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Roman Inscriptions 1976-80

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Roman Inscriptions 1976-80 Author(s): Joyce Reynolds, Mary Beard, Richard Duncan-Jones, Charlotte Roueche Source: The Journal

of Roman Studies, Vol. 71 (1981), pp. 121-143 Published by: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies Stable URL: Accessed: 04/03/2009 06:55
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This survey of developments in Roman Epigraphy is innovatory in being the work of a team, whose range of interests should ensure the inclusion of a wider variety of texts than heretofore. We have all made some contribution,larger or smaller, to most sections, but, in the last resort, each section representsa personal choice by its writer. It may help the reader,therefore, to know that sections I and II are by Joyce Reynolds, III, VII, part of IX, and XI by Mary Beard, IV, V, VI and part of IX by Richard Duncan-Jones, and VIII and X by Charlotte Roueche.1 Another change is the omission of the lists of Corpora and Festschriften from the introduction, since they can be found easily enough in AE, SEG, and the Bulletin Jlpiof J. and L. Robert, while the space saved has enabled us to expand a little elsegraphique where. It seems proper, however, to note the progress of certain essential epigraphic tools. L'Anneelpigraphiqueshould be in a position, next year, to achieve its editors' aim of a volume which comes out regularlytwo years after the year which it chronicles; the Graecum has reappeared,with revised format, under the editorship of H. W. Epigraphicum Pleket and R. S. Stroud; they have alreadyproduced two volumes, and a third is on the now cover the years I938-73; together with way. The Indicesto the Bulletin Epigraphique the photographicreprint of the Bulletin, they have greatly improved access to this store of informationand comment. Prosopographia Imperii Romani 2 M is about to go to press,
and N-O is in active preparation. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire II came volume for i977 has appeared, 1978 is now in proof, and I979 in typescript. Supplementum

out last autumn, and III is in active preparation. Epigraphic news is overshadowed by the recent death of Professor H.-G. Pflaum, a kindly father-figurein the epigraphic world for many years. An appraisal and bibliography by M. Le Glay recalls his great achievements;2 a memorial volume edited by W. Eck will appear as a special number of ZPE. It is good to know that his epigraphic library has been acquired by the Sorbonne, and will be availablefor use. In the past quinquennium the discovery of new inscriptions and the publication or republicationof texts has in no way abated; but there are also other features to report. The Seventh InternationalCongress of Greek and Latin Epigraphywas held at Costanza in 1977, and its Acta have appeared.3Its deliberationsincluded a discussionwhich resulted in the formal establishment of the Association Internationalede l'1:pigraphiegrecque et latine (AIEGL), with Professor G. Mihailov as President, and Professor Pflaum (now succeeded by ProfessorLe Glay) as SecretaryGeneral. Its activities are regularlyreported There has also been important work in the epigraphic sections of some museums. Most notableis the organization,by I. Di Stefano Manzella,of the formerLaterancollection of inscriptionswithin the VaticanMuseum complex. He has been able to use a new system of sliding metal frames to hold the smaller fragments,which are stored in an orderly way, in conditions ideal for study and research,but in a quite restricted area.5 A simpler, but no less successful system, involving the use of metal frames for fragments, is in process of installation for the small but quite interesting epigraphic collection of the museum in
1 In preparing this article-particularly section Iwe have been keenly aware of the loss of Martin Frederiksen, who had provided very valuable help in the past, and had promised it again. After his death his notebooks were made available by N. Purcell; but we are very conscious of missing his unrivalled knowledge of the Italian material. We have incurred debts to more friends than can be listed here: in particular, A. Poulter and J. Wilkes helped us cope with the Eastern European material; R. Gordon, J. North and S. Price offered comments on section VII, and K. Hopkins and N. Purcell on section IX. 2 Epigraphica 42 (I980) 2I2. 3 Actes du VIIe Congres International de l'Spigraphie grecque et latine, Costanza, z977, ed. D. M. Pippidi (i979); cf. Bull. Ep. I980. 4 The latest report by M. Le Glay in Epigraphica 42 (1980) 231. 5 For details of the work of reorganization, and of some of the discoveries resulting from it, see I. Di Stefano Manzella, RPAA 49 (1976-7) 249; Epigraphica 41 (I979) 131.

in the periodical Epigraphica.4



the Ducal Palace at Urbino. In London, the British Museum has opened an epigraphic gallery, where it is now displaying some of its most important holdings. I The Republic An increasingnumber of texts has been coming in for early Rome, and for the Italy in which she developed 6-an aspect of the greatly increasedand refinedbody of archaeological evidence becoming availablefor the period. Although they are helping to open new perspectives for historians, it is clear that they should be treated with great caution, for they are limited in content, not always translatable,and still rather isolated phenomena. Most are constantly undergoing reappraisal7-above all the Praenestine fibula. Much has been written about this since A. E. Gordon drew attentionto the obscure circumstances of its discovery, and some gaps in its early history have been filled; but we cannot see that conclusive arguments have been put for its authenticity, and, while any doubts remain, it can hardly be used in serious historical interpretation,as David Ridgway has cogently

An equally cogent plea for caution has been put by H. Versnel in discussion of the new text from Satricum. This important item, for which a date in the late sixth century is proposed on the combined basis of archaeologicalfindspot and letter-forms,is not quite complete, and contains some elements not yet certainly comprehensible,but is in essence a dedicationMamartei(to Mars) by the suodalesPopliosioValesiosio (sodalesof P. Valerius). In the admirably swift publication by the Dutch excavators it is subjected to intensive discussion from many angles by an internationalteam.9 In reading this, Versnel's firm reminders of our continuing uncertainties should be constantly in mind: we cannot be sure of the date (in any case, there is only a terminus ante quem derivablefrom its re-use), of the language (it recalls Faliscan, some have suggested Volscian, but Latin may not be excluded all the same), and certainly not of the man named (who might, some think, be P. Valerius Poplicola, cos. suff., according to tradition, in the first year of the Republicbut might quite as well not). In the circumstances,the glimpses of a social organization in which a great man's sodalesplay the part indicatedin the text may be the most significant element to take hold of. Other early finds include new evidence for semitic connections,l0more on the Greek material at Gravisca," two texts, which may not be Latin, from Corcolle near Tivoli,12 and several traces of Gauls.l3 Of a special kind are the Elogia Tarquiniensia,now fully considered,14 and the early connections of Claudii with Etruria, which continue to be discussed.'5 For the middle and late Republic there seems to have been a marked advance in the study of Italy and its relations with Rome. An item of particular interest is the third century inscriptionreferringto Galicoscolonos-Roman colonists in agerpublicusGallicus.l6 The Gracchanboundary cippus which was found at CelenzaValfortorein I96I has at last been fully published, and its historical implications discussed.'7 An examination of the
6 There are useful summaries of much of this material annually in Studi Etruschi. An important new source is P. Poccetti, Nuovi documenti italici a complemento del Manuale di Vetter (I979). 7 Thus, on the Lapis Niger, F. Coarelli, PP 32 (I977) 229 (identifying it with the Volcanal), M. Pallotino, CRAI (I977) 224, T. N. Gantz, Arch. News 3 (1974) 65; on the Duenos Vase, A. E. Gordon, CSCA 8 (1975) 53, L.-C. Prat, REL 53 (I975) 315; on the Francois tomb inscription, T. N. Gantz, Historia 24 (I975) 539; on the Lex Sacra from Lavinium, M. Guarducci, Milanges Heurgon (1976) I, 4II, H. Le Bonniec, ibid., 509. 8 To the discussion cited in the last survey, JRS 66 (1976) x76 nn. i2 and 13, add now D. Ridgway, BICS 24 (x977) 17; A. E. Gordon, Epigraphica 40 (1978) 32; G. Colonna, Epigraphica 41 (1979) 119; M. Guarducci, MAL8 24 (I980) 413. 9 C. Stibbe and others, Lapis Satricanus (I980); cf. also C. Stibbe, Arch. Laz. I (1978) 56, E. Peruzzi, PP 33 (1978) 346, M. Pallotino, StudRom 27 (I979) I, A. Prosdocimi, StudEtr 47 (x979) I83. 10 G. Buchner, PP 33 (1978) 130; G. Garbini, PP 33 (i978) I43 and 424. 11p. A. Gianfrotta, PP 30 (I975) 31x1; M. Torelli, PP 32 (1977) 398. 12 A. Morandi, Arch. Laz. I (I978) 89. 13 M. G. Tibiletti Bruno, Athenaeum 54 (1976) 99; L. R. Barici, PP 34 (I979) 148; M. Cristofani, StudEtr 47 (I979) 337; P. Santoro, I Gali e l'Italia (Exhibition catalogue, Rome, 1978) 267-9. 14 M. Torelli, Elogia Tarquiniensia (1975); cf. reviews by T. J. Cornell, ASNP 6 (1976) 411, JRS 68 (1978) I67. 1 So E. Rawson, Historia 26 (x977) 340, A. Fraschetti, QuadUrb 24 (I977) I57. 16 G. Uggeri, Atene e Roma 22 (1977) 126. 17 A. Russi and M. Valvo, in Quinta Miscellanea
(I977) 225.

1976-80 I23 governing class at Praeneste before and after Sulla seems to show, alongside the colonists, the survival of some old elite families in positions of influence, and the arrival of some local families which are not known to have produced office holders earlier.'8 Two tiny fragments of a Roman law have been found in Bruttium, apparently of the second century B.C.19 There has been discussion of the Cnidos law and the text at Delphi (lex de piratis) with reconsideration of the proposed date, of the intention of the legislators, of the relation of the two texts, and of some details of the readings at Cnidos. It has been possible to revisit Cnidos, take further photographs and squeezes, and to make considerable advances in the reading of the text; another visit is now planned to check the current proposals, based on the photographs and squeezes, which have proved misleading in the past.20 Very important work on the Lex Gabinia has now been published by Professor Nicolet and colleagues; we are given a completely new and very revealing edition of the document, with a discussion of all its aspects and implications.21 Professor Nicolet has also produced an important reconsideration of the Table of Heraclea.22 There has been a good deal of discussion involving inscriptions that concern Republican Rome's affairs overseas. For Africa the main item is perhaps the Etruscan cippi found there.23 From Spain comes a bronze tablet dated by the consuls of 87 B.C., recording the purchase of land by the Salluienses from the Sosinestani, with the Senate of Contrebia acting as arbiter.24 The use of Latin for the transaction, and the legal formulae, are of great interest. The greater part of the material, however, naturally comes from or relates to the eastern Mediterranean world. Of the new texts here the most important must be the first complete inscribed text of a Roman treaty-made with Maroneia and Ainos.25 The clauses are standard, much as in the treaties with Methymna (IGR I. 2), Astypalaea (IGR I. 1028b) and Callatis (ILLRP 576); a full commentary has yet to appear. Other interesting items include a dedication to Massinissa's grandson Hiempsal in Rhodes,26 honours at Saittai to a local general, Mogetes, who is ' set among the glorious commanders of Rome' (perhaps, it is suggested, because he led a local contingent for Rome in the war against Aristonicus),27 and an honorary decree at Cyme which mentions a Tarentine at the court of Attalus of Pergamum.28 There have also been discussions, using old and sometimes new inscriptions, of Antiochus the Great,29 the construction of the Via Egnatia,30 the bases of L. Mummius at Olympia,31 Scipio Nasica and Pergamum,32 the activities of Mithridates' general Diophantus in the Black Sea area,33 the politics of Athens in the Mithridatic era,34the dedications to Jupiter and the Roman People by foreigners (but the dates still seem elusive),35 and the connection of immunitas with libertas (arguing from the translation of one of the Aphrodisias inscriptions in F. Millar, ERW 431 f., R. Bernhardt concludes that, under the Republic, the two automatically went together).36
8 P. Harvey, Athenaeum 53 (1975) 33; cf. also M. Clauss, AArchSlov 28 (1977) 131. 19 F. Costabile, PP 21 (1976) I81. 20 M. Hassall and others, JRS 64 (I974) 95 ; see now A. W. Lintott, ZPE 20 (I976) 65, many of whose apparently excellent suggestions are disproved by the new readings; J.-L. Ferrary, MEFR 89 (1977) 619; A. Giovannini and E. Grzybek, MH 35 (x978) 33; J. H. Oliver, ZPE 32 (1978) 279 (but using a wrong reading); G. V. Sumner, GRBS 19 (1978) 211 (at one point following Oliver, wrongly); E. Badian and T. R. Martin, ZPE 35 (1979) 153. 21 C. Nicolet, in AEHE IV (1975-76) 385 (cf. REL 51 (1973) 150), but above all in Insula Sacra: La Loi Gabinia Calpurnia de Ddlos (Paris, 1980). 22 AEHE IV (I975-76) 377. 23 0. Carruba, Athenaeum 54 (I976) 163; cf. also V. Georgiev, Phioloogus I 6 (1972) 96, ttudes Balkaniques 4 (I971) 75, Linguistique Balkanique 17 (1974) 85. 24 G. Fatas, Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia 176 (x979) 421. 25 G. Triantaphyllos, ArchDelt 28 (1973) 464; G. Touchais, BCH I02 (1978) 726. 26V. N. Kontorini, AC 44 (I975) 89.


