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Automatic Emoction Regulation During Anger Provocation

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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 698711 www.elsevier.


Automatic emotion regulation during anger provocation

Iris B. Mauss a,, Crystal L. Cook b, James J. Gross b

Department of Psychology, University of Denver, 2155 South Race Street, Denver, CO 80208, USA b Jordan Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Received 16 December 2005; revised 27 July 2006 Available online 20 September 2006

Abstract Individuals frequently have to regulate their emotions, especially negative ones, to function successfully. However, deliberate emotion regulation can have signiWcant costs for the individual. Are there less costly ways to achieve emotion regulatory goals? In two studies, we test the hypothesis that more automatic types of emotion regulation might provide the beneWts of deliberate emotion regulation without the costs. Study 1 introduces a priming technique that manipulates automatic emotion regulation. Using this priming technique, we show that relative to priming emotion expression, priming emotion control leads to less anger experience in response to a laboratory anger provocation. Study 2 examines the experiential and physiological consequences of automatic emotion regulation. Results suggest that relative to priming emotion expression, priming emotion control reduces negative emotion experience without maladaptive cardiovascular responding. Together, these Wndings suggest that automatic emotion regulation may provide an eVective means of controlling powerful negative emotions. 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Emotion regulation; Control; Anger; Experience; Priming; Physiology; Automatic emotion regulation

Introduction Emotional impulses, especially potentially destructive ones such as anger, regularly present us with the question of how we ought to respond to them. Should we openly express them or attempt to control them? On the one hand, frequent expression of anger has costs for individuals wellbeing, social functioning, and physical health (Baumeister & Exline, 2000; Booth-Kewley & Friedman, 1987; Mayer & Salovey, 1995; Tavris, 1984), suggesting that it is important to regulate negative emotions. On the other hand, emotion regulation often seems to come at a price for individuals well-being, social and cognitive functioning, and even physical health (e.g., Bonanno, Papa, Lalande, Westphal, &
This research was supported by Grant MH58147 to the last author. The authors thank Serena Borja, Jennifer Cheng, Tania Davila, Rebecca Ray, Frank Wilhelm, Chien-Ying Yu, Robert Zajonc, and members of the Stanford Psychophysiology Laboratory for their help with this research. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (I.B. Mauss).

Coifman, 2004; Gross & John, 2003; Muraven, Tice, & Baumeister, 1998; Polivy, 1998), suggesting that emotion regulation may not be a satisfactory solution either. Ideally, there would be a way for individuals to exert the emotion control that they need without paying a price. Is that possible? One way to address this question is to re-examine how emotion regulation has been conceptualized in the past. Thus far, interest in emotion regulation has centered principally on deliberate, response-focused emotion regulation (e.g., Bonanno et al., 2004; Gross & Levenson, 1997; Muraven et al., 1998; Wegner, Erber, & Zanakos, 1993), whose costs may arise from the conscious eVort involved in suppressing emotion-related responses. Less attention has been given to automatic (largely unconscious) regulatory processes such as those involved in overlearned habits or culturally transmitted norms (e.g., Cohen, 1997; Fitzsimons & Bargh, 2004; Gollwitzer, 1999). This is unfortunate, because such automatic regulatory processes might operate with less cost to the individual, as they are executed relatively eVortlessly, and might thus provide a solution to the dilemma of how

0022-1031/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2006.07.003

I.B. Mauss et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 698711


negative emotional impulses can be managed. However, at present, only correlational evidence is available to support this hypothesis (Jackson et al., 2003; Mauss, Evers, Wilhelm, & Gross, 2006). In the present studies, we use an experimental manipulation to test whether automatic emotion regulation is an eVective means of reducing anger. Because the literatures on emotion regulation (e.g., Davidson, Jackson, & Kalin, 2000; Gross, 1998; Thompson, 1994) and on automaticity (e.g., Bargh, 1994) are both fraught with conceptual complexities (e.g., Cole, Martin, & Dennis, 2004; Gross, 1998), it is essential to clarify our terms at the outset. We use the term emotion regulation to refer to the modiWcation of any aspect of an emotional response, including experience, physiology, and expressive behavior (cf. Eisenberg & Spinrad, 2004; Goldsmith & Davidson, 2004; Gross, 1998; Gross & John, 2003). In the present context, our focus is on processes that reduce one or more aspects of emotion. Automatic emotion regulation includes two types of processes: Wrst, implicitly (largely unconsciously) represented ideas or goals that individuals have regarding emotion regulation, and, second, automatic (largely unconscious and eVortless) emotion regulation behaviors that individuals engage in during emotional situations (cf. Bargh & Chartrand, 2000; Bargh, Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, & Troetschel, 2001). It is likely that emotion regulation goals prompt emotion regulation behavior (e.g., Bargh et al., 2001; Shah & Kruglanski, 2003). However, because this cannot be presumed, we empirically test whether our priming manipulation is associated with observable responses to an emotional situation. To set the stage for our studies, we Wrst review the repressive coping literature and the automaticity literature which, as we will see, oVer contradictory perspectives on the likely impact of automatic emotion regulation. This review suggests a number of limitations in the existing research that make it diYcult to come to Wrm conclusions about the consequences of automatic emotion regulation. These limitations motivate two studies, in which we experimentally manipulate automatic emotion regulation using a priming technique, and then assess aVective responses during an experimental anger provocation. Results from these studies raise the intriguing possibility that automatic emotion control relative to emotion expression leads to eVective reduction of feelings of anger but is not accompanied by the experiential cost of negative emotion experience (e.g., shame or sadness) or the cardiovascular cost of heightened levels of maladaptive cardiovascular activation. The repressive coping literature: Automatic emotion regulation is costly As formulated by Freud, defensive inhibition of negative emotional experiences, or repression, is a form of automatic emotion control that is motivated by the individuals need to remain unaware of emotions that are intolerably painful or incompatible with the ideal self (Freud, 1930/1961). Freud took a negative view of this type of emotion regula-

