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TAC Norms FP Manual

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FIRE PROTECTION MANUAL PREFACE The First Edition of this Manual was issued by the Calcutta Fire Insurance

Association in 1906 and was brought up to date and re issued in 19!0" The third# fourth and fifth Editions were published $ointly by the Insurance Associations of India and %a&istan in 19'(# 19)0 and 19)! respecti*ely to pro*ide for the needs of the whole of the areas controlled by these Associations" The subse+uent si,th# se*enth and eighth Editions were published by the Fire -ectional Co..ittees of Calcutta# /o.bay# 0elhi and Madras 1egional Councils of the Insurance Associations of India" In the ninth Edition published in 19(2# a.end.ents and additions were effected to bring the pro*isions in line with current thin&ing on fire protection techni+ues and to encourage installation of fi,ed fire e,tinguishing appliances3alar. syste.s in relati*ely low ha4ard ris&s on the one hand and tighten re+uire.ents for design of syste.s suitable for high ha4ard ris&s such as %etroleu. 1efineries# %etroche.ical and Fertiliser %lants on the other hand# which# world wide e,perience has indicated# need copious +uantities of water and other e,tinguishing .edia" In this tenth Edition an effort has been .ade to further update and strea.line the regulations" The Manual should pro*e of *alue to factory owners and their technical personnel when dealing with .atters relating to fire e,tinguishing appliances and also constitute a handy boo& of reference to Insurance officials" The .aintenance of fire e,tinguishing appliances in an efficient state and fa.iliarisation with all details of operations is essential if the .a,i.u. benefit is to be deri*ed in the e.ergency of an outbrea& of a fire" The Manual incorporates long e,perience of fire protection engineering both in India and elsewhere in the world" Co.pliance of the rules will not only obtain appropriate discount in the fire insurance pre.iu. but will also instil feeling of security that the presence of an efficient fire fighting e+uip.ent should engender" 0irect loss fro. fire and the resultant wastage is always serious but the indirect loss and the resultant dislocation of business is often .uch .ore serious" The 1egional 5ffices of Tariff Ad*" Co..ittee .aintain an inspection staff of +ualified engineers# specialists in fire protection and pre*ention engineering and practice in all its aspects" The ser*ices of this staff are a*ailable to .a&e reco..endations and carry out inspections in &eeping

with the nature of wor&" 6All references to Co..ittee or staff thereof in this preface and in the body of the Manual apply to the Co..ittee controlling the territory within which the ris& is situated7" The Manual initially deals with portable appliances and s.all bore hose reels# which are considered as first aid appliances" The regulations regarding trailer are co*ered ne,t" The last part is de*oted to fi,ed e,ternal protection in the for. of a hydrant syste. which is considered the bac&bone of the entire fire fighting operations as it fights fires of serious proportions in all classes of ris&s and continues to do so e*en in the e*ent of a collapse of the buildings3structures protected" 8igh rise buildings which ha*e beco.e a co..on feature of .odern society present inherent fire ha4ard as fire brigades are often helpless in the face of fires in such structures and are unable to sa*e li*es and fight fires effecti*ely with traditional .ethods" A separate section has# therefore# been de*oted for prescribing the specialised type of protection re+uired by these structures" In case it is desired to install any appliances# which are not co*ered by this .anual# assistance and ad*ice .ay be obtained fro. the inspection staff .aintained by the 1egional 5ffices" 9here*er reference to any Indian -tandard appears in this Manual# it should be ta&en as a reference to its latest *ersion"


FIRE PROTECTION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS REGARDING SUBMISSION OF PLANS: %lans for sub.ission to the Co..ittee shall be drawn up in accordance with the following re+uire.ents; 1"1" %lans shall be clear# contain all re+uired details including scale and point of Co.pass and shall be dated" 1"2" %lans of new installations shall show the entire Co.pound< all buildings therein# with their door and window openings# and the boundary walls" /uildings under construction and future e,tension en*isaged shall be indicated by dotted lines" %lans of e,tensions to appro*ed e,isting installations need not show the rest of the co.pound but sufficient details shall be gi*en of the e,isting installations in correlation to the e,tension# to enable the Co..ittee=s Inspection -taff to chec& the plans and offer co..ents" In case of storeyed buildings# drawings sub.itted shall include plans of each storey together with sectional ele*ations" The locations and details of fire access staircases together with the arrange.ents of hydrants on their landings shall also be shown" Further# a Table showing >?ist of /loc&s= protected as per Co..ittee=s rules should be gi*en" 1"!" Material; %lans shall be on 9hite paper or A..onia paper or Ferro %russiate paper" 1"'" %lans shall generally be prepared in accordance with I-; 696# shall not e,ceed ()0 , 1200 .. in si4e and shall be drawn to a scale not e,ceeding 1;)00 or 1;1000" In the case of *ery large co.pounds with .ore than one ris&# it is ad*isable to separate plans for each ris& with a &ey showing the relati*e situation of the *arious ris& etc" in the co.pounds" 1.5. Signs 1")"1 %ucca walls to be shown by double lines# doors and windows being clearly .ar&ed" W D


Iron or other non .asonry walls to be shown by a thin line and nature of Construction indicated"


%erfect %arty 9alls 6%%97 to be indicated by the sign >T= at each end of the wall# or ha*e the letters >%%9= alongside or across the. at regular inter*als and .ar&ed in distincti*e colour"


Fireproof doors and3or -hutters to be .ar&ed as follows -ingle Fireproof 0oor and3or -hutter >-F0= 0ouble Fireproof 0oors and3or -hutters >0F0=


Ele*ated fire ser*ice tan&s to be shown hatched and their capacity and height of base abo*e the highest roof to be stated"

N.B. In case of .ultipurpose ele*ated tan&s# the capacity reser*ed for sprin&ler installation to be indicated instead of the total capacity" 1")"6 1")"A -&y lights to be .ar&ed >-&y ?ights= or @ -?@" /oiler to be shown by a rectangular figure .ar&ed >/oiler=" BOILER


8ydrant Mains to be shown by a red line< the dia.eter# length and nu.ber of pipes being .ar&ed alongside and specials and reducers to be clearly indicated" " " " " " .. B ?ECDT8 5F EEE M EAC8


8ydrant 8eads to be shown by red circles not less than ! .. in dia.eter and .ar&ed >-8=" 0ouble 8ydrant to be indicated by double circles and .ar&ed >08="


9ater Monitors to be shown by a circle with an obli+ue arrow through it and .ar&ed# F9MG

9M 1")"11 Cut off *al*es to be .ar&ed3drawn across the .ains"

1")"12 1")"1!

-prin&ler and 8ydrant to be clearly .ar&ed and the capacity and head to be indicated in each case" %u.p6s7 suction piping to be shown dotted and dia.eter indicated"

1")"1' 1")"1)

-urface fire ser*ice 9ater tan&s and reser*oirs to be shown to scale and a*erage depth indicated" -prin&ler trun& .ains to be shown by a blue line# the si4es being .ar&ed alongside" " " " " " " .. H -%I MAIC


Fire alar. bells to be shown by blue circles and .ar&ed >FA/=" J F"A"/ -prin&lered bloc&s to be .ar&ed >-= -

1")"1A 1")"1( 1")"19

5il# sol*ent# acid and other che.ical tan&s to be drawn to scale and suitably .ar&ed" 5pen storage areas to be clearly shown by hatched outlines and .ar&ed >5pen -torage -ite for="


Electric cable6s7 for the fire pu.p6s7 to be shown in green line6s7EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

:::::::: :

2. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN THE CASE OF APPLICATION FOR DISCOUNTS: 2"0 The sanction of discounts off insurance pre.iu.s shall necessarily follow consideration by the 1egional 5ffice 6TAC7 all details of the ris& including .anufacturing processes in*ol*ed and the protecti*e appliances to be installed in order to ensure that the -tandards laid down ha*e been fully obser*ed" To pre*ent confusion or disappoint.ent# definite rules for procedure ha*e been laid down as follows; 2"12%roposals for the installation of appliances shall be sub.itted to the 1egional 5ffice 6TAC7 by the ?eading 5ffice on the ris& and shall co.prise 2"1"12 Material specifications of e+uip.ent and co.ponents of the installation# indicating the na.e of .anufacturers# -tandards3-pecifications and na.e of appro*ing authority# if any" In the case of internal appliances# details of the areas of the *arious co.part.ents# their occupation and the +uantities and types of appliances proposed" In the case of sprin&ler and hydrant installation# fully di.ensioned plans in duplicate as called for in Ite. 1" In addition to the abo*e# the following details would be necessary in the case of hydrant installation a7 6I7 0rawings showing layout of the entire hydrant syste.# incorporating type of $oints# details of pu.p and its pri.e .o*er" Another table gi*ing the details of single headed and double headed hydrants# internal hydrants# fire escape hydrants# no" of hose pipes 61) . and A") . length7 and branch pipe with no44les including 10 K spares# .ode of distribution of those pipes and total e+ui*alent no" of hydrants should be included" There should be a table showing


2"1"!2 2"1"'2

the percentage of *arious pipe dia.eters used in the syste.s" a7 II Typical sectional ele*ation drawing showing the height# di.ensions etc" of the stand post for single headed hydrant# double headed hydrants# .onitors specifying dia.eter of no44le# riser .ains and landing *al*e of riser .ains of FE8# Cut 5ff *al*e cha.bers in plan and ele*ation should be incorporated" III7 In case of bloc&s ha*ing upper floors# separate upper floors plans showing the locations# fire escape hydrants 6FE87 and staircases# sectional ele*ational drawings of the escape staircase< 1iser .ain and location of landing *al*e of FE8 should be sub.itted# preferably along with# ci*il construction 6architects7 drawings of indi*idual bloc&s N.B. In the case of storeyed bloc&s# floor area of each floor# with particulars of fire proof shutters of fireproof door and nearest .achinery# wired glass windows etc" to be .ar&ed" b7 ?ayout of pu.p house showing clearly the suction# deli*ery and 6if any7 arrange.ents along with full scale drawing of pu.p# .otor# diesel engine# 0D Control panel# MCC for electric dri*en Lal*es etc" c7 0etails of water storage tan&s gi*ing particular of co.part.entation and $ac& well# details of inflow and particulars of tapings for other purposes# if any with water reser*oir capacity 1CC or steel lined or un lined# co.bined process water or e,clusi*e fire water reser*oir should be gi*en"


d7 -ub station location in relation to other bloc&s if the pu.p is electrically dri*en" If the substation is attached to any other building# the details of segregation fro. ad$oining buildings# indicating roo.# ?T# 8T# location of change o*er switch# 0D 1oo. etc"


%lans of -ub -tation showing thic&ness of internal walls and e+uip.ent layout along with single line sche.atic diagra. of the pu.p fro. the .ain substation to the FFire %u.p roo.G along with tapping# circuit brea&er and switch fuse units" 1oute of cable fro. -ub -tation to fire pu.p house"


g7 -che.atic circuit line diagra. showing power supply inside the fire pu.p roo." h7 ?egend e,plaining the *arious sy.bols used shown should be gi*en" 2"220iscounts will be considered only if all hand appliances and their accessories as well as all co.ponents of hydrant# sprin&ler and other fire protection syste.s are of a type and .a&e# appro*ed by the Tariff Ad*isory Co..ittee" 2"!2Co discounts will be considered for a sprin&ler or hydrant syste. unless the sa.e has been hydraulically tested with trenches open atleast once during the course of installation by the Co..itteeMs Inspectorate# and found in order" Further# site engineer of the Installing Contractor should .aintain progress record with FprotocolG duly signed by representati*e of the client and hi." 2"'2The prior sub.ission of proposals to the Co..ittee before the wor& is co..enced# is essential# to ensure that the installation will confor. to the Co..ittee=s re+uire.ents but does not dispense with the procedure laid down hereafter for application for the sanction of discounts" 2")2Application for discounts shall be sub.itted on special for.s pro*ided for the purpose by the Co..ittee and shall co.prise; 2")"12 2")"22 2")"! Application by the ?eading 5ffice 6Appendi, I7 Duarantee by the Insured 6Appendi, II7 -chedule of Appliances 6Appendi, III7 6-igned by Insured7

2"6 In e*ery case# a plan of the pre.ises prepared in accordance with the re+uire.ents indicated in 1"1 to 1") shall acco.pany any application for a discount for fire e,tinguishing appliances and# in the case of sprin&ler and3or hydrant installations# Installing Engineers= detailed MAs Erected= wor&ing drawings are essential" N.B. A Certificate of Co.pletion fro. the installing Engineers stating the pressure to which the installation6s7 has been sub$ected and gi*ing the date6s7 fro. which it was in co.plete wor&ing order should also be sub.itted" Further# progress record with protocol duly signed by client# installing contractor and3or pro$ect consultants should be sub.itted" 2"A E*en in the case of e,tensions to an e,isting ser*ice# a co.plete set of for.s and plants detailed in 2") and 2"6 abo*e shall be sub.itted" 2"( Applications# which relate to discounts for appliances other than hydrants# shall also be acco.panied by a plan of the pre.ises showing the layout and distribution of appliances" 2"9 Co application for discount can be entertained until the relati*e appliances are co.plete# in position# ready for use and fully operati*e" An appropriate discount or allowance will be sanctioned by the Co..ittee fro. the date of the co.pleted application# 6in accordance with 2") and 2"6 abo*e7 sub$ect to the appliances being found in order on inspection by the Co..ittee=s Inspectorate" In the e*ent of the installation being found inco.plete or defecti*e# the discount will be with held 6or withdrawn if already notified7 until the detects ha*e been rectified to the satisfaction of the Co..ittee" 2"10Co allowance shall be .ade for Fire E,tinguishing Appliances until notified by the Co..ittee either by letter or circular# and then# with effect only fro. the date specified in such notification" 2"110iscounts sanctioned solely on account of installation of internal appliances will be *alid for a period of four years

only< hence fresh applications# acco.panied by the report of the Engineers of the Insurance Co.pany 6as per Appendi, IL7 shall be sub.itted e*ery four years" 2"12%roposals for the installation of appliances not specifically co*ered by these rules shall first be sub.itted to the Co..ittee for appro*al" 2"1!5ffices and the insured are re+uested not to change bloc& nu.bers as this naturally affects the Co..ittee=s records and causes confusion" If bloc& nu.bers ha*e to be changed# the Co..ittee shall be notified at once" 2"1'0iscounts sanctioned for installation of appliances shall stand withdrawn in the e*ent of a stri&e or loc&out in the pre.ises for duration of se*en days or .ore" For this reason# it is i.perati*e that the Co..ittee be apprised as soon as a stri&e or loc&out is declared"



COMMITTEE"S INSPECTION STAFF: !"1 The Co..ittee underta&es# as far as possible# the periodical inspection of all pre.ises in which fire e,tinguishing appliances# entitling the ris& to special discounts or ratings for such appliances# are installed" For this purpose# the Co..ittee=s Inspection Engineers shall ha*e the right of access to the pre.ises of the Insured at any ti.e with or without gi*ing any prior notice" !"2 The %ri.ary duty of the Inspectors is to report to the Co..ittee on the condition and efficiency of the appliances installed as well as to ensure the regulations are being obser*ed" They will# howe*er# gi*e help and ad*ice in the .aintenance of the appliances and on .atters pertaining to fire protection and pre*ention" !"! The attention of the Inspecting Engineers shall be drawn# during their *isits# to any changes effected since the pre*ious inspection or to any conte.plated e,tensions and alterations to the e,isting ser*ices" This procedure does not# howe*er# dispense with the necessity of ad*ising the Insurance Co.pany or Co.panies interested on the ris& of any changes# which affect the plan of the ris& or the details of the appliances# recorded with Co..ittee"

:::::: :::

#. '"

INTERNAL APPLIANCES Internal appliances generally consist of hand appliances 6first aid appliances7 and hose reels" #.1 HAND APPLIANCES '"1"1

DECE1A? N 8and appliances e,tinguishers" co.prise buc&ets and


'"1"1"2 A?? A%%?IACCE- ICC?O0ICD EPTICDOI-8E1 1EFI??- AC0 F5AM C5M%5OC0 -8A?? /E IC CA%ACITIE- IC0ICATE0 IC T8E 1E?ELACT IC0IAC -TAC0A10- -%ECIFICATI5C AC0 -8A?? /EA1 I-I CE1TIFICATI5C MA1I" 6Accessories including e,tinguisher refills shall also be I-I .ar&ed7 /OCIET-8A?? /E 5F 15OC0 /5TT5M TQ%E" '"1"1"! The usefulness of these appliances is li.ited# as it is entirely dependent upon the presence of persons ha*ing &nowledge to operate the." E*erything depends# howe*er# on the speed with which they are brought into use as they are essentially >First Aid= e+uip.ent# only .eant for attac&ing s.all fires in their incipient stages and are not intended to deal with large outbrea&s of fires" '"1"1"' -ince a *ariety of shapes and3or .ethods of operation of fire e,tinguishers can at lead to confusion and as failure to operate the e,tinguishers properly in the first instance results in failure to +uench the fire# it is reco..ended that e,tinguishers installed in any one building or single occupancy be si.ilar in shape and appearance and ha*e the sa.e .ethod of operation as far as possible" '"1"1") It is reco..ended that an indicator board showing the nu.ber of buc&ets and e,tinguishers installed in each depart.ent be pro*ided o*er or near the .ain entrance to the

depart.ent" This will enable the person in charge of the appliances to ascertain at a glance if any appliances are .issing" '"1"1"6 It is ad*isable to pro*ide conspicuous location indicators of a suitable type for all e,tinguishers# particularly those located in large co.part.ents" #.1.2 SELECTION OF HAND APPLIANCES:

'"1"2"1 Larious types of hand appliances are a*ailable but all are not e+ually effecti*e on all &inds of fires" For this reason# the nature of contents of a building# the processes carried out therein and the types of fires# which .ay occur# shall be ta&en into consideration while selecting fire appliances" '"1"2"2 The different types of fires and appliances suitable for use on the. are as under N C$%ss A C&'()s*i($+s Fires in 5rdinary co.bustibles 69ood# Legetable fibres# rubber# plastics# %aper and the li&es7" Fires in li+uids# paints# grease# sol*ents and the li&es" H%n, A--$i%n.+s Das e,pelled 9ater and Antifree4e type e,tinguishers and 9ater /uc&ets" Che.ical E,tin guishers of Carbon dio,ide type and 0ry %owder type and -and /uc&ets" Che.ical E,tin guishers of Carbon di o,ide and 0ry %owder type" -pecial type of 0ry %owder# E,tin guishers and sand buc&ets

Fires in Daseous substances under pressure and li+uefied gases" Fires in reacti*e che.icals# Acti*e .etals and the li&es"



'"1"!"1 %rocedure The .ini.u. nu.ber of fire e,tinguishers needed to protect a property shall be deter.ined as outlined below a7 For any property# basic protection shall be appliances suitable for Class >A= fires# -ince Class >A= fires are of uni*ersal character" The nu.ber of e,tinguishers shall be deter.ined according to rule '"1"!"2"

b7 For occupancies where Class >/= fires are anticipated# a suitable nu.ber of appliances deter.ined by rule '"1"!"2 shall be replaced by appliances as per table under rule '"1"!"'" c7 For occupancies where fires of C S 0 types are anticipated# the Co..ittee .ay reco..end appropriate e,tinguishers"

'"1"!"2 5ne 9 litre water3sand buc&et shall be pro*ided for e*ery 100 s+" . of the floor area or part thereof and one 9 litre water type e,tinguisher shall be pro*ided to si, buc&ets or part thereof with a .ini.u. of one e,tinguisher and two buc&ets per co.part.ent of the building" N.B. In the case of Cotton Din and %ress factories# the supply of hand appliances shall be doubled that indicated abo*e" '"1"!"! /uc&ets .ay be dispensed with for occupancies other than Cotton Din and %ress factories# pro*ided the supply of e,tinguishers is one and a half that indicated abo*e in case of ?ight 8a4ard 5ccupancies and double that indicated abo*e in case of other occupancies" N&*+; For categorisation of occupancies refer rule A"2

'"1"!"' Acceptable replace.ents for water buc&ets and water type e,tinguishers in occupancies where Class / fires are anticipated" WATER BUC0ETS F&/ &n+ ().5+* 1 buc&et 0! Ig" F&/ *6& ().5+*s ! buc&et 09 Ig W%*+/ *1-+ E2*ing)is3+/s F&/ +%.3 4 $i*/+ E2*ing)is3+/ --09 Ig

A..+-*%($+ /+-$%.+'+n*

0ry -and Carbon di 5,ide E,tinguishers

6I-; 2(A(7

0ry %owder E,tinguisher

6I-; 21A17

02 Ig

0) Ig

0) Ig

6In one or .ore e,tinguishers7

N&*+- Any co.bination of the *arious appliances referred to abo*e .ay be e.ployed" '"1"!") For electrical e+uip.ents# it would be necessary to pro*ide e,tinguishers as under N '"1"!")"1 For roo.s containing electrical transfor.ers# switchgears# .otors and3or electrical apparatus only# not less than two 2 Ig dry powder or carbon dio,ide type of e,tinguishers shall be pro*ided within 1) . of the apparatus" '"1"!")"2 9here .otors and3or other electrical e+uip.ents are installed in roo.s other than those containing such e+uip.ents only# one ) Ig dry powder or carbon di o,ide e,tinguisher shall be installed within 1) . of such e+uip.ents in addition to the re+uire.ent of rules '"1"!"2 and '"1"!"' for this purpose# the sa.e e,tinguisher .ay be dee.ed to afford protection to all apparatus within 1) . thereof"

'"1"!")"! 9here electrical .otors are installed on platfor.s# one 2 Ig dry powder or carbon di o,ide e,tinguisher shall be pro*ided on or below each platfor." In the case of long platfor. with a nu.ber of .otors# one e,tinguisher shall be accepted as ade+uate for e*ery three .otors on the co..on platfor." NB- the abo*e re+uire.ent will be in addition to the re+uire.ents of rules '"1"!"2 and '"1"!"' '"1"!"6 If in the pre.ises# fires of class C and 0 are also li&ely to occur# the appropriate e,tinguishers and the nu.ber of such e,tinguisher will be decided by the Co..ittee# in *iew of the special nature of occupancies" '"1"!"A Onder special conditions# wheeled type of e,tinguishers .ay be installed with the prior appro*al of the Co..ittee" '"1"!"( The appliances shall be so distributed o*er the entire floor area# that a person has to tra*el not .ore than 1) . to reach the nearest appliance" E2%'-$+ - The following e,a.ple will illustrate the .ethod of deter.ining the nu.ber of fire e,tinguishers re+uired to gi*e ade+uate protection for a gi*en property" Ris5; A/+%; ?ight Engineering 9or&shop 6?ight 8a4ard7" !1) . , 112 ." i"e" !)#!00 s+" ."