G. Petzl, ZPE 30 (1978) 249. G. Petzl and H. W. Pleket, Chiron 9 (1979) 73. 29H. R. Rawlings, AJAH i (1976) 2; R. M. Errington, ZPE 39 (Ig8o) 279 (specially concerned with Sherk, RDGE no. 34). 30 P. Collart, BCH 100 (1976) 177; see also G. Daux, JS (1977) 145, and Ancient Macedonia It (1977) 317. 31H. Philipp and W. Koenigs, MDAI (A) 94 (I979) i93; note also the new inscription from Eretria elucidated by J. and L. Robert, in Bull. Ep. 1979. 351, as a reference to games held there in honour of Mummius and Artemis. On Mummius' booty, see below, p. 14I and n. 272. 32 B. Schleussner, Chiron 6 (1976) 97. 33 Z. W. Rubinsohn, Historia 29 (1980) 5o (with special reference to Syll3 709). 34 E. Badian, AJAH i (I976) os; see also Chr. Habicht, Chiron 6 (1976) 127; L. Robert, 3S (1978) 145. 35 A. W. Lintott, ZPE 30 (1978) 137; R. Mellor, Chiron 8 (1978) 319. 36 R. The Bernhardt, Historia 29 (1980) I90. publication of the Aphrodisias texts is now in press.
27 28



II Emperors and ImperialFamilies Documents of the imperialcult are consideredthis time under the heading of religion, in section VII, which reduces a little-but not much-the volume of texts from which selection must be made. Imperial procedures are the subject of a major study by Professor Millar, with extensive reference to epigraphic sources, both published and unpublished.37 There have also been discussionsof the issue of imperialmandatato proconsuls,38 libelliand subscripts,39 letters written in the name of two emperors,40 and imperialguaranteesagainstthe diversion of funds left in trust to cities.41 An imperial letter of 204 (on the rights of senators: discussed below, p. i26) has been shown to have been inscribed in at least four places in western Asia Minor, with variations in the Greek translation, and apparently erected at private expense.42 Among inscriptions of interest for individual reigns we have noted the following as useful, but have no doubt that there are others with as good a case for inclusion. particularly A new fragmentof Octavian'sinscriptionat Nicopolis has been found; 43 an attempthas been made to trace his changing image, startingfrom the Perusineglandes(interesting, but perhapstakingthe crude soldieryratherseriously).44As Augustus he has replacedTiberius, and appearsas a new Apollo, in IG II2 3262 as the result of the addition of a fragmentto it, of the whole, by P. Peppas-Delmousou. It is arguedthat he appears and the reconsideration as Pharaoh Caesar on a tombstone from Memphis.45To assist in the assessment of his policies comes a new edition, with commentary,of the TabulaHebana.46Among inscribed honours for his family are some uncommon items, notably for his mother Atia, at Aphroin a graffitonear Pompeii.48 and possibly, it is now suggested (ratherconjecturally), disias,47 From the reign of Tiberius comes another rarity in an honour for Ti. Julius Caesar Nero = Gemellus.49 Under Claudius, new material includes inscriptions at Rusellae, celebratingthe British victory and the young Britannicus,set up by a man who is homonymous-and perhapsidentifiable-with a known militarytribuneof the legion IV Scythica.5?0 Unusually, there is information from the reign of Galba: a South Etruscan tombstone reveals a freedman nomenclator of his,51while prosopographical considerations, combined with a rereading of AE 1939. 55 (from Baalbek) have led Eric Birley to the plausible hypothesis that all the four military men dismissed by Galba in January69 (Tac. Hist. I. had connectionswith the armiesof the north-west, and of the east, and that the emperor 20o) alreadyhad reasonto suspect the latter as well as the former.52The Flavianshave come in for a lot of attention, for the chronologyof their titles and offices 53 as well as their policies, notably as seen in the Lex de Imperio, in Vespasian's adlection of senators, and in his treatment of Spain,54and Domitian's use of the name Germanicus.55 The second century seems to have been less fruitful. Nevertheless, a convincing revision of a fragmentof the Fasti Ostienses for 102 shows that it refers to Trajan'sreceipt
The Emperor in the Roman World (1977). 38 G. P. Burton, ZPE 2z (1976) 63, starting, of course, from the Corbulo document, PP 30 (I975)

39 W. Williams, ZPE 22 (1976) 91, discussing the libellus with subscript of Antoninus Pius published by G. Petzl, ZPE 14 (1974) 77; A. D'Ors and F. Martin discuss propositio libellorum in AJP 100 (1979) iII. 40 J. H. Oliver, ZPE 20 (I976) 179, commenting on a letter ostensibly of Marcus and Verus, written when Verus was in the east. 41 P. Herrmann, Festschrift F. Vittinghof (i980) 339; cf. also K. J. Rigsby, AJP 100 (1979) 401, discussing an appeal to an emperor by Balboura for such a guarantee. 42 T. Drew-Bear, P. Herrmann and W. Eck, Chiron 7 (I977) 355; L. Robert, BCH ro2 (1978)




43J. M. Carter, ZPE 24 (1977) 227. 4 J. P. Hallett, AJAH 2 (I977) 151. 45 Apollo: P. Peppas-Delmousou, AJP 100 (I979) 125. Pharaoh: E. Gryzbek, MH 35 (1978) I49.

48 W. D. Lebek, ZPE 24 (1977) 25, on CIL iv. 6893. 49V. Cavuoto, in Quarta Miscellanea (1975) 207. 50 V. Saladino, ZPE 39 (I980) 2x5. 51 W. Eck, Epigraphica 4I ( 979) I 13. "2Chiron 7 (1977) 279. '8 T. Buttrey, Documentary evidencefor the chronology of the Flavian titulature (Beitrage zur Klassischen CY 71 (I975/76) 26 Philologie xI2) (I980); (Domitian's perpetual censorship); G. W. Houston, Emerita 44 (1976) 397 (censorship of Vespasian and Titus); L. Gasperini, Scritti ... Zambelli (I978) 130 (Vespasian as p.p.). 54 P. A. Brunt, JRS 67 (1977) 95 (Lex de imperio); G. W. Houston, AJP 98 (1977) 35 (adlections to the Senate); A. Montenegro, Hispania Antiqua 5 (1975) 7, and R. Wiegels, Hermes Io6 (1978) I96 (Spain). 55 R. Merkelbach, ZPE 34 (I979) 62, discussing its erasure at Ephesus.

46 F. Javier Lomas, Habis 9 (1978) 323. 47 J. M. Reynolds, PCPhS 206 (I980) 8o, no. I2.

I25 1976-80 of the name Dacicus, and his first Dacian triumph.56 There has been more discussion of the dossier of Marcus Aurelius at Athens, notably, and with important revisions, by S. Follet.57 A lesser inscription of Marcus (IGR Iv. 1399) has also been re-examined, with a view to identifying the child whom it mentions, but a very thorough survey of the imperial offspring has produced no completely satisfying answer.58 The third century, on the other hand, has been prolific. The Severan flair for propaganda is stressed in two articles, one which argues that the dates of their dies imperil were carefully chosen for effect,59 and another which notes the significance of the title Antoniniana given to some military units already in the life time of Septimius.60 Inscriptions found at Silifke show Fl. Ulpianus honouring Caracalla and Plautilla.61 The personal elements in Caracalla's edicts and letters are considered by W. Williams in a continuation of his studies designed to clarify the work of emperors and distinguish it from that of their secretaries.62 For the controversial title of Severus Alexander during the reign of Elagabalus S. Dusanic, using mainly AE I964. 269 and 1966. 339, proposes 'the Caesar of the priest/ emperor '.63 A milestone from Sardinia names Volusian in the brief period when he was Caesar, but not yet Augustus.64 Inscriptions have provided evidence for a reform of the administration of the annona under Valerian,65and for the chronology of revolts in the province of Africa under Valerian and Gallienus; 66 a new text from Aphrodisias, honouring the other son of Valerian, Licinius Valerianus, cos. 265, is published in this volume.67 Epigraphic material is also used in a discussion of the policy of Claudius Gothicus in Gaul.68 A milestone of Tetricus Caesar gives him the cognomen Junior.69 Another carries a rare record of Valeria Augusta, daughter of Diocletian and wife of Galerius.70 The imperial edict CIL IIn. 12133 has been interpreted as an edict of Galerius, Licinius, Maximinus and Constantine issued in 310/11, while FIRA2 I. 94 has been dated to ist January 3I4.71 There has been a good deal of discussion of the titles of Constantine 72 and of some of his family and successors; 73 a new inscription calls him divus.74


III Client Kings and Foreigners

Recent volumes of ANRW present surveys of the evidence relating to individual eastern client kingdoms.75 Amongst more specialized studies, one might particularly note current work on the rulers of Commagene. This includes discussion of a large new temenos stele dating from the reign of Antiochus I (but before 64 B.C.) which reveals hitherto unattested titles for the king,76 and the demonstration by A. Spawforth of the marriage between a descendant of the dynasty and a member of the Spartan elite in the early empire.77 In the West, J. Bogaers has re-examined the famous inscription (RIB 9I) relating to Cogidubnus. He suggests, convincingly, that there is little ground for reading legatus Aug. amongst the titles of the king-an office which has long caused puzzlement in this context. A better reconstruction, corroborated by early drawings of the text, is rex magnus, a title for which there are exact eastern parallels.78 The activities and genealogy of the dynasty of Donnus in the Cottian Alps have also been reassessed on the basis of surviving inscrip58 S. Mazzarino, Epigraphica 40 (1978) 24I. 57 S. Follet, RPh o05 (1979) 29; see also J. H. Oliver, AJP 300 (I979) 543. 68 J. Krier, Chiron I0 (I980) 449. '6 M. Mirkovid, AArchSlov 28 (I977)

59P. Herz, ZPE 31 (1978) 285.

42 (1978) 4I2. 62 Latomus 38 (I979) 67. 63 ZPE 37 (I980) II7. 64 L. Campus, ArchClass 29 (1977) 431. 65 J.-M. David, AntAfr I (I977) I49.

61G. Dagron and J. Marcillet-Jaubert, Belleten


66M. Christol, AntAfr



(1976) 69.

68 V. Neri, REA 8o (3978) 85. 69 P. Andr6, ABPO 85 (I978) 349. 70 G. Petzl and H. W. Pleket, ZPE 34 (1979) 282. 71 T. D. Barnes, ZPE 21 (3976) 275. 72 A. Arnaldi, Contributi ... Garzetti (1977) 375;


p. 104, no. 3.

C. T. H. R. Ehrhardt, ZPE 38 (i980) 177. 73A. Chastagnol, MEFR 88 (1976) 259; A. Arnaldi, Epigraphica 39 (I977) 91. 74L. Gasperini, AnnFacLettFilMacerata 9 (1976) 393. 7 Thrace, II, 7. I, I86; Pontus, II, 7. 2, 913; Cappadocia, II, 7. 2. 1125; Emesa, II, 8, I98; Judaea, n, 8, 296; Commagene, I, 8,732 (all by R. D. Sullivan); Armenia, iI, 9. I, 71 (M.-L. Chaumont). 76 J. Wagner and G. Petzl, ZPE 20 (3976) 20i, with minor corrections by W. Clarysse, ZPE 23 (I976) 264. On the religious concerns of the eastern dynasties more generally, see R. D. Sullivan,
78 Britannia 10 (1979) 243. The problems associated with the reading legatus Aug. are brought out by A. A. Barrett, ibid. 227.

Festschrift Doerner (1978) II, 914. 77 ABSA 73 (1978) 249.



tions,79 while from Rome itself a new text has given evidence of an opses Parthorum in the second century A.D., Julia Axse, apparently married to an imperial freedman or descendant of such.80

IV Senators
The obligations and privileges of the senatorial order are illuminated by a number of recently discovered documents, the most important of which is the Senatus Consultum from Larinum, edited and commented on by M. Malavolta.81 This decree, passed in A.D. 19, forbids members of senatorial and equestrian families to take part in shows or to serve as gladiators. It likewise debars such employment to all free citizens under twenty-five if male, and under twenty if female. Members of senatorial families are specifically forbidden to evade these restrictions by renouncing their rank; one of the punishments for transgression is denial of a proper funeral. The prohibitions also apply to women-echoed in the employment of women gladiators at Ostia at a later date (below, p. I37 and n. 222). A.D. I9 was already known to be a year of scandal among the upper classes; Tacitus records a Senatus Consultum prohibiting women of equestrian family from working as prostitutes (Ann. iI. 85). Suetonius appears to refer directly to the Larinum decree, saying that Tiberius exiled those who chose loss of rank in order to appear on the stage or in the arena in defiance of a Senatus Consultum (Tib. 35. 2). The special rights of senators appear in a much later document, Septimius Severus' reminder to an un-named official that senators were exempt from billeting; the discovery of several copies of this text in the East is an indication of its importance to senators living there (see above, p. 124 and n. 42). Senators from the East in the first two centuries of the Principate are now examined in a valuable monograph by H. Halfmann.82 Among the most important recent work on the Senate and its members are studies by B. Campbell and G. Alfoldy. Campbell examines the concept of the 'vir militaris ,.83 He argues that employment of the term to denote a military specialist is a synthetic usage, not supported by the ancient sources; that, despite careers which show much military employment, patterns of promotion were not schematized along specialist lines; and, in particular, that promotions of future generals were not especially rapid, as has been claimed. He concludes that there are no clearly discernible patterns of promotion among future proconsular legates, and that there was no military oligarchy or ' high command '. These findings have not elicited a full re-statement of previous views. Professor Syme has pointed out that patterns are nevertheless discernible in well-documented periods shorter than the century and a half, from 70 to 235, on which Campbell bases his conclusions.84 Professor Alfoldy, who continues to add to our knowledge of a great many individual senators, in his recent book studies the tenure of the consulship, and its place in the senatorial career, during a well-documented period, the four decades from A.D. 138 to I80.85 His book takes up from the date at which Eck's valuable study of the Senate leaves off; we are at last approaching the point at which a history of the Senate under the Principate should be within reach.86 PIR2, which halted in 1970 at the letter L, is about to resume publication (see above, p. I2I); and a colloquium on senators held in Rome in May I98I assembled much important material. Alfoldy offers an important analysis of senatorial career-patterns which, while not always free from assumptions like those questioned by Campbell, must nevertheless provide an essential basis for future work. One of the most interesting phenomena that he studies is the tenure of consulships by the sons of consuls, and the extent to which consular rank can be considered hereditary (for some reservations, see G. P. Burton's comments in a recent review).87
79 C. Letta, Athenaeum 54 (1976) 37. Priuli, NSA 31 (I977) 332. 81 In Sesta Miscellanea (1978) 347. 82 Die Senatoren aus dem ostlichen Teil des Imperium Romanum bis zum Ende des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (Hypomnemata 58) (I979). 8JRS 65 ('975) I2. 84JRS 70 (I980) 77 n. I38; Danubian Papers (I97I)
80 S.

Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen English summary in AncSoc 7 (1976) 263. 86W. Eck, Senatoren von Vespasian bis Hadrian (I 970). Professor Chastagnol's study of the Senate at the beginning of the Empire is also in progress. 87fJRS 70 (I980) 203.





P. A. Gallivan assemblesthe Fasti for the reign of Claudius.88 Alfoldy, in the work discussed above, publishes consular Fasti from 138 to I50. Eck, who has now embarked on a re-edition of Degrassi's Fasti, makes some restorationsto the consular lists for the first and second centuries.89 Other recent discussions concern consuls of the years 43, 53, findingfour or possibly five instances;91 he also examines Augustus' difficultiesin recruiting to the Senate in I6-II B.C.92Members of the best-documented senatorialpriesthood, the Arval Brethren, are studied at length in Syme's recent book.93 New fragments of their proceedings for May-September 38, and October 53 have been published.94 The most imposing work on provincial Fasti is Pflaum's Fasti of Gallia Narbonensis, which forms his last major publication, apart from further sections of Inscriptionslatines de l'Algirie which are expected to appear posthumously.95 Pflaum's notable skill and thoroughness are once more seen in this volume. Among provinces of the western Mediterranean, Narbonensis is surprisingly ill-documented, with 15 known governors, comparedwith at least 41 for Tarraconensis,39 for Baetica, and well over 0oo for Africa. Pflaum disposes of senatorial office-holdersin less than Ioo pages, but follows this with examinationsof procurators,priests, equites and milites of the province, on the model of Wuilleumier'sstudy of Lugdunensis. The index runs to 176 pages. Pflaum's numerous papers on Africa and Gaul have been collected in two volumes; they include a number of studies of senators and procurators.96Work on provincial Fasti also includes Syme's new study of proconsuls of Africa under Hadrian.97 R. K. Sherk considers governors of Galatia between 112 and 285.98 F. Jacques has produced a major study of census-takers in Tres Galliae in the second and early third centuries.99 The second volume of Sarikakis' study of proconsuls of Macedoniahas appeared.100B. W. Jones writes on praetorianproconsuls under Domitian,101 and M. Christol on the Fasti of Numidia from 253 to 26o.102 M. Gaggiotti considersthe rectores of Samnium in the mid-fourth century.103 Discussions of individual offices include a number of studies of the post of curator reipublicae,an office with local responsibilities, which might be held, depending on the importance of the town, by a senator, an eques, or a simple town magistrate. In his important new book on Italy, W. Eck includes an extended examination of the curatores, and also considers the praefecti alimentorum.104 His lists are evidently fuller than those of R. Duthoy, whose parallelsurvey of Italiancuratores shows (e.g.) 66 in Regio I, compared with Eck's 76.105 Curatores reipublicae in Asia are examinedby G. P. Burton, who suggests a late date for the spread of the institution to many cities in Asia.'06 The less important which was not held by senators,has been examinedby L. Japellapost of curatorkalendarii,
Contardi.107 65, 90, 154 and 209.90 Chastagnol studies provincials in the Senate under Augustus,

of senatorialmagistraciesare consideredin detailby B. Remy.'08 Grantsof the ornamenta M. Dondin assembles and discusses eight examples of the rare phenomenon of provincial legateships held before the quaestorship.109E. R. Birley collects examples of dedications showing their new command made by magistrates before departing for a new province, and uses these to establishthe chronologyof some Mainz careerinscriptions.110 Discussions of individual families include articles in Syme's Roman Papers, which

Barbieri, RAL8 30 (I975) I53; S. Panciera, RPAA 48 (1976) 282; S. Dusanid, Germania 56 (1978) 46I; B. W. Jones, Historia 25 (1976) 499; B. Lorincz, AArchSlov 28 (I977) 369; J. F. Oates, Phoenix 30 (1976) 282. 81 Melanges P. Boyanc6 (i974) I63. 92Miscellanea E. Manni (1980) I, 463. 93R. Syme, Some Arval Brethren (i980). 94See below, p. 135 and n. I96, with n. 293. 95 Les Fastes de la province de Narbonnaise (Gallia Suppi 30) (1978). 96Afrique romaine: Scripta Varia I (1978); La Gaule et l'Empire romain: Scripta Varia II (i98i). 97 ZPE 37 (I980) I; cf. Syme, Roman Papers (X98o)
11, 629.

80 G.

89Historia 24 (1975) 324; ZPE 37 (I980) 117.

CQ 28 (1978) 407.

00T. K. Sarikakis, Roman governors of the province of Macedonia (in Greek) II (1977); see F. Papazoglou, ZAnt 29 (x979) 227. 101 Historia 24 (1976) 63. 102Above, n. 66. 10 Athenaeum 6 (1978) 145 104W. Eck, Die staatliche Organisation Italiens in der hohen Kaiserzeit (1979). 1os AncSoc 10 (1979) 171. 106 Chiron 9 (1979) 465. G. Camodeca, who promises a monograph on curatores r.p., discusses some instances of the post in Italy, ZPE 35 (1979) 225. F. Jacques has completed a lengthy study of curatores, not yet in print. 107 Epigraphica 39 (1977) 71. 108 REA 78 (1976) i6o. 110Chiron 9 (1979) 495.
109 Latomus 37 (1978) 148.

98 AJP I00 (I979) I66. e9 Ktema 2 (1977) 285.



have convincinglyidentifiedthe quaestor extrasententias of an inscriptionrecently designatus found at Ephesus as the Iunius Maximus whom Fronto commended to his commanding officer, Avidius Cassius, in tritely conventionalterms.113Y. Burnandstudies at length the senators and knights of Nemausus, one of the great towns of Narbonensis.114 Among texts from the late Empire, T. Drew-Bear has published a new inscription of a vicar of Asiana in the late fourth century, Fl. Menander.115 The terminologyconfirms C. Foss's recent observationsabout the differentphrases used to describe the functions of governors and vicars, allowing the identification of several vicars previously thought to be governors.116A new milestone from Balbourashows that the governor of Lycia in 363 was a lamprotatos hegemon; 117 this suggests that Fl. Nemesius Olympius, v.c., attested at Myra under ConstantiusII, should be included in the Fasti of Lycia, notwithstandinghis rejection by the editors of PLRE I, on the grounds that governors of Lycia in the fourth Other senators who are the subject of recent discussion include the following: 118 i. M'. Acilius Glabrio; 2. C. Aelius Servilianus Maximus; 3. L. Antonius Saturninus; 4. Q. Antistius Adventus Postumius Aquilinus; 5. M. Arruntius Claudianus; 6. Attius Fuscianus; 7. P. Attius Ulpius Apuleius Clementinus Rufinus; 8. Aurelius (Commodus) Pompeianus; 9. C. Bruttius Praesens; o. L. Caesennius Sospes; I . Ti. Claudius Gordianus; I2. Ti. Clodius Saturninus; I3. (Dasumius?); 14. Q. Flavius Maesius EgnatiusLollianus,signo Mavortius; 15. P. Flavius Pudens Pomponianus,signoVocontius; i6. Flavius Romulus; I7. Flavius Sabinus; i8. T. Flavius Vespasianus; 19. D. Fonteius Fronto; 20. C. Gabinius Barbarus Pompeianus; 2I. Q. Gargilius Macer Aufidianus; 22. M. Gavius Crispus Numisius iunior; 23. M. lallius Bassus Fabius Valerianus; 24. C. lulius Eurycles Herculanus L. Vibullius Pius; 25. C. iulius Flaccinus; 26. Ti. Iulius lulianus Alexander; 27. A. lulius Pompilius Piso T. Vibius Laevillus; 28. L. Lucretius Servilius Gallus Sempronianus; 29. T. Manlius Sura Septicianus; 30. Marcius Turbo; 3I. L. MariusMaximusPerpetuusAurelianus; 32. L. MariusPerpetuus; 33. Matidius . . .; 34. P. Memmius Regulus; 35. C. Messala Vipstanus Gallus; 36. T. Messius Extricatus; 37. Messius Rusticus; 38. Mettius Modestus; 39. L. Neratius Priscus; 40. M. Nonius Balbus; 4I. C. Petillius Firmus; 42. M. Plautius Silvanus; 43. (Plo?)tius Pegasus;
'll B. Rdmy, Historia 25 (1976) 458; M. Christol, ZPE 28 (1978) I45. 112 E. J. Champlin, Fronto and Antonine Rome (1980). '3sFronto, van den Hout i68 = Naber 178; ZPE 35 (I979) I95. 14MEFR 87 (i975) 68i. 115 Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie (1978) 27, no. x5; PLRE I, Menander 7. 116 ZPE 26 (I977) i75 and n. I4. 117 Ch. Naour, AncSoc 9 (1978) I77 no. 4; PLRE I, Sozomenus. R. Syme, Chiron 10 (I980) 427; 2. F. 118. Eckhardt, ZPE 27 (1977) 210; 3. R. Syme, JRS 68 (1978) I2; 4. F. Bertrandy, Karthago 17 (1973/74) I95; 5. H.-G. Pflaum, AEHE IV (I974/75) 363; 6. H. I. Macadam, ZPE 38 (i980) 72; 7. S. Panciera, RPAA 48 (1975/76) 302. 8. J. F. Oates, Phoenix 30 (1976) 282; 9. F. Jacques, ZPE 22 (1976) 215; io. R. Syme, JRS 68 (i978) 12; ii. J. MarcilletJaubert, BAA 5 (1971/74) 163; 12. W. Eck, ZPE 37 (i98o) 3I; I3. W. Eck, ZPE 30 (1978) 277; 14. G. Camodeca, AAN 82 (I97I) 39; 15. H.-G. Pflaum, AEHE IV (1973/74) 272; I6. G. Camodeca, ZPE 28 (I978) I5i; 17. W. Eck, ZPE 37 (x980) 31; i8. A. Chastagnol, Historia 25 (1976) 253; 19. D. French, ZPE 29 (1978) 2ii; 20. E. Birley, AArch Slov 28 (1977) i8o and B. Lorincz, ZPE 33 (1979) I57; 2I. G. Alf6ldy, Chiron 8 (1978) 36I; 22. See no. 17. 23. A. Blanc and H. Desaye, Gallia 33 (I975) 241; 24. A. J. S. Spawforth, above, n. 77; 25. I. I.

(AE 197I. 490); Im and E. J. Champlin's book on Fronto.112 H. Halfmann and G. Alf6oldy

contains a wealth of importantprosopographical observations; Pflaum'spapers,mentioned above (n. 96); two articles on the Aradii, based on an inscription recently found at Bulla

century were believed to be perfectissimi (PLRE I, Olympius i6).

Russu, Stud. si cerc. vet. 30 (I979) 437; 26. M. Sartre, Ann. Dep. Ant. Jordan 2x (1976) o05; 27. J. Marcillet-Jaubert, AArchSlov 28 (1977) 346 and I. Piso, Act. Mus. Nap. i6 (1979) 69; 28. G. Alf6ldy, ZPE 27 (1977) 2i8; 29. I. Nicolaou, RDAC (1975) 192; 30. G. Alf6ldy, ZPE 36 (1979) 237; 3x. K. P. Johne, AArchSlov 28 (I977) 403; 32. I. Piso, Act. Mus. Nap. 15 (1978) 179, and M. Mirkovid, ZAnt 27 (I977) 443; 33. G. Alf6oldy, ZPE 39 (i980) 255; 34. L. Petersen, AArchSlov 28 (x977) 288, cf. A. Giovannini, Rome et la circulation monitaire en Grace (1978) 115, for an attempt to redate IG v. I. 14323; 35. J. Devreker, ZPE 22 (1976) 203; 36. M. C6beillac-Gervasoni, PP 34 (x979) 267; 37. W. Eck, ZPE 37 (x980) 31; 38. ibid. 39. G. Camodeca, AAN 87 (1976) 19 and G. Asdrubali Pentiti, StudRom 26 (1978) 544; 40. L. Schumacher, Chiron 6 (1976) I65; 41. A. B. Bosworth, ZPE 39 (1980) 267; 42. U. Vogel-Weidemann, AClass 19 (1976) I35; 43. E. J. Champlin, ZPE 32 (1978) 269; 44. A. R. Birley, AArchSlov 28 (1977) 360; 45. R. Hodot, ZPE 34 (1979) 221; 46. D. French, ZPE 27 (I977) 247; 47. D. French, ZPE 21 (1976) 77; 48. P. Lazarides, ArchDelt 29 (I973) 6o; 49. G. Camodeca, AAN 87 (1976) 39; 50. D. L. Kennedy, ZPE 37 (I980) 24; 5x. G. Guadagno, RALS 30 (i975) 36i; 52. S. Dumanid, ZAnt 27 (i977) 190; 53. J. H. D'Arms, AJP 97 (1976) 387; 54. R. Syme, HSCP 83 (1979) 287; 55. A. Chastagnol, L'album municipale de Timgad (1978).



