung in das Studium der arabischen Grammatiker: die Ajrumiyyah [sic] des Muhammad bin Dad: arabischer text mit Uebersetzung und Erluterungen von Ernst Trumpp. Munich, 1876. Vernier, D.S.J. Grammaire arabe compose daprs les sources primitives. 2 vols. Beirut, 18911892.



ELEMENTS OF THE SYRiAC GRAMMATiCAL TRADiTiON AS THESE RELATE TO THE ORigiNS OF ARABiC GRAMMAR Daniel King Introduction The proposition that Arabic grammar had its sources in the Greek grammatical and/or philosophical traditions is well-worn territory that retains still the shadow of political and religious concerns. Any potential Syriac sources for Arabic grammar were ruled out by Merx and, with some exceptions, have hardly had a hearing since.1 I shall not seek to overturn the status quo in either field. I do believe, however, that the debate about origins has generally taken too little notice of generic social and cultural issues surrounding the academia of the era of Sbawayhi and his associates in the second half of the second century AH. It is manifestly not my purpose to propose new suggestions as to the origins of Sbawayhis theoriessuch is a matter for a much closer analysis of the text itself and must ultimately be decided on internal grounds. An understanding of those origins, however, requires not merely an appreciation of textual descent and debt but of the cultural environment in which textual phenomena arise. To this end, the current paper will be limited to an overview of the Syriac grammatical tradition, elaborating upon some of its salient trends and characteristics and describing as far as the evidence may allow the social and cultural contexts in which it was pursued, before rounding off with some consideration of the question of how this relates to and illuminates the question of the origins of the science of Arabic grammar. A very brief summary of the extant texts of the Syriac grammatical tradition is appended, a fuller version of which may be found elsewhere.2 Naturally each and every text that is here mentioned in passing is worthy of more profound analysis and in many cases this scholarly task has hardly proceeded beyond the preliminaries.

1A. Merx, Historia artis grammaticae apud Syros (Leipzig, 1889), ch. IX. 2Viz. the introduction to the new English translation of Merx, forthcoming with Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ.


daniel king 1.The Earliest Evidence

The Syrians reflection upon their own language qua language almost certainly goes back beyond the veil that conceals the far side of our earliest extant evidence. The oldest dated Syriac manuscript (AD411) already contains a variety of markings, some designed to indicate which of two or more homographs should be understood, others to divide sentences and clauses. Thus before any grammatical texts as such came into being, scribes were already anticipating the major issues that would come to dominate the considerations of the grammarians themselves. It hardly needs pointing out that both the abovementioned types of marking have really one and the same purpose, namely to assist the reader (reading most likely to an audience) in converting a stream of consonants into meaningful speech; in others words, these points aim to mimic the forms of speech that are otherwise unrepresented on parchment, including both vowels and other intonations of the voice. Such a procedure presupposes abstract reflection upon what constitutes the logical divisions of speech, i.e. a proto-linguistics not yet systematised into a linguistics proper. The complexity of the system grew rapidly in different directions resulting in a variety of systems that can only sometimes and with difficulty be reconstructed.3 It must always therefore be kept in mind that the Syriac pointing systems (accentuation) and the grammatical reflections that grew therefrom were always grounded in the exercise of reading texts, pre-eminently Biblical texts.4 Reading of this sort (starting with the Psalter) was, unsurprisingly, the central element in the school system of the Syriac churches from at least the fifth century,5 and was in the special care of the maqreyyana
3Merx aimed to describe as many systems as possible on the basis of lists found in manuscripts, but admitted that very often these were mixed up and could not be disentangled. J.B. Segal, The Diacritical Point and the Accents in Syriac (London, 1953), took a different approach and tried to understand the development of the systems from Biblical manuscripts alone without recourse to the grammarians theorizing about them; for a new interpretation of the pointing in the manuscript of 411, see F.S. Jones, Early Syriac Pointing in and behind British Museum Additional Manuscript 12,150, in Symposium Syriacum VII, ed. R. Lavenant (Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 1998). 4Hebrew accentuation was also begun as an attempt to illustrate on the written page the hand movement of a conductorE.J. Revell, Hebrew Accents and Greek Ekphonetic Neumes, in Studies in Eastern Chant IV, ed. M. Velimirovic (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1979). 5A.H. Becker, The Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom : the School of Nisibis and the development of scholastic culture in late antique Mesopotamia (Philadelphia: Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 2006), is the best recent overview of the Syriac school system, although

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(lit. reader), a fully paid-up position at the school of Nisibis (doubtless also at similar institutions elsewhere). One such was the first author of a Syriac grammar of any sort, Joseph Huzy, who appears to have translated for school use, sometime in the middle of the sixth century, the best known Greek handbook to grammatical studies, namely Dionysius Thraxs Techn Grammatik.6 Later manuscripts and other references, however, usually cite Joseph as its real author and are unaware of its Greek origin, and indeed this attitude makes good sense when we appreciate that Joseph adapted and moulded his material to a new purpose (the description of Syriac), albeit in a rather unusual way. To illustrate: much of the time, when some aspect of Greek grammar appears to be of no use for describing Syriac, the translator of the Techn discards it. Thus the whole section on phonology is simply omitted.7 Smaller changes include the reduction of three verbal numbers to two,8 and the explicit rejection of the category of verbal conjugations.9 These contrasts are explicit (we frequently see the formula, the Greeks do this...but the Syrians do this). Elsewhere, however, the translator will try to force his language into the mould of its model. For instance, Dionysius says that in Greek there are two forms of superlative adjective, those in and those in ; Joseph also needs to have two types, and since one can construct a superlative in Syriac either from a construct phrase or from an analytical expression with d, so he can offer us two types as well!10 Dionysius complex description of noun shapes is imitated in similar manner.11 To mimic Dionysius explanation of compound verbal forms the Syriac forms prefixed with -eth are offered as if analogous.12 To Joseph it must have appeared so. After all, he prefixes his
focusing mostly on the Church of the East. A general survey of the West Syrian system is wanting, largely since it could only be done on the basis of texts supposedly produced for itthere being no general history of the West Syrian schools already in antiquity. 6G. Uhlig, ed., Dionysii Thracis Ars Grammatica (Leipzig, 1883); the Syriac was edited in Merx, Historia, as Appendix III, with a translation in chapter 2. Merx doubts the attribution to Huzy who is mentioned only in later mss, but R. Contini, Considerazioni interlinguistiche sulladattamento siriaco della Techne Grammatike di Dionisio Trace, in La diffusione delleredit classica nellet tardoantica e medievale. Il Romanzo di Alessandro e altri scritti, ed. B.M. Finazzi and A. Valvo (Alessandria: Edizioni dellOrso, 1998), 99100, finds no cause to suspect it. 7The Syriac starts at 22,4 Uhlig. 830,5 Uhlig; Syriac at Merx, ( trans., 13). 947,12 Uhlig; Merx, ( 17) 1028,45 Uhlig; Merx, ( 11). 1129,530,4 Uhlig; Merx, ( 12). 1250,351,1 Uhlig; Merx, ( 17).


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whole translation with the words, The wise men of the Greeks say..., revealing thereby a presupposed fundamentalism in which descriptions of language are descriptions of reality, comparable to Aristotelian logic, a presupposition which, as we shall see, pervades the Syriac tradition (of logic as well as of grammar). 2.The Masoretic Traditions Now Josephs sometimes forced adaptation of the Techn Grammatik did not exist in a cultural vacuum. As a teacher of reading at the School of Nisibis, Joseph was concerned above all with the preservation of the traditions, as he and his colleagues saw it, of public scriptural reading and exegesis, and hence as guardians of church and people. This is the purpose that binds together all that we know about this particular reader. Barhebraeus attributes to Joseph the Schools decision to adopt a change in the official reading system,13 and we should associate with this information another report to the effect that Joseph was held responsible by later generations for the elaboration of the Syriac system of accents, the beginnings of which we mentioned above in connection with the manuscript of 411.14 The manuscript containing this latter report is the most important exemplar of what has (a little unfortunately) been called the East Syrian masorah, a substantial number of sometimes extended Biblical passages copiously provided with points to indicate accentuation and other marks for live speech delivery.15 This constituted what the Syrians called the malmanuta (tradition), handed down by the readers (maqreyyane) in the schools, not in an uncontested fashion, for disagreements between authorities are part and parcel of this process, yet in such a way as to leave us in no doubt that here lies the cultural and also the theological context and justification for the study of grammar as such. Dionysius Thrax had instilled the notion that grammar was about recognition (anagnsis),
13J.B. Abbeloos and T.J. Lamy, eds., Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon Ecclesiasticum (London and Paris, 1877), vol.3, p.78: he altered the reading method of Edessa to the eastern one which the Nestorians use even though throughout the time of Narsai they read like us westerners. This is surely what Barhebraeus means by qeryata, not that Joseph actually changed the dialect itself! 14BL Add. 12,138, f.312a, quoted in Segal, Diacritical Point, 66, with a textual reconstruction which may be deemed unnecessary. 15Named on the analogy of the Hebrew masorah, the Syriac really has a different character and need not live in the shadow of its better known namesake. See the new study of Jonathan Loopstra, Patristic Selections in the Masoretic Handbooks of the Qarqapt Tradition (Leuven: Peeters, Forthcoming).

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by which he means the recognition of the basic grammatical forms of a written text as well as higher discourse levels such as metaphor etc., i.e. reading in its fullest sense. From analysis of the constituent letters of the language to lists of difficult or foreign words, to basic exegetical scholia, all these were the meat and drink of the malmanuta. Whereas the abovementioned manuscript is the only extant exemplar of the East Syrian malmanuta, that of the West Syrian church is rather better attested through a number of (sometimes early) manuscripts.16 Many of the readings and comments on phonology and orthography contained within these codices are attributed to the Karkaphensian version and it was the insight of the Abb Martin over a century ago to show that this referred not to a particular recension of the Bible but to the teaching tradition of one particular monastic school over a long period of time.17 It is in the context of such manuscripts that the earliest texts of the Syriac grammatical tradition (up to c. 800) are preserved. Even after this date when grammars were written for their own sakes (mostly by East Syrians, e.g. Elias of irhan, Elias bar inaya, Joseph bar Malkon) and not as appendices to the masorah, the material used to illustrate grammatical points was always drawn from the masorah, both that relating to the Bible and the so-called patristic masorah of the Fathers of the Church. To stay with the earlier period, however, one may readily gauge from any list of Syriac grammatical texts that these early quasi-grammatical texts ranged from simple lists of difficult words found in the scriptures, loanwords and homographs,18 to more complex accounts of morphology. Many of them reflect different stages in what was evidently a developing process. Thomas the Deacons list of accents and explanations of them, authored early in the seventh century, is a self-conscious elaboration of the system attributed to Joseph Huzy, and at least some of the anonymous treatises on accents are in turn indebted to Thomas as their predecessor. The works of Jacob of Edessa too are essentially a
16BL Add 7,183; Add. 12,178; Vat. Borg. K.VIII.6; Vat. Syr. 152; Paris Syr. 142. 17J.P.P. Martin, Histoire de la ponctuation, ou de la massore chez les Syriens, Journal Asiatique 7,5 (1875), and Tradition karkaphienne, ou la massore chez les Syriens, Journal Asiatique 6,14 (1869). But see now Coakley in JSS 56,318ff. 18The study of homographs formed the starting point of the discipline of Syriac lexicography. Enanio (see below) seems to have been the first to compile a significant lexicon of this kind; and unayn ibn Isqs revision of it (possibly under influence from the Kitb al-ayn) constitutes the first real Syriac lexicon, a tradition brought to fruition in the voluminous works of Bar Al and Bar Bahll. C. Balzaretti, Ancient Treatises on Syriac Homonyms, Oriens Christianus 89 (1997), provides an overview of the genre especially as it appears in Barhebraeus.


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development of the malmanuta, of which he was always seen as the most celebrated proponent; hence his works are generally preserved in the context of other masoretic material, to which Jacob was also indebted. Interestingly, it was within this process of development that the Syrians became concerned with the origins of their own grammatical tradition. One of the small treatises found in this collection attributed the invention of the very notion of accents to Epiphanius, the Greek heretichunter, and expressly links this with Aristotles division of all speech into five types of discourse.19 Thus we can see the same underlying conception as in the translation of the Techn, namely that grammatical systems were invented by the Greeks and are equally applicable to all languages. It is crucial to recognise that Syriac grammar did not really conceive of itself as a grammar of the Syriac language so much as a universal grammar adapted for specific use among Syriac-speaking students. Hence there need be only one inventor of accents as such, whichever language this might have occurred in.20 This universalising trend within Syriac grammatical studies explains a very odd feature of the tradition, namely the extensive overlap, even confusion, that persisted between grammar and logic. A debate between the relative merits of the two disciplines such as we witness in Abbsid Baghdad is inconceivable in late antique Syria. Even among the more developed logicians of the seventh century we can see an identification being made between the subject matter of the Techn and that of Aristotles De Interpretatione,21 an identification that is expressly rejected in the Arabic literature.22
19Epiphanius was chosen for this dubious honour most likely because he had already been given authorship of a list of Greek accents included in the masoretic material, in turn on the basis of his (genuine) discussion of the (Greek) alphabet and Origens text critical symbols in his On Weights and Measures, another text well known in Syriac masoretic circles. Jonathan Loopstra, A Syriac Tract for the Explanation of Hebrew and Foreign Words, in The Old Testament as Authoritative Scripture in the Early Churches of the East, ed. V.S. Hovhanessian (New York: Peter Lang, 2010). 20There was consistent and changing tension among Syrians as to the relative prestige of Syriac (a language uncorrupted by the pagans) and Greek (the language of education and knowledge). See Sebastian P. Brock, From Antagonism to Assimilation: Syriac attitudes to Greek learning, in East of Byzantium: Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period, ed. N. Garsoan, T. Matthews, and R. Thomson (Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, 1982). 21E.g. Athanasius of Balads Introduction to Logic works its way systematically through the Organon and yet in place of any summary or description of the De Int., we have instead a summary of the Techn. 22A. Elamrani-Jamal, Logique aristotlicienne et Grammaire arabe (Paris: Vrin, 1983), 146, who points to the obvious parallel in Port Royal grammar, although in the Syriac case the identity was rather assumed than demonstrated.

