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Audi Winter Series 2009: Sailing Instructions

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Sailing Instructions

Notice of Race


MAY 10 (SUN) MAY 17 (SUN) MAY 24 (SUN) MAY 31 (SUN)

JULY 19 (SUN) CHRIS LEE TROPHY CLOSING LADIES DAY Divisions and starting numbers are set out in the list of entries published prior to each race.

Photos: Audi/Andrea Francolini

Photos: Audi/Andrea Francolini

RULES The races will be governed by the current versions of:  the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012 (RRS) of the International Sailing Federation;

RACE COMMITTEE The Sailing Committee of the Cruising Yacht Club of  Australia (CYCA) shall be the Race Committee (RC) for the purposes of and with the powers and discretions contained in RRS 90.1.

 the prescriptions and special regulations of Yachting Australia (Special Regulations);  the rules and regulations of each One Design Class for which there is an eligible boat entered;  the Notice of Race attached to the Entry Form issued by the Organising Authority (NoR), except as any of these are modified by or inconsistent  with these Sailing Instructions, and by these Sailing Instructions (SI).

5 5.1

RESPONSIBILITY All those taking part in Audi Winter Series 2009 do so  at their own risk and responsibility. The Organising Authority, Audi Australia, and their respective officers, employees, volunteers and members accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage that may be suffered by any competitor, and any liability for harm to persons that results from breach of an express or implied warranty that the Audi Winter Series 2009 and all services relating thereto will be conducted or rendered with reasonable care and skill is excluded.

ADVERTISING of ISAF Regulation 20 (ISAF Advertising Code) for category C.

2.1  Advertising on a boat shall comply with the requirements

Special attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 4,  which states:


A backstay flag supplied by the Organising Authority  shall be own by a boat at a height of 2 metres from the working deck on the backstay or port/starboard mizzen shroud from the time the boat approaches the start line until the boat finishes. It is required that these flags are collected from the Sailing Office. A boat that fails to comply may be subject to a report under RRS 60.2(c) requesting action under 69.1(a).

 The responsibility for a boats decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone. 5.2 The CYCA and Audi Australia are not responsible for the  seaworthiness of a boat whose entry is accepted or the sufficiency or adequacy of its equipment. 5.3  It is recommended that the owner or charterer of a boat entered in a race hold a marine legal liability insurance policy with respect to the boat current when racing, with a sum insured of not less than A$5,000,000. 6 6.1 SPECIAL REGULATIONS Attention is drawn to Special Regulation 1.02 that in part  states, The safety of the boat and its crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the owner or owners representative.

RACE DOCUMENTS Changes to these SIs, if any, may be made in accordance  with RRS 90.2 (c). A change to the date or time of a race will be posted by 1800 hours on the day preceding the race it affects. Any other notice affecting a race will be posted not later than 2 hours prior to the warning signal of that race.


A boat shall comply with the Special Regulations Part 1  for Category 7 except that trailable boats shall comply with Category 6. An audited Special Regulations Form for the relevant Category (or higher) shall be submitted with the entry if not already held by the CYCA.

10.2  The RC may, in its absolute discretion, give a dispensation from the age limitation for members of the CYCA Youth Sailing Academy. 10.3  In Ladies Day races, the nominated skipper must helm the boat for the duration of the race (amends RRS 46). 11 SAILS Identification on Sails. This SI is the warning and opportunity to correct in the terms of RRS Appendix G4. 11.2  In races or divisions designated non-spinnaker, only a mainsail and headsails as defined in RRS 50.4 shall be used. Headsails shall not be set ying. 12 ONE BOAT CONSTITUTES A RACE the time limit it shall be declared the winner and the race shall not be abandoned (amends RRS 32). 13 FLAG SIGNALS (as amended in SI 22) using the flags illustrated in the RRS Race Signals (referred to as International Code (IC) ags). Courses may be displayed by either course boards or IC 13.2  ags. 14 TIMING racing division results. The boat with the earliest finish time (after application of scoring penalties, if any) will be scored first. 14.2  All times will be recorded in minutes and whole seconds. Boats with equal finishing or corrected times shall be scored as dead heated. Results for the Sydney 38 division will be decided by the 14.3  application of TCFs as a multiplier of elapsed time. The boat with the lowest corrected time (after application of scoring penalties, if any) will be scored first. 15 TIME LIMITS

6.3 6.4

The RC may inspect a boat under Special Regulation  2.02. Every boat or competitor shall give all possible help to  any person or vessel in danger. Attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 1.

