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Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

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Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Physics, 6th Edition

Chapter 5. Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Unit Conversions
5-1. Dra and label the moment arm o! the !orce " about an a#is at point $ in "i%. 5-11a. &hat is the ma%nitude o! the moment arm' Moment arms are drawn perpendicular to action line: r$ ( )* !t+ sin *5, r$ ( ,.-.5 !t r$ $
*5, * !t 0 !t

/ r/


5-*. "ind the moment arm about a#is / in "i%. 11a. )See figure above.+ r/ ( )0 !t+ sin *5, r/ ( 1.*1 !t

5-0. Determine the moment arm i! the a#is o! rotation is at point $ in "i%. 5-11b. &hat is the ma%nitude o! the moment arm' r/ ( )* m+ sin 6,

F *m $

6,, 0,,


/ r/

r/ ( 1.10 m r$

5-.. "ind the moment arm about a#is / in "i%. 5-11b. r/ ( )5 m+ sin 0,, r/ ( *.5, m

5-5. 2! the !orce " in "i%. 5-11a is equal to -, lb, hat is the resultant torque about a#is $ ne%lectin% the ei%ht o! the rod. &hat is the resultant torque about a#is /' Counterclockwise torques are positive, so that )a+
$ $

is - and

is 3.

( )-, lb+),.-.5 !t+ ( -61.6 lb !t


( )-, lb+)1.*1 !t+ ( 31,1 lb !t

5-6. The !orce " in "i%. 5-11b is .,, 4 and the an%le iron is o! ne%li%ible ei%ht. &hat is the resultant torque about a#is $ and about a#is /' Counterclockwise torques are positive, so that )a+
$ $

is 3 and

is -.

( ).,, 4+)1.10* m+ ( 3650 4 m6


( ).,, 4+)*.5, m+ ( -1,,, 4 m


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Physics, 6th Edition

5-1. $ leather belt is rapped around a pulley *, cm in diameter. $ !orce o! 6, 4 is applied to the belt. &hat is the torque at the center o! the sha!t' r ( 7D ( 1, cm6 ( )6, 4+),.1, m+ ( 36.,, 4 m "

5--. The li%ht rod in "i%. 5-1* is 6, cm lon% and pi8oted about point $. "ind the ma%nitude and si%n o! the torque due to the *,, 4 !orce i! is )a+ 5,,, )b+ 6,,, )c+ 0,,, and )d+ ,,. ( )*,, 4+ ),.6, m+ sin )a+ ( 1*, 4 m )b+ ( 6, 4 m !or all an%les9 $ r 6, cm
*,, 4

)b+ ( 1,. 4 m )d+ ( ,

5-5. $ person ho ei%hs 65, 4 rides a bicycle. The pedals mo8e in a circle o! radius ., cm. 2! the entire ei%ht acts on each do n ard mo8in% pedal, hat is the ma#imum torque' ( )*5, 4+),.., m+ ( *6, 4 m

5-1,. $ sin%le belt is rapped around t o pulleys. The dri8e pulley has a diameter o! 1, cm, and the output pulley has a diameter o! *, cm. 2! the top belt tension is essentially 5, 4 at the ed%e o! each pulley, hat are the input and output torques' 2nput torque ( )5, 4+),.1, m+ ( 5 4 m :utput torque ( )5, 4+),.*, m+ ( 1, 4 m

Resultant Torque
5-11. &hat is the resultant torque about point $ in "i%. 5-10. 4e%lect ei%ht o! bar. ( 3)0, 4+)6 m+ - )15 4+)* m+ - )*, 4+)0 m+ ( 5,., 4 m, Countercloc; ise.
15 4 .m 0, 4 *m 0m

$ *, 4


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Physics, 6th Edition

5-1*. "ind the resultant torque in "i%. 5-10, i! the a#is is mo8ed to the le!t end o! the bar.
15 4

( 3)0, 4+),+ 3 )15 4+). m+ - )*, 4+)5 m+ ( -1*, 4 m, countercloc; ise.