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It was on the back of this that theorists such as Thomas the Deacon, Jacob of Edessa, John Bar Zubi, and others elaborated the accent system on the basis of the Aristotelian types of discourse,23 working to the presupposition that the Greek philosophical divisions (concocting such divisions was the everyday work of pedagogical philosophy in all the late antique schools) represented an underlying reality which the accentual system must represent as completely as possible. In practice, this meant reinterpreting the meanings of certain signs, assigning what are essentially the same sign to different categories, and inventing new signs simply in order to fit the preconceived schema. Bar Zubi did this with the Stoic system as well as the Peripatetic.24 3.Jacob of Edessa Included among these masoretic para-texts are two that belong to the most renowned of early Syriac grammarians, Jacob of Edessa (d.708).25 His letter on orthography and a treatise on persons and genders both treat just those kinds of topics with which the malmanuta was concerned and hence their preservation here is hardly fortuitous.26 Jacob also wrote a full grammar (entitled twr mmll, The Correction of Speech), the first such to be written in Syriac (if we exclude Huzys translation) and, although extant only in small fragments even the order of which is uncertain, we can discern in Jacob a first rate mind and a true linguist. The grammar itself has been carefully and fully described elsewhere and this need not be repeated here,27 save to note that some specific suggestions have been
23E.J. Revell, Aristotle and the Accents: The Categories of Speech in Jewish and other authors, Journal of Semitic Studies 19, no. 1 (1974). 24For details, D. King, Grammar and Logic in Syriac (and Arabic), (Forthcoming). 25Jacob has fortunately been the subject of renewed study recently, the result being two collected volumes on his very diverse uvre, B. Ter Haar Romeny, ed., Jacob of Edessa and the Syriac Culture of his Day (Leiden: Brill, 2008), and G.Y. Ibrahim and G. Kiraz, eds., Studies on Jacob of Edessa (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010). 26On Persons and Genders is edited and translated in G. Phillips, ed., A Letter by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa, on Syriac orthography (London, 1869), though the terms person and gender are not really what Jacob means by prope and gense. The first means the graphematic expressions of an inflected form (lit., faces, his first example being three vocalisations of the letters wd) while the second (lit., genera, kinds) refers to the difference between the first person singular perfect of the verb and the third person feminine, which in Syriac are homographic. Hence Jacobs real interest in (masoretic) orthography and reading rather than morphology as such is readily recognised. 27E.J. Revell, The Grammar of Jacob of Edessa and the Other Near Eastern Grammatical Traditions, Parole de LOrient 3 (1972), 36574, and R. Talmon, Jacob of Edessa the Grammarian, in Jacob of Edessa and the Syriac Culture of His Day, ed. B. Ter Haar Romeny


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made regarding influences from Jacob on the Arabic grammatical terminology of the pre-Sbawayhi era.28 It is rather more important to take note of the location of Jacobs grammatical studies, both geographically and culturally. Jacob himself travelled to different parts of northern Mesopotamia and Syria in his efforts to improve spiritual and educational standards and especially to teach Greek in monastic schools. There is no doubt at all that these monastic schools, located all over the landscape of the Syriac-speaking communities, were the locus for both logical and grammatical studies and that these were carried on (as we have seen) with a view to the public reading of scripture, to its exegesis, and to spiritual edification generally.29 Jacob was admitted master of all these. His was also still the multi-lingual world of the Umayyad administration. Most educated Syrians read Greek as comfortably as their own language and, although few people wrote in that language any longer outside the Byzantine empire, individuals were still commissioning grammars of Greek in Edessa even in the next century.30 Jacob himself was familiar with elements of the work of grammarians in Constantinople. Many of his canons presuppose their Greek exemplars; the second century Homeric scholar Nicanor may well have been a specific influence;31 and he makes use of Thodosius Canons (late fourth or early fifth cent.) and of Hesychius lexicon (fifth or sixth) in his philosophical work.32 His translation of the Categories presupposes an acquaintance with the Greek text or at least

(Leiden: Brill, 2008), 15987. Merx, Historia, ch.5, offers a full analysis, although based on a different reconstruction of the fragments from that upon which Revell and Talmon work. 28Talmon, Jacob of Edessa the Grammarian, 1746. While the first and third of Talmons offerings seem rather far-fetched, the second and the fourth are worthy of closer consideration. The borrowing he suggests from logic (p.176) is not at all surprising within the Syriac tradition. 29On the Hellenistic Encyclios Paideia as it was practised in the Syriac schools of the period, see J.W. Watt, Grammar, Rhetoric, and the Enkyklios Paideia in Syriac, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 143 (1993), reprinted in Rhetoric and Philosophy from Greek into Syriac (Ashgate, 2010), ch.I. 30That written in 810 at the request of an Edessene citizen by Michael, a future Syncellus of the Byzantine church. D. Donnet, Le trait de la construction de la phrase de Michael Syncelle de Jrusalem (Brussels, 1982). 31Merx, Historia, 812, 868, perhaps on the basis of a suggestion in J.G.E. Hoffmann, ed., Opuscula Nestoriana (Kiel, 1880), xi. 32H. Hugonnard-Roche, Le Vocabulaire philosophique de ltre en syriaque, daprs des textes de Sergius de Resaina et Jacques ddesse, in Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy. From the Many to the One: Essays in Celebration of Richard M. Frank, ed. J.E. Montgomery (Leuven: Peeters, 2006).

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with a teacher who had one,33 and indeed the whole philosophical project conceived at the monastery of Qenner (where Jacob was trained) was designed for bilinguals who could read Aristotelian texts not yet translated. 4.Other Grammarians of the Age of Jacob Although pre-eminent, Jacob was not the only active Syriac grammarian of the eighth century. Another was John the Stylite, who may have been a correspondent of Jacob of Edessa (the question of identity is uncertain).34 Johns grammar is largely derivative from Dionysius Thrax, although he does draw on some other sources unknown to us.35 He also incorporated some of the linguistic teaching of Jacob of Edessa and thus takes his place at the beginning of the process of the reception of Jacobs grammar. Johns work seems to have been used in turn by grammarians of a later age. Its purpose was no longer simply to mimic the Greek patterns of the older grammars but to ground students in a basic understanding of the structures of language, probably as the first stage toward an introduction to the art of logic.36 Dawidh bar Paulos belongs most likely to the same period.37 An engaging West Syrian (Jacobite) theologian (possibly a bishop), Dawidh was a writer thoroughly involved in church life who also wrote an introductory
33E.g. D. King, The Earliest Syriac Translation of Aristotles Categories (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 221; 237, and more generic discussion in id., The Genesis and Development of a Logical Lexicon in the Syriac Tradition, in Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle, ed. John W. Watt and J. Lossl (Ashgate: 2011). On Jacob as philosopher, H. Hugonnard-Roche, La Logique dAristote du grec au syriaque : tudes sur la Transmission des Textes de lOrganon et leur Interpretation philosophique (Paris: Vrin, 2004), 3955. 34R. Schrter, Erster Brief Jackobs von Edessa an Johannes den Styliten, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 24 (1875), upheld the identity against Merx, who placed John the grammarian before Jacob of Edessa. A. Moberg, Die syrische grammatik des Johannes Estonaja, Le monde oriental 3 (1909), argued for Assemanis older ninth century dating. A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn, 1922), 2589, sides with Schrter but seems not to notice the connection with the John the Stylite of a Paris ms. (Moberg, art.cit., 31; Baumstark, 342), who belongs to the same monastery as the grammarian and yet cannot be the same as Jacobs correspondent. 35Moberg, Die syrische grammatik des Johannes Estonaja, provides the only description we have of this grammar. There is no edition of the text, which still lies concealed in an Iraqi monastery. 36Ibid.: 30. 37Baumstark, Geschichte, 2723. Depending on the reading of certain evidence, Dawidh may belong to the early ninth century. He appears to quote unayn, but this may be a later gloss.


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text on the Categories as well as a number of tracts on grammar. Dawidh seems to have been concerned above all with basic phonology and even the cognitive aspects of linguistics,
Speech is the turning of the tongue and the ordering of human words which are conceived in thought (btrita), born of cogitation (men uaba), pressed forward to the opening by the understanding (men huna), and brought forth by the will,38

as well as with subjects of perennial interest to the Syrians such as the origins of the alphabet (the Syrians took the idea from the Hebrews, it having been given to Moses, in accordance with the story in Epiphanius). Again like other Syrians, Dawidh holds to a fundamentalist conception of language structure in which the relationship between signifiant and signifi is anything but arbitrary: the noun comes before the verb because it is natural that a cause should precede that which is causedthe subject must precede the predicate.39 Even in the period following Jacob of Edessa, Syriac grammar thus appears to have remained firmly connected with the malmanuta. Dawidh saw himself as one in a line of revered doctors, going back some 150 years or so to a certain Sabroy, to whom he attributes the invention of the masoretic marks and points.40 While we know little of Sabroy, we do know rather more of his son Ramio, whose monkish wanderings Dawidh describes in some detail and the results of whose grammatical and lexicographical labours are to be found in red ink all over the enormous manuscript of the Eastern malmanuta.41 We have remarked already that lexicography had its origins in the malmanuta, and Dawidh partook of this sphere toothe more comprehensive lexicons of the tenth century mention him as an authority from time to time. The best known lexicographers of the same era, however, are the (already briefly mentioned) Enanio and unayn ibn Isq. The former was an East Syrian monk who engaged in philosophy as well as lexicography as an aid to monastic discipline;42 the latter is well known to Arabists for his other occupation in translating Greek (or Syriac) books for
38R.J.H. Gottheil, Dawidh bar Paulos, a Syriac Grammarian, Journal of the American Oriental Society 15 (1893): cxii. 39Ibid.: cxviii. 40Ignatius Rahmani, ed., Studia Syriaca I (Lebanon, 1904), 4446. 41For the colophon to the ms describing his work, see Segal, Diacritical Point, 7879. 42He wrote his definitions and commentary on the walls of his monastic cell! See Thomas of Marga, Book of Governors (ed. E.W. Budge [London, 1893]), 80; trans., 178.

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the Arabic scientific market. It is hardly surprising that one who spent so much time translating technical treatises, often from Greek into Syriac, should come to construct something like a dictionary of terms, perhaps for the use of his school. To this extent at least unayn was a member of the Syrian school of grammar/lexicography. His (academic) grandfather had been the patriarch I bar Nun, another author of a work of synonyms; and unayns own work started by revising of the lexicon of Enanio and ended with some larger work which received the praise of the Syriac lexicographers of the tenth century.43 There is no doubt that unayn also took careful account of Arabic lexicography (al-alli) and grammar (Sbawayhi) as well,44 and so with him we begin to see the process of influence from Arabic into Syriac which would eventually result in Barhebraeus synthesis of the Syriac grammatical tradition with the Arabic grammar of al-Zamaar, an influence that extended even to traditional Syriac strongholds such as phonology.45 5.A Different Line of Development? The Catholicos Timothy I If we backtrack a little, however, into the period when Sbawayhi was still working on the Kitb, we come across a fascinating letter in Syriac, written in 785 by the Catholicos (Patriarch) of the Church of the East, Timothy I, to his friend Sergius, head of the monastic school of Abraham in Mosul.46 In this letter, which has only recently been shown for the important text that it is, Timothy explains to Sergius his plans for the construction of a scientifically-based Syriac grammar to rival the work that he sees has been done in the Greek and Arabic fields (and this some years before the publication of the Kitb!). Timothy outlines an exacting method which he believes will provide a firm foundation for a Syriac linguistics. Timothy displays an ambiguous attitude with regard to the earlier grammatical traditionhe sees that his mother tongue has both an abundance and a poverty of material and thinks that all previous attempts at
43J.G.E. Hoffmann, ed., Syrisch-arabische Glossen (Kiel, 1874), 2,5. . This was made 44His work was entitled use of by later Syriac grammarians, if not by Arab ones (Merx, Historia, 106). 45Ibid., ch.12. 46Timothy, Ep.19, Oskar Braun, ed., Timothei patriarchae I: Epistulae I (Louvain, 1914), 12630, trans., 846. I follow the analysis provided in the excellent new study of Timothys letters by Vittorio Berti, Vita e Studi di Timoteo I Patriarca Cristiano di Baghdad (Paris, 2009), 30916, who has revealed so much material that previously lay unused in the tomb of a rather inaccessible old edition.