tion, postulating that this defensive work would come at the cost of expenditure of psychic energy. More recently, repression has been examined empirically, and quantitative measures of repressive tendencies have been developed (e.g., Byrne, Golightly, & SheYeld, 1965; Erdelyi, 2001; Paulhus, Fridhandler, & Hayes, 1997; Weinberger, 1995). When tested in laboratory inductions of negative emotions such as stress or frustration, participants high in repression tend to report experiencing lesser negative emotion, but exhibit impaired cognitive and social skills, as well as greater physiological reactivity (e.g., Asendorpf & Scherer, 1983; Brosschot & Janssen, 1998; Schwartz, 1995; Weinberger, 1995). Together, these studies suggest that automatic emotion regulation is associated with lesser negative emotion experience, but that this reduction in negative emotion comes at a cost. The automaticity literature: Automatic emotion regulation is cost-free In contrast with the literature on repressive coping, recent research on automaticity suggests that automatic emotion regulation may operate at little cost. These studies have shown that complex judgments, social behaviors, and even the pursuit of higher-level goals (e.g., to cooperate with another person in a competitive game) can be executed automatically (e.g., Bargh et al., 2001; Bodenhausen, Macrae, & Hugenberg, 2003; Kihlstrom, 1987; Nosek, Greenwald, & Banaji, 2005). Three features of automatic goal pursuit suggest that if automatic emotion regulation operates in a similar fashion to automatic goal pursuit, one would expect it to be eVective for controlling feelings and behaviors, and to occur with little or no psychological and physiological cost. First, automatic goal pursuit can occur without subjective awareness, and thereby may consume little or no attentional capacity or subjective eVort (Bargh et al., 2001; Chartrand & JeVeris, 2003; Fitzsimons & Bargh, 2004; Koole & Jostmann, 2004). Second, automatic processes presumably are activated quickly and operate eYciently (Bargh, 1994; Kihlstrom, 1987; Webb & Sheeran, 2003; Wilson & Schooler, 1991). Automatic emotion control might thus be antecedent to the emotional response, eVectively interrupting the development of an emotional impulse before it unfolds and resulting in adaptive experiential and physiological responding (Gross, 1998). Third, automatic emotion control might avoid some of the side eVects of deliberate emotion control that result from ones conscious awareness of controlling ones emotions. Such side eVects of conscious emotion control might emerge from individuals feeling inauthentic (not expressing feelings goes against North American notions of expressing oneself; Gross & John, 2003), or from ironic eVects of control (consciously focusing on the anger to down regulate it might make it more salient, leading to more anger; Wegner, 1994). By avoiding conscious awareness of emotion control, thus, automatic emotion control should presumably also avoid its negative concomitants.


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Automatic emotion regulation: Costly or cost-free? While the literature on repressive coping suggests that automatic emotion regulation should be costly, the literature on automaticity predicts that automatic emotion regulation should be cost-free. How can we explain these two literatures opposite conclusions? One explanation is that both literatures contain limitations that make it diYcult to come to any Wrm conclusions about automatic emotion regulation. Three such limitations of prior studies stand out. First, automatic emotion regulation mainly has been investigated in correlational designs (e.g., Jackson et al., 2003; Koole & Jostmann, 2004; Mauss et al., 2006; Weinberger, 1995). This makes it diYcult to derive causal accounts about the eVects of automatic emotion regulation. Second, evidence from the correlational studies is tentative, because it has been diYcult to validly and reliably measure individual diVerences in automatic emotion control. Existing measures that tap automatic emotion regulation and related constructs (e.g., repression, defensiveness, or alexithymia) (1) often rely on explicit self-reports, which might be inappropriate to assess automatic processes (e.g., in the case of alexithymia; Bagby, Parker, & Taylor, 1994), and (2) often have relatively low face validity (e.g., in the case of repression, a combination of high social desirability and low self-reported trait anxiety; cf. Holmes, 1990). Third, few studies have assessed the eVects of automatic emotion control in intense, ecologically valid emotional situations, while measuring key aVective responses (including experience, behavior, and physiological responding). The present research The limitations outlined above draw into sharp relief how little is known about automatic emotion regulation. In the present studies, we sought to address two key questions. First, can automatic emotion regulation be experimentally manipulated? Second, what are the aVective consequences of automatic emotion regulation? In Study 1, we experimentally manipulated automatic emotion regulation by priming emotion control versus emotion expression with an adaptation of the Sentence Unscrambling Task (Srull & Wyer, 1979). After the priming task, anger was induced in the laboratory, and participants anger experience was measured to assess the extent to which the primes inXuenced anger experience. In Study 2, we used a similar anger provocation to assess the eVects of priming emotion control versus emotion expression on anger experience, more general negative emotion experience, and cardiovascular responses. The goal of Study 2 was to establish whether automatic emotion regulation would reduce anger experience without the cost of greater negative emotion or maladaptive physiological responding. Study 1: Assessing eVects of priming emotion regulation on anger experience and behavior An adaptation of the Sentence Unscrambling Task (Srull & Wyer, 1979) was chosen to manipulate automatic

emotion regulation for two reasons. First, it implicitly activates (primes) concepts and goals, a feature important to the conclusion that automatic rather than deliberate emotion control was manipulated. Second, this task seemed to be a promising candidate for manipulating a quite abstract goal such as emotion regulation, because versions of this task have been used to prime other types of high-level goals (e.g., Bargh, Chen, & Burrows, 1996; Bargh et al., 2001). Careful debrieWng allowed us to conclude that participants were not aware of the nature of the primes, ensuring that the regulatory goals were really activated implicitly. Together, these features make the Sentence Unscrambling Task an ideal candidate for priming emotion regulatory goals. An anger provocation was chosen as the emotional context in which to examine the eVects of automatic emotion regulation for two reasons. First, anger is an emotion that frequently arises in everyday life (e.g., Stearns & Stearns, 1986). Second, anger is seen as a negative emotion that must, at times, be controlled (e.g., Ayduk, Mischel, & Downey, 2002; Davidson, MacGregor, Stuhr, Dixon, & MacLean, 2000; Timmers, Fischer, & Manstead, 1998) and at times be expressed (Stearns & Stearns, 1986; Tiedens, 2000). Anger thus seems to be an ideal context for studying the activation of emotion regulatory processes. To minimize confounds due to the inXuence of impression management, limited introspective insight, and memory biases (e.g., Feldman Barrett, 1997), we chose a standardized laboratory anger provocation rather than descriptions of angerprovoking events. Because anger-related emotion regulatory goals appear to apply with particular force to women (anger expression is seen as more inappropriate for women than for men; Kring, 2000; Timmers et al., 1998), and to eliminate variance due to gender diVerences, only female participants were used. To assess the eVects of the primes, anger experience was assessed via self-reports. Our goal was to test whether emotion regulation primes would aVect emotional responses to an anger provocation. Method Participants Thirty-four female students (mean age D 20.6, SD D 5.6) participated in this study. The ethnic composition of the sample was mixed: 2% African-American, 5% Asian-American, 58% Caucasian-American, 18% Latino-American, and 17% with multiple ethnic identities. Priming stimuli To manipulate automatic emotion regulation, we adapted the Sentence Unscrambling Task, in which participants have to construct grammatical four-word sentences from Wve-word jumbles. Embedded in 19 of the 42 sentences were either emotion control (e.g., restrains, stable, covered) or emotion expression terms (e.g., impulsively, volatile, and boiled) to prime participants. These words were arrived at by asking two groups of