44. Q. Pompeius Falco; 45. M. Pompeius Maximus; 46. T. Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus; 47. Sex. Quinctilius Maximus; 48. C. Quinctius Trogus; 49. Rutilius Crispinus; 50. Q. Scribonius Tenax; 51. Tannonius Chrysantius; 52. Q. Ulpius D(omitius)?; 53. M. Umbilius Maximinus Praetextatus; 54. Ummidius Quadratus; 55. Vulcacius Rufinus. V Equites A newly discovered inscription from Bithynia reveals that the first prefect of Mesopotamia, the province created by Septimius Severus c. 195, was Ti. Claudius Subatianus Aquila, who is already well known from papyri.119 Aquila later became prefect of Egypt, where his presence is attested from 206 to 20o. His brother Proculus, also an eques by origin, governed Numidia as praetorian legate between 208 and 2io. They were natives of Cuicul in Numidia, and as such formed part of the African connection prominent in Rome at that date.120 Another post created in the late second century was that of procurator kalendarii Vegetiani. This is interesting as almost the only case where a private estate was considered important enough to receive an equestrian procurator to run it when the Emperor took it over.l21 Because of the lack of parallels, the position remained obscure for a long time, and Huebner's corrupt reading ad Fal(ernas) veget(andas) for ad kal(endarium) Veget(ianum) was allowed to stand by Dessau (ILS 1405 and III p. 428). But four different holders of the post are now known, the most recent find being AE 1972. 250. D. Manacorda illuminates the activities of the kalendarium Vegetianum in his recent study, suggesting that amphorae found in Italy marked K.V. contained oil exported from this estate in Baetica.l22 Its former owner was presumably the consul L. Mummius Niger Q. Valerius Vegetus, who was wealthy enough to build a private six-mile aqueduct, the aqua Vegetiana, near Viterbo.l23 Suetonius continues to attract attention. J. Gascou uses the evidence of a new diploma to argue that Suetonius' Palatine career was quite long. The diploma, of August 123, appears to attest Marcius Turbo's presence on the Danube at that date, thus calling into question the association of date between Suetonius' fall and Hadrian's visit to Britain usually assumed from the life of Hadrian.124 Since Turbo was appointed as praetorian prefect together with Septicius Clarus, who fell at the same time as Suetonius, that event would have to be after 123 to allow time for the prefecture of Clarus (Vit. Hadr. 9. 5; II. 3). A different view is argued by Professor Syme, who notes that it is unlikely that Turbo's extraordinary Danubian command could have lasted as much as five years, which it would have to do if Turbo was still on the Danube late in I23; and that the Vita implies that the previous two prefects were dismissed, and their successors appointed, in I I9.125 Syme points to cases where diplomata mention discharge by governors who had moved on as much as four years before the date of the document. These considerations are difficult to ignore, and they seem to leave Suetonius' removal from office at the traditional date in This undercuts Gascou's hypothesis that Suetonius could have been honoured at 122. Hippo as a member of Hadrian's retinue on his African tour in 128; Syme suggests that the Hippo inscription in fact honoured a native.126 That would have the possibly surprising result of making Suetonius pare, who fought as tribune in Otho's army (Suet. Otho I o. 5), almost the first African known to have held equestrian militiae (although the first century epigraphic record is poor).127 The list of pontifices Volcani at Ostia is now apparently full at least until 126; this makes Suetonius' stated tenure of a priesthood of that name, known at no other town, still perplexing.'28
119D. French, AS 27 (977) x9I ; D. L. Kennedy, ZPE 36 (1979) 255; see also below, n. 142, no. 4, for a new praefectus Osrhoenae. 120 ILS 9488. On Africans, cf. A. R. Birley, BJ I69 (I969) 27I. 121 The proc. kal. Veliani in ILS 9470 is a freedman. 122 MEFR 89 (1977) 313. 128ILS 577I and add. For the builder of several miles of aqueduct at Syrian Apamea, see AE 1976. 677-8. 124J. Gascou, Latomus 37 (I978) 436, developing the proposal of Pflaum, AEHE IV (1975/76) 373, based on AE 1973. 459 (now published by Roxan, below n. I56, no. 21). 125JRS 70 (I980) 64, especially 69-72; cf. G. Alf6ldy, ZPE 36 (I979) 233. 126 ibid. 79-80. 127 Cf. the list in M. G. Jarrett, Historia 12 (I963) 211; only two men from Thugga are earlier than this. 128 Cf. R. Meiggs, Roman Ostia2 (I973) 584.



Syme has also considered Juvenal's origins.129 While not rejecting outright the Aquinum inscription (ILS 2926) recording a. . . nius luvenalis ' as trib. coh., he suggests that lack of tribe and filiation might indicate a dedication by a visitor rather than a native; 'tuo ... Aquino ' in Juvenal (3. 319) might be no more proof of origin than 'tuam Laletaniam ' in Martial (i. 49. 22). An obscure reference to the countryside at Thabraca on the coast of Tunisia (io. I93-5) might be a better indication of what country Juvenal came from. If that were the case, the coincidence of literary and epigraphic references to Aquinum would presumably point to an adopted patria, or perhaps a summer resort. Turning to equestrian careers in general, R. P. Saller's article breaks important ground in analysing the procuratorial career patterns proposed by Pflaum, and usually accepted hitherto.130 Saller is able to show that several principles of promotion put forward by Pflaum rest on insecure foundations. The absence of specialization in those chosen for the prefecture of Egypt has already been pointed out by Professor Brunt, and Mme Pavis d'Escurac has observed the same in the careers of prefects of the annona.131 Saller's tabulations, and the arguments he brings to bear suggest strongly that advancement may have been more dependent on patronage, and on the accident of available vacancies, than on strictly applied rules of the intricate kinds suggested by Pflaum. Whether all attempts to discover trends of procuratorial promotion are open to these objections is not yet clear. Inferences must depend in part on the accuracy with which the salary-gradings of different posts can be reconstructed. It is perhaps time that these were reassessed in the light of the epigraphic finds of the last three decades. Pflaum himself drew attention to one case in which a new find suggested a grading different from the one he had originally put forward,832 and a co-ordinated examination might reveal further instances. For example, AE 1962. 183 now shows that the proc. patrimoniiprov. Narbonensis was ducenarian, which may lead us to wonder whether his opposite number in Belgica and the two Germanies can really have been sexagenarian, as Pflaum suggested before this inscription was known. If he too was ducenarian, this would make it easier to understand why the post follows centenarian and ducenarian employment in the career of C. Furius Sabinius Aquila Timesitheus, father-in-law of Gordian III.133 Among studies of equestrian offices, Bastianini's lengthy work on the prefects of Egypt has been brought up to date very recently.134 As well as Mme Pavis d'Escurac's book on the prefects of the annona (above, n. 13 i) K. R. Bradley has written on the prefects of the annona from Augustus to Hadrian.135 In an article already cited (n. I25) Professor Syme studies the praetorian prefecture under Trajan and Hadrian, examining in detail the careers of the six known prefects: Sex. Attius Suburanus, Cl. Livianus, P. Acilius Attianus, Ser. Sulpicius Similis, Q. Marcius Turbo and C. Septicius Clarus. Pflaum has considered Gallienus' reform of provincial government, and tabulated 20 equestrian governors between 262 and 300.136 I. Piso has studied procurators in Dacia in the third century, and L. Balla has listed 36 equites known from Dacian inscriptions.'37 New procuratorial careers include that of Aurelius Tuesianus, whose inscription, found at Sarmizegetusa, shows that he achieved senatorial rank as legate of Lugdunensis and consul designate, perhaps in the late Severan period.138 S. Demougin has published
the career of Fl. . . . Boethus, proc. summarum rationum.139 ... C. f. Pal. Iulius Festus, a

former quinquennalis at Capua, dedicated a monument at Aquileia after Hadrian's death. He had been subpraef. vigilum, fisci advocatus, and holder of an unnamed procuratorship, perhaps in northern Italy; Alfoldy compares the equestrian careers of the Emperor Pertinax
189 CP (i979) i. 130JRS 74 70 (i980) 44. 131 P. A. Brunt, JRS 65 (1975) 141; H. Pavis For d'Escurac, Les prefets de l'annone (1976). scepticism about the existence of rules of advancement within the freedman administrative system, see G. P. Burton, YRS 67 (x97-1) I64. I2 AEHE IV (I973/74) 27I, from AE 1967. 644, suggesting sexagenarian rather than centenarian status for the post of proc. XX hered. per Asiam Phrygiam Lyciam Galatiam. 133ILS 1330, as emended by Domaszewski: see Pflaum, Carri~res, 8I6.

14 ZPE I7 (i975) 263; 38 (I980) 75. 135Historia 27 (I978) 336. 136 Historia 25 (1976) I09; cf. J. Osier, Latomus 36 (I977) 674. 137 ZPE 40 (I980) 273; ACD 13 (1977) 5x. 138 I. Piso, Chiron 8 (1978) 515; improved by W. Eck (above, n. o104)and G. Alfoldy, ZPE 34 (1979) 247. 139 ZPE 21 (1976) 135; further comments by W. Eck, ZPE 25 (i977) 227.



(from the Vita and AE I963. 52) and M. Valerius Maximianus (from AE I956. I24).140 Pflaum argues from seven parallel cases that Aurelius Aristaenetus, procurator in Phrygia, was an imperial freedman, not a knight, as recently suggested.l41 Equestrians who are the subject of recent discussion also include:142 i. P. Aelius Hammonius; 2. ... Arrecinus; 3. M. Aurelius Apollinaris; 4. Aurelius Dasius (a new praefectus Osrhoenae; cf. also AE I969. I09); 5. Bryonianus Lollianus; 6. M. Carminius Pudens; 7. C. C1. Firmus; 8. Q. Marcius Dioga; 9. Q. Octavius Sagitta; Io. L. Peducaeus Colonus; II. M. Ulpius Victor. General studies of equites below the procuratorial level include H. Devijver's prosopography of holders of the tres militiae.l43 (Pflaum argues against Devijver that M. Porcius Narbonensis did not hold these offices in the Claudian sequence).T44 S. Demougin examines the usage 'splendidus eques Romanus' in detail. She also surveys the iudices of the decuriae found in Italian inscriptions; these total 47, somewhat more than the total from Africa known when Pflaum wrote in I968, approximately 35.145 To the Italian list we should add T. Flavius Acyndyni fil. Scopellianus, who was adlectus in decur(i)is. Although his father was evidently a freedman, his sons achieved equestrian rank; they were commemorated at Privernum in I37.146 Y. Burnand's survey of iudices from the four Gauls yields nine individuals, none of them selecti. Burnand has also studied the Domitii Aquenses, a family of knights whose memorial was found near Aquae Sextiae in Narbonensis.147 Two examples of infant equites have been found recently, one aged 2, the other aged 9. There are at least twenty other cases of the award of equestrian rank to those under 17; but the two-year-old must be one of the youngest, if not the youngest, found so far.148 VI Military affairs There has been a welcome move towards synthesis in some recent work on the army. Dobson's important study of the primipilares has been published, in a German translation.l49 Speidel has produced a monograph on the singulares in the provinces,150 as well as a wealth of articles on other military topics. D. B. Saddington has written on prefects and lesser officers of the Auxilia.151 Regional surveys include a long book on troops in Spain by Roldan Hervias;152 surveys of Egypt by Criniti and Devijver;153 a study of Arabia by Speidel;154 and R. F. J. Jones's account of the army in north-west Spain.155 The most important new collection of evidence is M'. M. Roxan's corpus of diplomata.l56 This volume, containing 78 diplomata, is a supplement to CIL xvi intended to be complete up to the end of 1977. Forni has supplemented the lists in his 1953 study of legionary recruiting, incorporating the evidence from the remarkable Nicopolis inscription of A.D I57.157 The ostraca from Bu Ngem are now being edited by R. Marichal, who has given a
140G. Forni, RAL8 30 (1975) 5i; G. Alfoldy, Situla 14-15 (I974) I99. 141 AEHE IV (1974/75) 367; cf. Chr. Habicht in Altertiimer von Pergamum vIII. 3 (I969) 35. 142 . I. Piso, Dacia 20 (1976) 251; 2. S. Demougin, MEFR 90 (1978) 317; 3. M. Christol, Latomus 35 (1976) 866; 4. H. Petersen, TAPhA 107 (1977) 267; 5. C. Foss, ZPE 26 (1977) 16I, suggesting a Diocletianic or later date; accepted and developed by J.-M. Carri6, ZPE 35 (I979) 213; 6. AE 1976. 252, cf. AE i888. 132; 7. S. Mitchell, AS 27 (i977) 68; 8. M. Cebeillac-Gervasoni and F. Zevi, MEFR 88 (1976) 625; 9. U. Laffi, Athenaeum 55 (i977) 369; o0. J. D. Thomas, ZPE 21 (1976) 153; ii. I. Piso, ZPE 40 (980) 273. 143 Prosopographia militiarium equestrium quae ab Augusto ad Gallienum (i I976, II 1977). fuerunt 144 o.c. above (n. 141), 366. Pflaum, 145S. Demougin, Epigraphica 37 (I975) I74 (splendidus eques); AncSoc 6 (I975) 143 (iudices) on which compare Pflaum, AntAfr 2 (I968) I53. One of Pflaum's 35 may be de]c(urione) adlec[t(us), rather than in decuriis adlectus (despite ILAlg II. 2, 4694). 146M. Cancellieri RAL8 29 (1974) 245.
147 Y. Burnand, Domitii Aquenses (1975). 148 The two-year-old: B. Stimpel, MZ 69 (I974)

242; nine-year-old: V. Saladino, Athenaeum 55 (I977) 328. See, e.g., A. Stein, Rdm. Ritterstand 56 n. P. Veyne, BCH go (1976) 149 n. i. 4; 149 B. Dobson, Die Primipilares (1978). 150 M. P. Speidel, Guards of the Roman armies: an essay on the singulares of the provinces (1978). 151PACA I5 (I980) 20. 152 J. M. Roldain Hervas, Hispania y el ejercito romano (1974). Important commentary is offered by P. Le Roux, REA 77 (I975) 140; G. Forni, Athenaeum 54 (1976) 500; R. Wiegels, Gnomon 52 Le Roux provides many improved (I980) 268. readings. 153 Aegyptus 59 (I979) 190; ANRW II, I, 452. 14 ANRW ii, 8, 687. 155JRS 66 (1976) 45. 15 Roman Military Diplomas I954-1977 (1978). Nos. 14, 34 and 6o were previously unpublished. For more recent material see ZPE 36 (I979) 228; Germania 56 (I978) 461; and below, nn. i6o, 161. 157 ANRW I, I, 339; cf. AE 1955. 238, and I969. 633.