11.1  A boat shall comply with the RRS Appendix G,

7 7.1

ENTRIES The Organising Authority will post a final list of entries  including start numbers, amendments to SIs (if any) and other relevant information prior to each race of the Audi Winter Series 2009.

12.1  When only one boat starts and sails the course within

8 8.1

OWNERSHIP AND CHARTERS The RC may reject or cancel the entry of a boat or exclude  any competitor in accordance with RRS 76.1.

13.1  Visual signals will be made in accordance with RRS 26

9 9.1

AMENDMENT OF RRS & Class RUles RRS 50.2 and 50.3: Fixed and retractable spinnaker  poles and bowsprits will be permitted for the purpose of setting asymmetrical spinnakers.


RRS 51: Boats with movable or variable ballast (within  the meaning of those terms in the Special Regulations) may move that ballast for the purpose of changing trim or stability.

14.1  A boats finish time shall be used for the calculation of its


RRS 52: RRS 52 does not apply the adjustment and  operation of sails or the adjustment of movable appendages on any boat.


Boats racing in the Sydney 38 division shall race in  accordance with Sydney 38 One Design Class Rules with the exception of Rule D10.1 Crew Weight. The maximum number of crew on a boat in the Sydney 38 division shall be 10.

10 CREW LIMITATIONS 10.1  The minimum number of crew on a boat shall be 3, two of whom shall be of a minimum age of 18 years.

15.1  The time limit will be 16:30 hours on the day of racing.

15.2  A boat that does not finish within the time limit shall be scored DNF (amends RRS 35). 16 STARTING NUMBER a starting number to a boat for each race. A boat shall not start before the committee vessel (CV) has displayed its designated start number. Numbers will be displayed at 1 minute intervals and 16.2  will commence with the number 0. All results will be subject to the application of 16.3  Alternate Penalties, if any. 17 START NUMBER ADJUSTMENTS be based on time correction factors (TCFs). A boats TCF shall be determined by the RC or its nominee. A TCF may be adjusted after each race. 17.2  Boats shall notify the CYCA Sailing Office not later than 5 days prior to a race of any change, addition or alteration to a boats hull appendages, equipment, sail inventory or skipper/crew that may affect its performance. At the discretion of the RC, a boat that fails to comply may be either disqualified after a hearing or have its results retrospectively adjusted by applying a new TCF based on the affect on the boats performance.

17.3  The TCF, and a boats start number based on it, shall not be subject to protest or constitute grounds for redress (amends RRS 60.1 and 62). 17.4  The RC may adjust a boats TCF and start number where it appears that the handicap applied contains an error, mistake or omission or is otherwise demonstrated to be patently unfair. 18 DIVISIONS

16.1  Except for the Sydney 38 division, the RC will allocate

18.1  The RC may form racing divisions at its discretion. 18.2  The composition and allocation of boats into divisions shall not be subject to protest or constitute grounds for redress (amends RRS 60.1 and 62.1). 18.3  All boats shall y a coloured division backstay ag as supplied by the Organising Authority immediately below the backstay flag flown under SI 2.2. It is required that these ags are collected from the Sailing Office. Coloured division backstay flags are not required for Ladies Day races and the Great Veterans Race. 19 ALTERNATIVE PENALTIES Penalty (RRS 44.2) shall apply. For an infringement of any other rule or requirement,  the Scoring Penalties of RRS 44.3 shall apply. The penalty shall be computed as a percentage of the number of entries in the relevant division.

17.1  Except for the Sydney 38 division, start numbers will

19.1  For an infringement of RRS Part 2, the Two-Turns

Photos: Audi/Andrea Francolini


APPLICATIONS OF PENALTIES Instead of disqualification the Protest Committee  may, in its absolute discretion, impose the following scoring penalties for each incident:

22.2 Divisions A, B, C, D, E, F, G ,H, J & K a)  The time of the first starting signal for divisions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J & K unless amended by the list of entries, or the race is postponed, will be 1130 hours. A boat shall start no earlier than at the appearance of its start number displayed on the CV. b)  Start signals for Divisions A, B, C, D, E, F, G ,H, J & K will be as follows (Amends RRS 26):

a)  an infringement of any rule of RRS Part 2 not less than 2 nor more than 10 places. b)  an infringement of any other rule or sailing instruction - not less than 2 nor more than 5 places.