$ .m
0, 4


0m *, 4

5-10. &hat hori<ontal !orce must be e#erted at point $ in "i% 5-11b to ma;e the resultant torque about point / equal to <ero hen the !orce " ( -, 4' ( P )* m+ = )-, 4+)5 m+ )sin 0,,+ ( , * P ( *,, 46 P ( 1,, 4 *m P " ( -, 4 5m / r/


5-1.. T o heels o! diameters 6, cm and *, cm are !astened to%ether and turn on the same a#is as in "i%. 5-1.. &hat is the resultant torque about a central a#is !or the sho n ei%hts' r1 ( 7)6, cm+ ( ,.0, m 6 r* ( 7)0, cm+ ( ,.15 m ( )*,, 4+),.0, m+ = )15, 4+),.15 m+ ( 01.5 4 m6 ( 01.5 4 m, cc

5-15. >uppose you remo8e the 15,-4 ei%ht !rom the small heel in "i%. 5-1.. &hat ne ei%ht can you han% to produce <ero resultant torque' ( )*,, 4+),.0, m+ = & ),.15 m+ ( ,6 & ( .,, 4
A ?@ ?@

5-16. Determine the resultant torque about the corner $ !or "i%. 5-15. ( 3)16, 4+),.6, m+ sin .,, - )-, 4+),.*, m+ ( 61.1 4 m = 16., 4 m ( .5.1 4 m

AA ?@

B ?@ ?


( .5.1 4 m
-, 4 6, cm 16, 4

5-11. "ind the resultant torque about point C in "i%. 5-15. ( - )-, 4+),.*, m+ ( -16 4 m
*, cm



Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium C5-1-. "ind the resultant torque about a#is / in "i%. 5-15. Fx = 16, cos .,,6 Fy ( 16, sin .,, /
*, cm

Physics, 6th Edition

16, 4

-, 4 6, cm


( = )1*0 4+),.* m+ 3 )1,0 4+),.6 m+ ( 01.* 4 m


5-15. $ uni!orm meter stic; is balanced at its midpoint ith a sin%le support. $ 6,-4 ei%ht is suspended at the 0, cm mar;. $t hat point must a .,-4 ei%ht be hun% to balance the system' !he "#$4 weight is %# cm from the axis&
6, 4 *, cm

., 4

( ,6 )6, 4+)*, cm+ = )., 4+x ( , ., x ( 1*,, 4 cm or

x ( 0, cm9 !he weight must be hung at the '#$cm mark(

5-*,. &ei%hts o! 1, 4, *, 4, and 0, 4 are placed on a meterstic; at the *, cm, ., cm, and 6, cm mar;s, respecti8ely. The meterstic; is balanced by a sin%le support at its midpoint. $t hat point may a 5-4 ei%ht be attached to produce equilibrium. ( )1, 4+)0, cm+ 3 )*, 4+)1, cm+ = )0, 4+)1, cm+ = )5 4+ x = # 5 x ( )0,, 3 *,, =0,,+ or x ( ., cm
1, 4 *, 4 0, 4 54 1, cm 0, cm

!he )$4 weight must be placed at the *#$cm mark 5-*1. $n --m board o! ne%li%ible ei%ht is supported at a point * m !rom the ri%ht end here a 5,-4 ei%ht is attached. &hat do n ard !orce at the must be e#erted at the le!t end to produce equilibrium' = 0: " )6 m+ = )5, 4+)* m+ ( , or " ( 16.1 4 F



6 " ( 1,, 4 m

5, 4


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium

Physics, 6th Edition

5-**. $ .-m pole is supported at each end by hunters carryin% an -,,-4 deer hich is hun% at a point 1.5 m !rom the le!t end. &hat are the up ard !orces required by each hunter' ( $ ),+ = )-,, 4+)1.5 m+ 3 / ).., m+ ( , ./ ( 1*,, 4 or / ( 0,, 4 $ ( 5,, 4 $ 1.5 m

*.5 m
-,, 4

"y ( $ 3 / = -,, lb ( ,6

5-*0. $ssume that the bar in "i%. 5-16 is o! ne%li%ible ei%ht. "ind the !orces " and $ pro8ided the system is in equilibrium. ( )-, 4+)1.*, m+ = " ),.5, m+ ( ,6 " ( 1,1 4 "y ( " = $ = -, 4 ( ,6 $ ( 1,1 4 = -, 4 ( *6.1 4 " ( 1,1 4, $ ( *6.1 4
0, cm -, 4

5, cm


5-*.. "or equilibrium, hat are the !orces "1 and "* in "i%. 5-11. )4e%lect ei%ht o! bar.+ ( )5, lb+)5 !t+ = "* ). !t+ = )*, lb+)5 !t+ ( ,6
5 !t $#is 5, lb

. !t 1 !t *, lb

"* ( -1.5 lb "y ( "1 = "* = *, lb = 5, lb ( , "1 ( "* 311, lb ( -1.5 lb 3 11, lb, "1 ( 15- lb


5-*5. Consider the li%ht bar supported as sho n in "i%. 5-1-. &hat are the !orces e#erted by the supports $ and /' / ( .5.1 4