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Table 1 Mean emotion experience (SEM) for baseline, priming task, and anger provocation by priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression; Study 1) Measure Priming condition Baseline Self-reported anger (010) Emotion control Emotion expression 1.31 (0.40)a 0.73 (0.41)a Task Priming task 1.38 (0.43)a 0.73 (0.45)a Anger provocation 2.44 (0.62)b 3.47 (0.64)c

Note. abc Cells that do no share a superscript are signiWcantly diVerent from each other at p < .05, ns D 18, 16.

undergraduate students (34% male, 66% female) to list the 20 words that come to your mind when you think of the concepts emotion control (N D 90) or emotion expression (N D 105). From the resulting lists, words were selected that could be arranged in sentences matched with respect to the other words in each sentence (see Appendix A for all words used in the priming tasks). Procedure Participants were recruited for a one-hour study on mood and cognitive performance. In the beginning of the laboratory session, participants watched an emotionally neutral Wlm for 5 min, and then reported on their anger experience (embedded in a set of distractor terms) using a Likert scale ranging from 0 (none at all) to 10 (extremely). The stem for these ratings was Please use the following scale to indicate the amount of each feeling you were experiencing during the Wlm you just watched (for the baseline) and during the cognitive performance task you just completed (for the anger provocation). Participants were then randomly assigned to one of the Sentence Unscrambling Tasks described above. Seventeen participants were in each condition, and the experimenter was blind as to which condition participants were in. On average, participants in the emotion expression prime group took 562 s, SD D 114, and participants in the emotion control prime group took 501 seconds, SD D 209, p D .31, to complete this task. After this priming task, participants again rated their anger experience. Anger was then induced by having participants perform a tedious task that was based on the d2 concentration endurance test (Spreen & Strauss, 1991), requiring participants to quickly count letters with minor diVerences on a blurry copy. The experimenter interrupted the participant multiple times with scripted remarks on the participants performance and cooperation, delivered in an increasingly impatient tone of voice. Participants were told that they were working too slowly and were eventually told to just stop with the task in an irritated tone that implied that the whole session had not gone properly. Participants then completed another anger experience questionnaire. At this point, participants were informed that the experiment was over. A funneled debrieWng procedure was used to assess the extent to which participants were aware of the true nature of the linguistic task (the priming task) and the cognitive performance task (the anger provocation). Of the 34

participants, none had any suspicion about the priming task. In regards to the anger provocation, 16 (47.1%) did not report any suspicion at all, 14 (41.2%) reported some suspicion, and 4 (11.7%) reported strong suspicion. In secondary analyses, we examined the eVects of participants reported suspicion about the nature of the anger provocation by (1) assessing the correlations between suspicion and anger experience, and (2) entering suspicion as a covariate in analyses. These analyses indicated that (1) anger experience was not signiWcantly associated with suspicion (r D .06, p D .76), and (2) signiWcance of results when controlling for suspicion was comparable to primary analyses. Therefore, results presented are based on all participants. After the funneled debrieWng questions, participants were thanked and fully debriefed. Results and discussion The following sections (a) show the eVectiveness of our anger provocation, (b) establish that there were no diVerences between experimental groups before the anger induction, and (c) address our hypothesis regarding automatic emotion regulation. EVectiveness of the anger provocation To assess whether the anger provocation was successful in inducing anger relative to the neutral baseline and the non-provocative priming task, an ANOVA with task as a repeated measures factor (baseline, priming task, anger provocation) was conducted. This test revealed a signiWcant eVect of task, F (2, 31) D 53.88, p < .001, 2 D .64. Pairwise t tests indicated the anger provocation led to greater experience of anger than the baseline and the priming task, ps < .001, 2s > .43.1 There were no diVerences between priming task and baseline, p D .71, 2 < .01 (see Table 1).

1 The fact that participants experienced real anger is illustrated by the following comments, recorded after the study (before the debrieWng): [The experimenter] was stressed out because things were running late was crinkling damn food bags (very annoying when testing concentration); [The experimenter] was rude, unfriendly and got annoyed when I asked a question. Very unprofessional and mean; I was very annoyed with [the experimenter] because she was impersonal and didnt explain the instructions very well. I felt she blamed me.


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Randomization check As Table 1 indicates, the two priming conditions did not diVer after the baseline or the priming task with respect to their anger experience, ps > .45. EVects of priming emotion regulation To test the hypothesis that the emotion control prime would lead to lesser increases in anger experience than the emotion expression prime, we conducted an ANCOVA with priming condition as a group factor. To control for individual diVerences in baseline anger experience, baseline anger experience was entered as a covariate. This test revealed a signiWcant main eVect of priming condition, F (1, 33) D 5.38, p D .03, 2 D .15, on self-reported anger experience such that participants primed with emotion control reported less anger experience than participants primed with emotion expression (see Table 1).2 Study 2: Assessing the emotional cost of automatic emotion regulation Study 1 suggests that emotion regulatory goals can be implicitly activated in a laboratory setting. Participants primed with emotion control reported less anger experience after the anger provocation than did those primed with emotion expression. Importantly, the goal to regulate emotions was not operative in an emotionally neutral situation (the priming task itself), but only in an emotional situation (the anger provocation). This is consistent with research indicating that concepts, once activated, lead to corresponding behaviors and feelings only in applicable situations (e.g., Higgins, 1996). The goal of Study 2 was to address whether automatic anger regulation would be associated with a cost. Two types of cost were considered: Wrst, negative emotions other than anger,3 and second, maladaptive physiological responding. It is possible that automatic emotion regulation leads to lessened anger but greater negative emotion such as shame, sadness, or anxiety, as is suggested by psychoanalytically based notion of anger turned inward (Freud, 1917/1984; cf. Johnston, Rogers, & Searight, 1991). Likewise, it is possible that automatic emotion regulation leads to maladaptive physiological responding, similar to that associated with emotion suppression (e.g., Gross, 1998) and repression (e.g., Weinberger, 1995). In Study 2 we employed the same general design as Study 1, again using a Sentence Unscrambling Task to
2 Preliminary analyses were conducted in which ethnicity was entered as an additional factor. Ethnicity did not interact with priming condition and thus was not considered further. The same results were obtained in Study 2. 3 While Study 1 had not found eVects of emotion regulation primes on negative emotion experience, it did not present an optimal test of this hypothesis, because it had relatively small sample sizes and did not sample negative emotions very broadly. Negative emotion terms assessed in Study 1 included sad, anxious, guilty, happy (reverse scored), joyful (reverse scored), and pleased (reverse scored).