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grammar have been superficial (one recalls that in the Church of the East, all grammar teaching was still based on Joseph Huzys adaptation of the Techn and little of the richer reflections of Jacob of Edessa or John the Stylite may have reached Timothy) and yet to obtain texts with which to advance his learned project his first port of call was the library collections of the North Mesopotamian monasteries.47 It was not only in the sphere of grammar that he sought learning from the north; Timothy recognized that this was a repository of Hellenistic science and education which he sought to tap into and relocate to new centres of power in the south.48 To this extent, Timothy (and the other Syriac scholars of his century that have been mentioned) stood upon the cusp of two eras, able to look back with a degree of familiarity to a world of monastic schools which were still microcosms of the late antique system of higher education, as well as being able to catch glimpses of the wider horizons to come in Abbsid Baghdad.49 Timothy believed that every language had a characteristic form and that this could be elucidated only by means of a thorough grammatical analysis based on logical principles. He therefore planned to investigate and analyse Syriac in accordance with an Aristotelian logical system. We should recall in this connection that Timothy was something of an expert on the Organon and had been commissioned by al-Mahdi to translate the Topics into Arabic; in fact, he here seems again to partake of the Syriac penchant for taking grammar and logic as two parts of a continuum. As a result, just as with all his compatriots, he naturally fell foul of the belief in the non-arbitrariness of signs and the fundamental existence of the letters as elements of reality (the letters, he says, will be assigned to the foundational genera of things Braun, p.127/8).50

47For instance, he seeks there Aristotles (imaginary) second book of Poetics. 48Berti, Timoteo I, chs.3,4, remain the principal orientation on this topic. See also the evidence in e.g. S.P. Brock, Two Letters of the Patriarch Timothy from the late eighth century on translations from Greek, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 9 (1999). 49Syriac culture seems to have remained within its late antique bilingual frame until this time, but not after the end of the eighth century; unayns translation activity already looked back to a time that had passed away, although it could hardly have grown up without presupposing itWatt, Grammar, Rhetoric, and the Enkyklios Paideia in Syriac, 50. 50See the comparable comments of Dawidh bar Paulos (Gottheil, Dawidh bar Paulos, a Syriac Grammarian, cxv-vi); Paul the Persian used such an approach to syllogistics, Hugonnard-Roche, Logique dAristote, 23354, and Du commentaire la reconstruction: Paul le Perse interprte dAristote (sur une lecture du Peri Hermeneias, propos des modes et des adverbes selon Paul, Ammonius et Boce), in Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle, ed. J.W. Watt and J. Lssl (Ashgate: 2011). In the Cause de la fondation des coles,

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He confesses that he conceives his plan as part of an ongoing interaction with certain scholars. The term used here does not refer to any specific position within the Syrian churches and may well refer to Arabicspeaking scholars at the Abbsid court who had an interest in linguistics,51 i.e. representatives of the so-called Old Iraqi school and indeed it is hard to see who else could be meant when he speaks about the jealousy he feels when he looks at the achievements of Arab grammarians. It remains an open possibility that this is the sort of evidence for exchanges between Syriac scholars and early Arab grammarians52 which some have sought. The letter is strong testimony both to the existence and vivacity of that school and to its interaction with the Syriac sphere at the very moment when the latters epicentre was being shifted from the monasteries of the upper Tigris and Euphrates to the environs of Seleuceia and Baghdad. The eighth century is thus a particularly busy time in the history of Syriac grammar in both its eastern and western guises, such as would not be matched again until the eleventh and thirteenth centuries produced the classical compendia of Syriac grammar. The north Mesopotamian monasteries still interacted in a world involving Greek and Arabic in equal measure with Syriac (we have seen Jacobs travels to teach Greek; Timothys researches in Syriac and Greek books from Mar Mattai and Mar Zina; Dawidh bar Paulos may have been responsible for the movement of Greek learning from the Euphrates to the Tigris regions too).53 The grammarians of that age were heavily involved in the basic teaching and higher elaboration of Aristotelian logic, of which linguistics was seen as but one branch. They were also deeply committed to their ecclesiastical traditions and conceived the task of preserving their language as tied up with problems of religious identity in an age of transition and potential threat. 6.The Origins of Arabic Grammar What are we to make then of the interrelationship between Syriac and Arabic grammatical systems during the formative age of the latter? We have seen that Talmon believed he had found some elements in the

Baradbeabba Arbaya equates the physical elements of the universe with those of the alphabet, Becker, Fear of God, 131. 51This is the suggestion of Berti, Timoteo I, 311. 52Carter in EI2 IX,525a. 53Brock, From Antagonism to Assimilation, 245.


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grammar of Jacob paralleled in the Kufan/Old Iraqi school.54 These minor conjectures are, however, insufficient evidence on which to ground any general reconstruction as to just how the early nawiyyn might have taken material from Syriac grammatical textbooks. It must at all times be recalled that the Syriac tradition is only extant in very scattered fragments and large parts of our knowledge of that history are wholly absent, starting with most of the grammar of Jacob himself who was so influential both in his own day and beyond. It would be well nigh impossible to trace individual instances of influence. We have seen that Syriac grammar was almost wholly focused on issues immediately arising from the pressing problem of preserving a liturgical language in the face of the natural processes of language change, and thus spent most of its energy on phonology and orthography (pointing). Within these limited fields there can be no doubt that the parallels between Arabic and Syriac traditions are not fortuitous. Parallels of this sort abound and should be a cause of no surprise. Let us enumerate a few of them: 1.Sbwayhis use of araba to strike as his paradigmatic verb can hardly be unconnected with the fact that tupt to strike was the verb of choice in all Greek grammars,55 and m to strike in Syriac.56 Canons and lists containing such paradigms were two-a-penny in the late antique schools, whether Greek or Syriac. 2.Contrary to some modern opinion, it seems to me almost perverse to deny any organic relationship between Aristotles division of all speech into nouns, verbs, and a third category of words with no signification,57 and Sbawayhis tripartite classification of nouns, verbs, and arf ja li-manan laisa b-ism wa l fiil particles giving a meaning that is neither verb nor noun. The connection, however, did not arise through Sbawayhis having read Aristotle (the argument about the relative dating of the Kitb and the Arabic Aristotle being therefore irrelevant),
54See n.29 above. In his larger consideration of the question entitled Eighth-century Iraqi grammar: a critical exploration of pre-Halilian Arabic linguistics (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2003), Rafael Talmon mentioned Dawidh bar Paulos briefly but otherwise does not much consider the question of Syriac influences. 55Originally in the appendix to the Techn (whence into Syriac) and then with every possible inflection in the Theodosian canons (fifth century), in Choeroboscos ninth century commentary on the canons, and in Byzantine handbooks in general after that. 56Merx, Historia, 26. 57Poetics 1456b387a6. Is it significant that Timothy had read the Poetics (probably in Syriac) and that he viewed it as a work of logic, perhaps as part of the substructure for his proposed Grammar.

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but through the logical compendia which littered the educational landscape of the late antique school system in Syriac and Greek and which often already drew grammar and logic into a single conceptual sphere.58 For instance, Athanasius of Balad wrote in his Introduction to Logic, that the principal parts of speech are the noun (lit., name) and the verb; then there are others some of which take on the character of a noun, others the character of a verb, and others by themselves indicate nothing at all.59 Athanasius handbook mixes grammar with logic in a manner typical of late antique philosophical pedagogy and his work can be shown to draw directly on Greek introductions of the same type.60 3.The names of the vowels and simple phonetic terms.61 4.The manner in which diacritical points are used to represent those vowels.62 5.The urf al-ifa particles of connection are the equivalent of the Syriac letters B-D-W-L, which the Syriac grammarians used to parallel the notion of the Greek case system.63 It may be remarked that the question of Syriac influence and that of Greek are not unrelated. If the Greek traditions exerted any force upon
58Merx, Historia, 143, never suggested that Sbwayhi really did read Aristotle. He argued that this relationship was best viewed through the lens of Ammonius commentary which makes clear just what Aristotle (was believed to have) meant by non-signifying. Whilst Elamrani-Jamal, Logique aristotlicienne et Grammaire arabe, 2135, is a pointed and rightminded critique of Merxs presuppositions, it by no means answers all of his concrete evidence. It was rather unfortunate that Elamrani-Jamal restricted his comments to a shorter summary Merx made in a later lecture rather than to the detailed discussion in his 1889 monograph. We simply take a more holistic view of the whole process rather than trying either to draw or erase direct lines of borrowing. In the case of Sbawayhi, sources are merely repositories of inspiration or starting-points. 59G. Furlani, Contributi alla storia della filosofia greca in Oriente, Testi siriaci, VI, Una introduzione alla logica aristotelica di Atanasio di Balad, Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, serie quinta, 25 (1916): 729,15. 60As a comparison with the first part of John of Damascus Fount of Knowledge will readily indicate. The two are both based on a lost source (in Greek) summarising the teaching of the Alexandrian schools of late antiquity. 61As originally argued by Ignc Goldziher et al., On the History of Grammar among the Arabs (1994), 67, and shown now by K. Versteegh, Arabic Grammar and Quranic Exegesis in Early Islam (Leiden: Brill, 1993), 2932. 62Again Versteegh (see previous note). E.J. Revell, The Diacritical Dots and the Development of the Arabic Alphabet, Journal of Semitic Studies 20 (1975), showed long ago how the different Semitic systems of diacritics were organically related. 63See Talmons comment in S. Auroux, History of the language sciences: an international handbook on the evolution of the study of language from the beginnings to the present (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2000), I:249a. This was a masoretic concern, Merx, Historia, 3031.


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the early development of Arabic grammar, this must have come via the Syriac sphere, not by translations alone, but by an ongoing living tradition of grammar-teaching. With regard to no.3, it has been forcefully argued that Sbawayhi is making an analysis of the particles that is all his own and is not dependent on Aristotle.64 Quite so; the content of the Arabic grammar was autochthonous, but the environment within which it was conceived and grew was no island. It is no coincidence that grammatical reflection developed out of the liturgical requirements of a religion of the book at the same time (eighth century), in the same place (Mesopotamia), in three different languages (Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew). It should be stressed here also that the question of the whether the Hintergrund of Arabic grammar was Greek philosophy or Greek grammar evaporates when one appreciates the late antique context in which the former was conceived.65 As Athanasius of Balads Introduction illustrates, the two disciplines were drawn together in educational terms Greek grammar drew on a Stoic reading of Aristotelian logic;66 and Greek logical handbooks often included grammatical categories as if these were ontological.67 The Syrians adopted both modes in their own version of
64K. Versteegh, Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking (Leiden: Brill, 1977), 3853. 65Merx argued for philosophy rather than grammar. Versteegh, Arabic Grammar and Quranic Exegesis, 26, suggests the opposite. For those still considering the important question of the extent of the Greek influence on early Arabic grammar, more account must be taken in the future of the Syriac handbooks. The old argument (J. Weiss, Die arabische Nationalgrammatik und die Lateiner, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 64 (1910), repeated by, e.g., R. Baalbaki, Introduction, in The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), xxii) that Greek influence cannot have been present in the days of Sbawayhi does not hold in the face of our greater knowledge both of Syriac grammar and of philosophy; nor is there any real need to push the credentials of Ibn al-Muqaffa in this regard (e.g. as F. Rundgren, ber den griechischen Einfluss auf die arabische Nationalgrammatik, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 2 (1976), and R. Talmon, The Philosophizing Farra: An Interpretation of an Obscure Saying Attributed to the Grammarian Talab, in Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II, ed. M.G. Carter and K. Versteegh (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990), 270 etc.). 66P. Swiggers and A. Wouters, Introduction, in Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity, ed. P. Swiggers and A. Wouters (Leuven: 2002). The philosophical basis is described by, e.g., M. Frede, Principles of Stoic Grammar, in The Stoics, ed. J. Rist (Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 1978), and A.C. Lloyd, Grammar and Metaphysics in the Stoa, in Problems in Stoicism, ed. J. Rist (London: Athlone Press, 1971). Anneli Luhtala, Grammar and philosophy in late antiquity: a study of Priscians sources (Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 2005), describes the process by which philosophical terminology had a growing influence on late antique grammatical handbooks. 67The basis for this goes back to Ammonius Commentary on the De Interpretatione, in which the Alexandrian master conflates Aristotelian terminology with that of grammatical teaching, e.g. the passage at p.11,812,15 (A. Busse, ed., Ammonius in Aristotelis de interpretatione commentarius, Commentaria in Aristotelem GraecaIV,5 [Berlin: Reimer, 1897]).

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Greek higher education, and thus even a dichotomy between a Greek thesis and a Syriac thesis lies more in the mind of the modern scholar than in the sources.68 That the early Arab grammarians derived such phenomena as those listed above from the elementary teaching of the Syriac schools is hardly surprising. These had long before assimilated and watered down much of the philosophical and grammatical teaching of the old Alexandrian masters. Syriac manuscripts of the era are so full of introductions like the above-mentioned by Athanasius of Balad, that the nawiyyun would have been hard pressed to avoid them. The genius of Sbawayhi was no less a genius for having been a phenomenon of its age, nurtured and rooted in a fecund environment in which the fires of Greek paideia had yet completely to fade away. For the essence of Arabic grammar was, as we have said, certainly its own. The presence of elements from other traditions amounts to neither influence nor borrowing.69 Indeed Sbawayhi treated the task of grammar quite differently from the Syrians (and Hebrews). The Syriac writers, for instance, never interpreted their own language according to the triliteralroot system as was the case in Arabic grammar from its inception.70 The Syrians also followed the Greek and Hebrew traditions in concerning themselves almost exclusively with the written language and worked on the assumption that this written language was the given in need of careful preservation.71 Sbawayhis turn to the spoken word of the Bedouin shows another mind at work. Maybe Timothy was already aware of this interest in the tribal irb Arabism when he sought to find Syriacs own characteristic form,72 its own tribal nature that would give it a specific
68J.W. Watt, al-Farabi and the History of the Syriac Organon, in Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone. Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock, ed. G. Kiraz (Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press, 2008), argues for a partial collapsing of the Greek/Syriac distinction within the transmission of logical texts. 69K. Versteegh, Borrowing and Influence: Greek Grammar as a Model, in Le langage dans lAntiquit, ed. P. Swiggers and A. Wouters (Leuven: 1990). 70G. Bohas, Le traitement de la conjugaison du syriaque chez Bar Zubi: une langue smitique dans le mirroir de la grammaire grecque, in Actes du Colloque Patrimoine Syriaque IX (Damascus: 2004), online at For the alternatives in use among the Syrians see the other work of this scholar, especially Radical ou racine/schme, lorganisation de la conjugaison syriaque avant ladoption de la racine, Le Muson 116 (2003), 34376. 71A. Moberg, Buch der Strahlen, die grssere Grammatik des Barhebrus (Leipzig, 1907,1913), 18*. For the Hebrew, the contribution by G. Khan in the present volume. 72Elamrani-Jamal, Logique aristotlicienne et Grammaire arabe, 345, is right to break any connection between irb and hellenismos. The notion that grammar is about the preservation of correct forms is so nearly universal as hardly to require an external origin.