preliminary report on their contents.158 It is striking that evidence tends to be fullest for those army units whose military importance is most peripheral. Dura has given us the cohors XX Palmyrenorum, Panopolis the miscellaneous units in the Thebaid, while Bu Ngem now contributes an unnamed numerus, under a decurion, stationed at this fort in the 25os. Coherent evidence for the running of any army unit is nevertheless extremely welcome. The I46 ostraca include daily strength reports, which show an average of 52 men. On one day they are joined by 64 tirones, evidently on their way to units elsewhere. The command hierarchy ran: decurio, librarius, optio, proculcator (a term previously only known from Ammianus). About three-fifths of the troops have Imperial nomina, the rest well-known African gentilicia. The Latin of the documents is generally poor. The first dated document belongs to 253, the last to 259; the fort appears to have been abandoned
at latest by 263.159

Individual inscriptions of note include a fleet diploma of November A.D. 214, whose beneficiaries do not bear the name Aurelius that might have been expected.160 They are M. Herennius Pasicrates (from Isauria) and Herennia Imma. Van Berchem suggests that these were cousins who were already citizens when the husband joined the fleet 28 years before; but it seems that other possibilities should also be considered. A diploma of A.D. 96 from Moesia Superior suggests that not all units in a province received simultaneous discharge at that time; the text lists only xo of the 24 units stationed there in A.D. 100, of which I6 had already been there in A.D. 93.161 An inscription from Pompeii adds further evidence for the legion X Equestris, whose existence Ritterling was able to doubt when its name rested on a single inscription from Patras.162 This unit appears to have been one of Caesar's legions disbanded by Augustus; it may be linked with the colony of Noviodunum, whose title was colonia Iulia Equestris. Among individual military posts, a new centurio legionariusfactus at suffragium leg(ionis) XIIII Gem(inae) is of interest ;163 the phrase directly recalls the ex-signifer who was (centurio) factus ex suffragio leg. (I Ital.) (ILS 2658 add.). Tacitus refers disapprovingly to the appointment of centurions by the troops to replace casualties in the army of Antonius Primus (Hist. in. 49). Army units recently discussed include alae named after their commanders, and local militias in the Roman Empire.164 D. L. Kennedy examines the size of the Praetorian Guard, and length of service therein; he argues that cohorts were already milliary under the Antonines, and that ex-legionaries who joined the praetorians served the same length of time as other praetorians.165 The impact of the legion III Augusta on the surrounding area is studied by E. W. B. Fentress; her topics include local office-holding by veterans in Numidia, buildings put up by the army, and the employment of legates as patrons.166 Suggested evidence for the presence of the legion II Traiana in Judaea early in Hadrian's reign appears unconvincing.167 M. Speidel examines the rise of ethnic units in the Roman army.168 Inscriptions from Alexandria Troas and Side show, for the first time, a cohors A diploma from Palestine Apula c(ivium) R(omanorum) raised between A.D. 6 and 9.169 reveals the second and third cohorts c(ivium) R(omanorum) Antianae Gallorum.170 Turning to army ranks, B. Dobson provides a basic discussion of the posts of centurion and primipilaris, while posts below the centurionate are analysed in detail by D. J. Breeze.'17 The evident absence of a fixed cursus at these lower levels is quite striking. The command structure and promotion patterns within the cohors XX Palmyrenorum are considered by R. W. Davies.172 Two specialized posts within the legion, aquilifer and bucinator, are
CRAI (X979) 436. For small garrisons cf. D. J. Breeze, in Studien zu den Militdrgrenzen Roms ii (977) R. P. I; Duncan-Jones, Chiron 8 (1978) 552. 60MH 36 (1979) I01. 161AE 1977. 722. 162 J. G. P. Best, Talanta 3 (I97I) i; P. Castren, Arctos 8 (I974) 5; R. Frei-Stolba, Talanta IO-II (1978/79) 44. Cf. CIL III. 5o8, AE 1934. 152, and Ritterling, RE XII, 671.


9 (I978) 275. Numidia and the Roman Army (1979). B. Isaac and I. Roll, ZPE 33 (I979) I49; with J. R. Rea, ZPE 38 (I980) 220. 168 ANRW In the same volume, D. B. II, 3, 202. Saddington surveys the development of auxilia from Augustus to Trajan, 176. 169 M. P. Speidel, TAPhA xo6 (1976) 339. 170 AE 1976. 690. 171 Dobson, ANRW Breeze, BJ 174 II, I, 392;

165 AncSoc 167

Coll. (I972/74) 65.

AE I976. 540. 164 E. R. Birley, AncSoc 9 (I978) 257; Bonner HA


(1974) 127. 172




, 435;


7 (1976)

ZPE 20 (1976) 253.



documented by Speidel with both illustrations and a full list of examples.173 R. E. Smith examines the evolution of the later titles dux and praepositus in military usage.174 The separation of seniores and iuniores in the fourth century army is discussed by R. Tomlin; T. Drew-Bear adduces evidence that the division existed as early as 356.175 M. Clauss examines the post of the canalicularius in the late Roman army, concluding that he was a chancellery official, not a hydrologist.176 In the study of army pay and conditions, one of the most important advances in recent A years has been Speidel's article establishing auxiliary pay as either -3 or of legionary pay; of these possibilities 2 seems very much preferable. The evidence comes mainly from papyri, but the argument involves the inscription of Ti. Cl. Maximus, 'the captor of Decebalus ', and inscriptions are important also in establishing the typical nomenclature of auxiliaries in Egypt.177 B. Campbell studies marriage in the army, concluding, against a predecessor, that Septimius Severus did legalize the de facto arrangements that had existed hitherto.l78 A study of the findspots of diplomata suggests that four out of five auxiliaries retired in the province in which they had served.179 In another study of diplomata, M. P. ArnaudLindet examines the grants of citizenship and conubium,discussing the suspension of citizenship rights for children from 140 or I44-6. The witnessing of diplomata is analysed by J. Morris and M. M. Roxan (using a more comprehensive list than the two preceding studies). After Vespasian's census in 73/4, the same witnesses appear often, implying that they are now professional clerks, not fellow-soldiers. From Hadrian onwards, witnesses seem to be listed in more or less strict hierarchy.180

VII Pagan Religion,includingthe ImperialCult

While the significance of many of the earliest religious inscriptions remains in doubt,181 more positive conclusions may be drawn in relation to the religion of the later Republic, where epigraphic evidence can contribute to a revaluation of the traditional picture of a system 'in decline'. J. Le Gall, for example, in discussing the inscription from Isaura Vetus, which seems to record the evocatio of the god of the enemy in 75 B.C., suggests plausibly that it originally stood on the temple to which that deity was evoked. In other words, the god was not taken to Rome, in the sense of the capital, but was brought onto Roman territory, now conceived more widely to include recently conquered parts of Asia Minor. Thus the practice of evocation should not be seen to die out in the last centuries B.C., as has often been thought, but rather to be adapted to Rome's growing empire.l82 The recent reconsideration of the elogium of P. Cornelius Scipio, flamen Dialis, is also relevant to our view of the religious system of the late Republic; for G. Bandelli has shown that there are overwhelming arguments against his identification with the frail son of
78BJ 176 (x976) I23. 174 ZPE 36 (x979) 263. M. Christol, Chiron 7 (I977) 393, has discussed the origin of the title M.-Th. Raepsaet Charlier, AC 47 (1978) 557. 180REL 55 (I977) 282; cf. H. Wolff, Chiron 4 (I974) 479. Morris and Roxan, AArchSlov 28 (I977) 299. 181M. Guarducci and H. Le Bonniec have offered different views of the third century B.C. bronze tablet from Lavinium, which refers to Ceres (above, n. 7), while T. J. Cornell has again attacked the idea that the Tor Tignosa altar should have anything to do with Aeneas (LCM 2 (i977) 77). In more general terms, H. S. Versnel (in reaction to R. E. A. Palmer's Roman Religion and Roman Empire (1974)), has discussed methodological problems in handling these early texts (Talanta, 8-9 (1977) 19; cf. his remarks on the Lapis Satricanus, above, p. 122 and n. 9). Some Etruscan documents allow more certain interpretation; see, e.g. M. Cristofani and M. Martelli, StudEtr 46 (1978) ii9; G. Colonna, RSA 6 (1976) 45. 182 Melanges Heurgon (x976) I, 519. The stone was first published by A. S. Hall, Akt. VI. Kongr. Griech. u. Lat. Epigr. (I973), 568. The limits of such adaptability in Roman religion (particularly in relation to the surviving SC de Bacchanalibus) are helpfully discussed by J. North, PCPhS 205 (1979) 85.

protector. 176 AJP 93 (1972) 253; HSCP 81 (1977) 257. 176AncSoc 6 (i975) 251. 177 M. P. Speidel, JRS 63 (I973) 141; J. Kaimio, Arctos 9 (i975) 39 adds little. If the ratio (for footsoldiers) were 5/6, the annual pay of a miles legionis under Diocletian would have the unlikely total of I5421 denarii, since an eques alae then received I800; whereas the 2/3 ratio in Speidel's reconstruction places the legionary on a par with the eques alae. (For the Diocletianic rates, see R. P. Duncan-Jones, Chiron 8 (1978) 541.) The attempt by D. J. Breeze to contest Speidel's interpretation involves the unlikely assumption that Maximus took a cut in pay when he moved from being vexillarius equitum to become duplicarius alae (AE 1969. 583; JRS 6I (197I) 135, cf. Speidel, o.c., nn. 17-18). B. Dobson, AncSoc 3 (1972) 193, has compared the pay and prospects of the legionary centurion with those of the equestrian officer. 178 B. Campbell, JRS 68 (1978) 153; P. Garnsey, CSCA 3 (1970) 45; cf. M. Mirkovic, ZPE 40 (1980) 259.



Africanus. This undermines the common suggestion that this flaminate came to be used merely as an empty honour for weak sons of the nobility.183 Within a wider chronological framework, much attention has been given to the development of the worship of Roma 184 and the subsequent imperial cult. Here the discussion of inscriptions reveals two different modern approaches to the phenomenon of emperor worship. The first sees the honours granted to the emperor as part of a broad continuum of divine honours given to various special categories of men in the ancient world, within which the divine status of the emperor cannot be precisely defined. Thus, for example, L. Schumacher, in his interesting discussion of the honours decreed for a local notable at Herculaneum (some to have effect during his lifetime, others after his death) draws a close parallel with those given to the emperor, arguing that Greek hero cult and the Roman cult of the dead provided a basis for, and formed a continuum with, later imperial developments.185 The second approach stresses rather the precision and specificity of the honours granted to the emperor, almost in the sense of a code by which the status of the ruler (however problematic) was being defined as closely as possible. So S. Price's careful study of the exact wording of the Greek inscriptions referring to sacrifices to or on behalf of the emperor attempts to isolate his position within 'the series of overlapping systems of classification which constituted isotheoi timai '.186 Similarly C. Letta, in a study of a new inscription in which a man bequeathes to his vicus imagin(es) Caesarum argentias quinque, demonstrates the precise distinctions of honour inherent in different types of statue in different materials.187 Individual aspects of emperor worship have been illuminated by new inscriptions, especially from the eastern half of the empire. Two articles by G. Bowersock have considered new evidence for the cult on the margins of the Roman world, Palmyra and Nabataea,'88 while the assimilation of the cult to local circumstances is attested by a text from Stratonicaea-Hadrianopolis. There Hadrian appears not only as Olympios, but also as kynegesios, an epithet that may be related to a story of the emperor's success in boarhunting in the area.l89 Particular local traditions also underlie the early phases of the imperial cult at Aphrodisias, which may be seen to be partly founded upon an existing cult of Dea Roma, and partly on the specific relationship cultivated by Sulla and Caesar with Aphrodisian Aphrodite, the mother of Aeneas.'90 A yet earlier stage in Rome's religious links with the Greek world is illustrated by an important inscription from Chios, probably of the early second century B.C., which records a festival of Roma, and the erection of a monument representing the birth of Romulus and Remus. Although known for some years, the full text is now published for the first time in a readily accessible periodical.191 From the West, new discoveries relevant to the Imperial cult have not been so striking, although one might note the recognition of a provincial priest of Urbs Roma in Spain, holding office almost immediately after the establishment of the cult by Hadrian,192 and a fragment of a Julio-Claudian calendar from Spello (central Italy) which seems to record

183 Epigraphica 37 (I975) 84; it does not, however, appear certain that he should be identified with one of the Scipiones Asinae, as B. suggests. 184 E.g. C. Fayer, II culto della dea Roma; origine e diffusione nell'Impero (Collana di saggi e ricerche 9) (1976); note the book by Mellor cited in JRS 66 (1976) n. 44. 185 Chiron 6 (1976) I65. K. Tuchelt, Friihe Denkmdler Roms in Kleinasiens I, MDAI (I) Beiheft 23 (I979) is also apposite, especially where (57) he considers the form of inscriptions on statue bases of Republican and Augustan promagistrates, and demonstrates the growth of a tendency to associate their wives and families in the honours, as later in the imperial cult. 186 JRS 70 (1980) 28. 187 Athenaeum 56 (1978) 3188Palmyra: Chiron 6 (1976) 349, with a date of A.D. i66. Nabataea: Hommages Preaux (I975) 513. 189 W. Gawantka and M. Zahrnt, Chiron 7 (I977)

305, fully elucidated by L. Robert, BCH o02 (1978) 437. This kind of flexibility in cult practice is also attested by the continuing discovery of new titles and new combinations for worship; thus I. Nicolaou, RDAC (I976) 247, has re-examined a text from Cyprus to reveal a priest ton sebaston kai tes hieras sy[nklet]ou, a combination not previously attested on the island. 190J. M. Reynolds, PCPhS 206 (1980) 70. 191Full text given by Moretti, RFIC o8 (1980) 33, based on T. Sarikakis, Chiaka Chronika 7 (I975) 14; see also Bull. Ep. I980. 353. Some problems remain. The date accepted here is c. I90-188 B.C., although the third century has been suggested (e.g. N. Kontoleon, PAAH (I953) 270). The nature of the monument representing Romulus and Remus is also unclear; Sarikakis conceived of an inscribed narrative history, while Moretti favours an artistic representation. 192 D. Fishwick, Historia 24 (1975) 1I4.