prime emotion control versus emotion expression in the context of an anger provocation. Three domains of aVective responding were measured, including anger experience, negative emotion experience, and cardiovascular responses. Study 2 more broadly sampled emotion experience than Study 1, including sadness, anxiety, guilt, shame, worry, fear, nervousness, as well as reverse-scored happiness, joy, pleasantness, and amusement. This broad measure of global emotion experience allowed us to more broadly index potential eVects of automatic emotion regulation. Measures of cardiovascular responding broadly sampled indices of cardiovascular activation, allowing us to (1) maximize chances of uncovering potential deleterious eVects of automatic emotion control, (2) diVerentiate not just activation from deactivation (cf. Lacey, 1967) but more versus less adaptive patterns of cardiovascular responding, including (more adaptive) challenge versus (less adaptive) threat patterns (Mendes, Reis, Seery, & Blascovich, 2003; Tomaka, Blascovich, Kelsey, & Leitten, 1993), as well as the degree of parasympathetic withdrawal (Porges, 1995). As in Study 1, we examined participants responses to an anger-provoking interaction. A diVerent anger provocation was used to assess whether Wndings from Study 1 would generalize to a more interactive context. In this provocation, participants counted backwards by 7 or 13 s from a large number. Participants were instructed to count out loud and were interrupted more frequently than in Study 1, allowing for more interactions between participant and the annoying experimenter. Unlike Study 1, all instructions were pre-recorded (they allegedly came over the intercom from the experimenter in the next room), rendering the procedure more standardized across participants. In addition, Study 2 included two separate anger provocations: one before the priming task, which functioned as the neutral (unprimed) control condition, and one after the priming task, which allowed assessing the eVects of the primes. Hypotheses Based on results from Study 1, we predicted that the emotion control prime, relative to the emotion expression prime, would lead to lesser self-reported experience of anger. Our goal was additionally to test competing predictions as to whether automatic emotion control would be costly (repressive coping literature) or cost-free (automaticity literature) in terms of self-reported experience of negative emotions and cardiovascular responding during the anger provocation. Method Participants Participants were 114 female college students (mean age D 20.8, SD D 3.2). The ethnic composition of the sample was mixed: 52.2% Caucasian, 22.6% Asian-American, 11.3% Hispanic, 3.5% African-American, and 0.9% Native American, with 6.1% of participants coming from mixed

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ethnic backgrounds, and 3.4% of participants electing not to declare their ethnicity. Three participants decreased (as opposed to increased or stayed at the same level) in anger experience from the neutral baseline to the anger provocation and were excluded from subsequent analyses. This left 111 participants for analyses, 55 in the emotion control condition and 56 in the emotion expression condition.4 Procedure Participants were recruited for a one-hour study on mood and cognitive performance. Participants were greeted by a female research assistant, who attached a series of physiological sensors to the participant and then stated she would send the experimenter in. While the participant was waiting, an emotionally neutral, Wve-minute nature Wlm was shown to induce relatively neutral mood across participants and to establish baseline cardiovascular activation. Once the video was over, participants rated their current emotional experience and the experimenter (a diVerent person from the research assistant) entered the room. The experimenter was brisk with all participants and made little eye contact. She informed participants that theyd be participating in two cognitive tasks, one linguistic and one mathematic, and that the two would be communicating through an intercom system. At this point, the anger provocation began. Pre-recorded questions and directions were played over the intercom to the participant. Participants were asked to count backwards quickly in increments from a large number (e.g. Count backwards in steps of 7 from 18,652). Between each counting task, they were told that they were moving too often, producing physiological artifacts and rendering the data useless, and that they were not speaking loudly enough. After three counting tasks (each lasting one minute), the experimenter informed the participant that they would have to return to the task later. Then, participants again rated their emotion experience. After the Wrst anger provocation, participants were shown a second Wve-minute neutral Wlm to allow them to return to more neutral mood before receiving their second cognitive task, the same Sentence Unscrambling Tasks as in Study 1. Assignment was done randomly, and the experimenter was blind as to which condition participants were in. Once participants were Wnished, they again rated their emotion experience. The experimenter then announced that they would continue with the other task to begin the second anger provocation. Participants then were brusquely instructed to continue the earlier counting task, which was

stopped after two one-minute long counting attempts. Again, participants rated their emotion experience. Then, sensors were removed and the same funneled debrieWng procedure as in Study 1 was used to assess the extent to which participants were aware of the true nature of the linguistic task (the priming task) and the cognitive performance task (the anger provocation) (Bargh & Chartrand, 2000). Of the 111 participants, none had any suspicion about the priming task. About the anger provocation, 83 (74.8%) did not report any suspicion, 26 (23.4%) reported some suspicion, and 2 (1.8%) reported strong suspicion. After the funneled debrieWng, participants were thanked and debriefed. To examine the eVects of participants reported suspicion, we (1) assessed the correlations between suspicion and emotion experience, and (2) entered suspicion as a covariate in analyses. These analyses indicated that (1) emotion experience was not signiWcantly associated with suspicion (all rs were < .08, all ps > .41), and (2) signiWcance of results when controlling for suspicion was comparable to primary analyses. Therefore, results are based on all participants. Measures Emotion experience. Anger and other emotions were assessed after the baseline, the Wrst anger provocation, the priming task, and the second anger provocation with ratings on 11-point Likert scales, ranging from 0 (none at all) to 10 (extremely). Anger experience was measured using one item. A global emotion experience composite was formed using the terms sad, anxious, guilty, ashamed, worried, afraid, nervous, happy (reverse scored), joyful (reverse scored), amused (reverse scored), and pleased (reverse scored) (Cronbachs D .83). To control for individual diVerences in baseline emotion experience, all analyses were performed on change scores from the baseline. Cardiovascular responding. Six measures of cardiovascular responding were sampled at 400 Hz using laboratory software. Measures were selected that would allow us to broadly sample sympathetic and parasympathetic inXuences on various aspects of the cardiovascular response known to be relevant to anger responding (e.g., Herrald & Tomaka, 2002; Stemmler, 1997). These measures included: heart rate (beats per minute), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), total peripheral resistance (TPR), peripheral sympathetic responding (as indexed by a composite of Wnger pulse transit time, Wnger pulse amplitude, ear pulse transit time, and Wnger temperature), central sympathetic responding (as indexed by pre-ejection period, PEP), and parasympathetic activation (as indexed by heart rate variability). In addition, somatic activity was assessed through the use of a piezo-electric device attached to the participants chair, which generates an electrical signal proportional to the participants overall body movement in any direction. This measure of activity was then used to control for the eVects of body movement on cardiovascular activation.