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identity in a new era. The interaction between Arabic and Syriac grammar in later ages meant that grammar would forever be a nationalistic issue. It is clear, then, that any account of the rise of Arabic linguistics must take account of the incontrovertible fact that northern Mesopotamia (and by Timothys date Baghdad as well) was in the eighth century a fertile ground indeed for grammatical and linguistic study, in Greek as well as in Syriac. We have seen too how this tradition was carried on largely in a monastic and pedagogical contextnot in a reclusive manner, for the Syrian scholars were au fait with the very latest Greek science.73 Hence the close connection between linguistics and the public recitation and exegesis of scripture must also be allowed to control how we perceive this tradition. Almost all Syrian grammarians appear to be connected in some way with the malmanuta, the tradition of annotating Biblical codices with marks for accentuation and vowel quality and at the same time producing subsidiary lists of difficult words, grammatical explanations etc. That Arabic grammar emerged out of Islamic exegesis, and especially out of the process of public reading, is hardly a fortuitous parallel, given the central role of religious professionals within both spheres. We have seen evidence that Syrian teachers sometimes even taught Arabic pupils the art of reading, and Arabic vowel marking seems indebted to its Syrian forerunners.74 What do the Arabic qrin (or, muqrin) owe to the traditions of the Syrian maqreyyn? Of course, if the qrin and their successors in Kufa were as mistaken in their whole conception of Arabic linguistics as the later tradition supposed, then the Syriac influence upon them may actually have been a negative one.75

73For the importance of the monastic context in the transmission of philosophy from Alexandria to Baghdad, see J.W. Watt, Von Alexandrien nach Bagdad. Ein erneuter Besuch bei Max Meyerhof, in Origenes und seine Bedeutung fr die Theologie- und Geistesgeschichte Europas und des Vorderen Orients, ed. A. Frst (Mnster: 2010), and J.W. Watt, From Sergius to Matta. Commentary and Translation in Syriac Aristotelian and Monastic Tradition, in Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle, ed. J.W. Watt and J. Lssl (Ashgate: 2011). 74Versteegh, Arabic Grammar and Quranic Exegesis, 29; Merx, Historia, 43. 75If the role of the qrin/muqrin and maqreyyn were seen as one and the same, then a locus for the exchange of ideas can be found. There is, however, no evidence known to me that such an identity was ever made.

elements of the syriac grammatical tradition References

Primary Sources


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Luhtala, A. Grammar and philosophy in late antiquity: a study of Priscians sources, Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science Series III, Studies in the history of the language sciences. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 2005. Martin, J.P.P. Tradition karkaphienne, ou la massore chez les Syriens. Journal Asiatique 6,14 (1869): 245379. , Histoire de la ponctuation, ou de la massore chez les Syriens. Journal Asiatique 7,5 (1875): 81208. Merx, A. Historia artis grammaticae apud Syros, Abhandlungen fr die Kunde des Morgenlandes IX,2. Leipzig, 1889. Revell, E.J. The Grammar of Jacob of Edessa and the Other Near Eastern Grammatical Traditions. Parole de LOrient 3 (1972): 36574. , Aristotle and the Accents: The Categories of Speech in Jewish and other authors. Journal of Semitic Studies 19, no. 1 (1974): 1935. , The Diacritical Dots and the Development of the Arabic Alphabet. Journal of Semitic Studies 20 (1975): 17890. , Hebrew Accents and Greek Ekphonetic Neumes. In Studies in Eastern Chant IV, edited by Milos Velimirovic. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1979, 14070. Romeny, B. Ter Haar, ed. Jacob of Edessa and the Syriac Culture of his Day, Monographs of the Peshitta Institute 18. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Rundgren, F. ber den griechischen Einfluss auf die arabische Nationalgrammatik. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 2 (1976): 11944. Segal, J.B. The Diacritical Point and the Accents in Syriac. London, 1953. Swiggers, P., and A. Wouters. Introduction. Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity, edited by P. Swiggers and A. Wouters, 920. Leuven, 2002. Talmon, R. The Philosophizing Farra: An Interpretation of an Obscure Saying Attributed to the Grammarian alab. In Studies in the History of Arabic Grammar II, edited by M.G. Carter and K. Versteegh, 26579. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990. , Eighth-century Iraqi grammar: a critical exploration of pre-Halilian Arabic linguistics, Harvard Semitic Museum publications. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2003. , Jacob of Edessa the Grammarian, in Jacob of Edessa and the Syriac Culture of His Day, edited by B. Ter Haar Romeny, 15987. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Versteegh, K. Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking, Studies in Semitic Language and Linguistics VII. Leiden: Brill, 1977. , Borrowing and Influence: Greek Grammar as a Model. In Le langage dans lAntiquit, edited by P. Swiggers and A. Wouters, 197212. Leuven, 1990. , Arabic Grammar and Quranic Exegesis in Early Islam, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics XIX. Leiden: Brill, 1993. Watt, J.W. Grammar, Rhetoric, and the Enkyklios Paideia in Syriac. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 143 (1993): 4571. , al-Farabi and the History of the Syriac Organon, in Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone. Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock, edited by G. Kiraz 75178. Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press, 2008. , Von Alexandrien nach Bagdad. Ein erneuter Besuch bei Max Meyerhof. In Origenes und seine Erbe in Orient und Okzident, edited by A. Frst, 213226. Mnster, 2010. , From Sergius to Matta. Commentary and Translation in Syriac Aristotelian and Monastic Tradition. In Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle, edited by John W. Watt and J. Lssl, 23957. Ashgate, 2011. Weiss, J. Die arabische Nationalgrammatik und die Lateiner. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft 64 (1910): 34990.

THE MEDIEVAL KARAItE TRADItION OF HEBREW GRAmmAR Geoffrey Khan Introduction In recent years, important advances have been made in our knowledge concerning the contribution of the medieval Karaites to the study of the Hebrew language. This has been largely due to the discovery and investigation of a range of new manuscript sources. A large number of these sources are in the Firkovitch collections of manuscripts that are in the posssession of the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg. These collections were acquired in the nineteenth century by the famous Karaite bibliophile Abraham Firkovitch (17871874) but have only been made fully available to international scholarship in the last few years. The manuscripts relating to the linguistic activities of the Karaites are found mainly in the so called second Firkovitich collection, which was acquired by Firkovitch in the Near East between the years 1863 and 1865. It consists of more than 15,000 items, including Hebrew, Arabic, Judaeo-Arabic and Samaritan manuscripts. The majority of the collection appears to have originated from the Karaite synagogue in Cairo.1 Some important manuscript sources relating to this field have been preserved also in other collections, especially those of the British Library in London, and in the Cairo Genizah. The key figures in the history of Karaite grammatical thought whose works have come down to us from the Middle Ages are Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn N and Ab al-Faraj Hrn ibn Faraj. These two scholars belonged to the Karaite community of Jerusalem.

1For the background of the acquisition of the second Firkovitch collection see T.Harviainen, Abraham Firkovitsh, Karaites in Ht, and the provenance of Karaite transcriptions of Biblical Hebrew texts in Arabic script (Studies in Memory of Andrej Czapkiewicz, 1. Folia Orientalia 28 (Wroclaw, Warszawa and Krakw, 1991), The Cairo Genizot and other sources of the second Firkovich collection in St. Petersburg in E.J. Revell (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (Atlanta, 1996) and Abraham Firkovich and the Karaite community in Jerusalem in 1864, Manuscripta Orientalia 4/2. Russian Academy of Sciences. The Institute of Oriental Studies. St. Petersburg Branch, (1998), n.7.


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1.Ysuf ibn Nh and the Early Karaite Grammatical Tradition Ysuf ibn Ns work is datable to the second half of the tenth century. The surviving works that are explicitly attributed to him in the colophons all have the form of Biblical commentaries. These include commentaries that are primarily exegetical in nature, a commentary that is concerned primarily with translation and a grammatical commentary.2 Ibn N was heir to a tradition of Hebrew grammar that had developed among the Karaites of Iraq and Iran. This was brought to Jerusalem in the migrations of Karaites from the East during the tenth century. Ibn N himself was an immigrant from Iraq. I shall refer to this grammatical tradition as the early Karaite tradition of Hebrew grammatical thought. Ab al-Faraj Hrn continued some of the elements of this tradition, but was innovative in many ways, both in method and content. During most of his adult life Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn N (known in Hebrew as Joseph ben Noa) resided in Palestine. According to Ibn al-Ht, who wrote a chronicle of Karaite scholars, he had a college (dr li-l-ilm) in Jerusalem, which appears to have been established around the end of the tenth century.3 One Hebrew grammatical text that is attributed to Ysuf Ibn N is extant. This work is referred to in the colophons either simply as the Diqduq or as Nukat Diqduq Points of Grammar.4 In what follows I shall refer to it by its shorter title. It is written in Arabic, though much of the technical terminology is Hebrew. Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn N is likely to be identical with Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn Batawaih (or Batawi) who is mentioned in some sources. Batawaih may have been the Iranian equivalent of the name N or Noa (cf. Persian bat fortune, prosperity). Ysuf ibn Batawaih is stated to have been a grammarian who composed a book called al-Diqduq. There are references to the aer (compound) of Ibn Batawaih, which is likely to be identical with Ibn Ns college, referred to by Ibn al-Ht by the

2For further details see G. Khan, The Early Karaite Tradition of Hebrew Grammatical Thought: Including a Critical Edition, Translation and Analysis of the Diqduq of Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn N. (Leiden, 2000a), introduction. 3For the text of Ibn al-Ht see G. Margoliouth, Ibn al-Hts Arabic Chronicle of Karaite Doctors. Jewish Quarterly Review 9 (1897): 433; 4389. Ibn al-Ht was writing in the fifteenth century. For the background of Ibn Ns college, see J. Mann, Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature, (Philadelphia, 1935) 2, 334. 4A critical edition of Ibn Ns Diqduq to the Hagiographa with an analysis of its content is presented in Khan, Karaite Tradition.

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corresponding Arabic term dr.5 Ibn Batawaih is described as the Babylonian and teacher of the diaspora (muallim al-jliya), which indicates that his career had begun in Iraq.6 The Diqduq of Ibn N is not a systematically arranged description of the Hebrew language with the various aspects of grammar presented in separate chapters but rather a series of grammatical notes on the Bible, together with sporadic exegetical comments. Occasionally a general principle of grammar is discussed, but in most cases grammatical concepts are not explained and their sense must be inferred from the context in which they are used. The work covers the entire Bible, selecting words and phrases that are deemed to require elucidation and analysis. It consists of a series of entries headed by a phrase from a Biblical verse that constitutes the subject of the comment. The entries are arranged according to the order of verses in the Biblical text. By no means all verses, however, are commented upon. The work was clearly intended to be used as an aid to the reading of the Bible. It does not offer instruction on the rudiments of Hebrew grammar but rather concentrates on points that Ibn N believed may be problematic for the reader or concerning which there was controversy. As is the case with many of the Karaite philological works, some of the extant manuscripts of the Diqduq contain an abridged version of the original text. The main concern of the Diqduq is the analysis and explanation of word structure. On various occasions aspects of phonology and also the syntactic and rhetorical structure of a verse are taken into account, but this is generally done as a means of elucidating the form of a word. The pronunciation of the letters and vowels or syntactic structures are rarely, if ever, the primary focus of attention. There is no systematic treatment of syntax or rhetorical structures. The Diqduq, therefore, is not a comprehensive grammar of Hebrew, either in its arrangement or in its content. It concentrates on what are regarded as problematic grammatical issues. This is reflected in the title of the work Nukat Diqduq, which is found in
5Cf. P. Kahle, Masoreten des Westens, Stuttgart (19271930), 6 and J. Mann, Jewish History, 31. 6S. Pinsker, Lickute Kadmoniot. Zur Geschichte des Karaismus und der karischen Literatur. Wien (1860), 62, Mann, Jewish History, 30. Note, however, that according to Ibn al-Ht, Ibn N lived in Jerusalem for thirty years (Margoliouth, Arabic Chronicle, 433). The source published by Pinsker refers to a Book of Precepts (sefer miwot) of Ysuf ibn Batawaih. This, however, is thought by some to be a mistake of the author; cf. S. Poznaski, Aboul-Faradj Haroun ben al-Faradj le grammarien de Jrusalem et son Mouschtamil, Revue des tudes Juives, 30 (1896b), 215, n.4 and S.L. Skoss, The Arabic Commentary of Ali ben Suleimn the Karaite on the Book of Genesis (Philadelphia, 1928), 67.


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one manuscript.7 The Arabic term nukat can have the sense of questions, difficult points or notes explaining difficulties.8 These problematic issues are generally referred to as masil (singular masala question) within the text of the Diqduq. In his analysis of word structure, Ibn N attempted to find consistent rules governing the formation of words. The ultimate purpose of his grammatical activity was the application of grammatical analysis in order to elucidate the precise meaning of the Biblical text and to demonstrate that there was nothing random or inconsistent about the language of the Bible. Differences in forms must be explained by positing differences in the process of derivation. The aim was to show that the language had a completely rational basis in its structure and differences in structure were in principle rationally motivated and intended to convey differences in meaning. In the system of derivational morphology that is presented by Ibn N, most inflected verbal forms are derived from an imperative base form. The imperative base is not an abstraction but is a real linguistic form. In some cases the imperative form that is posited as the base of an inflected verb nann does not actually occur in the language, e.g. ntn for hl for tihla it (fs.) goes (Psa. we gave (1 Chron. 29:14), baq for biq it (fs.) has sought (Ecc. 7:28). The 73:9) and baq is to presmotivation for positing an imperative base such as biq, without the dagesh in the ent the derivation of the form qoph, as fully regular and not an anomalous inflection of the imperative baqq with dage. The result of this process was that Ibn N base extended the language beyond what is found in the extant corpus of the Bible. The new forms that were postulated in this way were not intended to be used for the writing of creative literature. Indeed no Karaite author has been found who used these postulated forms in a creative Hebrew text. The purpose of the expansion of the language was rather to clarify and explain the Biblical Hebrew language rationally. In a few cases the base of a form that has the appearance of a verb is a noun. Ibn N explains small differences in some forms by proposing that one form is derived from an imperative whereas the other is derived from a noun. In the class of verbs which we refer to as final geminates, for example, there is variation in the position of stress in the past forms,
7II Firk. Evr. Arab. I 1759, fol. 1a. 8Cf. R. Dozy, Supplment aux Dictionnaires Arabes. 3rd edition, (Leiden: Paris, 1967) 2, 720.