T1-+s &7 Fi/+s;


Class TAM fire due to co.bustibles" Class T/M fire due to e,istence of -pray %ainting process and storage of li+uids"

N)'(+/ &7 %--$i%n.+s: i B%si. P/&*+.*i&n !)! /uc&ets and )9 9ater type E,tinguishers OR

90 9ater types E,tinguishers# if buc&ets are dispensed with" ii7 iii7 For Class >/= fires 2 9ater type E,tinguishers are replaced by 2 0ry %owder E,tinguishers" For electrical e+uip.ents 6 0ry %owder E,tinguisher are pro*ided" Thus the final nu.ber of E,tinguishers is; 9ater type 0ry %owder type T&*%$ #.1.# (( 0( 48

S+$+.*i&n &7 Si*+s 7&/ *3+ Ins*%$$%*i&n &7 H%n, A--$i%n.+s:

'"1"'"1 9hen selecting sites for hand appliances due consideration shall be gi*en to the nature of the ris& to be co*ered" Appliances shall be placed in conspicuous position and shall be readily accessible for i..ediate use in all parts of the occupancy" It should always be borne in .ind while selecting sites that hand appliances are intended only for use on incipient fires and their *alue .ay be negligible if the fire is not e,tinguished or brought under control in the early stages" '"1"'"2 Denerally# hand appliances shall be placed as near as possible to e,its or staircase landings" 9here*er possible# ad*antage shall be ta&en of routes of escape by placing appliances in positions where they can readily be seen by persons following the natural i.pulse to get out of danger" It is not ad*isable to place appliances at the end of roo.s re.ote fro. e,its unless they are necessary to co*er a particular ha4ard there" '"1"'"! /uc&ets shall be placed at con*enient and easily accessible locations either on hangers or on stands" In the case of te,tile .ills# it is strongly ad*ised that a buc&et be slung at the end of each spinning and ro*ing fra.e" #.1.5 M%in*+n%n.+ &7 H%n, A--$i%n.+s:

#.1.5.1 G+n+/%$

'"1")"1"1 It is i.portant that hand appliances are always &ept in their proper positions and if te.porarily re.o*ed for repairs# are i..ediately replaced" In order to ensure this# all concerns shall arrange to pro*ide at least one .an# preferably a pu.p .an# whose duty is to see that the fire buc&ets are filled with water and the e,tinguishers are in efficient wor&ing order and that all appliances are in their correct positions" '"1")"1"2 It is reco..ended that in case the paint of any hand appliance gets chipped off or gets faded< it shall be repainted to pre*ent it fro. rust and corrosion" #.1.5.2 B).5+*s: '"1")"2"1 Fire buc&ets shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they are intended# and shall always be &ept full of water3sand" '"1")"2"2 To pre*ent breeding of .os+uitoes and to co.ply with rules of local bodies# the water in fire buc&ets shall be refilled e*ery wee& and treated with sapon creosote or phenyl in suitable +uantities to $ust discolour the water" '"1")"2"! All buc&ets shall be refilled with clean water or sand# as the case .ay be# i..ediately after use" '"1")"2"' -pare buc&ets to the e,tent of 10 K of the total nu.ber installed on the pre.ises# sub$ect to a .a,i.u. of )0# shall always be &ept in store" #.1.5.! E2*ing)is3+/s: '"1")"!"1 -pare charges to the e,tent of 10 K of the total nu.ber of e,tinguishers installed# with a .ini.u. of two shall always be &ept in stoc& for each type of e,tinguisher and be readily a*ailable" '"1")"!"2 5nce a wee&# the e,tinguisher shall be chec&ed to ensure that all .o*able parts are wor&ing properly# that the plunger is in fully e,tended position# that the no44le is not obstructed in any way and that there is no lea&age of the e,tinguishing .ediu. fro. the glands and

no44les" The e,tinguishers shall be cleaned superficially and the brass parts polished" The no44le outlet and *ent holes in the threaded portion of the cap shall be chec&ed for clogging" '"1")"!"! 5nce a .onth# e,tinguishers of the Carbon 0io,ide type shall be weighed" If the weight recorded for any e,tinguisher is less than 90 K of the weight of the fully charged e,tinguisher as .ar&ed on the body# the e,tinguisher shall be sent for recharging" '"1")"!"' 8alf the total nu.ber of water type of e,tinguishers and one fifth of the total nu.ber of 0ry %owder E,tinguishers installed in the pre.ises shall be sub$ected to an operation test annually" Ad*antage shall be ta&en of this test to i.part training in the use of e,tinguishers# to the staff e.ployed on the pre.ises where the e,tinguishers are located" N.B. E,tinguishers# which ha*e been used in a fire during a period of si, .onths preceding the tests# need not be ta&en for testing" '"1")"!") E,tinguishers installed in the pre.ises shall be sub$ected to a hydraulic test as specified in I-; 2190 and at such inter*als as laid down therein" E,tinguishers found lea&ing or distorted shall be re$ected" Onder no circu.stances shall such e,tinguishers be welded and reused" N.B. The hydraulic test shall be certified by the .anufacturer6s7 of the appliance6s7 or the factory Chief Engineer or the Factory Fire 51 -AFETQ 5FFICE1 or the ser*ice contractors" '"1")"!"6 A record of the operation and hydraulic tests shall be .aintained# which shall be open to e,a.ination by the Co..ittee=s inspection staff" '"1")"!"A The operating instructions of the e,tinguishers shall not be defaced or obliterated" In case the operating instructions are obliterated or ha*e beco.e illegible due to passage of ti.e# fresh transfers of the sa.e shall be

obtained fro. the .anufacturers of the appliances and affi,ed to the e,tinguishers" #.2 S'%$$ B&/+ H&s+ R++$s: 6This sort of protection is not dee.ed suitable for buildings3co.part.ents containing electrical apparatus only or in respect of buildings3 co.part.ents in which li+uids are stored and3or used7 '"2"1 85-E 1EE?- -8A?? C51MA??Q /E C5CCECTE0 T5 T8E DECE1A? 9ATE1 -O%%?Q %I%E?ICE- 5F T8E %?ACT3%1EMI-E-" The nu.ber and distribution of hose reels shall be such that the whole of each floor is protected and that no part of the floor is .ore than 6 ." distant fro. a hose no44le when the hose is fully e,tended" The hose reel shall be such as will enable not less than 22") litres of water to be discharged per .inute through a no44le of not .ore than 6"!) .." internal dia.eter" 8ose shall be of reinforced rubber not less than 19 .." and not .ore than !2 .." internal dia.eter" 8ose lengths shall not e,ceed !6")0 ." ::::::::::::



'"2"' '"2")



5.1 A--$i.%*i&n: )"1"1 This .ethod of protection will be accepted on its own .erits for the protection of bloc&s3facilities 6other than open storage7 in light and ordinary ha4ard occupancies" E*en in these occupancies buildings# which ha*e the highest point of the roof not e,ceeding 20 .eters# shall only be dee.ed to be protected" )"1"2 For effecti*e application# .obile engines and3or trailer shall be sited at con*enient locations fro. where they can be speedily .o*ed to any portion of the co.pound in the e*ent of a fire and for this purpose ade+uate *ehicular arrange.ents shall be a*ailable for towing trailer" .25 P+/s&nn+$: In order to +ualify for recognition# a fire fighting s+uad in accordance with rules A"9"1 to A"9"10 shall be .aintained on the pre.ises round the cloc&" 5.! E;)i-'+n*: )"!"1 Trailer and .otor fire engines shall co.ply with the rele*ant Indian -tandards -pecification or e+ui*alent foreign specification and carry the re+uisite nu.ber and type of fittings and accessories specified in such standards" /esides# each trailer pu.p shall be pro*ided with 12 lengths of 1) . long hosepipes of 6! .. dia.eter and si, branch pipes with no44les of 1( .. dia.eter" For each .otor fire engine# eighteen hosepipes each 1) . long and 6! .. dia.eter and no44les of 1( .. shall be pro*ided along with nine branch pipes" )"!"2 The capacities of indi*idual trailer and .otor fire engine shall not be less than N Trailer %u.p Motor Fire Engines !0 litres per second at )"6 &g"3s+" c." !0 litres per second at A"0 &g"3s+" c."

)"!"! The nu.ber of appliances re+uired shall not be less than that laid down hereunder a7 ?ight 8a4ard 5ccupancies 1trailer pu.p for e*ery A#000 .2 of total built up area of protected process and storage bloc&s sub$ect to a .a,i.u. of ! 1trailer pu.p for e*ery )#000 -+" ." of total built up area of protected process and storage bloc&s sub$ect to a .a," '

b7 5rdinary 8a4ard 5ccupancies

N.B. 5ne .otor fire engine could be pro*ided as substitute for two trailer" %ortable fire pu.p sets 61#100 1#600"7 Can also be accepted treating such units as e+ui*alent to one trailer pu.p of 1#(00 pro*ided these sets confor. to I-; 12A1A 19(9" )"!"' For storeyed structures# in addition to the trailer and3or .otor fire engines# dry risers of si4e to C"/" ' under rule A")"10 shall be installed with hydrant outlets at each floor le*el and double .ale instantaneous inlets at ground le*el to ser*e as connections for the trailer in the e*ent of a fire" The hydrants for the upper floors shall be installed on landings of access staircases co.plying with rule A"6"1) and a hose bo, containing two lengths of hose of A") . 6or 2) ft"7 each and one no44le shall be pro*ided alongside each of the upper floor hydrants" The nu.ber of risers per building and correspondingly the nu.ber of access staircases shall depend on the floor area of upper storeys and for this purpose the re+uire.ent of rule A"6"1) shall apply" N.B. 9here it is not possible to fully co.ply with the pro*isions of rule A"6"1)# reference shall be .ade to the Co..ittee" 5.# W%*+/ S)--$1: )"'"1 The water supply to be drawn upon by trailer or .otor fire engines shall be a*ailable in static tan&s of at least ')#000 litres capacity so located that no part of a protected building lies beyond 100 ." of the tan&6s7"

N.B. 1. In the case of storeyed buildings# the tan& shall not be .ore than )0 ." fro. any part of the building" N.B. 2. %ro*ision shall be .ade for indicating the capacity of the tan&s for *arious depths" )"'"2 5ne static tan& shall be pro*ided for buildings with light ha4ard occupancy and two for buildings with ordinary ha4ard occupancy" 6Tan& shall be so located as to gi*e easy access to the fire brigade7" N.B. The sa.e tan&6s7 shall be considered as the source of water supply for all detached buildings where no part of the building6s7 lies beyond 100 ." of the tan&" The abo*e distance shall be reduced to )0 ." in the case of storeyed buildings" )"'"! 0ouble headed hydrants or water plugs of 100 .. dia.eter fitted to the pressurised general water ser*ice .ain of the pre.ises .ay be considered as an alternati*e to static tan& pro*ided that; a7 The water pressure constantly .aintained in the .ain is not less than 0"A &g"3c.2" For light ha4ard occupancy# one double headed hydrant or one 100 .. water plug is so located that no part of the building is beyond 100 . thereof" For ordinary ha4ard occupancy# two double headed hydrants or two 100 .. water plugs are located as abo*e"

b7 The si4e of the .ain is at least 100 .." c7

N.B" In the case of storeyed buildings# the abo*e distance shall be reduced to )0 ." d7 The capacity of the general water supply is not less than the aggregate capacity of the trailer and3or .otor fire engines" e7 The storage of general water supply is in e,cess of 1#00#000 litres"



.18 In*/&,).*i&n 6"1"1 A building# the highest floor of which is .ore than 22 M abo*e the surrounding pa*e.ent le*el# shall be considered as a high rise building" 6"1"2 The rules are applicable to all types of buildings with non industrial occupancies such as 1esidential 8otels# Mercantile3 /usiness35ffice buildings# apart.ents etc" 6"1"! In case of /uildings situated in slopping terrain# reference shall be .ade to the Co..ittee in ad*ance with full particulars" .28 H1,/%n* P/&*+.*i&n 6at ground or yard le*els7 6"2"1 The ground le*el protection with hydrants on ter.inal .ains will be acceptable# pro*ided the plinth area of the building to be protected is less than A)0 .2" The location of the hydrants at ground le*el as well as the layout of the hydrants syste. shall# otherwise# co.ply with *arious pro*isions under -ection A of this .anual" 6"2"2 In case of buildings ha*ing a plinth area in e,cess of A)0 . 2# the location of the hydrants at ground le*el as well as the layout of the hydrant syste. shall be go*erned by the appropriate pro*isions under -ection A"6 of this .anual" The Co..ittee reser*es its right of insisting on water .onitors in place of few hydrants if dee.ed necessary" 6"2"! 5rifice plates of suitable design shall be pro*ided in the landing *al*es# where necessary# to the operating pressures within A &g3c.2" 6"2"' E,cept where i.practicable# all hydrant outlets shall be situated 1"0 . abo*e ground le*el" 8.! H1,/%n* P/&*+.*i&n at *arious upper3lower 6base.ent7 le*els 8.!.1 A..+ss s*%i/.%s+

6"!"1"1 0esign for a new building shall include pro*isions for ade+uate access staircases and lifts to pro*ide efficient .eans of escape and facilities for fire fighting" 6"!"1"2 5ne lobby approach staircase along with fire lift shall be pro*ided for e*ery 1#000 .2 of floor area of each storey3le*el 6including base.ents7" a .ini.u. of two such staircases shall be re+uired but in case the area of each storey is less than )00 .2# one staircase is acceptable" 6"!"1"! The lobby approach staircase shall be of non co.bustible construction" At least )0 K of total nu.bers of staircases re+uired 6with a .ini.u. of one7 shall be so located that one of their enclosing walls be an e,ternal wall of the building" 6"!"1"' 0oors at the entrances of both the lobby approach access staircases and fire lifts shall be pro*ided with self closing# s.o&e tight doors ha*ing one hour fire resistance" This arrange.ent will enable escape and fire fighting to be effected .ore efficiently"
NOTE; If the staircases and the fire lifts are located in the core

of the building# a positi*e pressure of )0 %a or 20 %a in e,cess of pressure in the lobby whiche*er is higher# shall be .aintained within the as an alternati*e to the abo*e pro*ision" 6"!"1") The fire lifts shall be controlled by the fire brigade recall fro. the concourse le*el and shall not respond to other calls after the fire brigade &ey has been acti*ated" The cable supplying power to the lift .otor shall pass through routes of negligible fire ris&" 8.!.2 W+* Ris+/s 6"!"2"1 9et riser6s7 is3are a pipe or a nu.ber of pipes# per.anently charged with water under pressure# rising through the full height of the building" 6"!"2"2 The wet risers shall be located within the lobby approach staircases" 6"!"2"! The dia.eter of the riser pipes shall not be less than 1)0 .. anywhere" 5ne or two landing *al*es shall be connected to the

riser pipe at each storey3le*el" In case of e,cessi*e pressures in hydrant outlets at lower le*els# orifice plates of suitable design shall be pro*ided in the landing *al*es# where necessary# to the operating pressure to A &g3c.2" 8.# H&s+ Pi-+s %n, N&==$+s 6"'"1 -ufficient length of hose# sub$ect to a .ini.u. of two lengths of 1) M each with couplings attached# shall be pro*ided for use in case of each hydrant point on risers" In addition# one no44le of 20 .. si4e fitted to a branch pipe shall also be pro*ided" To a*oid water da.age# it is ad*isable to ha*e reinforced rubber lined hoses for use with internal hydrants" 6I- 6!67 6"'"2 The nu.ber of hose pipes pro*ided near e,ternal yard hydrants shall be such that no part of the floor is .ore than 1) M fro. a hose no44le when the hose is fully e,tended and connected to hydrant landing *al*e" 6"'"! 8oses# no44les and branch pipes shall be &ept ad$acent to the hydrant outlet# in wall bo,es or recesses in the walls specially designed to blend architecturally with the buildings# if so desired" All other re+uire.ents relating to the appurtenances shall be as per the pro*isions under -ection A"A of this Manual" 8.5 P)'-ing A//%ng+'+n*s 6")"1 Each wet hydrant installation shall be supplied with water by an auto start set" A stand by pu.p set of identical capacity ha*ing a different pri.e .o*er shall also be pro*ided" 6")"2 shall ha*e capacities of !( ?itres" per seconds 61!A . ! per hour7 or 'A ?itres" per second 61A1 .! per hour7 and the head generated at the rated discharge shall be such that a .ini.u. pressure of !") Ig3c. 2 will be a*ailable at the highest landing *al*e in the pre.ises" 6")"! The suction# deli*ery and arrange.ents for the pu.p shall co.ply with pro*ision under -ection A"'"1 of this Manual" 6")"' Uoc&ey pu.p6s7 shall be installed in addition to the .ain pu.p set6s7" The pressure setting for the pu.p6s7 shall be such that it

cuts in appro,i.ately at 0"!) Ig3c. 2 below the syste. pressure and cut out at syste. pressure" The .ain fire pu.p6s7 shall be arranged to cut in appro,i.ately at 1 Ig3c. 2 below the syste. pressure and shall be capable only of .anual shut down at churn pressure" 6")") The power supply to the fire pu.p6s7 shall be independent of all other supplies within the pre.ises" In other words e*en when the power supply to the entire pre.ises is switched off# the supply to the fire pu.p6s7 and other essential e+uip.ent shall re.ain uninterrupted" 6")"6 %u.p roo. shall be located detached in the co.pound of the building and shall preferably be 6 . away fro. the building" 9here it is not feasible the pu.p roo. can be located inside the building pro*ided it is segregated fro. the re.ainder of the building in accordance with Co..ittee=s regulations and access to the pu.p roo. fro. the out side of the building shall be either direct or through a passage which has no openings other than to the pu.p roo." 6")"A The installation for the high rise installations shall confor. to anyone of the following .ethods to a*oid undesirably high pressures in the riser .ains a7 Two one ha*ing a low head connected to the riser feeding the lower storeys and the other ha*ing a higher head connected to the risers feeding the upper storeys# shall be installed"

b7 A .ultistage .ulti outlet pu.p shall be installed# separate outlets being connected to the riser feeding the lower storeys and those feeding the upper floors" 6-ee figure 1 and 27 N.B. For buildings o*er 60 M in height# hydrant syste. .ay either be designed as abo*e or .ay be di*ided into pressure 4ones" For each 4one the water supply for the fire protection would be designed to ha*e pressure within the operating ranges and 4ones of eight to ten storeys would be ade+uate with a chec& *al*e in each 4one to pre*ent the trans.ission of pressure to the 4one below 6each 4one shall ha*e a height of 20 . to 2) .7 In each 4one of fire protection piping# there shall be a gra*ity or pressure tan& supply" This shall be supple.ented by a fire pu.p

to pro*ide re+uired flow in the 4one" The fire pu.p shall not be used to fill gra*ity or pressure tan&" This should be filled fro. do.estic water lines" In this arrange.ent# the pu.p in the lowest 4one ta&es suction fro. suction tan& located at ground floor whereas in other 4ones ta&e suction fro. the gra*ity3pressure tan&s in the respecti*e 4one 6-ee" Fig" !7 N.B.1; In addition to the abo*e syste.# a gra*ity tan& of 2)#000 litres capacity shall be pro*ided on the top of the building and it shall be connected to the pu.p deli*ery through a non return *al*e" N.B.2 The pu.p controls can be located with the pu.p in each 4one" It can also be pro*ided at the ground floor depending upon the suitability and practicability of the particular building in +uestion" 8.8 W%*+/ S&)/.+ 6"6"16Effecti*e capacity of fire fighting tan& 6-ee rule Co" A"!7 shall not be less than 2 hrs" aggregate capacity for buildings less than 60 . in height" The tan& capacity shall# howe*er# be increased to ! hrs" capacity for buildings ha*ing height 60 . and abo*e" The tan&s shall be constructed in two independent but interconnected co.part.ents as per rule A"! of this Manual" The fire tan& .ust be in two co.part.ents with a baffle wall in between not going right down to the base of the tan&" This arrange.ent will ensure proper circulation of the firewater and pre*ent stagnation" 6-ee figure below7"