4 Technical problems led to faulty ECG measurements in six cases (three in each condition), to faulty blood pressure readings in ten cases (four in the emotion control condition and six in the emotion expression condition), to faulty ZCG readings in nine cases (six in the emotion control condition and three in the emotion expression condition), and to faulty somatic activity measurements in nine cases (four in the emotion control condition and six in the emotion expression condition).


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Heart rate (HR; beats/Min) was calculated from RR intervals in the electrocardiogram. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP; mm Hg) was obtained from the third Wnger of the non-dominant hand by means of the Finapres 2300 (Ohmeda, Madison, WI) system. From this signal, beat-tobeat stroke volume was measured using Wesselings pulsecontour analysis method (BEATFAST, TNO-Biomedical Instrumentation, Amsterdam). Cardiac output (CO; l/Min) was calculated as stroke volume heart rate. Total peripheral resistance (TPR) was calculated as (MAP 80)/CO. Finger pulse amplitude (FPA; A-D units) was assessed using a plethysmograph transducer attached to the tip of the participants second Wnger. Finger pulse transit time (FPTT; msec) was indexed by the time (in ms) elapsed between the closest previous R-wave from the ECG and the upstroke of the peripheral pulse at the Wnger. Ear pulse transit time (EPTT; ms) was determined similarly using a UFI plethysmograph transducer attached to the participants left ear. Finger temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) was measured with a thermistor attached to the palmar surface of the tip of the fourth Wnger. Peripheral sympathetic activation was assessed with a composite used previously (Gross & Levenson, 1997) consisting of reversed and z-scored FPA, FPTT, EPTT, and Wnger temperature (Cronbachs D .49 for the baseline, .58 for the Wrst anger provocation, and .64 for the second anger provocation). Central sympathetic activation, as indexed by pre-ejection period (PEP; with smaller values of pre-ejection period indexing greater central sympathetic activation), was derived from the ECG and the ZCG waves. The ZCG signal was obtained with an HIC-2000 Bio-Impedance Cardiograph (Bio-Impedance Technology, Inc.) using a set of four spot electrodes, applied at the front of the neck above the collar bone, the nape of the neck, the xiphisternal junction, and the lower back. A 4 mA AC 400 kHz current was sent through the two back sensors and transthoracic impedance as well as the Wrst derivative of basal impedance (or the change of impedance over time), were obtained from the two front sensors. Pre-ejection period is identiWed as the time (in ms) elapsed between the Q point on the ECG wave (the left ventricle contracting) and the B inXection on the ZCG wave (the opening of the aortic valve). Parasympathetic activation was indexed by heart rate variability (ms2), a measure derived from the ln-transformed high-frequency (0.130.5 Hz) R R interval power from the ECG. Customized analysis software (Wilhelm, Grossman, & Roth, 1999) was used for physiological data reduction, artifact control, and computation of average physiological scores for each participant for the initial 5-min baseline, across the three 1-min counting tasks for the Wrst anger provocation, for the priming task (average time for emotion expression prime D 510 s, SD D 171; average time for emotion control prime D 534 s, SD D 235; p D .55), and across the two 1-min counting tasks for the second anger provocation. To control for individual diVerences in baseline activation, all analyses were performed on change scores from the baseline.

Data analysis The following data analytic strategy was used. (a) We conducted omnibus ANOVAs for each DV, with priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression) as a group factor and task (baseline, anger provocation 1, priming task, anger provocation 2) as a repeated-measures factor. (b) To assess the eVectiveness of the anger provocations, we followed up on main eVects of task by using paired t tests. (c) To ascertain that randomization was successful, groupwise t tests comparing the two priming conditions were performed. (d) To test our hypotheses, we followed up on priming condition by task interactions with ANCOVAs for each DV, with priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression) as a group factor, task (anger provocation 1 versus anger provocation 2) as a repeated-measures factor, and baseline responding as the covariate. Priming condition by task interactions in these ANCOVAs were followed up on with focused univariate ANCOVAs. Results and discussion The following sections show (a) results of omnibus ANOVAs, (b) tests for the eVectiveness of the anger provocation, (c) randomization checks, and (d) tests of our hypotheses. Results of the omnibus ANOVAs For anger experience, the ANOVA revealed no signiWcant eVect of priming condition, p D .91, a signiWcant eVect of task, F (3, 330) D 38.78, p < .001, 2 D .27, and a signiWcant priming condition by task interaction, F (3, 330) D 2.54, p D .05, 2 D .03. For global emotion experience, the ANOVA revealed no signiWcant eVect of priming condition, p D .20, a signiWcant eVect of task, F (3, 330) D 80.54, p < .001, 2 D .43, and a trend for the priming condition by task interaction, F (3, 330) D 2.15, p D .07, 2 D .02. For the six measures of cardiovascular responding, the ANOVAs revealed signiWcant eVects of task, all ps < .02, all 2s > .05, and no signiWcant eVects of priming condition or of the interaction between priming condition and task (all ps > .29, all 2s < .01).5 EVectiveness of the anger provocations To assess the eVectiveness of the anger provocations, pairwise t tests were used to follow up on main eVects of task. As is evident in Tables 2 and 3, both anger provocations were successful in inducing anger experience, shifts in global emotion experience, and greater cardiovascular responding relative to the baseline and the non-provocative priming task (with the exception of total peripheral resistance; all ps < .05).

5 To control for potential eVects of somatic activity, secondary analyses were performed in which somatic activity was entered as a covariate in analyses. Results were comparable to those of primary analyses.