STARTING / FINISHING preparatory signal, to arrive at the start line provided it shall cease using such propulsion no closer than 100 metres from the start line, shall immediately carry out a 360 degree turn while keeping clear of all other boats, and, if its start signal has been made, start (amends RRS 42.1). Warning

21.1  A boat may use prohibited propulsion, after its Signal Description Sydney 38 Division start IC flag P displayed and sound signal One-Minute Start IC flag P removed and a long sound signal First boats start on display of 0 0 1 Minutes before 1st start signal 5 4


21.2  Attention is drawn to RRS 23 Interfering with another boat. A boat shall not enter the pre-start area prior to its preparatory signal (5 minutes before its start number). The pre-start area is defined as 50 metres to windward and leeward of the start line. 22 STARTING SIGNALS a)  The time of the first starting signal on Ladies Race Days unless amended by the list of entries, or the race is postponed, will be 1130. A boat shall start no earlier than at the appearance of its start number displayed on the CV. b)  Start signals for Ladies Race Days and Veterans Race will be as follows (Amends RRS 26): Signal Warning Preparatory One-Minute Start Description IC Flag W displayed and sound signal IC flag P displayed and sound signal IC flag P removed and a long sound signal First boats start on display of 0 0 1 4 Minutes before 1st start signal 5

22.3 Sydney 38 Division a) The Sydney 38 Division will have a scratch start. b)  The time of the Warning Signal for the Sydney 38 Division unless amended by the list of entries, or the race is postponed, will be 1120 hours. c)  Start signals for Sydney 38 Division will be as follows (Amends RRS 26):

22.1  Ladies Day & Veterans Day

Signal Warning

Description Sydney 38 Class Flag displayed and sound signal

Minutes before 1st start signal 5

Preparatory One-Minute Start

IC flag P displayed and sound signal IC flag P removed and a long sound signal Sydney 38 Class Flag removed

4 1 0


RECALLS loud hailer (amends RRS 29.1)

27.4  Tied places in a race (other than caused by the imposition of alternative penalties) shall be dealt with in accordance with RRS Appendix rule A7 and prizes will be awarded to boats with equal places to the boat without penalties and the subsequent prize to the equal placed boat with penalties. 27.5  The Low Point Scoring system of Appendix A will apply subject to the following amendments: Non Starting Boats which are scored Did Not Start (DNC) shall be  awarded points equal to the number of pointscore starters in the race plus four points. On Course Side Boats which are scored On Course Side (OCS) shall be  awarded points equal to the number of pointscore starters in the race plus two points. Non Finishing Boats which Retire After Finishing (RAF) or are scored  Did Not Finish (DNF) shall be awarded points equal to the number of pointscore starters in the race plus one point. Disqualied Boats which disqualified (DSQ) shall be awarded points  equal to the number of pointscore entries in the race plus two points. 27.6   If 6 or more, but less than 8, races are completed in the Audi Winter Series 2009, a boats highest points shall be discarded when calculating the pointscore. If 8 or more, but less than 10, races are completed 27.7  in the Audi Winter Series 2009, a boats two highest points shall be discarded when calculating the pointscore. 27.8  If 10 or more races are completed in the Audi Winter Series 2009, a boats three highest points shall be discarded when calculating the pointscore. The boat in each division with the lowest cumulative 27.9  points excluding discarded points and after application of penalties and redress will be declared the winner.

23.1  Individual recalls will be made on VHF channel 72 and 23.2  General recalls will be made in accordance with RRS 29.2. 24 25 ABANDONED RACES Abandoned races will not be resailed. SHORTENING COURSE The course may be shortened in accordance with RRS  32 at the gate mark. 26  STARTING / FINISHING LINES, COURSES AND MARKS 26.1 START AND FINISH LINE The start line and the finish line for divisions A, B, C,  D, E, F, G ,H, J & K; Ladies Day & Veteran Race will be between the flag mast on the CV displaying a white flag with CYCA in black and mark LM, in the vicinity of Point Piper. The start line for the Sydney 38 division will be  between the flag mast on the CV displaying a white flag with CYCA in black and mark LM, with a band with Sydney 38 on it, in the vicinity of Point Piper. The finish line for the Sydney 38 division will be  between the flag mast on the CV displaying a white flag with CYCA in black and mark LM, in the vicinity of Point Piper. In a course description the designation (s) or (p) 26.2  indicates that the mark is to be rounded to starboard or port. All marks are to be rounded to starboard unless otherwise stated. 27 POINTSCORES AND SCORING shall enter by Race 4 to be included in the pointscore. 27.2  A boats points will not be transferred with a change of ownership or change of division. Tied pointscores for 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the end of a 27.3  series shall be broken in accordance with RRS Appendix A Rule A8.