I35 of the

western evidence include R. Duthoy's extensive discussion of the Augustales (in which, following von Premerstein, he identifies three basic groups, the seviri, Augustales, and seviri Augustales) 194and a useful survey by D. Fishwick of the present state of knowledge.195 Official state cult in imperial Rome and Italy has been illuminated by particularly rich new fragments of the Arval Acta for A.D. 38. Amongst much useful information, these confirm Beranger's theory that the foundation of the Ara Providentiae is to be directly related to the adoption of Tiberius, and disprove the usually accepted view that certain changes in the Arval records (notably a move towards fuller accounts of ritual) should be entirely ascribed to the influence of Domitian, the ' religious purist'; for the fragments of 38 detail the first day of the Dea Dia ceremonies, previously thought to be unrecorded before the Flavian period.196 As in previous years, however, most new information or new interpretations concern religion in the provinces, or' mystery' cults. In the field of Mithraism, in particular, epigraphic evidence has provided the basis for many current arguments on the origin and spread of the cult, and for attempts to find a replacement for Cumont's model of a linear development from Iran, through Anatolia, to Rome.197 Thus R. Gordon has re-examined the earliest datable Mithraic monuments from the West, in which he has seen certain links with scattered pieces of evidence from Anatolia, but links that are not sufficient on their own to account for the developed form of the western cult. This, he suggests, might have found its distinctive character in the legitimation of such diffuse Anatolian elements through the traditions of Zoroastrianism.o98 In a more limited compass, P. Beskow has studied the role of the personnel of the portorium in the transmission of the cult in the Danube regions, where Mithraism has characteristics different from those found either in Rome or in the East.'99 Another (apparently) ' mystery' cult, that of the Syrian sanctuary on the Janiculum, has been fully discussed by N. Goodhue, who demonstrates just how difficult it is to reconstruct any details of ritual activity from the surviving inscriptions. In fact, in this case, the epigraphic evidence alone gives no conclusive proof that the cult should rightly be described as a 'mystery' at all.200 On the boundaries of what is normally termed 'religion', a large number of curse tablets has been found at Uley in Gloucestershire, confirming the view that there are strong regional variations in the forms of expression used in such documents.20 Similar flexibility of formulae may be seen in a series of inscribed magical gems published by Wortmann. These may provide a useful corrective to a common supposition that such texts are entirely stereotyped, allowing little room for innovation.202 VIII Christianity The tendency to iconoclasm in work on Christian material, mentioned in the last survey, has continued. The Syrian at Lyons, mentioned last time as a possible Christian missionary,
193 L. Sensi, Athenaeum 55 (I977) 329, suggesting that the burial dates of the princes are commemorated; the more plausible case, proposing the celebration of their birthdays, is made by S. Priuli, Miscellanea (Tituli II, 198o) 47, with minor emendations to the restorations. 194Epigr. Stud. 11 (1976) 143; ANRW ii, x6. 2, See also P. Kneissel, Chiron o1 (I980) 291, 1254. for more adventurous suggestions on the functions of Augustales within the social structure of cities. 95ANRW II, I6. 2, I20o. 196J. Scheid and H. Broise, MEFR 92 (1980) 215. A smaller new fragment of the Acta for 53 is published by S. Panciera, RPAA 48 (1975/76) 279. G. Colonna, NSA 29 (I975) 37, has published fragments of two inscribed calendars from the region of Viterbo; the later is dated to the second century A.D., although it has commonly been assumed that (with the exception of S. Maria Maggiore) such texts did not extend so late. 197 The need for such revision is made clear by Pippidi's rereading and redating of the text recording

the birthdays of the elder Drusus, Gaius and Lucius.193

Notable broader treatments

the foundation of the temple of Mithras at Histria (Hommages Vermaseren (1978) 967). If P. is correct, this would reveal the full integration of the municipal tlite into the cult by the middle of the second century A.D., which is hardly compatible with the traditional view. 98JMS 2 (1977/78) I48. 99JYMS 3 (i980) I. 200 The Lucus Furrinae and the Syrian Sanctuary on the Janiculum (I975), also: Pacific Coast Philology 10 (I975) 29; RSA 9 (I979) 131 ; PP 34 (i979) 55. It is convincingly argued that the third phase of the sanctuary incorporated a ' mystery' cult, on the basis of the building remains; the characterization of the second phase depends almost entirely on the epigraphic evidence, even more difficult to interpret. 201M. W. C. Hassall and R. S. O. Tomlin, Britannia 10 (1979) 341; a further group of curses, from Bath, is to be published shortly. In the same area one may note L. Robert's recent study of funerary maledictions, CRAI (1978) 241. 202 BJ 175 (I975) 63.



and accepted as such by M. Guarducci,203 is probably rightly seen as a trader-with no evident Christian connections-by C. P. Jones.204 This interpretation, and a paper by Fr. Ferrua discounting much of the apparently early Christian material from Lyons,205 benefit from being presented in an imaginatively wide-ranging set of articles on the theme of the Martyrs of Lyons; the juxtaposition with general discussions of the secular circumstances adds value to the specifically Christian material. Christian inscriptions have also been usefully studied against the cultural background of a particular area in the case of Phrygia, where there has been important work on the funerary monuments by Elsa Gibson, among others.206 Some enigmas of vocabulary, and other aspects of Christian funerary inscriptions, have been elucidated in a series of exemplary articles by D. Feissel.207 The late H. I. Marrou commented-in a posthumously published article of great elegance-on the iconography and terminology of the funerary mosaic from Tipasa, cited in the last survey; he suggested that the Concordia which is invoked refers not so much to ecclesiastical schism, as to the kind of behaviour expected at the funerary banquet.208 I. Kajanto has looked at some general themes in funerary material, chiefly from Rome; 209 and J. H. Oliver has explained the phrase vixit in saeculo in a third century epitaph from Rome as referring to a woman's 'life in the world', before her conversion-thus making sense of the otherwise baffling numbers and dates in the inscription.210 The dating used in Christian inscriptions has been the subject of several studies ;211 it remains to consider why Christian material seems to show an increasing tendency to use dates. This shows a tendency towards the specific perhaps similar to the growing use of professional descriptions (below, p. 138 and n. 234). Both practices could reflect the style of church records; the use of professional descriptions can be compared with what we know of the records of Jewish communities. The meaning of the cryptogram XMF, which appeared to have been resolved by the exhaustive study of L. Tjader referred to in the last survey, has again been called into question by the publication, by B. Lifshitz, of an inscription from Sinai: K<(pl>)E'l(rlo)> Lifshitz argues that Tjader's resolution of X<pic-r6v) X(plo-r) M(apia> y(EvvrlTEis).212 M(apia> y(<vva) is thereby ' ebranlee sinon detruite'; but it may be that the search for a single resolution is misleading, and that, as use of the sign spread, differing interpretations grew up among those using it. IX Society and economy It has now been shown by many studies that inscriptional material, by itself, is an insufficient foundation for any firm arguments on fertility and mortality in the ancient world.213 Social questions of more limited compass, however, have been profitably dis203 MEFR 88 (1976) 843; the original publication by J. Pouilloux, JS (1975) 58. 204 In Les Martyrs de Lyon (177) (1978) I 9, and, better, in AJP 99 (1978) 336. 205 Les Martyrs de Lyon (I77), III. 206 Elsa Gibson, The Christians for Christians inscriptions of Phrygia (1978); also in GRBS I6 (1975) 433, and BASP 12 (i975) I5I. A. R. R. Sheppard has published a group of Christian epitaphs, AS 29 (1979) 169; see also his review of Gibson, CR 30 (i980) 314. L. Robert has examined the funerary imprecations characteristic of the pagan and Christian epitaphs of the area, CRAI (1978) 253; see also the study of the funerary monuments by M. Waelkens, Actes VIIe Congr. Epigr. (1979) 105. 207 Notes d'dpigraphie chrEtienne-chiefly, but not exclusively, on funerary material: BCH 100 (I976) 269; xlo (I977) 208; 102(1978) 545; 104(1980) 459. 08 AntAfr 14 (i979) 26x. 209 Arctos 10 (I976) 49, on representations of tools on funerary monuments; Arctos 12 (1978) 27, on descriptions of the after-life in poetry and inscriptions

31 (1978) 241; cf. id., ZPE 25 (1977) 282; I. Kajanto, on dating in inscriptions at Rome, Arctos ii (I977) 4 ; G. Alfoldy, on examples of dating by the lunar calendar, AArch Slov 28 (1977) 455. 212 L. Tjider, Eranos 22 (1970) 148; B. Lifshitz, Epigraphica 26 (I974) 97. 213 In general, recent studies have justified the scepticism of K. Hopkins (Population Studies 20 (I966) 245) and others. B. Boyaval, for example, suggests that apparent variations in mortality rates obtained from Greco-Roman funerary inscriptions in Egypt should be explained in terms of histoire de mentalitd, not of demography (ZPE 28 (I978) I93,
with ZPE

cf. also n. 211. 210 ZPE 33 (I979) 211

C. Foss, on the era of creation and its use, ZPE


Further problems are raised by M. Clauss, AntAfr 9 Iog, and R. P. Duncan-Jones, Chiron 7 (I975) (i977) 333, and ZPE 33 (1979) 169 (emphasizing the distortion inherent in tombstone age figures), while J. Aquilella Almer and others, AntAfr 9 (1975) xI5, present mathematical formulae for determining the validity of inscription samples; it is hard to assess the value of this exercise. A less critical approach towards epigraphic source material is still sometimes J. M. Lassere, Ubique populus (X977) adopted-e.g. -not entirely convincingly.



and ZPE

26 (I977)


I37 cussed on the basis of largely epigraphic evidence. So, for example, close study of nomenclature has proved a useful approach to such problems as the process of integration of native populations into Romanised society in the provinces; 214 while, in relation to more closely defined social groups, new discoveries have stimulated investigations which move away from numerical issues towards more general considerations of status and ideology. Here one might particularly note recent work on the position of women. This has ranged from detailed studies of female titulature,215 through discussions of female occupations,216to consideration of such broad problems as the possibilities of social and political advancement for women within ancient urban communities; for some striking new texts commemorate women as public figures and major benefactors of cities both in the East, and, perhaps more surprisingly, in the West. E. Schwertheim and M. Seve have, independently, published a lengthy document of the first century A.D. from Cyzicus, which records lavish honours decreed in memory of a certain Apollonis; these included the erection of her statue at the office of the kosmophylax, and instructions that it should be crowned by all those registering their marriage there.217 Also in Asia Minor, a new inscription from Tlos gives information about a woman benefactor who provided a fund for corn distribution, and made arrangements for its future administration; 218 while from Spain we have evidence of a woman who paid for the erection of baths in her city, gave games and a banquet at their dedication, and made provision for their future upkeep.219 The particular problem with all these documents is to assess how far they represent women emerging from their traditional roles, or how far they should be seen as the public celebration of a woman's function well within the traditional confines. The latter view is certainly suggested by many details of the texts from Asia Minor, where the virtues singled out for praise are essentially female ones (s6phrosyne rather than philotimia or the like) and the public role of the women still appears dependent on traditional domestic concerns (as, for example, in the involvement of the statue of Apollonis in the marriage ceremony).220 Such conventional qualities of womanhood are, of course, more clearly documented in the well-known Laudatio Turiae, recently re-edited by E. Wistrand; the new commentary accompanying the text draws out the ideology underlying the document, and the inherent assumptions about the woman's role within marriage.221 A rare and striking activity for women is attested in a recently re-assembled inscription from Ostia, which is now seen to record a display of female gladiators, a type of entertainment for which there is no other epigraphic evidence from the western half of the empire.222 Generally, however, recent studies in this area have focussed on better known forms of amusement. From the Greek East new or previously unrecognized male gladiators
214 It is impossible to list here all the important contributions in this area; but, for an indication of the range of problems illustrated by onomastic study, note N. Duval (ed.), L'onomastique latine (I977)papers of the colloquium on onomastics held in 1975 -and D. M. Pippidi (ed.) Actes VIIe Congr. Epigr. (1979). One major section of the congress was devoted to onomastics. 215 B. Holtheide, ZPE 38 (I980) 127, considers the title femina stolata, and shows that it was not a way of referring to the ius trium liberorum, but was commonly used in the third century A.D. for wives of centenarii or ducenarii. Honestafemina is discussed by Z. Benzina Ben-Abdullah and L. Ladjimi Sebai, AntAfr t (1977) I6I. 216 S. Treggiari, AJAH i (1976) 76, discusses the range of 'indoor employment' for female urban slaves. This is to be related to her earlier study, PBSR 30 (1975) 48, of jobs for both male and female slaves and liberti in the household of Livia, based largely on the memorial plaques from the monumentum Liviae. 217 E. Schwertheim, ZPE 29 (1978) z23, and (preferably) M. Seve, BCH I03 (I979) 327. 218 Ch. Naour, ZPE 24 (I977) 265; probablymidsecond century A.D. 219 P. Resina Sola and M. Pastor Mufioz, Zephyrus 28-29 (1978) 333; the name of the city, Tagilitana, was previously unknown. 220 The problem is treated more generally by R. MacMullen, Historia 29 (1978) 208, drawing on a wide range of epigraphic evidence from the whole empire. It will be fully discussed in a thesis currently being prepared by Miss H. C. Van Bremen (University College London), to whom we are grateful for drawing attention to the examples from Asia Minor. 221 E. Wistrand, The so-called Laudatio Turiae (x976). Note, for example, the function of the wife as custos (39-40). This edition is the first to incorporate the fragment AJA 54 (I950) 223, and the first to provide a complete photographic record of the Albani tablets. W. firmly restates the opinion of M. Durry (Eloge funiebred'une matrone romaine, (1950)) that the husband is not a consular, an argument not met by the discussion of A. E. Gordon, Epigraphica 39 (I977) 7. (Thanks are due to N. M. Horsfall for discussion of these points.) 222 M. Cebeillac-Gervasoni and F. Zevi, MEFR 88 (I976) 612 (but note errors in the published texte.g. ludus for ludos-which must be compared closely Female gladiators have with the photographs). previously been attested in the East, but, until now, have only been known in the West through literary texts, or by implication, as above, p. 126. For women in other agonistic contexts see, for example, L. Robert, RA (1978) 277; lines 42-44 record a woman owner of a victorious two horse chariot.