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Table 2 Mean emotion experience (SEM) for baseline, Wrst anger provocation, priming task, and second anger provocation by priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression; Study 2) Measure Priming condition Baseline Anger (010) Negative emotion (010) Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression 0.57 (0.16)a 0.40 (1.15)a 2.80 (0.15)a 2.89 (0.14)a Anger provocation 1 2.18 (0.37)b 1.93 (0.34)b 4.68 (0.22)b 4.58 (0.22)b,e Task Priming task 0.84 (0.23)a 0.58 (0.22)a 3.02 (0.16)a,c 3.18 (0.15)c Anger provocation 2 1.66 (0.36)c 2.29 (0.34)b 3.96 (0.20)d 4.40 (0.19)d,e

Note. abcde Within each measure, cells that do no share a superscript are signiWcantly diVerent from each other at p < .05, ns D 55, 56.

Table 3 Mean cardiovascular responses (SEM) for baseline, Wrst anger provocation, priming task, and second anger provocation by priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression; Study 2) Measure Priming condition Baseline Heart rate (beats/min) Mean arterial blood pressure (mm Hg) Total peripheral resistance (dyne s/cm5) Peripheral sympathetic activation (composite, standardized units)x Central sympathetic activation (Pre-ejection period, ms) Parasympathetic activation (heart rate variability, msec2) Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression Emotion control Emotion expression 70.9 (1.7)a 72.7 (1.7)a 81.7 (1.9)a 80.8 (1.9)a 21.1 (0.8)a,b 20.4 (0.8)a,b 0.00 (0.08)a 0.00 (0.08)a 108.6 (2.1)a 108.6 (2.0)a 13.8 (0.16)a 13.6 (0.15)a Anger provocation 1 84.9 (2.3)b 86.6 (2.3)b 103.4 (2.4)b 99.1 (2.4)b 20.4 (0.8)a 19.1 (0.8)a 0.78 (0.10)b 0.75 (0.09)b 101.4 (2.3)b 104.5 (2.3)b 13.1 (0.16)b 13.2 (0.15)b Task Priming task 75.3 (1.8)c 77.4 (1.8)c 98.6 (2.4)c 96.5 (2.4)c 21.5 (0.7)b 19.6 (0.7)a,b 0.65 (0.10)c 0.69 (0.10)c 105.5 (2.1)c 107.6 (2.0)c 13.5 (0.14)a 13.4 (0.13)a,b,c Anger provocation 2 84.9 (2.3)b 86.7 (2.3)b 110.8 (2.5)d 106.8 (2.5)d 21.3 (0.9)b 20.2 (1.0)b 1.12 (0.10)d 1.07 (0.10)d 101.2 (2.5)b 102.8 (2.5)b 13.2 (0.17)b 13.2 (0.20)b

Note. abcd Within each measure, cells that do no share a superscript are signiWcantly diVerent from each other at p < .05, ns D 4956 (depending on missing values). xComposite of reverse scored Wnger pulse amplitude, Wnger pulse transit time, ear pulse transit time, and Wnger temperature. To preserve change across tasks, each measure was standardized with the baselines mean and standard deviation.

Randomization check To ascertain that randomization was successful, groupwise t tests were used to compare the two priming conditions before the second anger provocation. As Tables 2 and 3 indicate, none of the eVects of priming condition were signiWcant (all ps > .09),6 indicating that there were no group diVerences in emotion experience or cardiovascular responding before or during the priming manipulation. EVects of priming emotion regulation To examine whether priming led to diVerences in emotional responding, we followed up on the priming condition by task interactions from the omnibus ANOVAs by using ANCOVAs with priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression) as the group factor, task (anger provocation 1 versus 2) as a repeated-measures factor, and baseline emotion experience as the covariate. Emotion experience. For anger experience, this analysis revealed a signiWcant interaction between priming condi-

6 The marginal eVect was in found for MAP for the Wrst anger provocation. All other ps are >.16.

tion and task, F (1, 109) D 5.23, p D .02, 2 D .05 (see Fig. 1a). To follow up on this interaction, we conducted two repeated-measures ANCOVAs (comparing anger provocation 1 with anger provocation 2 for both priming conditions separately, using baseline anger experience as the covariate) and one one-way ANCOVA (comparing the emotion control to the emotion expression priming condition during anger provocation 2, using baseline anger experience as the covariate). These tests revealed that there was a signiWcant decrease in anger experience from anger provocation 1 to anger provocation 2 in the emotion control condition, p D .05. There was no signiWcant increase in anger experience from anger provocation 1 to anger provocation 2 in the emotion expression condition, p D .16. Individuals primed with emotion control reported lesser anger experience during anger provocation 2 than those primed with emotion expression, p D .04. For global emotion experience, the ANCOVA also revealed a signiWcant interaction between priming condition and task, F (1, 109) D 4.25, p D .04, 2 D .04 (see Fig. 1b). To follow up on this interaction, we used the same tests as for anger experience. These tests revealed that there was a signiWcant decrease in global negative emotion experience from anger provocation 1 to anger provocation 2 in the


I.B. Mauss et al. / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43 (2007) 698711


Anger Experience (Adjusted for Baseline)

Emotion Control Prime Emotion Expression Prime



Negative Emotion Experience (Adjusted for Baseline)



Anger Provocation 1 (Pre-Prime)

Anger Provocation 2 (Post-Prime)

Fig. 1. (a and b) Mean (SEM) (a) anger experience and (b) negative emotion experience for the Wrst and the second anger provocation (adjusted for baseline responding) by priming condition (emotion control versus emotion expression; Study 2).

We have suggested that considering a type of emotion regulation that has been neglected in the pastautomatic emotion regulationmay help to resolve this dilemma. After all, recent studies from personality and social psychology indicate that many goals may be pursued automatically, and often in ways that do not appear to be costly (Bargh et al., 2001; Mauss et al., 2006). However, it has been diYcult to assess this hypothesis based on existing research, mainly because prior studies of automatic emotion regulation have relied principally on correlational designs. The present studies were designed to Wll this gap by (1) providing an experimental manipulation of automatic emotion regulation by priming emotion control versus emotion expression (Study 1), and (2) assessing the emotional and physiological cost of automatic emotion control relative to automatic emotion expression (Study 2). Results from Study 1 suggest that automatic emotion regulation leads to lesser anger experience after a laboratory anger provocation. Results from Study 2 show that automatic anger regulation leads to lesser anger experience after a more interactive anger provocation. Importantly, Study 2 also suggests that automatic anger regulation does not come at the cost of elevated negative emotions or maladaptive cardiovascular responding (e.g., increased sympathetic activation, threat pattern of physiological responding). Together, these results have implications for our understanding of emotion regulation, socio-cultural variation in emotion, and important domains of individuals lives. Implications for emotion regulation While there is a growing body of literature concerning deliberate types of emotion regulation (e.g., Ayduk et al., 2002; Davidson et al., 2000, 2000; Gross, 1998), much less is known about relatively automatic types of emotion regulation. One important implication of our Wndings is that emotion regulation goalslike other high-level goalscan be activated automatically. Psychologists have long assumed that lower-level processes such as aVective responding or basic perceptual processes could take place automatically (Devine, 1989; Fazio & Olson, 2003; Greenwald & Banaji, 1995; Winkielman & Berridge, 2004; Zajonc, 1980). In addition, research on automaticity by Bargh and colleagues has suggested that even higher-level processes such as the execution of goals (e.g., performing well on a task or cooperating with someone in a competitive game) can be activated and executed automatically (e.g., Bargh et al., 2001). This development has lead to a reconceptualization of seemingly willful human activities such as goals, with more emphasis being placed on automatic processes. The present Wndings support this view. Like other important human activities that were thought to be solely in the realm of deliberate and conscious functioning, it seems that emotion regulation may also at times operate automatically.