0m 6m $#is 6, 4


( / )11 m+ = )6, 4+)0 m+ = )., 4+) 5 m+ ( ,6

"y ( $ 3 / = ., 4 = 6, 4 ( , / ( 5,.5 4

., 4

$ ( 1,, 4 = / ( 1,, 4 = .5.1 46

5-*6. $ D-belt is rapped around a pulley 16 in. in diameter. 2! a resultant torque o! . lb !t is required, hat !orce must be applied alon% the belt' R ( 7)16 in.+ ( - in. R ( )-E1* !t+ ( ,.661 !t F


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium = " ),.661 !t+ ( . lb !t6 " ( 6.,, lb

Physics, 6th Edition

5-*1. $ brid%e hose total ei%ht is .5,, 4 is *, m lon% and supported at each end. "ind the !orces e#erted at each end hen a 16,,-4 tractor is located - m !rom the le!t end. / ( *-5, 4

( / )*, m+ = )16,, 4+)- m+ = ).5,, 4+) 1, A m+ ( ,6

-m *m 1, m

"y ( $ 3 / = 16,, 4 = .5,, 4 ( , / ( 0*1, 4

$#is 16,, 4 .5,, 4

$ ( 61,, 4 = / ( 61,, 4 = *-5, 46

5-*-. $ 1,-!t plat!orm ei%hin% ., lb is supported at each end by stepladders. $ 1-,-lb painter is located . !t !rom the ri%ht end. "ind the !orces e#erted by the supports. / ( 1*- lb

( /)1, !t+ = )., lb+)5 !t+ = )1-, lb+) 6 !t+ ( ,6 A


5 !t 1 !t . !t

"y ( $ 3 / = ., lb = 1-, lb ( , $ ( 5*., lb

$ ( **, lb = / ( **, lb = 1*- lb6

., lb

1-, lb

C5-*5. $ hori<ontal, 6-m boom ei%hin% .,, 4 is hin%ed at the all as sho n in "i%. 5-15. $ cable is attached at a point ..5 m a ay !rom the all, and a 1*,,-4 ei%ht is attached to the ri%ht end. &hat is the tension in the cable' ( 5, = 01 ( 50 6 Ty ( T sin 50
, , , ,

0m $#is .,, 4

Ty Ty 1.5 m

1.5 m

( )T sin 50,+)..5 m+ = ).,, 4+)0 m+ = )1*,, 4+)6 m+ ( ,6 T ( *0., 4

1*,, 4

0.55 T ( 1*,, 4 3 1*,, 46

C5-0,. &hat are the hori<ontal and 8ertical components o! the !orce e#erted by the all on the boom' &hat is the ma%nitude and direction o! this !orce' "# ( F = T# ( ,6 F = T cos 50, ( ,6 F ( )*0., 4+ cos 50,6 F ( 1.,- 4

"y ( D 3 T sin 50, = .,, 4 = 1*,, 4 ( ,6 D ( 16,, 4 = )*0., 4+ sin 50, ( -*65 4 !hus, the components are9 F ( 1.,- 4 and D ( -*65 4. !he resultant of these is:


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium + = , * + - * = 1.0. 46 tan ( -*65 ( 1,.-, > o! E 1.,-

Physics, 6th Edition

R ( 1.0. 4, 0.5.*,

Center o" #ravit$

5-01. $ uni!orm 6-m bar has a len%th o! 6 m and ei%hs 0, 4. $ 5,-4 ei%ht is hun% !rom the le!t end and a *,-4 !orce is hun% at the ri%ht end. Fo !ar !rom the le!t end ill a sin%le up ard !orce produce equilibrium' "y ( " = 5, 4 = 0, 4 = *, 4 ( ,6 " ( 1,, 4

F x 0m
0, 4

*, 4

( " x = )0, 4+)0 m+ = )*, 4+)6 m+ ( , )1,, 4+ x ( *1, 4 m6 x ( *.1, m

5, 4

5-0*. $ .,-4 sphere and a 1*-4 sphere are connected by a li%ht rod *,, mm in len%th. Fo !ar !rom the middle o! the .,-4 sphere is the center o! %ra8ity' "y ( " = ., 4 = 1* 4 ( ,6 " ( 5* 4 ( " x = )., 4+),+ = )1* 4+),.*, m+ ( , )5* 4+ x ( *.., 4 m6 x ( ,.,.6* m or x = .6.* mm x F