6"6"26The storage tan& shall be pro*ided with a 1)0 .. fire brigade connection to discharge at least 2#2A) ?itres per .inute into the tan&" This connection shall not be ta&en directly into the side of the storage tan&# but arranged to discharge not less than 1)0 .. abo*e the o*erflow le*el of the tan&" The connection

shall be fitted with stop *al*e in a position appro*ed by the co..ittee in ad*ance" An o*erflow connection discharging to a *isible drain point shall be pro*ided fro. the storage tan&"

6"6"! The fire brigade connection shall be fitted with four nu.bers of 6! .. instantaneous inlets in a glass fronted wall bo, at a suitable position at street le*el# so located as to .a&e the inlets accessible fro. outside of the building" The si4e of the wall bo, shall be ade+uate to allow hose to be connected to the inlets# e*en if the door cannot be opened and the glass has to be bro&en" Each bo, shall ha*e fall of 2) .. towards the front at its base and shall be gla4ed with wired glass with @FI1E /1IDA0E IC?ET@ painted on the inner face of the glass in )0 .. si4e bloc& letters" 6"6"' In addition to the e.ergency fire brigade connection to the storage tan&# a 1)0 .. connection shall be ta&en fro. the four 6! .. instantaneous inlets direct to each hydrant riser so that the fire brigade .ay pu.p to the hydrants in the e*ent of hydrant being out of the co..ission" The connection direct to each riser shall be fitted with a sluice and reflu, *al*e each" 8.> Fi/+ Fig3*ing S*%77 6"A"16A fire fighting s+uad consisting of security and .aintenance personnel under the co..and of a trained fire chief# con*ersant with the fire control syste. of the pre.ises# shall be a*ailable" Further# the public fire brigade shall also be ac+uainted with what is being installed in the pre.ises and how the protection syste.s operate" For this purpose# details of the arrange.ents for fire fighting syste.s and the layout plan incorporating the position of the e,isting fire protection syste. shall be forwarded

to the local fire brigade for their infor.ation and necessary action" 6"A"26As the efficiency of the wet riser syste. depends on the .anner and speed at which they are brought into use# a s+uad consisting of trained personnel and fire pi.p .an shall be .aintained on the pre.ises round the cloc&" The nu.ber of personnel for the s+uad shall necessarily depend upon the si4e of the building but in no case shall be less than four trained persons 6e,cluding officer in charge on duty and pu.p .an7 be a*ailable at anyti.e during the day or night" 6"A"! A public address syste. shall be pro*ided on each floor including the control roo. in order to enable security and fire fighting staff to gi*e e*acuation instructions to the occupants in case of fire" E*acuation drills shall be arranged periodically" 6"A"' A .etal strip of 2) .. , ! .. section shall be pro*ided in the staircase enclosure running throughout the height of the building to facilitate trans.ission and reception of fire .essages through wal&ie tal&ie sets used by brigade personnel" The strip shall be electrically insulated fro. the ground" 6"A") A plan of the ris& gi*ing floor wise details of all fire e,tinguishing appliances and water supplied shall be displayed in the pu.p house as well as in the roo. of the security3fire officer who is in charge of the appliances"



H9DRANT SER:ICE Installation of 8and Appliances as per the Co..ittee=s 1egulations is a prere+uisite for any occupancy# other than storage occupancy# to be entitled to allowance for this syste." >.1 GENERAL A"1"0AThe following 1egulations are not applicable to 8igh 1ise /uildings# the highest floor of which is .ore than 22 . abo*e the surrounding ground le*el or to Cotton Din and %ress Factories# for which reference .ay be .ade to -ections 6 and ( respecti*ely" A"1"1 A well designed and well laid hydrant ser*ice is the bac&bone of the entire fire fighting e+uip.ent as it fights fires of serious proportions in all classes of ris&s and continues to be in full operation e*en if part6s7 of affected buildings and3or structures ha*e collapsed# and also &eeps cool all ad$oining properties# thereby .ini.ising the e,posure ha4ards" A"1"2AThe ad*antages of pro*iding for possible future e,tensions in any sche.e of hydrant protection is often o*erloo&ed" A co.parati*ely s.all e,tension with its attendant friction losses .ay o*erload a .ain so seriously as to necessitate replace.ent by one of larger si4e and the s.all additional initial cost of .ains of so.ewhat larger capacity than i..ediate re+uire.ents .ay call for# often leads to ulti.ate econo.y" A"1"!AAll co.ponents of the hydrant syste. shall be of a type and .a&e appro*ed by the Tariff Ad*isory Co..ittee" A"1"'AThe standards laid down in this Manual represent the accu.ulated e,perience of .any years but e*en when a hydrant ser*ice is designed and laid in accordance with these standards# its efficiency in fire fighting will ulti.ately depend upon the rapidity with which it is brought into action and the ability with which its effort is directed" A"1")AThe .aintenance of an installation is e+ually *ital and the i.portance of organised wet drills at regular inter*als# which ensure that each .an carries out his allotted duties in the shortest

possible ti.e cannot be too strongly e.phasised" 6%lease see rule A"10 in this connection7" >.2>CLASSIFICATIONS OF OCCUPANCIES A"2"0AAs the water supply# capacity and other features of the hydrant syste. depend not only on the si4e of the ris& but also on its fire growth and spread potentialities# the ris&s are to be categorised under the following classes for the purpose of hydrant syste. design; N.B. For categorisation of occupancies not listed hereunder reference shall be .ade to the 1egional 5ffices" >.2.1>LIGHT HA?ARD OCCUPANCIES: 1" 2" !" '" )" 6" A" (" 9" 10" 11" 12" 1!" 1'" 1)" 16" 1A" 1(" 19" 20" 21" 22" 2!" 2'" 2)" Abrasi*e Manufacturing %re.ises Aerated 9ater Factories Agarbatti Manufacturing Alu.iniu.3Vinc and Copper Factories Analytical and3or Ruality Control ?aboratories Asbestos -tea. %ac&ing S ?agging Manufacturers" /attery Charging3-er*ice -tation /attery Manufacturing /reweries /ric& 9or&s Canning Factories Carda.o. Factories Ce.ent Factories and3or Asbestos %roducts Manufacturing" Cera.ic Factories and Croc&ery and -toneware %ipe Manufacturing" Cine.a Theatres 6including %re*iew Theatres7 Clay 9or&s Cloc& and 9atch Manufacturing Clubs Coffee Curing S 1oasting %re.ise Co.puter installations 6Main Fra.e7 Condensed Mil& Factories# Mil& %asteurising %lant and 0airies" Confectionery Manufacturing 0wellings Educational and 1esearch Institutes Electric Denerating 8ouses 68ydel7

26" Electric ? 6Incandescent S Fluorescent7 and TL %icture Tube Manufacturing" 2A" Electric -ub -tation30istribution -tation" 2(" Electro %lating 9or&s" 29" Electronic and3or Co.puter E+uip.ents Asse.ble and Manufactures !0" E.pty Containers -torage Qard !1" Engineering 9or&shops" !2" Fruits and Legetables 0ehydrating30rying Factories" !!" Fruit %roducts and Condi.ent Factories" !'" Dlass S Dlass Fibre Manufacturing" !)" Dodowns and 9arehouses -toring non co.bustible Doods" !6" Dreen houses !A" Dold Thread Factories3Dilding Factories" !(" Du. and3or Dlue and Delatine Manufacturing" !9" 8ospitals including P ray and other 0iagnostic Clinics" '0" Ice Candy and Ice crea. Manufacturing" '1" Ice Factories" '2" In& 6e,cluding %rinting In&7 Factories '!" ?aundries" ''" ?ibraries" ')" Mica %roducts Manufacturing" '6" 5ffice %re.ises" 'A" %laces of worship '(" %ottery 9or&s" '9" %oultry Far.s" )0" 1esidential 8otels# Cafes S 1estaurants" )1" -alt Crushing Factories and 1efineries" )2" -tables" )!" -teel %lants 6other than Das based7 )'" -ugar Candy Manufacturing" ))" -ugar Factories and 1efineries" )6" Tea /lending and Tea %ac&ing Factories )A" O.brella Asse.bling Factories )(" Ler.icelli Factories" )9" 9ater Treat.ent39ater Filtration %lants and 9ater %u.p 8ouse"


1" 2" !" '" )" 6" A" (" 9" 10" 11" 12" 1!" 1'" 1)" 16" 1A" 1(" 19" 20" 21" 22" 2!" 2'" 2)" 26" 2A" 2(" 29" !0" !1" !2" !!" !'" !)" !6" !A" !(" !9" '0" '1"

Airport and other Transportation Ter.inal /uilding" Areca nut slicing and3or /etel nut Factories" Atta and Cereal Drinding" /a&eries" /eedi Factories" /iscuit Factories" /obbin Factories" /oo&binders# En*elopes S %aper bag Manufacturers" /ul& -torage Cable .anufacturing Ca.phor /oiling Candle 9or&s" Carbon %aper3Typewriter 1ibbon Manufacturers" Cardboard /o, Manufacturing" Carpenters# 9ood wool S Furniture Manufacturers" Carpet and 0rugget Factories" Cashew nut Factories" Che.ical Manufacturing" Cigar and Cigarette Factories" Coffee grinding pre.ises Coir# Factories# Coir Carpets# 1ugs and Tobacco# 8ides and -&in %resses Cold storage pre.ises" Cor& products .anufacturing 0ry Cleaning# 0yeing# ?aundries" Electric Denerating stations 6other than 8ydel7 Ena.elware Factories" Filter S 9a, paper Manufacturing" Flour Mills" Darages" Dar.ent Ma&ers Dhee Factories 6other than *egetable7 Dodowns S 9arehouses 6others7" Drain and3or -eeds 0isintegrating and3or Crushing Factories" Drease Manufacturing" 8at and Topee Factories" 8osiery# ?ace# E.broidery S Thread Factories" Incandescent Das Mantle Manufacturers# Industrial Das Mfg" Including halogenated hydrocarbon gases ?inoleu. Factories" Man .ade Qarn3Fibre Manufacturing 6E,cept Acrylic7

'2" Manure and Fertiliser 9or&s" 6/lending# Mi,ing and granulating only7 '!" Mercantile 5ccupancies 60ept" -tores# -hopping Co.ple,es 3 Malls7 ''" Mineral 5il /lending and %rocessing" ')" Museu.s" '6" 5il S ?eather Cloth Factories" 'A" 5il Ter.inals30epots other than those categorised under 8igh ha4ard A '(" 5,ygen %lants" '9" %lywood Manufacturing39ood Leneering Factories" )0" %aper S Cardboard Mills" )1" %iers# whar*es# doc&yards" )2" %lastic Doods Manufacturing" )!" %rinting %ress %re.ises" )'" %ul*erising and Crushing Mills" ))" 1ice Mills" )6" 1ope 9or&s" )A" 1ubber Doods Manufacturing" )(" 1ubber Tyres S Tubes Manufacturing )9" -hellac Factories" 60" -hopping Co.ple,es 6underground7 61" -il& Filatures and cocoon stores" 62" -pray painting 6!" -oaps and Dlycerine Factories" 6'" -tarch Factories 6)" -teel %lants 6Das /ased7 66" Tanneries3?eather Doods Manufacturers" 6A" Tan& far.s other than those categorised under high ha4ard MAM" 6(" Te,tile Mills" 69" Tea Factories" A0" Telephone E,changes" A1" Theatres and Auditoriu.s A2" Tobacco 6Chewing7 and %an .asalla Ma&ing" A!" Tobacco Drinding and Crushing" A'" Tobacco 1edrying Factories" A)" 9oollen Mills" >.2.!>HIGH HA?ARD OCCUPANCIES: SUB-CATEGOR9 <A

1" 2" !" '" )" 6" A" (" 9" 10" 11" 12" 1!" 1'" 1)" 16" 1A" 1("

Aircraft 8angers Alu.iniu.3Magnesiu. %owder %lants /itu.inised %aper and3or 8essian Cloth Manufacturing including Tar Felt Manufacturing" Cotton 9aste Factories Coal and3or Co&e and3or Charcoal /all /ri+uettes Manufacturing" Celluloid Doods Manufacturing" Cigarette Filter Manufacturing" Cine.a Fil.s S T"L" %roduction -tudios Collieries" Cotton -eed Cleaning or 0e linting Factories" 0istilleries" 0uplicating and -tencil %aper Manufacturing" Fire wor&s Manufacturing" Foa.ed %lastics Manufacturing and3or Con*erting %lants" Drass# 8ay# Fodder S /hoosa 6chaff7 %ressing Factories" Uute .ills S $ute presses ?%D /ottling %lants 6Mini7: : /ottling plants ha*ing total in*entory not e,ceeding 100 MT of ?%D and also bottling a total +uantity of not e,ceeding 20 MT of ?%D per shift of ( hrs" Match Factories" Man Made Fibres 6Acrylic fibres3yarn .a&ing7 Mattress and %illow Ma&ing" Metal or Tin %rinters 6where .ore than )0 K of floor area is occupied as Engineering 9or&shop< this .ay be ta&en as 5rdinary 8a4ard 1is&7 5il Mills 5il E,traction %lants 6other than those part of ghee factories S oil refining factories"7 5il Ter.inals30epots handling li+uids ha*ing flash point of !2o C and below" %aints S Larnish Factories" %rinting In& Manufacturing" -aw Mills" -ponge Iron %lants" -urgical Cotton Manufacturers Tan& Far.s storing li+uids ha*ing flash point of !2o C and below" Tarpaulin S Can*as %roofing Factories" Turpentine S 1osin 0istilleries"

19" 20" 21" 22" 2!" 2'" 2)" 26" 2A" 2(" 29" !0" !1" !2" !!"

!'" Tyre 1etreading and 1esoling Factories" SUB-CATEGOR9 <B 1" 2" !" '" )" 6" A..onia and Orea -ynthesis %lants" CCD Co.pressing and /ottling %lants E,plosi*e Factories" ?%D /ottling %lants 65ther than Mini7 %etroche.ical %lants" %etroleu. 1efineries"

>.! WATER SUPPL9 A"!"1 9ater for the hydrant ser*ices shall be stored in an easily accessible surface3underground lined reser*oir or abo*e ground tan&s of steel concrete or .asonry" The effecti*e capacity of the reser*oir abo*e the low water le*el 6defined hereunder7# or abo*e the top of the pu.p casing 6in case of flooded suction7 if the sa.e is higher than the low water le*el# for the *arious classes of occupancies and si4e of hydrant installations shall be as indicated in the table 1" NOTES @ 1" The low water le*el is a point atleast three the dia.eter of the suction pipe abo*e the draw off point" 6-ee figs"'# ) and 67 ?arge natural reser*oirs with water capacity e,ceeding 10 the aggregate water re+uire.ents of all Fire therefror. .ay be left un lined"


A"!"2A1eser*oirs of and o*er 2#2)#000 litres capacity shall be in two interconnected e+ual co.part.ents to facilitates cleaning and repairs" A"!"!AThe si4e of the firewater su.p shall be such that the s.aller side is at least e+ui*alent to si, the dia.eter of the largest suction pipe" The suction pipe 6s7 shall be located along the central longitudinal a,is of the su.p and the positioning of the pipes shall be such that no pipe is within a distance of twice its own dia.eter fro. another suction pipe or fro. the wall of the su.p"

A"!"' 9here the Fire pu.p6s7 draw water fro. the reser*oir under suction lift conditions the two co.part.ents shall be connected to a co..on su.p through sluice or gate *al*es" The suction arrange.ent of the Fire pu.p 6s7 shall be as indicated in rule A"'"1"(# A"'"1"9# A"'"1"10 and A"'"1"12 hereunder" A"!") In case of dual purpose reser*oirs catering to fire water and general water re+uire.ents the general water shall draw their supply fro. a separate su.p which shall be connected only to the fire water su.p# the interconnection being so located that the effecti*e +uantity 6as defined abo*e7 of water a*ailable in the reser*oir for fire water re+uire.ents below the le*el of the interconnection is atleast e+ui*alent to the +uantities indicated in Table 1" .ains shall be connected to Firewater Co.part.ents and only o*erflow of firewater co.part.ents should go to process"

A"!"6 9here the reser*oir pro*ides positi*e suction for the fire pu.p6s7 in ter.s of the note under rules A"'"1"11# tapping shall be ta&en fro. both the co.part.ents and shall be connected through sluice *al*es to a co..on suction header" The in turn# shall draw their suction fro. the co..on header through sluice *al*es" In case of dual purpose reser*oirs catering to fire water and general water re+uire.ents# the tapping for the general water shall be ta&en at a higher le*el such that the capacity of the reser*oir between the low water le*el as defined heretofore 6or the top of the fire pu.p casing in case it is higher than the low water le*el7 and the general water tapping is at least e+ui*alent to the re+uire.ents indicated in Table 1" TABLE - 1 NATURE OF RIS0 CAPACIT9 OF STATIC STORAGE EACLUSI:EL9 RESER:ED FOR H9DRANT SER:ICE. Cot less than 01 hour=s aggregate capacity with a .ini.u. of 1#!)#000 litres" Cot less than 2 hour=s aggregate capacity" Cot less than capacity ! hour=s aggregate

1" 2" !"