emotion control condition, p < .001. There were no diVerences between anger provocation 1 and anger provocation 2 for the emotion expression condition, and the ANCOVA comparing the two priming conditions during anger provocation 2 was not signiWcant, ps > .12. Cardiovascular responding. Despite the fact that interactions between priming condition and task were not signiWcant, we used the same more focused ANCOVAs to minimize type II error. These analyses again revealed no interactions between priming condition and task (all ps > .43, all 2s < .01). This result, together with the fact that cell sizes are adequate (ns D 4956) and that a broad range of cardiovascular measures was sampled, suggests that the priming manipulation did not aVect cardiovascular responding. General discussion Individuals frequently have to regulate their emotions, especially negative ones, to function in life. However, research suggests that deliberate emotion regulation can be costly (e.g., Gross & John, 2003; Muraven et al., 1998; Polivy, 1998). This presents a dilemma, namely whether to express emotions or pay the price of exerting costly control.

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A second important implication of our Wndings is that predictions based on the automaticity literature may be correct regarding the cost-free nature of automatic emotion regulation. While the emotion control prime led to eVective reduction of anger experience, it did not entail a cost in terms of negative emotion experience or maladaptive physiological responding. This suggests automatic emotion control as an adaptive regulatory strategy. That said, it bears noting that Study 2 showed no association between automatic emotion regulation and cardiovascular responding. Given that participants primed with emotion control (versus expression) showed lesser anger experience, one might expect them to also show lesser cardiovascular responding. One explanation for this lack of an eVect is that physiological measures are multiply determined. For example, eVortful involvement in the counting task (with strong cardiovascular eVects; e.g., Bosch, de Geus, & Veerman, 2003) might have counteracted any beneWcial eVects of lesser anger experience and could thus have obscured eVects of the experimental manipulation. However, the fact that there is no maladaptive eVect of the emotion control prime on cardiovascular responding distinguishes this type of emotion control from other types of emotion control (e.g., suppression or repression), which have been reliably associated with maladaptive physiological responding (e.g., Demaree, Schmeichel, Robinson, & Berntson, 2006; Gross, 1998; Gross & Levenson, 1997; Weinberger, 1995). Implications for socio-cultural variation in emotion The present Wndings also have implications that extend beyond the individual. Which regulatory strategies an event evokes is not just a function of the individual but also the social and cultural context (Kitayama, Karasawa, & Mesquita, 2004; Markus & Kitayama, 1992; Tsai, Knutson, & Fung, 2006). Gender, ethnic background, and socioeconomic status are but examples of socio-cultural factors that systematically aVect how a person thinks about emotions and emotional events (e.g., Cohen, Nisbett, Richard, & Bowdle, 1996; Mesquita, 2002; Timmers et al., 1998). Admittedly, such social norms are rarely conveyed by Xashing words in front of people. However, just like the primes used in the present study, social norms are often conveyed implicitly through reinforcement contingencies, social models, and individuals engagement with cultural practices (Cohen, 1997; DAndrade, 1984; Rudman, 2004). For example, individuals socialized to regulate emotions from early childhood would be more likely to engage in automatic emotion regulation, without this norm even entering their awareness. By extension, the present results suggest that cultural norms to control ones emotions should lead to automatic and hence cost-free emotion control. The fact that deeply ingrained, culturally transmitted norms are often inaccessible to introspection might explain why cultural diVerences have been diYcult to understand using explicit measures and manipulations. Thus, by providing a framework for automatic regulatory goals regard-

ing emotion, the present research can help shed light on the complex mechanisms by which socio-cultural factors aVect emotional responding. Implications for well-being, psychosocial functioning, and physical health People encounter events that might provoke anger on a daily basis in many diVerent situations. Often, these situations do not allow for free expression of anger, and how someone deals with them has implications for a wide range of domains, including well-being, psychosocial functioning, and physical health (e.g., Booth-Kewley & Friedman, 1987; Chemtob, Novaco, Hamada, Gross, & Smith, 1997; Howells, 2004). This suggests that greater automatic emotion control would be associated with positive outcomes in these domains. Moreover, the present Wndings suggest how positive change in individuals ability to reduce anger might be best achieved. A number of anger management interventions are currently used (e.g., DeVenbacher & McKay, 2000; Fein, 1993; Gerzina & Drummond, 2000; Zillmann, 1993), and while many seem to be quite successful, they often involve a number of diVerent interventions, leaving it unclear which components of treatments are eVective, and why they are eVective. Our Wndings support the idea that anger control strategies might be most eVective when they become automatic such as might be the case with highly overlearned strategies and habitual responses. However, can we expect the automatic emotion regulatory processes described in the present studies to be at work in everyday life, when no words relating to emotion regulation happen to be presented to individuals? Under what conditions, if any, might individuals proWt from this advantageous type of emotion control outside of laboratory contexts? Recent research suggests that social norms can be implicitly activated by social and situational cues encountered in everyday life, and aVect individuals behavior without the norm entering their awareness (Aarts & Dijksterhuis, 2000, 2003; Fitzsimons & Bargh, 2004). For example, Aarts and Dijksterhuis (2003) showed that the presentation of pictures of libraries (an environment associated with the norm to be quiet) led to automatic activation of the representation of silence, as well as to participants speaking more quietly in a seemingly unrelated word pronunciation task. These Wndings need to be followed up by studies directly relevant to emotion regulatory goals. However, they are consistent with the interpretation that emotion regulatory norms that are implicitly activated by social and situational cues would lead to automatic emotion control and, by extension, have beneWcial eVects. Limitations and future directions The present studies suggest a number of compelling directions for future research. In the following section, we consider Wve of the most important limitations and future directions.