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qll they are swift (Job 9:25) vs. qall they are swift (Hab. e.g. 1:8). According to Ibn N this is not an arbitrary variation, but rather the forms with the penultimate stress are derived from a noun base whereas the forms with final stress have an imperative base. Differences in form also had significance on the level of meaning. The qll and qall, distinction in the types of base of forms such as for example, should be reflected in their Arabic translation (tafsr), one being translated with a nominal adjective form and one by a verbal form. Another dimension of structural variation that Ibn N believed should be taken into account when interpreting the text was the distinction between pausal and context forms. The use of a pausal form of a word was interpreted as having the purpose of performing a particular function on the level of meaning, namely the expression of some kind of semantic disjunction. In many cases, for example, a pausal form is said to mark the boundary between a statement and an elaborative comment that supplies the reason or justification for what precedes. In conformity with this yhwh ml g l, in which principle Psa. 93:1 m l is a pausal form, is interpreted as having the sense of the verb The Lord has become king, for he is clothed in majesty, i.e. what shows his kingship is the fact that he is clothed in majesty.9 A similar concern with demonstrating the rationale behind the structure of the language of the Hebrew Bible on the level of discourse interconnectivity is exhibited by Ibn N in an exegetical commentary on the Pentateuch, which has come down to us in an adaptation made by his pupil Ab al-Faraj Hrn. In this commentary, which has recently been studied in detail by Miriam Goldstein,10 there are numerous observations regarding the function of discourse structure, especially regarding the ordering of verses. This concern for demonstrating the rationale of compositional structure is, indeed, found in the works of other Karaite exegetes of the period.

9See G. Khan, Biblical exegesis and grammatical theory in the Karaite tradition, in G. Khan (ed.), Exegesis and Grammar in Medieval Karaite Texts (Oxford, 2001), Conjoining according to medieval Karaite grammatical theory, in A. Maman, S. Fassberg and Y. Breuer (eds.), Shaarei Lashon: Studies in Hebrew, Aramaic and Jewish Languages Presented to Moshe Bar-Asher (Jerusalem: Bialik, 2007). 10M. Goldstein, The Pentateuch exegesis of the Karaites Yusuf ibn N and Ab alFaraj Hrn: an examination of method in the context of the contemporaneous literary and exegetical approaches of Jews, Christians and Muslims, Ph.D. thesis (Jerusalem, Hebrew University, 2006).


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The Diqduq of Ibn N is the earliest extant text that can be identified with certainty as a Karaite grammatical work. Ibn N, however, was certainly not the earliest Karaite grammarian. Other Karaite scholars of his generation wrote grammatical works. Judah Hadassi, for instance, refers to a grammar book of Sahl ben Malia.11 A number of grammatical concepts are found in the Bible commentaries of Yefet ben Eli. Ibn N himself refers to other anonymous scholars (ulam) of grammar. Indeed some anonymous Karaite Bible commentaries that are extant contain grammatical concepts relating to the early Karaite tradition, such as a commentary on Hosea that has been reconstructed from Genizah fragments by Friedrich Niessen. Some of the grammarians mentioned by Ibn N are referred to as deceased.12 Ab al-Faraj Hrn attributes some grammatical concepts to the teachings of earlier Karaite grammarians in Iraq.13 The traditions of this earlier Iraqi school described by Ab al-Faraj correspond closely to what we find in Ibn Ns Diqduq. Ibn N was an immigrant to Palestine from Iraq, where he was, it seems, a pupil of the Iraqi circle of Karaite grammarians. According to a passage in one anonymous medieval Karaite source, the discipline of grammar began in Ifahn.14 The Karaite alQirqisn, writing in the first half of the tenth century, refers to Hebrew grammarians from Ifahn, Tustr and Bara.15 This indicates that already during the time of Saadya Gaon Karaite schools of grammar were well developed in Iran. The teachings of the early Karaite grammarians of Iran are also referred to in an anonymous Karaite grammatical text that was written in the eleventh century. These are referred to in the past tense, which implies that they were active at a period that predated that of the author.16

11Eshkol ha-Kopher, 167, letter in, 173, letter ade. 12E.g. II Firk. Evr. Arab. I 4323, fol. 9a: h huwa mahab ba al-ulam raimahu allh This is the opinion of one of the sages, God have mercy upon him, where the blessing raimah mahh suggests that the man in question is deceased. 13E.g. al-Kitb al-Kf (ed. Khan, Gallego and Olszowy-Schlanger, II.16.12): allad ahaba il lika...min al-diqdqiyyna qawm min al-irqiyyna those who have held this opinion from among the Hebrew grammarians are a group of the Iraqis; lika qad taqahu ba al-diqdqiyyna min mayiin al-irqiyyna raimahum allh This has been undertaken by Hebrew grammarians among our Iraqi elders, may God have mercy upon them (I.22.55). 14Mann, Jewish History, 1045. 15Kitb al-Anwr wa-l-Marqib, L. Nemoy (ed.), vol. 1, chapter 17, 140. 16See N. Vidro, A Newly Reconstructed Karaite Work On Hebrew Grammar, Journal of Semitic Studies, 54 (2009a). The text, which has been identified by Vidro as Kitb al-Uqd f Tarf al-Lua al-Ibrniyya (Book of the Connections with regard to the Grammatical Inflections of the Hebrew Language) mentions on a number of occasions the grammatical teachings of the ajam (i.e. Persians). For further details on this text see below.

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Some fragments of Hebrew grammatical texts that are written in Judaeo-Persian have, indeed, been preserved in the Cairo Genizah. These include fragments of a text that clearly belongs to the early Karaite tradition of grammar. This text is a grammatical commentary on the Bible that is very close, both in format and content, to the Diqduq of Ibn N. The theory of grammar is virtually identical to that of the Diqduq. The derivative base of verbs is said to be imperative forms. It is likely to be a product of the early Iranian schools of Karaite grammar, which appear also to have been the ultimate source of the grammatical tradition that is reflected in Ibn Ns Diqduq.17 A further source demonstrating the Iranian background of the early Karaite grammatical tradition is a JudaeoPersian commentary on Ezekiel that was published recently by Thamar Gindin (2007). This text, although primarily exegetical in nature, contains several grammatical comments that exhibit a grammatical terminology and theory and a style of presentation that conform to what is found in Ibn Ns Diqduq. According to a statement by Ab al-Faraj Hrn, the practice of deriving verbal inflections from the imperative, which was the hallmark of the early Karaite grammatical tradition, was also followed by the Kfan school of Arabic grammar.18 It is not possible, however, to identify such a practice in the extant Arabic grammatical literature and it is not at all clear that it is a concept that is borrowed from Arabic grammatical thought. The concept may, indeed, reflect the Iranian background of the Karaite tradition, in that in Middle and New Persian the imperative form has a clearer structural relationship to both the present and past forms of the verb than in Hebrew and Arabic, e.g. New Persian kardan to do: kar (imperative base), mi-kar- (present base), kard (past base). The Hebrew term diqduq is found in sources predating the rise of Hebrew grammatical thought. In Rabbinic literature the verbal form diqdeq is used in the sense of attention to fine details of pronunciation and also with the meaning of investigating thoroughly the content of Scripture.19 The verbal noun diqduq is often used in Rabbinic literature in the sense of the details that are revealed by careful investigation, e.g. diqduqe ha-torah minute details of biblical exposition.20 Among the texts
17The text is published in Khan, Early Karaite Grammatical Texts (Atlanta, 2000b). 18See Khan Ab al-Faraj Hrn and the early Karaite grammatical tradition, The Journal of Jewish Studies 48 (1997), 318325. 19Babylonian Talmud, Baba Qama 38a. 20Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 28a, Megillah 19a. Cf. W. Bacher Die lteste Terminologie der Jdischen Schriftauslegung. Ein Wrterbuch der Bibelexegetischen Kunstsprachen der Tannaiten (Leipzig, 1899), 2324.


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relating to the activities of the Masoretes, the term is used in the title of the most famous collection of masoretic rules, the Diqduqe ha-eamim compiled by Aharon ben Asher.21 This refers to the subtle details of the use of accents in Scripture. The author assumes that the general rules are known and focuses on the fine points and the exceptions to the general principles.22 The title of Ibn Ns work, the Diqduq seems to have retained the sense of investigating the fine points of Scripture and did not denote simply investigation of the language. The discipline of diqduq as reflected in Ibn Ns work concentrated on selected details in the analysis of Scripture. It was concerned mainly with the details that were judged to be problematic and in need of particular attention, which are general referred to as masil (questions, issues). Ibn N assumed that the general rules of the language were already known to his audience. When discussing such masil, Ibn N frequently cited various alternative opinions. Some of these may have reflected the differing opinions of scholars who were active in the Karaite grammatical circles in the tenth century. It is likely, however, that in most cases the primary purpose of the proposal of such alternatives is pedagogical, in that it was a method of inviting the reader to explore a variety of possibilities without them being necessarily attributable to any particular scholar. It encouraged enquiry and engagement rather than passive acceptance of authority. Indeed the text of Ibn Ns work appears to be closely associated with the oral teaching of grammar in the school roomrather than drawing on a preceding written source. In the early Karaite tradition, therefore, diqduq was a method of investigating Scripture by the study of the subtle details of its language. The purpose of this investigation was both to establish the fine details of its meaning and also to demonstrate that the language conformed to a logical system. The discipline of diqduq as exhibited by the work of Ibn N was closely associated with the activity of the Masoretes, who applied themselves to the study of the details of the reading tradition and written transmission of the Biblical text. A central feature of Ibn Ns method of presenta-

21Aharon ben Asher was active in the first half of the tenth century, though the material that he assembled together in the Diqduqe ha-eamim was mostly composed by earlier generations of Masoretes; see Baer and Strack (1879, xvi), A. Dotan, The Diqduq Haamim of Aharon ben Moshe ben Ashr ( Jerusalem, 1967), 4. 22See Dotan, Diqduq, 31.

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tion is the explanation as to why a word has one particular form rather than another. This often involves comparing closely related forms that differ from the form that is under investgation only in small details. The issue that is addressed is why these fine distinctions in form exist. This may be compared to the practice of the Masoretes to collate words that were similar in form but differed only in details. This was a central feature of the masoretic method and lists recording these collations are found throughout the masoretic notes that were attached to Bible codices. The purpose of this was to draw attention to fine details of form to ensure that they were preserved in the transmission of Scripture. Collations of two closely related forms of word were also compiled in independent masoretic treatises, such as Olah we-Olah.23 By the tenth century, the Masoretes also compiled treatises that formulated rules for the occurrence of some of these fine distinctions in form with regard to vowels and accents. The most famous work of this kind is the Diqduqe ha-eamim The rules of the details of the accents, which was compiled in the first half of the tenth century by Aharon ben Asher.24 As remarked, the Diqduq of Ibn N was concerned principally with morphology. It was intended, it seems, to complement such treatises as Diqduqe ha-eamim, the exclusive concern of which was pronunciation and accents. The grammatical activity denoted by the term diqduq in the early Karaite tradition, therefore, was closely associated with the work of the Tiberian Masoretes. This is further shown by an early text published by Allony (1964) that contains a list of technical terms for the various aspects of Biblical study. These are described in the text as diqduqe ha-miqra, which has the sense of the fine points of Scripture established by detailed investigation. The list includes masoretic, grammatical and hermeneutical terms. These correspond closely to the terminology and concepts of Ibn Ns Diqduq. The range of the topics of analysis denoted by the terms also parallels the scope of analysis that is found in the Diqduq, though, as we
23The treatise Olah we-Olah is named after the first two words of the first list (eating [I Sam. 1:9] and eat [Gen. 27:19]), which enumerates pairs of words, one occurring with the conjunctive waw and the other without it. For a general discussion of the background of the text see Yeivin (1980: 128131). An edition of the text based on the best manuscripts has been made by F. Diaz Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah: coleccin de listas de palabras destinadas a conservar la integridad del texto hebreo de la Biblia entre los judios de la Edad Media. Textos y estudios Cardenal Cisneros 4, (Madrid, 1975) and B. Ognibeni, La seconda parte del Sefer Oklah weOklah: edizione del ms. Halle, Universittsbibliothek Y b 4o 10, ff. 68124, (Madrid-Fribourg, 1995). 24The definitive edition of this text is by Dotan, Diqduq.