?ight 8a4ard 5rdinary 8a4ard 8igh 8a4ard 6A7


8igh 8a4ard 6/7

Cot less than ' hourMs aggregate capacity

NOTES @ 1" The capacity of the reser*oir for ordinary and high ha4ard class occupancies .ay be reduced by the +uantu. of inflow Wof one hour in case of ordinary ha4ard# 90 .inutes in case of high ha4ard 6A7 and two hours in case of high ha4ard 6/7 occupancies7# fro. a reliable sources 6other than townMs .ain7 ha*ing prior appro*al of the co..ittee# but in no case shall the reser*oir capacity be less than A0 K of that .entioned abo*e" In case of light ha4ard class occupancies the .ini.u. capacity of the reser*oir shall be increased to 2#2)#000 litres if the highest floor of the building is .ore than 1) . abo*e the surrounding ground le*el" A higher capacity of reser*oir than that re+uired as per Table 1 .ay be stipulated by the Co..ittee where considered necessary"



>.#>PUMPS: >.#.1 GENERAL A"'"1"1 shall be e,clusi*ely used for fire fighting purposes# be of a type appro*ed by the Co..ittee# and shall be a7 Ruadruple acting reciprocating stea. O/ b7 Electric Motor or -tea. Turbine dri*en centrifugal O/ c7 Co.pression Ignition Engine dri*en centrifugal O/ d7 Lertical Turbine -ub.ersible" A"'"1"2 shall be direct coupled# e,cept in the case of engine dri*en Lertical Turbine wherein gear dri*es to appro*al standard of Factory Mutual syste. or right angled gear dri*e class no" 1!!( hall be used" /elt dri*en shall not be accepted"

A"'"1"! %arts of li&e i.peller# shaft slee*e# wearing ring etc" shall be of non corrosi*e .etal preferably of brass or bron4e or stainless steel" 9here seawater is used or where the +uality of water necessitates the use of special .etals3alloys# the use of such .etals or alloys shall be insisted" A"'"1"' The capacity of the pu.p6s7 would depend on whether or not tapping6s7 for water spray and3or foa. protection for tan&s3spheres3bullets3plants3other facilities is 6are7 ta&en fro. the hydrant ser*ice" In case there is no tapping fro. the hydrant ser*ice# the capacity of the pu.p shall be as per rule A"'"1"'"1 hereunder" 8owe*er# where the water de.and for water spray and3or foa. protection as per rules A"'"1"'"2# A"'"1"'"!# A"'"1"'"'# A"'"1"'") and A"'"1"'"6 is in e,cess of that re+uired for the hydrant syste.# the capacity shall be based on the higher water de.and" A"'"1"'"1 The capacity for hydrant ser*ice shall be deter.ined by the class of occupancy and si4e of installation as per Table 2 hereunder; TABLE - 2




?ight 8a4ard


Cot e,ceeding E,ceeding 20 but not e,ceeding )) E,ceeding )) but not e,ceeding 100

2A 6967 !( 61!A7 'A 61A17

)"6: A A

ii7 iii7


E,ceeding 100

'A 61A17 plus 'A 61A17 for e*ery add itional 12) hydrants or part thereof"


NOTES @ :1" The pu.p deli*ery pressure will need to be A &g3c. 2 if the highest floor of the ris& is at a height e,ceeding 1) . abo*e the surrounding ground le*el"

::2" 9here the syste.s are hydraulically designed as per C/ 2 S C/ ! below rule A")"10" The total capacity need not be greater than 190 66(!7 irrespecti*e of the nu.ber of hydrant points"




5rdinar y 8a4ard

i7 ii7

Cot e,ceeding 20 E,ceeding 20 but not e,ceeding )) E,ceeding )) but not e,ceeding 100 E,ceeding 100 ::

!( 61!A7 'A 61A17



A6 62A!7


A6 62A!7 plus A6 62A!7 for e*ery add itional 12) hydrants or


part thereof"

CCN.B; 9here the syste.s are hydraulically designed as per C/ 2 S C/ ! of rule A")"10# the total capacity need not be greater than !02 610927 irrespecti*e of the nu.ber of hydrant points"




8igh 8a4ard 6A7

i7 ii7

Cot e,ceeding 20 E,ceeding 20 but not e,ceeding )) E,ceeding )) but not e,ceeding 100 E,ceeding 100

'A 61A17 A6 62A!7

A A3("(


11' 6'107



11' 6'107 plus 11' 6'107 for e*ery add itional 12) hydrants or part thereof" Two of 'A 61A17 T95 of A6 62A!7 T95 of 11' 6'107 T95 of 11' 6'107 plus 5CE of 11' 6'107 for



8igh 8a4ard 6/7

i7 ii7

Cot e,ceeding 20 E,ceeding 20 but not e,ceeding )) E,ceeding )) but not e,ceeding 100 ::E,ceedin g 100

A A3("(




e*ery add itional 200 hydrants or part thereof"

:: This pro*ision will apply only in cases where the hydrant ser*ice has been hydraulically designed as per C/! 6b7 under rule A")"10" NOTES 1" In case of 8igh 8a4ard 6/7 ris&s where the aggregate capacity re+uired in ter.s of the abo*e Table or of rules A"'"1"'"2# A"'"1"'"'# A"'"1"'") and A"'"1"'"6 hereunder e,ceeds 1#6'0 .!3hr"# larger capacity are acceptable pro*ided the capacity of the largest pu.p does not e,ceed 2) K of the aggregate installed capacity is disrupted when any pu.p is in operati*e" In case of 8igh 8a4ard occupancies# the pu.p deli*ery pressure shall be A Ig3c.2 if the highest floor of the ris& is at a height e,ceeding 1) . abo*e the surrounding ground le*el" In case of 5il 1efineries# %etroche.ical co.ple,es or other ris&s where double headed hydrants are used throughout the ris& so that the total nu.ber of hydrants 6counting a double headed hydrant as two hydrants7 is about double the nu.ber of hydrants re+uired as per the general re+uire.ents of this Manual# a double headed hydrant .ay be regarded as a single hydrant only" 9here storage tan&s containing li+uids are protected by a .ediu. *elocity water spray syste. tapped fro. the hydrant ser*ice# the water re+uire.ents of the spray syste. shall be calculated for tan&s located in a co..on dy&e which ha*e the largest aggregate shell surface area at a rate of 10 litres 3.inute3.2 of tan& shell surface area e,cept where the syste. has been designed to co.ply with the pro*isions contained in C"/ ' under rule A"6"19 6.andatory protection7 in which case the rate of flow can be reduced to ! lp.3.27" E*en in the case of tan&s located in separate dy&es# the shell surface area of all tan&s located within a distance of 1) . 6or the dia.eter of the larger tan& if the sa.e is .ore than 1).7 shall be aggregated and the water de.and of such cluster of




tan&s shall be calculated at the rate of flow indicated in the foregoing paragraph" The water re+uire.ent of the spray syste. wor&ed out as abo*e shall then be loaded for supple.entary hose strea. protection as under N 9here the largest tan& in# in a dy&e# has a dia.eter i7 ii7 iii7 Opto 10 . More than 10 . and upto 20 . 5*er 20 . 1#1)0 ?%M 2#2)0 ?%M !#'00 ?%M

If the total water re+uire.ent for spray protection and hose strea. protection for storage tan&s wor&ed out as abo*e e,ceeds the re+uire.ents of the hydrant ser*ice as per Table 2# the capacity shall be e+ui*alent to the" A"'"1"'"! 9here storage tan&s are protected by a fi,ed foa. syste. connected to the hydrant ser*ice# water re+uire.ent for the foa. syste. shall be e+ui*alent to that re+uired by the largest protected tan& at a rate of ) litres3.inute3.2 of li+uid surface area for fi,ed roof tan&s and 12"2 lp.3.2 of ri. seal in case of floating roof tan&s" 5ther conditions regarding supple.entary hose strea. protection# capacity etc"# would re.ain the sa.e as for water spray protection" A"'"1"'"' 9here spheres3bullets are protected by a .ediu. *elocity water spray syste. tapped fro. pressurised hydrant ser*ice# water re+uire.ents of the spray syste. shall be deter.ined as under Ta&ing into consideration the configuration of bullets3sphere# the one which has the largest nu.ber of other bullets3spheres within 1 X1) M of the centre thereof shall be selected" The water de.and shall then be wor&ed out at the rate of 10 ?3.in3M2 of the aggregate shell surface area of the

bullet3spheres concerned and all bullets3spheres within 1 X 1) M of the centre thereof" 9ater application .ay be reduced to ) ?%M3M 2 where the bullets3-pheres coated with appro*ed passi*e .aterials pro*iding fire resistance of at least 2 hours" The water re+uire.ent of the spray syste. wor&ed out as abo*e shall then be loaded for supple.entary hose strea. protection as under Water capacity of Bullets/ Spheres (m3) Opto and including )0 .! Abo*e )0 .! and upto 1)0 .

Supplementary hose stream protection (LPM) 1#A)0 2#2)0 '#)00

Abo*e 1)0 .!

If the total water re+uire.ent for spray protection and hose stea. protection for spheres3bullets wor&ed out as abo*e e,ceeds the re+uire.ents of the hydrant ser*ice as per Table 2# the capacity shall be e+ui*alent to the" N&*+; For design criteria of .ediu. *elocity water spray syste. reference shall be .ade to co..itteeMs rules for water spray syste." A"'"1"'") 9here the plants and other facilities are protected by .ediu. *elocity water spray syste.s# tapped fro. hydrant ser*ice# water re+uire.ent of the spray syste. shall be deter.ined as per Co..itteeMs rules for water spray syste.s" 9ater re+uire.ents of the spray syste.s wor&ed out as abo*e shall then be loaded by '#)00 ?%M for supple.entary hose strea. protection" If the total water re+uire.ent for spray protection and hose strea. protection wor&ed out as abo*e e,ceeds the re+uire.ents of the hydrant ser*ice as per Table 2# the capacity shall be e+ui*alent to the"

A"'"1"'"6 9here transfor.ers are protected by high *elocity water spray syste. tapped fro. hydrant syste.# water re+uire.ents of the spray syste. shall be deter.ined as per Co..itteeMs rules for water spray syste." 9ater re+uire.ent of the spray syste. wor&ed out as abo*e shall then be loaded by 1#A)0 ?%M for supple.entary hose strea. protection" If the total water re+uire.ent for spray protection and hose strea. protection wor&ed out as abo*e e,ceeds the re+uire.ents of the hydrant ser*ice as per Table 2# the capacity shall be e+ui*alent to the" >.#.1.#.> W3+/+ -$%n*s %n, &*3+/ 7%.i$i*i+s %/+ -/&*+.*+, (1 s-/in5$+/ s1s*+' *%--+, 7/&' *3+ -/+ss)/is+, 31,/%n* s+/Di.+E 6%*+/ /+;)i/+'+n* &7 *3+ s-/in5$+/ s1s*+' s3%$$ (+ ,+*+/'in+, %s -+/ *3+ C&''i**++Fs /)$+s 7&/ s-/in5$+/ s1s*+'. I7 *3+ *&*%$ 6%*+/ /+;)i/+'+n* 7&/ s-/in5$+/ s1s*+' +2.++,s *3+ /+;)i/+'+n* &7 *3+ 31,/%n* s+/Di.+ %s -+/ T%($+ 2E *3+ -)'-ing .%-%.i*1 s3%$$ (+ +;)iD%$+n* *& *3+ 7&/'+/. A"'"1") shall be capable of furnishing not less than 1)0 K of rated capacity at a head of not less than 6) K of the rated head" The shut off head shall not e,ceed 120 K of rated head in the case of hori4ontal and 1'0 K in the case of *ertical turbine type" Each pu.p shall be pro*ided with a plate gi*ing# in the case of centrifugal the deli*ery head# capacity and the nu.ber of re*olutions per .inute and in the case of reciprocating the dia.eter of the stea. cylinders and water plungers and the length of stro&e as also the ratios of the effecti*e aggregate areas of the suction and the deli*ery *al*es to the area of the water plungers" In case of electrically dri*en it is reco..ended that co.pression ignition engine dri*en stationary pu.p of si.ilar capacity be installed as a standby and *ice *ersa" 8owe*er# where the hydrant ser*ice consists of .ore than one pu.p# not .ore than half the total nu.ber 6total nu.ber



X 1 in case of odd nu.ber7 of shall ha*e pri.e .o*ers of one type" 6The abo*e pro*ision is not applicable to syste.s co..issioned before 19(27" Cotwithstanding the abo*e# if power to .otorised fire is obtained fro. two sources# one of which is a capti*e generating plant located in a bloc& either 6 . away fro. all surrounding buildings# where this is not feasible# segregated fro. ad$oining building in a .anner indicated in rule A"'"!"1 .ore than half the total nu.ber of .ay be of the electrically dri*en type" A"'"1"( Each fire ser*ice pu.p shall be pro*ided with an independent suction pipe without any sluice or cut off *al*es therein# unless the pu.p is situated below the le*el of the water supply in which case sluice or cut off *al*es would be essential" 9here the water supply has fibrous or e+ually ob$ectionable .atter in suspension or .ud and3or sand liable to cause accu.ulation in the installation# suction pipe6s7 shall be installed in a $ac& well fed through a cul*ert fro. the .ain water supply" At the supply end of the cul*ert# a sluice or gate *al*e shall be pro*ided"
NOTE - The suction pipe shall be connected to the pu.p inlet

through an eccentric reducer to a*oid air poc&ets" A"'"1"9 The dia.eter of the suction pipe shall be such that the rate of flow of water through it does not e,ceed 90 ." per .inute when the pu.p is deli*ering at its rated discharge" If# howe*er# the pu.p is situated below the le*el of its water supply# the dia.eter of the suction pipe3header shall be based upon a rate of flow not e,ceeding 120 ." per .inute"

A"'"1"10 9here the pu.p is to operate under suction lift conditions# the Cet %ositi*e -uction 8ead 6C%-87 a*ailable at site shall be 0")0 . in e,cess of the actual *alue re+uired at 1)0 K of the duty point as per the .anufacturer=s cur*e of the pu.p"

NOTE N For the purpose of the abo*e# C%-8 a*ailable at site

shall be co.puted by deducting the su. of the static lift 6.easured fro. the >low water le*el=# defined in rule A"!# upto the centre line of the pu.p7 and friction loss in the suction pipe and fittings fro. at.ospheric pressure" A"'"1"11 Fire in 8igh 8a4ard 6/7 category occupancies shall be pro*ided with positi*e suction and auto.atic starting de*ices capable of se+uential starting of the" The shall be connected to audible alar. such as hooter or a siren located in a pro.inent place outside the pu.p house" 9here there is a central fire station in the pre.ises# additional alar. point shall also be pro*ided in the fire station" The arrange.ent shall also incorporate Uoc&ey to ta&e care of syste. losses" The capacity of the Uoc&ey shall neither be .ore than ) K of the installed capacity nor less than ! K thereof 6with a .ini.u. of 10"( .!3hr"7 unless the aggregate installed capacity is in e,cess of (20 .!3hr# in which case the capacity of the Uoc&ey %u.p 6s7 shall be not less than 2) . !3hr plus 1 K of the installed capacity in e,cess of (20 . !3hr" Installation of Uoc&ey also helps to pre*ent hydraulic surges" A"'"1"12 In the case of ?ight# 5rdinary and 8igh 8a4ard 6A7 category occupancies# when the pu.p is abo*e the le*el of its water supply# there shall be a foot *al*e and a Tpri.ingM arrange.ent# the latter consisting of a tan& 6ha*ing a capacity at least three that of the suction pipe fro. the pu.p to the foot *al*e sub$ect to a .ini.u. of 1000 litres7 connected to the deli*ery side of the pu.p by a .etal pipe ha*ing a .ini.u. internal dia.eter of 100 .. with a stop *al*e and a non return *al*e therein of the sa.e si4e" A reliable independent filling arrange.ent and a le*el indicator shall be pro*ided for the tan& and# where*er feasible# a continuous o*erflow arrange.ent shall be pro*ided in order to ensure that the tan& is always full" It is reco..ended that for ta&ing suction fro. a stored water supply# a *orte, plate shall be installed at entrance to the suction pipe"

9here*er circu.stances the shall preferably be fi,ed below the le*el of the water supply 6positi*e suction7" If the are auto.atic in action# they shall necessarily be so fi,ed" 8owe*er# if the arrange.ents are such as to ensure that the suction pipe shall be auto.atically .aintained full of water notwithstanding a serious lea&age therefro. 6the pu.p being auto.atically brought into action to replenish the tan& should the latter be drawn upon at a greater rate than the rate at which it is fed fro. any other source7# positi*e suction .ay not be insisted" In such cases# the capacity of the tan& need not e,ceed ')0 litres and the dia.eter of the pipe need not e,ceed )0 .." Uoc&ey %u.p6s7 of capacity indicated in rule A"'"1"11 shall# ne*ertheless# be pro*ided in syste.s where the .ain are auto.atic in action" 9here pu.p6s7 are auto.atic in action they shall be connected to audible alar. such as hooter or siren located in a pro.inent place outside the pu.p house" 9here there is a central fire station in the pre.ises# additional alar. point shall also be pro*ided in the fire station"
NOTE - For the purpose of rules A"'"1"(# A"'"1"9# A"'"1"11 and

A"'"1"12 a pu.p shall be considered as ha*ing positi*e suction only if the +uantity of water in the reser*oir abo*e the low water le*el 6see C"/" under rule A"!7 or the top of the pu.p casing# whiche*er is higher is e+ui*alent to the re+uire.ents of Table 1" A"'"1"1! Each pu.p shall be pro*ided with a non return *al*e and a sluice *al*e on the deli*ery side# the sluice *al*e being installed on the upstrea. side of the non return *al*e" A pressure gauge shall also be pro*ided between the pu.p and the non return *al*e" The si4e of the non return *al*e and cut off 6sluice7 *al*e shall not be less than the si4e of the initial deli*ery pipe and# in no case# less than the deli*ery outlet of the pu.p" F)/*3+/E %s B)**+/7$1 :%$D+s .%n ./+%*+ *)/()$+n.+ %,D+/s+$1 %77+.*ing *3+ -)'- -+/7&/'%n.+ n& B)**+/7$1 D%$D+ s3%$$ (+ ins*%$$+, &n *3+ s).*i&n si,+. A"'"1"1' 9hen the pre.ises are also protected by sprin&ler installation ha*ing ele*ated tan&6s7 as one of the .ain sources of water supply# and where the arrange.ent for filling the tan&6s7 is

ta&en fro. the hydrant ser*ice# the connection shall be ta&en directly fro. the pu.p to the top of the tan& 6through a stop *al*e7 and not through the hydrant .ains" 6-ee fig" below7

A"'"1"1) shall not be installed in open" The pu.p roo.s shall ha*e bric&3concrete walls and non co.bustible roof# with ade+uate lighting# *entilation and drainage arrange.ents" The pu.p roo. shall be so located as to be both easily accessible and where any falling .asonry and the li&e fro. other buildings occasioned by fire or other cause# cannot da.age the pu.p roo." pu.p roo.s shall be located 6 . away fro. all surrounding buildings and o*erhead structures" 9here this is not feasible the sides of the pu.p roo. falling within 6 . of the surrounding buildings shall be blan& .asonry walls of !)) .. thic&ness and the roof of the pu.p roo. shall be of 1CC" ?i&ewise# when the pu.p roo. is attached to a building a perfect party wall co.plying with the co..itteeMs regulations shall be constructed between the pu.p roo. and the attached building# the roof of the pu.p roo. shall be of 1CC construction at least 100 .. thic& and access to the pu.p roo. shall be fro. the outside" In no case shall the pu.p fro. be sited within a building occupied for any other purpose"

N.B. for 8igh 8a4ard 6/7 occupancies# in addition to the abo*e pro*isions# the pu.p roo. shall be located !0 . clear of all e+uip.ent where fluids ha*ing flash point below 6)o C are handled and3or stored and 1) . clear of pipes3pipe rac&s 6of other than water"7" This pro*ision shall# howe*er# not apply to syste.s co..issioned before 19(2" >.#.2 A"'"2"1 STEAM DRI:EN PUMPS The capacity of stea. dri*en shall be based on the econo.ical speed reco..ended by the .a&ers# and the shall be pro*ided with a suitable air *essel# stea. and water pressure gauges" The wor&ing parts of the water ends shall be of non corrosi*e .etal" shall not be used for boiler feeding or any other purpose# e,cept for filling the ele*ated sprin&ler tan&6s7" There shall be at least two boilers connected to the pu.p# out of who. one shall be under pressure at all" -tea. at a pressure of '"2 &g3c.2 or .ore if specified by the .a&ers shall be a*ailable at the pu.p at all" The ratio of the area of the stea. cylinders to water cylinders shall not be less than 2") to 1" A relief *al*e of ade+uate si4e shall be fitted on the deli*ery side of the pu.p and set at a pressure of not .ore than 1 &g3c.2 abo*e the deli*ery pressure of the pu.p# and if of weight and le*er type# the weight# when set# shall be secured and loc&ed in that position" The dia.eter of the suction pipe shall in no case be less than that of the pu.p plungers" The stea. pipe to the pu.p shall not tra*erse ground not under the control of the owner of the installation# nor a public roadway" ELECTRICALL9 DRI:EN PUMPS -