continue to be discussed,223 and P. Sabbatini Tumolesi has produced a full study of the announcementsof gladiatorial shows at Pompeii; she gives particularattention to the role of the urban elite in providing such entertainment,and reveals the effect on later shows of the riot in 59.224 Both East and West have also produced agonistic texts, but of widely differing styles. From Spain, a crude bronze tablet records the celebration of ludi in a while more lavish documents from Asia Minor present complete victor lists, pagus,225 which, from the second half of the second centuryB.C., show the full participationof resident Romans and their families.226 The evidence for games associated with organizationsof iuveneshas been assembled by M., Jaczynowska,within a larger study of such groups in the early empire.227 Recent epigraphic discoveries may warn us against adopting too rigid an approach to the titulature (and hence status) of freedmen. So, for example, a new text published by S. Pancierarecordsa man who possessesboth the standardfiliationof a freeborncitizenM(arci) f(ilius)-and the conventional marks of slave origin-Flacci libertus; Panciera suggests that adoption might lie behind this ambiguity, but certainty is impossible.228 W. Eck, on the other hand, has edited a strange document where libertine status is stressed within the titulature of four freedmen by the reduplicationof the element l(ibertus). This was perhaps to distinguish a group of libertifrom their patrona, who was herself an exslave.229At least within the familia Caesaristhe position is clearer. Here one might point to a useful catalogue of precisely dated texts concerning imperial slaves and freedmen,230 and the first complete attestationof a libertusof Galba.231 Some of the most interesting interpretative work in this area has been concerned with manumission documents from the Greek world. Thus Hopkins has re-examined the Delphic texts from the second and first centuries B.C.,drawing conclusions on the circumstances of individual slaves and the size of slave holdings, and suggesting an increase in the degree of exploitation in the forms of manumission over the period concerned.232 New examples of this kind of document continue to be found, but the majorityof the most recent have not yet been subjected to full examination.233 Important new discoveries have focussed attention on the working side of ancient life, and particularlythe evidence for trades. Outstanding among these finds are the funeraryinscriptionsfrom the necropolisat Tyre, of which about 8o recordthe occupation of the deceased; the great majorityare late antique, and the group may be paralleledwith the similar series from Korykos.234 In addition, isolated discoveries have increased our knowledge of the range of occupations and the degree of specializationachieved in antiquity.235 Most are interesting not so much intrinsically,as for the place which they may
223 L. Robert, BCH 102 (I978) 4 1; D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, ArchEph (1977) 76. 224 Gladiatorum Paria, Annunci di spettacoli gladiatori a Pompeii (Tituli i, 1980). She has also produced detailed studies of gladiatorial texts from other parts of Italy, e.g. AIV 133 (1975) 435. 225 M. Beltran Lloris, XIV Congresso Nacional de Arqueologia (1 977) io6x. 226 D. Knoepfler, BCH 103 (I979) 165; L. Robert, art. cit., n. 222. 227Les associations de la jeunesse romaine sous le haut-empire (1978). 228 NSA 29 (I975) 224. 229 ZPE 36 (I979) 224. 230 P. R. C. Weaver, Epigr. Stud. 11 (1976) 215. 231 See above, n. 5i. 232 Conquerorsand Slaves (2978) I33. 233Amongst new documents published: K. I. Gallis, Arch. Delt. 27 (2972) 4I8; 28 (I973) 327; Note the discussions of B. 29 (I973174) 580o. longer Helly, which include treatment of texts of Roman date, BCH 99 (I975) 119; Phoenix 30 (1976) 143. 234J. P. Rey-Coquais, Inscriptions ... ddcouvertes dans lesfouilles de Tyr (I963-74) I: Inscriptions de la necropole (BMB 29) (1977), with a summary of the important finds in RA ( 979) I66; cf. Bull. Ep. 1978. For the inscriptions from the necropolis at 522. Korykos see MAMA 2m2. 200-788. Such specificity

in the designation of trades on tombstones seems to be largely (although not exclusively) a feature of Christian inscriptions; see above, p. 136. 236Among new texts recording individual trades note: othoniopratis (linen merchant), S. Mitchell, AS 27 ( 977) 98; neg(otiator) artis clostrariae (maker of, dealer in doorbolts) Gallia 34 (1976) 367; mulophisi[kos] (vet) R. P. Wright, Britannia 8 (1977) 279; mouli6n (miller), [m]akellarios (meat seller) and others from late antique Corinth, D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, ArchEph (1977) 6i. Amongst corporations note: to synergion ton en te seitik[e] dmophoron (porters in the corn market), L. Robert, BCH I0o (1977) 88 (with G. Petzl, Talanta 8-9 (1977) 94, and Bull. Ep. 1978.408); hesynodos teskutikis (sic) (leather workers), he synergasia ton gnapheon (fullers) and he synergasia t6n pilopoion (felt hat makers?) among a series of second century A.D. funerary inscriptions erected by corporations at Saittai in Lydia, S. BakirBarthel and H. Muller, ZPE 36 (1979) x63. In new discussions of previously published material, Z. Borkowski identifies a hydromiktes as a man who sold wine mixed with water, ZPE 21 (1976) 75 ; L. Robert considers the exact functions of xylikarioi (carpenters), o.c. below, n. 238, 3I7; C. Foss discusses the status of workers in the Sardis arms factories in the late empire, ZPE 35 (I979) 279.

I39 take within larger groups, and broader debates on economic activity. One might note, however, a late Roman epitaph, from Ankara, of a man who was both a goldsmith and a kamilaris;236 this combination makes it likely that he was the owner rather than the driver of the camels, and should alert us to the possibility that named occupations were not always as low-level as we might tend to assume. Also in Asia Minor, from an earlier period of the empire, L. Robert has related two trades which are epigraphically attested for the first time-xyloglyphos (wood sculptor) and schedionautes (raftsman)-to particular local geographic and economic conditions: in this case, the wealth of timber around Nicomedia.237 This is a constant theme in his work on the inscriptions of the Greek East, and can most interestingly illuminate minor regional differences that are often overlooked.238 A broader view of this kind of evidence is represented by various interpretative studies. Both Hopkins and Patlagean have examined the trade inscriptions from Korykos, and have stressed the prominence, among productive occupations, of luxury and textile industries. The latter (with leather working) account for over 16% ( =68 men) of the jobs represented.239 A similar study by Rey-Coquais of the new documents from Tyre has confirmed the prominence of the purple industry there; it accounts for about 20% of the occupations named, and is heavily represented on the more lavish tombs.240 Synthetic studies have also focussed on individual industries, where, again, the area of textiles has received particular attention with Moeller's monograph on the wool-trade at Pompeii.241 In relation to brick production, however, interest has moved away from the functioning and personnel of the 'industry ', a shift due largely to T. Helen's demonstration that the domini of the brickstamps were simply the owners of the land in which the claypits lay, and not the manufacturers themselves.242 So, on this basis, P. Setiila has attempted to use the evidence of the stamps for a study of patterns of land-holding around Rome in the early empire.243 Land-holding patterns are studied more broadly in a recent article applying the Lorenz curve, and other techniques, to land-registers from various parts of the empire.244 In a regional study, I. S. Svencickaja discusses land-holding in Asia, including the evidence of the Magnesia land-register.245 Plot-sizes in the Vespasianic land-survey at Arausio have also been analysed.246 D. Flach has re-examined the African imperial estate inscriptions in detail.247 A new inscription from an estate in Tunisia shows a conductorfundi Aufidiani, who increased the density of olive and vine cultivation.248 A villa inscription from Liguria contains a list of small payments which possibly form part of a rent-roll; they range from
I6 to 30 nummi.249


An agrarian basis for Trajan's alimenta in Italy is suggested by E. Lo Cascio, reviving a familiar thesis in a modified form. He argues that the alimenta did have the dual purpose of promoting demographic and agrarian recovery; that variations in loan-rates within the epigraphic registers were meaningful; and that the concentration of the alimenta at towns towards the centre of Italy may have been connected with the provisioning of Rome. A more economical view of the underlying purpose suggests that the alimenta took the form of land-based foundations (in which they resembled many private perpetual gifts) only
236 S. Mitchell, AS 27 (1977) 97. This text also provides new information on the domestic or commercial use of camels in Anatolia in antiquity, for it had been commonly thought that they were not found there until the eleventh century. 237 BCH 102 (1978) 413. 238 See, most recently, A travers FAsie Vlineure (1980). ' 239 K. Hopkins, Economic Growth and Towns in Classical Antiquity,' in P. Abrams and E. A. Wrigley (eds.), Towns in Societies (1978) 7i; E. Patlagean. Pauvrete economique et pauvrete sociale a Byzance, 4e-7e siecles (1977) I56.
242 T. Helen, Organization of Roman brick production in the first and second centuries A.D. (I975). 243 P. Setala, Private domini in Roman brickstamps of the empire (I977); but on this, and Helen, see the review by N. Purcell, below, p. 2I4. An excellent treatment of the chronology of the urban figlinae is given by M. Steinby, BCAR 84 (1974/75) 7, who also provides a useful introduction to the whole subject in her survey, Ziegelstempel von Rom und Umgebung, RE Supp. xv (1978) 1489. For the raw materials of brickstamps, note the appearance of Lateres Signati Ostienses I and ii (1977-78), ed. J. Suolahti. 244 R. P. Duncan-Jones, in M. I. Finley (ed.) Studies in Roman Property (1976) 7.

Moeller, The Wool Trade of Ancient Pompeii see R. P. Duncan-Jones, CR 29 (1979) (I976)-but Note also V. Nutton, PBSR 32 (1977) I91 i90. (doctors), and a useful collection of texts on banking, R. Bogaert, Texts on bankers, banking and credit in the Greek world (Epigraphica 3) (1976).

241 W.

240 Ktema 4 (I979)


245 Eirene

A. Pelletier, Latomus 35 (1976) 582. Chiron 8 (1978) 441. 248J. Peyras, AntAfr 9 (1975) i8i.

5 (1977)


AE 1976. 229

ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS I976-80 140 because there was no other safe mechanism of perennial funding.250 S. Mrozek argues, from a well-known sportula foundation of the 23os at Ostia that inflation cannot have been anticipated or experienced at that time; 251 this inference is fragile, however, since the better documentation of recent centuries allows us to see that perpetual endowments in great numbers were being set up in England throughout the period of the so-called' Price Revolution '.52 Recent work on municipal gifts also includes F. Jacques' ingenious study of delayed gifts in African cities; he suggests a specific connection between the regular habit of increasing the value of an original cash promise to the city, and the legislation of Antoninus Pius, by which interest might be charged on gifts made in arrear.253 This seems convincing in a number of cases, although interest, if charged, would probably have been compound rather than simple. Hadrian's letter about money-changing at Pergamum is the subject of a new commentary.254 Our knowledge of Diocletian's Price Edict continues to grow rapidly. Major new finds at Aphrodisias and Aezani have added valuable information. The Aezani text, after an erratic first publication, has appeared in a greatly improved edition with a commentary; 255 important new sections include the price for slaves (xxII) and a clear version at last of the figure for gold (72,000 denarii per pound, xxvII). Other new copies of parts of the Edict have been found at Tamynai and Aidepsos in Achaea.256 Part of chapter xx of the Edict found at Odessos, comes from a province not previously known to have been subject to the Edict (Upper Moesia).257 The Edict expresses the price of foodstuffs in castrensis measure in almost all cases. New metrological work shows that the castrensis modius contained I3-Il Italic modii, not 2 Italic modii as previously thought; the unit in the Edict is probably I? Italic modii.258 The inscription on the Domitianic corn-measure from Hadrian's Wall now becomes intelligible without recourse to the assumption that the text was deliberately fraudulent.259 Other work on prices includes a critique of the very low prices for olive oil deduced by Tenney Frank from amphora inscriptions, which shows that Frank's figures are much at variance with other evidence for oil prices.260 An intriguing funerary inscription from Rome gives the price of an ossuarium as 175 denarii; 261 it is inscribed on a finely carved stele in the shape of a portico and frieze with two inset portrait busts. Although 175 denarii is the only construction cost given, it does not seem possible that this figure can be the cost of the stele itself; even statue-bases, with a minimal cost of workmanship, cost nearly as much at little Numidian towns, where prices are almost bound to have been below those at Rome.262 Pottery-based studies of trade continue to produce interesting results. In one of the most important recent articles, D. Manacorda examines the Sestius amphorae of the second and first centuries B.C.263He notes that, although most finds are in Gaul, Cosa is the southernmost point at which the marque occurs; that all known variants save one are attested there; and that Cosa has a larger bulk of Sestius stamps than any other single site. The social and economic status of potters in Roman Italy is examined by C. Delplace; their status 250E. Lo Cascio, RAL8 33 (1978) 3I1; R. P. Duncan-Jones, Economy of the Roman Empire ( 974) chapter 7. For the administration of the alimenta, see now W. Eck (above, n. 0o4), chapter 5. 251 AArchSlov 28 (1977) 406, on CIL XIV.431. For an extended discussion of Italian foundations, see J. Andreau, Ktema 2 (1977) 157. Some new examples have been published: see Sesta Miscellanea (1978) 384; 463; 472, showing funds of 20,000, 6,ooo and 2,000 sesterces, the last being exceptionally early Cf. W. K. Jordan, The Charities of London I480(196o); The Charities of Rural England I480i66o (I961). 263AntAfr 9 (X975) 159. Promises might also be increased even when there was no delay; see now BAA 5 (197 /74) I x, an aedile at Timgad who doubled the amount of a promise and executed it within the year of his office, under Antoninus Pius. 254 OGIS 484; A. D. Macro, GRBS 17 (x976) 169. 255Aphrodisias: K. T. Erim, J. M. Reynolds, JRS 63 (i973) 99; J. M. Reynolds, ZPE 33 (X979) 46. Aezani: M. H. Crawford, J. M. Reynolds, ZPE

26 (I977) 125; 34 (I979) I63.