*,, mm ., 4

1* 4

5-00. &ei%hts o! *, 5, -, and 1, 4 are hun% !rom a 1,-m li%ht rod at distances o! *, ., 6, and - m !rom the le!t end. Fo !ar !rom the le!t in is the center o! %ra8ity' "y ( " = 1, 4 = - 4 = 5 4 = * 4 ( ,6 " ( *5 4 "x = )* 4+)* m+ = )5 4+). m+ = )- 4+)6 m+ = )1, 4+)- m+ ( , )*5 4+ x ( 15* 4 m6 x ( 6.,- m
*4 *m *m 54

*m *m -4


1, 4

5-0.. Compute the center o! %ra8ity o! sled%ehammer i! the metal head ei%hs 1* lb and the 0*in. supportin% handle ei%hs * lb. $ssume that the handle is o! uni!orm construction and ei%ht. "y ( " = * lb = 1* lb ( ,6 " ( 1. lb
1* lb

x F
16 in. * lb 16 in.


Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium "x = )1* lb+),+ = )* lb+)16 in.+ ( ,6 )1. lb+ x ( 0* lb in.6 Fx ( 0* lb in.

Physics, 6th Edition

x ( *.*5 in. !rom head.

Challen%e Problems
5-05. &hat is the resultant torque about the hin%e in "i%. .-*,' 4e%lect ei%ht o! the cur8ed bar. ( )-, 4+),.6 m+ = )*,, 4+),.. m+ sin .,, ( .-., 4 m = 51.. 4 m6 ( = 0..* 4 m
6, cm -, 4 .,, .,

., cm

*,, 4

5-06. &hat hori<ontal !orce applied to the le!t end o! the bar in "i%. .-*, ill produce rotational equilibrium' From .rob( )$//: ( - 0..* 4 m. !hus, if ( ,, then torque of 30..* 4 m must be added. " ),.6 m+ cos .,, ( 30..5 4 m6 " ( 1..5 4 F
-, 4 5, 6, cm


.,, ., cm

*,, 4

5-01. &ei%hts o! 1,,, *,,, and 5,, lb are placed on a li%ht board restin% on t o supports as sho n in "i%. .-*1. &hat are the !orces e#erted by the supports' ( )1,, lb+). !t+ 3 /)16 !t+
. !t

6 !t 6 !t

. !t

= )*,, lb+)6 !t+ = )5,, lb+)1* !t+ ( ,6

/ ( .*5 lb
1,, lb

*,, lb 5,, lb

"y ( $ 3 / = 1,, lb = *,, lb = 5,, lb ( , $ ( -,, lb = / ( -,, lb = .*5 lb6 $ ( 015 lb

!he forces exerted by the supports are 9 $ ( 015 4 and / ( .*5 4 5-0-. $n --m steel metal beam ei%hs *.,, 4 and is supported 0 m !rom the ri%ht end. 2! a 5,,,-4 ei%ht is placed on the ri%ht end, hat !orce must be e#erted at the le!t end to balance the system'

1m 0m

( $ )5 m+ 3 )*.,, 4+)1 m+ = )5,,, 4+) 0 m+ ( ,6 A .0

*.,, 4 5,,, 4

Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium $ ( .5*, 4 "y ( $ 3 / = *.,, 4 = 5,,, 4 ( , $ ( 6.-, 4

Physics, 6th Edition

/ ( 11,.,, 4 = $ ( 11,.,, 4 = .5*, 46

C5-05. "ind the resultant torque about point $ in "i%. 5-**. ( )1, 4+),.,5 m+ sin 5,, = )5, 4+),.16 m+ sin 55, ( *.6- 4 m = 6.55 4 m ( =0.-1 4 m

5,, 1, 4 5 cm

16 cm

$ r

( =0.-1 4 m

5, 4


/ C5-.,. "ind the resultant torque about point / in "i%. 5-**. ( )1, 4+),+ = )5, 4+)a 0 b+ 6 First find a and b(
5,, 1, 4 5 cm

a ( ),.,5 m+ cos 5,, ( ,.,*01 m6 b ( ),.16 m+ sin 55, ( ,.101 m

16 cm

( = )5, 4+),.,*01 m 3 ,.101 m+ ( =-.16 4 m ( =-.16 4 m

5, 4


Criti&al Thin'in% (uestions

C5-.1. $ 0,-lb bo# and a 5,-lb bo# are on opposite ends o! a 16-!t board supported only at its midpoint. Fo !ar !rom the le!t end should a .,-lb bo# be placed to produce equilibrium' &ould the result be di!!erent i! the board ei%hed 5, lb' &hy, or hy not' ( )0, lb+)- !t+ 3 )., lb+)#+ = )5, lb+)- !t+ ( ,6 x 0, lb ., lb - !t F - !t ) 5, lb

x ( ..,, !t 1ote that the weight acting at the center of the board does 12! contribute to torque about

the center, and therefore, the balance point is not affected, regardless of the weight( 5-.*. :n a lab bench you ha8e a small roc;, a .-4 meterstic; and a sin%le ;ni!e-ed%e support. E#plain ho you can use these three items to !ind the ei%ht o! the small roc;. a .. b

Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium Measure distances a and b3 determine F and then F calculate the weight 4 from equilibrium methods(

Physics, 6th Edition

,.5 m



C5-.0. "ind the !orces "1, "*, and "0 such that the system dra n in "i%. 5-*0 is in equilibrium. 1ote action$reaction forces + and +5( First, lets work with top board: )about R+ ( ,6 Force R is upward.

* !t 6 !t

* !t

5, lb

0 !t 0,, lb 5 !t *,, lb

* !t

( )0,, lb+)6 !t+ = )5, lb+)* !t+ = "1)- !t+ ( ,


"1 ( *10 lb

1ow, Fy = # gives9 *10 lb 3 R =0,, lb = 5, lb ( ,6 R ( 10- lb ( RG

1ext we sum torques about F% with +5 = 6/' lb is directed in a downward direction:


( )10- lb+)0 !t+ 3 "0)1 !t+ = )*,, lb+)5 !t+ ( ,6 From which9 "0 ( -0.5 lb "* ( =*5. lb

Fy = # = "* 3 -0.5 lb = 10- lb = *,, lb6

!he three unknown forces are: "1 ( *10 lb, "* ( =*5. lb, "0 ( -0.5 lb

C5-... )a+ &hat ei%ht & ill produce a tension o! .,, 4 in the rope attached to the boom in "i%. 5-*.'. )b+ &hat ould be the tension in the rope i! & ( .,, 4' 4e%lect the ei%ht o! the boom in each case. )a+ = ( 4 00 ) (4 m+ sin 0,,+ = & )6 m+ cos 0,, ( , & ( 15. 4 )b+ ( T). m+ sin 0,, = ).,, 4+)6 m+ cos 0,, ( , T ( 6,, 4 C5-.5. >uppose the boom in "i%. 5-*. has a ei%ht o! 1,, 4 and the suspended ei%ht & is equal to .,, 4. &hat is the tension in the cord' = (4 m+ sin 0,,+ = ).,, 4+)6 m+ cos 0,,
$#is 0,, T .m 0,, 1,, 4 *m $#is 0,, .,, 4 .m 0,





Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium = )1,, 4+)0 m+ cos 0,, ( , T ( 1165 4

Physics, 6th Edition

C5-.6. "or the conditions set in Problem 5-5, hat are the hori<ontal and 8ertical components o! the !orce e#erted by the !loor hin%e on the base o! the boom' "# ( F = 1165 4 ( ,6 or F ( 1165 4 D ( 5,, 4
! $#is 0,, 1165 4 .m 0,

*m .,, 4 1,, 4

"y ( D = 1,, 4 = .,, 4 ( ,6 or F ( 1165 4 and

D ( 5,, 4

CC5-.1. &hat is the tension in the cable !or "i%. 5-*5. The ei%ht o! the boom is 0,, 4 but its len%th is un;no n. )Select axis at wall, 7 cancels(&

7 = !7 sin 15 ) 0,, 1 + sin 0,, 5.6 7 sin 0,, = , *



H T sin 15 ( 15., 4 3 *10 46


T ( 06, 4 !


5.6 4

0,, 4

CC5-.-. &hat are the ma%nitude and direction o! the !orce e#erted by the all on the boom in "i%. 5-*5' $%ain assume that the ei%ht o! the board is 0,, 4. +efer to the figure and data given in .roblem )$8 and recall that ! = 06, 4. "# ( F - )06, 4+ cos .5, ( ,6 F ( *55 4 T ( 06, 4
.5, 6,, 0,,

"y ( D 3 )06, 4+ sin .5, = 0,, 4 = 5.6 4 ( ,6 D ( 551 4 F ( *55 4 and D ( 551 4

C5-.5. $n car has a distance o! 0.. m bet een !ront and rear a#les. 2! 6, percent o! the ei%ht rests on the !ront heels, ho !ar is the center o! %ra8ity located !rom the !ront a#le' " $#is x ( ,.6&),+ 3 ,..&)0.. m+ = F x ( , ,..&
0.. m



Chapter 5 Torque and Rotational Equilibrium /ut " ( &9 1.06 & = & x ( ,

Physics, 6th Edition

x ( 1.06 m from front axle


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