A"'"2"2 A"'"2"! A"'"2"' A"'"2") A"'"2"6

A"'"2"A A"'"2"(



The sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 supplying power to the fire pu.p6s7 shall be of inco.bustible construction and shall be located at least 6 . away fro. all surrounding buildings" 9here this is not feasible# all door and window openings of the surrounding buildings within 6 . of the sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 shall be protected by single fireproof doors and 6 .. thic& wired glasses in steel fra.ewor& respecti*ely" ?i&e wise# roof ea*es# if any# of the surrounding buildings falling within 6 . of the sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 shall be cut and wall raised as a parapet" The abo*e pro*isions shall also apply when the sub station6s7 and 0"D" house6s7 are within 6 . of each other" 9here the sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 are attached to buildings# perfect party walls co.plying with the Co..itteeMs regulations shall be constructed to segregate the sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 fro. the attached buildings and where the attached building is storeyed# the roof of the sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7 shall be of 1"C"C" construction of at least 100 .. thic&ness" cubicles inside these sub stations shall be separated fro. 8"T" and ?"T" cubicles and fro. each other by blan& walls of bric&s3stone3concrete bloc&s of !)) .. thic&ness or of 1"C"C of 200 .. with door openings# if any therein# protected by single fireproof doors co.plying with the Co..itteeMs regulations" The sub station6s7 and 0"D" house6s7 shall also be separated fro. each other as abo*e"

Transfor.ers installed outdoors# which are supplying power to fire %u.p6s7# shall also be located atleast 6 . away fro. all surrounding buildings 6including sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7" 9here this is not feasible all door and window

openings of the building6s7 Wincluding sub station6s7 and3or 0"D" house6s7"Y within 6 . of the shall be protected by single fireproof doors and 6.. thic& wired glasses in steel fra.ewor& respecti*ely" ?i&ewise# roof ea*es of the building6s7 falling within 6 . of the shall be cut and wall raised as a parapet" /affle walls of bric&s3stone3concrete bloc&s of !)) .. thic&ness or of 1"C"C" of 200 .. thic&ness shall be constructed between two transfor.ers and these walls shall be e,tended hori4ontally 600 .. beyond the e,tre.ities of the transfor.ers and *ertically 600 .. abo*e the highest point of the transfor.ers"


9here oil capacity of the indi*idual is larger than )#000 litres separating walls .ust be pro*ided in between the transfor.ers and a clear distance as per the following table shall be .aintained between the transfor.ers and the substation N


)#000 to 10#000 litres Abo*e 10#000 upto 20#000 litres Abo*e 20#000 upto !0#000 litres 5*er !0#000 litres 2"

("0 10"0 12") 1)

For 8igh 8a4ard 6/7 occupancies# substation6s7 supplying power to the fire pu.p6s7 shall# in addition to co.plying with the abo*e pro*isions# be located !0 . clear of all e+uip.ent where fluids ha*ing flash point below 6)o C are handled and3or stored"


Electric supply feeder 6s7 to sub station6s7 supplying power to fire pu.p shall as far as possible# consist of ar.oured cables buried underground which shall not pass under any building or per.anent structures"

If the feeders are laid inside an underground cable duct3 gallery# they shall be placed in a corner of the duct3gallery and shall be isolated fro. other cables in the duct3gallery by .eans of fire bric&s3sand pac&ing3other suitable passi*e protection of at least Z an hour fire rating" Onder e,tenuating circu.stances# where it is not feasible to lay the feeders underground# the Co..ittee .ay o*erhead feeders pro*ided they do not fall within a hori4ontal distance of A7 1) . of any process buildings3plant or tan&s containing li+uids" O/

/7 7 6 . of any other building or tan&s containing non li+uids or of storage in open" NOTE; in case of high ha4ard 6/7 occupancies# all substations 6e,cept .ain recei*ing station in the route of the electrical supply to the fire pu.p 6s7 which recei*e power by o*erhead feeders shall be pro*ided with two sets of feeders which# apart fro. with the abo*e distance pro*isions# shall be run along two different routes in such a way that failure of .ore than one route due to a single .ishap would be only a re.ote possibility" A direct feeder without any tappings shall be laid fro. the sub station to the pu.p house" The feeder shall consist of an ar.oured cable buried underground and shall not pass under any building or per.anent structure" The cable run inside the substation fro. the brea&er upto its point of burial or entry into cable duct3gallery shall be pro*ided with suitable passi*e protection of at least Z an hour fire rating" If the feeder is laid inside an underground cable duct3gallery# it shall be placed in a corner of the duct3gallery and shall be isolated fro. other cables in the duct3gallery by .eans of fire bric&s3sand pac&ing3other suitable passi*e protection of at least Z an hour fire rating"


Onder e,tenuating circu.stances# where it is not feasible to lay the feeders underground# the co..ittee .ay o*erhead feeders pro*ided they do not fall within a hori4ontal distance of N A7 /7 1) . of any process buildings3plant or tan&s containing li+uids" O/ 6 . of any other building or tan&s containing non li+uids or of storage in open"

NOTE - In case of 8igh 8a4ard T/M occupancies if the feeder to the fire pu.p 6s7 is not buried underground# two sets of feeder shall be pro*ided which shall N A7 /7 confor. to the abo*e distance pro*isions be run along two different routes in such a way that failure of .ore than one route due to a single .ishap would be only a re.ote possibility"

A"'"!"' A"'"!")

-ufficient spare power shall always be a*ailable to dri*e set6s7 at all throughout the year" The electric supply to the set6s7 shall be entirely independent of all other e+uip.ent in the pre.ises i"e" e*en when the power throughout the entire pre.ises is switched off# the supply to the pu.p shall continue to be a*ailable un interrupted" This can be achie*ed by ta&ing the connection for the pu.p6s7 fro. the side of the .ain ?"T brea&er" 8owe*er# in cases where two or .ore transfor.ers and3or sources of supply are connected to a co..on bus bar the connection .ay be ta&en through the bus bars" 6-ee figures below7


The fire pu.p circuit shall be protected at the origin by an auto.atic circuit brea&er so set as to the .otor to be o*erloaded during an e.ergency to the .a,i.u. per.issible by the .anufacturers" Further# the under *oltage release3Tno *olt= coil of the circuit brea&er shall be re.o*ed" N.B - 9here cable lengths are long enough to warrant bac& up protection# the Co..ittee .ay insist on pro*ision of such a protection"


It is reco..ended that telltale which would continuously glow when power is a*ailable to the fire pu.p6s7 circuit# be pro*ided and fi,ed in a pro.inent position# both in the substation and in the pu.p roo." 9here there is .ore than one source of power for the operation of set6s7 e*ery electrical circuit shall preferably be so designed as to ensure that when necessary# the set6s7 will continue to operate without the .anual operation of an e.ergency switch" The set6s7 shall be securely .ounted on a robust bedplate# if of the hori4ontal type# and shall be free fro. *ibration at all *ariations of load"



A"'"!"10 The rating and design of .otors and switchgears shall confor. to the rele*ant Indian -tandards -pecification" The .otor shall be of continuous rating type and its rating shall be at least e+ui*alent to the horsepower re+uired to dri*e the pu.p at 1)0 K of its rated discharge" 6-ee rule A"'"1")7

A"'"!"11 The .otor shall be of totally enclosed type or drip proof type# the latter ha*ing their air inlets and outlets protected with .eshed wire panels to e,clude rodents# reptiles and insects" A"'"!"12 The .otors shall be wound for Class / insulation preferably for Class E and the windings shall be *acuu. i.pregnated with heat and .oisture resisting *arnish and preferably glass fibre insulated to withstand tropical conditions" A"'"!"1! Motors wound for high tension supplies shall ha*e a suitable fi,ed resistance to .aintain the .otor windings in a dry condition at all and particularly under .onsoon conditions" The resistance shall be connected to the lighting or other e+ui*alent circuit" A"'"!"1' 8eating apparatus shall also be pro*ided# when necessary# for .ediu. tension .otors where they are located below ground le*el# in order to .aintain the .otor windings in a dry condition" Ade+uate drainage arrange.ents shall also be pro*ided in the pu.p house in such cases" A"'"!"1) The cable to the fire pu.p roo. shall ter.inate in an isolating switch fuse unit incorporating 81C fuses and where necessary pro*ided with a distribution syste." A"'"!"16 The starting switchgear for the fire shall be suitable for direct on line starting but other alternati*e arrange.ents are sub$ect to prior appro*al" It shall also incorporate an a..eter with a clear indication of the .otor full load current" N.B" 1e.ote controlled starting arrange.ents are sub$ect to prior appro*al of the Co..ittee" A"'"!"1A Cables for .otors and switchgear shall be ar.oured or be enclosed in hea*y gauge screwed steel conduit according to conditions" A"'"!"1( It is reco..ended that e+uip.ent throughout be painted fire red 6-hade Co" )!6 as per I-; )7 and suitably .ar&ed for identification"

A"'"!"19 Cecessary spare parts including a set of fuses 6in a glass fronted bo,7 shall be &ept in readiness at all in the pu.p house" A"'"!"20 The wiring in all installations shall be done in accordance with the rules for Electrical Installations 199( issued by the Tariff Ad*isory Co..ittee" >.#.# PETROL OR MOTOR SPIRIT ENGINE DRI:EN PUMPS: <ACCEPTED ONL9 WHERE INSTALLED PRIOR TO 14>8 : The pu.p roo. shall be artificially heated# if necessary# so as to pre*ent its te.perature fro. falling below '") C at any ti.e"



?ow pressure hot water# stea. or hot air apparatus or electric radiators only shall be used" If electric radiators are used# the Tariff Ad*isory Co..ittee shall appro*e the sa.e" Lapour proof incandescent electric lighting shall be used for the pu.p house" Ca&ed lights are not per.itted" -witches in connection with electric lighting or heating shall be located outside the pu.p roo.# but if this is not practicable# they shall be of fla.e proof type to the rele*ant Indian -tandards -pecification 6I- ; ))A17

2" !"


The engine shall be fitted with dual ignition 6.agneto and accu.ulator with coil with separate spar&ing plugs to each7# which shall be so arranged that the engine .ay be wor&ed on either ignition independently" The .agneto shall be of the high tension type" A *olt.eter shall be pro*ided and so arranged that the *oltage of the accu.ulator or battery can be ascertained at will" E,cept in cases where an independent electric supply is readily a*ailable the engine shall be fitted with and shall

A"'"'"! A"'"'"'


wor& a s.all low *oltage dyna.o# fro. which the accu.ulator can be recharged when necessary while the engine is running on the .agneto" A"'"'"6 The conductors fro. the .agneto and accu.ulator to the spar&ing plugs shall be run in .etal tubes to protect the. against in$ury" The opening to the at.osphere fro. the induction pipe shall be fitted with a fla.e trap" The engine shall be go*ernor controlled" The following spare parts shall be &ept readily to hand a7 5ne co.plete set of piston rings for each cylinder# b7 Two high tension spar&ing plugs for each cylinder" c7 Two *al*es suitable for inlet or e,haust co.plete with
springs# cotters and washers#

A"'"'"A A"'"'"( A"'"'"9

d7 5ne co.plete filter for petrol pu.p feed with cor& gas&et e7 Two springs for each spring used in the engine# f7 5ne co.plete set of cylinder head and other gas&ets" A"'"'"10 The engine shall be so arranged that# if necessary# it .ay be readily and i..ediately started by one person" A"'"'"11 The petrol or .otor spirit tan& fro. which the engine is fed shall be fitted with a gauge glass or suitable indicator 6which shall be protected against .echanical in$ury7 showing the +uantity of petrol or .otor spirit contained therein" The tan& shall ha*e a holding capacity sufficient to run the engine at full load for about 2' hours" All $oints in the petrol piping shall be bra4ed" A"'"'"12 There shall be &ept on hand at all sufficient petrol or .otor spirit to run the engine at full load for about 2' hours" A"'"'"1! The reser*e supply of petrol or .otor spirit shall be stored in a safe position# away fro. the pu.p house"

A"'"'"1' %etrol or .otor spirit only shall be used" The use of other substance# such as paraffin# shall not be allowed" A"'"'"1) A written declaration shall be gi*en by the insured that the following conditions will be strictly co.plied with a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 >.#.5 >.#.5.1
The engine shall be tested twice a wee& for atleast 10 .inutes each ti.e" The te.perature of the pu.p roo. shall be .aintained not less than '")oC 6or '0o F7 at all" The .ini.u. +uantity of petrol or .otor spirit re+uired as stated in A"'"'"12 shall be .aintained in a safe position away fro. the pu.p house" Motor spirit only shall be used for dri*ing the engine" -pare parts as re+uired in A"'"'"9 shall be &ept readily to hand"

COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE DRI:EN PUMPS PUMP ROOM: The %u.p 1oo. shall be artificially heated# if necessary# to .aintain the te.perature of the roo. abo*e 10 o C" Ade+uate *entilation shall be pro*ided for the air re+uired for aspiration and to the te.perature rise in the roo. to 10 o C abo*e the a.bient te.perature when the engine is on full load"



A"'")"2"1 The Engine shall be a7 of the co.pression ignition .echanical direct in$ection type# capable of being started without the use of wic&s# cartridges# heater plugs or ether# at an engine roo. te.perature of AoC and shall accept full load within 1) seconds fro. the receipt of the signal to start"

b7 Caturally aspirated# supercharged or turbo charged and either air or water cooled" In the case of charge air cooling by .eans of a belt dri*en fan or of a belt dri*en au,iliary water pu.p there shall be .ultiple belts such

that should half the belts brea&# the re.aining belts would be capable of dri*ing the fan or pu.p" c7 Capable of operating continuously on full load at the site ele*ation for a period of si, hours"

d7 pro*ided with an ad$ustable go*ernor to control the engine speed within 10K of its rated speed under any condition of load upto the full load rating" The go*ernor shall be set to .aintain rated pu.p speed at .a,i.u. pu.p load" e7 pro*ided with an in built tacho.eter to indicate 1"%"M" of the engine"

A"'")"2"2 Any .anual de*ice fitted to the Engine that could pre*ent the engine starting shall return auto.atically to the position" A"'")"2"! Engines# after correction for altitude and a.bient te.perature# shall ha*e bare engine horsepower rating e+ui*alent to the higher of the following two *alues a7 20 K in e,cess of the .a,i.u. bra&e horsepower re+uired to dri*e the pu.p at its duty point"

b7 The bra&e horsepower re+uired dri*ing the pu.p at 1)0 K of its rated discharge"

In the case of engines guaranteed by the .anufacturers as capable of being o*erloaded by 10K at the rated speed for one hour in any period of 12 hours consecuti*e running# the *alue under 6b7 abo*e .ay be considered as 10K lower than the horse power re+uired to dri*e the pu.p at 1)0 K of its rated discharge" A"'")"2"' The coupling between the engine and the pu.p shall allow each unit to be re.o*ed without disturbing the other" >.#.5.! COOLING S9STEM: The following syste.s are acceptable


Cooling by water fro. the discharge of fire pu.p 6ta&en off prior to the pu.p discharge *al*e7 direct into the engine cylinder $ac&ets *ia a pressure reducing de*ice to the applied pressure to a safe *alue as pacified by the engine .anufacturer" The outlet connection fro. this syste. shall ter.inate atleast 1)0 .. abo*e the engine water outlet pipe and be directed into an open tundish so that the discharge water is *isible"

b7 a heat e,changer# the raw water being supplied fro. the fire pu.p discharge 6ta&en off prior to the pu.p discharge *al*e7 *ia a pressure reducing de*ice# if necessary# to the applied pressure to a safe *alue as specified by the engine .anufacturer" The raw water outlet connection shall be so designed that the discharged water can be readily obser*ed" The water in the closed circuit shall be circulated by .eans of an au,iliary pu.p dri*en fro. the engine and the capacity of the closed circuit shall not be less than that reco..ended by the engine .anufacturer" If the au,iliary pu.p is belt dri*en there shall be a .ultiple belt so that should half the belts brea&# the re.aining belts shall be capable of dri*ing the pu.p" c7 a fra.e or engine .ounted air cooled radiator with a .ultiple fan belt dri*en fro. the engine" 9hen half the belts are bro&en the re.aining belts shall be capable of dri*ing the fan" The water in the closed circuit shall be circulated by .eans of an au,iliary pu.p dri*en by the engine and the capacity of the closed circuit shall be not less than that reco..ended by the engine .anufacturer"

d7 direct air cooling of the engine by .eans of .ultiple belt dri*en fans" 9hen half the belts are bro&en the re.aining belts shall be capable of dri*ing the fan"
NOTE; In case of syste.s described in 6b7 6c7 S 6d7 abo*e a

failure actuated audio *isual alar. shall be incorporated" >.#.5.# AIR FILTRATION: The air inta&e shall be fitted with a filter of ade+uate si4e to pre*ent foreign .atter entering the engine"


EAHAUST S9STEM: The e,haust shall be fitted with a suitable silencer and the total bac&pressure shall not e,ceed the engine .a&erMs reco..endation" 9hen the e,haust syste. rises abo*e the engine# .eans shall be pro*ided to pre*ent any condensate flowing into the engine"


ENGINE SHUT-DOWN MECHANISM: This shall be .anually operated and return auto.atically to the starting position after use"



>.#.5.>.1 FUEL: The engine fuel oil shall be of +uality and grade specified by engine .a&ers" There shall be &ept on hand at all sufficient fuel to run the engine on full load for si, hours# in addition to that in the engine fuel tan&" >.#.5.>.2 FUEL TAN0: The fuel tan& shall be of welded steel constructed to rele*ant Indian or Foreign -tandard for Mild -teel 0ru.s" The tan& shall be .ounted abo*e the engine fuel pu.p to gi*e gra*ity feed unless otherwise reco..ended by the .anufacturer" The tan& shall be fitted with an indicator showing the le*el of the fuel in the tan&" The capacity of the tan& shall be sufficient to allow the engine to run on full load for N CLASS OF HA?ARD ?ight 8a4ard 5rdinary 8a4ard 8igh 8a4ard 6A7 8igh 8a4ard 6/7 CAPACIT9 2 8ours ' 8ours 6 8ours ( 8ours

NOTE: where there is .ore than one co.pression ignition engine dri*en pu.p set there shall be a separate fuel tan& and fuel feed pipe for each engine" >.#.5.>.! FUEL FEED PIPES: Any *al*e in the fuel feed pipe between the fuel tan& and the engine shall be placed ad$acent to the tan& and it shall be loc&ed in the open position" %ipe $oints shall not be soldered and plastic tubing shall not be used" >.#.5.>.# AUAILIAR9 EQUIPMENT The following shall be pro*ided a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 A sludge and sedi.ent trap A fuel le*el gauge An inspection and cleaning hole" A filter between the fuel tan& and fuel pu.p .ounted in an accessible position for cleaning" Means to enable the entire fuel syste. to be bled of air" Air relief coc&s are not allowed< screwed plugs are per.itted"


STARTING MECHANISM: %ro*ision shall be .ade for two separate .ethods of engine starting *i4" a7 Auto.atic starting by .eans of a battery powered electric starter .otor incorporating the a,ial displace.ent type of pinion# ha*ing auto.atic repeat start facilities initiated by a fall in pressure in the water supply pipe to the sprin&ler and3or hydrant installation" The battery capacity shall be ade+uate for ten consecuti*e starts without recharging with a cold engine under full co.pression"

b7 Manual starting by i7 ii7 Cran& handle# if engine si4e per.its O/ Electric starter .otor"

NOTE: The starter .otor used for auto.atic starting .ay also be used for .anual starting pro*ided there are separate batteries for .anual starting" >.#.5.4 BATTER9 CHARGING: The .eans of charging the batteries shall be by a 2 rate tric&le charger with .anual selection of boost charge and the batteries shall be charged in position" 9here separate batteries are pro*ided for auto.atic and .anual starting the charging e+uip.ent shall be capable of tric&le charging both the batteries si.ultaneously" E+uip.ent shall be pro*ided to enable the state of charge of the batteries to be deter.ined" >.#.5.1H TOOLS: A standard &it of tools shall be pro*ided with the engine and &ept on hand at all" >.#.5.11 SPARE PARTS: The following spare parts shall be supplied with the engine and &ept on hand a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 Two sets of fuel filters# ele.ents and seals" Two sets of lubricating oil filters# ele.ents and seals" Two sets of belts 6where used7 5ne co.plete set of engine $oints# gas&ets and hoses# Two in$ector no44les# 5ne co.plete set of piston rings for each cylinder# 5ne inlet *al*e and one e,haust *al*e