(A.D. 43). I66o

Mihailov, Stele (Festschrift Kontoleon) (198o) I47. 258 R. P. Duncan-Jones, ZPE z2 (1976) 53. The capacity of the sex(tarium) I measure published by M. Gabri6evi6 is o.818 1., that is, i} Italic sextarii (ArchIug 15 (1977) 42). 259Duncan-Jones, ibid., 6I; cf. F. Haverfield, ArchAel I33 (I9I6) 85. Some equivalences between Roman and local corn-measures have been found in the Bu Ngem ostraca. The new measures all appear to equal 3 modii (R. Marichal, o.c., n. 158). 260 T. Frank, AJP 57 (1936) 87; D. Colls and others, L'L6pave Port-Vendres II (Archaeonautica I, I977) 97, also suggesting emendations which reconcile the weights stated on amphorae with actual weights in Dressel, nos. 10o, 104, 99, 0o6-7 (p. 84).



Duncan-Jones (n. 250), ch. III, nos. 3923 (ioo and 125 denarii), and Appendix 8.
263 RS 68 (1978)

261 P. Pensabene, 262 Cf.


86 (I978/79)




was generally low even where units of production were large.264 R. Gu6ry studies the import of Gallo-Roman pottery into Algeria between A.D. 20 and I2o.265 The finds are located at coastal sites, mainly in ancient Mauretania. The number of stamps reaches an absolute peak of 190 types late in Nero's reign (60-65); import from Gaul has declined sharply by ioo, and disappears completely by 120. J. R. Rodriguez documents oil production at La Catria, in the valley of the Guadalquivir between Seville and Cordoba, using the stamps that appear on about half the second-century amphorae from that source.266 Epigraphic evidence for trade between Britain and the Rhine provinces is the subject of an interesting study by M. Hassall.267 Mining in Spain is examined by D. Flach, who re-edits the Lex metalli Vipascensis.268 Some tin-ingots have been found in a wreck in French waters; they bear the name of L. Vale(rius) Aug. l(ib.) a com(mentariis), perhaps a freedman of Messalina's father. The ship's main cargo was Spanish oil.269 X Arts and Learning There continues to be a tendency for art-historians and epigraphists to work along parallel lines without communicating with one another; the exceptions serve to demonstrate how useful such communication can be. M. Le Glay has republished the dedicatory inscription of an ivory Eros from Timgad, and identified it as a copy of a lost work by Pheidias.270 U. Kron, in her publication of a statue from Rome, has included a useful discussion of the inscriptions which appear on the plinths of statues, with some helpful technical observations;271 there is certainly scope for more work by epigraphists in this field. G. Waurick has studied the epigraphic evidence for the plunder and re-use of works of art by the Roman generals of the Republic, expecially L. Mummius.272 Some of this booty went to decorate the Aedes Herculis Musarum, whose possible connection with the collegiumpoetarum has been discussed by N. M. Horsfall, in an article in which he re-examines the problems presented by the reference to such a college in the inscription AE i959. i47.273 Perhaps the most striking recent contribution to literary history is M. Guarducci's publication of the wall-paintings and explanatory graffiti of a Roman house at Assisi, with the suggestion that this is the house of Propertius, which later became a place of literary pilgrimage, domus musae.274 Epigraphic evidence for literary activity is of particular value for the second and third centuries A.D., from which relatively few works have survived. An interesting example of such work is provided by the fragment of a Greek poem, with Stoic overtones, found at Artena, near Rome, and perhaps to be ascribed to the sophist Aelian of Praeneste (late second-early third century).275 M. Guarducci has republished the inscriptions, from Ostia and Rome, of Aelian's contemporary, L. Septimius Nestor of Laranda (Lycaonia); she restores IG xiv. i809 (a fragment which must once have accompanied a bust of the poet) as referring to Nestor as ' the new Nestor '-i.e., of Pylos.276 L. Robert has recently examined the use of such expressions, and, in particular, the title 'new Homer ', applied to a poet from Side-Aelius Paionwho, as he demonstrates, apparently accompanied Hadrian to Egypt in 130, and inscribed a couplet on the Colossus of Memnon; 277 the career and date of Julius Nicanor-called 'new Homer and new Themistocles ' by the Athenians-have also been discussed.278 A set of inscriptions erected by a poet from Mytilene, M. Pompeius Ethicus, have been republished and elucidated by L. Robert.279
265 AntAfr 13 (1979) 22. 266 AEA 50 (1977) 87. 267 du Plat


3 (i978) 55.

J. Taylor (ed.), Roman shipping and trade: Britain and the Rhine armies (CBA Research 9 399. 269D. Colls (1979) and others, Gallia 33 (1975) 6i; see also n. 26o above. 270 AntAfr 14 (1979) 129. 2n JDAI 92 (I977) i39. 272 JRGZ ( 975) i; L. Mummius' activities in this sphere are also considered by L. Pietilai-Castren, Arctos 12 (1978) xi5. 273 BICS 23 (1976) 79.
Report 24, 1978) 4I. 268 Chiron

274MAL8 23 (I979) 269. Recent work on the careers of Suetonius and Juvenal is discussed above, p. 129 and nn. 124-9. 275L. Moretti, Scritti... Zambelli (I978) 251. 276 Epigraphica 39 (I977) i3. Philae, see Hommages Vermaseren (1978), 994. 278 E Kapetanopoulos, RF 104 (1976) 376, suggests that Nicanor was active in the reign of Nero, but C. P. Jones, Phoenix 32 (2978) 222, argues for an Augustan date; this appears preferable, since it is not then necessary to argue that Athens lost Salamis -which was gained for her by Nicanor-between the time of Strabo and the reign of Nero. 279 Stele (n. 257) I.
277 Stele (n. 257) io.

For traces of other tourists,




An outstanding example of the value of epigraphic (and numismatic) material in enhancing understandingof literarytexts is provided by L. Robert's discussion of several passages of Lucian; 280 and such material is also profitablyused in C. P. Jones' study of Dio Chrysostom.281 S. Follet's fundamental work on the history and prosopographyof Athens in the second and third centurieshas alreadyimproved our understandingof events in the life of Herodes Atticus and his circle, and many more such discoveries seem likely to flow from this source.282L. Roberthas used the style of funeraryimprecationsemployed by students of Herodes to illuminate attitudes in this circle; particularlystriking is his demonstration of 'la penetration monotheiste juive dans l'intelligentsia fortunee de la
Grece meme '283

Athens was alwaysthe capitalof institutionalisedphilosophy; J. H. Oliverhas recently examined the diadocheat Athens under the empire, showing, among other things, that by the end of the second century this meant the headship of the Academy.284An inscription from Rome refers to a Stoic diadochos of Posidonius; L. Moretti suggests that it accompanied a bust of Athenodorus 'the bald', the teacher of Augustus.285 The proud title of ' successor' could also be used in humbler, provincialschools; a young man from Ankara
was buried by his brothers KaraCicoevTESSiacotoxis-they

as head of the local school of philosophy.286 The most substantial epigraphic contribution to the study of ancient philosophy continues to come from the investigations at Oenoanda, from which a large number of new fragments of the great Epicureandocument have been published.287 The suggestion that the inscription formed part of a basilica has been dismissed; and A. S. Hall has presentedsome interestingnew materialfrom the site in a discussion of the prosopography of Oenoanda,setting out the possibilities for identifying the philosopher Diogenes among the prominentfamilies of the city.288 Philosophy tended increasinglyto overlap with magic, and perhaps particularlyin the provinces. A young man whose funeraryepigram(from the museum at Bursa)has recently been published, was enabled by his skill in 'Pythagorean learning' to foresee his own death.289 On the border-line between philosophy and magic stands Apollonius of Tyana, who is honoured in an extremely interesting epigram from Cilicia -Tarsus or Aegae; the inscription, which is not earlier than the third century, should perhaps be associated with the endeavoursof pagans in the later fourth century to reassertthemselves in the face of the spread of Christianity.290
XI Varia

had apparently inherited his place

The topography of Rome continues to be elucidated-or, in some cases, to shift. but importantnew E. Rodriguez-Almeidahas continued his work on the Forma Urbis,291 less from also come for the the of can evidence obviously topographicalsources. city lay-out
280 281 The Roman world of Dio Chrysostom (1978); Dio's life and career provide a helpful framework within which to present aspects of the life of the Asia Minor in generalcities of Bithynia-and under the empire. The cultural life and interests of another city-Pompeii-are unusually illuminated in a study of the graffiti by M. Gigante, Civiltd della forme letterarie nell'antica Pompei (1979). 282 S. Follet, Athenes au IIe et au lIIe siecle (1976); REG go (1977) 47; further L. Robert, AJP Ioo (1979) I60. 283CRAI (1978) 241, and especially 245-52. For some other observations on the Athenian intelligentsia under the empire, see C. P. Jones, Phoenix 32 (1978) 228 (Serapion the Stoic); 231 (dedications by Aelius Aristides).

421 on Alexander or the false prophet.

O.c. above, n. 238, 393-492, particularly 393-

285RF 104 (1976) 191. 286Bull. Ep. 1978. 491, interpreting S. Mitchell, AS 27 (1977) 8x, no. 12. 287 By M. F. Smith: 55 new fragments in AS 28

284 AJP

98 (I977)


(I978) 39, and 8 in AS 29 (1979) 69; see also ltudes sur l'epicurisme antique (1976), 279; Acta Xth Congr. Class. Arch (1978) 841; and, on the history of the discovery of the inscription, BCH IoI (1977) 353, 288 Basilica: D. Clay, AJP 99 (1978) 120, shows that the fragmentary reference to basili[k. .. alludes to the ' sovereign remedy' of Epicurean doctrines; Prosopography: A. S. Hall, JHS 99 (1979) i6o. 289 S. *ahin, Hommages Vermaseren (1978) 998; for inscriptions recording a circle of philosophers in the area, id., ZPE 24 (I977) 257. 290 The inscription, in the Adana museum, was copied and published by G. Dagron and J. MarcilletJaubert, Belleten 42 (1978) 402, no. 33, and, independently, by E. L. Bowie, ANRW ii, i6. 2, 1687. Bowie suggests that the stone may well have formed the architrave of a shrine or heroon. The epigram is discussed in detail by C. P. Jones, JHS 1oo (1980) 190, giving strong arguments for a fourth century date. MEFR 89 (i977) 91 BCAR 82 (1970/71) I05; 219; RPAA 48 (1975/76) 263.




So, for example, a military diploma allows the aerariummilitareto be firmly located on the Capitol,292 while the new section of the Arval Acta for 38 mentions statuae consulares on the Capitol, and sites the Ara Providentiaeon the Campus Agrippae.293This serves furtherto confirmCoarelli'sview that, duringthe Augustanperiod, the Gardensof Agrippa and the Campus Martius were the crucial areas (a ' laboratorio sperimentale') in the developmentof new forms of urban planning, closely relatedto the ideology of the imperial house. Also within the context of Rome, D. Manacordahas studied a group of minor funerary monuments which, through close attention to decorative detail, he can identify as the workof one officina in the Julio-Claudianperiod, probablybased on the Via Appia.294 Not only does this have implicationsfor the manufacturingprocess that lies behind these inscriptions,but it also opens up the possibilities of much closer dating for a range of texts whose chronologyis at present somewhat fluid. From all over the empire, new inscriptions provide charming (or more often not so charming) vignettes of ancient life. So, a delightful, but not yet fully comprehensible document from Chalcis (Euboea) seems to record the exploits of an acrobat (?) who performed fifty-five kykloi (pirouettes? cartwheels?) in the theatre of Dionysus.295 Such immediately striking items, however, more frequently present a bleaker picture: if not then unpleasantforms of death-an unspecifiedviolent end for a man in the obscenity,296 or the fall from a cliff of a little girl in Africa.298Perhaps a happier delate Republic,297 partureis recordedfor a young man from Ephesus, who expired after drinkingtoo much
unmixed wine!299

NewnhamCollege,Cambridge King's CollegeLondon Gonvilleand Caius College,Cambridge UniversityCollegeLondon

S. Dusanic, Germania 56 (I978) 46I. Scheid and Broise, o.c., above, n. I96. The editors suggest that these statues represent Caligula and Claudius as consuls; but this seems uncertain. 294Un'officina lapidaria sulla via Appia: studio archeologico sull'epigrafia sepolcrale d'etd giulioclaudio in Roma (I980) See review, below, p. 231. 295ArchDelt 29 (1973/74) 505. 296 A new obscenity from Numidia, J. Marcillet293 292

Jaubert, Epigraphica 37 (1975) 153. For elucidation of CIL x. 4483, and the obscene sense of gelasini (dimples), see F. Galli, QuadUrb 27 (1978) 195; for obscenities discussed in a political context, see above, n. 44. 97V. Saladino, Prometheus 3 (1977) 179. 298 S. Lancel, AntAfr x6 (i980) 154. 299 A. K. Choremis, ArchDelt 28 (1973) 300; C. Meillier, ZPE 38 (I980) 98.

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