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Adminisitration of Oxygen

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ADMINISITRATION OF OXYGEN DEFINITION: Oxygen is odorless, colorless, tasteless, transparent gas that is slightly heavier that air and

supports combustion easily. PURPOSE To increase the oxygen content of inspired air thereby prevent or overcome hypoxia. POLICY 1. Though oxygen therapy should be ordered by a doctor in an emergency it can be administered prior to the arrival of a doctor. 2. The following precautionary measures should be observed any time that oxygen is administered. - There should be a NO !O"#N$ sign in the vicinity. - Oil or grease should not be used to lubricate %oints or fittings in any apparatus being used. - &lcohol or ether should be not be used in the vicinity. - !echanical toys should not be allowed in the vicinity. - Oxygen therapy should be discontinued temporally when '($ or )-ray machines are in use. - To avoid static electricity cotton blan*et should be used if necessary. - Oxygen cylinder should always be secured in an upright position. EQUIPMENT FOR OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION BY OXYGEN TENT: 1. Oxygen tent with tubing. 2. Oxygen source. +. ,lowmeter. -. .umidifier. /. Oxygen analy0er. 1. terile distilled water. 2. (otton or bath blan*et 3if necessary4 5. #ce. PROCEDURE: 1. 'xplain procedure and precautionary measures to the patient. 2. $ather e6uipment and place 7NO !O"#N$8 sign in appropriate area. +. (hec* physician order. -. 9ash and dry hands. /. :se bath blan*et or cotton blan*et to cover plastic mattress. 1. ;repare tent and position over bed. &ttach to oxygen source. 2. ,ill ice trough or start refrigeration components 5. ,ill humidifier to recommended level with distilled water. <. Turn of ,lowmeter and ad%ust oxygen flow to deliver re6uired amount. 1=. :se oxygen analy0er now and rechec* at least every - hours 11. :ntuc* one side of the tent. 12. ;lace patient in tent. 1+. Observe all safety precaution. 1-. ecure tent under mattress. 1/. !aintain a tight fitting canopy. 11. Open tent as little as possible by organi0ing nursing care. 12. Nurse patient through sleeves or poc*ets whenever possible. 15. &ssess patient at fre6uent intervals e.g. vital signs, colour and response to therapy. 1<. !onitor e6uipment on fre6uent basis. 2=. (hange gowns and linen when necessary. 21. >oosen edges of tent and secure tent with cotton blan*et under patient?s chin when doing oral care. NOTE; This method is particularly useful for children who cannot tolerate other methods. EQUIPMENT FOR OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION BY FACE / VENTURI MASK: 1. Oxygen source. 2. ,lowmeter. +. .umidifier with sterile distilled water. -. ,ace@ venture mas* 3correct si0e4. /. $au0e pad if necessary. PROCEDURE: 1. 'xplain procedure and precautionary measures to patient

2. ;lace 7NO !O"#N$8 sign in appropriate place. +. 9ash and dry hands. -. &ttach face mas* to oxygen source with humidifier. /. tart oxygen flow at specified rate. 1. ;osition the face or venture mas* over patient?s nose and mouth. 2. &d%ust the elastic strap so that the mas* fits smugly and comfortably on the face. 5. :se gau0e pads to reduce irritation on patient?s ears and scalp if necessary. <. 9ash and dry hands. 1=. Aemove mas* and dry the s*in every two to three hours if oxygen is running continuously. 11. Bo not apply powder round the mas*. 12. &ssess and record patient?s response. EQUIPMENT FOR OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION BY NASAL CANNULA: 1. Oxygen source. 2. ,lowmeter. +. .umidifier with sterile distilled water. -. Nasal cannula and tubing. /. $au0e to pad tubing over ears 3if necessary4. PROCEDURE: 1. 'xplain procedure and precautionary measures to patient. 2. ;lace 7NO !O"#N$8 sign in appropriate place. +. 9ash and dry hands. -. (onnect nasal cannula to oxygen source with humidifier. /. &d%ust the flow rate as ordered. 1. (hec* that oxygen is flowing out of prongs. 2. (lean patient?s nostrils if necessary. 5. ;lace the prongs in the patient?s nostrils. <. ad%ust according to e6uipment - over and behind each ear with ad%uster comfortably under patient?s chin - &round the patient?s head. 1=. :se gau0e pads at each ear under the tubing if necessary. 11. 'ncourage patient to breath through his or her nose with mouth closed. 12. 9ash and dry hands. 1+. &ssess and record patient?s response to therapy at regular intervals. 1-. Aemove and clean the cannula and assess nares at least every 5 hours for evidence of irritation or bleeding. NURSING DOCUMENTATION: RECORD: 1. Bate C time the therapy started. 2. !ethod of administration. +. ;atient?s reaction to therapy. -. Name and signature.

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