>.#.5.12 ENGINE EAERCISING: The test shall be for a period of at least fi*e .inutes each day" 9here closed circuit cooling syste.s are used the water le*el in the pri.ary syste. shall be chec&ed at the ti.e of carrying out each test and# if necessary# water shall be added during the course of the test procedure" A"'")"1! A written declaration shall be gi*en that the following conditions will be strictly co.plied with

a7 To test the engine at least once a wee&" b7 To .aintain the te.perature of the engine roo. at not less than '") deg" C at all" c7 To .aintain the .ini.u. +uantity of fuel oil re+uired as desired in these clauses" d7 To use a good grade of fuel oil e+ui*alent in +uality to that specified by the engine .a&er" e7 To &eep on hand the spare parts re+uired as specified in A"'")"11" >.5 A")"1 MAINS: The hydrants .ains shall be laid underground or in .asonry cul*erts with re.o*able co*ers of inco.bustible construction and shall be of any one of the following types a7 Cast Iron double flanged pipes to the following standards T9PE OF PIPES 8ori4ontally Cast Iron %ipes Lertically Cast Iron %ipes Centrifugally Cast 6-pun7 Iron %ipes CLASS OF PIPES / A A IS CODE I-; A1(1 I-; 1)!A I-; 1)!6

N.B. In case of *ertically cast pipes# where the no.inal dia.eter of the pipes e,ceeds !00 .. or where the pu.p deli*ery pressure e,ceeds A &g3s+" c.2# Class T/M pipes would be necessary" b7 Centrifugally Cast 6-pun7 Iron Class TA= %ipes with Tyton Uoints N 61ubber gas&eted7 c7 9rought or .ild steel pipes 6gal*anised or un gal*anised7 of >Mediu.= grade to I-; 12!9 or I-; !)(9 ha*ing welded $oints and coated and wrapped as per I-; 10221" 6M- pipes .ay be allowed

for e,tension of e,isting syste.s which are laid with CI pipes with prior appro*al of the Co..ittee"7 8aliday Testing for 9rapping and Coating is essential" At least 10 K of all the welded $oints shall be rediographically tested and half of the $oints radiographed shall be the >field $oints=" d7 On plastici4ed %LC >Class '= pipes to I'9() and 80%E pipes to I-; '9('" N.B. These pipes are per.itted for use in ?ight 8a4ard 5ccupancies for underground .ains only" A")"2 Onderground CI Mains shall be laid such that the top of the pipe is not less than one .etre below the ground le*el and .asonry or e+ui*alent supports shall be pro*ided at regular inter*als" As far as possible M- -teel pipes shall also be laid 1. below ground le*el" NOTES @ 17 9here applicable# 1adiography Test Certificate and fil.s for welded $oints of .ild steel pipes and 8aliday Test Certificate for coating and wrapping of underground .ild steel pipes shall be sub.itted before the final inspection" 8aliday Testing .ay preferably be carried by fle,ible and detachable ring probe# which will enable the entire !60o of the surface of the pipe to be scanned" 27 In case of poor soil conditions# it .ay be necessary to pro*ide continuous .asonry or e+ui*alent supports" A")"! Mains abo*e ground shall be .ediu. grade wrought or .ild steel 6gal*anised or un gal*anised7 to I-; 12!9 or I-; !)(9 with welded# threaded or flanged $oints# ade+uately supported at regular inter*als on .asonry or 1CC stools or pedestals %n, n&* &n -i-+ /%.5s. The spacing of supports shall be !") . for (0# 100 and 12) .. dia" pipes# ). for 1)0# 200 and 2)0 .. dia pipes and A . for abo*e 2)0 .. dia pipes"

%ipes shall be run at least 6 . away fro. the face of the buildings and open storage areas in case of ?ight and 5rdinary 8a4ard 5ccupancies and 1) ." in case of 8igh 8a4ard 5ccupancies" A")"' Mains shall not be laid under buildings" 9here# howe*er# circu.stances necessitate laying of .ains under buildings# prior per.ission of the Co..ittee shall be obtained and the portion of .ains falling under the buildings shall be laid in .asonry trenches with re.o*able co*ers and cut off *al*es shall be pro*ided at points of entry and e,it" As far as possible# .ains shall not be laid under large open storages# railroads and roads carrying hea*y traffic" The .ains shall not tra*erse ground that is not under the control of the owner of the installation nor under a public roadway" The Tariff Ad*isory Co..ittee .ay# at their discretion# rela, this re+uire.ent in e,tenuating circu.stances" The syste. shall be capable of withstanding for two hours a pressure e+ui*alent to 1)0 K of the .a,i.u. wor&ing pressure" 9hile hydro testing inclusion of cut off *al*es in the .ains to be tested should be a*oided" All boltholes in flanges shall be drilled" The drilling of each flange shall be in accordance with the rele*ant Indian -tandards" Flanges shall be faced and ha*e $ointing of rubber insertion or asbestos co.pound" Fittings installed underground shall be of cast iron Thea*yM grade to I-; 1)!( or /-; 16'1 whereas those installed abo*e ground shall be of TMediu.M grade wrought steel or .ild steel to I-; 12!9 %art II or .alleable iron fittings to I-; 1(A9# parts I to P" Mains shall be laid in rings 6e,cepting as specified to C"/ ' below7 and their si4es shall be as per Tables ! S !A but the si4e of the initial pipe shall not# in any case# be less than the internal dia.eter of the deli*ery outlet of the pu.p" TABLE @ !




A")"( A")"9


6F51 ?ID8T 8AVA10 5CCO%ACCIE-7


1 to 20 21 to )) )6 to 100

100 12) 100 12) 100

100 K ') K )) K 60 K '0 K

TABLE - ! A 6F51 510ICA1Q 8AVA10 5CCO%ACCIE-7



01 to 0) 06 to 20 21 to ))

100 12) 100 1)0 12) 100 1)0 12) 100

100 K '0 K 60 K 20 K !) K ') K 2) K '0 K !) K

)6 to 100

E,ceeding 100

-ee C/ N ! 6a7 and ! 6b7 hereunder

: (0 .. dia.eter ter.inal and3or riser .ains shall be ta&en as 100 .. dia.eter .ains for this purpose"

17 In calculating the nu.ber of hydrants in the syste.# a double headed hydrant shall be counted as two# a fi,ed .onitor of 6! .. si4e ha*ing no44le bore of !2 .. shall be counted as three# a fi,ed .onitor of A) .. si4e ha*ing no44le bore of !( .. shall be counted as four and a fi,ed .onitor of 100 .. si4e ha*ing no44le bore of ') .. as si, hydrant points" In case of 5il 1efineries# %etroche.ical co.ple,es or other ris&s# where double headed hydrants are used throughout the syste. so that the total nu.ber of hydrants 6counting a double headed hydrant as two hydrants7 is about double the nu.ber of hydrants re+uired as per the general re+uire.ents of this Manual# a double headed hydrant .ay be regarded as a single hydrant only" 27 For 8igh 8a4ard occupancies# the hydrant syste. shall be hydraulically so designed that when half the aggregate capacity is being discharged at the farthest3hydraulically .ost re.ote point and the other half in the .ost *ulnerable area enroute# a .ini.u. running pressure of )"2) &g3s+" c. is a*ailable at the point and the rate of flow of water does not e,ceed ) .3second anywhere in the syste." In case the hydraulically .ost re.ote point is the area deter.ining the fire pu.p capacity# the entire aggregate capacity shall be considered as being discharged at this point at a .ini.u. running pressure of )"2) &g3c.2 and the hydrant syste. shall be so designed that the rate of flow of water does not e,ceed ) .3second anywhere in the syste." In case the hydraulically .ost re.ote point happens to be light3ordinary ha4ardous# pressure re+uire.ent at this point can be restricted to !") &g3c. 2" 8owe*er pressure

a*ailable at the high ha4ard area i..ediately preceding the ordinary3light ha4ard area .ust be )"2) &g3s+" c." !7 For ?ight and 5rdinary 8a4ard 5ccupancies ha*ing .ore than )) points# either of the following .ethods .ay be followed a7 The hydrant ser*ice be constituted of single or .ore than one inter connected hydrant syste.s# each with its indi*idual pu.p set according to Table 2 and water supplies e+ui*alent to the aggregate re+uire.ents of the nu.ber of pu.p sets installed"

b7 A single hydrant syste. .ay be installed pro*ided# it is hydraulically designed 6where the highest hydrant is located .ore than 20 . abo*e ground le*el# pre calculated syste.s shall not be accepted7 as per the para.eters indicated in C"/" 2 abo*e# e,cept that .ini.u. running pressure shall be !") &g3s+" c." Instead of )"2) &g3s+" c. 6.ini.u. dia.eter of the pipe used in the ring .ains shall howe*er not be less than 100 ..7" '7 In the case of riser .ains in storeyed buildings and in locations where it is not feasible to lay a ring .ain# a ter.inal .ain .ay be pro*ided# but in no case shall the nu.ber of hydrants on such ter.inal .ains e,ceed )" A ter.inal .ain of (0 .. dia.eter shall not feed .ore than one hydrant# that ha*ing a dia.eter of 100 .. shall not feed .ore than two hydrants# that ha*ing a dia.eter of 12) .. shall not feed .ore than three hydrants and a .ain of 1)0 .. shall not feed .ore than fi*e hydrants" The Co..ittee .ay# at their discretion# .ore than fi*e hydrants on riser .ains of storeyed structures" )7 In case of syste.s designed on the basis of pressure loss calculations# the piping routes selected along with >nodal point= co..e.orating with the pressure loss calculation sheets should be distinctly .ar&ed in the drawing"


Cut off 6Isolating7 *al*es are necessary to obtain the best possible pressure at the seat of fire as they enable a da.aged portion of the installation to be isolated whilst full pressure is a*ailable throughout the re.ainder" These *al*es are distributed according to the general layout of the installation and not according to fi,ed rules" For this reason# the proposed position of these *al*es shall ha*e the prior appro*al of the Co..ittee" Cut off *al*es shall confor. to I-; A(0# %C 1"03I-; 2906# Class 2 or A%9600 in case of Cast -teel Lal*es of class 1)0" NOTES 1" In case of syste. ha*ing wor&ing pressure in e,cess of A &g3c.2 %C 1"6 rating would be necessary for *al*es to I-; A(0 and Class ! for those to I-; 2906" Cast -teel *al*es of class 1)0 are# howe*er# acceptable irrespecti*e of the wor&ing pressure of the syste." 2" !" 5ther types of *al*es li&e rising spindle *al*es .ay be used# sub$ect to prior appro*al of the Co..ittee" /utterfly *al*es also can be accepted sub$ect to the condition that the *al*es of dia.eter e,ceeding 1)0 .. shall necessary be of gear operated"


All cut off *al*es shall be of the right hand type and enclosed in properly constructed surface bo,# at least 1 . 2 so as to allow for bro&en $oints being easily re.ade" The top of the surface bo, shall be (0 .. abo*e ground le*el# e,cept where it is locate on a road" Lal*e wheels shall ha*e an arrowhead engra*ed or cast thereon showing direction for turning TopenM and TcloseM" It is reco..ended that the position of the surface bo, be indicated by an iron plate painted Tfire redM with distinct lettering" -uch plates shall also show the TopenM and TcloseM direction as cast or indicated on the *al*es and the serial no" of the sluice *al*e also should be indicated"



In case of installations in earth+ua&e prone 4ones# so.e for. of fle,ible couplings appro*ed by the Co..ittee shall be used for $ointing purposes" H9DRANTSBFIAED MONITORS: 9ater shall be a*ailable i..ediately to all hydrants3fi,ed .onitors at all with all cut off *al*es being &ept open" /efore final inspection the hydrant syste. shall be flushed thoroughly" Connections for any purpose other than fire fighting are not per.itted fro. the hydrant3fi,ed .onitor3stand post or fro. any portion of the hydrant ser*ice" E,cept where i.practicable# all hydrant outlets shall be situated 1 ." abo*e ground le*el" The stand posts shall be (0 .. in dia.eter for single headed hydrants" 100 .. for double headed hydrants and .onitors of 6! .. or A) .. si4e and 1)0 .. for .onitor of 100 .. si4e" It is reco..ended that stand posts be painted Tfire redM 6shade Co")!6 as per I-;)7 and nu.bered for easy identification" %er.ission to install hydrants below ground le*el will be gi*en in *ery special cases only" 9here such per.ission has been gi*en# the hydrants shall be properly enclosed in a surface bo, of cast iron or .asonry A)0 .. s+uare and (0 .. abo*e ground le*el# the top of he hydrant outlet being not .ore than (0 .. below the top of the bo," 5nly obli+ue hydrants to I-; )290 of Type A with outlets angled towards ground shall be used" The hydrant couplings shall be of gun .etal3stainless steel of the instantaneous spring loc& 6fe.ale7 type of 6! .. dia.eter and *al*es shall be of the screw down type" /ranch pipe3no44le of .onitor shall be of gun .etal3 stainless steel"
N.B - 5rifice plates of suitable design .ay be pro*ided for

>.8 A"6"1


A"6"! A"6"'



hydrants where the pressure e,ceeds A &g" 3c.2"

A"6"A A"6"(

0ouble headed hydrant shall consist of two separate landing *al*es" A single control *al*e will not be per.itted" 8ydrants shall be easily accessible# storage of any &ind on or around the hydrant being prohibited" 9here hydrants are situated in re.ote locations# they shall be approachable by .eans of pa*ed pathways" 8ydrants located in situations where they are li&ely to be da.aged by *ehicular traffic shall be suitably protected on all sides against possible da.age" 8ydrants shall be located bearing in .ind the attendant fire ha4ards at the different sections of the pre.ises to be protected and so as to gi*e .ost effecti*e ser*ice" They shall be so distributed as to pro*ide protection for the buildings on all sides and need not necessarily be e+uidistant fro. each other" Ad*antage shall be ta&en of con*enient door and3or window openings to place hydrants so that only a .ini.u. length of hose is re+uired to reach the openings through which fire .ay be attac&ed" In case of continuous blan& walls# suitable pro*ision shall be .ade on the walls near hydrant posts for easy access inside the pre.ises"




At least one hydrant post shall be pro*ided for e*ery 60 . of e,ternal wall .easure.ent in case of ?ight 8a4ard 5ccupancy# for e*ery ') . in case of 5rdinary 8a4ard 5ccupancy and e*ery !0 . of e,ternal wall .easure.ent or peri.eter of unit battery in case of 8igh 8a4ard 5ccupancy" Measure.ents shall be calculated on the total length of walls of all buildings3peri.eter of all battery li.its to be protected e,cept in the case of opposite buildings 6other than those of 8igh 8a4ard category7 within 22") . of each other# where the .easure.ent of the shorter opposing wall .ay be o.itted" Further# all hydrants and .onitors should be serially nu.bered"

NOTE: Cotwithstanding the abo*e# hydrants protecting

utilities and .iscellaneous buildings in 8igh ha4ard ris&s .ay be spaced at ') ." A"6"12 Co building shall be dee.ed to be protected by a hydrant unless such hydrant is within 1) . of the building" 9here any part of a building is used for storage purpose or where ha4ardous processes are carried out# there shall be two single or one double headed hydrant within 1) . of the building# the layout being such that two $ets of water can be played si.ultaneously on the highest point of the roof" In case of /uildings3%lants occupied for 8igh 8a4ard process or storages# the abo*e specified distance .ay be increased to 22") ." In case of buildings ha*ing roofs other than 1CC# it is ad*isable to pro*ide hydrants at the roof le*el along with access staircases in order to fight the fire by brea&ing open the roofs# if necessary" A"6"1! 8ydrant heads shall be positioned at distances not less than 2 . fro. the face of the building or edge of the storage plot to be protected e,cept in the case of high ha4ard occupancies wherein the hydrant heads shall be located not less than A") . fro. the face of the building# edge of the storage plot or fro. the plant battery li.its" In case where# owing to the si4e or layout of the building# or building being di*ided by internal walls# any point within the building is at a distance of .ore than ') . fro. an e,ternal fire hydrant# an internal hydrant syste. shall be pro*ided so that no portion of the floor is .ore than ') . fro. an e,ternal hydrant or !0 . fro. an internal hydrant" In case of large switchyards# where it is not feasible to lay internal hydrants# alternate hydrants .ay be replaced by .onitors of suitable si4e" N.B: 0istance of ') . indicated abo*e shall be increased to 60 . for light ha4ard occupancies and reduced to !0 . for high ha4ard occupancies"



In case of storeyed buildings# satisfactory access shall be pro*ided to all parts of each floor by .eans of inco.bustible internal or e,ternal staircases" a .ini.u. of two such staircases will be needed per co.part.ent# but in case the area of the co.part.ent e,ceeds 2#000 s+" ."# an additional staircase shall be pro*ided for e*ery additional 1#)00 s+" ." or part thereof" 5n the other hand# if a co.part.ent has a floor area of less than )00 s+" ."# one access staircase shall be acceptable" The access staircases shall be so located that# as far as possible# no part of each floor is .ore than !0 . fro. the nearest staircase" 9here it is not possible to locate the staircase in the aforesaid .anner# the Co..ittee .ay suggest alternati*e .ethods for protection of such large upper floors" E,ternal access staircases shall be open to s&y" The staircases shall confor. to the following

A"6"1)"1 Internal staircases shall be so located that atleast one of its enclosing walls is an e,ternal wall of the building" A door opening shall be pro*ided in this e,ternal wall at ground floor le*el" The enclosing walls shall be of bric& wor& atleast 2!0 .. thic& or reinforced concrete atleast 100 .. thic& carried through and atleast ')0 .. abo*e the roof of the building# unless the roof is of $ac& arch or reinforced concrete construction in which case the walls need be carried upto the roof only" E*ery opening fro. the staircase to any portion of the building or to a roof used as a floor shall be fitted with a single fireproof door" N.B; The abo*e rule will not apply to buildings# the upper floors of which are occupied by offices# air washer plants# rest roo.s# cloa& roo.s# canteen and the li&e" A"6"1)"2 E,ternal staircases without side co*ering need not ha*e openings at each floor le*el protected by single fireproof doors" 8owe*er# if e,ternal staircases are enclosed# they shall be considered e+ui*alent to internal staircases"
NOTE; There shall be no e+uip.ent within 2 . of the

staircases and3or its landings"

A"6"1)"! -taircases shall be not less than A)0 .. clear width with treads not less than and risers not .ore than 200 .. and under not circu.stances shall the staircase ha*e an inclination of .ore than 60 degrees to the hori4ontal" NOTE; Iron rung ladders or spiral staircases shall not be acceptable" A"6"1)"' In the case of enclosed staircases# all windows therein falling within ! . of any other openings in the building shall be protected by wired glass in steel fra.ewor& in accordance with the Co..itteeMs regulations" Con*ersely# in the case of open sided staircases# window and door openings of the building falling within ! . of the staircase shall be protected by wired glass in steel fra.ewor& and single fireproof door respecti*ely in accordance with the Co..itteeMs regulations" NOTE; The latter part of this rule shall not apply to buildings# which are essentially open sided" A"6"1)") E,its to the access staircases shall always be &ept open during wor&ing hours" 0uring non wor&ing hours# the e,its .ay be loc&ed fro. the staircase side only" ?oc&s of all e,its shall ha*e one .aster &ey# which shall be a*ailable either at the .ain gate# or any other pro.inent and easily accessible location &nown to the fire fighting personnel" Alternati*ely# the &ey shall be &ept in a glass fronted bo, or in the hose bo, on the staircase landing" A"6"1)"6 A hydrant shall be pro*ided on e*ery floor landing which shall not be less than 1") . , 1 ." The .ains feeding the landing hydrants shall be pro*ided with a cut off *al*e at ground le*el 6also see C"/"' under rule A")"10 and rule A"A"!"!7 A"6"16 -pecific re+uire.ents for pro*isions of .onitors in plant areas

A"6"16"1 Tall colu.ns# structure# towers and e+uip.ent where it .ay not be possible to pro*ide access staircases with hydrants on landing thereof as per rule A"6"1)# will be considered as protected by hydrants at ground le*el# pro*ided they are less

than 1) . in height" 9hen the height e,ceeds 1) .# the concerned hydrants shall be replaced by .onitors" A"6"16"2 Alternate hydrants for protection of loading unloading bays# rail3truc& gantries shall be replaced by water3foa. .onitors" >.8.1> PROTECTION OF BASEMENTS:

A"6"1A"1 shall pro*ide access to all parts of the base.ent directly fro. the outside of the building at ground le*el" The nu.ber and location of the shall be such that no part of the base.ent is .ore than ') .etres fro. the nearest staircase3ra.p" A"6"1A"2 It is reco..ended that the staircase3ra.p be pro*ided with e.ergency lighting facilities" 9here .aintenance of illu.ination depends upon changing fro. one energy source to another# there shall be no appreciable interruption of illu.ination during changeo*er" 9here e.ergency lighting is pro*ided by .eans of electric generator# a delay of not .ore than 10 seconds shall be per.itted for changeo*er" E.ergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to .aintain proper illu.ination for a period of one and a half hours in the e*ent of lighting failures" The E.ergency lighting syste. shall be so arranged as to pro*ide sufficient illu.ination auto.atically in the e*ent of any interruption of lighting" A"6"1A"! 5ne landing *al*e shall be pro*ided for each staircase3ra.p at each base.ent le*el in addition to the pro*ision of a hydrant at the ground le*el" A"6"1A"' %roper drainage facility shall be pro*ided to drain the fire fighting water out of the base.ent" A"6"1( -torage of .aterial in the open shall be protected as under

Metals# Metallic goods# Machinery and other non

5ne single hydrant for e*ery 60 . of storage periphery located beyond 2 . but within 1) . of

ha4ardous storage Coal or Co&e

storage area" 5ne single hydrant for e*ery ') . of storage periphery located beyond 2 . but within 1) . of storage area" 5ne double hydrant for e*ery ') . of the storage periphery located beyond 2 .# but within 22") . of storage area"

5ther storages

NOTES 1" In the case of open storage areas of following .aterials# at least )0 K of hydrant shall be replaced by fi,ed .onitors ha*ing no44le bore of !( .. dia.eter if the indi*idual stac& height is .ore than 6 . and total storage e,ceeds )#000 tonnes


9here hydrants3.onitors located along one longer side of a storage area are .ore than 90 . fro. those along the other longer side# reference shall be .ade to the co..ittee"


8ydrants for the protection of li+uid storage tan&s shall be located beyond 1) .# but within !) . of tan& shell as specified below

Tan&s upto 10 . dia" Tan&s abo*e 10 . but upto 20 . dia" Tan&s abo*e 20 . dia"

5ne double headed or two single headed hydrants" Two double headed or four single headed hydrants" Three double headed or si, single headed hydrants"

NOTES 1" In case tan&s are located .ore than 22") . fro. the dy&e walls# one double hydrant or two single hydrants shall be replaced by a !( .. .onitor" 6E*ery alternate .onitor should be a foa. .onitor and a .ini.u. of one such foa. .onitor should be pro*ided7 For the tan&s located .ore than ') . fro. the dy&e walls# in addition to the .onitor6s7# the tan&s shall be protected by Fi,ed Foa.3Mediu. Lelocity 9ater -pray -yste. 6Manual3Auto.atic7 co.plying with the Co..itteeMs rules" 8ydrants3Monitors shall not be installed within dy&ed enclosures nor can the hydrant .ain pass through it" Floating roof storage tan&s and floating cu. fi,ed storage tan&s e,ceeding !0. in dia.eter and fi,ed roof storage tan&s containing products ha*ing flash point below !2o C shall be considered as hydrant protected only if# supple.entary .ediu. *elocity water spray syste. or fi,ed3se.i fi,ed foa. syste. 6either auto.atic or .anually operated7 to regulations is also pro*ided" In case of foa. syste.# there shall be additional protection by water spray syste. in the for. of a ring along the top edge of the *ertical face of the tan&" 5ther than dispensing with additional rings# the supple.entary water spray protection shall co.ply with Co..ittee=s regulations" )" 6" A" Insulated tan&s shall also be pro*ided with M"L" 9ater -pray %rotection" Co water spray protection is re+uired for a..onia spheres3tan&s" Cryogenic storage tan&s and double walled tan&s shall be treated on par with the insulated tan&s" 8owe*er# .etallic roof of the double walled tan&s 61CC or otherwise7 will need to be protected with M"L" 9ater


!" '"

-pray -yste. 6.andatory7 at a rate of ! lp.3. 2 for the roof portion only" (" Ade+uate pro*ision shall be .ade to pro.ptly and effecti*ely dispose off all li+uids fro. the fire areas during operation of fire protection syste.s in such areas"


For protection of spheres3bullets# hydrants3.onitors shall be located beyond 1) . but within !) . of the shell of the spheres3bullets" The nu.ber of hydrants3.onitors shall be go*erned by the water capacity of the bullets3spheres as specified hereunder

Opto )0 .!

Three single hydrants 6or one single X Two double headed hydrants7 5ne .onitor X two single 6or one double headed hydrants7 Two .onitors X four single hydrants 6or two double headed hydrants7

Abo*e )0 .! but upto 1)0 .! Abo*e 1)0 .!



-upple.entary protection of bullets3spheres by .ediu. *elocity water spray syste. 6either auto.atic or .anually operated7 to regulations is .andatory" 8ydrant3.onitor shall not be installed within dy&ed3 fenced enclosures nor can hydrant .ains pass through such enclosures"


>.> A"A"1


In the case of yard hydrants# hose pipes and no44les shall be installed either in central hose stations which shall be of the type illustrated in figure no" 12 6which enables the condition

and +uantity of hose# no44les# etc" to be chec&ed o*er at a glance and ensures that other useful e+uip.ent is ready at hand in the e*ent of a fire7 or near each hydrant in glass fronted hose bo,es of suitable design" N.B. ?ocations and nu.ber of hose stations will depend upon se*eral factors such as fire loads# accessibility and positions of watch posts" %rior appro*al of the Co..ittee shall# therefore# be obtained regarding locations of the hose stations before they are constructed" A"A"2 In case of hydrants on upper floors or internal hydrants# hosepipes and no44les shall necessarily be installed near each hydrant in glass fronted hose bo,es of suitable design" REQUIREMENTS OF HOSE PIPES: If hose is &ept in central hose stations# for each of the first ten hydrants in the co.pound of the pre.ises 6a double headed hydrant counting as two e,cept where they are pro*ided as a standard practice throughout the syste.7# two lengths of hose 1) . each and an additional 1) . length for each hydrant in e,cess of ten# shall be pro*ided"
NOTE: In case of syste. ha*ing .ore than )) hydrant

>.>.! A"A"!"1

outlets# the total nu.ber of hose lengths re+uired .ay be li.ited to )) plus 20 percent of the nu.ber of hydrant outlets in e,cess of ))" 9here a fire engine is .aintained on the pre.ises .anned by a whole ti.e fire brigade# the nu.ber of hose# pipes re+uired 6including those on the engine7 would be )) plus 10 percent of the nu.ber of outlets in e,cess of ))" A"A"!"2 A"A"!"! If hose is &ept in hose bo,es alongside hydrants# each bo, shall contain two lengths of 1) . each" For use with each hydrant on staircase landing or with each internal hydrant# two lengths of hose A") . shall be pro*ided" In case of base.ent hydrants# two lengths of hose 1) . shall be pro*ided" All hoses shall be of 6! .. dia.eter of either of the following types


i7 ii7

Onlined fla, can*as co.plying with Indian -tandard I-; '92A" 1ubber lined wo*en $ac&eted co.plying with Type A 61einforced 1ubber lined7 of Indian -tandards I-; 6!6" Controlled %ercolation type co.plying with Indian -tandards I-; ('2!"

iii7 A"A"!")

5rdinary rubber lined wo*en $ac&eted hose co.plying with the specification of Type / of Indian -tandards I-; 6!6 .ay be per.itted to be used in lieu of the abo*e upto a .a,i.u. of )0 K of the total hose re+uire.ents of the hydrant syste." All couplings shall be of the instantaneous spring loc& type and the no44les shall be of not less than 16 .. in dia.eter# nor .ore than 2) .. in dia.eter e,cept in case of high ha4ard occupancies where the .a,i.u. no44le dia.eter .ay be !2 .. sub$ect to the appro*al of the Co..ittee" All couplings# branch pipes and no44les shall be of gun.etal or stainless steel and shall otherwise co.ply with I-; 90!# 19('" 8ose shall be attached to the coupling 6other than of ferrule type7 in the following .anner Each half of the coupling shall ha*e two ) .. dia.eter holes drilled in the tail" The hose shall be first fi,ed to the tail of the coupling with copper ri*ets then ser*ed or bound with 1") .. gal*anised .ild steel or copper wire for a length of )0 .. which will e,tend to the outer ends of the groo*ing on the coupling tail o*er the gal*anised .ild steel or copper wire a leather or e+ually protecti*e band shall be bound with four strands of 1"12 .. gal*anised .ild steel or copper wire at each end of the band" The protecti*e band shall be carried beyond the tail of the coupling to pre*ent lea&ing" Copper wire# if used# shall be softened before being used" Couplings attached to the hose otherwise than by copper ri*ets shall not be accepted# as they are apt to beco.e dislodged under pressure"




-pare hose to the e,tent of 10 percent of the abo*e re+uire.ents# with a .ini.u. +uantity of !0 . shall be always &ept readily a*ailable" -uch spare hose shall also be in 1) . lengths# readily attached to couplings"
NOTE: In calculating the nu.ber of lengths of hose re+uired

under the abo*e scale# any fraction of a nu.ber shall be counted as one" A"A"!"9 It is reco..ended that a syste. of .ar&ing and nu.bering hose be arranged so that the *arious lengths are easily recognisable"

A"A"!"10 In central hose stations and hose bo,es a tin containing a set of spare rubber rings pac&ed in french chal& shall be &ept" A"A"!"11 Central hose stations and hose bo,es shall be so arranged that hose is not e,posed to the sunrays" A"A"!"12 All central hose stations or hose bo,es# when pro*ided with loc&s shall ha*e one .aster &ey which shall be a*ailable either at the .ain gate or any other pro.inent and easily accessible location &nown to the fire fighting personnel" >.>.# A"A"'"1 A"A"'"2

The nu.ber of no44les to be pro*ided shall be e+ui*alent to half the nu.ber of hose pipes installed on the pre.ises" In locations where a $et of water directed fro. a type no44le is li&ely to cause .ore har. than good or where a gentle spray of water is essential for the e,tinguish.ent of a fire# a fog type or a spray type of no44le co.plying with I-; 2(A1 shall be used" -pare no44les to the e,tent of 10 K of the abo*e re+uire.ents# with a .ini.u. of two# shall always be &ept readily a*ailable" FOAM COMPOUND: Foa. syste.s shall confor. to CF%A 11 and 11A# 16A and3or rele*ant /I- specifications I-; 12(!) or ?%C rules for



Foa. -yste.s" The stoc& of foa. co.pound to be .aintained shall be e+ui*alent to at least two the re+uire.ent of the tan& needing .a,i.u. +uantity of foa." Foa. Co.pound shall be che.ically neutral 6%8 6") to A")7 >.4 A"9"1

As the efficiency of a hydrant ser*ice and3or of internal appliances depends upon the .anner and speed with which they are brought into use and the ability with which the effort is directed# a s+uad consisting of watch and ward personnel# fire pu.p .en and depart.ental super*isors and3or operati*es trained in the operation of the fire ser*ice shall be .aintained on the pre.ises round the cloc&" The nu.ber of personnel constituting the s+uad shall necessarily depend upon the si4e of the ris&# but in no case shall be less than eight trained persons be a*ailable at any ti.e during the day or night" Mini.u. nu.ber of trained persons re+uired .ay be further reduced to si, in case of auto.atic pressurised hydrant syste.s" -+uad leaders shall preferably be recognised go*ern.ent institution trained and their usefulness would be considerably enhanced if they reside on the pre.ises" -+uad personnel shall be pro*ided with clothing and e+uip.ent including hel.ets# belts and boots# preferably" A .uster roll showing the duties allocated to each .e.ber of the brigade shall be prepared and copies supplied to each s+uad leader as well as pasted in con*enient places throughout the pre.ises# so as to be +uic&ly a*ailable for reference in case of e.ergency" %ractice drills shall ta&e place wee&ly and it is a condition of the appro*al by the Co..ittee to the discount for hydrant ser*ice that wet drills shall be carried out at inter*als of not .ore than a fort night and that the entire s+uad on duty shall turn out during the *isits of the co..ittee=s Inspectors" 0uring wet drills# hydrants 6including those of upper floors7# hose pipes and no44les# shall be ta&en into use in rotation






so that the efficacy of these appliances would be auto.atically chec&ed and any defects obser*ed# set right" A"9"A A register shall be &ept as per Appendi, L showing details of all practices and defects# if any# reported in the installation" This register shall be open to e,a.ination by the Co..ittee=s Inspectorate" The ser*ices of the pu.p .an 6see A"10"1"1"17 could be profitably utilised for the .aintenance of all fire fighting appliances 6including hand appliances -ee '"1")"1"17" 8e shall also be thoroughly con*ersant with the locations of all appliances# particularly of hydrant cut off *al*es so that in an e*entuality he would be of assistance to the factory=s fire brigade or the Town=s fire brigade" Ieys of all doors in the factory pre.ises shall always be a*ailable at the .ain gate" It is reco..ended that fire pu.p roo.6s7 and the .ain gate6s7 of all factory pre.ises be connected to all .anufacturing sections through the internal telephone syste." Telephones interlin&ed to this syste. .ay also be put up in proper cubicles at con*enient locations near godown ranges and other strategic points" This would effect sa*ing of *aluable ti.e in an e.ergency to alert the fire fighting personnel and the pu.p .an" MAINTENANCE: PUMPS:


A"9"9 A"9"10

>.1H >.1H.1

>.1H.1.1 GENERAL: A"10"1"1"1 A trained pu.p .an 6see A"9"(7 shall be a*ailable on all shifts and at all hours of the day and night to operate the as and when re+uired" A"10"1"1"2 %u.p sets shall be run for atleast fi*e .inutes e*ery day" A"10"1"1"! The le*el of water in the tan& shall be chec&ed daily to ensure that the foot *al*e of the pu.p is not lea&ing"

A"10"1"1"' All pu.p glands shall be .aintained in efficient wor&ing condition and the pac&ing renewed as re+uired to .aintain efficiency" A"10"1"1") -uction and deli*ery *al*es shall be e,a.ined once e*ery si, .onths# particularly where sand or other ob$ectionable .atter is liable to be drawn through the pu.p suction" A"10"1"1"6 All wor&ing parts shall be &ept clean and lightly oiled as cleanliness greatly adds to efficiency" Any necessary repairs shall be put in hand and carried out i..ediately" >.1H.1.2

A"10"1"2"1 The stea. cylinders of shall always be &ept war. and efficient draining arrange.ents pro*ided" A"10"1"2"2 A .ini.u. of two sets of piston and buc&et rings shall be pro*ided" A"10"1"2"! -.all parts such as snifting *al*es# cushioning *al*es and petcoc&s shall ha*e special attention because faults in these *al*es cause the pu.p to &noc& badly and lose efficiency" >.1H.1.! ELECTRICALL9 DRI:EN PUMPS:

A"10"1"!"1 The bearing grease cup shall be chec&ed once e*ery wee& and refilled with fresh grease# if necessary" A"10"1"!"2 -tarter contacts shall be cleaned once e*ery wee&" A"10"1"!"! Insulation resistance of pu.p .otor circuit shall be e,a.ined once e*ery si, .onths and record of results shall be .aintained" >.1H.2 MAINS: A"10"2"1 8ydrant .ains shall be tested once a fortnight with a pu.p deli*ering at its .a,i.u. pressure# with all hydrant *al*es closed and# thereafter# a running test with two or .ore hose lines each !0 . long operating shall be carried out" This chec&s the efficiency of the pu.p as well as the tightness of the hydrant .ains 6-ee 1ule A"9 also7"

A"10"2"2 A"10"2"!

All cut off *al*es shall be operated and oiled# if necessary# once a .onth" Cut off *al*es shall be thoroughly o*erhauled annually to re.o*e sludge and other foreign .atter collected in the *al*e seating"

>.1H.! A"10"!"1

All hydrants shall be e,a.ined syste.atically once a wee& to ensure that *al*es and spring catches are .aintained in good condition and all brass parts polished" -pare washers shall be &ept for hydrant *al*e seats" It is reco..ended that the painting of standpoints be carried out annually"

A"10"!"2 A"10"!"! >.1H.# A"10"'"1

All hose bo,es3hose stations shall be inspected e,ternally once e*ery wee& to ensure that the e+uip.ent installed therein is intact" Further# the hose bo,es3hose stations shall be cleaned internally and e,ternally once a .onth" 9hen the hose gets worn out at the tail end of the coupling6s7# it is per.issible to cut the end6s7 of the hose" 8owe*er should the lengths of the hose after cutting6s7 fall below 90 percent of its original# i"e" 1) . or A") . the hose shall be discarded" A 8ose 1egister shall be &ept showing the history of each length" Infor.ation such as date purchased# date brought into use# date cut 6if reduced in length7# is useful and a colu.n shall be pro*ided for by the Co..ittee=s Inspectors to whose inspection the 8ose 1egister shall be open" Any hose inefficient through use# neglect or fro. any other cause# shall be discarded"





Fire protection hose shall not be used for purposes other than fire protection and drill" All concerns are ad*ised to &eep a supply of cheap hose for watering paths# washing out or filling boilers# etc" -uch hose shall not be .i,ed with fire protection hose but &ept in an entirely separate place" It is reco..ended that hose couplings and branch pipes be polished once a fortnight" Considerable di*ersity of practice has been noticed in the attention paid to the drying and storing of hose and the following suggestions in this connection shall be carried out; After use# hose to be thoroughly washed in clean water and then thoroughly dried" A rac& or so.e si.ilar contri*ance atleast 10 . high to be pro*ided so that# after cleaning# hose .ay be suspended to drain and dry e*enly" This is to be done in the shade and not in the sunshine so that the hose is e*enly dried inside and out" Care to be e,ercised that it is not re.o*ed until it is thoroughly dry in all places" The hose to be then thoroughly brushed with a hard bristle or wire brush# and re rolled# care being ta&en to choose a dry and clean place whereon to roll it< and replace in the bo,es or hose stations" Care to be ta&en after washing that the hose does not touch the ground# where it .ight be soiled" 8ose to be rolled up e*enly and carefully# the fe.ale or spring coupling end being in the centre" In this .anner the spring clips# when grasped one in each hand# for. a Treel= and the hose can be +uic&ly run out in the e*ent of fire" 51 A?TE1CATILE?Q The hose to be doubled in the centre of its length and rolled up e*enly fro. the fold" /oth the Male and Fe.ale couplings will then be on the outside of the roll" This per.its the no44le being attached to the hose while being stored in readiness for use# and the hose runs out without twisting"

A"10"'"6 A"11

>.11 A"11"1


9here the installation is e,pected to re.ain inoperati*e for a period e,ceeding 2' hours# prior sanction shall be obtained fro. the Co..ittee" If any co.ponent of the hydrant syste. is to be replaced for any reason whatsoe*er# the entire syste. shall not be rendered inoperati*e but the particular section only shall be isolated by closing the necessary cut off *al*es" If# howe*er# it is not possible to co.plete the replace.ent before nightfall# the cut off *al*es shall not be left closed o*ernight" Instead# blan& flanges shall be pro*ided at the point where the co.ponent has been re.o*ed so that the entire syste.# other than the co.ponent# which has been re.o*ed# would re.ain operati*e through the night" 5nly one co.part.ent of the reser*oir shall be e.ptied out at a ti.e of cleaning or repair wor&" If the foot *al*e of the suction line is re.o*ed for cleaning3repairs# it shall# as far as practicable# be replaced before nightfall" If the pu.p is e,pected to be inoperati*e for .ore than A2 hours# e*ery effort shall be .ade to connect the ser*ice water supply to the hydrant syste. for the duration the pu.p is inoperati*e" If the hydrant ser*ice is to be e,tended# the e,tended portion shall be first laid and# thereafter# the connection between the e,isting syste. and the e,tension shall be carried out e,peditiously# so that the entire syste. is not left inoperati*e o*ernight"


A"11"! A"11"'