27.1  A pointscore series is open only to block entries. Boats


PROTESTS protesting boats finish time (amends RRS 61.3)


TROPHIES Prizes will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each  division on the basis of starters in the respective Divisions: 1 or 2 starters, 1st prize; 3 or 4 starters, 1st and 2nd prizes; 5 or more starters, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Prizes will not be awarded to boats who do not display Audi Backstay Flags or the scratch result for the Sydney 38 division.

28.1  A protest shall be lodged within 2 hours of the 28.2  A protest may be lodged personally at the Sailing Office or, if closed, protests may be lodged in the protest box beside the sailing office window. A protest may also be lodged by acknowledged facsimile or email. Notices of protests will be posted on the official notice 28.3  board with the order of hearing. All protests arising from a race will be heard at the club commencing at 1900 hours on the Thursday following the race. 29 OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARD The Official Notice Board is the notice board located in  the downstairs hallway of the CYCA clubhouse. 30 OTHER INSTRUCTIONS displaying an orange diamond signal. A boat shall not use trapeze(s) at any time during 30.2  the series. 30.3  A boat shall not cause interference to an ocean going vessel or other vessels having right of way under the government right of way regulations. 30.4  Attention is drawn to the New South Wales Legislation as to reporting requirements in the case of collision as published in these SIs. 30.5  The start boat will monitor VHF channel 72 for the duration of the race. 30.6 No litter shall be disposed of overboard

31.1 Race Prizes

31.2  Winter Harbour Pointscore 1st Division A - Travelodge Perpetual Trophy 1st Division B - Level Rating Trophy 1st Division G - JOG Trophy Prizes will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each  division. 32 PROHIBITED AREAS / OBSTRUCTIONS obstructions and prohibited areas, namely: 1.  The area of Sow and Pigs Reef enclosed by an imaginary line joining all four of the Cardinal Marks surrounding the Reef in sequence N, E, S and W. 2. The non safe water side of a Cardinal Mark. 3.  The area between the Shark Island YA Mark (SIM) and Shark Island. 4.  The Start Line / Finish Line / Gate except when starting, finishing or when it forms a gate in the course. When complying with RRS 44.2 at or near the finishing line a boat shall sail around the ends of the finishing line before finishing. (Amends RRS 28). 32.2  A boat shall not sail into a prohibited area designated in SI 32.1

30.1  A boat shall give priority of passage to a vessel

32.1  For the purposes of RRS 19 the following are continuing

Photos: Audi/Andrea Francolini

Audi Winter Series 2009 - Courses

START / FINISH LINE WILL BE AT POINT PIPER All marks to starboard unless otherwise stated

Division A Start LM4(p) - JB(p) - CP1 - CP - BH - LM2(p) Gate LM4(p) - JB(p) - BH - LM2(p) - Finish

Division A Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - CP1 - CP - LB - LM5 Gate - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - LM5 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - CP1 - CP - BH - LM2(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - CP1 - CP - LB - LM5 - Finish

Division B, C and Sydney 38s Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - CP1 - CP - BH - LM2(p) Gate - LM4(p) - SP - EC2 - BH - LM2(p) - Finish

Division B, C and Sydney 38s Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - CP1 - CP - LB - LM5 Gate - LM2 - BH(p) - SP - LM5 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - CP1 - CP - BH - LM2(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - CP1 - CP - LB - LM5 - Finish

Divisions D and E Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - BH1 - FD(p) Gate - LM4(p) - SP - EC2 - BH1 - FD(p) - Finish

Divisions D and E Start - FD - BH1(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 Gate - FD - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM5 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - BH1 - FD(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - FD - BH1(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 - Finish

Divisions F, G and H Start - LM5(p) - SP - EC - BH1 - GI(p) Gate - LM5(p) - SP - EC - BH1 - GI(p) - Finish

Divisions F, G and H Start - GI - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 Gate - GI - BH1(p) - LB - LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM5(p) - SP - EC - BH1 - GI(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - GI - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 - Finish

Division J Start - LM5(p) - SP- EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) Gate - LM5(p) - SP- EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) - Finish

Division J Start - LM3 - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 Gate - GI - BH1(p) - SP- LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start LM5(p) - SP- EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM3 - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 - Finish

Division K Start - LM5(p) - SP - EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) Gate - LM5(p) - SP - EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) - Finish