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have remarked, the focus of the Diqduq is more on the grammatical and hermeneutical aspects than on the masoretic. It is more accurate to say that the masoretic works and Ibn Ns Diqduq combined cover the range of topics contained in the list. The Masora and the grammatical work of Ibn N complement each other to establish the diqduqe ha-miqra. This list was not intended primarily as a foundation for the study of grammar per se, but rather as a methodology for establishing the correct interpretation of Scripture. Allony, in his edition of this list of technical terms, claimed that it was of Karaite background. One should be cautious, however, of being too categorical on this issue. Certain details of its content suggest that it was composed in the early Islamic period. It would, therefore, come from a period when Karaism was in its embryonic stages of development. The main evidence that Allony cites for its being a Karaite work is the reference in the text to the masters of Bible study (baale ha-miqra). This term was used in some texts in the Middle Ages to designate Karaites.25 It is found, however, already in Rabbinic literature in the sense of those who study only the Bible and not the Mishnah or Gemara.26 It should be noted, moreover, that in masoretic texts it is sometimes used as an epithet of the Masoretes, who were professionally occupied with the investigation of the Bible.27 The contents of the list were incorporated by a number of later authors into their works. These included not only Karaites but also Rabbanites, such as Duna ben Labra.28 The fact that some of the grammatical terms found in Ibn Ns Diqduq are Hebrew is significant for the dating of the origins of the Karaite grammatical tradition. The list of diqduqe ha-miqra is entirely in Hebrew. This is in conformity with the use of Hebrew in masoretic works before the tenth century. The Hebrew technical terms of Ibn Ns Diqduq would be vestiges from this early period. Some of this Hebrew terminology can, in fact, be traced to Rabbinic texts.29 It is clear, however, that the Karaite grammatical tradition also took over elements from Arabic grammatical
25It is used frequently in this way by the Karaites Salmon ben Yerumon and Judah Hadassi. 26Cf. Bacher, lteste Terminologie, 118. 27E.g. S. Baer and H.L. Strack. Die Dikduke ha-Teamim des Ahron ben Moscheh ben Ascher und andere alte grammatisch-massorethische Lehrstcke, (Leipzig, 1879), xxxviii. 28Teshubot de Dunash ben Labrat, ed. A. Senz-Badillos, Granada, (1980), 15*. 29See Bacher, Die Anfnge der Hebrischen Grammatik, (Leipzig, 1895a), 4; lteste Terminologie, 99100; Yeivin I. Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah (trans. and ed. E.J. Revell), (Missoula, 1980), 116; Dotan, De la Massora la grammaire. Les debuts de la pensee grammaticale dans lHebreu, Journal Asiatique, 278 (1990), 2728.

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thought. The Diqduq of Ibn N contains some Arabic technical terms. Moreover, many of the Hebrew terms that are found in the list of diqduqe ha-miqra and also in Ibn Ns Diqduq appear to be calques of Arabic terminology. R. Talmon (1998) has shown that some of the Arabic terms that correspond to the Hebrew of the list diqduqe ha-miqra are found in the earliest layers of the tradition of Arabic grammar and Qurnic exegesis in the eighth and ninth centuries. This early tradition differed from the tradition based on the teachings of Sbawayhi, which became the mainstream school in Arabic grammar after the ninth century. It is relevant to note that Arabic grammatical thought in its early stages was closely associated with Qurnic exegesis and only later became a distinct discipline.30 This would parallel the association between grammar and exegesis reflected by the diqduqe ha-miqra list and also the fact that the Diqduq of Ibn N has the structure of a Biblical commentary rather than a systematic description of grammar. The diqduqe ha-miqra list and the masoretic treatises such as Diqduqe ha-eamim belong to the Tiberian Masoretic tradition. How are we to reconcile the proposed close relationship of the early Karaite grammatical tradition to the Tiberian Masora with the proposal that the Karaite grammatical tradition had its roots in the East in Iraq and Iran? The explanation is doubtless that the Tiberian masoretic tradition was not restricted to a local diffusion but rather was regarded as a prestigious tradition by Jewish scholars, Rabbanite and Karaite, throughout the Near East. The Karaite al-Qirqisn writing in the first half of the tenth century in Iraq explicity states the superiority of the Tiberian tradition. There are references in medieval sources to the fact that scholars from Tiberias travelled long distances to teach the Tiberian tradition. Moreover scholars from the eastern communities of Iraq and Iran came into contact with the Tiberian masoretes by migration to Palestine. This applied to numerous Karaites, including Ysuf ibn N himself. It is also relevant to note that the masoretic material in early Tiberian Bible codices contains numerous elements originating in the Babylonian Masora (Ofer 2001: 260274). This can be explained as a reflection of the migration of masoretes from East to West. A few fragmentary texts are extant that are closely associated with Ibn Ns Diqduq and belong to the early Karaite grammatical tradition. We have already mentioned a Judaeo-Persian grammatical commentary,
30See C.H.M. Versteegh, Arabic Grammar and Qurnic Exegesis in Early Islam (Leiden, 1993).


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which parallels the Diqduq both in grammatical theory and in structure. In addition to this, we have large fragments of an early Karaite grammatical text that is not in the form of a Biblical commentary but rather is a systematic classifications of the morphological patterns of Biblical Hebrew verbs and nouns.31 This classification represents the core grammatical thought that developed within the early Karaite discipline of diqduq. The text is attributed to a certain Sad. It is likely that this should be identified with the grammarian Sad Shrn, who was a pupil of Ibn N.32 The text exhibits many parallels with the grammatical work of Ibn N, in its grammatical theory, terminology and argumentation. It consists of a series of chapters, each of which is devoted to verbs with imperative bases of one particular pattern. A full inventory is given of the verbs in each category, problematic issues are discussed and a complete paradigm of a representative verb is presented. In its overall structure, the treatise differs from Ibn Ns Diqduq, which, as we have seen, consists of grammatical notes on the Bible arranged in the order of the biblical verses. It, nevertheless, exhibits a similarity to the Diqduq in its method of discussing problematic issues. As is the case in the Diqduq, these discussions frequently offer a variety of different opinions concerning the derivation of a form. The fact that such attention is given to masil indicates that the work was not intended as an elementary grammar of Hebrew. A distinctive feature of the text is the presentation of paradigms of verbs containing the various inflections. Full paradigms are given even of verbs that are of unique occurrence and appear prima facie to be anomalous, with all of their inflections being recovered by analogy. This applies, for example, yip they judge (Exoto the unusual prefix conjugation form dus 18:26), which is not interpreted as an irregular variant form of the normal 3pl. prefix conjugation but rather part of a completely separate p , prefix conjugation: yip, paradigm (imperative: p ).33 Such apparently exceptional and suffix conjugation: anomalous forms are thereby shown to be entirely regular when the full potential system of the language is reconstructed.

31These two texts, together with the Judaeo-Persian grammatical text, are published in Khan, Grammatical Texts. 32Poznaski, Karaite Miscellanies. Jewish Quarterly Review, 8 (Old Series), (1896a), 699; M. Steinschneider, Die Arabische Literatur der Juden (Frankfurt a.M, 1902), 89; Mann, Jewish History, 30. 33Cf. Khan, Grammatical Texts, 171.

the medieval karaite tradition of hebrew grammar 2.The Grammatical Works of Ab al-Faraj Hrn and Dependent Treatises


Ab al-Faraj Hrn ibn Faraj lived in Jerusalem in the first half of the 11th century. According to the chronicler Ibn al-Ht, he was the student of Ysuf ibn N and was attached to the Karaite college in Jerusalem. After the death of Ibn N, Ab al-Faraj took over the leadership of the college.34 Ab al-Faraj Hrn wrote several Arabic works on the Hebrew language. The largest of these is a comprehensive work on Hebrew morphology and syntax consisting of eight parts entitled al-Kitb al-Mutamil al al-Ul wa-l-Ful f al-Lua al-Ibrniyya (The Comprehensive Book of General Principles and Particular Rules of the Hebrew Language), which was completed in 1026 c.e.35 This consisted of eight parts, which may have originally been produced as separate books. He composed a shorter version of the work called al-Kitb al-Kf f al-Lua al-Ibrniyya (The Sufficient Book on the Hebrew Language).36 The earliest known manuscript of this work has a colophon dated 1037 c.e.37 al-Kitb al-Kf had a much wider circulation than al-Kitb al-Mutamil, judging by the large number

34Ibn al-Ht, (ed. Margoliouth, Arabic Chronicle, 433). 35For a summary of the contents of the al-Kitb al-Mutamil see Bacher, Le grammairien anonyme de Jrusalem, Revue des tudes Juives 30 (1895b), 232256, who published a few short extracts. Recent studies of aspects of grammar in al-Kitb al-Mutamil have been published by Maman, : , Language Studies VII (1996a); (idem), , in M. Bar-Asher (ed.), Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages Presented to Shelomo Morag, Jerusalem (1996b) and Karaite Hebrew Grammatical ThoughtState of the Art. In Carlos del Valle, Santiago Garca-Jaln and Juan Pedro Monferrer (eds.), Maimnides y su poca, Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, (2007), and Basal Part one of al-Kitb al-Mushtamil by Ab al-Faraj Hrn and its dependence on Ibn al-Sarrjs Kitb al-Ul f al-Naw, Lshonnu 61 (1998); The concept of l in the al-Kitb al-Mushtamil of Ab alFaraj Hrn in comparison with Ibn alSarrj, Israel Oriental Studies 19 (1999). 36A full edition and English translation of al-Kitb al-Kf has been published G. Khan, M.A. Gallego and J. Olszowy-Schlanger (2003). Previous studies of the work include Skoss (1928, introduction 1127), Gil (1983, vol. 1, section 938, and the references cited there). Extracts from al-Kitb al-Kf had been published previously by S. Poznaski, Aboul- Faradj Haroun, M.N. Zislin, Glava iz grammatiyeskovo soinyeniya al-Kafi Abu-l-Farada Xaruna ibn al-Farada, Palyestinskiy Sbornik 7 (1962), Abu-l-Farad Xarun o spryayenii Evreyskovo glagola, Kratkiye Soobshyeniya Instityta Harodov Azii, 86 (1964), N. Allony, :) ( , Lshonnu 47 (1983), and D. Becker in M.A. Friedman (ed.), Studies in Judaica, Teudah 7, Tel-Aviv, 1991. 37II Firk. Evr. Arab. I 4601, fol. 107a. A note in the margin of fol. 110a indicates that the manuscript was the property of the authors two sons, Faraj and Yehudah.


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of extant manuscripts containing the work. We have a few fragments of a text that appears to be an epitome of al-Kitb al-Kf. A further work of Ab al-Faraj Hrn, which has survived in various manuscript fragments, is an introductory treatise on grammar entitled Kitb al-Madal il Ilm al-Diqduq f uruq al-Lua al-Ibrniyya (Book of Introduction into the Discipline of Careful Investigation of the Ways of the Hebrew Language). According to the preface of this text, Ab al-Faraj wrote it after his completion of al-Kitb al-Mutamil and al-Kitb al-Kf. The work includes a discussion of the terminology that was used by the earlier Karaite grammarians. These include many of the Hebrew terms that are found in the Diqduq of Ibn N and related early texts but not used by Ab al-Faraj himself in in his own grammatical works.38 Most of the grammatical works of Ab al-Faraj Hrn are systematically arranged studies of the Hebrew language as an independent discipline. He, indeed, sometimes goes beyond a description of specifically Hebrew grammar and discusses general principles of human language. In some sections of his works he addresses philosophical issues such as the origin of language and its nature.39 The perspective of these works, therefore, differs from that of Ibn Ns Diqduq, the primary purpose of which was the investigation of Scripture by grammatical analysis and the demonstration of the logical structure of the language of Scripture. His comprehensive approach to grammar contrasts with Ibn Ns practice of concentrating on the problematic issues (masil, nukat). Another divergence from the approach of Ibn N is the categorical approach of Ab al-Faraj. He rarely presents alternative opinions. Ab al-Faraj refers to the grammarians of earlier generations such as Ibn N as al-diqdqiyyna. He did not use the term diqdqiyyna to designate all people engaged in the study of grammar. He makes an explicit terminological distinction between the Arabic grammarians (al-nu) and the early Karaite Hebrew grammarians (al-diqdqiyyna).40 Moreover, the way he uses the term diqdqiyyna in his writings implies that they were a set of scholars distinct from himself and that he did not regard himself

38A large section of this work has been preserved in II Firk. Evr. Arab. I 4601, fol. 110a ff. 39For the views of the medieval Karaites on the origin and nature of language see Olszowy-Schlanger, Karaite linguistics: The Renaissance of the Hebrew language among early Karaite Jews, and contemporary linguistic theories, Beitrge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 7 (1997) and Karaite Marriage Documents from the Cairo Genizah. Legal Tradition and Community Life in Mediaeval Egypt and Palestine. (Leiden, 1998), 8797. 40See Khan, Ab al-Faraj Hrn, 318, for discussion of the relevant passages.

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as one of their number.41 There was, nevertheless, a certain degree of continuity of grammatical thought from the teachings of the diqdqiyyna in the works of Ab al-Faraj. He was, indeed, the student of Ibn N and took over some elements of his masters teaching into the edifice of his own work. This relationship between master and student is reflected in the exegetical commentary of Ibn N on the Pentateuch which was adapted by Ab al-Faraj. As shown by Miriam Goldstein, in this adaptation the original text of Ibn N is interwoven with the elaborations, clarifications and sometimes the criticisms of the student. The primary purpose of Ab al-Faraj in his grammatical works was the systematic investigation of the language, whereas the main objective of some of the earlier Karaite grammarians, such as Ibn N, was the elucidation of the problematic grammatical details of Scripture. As we have seen, attempts were made already by certain circles of Karaite grammarians before the time of Ab al-Faraj to systematize grammatical knowledge. This consisted mainly in the classification of verbs and nouns according to their patterns and inflections. These treatises, however, lacked the scope of the grammatical works of Ab al-Faraj. Ab al-Faraj follows closely the approach to grammar that had been adopted by most Arabic grammarians of his time. This was the approach of the so-called Baran school of Arabic grammarians, which had become the mainstream tradition by the 10th century. The dependence of Ab al-Faraj on the Baran tradition is seen in the scope of his works, in his grammatical theory and in his Arabic technical terminology. Much of the terminology of the earlier Karaite tradition, by contrast, was Hebrew. One example of this relating to grammatical theory is his claim that the derivational base of verbs is the infinitive rather than the imperative form. As we have seen, the derivation of verbs from the imperative was a central feature of the earlier Karaite grammatical theory. Unlike Ibn Ns work, it is clear that Ab al-Farajs work draws on written sources belonging to the Arabic grammatical tradition, and indeed his sources can be identified.42 It is important to note, however, that Ab al-Farajs comprehensive work
41E.g. al-kalm fm yakuruhu al-diqdqiyyna f al-awmir Discussion of the statement of the diqduq scholars concerning imperatives (al-Kitb al-Kf, in Khan 1997: 318). 42Becker A Unique Semantic Classification of the Hebrew Verb Taken by the Qaraite Ab al-Faraj Hrn from the Arab Grammarian Ibn al-Sarrj, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 20, (1996), Basal, Part one of al-Kitb al-Mushtamil by Ab al-Faraj Hrn and its dependence on Ibn al-Sarrjs Kitb al-Ul f al-Naw. Lshonnu 61 (1998) and The concept of l in the al-Kitb alMushtamil of Ab alFarajHrn in comparison with Ibn alSarrj. Israel Oriental Studies 19 (1999).