The fore bay supplying water to the power station fed by canals fro. perennial water sources li&e ri*ers# ri*ulets# da.s etc" .ay be accepted as firewater reser*oir pro*ided the a*ailability of 2 hours capacity is ensured" The cooling water pond 6s7 .ay also be accepted as firewater reser*oir pro*ided the a*ailability of 2 hours capacity is ensured"
NOTE; Cooling water basins shall not be acceptable as


e+ui*alent to cooling water ponds" >.12.2 PUMPS: The pu.p duties shall be generally selected as per Table 2 under 1ule Co"A"'"1"'"1 of F% Manual" 8owe*er# where situation warrants# higher capacity not e,ceeding '10 .!3hr and (( . head .ay be acceptable" In order to achie*e the .ini.u. pressure of !") Ig"3c. 2 at higher ele*ation# booster pu.p6s7 with a capacity of 1!A . !38r"# ha*ing re+uisite rated head .ay be acceptable" NOTES 1" 2" !" The booster pu.p shall be regarded as a pressure co.pensating de*ice only" A higher capacity booster pu.p .ay be stipulated by the Co..ittee where considered necessary" /ooster pu.p shall be located at ground le*el only" Electrically dri*en booster pu.p6s7 shall in addition to the supply be connected to the e.ergency power supply also"



In case of practical difficulties in .aintaining the stipulated distance fro. the face of the building in case of abo*e ground o*er head .ains# warranted under de.anding circu.stances in specific areas# for e,a.ple between /oiler 8ouse and TD /uilding and between and T"D"

/uilding# the sa.e .ay be per.itted pro*ided the .ains installed in such areas for. part of sub ring only" >.12.#

The staircase shall be distributed as far as possible along four sides of the building" The nu.ber of staircases shall be such that no part of such floor is .ore than ') . fro. the nearest staircase" At least )0 K of the nu.ber of staircases thus arri*ed at shall confor. to 1ules A"6"1)"1# A"6"1)"2 and A"6"1)"!" The re.aining staircases shall be preferably located along the periphery of the building# but need not necessarily be separated as per regulations" >.12.5

For use with each hydrant on staircase landing two lengths of hoses 1) . each and a no44le with attached branch pipe shall be pro*ided in hose bo, alongside each landing *al*e"






The construction and location of the reser*oir shall be as indicated in rule A"!" The effecti*e capacity 6abo*e the le*el of the foot *al*e seat7 shall be e+ui*alent to 2 hours= installed capacity" G.2G ("2"1 ("2"2
PUMPS: shall be direct coupled" 8owe*er# e,isting belt dri*en .ay be accepted at the discretion of the Co..ittee" The shall be capable of deli*ering not less than 19 ?%- at a head of A0 ." 9here# howe*er# the nu.ber of hydrants in the syste. e,ceeds ))< the pu.p capacity shall be not less than !( litres3second" The pu.p shall be so located as to be both easily accessible and where any falling .asonry and the li&e fro. other buildings# occasioned by fire or other cause# cannot da.age the pu.p roo." The pu.p roo. shall be located 6 . away fro. all surrounding buildings# o*erhead structures and storages in the open" 1ules A"'"1"6# A"'"1(# A"'"1"9 and A"'"1"12 shall be co.plied with" Electric supply to the fire pu.p shall co.ply with rule A"'"!"
NOTE: In case of stea. dri*en pu.p# ade+uate stea. supply


("2"' ("2")

to dri*e the pu.p at its duty shall be constantly .aintained during the whole of the wor&ing season" G.! ("!"1 ("!"2 ("!"! MAINS: Mains shall be of Cast Iron# gal*anised iron or .ild steel and be laid underground" The .ains shall be laid in loops around the Din S %ress houses" All loops and feeder .ains shall be of 100 .. bore but branch .ains .ay be of (0 .. bore"

N.B. The Co..ittee .ay insist on larger si4ed .ains where dee.ed necessary" G.# ("'"1 ("'"2 ("'"2"1 ("'"2"2 ("'"2"! H9DRANTS: 1ules A"6"!# A"6"'# A"6"6# A"6"A# and A"6"( shall be co.plied with" ?ocation of the hydrants shall be as under There shall be a .ini.u. of three hydrants within ! . of Din house and of %ress house" There shall be .ini.u. of two hydrants within 1) . of Dodown or sheds used for storing cotton or Iappas" For open storage# hydrants shall be distributed in such a way that any portion of the storage is protected by atleast two hydrants at a distance not e,ceeding !) ." N.B" If the co.pounds are only partially used for storage of cotton and3or &appas# the owner shall declare the area he proposes for storage for deter.ining the fire protection thereof" In this case# the portion reser*ed for storage shall be de.arcated by a wired fencing and a plan thereof shall be lodged with the Co..ittee" G.5

5ne 6! .. dia.eter hosepipe of 1) . length and one no44le of 20 .. dia.eter with its attached branch pipe shall be pro*ided in a suitable hose bo, alongside each hydrant" G.8 FIRE-FIGHTING STAFF: A .ini.u. of si, trained personnel shall be a*ailable at all" Apart fro. the abo*e# three night watch.en shall also be a*ailable on the pre.ises" XXXXXXXXXX



SCOPE; 6Meant for plants other than petroche.ical plants# petroleu. 1efineries and ?%D /ottling %lants7" 4.1

Me.bership should be of two or .ore industrial plants# warehouses and public utilities" 4.2 GEOGRAPHICAL CO:ERAGE: The co*erage shall be as follows a7 Cot e,ceeding 16 &M" for ?ight 8a4ard ris&s b7 Cot e,ceeding 12 &M for 5rdinary ha4ard ris&s c7 Cot e,ceeding 10 &M for 8igh ha4ard 6A7 ris&s If the concerned ris&s are of different categories# least of the distances .ust be considered" N.B. Add ' &. to actual distances for each of the 1ailway Crossing encountered" 4.! 9"!"1 SECRETARIAT AND COMMUNICATION. There shall be a full ti.e per.anent -ecretary ha*ing a bac& ground in fire fighting rele*ant to the types of industries included in the sche.e with a per.anent office and necessary staff" The .e.ber industries should .utually e*ol*e an effecti*e liaison and co..unication syste." 0irect Telephone31adio Co..unication3wired alar.3siren syste. be pro*ided sub$ect to prior appro*al of the Co..ittee" Call procedures be laid down and fre+uent trials with such syste.s would be necessary"

9"!"2 9"!"!

4.# 9"'"1 9"'"2




A hydrant syste. supple.ented by First Aid Appliances installed in confor.ity with the F% Manual" -toc& of foa. co.pound as per the pro*isions of 1ule A"( of F % Manual if the occupancy of the ris& warrants use of foa. and will co.ply with the re+uire.ents of CF%A 11# 199(" Cot less than ( trained persons .ust be a*ailable in any shift out of which ' shall be full ti.e fire fighting personnel" Fire E,plosion accidents .ust be fully in*estigated by the .e.ber units and their findings which .ight be fruitful and effecti*e in pre*enting a recurrence should be .ade a*ailable to other .e.bers# which would benefit all plants without interfering with anyone plants autono.y" ADDITIONAL CAPACIT9 FOR MUTUAL USE: In the e*ent of outbrea& of fire# the .e.bers of .utual laid sche.e should be able to supple.ent in the shortest possible ti.e# the resources of the affected plant# to the e,tent gi*en below




9")"1 9")"2

Mobile fire fighting capacity by a .otor fire engine of '00 gp. capacity at A &g3c.2" In case the occupancy of any one of the signatories to the sche.e warrants the application of foa. co.pound shall be pro*ided to the e,tent of 2) K of the re+uire.ents of such plant" N.B. In case# the occupancy of .ore than one ris& warrants# the use of foa.# the stoc& to be .aintained shall be 2) K of the re+uire.ent of the ris& needing larger stoc& of foa."




Fire e,plosion safety of the plant and e,tensions should preferably be chec&ed e*ery si, .onths# but at least annually using an audit syste. and utilising chec& lists where appropriate" %ractice drills should be arranged once in three .onths 6each ti.e in different units7 to fa.iliarise those concerned with the actions e,pected of the.# and at the sa.e ti.e testing the e+uip.ent a*ailable in each unit" 0eploy.ent of personnel to an affected plant fro. other .e.bers of the sche.e should not be sub$ect to any constraints arising out of staff proble.s"



4.> 9"A"1

To the e,tent possible# indi*idual plants should follow such standard in the purchase of e+uip.ent to ha*e free Interchangeability" 9here this is not practical# suitable adapter pieces .ust be &ept in readiness for hoo&ing of un interchangeable e+uip.ent" Each ris& should .aintain a sensible policy and not strip itself of e+uip.ent# which it .ight need in the case of trouble in its own property which .ay be si.ultaneous with a disaster elsewhere" XXXXXXXXXXX X


APPENDIA I The -ecretary# Tariff Ad*" Co..ittee Cew 0elhi 0ear -ir#

61is&7 %lease sanction# as fro. date of receipt by you of this application# a 0iscount of"[[K for the following E,tinguishing Appliances ; Applying to /uildings 6The occupation floor wise and bloc& Cos" of each building .ust be clearly stated7" I39e enclose plan of the ris& with all details .ar&ed thereon" I39e certify that to the best of .y3our &nowledge and belief the appliances referred to ha*e been installed in strict accordance with the rules of the Co..ittee and I39e also certify that the %lan sub.itted is drawn up in accordance with the Co..itteeMs 1ules and is correct and up to date" I39e also certify that a copy of the %lan e,act in e*ery detail# is a*ailable for the Co..itteeMs InspectorMs use at the Mill 6or pre.ises abo*e referred to7" I39e enclose full particulars of the appliances a*ailable together with letter of Duarantee signed by the Assured" I a. 69e are7# Qours faithfully EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE F&/ )s+ &7 *3+ C&''i**++ &n$1. 0ate recei*ed; 0ate inspected; InspectorMs co..ents; 0iscount sanctioned; 0ate of Minutes 1eference Cu.ber;


APPENDIA II The -ecretary# 1egional office 0ear -ir#


In consideration of your Co..ittee granting a 0iscount for the Fire E,tinguishing Appliances detailed on attached3signed for. which we ha*e installed in the"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" situated at " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " I39e hereby engage oursel*es 1"
To .aintain and up&eep the said appliances in efficient wor&ing order and where such appliances and Co..ittee=s 1ules re+uire the up&eep of a trained Fire /rigade# to .aintain such /rigade to its full nu.bers in an efficient state" necessary to close down supply to or in any way render the appliances out of operation for repairs# o*erhaul# etc"

2" To ad*ise the Co..ittee and first obtain per.ission should at any ti.e it be !" Cot to e,tend# alter or de.olish protected /uildings or to erect new /uildings
in the co.pound of the pre.ises without supplying the Co..ittee with a re*ised plan or re*ising the plan filed with the Co..ittee"

'" To &eep at the abo*e described pre.ises a copy# e,act in e*ery detail# of the
plan supplied to your Co..ittee# sa.e to be a*ailable to the Co..itteeMs Inspector during his *isits of inspection"

)" Cot

to re nu.ber 6or re letter7 /uildings# Co.part.ents# etc"# as recorded on the plan filed with the Co..ittee without ad*ising the Co..ittee of such re*ision"

I a. 69e are7# Qours faithfully# Cote; All co..unications to the Co..ittee .ust be through the ?eading 5ffice on the ris&" T3+ S-%.+ 7&/ *3+ )s+ &7 *3+ C&''i**++ &n$1E 0ate fro. which sanctioned 1eference Cu.ber

Minutes of

DETAILS OF BUCKETS, EXTINGUISEHRS AND HAND APPLIANCES E)t*+,#*s-ers.Ha+/ P#!ps Deptt. Area (s .!" N#!$er %& B#'(ets N#!$er T0pe Cap. 1a+#&a't#rer2s Na!e


1. Name of manufacturer 2. Material Diameter and Length 3. Diameter of Nozzle 4. ource of u!!l" # tate $hether a non % sto! su!!l" is a&aila'le
Dept. S*4e (Le+,t- ) Brea/t-" N#!$er %& Ree5s 1a)*!#! /*sta+'e %& a+0 p%*+t %& t-e r%%! &r%! +earest -%se ree5.

6ATER SUPPL7 (IES" # A. U+/er,r%#+/ Reser8%*r 3

1. (a!acit" in litres. 2. )hether lined or not 3. Di&ision if an" and interconnections 'et$een

4. (a!acities (in litres) of connected tanks

(ele&ated or other$ise)

a) ') c) . d) Net effecti&e ca!acit" a&aila'le for fire



ources of inflo$ to the underground reser&oir $hether lakes+ ri&ers+ $ells+ to$n,s mains etc. ni!!le !osition of inflo$+ o&erflo$ and normal $ater le&el.

-. .ggregate inflo$ in litres !er minute ($ith

/. 0n case of inflo$ from to$n,s mains+ indicate

size of inflo$ !i!e and size of meter+ and also state $hether the su!!l" is continuous of intermittent.


E5e8ate/ Spr*+(5er Ta+((s". 1. Num'er of tanks.

2. 3.

(a!acities in litres and height in metre of 'ase from ground le&el 1eight in metre of highest 'uilding. !rinklered


Press#re Ta+((s" 1. 2. 3. 4. Location of tank. (a!acit" in litres 2uantit" of $ater contained in litres. .ir 3ressure.

PU1P (S". A. H0/ra+t P#!p(s" (F#55 Na!ep5ate /eta*5s" 1. 2. 3. 4"!e(s) Make(s) and "ear(s) of manufacture. 5eneral !ecifications6 a) ') c) 4. (a!acit" (Lit. 7Min.) 3ressure gauge+ reading at deli&er" sto!s &alue (8g7cm2). izes of suction and deli&er" !i!es

Details of steam !um!(s) if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) Diameter of steam and $ater c"linders and length of stroke. No. of strokes !er minute. Diameter of steam !i!e and !ressure a&aila'le at !um! end No. of steam 'oilers in the 'atter" and $orking !ressure

e) *.

ize of $ater relief &al&e on !um! deli&er" and !ressure at $hich it is set.

Details of electricall" dri&en !um!(s) if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) Diameter of !um! im!eller. Material of $hich the im!eller is made. !eed in R3M 1.3. and 9oltage of dri&ing motor+ t"!e of enclosure and class of $inding insulation+ Motor full load current. Details of electric su!!l" # i) 3lan sho$ing locations of !um! house and transformer su'# station and ta'le for control logic of !um!s. (ircuit diagram of electric su!!l" to the fire !um!(s) $ith incoming ca'le+ automatic circuit 'reaker+ starting s$itchgear+ !osition of &oltage release coil etc.




Details of 3etrol+ Motor s!irit or (om!ression#ignition :ngine Dri&en 3um!(s) if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) e) f) Diameter of !um! im!eller Material of $hich the im!eller is made !eed and 1orse 3o$er of the engine dri&ing !um!(s) Method of starting the engine. 2uantit" in litres of fuel contained in the tank and that stored in the !remises. Location and details of 'atteries+ 'atter" charger and diesel engine control !anel.


SPRINKLER PU1P (S" 1. 2. 3. 4"!e(s) Make(s) and "ear(s) of manufacture 5eneral !ecifications6 a) ') c) 4. (a!acit" (Lit.7min.) 3ressure gauge reading at deli&er" sto! &al&e (8g.cm2). izes of suction and deli&er" !i!es.

Details of steam !um!(s)+ if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) e) Diameter of steam and $ater c"linders and length of stroke. No. of strokes !er minute. Diameter of steam !i!e and !ressure a&aila'le at !um! end. No. of steam 'oilers in the 'atter" and $orking !ressure. ize of $ater relief &al&e on !um! deli&er" and !ressure at $hich it is set


Details of electricall" dri&en !um!(s)+ if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) Diameter of !um! im!eller Material of $hich the im!eller is made. !eed in R.3.M. 1.3. and 9oltage of dri&ing motor+ t"!e of enclosure and class of $inding insulation. Details of electric su!!l" # i) 3lan sho$ing locations of direct feeder+ !um! house and


transformer su'#station. ii) (ircuit diagram of electric su!!l" to the fire !um!(s) $ith incoming ca'le+ .(; and automatic starting mode.


Details of 3etrol+ Motor !irit or (om!ression 0gnition :ngine Dri&en 3um!(s)+ if a!!lica'le # a) ') c) d) e) Diameter of !um! im!eller. Material of $hich the im!eller is made !eed and 1ouse 3o$er of the engine dri&ing !um!(s). Method of starting the engine. 2uantit" in litres of fuel contained in the tank and that stored in the !remises.

/. <.

Make and t"!e of automatic regulator. )hat is the !ressure at the le&el of the highest s!rinkler $hen the *=mm. $aste &al&e is full" o!en>

H7DRANT 1AINS 1. 2. 3. 4. 4"!e of underground and7or o&erhead mains $ith method of ?ointing. 0nternal diameter of ring main. 0nternal diameter of terminal mains. 4o $hat !ressure ha&e the !i!es 'een tested

H7DRANTS 1. 2. 3. 4"!e and Make. No. of single#headed h"drants No. of dou'le#headed h"drants.

4. *.

No. of u!!er floor h"drants. 4"!e and diameter of stand !i!es # a) ') ingle headed. Dou'le headed.


.re all the cou!ling inter#changea'le>

HOSE 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. Material and Diameter. Manufacturer,s Name and 5uarantee for 'ursting !ressure. No. of lengths of 1* m and /.* m res!ecti&el". .t $hat !ressure the hose has 'een the insured. )here is hose ke!t> No. of 'ranch !i!es and nozzles and diameters. their tested '"

SPRINKLER INSTALLATION 1. 2. 3. No. of installation &al&es and de!artments ser&ed '" each &al&e. 4otal load on each installation &al&e. 4"!e+ make and fusing tem!erature of the s!rinkler heads used.

FIRE FIGHTING PERSONNEL 1. 2. 3. 0s the !um! man al$a"s on dut"> Minimum num'er of trained !ersonnel a&aila'le at an" time for fire fighting !ur!oses. .re an" means em!lo"ed to ensure night $atchman going around the risk at regular inter&als> 0s there a muster#'ook for fire drills>



1o$ is fire !ersonnel>






TESTING OF APPLIANCES 1. 1o$ often are the follo$ing tested and7or e@amined # a) ') c) d) 1. !rinkler tank and 'ack!ressure 9al&es. !rinkler and7or h"drant !um!s and their accessories. !rinkler installation &al&es. 1"drant installation and &al&es.

0s a record of all tests and defects found maintained>

LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE 1. 2. 3. 1o$ far is the nearest cit" fire 'rigade> 1o$ can a communication 'e sent to cit" fire 'rigade> .re the cit" fire 'rigade officers familiar $ith the risk>

Dated .....2=. (Aorm to 'e signed '" the B$ner of the 3remises).



0 here'" confirm that 0 ha&e &erified the !orta'le Aire :@tinguishing .!!liances installed at the a'o&e risk and found them to 'e in accordance $ith the enclosed list. 0 also confirm that the distri'ution is generall" in accordance $ith the (ommittee,s reDuirements+ and that the a!!liances are $ell maintained and are 'eing !eriodicall" h"dro tested as !er 0 6 21E=.

Fours faithfull"+

S*,+at#re %& 6%r(s 1a+a,er

Date 6

S*,+at#re %& F*re 1ars-a55 Re!ar(s. De&e'ts %$ser8e/ *& a+0 D#rat*%+ %& Operat*%+ %& P#!ps r. No. CCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCC Ser*a5 N%s. %& H0/ra+ts Operate/ T0pe %& Dr*55 Dr0 %r 6et Name and designation of !ersons attending the drills FIRE DRILLS REGISTER APPENDIX 3 V










1=. 11.

NOTE 9 Duad !ersonnel shall 'e !ro&ided $ith clothing and eDui!ment including helmets confirming to 0 6 2/4* or 0 6 2E2*+ 'elts and 'oots !refera'l" gun 'oots.

APPENDIX 3 VI TABLE SHO6ING PRESSURES OF 6ATER IN K,.'!: FOR EVER7 1ETRE IN HEIGHT UPTO ;< ! He*,-t *+ !etres 1 2 3 4 * / < E 1= Press#re *+ K,..'!: =.1 =.2 =.3 =.4 =.* =.=./ =.< =.E 1.= He*,-t *+ !eters 1* 2= 2* 3= 3* 4= 4* *= ** -= Press#re *+ K,..'!: 1.* 2.= 2.* 3.= 3.* 4.= 4.* *.= *.* -.=

NOTE6 # 0n a!!l"ing this ta'le the height of the 1ighest !rinkler a'o&e the 3ressure 5auge must 'e ascertained and the !ressure to 'e allo$ed for such height $ill 'e o'tained '" reference to the ta'le. Aor e@am!le+ if the gauge records a !ressure of 4.2* 8g.7cm2+ and the highest s!rinkler is 2< m a'o&e the gauge+ there $ill 'e a !ressure of+ sa"+ 1.4* 8g.7cm 2 on the highest s!rinkler.

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