Division K Start - LM3 - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM4 Gate - GI - BH1(p) - NP- LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM5(p) - SP - EC2 - BH1 - LM3(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM3 - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM4 - Finish

Divisions A, B, C and Sydney 38s Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 Gate - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 Gate - LM2 - BH(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 - Finish


START / FINISH LINE WILL BE AT POINT PIPER All marks to starboard unless otherwise stated

Spinnaker Start - GI - BH(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 - Gate - GI - BH(p) - JB  LM5 - Finish If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - GI - BH(p) - JB - EC2 - LM5 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM2 - BH(p) - JB EC2 - LM5 - Finish

Divisions D and E Start - FD - BH1(p) - LB - EC - LM5 Gate - FD - BH1(p) - OB - LM5 - Finish

Non-Spinnaker Start - GI - BH(p) - JB - LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - FD - BH1(p) - LB - EC - LM5 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - GI - BH(p) - SP - LM4 - Finish

Divisions F, G and H Start - GI - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM5 Gate - GI - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM5 - Finish

Spinnaker Start - LM5(p) - JB(p) - BH - GI(p) - Gate - LM5(p) - JB(p)  BH - GI(p) - Finish If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM5(p) - JB(p) - BH - GI(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - GI - BH1(p) - EC2 - LM5 - Finish

Division J Start - CI - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 Gate - LM3 - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - CI - BH1(p) - SP - LM4 - Finish

Non-Spinnaker Start - LM4(p) - JB(p) - BH - GI(p) - Finish

Division K Start - CI - BH1(p) - NP - LM4 Gate - LM3 - BH1(p) - NP - LM4 - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - LM4(p) - SP(p) - BH - GI(p) - Finish

If IC Flag S is displayed at the start then the course shall be: Start - CI - BH1(p) - NP - LM4 - Finish

If a mark is missing or out of position the Race Committee may replace it with a yellow Laid Mark (amends RRS 34). The following marks will be used. All distances are approximate. GATE between Committee Vessel and Laid Mark YA LM LM2 LM3 LM4 LM5 BH BH1 CI CP means a YA yellow spar mark White Mark with Sponsors Logo LM laid SE of Robertsons Point LM laid 100m East of Garden Island LM laid 100m SE of the South Cardinal at Shark Island LM laid 50m SE of the South Cardinal at Shark Island LM SE of the Bradleys Head Safe Water Mark LM W of Shark Island Clarke Island YA mark 200 metres West of Cannae Point Flagstaff

CP 1 LM 70m W of CP EC EC2 FD GI JB LB ME MW NP OB SP Eastern Channel Pile Light YA mark 150m SW of EC LM laid 200 metres East of Fort Denison LM laid East of Garden Island LM laid 50m South of the Junction Bell Buoy YA mark 150m W of Lady Bay YA mark at Manly East YA mark at 200m W of ME YA mark 100 metres North West of Neilsen Park YA mark 200 metres East of White Obelisk in Obelisk Bay YA mark 150m SW of Sow & Pigs Reef

Marks may be passing or Rounding Marks depending on courses. See attached chart for approximate position of marks.

REPORTING MARINE ACCIDENTS AND THE MARINE SAFETY ACT 1998 AND THE MARINE SAFETY (GENERAL) REGULATIONS 2009. The provisions of the Marine Safety Act 1998 (the Act) came into operation on the 30 March 2009. The Marine Safety (General) Regulations 2009, (The Regulations) also came into force on the 30 March 2009. They may be accessed at The Act and Regulations replace the obligation under section 30G of the Maritime Services Act 1935 to report marine accidents involving death or injury or damage exceeding $100. The Act and Regulations also replace the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding between NSW Maritime and Yachting NSW which related to collisions between racing vessels. The MoU was not widely circulated or understood by Clubs. Under section 99 (1) of the Act a master and owner have an obligation to report a marine accident. Regulation 96 sets out the conditions where a report is not required, and is therefore required in all other circumstances, and substantially changes the reporting requirements. It has particular relevance to racing yachts competing subject to an Aquatic Licence granted to a Club. Three separate situations are referred to in Regulation 96 and these are set out in the following Table and state the conditions where a report IS required.

Types of vessels involved Vessels two or more ALL of which are NOT racing Vessels two or more of which ALL are racing Vessels one of which is racing and one of which is NOT racing

Conditions for reporting Fatality or personal injury or Damage exceeds $5000 Fatality or personal injury or Damage exceeds $5000 Fatality or personal injury or Damage exceeds $5000

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