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on grammar al-Kitb al-Mutamil and its short version al-Kitb al-Kf are concerned principally with morphology and syntax. They do not contain treatments of the Masoretic reading tradition. Ab al-Faraj composed a separate work on biblical reading called Hidyat al-Qri (Guide for the Reader), which has been preserved in a long version and various shorter versions.43 It presents a description of the pronunciation of the consonants and vowels in the Tiberian reading tradition as well as the system of accents. This dichotomy between grammar (morphology and syntax) and biblical reading in the works of Ab al-Faraj can be regarded as a feature of continuity from the earlier Karaite tradition. One should contrast this with the grammatical work of Saadya Gaon, Kitb Fa Luat al-Ibrniyyna The Book of the Eloquence of the Language of the Hebrews, which contains extensive treatment of various features of the Masoretic reading tradition, the source of much of which can be identified in extant Masoretic treatises such as Diqduqe ha-eamim.44 A number of other medieval Karaite grammatical works are extant that are largely dependent on the writings of Ab al-Faraj Hrn and were written in the eleventh century. One such work is the grammatical treatise written in Hebrew known as Meor Ayin that has been published by M.N. Zislin (Moscow, 1990) on the basis of a single surviving manuscript.45 The text was written by an anonymous author in Byzantium some time during the second half of the eleventh century. According to the colophon, the manuscript was written in 1208 in the town of Gagra. The work is largely derivative from the works of Ab al-Faraj Hrn, especially, it seems, al-Kitb al-Kf. Some elements, however, are drawn directly from the early Karaite grammatical tradition. An Arabic grammatical work that is closely related to Meor Ayin is Kitb al-Uqd f Tarf al-Lua al-Ibrniyya (Book of the Connections with regard to the Grammatical Inflections of the Hebrew Language). This work was erroneously identified by Hirschfeld as being by Ab al-Faraj himself.46 An important advance in the reconstructon of the Karaite grammatical corpus was

43For a detailed study of this text see I. Eldar, The Study of the Art of Correct Reading as Reflected in the Medieval Treatise Hidyat al-Qri (=Guidance of the Reader), Jerusalem (1994). 44Dotan, The Dawn of Hebrew Linguistics: The Book of Elegance of the Language of the Hebrews. 2 vols. (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies 1997), 3436. 45II Firk. Evr. IIA 1321. An important contribution to the assessment of this text is made by A. Maman in his review of the edition of Zislin, Lshonnu 58 (1994). 46H. Hirschfeld, An Unknown Grammatical Work by Abul-Faraj Harun, Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series 13 (192223), 17.

the medieval karaite tradition of hebrew grammar


recently made by Nadia Vidro, who has demonstrated that the fragment published by Hirschfeld that contains the title Kitb al-Uqd is the beginning of a work dealing principally with verbal inflections that exists in various manuscripts and is to be attributed to an anonymous author who was the contemporary of Ab al-Faraj Hrn.47 A feature of Meor Ayin and Kitb al-Uqd is the classification of verbal forms by mnemonic catchwords (see Nadia Vidros article in this volume). This system of classification is also found in the works of Ab al-Faraj. It is not found in the earlier work of Ibn N, but according to Ab al-Faraj it was originally developed by one of the earlier diqduqiyyna (Kitb al-Kf I.22.1.). The use of such mnemonic devices, which are generally referred to by the Hebrew term siman or the corresponding Arabic text alma, is reminiscent of the use of mnemonics for abbreviated reference in the Masoretic tradition, also known as simanim. In addition, several fragments are extant in various collections that contain grammatical technical terms and a methodological presentation that are characteristic of Karaite grammatical works but appear to belong to different works from those mentioned above. These fragments give us some indication of the extensive nature of the corpus of Karaite grammatical literature in the Middle Ages. As far as we can establish in our present state of knowledge, the Karaite grammatical tradition, which had exhibited such creativity in the tenth and eleventh centuries, became virtually defunct in the twelfth century. Manuscripts of the medieval works, especially those of Ab al-Faraj Hrn, continued to be copied in later centuries. It appears, however, that little original contribution to Hebrew grammatical thought was made by Karaites in the later Middle Ages. The Karaite Judah Hadassi, for example, who was active in Byzantium in the twelfth century, presents a section on Hebrew grammar in his Ekol ha-Kopher that is dependent on the system of the Spanish grammarians ayyj and Ibn Jan.48 The same applied to the fate of medieval Karaite lexicography, which is not considered in detail in this paper. In the 10th and 11th centuries Karaite scholars such David ben Abraham al-Fs and Ab al-Faraj Hrn made important contributions to this field. In the later Middle Ages, however, Karaites appear to be heavily dependent on Rabbanite lexicographical works. This is
47See Vidro, A Newly Reconstructed Karaite Work On Hebrew Grammar, Journal of Semitic Studies, 54 (2009a) and A medieval Karaite treatise on Hebrew grammar, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 2009b. 48See Maman (1996a), 9596.


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emonstrated by the lexicographical work al-Taysr, written by the Karad ite Solomon ibn Mubarrak ibn ar at the end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century, identified among the Firkovitch manuscripts by Jos Martnez Delgado, which is mainly based on Rabbanite sources.49 Only limited knowledge of the medieval Karaite grammatical works was transmitted to the West. This applied especially to the works of the early Karaite grammatical tradition. Some of the medieval Hebrew grammarians of Spain were aware of al-Kitb al-Mutamil by Ab al-Faraj Hrn, but this work did not make any clearly recognizable impression on the Western tradition of Hebrew grammar, which has predominated down to the present. References
Primary Sources Delgado, J.M. Libro de la facilitacin Kitab At-Taysir: diccionario judeo-rabe de hebreo bblico. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2010. Dotan, A. The Diqduq Haamim of Aharon ben Moshe ben Ashr. Jerusalem, 1967 [in Hebrew]. Diaz Esteban, F. Sefer Oklah we-Oklah: coleccin de listas de palabras destinadas a conservar la integridad del texto hebreo de la Biblia entre los judios de la Edad Media. Textos y estudios Cardenal Cisneros 4. Madrid, 1975. Gindin, T. The Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsrs of Ezekiel: Text, Translation, Commentary. Wien: Verlag der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2007. Hadassi, Judah, Eshkol ha-Kop er. Gozlow, 1836. Khan, G. The Early Karaite Tradition of Hebrew Grammatical Thought: Including a Critical Edition, Translation and Analysis of the Diqduq of Ab Yaqb Ysuf ibn N. Leiden, 2000a. , Early Karaite Grammatical Texts. Atlanta, 2000b. Khan, G., M.A. Gallego and J. Olszowy-Schlanger. The Karaite Tradition of Hebrew Grammatical Thought in its Classical Form: A Critical Edition and English Translation of alKitab al-Kafi f al-Lugha al-Ibrniyya by Abu al-Faraj Harun ibn al-Faraj. Leiden, Brill, 2003. Margoliouth, G. Ibn al-Hts Arabic Chronicle of Karaite Doctors. Jewish Quarterly Review 9 (1897): 429444. Nemoy, L. (ed.) Al-Qirqisn: Kitb al-anwr w-al-marqib. 5 vols., New York, 193945. Ognibeni, B. La seconda parte del Sefer Oklah weOklah: edizione del ms. Halle, Universittsbibliothek Y b 4o 10, ff. 68124. Madrid-Fribourg, 1995. Senz-Badillos, A. (ed.), Teshubot de Dunash ben Labrat. Edicin cri tica y traduccin espanola. Granada-Salamanca, 1980.

49This important text has recently been published by J.M. Delgado, Libro de la facilitacin Kitab At-Taysir: diccionario judeo-rabe de hebreo bblico (Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2010).

the medieval karaite tradition of hebrew grammar

Secondary Sources


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Maman, A. Review of Zislin (1990), Lshonnu 58 (1994): pp.15365. , : , Language Studies VII (1996a): 7996. , . In Studies in Hebrew and Jewish Languages Presented to Shelomo Morag, edited by M. Bar-Asher, 11949. Jerusalem, 1996b. , Karaite Hebrew Grammatical ThoughtState of the Art. In Maimnides y su poca, edited by C. del Valle, S. Garca-Jaln and J.P. Monferrer, 429438. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2007. Mann, J. Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature, vol. II, Philadelphia, 1935. Ofer, Y. The Babylonian Masora of the Pentateuch: Its Principles and Methods. Jerusalem: Magnes, 2001. Olszowy-Schlanger, Karaite linguistics: The Renaissance of the Hebrew language among early Karaite Jews, and contemporary linguistic theories. Beitrge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, 7 (1997): 81100. , Karaite Marriage Documents from the Cairo Genizah. Legal Tradition and Community Life in Mediaeval Egypt and Palestine. Leiden, 1998. Pinsker, S. Lickute Kadmoniot. Zur Geschichte des Karaismus und der karischen Literatur. Wien, 1860. Poznaski, S. Karaite Miscellanies. Jewish Quarterly Review, 8 (Old Series), (1896a): 681 704. , Aboul-Faradj Haroun ben al-Faradj le grammarien de Jrusalem et son Mouschtamil. Revue des tudes Juives, 30 (1896b): 2439, 197213. Skoss, S.L. The Arabic Commentary of Ali ben Suleimn the Karaite on the Book of Genesis. Philadelphia, 1928. Steinschneider, M. Die Arabische Literatur der Juden. Frankfurt a.M, 1902. Talmon, R. A reappraisal of the List of ancient Hebrew terms and the affiliation between Hebrew and Arabic. In Ever and Arav: Contacts between Arabic Literature and Jewish Literature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times, edited by Y. Tobi, 2751. Tel-Aviv, 1998. Versteegh, C.H.M. Arabic Grammar and Qurnic Exegesis in Early Islam. Leiden, 1993. Vidro, N. A Newly Reconstructed Karaite Work On Hebrew Grammar. Journal of Semitic Studies, 54 (2009a): 169178. , A medieval Karaite treatise on Hebrew grammar, Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 2009b. Yeivin, I. Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah (trans. and ed. E.J. Revell), Missoula, 1980. Zislin, M.N. Glava iz grammatiyeskovo soinyeniya al-Kafi Abu-l-Farada Xaruna ibn al-Farada. Palyestinskiy Sbornik 7 (1962): 17884. , Abu-l-Farad Xarun o spryayenii Evreyskovo glagola. Kratkiye Soobshyeniya Instityta Harodov Azii, 86 (1964): 16477. , (ed.), Meor Ayin. Moscow, 1990.

accents1906, 206 action1418, 19n85, 19n86 active (voice)4n8, 4n9, 7, 8 active participle (fil)9, 11, 21, 22 agent14, 15, 16 agreement103 al-kara fi-l-istiml76, 79 al-maf l al-mulaq (absolute object)12, 109 al-maf l al-a23n105 al-mubtada bihi23n106 amal5, 6, 14 an mumara175, 176, 181 annexation, objective and subjective105 annexed noun6 anthroponyms120n2 antonym18n81 apocopate1379, 139n11, 140n23, 141, 141n24, 1423, 143n35, 146, 146n55, 148, 148n66, 149n67, 149n68, 1501, 156, 156n88 apodosis136n4, 139, 139n11, 140, 140n23, 141, 141n24, 141n25, 1424, 146, 148n66, 149n67, 1501, 1556, 156n88 apposition6n23 assertive/non-assertive141n26, 142n27, 146, 157 bb (category)9n40 badal103 broken plural19n88 causative16 causativization6n23 certainty138, 143, 148n66, 150, 1548 Christian(s)120, 129 cognitive verbs9, 1819, 21 compound words103, 105 conditional expressions Arab grammarians13747, 148n66 European grammarians1502 conditional particles139, 140, 142, 143n36, 144, 145n52, 1468 i138, 139, 139n11, 156 in136n4, 138, 139, 139n11, 141n26, 142, 143, 143n35, 143n36, 144, 146, 146n54, 147, 148, 148n66, 149, 149n68, 1503, 153n76, 153n77, 154, 155, 155n82, 156n88, 158, 159n95 law138, 139, 143, 143n36, 146, 146n54, 148, 151, 152, 155, 155n82, 155n84, 156 container60ff, 67, 69ff containment see al-itiw content72n52, 61ff contradiction see naq dall38, 4753, 89 amr al-an168, 169, 171 deixis103f dependent (case)4, 5, 6, 7n28, 1013, 18 dependent/non-independent144, 147, 157n91 derivation (syntactic)78, 9n37 Diqduq21214 double sentence151 elision7n28, 17, 18, 22 eponyms130, 131, 132 Arabic212ff, 217, 220, 221 Bible213ff Biblical Hebrew211n, 214, 222 Diqduq21214 exhortative expressions151 fa-1757, 183 fil (syntactic term)4ff future (time)176, 17984 ya174, 175 ayr wjib107, 142 ayr wqi142 Genizah211, 216, 217 grammar of names119n, 120, 132, 133 Greek grammar189, 1912, 1945, 196, 197, 199, 2016 abar8, 86, 102 abar al-taqrb104 add alkalm10 af75, 76, 8091 l9, 2021 aml103 arf79 asan28, 30, 31n, 36, 41n, 42, 45 att48, 59n3, 157n92, 173ff Hebrew2045, 211, 213, 214, 217, 2201, 223, 225

