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A Look at Centrifugal Pump Suction Hydraulic - Part 2

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A Look at Centrifugal Pump Suction Hydraulic Part 2

Saeid Rahimi
Pump suction side hydraulic calculation is always one of the most important checking done for all pumps. This calculation may
determine pump suction line size, suction piping layout, suction vessel elevation and pump type. Addition to allowable suction
velocity and pressure drop which have to be in the range defined by project design criteria, Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
is another parameter that check the adequacy of selected pump in specified service. There are two types of NPSH. First is NPSH
Available which is a function of the hydraulic parameters of system in which the pump operates. NPSH
is the excess pressure
of the liquid over its vapor pressure as it arrives at the pump suction nozzle in height of liquid absolute. The second is NPSH
Required which is the positive head required at the pump suction to overcome pressure drops in the pump and maintain the
majority of the liquid above its vapor pressure. NPSH
is the specification of pump and it depends on pump mechanical design,
so it can be only given by pump vendor. The NPSH
is determined by pumping cold water through the pump with constant
impeller size and RPM while reducing the suction head until the pump showed a reduction in discharge head of three percent
(3%), due to the low suction head and any formation of bubbles within the pump. This point is called "the point of incipient
In designing a pumping system, it is essential to provide adequate NPSH
for proper pump operation. Insufficient NPSH
seriously restrict pump selection, or even force an expensive system redesign. On the other hand, providing excessive NPSH
may unnecessarily increase system cost.
Cavitation is one of the main causes of pump damage which can happen as a result of vaporization, gas/air entrainment, internal
recirculation, and turbulence or combination of them. This note focuses on pump cavitation due to gas entrainment, internal
recirculation and turbulence.
Gas/Air Entrainment
A centrifugal pump can handle up to 0.5%vol air or gas without any major problem but at 6% the results can be disastrous. The
gas bubbles collapse as they pass from the eye of the pump to the higher pressure side of the impeller. Entrained gas seldom
causes damage to the impeller or casing but it does lower the capacity of the pump. It should be noted that increasing suction
head has no effect on this type of cavitation. Figure 1 shows the typical effect of incondensable gas on pump head and capacity.
Gas gets into the pump system in several ways such as:
Previously flashed process liquid conveying flashed gas into the
suction piping.
Injection of gas, which is not absorbed into liquid which can be
eliminated by using static mixer.
Valves, seals, flanges in vacuum systems or in suction lift
application allowing air to leak into the stream.
Gas producing chemical reaction.

Pulling gas through vortexing fluid is one of the pump damaging
events that may occur due to bad design of pump suction nozzle.
This can occur when the liquid height above suction nozzle lowers
below specific level. There are two ways for preventing gas
entrainment due to vortexing:

Installing vortex breaker and setting pump trip about half of
suction nozzle (min 150mm) above top of vortex breaker
Setting pump trip at a level high enough to prevent vortex
formation and gas entrainment. Perrys chemical engineering
handbook equation 6-137 and 6-138 should be referred. Figure 1 The effect of air on head water pump


For tray draw off nozzle which vortex breaker cannot be employed and liquid level is not so high, one of the arrangements
depicted in Figures 2a and 2b is suggested.

In addition, an anticipated drop in pump head due to entrained gas may be offset by over-sizing the impeller.

Figure 2a Plate extension vortex breaker Figure 2b Slotted pipe vortex breaker
Internal Recirculation
Pump internal recirculation is another cause of cavitation. As the
name implies, the fluid re-circulates increasing its velocity until it
vaporizes in form of bubbles and then collapses in the surrounding
higher pressure. This condition is visible on the leading edge of the
impeller, close to the outside diameter, working its way back to the
middle of the vane. It can also be found at the suction eye of the
pump. Suction specific speed has come into use as an indication of
the suction characteristics of centrifugal pumps. Figure 3 shows the
location on internal recirculation in pump suction side.

Suction Specific Speed
Suction specific speed is defined as: Figure 3 Suction eye recirculation
75 . 0
5 . 0
SSS = (1)
For a given pump, suction specific speed is an indication of the relative size of the eye of the impeller. A pump with a higher
suction specific speed would typically have a larger eye and lower NPSH

Pumps with suction specific speed in the range of 9000 to 11000 for optimum and trouble-free operation are preferred. Pump
with SSS of 11000 and higher will require lower NPSH
but the problem is higher suction specific speed means the narrower
safe operating range from BEP because flow separation and recirculation problems occur at the off-peak low-flow conditions. In
other words, a higher suction specific speed design is better only if pump does not operate significantly below its BEP. That is
why only some particular pumps like BFW and condensate pumps are designed with suction specific speed higher than 11000.
Too high suction specific speed number will cause excessive internal recirculation problems at low flow leading to cavitation.
Pump with suction specific speed of 7000 and lower is also categorized as poorly mechanical design. In this condition, pump
will have comparatively small impeller eye, high entrance/internal loss and consequently high NPSH

The most effective way of protecting pump against cavitation due to internal recirculation is to keep the pump flow higher than
a minimum flow which is specified by vendor. Following guideline can be used to specify this requirement in absence of pump
vendor data:

For water pumps, the minimum operating flow can be as low as 50% of the suction recirculation starting flow for
continuous operation and as low as 25% for intermittent operation.
For hydrocarbon pumps, the minimum operating flow can be as low as 60% of the suction recirculation flow for
continuous operation and as low as 25% for intermittent operation.

Figures 4a and 4b show the capacity at which suction recirculation starts as a function of specific speed and suction specific


Figure 4a Suction recirculation starting flow at low SS Figure 4b Suction recirculation starting flow at high SS

For example, for single suction hydrocarbon pump with SS in the range specified in Figure 4a, if SSS is 14000 the suction
recirculation starts at 93% of BEP flow. This means pump minimum operating flow should be about 56% (0.93 of 60%) of BEP
It should be noted that cavitation because of internal recirculation is not eliminated by increasing the suction head.
It is generally preferred to have constant velocity of liquid in pump suction line especially in the immediate suction piping.
Change in the velocity of liquid causes pressure change which is the main parameter in preventing or commencing cavitation.
Any sudden flow directional change, pipe expansion or contraction, corrosion, and flow obstruction or throttling at suction
changes the fluid velocity, causes more eddies and increases the probability of vacuum generation, internal recirculation and
cavitation. Turbulence of the fluid can also result in release of entrained gases inside the pump suction piping.

Cavitation due to flow turbulence can be prevented through proper
engineering of suction side of pump i.e. correct piping design,
material selection and process considerations along with proper
operation can guarantee trouble-free pumping.

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BEP a point on maximum impeller size curve
with has the highest efficiency
H Pump differential head, ft
N Pump speed, RPM
Q Pump flow at BEP, gpm
Pump NPSH required at BEP, ft
SS Suction Speed
SSS Suction Specific Speed

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