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First, it will be important to assess the extent to which automatic emotion control has comparable eVects in other contexts. The words used in the Sentence Unscrambling Task were not speciWc to anger, suggesting that the current results might generalize to other emotional contexts. Automatic emotion control may even share operating principles with other forms of self-regulation. Just like anger, mental processes such as attention, and undesirable behaviors such as binge eating, are subject to the problem of how they can be controlled without the often ironic and deleterious eVects of attempted deliberate control (e.g., Polivy, 1998; Wegner, 1994). The current research dovetails with other research showing that automatic self-control might be a very eVective means of reaching desired mental processes and behaviors (e.g., Aarts & Dijksterhuis, 2000, 2003; Fitzsimons & Bargh, 2004; Gollwitzer, 1999). However, this hypothesis needs to be formally assessed in future studies. Second, it will be important to examine diVerences in the eVects of diVerent types of anger regulation as a function of participants age, gender, and culture (e.g., Cohen et al., 1996; Evers, Fischer, Rodriguez Mosquera, & Manstead, 2005; Seeley & Gardner, 2003). While ethnic background did not moderate the current results, small sample sizes did not allow for formal tests of this Wnding. Thus, it will be important to systematically assess diverse samples of both genders in future studies. Third, although we have argued that lower levels of anger experience are adaptive in the present laboratory contexts, future studies will be needed to directly speak to the adaptiveness of automatic emotion regulation in various types of anger-provoking situations. Awareness and expression of anger, at least to a certain degree, are seen by some researchers as important to psychological health (e.g., Davey, Day, & Howells, 2005; Polivy, 1998; RoVman, 2004), as motivators to achieve social change (e.g., Campos, Frankel, & Camras, 2004; Tiedens, 2000), or as evolutionarily adaptive (e.g., Darwin, 1872/1965; Panksepp, 1994). Might the low anger levels associated with automatic emotion control thus be a disadvantage rather than an advantage in some situations? It is important to emphasize that participants who automatically controlled their anger did not completely deny feelings of anger even they reported some measure of anger during the provocation. Furthermore, they did not report increased negative emotionone of the predictions made by proponents of the expression is healthy argument. Together, these Wndings are consistent with the interpretation that the level of anger control achieved by automatic emotion control is quite adaptive. However, future studies that systematically manipulate the situational context are needed to test this conclusion, as are longitudinal studies designed to understand the longer-term eVects of automatic emotion control for well-being, social functioning, and health. Fourth, the present study did not provide a neutral (no regulation) condition, which makes it diYcult to tell

whether the emotion control condition led to decreased emotion, or whether only the emotion expression condition led to increased emotion (or delayed habituation) while the emotion control condition was inactive. However, the fact that participants primed with emotion control exhibited a signiWcant decrease in anger experience while those primed with emotion experience did not exhibit a signiWcant increase from the Wrst to the second anger provocation suggests that indeed the emotion control group was active in reducing anger experience. However, future studies that include a neutral condition will be able to more directly address this question. Fifth, given how little is known about automatic emotion regulation processes, it will be important to assess additional outcome measures (e.g., startle magnitude; facial EMG; brain activation; social functioning). Such measures will allow a more conclusive assessment of which aspects of an emotion are altered by automatic control (e.g., only selfreported versus experienced emotion). Further, such measures will permit a clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying the present eVects. While existing research on automaticity suggests some mechanisms such as the activation of implicit goals, attitudes, and knowledge structures (e.g., Aarts & Dijksterhuis, 2000; Banaji, Blair, & Glaser, 1997; Fitzsimons & Bargh, 2004; Gollwitzer, 1999; Shah & Kruglanski, 2003), more research is needed to clarify how some people seem to be capablewithout conscious eVortof remaining calm, cool, and collected in a powerfully negative situation. Concluding comment Much hinges on individuals ability to regulate negative emotions, especially potentially destructive ones such as anger. Indeed, the control of anger is important in many domains of functioning, including well-being, psychosocial functioning, and physical health. However, eVective anger control is diY cult to achieve, and seems to be often associated with negative outcomes for the individual. The present results suggest that more automaticeVortless and largely unconscioustypes of emotion regulation might present an e Vective answer to this problem. In intensely emotional situations, automatic emotion regulation was associated with less feelings of anger, without the cost of greater negative emotion or maladaptive cardiovascular activation. Extrapolating from these Wndings, it seems possible that automatic emotion control such as that engendered by habitual responses might lead to greater well-being, better social functioning, and better physical health. If so, it may help address the question as to how best to regulate powerful negative emotions such as anger. Appendix A Words used in the Sentence Unscrambling Task (target words were not highlighted in participants forms)

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Emotion control condition cool weather whenever was the drinking restrains she wine from picture herself framed she the he none occasionally people watches saw over train he the location limited there is access prices she the compared none life water plan one should stable was although the stockmarket pot was although covered the rode she bike her although locked brakes weather were the money ago he the withheld pear he a picked were zoo animals confined throughout are skied repeated alone downhill he ball the throw toss once his opinion kind hides he flowers had several once arrived today car think clearly I send I mailed it over walk for go path a what door closed is the discussion disciplined far was the used commonly it pantry is new was sudden movie the file concealed fact was the went the down when sun somewhat prepared I was retired energy diet sugar restricts the the push wash frequently clothes stifled the owner dog was watch gone she a found the were beans none bottled fleas ago cat had the better home were you go the street blocked was also haircut she over a got day all sat we grown curtain orange how was the picture took she a close-up file the contains bottle fluid

Emotion expression condition hot weather whenever was the she drinks from wine impulsively picture herself framed she the he none occasionally people watches saw over train he the location unlimited there is access prices she the compared none life water savor one should volatile was although the stockmarket pot over although boiled the rode she bike her although released brakes weather were the money ago he the spent pear he a picked were zoo animals liberated throughout were skied repeated alone downhill he ball the throw toss once action none she into burst flowers had several once arrived today car feel queasy I send I mailed it over walk for go path a what door open is the discussion animated far was the used commonly it pantry is new was sudden movie the file revealed fact was the went the down when sun somewhat prepared I was retired energy diet sugar discharges the the push wash frequently clothes unleashed the owner dog was watch gone she a found the were beans none boiled fleas ago cat had the better home were you go the street exploded had also haircut she over a got day all sat we grown curtain orange how was the picture took she a close-up file the spilled was fluid

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