ikya106 ikyat al-l al-miya179 urf al-ibtid1768

subject index
kaib28, 30n, 32n, 55 kalm kalim/kalima30, 32, 33n, 36, 38n, 44, 52, 56, 109f kalm al-arab31, 3740, 48n kna (and its sisters)9, 1819, 22 Karaite217ff kara756, 789, 81, 879, 91 laf6, 9, 12 lam yastaqim see mustaqm legal reasoning110f lexicography1989 logic192, 194, 1967, 200, 2014 m interrogative/relative1058 mad103 maf l3ff maf l bihi224 maf l maahu23 majz23n105 maml (fhi)23n106 man912, 202, 545 manb (verb)173, 174, 175, 179, 181 marf (verb)173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 183 markedness6, 8, 10, 11 madar6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19n86, 22, 105 mawi13, 106, 107 mawl144n38 metagrammatical intuitive term20n92 monotransitivity see taaddin mood (verbal)31, 39, 42n, 45, 478, 501, 55 muallaq106 mubhama139n9, 141n26, 142, 156 mubtada8, 12n56, 23n106 mul2735, 536 in hypothetical speech3540 as pedagogical tool407 as theoretical tool4753 mul106 mustaqm28, 29n7, 303, 32n18, 34n31, 36, 37n44 ayr mustaqm/l yastaqm/lam yastaqim4950, 53n, 56 naq (semantic/logical)2830, 43, 535 lam yanqu manan545 nafy see negation nawiyyn41, 55 nat103 negation55n, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172

ibtid59 imr75, 8191 ila see mul ia66, 71 ibr107 itiw59, 63, 66, 71 itizl75, 81, 84, 91 ijtihd111 il106, 107 intih59 istil59 imperative expressions140, 140n23, 1414, 146, 146n53, 147, 150, 157 imperative, base of derivation214, 215, 217, 221, 222, 225 imperfect151, 153n77, 156, 157n91 impermissible see jiz impersonal passive participle22 impossible138, 143, 151, 154, 155, 156 independent (case)5, 6, 10, 12n56, 18 independent/non-dependent144n38, 146, 147, 157, 158 indirect questions105, 1079 inflection, overt and implicit103 injunctive expressions143, 150 inna (and its sisters)8 in107 interrogative expressions140, 140n23, 141, 141n25, 141n26, 142, 142n27, 143, 144, 144n38, 145, 145n50, 145n52, 146, 146n53 interrogative sentences1059 intransitivity33n25 intuitive term, metagrammatical20n92 ism al-fil18 ism al-maf l18 itil12 itb103 ittis61, 65 jiz (philos.)30n jiz/yajzu/jza30n, 31, 367 ayr jiz/l yajzu/lam yajuz31, 37, 38n, 3940, 41, 54, 56 Jews, Jewish120, 129 Judaeo-Arabic211 Judaeo-Persian217 jumla1068 jussive143, 150, 151, 153, 157 juxtaposition151

subject index
rabbinic literature217, 220 receptacle64, 667, 6970 relative clauses105f root21n98


negative expressions147, 153n76, 157, 159n95 negative particles151, 158 neutralisation see il, mul nid77 nomen rectum1011 nominal sentence8, 12n56, 23n106 non-assertive apposition141n26, 142n27, 146, 157 non-assertive sentences see ayr wjib object (direct)3ff. objective genitive4, 67, 9, 1112 objectivization5n11 oblique (case)6, 10, 13, 173, 175 onomastics120, 128 onomasticon130 optative expressions158 orthography193, 195, 202 parsing6, 10n45, 11, 22 passive (voice)4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 20, 22 passive agents108f past143n34, 147, 150, 153n77 patient3, 14ff pattern8, 14, 16, 17, 19n86, 19n88, 22 pedagogy105, 110, 111 pedagogical methodology (in the Kitb)407 perfect150, 151, 153, 156, 157n91 permissible see jiz Persian(s)120, 129 pointing190, 202 possible138, 140, 140n21, 141n26, 142n28, 143, 143n35, 151, 154 predicate89, 12n56, 22 predication22 preposition6n23, 7n28, 17, 23n106, 64, 65n27, 66, 70 prepositional phrase7n28, 12, 13n58, 13n62, 22n103, 223 prepositional space59n4, 63 present (time)177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 presentative104 prohibitive expressions143, 150, 151, 157 proper names119, 120, 125, 129, 133 protasis136n4, 139, 139n11, 140, 141, 141n25, 142, 143, 144, 145n40, 145n42, 145n47, 145n49, 145n52, 146, 146n55, 148n66, 149n67, 150, 151, 155, 156, 156n88 prototypicality7n27, 1516, 19n88 qab28, 30n, 31n, 36n, 79

saat al-kalm5n11, 10, 22 tawassu79n14, 87 awhid16, 17, 75, 76n2, 80n15 sentence types106f ila106, 144, 144n38, 144n39, 145, 145n43, 145n49, 145n50, 145n52, 146, 147 spatiality 60, 71ff spatial language63 spatial relation61, 63ff, 713 subordination136, 136n4, 146, 151, 157, 157n91, 157n92 subordinate conjunction136n4, 144n38 suspension see talq, muallaq synonym16 Syriac grammar189206 Arabic grammar dependent on189, 2016 taaddin4ff tayr80 taff88 takrr103 alab al-risa111 tal103 talq106, 107 taml389 tanwn104, 105 tanwnnab5n11, 11n50 taqdr75, 81, 85, 86, 103 tarm129, 129n37 tarj80 iqal88n55 transitivity see taaddin trajectory59 uncertainty1389, 139n9, 139n11, 141n26, 1424, 146, 148, 148n66, 1501, 1546, 156n88, 1578 ul al-fiqh110 ul al-naw110 verbal adjective16, 17, 19n86 verbal sentence/clause10, 12n56 wal144n38, 145 wi60, 67, 68 yajzu see jiz arf5n11, 912, 212 arfiyya601, 67, 68

Abnayn128 Abbdn130 Abbasid120, 122 al-Astarb70, 173, 1804 Abboud, P.27n, 37n Abdel Haleem163, 164, 167, 171 Abdullahi119, 124, 1269, 130, 132 Abdullhi b. Drim130 Abd ams129n35 Ab al-Faraj Hrn ibn Faraj211, 223 al-abn130, 130n42 al-Afa104 al-ajrab130, 130n43 mil, Ad b. al-Riq al-34, 35n Amr119, 124, 1269, 131, 132 Anderson, J.M.119n, 125, 127n31, 128n33, 133n57 Arazi, A.35n Aristoteles (Aristotle)141n26, 143n35, 153, 153n78, 154, 154n79, 154n80, 194, 2001, 202, 204 al-Askar, Ab Hill29n6, 34 Ayoub, G.38n Baalbaki, R.12n56, 27n, 31n, 32n, 38n, 41n, 43n, 48n, 86n40, 88n55 Badawi162, 163, 167, 171 al-Badd101 al-Baddiyyt101, 105 Bakr b. Wil121n7 Barhebraeus192, 199 Bara120, 130, 131 Blachre, R. and GaudefroyDemombynes, M.150, 151, 157n90 Bobzin, H.4n10 Bohas, G.15n68, 27n3, 31n16 Carter, M.G.4n7, 8n34, 11n50, 22n102, 24n111, 27n3, 30, 31nn, 32n20, 36n39, 37n45, 46n75, 49n84, 54n105, 55, 79n14, 81n24, 123n16, 157n91 Chomsky, N.30n13 Corriente, F.150, 151 Drim b. Mlik130 Dawidh bar Paulos1978, 201 Della Vida, G.L.121n7 Dvnyi, K.88n57, 137, 138, 140, 147n57, 148n66 Dionysius Thrax1912, 197 diqduqe ha-miqra21921 Diqduqe ha-eamim226 diqdqiyyna224, 225, 227 Donner, F.M.132n53 Enanisho1989 Ekol ha-Kopher227 al-Frb, Ab Nar47n77 al-Fris, Ab Al33n29, 1012, 1045, 1079, 11112 al-Farr29n5, 87, 88, 173 Firkovitch, Abraham228 Fischer, W.150, 151 Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M.35n33 Goldziher, I.122, 122n14 Guillaume, J.-P.15n68, 27n3 al-all19n88, 33, 367, 38n, 3940, 42, 44n, 55, 87, 88, 106 Hamz, H.14n65 anzala b. Mlik130 ri131 ri b. Tamm130 Hrn b. Ms, Ab Nar102, 104, 110 Hrn al-Rad120 Hava, J.G.34n31 Heinrichs, W.29n7, 35n33 Hidyat al-Qri226 Himalayas, the128 al-ra1312, 132n52, 132n56 Hunayn ibn Ishaq1989 al-Hutaya51 al-uwrizm, Ab Abdallh Muammad29n6, 110 Ibn Ab al-Rab68, 69n42, 72n47 Ibn al-Anbr, Ab Bakr101 Ibn al-jib1479, 154, 180 Ibn al-Munif al-Naw102, 110 Ibn al-Sarrj72n52, 73, 87, 89 Ibn Aql140n17, 147n61, 149n71, 152, 153, 179 Ibn Batawaih21213

index of names


Ibn Fris30n7 Ibn Him155n84, 156, 156n86, 167, 171 Ibn Jinn87, 89, 90, 143n35, 147, 149, 154 Ibn Mlik147, 148, 149, 149n71, 154, 179 Ibn Manr3234, 51n, 55, 67n33, 67n35 Ibn N, Ab Yaqb Ysuf Ibn Ya60, 67n34, 71n50, 166, 167, 168, 171, 174, 179 Ifahn216 Ivnyi, T.27n3, 33n23, 36n38, 38n46 Jacob of Edessa1957 Jahn, G.4, 23n109, 301, 40n, 141n26, 142n27, 145n43, 145n50 Jihm, J.29 John the Stylite197, 200 Joseph Huzaya191, 193, 200 Judah Hadassi216, 220n25, 227 Jurjn, al-Sayyid al-arf al-29n6, 32n23 Kab b. Raba b.mir130n44 Kalm al-f tal irb qawl Sbawayhi h bb ilm m l-kalim min al-arabiyya101 Katz, J.J.123n18 Kinberg, N.29n5 Kis al-111 Kister, M.J.132 al-Kitb al-Kf f al-Lua al-Ibrniyya216n13, 2234, 225n41, 226 al-Kitb al-Mutamil al al-Ul wa-lFul f al-Lua al-Ibrniyya223 Kitb al-Madal il Ilm al-Diqduq f uruq al-Lua al-Ibrniyya224 Kitb al-Taysr228 Kitb al-Uqd f Tarf al-Lua al-Ibrniyya216n16, 2267 Kitb Fa Luat al-Ibrniyyna226 Kbert, R.23n105, 23n106 Kouloughli, D.E.15n68, 27n Kfa120, 131 Lane, E.W.11n51, 18n81, 34n31 Larcher, P.153n76, 159n95 Lecker, M.130, 130n39, 132 Levin, A.4n5, 4n10, 9n36, 9n38, 10n49, 12n52, 12n56, 14n66, 18n82, 18n85, 23n105 Lyons, J.15, 48n82, 122n15 Maadd121 Maft al-ulm110 Mazm, M.81n23, 88n49 Mlik131

Mlik b. Zayd Mant130 Mliq60, 70, 71n49 al-Maqqar102 Marogy, A.E.27n, 30n, 48n82, 80n19, 120n3 Mr Sargis129n35 Masalha, S.35n34 Masora1925, 198, 206 Masoretes21820, 228 Massignon, L.156, 157n89 Mecca131 Meor Ayin226, 227 Mosel, U.4, 6n22, 7n29, 9n36, 1314, 23n108, 30, 67n26 al-Mubarrad87, 89, 101 al-Mutanabb110 Naf al-ib102 Nahr b. Tawsia al-Yakur121, 121n7 al-Nas101f, 111 Olah we-Olah, Sefer211n23 Owens, J.4n10, 8n34, 9n37, 9n38, 11n50, 12n56, 30, 42n64 Peled, Y.6n22, 14n65, 20n92 Qays121 al-Qirqisn216, 221 Qudma b. Jafar29n6 Quray121 Ramisho198 al-Rummn60, 102, 110 Saad, G.N.4n10, 8n31, 14n63, 15n67 Saadya Gaon216, 226 Sadan, A.8n32 Sad b. Zayd Mant130 Sahl ben Malia216 al-antamar, al-Alam102, 110 Ssnids131, 132 School of Nisibis1912 al-Srf8n32, 8n34, 9n40, 16n75, 17n80, 18n84, 23n105, 31, 33n29, 36, 37n46, 41n58, 102, 104, 110 Solomon ibn Mubarrak ibn ar228 Suleiman, Y.3n2 al-Suy, Jall al-Dn30n7 Taha, Z.A.4n10, 5n11, 7n30, 14n63 al-Talqa101, 105 Talmon, R.27n3, 36n38, 38n46, 41n81, 44n87, 55n108, 56n109


index of names
54n105, 55n106, 79n14, 143n34, 153n77, 155n82, 155n84, 156n85 Watt, W.M.131n48 Wright, W.16n72, 32n, 33n, 150, 151 Yqt, M.81n23 Yefet ben Eli216 Ynus b. abb106 al-Zajjj67n32 al-Zamaar,34n, 60, 143, 143n36, 144, 146, 146n54, 149, 154, 173ff Zayd119, 123, 124, 1312 Zayd b. Abdullhi130 Zayd Mant130, 130n41 al-Zubayd123n16

Tamm121, 12932 Tamm b. Murr130, 130n39 aqif121 Taylor, J.R.1516 Taym Allh b. h alaba121n7 Thomas the Deacon193, 195 Timothy I (Patriarch)199201, 2056 Troupeau, G.9n38, 23, 24n111, 28n3, 35, 54n102, 56n109, 75n1, 84n35 Tustr216 Van Langendonck, W.124n18, 124n21 Veccia Vaglieri, L.150, 151 Vermeer, H.J.14 Versteegh, C.H.M. (Kees)3n4, 9n38, 10n49, 12n53, 13n59, 23n105, 30, 32nn, 34,

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